Welcome Letter from IAWA's President
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NEWS & VIEWS P O I N T S O F SPECIAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE ISSUE INTEREST: OCTOBER 2008 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1 Musings on Past Conferences Chicago Conference Welcome Letter From IAWA’s President Speakers New Members to thank all of our fantastic driving force behind this con- sponsors. Without their com- ference. I hope that you will mitment to IAWA, this pro- join me in expressing thanks gram would simply not be to them over the next few EXPLORE IAWA possible. To each of you and/ days, for all they have dedi- ONLINE AT or your firms who have spon- cated to this conference, and www.iawa.org sored this program, we give to IAWA. you our sincerest thanks. We will be kicking off the On the list of key people to conference Wednesday eve- IAWA whom I want to express ap- ning at 6:00 pm with a wel- PRESIDENT preciation are our Vice Presi- come reception followed by DEB FOWLER dents of Conference, Kathe- the Gala dinner at the Penin- rine Staton, Ann Field and sula. The next morning our Greetings Conference Marianne Barnabo. These program will begin at 8:30 am Attendees, women have worked tireless, and will run until 4:30 pm. Welcome to Chicago, the countless hours to put this Please note the General INSIDE THIS fabulous Peninsula Hotel and program together. I also Membership meeting which ISSUE: the 20th Annual IAWA Confer- want to recognize and thank will be held in the conference ence. We are thrilled that Ann Goodman and Ann Tay- ballroom at 4:30 pm. Please President’s Letter 1 you are here for this exciting, lor, both of whom have de- plan to attend, we want to historic event. It is our sin- voted a tremendous amount hear your thoughts and ideas Conferences Past 2 cere wish that over the next of energy to attending to our on how to improve IAWA. few days you will learn, local Chicago details, select- Thursday evening at 6:30 we laugh, relax and enjoy the ing venues, menus and count- will celebrate our Anniversary Speakers 5 camaraderie of your friends less other details. We have Dinner at the University Club. and colleagues. benefitted greatly from their Friday morning we will begin The program we have for time and local wisdom. Fi- another terrific day of pres- IAWA Leadership 8 you here in Chicago is a fan- nally, I want to thank Kathe- entations at 8:30 am. I am tastic one, in keeping with rine Posner, our Sponsorship pleased to report that we will New Members 9 what our veteran IAWA mem- Chair. Kathy overwhelmed us have a record number of bers have come to expect. in Buenos Aires with her drive IAWA scholarship recipients Programs like this, however and dedication to sponsor- at this conference. These Conference 12 effortless they appear to be, ship tasks. This year she has women are our future and we Sponsors are the product of a incredi- outdone herself . again. are thrilled that they are able ble amount of dedication and Of course I must also thank to join us in Chicago. Please hard work. This program in each of our speakers. All of welcome them, to the confer- particular is the result of the these women, leaders in their ence and to our industry. collective effort of a fantastic fields, have graciously agreed We have a busy schedule team of women. While there to share their wisdom and planned for our time in Chi- are too many to list individu- experience with us, and for cago. I hope you enjoy every ally, I do want to thank some this, we are grateful. minute of it! And Happy key people. All of these women, and Anniversary, IAWA, on its First and foremost, I want so many more, have been the 20th year! P A G E 2 Walk the Miracle Mile: Celebrate Conference Perspectives IAWA’s 20th Anniversary and the Accomplishments of Women in the THE IAWA ANNUAL CONFER- women professionals working just some of the memories ENCE – A 13 YEAR PERSPEC- to shape the aviation indus- we share from IAWA Confer- Aviation and Aerospace Industries TIVE ON A UNIQUE GATHER- try. My perspective is as an ences as we celebrat2 our ING. aviation lawyer, a speaker, 20th anniversary: member, Board Member, My first IAWA Program VP and President of -Where, but at an IAWA An- conference was IAWA. nual Conference, can you Paris in 1995. have drinks at Durty Nellies, You may not dine with a Queen (Raja Nor- have been in- diana Ziania Shah), while Ireland 1998 volved in aviation hearing what IATA really does or even remem- (Wanda Potrykus) and about ber back that far … but the the Unidroit Convention 1990s were a time when few London 2001 (Siobhan Lohan) before it women were in aviation man- even