

What you will need:

• RASC membership application forms. • Stick on nametag labels and a black felt marker to write on them. • Binders for each student to put their lesson handouts in. • Course overview with the date and time of each lesson for each student

Suggested Outline: • Collect money and membership information from any who have not already registered.

• Have students put on nametags.

• Have students introduce themselves and tell why they chose to take the course.

• Hand out course overview and binder for students to put their handouts in throughout the course.

• Explain that the cost of the course included one- membership in the RASC your Centre and the Beginner’s Observing Guide.

• Show and discuss the RASC publications.

• Tour the observatory. LESSON 1b: OBSERVING

What you will need: • A copy of the Beginner’s Observing Guide for each student • Explore the Universe Program Guideline for each student • A copy of Skyways for the teacher • A copy of the handouts for each student.

Suggested Outline:

• Hand out & discuss Beginner’s Observing Guide and the Explore the Universe Certificate Program Guidelines (ETUC).

• Hand out Preparing for an Observing Session article.

• Discuss basic equipment: i.e. Red light, maps, clothing. (show observer’s bag)

• Hand out The Observing Logbook article

• Hand out RASC Visual Observing Log sheet (from RASC national website.)

• Describe how to record observations using the sample observation form

• Hand out & discuss Lunar Sketching for Fun article.

• DEMO: have students observe file “#1 - Observing Slides” on a data projector (or use overheads provided) and fill out a RASC Visual Observing Log sheet.

• Offer the students an observing logbook made up of RASC Visual Observing Logs formatted into a 4.25” x 5.5” coil bound book for students to record their observations in. Sell to students for the cost to make them.

• Show observing page on club website

• Hand out and show students how to use a planisphere (http://www.astrosurf.com/astrolynx/Cartes/Mappemonde_us.htm)

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 8 and 9 Tips on Becoming a Better Observer

Recording Observations

o Within a couple of days either way of either a first or third quarter moon (look on calendar for days) Hold a ball in the air in the direction of the moon in such a way that you are facing both. Observe the light and shadow of the on the ball. Record your observation. (Skyways: last paragraph on pg. 10)

o Observe the point of Sunrise and/ or Sunset each morning/ night. Record your observations. Hand out Skyways: Observing Sunrise & Sunset pg. 23, 24

Photo by Doug Wayland. RASC: Prince George Centre Photo by Doug Wayland. RASC: Prince George Centre Photo by Doug Wayland. RASC: Prince George Centre

Student Handouts Course Overview

Lesson# Description Date

Lesson #1: Observing ______Lesson #2: Motions of the Sky & Seasons ______Lesson #3: Maps, North, Distance, Position & Brightness ______Lesson #4: Telescope Types & Using Them ______Lesson #5: The Celestial Sphere & Deep Sky Objects ______Lesson #6: The Moon & Eclipses ______Lesson #7: The Solar System ______Lesson #8: ______Lesson #9: Observatory Operation ______

Lesson Locations:

Lesson #1: ______Lesson #2: ______Lesson #3: ______Lesson #4: ______Lesson #5: ______Lesson #6: ______Lesson #7: ______Lesson #8: ______Lesson #9: ______


Suggested Outline:

• Hand out & discuss Beginner’s Observing Guide and the Explore the Universe Certificate Program Guidelines (ETUC).

• Hand out Preparing for an Observing Session article.

• Discuss basic equipment: i.e. Red light, maps, clothing. (show observer’s bag)

• Hand out The Observing Logbook article

• Hand out RASC Visual Observing Log sheet (from RASC national website.)

• Describe how to record observations using the sample observation form

• Hand out & discuss Lunar Sketching for Fun article.

• DEMO: have students observe file “#1 - Observing Slides” on a data projector (or use overheads provided) and fill out a RASC Visual Observing Log sheet.

• Offer the students an observing logbook made up of RASC Visual Observing Logs formatted into a 4.25” x 5.5” coil bound book for students to record their observations in. Sell to students for the cost to make them.

• Show observing page on club website

• Hand out and show students how to use a planisphere (http://www.astrosurf.com/astrolynx/Cartes/Mappemonde_us.htm)

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 8 and 9 Tips on Becoming a Better Observer

Recording Observations

o Within a couple of days either way of either a first or third quarter moon (look on calendar for days) Hold a ball in the air in the direction of the moon in such a way that you are facing both. Observe the light and shadow of the sun on the ball. Record your observation. (Skyways: last paragraph on pg. 10)

o Observe the point of Sunrise and/ or Sunset each morning/ night. Record your observations. Hand out Skyways: Observing Sunrise & Sunset pg. 23, 24


Suggested Outline:

• Watch the Celestial Sphere video (part on celestial sphere only. min 0 to min 8)

• Discuss material from the video and show diagrams. o Apparent motion of sky. (show “#2 - BOG Fig 1”) o DEMO: use a lamp and an globe to show a . Explain why things rise in east and set in west. Have students try for themselves by spinning. o Why we see different stars in different seasons. Hand out Skyways pg. 14. (show “#2 - BOG Fig 2”) o DEMO: Skyways "Modeling the changing Seasons" pg 15, 16 o Show concept of Observer's Horizon. (show “#2 - BOG Fig 3”). Take a large piece of paper, cut a hole out of it, lay the paper over an earth globe to represent horizon. • Show concept of Celestial Sphere. (show “#2 - BOG Fig 4”).

• Discuss the reasons for seasons. (Hand out Skyways pg 17, 18) o DEMO: Skyways "Globe and Grid" pg 19, 20

• Discuss Lesson 1’s assignment (Observe Point of Sunrise / Sunset). DEMO: Show sunrise/ sunset on planetarium software to demonstrate what was observed.

• DEMO: Skyways "3-D Season Model" pg. 27, 28

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapter 1 Welcome to Astronomy and to the Night Sky

o Observe from ETUC " and Bright Stars" section.


Suggested Outline:

• Watch the Celestial Sphere video (part on constellations only. min 8 to min 30)

Maps: o Have students turn to current star map in chapter 6 of the Beginner’s Observing Guide or Hand out sample all-sky chart from Skyways pg. 50

o Explain why we need star maps for different times and locations. (quick review of lesson 2)

o Explain how to read the sky chart. (i.e. how to hold it so it reads correctly)

o Explain terminology (i.e. zenith, cardinal points, ecliptic, different objects shown)

o Explain what constellations are (groups of far away stars that the human brain sees as a pattern) and why we use constellations (to divide the sky). Show figures and boundaries with planetarium software.

• Finding North: o Discuss how to locate North using the Big Dipper as a guide. (show with planetarium software or sky map.)

o Discuss how to find the other directions once North has been determined. (i.e. face North, hold out arms straight out to side, left hand is west, right hand is east, back is South)

• Measure Distance in the Sky: o Show how to describe distance using "Handy Sky Measures"

o Hand out Skyways: Handy Sky Measures (pg. 49)

o Practice by measuring angular distance between objects in the classroom.

• Location: o Discuss Altitude- location system. (Beginner’s Observing Guide pg. 18)

o Hand out The Horizon (Altitude – Azimuth) System diagram

o Azimuth: N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270 degrees.

o Altitude: 0=horizon, 90 = zenith, 45 = halfway, 30= 1/3, 60- 2/3

o Must state time with this system! • DEMO: use www.heavens-above.com website to get real time data on satellites for the evening. Have student locate and observe using Alt-Az system to find the satellites. Hand out "Daily Predictions for all satellites brighter than magnitude: (brightest) 3.5" page.

• Brightness: o Discuss magnitudes system. Visual system

Created by Hipparchos before telescope

1 being brightest, 6 being dimmest (originally)

System needed more values so we went into negative numbers for brighter objects.

The larger the number the fainter the object.

Use applet at the following website to illustrate http://www.ioncmaste.ca/homepage/resources/web_resources/ CSA_Astro9/files/multimedia/unit2/magnitudes/magnitudes.ht ml

Show chart BOG pg 20.

• Go outside and put it into practice – observe!

