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11-26-1959 The Advocate - Nov. 26, 1959 Church

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Recommended Citation , "The Advocate - Nov. 26, 1959" (1959). The Catholic Advocate. 80. Holy Father Grants Papal Honors To 64 Priests, Laity in Archdiocese NEWARK Sixty-four distinguished priests, Maloney, Rev. Bernard F. Rev. Moore, Thomas F. Anna M. Russo, Genevieve J. San Mrs. on laymen and Filippo, James Sept. 26, 1948, he Is a member laywomen of the Archdiocese of Newark Curry, Rev. A. Chmely, of the Visitation Joseph Rev. Eugene R. Galla- A. Sebold, Mrs. Richard J. Strasser, and E. Committee have been awarded high honors Gladys for Religious, Pro-Synodal Judge, member Papal by John gher, Rev. Thomas F. Mulvaney,Rev. Leo L. t Mahoney, Winter, of the Sites and Announcement of the honors list was made this Rev. Building Commission and Deputyfor Leo J. Martin, Rev. Aloysius S. Carney and Rev! week by who Prothonotaries Apostolic are accorded certain Temporalities of Immaculate Boland, returned recently Michael G. Kemezis. Conception Seminary from his ad limina visit to the Vatican. privileges normally reserved to Bishops. They may Darlington. • The Papal Chamberlains are Rev. Henry J. Mur- celebrate Pontifical Mass four times a Two of year. MSGR. THREE MONSIGNORI were elevated to the phy, Rev. Eugene J. Reilly, Rev. David J. ARTIOLI, pastor of Our Lady of Mt. rank Price, Rev. these are Christmas and Easter; the others are select- of 20 Thomas J. Rev. John J. Cassels and Carmel, Jersey City, was ordained May 21, and Prothonotary Apostolic; priests were awarded Tuohy, Rev. Joseph ed by the holder of the title. While 1932, pontificating, named a the rank of domestic with title of Rev- P. Tuite. Papal Chamberlain on Sept. 15, 1954. Right Prothonotaries Apostolic are entitled to the use of erend ; six were raised to the rank of Msgr. Kiley was ordained on June 3, 1939. and Papal DR. LUKE certain pontificals, articles of attire customarily worn A. Mulligan has been named named a Chamberlain with title of Very Reverend Monsignor. Knight Papal Chamberlain on Sept. 15, 1954. He is Commander of St Gregory the Great only by Bishops. These include the ring, miter, pec- (Civil Class). archdiocesan director of the Catholic Youth Organi- The honors list for the laity included one Knight toral cross and gloves. Knights of St. Gregory the Great (Civil Class) are zations; director, Archdiocesan Center of the Mt. Commander of St. Gregory the Great; 14 of Car- Knights Floyd E. Anderson, Hugh X. Connell, Francis J. Cun- St. mel Guild; executive director of The Advocate; St. Gregory; and 20 women on whom has been bestow- MSGR. MULLIGAN has been pastor of and di- ningham,George C. D’Annunzio,Dr. John J. of the archdiocesan ed the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. Flanagan, Henry’s, Bayonne, since 1919. Ordained on May 28, Cooperative Supply Services. William J. William T. Griffin, Henderson, LL.D., Dr. 1904, he holds the of doctor of sacred The new Prothonotaries are Rt degrees theology FATHER CORR has been of Apostolic Maximilian F. Dr. Edward pastor Our Lady of Hubach, Jr., P. J. Kearney, and doctor of the latter causa. Named Rev. Michael J. Rt. Rev. laws, honoris the Most Blessed Magr. Mulligan, Msgr. John R. Frank V. Sacrament, East Orange, since 1928, Kennedy, Mcßride, Joseph A. a Domestic on Di Luca and Rt. Rev. Prelate Oct. 20, 1949, he is Vicar Forane and is Anthony Msgr. Joseph M. J. was ordained June 10, 1911. He Deputy for Mcßride, Nevins Mcßride, and Frank W. Young. of Hudson County; Examiner of the Clergy, Synodal Kelly. Discipline at Seminary. Examiner, Synodal and Priest Consultor. RECIPIENTS OF the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontif- Judge Father Szpilman has been of Our of NAMED pastor Lady DOMESTIC are Very Rev. ice are Edith Di ordained on Msgr. Callaghan, Mrs. John A. Conlin, Mar- Msgr. Luca was July 15, 1906, Czestochowa, Harrison, since 1921. He was ordained Walter P. Artioli, Rev. Very Msgr. John J. Kiley, Rev. garet Finn, Jule Flannelly, Marie A. Fournier, Mrs. and has been pastor of , Nutley, since Apr. 17, 1915. Michael J. Corr, Rev. Julian F. Rev. Metis- He Szpilman, Harry A. Hasson, Mary A. McCarthy, Mary E. Mc- 1933. is Pro-Synodal Judge, Archdiocesan Consul- Father Lankau has been pastor of Sacred Heart laus Rev. B. Lankau, William Donnelly, Rev. Clement tor was on Donough, Catherine M. McGann, Eleanor McGlynn, and named a Domestic Prelate Oct. 20,1949. of Jesus, Irvington, since 1925. First pastor of this M. Weitekamp, Rev. Edward J. Begley, Rev. Paul A. Mrs. Thomas F. McHugh, Marcia M. Meehan, Mrs. Msgr. Kelly, pastor of St. Peter’s, Belleville, was parish, he was ordained on May 3, 1916. Dippold, Rev. Florence C. Rev. Patrick J. Leo Mahoney, V. C. Mrs. a Norton, Mary O’Neill, John J. Reilly, ordained on May 25, 1907. Named Domestic Prelate (Continued on Page 18) Bishops Flay CommunismTermed Birth Control The Advocate Chief Block to Peace WASHINGTON Communism is still the No. 1 garding these people who “pose Official Publication af the Archdiocese of Newark. N. and Dteceaa (NC) J, of Paterson, N. J. threat land’’ is no to . . . any a obstacle to world peace, the Bishops of the “reproach to the conscience of VOL. 8 NO. 48 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1959 PRICE: TEN asserted in their annual statement issued here. Propaganda CENTS the free world.” In the statement, issued at the annual meeting of the WASHINGTON Catholics noted other THE BISHOPS stressed that will never support any Cardinal Defends.'Index' American hierarchy,the Bishops that there are to preoccupation with the commu- public program promote birth control, the Bishops of obstacles to peace—excessive na- nist problem should not “deter the United States said here in the second of two statements tionalism and inhuaman condi- ship.’* By “peace,” the Bishops us from seeking to solve other at their annual tions on the world scene, and declared, communists mean sub- adopted meeting. problems that may endanger 'Sane racial injustice, selfishness, sen- mission to their program; by Realism' freedom,” In the entitled peace and statement, "Explosion or Backfire?” Pope sualism and excessive desire particularly Says an mean “friendship’’ they accept- those of Africa and Latin (text on page 6), they noted Asia, for wealth and ease on the home ance by others of their program that For the of America. A Christian sense of propaganda favoring birth one, they said, use front. for coexistence. prevention programs has been contraceptives would hinder the Is Behind justice should impel assistance to Book “those on who suffer from avoid- the increase. They charged development of such qualities as Screening BUT COMMUNISM is the chief TURNING TO what can be able that the is one of fear discipline and self-control. and the advised poverty, ignorance and dis- campaign “Sane realism” which “does not of the block, they said, ultimately done, Bishops and that its teaching authority Church, communism ease,” they said. main vehicle “is the which “the problem of as that we “storm heaven with THEY POINTED forget the condition of human nature wounded la the teacher in the name coined terror out. using by original to be It must be remembered that recently technique and role a threat peace” will only prayer and penance, knowing America as an example, that sin" demands that Church of Christ. “The needs of the world will phrase, “population explosion’." authorities review books for met when we pot into practice that what to man seems impos- “imaaigratiaa and emigration "U it is pot a It is not be met •» thair moral and doctrinal content, Pop* John XXIII said teacher, the Christian principles we pro- sible, God will grant to those by charitable aid ADMITTING THAT the even within the same country no phrase longer a church. If it does not flsim who to Him with humble alone," the Bishops added. have here. pray alerts the public to the attention their rale to play in solving correct, it is no n teach- "The is to longer "We teenef Be* as material- free of hatred and a greater charity help The Holy Father, while outlin- of tha times and avery untrust- To hearts, that must be givtn population the population problem.” er. teach meana also to cor- ists and eth- of people to help themselves.” ing the for worthy twist of thought.” expect te convert spirit revenge.” pressures, **it "Sixty million people necessity reviewing rect because truth is not offered “the they charged that migrated ers to ear system ef freedom Also, they declared, Moks, cautioned the reviewers—- • In doubtful In this spirit, they declared, also provides a smoke screen be- successfully from Europe to the things, liberty—- to men without the of cause of and rejection and peace aider Gad.” they their peace freedom, t . hind which moral evil Americas in tha last 190 a group of priests and religious that is, one must “trust in the errors.” statesman “must continue would a may be years,” said. be better served if we said. “When the nomadic In- who screen books published in conscience and of the. often disheartening quest for foisted on the public.” they good sense could less on of At the aame time, they said, rely programs dians roamed the uncultivated Italy—against exaggerated sever- reviewer.” TURNING TO the of peace, reductions in armament The question governmental aid and more on strong>y worded docu- "Our goal is nothing less than and the introduction of the plains of North America before ity. n In all things, charity—that the Index of Forbidden Books, investment ment threw the lie at those who conversion of the communist rule of law into private and interna- he noted that some claim the society of claim artificial birth the coining of these immigrants, is, a charity that saves judg- people tional trade adequately regulated pceventian “THE ECCLESIASTICAL re- It 1s world.” nations.” the entire country with its esti- ments from the danger of cold- so much dead wood, that for the good of all nations.” b becoming acceptable “even he “will They scored communism as viewer,” said, not per- Where it comes to mated Indian population of only ness and from despising what is 90% of its sanctions are out- matters of ht the Catholic Church.” It de- mit himself to intran- and adopt an dated. “aggressive,” “belligerent" and TURNING to domestic 500.000 and its shortage of food, being judged “so as to He continued: principle Justice, they said, prob- af name Chris- temper the plored attempts sigent hardness which tears down “unbelievably cruel,” citing statesman would have been regarded as the eventual severity with sweet “It should be must be firm, "know- lems, the Bishops said religion tian bodies to evolve a noted, however,, commune system in China and theologi- but docs not rebuild, which dis- that leads in this country faces "no ’overpopulated’ according to the delicateness.” that what is dead ing appeasement . . . prob- cal doctrine which sees birth but docs not wood today events in Hungary and Tibet as norms of courages reanimate, only to the peace of the con- lem more pressing than the res- the exponents of was and prevention ns the “win ml God.” which saddens but does not lead CARDINAL green yesterday that,, "recent manifestations” of com- Planned Parenthood. OTTAVIANI told quered.” toration within our of re- although ooe could revise U people It declared “that the to repentance. munism’s “total disregard for promotion “Yet, the same the book examiners: spect for the moral law as God's plains today [the Index | today, this does “It is a delusion," they added, of artificial birth is a “He will, avoid "The Church human rights and human dig- prevention are being retired into a ’land moreover, instructs, edu- not "to place in real law, and the inculcation of those of mean that In the past tha nity.” hope seeking morally, humanly, psychological- hank’ becsnse every tendency to hastiness cates and cantioas, hut it can- virtues on which the soundness they are ever-, Church, defying unpopularity, understanding when the true and disastrous Judgment so that Us work will not limit itself to this alone of ly politically ap- predictive ke a lead of 173 mil- as is conflict family and civic life depends.'* did not aet honestly, as time DESPITE THIS, the Bishops problem a of essential proach to the population prob- ai ft it—a an _ i be distinguished by intelli- those would have It da who Wraa. VMKi UsTnC CIIVII ID" ... has proved. said, to the principles, not lack of under- “Reverence of God’s law, the and pointing example giv- lem.” stances, they said. It “is the gence, sensibility perspi- claim that it should trust goad keeping of His Commandments, "What the Church condemned en by Christ, “we pray for the standing." sheerest kind ml aensease” to cacity.” seuse, dignity and developed Red We wish the practice of self-restraint, of filled persecutors . . . no THE BISHOPS noted that “a The book examiners were re- yesterday the world yes- REGARDING nationalism, speak ml a “population explo- maturity, particularly among the Justice snd charity" will con- concerted effort” is terday, and in condemning it the conquest except that of the spirit. systematic, sion” in the U. S. ceived while in for a four- scholars.’’ Bishops saw movements toward tribute to the national unity Church showed We wish those who constructed being made to convince public The day meeting on the problems of He said that the world how great its independence "good and lauda- and strength “so essentisl for Bishops also outlined polit- today the Iron Curtain to tear down the was . opinion, legislators and govern- modern literature. i* aelzed for courage . . ble." But, said, "all too effecUve ical, psychological and scientific censoring by a desire some- barbed wire and the machine they leadership,” they said. mental that funds addressed gun often agencies public res for to They were also by thing adding that the new- "Practically everyone can read a morbid preoccupation Instead of sans refusing be stam- new, posts and to Join us in the en- However, boldly up- to should be used support and Cardinal Ottavianl, of ness Is harmless today, but few know how to with past grievances arouses s peded by birth control propagan- Secretary not always and very of God’s freedom and holding Christian principles, the birth control In under- the Sacred of the think. joyment promote da. Congregation In keeping with good order. He Especially in subjects for spirit of revenge that defrauds Bishops said, we have peace." empha- developed countries. Holy Office (the office charged cited the after "new or- study those who learn by rote or certain minorities of freedom and sized material wealth strivings On his vbit U this country, as the la this connection served BEGABDING the with faith and obstructs the to fruits (Bey latter, they preserving mor- der, new thought, relative truth, possess a superficial knowledge Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- ... paths nation- of freedom and peace. The nctire that American Catholics said "alarmists do not in told are still less al place als), who them that the morals for the times and anew erudite than some chev “took greatness." result is that "throughout the “will focus the idea increas- every opportunity" Mi.,,snppait any public proper of Church's effort to guard against He said that even the of the peasants and. differing Deploring the Inhuman condi- too often it is that theology.” to compose capitalism nmfavor- world, thought either at heme or the tions assistance, ing acreage or the acreage error by reviewing booka is an foundations of Christian knowl- from the peasant who admits his which prevail in many when we speak of the American abroad, to promote artificial yield to meet the food demands act which is essential to her na- and the of revelation ignorance, less teach- areas, the out of edge source they are ically, the Bishops observed. Bishops pointed way life, we are speaking only birth abortion or of able that prevention, an increasing population.” ture. are not immune to the destruc- because they think they people “embittered by the of a high standard of But economics, they said, b not living." steriUaation whether through di- It never dawns the know contrast on them, Pope John recommended that tive tendencies of this quest for their subject. the basic bane; the actual between their own "We must convince the world,” rect aid or by means at Inter- said, that where "we those wretchedness and the wealth Bishops reviewing books for the the new. He also said:. "Direction la the matter of choice which "men and nations of they asserted, "that our indus- biUmul have than the Church three attitudes: Use rich and orginiiatloii.” more people food, "But the Church continues to powerful ... are try, our education, technol- adopt forbidden kooks Is Uke a road must naake today b between our They outlined the moral reason logical answer would not to • In ripe for exploitation by both be, necessary things, unity—- do what It has always done and sign: No one resents the sign freedom and coercion.” ogy are made not only to serve for this stand but said that there decrease the number of people that Is, unity in regard to the what it must do. Woe to it should that Use communists and extreme the but the free of regulates traffic with the The Bishops scored the com- body spirit are other "cogent reasons" why but to increase the food "inviolable it nationalists." supply sanctity of religion, not do so. It is an act of man . . . that our contribution life, argnment that he b an Intelli- munists for the to Cstholics would such which is almost unlimited in twisting meaning the not support po- which one must uphold and de- of its own life and the life of Turning to existence of mil- the world is not measured in Its gent and practical man and of such words as ‘'democracy.' 1 programs. tential.” fend fickle children. lions of the dollars and against every change It is an act of the can decide for himself.” refugees, Bishops machines, but in . “republic,” "peace” and "friend- ~ said that "continued apathy" re- the dignity of the human person. 15 in Bergen Citedfor Sunday Violations NEWARK Enforcement of IN GLOUCESTER Lee is en- inf an of IS state- appeal Judge Ley- was prompted by • in enforcing the mandate of after the store opened. Two the law limiting Sunday tales the law den’s order. forcing although Judge They took their ment by Attorney General Da- the people of Bergen County." Park in 12 New counties John Ridge clothing outfits, Jersey was B. Wick of Court, aiguments to Judge Haroid vid D. Furman who in a talk Calissi sent then a telegram the Ridge Clothing Cos. and Park is a chaotic state this week as has restrained him Camden, Price of the Superior Court's in Atlantic aald it waa not to all local City police officials stat- Ridge Clothing, were dosed and a result of conflicting court from ar- prosecuting those be Appellate Division in Morris- to him to see that "You up Judge ing: are notified to en- four arrests made. A conces- orders, actions by the attorney rests until Scherer has town where the Judge plea was i-'cherer’a injunction waa en- force Sunday Cloaing Law " sionaire at Town Country general's office and varying decided the of turned down. forced. constitutionality Earlier, his office ad- Auction, South taken law. Fourteen of those arrested Hackensack, approaches by county the Judge Wick, however, mitted that Lee waa "techni- Eigen and Krakauer then in- In eas also arrested. to Bergen on Sunday were held prosecutors. refused enjoin Lee from en- dicated that Judge Leyden's cally correct" in going ahead in |23 bail. forcing the law. Bail for the 13th In all of the arrests, the items ruling would be appealed in the with enforcement TEN F ROSE (TUTORS—those was set at $230. Arrests were fold in violation of the law to Prosecutor Calissi on Appellate Division in Newark that, however, the carried in Essex. Hudson. Union. Mid- Sunday out at eight locations, were confiscated aa evidence Joined Lee in enforcing the law, on Nov. M. attorney general’a office had dlesex, Somerset. Mercer, Mon- including three outlets main- by the police. U with the a iked proaecutora mouth and Cumberland—have arresting persons throughout tained by Two Guys From Har- of local LEE, WHO WAS the only the atate to abide the in- been help police and his own by rison. abiding by a non-binding prosecutor to THE FOUR OWNERS of the 25-man not oppose Judge junction. Court staff. He has been Superior injunction Scherer's original Injunction on two Park estab- restrained from prosecuting vi- I-ee moved hia TWO GUYS, which secured Ridge clothing granted on a basis 15 on own on temporary Nov. when the law was to the lishments will be given hear- Everett olators although attorneys for the ground* that the reatraint original Injunction, operates by Judge M. Scherer into arrested oo Nov. 30. Other two went go effect, twu 11 stores in New Jer- ings hearings in Newark Nov. stores before two dif- waa directed againat the attor- highway on U. more employes of Bargain City will be held Dec. 1, 2 and 3. ferent Superior Court judges in ney general, and not the sey. It Is also contesting Sun- ir Deptford Township this past proa- However. Prosecutor Warren it to day closing laws in While most stores halted the tempts gain an injunction. ecutora, aince they were not Maryland WUentx Sunday. He had arrested two of Middlesex an- named. His and Pennsylvania. Its attor- sale of prohibited items after position waa nounced la the week 'I HE employes there on the 15th and arrests visits early that FIRST injunction a (lengthened by the fact that ney, John J. Clancy, threaten- or by detectives, were held in $25 ball. Hail on Nov. 28 he win join Glou- against enforcement Calissi they ed to institute of court the two Park Ridge clothing by the attorney general has no contempt in the latest arrests cester Prosecutor F. Lae was' from was set stores continued to do business Guy sought Superior jurisdiction over the proceedings against Calissi at $5O. prosecu- Jl. and Bergen Prosecutor Guy Judge J. Wallace Leyden In tors. Fiire employes, including the during the day. Joseph and W. Calisai in Hackensack enforcing the law. by August Alino, Bargain City and Sun Ray store manager, were arrested Benjamin KapiowiU own Ridge IN ANNOUNCING Wllentx said, “I have been attorney for ModeU's Shopper’s Drug Cos sought the injunction his inten- at the Two Guys store in Gar- Clothing. Leonard and Seymour LodL la the enforcement tion to enforce the law in Ber- field. Effren own Park Cloth- flooded and besieged by re- World. a late-evening against from At the chain's Fair Lawn Ridge Calls si aaid he felt quests and demands that the session at his boats on Nov u, Judge Wick. Judge Wick ruled gen. "mor- outlet, two more, again in- inf , that since ally and bound Sunday closing law Toted by Judge Leyden refused the in- the law is on the legally to up- cluding the manager, were ar- Besides American Shops, two junction. be hold the mandate of ciii- citiseas of this county be en- hooks, persons may arrested the rested. Al the chain’s Maywood other stores, Robert Hall la BLIND LEARN TO COOK: Patrick Walther, right, under mm of torced. In view of the.. It. HU order that Bergen County" la view store, two arrests were .feeling M Eigen sad Jack Kra prose- mada. Hark—eh and Sacha Furni- blind gets can-opening instructions rutioaa be hold In of Furman 'a comments. The teenager, from (4 the cUixens of Middlesex lor Frankie's abeyance manager of the Ameri- ture ia Lodi, cioesd after de- kauer, sMotsji hi his Moore. Patricia was one of 12 who were County I to see temporarily is being contested. Judge Leyden ruling can Shop* Store, Lodi, was ar- tectives waned the Norita grad- Intend that Market. Lodi, an Nov. 21 managers thin law !e jaid, "I ana reluctant at (hie rested and thmatnre dosed that uated from the Mt. Carmel Guild the fully enforced." • at arrests would ha made If Department for •ought temporal* stay, pan* CAL2SBIT in arresting la restrain the acjloa Vime prosecutor 1) a.m., aa wW and a half Blind six-week cooking class Not. 23. 2 the advocate November M, IMS 527 Million Future Dates

. Following it s list of Aw- Catholics fortmmt imtn mmd mttUmgt People in the News imrimg Places in the News Dtttmbtr. (RNS) Dec. 6-13 Catholic Tooth Catholics throughout the Cardtoal Organizations, third world con- Ceahtog of Boston will ceive aa honorary from The Sisters of degree world totaled 527,643,000 Buenos Providence in Church history from the time at an honorary law doctor- as gress. Aires, Argentina. Seattle Loyola University, Chicago, on have offered to roll St. Innocent m ate from of last June 30, or 18.3% Dec. i— Feast of the Im- Papa to Pope Martin Assumption College, Nov. » at the first National Con- of Jooeph'a V maculate Hospital. Fairbanks, (1198-1431). Worceater, Mass., on Nor. 21. the an Conception, holy day ference on Lay Mission Work. population increase Alaska, to that tor $2 j Ground haa been of city mil- broken tor n John J. Wright of Pitta- Mrs. of l/l# of obligation. BUe» Harriot Frost Ferdyce, 1%. lioa because the city and state new preparatory in Us- haa Dec. 10 Catholic Medical seminary borgh agreed to serve aa who hi IM2 gave her l»acre this have net been According to yeart World Mission annual giving sufficient laninle, LA, far the Rockville honorary chairman of the Na- estate to St. Louis Mission Board, meet- funds University for Map of the Catholic Stu- te care for patients placed Center Diocese. tional Catholic Adult Education ing. New York. a retreat has now dents Mission by them. Dominican house, given Crusade here, the Dec. 16. 18. 19 Ember Sisters have estab- Commiaaion. the school for gain in The $1,050,000 its ex- the total number of Cath- Fakaoka Diocese, Japan, lished n child care center at OniXir Bishop Albert lane- days. pansion program. olic* from mid-ISSt to mid-IMS has launched a Family , Norway, above the Arctic haa bean named Dec. 25 Feast of the Na- Rosary chagrin, OJLL, ■eaiy Polish amounted to over 17 mining Crusade with the SteaUewki, au- The of help of Rev. Circle. administrator of the Qua., thor of has tivity, holy day obligation. Patrick Amoa, “Quo Vadls,” been increase in the total world popu- Peyton, C.S.C. Anew Knights of Columbus diocese. memorialized Dec. 26-30 International in a monument lation waa 88,976,000, making the A priest whose pariah is ad- Our of the Elbert Assembly of Catholic Students Council, Lady Snow, Bishop V. Joyce of erected in the pariah church of mw total This jacent to Times has haa been imjmjOOO. and Graduates, Manila. Square sug- organised in Anchorage, Burlington has joined several re- raised Vevey, Switzerland. the Catholic percentage gested that the Mayor's Com- Alaska. and educational Dec. 37-tt Catholic Eco- ligious, political from 18.2 to IS J. mittee on Slum nomic Clearance in The first outdoor Catholio leaders of Vermont In opposing Died Association, annual New ... York sponsor a.. •brine in the U. S. right-to-work Giovanni NO NEW TRENDS meeting, Washington. Duffy honoring n legislation. Bev. Miaozzi of in Catholic Square housing project to rid the Scandinavian St. lev. P. Dec. 28-30 American Cath- , Olaf, haa Joseph Costaase, 8 J., Rome, 75, founder of almost population ware shown on the area of 80 olic Historical cheap movie bouses and been dedicated at Powers at Fordham University has been map, hut the Association, an- Lake, orphanages. regions of most novelty shops. N.D. named to the Woodrow nual meeting, Chicago. Wilson Bev. Patrick J. Carroll. C.S.C., rapid Catholic growth chiefly A four-day national Parishes PATERSON Jan. l Feast of the Cir- congress on in Cleveland have Foundation Award Committee, *4, former vice president of Not- West. Central, and East Africa, FRANCISCAN HONORED: rural life is held Cardinal of being in Colom- been ordered to prepare for full which judges the best book re Dame the African cumcision, holy day obliga- pub- University and long- Islands, and North Spellman presents the annual Cardinal bia under sponsorship of the na- vocal lished Spellman tion. participation by the laity i« on government and politi- time editor of Ave Maria America—continued gains. Award of the tion's Bishops. the maga- Catholic Theological of Amer- Maas. cal science during the year. publication of the In the two regions of heaviest Society A medical institute sine, Holy ica to Rev. B. to help pro- The Mariit Fathers have Dr. Thomas A. Cross Fathers. total Eastern Juniper Carol, O.F.M., noted Marian Book Club pur, Dooley, famed . population and Choice tect the sacredness of chased theologian stationed at marriage an eitata in Bettendorf, “jungle doctor*' of Laos, will re- Bleb*! Gregotj Rozman, South-Central Asia the Church St. NEW YORK The November and foster sound 76, Monastery, family life has la., for a house of studies. exiled Bishop of Ljubljana, Yu- continued to bold Its own Paterson. The presentation took at the selection of the Catholic Book been In the JMMr per- place Fran- opened Netherlands One 'of the smallest Catholl* goslavia, who had been in centage-wise, at 3 and ciscan Holy Club is "Catholic the Association of cathedrals living 1.3%. Name College in Washington at a Viewpoint on by Catholic in the world 80 feet Cleveland. meeting Rev. Neil Doctors. PILGRIMAGE of the board of Education," by G. Mc- long by 40 wide is to be built Prsf. Umberto society’s directors. SJ. An all-out Pierantonl, 83, Lack Cluakey, drive to enroll in Louden for the Ukrainian noted of Faith Rita 37th INTERNATIONAL Naples, zoologist and mem- Caeehaslevakia’s priests In the Exarchate (diocese). ber of the Pontifical Academy of Seen in Hungary government's “peace campaign" Sciences. mapped at EUCHARISTIC was a recent com- To Visit VIENNA - Tba Moscow Archbishop Joseph Charbon- (NC) acting munist meeting. bead of the Catholic CONGRESS + retired con- NEW YORK (NC)—Gerard Erf- neae, 67, Archbishop of Bishops' of the MUNICH. 4IRMAMV, Montreal. ference in Hungary has issued Philip- editor tMO pines bar called the Sherry, managing of tho a pastoral letter newly form- Catholic stating that ed National Review, Baltimort, and “lack of Faith Pro grew Movement is increasing more formerly a reaident of Fair a leftist Laws, Christmas and mare” and "political, and anU-Cath- Stamp urging the N.J., left here by on peo- olie” group. piano a ImnM ple to the Planned Vatican pray Rosary. 22-day fact finding tour of E9* by Jozaef The Central Committee for the He Archbishop Groesz of rope. will vUit Moscow„ JOHN E. VATICAN CITY (NC)—ChHat- Kalocsa declared: Census of Documents in Vatican ‘‘Million* live Paria, Munich, Bruaielf and maa will be the theme City is of anew without faith. People have be- cataloguing documents of I London. MORRIS series at pottage to be come at the stampa slaves brief life span issued on Dec. 14 by the Vatican leading from birth to death. post office. The City design wil "Even the faith of believers la depict Raphael's MEAT PURVEYORS “Nativity of frequently struggling in the net T0... Christ.” CmH of worldly interests. While giving INSTITUTIONS IN THE ARCHDIOCESE ttST* Vmmff Another series to bo Issued the lip service to the Resurrection, same day, will C* NEWARK AND OP commemorate the they are not awed by the truth DIOCESE PATERSON 500th anniversary of the birth of of eternal life, and cannot per- WITH ONLY St. Caaimir, patron of Poland THE FINEST QUALITY MEATSI ceive it as the reason and Lithuania. only for earthly existence.” • RECTORIES • HOSPITALS nnnnnwwvwvwwvWWWWWW • CONVENTS • SCHOOLS BLESSING BURNS & MAIN Cardinal WE INVITE YOUR aCONNEU, Inc OF ALTAB: Spellman is shown as he blessed the. ACCOUNT main altar at the National Shrine the Immaculate IMPORTED and DOMESTIC of Conception in Washington GIFTS Nov. 20. In the rear are three of the five "WOTIZ" FOft RELIGIOUS AND Cardinals present for the ceremonies, MEAT THE LAITY Cardinal Cushing, GARDEN Cardinal Mclntyre and Cardinal Tien, exiled •Still STATE PLAZA PARAMUS N J Archbishop of Mrving fomll/ Peiping, China. Av«., Newark, N. J. HUmboldt 2-3700