happens? (Ireland– agement. The IAWA Confer- 1998) ence provided a unique fo- rum for women aviation pro- IAWA Conferences welcome -Who, but IAWA, could bring London 2001 fessionals to meet and share women from all areas of the together, in London, just their experience and exper- globe and introduce the wide weeks after 9/11, leading tise with peers. I was invited variety of players and per- voices of aviation insurance to speak at the Paris Confer- spectives that make up the (Zoe Layden, Saleema Brohi ence and had met some in- industry. The conferences and Anne-Marie Burel) and of teresting women at a recep- have shown me the world, the airline industry (Louise tion then-President Dot quite literally, and in style, Roy, Monique De Smet, Judy Etheridge had given at her with unparalleled venues and Bishop and Bettina Adenauer) home in Washington. I was opportunities, whether at a to discuss the challenges asked to speak on the then, banquet or in a cigar bar, you hot topic of codesharing on a meet the future leaders panel moderated by Eileen (Abby Bried) of the industry. Cashman-Jermak. And, to think IAWA has been supported almost solely London 2001 What I didn’t expect about by the volunteerism of its the IAWA Conference were members! Indeed, we didn’t the first-class venues, the even have staff until 2005 welcoming atmosphere and when Karen Griggs came Miami 2000 incredible substance and aboard to support our admin- background each speaker istrative operation. IAWA faced? All of this while hear- brought to her remarks, cou- sponsors are critical and it is ing from the EC Director Gen- pled with the genuine our very gracious leaders like eral for Competition (Kirstin warmth extended by IAWA Mary McDaniel and Kathy Baker) and the European Par- members. Posner who we thank for liament (Jacqueline Foster, London 2001 bringing them together. They MEP) and dining at the head- The Paris Conference was just make our inspiring scholar- quarters of Lloyd’s of London the beginning of my 13 year ship program led by Cecile and being addressed by our experience with IAWA - an Hatfield possible. very own Julie Ellis. experience that inspired me to meet and befriend other The following tries to capture NEWS & VIEWS P A G E 3 Conference Perspectives -Where, but at an IAWA Con- ner (Phoenix); Members of Yuanyuan), as well as the ference, could you hear from the European Parliament Deputy DG of Civil Aviation the author of “The Hundred (Jacqueline Foster - London); for Vietnam (Nguyen Thanh Greatest Women in Avia- leading national ministers Ha)? (Shanghai 2005) tion” (Elizabeth Moscrop) (Mary O’Rourke, Minister for after dining at the prestigious -Where else, but an IAWA Chicago University Club over- Conference, would top looking Lake Michigan or fly names on Wall Street for fi- the Eye, the world’s highest nancing the industry (Susan observation wheel? (London - Denofrio - Phoenix) be Phoenix 2002 2001) brought together with airport leaders (Susan Baer, GM for -Who, but IAWA, sets up a Phoenix 2002 Newark International and VIP tour of Boeing’s main Lynn Hampton, CFO, for production facility (Seattle - Transportation in Ireland, and MWAA) as well as with key 1997), arranges VIP tours of Yang Yuanyuan in Shanghai, players in the airline industry ICAO (Montreal, 1999), and among others); as well as a (IATA’s Louise Roy; Continen- brings you the Vice President German Chancellor’s daugh- tal’s Jennifer Vogel; America of Airbus for Legal and Fi- ter (Bettina Adenauer - Lon- West’s Linda Mitchell; Ameri- nancing (Joanna Carver) to don)? can Airlines’ Sue Oliver, Hun- discuss the strategy and logis- garian Malev’s Erzebet Antal; tics of the A380 before it has -What conference takes you and United’s Rebecca Kham- even been built (Lisbon to Paris to learn about rein- neipur)? (Miami 2000) 2003)? surance, teaches you the New York 2006 tango in Buenos Aires while And all this while the Florida -Who, but IAWA, could bring mingling with leading women Recount was going on and we you critical voices like Nancy from ICAO (including Diana heard from the Young (ATA), Le Thi Mai Wall, Marina Donato, Nancy leading avia- (AEA), Jane Hupe (ICAO) and Graham, Loretta Martin, and tion reporters Mary Armstrong (Boeing) in Anne McGinley), and helps for USA Today Chicago to address environ- you understand some of the (Marilyn Ad- mental stewardship, having most complex air traffic man- ams), the Wall raised the critical issues and agement jobs in the world, Street Journal New York 2006 challenges in the 1990s such as the Chinese system (Susan Carey), New York 2006 (Leonie Dobbie of IATA? (Lu Xiaoping, Deputy DG Air Airline Business (Karen (Montreal 2000).