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 2, 3, 4, 6 Reading the Star Maps and Seeing the

Finding North in the Night Sky

Distance, Position, and Brightness in the Sky

The Six Star Maps

o Determine the 4 cardinal points form your home (N, S, E, W)

o Answer "Practice Your Skills" questions from Beginner’s Observing Guide Chapter 4. (pg 17, 19 & 21)

o Answer the Practical Skills questions from the Beginner’s Observing Guide maps for the appropriate season. (chapter 6)

o Do "Measuring the Sky" activity. (Skyways pg. 51)

o Observe from ETUC "Constellations and Bright Stars" section.


Suggested Outline:

• Show & discuss different telescope designs, mounts and accessories. o http://www.starizona.com/basics/basics.cfm

3 • Watch Video – The Infinity Series 2. Second part. “How to use your telescope”. Video discusses aligning your finderscope, polar alignment, importance of dark site, letting your scope cool down, sky charts and accessories.

• Hand out and discuss Quick Reference Guide of Telescope Information

• Star Hopping o DEMO: star hopping techniques using planetarium software

• Show how to use a planetarium program. Focus on generating a map. I use Cartes du Ciel because it is free so all students can have access to it.

• Hand out RASC Calgary Centre’s brochures o Choosing & Using Binoculars

o Choosing & Using a Telescope

• More information on telescopes and using them http://www.telescope.com/content/learningcenter/

• Astronomy terms: o Beginner’s Observing Guide pages 180 to 189

o Hand out Astronomical Dictionary http://www.starshine.com/frankn/astronomy/AstroDictionary.asp

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 10, 11 The Importance of Binoculars

When to Buy A Telescope

o Download & print out a free star http://www.cloudynights.com/item.php?item_id=1052 or http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zs3t-tk/atlas/atlas.htm

o Observe from ETUC "Constellations and Bright Stars" section. LESSON 5: STAR DESIGNATIONS, / & DEEP SKY OBJECTS

Suggested Outline:

• Discuss star common star designations - Bayer, Flamsteed. (Beginner’s Observing Guide pg. 23) o Use planetarium software to show designations in use. o Point out Greek alphabet at back of Beginner’s Observing Guide (pg 194)

• Discuss RA / DEC location system. o Use Celestial Sphere globe (or planetarium program) to illustrate RA/DEC system. Concentrate on explaining that the coordinates are locked into place on the celestial sphere, each star has its own “address”. It is more important for the students to understand this than it is to understand exactly how the system works. Demo on planetarium software how this makes finding objects easier than the alt-az system from different locations around the globe. o Hand out Equatorial Coordinates Systems article.

• Watch the Celestial Sphere video (part on deep sky only. min 30 to min 40)

• Discuss different types of deep sky objects. o Show file "#5 – Deep Sky Objects definitions" on a data projector (or use overheads provided) and discuss. o Hand out The Deep Sky Objects article. o Hand out Skyways pgs 76 through 80. o You can visit SEDS Messier website. http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/messier/ to view more types of objects.

• Show unlabeled slides (1 – 12) of deep sky objects in file "#5 – Object Identification". These have been drawn to try and approximate what would be seen through a telescope. Hand out notes pages of unlabeled slides. Have students write down beside each image what type of object they are. Then go over the next set of slides (14 – 25) with the answers on them. The Belmont Society created the drawings. (http://www.belmontnc.4dw.net)

• Discuss how to read the charts the students printed out for homework from the Mag-7 Star Atlas Project.

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 5 and 6 Names of Stars

o Observe from ETUC Deep Sky Objects section


Suggested Outline:

• Discuss moon phases o Hand out Skyways pg 29, 30

o Show “Phases of the Moon” figure from the Beginner’s Observing Guide. Use the file “#6 – Moon Phase figure” on a data projector or use the overhead provided.

o DEMO: Skyways pg. 31, 33 – Modeling Moon Phases activity

o DEMO: Skyways pg. 34 – Rotating Moon activity

o DEMO: "Observing the Waxing Crescent Moon" activity. (Skyways pg. 35-37) Use planetarium software to do the activity in the classroom.

• Discuss why lunar & solar eclipses occur o Hand out the articles from “Mr Eclipse.com” on Lunar and Solar Eclipses.

o DEMO eclipse shadows on a globe. Use a lamp and a Styrofoam ball on pencil. Have students try it by themselves.

• Discuss the tides. o Hand out Skyways pg 39, 40

o Use applet from the following website to demo tides: http://www.ioncmaste.ca/homepage/resources/web_resources/CSA_Astro 9/files/multimedia/unit3/tides/tides.html

Between Class Assignments: o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 13 and 15

Observing the Moon

Observing Eclipses

o Do "Observing the Waxing Crescent Moon" activity. (Skyways pg. 37)

o Observe from ETUC Moon section


Suggested Outline:

• Hand out Skyways pg 41, 56, 57, 59 – 61

• Discuss solar system formation. (Skyways pg. 57) Watch the video “Voyage to the Planets” (part on solar system formation only.)

• Size of the Solar System o DEMO the distance between the Earth and Moon. Separate the 12” Earth globe and 4” ball by about 39 feet (12m).

o Continue to discuss the size of the Solar System by converting it into meters so the students can get a feel for how large it is. See Skyways pg. 45 for a scale in meters.

o Point out “if the Earth could be placed at the center of the Sun, the Moon would the Earth about halfway to the Sun’s surface.” (Skyways pg .46)

• Observing the Planets o Five planets are easily seen “naked eye” Venus, Jupiter, , , and Mercury.

o Can usually tell the difference between planets and stars because planets do not twinkle.

o Mercury and Venus are “inferior planets” (orbit within the orbit of Earth) they are only seen close to the sun. So may only be seen at sunrise or sunset.

o They exhibit phases like the moon when viewed in telescopes.

o Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are “superior planets” orbit outside the orbit of Earth.

o Superior planets do not exhibit phases.

o Superior planets exhibit “retrograde motion” at “opposition” (see BOG pg 120 for definition). Show figure on Beginner’s Observing Guide pg. 121

Between Class Assignments:

o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapters 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Observing the Planets

Observing Meteors and Meteor Showers

Observing the Aurora

Observing Comets

Observing the Zodical Light

Observing the Sun Safely

o Observe from ETUC Solar System section.


Suggested Outline: • Hand out Skyways pg 61, 62

• Hand out and work through the following Ioncmaste: 9th Grade Astronomy Curriculum Resources webpage, Module 2 - #1 through 10. Use the applets provided on the website throughout. This works best on a data projector. If you do not have a data projector you may have to forgo using the applets and teach the lesson from the handouts alone. http://www.ioncmaste.ca/homepage/resources/web_resources/CSA_Astro9/files/h tml/module2/module2.html#6

• When discussing #3 “Types of Stars” o Hand out file “#8 - Types of Variable Stars” taken from the AAVSO website. (http://www.aavso.org/vstar/types.shtml)

o Discuss the different types of variable stars (use applet) Intrinsic: Pulsating, Eruptive Extrinsic: Eclipsing Binary, Rotating

o For more detailed info and information on how to start observing them the students should go to the AAVSO website. http://www.aavso.org/

o Point out AAVSO Manual available from AAVSO website. http://www.aavso.org/publications/manual/

• When discussing #4 “Temperature and Colours of Stars” o Have students do Skyways HR Diagram activity (pg 72, 73)

o Discuss stellar classifications (Oh, Be, A, Fine, Gal/ Guy, Kiss, Me) Show file “#6 – OBAFGKM chart” or use overhead provided.

o Hand out Skyways pg 74, 75

• When discussing #6 “The Life Cycle of a Star” o use the “Balloon Stars” demo from Skyways pg. 63 to help illustrate a star in equilibrium

• Watch The Infinity Series Part 2: Deep Space - The dance of Gravity video (First part only, about 40 min). The video discusses , quasars, pulsars, and a bit of cosmology.

Between Class Assignments: o Read Beginner’s Observing Guide chapter 7 and 16 Information about the Brightest Stars Observing Variable Stars

o Observe from ETUC Double & Multiple Stars and Variable Stars sections.