Sailing from Now York July 12 on tha S. S. Inda- Hails Dedication Pope - pandtnc* —and arriving PRI-WINTER at Naplos July 21 • U. wrtiiM t—r Hm H "PAIMOti WAY" WASHINGTON Pope John XXIII tees of esch at Ofc«r—ww|w in the Na- *ifht other. "While either tional Shrine of SPECIAL fioAtaWumt anti foddtaiL JjoiuupL the Immaculate Conception here a symbol *t»nd», both lhall stand,” be de- of the "extraordinary-piety” of American Cethobos. clared. He Touching on the Now For pressed that view in an relationship Opka - Z^SiZFi'SL autograph letter to between Church of end state, be *P >*»<■■ ytmmH SUNDAY Archbishop O’Boyle Washington on the occasion of the laid thoie who DINNER of the harp on the sub- dedication shrine Nov. 20. • Motor • ject "grow wearying at times." Tun*-Up Adjust A AM Thml Arranquinti •» SERVED 1 P. M. TO 9 P. M. More then 200 member* of the storing * Catholics. "Let the location of this shrine Bring the this American hierarchy, Including • Lubrication CATHOLIC TRAVtL LEAGUE Family Sunday He said that for future gen- and Its carefully selected dis- CompUts five attended the ded- •. Chsck, tot Cardinal!, erations the shrine will stand tance from the Capitol Safety ggsaraargaatiis- ication and the Solemn reassure • Pontifical as "a COOUNO SYSTEM - Install **• mim m wrmm 888 strong and encouraging them,” he said. "There can be antl-frMio, chsck JJJ» BIT. PROSPECT Maea which followed. AVENUE, NEWARK reminder no that, In the midst rivalry between our patriotic hosas and thsrmostat. of. ..earthly vicissitudes, and JOS. M. BYRNE CO. CARDINAL SPELLMAN offl- they spiritual loyalUes, no com- $ $ Private must keep their fixed with peUUon for the Catholic •e* 14.95 Banquet Roomt Yow Host elated at the dedication rite* eyes in hi* .c* 17.f5 TRAVm SRVICa a heaven, roles ‘ lively hop* on as citixen and believer." Phone which coincided with tervice* in things «, mj. HUmboldt 2-5019 Jtouit ly and eternal." isrrssr.-rcrs.'snirr' Suite IS.OOO churches throughout the SOCS ARCHBISHOP ALTER also MB HUDSON UVD. at The Pontiff added: "A which the ! temple !_ country nation 1 considered I®W JRSIY CITY 01 built of stones is of little the relations between 44000 Catholic* consecrated themselves sig- nificance Church and state In this the Blessed unless there arise a country to . in his sermon at the Hass for re- EuHSfMf Among the who temple mystically erected within thousands ligious. "The fact that filled the shrine our minds.” He asked that "an our gov- were score* ernment has altar of the Blesaod no competence or of high government and civic most Virgin be set in the heart jurisdiction In matters respecting leaders and members of the. up of each cannot be one of the faithful" religion Interpreted as diplomatic corps. Included and that virtues be In one of Indifference or neutrality." worn Chief Justice Mary’s reproduced Earl War. he said. ren of family life. the V. 8. Supreme Court, He added Commencing that: "It was the Associate Justice William J. I A Ml OTHER CEREMONIES sur- deliberate intent of the round* I*BV l'n Brennan JANUARY let, 1960 Jr., and AFL-CIO the dedication Included lad Fathers rounding not to ignore ro- President George Meany. an evening Mass on the 20th at Ugloe, hut rather to provide the The dedication opened three which Cardinal Cushing surest guarantees of Its do. of days ceremonies marking the preached; a Mass for religious fense and to secure to tho Commercial trust completion of a major stage In the next day offered by Cardinal Individual forever of go. rights cash the construction of the of Loe Angeles science and ROD KELLER of New shrine, Mclntyre with true religious ltb. Jersey begun in 1922. Work on the ex- Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin- orty.” terior of the Host to most of huge Byzantine- cinnati preaching, and a Mass Eleven chapels and 20 altars Now Jorsoy, Romanesque which for WILL INCREASE building, has the laity on Nov. 22 at which an still to be built for the shrine, invitos to his dslkhus THE cost some $l5 million so is Charles P. you onjoy far, Bishop Greco of Alex- which is located on the campus now The interior complete. of the andria, La., preached. of the Catholic University of church shrine, largest in the U.S. Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter America. Besides the gnat RATE OF and seventh In the of St. Louis INTEREST largest world, preached at the dome, the shrine, which seats will not bo finished for dedication has many Mass, describing the 3,000, four smaller cupolas. NEIGHBORS’ PAID ON years. shrine as “a majestic and com- In the interior of the main POPE pelling witness" to the spiritual church is a huge mosaic depict- JOHN’S letter was read vigor of the Church In the U.S. ing "Christ In Majesty." at the dedication by Archbishop Cardinal Spellman, speaking at- An estimated $l5 million will Egtdio Vagnozxl, Apostolic Dele- a luncheon which followed DINNER the be needed to complete the gate. The saw construction shrine, Savings Pop* called the shrine which dedication, “a has an over all Accounts of the shrine about length cf coming as symbol of selflessness" In a 459 feet and rises to a the result of ’’magnificent dar- height world preoccupied with self. of 329 feet. Its organ cost $250,000 lng” and the "generous help" of That evening Cardinal Cushing and has 10,000 pipes. It la being $2.95 1' saw symbolic significance in the donated by American military fact that both the shrine and the personnel as a memorial for the Capitol Building stand within nation's war dead. with all tho Vxfraj" for which wc an famous

SftVH) MONDAY THRU FRIDAY « TO 11 FJA. Factory Whistle Calls AND FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH ROM 1 TO 4PAL To 3*Por Annum To New Apostolate in Spain MADRID A CMIoW '* place la not necessarily In the con- vent nor itee in the school, hospital or orphanage. la Church official* have found a m Spain, place for nuna la factories. Commercial W l S r OMAN ("» I Trust go. It’a all becauao the place of women in general has shifted, least for or New Jersey at a million Spanish women, from the home to the «wJersey machine Now shop. Slaters are being trained In woodturniag and machine tool * • JMSCY CITY work to take their places on factory benches OFFICES * beside The Acres Spain's working women. Object: exercise a Christian Influence on their An, at : Am co-workers. WHIPPANV 23 AMttfflM About Sisters, most of them members of secular In- Am, mar Jamy Am haflMW stitutes, have enrolled In courses. Secular m Am, at Wiillna Am IM I JO Job-training in- as defined stitutes, by Pope Plus XII In IM7, are “socie- ties, whether clerical whose ★ S BAYONNE <«•>***< ml pr»»(, or lay, members, in order to OFFICIO ★ attain Christian **!«« *—< >»ni > perfection and to exercise a full apostolate, Km/ICnffOUXe profess the evangelical counsels‘[while living) In the world." Details m UTIMATU of the Job-training program were announced by Rev. Julian Ocana, director of a national secretariate aet or**nk* courses for the Sisters In vasiew ail opm mnr oat for orm MONDAY IVWIINOt, 7 to • SCHRECK & training WAELTY, Inc “Ifcaro are already over a million women workers In Father Spain.'' Ocana revealed, “and the Church must eons- BO9UMT PARTY FACSUTBS hat the materialistic, atheistic and moral r an r, m Marxist climate likely te prevail la factories-" November £C, list Nearly $300,000 the advocate 3 Pledged inBloomfield Bishop McNulty Is Reelected

BLOOMFIELD - Almost $lOO • Head Committee pariah development program, re- of on Films, TV COO «u realized la the one-day cently announced by Auxiliary tod In Sacred WASHINGTON—Bishop James man; Bishop Joseph T. McGuck- campaign Heart Sacred Heart Washington, Immigration, and Nor. Bishop Curtis, pas- A. McNulty of Paterson has been on, Sacramento, Calif., secretary, reriah bare, 22. It was ex- Auxiliary A. Done- tor. Immediate goal an funds re-elected chairman of the Bish- and Bishop Hngh pected that the of Archbishop William O. Brady hoe, San goal $350,000 tor the new now Francisco, press. would rectory, under ops’ Committee for Motion Pic- St. Paul, treasurer. % be realized this week, construction. Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of tures, Radio and Television. Each af the NCWC when the 000-man committee Richard depart- Dallas-Fort Worth Vogel Jr. of Glen The election the was named no- its took place at meats was assigned an episco- complete* canvasa of the Ridge and Francis X. sistant Bishop, NCWC Bureau of *.500 Murray annual meeting of the American chr’rman and these homes in the parish. °t Bloomfield pal pre- and Bish- are co-chairmen of at which with Information, Auxiliary The campaign is of the the hierarchy here, Bishop lates, along the tlx Amer- James H. part drive. James V. op Griffiths of New Casey of Lincoln, Neb., ican Cardinals, who are ex- York, assistant Bishop, NCWC Of- was chosen as a new member of officio members, constitute the fice for UN Affairs. Haiti the committee. remainder of the board. Refuses to The elected Accept Bishops also an Chosen chairmen of NCWC de- THE FOLLOWING prelates administrative board for the Na- partments were: Archbishop Jos- were named as advisors for vari- New tional Catholic Welfare Confer- E. Bishop eph Ritter, St. Louis, legal ous phases of work within tho Auxiliary heard ence, the annual reportT department; Archbishop O’Boyle, NCWC Social Action Department: PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti dian missionary. Consecrated of the NCWC departments (re- social action; Archbishop Leo Christopher J. Church-state tension Bishop Weldon, continues in Montreal in September, be was ported in last week's Springfield, with the Advocate), Bins, Dubuque, la., youth; Bishop Mass., family life; here, government’s re named Auxiliary to Al- and authorised the administrative Albert Bishop R. Zurowcste, Belleville, Bishop Leo A. Pursley, Fort toal to accept appointment of bert Cousineau board of Cap Haitien. to issue on their behalf 111., press; Bishop Joseph M. Gil- Wayne, Ind., rural life; Bishop Maurice Cbo The government's refusal is statements on freedom and peace more, Helena, Andrew G. 30-year-old READY TO TAKE OFF: in Mont., Immigra- Grutka, Gary, Ind., C-S.C., Cana on the grounds that it Workens the fund in Heart and S2L was not campaign Sacred parish, on birth control. tion; Bishop Lawrence J. She- prison chaplains; Auxiliary Bish- consulted. The 1880 concordat Bloomfield, receive their assignments Nov. 22, as Auxiliary Bishop Curtis pastor, han, Bridgeport, Conn., eduea op Joseph Brunini, Natchez- Haiti looks to FOLLOWING election of the between and. the , on. Left right, Francis X. Robert Robert tion, and Bishop Allen J. -Bab- Jackson, Miss., hospitals; and Murray, Vogel, Branch and James NCWC admininstrative board the however, does not specify that it cock, Grand Auxiliary Leo C. Matthews. board Rapids, Mich., lay Bishop Byrne, forges & must be consulted in held an organizational St. Borges naming organisations. - Louis, charities. meeting at which * , ' Auxiliary Bishops, who do not Archbishop William E. Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati Archbishop Cousins, head a See and whose was THE ADMINISTRATIVE - lanmce authority board Milwaukee, was rc-clected chair- ceases the re-elected chairman. Archbishop on death of the Ordi- Second Catholic appointed the following prelates man of the National Office for of all klndt Presentation Patrick A. nary. O'Boyle of Washing- as assistants to episcopal chair- Decent Literature. HI AVfNUI ton was chosen vice chair- KIAKNY as men and other board Church-state tension came to members: N. J. a bead in with Bishop John J. Pitts . KIARNY, August expulsion Ball Will Wright, of Be Held on 2 two priests—both of whom Jan. Named Consultor burgh, education; Bishop Emmet (oom j. have now Walsh, Youngstown, legal; eoeooe returned to —- NEWARK Fifty VATICAN CITY (NC) Arch- Bishop BONDS auht young women from the Archdio- Suburban Circle of the Inter- Clarence G. h. euza and the issuing of a warrant, Issenmann, Colum- cese bishop Joseph Gawlina, Ordinary WHUAM J. OIACCUM since of Newark will be to national Federation of Catholle organizations; withdrawn, for arrest of formally presented Archbishop of Polish Catholics in exile, has bus, lay Bishop Irshtmcr Km Him Mne Archbishop Francois Poirier Boland at the second Catholic Presentation Alumnae. Mrs. Edgar J. Mo- been Richard 0. Gerow, Natchcz-Jack- c of Ball, to be held named a consultor of the Port-au-Prince. 2 at loney of East Orange U circle Sacred son. Miss., youth, and Jah. the Hotel Robert Treat here. The event was Congregation of Sacra- Bishop « regent. John J. Va announced the mental Discipline. Russell, Richmond, , by Archbishop this week. social action. The day’s activities will start Also Auxiliary Bishop Joseph at 10:30 a.m., when president Archbishop of the presentation H. Hodges, Richmond, assistant Boland will m be celebrant of a committee, and the officers and m...ONLY *1 Cites Virtues secretary; Auxiliary Opens Pontifical Pope Bishop Mass in Sacred Heart members of the steering com- Leonard P. Cowley, St. Paul, MA 2-0300 Cathedral. The sermon will be mittee, at 2:30 Nov. p.ra.. 28, assistant treasurer; Auxiliary Your delivered by Msgr. John J. at the Hotel Robert Treat. Mrs. Savings Account Bishop Philip M. Hannan, of Leonard V Dougherty, president Seton Burke of Verona is Needed in Priests Hall chairman. You can start a University. Savings Account witha VATICAN CITY Following the Mass there will The presentation festivities (NC) -The The Pontiff of the need first deposit of just one single dollar. You Church spoke be will needs strong, sane men for a Communion breakfast at the 1 again be sponsored by the strong, sane men able to can have fight $50...5100.. .51,000...ter Robert capable of fighting selfishness selfishness Treat for the debutantes, in elaborating on the thousand dividend-earning dollars and of resisting the attractions faste: their maids-in-waiting, parents of virtue of strength of character. than ever U.S. the f you dreamed, once you’ve dis and friends. Bishop world, Pope John XXUI told Then, to he a turning charity, covered how easy, how hov At group of seminarians. Such said: satisfying, 4:30 p.m., there will be a Named he are it is to to men, said, characterized simple save at The Trust Company reception honoring Archbishop High “The ardor of is the by sincerity and charity of New in to and at 6 the impartiality. Jersey. Come any r— of our Boland, p. m. dinner crowning perfection of each of 80 Park Avenue, Korean Posts The 1,000 seminarians Newark, New Jcney twelve offices will followed at 8 came todayl start, p.m. by our actions and we need It in the Son from Lazio and (formerly emit Koilonronl) the presentation ceremony and SEOUL. Korea (NC)—A U. S. Rovigo provinces the performance and took part in of oar day- to a Mass offered continuing with the ball. Bishop was named two high to-day duties. The seminarian THI TRUST by the Pontiff in the Hall of Bene- COMPANY positions in the Korean Church. who is dictions . . inspired . by . this AT THE cere- in St. Peter’s. Of presentation Bishop James V. Pardy, M.M., Pope ardor does fear NSW JItSIY the debutantes will be John addressed them not setbacks, mony, pre- of Brooklyn, Vicar Apostolic of following but • distinguishes himself in dis- Hoboken • sented to Boland the Mass. JomyClty Wart Now York Archbishop by was ’ Chongju, appointed president cipline and fat order." Waehowken • Rev. Paul Union Cky - w Socaocxn ’ E. Lang, moderator of the Catholic Central Commit- of the presentation committee. THERE ARE three special vir- Pope John of “The sub- tee, an organization similar to spoke The tues required of all candidates lime "Grotiom Archbishop will bestow upon the National Catholic Welfare beauty of the priestly voca- Dining in t Conlmmtnl Almospbor #» for the he said: each of the young women the Conference in priesthood, puri- tion," and said that many priests the U.S. The ap- of 4 Roums Papal Blessing and ty heart, strength of character, have derived strength of action Banquet present a pointments were made at the an- gold medallion with and ardor of charity. Concerning from the hearts of Jesus and the Arch- nual meeting of the in Churcb Function* Horn* aod Offlc* Bishops purity of the the Pirtiw blsbop'a crest. Korea. In he heart, Pope Mary. He also.pointed to the ex- Communion addition, was made said: Breakfast* Wedding RKtptioM The new for ample of St. John the group 1960 will national director of Korea'a So- Vianney, be “Live with this virtue. Exer- Cure Homo of mt Subnrbon onJ guests at a tea given by Mrs. ciety for the of the d’Art, and of the many oth- Mtlropolilon Propagation cise it in love and in John Quincy Adams of Montclair, Faith. your study ers who, he said, though not sub- Coloring Sorvito —a study theological, pastoral jects of official proclamations, HU 4-7200 BI J-7000 and ascetic." are still worthy of praise.



fnmmtl Jirtttim •/ MARTIN L. NORN MARTY. JR. DON /


iwimnremwinnreMJ^, Vr-«» 0 FOR QUALITY IT’S ALWAYS CONGRATULATIONS: Msgr. Ignatius Kelmelis, pastor of Holy parish, Newark, receives the felicitation of Archbishop Boland Nov. 22, after the Archbishop had presided at the Mass observing the 65th anniversary of the founding of the parish.

-DmMm- rntlm, Amtm La Ckmrtk Omr a* V L*id* Ckmrtk of Ik* NtJimtu _ _sr. JOSEPH OBERAMMERGAU WHERE YOU 6ET YOUR BEST BUY IH MUNICH HOLY LAND World-famed Paulon Play 87th International Eucharistic high- Holy Week and Easter in the Holy

AND llght* 22-day, tour. De- 81 - CXAMONOS UK JFWFVAY 8-country Congress, July August 7. Also Land-then on to the shrines of parta every Saturday, May 14 Paris, Lourdes, Rome, Venice. 24 WATCMtS AND CLOCKS : Italy and France. April 10 through Sept. 17... 103 down. day pilgrimage $lO3 down. ... through May 1...1189 down. aVHWAIJ, CHINA AMO CRYSTAL Missals oins ano rar accessories DAILY MISSAL By LUGGAGE ANO LCATHCR GOODS Rty. H. Hoever. tbt Truly finest, most Your choice of RELIGIOUS ANO up-to-date many low-cost TWA Pilgrimages KCUSIASHCAL ARTICLES Daily MissaL With extra Ursa Class, you enjoy delicious, complimentary meals, type, simplified arrangement. Official overseas to famous Catholic • I « shrines, arranged delightful comfort Superb service. Version, color illustrations. to suit Prices Cloth 93.79 yourplans, yourbudget. from New Umthe TWA Leather, gold edges f Tlmo-Pay Plan... only 10% down, York includeair and local most transportation, to 20 months to the OPEN to 9 m. up pay balance. Call your p. SAINT JOSEPH “CONTINUOUS" SUN- IV«»Y meals, hotels, tips, taxes, practically everything! (VtMNO UCtrr SATURDAY DAY travel agent or TWA MISSAL—By Rev. H. Hoever. New today. Or«N SATURDAYS TO 4 FM. MUsal with no cross references You will TWA or page- fly Jots across theAtlantic. Just turning. Ideal foe beginners. SO full color a few hoursin theairand there aboard TWA-Trial WtrM AirUaai (Attintiii: Tier •ipirhaint) lllus., large type. Confraternity you’re ... •1 Version. 310 Militia Annul, Nn> Ywt It Y. Cloth 93.79 the 17, Leather, gold edges ft ff TWA IntercontinentalBoeng 707, world’s Please send me colorful TWA literature -a —. , „ complete, on , fastest, Jetliner. In TWA’a JEWELERS is**.* largest Economy Catholic Pilgrimage Programs of ANO SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1908 SAINT JOSEPH SUNDAY MISSAL 1960. Most GLORIOUSLY beautiful “regular” Sunday m—» extra .NAME. NEWARK MILLBURN ILLUSTRATED Urge type, valuable helps, calendars, and the Rosary in full color. UUn En « i»*> • Lome Type - l Ordinary. TWA Leatherette SLtt-Leo, gold adg. UM mwmmmM WHTREVFR CATHOUC BOCKS A 4 TBS ADVOCATE N«vc«hcr St, 1M» New Catholic Peter MOVIES Fr. Grabowski's Maurin Story Book Releases Survey Portrays Crusader litlmil • ruiriHm* |* CtWwWr* JwMlili, r»r furthar WtnuUM calls MA J-5700 ram GAT BE- Movie Clubs MAURIN: 8 mm Morally Unobjectionable for Everyone Shows Needfor LIEVER. Arther BiAm >By Mtm, to this reviewer^ BatUa non P»o Pennies Hound Do# Man Robe nmn tor Hmmvtr. 0.71. (Mtahlo Or For By years. I have pleaded The gaw- underplayed—or perhaps ast as the lat Tima Inn of th# Mil Sad Horae William H. Mooring mutual distrust and antag- Ctdoon and oral mO(.) of Scot- Hanptnoat preyed tor movie dobe and onism of these thoroughly oxamiaedas Suburb land Yard .Mi of 18 need tor a Legion two aaea must Lost SEP&t, school classes in motion be Hm is tbs first biography of is RaaH n- Green Manalona of Decency. There IS a picture submerged to a Mha Abb It Happened pressing superhuman rotor Catholic at t# ~ Maurin. so- Comedy need lor better the appreciation. to keep afloat. The groat Tutara understanding myo- cial A GIRL AND MSB TEENS. - Goad Day tor Bon of Wild —-ar' first need, aa I see crusader is 20th-century By SZiT a Lagioa’s aims and actions, es- It, tory, strong and suspenseful. is Stallions M Man on Mmm United State*. PeSar-Thsmas Rahrhath- Bruce. fillP Hava"i A Arthur Shoohau 1o?liet. WUI La*t nary Mao tain students." •otoud after a pecially among This, only “rigged” Trarel Uttl# Satan "tonka eMe tella is articulate sad beautiful lUL paper *l-2*. (Suitable far t EmlimiiJ H»»T. youth ae to the objective* heard e( Rerruleo My\t#tiana Watuai among other things. Father Stan- inquiry has seat both «■ Ore the of the man whoso mmni reading.) r^ssagflrjsa H W - too Trail W oat hound and practical problem* of the prose story hn af Fin ley M. Grabow- back to the wrack on a gsaliaiisi Um tnsiiiii wk- 'tJr, Outlaw Stallion Wreck of Mary tireless efforts establish * FBI Story Hone Bolder* Rrltat# , Legion of helped ratrsatmastsr, -j|»*g ~ou—a.- caaise a ware. s*>. i Affair Door# ski win Decency, ispaflallj dangerous, thrilling mls- OUnt Mlwßrik Houdinl say at frogman the Catholic CarmeUta^ •#*> Ur Sen L. Msrtti Per Fork Chop Hill Yenowatooo Kelly In the light cf prevaling •fan which Worker movement, WjsiWe, a Conference exposes the sinister successful wtes* trends. who waged a lifelong battle Is indeed if they surpass nlt>aSuJw*?i "Movie Seme study of the prac- behind wreck Adults Adolescents on Ed- the of the the Unobjectionable for , ticalities of film Is alee jMrigues put across his Green Revolution Moodly approach aad cogent ucation," to be making Mary Dears. Expert use of Ann lor Him Glaantua Mummy spec- against the Red Re volution. It is reasoning of these brief Hot tecular chapters. Gun »>\cr Naked A Dead JESS Omataat held at Munde- action at sea. convincing Born to Bo Lovtd Gonfltht at Nun"a Story the of the man who iavaded •Gw* bare “a Adventure are eqelppod to uckle.'aTi performances story posture* program Bnia Baton Dodge City Foray lein and a terri- and Beat Teenager From College. tautly the lair of hr lf» lr >il>rt Naah. Pop- Raniman whale, the art and of fying communism and of teenage gWa" (subtitle). Rabbit Trap Outer Space this morality script make this of the m& In the Read Year* 10 Seconds Itl Chicago, » » ooe Reall#aa to s«- how with Dorothy Day ha found* Starting with the that Cry From tho Boleollday for of pWMIrIo finest adventure premise Invert Return Fly Thunder In fa weekend films of a AtfUOtp (Nov. many od o “The God wishes each Hound of Beaker Rodaa Trap newspaper weekly individual to be Cunt o< Undttd n year. struts WUet Roof True Story of a>. Catholic ayemtos. lathi Worker;” and of bow s saint, he discusses taaape Aaekn Dovll’l Dltclplo Joy Rid# Samaon A Delilah Lynn Stuart The Miracle tin, sex, In aafaduardlne individual Last Father Gra- he traveled Dortl Strlko* Blltikrel# Say One tor Mo Ulraaea to every put of the obedience, vocation, love vs. in- freedom. (UnieenKy of Notre Dun* at Nlaht Last Train of Oar Coed (Adults, Hound From Scapereat Virtuous RlfaaM I . Adolescents) Man Pma SO. EBchantod Island bowski, Dog continent to all who _ Gun Hill Senior Prom Warlock speaking fatuation. choosing a Arthur When the lata Max Reinhardt Gead husband, Vejjr Mnurlm any hUmr, Sr Faco at a Fuattivo of To« Shako Handa With Wild and tho Lady of Carmel, (Family) would the Shnnann. touulsr ton fnuedsr , Bayonne, speaks give ear, anywhere. lay apostolate, aad devotion at re rtrtt Man Into Legend th# DoeU first this “V«b” •* th« on School Movie presented play nearly Fabian is barely Catholic Worker Hanamt. Sot co Man In lh# Not Sheriff of Woman*Cater “High dubs," 2* Peter Maurin was prophet to to Our Lady. (Hanoear 90 $3.75). Flood! of Boar Man Who Died Fractured Woman Ob teased years ago, critics called it ev- “fabulous” in this blend MsrvThu Jaw with Vaile Scott covering "Par- pleasant some people, anathema to oth- A final author et and. by Lm J. C Twin# Spider world, noth and from beautiful of catch-all chapter offers Suyaran. In thy asm Century tn- ish Movie erything to blas- yokel-hokum and Bar- *HoUow Mlrarl# Surrender Hell the Devil Club*.” Both talk* are yodel. ers. By the time of his death in cyc lone din of Catholicism. (Hawthorn. There sage paragraphs on such simultaneoas items, in phemous. may be equally ring an unnecessary “likker- 1949 he had becomo topics sun. workshop widely rec- as hours A aa screen- for getting home at fully Wheels. by Marin Aususta Morally Unobjectionable for Adults the same late-hour disparate reactions to the caper” he, like the is dean time slot, story, ognized at an original and rather Trapp. Account et the musical fam- When cut and win night, work, responsibility, drink- IV. aepplementln* A1 Caaono Gidcet Matin# Gam# Rio Brae# play. a the eerilyr The - when visitors be young probably strike his influential social thinker. Anirr RlUa Glfll many may Tree* family Sincere. (Llppincotl. Murder by Con- Saphire (Caroll leaves the f*ns a* ing, popularity and Art Any Ctrl He leave. Baker) convent, good. Those who looked choosing* asjm Who Murt Dla tract Separate Tables packing to They deserve The author hat limned a por- friends. Boot of Ettrythlna believing herself in love for his movie Deefh, by Barry L’laner. Ant ho leer of Horw’i Mouth Naked MaJa 7 Guns to Mean more time with a debut in a Bid Operator Imitation of Uf# No Nam# Sound A Furr important and place sugary trait out of extenaiva research, fnrrud aa **a hook a t yreparation and on th# musical AD Blue Denim Inspector Mali Teacher Pet on British grenadier, a statue of Our ars in for a topics are introduced reuaolatlon." (Sheed A Ward. *8) re! Bul’et the conference program which surprise. long personal contact and easily In Lova and War North of Fabian’s deep and !»** Cate lee ef Catholic Paperback by North- That Kind Lady comes to life, miing the numbers are pegged informally, with apt illustra- CounV Your Look Rack »n Woman promises to develop stress on affection for thia outspoken 20th ••eta. by Kusono F. WUlstns. Index west Anter Notorious Mr. These Thousand art girl's place disillusioned down strictly to a tion# and occasional by anther, euhlect and tltU of ap- in the movies. until, by corny, coun- century social crusader attention- Lon«ly Heart# *„ Hills present- neuslmatnly TOO UUea. (Catholic Booh •St. rar Jay hawkers Of Life and law Tbu Karth M While a worldly experience, she resumes try-breeze yarn in which he's a jolting phrases. Because the Morchandiaor. Noe York. SI papor). working out movie ing the story of a unique and prob- Crimson Kimono Journey On the Reach her game huntin' leme be takes LUht In fho tarty Woat, by Jamee J. elub Father religious vocation. —and like his up are common to Uf# R~#ms at 17 Pillow Talk Web of Kvidenop plan. Grabowski took saintly man. Schlaflr Biocraphlcal norol of let Matt clan Rebel Set Wild la Wind a Taken as a sort of and (Denis most girt* and because he ntco Choutaeu and Mldwoot Church survey. Among 330 high school parable Holmes)—a dog This book one's time. It as- Day of Outlaw Man Inaid# Reform School Wild Strawberries repays for sradoo and Junior hlsh not at all lovin' yokel. sure* them upper Defiant Once Man Who C ould Girl A Wonderful boys and from literally, the picture should be shelves consistently of his rcheol. girls, Catholic and on library of ritenF rer SSI. Diary of Hlah Cheat Death Remarkable Mr. Country may haw For the admiration for faith la' the tubatanco, by Kathorlno School Bride Man Public schools (50% “A” some spiritual mean- impartial film goer h schools with as of them, as well as Who I'nder- Pennypack#r Yount Phila- were sociology part Burton. Popular Illustrated Ufa of Don't Giro Up but for is fair: for Fabian becauaa he has atood Women delphian# students, «S% were “B” students ing many the miracle it- foil, good the curriculum. Maurin cannot kept his book Mother Theodore (Juertn. foundreaa Ship enough. short ef the Slaters of Prorldonco of St. and the rest self may seem to skirt be and hit advice within their “C”), be found "a absurdity. ignored. This reviewer might Mary's. . (B. Harder. Bt.SOi. And revealing ignorance concerning have entitled the book: "Peter experience. Ood Made idan and Woman, by Morally Objectionable in Pari for Everyone Luctoua f. Corrantoa. factual dlacuo- the Wreck the Third Man Milk* Paiiafi Cunt. Legion and the of of on Maurin: Catholic Communist." •lon of the MX dlffarencea la the Glrla and Loro In City Room at tho Tag meaning MOMENT IN OSTIA. Attack of SO Foot By Stater Family Life Library series. (Beanery. Gangster* Middle of tho Room 43 its classifications.” His In the he failed to dis- Woman “greatest Deare The reading M. Therese. Haoever Ml. H Man Night 7 Year Itch Mary Mountain House. $3 Boat Generation Happy Anniver- Mlatilo shock,” was that cover of the Lemne ef Love, by Loula Colin. lUcall to tho Sign of Gladiatnp however, "these O*o4 anything way-down (Satiable for to the Beloved Infidel aory Moon Excellent (Family) (Family) general principal tourree at lore aoch Some Came Rm* reading). Bis Heat Headless Ghoat No Man*a outstanding boys and girls in deep Peter Maurin; but maybe The a* the Sacraments, realistic sense v Woman nlng What caused the subjects from a Blue Ansel Horrors Black> fire aboard Attinst the vary of On. etc. fNearman Ml. of Of I.ovo A Lust Some Like ft Hel their schools and majestic Swin and Peter muat down in Bora Reckless Huirum parishes, set the Fwnch go history to odes for friends from The Life ef Benedict XV, by Waller Perfect Furlough Summer Place themselves cargo ship, Mary Deare, afar, Cry Ton ah Intido the Mafia Bally up as judges of the Alp*, Disney film* in that way. H. Peters. Documented Mofraphy. Hound tho Sun Also Riaee westbound from Chinese MtMd philosophy to DsddrO It Started With a Flag. Boys waters? Technicolor a rowed, prayerful aimer. M.SOV Take Giant Stop morality as well as the feasibil- swestily CHURCH ren Dras Strip Girl K‘». Riot in Juvenile How did her THfc AND THE SUB- * rt »ona, in as The Ascent to Truth, by Thomas Mac White Cargo skipper (Gary Coop- suspenseful many varied S Oates to Hell La at Milo Prlton ity of their *tiry about a danr- ton. The doctrine of St. John of the Young Captives seeing certain URBS. Andrew M. Greeley. forbidden Pratt La at Paradise pic- • By rhythms Road er) the n though mostly in form Croee. Reprint, tviklns. SI.4S. paper) Racers tures.” did this single handedly quell yovth Mac Arthur) They “to the flames? *V Sbeed and Ward. S3.M. (Suitable of free verse. The Silent Life, by Thomas Morton, Why, after secretly who la determined ho of monartlctam reprinted from utter disregard el the National to become a far reading.) * rarer stranding her, did be report her treat general ISBT edition >T>ell. *le. Paperl. Legion of mountain guide, like his CAUTIONARY Lhrlnu Separate Classification Decency ratings.” sunk Father Andrew Greeley, VERSES. By HU- Your Valth. by Robert Nash. In- at sea? Answers dead father. troduction to the Christian Ufa. emerge Ajalnrt advice •fr* Mhe. re- ,** * ■n * with which the subject nib His report does not good in a of Knopf. » (Suitable printed from INI edition (Guild Ur of this film ?* surprise long after a salvage man (Chari- quasi-suburban parish (rape) It so explicit’-/ and frankly detailed. Judged to »tfMi he make* dangerous, for of me. mail experiment- a suburbanite general reading). moral acceptability and propriety in medium of eaUf» My consistently indi- ton Heston) has Chicago, by birth, Lossy or' a mat* boarded the ap- al climbs, It is Seetralntt, by Mare Oral son. cates the finally winning his and a man whose life probably the best Study of pajrcholodcal aspocta of roll- same attitudes, a fact deserted span is bargain parently ship. He finds point when he of clous oducatlon. particularly I have saves a Britiah all, for, ia an "album durlns been flogging in this col- contemporaneous with the growth edition” childhood. (Kenedy. Condemned only op* man aboard (Cooper). alpinist from with SS.TS). a crevasse. the original Horoaa 4 tlnnora and development of Suburbia, is drawings by Lady Chatterley'a Love la My I .overs B. T. B. and Loot Pro fatal unquestionably qualified to eval- Nicolas Bentley, op Third Sea there are uate suburban life and iU effect here all the Caution- Tales for upon the Church. This he does try Children. A Bad Child Book Piano quite interestingly and effective- s of Beasts, More NOW at Altenburg House BMsts for Worse ly. Father Greeley also discloses Children. Le- flee a*d a considerable knowledge of the Gentlemen. A Morel Al- the sad Mon Peers. sociology of Suburbia. Yet, as he Pfcabet. himself confesses, be asks many AUVB A IN CHRIST. By Ralph lAwrry New Hammond and bishop questions provides few an- Organ CamiML Newman. **.7S. (sJtt- swers, for be Intends to begin a fcr general reading-> discussion of Suburbia rather the .For retreat parted, religion SI lEEN than to end one. Christmas P«l»atb devotions at the lowest In and price ever! an orderly, logical and ar- •Ptrttnal reading in general, a resting manner. Suburbia is ar- priest provides material PROGRAM Its fsults are disclosed {"■k ☆ / raigned, far mental prayar over the ec- and its benefits enumerated. The \ new set irs <>| niloniial clesiastical year. In four parte social, cultural and other forces corresponding to the Church •talks for .ill faiths. - V. **v; which have given riae to the Aipi -fS a. IW. the book follows w V fairly the avenly same pattern for •»cb: dedication, motivation.* and tor®* •*ctioni •ach containing from six Television to M points sufficient for a 15-minute meditation. Up trative lUNDAV. MOV. » materials and analogies •WO ess. t*>—"Leva Tea UM ira taken from the familiar Ufa ySBSSSr- •varyday ef the adolescent. New Plays >*#.V V. By Joan T. Nourse Join our 1960 Radio 1W InM t Milk En ch»ntin* song-test with win- Christmas Club now mom Mary Martin aa tba Uva- SUMOAV, MOV. M ly court* girl who launch*] tho FIDELITY UNION £8 Trapp childran'a choral ca- raor. Family entertainment. TRUST COMPANY UMM LI Mary —ihhn - Out- MEJCSTSTi. rnm lagooualy tunny parody ot the oldatylo musical shows, with a SPSst^&E: esptivating scon o t its own. MONDAY. NOV. M Family tan. • mi nun *rw» mmm aw* JWDftPti.*- OlflVl AJLI3 318HM TIVI .WMNIfMWI* • *l—3 Ibh U '■■■lMM> IHJLtt k \ ia£i%k .Jiovjm k \ VggflHHibK -jauang • • THE NEW Mra. wsni - NwM a*i» HAMMOND ms Smsspoo st'n-» EiaVIUMOOw MI ly.p* ~m rm Films on TV .•>■•••-•/-T-. *895" sgeswtffi>ss Just *B6 down! g^ggrgjjpgu / The name tells allyou need to know about the kind of music you’ll get out of it And isn’t it look lovely to at? And wouldn’t it grace IwJliCnM Om u your living room? SATURDAY You can it there 7 put for just 525. That is your down payment for arnSF pgrgttr n. the new Hammond Extravoict.

