David Levy's Guide to the Night Sky Da
Cambridge University Press 0521797535 - David Levy’s Guide to the Night Sky David H. Levy Index More information INDEX AAVSO, 200–201, 331, 332 binoculars, 57–59 absolute magnitudes, 36 Bobrovnikoff method, estimating comet Adams, John Couch, 156 brightness, 178 aetheria darkening, 138 Bode, Johann, 163 Alcock, George, 44, 185 Bode’s Law, 163–165 Algol, 325 Brahe, Tycho, 81 aligning, 67 Brasch, Klaus, 126 Alpha Capricornids, 47 Brashear, John, 60 altazimuth, 62, 65 bright nebulae, 232–233 altitude, 67 Brooks, William, 182 Amalthea, 111 Burnham, Sherbourne Wesley, 193 amateur astronomy, introduced, xvii, xviii Andromedids, 48, 49, 68 Callisto, 111, 119, 121 Antoniadi, Eugenios, 112 Carrington, Christopher, 103 aphelic oppositions, 134 Cassini spacecraft, 130 aphelion, 134 Cassini, Giovanni, 81, 124 apochromat, 60 Cassini’s Division, 124, 125 apparent magnitude, 36 CCD technology, 275–280 apparitions, of comets, 134, 135 CCDs, for astrometry, 283 Arago, Francois, 156 Celestial Police, 163–164 Ariel, 159 celestial equator, 8 ashen light, Venus, 152 Central Bureau for Astronomical Association of Lunar and Planetary Telegrams,120, 121, 186–187, 280 Observers, 331, 332 Challis, James, 156 Asteroids, 163–172 Chapman, Clark, 170 naming of, 165–166 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 318 Astronomical League, 333 chromosphere, 293 astrophotography, 262 Clark, Alvin, 60 Aurigids, 46 Clavius, Christopher, 82 Aurora, 28–33 Collins, Peter, 158, 217 Auroral Data Center in the US, 29 Coma Berenicids, 50 averted vision, 41 comets, 172–189, 294 azimuth, 67 Arend–Roland, 43 Biela, 49, 68 Baker, Lonny, xxii Bradfield, 69 Barnard, E. E. 111, 181–182 Denning–Fujikawa, 181 Beyer method, estimating comet brightness, Encke, 49, 175 179 Giacobini–Zinner, 48 Beyond the Observatory (Shapley), 35 Halley, 44, 46, 48, 55, 78, 175, 225 big bang, 65 Hartley–IRAS, 175 339 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521797535 - David Levy’s Guide to the Night Sky David H.
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