Suggested Outline:

• Go over operation of observatory equipment and rules.

o The operating procedures for observatory equipment are located in the yellow duo-tang on the table by the Log In binder by the main door and on the club website. http://www.vts.bc.ca/pgrasc/procedures/procedures.html

o Explain how a key to the observatory may be obtained. Be member in good standing for a minimum of three months. Volunteer at open houses, tours and other Centre events.

o Explain that a gate key to get access to the grounds may be obtained without necessarily having an observatory key. (basic right of membership in the Centre)

• Explore the Universe Certificate

o Explain that the students do not have to stop working on the certificate

once the course is over. They should keep working on it until complete.

o Point out when the students are finished their Explore the Universe Certificate they need to fill out and hand in their Application form, Observation Report form and log book to be examined prior to awarding

the certificate.

o Point out that upon successful completion of the certificate the students name will be added to the National website as having completed the Certificate. http://www.rasc.ca/observing/exptheunivrec1.html

• Hand out a NOVA Program Certificate of Completion to each student.

Between Class Assignments:

o Continue Explore the Universe Certificate observations as necessary to finish certificate program. RASC Observing Committee Explore the Universe Observing Certificate Second Edition

Explore the Universe Observing Certificate Welcome to the Explore the Universe Observing Certificate Program. This program is designed to provide the observer with a well-rounded introduction to the night sky visible from North America. Using this observing program is an excellent way to gain knowledge and experience in astronomy. Experienced observers find that a planned observing session results in a more satisfying and interesting experience. This program will help introduce you to amateur astronomy and prepare you for other more challenging certificate programs such as the Messier and Finest NGC.

The program covers the full range of astronomical objects. Here is a summary:

Observing Objective Requirement Available Constellations and Bright Stars 12 24 The Moon 16 32 Solar System 5 10 Deep Sky Objects 12 24 Double Stars 10 20 Total 55 110

In each category a choice of objects is provided so that you can begin the certificate at any time of the year. In order to receive your certificate you need to observe a total of 55 of the 110 objects available. Here is a summary of some of the abbreviations used in this program

Instrument V – Visual (unaided eye) B – Binocular T – Telescope V/B - Visual/Binocular B/T - Binocular/Telescope Season Season when the object can be best seen in the evening sky between dusk. and midnight. Objects may also be seen in other seasons. Description Brief description of the target object, its common name and other details. Cons Constellation where object can be found (if applicable) BOG Ref Refers to corresponding references in the RASC’s The Beginner’s Observing Guide highlighting this object. Seen? Mark each item with a check mark when you have observed it. Log Page Cross reference to your Visual Observing Log or other logbook entry where you have recorded your observations.

Binoculars are an ideal first observing instrument and this program has been designed so that it can be completed using binoculars alone. By mounting your binoculars on a tripod you will find that you can see more detail and observe more comfortably. While a telescope can show many objects on this list in more detail, experienced observers always have a pair of binoculars handy. For more information see The Beginner’s Observing Guide p. 86.

The Bayer Catalogue First published in 1603, the Bayer Catalogue was based solely on bright visual stars that could be seen with the unaided eye in each constellation. Using the Greek alphabet, starting with Alpha, stars are labelled mainly (with certain exceptions) according to how bright they are. Thus the brightest star in Ursa Minor is called “Alpha Ursae Minoris” and written α UMi. Here is a list of all the 24 Greek letters used in astronomy: α - Alpha β - Beta γ - Gamma δ - Delta ε - Epsilon ζ - Zeta η - Eta ϑ - Theta (θ) ι - Iota κ - Kappa λ - Lambda µ - Mu ν - Nu ξ - Xi ο - Omicron π - Pi ρ - Rho σ - Sigma τ - Tau υ - Upsilon φ - Phi χ - Chi ψ - Psi ϖ - Omega

The Flamsteed Catalogue Another major catalogue is the Flamsteed Catalogue compiled in 1725. This catalogue lists stars visible to the unaided eye by constellation in Right Ascension order from west to east. Thus the higher the number, the further east in a constellation is a given star. For more information on the Bayer and Flamsteed catalogues see The Beginner’s Observing Guide page 23.

Reference Sources

The Explore the Universe Observing Certificate program can be used in conjunction with The Beginner’s Observing Guide. This publication of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada provides a clear introduction to the observation of astronomical phenomena and appropriate observing techniques. In addition to this type of guide you will need a star map or atlas to assist you with locating a number of the objects in this program. For specific recommendations refer to The Beginner’s Observing Guide pages 134-135.

© 2001 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Page 1 of 12 July 1, 2004 RASC Observing Committee Explore the Universe Observing Certificate Second Edition

Constellations and Bright Stars (12 of 24)

Sea- Flam- Seen? Log son Name Abbr. Observing Notes Bright Star (s) Mag. Bayer steed BOG? V Page Spr Ursa Major UMa Ursa Major has important pointer Dubhe 1.81 Alpha (α) 50 UMa 14 § The Great Bear stars leading to Polaris, Arcturus. Merak 2.34 Beta (β) 48 UMa Spr Leo Leo Prominent constellation includes Regulus 1.36 Alpha (α) 32 Leo 33 § The Lion the bright star Regulus.. Denebola 2.14 Beta (β) 94 Leo Spr Virgo Vir Virgo contains the giant Virgo clus- Spica 0.98 Alpha (α) 67 Vir 42 § The Maiden ter of galaxies, visible in telescopes. Spr Libra Lib Alpha & Beta Librae are prominent Zuben El Genubi 2.75 Alpha (α) 9 Lib 49-50 § The Scales but other stars need darker skies. Zuben Eschamali 2.61 Beta (β) 27 Lib Spr Bootes Boo Arcturus is the 4th brightest star. Arcturus - 0.05 Alpha (α) 16 Boo 41-42 § The Herdsman Take the arc to Arcturus from UMa. Spr Ursa Minor UMi Contains Polaris the Pole Star. Polaris 1.97 Alpha (α) 1 UMi 27 § The Lesser Bear Needs darker skies to stand out. Kochab 2.07 Beta (β) 7 UMi Sum Scorpius Sco Runs roughtly north to south with Antares 1.06 Alpha (α) 21 Sco 50 § The Scorpion bright red Antares at its heart. Sum Hercules Her Ras Algethi is south of Hercules’ Ras Algethi 2.78 Alpha (α) 64 Her 47-48 § Hero of Greek Myth distinctive four star polygon. Sum Sagittarius Sgr Distinctive teapot pattern, marks the Nunki 2.05 Sigma (σ) 34 Sgr 57 § The Archer centre of the Milky Way. Sum Lyra Lyr Beautiful starfields in binoculars, Vega 0.03 Alpha (α) 3 Lyr 48 § The Lyre or Harp Vega is the 5th brightest star. Sum Aql Look for a diamond-shaped pattern, 0.76 Alpha (α) 53 Aql 49 § The Eagle Altair is the 12th brightest star. Sum Capricornus Cap A wide V-shaped star field, Alpha Al Giedi 3.60 Alpha (α) 6 Cap 58 § The Sea Goat Cap is a wide visual . Dabih 3.05 Beta (β) 9 Cap Sum Cygnus Cyg Rich in Milky Way stars, look for the Deneb 1.25 Alpha (α) 50 Cyg 56-57 § The Swan outline of a bird in flight. Albireo 3.36 Beta (β) 6 Cyg Aut Pegasus Peg Look for the Great Square of Markab 2.49 Alpha (α) 54 Peg 29 § Winged Horse Pegasus w/ Markab opp. Alpheratz. Aut Andromeda And Look for two lines of stars extending Alpheratz 2.07 Alpha (α) 21 And 28-29 § Cassiopeia’s child from Alpheratz. Aut Cassiopeia Cas Cassiopeia has a distinctive “W” Schedar 2.24 Alpha (α) 18 Cas 28 § The Queen shaped pattern in the N. Milky Way. Aut Ari Look for Alpha & Beta Arietis 2.01 Alpha (α) 13 Ari 31-32 § The Ram between Andromeda & . Sheratan 2.64 Beta (β) 6 Ari Aut Perseus Per The rich starfield near Mirfak is Mirfak 1.79 Alpha (α) 33 Per 29 § Rescuer of Andromeda great in binoculars. Win Taurus Tau The wide , the , 0.87 Alpha (α) 87 Tau 31 § The Bull is the head of Taurus the Bull. Win Auriga Aur Look for a Pentagon-shaped aster- Capella 0.08 Alpha (α) 13 Aur 30 § The Charioteer ism. Capella is the 6th brightest. Win Ori Prominent constellation with a rich 0.45 Alpha (α) 58 Ori 30 § The Hunter starfield around the 3 Belt Stars. 0.18 Beta (β) 19 Ori Win Canis Major CMa Located southeast of Orion, Canis Sirius - 1.44 Alpha (α) 9 CMa 30-31 § The Big Dog Major contains the brightest star. Win Canis Minor CMi A small constellation with the star Procyon 0.41 Alpha (α) 10 CMi 34 § The Little Dog Procyon as its mascot. Gomeisa 2.89 Beta (β) 3 CMi Win Gemini Gem The stars Castor and Pollux are the Castor 1.58 Alpha (α) 66 Gem 32-33 § The Twins twins. Pollux 1.16 Beta (β) 78 Gem