must But you hear it. The rich, brilliant tone. The exciting “extra NIGHT voice’’ that it alone has. @a

Come in and see it, heir it, it. If can’t play you get to us, we’U AT it to Pick the bring you! up phone now. tm. right *“■ i;;^** *P.OJL factory. Brack extra. 7 P. M Sponsored by OKN DAILY mi ALTENBURG Progresso Italian Quality.Foods *OO ML PIANO HOUSE. INC *9M f»9 J»ti999l J9AO CHANNKL a*, imt SATURDAY TtU VINM OIGVd 6:00 P.M. IIM K. JERSEY STREET. ELIZABETH ma oi6 m Ava ohoi mm*. not m un .mm November 2*. 1959 THE ADVOCATE 5 Scholarship Law Before Top Court TRENTON An appeal to the State Supreme Court nos been filed here against a Superior Court rulinguphold* ing the manner in which the state scholarship law wii adopted.

“*«■<»• da the h, j/Mrih y* deadline lV Joseph M. Nolan of Newark, wtin* for Edward R. ernor. McGlynn, Nolan contends that the Newark lawyer; Beniamin C. Legis- lature tbs Elliabeth real estate coupled supplemental legislation with the man. and Robert E.. Krouse, original Westfield measure in voting to override nursing home mana- the veto that ger. Nolan has 45 days in which and this was in violation to present his brief to the Su- of the override proce- premo Court. dures outlined in the Constitu- tion. THE SCHOLARSHIP measure A three-judge panel el the was passed over a conditional SIGN LANGUAGE: James Appellate Division ef Superior practices Chinese character under the veto by Gov. Robert B. Court Pellinger writing Meyner. threw the salt out on watchful of At the same eyes Mrs. Joy and Dr. John and Mis. time the Legislature I Vavrek Tsu. Pellinger Vavrek July and In a written opin- are passed supplemental studying Chinese at the Seton Hall University of Far Eastern Studies under legislation ion glvfn on Nov. • said the to intended overcome a few of supplemental bill was “an in- government grants. the objections raised by the Gov- dependent piece of legislation.** Setonians Joining Dominicans Giving Laymen 600 Million Who Rugged Course in Theology By George Gent semesters, each of Chinese 12 weeks thing I've learned so far," ho Speak NEW YORK duration. (NC) Theolo- Registration is $l5 explained. “Theology is the an- may never replace televi- per course. The fee. Miss Vic- swer." By Joe Thomas gy sion as a cora explained, popular diversion, but discourages the For Joan de Marky, a sec- NEWARK—lncreased on the the Dominican Fathers here merely curious and the emphasis study of foreign sleepy. retary at Newsweek, the an- resolved There are no educational languages has focused attention on Seton Hall arc to carry the re- swer lies in her desire to University’s quirements pene- “queen science” out of the and no credit is Institute of Far Eastern Studies where two of the most dif- trate more deeply the doctrines seminary and into the mrrket- given. However, persons who of her Catholic ficult Faith. languages Chinese and Japanese are place. complete a four-year being program “There is so much confusion taught. Twenty of at least 14 years ago such a no- courses—includ- today resulting from all the five Directing the program is Dr. tables each having a meaning—- tion would have been unthink- ing each in dogmatic and competing idologies,” she said. *•“» Oof of Biofoou of Slum John B. Tsu the inflection It in able. moral theology and two in “The catechism Journal Squofo Only. Solo of 8011. Slo.ojl (pronounced Soo), by given pro- of our child- of nunciation. Today, in what the Scripture—receive a certifi- formerly Kianghsu University, hood Isn't enough to help us, MUST DISPOSE OF ENTIRE Suchow have called the era of the cate of achievement. INVENTORY IMMEDIATELY Province, China. Dr. Tsu For instance, the syllable lay- but the clear thinking of St. man, It is an suc- this year succeeded D. Paul K. “ma” can mean "mother,” unqualified WHAT Thomas is a breath of fresh PROMPTS busy lay- T. Slh who left “curse” or “horse.” cess wherever it has been air in the whirl of to establish a “hemp,” men to sacrifice opinion." /Men's tried. their free Clothing, Haberdashery, Hats ... Far Eastern insUtute at St. If spoken evenly, it means one After efforts in evenings to pursue a subject John's University, If with a pioneering Brooklyn. thing. spoken rising that has no value Boston and the in the mar- Orleans Stresses tone, It means another. Given Washington, DR. TSU ketplace? to and points out that Seton it Dominicans opened the first V 2 OFF MORE!- a descending tone, means a Daniel who is up Hall is the of Vincent, taking Theme only univer a Theology for the Nativity third. When given rising and a on ® ' course the O,NO T OF - SAL * or courses in this area last Febru- Scriptures, BUS,NCSS thaf. making hl.toryl EVERYTHING sity college offering tone it establishes the Laity NEW ORLEANS - -°V falling commutes from his “Keep MUST BE SOLD - In the Oriental Thei.' evenings Nothing hold back. Pricos aro languages coupled ary. plans called for a Christ in Your Christmas" absolutely ridiculous. fourth meaning. job in Belleville. He Is the with a of modest was grad- program study on the beginning, with one name of a committee organized Taking the word "character" uated In 1938 from Fordhara Far East. It is 22 course each in moral here to one of only and dog- promote a ob- Itself, Dr. Tsu explains that it is College, studied law for a religious new schools of any kind matic Each class year servance brand offering a composed of three different theology. at New York of the Christmas sea- of Far syl- University and thousands Eastern study program and for each of which there would be limited to 42 stu- son. lables, spent three years at the Xavier S one of 25 offering language dents. Pictures of the Blessed WINTER MEN is a written character in the Institute of Industrial Relations. Virgin AND courses. and the Infant Jesus will be in- FALL language. These can be written THE ADMINISTRATION Vincent is a had member of the stalled billboards. He sees the he on 72 Approxi- program as Im- out easily enough, says, but underestimated the modern negotiating committee of his for three mately 150,000 automobile stick- portant reasons: in each must be accom- local of the United talking lryman, however. As soon as Auto Work- ers are distributed. “More people—SO* million—- the to ers. being Busi- panied by right tone es- the courses were announced, ness houses speak Chinese than ether tablish the and members of the any meaning. replies began pouring in. Un- "I wanted that and there something medical profession have received language, is the willing to blunt the enthusiasm, would together JAPANESE is easier to speak, string every- 50,000 envelope enclosures. possibility of scientific develop- the Dominicans he declares, because it is like finally accept- ments from communist China ed 215 students. which English in that tonal inflections could catch us unpre- This year the enrollment has provide emphasis but do not pared.” doubled. In addition, an exten- the meaning. It is more dif- Dr. Tsu stresses Chines* with- vary sion course has been started ficult to write, he says, because out underplaying the of in Red Bank, N.J., with 100 study in the Japanese have al- but he writing students registered for the first Japanese, points out that number of most the same char- semester. the Japanese scholar must be TO $95 as the from REGULARLY with acters Chinese, The New York school’s 417 SAVINGS conversant the Chinese whom they have taken their lan- students character system of writing as comprise a cross-sec- guage, with the addition of the of the well as the Japanese 50-letter al- tion area's Catholics in 50-lctter alphabet. Rocoivod On or Bofor* phabet. age, schooling and occupation. to Dr. Tsu, you $ According Several noo-Catholics also at- SOME can on a conversation In $ 7* STUDENTS are en- carry tend the courses. DECEMBER If 10 rolled in the Far Eastern pro- Japanese you are conversant The class, which meets in St. with the alone. 33-*44 gram. eight are alphabet-words Vincent Ferrer School in raid- 22- However, only But of the charac- Earn taking the intensive course which knowledge town Manhattan, is adminis- ters is for study demands full-time study and Is necessary a tered by the Assumption Chap- • MACH PALM of the literature. And there are of • TAVRIT designed to enable the student ter the of St. •a CASHMiRIricuußll _ Extra Dividends «»r,ILO to speak and write his chosen some 40,00* such characters In Dominic. Mary Ann Viccora of RIKI'S • VAN HIUSIN •«®J® language in two to three the best Chinese dictionary. Floral Park, L.1., secretary to FAMOUS • tUCKNILL years. • Of the three—James “However, of these char- a is dean Fro-' • swank Nwyy eight, Pel- many magazine publisher, BRANDS: linger of New Brunswick, Mr*. acters are never used." Dr. Tsu of the school. Violet Stupin of Joy Vavrek of Caldwell and Dan- reveals, adding that “if a person Hoboken, another young terti- knows 3,000 Chinese characters is registrar. iel Dalton of Fords—are study- ary, DECEMBER 1 books ing under federal grants. All he can read Chinese and MEN'S leather and THE LAY GROUP has as- BELTS • • a Stretch, Reg. $2.50 88c three Intend to enter the teach- carry on a very intelligent con- sembled a top-notch faculty of ing field. versation in the language.” s seven Dominican theologians, two MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR Only of the eight are THE DIFFICULTY of learning several of whom hold the D r.‘ -1 .68 high- considering the possibility of the language Is the biggest block est degrees conferred by their going overseas: George Riggs to literacy in China, according order. MEN'S SUITS. voi. to siio of Belleville . . . . . 59.88 and John Dali of to Dr. Tsu. Because of this, the Most teach in local col- Fords. Both served In Japan communists are attempting to leges and universities, but two while in service, became ac- the written from the MEN'S 100% Cashmere O'Coats «•» »>» *BB simplify language, come faculty of Al- quainted with the cal tare while which has a history of more than bertus Magnus College in New there and hope some day to 4,000 years. Haven. Conn. MEN’S DRESS SLACKS v... to 2.88 re tarn. No language reform Is planned The courses are based on the Anticipated Annual Dividend Dalton, John Cantalupo of New In Japan, where scholar* are ex- Summa Theologies of St. rat Period loginning July I, IVJf Brunswick and Harold Coles of tremely proud of the fact that and cover MEN S DRESS SLACKS v*i. to 10.95 6.88 Newark bring to five the number they have been able to master subjects such as “The One of students who have been in the the character system, he says. God," “The Trinity,” “The Orient. The other student is Al- Because of the intricacies of Passions and Virtues,” "Intro- MENS SPORT COATS vai. 14.88 lan Stewart of East the two languages, use of a duction to the Bible,” and tows Orange, an- modern “Msn and His Ultimate End.” other bent on the teaching ca- language laboratory Classes reer. consisting of devices are divided into Mutual MEN S RAINCOATS.... .1.00 recording two Hackensack Savings WithCanyingCase,Reg.3.9s... and a monitor is almost man- ACCORDING to Dr. Tiu, the datory. For that reason a 10- Hopatcong Benefit And Loan Association Men s Suburban Chine** language preaenta great- booth, $5,0*0 has laboratory — Coats.... 29.95 .14.88 MT. ARLINGTON Th# com- au-w00i,vai.t0 .. er Heckeneeck'e Oldnt rinenclil difficulties, although it la been installed at Seton Hall me liuUluUoa bined societies of Our Lady of harder to learn to write estimates v 0 Japa- and Dr. Tsu that It the Lake will bold tl»elr winter Men’s nese than It la to write STATE A SALEM Sport Shirts... *«ds Chinese. will cut teaching time by about card STREETS, HACKENSACK ?m, sup* 1.88 party Dec. S it I at & ... The Chinese have p.m. no alphabet, *O%. HUM the Rainbow Inn, River Styx, he explains, and their language Free Perkin* Next To Our Office The Far Eastern Institute was for benefit MEN’S SWEATERS Wool is Hopatcong, of the chil- ... & Vai. to 12 95. 488 composed of plctograms, ideo- Orion, founded in 1951 by the late Msgr. dren'* Christina* party. grams and phonetic compounds. John L. McNulty and a group of MEN’S A plctograra, he says, is STRETCH HOSE 3Bc exactly scholars from the Far East In *... . . pr whft its name implies—a pic- what has since proven to be an ture. Thus the character for enlightened move. Its purpose, MAKF YOUR MONEY WORK FOR MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS... "sun" resembles the sun. YOU va,.,o«te „ For 88c Dr. Tsu says, "1* to promote “Now take the sun and the cultural understanding between moos together,’* be the American and the MEN’S Famous explains people peo- PAJAMAS...... Val. to 5.95 farther. “These will Brands, ... 1.88 lead yon ple of the Far East and to edu- Invest It wisely our to through think of the English word cate a group of American Far MEN’S ‘bright.’ Thai the Chinese will Eastern ZIPPER JACKETS 95 experts." LIPI INCOMI MISSION 5.88 combine the character* for sun With communist China thrash- CONTRACT and moon into a third charac- ing about Asia like a devouring ter MEN’S meaning ‘bright.’ That U dragon, the need for Far East- and will reeelvo RAINCOATS... . Imported Reg. you Poplin, 22.95... an Ideogram.” ern experts la obvious. *4, Men’s WhiteDress Phonetic compounds are words Shirts... ZS&n 2.88 for which a different character .. Warn on Erecting is used in writing but which have the same Trees SALt AT 2 STOWS IN Jf JtSfY pronunciation. Thus the Evergreen CITY word bright is pronounced TOLEDO The Toledo Dlo- ■sir. "mlng." But also means 2847 HUDSON BLVD. “ming“ ceae haa requested churches, “rooster," and the relation be- schools and hospitals not to use tween the Is two the fact that It evergreen Christmas trees this 313 JACKSON AVE. is starting to get bright when because season they are a po- U*. One the owe—o Am. rooster crow*. tential fire hazard. To understand what Is being Uae of cut Christmas trees in Going Out of Buslnou at Journal •aid, then, It Is necessary to take all public buildings in Connecti- Squaro Store Only the word In Us context. Words cut hai been banned by the depu- spoken singly will very often ty state fire m*r.h.l there. have no FREE PARKING » meaning. Crab »UT TWIt BIG difficulty In Fleet Blessed speaking Chinese la the fact that SAN FRANCISCO (RNS)— The meaning quite often la given to a traditional “bleating of the fleet" syllable—Chinese la a language took place at the opening eg the el conaiaUng entirety single ayl- crab fishing team here. 6 THI ADVOCATE November 19, list Bishops See Reds Blocking World Peace NCWC Newj Srrvict tafradee to lndta daw warfare and violent revolution. *U«r and iMta.. is lb* l*xt itntrmmi |mn Following of lb* tnlitled "Frttdom md Ibnt *# communist world twofold tfarewt pome a to pence: Use mcUI and economic problem! of the world, and Fotc*," inmtd by lb* Adm*nistr*tiv* Bosrd of lb* Nstionnl Cntb- first, that of par- military aggresaton of which tho more recent in- those of •U* ticularly Asia, Africa, and some areas in Latin America Wtlfort on lb* Confirms* btbslf of Amtritm to exemplify both ruthlessaesa and a bi*r*rcby, *****! “ftomo perfidy; pose twofold chaDence that can be met la the first following tbtir mount btrr. the place, mttling secondly, widespread sowing of the seed of hatred within our Christian of sense Justice and mercy impels us to do all that natJona and nations. meet among To this constant threat to we can to those who is peaca help suffer from avoidable poverty, ignorance, the free world’s greatest problem. ■ jltodase. Secondly, we know that tensions engendered by these Freedom and Peace conditions * WMBI to tend to foment both militant nationalism and commu- AD peace and freedom, peraonal and the world craves Without nist infiltration. Hungry and at short peace. freedom under God for national, la tho fopfait of excessive nationalism. The world wide desperate people may grasp man •wrjr and for every nation, there can be movement toward is range solutions in the effort to compress within a few decades a no peace. independence In itself good and laudable, and rtce ®t v l*it to our progress that elsewhere took ■ country the communist spokesman “torn* external centuries. UK* formerly subjected to Our have every opportunity to compare with control now their people been generous in to the unfavorably, capitaliim guide own destinies. But all too often a mor- responding appeals communism in their economic of the afflicted victims of aapecta. Thi* is not the basic issue. bid preoccupation with past war and famine. But the needs of the The choice grievances arouses a spirit of re- world will that men and nations must make is between vengt that defrauds certain not be met by charitable lid alone. The greater charity today minorities of freedom and obstructs is freedom and coercion. the dear vision of to help people to help themselves. Programs of education, the constructive and peaceful paths that lead Su h word * ‘ technical and ** “democracy.” and to national greatness. assistance, developmental aid, now being carried ..._ J f L •‘republic.” peace,” friendship’ are words out both by individual to which the Western world is ac- governments and by international bodies, long A third •Made In freedom and la found hi the customed. These words have been taken into their peace can do much to build the foundations for and in current vo- hhuniaa rewdlHoni that prosperity peace VALUABLE AID: Dr. L. J. cabalary by the proponents of prevail among so many millions > nations suffering from poverty and Fitzpatrick, chief of communism. But while we may of the world's population. hunger. use the Poverty, hanger, disease and the at Name same words, we are not the anesthesiology Holy Hospital, Teaneck, speaking same language, bitterness engendered social IN THE LONG 0 * by injustice Is their common RUN, at least, the cause of and freedom toe communist means submission peace points out some features of new to Rev. ..P** to his program. let. Embittered so equipment n by foe contrast between their own wretched- intimately connected with the of nations would By "Mandahip” he mean * U*e independence acceptance on the part of others ness A. assistant director and foe wealth of the rich and b* better served if we could Harrold Murray, of Catholic hos- of his formula for coexistence. powerful In their own rely less upon programs of govern- !*■**' between foe nations, mental aid and pitals, Archdiocese of M. Freedom is the they are ripe for exploitation more on private investment and international Newark, and Sister Helena. not product of any political or social system; both tho by communists and the extreme nationalists. trade adequately regulated for the good of all nations. room The T,*" * n,tur * l birthright, and. in the words of Pope Leo C.S.J., operating supervisor. equipment is m u XIII, Nor can la view of such serious toe highes* of man’s natural endowments." we be unmindful of the plight of the millions of problems as the pressure of popula- cardiograph monitor donated tion in by the Bergen County refugees whose present status is a some areas upon resources, the world needs challenge to all who believe every Heart Association. THIS FREEDOM under to freedom and element ef cooperation and good will This precision instrument records God permits man to use his faculties peace. Victims of totalitarian tyranny, deprived to step up production for his own just benefit and for the of family, of homeland, of and distribution ef food and fibers. The abundance the electro-cardiagraph the continuously service of his fellow man in liberty itself, they pose no threat to potential of patient accordance with the the and made possible by modern an law of God. Furthermore, to protect the peace security of any land that may be their haven. But technology should be made a reali- during operation. A picture of the electric waves freedom continued as a result of and rights of its esch nstion apathy to the of their resettlement ty, programs inspired by our love of our fellow citizens, has the right to problem is a re- flowing through the heart is reflected on the screen, -be free. proach to the conscience of the free world. man and the quest for peace and freedom. much like television The level of anesthesia is also country was ‘‘conceived » in liberty and dedicated to the p on screen. rop# * itl# e that all men are created This The Conversion recorded the * equal.” recognition Obstacles Within of Communism of United States - >*• dignity every citizen, endowed with Inalienable In regard to our ' that Wo must also that communism, goal ia nothing leas than the often are God-given is Indelibly woven into the origin recognize conditions at home which threaten disheartening quest for peace, reductions In armament, * conversion of the communist world. Our and our moral integrity seriously threaten moral Judgment la ab- and the introduction rule of Into history of the American Republic. the cause of freedom and of the law the society of na- solute: communism is it is tradition peace. godless, aggressive and belligerent, tions. They must be firm * * of freedom under God with and in upholding principle and Justice, i. 2°** !* justice it is unbelievably cruel. Witness the commune system in China! that eccms opportune to emphasize the Our attention is directed to the subversive and evil forces knowing appeasement In such mat ten leads only to the «*‘ importance Hungary and Tibet are but the more recent of this that manifestations of its peace of the is heritage of freedom. In it iie» the moral may undermine the moral strength of conquered. It a delusion to in seek- strength that the nation. Chief total disregard for human and human place hope makaa the contribution these rights dignity. real true of America to the world’s rebuilding among currently ere racial injustice, laxity in home life in* understanding when the problem Is a conflict of and Nevertheless, conscious of Christ’s essential unique distinctive. and discipline, preoccupation with the sensual, selfishness and example and the infinite principles, not lack of understanding. of we for the , Above and the self-seeking in economic power grace, pray Red persecutors and for the While negotiating unceasingly for beyond material aid that wo distribute so life, and the excessive desire for wealth per- better relations with tho secuted. We wish no •generously around the to and ease. conquest except that of the spirit. We wish communist regimes, we must never forget globe those in need, we should be that their system and those who constructed the Iron Curtain to ..equally concerned in sharing our ideals of and tear down the barbed ours are as basically different as slavery and freedom. To palliate liberty justice THE FORCES OF wire and the machine •Proper standards of religion in this country face no gun posts and to Join us in the tho difference ia to aubvert living and material are not problem enjoyment the cause of freedom and prosperity enough. more than the of God's freedom and peace. «*“*** *re but means to an end and not in themselves pressing restoration within our people of respect peace. Recently the communists have been the the goal for the law cleverly veiling sharp •we would moral as God’s law, and the Inculcation of those differences between attain, if world peace is. as it should the aim the systems, is witnessed the statement be, of all EVEN TODAY there are signs that the by *t>ur virtues on which the soundness of tyranny of communism efforts. family and civie life depends. Is of a member of the Russian “Our not the same in nation press group. systems ar* Reverence for God’s law, the of His every under its sway. There are indica- keeping Commandments, the different but there it not a single obstacle which would deny ua PEACE, AS of tions that the spirit of man will not stay crushed. We should ■ DEMONSTRATED by our nation’s practice self-restraint, of justice and will contribute experience*, charity storm heaven with peace of friendship or cooperation.” In other words, Red slavery wt* on disciplined freedom with its attendant beyond measure to the and prayer and penance, knowing that what to virtues. Trua peace strength unity of our country, which is only different, not opposed to our of man seems impossible, God system peaco and free* Jot nations as well as for individuals are so essential for effective wiU grant to those who to comes from justice, from leadership in the cause of freedom pray dom under God.