© 2001 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Page 2 of 12 July 1, 2004 RASC Observing Committee Explore the Universe Observing Certificate Second Edition

Observing the Moon (16 of 32)

As the closest major celestial object to the earth, the moon reveals more detail to observers than any other object. So much so, in fact, that a large number of lunar features can be clearly identified in binoculars. To observe the moon successfully requires a good Moon map, an understanding of lunar phases and sturdy tripod-mounted binoculars. East and West on the Moon are opposite from our earthly viewpoint, so the western hemisphere of the Moon will appear to face east and the eastern hemisphere will appear to face west, while north and south remain the same. Binoculars with 10X magnification will work best although observers can easily complete this phase with 7X magnification.

Å Ç É Ñ Ö Ü á

Lunar Phases (4 of 8 observations are required) The RASC Observer’s Calendar and other observing resources provide detailed information on the daily phase of the moon and exact times of First Quarter, Full, Third Quarter and New Moon. Sea- Approx Object Seen? Log son Day Inst. Observing Notes BOG? V Page Any 3 Waxing Crescent Å V Visible within 3 hours of sunset. 107 § Any 7 First Quarter Ç V Within 18 hours before or after exact time of phase. 107 § Any 11 Waxing Gibbous É V Visible 3-4 days after First Quarter. 107 § Any 14 Full Moon Ñ V Within 18 hours before or after exact time of phase. 107 § Any 17 Waning Gibbous Ö V Visible 3-4 days after Full Moon. 107 § Any 21 Last Quarter Ü V Within 18 hours before or after exact time of phase. 107 § Any 26 Waning Crescent á V Visible within 3 hours of sunrise. 107 § Any Any Orbital Motion V Over 1-2 days track the Moon’s orbital motion against background stars. §

Lunar Basins / Maria (6 of 12 observations are required) The dark lava plains known as lunar basins or maria are the most easily visible feature on the moon. The following features are listed in order from East to West and will become visible as they rise each night during a lunar cycle and all maria can be seen at Full Moon. Note the relative sizes ranging from 55,000 km2 to over 2 million km2. Sea- Best Seen? Log son Phase Object B/T/T Size km2 Lat Long Observing Notes BOG? V Page Any Ñ Mare Crisium B/T 176,000 17ºN 59ºE Sea of Crises. Size of Great Britain, 113-114 § Large impact basin 570 km in diameter. Any Ñ Mare Fecunditatis B/T 326,000 4ºS 50ºE Sea of Fertility 113-114 § Any Ñ Mare Nectaris B/T 100,000 15ºS 35ºE Sea of Nectar, 350 km in diameter. 113-114 § Any Ñ Mare Tranquillitatis B/T 421,000 8ºN 32ºE Sea of Tranquillity, Size of Black Sea, 113-114 § Apollo 11 landing site. Any Ñ Mare Serenitatis B/T 370,000 28ºN 22ºE Sea of Serenity bordered by Lacus 113-114 § Somniorum & Lacus Mortis Any Ñ Mare Vaporum B/T 55,000 13ºN 3ºE Sea of Vapours; circular basin 230km 113-114 § in diameter located SE of the Apennines Mountains. Any Ñ Mare Frigoris B/T 436,000 58ºN 45ºW-45ºE Sea of Cold, northmost mare near the 113-114 § crater Plato. Any Ñ Mare Imbrium B/T 830,000 51ºN-14ºN 40ºW-6ºE Sea of Rains, large impact basin, 1250 113-114 § km in diameter.

© 2001 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Page 3 of 12 July 1, 2004 RASC Observing Committee Explore the Universe Observing Certificate Second Edition

Sea- Best Seen? Log son Phase Object B/T/T Size km2 Lat Long Observing Notes BOG? V Page Any Ñ Mare Nubium B/T 254,000 20ºS 15ºW Sea of Clouds 113-114 § Any Ñ Sinus Iridum B/T 53,000 45ºN 32ºW Bay of Rainbows flooded partial crater 113-114 § 260 km in diameter extending into Mare Imbrium. Any Ñ Mare Humorum B/T 113,000 24ºS 39ºW Sea of Moisture; 380km in diameter, 113-114 § nicely paired with Mare Nubium Any Ñ Oceanus B/T 2,102,000 42ºN-14ºS 68ºW- Ocean of Storms, largest continuous 113-114 § Procellarum 27ºW feature covers the midwestern part of the Moon.

Impact Craters (6 of 12 observations are required) For many the craters on the moon were thought to be volcanic in nature. Our understanding of them now indicates that most of them are a result of major impacts by asteroids and comets. This has contributed greatly to our understanding of the formation and evolution of the solar system.

“Best Phase” shows approximately when the objects will be near to the terminator and thus easiest to see with detail. Note that there is a complementary phase during the waning period when the same object will also be on the terminator but lit at sunset instead of at sunrise.

Sea- Best Dia- Seen? Log son Phase Object V/B/T meter Lat Long Observing Notes BOG? V Page Any 3-4 Petavius B/T 177 km 25ºS 60ºE Prominent crater with central peak; look for 111-113 § Wrottesley nearby Any 3-4 Cleomedes B/T 126 km 28º N 56º E Located near Mare Crisium; Easily seen in 111-113 § binoculars. Any 4-5 Posidonius B/T 95 km 32º N 30º E Located on the edge of Mare Serenitatis; Crater 111-113 § walls 2300m high. Any 5-6 Theophilus B/T 100 km 11º S 26º E Prominent crater with 1400m central peak; 111-113 § Cyrillus and Catharina nearby. Any 5-6 Aristoteles B/T 87 km 50º N 17º E In Mare Frigoris; has deep terraced walls; Look 111-113 § for Eudoxus nearby at the border of Frigoris. Any 8-9 Ptolemaeus B/T 153 km 09º S 02º W Prominent walled plain; Alphonsus and Arzachel 111-113 § to the south. Any 8-9 Plato B/T 101 km 52º N 09º W Outstanding crater that is easy to spot due to its 111-113 § dark floor. Any 8-9 Tycho B/T 85 km 43º S 11º W Famous crater featuring spectacular rays that are 111-113 § best observed at or near full moon. Any 9-10 Clavius B/T 225 km 58º S 14º W Very large crater encompassing several smaller 111-113 § craters. Any 8-9 Copernicus B/T 93 km 10º N 20º W Spectacular crater with 3760m deep terraced 111-113 § walls; Also features prominent rays at or near full moon. Any 11-12 Gassendi B/T 110 km 18º S 40º W Prominent crater on the northern edge of Mare 111-113 § Humorum. Any 13-14 Grimaldi B/T 222 km 05º S 67º W Very large dark floored crater located near the 111-113 § western edge of the moon.

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The Solar System (5 of 10)

Our solar system contains the planets, asteroids, comets, the sun and other wonders.