The statement lamed the ™ Bnsd by Bisfaope of the national greatness. The third obstacle to sk. Bl—mfMd, NJ„ United States at their found 4. annual meeting in Wasb- in the inhuman —A !" «* *• nM«W lo Ite D. conditions that pmafl among tafton, C., last week should be read, studied •ad so many millions ed the world’s population Em- digested not only, by Catholics but by all bittered by the social injustice that breeds pov- Q- Hay a Mo-CatbeUe who 4.1 will ho their assured “Unking . « refugo erty, hunger and are ku Wei aiarrM aid divorced disease, they eisy prey in life, and mors tho We cherish freedom and peace. We desire for especially at exploitation by communists hoco— a Catholic? What W the to Uee at with tree and.extreme na- hour of death. peace peoples the world over. tfonallata Chwrch’s view of the after marriage 5. I will shower down abundant Yet, fighting two world wars for peace, The Bishops do overlook the h each a we hare for not conditions in case? blessings on all their undertak- many yean now been teetering on this country which thresten our A. he if he is the brink of third seriously moral Yes, may, willing ings. a global war. In their bril- integrity and consequently the csuse of freedom to accept the Church’s teachings 6. Sinners shall find in liant, penetrating statement entiUed “Freedom and My end peace. They mention subversion, racial in- and follow its moral principles. Heart infinite Peace,” the tell us how an ocean of mercy. Bishops to achieve justice, laxity in home life and Such these blessings. ien- a convert would be consid- 7. Tepid souls shall becomo suality, selfishness and excessive desire for ered as still married; hence he fervent. There can be no peace without freedom for wealth and ease. eould not after every man and nation. Communists marry again his t. Fervent souls shall advance every speak To remove the obstacles of of but the excessive na- conversion. rapidly to great holiness. peace word, as they use it, means tionalism and human misery, the Bishops rec- submission to their program. boast that Q. I am thinking of becoming 9. 1 will bless every place in They ommend that we not render material aid to communism will only a Sister. I cannot seem to love which of overcome capitalism, as though the but a picture My Sacred needy also “help them to help them- God. Please the only difference between the East and the tell me how I can Heart is exposed and honored. selves” by providing “programs of West to while education, and what is for a 10. I will to ecooomic, actually we are as far technical necessary give priests tho assistance and developmental aid.” apart as freedom and religious vocation. power of touching the most slavery. To remove the chief the obstacles of commun- A. do hardened hearts. Freedom, Bishops sate, "permits man less Pleas? two things. First, ism, nothing is required than the conver- to use his faculties for talk to confessor about 11. Those who his own Just benefit and sion of the your your promote this for communist world, which to godless, the service of his fellow man in accordance possible vocation and follow his devotion shall have their names aggressive, belligerent and cruel. It has no re- with the law of God.” To the freedom advice. Ask him also about your written in My Heart, never to bo protect gard for human rights and human dignity. and rights of 1U citizens, each nation has the desire to love God and your fear effaced from it. In this spirit, the Bishops declare, "states- right to bo free. Freedom to the that you do not love Him 12. I promise thee in the bound- heriUge of men of the world must continue their often dis- enough. America. Advice and direction from a regu- less mercy of My Heart that My heartening quest for peace ... They must be Besides giving material aid to the lar confessor is the best first all-powerful love will grant tho needy, firm in upholding principle and Justice, knowing step we should share our ideals of liberty and toward any religious vocation. grace of final perseverance tc tU Justice that appeasement in such matters leads only to with people around the globe. Second, read those who shall communicate the peace of the Msgr. Furlong’s on True conquered.” peace for nations as well for column in this It is found the first nine months as indi- As individuals. Catholics have their contribu- paper. Friday, con- viduals to baaed on charity and the in every issue except during the secutively. They shall not die in justice, faith- tion to make to the cause of The ful observance of peace. Bishops the moral law. this summer months, and it treats of my displeasure, nor without re- Lacking encourage us to exemplify the principles that foundation, world peace cannot be achieved vocations from many viewpoints. ceiving the Sacraments. by we proclaim as Christian members of a nation My might of arms, treaties interna- If you read that column divine Heart will be their safe conferences, or dedicated to God's land. We must regularly tional convince the organizations. you will soon learn the refuge at the hour of death. world that our education and tech- require- The industry, Bishops point to the obstacles to free- ments for a religious vocation. Q. Can a Catholic and a Prot- nology are Intended to serve not the dom and The first only body peace. is which but also To any readers thinking of the estant be married by a communism, the free spirit of men, and that our priest preaches peace and freedom even while it religious life or of the and then have a makes contribution to the world to not measured in priesthood, marriage cere- military we the counsel: to in the aggression sgainst some countries and dollars and but in the of God's repeat speak mony Protestant chnrch? stirs hatred machines, spirit up and mistrust in others. ’The freedom your confessor and follow his A. No, they may not The law and the dignity of the human person. second obstacle to the of regular advice. of the Church is spirit excessive na- “To accomplish this," the Bishops conclude, “we very precise on tionalism, whleh minorities deprives of freedom must be dedicated beliefs Q. Where can I obtain facta this matter. It states in Canon and falls the totally to our in God, to see peaceful which lead 1063 that even paths to the source of freedom and peace." •boat St. Jade Thaddena and though a dispensa- tion has been prayers hi his honor? had, the parties not A. A booklet on St. Jude Thad- may express or renew their before deus, helper in desperate cases, marriage consent a non- Universal Catholic Indeed! and St. advocate of the im- not after , Rita, minister, even The possible, is published by the the Catholic marriage. It adds The merchandiser! are at it and Reds so nursed Christian Are that the again on In of Benedictine priest who knows ii The Advocate. principles and. spite Convent of Perpetual that A year ago it became ap- anchored Promoting this erill be done deplorable variations, to a Christian Adoration, Clyde, Mo. The book- may not assist parent that certain Urge department stores and of concept interest and responsibility to Almighty let costs 15c. at such a wedding unless the national merchandisers were to do all going in God. We are members of a Christian community A Bishop for the gravest their to the New Q. Does the Church have a reasons power destroy Christianity of Christ- the Revolution which, by very universsllty of its Christ- of for mothers-to- gives permission. mas. Type special blessing background, provides a of Ufa most bene- Morever, Canon way be? If where can by 2319 the The shear audacity of a frontal so, it be attack ficial even to those who are outside the Christian Catholic Louis F. found? who marries before n such as this U likely to meet with more success By Budenz pattern. non-Catholie minister is .than can be The A. There is such a in excom- imagined. suggestion of the The thought of the “Universal Christmas'' We of the Western prayer municated. world must World Marxist Review, which served stand and the official collection of department stores, even in the Archdiocese, was even hostility blessings as proposed by the department stores is as help our leaders to resist Khru- the that a feast of universality be substituted gave tip to the Iraqi com- of the groups in power in West of the Church. This blessing is for Ulogical as logical raisin cake without the rai- shchev’s “summit” stratagems, rades: "The more a the traditional Christmas. The holiday. for sins. experienced Germany and Trance.” given by priest. One church . . or we will be into the pushed bourgeoisie has come to realize has the laudable custom the idea of “feast" U not appropriate. was of giving . . To find universaUty in humanity which position of Napoleon's foes after THUS IT IS that the InYour to commemorate the that the results of the policy of prestige this blessing to expectant mothers Prayers universality of the brother- from the of time has not the battle of beginning captured it, Marengo. the have a boomer- gained by Khrushchev in on hood of man. How blind can these retailers imperialists making a certain day each month. be? or even come close to it save through an ap- It was this which us “cringe" before him is utiliz- remember these, The which engagement ang effect. The policy pursued by For expectant mothers we your deceased very holiday recognises nations and pUcation of the of is absurd. may way Christ, To made Bona- Dulles, whose main line ed to make him appear an angel also priests: colors as individual entities begins by tacitly seek universal was commend devotion to St. a theme and leave out Christ parte the mas- of peace while true 'brinkmanship,' has entered a actually stirring Gerard 14aJ«Ua. A small book of denying universality. is to betray Christmas Even semantical- Archdiocete Newark utterly. ter of Europe, blind up this new kind of revolution on of The only truly universal concept in the uni- the alley.” prayers called "Mother's Man- ly, very word “Christmas,’’ simple as it is, not because of continent. Rev. Peter Flore, S-A.C., Nov. verse every U the Creator of that universe. Only He contains the full of the ual," published by The Queens' 1959 universaUty feast for its military de- we are told “to search If we the 29, can escape the title of "whlU” Hepce, go to summit in 1960, Work, 3115 S. Grand St. or “black." it weaves the name of the Author of for another Blvd., Rev. P. Nov. true uni- cisiveness, but road the search we will light the fires for “new” Anthony Bubas, “East" or “West” Only He is Universal. The into Louis, is an added devotional help versality the very thought of the day. because it had undertaken by influential bour- Soviet-made revolutions 30, 1939 actual universality of Christmas lias in that against both before and after childbirth. this, We suggest that you who read express your circles RL Rev. N. created a feel- geois chiefly in Britain the U. S. all over Latin Msgr. George all men recognize that the Creator America, and the Sus- disapproval of this new that Q. What promises were made movement, you dis- of and America in spite of the re- in Asia and Murphy, Nov. 30, 1948 tains of the universe the Incarnation ing helpless- Africa. through cuss it that you write letters of to St. Margaret Mary by the RL Rev. William became everywhere, ness among Msgr. g. the Guarantor of the universality of all protest, that make felt Sacred Heart? you your displeasure those opposed Condon, Dec. 2, 193d men in one brotherhood, redeemed and ennobled Upon you may depend the saving of Christmas. Ar These promises, gathered Very Rev. Peter Bethlehem and to him. It la Harrington, by by Calvary. you from the revelations of the Upon may depend the saving of Christ in this concept that the U. S. Is Sacred SJf A., Dee. 2, 1900 It U true that ibe sublime history of the Christmas. to We are getting very close to the con- resist the The Faith in Focus Heart St. Margaret Mary, are Rev. Paul Lisa, Dec. 4. 1990 feast not be entirely helpless to communist may palatable to those ditions that existed on the lUs Birth 12 in number. are day of . . . line which Moscow's directive They made in not of the Christian faith, but we are Diocese Paterson living There is no room for Him in the favor of those who are devoted of marketplaces press is drumming into comrades to in a society founded on Christian concepts. of the world. the Sacred Heart. Rev. John F. Mulligan, Nov. / in every country. The comrades 28, 1938 1. I will give them all the then push this view among non- Orders RL Rev. Edward J. Holy graces necessary for their state Msgr. communists. Behold in life. Barrett, Dec. 2. 1993 He Comes 2.1 will Rev. Cornelius Clifford. Dec. UNDER COVER o/ this con- establish peace in their homes. 4. 1938 A tow cept, Khrushchev appears as an By Msgr. W. Shea days hence, the Church will Invito us Catholics should Christine* George , S.T.D. not just five up apostle of peace and yet stirs 3. I will comfort them in all to turn our to the of Christ. Before up eyes coming commercialism; should take up Advent and they on every continent anew type of To bring about the sanctifica- traction to the priesthood, mani- their sorrows. her mind will be the Bethlehem cominf of Chriit its llturfy. By living in the spirit of the Church’s revolution. This the tion and of souls, to fested by confession and Into the world ai Savior appears on frequent our and the future public manifested in missel and breri- The Advocate worship to surface to be but impart individuals the fniits Communion, by a virtuous of Chriat aa our To non-communist, life, cominf Judge. our aoula ary, we can ourselves with kaep so busy the it is actually in control of the of the Redemption He accom- and by a love of Mass. Official Publication of tho ahe will offer in the the to serving liturgy occasion cominf of Christ and our for preparation Him, plished on the our Divine In this Mass Calendar more communists and directed against Cross, all-important matter one Arehdloceao of Ntwark and of tho free* once Him who came at Bethlehem that we ahall need fewer Santa less Clauses, the U. S. Savior chose to use the help of should, of course, seek Dlocoso of Patorsoa. and to adore Him who will come with all Hia shopplnf guidance days and no "universal Christmas" as men. Nor. Last week’s column from his confessor or spiritual m Sunday. riret Sunday at aalnta at the laat day. substitutes for His pointed Host Rot. Thomas A. Boland, birthday. That Is why He founded the director, who **•*■”' A fun four weeka of prayera and hymna and All this to Ira* and Cnba as cases in will, moreover, S.T.D, Archbishop of Newark. will require e planned effort in our Catholic and established determine in point. Since then, the “lead- Church, help whether one’s vo- MooUr by Tba antlphona eapeefaUj directed to these two com- Catholic and of Christian Doctrine .JsMlfSod Adreeale Confraternity within her a distinct cation is the PubUablns CeryarUOeni Meat Bar with er" et Iraq has openly defied group, spe- to diocesan priest- * a lnfa befina the flrat Sunday of Advent. achoois to catch and to the Advent s?? Thamaa A. Boland. STD- ProaMinU convey spirit and to hood or to the g'rXjrzLZ."™ the West and denounced cially charged empowered priest- St. Jama* A. Throufh Mlaaal and Breviary, the Church will all religious Doc. J. TueodayT Maaa at prorloua Bar. Masr. itubaa. pa, Many _ thing* eventually can be accomplished, but to LCD. V.Q- TUa ProatdanL) Western countries as minister the spiritual needs hood. ■unday. rerial. Violat. N» 01. Cr. BL 800. live with the cominf Chriit for all of Advent a “imper- or beginning might be made with the Advent a Pw<: Magr. lama* V. I ««aay, A IL. Sa«r«taryi ialist." of their fellows. This con- A diocesan cnijjioo. What bettor for a group priest exercises his BL Bar. Harr. Caaaar M. Blnaldl and preparetioe spiritual ChriaUnaa wreath and some Adveot liturgical hymns. sists of BL Bar. Masr. Pool Knayyak. for He bad been well the Bishops, priests, and oth- sacred ministry under a rs, uaT All this taught by Bishop; «g>Joa: St CUnlan will mean as well on the parish ministers the Church. the Blbtanai JAM). Com- Truatao*. St St- Nee ark t, N. I. communists of his country, and er of religious priest exercises Ms MArkat 4-0700, Creator emphaaia upon the llturfy of Advent level an effort to extend to the faithful the D«*. >—Thuxoday. St rraacte XaxJar. Member ol the CalheUe ministry as a member of Prom AaaiM la called for ua. School! and churchea Advent specifically by Ittihad al-Shaab, a re- Conlaaaor. Creator Double. Whim. amonf spirit. From the commercial world we To install them in, and to equip 01. alio*. «ob«a»lkar la tba N.CWjO Nows the official ligious under reli- Jtad OoU. provloua Sunday) a A (JO. too ahould lead the way to a discovery all of learn daily organ of the community a fiwrvlrt. by may our lesson. Mcrchandleen make wide them for their sacred Common Pro t. Communist office, Our- Priests of reli- Editorial Board; Meat Bar. Martin W. gious superior. - the beauty and aplritual richness of these weeka. use of Iraq Party. On Oct. Doc. 4 rrtday. St. Peter Our- displays and of music to create the Lord instituted a special sacra- ■Untaa. ST D. PSD i Meat Bar. Walla* shop- gious orders take ■olodna. Conlaaaor. lUahop. Doctor. Happily Advent customs that 9, it had placed the blame for vows of pover- W. turtle. 1.TD.1 BL Bar. Masr. WO- stress a spiritual ping spirit at thla season. It off. do Double. White. Gl. Sod CbU. Provloua pays People ment, . Holy Orders ty, and obedience. awaiting of Christmas are In the attempted assassination of chastity, Dio- Sunday) S St Barbara. Cr. Comma frourlaf use in shop, early and often. is the sacrament through which cesan bind themselves to Catholic homes. If Kasalm three days before at the priests Do*. • Saturday. we hope to internet our people once more men receive the and Mom ot ora- fc door power grace chastity for and make Ttoua Sunday, racial, violat. No OL Concern about the spreadlnf commercialism In the real Advent spirit of the Western powers and life, a ar ?Efe)BP*rL2-, SiJ: we must use displays, to perform the sacred duties of C'otL St. Sabbaai a A CN>. Com. Bar. Masr. of the time before Christmas is above all the U. S. solemn promise of obedience to Vary Tbama* M. Reardon. proper. Surely with the O as and Antiphons ready subjects, Bishops, priests, and other min- Doe. Christmas has been watered down and We read in part: “Behind this their Bishop. • Sunday. Bn—nd Sunday at with it music such as that in our Advent collections to isters »~bla W Ut Clam. Violet. of the Church (). Adr-nt. PaUraao SiarmaUttro. Bar. Carl I. the doctrines about there lie Ho 01. Cr. Prol. ot Trinity. Christ the Word of God remind all of gang the imperialists, Walata. Him who la coming. Aa these To receive this Sacrament Without a special dispensation, made Flesh. Frivolity has taken the of the covetous circles, the reaction- KEY: 01. Gloria) Cr. Creed) A lor n A place easy means are adopted more ambitious must no Peace; B lor the Po*e. N Archdloaaa* ss. displays worthily one be male, bap- one may be ordained a priest g^Sa^, ?!ar spirituality and concern for the world for what and music aries and the agents who have p u may be attempted. At leest let a in state until he * ~ u tized, the of grace and is 24 years of age. As nSSo.** N.Tsw»rt“ur** we shall eat and what we shall have been their ranks and put on. ■mail beginning be made. uniting plot- of excellent to the the character, have the prescribed learning, or- driven to backfround St. Paul'a puttinf on The Advent ting since the first days of the liturgy is tha perfect preparation prescribed age and learning, and dinarily It consists of four of Chriat. for revolution behind the treach- years Christmas. Therefore It deserves our atten- .., the intention of devoting his life of high school, four years of col- We protest. But often we make no effort to tion. erous bullets, lies a wide plan to the sacred and be and four ■ubetituto for that which drawn Ihe ministry, lege, years of theology we find objectionable. it will be a victorious by experts In art of Incidentally, opponent called to Holy Orders by his completed in a seminary. We “Do not do thla" but we tail to add AROUND THE PARISH aay for the unbridled commercialism that baa taken conspiring; experts who have Bishop. During his four years in the “De this Instead.” Christ out of Christmas. tried their art In Syria, Iran, Jor- seminary, the candidate for the dan, Latin America and Ceylon The effects of the Sacrament | priesthood Is made a member of and are trying it in Cuba and of Holy Orders are: an Increase the clerical state by the cere- Indonesia." of-sanctifying sacrament- grace; mony of tonsure, and then to ThU description makes it quite al re- Right Life grace, through which the Bish- ceives In turn, at appropriate in- obvious that it Is the V. S. which and op, priest, deacon have God's the four minor About a month ago la aouthani Now Jersey child to be tervals, orders of “for the sake of the transfusion a is In mind, since it is the U. S. constant help in their sacred daclaion was rendered porter, lector or reader, exor- a vary Intonating by a ward of tha court" so thst the Ufe of the child alone which is pictured as the ministry; a spiritual mark or and A child had been to cist, acolyte, and the Judgs. six-year-old brought could be saved. ' villain by Moscow in this wide “character” major permanently im- orders of subdeacon and deacon. a hospital aad la tha Judgment of the doctors The tn Judgment the New Jersey case Is area. printed upon the soul, which a transfusion was to save the We of the necessary more startling. By the refusal of the court gives to the child. the child THE SAME special powers or- the The parents of wen mem- to intervene on the religious convictions of the publication declar- dained. ben of religious known as Jehovah's ed oo 29 a sect psrents and the ss Sept. that the U. S. having interpreted parents The chief powers given in or- Witnesses, to the blood transfu- agreed to Khrushchev's visit Forty Hours they objected being sincere in their belief, the child died. only dination because to the priesthood are sion on religious grounds, claiming that their We in America most of the collapse of its are careful that the reli- those of changing bread and wine sect Interpreted the Bible as the The prohibiting gious convictions of Americans be protected warmongering policies. into the and blood of Christ of blood." Time of the and U. body Archdiocese of Newark “eating was essence from violstion. However, such a decision S. Is represented thus: “The any in tho Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, •to**. *t. ltst was made Immediately to the court the U. S. wanted to its application brings out necessity of resolving Use right exploit posi- of forgiving tins in the Sacra- tewteis* csthstoisrStees at. to save the Ilfs of the child. The Judge heard to a tion the position of strength religious conviction ia conflict with the ment of and of admin- the the parents, received the to Its Penance, case, Interrogated right to live. Our courts have made distinctions impose supremacy over the the of the of the blood world. istering Sacrament of Ex- hospital report necessity times between the be- This policy was coupled “*■ CmmL many right to religious treme Unction. *" ,Urrt *» transfusion from the end decided that When a priest *a? doctors, lief and the to action. When the with the name of Dulles, the for- right religious is ordained »«te w the sincere la their be- or consecrated a *—***• au parents wen religious action mer S. of State.*' at . ruuafwid religious seems ta be contrary tn right y. Secretary he receives the fullness lief. No transfusion Bishop, •sc, «. mt was given aad the child died. reason than tha courts have The eae farce which frus- passed Judgment of Holy Orders, which *• * This situation Is not anew one. It happens empowers %jars£ recognising the right to live. trated "devious’’ plots was him In other states in union when to administer the Sacrament many our parents There will be more situations the Soviet Ualeu and Us many arising “peace of Holy and to be the of a sect would Orders, religious deny to competent in which parents who, having adopted a peculiar policy.** Thin policy was "wei- ft medical authorities to ordinary minister of tee Sacra- the use of blood save the particular religion, will appeal le their cenatitu cemed by alf the peace-lov- (4viiir life of Infant. ment of Confirmation. an Specifically, in the Stale of tlonal right of religious freedom. It will take teg peoples, even In the West- Illinois such a situation arose and the Illinois era careful, prudent, and thoughtful consideration on camp Usolf." The U. 8. Normally, God does not make court —• * «• Immediately appointed a guardian to au- tha part of our courts to meet these situations had In give in and aa we Inara: a special revelation to those thorise s blood transfusion for an ua r«mr at. asm* oightyearoid whan they arise. Everyone, even a fetus, has “The visit of the bead of (be whom Ha wishes to receive Infant who Holy wnn expected to die If the transfu- tha to live natliirt m 0 “ U * J Ay *- right given to U by God. aad de- biggest state In the (Mara. But than art some pre- sion was The not given. Supreme Court of manding of a of that President of Ike everyooa recognition biggest capi- liminary signs from which a boy Uiuois affirmed the action of the trial court, Diocese right talist slate, after teal long lea- or young man should be able to of Paterson la tha Stata at Missouri tha same Incident It is tha •tea usv. st. Father John sometimes thinks if the mail order com- vary possible that courts could (mated by Ike U. I.), toD If bo baa a vocation to U>a nyt happened and h upheld the right of the trial bo used Is Itea* him by peculiar religious sects to Justify by a success.” sacred ministry. Among them panies would just give thepostage spent on things samrt to declare the child "neglected" under unusual which This la tea xe practices all pendant men would way the whole busi- are the ability to live habitually that don’t concern him, the parish debt could be cut an appropriate state statute aad declared the recognise u being contrary to lessen. ness |p also rasa alii la the state and *3S^’~~ right rap la Iho of groan, aa at- ■ter asswrTowX feTtosstes considerably. With Humble Pride STRANGE BUT TRUE November St, list TH* ADVOCATE 9 Little-Known Facts For Catholic Can You a Dime? By M. J. MURRAY Spare H MarriageBecomes 'LivingHell' Dan Herr otber By way around, aa I once w« have had a tradition in our thought back family dating to my father, Those of ns who are old enough jlmmsT'amu Without and Charity, possibly far older than to remember •f Self-Control that, the “good old giving, of htfamg asm's of never turning down a bum. days'* can mean when charity By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. of these Jfy in took this rtghta must ha rege- father, fact, tra- eras much a “ very personal mat- sHkfamd ring to if AttisUmt Profutor of Sociology, St. Louis lated Justice and dition so seriously that once be ter. The University by charity. poor family dawa the * seeing Christ kosband an broken Marital went out of his My was op when the baby and relations are a means, block who needed food or to** *to£ not to I nearly died daring nay sixth delivery, so because of an end in themselves; they way ap- clothes; tha scurrying around for check Writing not a or staffing this arc necessarily subordinated to proach a very funds to buy the town reprobate and oar difficult financial situation, we decided the primary purpose of marriage grimy citizen who, of course, was married to a isn’t fan to practice rhythm. This is since the same aad it never will easy doctor says which is the procreation and edu- who he thought living saint; the hot sandwich for to. That’s when the boms come 1 have It fertile in a waa too embar- the hobo only days cycle. Now my hus- cation of children. They are de- wbo sat on the back to- For moat of as, they an tbe band wants his rights at all times. When remind signed to foster mutual marital rassed to ask porch and amused us kids with 1 only means left for real love him for tales of adventure between personal him of the he he’ll and creativity, so that they money. bites; charity. These bams honor consequences, says use contracep- ns by lose their function and signifi- As my father tbe loaning of a baby crib to a tives. this an giving at a Godaaat Lately, matter has become obsession Wed could opportunity cance if used without affection to press young couple wbo not af- for real Christian with him. What giving aad tbe can I do? and respect to satisfy the selfish a coin in the ford to buy one; the patching of "God Bless Ton" that wffl come Your letter, Karen, brines to demands of man’s reluc- old toys to be surreptitiously out" if you refuse to give in to one. giv- mice in while mind the tant hand he a will be worth sound advice of Pins waa roundly and en to the big family on the other his demtnd* during the relative- YOU WONT man to than an the formal XI in his really help him loudly berated. side yea encyclical on Chaste brief "What do you of town so that they would ly fertile period of your by giving in to his ir- acknowledgments of generosity Marriage: "Let husband and merely think you're tin-horn- have a good Christmas, doing, you too. cycle. In addition, "there is nev- responsible requests. I! he wish- ed you ban received. Bums an e wife resolve to use the right* plutocrat?" roared the man. er a word of es OLD TIMERS have fond constant, if to them endearment, and to save his soul, he is going “Can’t a mem- nkempt,*nmtodar given by marriage in a guy walk the street in at times he is to hava to ories of such us that giving to others mast be that positively vulgar." learn hew to practice hie working dothea these personal charity. way will These remarks days foremost to be sad ethers hi some self-control and some re- without being insulted?” For the most part, however, oar liven. always year letter indicate that year straint. After that these opportunities no longer Christian and episode father AND hasbaad not my DON’T tefi me that they simply does ca- Since you ere both Catholics, it waited to be asked. exist, or for one reason or other, sacred, more will just waste It on cheap wine. de rUand the Catholic concept should be possible to appeal to no longer seem fitting. Not be- especially in I HAVE TRIED Remember the admonition in •f marital chastity. Conjugal the moral law and God's com- to carry on the cause our charitable impulses the first yean family tradition. have “TheDiary of a Country Priest” relations are meant by the ir.cndments. Although he should I point this out, been quelled, but because ef wedlock, so Creator to he not because by George Bernanos: a milfytng act of know point out to him the I want to boast that we are now living in a different that should It, 1 am a “You'n love, not the mere unrestricted need for and the sacra- great man—although if age, with different customs and obviously ooe of those there be need prayer exercise of think for far folks wbo give to a bodily (unction ments as well as common aensa you one minute that I more efficient methods of a ha'penny a of continency for the of securing in intend to deny the fact handling the "have-nots.” beggar and then bold up their purpose controling his thoughts and de- publicly afterwards cus- you’re hands selfish pleasure one of the sires. reading the wrong column in horror if they don’t see by I guess the problem has tom will have —but to tell you what this ex- him off at once the partners. What if he refuses te change grown too big for individuals to scurry to made it easier for each to pre- Your husband's Is perience taught me. v. nearest baker’s to staff himself attitude and keeps talking about “kick- cope with any more and it cer- God Love You serve it.” with stale He shows no ing out”? This is absurd At yesterday's bread . . quite irresponsible. you aa first, as I banded oat tainly has become moro in- . Today, many young couples en- In Ms those appreciation for the stcredness threat and assumes you de Bet coins I was irritated. Gradual- volved. place people would ter marriage early on the and of marital ly, however, I began to look do just as be did: they'd go dignity union and have equal rights in the heme. Through our taxes we grounds that they can no help sup- longer no for forward to meeting the bams straight to the nearest pub. A Await a Crisis? respect you as his spouse Call his bluff and take him to port a wldeipread network of Why restrain their passions. It comes whom he is to cherish and love and would be disappointed if poor man with nothing in his see your pastor. lie'll probably public social agencies; through as a shock to them when they they had belly needs hope, illusion, more By Fulton "as Christ loves His Church." object but It will be well to successfully begged the Community Chest we contrib- Bishop J. Sheen daily sacirficc, deny yourself a lesrn that marriage necessarily their necessities than bread. Neither does he seriously con- get the whole matter out ia before it was In tiny luxury. At the end of ute, to a host of private organiza- day* of prosperity, Bishop* the requirea a good deal of self-con- time for me to their fa- "You fool! What else la that sider your health and strength or the open. pass tions which do work that are month, send j-our sacrifices to trol and restraint if would cannot parmarily administrators; in they to vorite corner. gold, which means so much to his own inability make rea- You say your marriage Is “a or should be d*ya of the Holy Father through his So- live aa Christian not done by the adversity, their role is spouses. sonable you, but a kind of a false hope, ol provision for another living hell” now, so you haven’t My change of heart, and that collections at ciety the Propagation of the their state; through dream principally that of shepherd. In By very nature, con- child. Is accurate of a and sometimes merely Faith. much to lose. Perhaps a much description what church we assist in making pos- day* of relative peace the laity jugal relations involve part- the of a dream.” needed instruction on the mean- took place, came because I slow- sible promise are Far yonr sacrifice ef the great work of oar divided into $3 er aen with different MARRIAGE WOULD be oyn ‘'good" and dispositions, some- of Christian ly realized that the bums were diocesan Finally, remember that infla- “bad” more, we will send you ing marriage by Catholic' Charities and Catho- any ef drives, interests and outlooks, thing less than human if the your paitor will start him off on doing me n favor and not the furnish food, and tion has hit bums, too. and that lics; in dark the following at yoar request: that justice clothing money and charity re- righta it conferred carried no re- a dime won’t further for ISk gold ruled the right track. Then with some to depressed areas throughout go any hours of God Love Ten -9® Ire mutual self-deoial perse- and ciprocal obligations »nd conse- Eight AAA the world. them than it does for you. cution, Medal; statue ef Oar ef help from you, he may learn to Country Escorted they are Lady ronskP ratenrss if these rela- quently no need for restraint and Television; charm for start living as a Christian. of either ‘true" chain er tions are to become Tours Highlighted a mani- self-control. Europe ALL THIS IS as It should be. bracelets; oval or •'false." er square caff festation of Christian contract Certainly, the love rath- The marriage con- widespread needs links; tie clasp. New Books Quantity de- er than aelflsh fers righto upon LASTING could not be met in any other exploitation. equal conjugal MIMORIALS quali- Cut out this column, At the creases; pin your aamu time, many mar- husband and wife, but the aae way. And I guess that profession- sacrifice to it and address ty increases. it to riages msy require al social workers, abetted by psy- eventually Evaluated No crisis ever Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, National the EASTER and dieticians and observance of absolute or chiatrists ac- makes Director, for the CHAUCi a per- Society Propa- periodic continency. If the countants, can do a far better TMa pnMKI hr Bsst part- HAZELCREST in- -.t claaatfiemUaa Is son gation of the MS Fifth Ssltors. different Faith. ners have learned job of determining the need and lumso ml Snaetra. CbsS- never to prac- fkiUoni: 1. Gaaaral iwesalL Adults Ave., New York 1, or to NURSINft CIBORIUM from what he it re- your tice self-control and meeting it than waa was; only restraint, precisely diocesan director: Martin done in the of veals his true character. Bishop they are hardly likely to start HOME from days personal W. Stanton, Jl Mulberry 60 catch-as-catch-can Take South Africa for example. St., at this late stage. HAZKWOOO ROAD 910 ROME charity. Newark I; Rt. The government white Rev. Msgr. Wil- Car. WWaawaa At*. But Ss ‘w»t h •» Hm m. upholds we’ve lost something and _Ms*n» T liam r. M IT 18 CLEAR while the Church de- Louis, DeGratse St., that yrur hus- riaAcaa rietlaa nix hr John hani band PI 3-2366 fends reterson. haa never bothered to prac- men wsnsi isss Has aaa w Dwtt equality of all peoples. Be tice self-denial in this regard. cause the Church, in accordance HAU aa 4 CONVAUSCSff. and Your doctor tells £|eeat25"nsmmssJI uL hr aw»s»i with reason and the , in- you that he CKtONKAUT IU of cried and Utenrad State af H. A sisted on educating the blacks Saints prayed a great deal hr while yucr life was and allowing them to enter any m danger, MltcK.J 3-2260 BIOOMRIID, N. i. »»Sr*Tssr church the yet now he nags you night and 57 HACSBY IT., MBWAM HJ. Tsars an he Lssti they pleased, govern- the Week 2. ChsrSs—s— and threatens to ment withdrew all from day "kick you Is TSi riser s seisn* max hr H. D. support mligiou* schools. Tbs Protestant* Sunday, Nev. a— First Sa- ef turned over their schools to the dly Advent. Feast ef SS. ~s£3jSw" state; the Church Sataruhma and Shhrtna. ClasSa.. appealed for Martyrs. Msere Utah. he Vhfhh CsOssi sacrifice. Satuminus was a Roman htsir Was neaht, he Kris priest, |rs SisinJus his deacon. They were THOUGH THERE ARB only sentenced to hard Labor aa Chris- % Catholics in South Africa, tians and martyred about MM. In AAA they denied themselves to defend 1960, will again pmtntt Msudsy, Nev. M Rt. Andrew, in escorted education for all. More than special eight country S^E that, Apostle. A native of Bethsaida in Europe highlighted the crisis now made manifest the trip through | Pays PraaHt?*UX**hr J. £"KhJ Galilee, he waa the elder broth- by a oev er-to-be- forgo«en about cross in the Catho- , A. planted deep er of St. Peter and like Ths Srarhlse Me OM. hr DasMra da him a ' in Rome at Eastertimed lic souls. stay fisherman. He was the first of All-inclusive travel rates for/ ** * One teacher with 11 children | _ this ■SCltoe the disciples called by Christ. Aft- 49-day vacation at' Sasha ea V* (Ms), he Maeart Vsrrsr agreed U> live m 111 a month begin er the Ascension be is believed Ms aad OSars (Hat, he Salta J 91436. After depaning from c 1 ratfSar to assure the blacks ef aa edu- to have worked in Greece and Near York March 1960 anto sms Sana (IX hr Ed nshsr on 30, cative; another wrote to the the Balkan aboard the Ostdra Aea a* Aaartsaa HMsrr in. countries. Tradition QUEENELIZABETH. sdltad hr taak rrisdal “I ahull Bishop. keep on track- has it that he was Tha e.eslaa ad hrae (IX he Aihsrt crucified on tour members will see the tights L Gdlka ing for my Church and re- my an X-thaped cross at Patras in of * „ France, Monaco, Italy, f laoir» Bgton even If I am paid noth- Acbal and that he • nn • uf. Cwiln hung there for Austria, Switserland, Germany,' at SSaaTh dads mix hr CarraU ing an." SUII another: “I two Holland and Consult days, preaching to all who ) England. • • UaUßty shall remain. Christ suffered hny.l lira hr fha Crratsl max he Alaa came near. fyour local AAA travel counselor HrrrtKtaa for • as.' We mast he willing U A«U«I • Ud»n> SlthardCaaar Os Uaa on this tour. (llax hr now Tuesday. Dec. 1 St. \foedetails special snffer with Him and for Him." Nakam, Prophet, lie lived la th* seventh If we had a persecution in the n B. Catholics century. C.. and foretold the a\w A IOYAI THAT Allstate arc 05., would undoubted- policies printed •» Im dill. It destruction of Nlniveb. TOR in and lan- ly give more than 26 cents IMO big type plain apiece Dec. 1 - to the Father for Wednesday. St. VI guage. You know exactly 52T iSTJ Holy the foreign Maaa, T?Csj£V\ir missions. Virgin-Martyr. A native of what buying. And But why. in the name you’re ww. w» M OM on* she (11. w of the Rome, waa scourged to death many Allstate policyhold- Crucified Savior, do we \casinq D.» r«T*r It irtlM there In 363. com- m. k* Kan Jn« have to TRAVII DIP Alt MINT er* save 20% or more, wait until the commu- Thursday, Dee. 3— St. Francis with rates of most - niata take set <©> pared over before we really cr other not Xavier, CWessor. Born In 1306, NIW Jlttir AUTOMODIUciuT companies. Why »—■ Orto* learn the actual of un9 **y UVk meaning sac- the Jesuits get all the Allstate facta to*ls**n«tolr rafice? joined and had re- Y° aifumnito'JL* In*— at to j.«. 0. markable 1M Clinton An, Newark t N. J. soon? or call today. missionary results in Stop by WUi you begin now? Make a India aod Japan. Died in 1332 Il«alaw 1-1400 while RICHARD J. STANTON trying to reach China. Pa- Maate tend **»■«• am, to tontt Mattlaalr me Information an I * tron of the missions, he was the Evchorlitlo Tour □ 1 OL 6-3400 canonised In 1662 3- ( Tto *»■ i«m« *» Mm toil (11. to Ploaw tong Masses Friday, Dee. 4 M. Peter mo kifarmatlan UN 6-9266 Daily an I OK t-2599 to wuiu. aihae Chryseiogus, Bbh*p Ceofesaer- (urepeon Tears. □ VoUooio* on IkM churrt— *Mh as U«o .. and, just Important, pleas- T 'g •» toil.* UW, to ■t»lm wiMd Mm. Doctor. Archbishop of Ravenna, >> AjtojMjr WEEKDAYS ing to the pkrent. hi* eloquence gained him the ! Folks tell us that what SsSSr tes^ nsm* Chrysoiogus, "golden they like Tto Aggrati toto TtoToto. to Mm.

HOW NICE IT WOULD be, they thought, if the Lackawan- The Man na to Behind St. Peter’s were schedule a atop, right at their nack door end William Father make It the front By F. Judkins during Shanahan'* ad- ing to problems and giving ad- door. Pro- JERSEY CITY St. Pe- ministration. vice. posals to the management met with no ter’* College by numerical Other advancement* during success, so at an In- standards DURING HIS administration, ducement. the Slater* is a small coUtg* the peat 10 year* item from them- many important personal mat- selves laid but its president is by no means Father Shanahan's interest in a cobblestone road ters have been solved, partic- down a small man. the dignity of the individual, right to the tracks. Soon whether ularly for faculty members. a shack in Academically, spiritually, and it be a faculty mem- appeared and, 1876, The son of a faculty member the name in the administration sense. ber, atudent or clerical worker. "Convent Station” for is tuition- Rev. James J. Shanahan, S.J., example, eccejrted (later ahortened to Convent) free at SL Peter’s, he St. Peter's 15th president, Is ALL THIS IS recognized by provided wa» added to New Jersey lexi- measures to the stiff a giant. aaeodatea of St. Peter's Col- up aca- cography. and Dec. demic requirements. lege, on 1, Father AD this time the little MANY Blanca FATHER SHANAHAN has Last year, recognizing that acad- LANDS: Gonzalez of Venezuela, in Shanahan will be alznoat an un- been president of St. Peter's faculty members also have emy was growing. Junior Ohinese costume, Ann Saudi willing gueat of honor at a testi- schools helps Thielhelm of Arabia Dec. £h«n»h»fi for girls—end boys—- College since I, 1948. Dur- monial dinner at New York’* daughters. Father (an American girl born in with her the had been added and Venezuela) coatume ing 10 years of his admin- set up a scholarship many Hotel Roosevelt, when he will program for the Dec. 3 at St. academy alumnae were anniversary pageant Eliza beth's, istration, the college has be whereby they receive (100 year- among honored by numerous edu- those Sitters nationsfrom which students reached its full growth. The ly toward college tuition. who began to depicting have come over cators, alumni, civic and ec- found first schools, hospltala and or- class, graduated in 1934 clesiastical officials. the years. HU INTEREST in (after a 12-year hiatus due to the person- phanages all over North Jer- But St. Pater's president how- World War I) numbered al dignity of the individual has *r- 40. To- ever, can’t understand what all been reflected in several other day the total matriculated en- The curriculum the fuss is about. decisions. of the acad- rollment is 1,944. In 1053. he instituted emy, pointed toward the spirit- a pre-medical and pre-dental That first class came from a GETTING IT FIRST HAND: Father Shanahan enjoys "ALL THAT HAS been ac- ual, intellectual and cultural the couple of floors in the old advisory committee, and the various complished has been due to the advancement of the students, visiting operations of St. Peter’s. As a Chamber of Commerce same year set up a graduate Build- cooperative spirit on the had the TkeAJv^ale Armed part advisory committee grown to point in the former Forces chaplain he knows whet’s going ing at 1 Newark Ave. in down- of which has many individuals and or- 1100‘s where the Slaters produced more than on Homer town Jersey its share as M/Sgt. Vader, right, checks the form of City. Today, St. ganizations the faculty, ad- realized it wai far November of beyond the 26, 1959 Peter’s has a fin* on graduate scholarships. 11 one of an ROTC rifle team member in Rankin Hall plant ministrative personnel, alumni, Hudson Boulevard and of student In 1056, Father Shanahan which Cardinal many body and supporting or- Spellman will dedicate Dec. 3. the buildings have been awarded the first Bene Venn- erected ganizations such as the Catho- ti Medal. This is presented to lic Teachers' Sodality, and the the layfaculty member on Sodality of the Children of Mary com- pletion of X) years service. of St. Theresa,” he says. g*0 All these helped to build the BUT FATHER Shanahan bat Do know EUCHARISTIC buildings at St. Peter’s, partic- not lost sight of the prime pur- you omrajm«* ularly Dinneen Hall, named aft- pose of a college, the develop- CONGRESS WAT er an early president and St. ment of the student. In 10S0, he set 7. PASSION Peter Hall, now nearing com- up an honors program that... • JUIY3I-AUO- MUNICH pletion. This will be the resi- which trains promising fresh- MAt SIPTtMRI*. dence for the Jesuit faculty men in research and prepares which now numbers 40 priests, them for independent study in scholastics and Brothers. junior and senior year*. Father Shanahan Recently, St. Peter’s College spend* some time acquired a substantial building each day visiting the AGRIC on Montgomery St., which has various activities, both aca- been demic and extracurricular. Join congenial pauengm for convenient tailing! converted into ROTC headquarters. "It brings us closer to- all and summer on 3 Greek line spring popular gether,” he said. “I have the favorite of America's ships, religious groups ... AND THE MAN responsible interest and I feel that the de- is an "olympia" was the choice for the Lourdes for all this? partment beads feel it too. when Father Shanahan I in Centennial Cruise. Delicious Conti- is a tall, drop on their activities ra- EASTER IN ISRAEL Pilgrimage modest, quiet-spoken man who ther than wait for them nental cuisine, service by highly trained stew- come from Mediterranean Crulie-Tour enjoy* the full confidence of his to see the president in the of- moderate rates. New York tod Boston ards, MARCH 17 .subordinates (he prefers to call fice.” • 7 Port! "NSW YORK** 17,000 tons Ut Yov TRAVEL AGENT them co-workers). ingredient One II Days (to Half*) of these is the ROTC He’s an Father open-door man and a program. Shanahan, an clean-desk man. His faculty Army Air Force chaplain from portucai ■ n*ir • etna • nun GREEK LINE 1043 members, administrative per- to 1046. never fails to be Flora New York and Ron on 10 Bridie Street. New York 4. N. Y. sonnel and students taka their present at a formation of the of "CHYMPiA" tool Industrial 27,000 to the ROTC unit. • problems college presi- Mv. 27, Apr. 21, July *. Au*. 4. SI. NSW YOU • BOSTON CUVaULMe ‘ CHICAGO dent. There la cos ANoacaa • sam no protocol. psahcuco Ah PRESIDENT. Father Tot ONTO MONTiaaL • VANCOUVU Father • • • Shanahan has IRUAND IRANCI INCIAND no pre- Shanahan has also been called • scribed daily schedule, other HOIIAND CIRMANT ro* FAMOUS SHilNti upon for contact with other col- than that required by his stand- Success From MooticiJ “ASKAMA" AND laSO'i GMAnsr rVfNTJ lege presidents sod this, he as a Jesuit and more • till" ing par- 20.2*0 low Mm I. July I). ... GO »Y OMSK UNf feels, is a good thing. "We've Si. !•»" ticularly as rector Much of his gotten to know each other aod time is gladly given to listen- understand better our common problems.” be said. JUST FILL IN in New He is past of the Jersey? president N. J. Association of Colleges THE COUPON BELOW r and Universities and of the K J. College Fund Associa- AND MAIL TO. tion. He wae also a member of A* our annualcelebration the committee on liberal educa- qf »he riche# which come from CIRCULATION DEPT. tion of the Association of Amer- the earth draw# near, we givetnanka for the bounty which ican Colleges and past presi- comet from New dent of the Eastern Regional Jersey soil. Unit of the National Catholic Agriculture in the Garden State it abundant and diverti* THE ADVOCATE Educational Association. Mara fied. New farmers are scientific recently, much of his time has Jersey’s in their work; they been member of the 31 CUNTON STREET spent aa a rely heavily on research to improve their It is N. J. State Scholarship Com- products. significant that the income acre of NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY mission. to which he was ap- per New Jersey farmland pointed by Governor Meynar. is the highest in the nation. ON FRJVATS college*. Fa- Pl*om chttk on«i ther Shaaahaa says ikodi ic itul to (t i "We need all the good col- fa ktffxj fml put o( scuef~ lege* we have,” he said, "and □ MNIW Q NEW I •ncloM 14.50 for my subscription. if the private colleges to provide really select leech- u NAME- ing. they'll cmttnsi to draw fa* students.” He painted ant. how tjd ever, that "sdarati— ie con to ADDRESS- turning Incraaaa in coat and lAXI‘ A 1 INC. CITI/I N Of GRf A T SIA II will A4ISJS He than ha need hr strang support from out side aaerrai CITY ZONK. ST ATI _ like industry.” , 12 THE ADVOCATE November M, ltS» PUZZLE ADVENT Addie, Advent and You How Do You 'Thank You'? Say HEADQUARTERS Rent June My Advent Calendar a special calendar to help you By Dwyer MAYBE the answer b that thta wBI take ns the year whole mark off the until Christ the of b M days The are all set message Thanksgiving day* to write —and then presses to mas in a Young Advocate way. roll all around us in second we will have with this issue of The Ad- every to atari all over and of and that Fill in each blank daily give vocate and still we have not every day we could again for next year. Maybe that the Christ Child a perfect gift never it into few b written our put a words the way God meant It to Thanksgiving mes- on Christmas morning. Otter sage for the Club members. It it is too big. The thanks we be— that each day He would your prayers for peace and give Isn’t that haven’t owe to “Our Father" in Heaven be the Giver and that aach we been day the Babe the world He to cannot gave bard be tied up into Thanks- we would find a million reasons thinking enough we you. there have been thinking all week giving are new gifts to offer our thanksgiving. to thank Him for each long. It isn’t even that we don’t day. It's been a foil year for the Maybe our of thanks know what to say the trouble message world. Thanks, God. is that there is too much to say. Parents' News How do you remipd people of the greatness of life and the world; of the goodness of God who watches out for each and Jersey City Parents every one of us from Baby Gin- ny Anne to Poppop? llow do you take all of the beautiful Celebrate sights of the stars and the sun Anniversary and the waves of the sea and JERSEY CITY The Parent-Teachers Association remind that God people gave of them Our Lady of Czestochowa is a milestone to us for our enjoyment? marking Dec. IS. Essex Black Gold The will be wMh a CYO Announces How do you point out the group celebrating Ms 10th anniversary vrooders of each friend, of each reunion Communion breakfast at the Hoot Restaurant here ALBION, Mich—Nuns teach* St. John’s meal, of each day? How do you after the 9 a m. Mass in their parish church. Contests ing at parish hen the hundred Hobby, Journalism have discovered “black count little things Rev. William J. assist- gold’* Daly, MONTCLAIR Nov. 30 is the editor of The Advocate. that make smile or the in their own backyard. The Sis- you ant superintendent of schools for lit, John J. Breene, Edward deadline freedom that for entriei in both the The winning entries will be ters of St. have “hit” makes America the Archdiocese, wrQl Mrs. O'Connor and John Van Eppa. Joseph speak. hobby show and the journalism placed in against the the greatest land in the world? Frank Sokolik and Mrs. competition the first oil well to flow inside Joseph Morris Catholic High School, contest being conducted the by top magaxines and papers from the Albion city limits. It was Gryczan are co-chairmen. Den vine The cross HOW CAN YOU remind the country Essex County CYO. Hudson, Bergen and Union Coun- drilled right in the middle of athlete that he St. and basketball teams were hon- Exhibits entered in the was given his Adalbert’s, Elisabeth—The hobby ties. Publications will be judged St. John’s elementary school ored by the Parents’ Association show strength by God above or PTA will hold a cake sale after will be on display in the on makeup, reporting, art work at the recent adult Rev. playground. remind the student that God the Masses Nov. 29. In the after- meeting. Archdiocesan CYO Center in Jer- and technical excellence. St. John's reportedly owns him Louis J. Gallo, school director, in- sey the week gave the brains to study noon (2-5 p.m.) there will be City of Dec. 7, vited all to the stu- 1/lSth of the well, which pro- and to learn or the actor house. On the parents join prior to awarding of prizes. open coming agen- Set Diocesan duced 29 barrels of crude oil that God da a dents in a Maas to be celebrated Synod gave him his talent is Christmas party Dec. 21 Contestants enter one or may in an hour. Crews said the that he and luncheon Thanksgiving Day at S a. m. in ALTOONA, Pa. (NC) - A sy- might entertain others? a Jan. 25. Acrow more of the more than 50 cate- well the school auditorium. He was 7 Long nod will be held in the Altoona- flowed strong until shut How can you step into the ML SL 1 Jesus' is Christmas gories. A blue ribbon will be described John *. Gladstone—The presented with a set of 8 Period of history Johnstown Dloccso in off, and it as a “very life of each Young vestments awarded in each the Spring Advocate Parent-Teacher 3 For instance 9 category with a good one." Organization will by James Dalton of Verona, as a Gifts hang on these at Christ- of 1961, it was announced and point to their gifts their 4 Member of special award to the outstanding by hold a fashion show and card Congress (abbr.) mas gift from the asaociaUon and the show exhibit. Bishop Howard J. Carroll. mother and dad; their school 6 Belonging to me There will be of St. Elizabeth party Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. in the Rosary Shrine of Summit 11 Took as food sepa- Academy and their health 10 Anxious rate divisions for and Cnnvtnt statian. Maw Jaraav teachers; and auditorium, lira. Ernest Gentile 12 “Gloria " junior sen- St CUfton—The Mar- In excelsis Scfcaal far f4lh Philip’s, ior CYO members. laaanJary flrla. yaor. happiness? How can you write is chairman assisted Mrs. 12 Dec. 25, 1655 14 Exist by ian Player* of Rutherford ■aaWaat and fxcaptlanal racarf so that each pre- With the GfORGMN COURT Day. one who reads James and 13 Before 15 exception of collec- • Bodine Mrs. Ferdi- sented a program of the Joyful Tuesday (abbr.) may stop and think and say nand Ratti. 14 Second letter of Greek tions, exhibits entered must be Mysteries at the recent Parents’ aaanaa. Mwah, Art, Dancing. Dramatic. “Thank dated after Jan. 1, COIIFGf you"? alphabet 1359. ; onj Sacred Heart, Clifton The Auxiliary. The auxiliary will hold Iparta ArHrHy pragcaat. That, Young is 18 Forward ANSWERS CwfwM by d*a Siitari af Maray tafanaaWaai Jtffaraaa MHO Advocates, Mothers’ Guild has circled Dec. a cake sale Feb. 14. Mr*. Peter THE JOURNALISM contest Is 17 The Savior rout-nAR couiu liadino why as the presses are set to to * 14 for to Decker and Mr*. Rocco Carlucci •JV 11 ■wnwwo 9 an annual of a hobby party be set Judging newspapers lA«4Ai roll our Down IX Cl l«u e nary c ► DtOttlS I Thanksgiving message are co-chairmen. The will in the auditorium. Mrs. Robert group •« »I »»V ■ a* A t and magaxines published by Is still not finished. 1 Jesus was born in the town St owtHTVWU fWatl-Inlagratad Rragram In llbarai. Cordaro chairman. meet Dec. 18. L t Catholic schools in the is Jan. 29 has of NMOO grammar lArtt, fin* Arti. Sclanca,' Muilc, Him Essex-West been set aside for a progressive * Hudson area. A win- 'Economics, Kilnaii Admlnlitratlan.' 2 Affirmative •"■•r it ct ner will be chosen card party. Mrs. Christopher Tri- Poster Winners vo ei *t»a sx *v c in both cate- Haadiar Training far Elamantary and' 3 Upper limb **•« *t olo is chairman assisted Mrs. »i*i ot cnxrpta i gories. The Judge will be iSaaandary Scfcooli, fvßy Aacradltad. m by sizinj aaoMtsoao Joseph 5 Feast of Nativity Addraan earn James Orland. In Cedar Grove Slonov R. Thomas, assistant managing 11ITT* SECRETARY •aarglaa Caart CaOaga / aovoam aoii Holy Angels, Fact Lee—James lafcawiad. Haw 'INIMSV l CEDAR GROVE Mary Was Lives the . ianay *»*».• M) 4H\ M. Rice was elected of of Saints more president serman, a sixth grader at St. the Fathers’ dub recently. He , won first prize will be assisted by Thomas Finn, Founded ON INSUMD in a poster contest sponsored by In lIW by the Sister* of Milton C. Charity SAVINGS ro'° Lewis, Anthony Visceg- the local public library board of trustees. The posters of cr ® were to ad- Medal Saint Elizabeth o College #9 vertise a book sale to raise funds Mary’s for the library development. Convont Station, Now Jersey received The beautiful ahrine to Our the •T*— >» Mary $l5 worth of world to the holy nun. Lady of the Immaculate Con- 4 books as her prize. Honorable 3 ception, patroness of the Unit- CATHERINE was humble 1 all: mention awards * of $3.50 worth rw* ed was dedicated in her life. She was in of books went to Carolyn Mini- States, this charge CALDWHI NIW MHIY week in There of the and looked ban and Gail Tonday, also of St Washington. have poultry after Catherine's. been many shrines dedicated to the old folks in the shelter. m*«h Our little When sister Catherine died CALDWELL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN w iiiili Lady, ones and large on ones Dec. FREcfSheoffer's Newest like Notre Dame Cathe- 31, 1876, a great popular CONDUCTED BY THE OF ST. Priest Goes to Pole SISTERS DOMINIC Petr and Pencil dral. There have also been peo- devotion spread to the medal Cartridge BRUSSELS Rev. Vin- Fully Accredited - Offering A.». end B.S. (NC) ple who have made their hearts and love grew for the little nun. Degrees Set —when yew open a Ilij cent a Collin, 0.5.8., doctor, has shrines for Mary. Soon after Catherine's death NIW account with $lOO left with a Belgian working party One of these who a child of 12 was cured at her of o persons more, »tn p«n»o for the South Pole. l* loved Mary with her whole grave. After careful investiga- UNCLE MIKE HAS EVERYTHING MOHAWK heart for her whole life was St. tion, the Church named St mm enr PHOTO Thto to often SOaUii eoncleuloe la try In* to SI CHRISTMAS CAROS Catherine Labours who died Catherine Laboure a saint in iAVINOI mW Ih. A4m. "WHAT WILL WE GET UNCLE MIKE TOR CHRIST- 40 Ceemerce Kill (h 6 BUCK AND WHITI less than a hundred years ago. 1647. Street. Newark 2 am MAS? Ho never did wear any of oar If tt Mitchell 3-0240 St. Catherine was a quiet girl, As Americans dedicated to Card* whh 2>/ rainbow Uce." Uncle Mike—who to ** laaal.g.. 100 the of the Immaculate Oe%M/WW.te|pd* youngest a large fam- Conception, we of *• Ma «M probably more appreciative enr «M PJUUUNO the ! laolcgw lJi She wanted to should all make hearts ecreu Wee* ily. enter the our a thoughtfulness than of Even fjif 7* Card. with ■ iSO enr gift. and was shrine for We convent finally given Mary. should oaah a good pirssu can NEVER have 100 Card. wtth ■ 700 9 permission. St. Catherine open our lives to her so that C'HT/SiA TO ° MANV SPIRITUAL GIFTS. Plim and St. Catherine is she may do good through us. Onr BEAUTIFUL MASS hit«|« Packing Catherine was sent to a con- portrayed by CARDS Ann Leone Sacred That is how a quiet nun who FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD Calar cerdi at raducad prkac. Writ# vent of the Sisters of Charity of Heart of St. Vincent de Paul in Paris. Cathedral, which was never known helped to turn are eoe eolation te thla vexing prob- far acdar blank with Newark, is dadgnc. the of the world lem. He would be pleased. On July 18, 1830, Catherine was staffed by the Sisters of thoughts to too, by the of Heaven. the THOUGHTFUL BENEFITS OF Photo awakened about 11:30 p.m. by St. Catherine Queen Ryan Box 24 Charity. La- la the the vision of TIt}U,F*LhMm»AJ MEMBERSHIP Near East Ml*, a shining child boure's feast is Nov. 28. day ■lona. FOR ONE YEAR: Individual Chatham, N. J. who led her down to the Sis- fw At Oritmu! Omni —ll. Family—lS; PERPETUAL: ters' chapel. Our Blessed Moth- volet alto uid that thou who In- dlvldual—fit, Family lIP*. OUR TASTEFUL GIFT CARD er was in the chape) waiting wore the medal and had devo- WITH PRESSED FLOWERS FROM THE HOLT LAND win be talk to Catherine. tion would to For two receive great to the DOLLARS or Chrtotmae mall—la yew name—te Uncle Mike md nap hours the two talked. grace* by the ' Intercession of ether* wtoh Mary yen may to ae remember. told Catherine that the young the Mother of God. SENSE? ST. nun would have to undertake A YEAR (Feaat Dec. 3rd) The offers CATHERINE to her of the eye physician a very hard task. ipoke one greatest missionaries since ST. know confessor about died a lado« the value of the visions. Ho PAUL, at the age of 4fl, A COMPARA- which ON insured cannot bo computed NOV. 17 Our L»dy ap- investigated everything the nun TIVELY YOUNG MAN. PAUL and THOM- then he to savings AS. two would-be in dollars or cents. peared to Catherine again in the said, went the Arch- mlsslonera ON THE THRESHOLD OF MANHOOD And with KEEGAN tho lame chapel. Mary wai stand- bishop and received permission ASSt I b Ovl u s wish to con- tinue THE ing if in a She wai to have the medal made. In WORK HE BEGAN In India. Guild who renders as picture. Optician They need benefactors to the on a globe with stream* of June, 1832, the first 1,500 med- give 1100 ne- a care service complete eye cessary for each year of their light coming from her hands. als were given out. Devotion WATCH six-year sem- that is unsurpassed. inary course. YouJ Around her head were the spread quickly throughout the don't gamble. IT words: "0 Mary, conceived world, until today the medal OUR ON-THE-SPOT MAN Take our advice, consult free from sin, known as the Miraculous Medal pray for us who GROW! MONSIGNOR RYAN—m on-the-spot man la the Near Beat, pour for eye physician all turn to theee!" Is one of the most popular. leeks forward to saying, ‘OUR HOLT FATHER SENT THIS •ye conditions. When Catherine had read the Catherine would not let her TO TOU FOR CHRISTMAS” n b to tributes Feed SHOULD YOU NEED words, the picture turned confessor tell the priests or Packages to ewr refugees. When Mosul*nor Ryan receives around. On the back Catherine the world who she was. She year 111 GLASSES COME TO US offering HE WILL SEND TOU or thb saw a capital "M” with a cross wanted to live her life quietly id* person yen name—AN OLIVE wMk 100% •bova It and two hearts, the in the convent. This is why she SEED RO- Pur* SARY FROM THE HOLT LAND. As hb VntobU Skortmm§ thorn-crowned and the other was never called before the visit* with enr refugees. Mcosigner Ryan pierced with a sword Church court when it was in- which %far H* wondorfuf mrtrWoa and of An* semis upon many problems NEED flavor, qvafty Catherine heard a voice tell- vestigating the visions. The MmOCUP MEAD IMMEDIATE CARE. A STRINGLESS GIFT In honor of Oar •v.ry day hi to court that the 9T9iy woy, ing her have a medal made agreed Blessed Ledy of the Miraculous Medal (Fees* Nov. 27th) to boner for footling, iondwlch*i, or ad rocipot or |w* pic like the picture she saw. The Mother had truly come Into the The Optician CHRIST CHILD wUI allow him to bs St Nicholas—SANTA CLAUS “FOR REAL.” •7 Halsey sthiet M. J. Ml ►HWAMC. 2-5171 ALL Young Advocate Club sacrificial gifts era appreciated, bat ■ CHRISTMAS GIFT 4CONVENIENT OFFICES In honor of Sa'di Jo- seph will be a special HOLT FAMILY gift NMMMIASK Christmas Contest far Sister MADELEINE and Slater MART. Opto tto «<*)*-* HI« m >HnRr An offering of 1150 a year for each of them “DID Senior* (Fifth to Make an Chriatmai curruoi park will the cost YOU cover RENEW of thslr eighth grades): original two-year novitiate. card. Do not use prepared materials. 740 Andoraoo Avooim Opto * la 4 dolly-4 to • o« Prlday The members of a BRONX ELD EEs'CLUB are EXTRAVA- Janion (Kindergarten to fourth grades): Draw a picture of the GANTLY GRATEFUL far the theetfhtful ramemhiaoeo to a first Christmas In the stable. Do want Oodor Lana M Lank Atoma not trace a picture. We simple birthday sard. THE PATHETIC BASIC NEEDS It «t of aw your own ideas. Opto • 4 OKH • aa pm* Refugee Slxty-Te-Oee-Uumtred YOUR Ctab are mol by year Christo WtUSS— PARK mas Offering to enr PALACE OF OOLD. (Clip and attach to your letter) Ml Irood Avonoo QOOD. Opao t to 4 dolly-4 ta t oo Monday PATIENT—iIJT VERY SLOW Name So FATHER GIADALLA of ARM ANT la Egypt describee THE DONKEY which takes him to his widely-mattered ZrkZ Address SAVINGS iooers. Your gift SUBSCRIPTION?” toward the purchase of a JEEP will MODERN- IZE THIS FRANCISCAN INVESTED BEFORE FATHER'S CHRISTMAS and City him more, easily to THE 10thOF EVERY available his people, aiijoo t* TOUR GIFT IP NOT FILL IN COUPON BELOW School WILL START THE JEEP ROLLING. MONTH EARN r o° m «>im Teacher COM! DEAD HAND IS DIVIDENDS WHAT TOU HAVE GIVEN AWAT. WIU yew WILLINGLY am a member would THE WILL a gift I □ I like to Join □ FROM FIRST to the Near Eaet Mtohm in uni anj • « nn DID WILLT—TOU DID WELL^—Thank yen. Kales: Entries should be sent to June V. Dwyer, Young Advo- cate Club, SI Clinton SC, Newark 2. N. J. Your entry nukes you a member. East (THssionsSiOOSfml Entries must be In The Advocsta offices no later than Freildsai o)u6uii « | Wednesday. Dec. 16, 1698. .NSarP.Tnehy,No(lles> All SIUIHCS 4 I0»N '*SS 4 copies mutt be accompanied by the attached coupon, I •r by a copy of It «** *AJT WStfARf ASSOCIATIONSSOOATION 1 4io Uxtoßton Avw. of 46tf« Sf. NswYsdif Ywfc 17, N.Y. I With North Jersey Women November 2t, list THE ADVOCATE 13 After Who’s Who Honors Thanksgiving To Caldwell Seniors By June Dwyer CALDWELL Six senior* of Fla., where she was an honor Bella are (or North A. ringing Daniel Higgins, baritone, at Caldwell College are listed in the student. She is in social • majoring aad Hera ’nTheta Jersey women they have their meeting at the Hotel Win- I#3MO Who * Who in U. S. Col- studies and plans to teach. Ann Svoboda the familiar sound of aleigh field Scott 3 p.m. Dec. a of 84. Theresa leges and Universities ft recently Miss Burger is program chair- belli or of the Chriatmaa the Post 487, Ladies uf group will attend the Auxiliary announced. They are: Jane Ab- of the Catholic War man Chi Rho Chi debating so- cbimea. It’a early but the com* Christmas pageant at the l(a- Veterans, re- hau, Chatham; Anne ceived Burger, ciety, and formerly served as inf of Thanksgiving haa slg- -dio City Music HaU the national hospital Newark; . ~ Mary Jane Lee. Ba- treasurer of the mission naled award for contri- and In- the atart of the holiday outstanding yonne; Patricia Murphy. Bloom- butions ternational Relations clubs. She feativitica. Notes to the hospitalized vet- field. Lois and Rosary Perillo, Hillsdale; was from Our erans at Lyons and East graduated Lady The needy will receive Patricia Robertson, Morristown. Orange Veterans of the Valley High School, and is Tima Christmas baskets from the Hospitals. Miss Lee is student government Party a social studies major. The presentation was made at Archbishop Boland will be Rosarians of president and was of Holy Trinity, the president Miss Perillo is a member of honored the annual The state board meeting held her class in and at Bayley- Westfield. women will sophomore junior Ergo, of the college choir, and make recently at Rosary Memorial Seton League reception Dec. 10 up the baskeU at their years. She is also a member of is active in number of Post, Perth Amboy. The board a campua at 12:30 p.m. at the Hotel Sub- meeting Nov. 30 following the the varsity basketball squad. She also named Nov. organizations. She won honors at Eaat The • 28 as hospital is a urban, Orange- p.m. service in church. The graduate of St. Dominic Aca- St. Dominic appeal Sunday; and announced Academy, Jersey Chriatmaa party will feature program will also include the emy, Jersey City, where she was City, and is in social a Communion breakfast Dec. 8 majoring the Seton Hall Univeraity Glee reading of “Woman Wrapped valedictorian of her class. She is studies with teach. Misa at Thomm's New- plans to Club under direction of Revr in Silence.’’ The Marian Restaurant, in . . . majoring chemistry. Perillo is blind. of of ark, following the 10 a.m. Masa John Jarenczuk. A highlight Players Rutherford will en- MISS ROBERTSON at Sacred Heart Cathedral. is prefect the afternoon will be the in- tertain at the Dec. 3 meeting Rev. Daniel J. Schneider of of Caldwell’s sodality, having troduction of John of the St. Jobe Kanty Msgr. tJ. Rosary, served as vice and Passaic. Maryknoll, N.Y., will speak on prefect secre- Dougherty, new preiident ’ of The Rosarians plan to devotions to The state tary in previous years. She is a Hall Mrs. receive in a the Mary. Seton Univeraity. body at 8:30 member of the appointa- Mass group also named Dec. 10-11 as Ergo, Charlea E. Garneau of South a.m. Dec. 6 . . . wrapping days for the Christ- tive philosophy honor society,and Orange, league preaident, will Rosarians of Bt. Francis, mas gifts to be at the has served terms as mission club make the The will bold given LA presentation. Haskell, a Christmas NOR veterans hospitals . secretary and American Chemi- la under the direction party and dinner Dec. 8 at 8 .. program cal She was The Morris County chapter Society delegate. of Mra. Malcolm Rogera of p.m. at Berta’s Restaurant, BRIDAL SHOPPE of Chestnut HUI College Alum- graduated with honors from Bay- South Midvale. Mra. Jennie Jordan Orange ... met ley-Ellard School, Madison, and nae recently at the home High The Junior Build of Bt. Aaa’a Mrs. Joan Mulroy are co- of Mrs. Thomas Lade of Mor- and is majoring in chemistry with Presorts Home for the chairmen. The Rosarians will Proudly Aged, Jersey to enter medical ristown. The women planned a plans the re- City, has slated a meeting Dec. also hold their meeting' Dec. 7 its covered dish for De- search field. • at 8:30 at the Hi Hat at 8 p.m. in the church hall. supper p.m. cember. Miss Murphy Is president of The meeting include Club, Bayonne. The eve'ning plans will Ergo, co-editor of the FALL The Orange unit of the Igaa- campus will close with a Christmas preparations for the meeting of tiaa Guild will hold Christ- newspaper, book review editor of Mrs. John Betti and the NCCW in their auditorium a and party. the literary and year- Dec. 13 mas bridge party Dee. 4 to aid magazine, Mrs. Alfred Vuocolo are co- at 3 . Rosar- p.m. . . book editor. She has ians the Jesuit Missionaries in the CALDWELL COLLEGE GROWS: Thefirst spadeful ofearth is turnedon the layout served chairmen. The women will also of Sacred Heart. Irving- WINTER The in the past as class treasurer Philippines. affair, under site a hold a Christmas Dec. 30 ton, will elect officers at the laboratory classroom wing for Caldwell party the of Mrs. Dan- of and College, by Msgr. James A. and junior delegate to the Na- for Dec. 4 in the chairmanship 2-5 p.m. at St. Ann's Home meeting pariah iel F. Hughes, Vicar General, with an assist from Mother Dolorita, tional Federation of Catholic Col- Bridal hall. Burns of East Orange, 0.P., right, superior Selection of the residents. The Girl Scouts Highlight of the evening of the Dominican Sisters. will be. held at 8 at 369 general Looking on from are Adele lege Students. She was graduated of will be the. Christmas p.m. left, Mary Tumulty, and Brides Maids St. Nicholas, Jersey City, party .. . from ML Park Ave., Orange. senior class president, and Sister Marguerite, 0.P., will St. Dominic Academy, and the Jersey City recreation Tba Christmas sale to be college president. Ground broken Caldwell, with first honors, and Dresses will entertain held D«c. 8 in St. in the Spring for a residence hall and an infirmary for the Sisters. department at Mary’s is majoring in social studies. High School Ruth- Retreat the party. Mrs. William Toppa auditorium, Day is chairman . erford, by the MISS ABHAU Is mission club COTILLION GOWNS . . Rosary Society, will feature booths president, delegate of . apostolic The Christmas party for Bt. toy . . In PROM DRESSES Maplewood Dunbarton Recalls the costumer Joseph’s Guild, Jersey City, is College sodality, and of the MAPLEWOOD History The Essex Genesian Actress Guild. She was set for Dec. 14. The women Retreat Day Suburban District Council of graduated from Fort Lauderdale will hold their regular meeting LA NOR Nov. 30 at S to make Set in Catholic Women will hold a day of High School, Fort Lauderdale, p.m.- Hudson Early America, Roosevelt recollectioa Teddy final at Immaculate Heart . SHOPPE plans . . Dec. 15 the BRIDAL JERSEY CITY _ The South of Dec. WASHINGTON Catholic Club of Elis- Mary 4. The (NC) - Mass Woman’s program or general of the order, returned site is now the head- ST. JOSEPH'S VILLA Hudton-Jeraey City, Bayonne Dis- will occupied by 84 Springfiold Ave. abeth will be entertained by start at 10 a. m. with Mass. was offered Nov. 19 at Dunbarton to Dunbarton in 1955. '•LAIIIOIM.' PIAPACK. N. J. trict Council of Catholic quarters building of the National Women, Rev. Edward P. Looney, district College, its The Newark, N. J. will hold currently celebrating college is located on one Catholic Welfare Conference. a day of recollection moderator, will 25th Nov. conduct the con- anniversary year, to honor of the oldest estates tn the Dis- AitMk fmck Ckilm at fcraalk MA 2-9191 Retreat Is Held 29 at 3 m. in Our p. Lady ferences. Mrs. Margaret Stanzile its foundress, Mother Mary Rose trict of liMii baaulr la Ik* »i«>iw of Church Columbia, part of a tract Ultra a»kn (aaUltlaa Victoriea here. of Orange ia chairman. Elizabeth. Om Mon . Wot* At Caldwell bought from Indians in 1777 by cUaaato bnllnl Mala- Otn raar College r.Over 200 women are expected ta Caaralaaraata. aaaattaalata Frt. • A.M. to I M Mother Rose Elizabeth, superi- Isaac Pierce. at you live rfund CALDWELL - Sludenti at for the program, which will In- aad Hraaatat mda P M. Tuva.. Thurft* or of Sisters the Ratraata fraaa kaatatobaa Jaaa of Holy Cross to Sal. PJC. Caldwell College tor Women dude aermon, spiritual Lectures Council HOLY CROSS • U f . reading, on who conduct Dunbarton College, Academy has made their annual spiritual re- Stations OIPINDAIIt «mj Dart of the Cross and a Holy FRIBOURG, Switzerland (RNS) founded been honored by at least two the senior college for 0000 INCOME II treat at the college Nov. 23-23. Hour. —The U. S. Presidents Theodore University of Fribourg has women In 1935. She was then Rev. John J. Brady, S.J., waa re- Rev. Leo Martin, pastor of Our a aeries of Roosevelt and William Howard organized lectures head of Holy Cross Academy, a treatmaater for the upperclass- Lady of Victoriea. will Taft. apeak. during the 100040 semester on girls’ *- V. 0. ANNUITY- Rev. William E. Mrs. Martin high school in th« Wash- men; Walab, Hackett, district the significance of the Ecumeni- PIAN. t fresh- ington Archdiocese. . President Roosevelt was fond of S.J., for sophomores and president, will handle cal Council arrange- summoned by Pope Mother Rose Elizabeth Ist- riding on horseback in the vicini- ments. who I ”•* M In men. John XXIII. er served for 12 years as superi- ty of the campus, and sometimes AT YOUR stopped at the school for refresh- ments supplied by Sister Angeli- MvMtiog Prlmtt •n4 IrnlK- MONffBKg MEDICAL ca, then superior. •n to Mm MUtlnnt • Cnr- tain tan adnnlsfai • A A presidential aide is said once GROCERS to have asked the nun to find something better than a pewter bowl In which to serve soup to WrHr far Iran InlnrwnHnn the • President. But President NOW Of Ttra Divin* Word Roosevelt is supposed to have Society said: ANNUITY DIPT. LA “I would rather have soup ■SAID, PINNA. in a pewter bowl from Sister X Angelica than in a ailver bowl from someone else.” Evidence of the President’s A Wedding Reception lts« gratitude for the Sisters' hospital- ity is a lavishly bound volume of Cinln L the life of Pope Leo XIII which PLAZAHOTEL tie presented —* to the academy. It EASTERN is inscribed: “To Journal fa. Jrntr City. N. I Holy Cross MONKS' BREAD roi fNVIICUMr AIMS Academy with the best wishes of provider! • Dleniriud Ornuutl Ream* Av«. (It S«J M.T. I «A ***** Theodore Roosevelt.” W MS (te to MO) •Vrtm OntfiullM • Superior Cultlno — HIS successor In office. Presi- • dent prim Taft, demonstrated his ® care Carotul atttntiea ta dateda have bean famous for and great in baking give for the nuns OUT OP STATE; A friendship by enter- Miona their home-made bread for this bread its contingent from New Jersey lined up for pictures liidol Comuhont cen- rare, superb recently taining Sister Angelica and the and when they were invested with turies ... Monks’ Bread brings flavor. Monks' Bread, tall cap and gown at academy class of Immaculata College, Immaculate, 1909 at the 3-0100 back a lost satisfaction firm in texture, brines Pa. They are, left to right; front Carol White House. Oldfield long slender, LISS row, Ann Dunlap, Dorothy Bednar, Nancy the of sub- Amplo forking Spot* simple joy eating an exciting new discovery la Mary Ann Marla back Joan Holy Cross Academy during the Grum, Draper, Visceglia; row: Williams, Barbara Air Conditioned stantial, hearty bread. Rich in- honest eating to year Patricia Zimmermann, early 1900s was located on Wash- good Budenbender, Marydlen Meehan, and Kathleyn Wurts. Estimate* cheerfully given gredients, skillful kaeading, family table. GIVES YOU ington's Massachusetts Ave. The DOILY MOUNT Ohio Judge Says: 7 HOUR NURSING HOME Wn kati Ummm Women Must Check New HIM DEVELOPING Heresy A 0 mJ htJwrWM#i. 11 lltfM COVINGTON, Ky. (NC) -Mod ••king on anew The challenger. eryone has to keep up with the era woman baa the to Church is power meeting ’suburbia,’ and Joneses; it's rather that now "check the ‘new hereiy’ of ‘the don't think for a moment that everyone has to be a Jones," M 111 SLylmW*"*’ communion of tin and the for- ‘auburbla* is a pigmy pushover." Judge Dammarell jibed. "To be mvu nou Bourn, r.n giveneaa of aetata 1 ,” Wil- Judge The “affluent society" with its different is to be divisive and WUHIIH liam J. Dammar*!! told delegate! leisure time, emphasis on com- that, of course, is a • TiMl«l Übafert mot to the dangerous eighth annual Covington Di- and munity living widening circle word. Education, recreation, the- M VAUTf MU. CIIFTON. N. A oceaan Council of Catholic Wom- social of contacts, he said, is ory of life and pattern of living en convention. turning many anew bousing de- •re all keyed to what is called The Cincinnati attorney and velopment —and miny an old ’spacious living in a ffee soci- former of too into sort judge the Hamilton one a of junior ety,* a concept which can be •UCK WHITI County, Common AND Ohio, Plea* "country club set" where the big fine. Indeed, but which can still Court told the women: word is "togetherness’' and the carry a dangerous potential.” "The Church la SWOtf SiM AJL which haa con- big idea is "community ’think- bS| "The answer to the present lies quered the Roman and ing." M SAMI MY 4 PAL Empire in the present and it is largely tamed the barbarians la thinking" has a now "Community for women to answer since it of over into so- way slipping a grows out of the woman’s world cial which "extends JUMBO Sho PRINTS conformity, the home and the family," he from houses to households and “She is the to I Start challenged. key Ispwurtt from tke bottom from mortgages to morals," the stopping this drift toward sur- warned. 49 Judge rendering Catholic conscience to M "IT ISN'T MERELY that ev- the morals and mores of secu- pets frwn MIHM'S. larism in which purely spiritual All Color Procostlnf CATERERS standards receive a sort of amused tolerance." PRINTING Jut It* of tha thouKirvh of Ki M NOW droadlooma with U* I*4 WEST I4dl STREET a and fttfrto with which N. J. cobinat-woy* ia« beaut j (•ffllvd.) IAYONNK, HARRY P. MURPHY tha Modem far. REDOCB) Mass Cause Modamoira wrvtt 25* Hon«»t value prieaa • FACILITIES FOR- 7$ CUNTON ST., NIWAtK 2 for Cobinati. with or without Individually drtignad by Modtnv • • Phon«i MArkat 3-2131 art Wadding* llwwwi Mother tiro Itatan- 1 DAY SERVICE Of Seton onptrtl to your taitn (or and Vlatt our RUQ t mg baoutiM living. . NSW lonqutfi PITTSBURGH Mass Now on 33 mm. and (NC) SELECTOR ROOM * Communion RrvakfatN *drii ntd for the beatification cause of the o by Robort Ftllntr • mm. Kodochromo ■So* room open Tuea. and Morfc J. Font * OlflM and Hml foundress of Sisters of Char- Iktothromo t aad Tkura. till S. Days Luncheons ity in the U.S. will be offered at 3 St. Paul Cathedral here Dec. U. KsdassUr Days Plenty of parking AT OUR OWN- Custom Rev. William G. Ryan, presi- FREE HALLS dent of Seton 1101 College, will SY lAITMAN KOOAK offer the Mass for the beatifica- j - w Drapery tion cause of Mother Elizabeth ANY HAU YOU CHOOSI Seton. Bishop John J. Wright of i- - * Pittsburgh will preach. Members 1»3» liss •A. M » ■ Cleaning ; •M Nml Nttl of the Mother Seton Clubs uf Catholic Action will the DINNERS . tvm sing Drug Do p't. Storm . . S|JS S3) Norik Broad Street •t *» Maas* Offu«a, II J**nM« Hm n m S-ISOA7SII Hairi«i. • Eliiaboth, N. J. The first Mother Seton Club of modernaire fm ante US • i HU HTIMATU iayl jraarj HI-HAT Catholic Action was organised In Handers MIN ImN4, V®® m opwi sa i ajl HI H 1931 by the Sisters of of p§Hi Mr R*P*rt Cleaelas aed *-1117 - 9-I*7l 4-ISM Charity *M S AJL Pll«ri«n 11040 PRRI PARKINO Seton 11111 “to foster the study of Mother Baton's life and works." 7? 14 the advocate November U, list Russell's Last Season Strange Goings-On atSt. Peter's: May Begin Plenty of Height, No Playmaker Court Revival for Seton Hall SOUTH ORANGE home schedule This is the year of a beginning THE PIKATK JERSEY CITY a to rival things are happening with pest teams. and an end for the Seton Hall basketball teams is the best in several yean, with the University St. Peter’s College basketball team this and the Kennedy will not lack for bench 13 games to be then. year as nine sophomores make their varsity debut, while vet played result is that even coach Don strength as Shrekgast, Norton, These include visits from Sena* Kennedy isn’t quite sure how eran coach Russell is Saxenmeyer, Ron Harrlgan (6-3) Honey singing his swan song. ton, St. St. the-Peacocks will fare against a strong 21-game schedule. Joseph's, Francis, and George Sullivan (6-2) can all Russell’s decision to call it quits at the end of the 1959- In their decade Fordham, Lafayette, Geonetown, under Kennedy, the Peacocks have be counted on in a Then pinch. •0 Mason was announced at tbe Canisius and Munienberg. Nlaga* anally had three there is the distinguishing tallest man on the end of the last With ra and marks: campaign. Brooks ($-0) and Hugh Dunnion Western Kentucky will be (l) smart, aggressive nesse. There were times this Fall squad, 6-6 soph Jim Lamond, who all the wealth of young material (6-2) and he might even do this met at Madison Square Garden, baokeourt men; (2) a lack of when Kennedy was confused as is scheduled for long-term devel at the Han, It can hardly be Mid before the end of the But and the road show includes a (3) the to whether season. height; presence in the Marty, the student opment by Kennedy, with a that ts out prob- Honey getting when right now, the mixture of exper- England trip to Holy Cross and starting lineup of at least one council president at St. Peter’s, able delivery date as a star in the good. Boston getting's ience and youth is likely to pro College, a western excur- boy with no school was battling for a berth on the the 1600-61 high varsity season. Three of the the sion to usual sophs highly duce more fireworks. Detroit, plus the experience. basketball team or for The team is rounded running out by touted Art Hicks (8-4). Hank Last year's Seton games with Villanova and St. It is in the first of Hall team, two categories mayor Jersey City. But now burly soph baseball star Frank Guntner (84) and A1 SenaviUs Peter’s. which posted a 13-10 record, had that the present St. Peter's team that Election Day is past Machuga (6-4) and senior Marty Joe M) already have clinched two faults: lack Ruscll would like to hit the deviates from tradition. seems to have settled down to his Gulbin (5-11). major of a consis Kennedy bertha on Honey's first team, 300-victory marker at the Hall be* is duties. tent scorer (Rowley Jed the team frankly worried about the qual- court It appears that the Peacocks, along with veterans Jack fore be Row- with an a average) quits (he can’t miss with ity of his backcourt The who 11-point game play, but, on question mark of the vet- open against Toronto Dec. ley (M) and Ken Walker (5-10). and ball Thd his year at Manhattan thrown tlw other he could better sloppy handling. re in), hand, figures to eran trio is Prettyman, who miss- 4, their 15-6 record of Two more, home-grown Frank but be has suit was that the Pirates weren't 22 games to go for start by far the tallest last season with quintet he ed the early games last year with a little luck. Besson (8-31/2) and Hank Furch the less than getting enough decent shots at triple century, one has ever had five boys who a touch of mononucleosis. Bill (M) are pressing Rowley and the basket and weren't the Pirates' regular schedule range from 6-3 to 6-«, with should putting an be the team’s strong man Walker for jobs. calls for. With reasonable of Peacock Sked them in when they did get them. luck, average 6-4 1/2. under the boards until the novice the Pirates Art Hicks is could hit 16-20 in the Haines Dec. 4—Taranto BUSSELL COULD field an all- the kind of boy THIS gets the feel of things, Home campaign and add Pe QUINTET it's by no team and back them who can solve both problems. He perhaps lie must also be counted on for Dec. 6—lwyola (Bait.) Home soph up with means a reJt in a post-season tournament. permanent one— also all-veteran is a scorer double-figure in each Dec. 12—Georgetown Away an quintet of Rowley, frightening (1.137 numbers two boys who sat in the scoring game. Dec. 16—Colby Home Walker, Seth Hicks (8-3 1/2), Bill points as a high school senior) stands and watched their high : >nd he is also a fine backcourt Speed is one the Dec. 26-36—Wiaged Foot Tourn’t. school teams thing Pea- perform. They were cocks Jan. 3—F. Dickinson Home man with a dazzling array of Pirate should have no worries ] pretty good teams Peacock, too, for his Jan. s—St. Francis Pirate Schedule passes. With Rowley and Gunt- Haines about, Despite size, Haines is Away j George <«-«), is a grad- Jan. 6—American Dec. I nor to handle, the front court, a fast boy who was a quarter- Home 2—Toronto Home uate of St Aloysius and Clem to miler at St. Jan. 22—Stetson Dec. s—Roanoke Home Hicks will be able to range free- Frosh Meet Reck of St. Aloysius. Walsh is Away (6-4) Mary’s (Eliza- ly, picking his own spots to do extremely quick and both he and Jan. 23—Tampa Away Dec. I*—W. Kentucky Home* SOUTH ORANGE The Scton | the most damage. Smith got into condition for the Jan. 36—Wagner Away Dec. 12—Scranton Home Hall University and St. Ptier'g Haines and Reck are still being Feb. 6—LeMoyne Home Dec. 19—Rider freshman basketball season by running with Home IF College teams will in* challenged for starting berths the Feb. 16—St. Jan. BETON HALL doe* use i by cross-country squad. Joseph’s Away *—Loyola (Balt.) Home augurate their schedules on Dec. Bill pivot man at all, it ia likely to Shrekgast (6-5), Pete Nor- Feb. 12—L.1.U. Jan. 9—Bl. Home be 2, in Away Joseph's the diminutive meeting a preliminary io ton Dan DARK HORSE on the is Feb. 17—Fairfield Walker, who had (6-4), Bochlcchio (5-9) squad Away Jan. 12—L.1.U. Away the Pirates’ varsity clash with and little aome success there last winter. George Saxenmeyer (6-0). Bochicchio, a transfer from Feb. 20—Assumption Home J*a. 14—Yeshiva Home Toronto. The other three regular Adelphi. His size makes Feb. 22—Siena None of the Pirate big men is spots compar- Away Jan. 14—St. Francis Home Richie Regan is handling tl.o seem sewed up by veterans Bill isons with the Peacocks’ former Feb. Jan. essentially a pivot artist, though 24—Upsala Home 20—Viltanova Away Pirate yearlings again this Smith ace Guntner is much handier year, (C-5), 80l Prettyman (6-5) Pepper Dooley inevitable and Feb. 27—Iona Away Jan. in the while Dan 23—Albright Away bucket Bernie Ockene is serving ai and Marty Walsh (6-3). seems to have many of the Mar. 3—Manhattan than Rowley. Away Jan. 2n—Fcrdham Horae - frosh coach at St. Peter’s for the moves Smith, of course, is the which made Pepper such Mar. *—Seton Hall Home Feh. 2—lona Besides Hicks, several other of key Away eighth season. man on this Peacock team. Asa the are noted Feb. 4—Lafayette Home sophs for their Tlje two teams will meet sophomore last Bill again year, scored Feh. Croat shooting ability. .Senavitis aver- In the 12—Holy Away final game of the season 621 points and made aged several all- Feh. 13—Boston College Awsy 18 points a-game with the when the teams star teams. varsity play Mar. He combined a fine Bees Feb. frosh last Bosson showed Claim Football Title 19—Niagara » Home* year; a 9 at the Jersey City Armory. shooting eye with strong defen- fearsome NEWARK Feh. 20—Georgetown Home | jump shot in his days at On sive work and the A smaller, faster and determined St. Bene- the Pirate club are Dick ability to draw dict’s Feh. 22—Caniains Home [Scton Hall Prep; Guntner is ex- Prep team put in its claim as the Fmer of buffalo fouls In carload lots (and make mythical North Jer- Feh. tremely from (8-3), Mike Mur* sey Catholic football 27—Detroit Away dangerous the cor- them). champion of 1959 with a 6-0 upset of Seton ray of New York and John Hall before *—Mnhlenberg Home ner. 7,000 fans at Newark Schools Stadium on Nov. 22. Scheidnagel of Trenton Catholin Mar. 9—Bt. Peter's Russell is WALSH IS THE team This first meeting in 19 years of the Essex athletic Awsy j carrying a 18-man (both 5-11), all of whom captain, County • At Madiaoa have a powers their initial encounter true Squsre Garden squad and will two more fiery leader, who makes up in as high school elevens pick up clinched starting berths. The oth- he followed the to but boys at midyear, including bas- two spirit what may lack in fi- pre-game perfection for one important er spots are being contested respect the ketball-baseball star Dom Klein outcome. Seton Hall was obviously the stronger St. by two 8-5 boys, Pavlicß Takes of Belleville. George team physically and the Bees on the Aloysius State Veteran Ron Olen- outgained ground by a Meet, Places of Johnstown, Pa., and Les Wor- 2-1 margin. •< der (84) will work as a sixth Dimino Clinches much of Connorsville, Pa., along But the Pirates wasted their Two man with the second unit, while opportunities in a series of Boys on All-Star with Bill Rose of St. Rose, Bel- rushes, none of which inside the Joe Bellontine John Kiel- got Bees’ 10-yard line. St. NJCTC Squad (6-8), mar; Mez/.a Ralph of St. James. Benedict's, on the other conserved its By Ed Grant The bowski (8-3), Phil Kecmer (M hand, energies into one Seton Hall which >, and Scorning Dendlick aquad, Rouse Newark; Joe Woerncr of Ora- 78-yard march which ended with Vince NEWARK had run Walt (8-7), and Frank Lane JERSEY CITY Dim- Liddy plunging over St. Aloysius and Holy which so tightly packed In tory. t*>ny from the line with minute Trinity, (5-10) will make ino one-yard only a to play in the first a every meet thia had up the third of ML Carmel scored three surprised with 1-2 finished in the NJSIAA Fall, to suf- St. Peter’s counts on two half. Catholic fer team. Prep touchdowns and a mishap sooner or later snd Richie an extra point to cross-country championships, Nov. 21 at products. Erwin (6-2), and Warinanco Park, It was senior tie John Sncato of LIDDY, BOBBY Watson and Pete Mocco have John Cosgrove who George McNally (64). with Holy Rosary were the heroes placed two boys on The fell along for the apiece Advocate’s New Jer- back to 2Sth place, 10 individual scoring title as of the Bees’ triumph. Vince guided the attack spots Bob Murray of Brooklyn (6-5), splendidly as sey Catholic Track Conference all-star hack of his usual the Hudson CYO Gram- co«h Joe used Dame cross-country team shadow, Ted Alumni Joe Finn of Marist (6-0), Ed County Kaeberger 'Notre ’ Gil- stralght-T, shift, dou- for 1959.1959 : Squads mar School ble ZUisperger. Coach BUI Peraiebet Football League end- wing, short punt and spread formations to bedazzle the hooly of St. Benedict’s (6-2) and Kevin ty had to ed its first Nov. heavy Pirate line. The double Hennessey snd Bob lie record at Warinanco Part accept the consolation Bill of Seton campaign, 22 at wing proved most effective as Regan Hall Prep O’Rourke, who that Ua four to School Field. it gave Vince a chance to his receivers placed second with his 12:49.2 jres, Ready Lose (5-10). High pick out on the passes clocking. sophom snd fourth at The 1* tallied which the touchdown drive. the state meet, are Weikel Wyrsch, Zixlsperger, Bob NEWARK points by Dimlno produced Hennessey, and Hyland Dyke . The “fix" will the Aloy sians' and A1 in a 2M defeat of St. Andrew's A screen pass to Watson, the latter’s 12-yard off-tackle representatives, are all repeaters from the 1958 Fracnkel. all finished un- b* hi m Ugh school basket- while der established smash and to Tommy Zimmerman and or only a second or two over ban cssrts anew rec- a 19-yard pass soph John ConfortPput the Bees squad, as la A1 Adams of St all over North Jer- Out one-game Bill We ike] the 14-minute DelbartonDrops ord for tbs on the from are the Trinity boys Michael's mark. loop, as did the team one-yard line, where Liddy crashed over. The (JC). who skipped the •ey this week at the IHIU on the squad. The team is head- The order of finish for St. Ivy Grid figure. Lenny finished pass to Conforti came on fourth down and prevented the state meet to his team to Aloy- •easaa gets aader Of League with 31 game ed help way with a from in by Dave Hyland o t St. sios behind and MORRISTOWN _ Delbartnn points, the same as Sucato, who ending a scoreless tie. Peter's, a third place finish in the an- Hennessey O’- fleck of alnmnl games. New who set Rourke, was Cliff Wml will withdraw was shut out in his team’s Seton Hall time and again seemed ready to drive St. Brunswick, a Catho- nual Invitation four-mile at Sprague 16th, Meat attractive of the grad- from the 7-0 relay Richie loss to Benedict’s off the field with Graham 24th and Bill North Jersey Ivy League football SL Paul’s. its power, particularly when it Providence College. ■ate tJHs will he the ewes on sent Jim O'Connor Marino 27th. race. effective in the IK* Since Holy Rosary had through the desd center of the Bee line Sprague'a race was Nee. n at Bt. Peter's sea* already COMPUTING hit beat Prep clinched for big gains. But the Pirates could THE squad are in a title event this sea- »un. coach BiU Reagan an* the team title, the loss never get their passing Pirate Natators and 84. Aleyslws. la both cases, to St. Paul’s game going and, thanks to the determined work Bill Marriott of Don Boeco Tech. •on and immeasurably the fleck of former Bounced this week. did more of Mocco helped a aad present nothing the The than and of Watson in the St. Benedict's the Passaic-Bergea Catholic Con- Aloysian victory. For a Green Wave have won or injure,their pride, as it was secondary, Bees man- compari- eellege players will he oo hand aged to stymie advance. Led ference champ, and Harry Grvt- son, ia tha NJCTC lied for all nine their secood setback at the Pio- every by Clark meet, he Wit te test (aad lose to) the "aew Ivy League gild the behind 25th titles neers’ this SOUTH ORANGE zinger. promising sophomore plan. since fining the clrcnlt in hands season. Art THE _ The beys.” VICTORY gave the Bees a 7-1 record Setoo from Munch on the season H*U St. Mary's (JC). Honorable St. A lias 1951. scored the winning the University toy win face a 5,686- marking third straight year their bid for an undefeated swimming''team, mention to Ed Schmitt of ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP touchdown on an goes peiat dream Contracts have over-the-shoul- record was spoiled Bordentown Institute. which opened its season against held last plus alamnj squad, already been der by Military Seton Hall Don Bosco Prep, Ray Wyrsch of week saw St. AloysJus catch of a from Pete finished St. Peter's An Nov. composed of five who arranged with Peddle, Admiral pass at 6-3 and its hopes for North 34. has a add the keys Back. Jersey Catholic ’’A" Seton Hall and Mika Ryan of Jersey City laurels to Farragut and honors nine-meet schedule •cored 1,888 or more points In Perklomen from the NJSIAA suffered a severe setback. on Up for a tU Ptcr Bergen Catholic.. Hudson County crown with Dlmino’s touchdowns veteran their careers for nest season. came on In other last Delbarton squad. (no other New games weekend, closed out its this veteran “ *asy victory over Lincoln. a 17-yard end Although ' is a Jersey school has run, a one-yard season with a 5-1-1 mark Hun, Heading coach Jim Fetten's to maay). by topping 7-0, on a touchdown team, with 30% holdovers from Hennessey beat Adams to the plunge and a 60-yard run in the by Frank Soriano. c!ub is Tom The quintet Includes Richie Oratory, minus Ron Zazzzara, was b*aten Clark, voted the on a rainsoaked last last year, it ia also a one Upe course in momenta of most valuable young Long, Bobby Thntak, Richie play. • by undefeated Harrison, 27-13, to close at 2-7. St. man on the squad Luke’s, play- aa Hyland, O'Rourke and Gret- U:l4. remarkable time under the FINAL TIAM STANDINOS ing off a postponed game with St. James of Penns Grove last reason. He swims all evenU, Kamlaakl, Vlame Erast and was will all return next impossible conditions. taken to the but zinger sea- Bob Sponxa. STATION WAGON Holy • PN- Itrio, i ■ cleaners, 32-7. specialised in the butterfly. In the state son. So will virtually the entire meet. Kevin belted SufJEr* s 5 ? 1? St. Michael’s and Immaculate Norm Doyle of Kearny, breast- la addition to the alumni ML Cinnol Conception ended their a Seton Hall out a fast HEADQUARTERS 3 a a i Prep squad, which early pace and led two campaigns defeated stroker, and Tom of games, aqaare encounters I a 4 s s by neighborhood rivals on Nov. 22. The Feehan Jer- until the two SL tUcfcMi*. dominated the 1959 season until Hyland returned to i a 1 Irish closed *e> are on Up. Don a at 4-5 as Dsn Kane scored two touchdowns City, a backstrokcr. are the the Bosco Tech INDIVIDUAL SCORING in a last weekend track for a Anal 440-yard the the TD 19-7 defeat of St. Joseph's. John Nice was other seniors. geU jump on Held as PAT T.P. a double-T.D man spin. Dave for Immaculate St. Aloysius owed its victory passed Hennessey at It faces Eastern in a 200 shutout of which Christian on Valley gave the to the this l2 w*mu. B*ui Jut a. u fact that Hj runners pret- point, but, after . !?~ _ stretching Ii I Blue a 5-4 mark. Dec. 1, while Essex Catholic’s MITAL ■(ar.SsEs?IMjr naaur { To ty much held to their season's out to a 14-yard lead, had to 80010 FROM $291 3 er •ew Srttr. SL Isfcm varsity (with no alnmnl 3 0 is lX v lu ~”*- SO. ruS form, while fight off Kevin's turn one boy on each of strong bid available) will open at home All Makes the Scion Hall and Trinity squads around the final turn. Hyland against Bt. Michael's (N) on Tfr« ImMim Fathers invit• to slipped. The final UUy, 73 for was more than equal to the task you attond thoir first annual Dec. 2. and Models St. Aloysius. 70 for Trinity and as he turned la the third fastest S2 for the Pirates, Indicates how time ever on the well traveled PACE MOTORS important one boy’s finish was. course. CLEARANCE 47 CINTRAI A«L Hennessey recorded the secood THE TRINITY east orange slip was more fastest time of the day, 12:43.4, than eicusabie. for it Involved SALE nr. 1911 VOCATION topping both the 111 and Group RETREAT Weikel, who was ' '* returning to ac- IV •’*' >. t Croup champs, John Portee WARD not b« . * ’ ' ■' ■ tion after will a two-week layqff with of Irvington Tech and Bob Yee for Samian and Union in School a bad leg. Bill placed 14th, of South Side. UNDERSOLD High ... Docomhor 28 to 31 Dave, Kevin and whereas he would FABULOUS SAVINGS —NIW normally have Adams will be seeing of plenty ON been right with, or even ahead those AU BRAND NSW two boys In the big school- Dining «t it. B«tt Yoang adulthood is i time at ambition. of who finished high Now, as you approach the end of your Zimmerman, boy miles in New York this win RECEIVE * guidance '59 FORDS high school years, your vtaioa turns to the What third. ter. years ahead. will you make of GILHULY'S your life? Will you look beck from understandingpriests HIGHtSI TRADI-IN twenty years from now with a sense of satisfaction at Carol ALLOW ANCt, CASH RISTAURANT mni BAR a life we 11-lived or with Another for ... a sense of over unrealized St. regret ideals? That mm. itm PASSAIC - Carol Haatic of St Joseph's BACK IF MSI RID will on the depend solely important decisions must you soon make, scheduled for Nov. county IRVINGTON—CIinicaI music 20 in Hudson and Bergen save for the Junior for girts, who will play during took tha prizes in the Newark Model African Counties, Dae. 1 in Union and for the week the week. lop Mother of Dec. 3 in •rcbdloeeaaß CYO Karen of Tal- Essex. Hudson numbers Si entries, with a of ent William Hudson will be five of top finals on Nov. 1* at St By Msgr. F. Furlong defending the seven 19 in grammar school boys. Action will Mothers archdiocesan titles this be on school, with play an extremely important part in the extreme- year and all five cham- weekends at several public school sites, as well ly important work of pions are back for another St. Ralph Anievas of St. Peter the fostering vocations to the priesthood try. They are as at SL Michael's (Union City) High school and life. Joseph’s Union in Apoetle, River Edge, and Carolyn religious They can bring vocations to light; they City, grammar boys; St Vin- There will be teams in each of the seven divi- can protect them; they can strengthen them. Our thony's, Union City, in Junior boys; St Vin- sions of CYO Palfe of Christ the Ktaf, Jersey Holy Fa- play, unlike Bergen, which has ther, Pope John made that clear In senior City, winning the and sen- XXIII, recently In a very ynts, Bayonne, boys; Our Lady of no senior girls league. juniorl ior unusual privilege he extended to Mrs. Josephine Waktshame Sorrows, Jersey City, in grammar boys; and titles, respectively. St of Tanganyika, East Africa. Paul's, Jersey in senior IN UNION County, where no City, girls. leagues are Anievas, a 13-year old student The other title planned for either To her he granted a plenary indulgence defenders are St. Eliza- senior girls or boys, there at De LaSalle Institute, New will at at the hour of death tor giving six of her beth’s of Wyckoff (Bergen) in be least informal York, won his division Junior girts and competition in the lat- with a children the St in ter bracket. The to service of God. The occasion Casimir’s, Newark, intermediate boys. grammar boys will play on piano rendition of Chopin’s Fan- The archdiocesan was the ordination to the priesthood of her finals this year are set for Saturday mornings, the junior girls on tasie Miss Sunday Impromptu. Paige, a son, Mar. Bsrnabas. She has two other sons who 27 at a Union County site, with the county afternoons and the other leagues on »-yesr old took Tuesday Bayonne resident, sre Holy Ghost snd three finals on Mar. 13 and Thursday Elizabeth Fathers, daughters and the archdiocesan semi- nights. parishes are the senior crown with her vocal- who are nuns. finals on Mar. 20 already active in a city-sponsored grammar king of Puccini’s “O Mio Bab- Note that the Pope the indul- league, with St. Genevieve's the early bino Caro.” granted ESSEX, WHICH will hold its annual leader. not clinics gence, to the sons who are priests and Essex has hopes of a for boys and at fielding senior girts to girls Immaculate Conception this Runners-up in the junior divi- the daughters who are nuns, but to their league season so that Hudson will on Nov. 29, should again have the have sion were James and Louis Sa- mother. John knew largest en- some competition for this title. Plans Pope that if she were try of about 115 teams. Mrs. Jean Larkin are not binl of Our of the Visita- not the kind of mother will final in this Lady she is, they would not be the priests the county due to the later starting preside over girls’ clinic at 2 p.m., while date there. tion, Psramus; Constance Gras- and Sisters they are today. Richie will handle the iano of Regan boys at 3 p.m. Our Lady of Sorrows, Jer- No Choice League directors are Charles Doehler in A record entry in of sey City and Sam of One of the best Bergen County 97 Essex County, Norbert Van Tagliarenl very things that mothers and fathers teams has given it second Bergen in Union place in the Arch- Holy Rosary, Jersey City. can do for vocations in their family Is to In County, Joe Ward in Hudson County and Rob- pray. fact, diocese, passing Hudson. There will be four In the according to Pius have ert Begin in Bergen senior division. Hiss Pope XII, they an obligation to do so. County. In his Paige was trailed by a brass horn Apostolic Exhortation, “Menti Nostrae" in IKO, he wrote, Christian mother quartet from Blessed Sacrament, “Every and father, whatever their Christmas Fetes at TOPS IN TALENT: Jack Kehoe, right congratulates must Gregory Club Newark, of Richard social status, pray to God to make them worthy te ORANGE composed The Gregory Club Hi-Fi have at least one of their children called His on at the current events Balloting Opens the two winners in the Newark archdiocesan CYO Burns, James Day, John Leon- to service.” of New will * he ssld “must'’ Jeraey highlight its meeting on Dec. 11. March of Talent hardt and Dalton; an in- Note, they pray. schedule Contest after the Nov. 19 finals at December with a carol Clnb members strumental quartet from St. Eliza- Faster are asked to For Snow St. Paul the Way •ing on Dec. 18 and a Queen Apostle, Irvington. The boy is Ralph holiday send their contributions for the beth’s, Wyckoff, composed of One day, St. Margaret Mary, while yet a girl, Dec. 29 at Grau- a pianist from asked Our Lord make get-together on - St. Peter the to Christmas baskets to Graulich’s MONTCLAIR The Essex Anievas, Apostle, River Henry Zurlo, Ray Murray, Mike her holy. Commenting on the lich's. or to either of the co-chairmen County CYO its Edge, while the girl is of Mt. Christ Watson and Tom and incident in her autobiography, she wrote, “My Divine Master Also opened contest Carolyn Paige Heavy; on tap are lecture for showed me the of a by the drive: for the Snow Ball Queen this the King, Jersey James. O'Rourke of St. Cecilia's, beauty virtue, especially of the three Rev. Thomas Walsh of City. Our Lady Margaret McLaughlin, 86 Ross- week with each of Kearny. vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and He told me that of purchaser a Lourdes, West Orange, at the more souls become holy by them.” PI., Belleville, or Arthur ticket to the Jan. 2 dance at practising Apologetics meeting on Dec. 4 Arens Seton People can become holy without taking the three vows Jr., 576 Highland Ave., Hall University eligible to ■nd a lecture and demonstration Two Winsfor St. Michael's Deadline of the Sisters and Montclair. cast a ballot. Nears religious priests, Brothers, but not so safely, surely and quickly. Each parish unit in the county For Show Someone fs to I CAN will have AtSeton Forensic Hobby fame YOU CARRY THIS CROSS? its own candidate for Tourney JERSEY CITY The dead A Catholic church has been on Snow Queen, with the deadline Taquile Island, Peru, UNION CITY Maureen Caulfield line for for centuries. But until Father a entry Dec. and Jose Menen- entries in the annual Golish, Maryknoll mission- being 4. St. Peter’s, visited there dez of St. the Newark archdiocesan Hobby Show ary, recently, no priest had been on the island keronm, the >tn of Ckrirt. Belleville, which has won the Michael’s, Jersey City, were among gold la Nov. 30, with the competition for 12 years. The natives told him that every week the This past three has medalists at the tournament of the Seton peo- Clou ia tht ties at Ik* years, nominated grand Forensic schedule had gathered in the church and had bdmundites. Patricia for the week of Dec. 7 ple prayed to Our Marinaro, who reigned held Nov. 21 at St. Michael’s School here. Blessed Mother Leauge, High at the Jersey City CYO Center. asking her to send them a priest. H you on at the dance Nov. • tatuom parish 19. Miss Caulfield won the Father Golish could stay only two and ha said it. God extemporaneous speaking is days, To enter the Competition scheduled for stsssis contest, a girl while Menendez took that it will be probably a year before he or another priest division, Junior and senior divisions in sev- must be at least 16 of age will be able to return. years first place in original oratory. AMONG THE runners-up was en clasaflcations. Entries and be a must There is doubt about registered CYO mem- were in the winner’! no Mary's doing her part. It is quite mink They Joined Roland Marionni of the host have been completed within the UKvItIEMS: ber in the in which evident, that not parish she circle by William Quigley of St. school in extemporaneous however, many young men have been doing speak- past year and blanks can be ob- resides. All contestants will be their part. Aloysius in oratorical declama- ing. The next afternoon, Marion- tained from the county offices. mum presented to the dancers Sf. Thomas from tion and Gloria Matura of St. ni took his usual place in the Aquinas Taught: the at Scton Hall and “. That the stage will . . perfect consecration which a BW»TT OF ST. BMni, Myrtle, Michael’s, Newark, in poetry St. Michael’s backfield as the religious act as a court of honor to the To Form Youth makes of herself to God by her solemn profession remits reading. Irish concluded their football sea- Code 1960 quean. the guilt snd of all her sins.” The subject of Miss Caulfield’s son against St. Joseph’s. PORTLAND (NC) Formula- punishment past tion of for Vocations The winner will be crowned address was “Laos, the Unload- Other place-winners were Mary- a “Code of Conduct for Aposfo/afe and receive Catholic Newark Archdiocese: William F. jifts Valued at over ed Pistol,” while Menendez beth Flynn Of Marylawn in ex- Youth” ia planned by Msgr. Furlong, Set on Hall THE the South N. J. $lOO, including a watch, evening talked on “American Youth vs. temporaneous speaking; Made- Archdiocesan Council of University, Orange, Telephone SOuth Orange Catholic 2-9000. ensemble, flowers, a trophy and the Public.” For his selection, leine McLauchlin of St. John's, Youth, in conjunction Paterson Diocese: Edward TBINITABIAM other awards. The other girls Quigley delivered “Where Free Paterson, and Mary Flanagan of with Young Christian Workers. Msgr. J. Scully, 14 De Grasse St FATHEBS Paterson. Mountain View S-106S. f win recehro Men Telephone: . ff,r mementos of the oc- Shall Stand,” by Roger N. St. Vincent's Academy in origin- ° on opportunity to young mm and of boys Grammar casion, with special prizes going Wilson. al oratory; Wellington Brown of School and High School to bocomo to those Christian a priest or.a Brother placing second or third. Immaculate Conception, Mont- Groups In the Trinitarian and Sandra SxalUewicz of Order. Lock of funds no Impediment. clair, To Tend Cemetery ROBERT St. St. Michael’s, Jersey City, in ora- Decent Disks Write tot Benedict's West TNI Squires to Hold torical declamation and Maureen RHEDA, Germany (RNS) —Catholic and Proteatant youth TREAT Coyne of Marylawn and Sara VOCATION O.S.S.T. here have DIRECTOR. State Hosts Orators Wllladsen of Sacred Heart Acad- groups pledged to help *«« Meeting tend the local Jewiah cemetery 5742, BalHmere «, emy in reading. .■rursijsr, jsjs Maryland NEWARK The Northern New poetry T eelaassr HOTH BEACH HAVEN The third *?. kgp Dwcn'i w.tti aa a token of tntercreedal good Forensic All first winners received Nat Kina IMRVATIONS Fathers ISO from 17 Prep p.m. Cola delegates circles in Saw desire to atone for recent attacks schools from the New- Seton were awarded to the second Jaw Plata Oulu (Dee- attendance. Twenty ea> Malady Maine. • third and third winners. on Jewiah cemeteries In some COMMUNION order rcqular ark Archdiocese and Paterson place '•“a.Mwna Lena re me llranaer Chief for the (VJeterl Huso and Lulel. West German localities topic meeting will Diocese will contend in Conlln by young IMVITK •*7 cam tor Yea Mar Little eirt BREAKFASTS YOUN« MEN TO be formation of hoodlums. STUDY a Middle Atlan- Auditorium for the four finalist (Dacca) Via Wilder. tic ta a ManaHa Stands Mr Lam Ha'll • row THC SACftKO Conference of Squires involv- EssexBowlers ORDINATION PRIESTHOOD. berths which entitle them to take Mam ta da (Victor) Jim Raaree ing circles from New Penn- Mien riDELiTY and trsaso lack York, _ of funds no part in the national compeUtlon DINNERS OSSTACUK. ■••rv Jlma l Seal the Selrlt (Cental) sylvania, Delaware and Mary- Set Nat Bee Cato in New York next May. Meeting • in addition Pattocfc (Cartoon The Jobs La Balia CLUB WEDDING WAIT*. land, to New Jersey. MONTCLAIR A DMCCTOR or VOCATIONS Rev. Clark, 0.5.8., preliminary Quartet. There will also be trophies president of the league and mod- meeting to discuss plana for the staccato (Capitol) Bmar Dernetoln. RECEPTIONS nAMCMCAN FATHOM awarded to the Tito Mrto a* Parte (Me) IS ot them. outstanding cir- Essex CYO I*>* Rarhershae Charm Winners erator of the St. Benedict’s Fo- County development (Dac- ST. LEO • OTHER SOCIAL cle of the 1958-56 season and to will be held Dec. ca) In Person. rum, said two new entries In the bowling leagues Swine In' laans the Wane (Caption the and HOUIDAYSBURG 6, FA. champion runnerup in the St. Cecelia School 1 at I p.m. in the county offices. Jonah Joooa FUNCTIONS league High Barhorshan statewide basketball their 18th Quarts! Winners 111! DANCING competition. of and Sacred Heart Now entering season, Msdshsts (Dacca). New Englewood • state officers will be elected. of Elizabeth the will Mesa Dream Oanataa (CapttaD Ray will take part In leagues accept only Anthony. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT those teams at Mint* Bmrtltra (C*p4toD Suatn Bor- the trials. All orations for the re- represented the ntt. Never Missionaries! It is from Enough Get Eagle Awards gional finals will be on Catholic meeting. planned to conduct Pina Pane (CapttaD AJrlno Sap. 1:30 p.m. to 13:15 o.m. for and M an 4 MrrW ■!»§;>, Visit ELIZABETH James themes. a Junior league girls an Higgins For ovor 31 ITANIIY J. AKUS Father Clark also asked that intermediate league for boys. St. portont MISSIONARY SERVANTS snd Charles Martowlis received Children Giva Bull their Scout any school seeking admission to John's, Orange, and Holy Family, St. loo't Now Auditorium St Eagle badges at a CASTELGANDOLFO (NC)-A Joseph’s are the defend- OF THE MOST Court of Honor held the League should direct cor- Nutley, respective Straal. HOLY TRINITY by Troop 2S registered Holstein-Friesian bull, Marfcat i. PatatM*. N. i. o! Blessed Sacrament Church. respondence to Sister Magdalen ing champs. Shrine a gift from St. Coletta’s School POR MSIKVATK3NS WELCOME of St. Michael’s High School, Jer- Program director Joseph Lyons MUSIC (V. for mentally handicapped chil- PRIESTHOOD CANDIDATES sey City. will run the leagues on a handi- VIC NUYSITS ORCHESTRA Call MArkat 2-1000 Stirling, dren in Jefferson, Wis., has ar- cap basis. Teams win be required BROTHERHOOD CANDIDATES rived here to join a herd of Hoi- to have a coach or an advisor A KNOTT HOTEL New Delivers Keynote steins on the farm of the * REFRESHMENTS * Jersey at the matches. Papal NOTRE DAME - Edward Kir- weekly AL» I*l W. ST IN DR, rruUmt Writ* Father Matthew, M.S.SS.T. summer villa. chener, director of the Associa- | Trinity Mission*, Si Ivor Md. Spring, tion for International Develop- Lectures on Council Th* Sifters of the ment training program for lay FRIBOURG, Switzerland Sorrowful Mother mlsaionariea, Paterson, will de- (RNS) The University of Fri- Will IJou Also THIRD ORDRR OP *T. FRANCK liver the keynote address at the bourg has organized a series of Bring Christ To Africa? seventh annual Advent Symposi- lectures during the 19SP-M semes- um, sponsored by the National ter on the significance of the The Society of African Mission* Catholic Action Study Bureau of Ecumenical Council summoned (SltA.) is defeated to the tosw NFCCS. by Pope John XXHI. •ion of Africa and of Ntgrooa la general. Over 100 years serving God on the West Coast of Africa sad la tka U. S ' 'Students Are Salesmen' TODAY over 1200 K2ci*o*£ pnrsts art active la A CALL TO MERCY -PAYLATER! this work of saving NEWARK A college educator pictured high school and lin >rd lit CklM I* MUM school admission to colleges souls, but many »g u h. prep graduates seeking nowadays m to the wmWiU •( rntrtj. u in the role of “salesmen" who must sell themselves. •rothir OP MIRCY. to Wo need YOU tool ■ mono Um atek to Imllili WbMtto Ui Rev. Edward B. O. dean of freshmen Provi- Let send llaiton, P., at by Irish Air lines us you Private bomea. or. practice ■ trade friendly dence College, Providence, R. 1., said at St. Benodict’a MPMT L Preparatory School that “no college has to look for students.” to ntta Pay aa little aa $4l down* and life and work. ■ora are enrared to Uto VSJI.. Gttnaar. His remarks were made at St. Benedict's annual *l* eighth ba on your way to Europe... in rite to: REV. JAMES at HILL, S.MJL Africa, -■laaood Pre-College Guidance Conference which representatives of or* Um mtt»l 8u par-Constellation comfort 22 by Vocation tor Ump afeaU obtato •oarer.*' Pave colleges and universities met with St. Benedict's students Director Ikikh Au Links. For DUBLIN rour ooul Um oartj war. tor later and their the of arndting matloa. writoi parents to explain problems getting ad- SOCIETY free "Vacation Planner" kit, OF AFRICAN MISSIONS, mitted to a college. only M 4 down' MV. MOTMM PROVINCIAL , writs laian Aik Links, Dapt. Queen of ApoeUea RROTMfhI OP MIKCY ■ANMM ROAD. CLARRNCI. N. V. FATHER HALTON cited his own school as an exampla BPI (address below). of the highly competitive nature of college admissions today. He said that this year 150 were accepted at Providence but 750 applicants were turned away. LONDON “And the sad commentary on education is that today only *4® down4 of those who do go to college 50% fail to finish for a THE FRANK A. McBRIDE COMPANY J.-Z. £Z degree," he added. Ho said many colleges with specialized departments such as engineering find themselves having to reject qualified students because PARIS of the heavy demand for places. Father Hal- . ton said this competition for places, plus a lack at room, only *BO down* brings about the turning away of many qualified people.