Sea- BOG Seen? Log son Object V/B/T Observing Notes Ref V Page † Mercury V/B/T Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Unlike other planets Mercury is visible only 117-118 § for a few weeks at a time; so check an annual guide such as The Observer’s Handbook for the best times to spot this fast-moving, elusive object. † Venus V/B/T The brightest planet. Telescope users can see Venus go through phases similar to 118-119 § those of the Moon. † Mars V/B/T Known as the "Red Planet”, it is best observed at opposition about every 26 months, 125-126 § although it can be seen often at other points of its orbit. † Jupiter V/B/T The largest planet in the solar system with four bright moons nearby that can be 126 § seen in binoculars. Each moon can be identified by name using The Observer’s Handbook but this is not mandatory. † Saturn V/B/T This planet can be seen in binoculars, but to reveal the beautiful rings a telescope of 126-127 § 80mm or more is recommended. Saturn has one bright moon named Titan and several fainter ones visible in telescopes. Sum Uranus B/T This planet can be seen clearly in binoculars particularly when they are mounted on 127 § a tripod. A detailed finder chart is published annually in The Observer’s Handbook. Telescopes will reveal the small round disc of this far away world. Sum Neptune B/T Neptune is similar to Uranus, but even further away and fainter. It also can be seen 128 § in binoculars using the same method as for Uranus. Seeing the disc of Neptune is more difficult but well within the reach of good amateur telescopes.

Any Orbital Motion V Plot the orbital motion of a Planet: This can be done easily by drawing the starfield § round a planet on two or more separate nights and recording the movement of the planet against the background stars, which do not move. Orbital motion can be plotted visually, through binoculars or telescopes, with the outer planets being the easiest to plot. Any Artificial Satellites V Observe at least 3 Earth orbiting artificial satellites (including spacecraft and the 144-148 § & Meteors International Space Station) and 3 meteors (either sporadics or from a meteor shower). Any Sunspots T WARNING! For telescopes only. No binoculars. USE OF A GOOD QUALITY FULL 154-156 § (Filtered) APERTURE SOLAR FILTER REQUIRED! This observation may best be done through the telescope of an experienced solar observer who has one set up for public viewing or club events. † Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have relatively short orbital periods and their visibility varies from one year to the next. Consult The Observer’s Handbook or The Beginner’s Observing Guide for details on current positions and visibility.

Optional Observations Sea- BOG Seen? Log son Object V/B/T Observing Notes Ref V Page Sum Pluto T+ A tour of the solar system would not be complete without mentioning the planet 128-129 Pluto. It is the smallest and most distant planet and therefore quite faint. It cannot be seen in binoculars or small telescopes and usually requires a 200mm or larger instrument. A finder chart can be found in The Observer’s Handbook for those who have a large enough telescope and want to complete their observations of all the planets.

Any Eclipses V Eclipses occur when one solar system object passes in front of and hides another 132-133 solar system object. A solar eclipse occurs when, on passing between the sun and

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Sea- BOG Seen? Log son Object V/B/T Observing Notes Ref V Page the earth, the moon is closely enough aligned to hide at least part of the sun, as viewed from the earth. A lunar eclipse occurs when, on passing between the sun and the moon, the earth is closely enough aligned to hide at least some of the moon. For both solar and lunar eclipses, use the predictions listed in The Beginner’s Observing Guide and The Observer's Handbook to plan your observations. Any Conjunctions V When two or more celestial objects appear close together in the sky it is called a conjunction. These are regular occurrences that are listed in The Beginner’s Observing Guide, The Observer's Handbook and in popular astronomy magazines. Any Meteor Showers V Sporadic meteors can be seen on most dark clear nights. Meteor showers are 144-148 regular events occurring at different times throughout the year with high rates of meteors appearing to come from a specific zone or radiant in the sky. Look for a dark moonless night and be prepared to stay up late as the best observing is usually after midnight. Any Aurorae V Aurorae borealis (or the Northern Lights) are caused by streams of solar particles 148-151 striking the upper atmosphere and causing it to glow. Best in dark skies. Any Comets V/B/T Small bodies left over from the birth of the solar system, comets are usually quite 151-152 faint and require a medium to large size telescope to observe. Occasionally a comet will appear that is bright enough to be seen through binoculars or even visually. Win Zodiacal Light V For mid-northern latitude observers the best time to view this pyramid of light is after 152-154 Fall dusk in the western sky during February and March or in the pre-dawn eastern sky during September and October. Any Asteroids B/T There are several asteroids that are bright enough to be seen in small instruments. OH You can locate these objects by using a finder chart in The Observer's Handbook or by using the co-ordinates listed there.

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Deep Sky Objects (12 of 24)

“Deep Sky Objects” is the catch-all description applied to some of astronomy’s most interesting sights including:

Open Clusters – Loose agglomerations of stars, recently emerged from the giant molecular clouds that gave them birth. Globular Clusters – Ancient spherical clusters of stars, often containing hundreds of thousands of stars. Emission/Reflection Nebulae – Glowing clouds of interstellar gas or dust, often marking the birth or death of stars. Planetary Nebulae / Remnants – Glowing clouds of gas and dust marking the death of stars. Galaxies – Huge “Island Universes”, like the Milky Way, containing hundreds of billions of stars but so distant that they are merely hazy patches of light.

All of the deep sky objects on this list can be observed with binoculars and many can be sighted visually. Larger telescopes will reveal more detail. The Season indicates best viewing during the evening hours but many objects can also be sighted before and after the suggested time. Sea- Seen? Log son Cons Object Mag. RA Dec Observing Notes BOG? V Page Spr Cnc M44 3.10 08:40.1 +19:59 Open cluster. 95', With a magnitude of 3.1 this cluster is bright 38 § The Beehive enough to be quite easily seen with the unaided eye from a dark sky. To locate it try scanning along an imaginary line from Regulus in Leo to Pollux in Gemini. Spr Com 1.80 12:25.0 +26:00 Open cluster. 275', This rather large group of stars lies between 40 (Map) § Melotte 111 Leo and Bootes. It’s made up of several chains of mag. 5-6 stars that are said to be the amber tresses of Queen Berenice’s hair offered to the god Aphrodite for the safe return of her beloved king from battle. Spr Ser M5 5.70 15:18.6 +02:05 Globular cluster, 17.4’ : A globular that is as big and bright as 52 § NGC 5904 the more famous M13. It is located about 2½ binocular fields north of Beta Librae, the northernmost bright star in Libra. Sum Her M13 5.70 16:41.7 +36:28 Globular cluster, 17', This well-known globular cluster contains 59 § Hercules hundreds of thousands of stars. Look for an out of focus below Eta, the upper-right Keystone star in Hercules. Note the two 7th magnitude stars lying on either side. Sum Sco M4 5.80 16:23.6 -26:32 Globular cluster, 26', Located a degree west of Antares in 59 § NGC 6121 Scorpius, this globular cluster is easily found under a dark sky. However, because most of its individual stars are quite dim, it can prove difficult from light polluted skies. Sum Ser M16 6.00 18:18.6 -13:58 Emission & open cluster 35’x28', Located 4 degrees § Eagle Nebula north of the M24 (see below) this nebulous open cluster contains between 20 and 30 stars ranging from magnitude 8 to 10. Sum Sgr M8 5.80 18:03.8 -24:23 Emission nebula, 45' x 30', This huge cloud of gas is bisected 59 § Lagoon at one end by a dark lane. To find this deep-sky object, first Nebula locate the spout of the Sagittarius “teapot” and simply slew your binoculars upward 6 degrees. Sum Sgr M17 6.00 18:20.8 -16.11 Emission nebula, 20' x 15', also known as the Omega Nebula. 59 § Swan Nebula It is located about halfway between M24 & M16. You may also note the open cluster M18 just below it. Sum Sgr M22 5.10 18:36.4 -23.54 Globular cluster, 24', This globular cluster is almost a 59 § NGC 6656 magnitude brighter than the well-known M13. Look for a nebulous disk two degrees north-east from the top of the teapot lid. Sum Sgr M23 5.50 17:56.8 -19.01 Open cluster, 27', Nearly 5 degrees west of M24 (see below) § NGC 6494 lies this rich open cluster made up of over 120 faint stars. Under dark skies you may be able to resolve some of them with a pair of 10x50 binoculars. Sum Sgr M24 4.60 18:16.5 -18:50 Open cluster, 95' x 35', The small Sagittarius star cloud lies a § Sagittarius little over 7 degrees north of the teapot lid. On some charts it’s Starcloud mislabeled as the small open cluster NGC 6603. It’s actually the large cloud surrounding NGC 6603. Sum Sgr M25 4.60 18:31.6 -19:15 Open cluster, 32', Slew your binoculars about 3 degrees § IC 4725 eastward of M24, and you’ll be rewarded with a view of this

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Sea- Seen? Log son Cons Object Mag. RA Dec Observing Notes BOG? V Page attractive little cluster containing several bright stars. Sum Sct M11 5.80 18:51.1 -06:16 Open cluster, 13', You can find the “wild duck” cluster, as 59 § Wild Duck Admiral Smyth called it, nearly three degrees west of Aquila’s Cluster beak lying in one of the densest parts of the summer Milky Way: the Scutum Star cloud. Sum Vul Collinder 399 3.60 19:25.4 +20.11 aka Brocchi's Cluster, 60', Popularly known as The Coathanger § The this unmistakable collection of 10 stars lies a little over 7 Coathanger degrees below Beta Lyrae, the head of the swan. Aut And M31 3.40 00:42.7 +41.16 Nearest major , 185' x 75', How easy or difficult this 73 § Andromeda object is to observe will depend mostly on the darkness of the Galaxy sky. Follow the outline of Andromeda to the second pair of stars and scan the area just to the north for an elongated fuzzy patch of light. Aut Per Alpha Persei 1.20 03:22.0 +49.00 Open cluster, 185', Also known as Melotte 20, this large § Group beautiful group of stars is located near Alpha Persei (proper name Mirfak) and is best seen in binoculars. Aut Per Double 5.30 02:19.0 +57.09 Double open cluster, 29' ea. If you scan the Milky Way between 60, 73 § Cluster Cassiopeia and Perseus under a dark sky, these two beauties NGC 869/884 will be hard to miss. Even without binoculars, you'll probably see a misty patch that betrays the presence of one of the northern sky’s grandest sights. Win Tau M45 1.20 03:47.0 +24:07 Visual open cluster, 110'. Known since ancient times, this 73 § spectacular cluster is best viewed through binoculars or a wide field telescope. Win Tau Hyades 0.50 04:27.0 +16:00 Unaided eye open cluster, 330'. This is the group of stars that 36 § form the V-shaped head of Taurus the bull. Although it's easily visible with the unaided eye, you should take a closer look with your binoculars and you'll see the beautiful and colourful double stars Theta (1&2) and Delta (1&2). Win Cam Kemble's 4.00 03:57.0 +63:00 String of stars, 180'. From Alpha Persei, go two binocular fields § Cascade towards Polaris and you will see a long string of stars resembling a waterfall. The is named after the late Fr. Lucian Kemble, of the RASC's Regina Centre. You may also see the small open cluster NGC1502 at the end of the string. Win Aur M37 5.60 05:52.4 +32:33 Open cluster, 20', If you follow an imaginary line northward 73 § NGC 2099 along the feet of Gemini for a couple of fields of view, you should see this cluster. Although you won't be able to resolve many of this cluster's faint stars with binoculars, if you look closely, you should notice how much more concentrated it becomes toward the centre. You may see M36 & M38 nearby. Win Ori M42 4.60 05:35.4 -05:27 Great Nebula in Orion, 65' x60', The brightest nebula visible in 36 § Orion Nebula the northern hemisphere. Appears as a bright green cloud surrounding Theta 1 and Theta 2 Orionis, the middle stars in Orion's sword. Once you find M42, just look at the top of the field of your binoculars and you'll see an attractive little group of 7 stars shaped like an aardvark; this is NGC 1981. Win Gem M35 5.10 06:08.9 +24:20 Open cluster, 28', Another open cluster, this one lies at the feet 36 § NGC 2168 of Gemini. Its appearance is best under dark skies, but it can be seen fairly well with 10x50 binoculars from a suburban location. Win Pup M47 4.40 07:36.6 -14:30 Open cluster, 29', Starting from Sirius, look about two binocular 37 § NGC 2422 fields eastward for a little splash of stars. In dark skies, you may also see the faint wisp of M46 (NGC 2437) in the same field. Magnitude: Magnitudes are expressed in the same way as stars but deep sky objects often appear fainter because they are diffuse or spread out over the sky. Size: Measured in arc-minutes. Once you have identified the object make a note of its relative size in arc-minutes. This will help you gain a feel for angular measurements used in astronomy. Deep Sky Objects are often extended in nature and can cover significant areas in the sky. For comparison the full Moon is about 30’ in diameter or ½º. Right Ascension – “RA” is the equivalent of longitude used on maps of the earth. The 360 degrees of sky, measured around the celestial sphere, is used as the basis for 24 hourly sections of Right Ascension as seen on star maps. Declination – The 90 degrees of sky measured north and south of the celestial equator, is written on star maps as +1 to +90 (degrees north) and -1 to -90 (degrees south) with 0 degrees marking the celestial equator.

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Double & Multiple Stars (10 of 20)

Double stars appear to the unaided eye as a single star but when viewed through binoculars or a telescope they can be split into two components. Optical doubles are a chance alignment in space that are adjacent to one another when viewed from Earth. Physical doubles are near one another (as part of an open cluster) while binaries are known to orbit around a common centre of mass. For certain double stars you can detect this orbital motion over a period of a few years.

Double stars offer interesting colour contrasts, magnitude differences and separations and many can be viewed easily from locations with moderate to heavy light pollution. To complete this section it is suggested that you work with binoculars mounted on a tripod. To find the stars listed you will need a good star atlas where you can plot their location using the co-ordinates listed for each one. A good way to confirm that you are observing the double star you where looking for is to check their magnitudes, separation and position angle.

Note: Separation is measured in arc-seconds. The larger the separation, the more easily you can discern the split between the stars. The Position Angle is the apparent angle measured from the brighter star to the dimmer one where due north is 0º and 90º is measured counter-clockwise from 0 degrees north as seen on a star atlas. The north point can be found on a star map by using the lines of Right Ascension (RA) that always point north. Be sure to carefully orient the map when checking your position angles to match your eyepiece view. Sea- Pos. Seen? Log son Cons Object Mag. Sep. Angle RA Dec Observing Notes BOG? V Page Spr Leo Zeta-36 3.5 & 5.8 325.9" 340º 10:16.7 +23:25 Proper name; Aldhafera. Secondary is § 35 Leonis; Optical pair. Spr Com 17 Com 5.3 & 6.6 145.4" 251º 12:28.9 +25:55 In Coma Cluster; Common proper § motion pair. Spr Com 32 & 33 6.3 & 6.7 95.2” 49º 12:52.2 +17:04 Located south of the Coma Cluster Com near the star Alpha Comae Berenices. Spr CVn 15 & 17 6.3 & 6.0 284.0" 277º 13:09.6 +38:32 Nice even magnitude pair located near § Alpha CVn. Spr UMa Zeta 79&80 2.4 & 4.0 708.7" 71º 13:23.9 +54:56 Middle star in the Big Dipper handle; § 79 is also a telescopic double. Spr Lib Alpha 2&1 2.8 & 5.2 231.0" 314º 14:50.9 -16:02 Proper name; Zuben El Genubi. § Common pair. Look for colour. Spr Boo Mu 51 4.3 & 7.0 108.3” 171º 15:24.5 +37.23 Located near Beta and Delta Bootis, a nice contrast of magnitudes. Spr CrB Nu-1&2 5.4 & 5.3 364.4" 165º 16:22.4 +33:48 Look for the half circle of CrB then § starhop from 13-Epsilon. Spr Dra 17&16 5.4 & 5.5 90.3" 194º 16:36.2 +52:55 Find the 4 star "Head of the Dragon" § pattern then use 23-Beta and 33- Gamma as pointers. Spr Dra Nu-24&25 4.9 & 4.9 61.9" 312º 17:32.2 +55:11 Located in the 4 star "Head of the § Dragon" pattern. An outstanding even magnitude double! Sum Lyr Epsilon 5.4 & 5.1 207.7" 173º 18:44.3 +39:40 Wide easy binocular pair. Telescope § users can try splitting each star again to see the Double-Double. Sum Lyr Zeta 6&7 4.3 & 5.9 43.7" 150º 18:44.8 +37:36 Zeta, Epsilon and Vega form a wide § triangle. Use tripod-mounted binoculars or a telescope. Sum Lyr Delta 11&12 5.6 & 4.5 630.0" n/a 18:53.7 +36:58 Very wide, easy binocular double with § color. From Vega go to Zeta then on to Delta. Sum Cap Alpha 2&1 3.6 & 4.2 377.7" 291º 20:18.1 -12:33 Wide visual or binocular double in nice § starfield. Sum Cap Beta 1&2 3.4 & 6.2 205.3" 267º 20:21.0 -14:47 Look for Beta just below Alpha. Nice § magnitude contrast with secondary star. Sum Cyg Omicron 31 3.8 - 6.7 107.0” 173º 20:13.6 +46:44 Beautiful triple star for binoculars. § (Triple!) 4.8 - 337.5" - 323º Look for colour.