FATHER HALTON urged the students to aim at three goals in preparing for higher education. He said they ahould show a high school transcript of courses high both ha quality and quantity; they muat score high in college entrance board examinations and other teats, and they muat have a only *6O down good recommendation from the eutborilies at the Ugh school they attended. The New Jersey schools represented at the program ware: So ton Hall University, St. Peter's, Stevens Tech, aad Rutgers University. Among the national schools wen HAT., Notre JHrNimNtMMr-Mait^M Dame, Georgetown, Holy Cross, Fordham, HMb aad VUla- aova. Rev. Philip C. Hoover, 0.5.8., headmaster, served aa IRISHAIR UNES master at ceremonies at the program haM Nov. IS. He was assisted by Rev. Hark W. Confrey, 0.5.8., guidance director. 16 THE ADVOCATE November if, 1959 Polish Communists Paterson Schools Group Holds Church Discussion on Cancer Research Harassing WARSAW (NC) A priest has been sentenced to PATERSON A discussion of ers of the two subjects, and be- la the emy, Paterson, secretary- jail. Sisters ousted from a convent and seminarians drafted tametr iwittb conducted tween them and state and wa* na- treasurer. into at the recent of the Sci- tional fat the the army in recent developments in Poland. meeting organisations field, Represented at the meeting, ence and Mathematics Commit- and to members abreast of besides The communist has also that the keep the schools already men- government decreed tee of the Paterson Diocesan developments in the fields of sci- booed, were: St Mary’s and St Church may not own real estate in the former German schools system. The meeting was ence and mathematics and school John’s, Paterson, De Paul, territories now administered by held at St. Bonaveuture High •hem in professional practices. Morris Wayne; Catholic, Den- Poland and the Church there is In Kielce Diocese, where School, with Sister Mary Vir- Sister Karen Francis, Pope ville; Delbarton, Morristown; facin* new tax difficulties. Bishop Kaczmarek is the tar- ginia of Bayley - EUard High Pius High School, Paasaic. is Academy of St Con- These eommenlst Elizabeth, developments came as get of attach, sem- School, Madison, chairman. vica chairman, and Mrs. John vent, and Mary Help of Christ- the inarians communist press waged a are being conscripted A film, ‘The Hunt for a Can- McDonough, Benedictine Acad- ians, North Haiedon. campaign against Bishop Czeslaw for military service. The gov- cer Killer,” waa followed by a Kaczmarek, whom the govern- ernment's intention to draft talk by Dr. Irving Richard Hay- ment has seminarians was anneuced chief of ceased to recognize as man, anesthesiology, hat had Bishop of Kielce. * several month* age, Barneit Memorial Hospital. Mrs. To Be First American not been sat antil Walter carried now. Williams, education chair- IN Rev. Witold BIALYSTOK, It haa now become known that man of the Passaic County Pietkun Chap- has been sentenced to a last the issued American April government ter, Cancer Society, year in Jail and fined about $2O also Dean of s decree saying that the Church spoke. for “spreading false rumors in may not own real property in the Purpose of the Science and VATICAN CITY (NC) The Sacred Roman bis sermons Rota, which might have so-called “western territories” Mathematics Committee is to Church court caused high which deals with public unrest.” He was taken from establish contacts between mostly marriages cases, Germany at the end teach- also found guilty of the will get its first American dean on Dec. 14 when Msgr. “using of the war. All Church property pulpit for ends which have noth- Francis in the area was declared to he J. Brennan succeeds to the senior post in ing common with pastoral du- state property which the Church For Benedict's Grads Msgr. Brennan, 65, of the WELCOME: John J. new of Seton ties.” Philadelphia Archdiocese, Msgr. Dougherty, president Hall rent a NEWARK University, may at price fixed by the Films of St. Bene- has worn the ermine • trimmed cuts the cake at a welcome party given by the faculty of the University College, Rsciboraka Kuznia local au- government. dict’s Prep football games will be robe of a Rota auditor or Judge Scottish-born thorities Msgr. William T. Newark and From are: ousted a group of nuns In in the Wroclaw shown Joe Jersey City. left Margaret C. Haley, dean, School of one parish by Kasberger. coach, since 1940, when he became the from a Heard, to the Sacred College of convent they had rebuilt region a of at the Dec. Nursing; Rev. Edward J. dean of the University Mrs. Maurice pastor a 5,000-member 1 meeting of the first American named to the Cardinals on Fleming, College, after the war. Dec. 14. The Sisters hid has been an an- alumni. O'Sullivan, Women’s and parish charged court. He becomes dean auto- three president, Faculty Club, Mr. O’Sullivan, associate dean. received an order Counting Msgr. Heard, of to vacate the nual rental of more than $3,700 St. Benedict's of won seven of matically on elevation the the four immediate convent a few predecessors months ago and for two as resi- this buildings serving eight games year. present senior Judge of the court. of Msgr. Brennan as Rota deans had appealed district to author- dences for himself, his assistant, have been chosen to become Bishop McNulty’s Report ities. In spite of their the appeal an organist and a sacristan. When FINEST Princes of the Church. Sisters were removed the NAME BRAND QUALITY during he replied that he could not pay, The night and taken to another con- MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S tribunal of the Rota i* one authorities ordered his private of the oldest bodies of the Need vent. sold at auction. Holy Increased Cooperation belonging! ra/asis See, antedating even the 12 cu- riai congregations. Referred to And CAPS Aba IRIDAI HEADWEAR during the Middle ages as “The To ... Promote in Films Supreme Court of the Christian Decency DIRECT from FACTORY at LOWEST PRICES World,” its status was radically WASHINGTON (NC) Increased cooperation is era for the National Legion of altered by the loss of the tempor- needed between Catholics and non-Catholics to Decency. MEN'S al power of the Papacy in 1870. improve St. Piua X reconstituted the tri- decency in films, to James A. of flnoit quality nowott according Bishop McNulty HE ALSO PRAISED the work Sample bunal in 1908, making it primar- Paterson, chairman of the Bishops’ Committee for Motion of adult education centers in the * a of ily court from dio- HATS appeal Pictures, Radio and Television. Chicago Archdiocese in promot- cesan courts. Since then FUR Value* it has ing film study. A one-day <4 Too many recent movies, es- con dealt mostly, but not entirely, ference mTS s4 7.50 those 3. on movie education was — with suits annulment of pecially among appealing “To provide the necessary seeking held 18 .-*2 to young people, “have fallen be- guidance which parents and Apr. at Mundelein Col- UrM marriage*. For ttio CLERGY low lege under of the The dean acceptable standards," Bish- guardians should give to young sponsorship Dm •rl4■l of the Rota la the adult education WITH DICORUM op McNulty declared in his report people.” centers and the Vo- Judge who has served on, lotnn, of Ihoi longest college. A similar to the annual meeting of the U.S. 4. “To encourage conference as a member of the tribunal, non-coopera- was scheduled for Nov. 27-28. — Bishops. tion with motion exhibi- aad Voivotf. and la counted simply as the picture PROM (Commenting on NJ dyod to no Mi The tors who lack social responsibil- Bishop Mc- first among eqnals. The Judges, committee which he heads to the community.” Nulty’s call for increased cooper- MODERN er auditors, are appointed by supervises the work of the Na- ity HATTERS acknowledge the ation between Catholics and non- the Pape and mast he tional Legion of Decency in 5. 'To spirit- A. I. C. HAT CENTERS priests Catholics, Legion officials said who held doctorates sf evaulating films. ual motivation in protecting pri- theology they would welcome FACTORY OUTLET—SIS 3rd St., vate and public morality." civic action Jeney City and canon law. At 7S, they cus- Bishop McNulty declared that FACTORY OUTLET—49O to curb questionable subject mat- Communipaw Avo., Jersey City tomarily become emeritus and many recent both domes- films, THE LEGION reported that ter and indecency in films, along OPfH *Ttl * PJtL MON. THRO SAT. coaae to ho active Judges. tic and foreign, have been during the past year it reviewed the lines of the program of Citi- artisti- “praiseworthy morally, and classified 280 films, of which zens for Decent Literature and cally esthetically." 233 were U.S. made and 47 were (CDL). Prepare for a merrier Christmas ant year . . . too “Nevertheless, many films from abroad. (They pointed out that the CDL and get a free gift for yourself now. When yon' have fallen below Of the domestic films, 63 or includes both Catholics 1960 Club acceptable and non- open a Chnatmaa for $1 or more at standards. It is to be regretted about 27% were classified A-l Catholics interested P*ew in combat- Jersey Bank, you’ll receive a ralnabU that many of the morally unac- (morally unobjectionable for all); ting obscene literature, and is Original Rogers* silverplate rake aorrer in the ceptable films, produced and in- 82 or about 33% were A-2 (mor- not affiliated with church. Mission any beautiful Rose pattern. tended for juvenile audiences, ally unobjectionable for adults They envision a similar organi- have received the approval of and adolescents); 33 or about zation to promote decency in *Mada hy »*« /Mensarienef JiW Caw the motion films organized picture in- 23% were A-3 (morally unobjec- without becoming affiliated dustry of this 34 country- The ad- tionable for adults), and or with any one religious group.) OMN YOU ft CHUI ST MAS CLUB NOW >