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Sea- Pos. Seen? Log son Cons Object Mag. Sep. Angle RA Dec Observing Notes BOG? V Page Sum Cyg Albireo 3.1 & 5.1 34.3" 54º 19:30.7 +27:58 Albireo is one of the most beautiful § (Beta double stars in the sky. Use tripod- Cygni) mounted binoculars or a telescope. Aut Cyg 16 Cygni 6.0 & 6.2 39.5" 133º 19:41.8 +50:32 Impressive pair located in the area of § 10-Iota Cyg.(3.8m) and just next to 13- Theta (4.5m) Use tripod-mounted binoculars or a telescope. Win Tau 78&77 Tauri 3.4 & 3.8 337.4" 346º 04:28.7 +15:52 Located in the beautiful Hyades star § cluster. Win Cep Delta 27 3.4 & 7.5 40.7" 191º 22:29.2 +58:25 This famous Cepheid variable is also a § very pretty double star. Use tripod- mounted binoculars or a telescope.

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Variable Stars (Supplementary)

Observing variable stars is one of the ways that backyard astronomers can contribute information that is helpful to professional astronomers. Because of the great number of observations required for variable stars, large observatories cannot provide enough observing time for experts to monitor them all. Many of these stars are among the most interesting and beautiful stars in the night sky, and it is well worth the effort to find them. There are four main categories of variable stars including Pulsating, Eruptive, Eclipsing and Rotating. Each major category has several specific groups within it.

The Pulsating category includes Cephied variables, RR Lyrae type stars, RV Tauri type stars, Omicron Ceti (Mira) type stars that are also known as Long Period Variables (LPV). Also included in the Pulsating group are Semi-Regular and Irregular variable stars. The Eruptive category includes Supernovae, Novae, Recurrent Novae, U Geminorum type stars, Z Camelopardalis type stars, SU Ursae Majoris type stars, R Coronae Borealis type stars and Symbiotic stars. The Eclipsing category (two or more stars passing in front of one another from our point of view) includes Beta Persei (Algol) type stars, Zeta Aurigae type stars, Beta Lyrae type stars, W Ursae Majoris type stars and Ellipsoidal variables. The Rotating category includes RS Canum Venaticorum type stars that undergo small amplitude changes. More information about these specific groups of stars can be found in The Observer's Handbook or in other fine observing guides. Another excellent source of information is the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). Variable star charts are available from the AAVSO on their website.

All of the stars listed here are from the Pulsating and Eclipsing categories. It is important when recording variable star magnitudes to observe the star regularly and to make a note of the date and time of each observation. Magnitude information includes “Ex” magnitudes that are extreme variations and “Av” which are long-term average variations. If your time is limited it is recommended that you make better observations of a moderate number of variable stars regularly than trying to observe a large number sporadically.

Visual / Binocular Objects Sea- Variable Magnitude Period Spectral son Cons Star Type Range (days) Range RA Dec Notes Sum Lyr Beta 10 Lyrae E (Eclipsing 3.3-4.3 12.94 B8-A8 18:50.1 +33:22 Bright EB; Proper name Binary) Sheliak; use Gamma Lyrae (Mag.3.3) for comparison. Sum Aql Eta 55 Aquilae DCEP (Detla 3.5-4.4 7.17 F6-G4 19:52.5 +01:00 Bright Cepheid; use Beta Cepheid) Aquilae (Mag.3.7) for comparison. Aut Cep SR 3.4-5.1 730 M2 21:43.5 +58:47 Known as Herschel's (Semi-Regular) "Garnet Star”. Compare color to the white star . Aut Cep Delta 27Cephei DCEP(Delta 3.5-4.4 5.36 F5-G2 22:29.2 +58:25 First Cepheid discovered; Cepheid) use (Mag. 4.2) and (Mag.3.4) for comparison. Aut Per Beta 26 Persei E (Eclipsing 2.1-3.4 2.86 B8+G5 03:08.2 +40:57 Proper name Algol; use (Algol) Binary) Epsilon Per (Mag. 2.9), Delta Per (Mag.3.1), Kappa Per (Mag.3.8) and Gamma And (Mag.2.2) for comparison. Win Tau Lambda-35 E (Eclipsing 3.5-4.0 3.95 B3+A4 04:00.7 +12:29 Bright eclipsing binary; use Tauri Binary) (Mag. 3.6) and (Mag. 3.7) for comparison. Win Gem Zeta 43 DCEP (Delta 3.6-4.2 10.15 F7-G3 07:04.1 +20:34 Bright Cepheid; use Kappa Geminorum Cepheid) Gem (Mag. 3.6) and Upsilon Gem (Mag. 4.2) for comparison.

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Binocular / Small Telescope Objects Seas Variable Magnitude Period Spectral on Cons Star Type Range (days) Range R.A. Dec. Notes Spr CVn Y Canum SR 4.8-6.4 157 C5-4J (N3) 12:45.1 +45:26 Known as "La Superba", it Venaticorum (Semi-regular) is a deep red carbon star with a semi-regular period. Sum Oph X Ophiuchi M (Mira, 6.8-8.8 (Av) 334 M6-K1 18:38.3 +08:50 Good example of a long Long Period 5.9-9.2 (Ex) period variable for small Variable) instruments; variable star chart recommended. Sum Scu R Scuti RV (RV Tauri) 5.0-7.0 (Av) 140 G0-K0 18:47.5 -05:42 RV Tauri type variable with 4.5-8.6 (Ex) cycles of shallow and deep minima. Sum Lyr RR Lyrae RR (RR Lyrae) 6.9-8.1 0.56 A8-F7 19:25.5 +42:47 Interesting short period variable that goes through a complete cycle in less than one day. Aut Cet Omicron 68Ceti M (Mira, 3.4-9.5 (Av) 332 M5-M9 02:19.3 -02:59 Proper name Mira; has the (Mira) Long Period 2.0-10.1 (Ex) brightest maxima of all Variable) LPV's and is the prototype of its class. Win Mon T Monocerotis DCEP (Delta 5.6-6.6 27.02 F7-K1 06:25.2 +07:05 Located near the Rosette Cepheid) Nebula, just north of the star Epsilon Monocerotis.

Small/Medium Telescope Sea- Variable Magnitude Period Spectral son Cons Star Type Range (days) Range RA Dec Notes Spr Leo R Leonis M (Mira, LPV) 5.8-10.0 (Av) 313 M8 09:47.6 +11:26 Bright LPV that is well 4.4-11.3 (Ex) placed for observing in the spring season. Spr Vir R Virginis M (Mira, LPV) 6.9-11.5 (Av) 146 M4.5 12:38.5 +06:59 A LPV with a shorter than 6.0-12.1 (Ex) average period of just 145 days. Sum Aql R Aquilae M (Mira, LPV) 6.1-11.5 (Av) 284 M5-M9 19:06.4 +08:14 The brightest LPV in Aquila. 5.5-12.1 (Ex) Its red colour intensifies around minima. Aut Cep S Cephei M (Mira, LPV) 8.3-11.2 (Av) 486 C7(N8) 21:35.2 +78:37 A carbon star that is one of 7.4-12.9 (Ex) the reddest known. Look for it between Kappa and . It will be reddest around minima. Win Tau RW Tauri E (Eclipsing 7.9-11.4 2.76 B8+K0 04:03.9 +28:08 An interesting EB that drops Binary) 3.5 magnitudes during eclipse. It is located near the star . Win Lep R Leporis M (Mira, LPV) 6.8-9.6 (Av) 432 C6 04:59.6 -14:48 Known as Hind's "Crimson 5.5-11.7 (Ex) Star", it is a red carbon star that displays a deep red crimson hue around minima. Win Ori U Orionis M (Mira, LPV) 6.3-12.0 (Av) 372 M6.5 05:55.8 +20:10 An excellent LPV that 4.8-12.6 (Ex) features a large range in brightness. Find it near 54 and 57 Orionis.

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For RASC Members of For Unattached Members, Members of National Certification Centres Local Certification Centres or non-RASC Members If your local RASC Centre is a sponsor of the Forward your completed application form to: Explore the Universe Certificate you may submit Observing Certificate Committee this application form to a representative of your Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Observing Committee or a member of your local 136 Dupont Street Executive. Your local centre will present your Toronto, ON M5R 1V2 certificate to you. Check with your centre executive or newsletter for details.


I, ______do hereby attest to the following:

1. I have found and described all of the objects listed below myself. 2. I have not used a computerized “go-to” telescope in order to meet any of the objectives outlined here. 3. I have completed all of the requirements of each section of the program.

Applicant’s Signature: ______Date: ______


I declare that this form has been filled out completely and correctly and that the above-named observer has qualified for the Explore the Universe Certificate of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

______Signature Date ______Print Name RASC Centre

© 2001 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, All Rights Reserved 1 First Edition Explore the Universe Certificate - Observation Report Form


Constellation Bright Star Bright Star Date Time ment Description

Constellations & Bright Stars

Feature Date Time Instrument Description

Motion Phase /

Basins / Marae

The Moon


© 2001 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, All Rights Reserved 2 Sep-2001 Explore the Universe Certificate - Observation Report Form

Planet / Other Date Time Instrument Description



Object Constellation Date Time Instrument Description

Sky Objects -


Object Constellation Date Time Instrument Description / Position Angle Check†

Double Stars

† Position Angle checks are a recommended optional method of confirming that you are observing the correct double star.

© 2001 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, All Rights Reserved 3 Sep-2001 Preparing For An Observing Session by Brian Battersby, Prince George Centre

The Scout motto of “be PREPRAED!” is especially important in enjoying amateur astronomy. If you are not prepared at best you will find yourself standing outside gazing up a the stars thinking “what should I look at tonight?” at worst you will simply stay indoors.

Personal: • Dress warmly, in layers so you can add and remove clothing as necessary. Take a toque, fingerless gloves, and hand warmers. Even in the summertime it can get chilly standing around at night. • Summertime: Bug dope! (Just be sure to keep it away from the eyepieces.)

Equipment: • Store your equipment together in one place. A backpack or gym bag works well. You will be more likely to observe if you don’t have to spend a half hour chasing everything down. You also will be less likely to forget something. There is nothing worse than being an hour from home and remembering you forgot your needed “whatever”. • On rainy days spend some time collimating (aligning the mirrors) your telescope. Check your telescope manual for the correct procedure. • Keep your eyepieces clean. This is a simple procedure that ensures you get the best view out of your telescope. • Do not worry too much about clean mirrors inside the telescope, as they are easy to scratch. Clean them only about once a year. A scratched mirror is much worse than a dusty one. Keep your optics covered so you do not have to clean too often.

Basic Equipment Checklist: • Planisphere (star wheel) • Binoculars (7x35, 10x50) • Red light flashlight (cover a flashlight with red cellophane) • Spare batteries for flashlight • Observing Logbook • Pencil (won’t freeze up in the cold) • Current edition of the RASC Observer’s Handbook • Star Charts / Atlas (to magnitude 8 or 9 to include objects visible in binoculars) • Digital watch, set accurately.

Nice Options: • Telescope with collimating and lens cleaning tool sets • Snacks and something hot to drink • Photo tripod for binoculars • Observing table and chair / lounge • Hand warmers • Extra socks • Thermometer • Cellular phone

1 Planning: • On cloudy days make up some observing objectives for different conditions. For example on clear, dark nights around the time of new moon hunt for those faint galaxies. On full moon nights you can split some double stars. On nights with patchy clouds having a in different parts of the sky might be worthwhile. A RASC Certificate is a great observing objective. Visit http://www.rasc.ca/observe.htm • Objects all rise and set at different times (and seasons), plan accordingly. • Objects at the zenith (straight overhead) and down the meridian (an imaginary line that divides east from west. Generally, an object is at its highest point in the sky when it crosses the meridian) will be in the best part of the sky to observe, as you will be looking through less of the Earth’s atmosphere. • Don’t forget the moon is a very interesting object. It is the only body in the solar system other than Earth that you are going to see a lot of detail on. • Star Charts: either purchase a star atlas or print charts off on your computer. Just remember that your telescope will probably be flipping the image somehow. • Refractor & Cassegrain (with no diagonal) – image inverted (upside down) • Refractor & Cassegrain (with standard 90 deg. diagonal) – image mirrored (reversed) • Newtonian – image inverted • Straight through finderscope – image inverted

More Information: • Telescope Basics. http://www.starizona.com/basics/basics.cfm • A reference for astronomy terms. http://www.starshine.com/frankn/astronomy/AstroDictionary.asp • Eyepiece Calculator. http://www.starshine.com/frankn/astronomy/eyepiececalc.asp • Observing Tips. http://www.astrosurf.com/benschop/Observing.htm • All sorts of telescope tips and info. www.telescope.com (choose “Learning Center”)


Lunar Sketching for Fun by Guy Mackie, Okanagan Centre

The Moon is a great target for observing. I find that sketching Lunar features reveals more detail and develops an enriching familiarity. I sketch only because I think it is fun, and because it provides a record of the observation. I do try to represent the feature to the best of my ability, but I accept that the finished product is a personal perception and should not be critically judged on its scientific accuracy. Besides, one of the neat things about sketching is noticing the shadows move across the surface, which puts a natural time limit on the completion of a sketch at about 40 minutes. This time limit does compromise the amount and accuracy of detail that can be shown.

Over the years my sketching technique has changed considerably, in fact it seems to me that it is "technique" more than ability that determines the outcome of a sketch.

When I started to experiment with Lunar sketching I used ordinary computer paper, a Bic #7 pencil and my fingers to blend and smudge. Here are a few of the things I have learned that have improved the quality of my sketches:

1. Heavier paper. For a few cents more you can pick up a little thicker paper that will stand up better to all the rubbing and erasing.

2. A blending stump. This is a rolled paper tube that can be sharpened on the end. It does a more accurate and less messy job. Can be found at most Art supply stores.

3. Charcoal. A stick or bar of soft charcoal or burnt willow allows a light wash of easily erased and workable shading.

The steps in creating a 40-minute Lunar sketch:

1. Search the terminator and select a feature that looks like a nice target. Bump the power up to reduce eyestrain, I typically use 316x and I do not notice any discomfort or lasting "ghosting".

2. Using the full page, do a quick line sketch of your selected target and the immediate area that fits comfortably on the page,... leave the rest blank. (Figure #1)

3. Use your charcoal and blending stump (or face cloth) to give a light wash of tone to the entire sketch, and then darken the deep shadow areas. Figure #2)

4. Use your #7 mechanical pencil to black out the deepest shadow and to highlight contours and detail, and then blend to suit. (Figure #3)

5. Using a fine point retractable eraser create the brightly lit features such as crater walls and ridgelines. You can also use the eraser to give form to central peaks. (Figure #4)

Each time you do a Lunar sketch you will create a memory "connection" with the lunar feature you observed and over time the Lunar surface becomes a more familiar place. It is interesting to notice the dramatic changes that occur as the shadows slide across the surface. Who knows someday you might even sketch something that looks a little like what you were looking at!


1 1.) 2.)

3.) 4.)



Starfinder To make and handout to students. http://www.astrosurf.com/astrolynx/Cartes/ Mappemonde_us.htm