Doll v« rod FIRST I NATIONAL RANK Th« Salvatorlan Catholic Growth Investment-Grant program provldti fl* 14411 •U JERSEY CtTY you with an annual Income for life, from OF STOCKHOLM (NC) Swe ranging JERSEY CITY •4% to 15%, den's depending on your age. (See table at VALIMTPI PHARMACY increasing interest in Ca- 9m l Syllam Aas. Kar. right) -sr r Jaaaam yaiaoHL holicism because of recent con- 'rsz Praacitptioar Saby Naada _Phat* Dapt. Fra* DaUrotr versions was the of a debate A retirement topic program be worked out on *MAM OFFICE On. tabs**Plata, Jeney City Av*., Fatrrfnr may a tingle niWHjlh sponsored here by the Humani- or basis •• |olnt our feature ss Ami Ol'lllH through unique Age-Credit g ties Association of Stockholm Un- to permit an even OFFICE WESTERN SLOPE OFFICE * HARRISON OFFICE higher annual Income. SQUARE WESTFIELD iversity. 5 n SS 170 Bar 3457 Hudsoa w iwnM Avtnut, Mmn As indication Several yes Avenue, Jansy City Boulevard, Jansy City CIHTRAL PHARMACY an of changed plane are available. One can be tailored to Swedish attitudes fit needs. Phar. toward the your particular Our progrom is highly flex- *OLB BERGEN OFFICE OFFICE WEST HUDSON OFFICE Cara fully Church, Dr. ible to *HOBOKEN Hjalmar Sunden, provide the best possible tax for ■•*»* Hudna 321 Harritoa Harriisa chairman advantage m jm mttr mm „ng M 47 Newark Hobotaa Avenue, of the noted mmmmmt. --- I Boulevard, Jartay City Street, debate, you. eeiCSei mm. rr J that a public discussion of Catho- elite. U 4 Cantral An. WRatHaM MOM *PALBABE AVENUE OFFICE WEST NEW YOK OFFICE •KEARNY OFFICE licism would have been unthink- tit 440-4001 Wert New York 740 Avease, Men* NUTLIY able in this country 30 years PiHsadt Avenue, Jansy aty Street. Keerey ago. Society ef the Divine Sevier “But today," he said, “contact RAY BRIM CO. Inveetment-Orent with the Catholic Church has in- Mwy. Km b m iSS,.!.. Dept. St. Naiianx,Wlscenein creased my interest in ecumeni- 1f PraaaitoUaa* Promptly Filial cal work." lie IWm. *• tmmH .1* M said ha believes m 4 mm 4mtmM. mm fmm W SOCIETY OF THE - nMOr-t I MMswSwd - k pfffmm. I m m4m m ‘| NAM* Help Plghl TB ORANOI LAKE MOHAWK DIVINE SAVIOR PMFI DRUB ITORR Us* Christmas Saab JOSEPH F. MURPHY SAIVATOWAN CM4TOI PtimiHHi’h rallad *aa RIAL IiTAIt INiURANCI *T. aM PaMrmrad MAZIAMZ, WISCONSIN

"tssm a * 1041 Bloomfield Holy Name Arranges November SC, 1»S» Till ADVOCATE 17 Demonstration of the Mass 8 New Port Chaplains BLOOMFIELD A demonstration of the Holy M»n FederaUon speakers bureau, ad- for dresoed the Named Resented laymen by laymen, will be held at the Sacred group at its recoct for U.S. •Heart School Auditorium here the four meeting. A member of the Serra Sunday nights of CHICAGO (NC) Eight new Catholic port chaplains Advent, Nov. movement ha discussed voca- starting 29. There will be three have been appointed, to 43 workshop tions. A nominating committee bringing the number in the •essiona, followed by the actual demonstration of the Holy U.S., an all time The wua appointed and ttectioos will high. appointments were disclosed at Mua, explained by the modera- taka place Dec. It the 14th annual meeting of the National tor of the eerie*. Catholic Apostle- for Holy Father, the fathers of St ship of the See Conference here, Nov. 23-26. Sponsored the Paul's, GrueuviOe, Jersey by religious ac- families to bestow on the Christ- City - Rev. Martin J. Thay all serve Great Lakes tivities committee of the Silver, Holy mas tree and the Nativity Crib the added Nsae this recently designated spiritual di- porta, Indicating Im- Name Fr. Society, is the first in their homes. these Ballinger #as of honor at the portance of ports since the time such a has been rector, guest program opening of the St. Lawrence- in this St Fail’s, Clifton—James Ca- Name Nov. Mon USMCR Chaplain presented area. Special Holy .dinner, St Great Lakes of the Passaic waterway. PORT NEWARK Rev. Fran- emphasis will be made to obtain hill, Holy Name than 900 attended. Auxiliary Bishop L. Abel Call- cis J. Ballinger, Commander, participation of converts to Catho- louet of New Orleans, episcopal U. S. Navy Reserve, has beea licism, but the series will be moderator, presided over the ses- named chaplain of the newly- open to all parish members. Dur- sions. Cardinal-designate Albert formed Second Motor Transport ing the sessions discus- workshop G. Meyer of Chicago welcomed Battalion, U.S.M.C.R. Father Bal- ■ion and questioning of modera- Knights of Columbus the delegatee at the opening busi- linger Is pastor of St. Pius X tors will be encouraged. ness session. parish, Old Tappau. J. Mulhern Harry of Glen Marquette Council. Sparta at St Paul the Apostle Church. Father Ballinger entered the DEDICATED: Curtis is Ridge, religious activities com- Msgr. Christian D. pastor After the Mass the members will Auxiliary Bishop shown as he blesses the new church in U. S. Jan. Haag, Holy Dance for St. Peter’s Navy Chaplain Corps mittee chairman, will deliver the of St. Monica’s Church, will be proceed to Ceme- parish, Garfield, Nov. 21. At right is Rev. P. Beach 22, and served in Holy Sepulchre Name Raymond O.F.M., JERSEY CITY Alumni of 1942, Europe opening remarks and the principal at Father pastor. Behind North Africa. guide speaker a tery to place a wreath on Bishop Bishop Curtis are Rev. Finbar Carroll, O.F.M., and Rev. Ildefonse St. Peter’s will hold their and program along lines College developed by and Son Communion breakfast Wigger’s grave. O.F.M. the National Gillogly, annuel dance Nov. 27, at the Es- ST. JKROME’B work of nvte- Council of Catholic Nov. 29 in St. Monica’s parish Elizabeth Council At the re- sex House, Newark. Jay Olm- tag and translating the Bible took Men, which has presented the hall, Sussex. Abbott Charles V. cent meeting it was voted to stead is chairman. 23 years. demonstration as a one-day semi- Coriston, 0.5.8., of St. Paul's Letter on Shrine Dedication form a committee to join with nary elsewhere. Abbey, will be guest of honor. other civic groups to help keep 9L St Thomas Mora Monica’s, Sussex—A cam- Council, Jer- indecent literature off the news- •»» palpi advocating the Advent sey City The third annual stands. Father Asks Americans Wreath dance will be held Nov. 29 The first Holy custom has been inaugur* at degree for 35 candi- the rated. A committee of members Jersey City Garden. Pro- dates will be exemplified on '7* ceeds will be used jge**CfMe£R2S has made up a number of the to carry on Dec. L To wreaths tho council's charitable Marian Virtues which are on sale functions. Develop at Peres Council, Passaic The the church hall after each Mass. William Driacoll is chairman. memorial service for deceased Following it the English translation of tha Letter under In addition, (he committee has Autograph who, her leadership and Bishop Wlgger Council, Irvtaf. members was held Nov. 11. The which WWa Popa John XXlll stmt to Patrick will obtained leaflets explaining this ton Archbishop O’Boyla of guidance, fight to defend, The annual Memorial ritual was conducted the by Washington on tbt dedication tbt National Sbrint tbt advance, and the practice along with others con- for deceased members council of of Im- spread King- Mgas will degree team beaded by maculatt Tht dom of Christ. taining blessings approved by the be celebrated Conception. Utter it dated Sept. 19, 1959. at 9 a.m. Nov. 26 Grand Knight Henry Sbanley. It was an We extremely gratifying Finally, pray that this vo- YOU CAN STILL EXTEND Belleville Council Bill and enduring Joy that filled Our tive shrine most high God, on and of yours will be a "Moose” justice Skowron, first baseman heart on the receipt of the news and sacred zeal for charity, on the true pleasing sanctuary for of the prin- Pontiff Once N. Y. Yankees, was guest which you. Venerable of which your the Donned Brother, ciple liberty adheres al- people who, through THE SEASON'S Apron speaker at the recent Father and took care to have announced to passing will GREETINGS ways to moral precepts and is not centuries, flock to It Son Sports Night. Daniel Serpen- Us, namely that, in the in crowds coming in conflict with tranquil order. and, meeting with a To telll was chairman. Dinner month of November, in Washing- generous response to their Salvage Party We have observed with Joy pray- PARIS When he a Shrine is ers, will there obtain solace, FOR A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS was Nuncio to [ton, that, ■ the same oo light, Apostolic France, very day and Pope John once he to be dedicated peace, ever gathering new forgot had invited some VIPs to dinner which this shrine is to be duly the CCD Program with solemn re- strength and for Consequently, first guest to arrive had- to help the future blessed and opened, all those virtue living rites their Christian Ufa - Pope prepare the ligious to who accounted with TO YOUR MANY FRIENDS meal At St. Thomas are as Catholics piety, the immaculate energy and purity. « 10 • new bo**, Pastor BLOOMFIELD—A pariah in your land will consecrate , .!* XXm. open Mother of the World, by Pietro Virgin themselves and all that is theirs While We entrust these frater- Ambogiani, who compiled anec- house to spotlight the Confraterni- of dotes contributed God, thus nal wishes to the THRU THE ADVOCATE by writers in countries where Pope John ty of Christian Doctrine will to the Most Blessed Virgin, im- supplication and has be bringing to hap- of the lived or visited, held Nov. maculate from her patronage Most Blessed 30 at St. Thomas the fulfillment beglnidag. py Worthy of Indeed U this Virgin Mary, who from her first Apostle. after praise IN OUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT memory regarding the dinner invitation so many fixed and beginning knew not the The will the determined purpose slightest program explain vicissitudes a We and which your pastoral seal has stain, lovingly impart to you. purpose objectives of the purpose which urged upon and then Venerable Brother, to the rest of DECEMBER 17« h ISSUE pariah CCD unit, and offer pa- the noble and you pro- "” h renowned nation of the Bishops, to rishioners the posed for acceptance the the priests, and VZ£L“& opportunity of par- the United States of America had by to the faithful who TH* ADVOCATI, Si&SLTrJE*" sheep of Christ entrusted to will bo present D*adlin*—D«c. 4th, 1959 D,* U ticipating in CCD as active or ’ ***** **“ then Archbishop Roncalli. “I had undertaken. at the sacred ritea of forgo'tenl” associate members. your care, loving children of dedication This purpose, which was initiat- the Church and of of this shrine, the T»lvn- SSTIhL J. Rev. Daniel A. Danik Is direc- Mary. Apostolic ?*!!! Whereupon he led Gay to the where the ed by Thomas J. Shahan and Tbs ing, a pledge of Our love -kitchen two of tor of the and Leo Virgin Mother of God is singular them donned aprtms and pariah CCD, which Our for it hurriedly made polenta, a thick upon Predecessor, St. our our the you. Enclosed my $5.00 por- McGarry is president of the ex- mother, Queen, sure ridge of broth and SMM, Pius X, smiled with ex- favor, way by which we Plmm Hit my «tc at followi In th« ecutive board, which includes approach most nami, Group pressing salutary auguries and Frank Roach, Mrs. Allred speedily to Jesus Christ, who was Grootlnsi Ad. Ward, good wishes, has been to Msgr. Beck to Adfer Francis X. brought given to us by her; she Is the Speak McDaniel, Lar- realization with magnificent dar- basis of our the At NAMI _ kin, Mrs. John Baillir, George trust, overflowing Classics Meet ing by the common consent and Mrs. James Mrs. wellspring of all benefits: ‘Tor ATLANTIC CITY Staruch, Foley, will of sacred Msgr. Hen- AODRISS energetic your hier- from this source Edward A. Sadowski, and Mary (Mary) there ry G. J. Beck of Immaculate Con- archy, by the generous help of come Kearney. to us the price of redemp- ception Seminary, the faithful and with the piety the Darlington, tion, cleansing water, the will address the Atlantic States and faith of all, no matter what strengthening bread, the healing Classical Association Nov. «. The their rank or ALUMWUM SIDING group, striving to- medicine, the weapons of will bo assault, meeting held in conjunc- gether and overcoming difficul- the reward” remunerating (St. tion with the annual convention ties, to the end that what had Albert the of the Great, Mariale, p. 194). Middle States Association been begun might be brought to of and Schools CLASSIFIED Colleges sure BUT A TEMPLE built Secondary and perfect completion. of stones here. ENERAL is of little ELECTRIC! significance unless- Doodling for Cknotfiod Adi 12 Noon THERE NOW RISES up to there arise a temple mystically Monday URAND NEW 193? PULI SIZE heaven a shrine, high and mats- erected within our minds. There- ive, wondrously bright within fore, in keeping with the conse- Cana Calendar MUSICAL INSTITUTf Rml fatal* for Sol* with metal and marble and pie- cration which is to bo made and turea and with ita dome and which must be lofty diligently observ- h tower dominating the acena far ed, let an altar of the Most Bless- CANA ssSj&a. 3w/&£7op and wide, a clearly viaibla raanl- ed be set in Caas Conferences K Virgin up the heart examine various featation of your extraordinary of each one of the faithful; let 53% piety. Surely will it be for the families held together by the < VACUUM CUANHI a°.“KK! Caaa citlzena of the preaent and for sanctity of marriage, by mutual ■HP •X. BUY NOW 2 SAU thoae yet to come DAY a atrong and love, by moral integrity, and a SELL OR D lSkckMMdi TRADE encouraging reminder that, in the common spiritual life Cedar Kn*uJ! Nlt're * ?M reproduce of Ift. Mki INVESTIGATE OUR midst of the waves of her virtues e-issa. earthly vi- and be fortified by l ,otau °“* “■ **• TRADE-IN PLAN cissitudes. they must keep their her protection. 5M5 M& eyes fixed with a BUSINESS DIRECTORY lively hope on Let each one know likewise thlnga heavenly and eternal and that Mary cannot he complete- PIUMBINO—HIATINO that ka*w mu rHvlnminU fi they must likewise reflect - ly and perfectly hooored unless uraOTTY iAimuuuNN. ore." ; feMn «*n Mr*. iuiu WB »mi, that the cause of PLUMBLNO o.iu«hw. no Torn. any we carry ee our with AND ICEAnNQ fight un- SUMDAV, DSC. 11 STANLEY JOHNSON human progress of the ... worthy daunted by the side of «■ courage P+ittff name is the religion founded by her who with her lASY virgin's foot * Wkgk mtm i non* imm TERMS Jesus that PRE-CANA SAFES Christ; by religion na- crushed and will continue to aur **• M—tdstlUai Still B»*cUli«U ARRANGED tions flourish and stand crush ‘ •** trtc k‘a. steadfast, the head of the twisting NEW AND USED SAFES McCANN • WEBBE based _N W rll * * ' on solid foundations, name- **• **** W lim ‘ serpent Let eech one there- *BO SSBV7 ly on reverence and fear of the fore be ” t. just like a soldier sou, "“■"■■L SI. Mary's. OLiver 2-0883 own wnnmn Joseph H.Brown* IF CRANFORD THERE'S A - JOB TO BE DONE fTxHffTTLOi INi aw aPaRTMWT liberal trade-in area cUwU MW, ALLOWANCES, TOOI Company ELECTRICAL WORK wirniNo roa bomb and faciobt I*o4 - OUI CO-FEATURE SPiCIALS- 55* TUI - I*9* ANDERSON DOES BARRY ELEORIC IT! Cwlut TT? AU BRAND NEW CHATHAM IN FACTORY CARTONS-FACTORY GUARANTEED Institutional RIUOIOUS OOOOS Wastlnghousa Carousal _ vail to wall aaraattor. 529.99 Cleaning Supplies ABTKXap nM HWI aoianlatolr inudaia, Hoovsr Const XB Bor allotion (#B6)_ 39.1t mU>J< 0. t. kitchen. Acrea k rilHck'i AIM CANS MAT* to> church and echo*!. 1939 Modal 29.99 • (<**. Bill Tlnln) Cloaa to train, bua. ahoratM. Lew kin 'IM• • W • Ragino Floor Pollshor 33.11 *ouih • O-E Floor Pollshor (1939 21.50 WAX • woNoa • *Xiu OAK RIDOI Modal). REALTORS Whlta Mot • TOUT fAfflt Sawing Kina, Orig. $19.93 37.30 $10,500 • MO*ft NO (QUIfMWn UNION 'Fabulous* Kingston #6423 169.93 COUNTY OWNER MUST SELL *A*d (tar ta Lot Haovy Duty “Cyslo* Floor Mothina 229.93 • *A*tt Town* • cun !■> rrdirttoo, m 271 Wayio Str««t To Bor or Ml CoB ■ N. J. HURRY! HURRY! J*rt«y City, JOHN P. McMAHON •oSct " * CALL NOW • CALL COLLfCT jr » ——l fatnt lab t-l- 24 HOURS A DAY INCLUDINO SUNDAY -•'•Ql tlTOil ■ TOf jQII WESTFIELD

BLOOMFIELD FREE BOOKLET MICHAEL J. HARRIS rtai Araa Ml 2-7960 FACING BROOKDAIE PARK J^churj-ai» I*lo PUS BOMI DEMONSTRATION a Lm os Um mr ■■rbtos| CARPENTRY, MASONRY Barrett & Crain hatoa to Prw, sa * mU Ur. N. cast, m aMl—ti—. high uva AsMtorr. Annrkwa wkkto 60 mUw. ROOFING KXPERTS PAINTING, ROOFING, SIDING Eli VACUUM 226 SfrfcgAtU An. l SHEET METAL • Insulation • • Modomlxod • INSTRUCTION VUVI HawHe Waterproofing Room Additions STUMIm. tutoring, nulhcaacticc and ato- CONSTRUCTION Enclosures • S. • • • Fini.hod Coflan, iratM tit W run toactoa* Bathrooms hj. nm Cali WYiaaa Kitchons • rt ■uaa. gg *Ot CHUKHH. ICHOOU Gonoral Repairs Basomont AMO MimunONt • • APARTMRNT TO UFT APARTMINT TO LIT Plastering • Violations Floors ft Steps • Stuccoing mramwnrr • Iron Work Romovod NOW LEASING FOR m. o-itoo OUXAOOTK N. I CAU ANY TUMI JANUARY OCCUPANCY • OR 2-0888 Comontand • Porchos 44 AVE. IVIS.I OR MOM SOUTH MUNN ,*r. Ck Sloop. CRAFT #

*llh bulll In PetrQ ImHf, duhw DECORATORS ■ ■s hm ASK FOR 808 ANDIRSON as $5 pm £UF.L OIL BURNER SERVICE m ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 174 CBMTRAI N 4 ORANGE. N. J. mmxm 18 Til ADVOCATI Nm«b*r U, its* 64 in Archdiocese Honored by Pope

Msgr. Mulligan Msgr. Di Luca Msgr. Kelly Msgr. Artioli Msgr. Kiley Msgr. Corr Msgr. Szpilman Msgr. Lankau

Msgr. Weitekamp Msgr. Begley Msgr. Gallagher Msgr. Mulvaney Msgr. Mahoney Msgr. Martin Msgr. Carney Msgr. Kemezis

active in many Catholic causes. Given Papal Honors Dr. Kearney, Montclair, is a past medical director of St. Vin- cent’s Hospital, Montclair. Archbishop’s In Archdiocese Mr. Kennedy, ii successful busi- . . . nessman, serves on lay boards of several Catholic institutions Appointments (Continued from Page 1) been assistant arcbdiocesan to di- which he SUNDAY, NOV. has been of great bene- 2» Father Donnelly hat been rector of the Catholic Youth Or- pas- fit because of his business 19 a.m., Preside, Forty Honrs ganization since 1942. ex- tor of St. Michael’s, Cranford, perience. Devotion, Sacred Heart Cathe- since 1935. He was ordained on FATHER REILLY has been Frank, Joseph and J. Nevins dral, Newark. June 10, 1910, and is a member Mcßride all 2 p.m., Confirmation, Madon- administrstor of Christ the King are brothers, resid- of the arcbdiocesan and Building Church, Jersey City, since 1958. ing in Ridgewood. They have na, Fort Lee. Sites Commission. ■3 was ordained a priest on Msy 22, shown great generosity to Catho- p.m.. Laying of corner- 1937. lic charities and to the foreign stone and blessing of new school FATHER WEITEKAMP, pastor Father Price Is missions. and convent, Onr Lady of Vic- of Holy Family, Union City, administrator of both Holy Spirit. and Frank Mcßride is president of tories parish, Harrington Park. since 1941. was ordained June 13, Orange, the Frank A. Mcßride 1917. Each SL Peter Claver, Montclair. He Cos. and year be supervises chairman He was ordained a on May of the Planning Board production of the “Passion priest Play.” 22. 1937. for Paterson. He has been in- Miss McGlynn, Jersey City, is Father Begley, pastor of St. Father Tuohy, headmaster of fluential in many forms of Catho- past president of the South Hud- Michael's, Union, since 1930 was lic Seton Hall Preparatory School, Action. son Division of the Archdiocesan ordained on Feb. 23, 1918. was Joseph Mcßride is Council of the National Council Father ordained on May IS, 1940. president of Msgr. Murphy Msgr. Tuohy Cassels Dippoid is pastor of St. the Mcßride of Catholic Women. Msgr. Msgr. Tuite He has also served as Vlsitator Realty Cos., and has Augustine’s, Newark. He was or- for the Confraternity of Christian shown great effective interest in Mrs. McHugh, Newark, has dained May 25, 1918. Doctrine. different phases of Catholic been very active in several Father Mabooey has been pas- Father Casaels was ordained Action. phases of Catholic Action, par- tor of , J. Nevins May 18, 1940. He is professor of Mcßride is a mem- ticularly in the Archdiocesan West Orange, since 1942. He was sacred eloquence at Immaculate ber of the New Jersey Society Council of the National Council ordained a priest on Feb. 23, of Professional PERFECT Conception Seminary; Parish Engineers. He has of Catholic Women in which she GIFTS 1918. been cited for his is still Vlsitator for the Confraternity of personal gen- active. Father Maloney has been pas- to the missions Christian Doctrine and chaplain erosity and for Miss Meehan, Jersey City, has tor of Holy Name, East Qrange, of the Serra Club of Ridgewood. his support of every Catholic been employed in Associated 1941. since He was ordained Dec. Father cause. Tulle, arcbdiocesan su- since June 19, 21. 1918. Mr. Young, Glen Ridge, perintendent of schools, is also a was 1933. Since 1946 she has been 1943 The Father Moore since has member of the cited for his great Qfliole jStorg Archdiocesan liberality in the supervisor of the Family Di- been of pastor Sacred Heart, School Commission. religious to the MARTIN J. $. T. P. - C. Of Ha was or- causes, especially vision, covering the counties of «T HIAIY, wiw"My Way Ufa” Lyndhurst. In addition be has dained on June missions. He has also been gen- 704 In 7, 1941. Hudson, Bergen and Union. She poges. Printed two colon. charge of ML Carmel Mission for with his time the Catho- erous to is also the supervisor of the Im- Italian Catholics. He was or- DR. MULLIGAN, was lic Action Tenafly, programs of the Holy and Resettlement »■>{ dained Dec. 21, 1919. named of SL migration on a Knight Gregory in Name Society and the Catholic THE Mb W (Mi of Department. WHOLE STORY awrwM man the whole STORY reveab *e omtag Napes tf Father Curry has been pastor 1954. Among his professional ap- Youth Organisation. of St. Joseph's, Oradell. since pointments, he Is assistant sur- MISS MRS. NORTON, Newark, for 1943. Ordained on May ZL, 1921, geon at Holy Name Hospital, Tea- CALLAGHAN. Orange, is 18 served as the arch- THE WHOLE STORY b lha story el Ood looking THE WHOLE STORY (Maids As WN af be is neck and the Medical archdiocesan chairman of years I Ood, and» a member of the arch- Center, study diocesan chairman the lb* Christ and the ChvrtH. club* in the of Apos- Prophtto WTOaaSnKTWaI lata. « (Wy —« .. A. diocesan Building and Sites Com- Jersey City; and is associate Archdiocesan Council tolate of the Blind. She has Arid all mission. clinical professor of operative of Catholic Women and also a taught Braille to the blind in Father of St. surgery at the Seton Hall regional trustee of the Alumnae Cbmely, pastor College the Mt. Carmel Guild Center in Bayonne, since Is of Medicine. of Trinity College, Washington. Joseph's, 1947, Newark. NOW AVAMAMI IN 3 Mrs. Conlin, Hillside, has been ATTRACT!VI UNO!NOt also a parish priest coosultor. He Mr. Anderson, Cedar Grove, an Miss O'Neill, Bloomfield, has was ordained on 21, 1921. has been active worker tor the Mt DUROUATMR CVT PIUIH $l.OO DURO UATHH M LUXI. May managing editor of The $l4O Carmel Guild for and been with Associated Catholie Father Gallagher has been pas- Advocate since its inception, and many years SPANISH CAIV UATMR IN OUT MX. tor of St. Paul had generously various Charities since Jan. IS, 1931. She S)JI the Apostle, Irv- is the author of numerous books supported since He institutions of the Archdiocese. is supervisor of the Family De- ington. 1948. was or- and articles for Catholic publica- Miss has partment of Catholic Charities dained on June 14. 1924. and is a tions. Finn, Jersey City, for been active for 27 as Essex County. member of the Building and Mr. Connell. Newark, has been years a "MY MASS—fxpfniaed end lllvdnNd". A pictorial of ths Maw eifch aa teacher in the of Mrs. Reilly, Newark, Is super- piaaantation eesy-to-rcad. Sites Commission. active in Holy Name work for Confraternity convcnatiooal style of text With 123 Christian Doctrine. She is assist- visor of the Catechetical School original illustration! showing the algrfflcance of tba Mast and more than 10 years. He is past FATHER MULVANEY, pastor ant to the principal of Ferris for Deaf Children in Newark, every action of the prkst during the Holy Sacrifice* IN fagn 7RP aM $1.33 president of the Newark Arch- _ % of St. , Linden, diocesan High School. and has been associated with the Federation of Holy since 1948, was ordained on Mt. Carmel Guild Name Societies and of the Essex Jule Flannclly, Jersey City, has Apostolate for * "MY SUNDAY MitSAl"* Known aa the tba Mar. 1925. He is Union Coun- been the Deaf for the past 10 Stedmaa Miaaal, only Mbaal whichuaaa the ■”*Hi iyiiaa 7, County Council of Catholic Men. recording secretary of the years. ty director of the Mt. Carmel Archdiocesan Council « • mean* of eelf instruction. Mr. Cunningham has been of the Na- Latin-English Ordinary. director a MISS RUSSO, North Guild; county of the Na- member of the Mt. tional Council of Catholic Women Bergen, »«d« typs 314 pop* M* to M-*0 • targir type 511 psgss 7«« to Carmel Guild *.** tional Organisation for Decent Deaf since its founding. She is now has been teaching Catechism as Department for 18 years. Literature and Moving Pictures, of home in a member of the Confraternity He is editor of a newspaper for supervisor teaching •'MY DAILY MAIM MOK"—The Book of and county director of the arch- the Jersey schools. of Christian Doctrine for more Piahas arraagad for each dayof ihe week—New Eng&sh • the deaf in the Archdiocese; City diocesan Federation of Miss than 40 years. Translation from the New Latin Version-Ilhatratad with 211 Holy founder of a Holy Name Fournier, East Paterson, pictures especially created by Arbi Name Societies. Society a registered nurse, has worked Miss San has Agemean. K. S. O. for this for the Deaf and an organizer Filippo, Newark, publication. .»4 h«» to tAJR with the Paterson Catho- been Father Mahoney U srchdioce- of the Newark Catholic Deaf Cen- actively a member of the ML Car- lic Nurses aan director of aodalitiea. and ter. League and has held mel Guild since it was founded **MY IMITATION OF MIST"— directed several offices, that of in 1930 the late a A revieed translatioo made to fiea It of archaic'ttpteerioat without recently the Second Mr. D'Annunzio. Palisade, has including by Archbishop its flavor. has illustration World Congress of Sodalities held strongly supported his St. president. Walsh. She has acted in an ad- destroying original Each chapter its own executed la expert fashion exclu- parish, at Seton Hall in Mr*. Hasson, Is a char- visory in the formula- for this book the University Aug- Nicholas, Palisades Park, and Union, capacity sively by noted Artist. Arid Agemcaa. K. S. 0., 4N Peps 7NeslU ter member of \the Mt. Carmel tion of ust. Ordained June a. IKK, he has was specially helpful in erection programs for the men- Guild been pastor of St. Paul's, Green- of the parish school. and president of the Union tally retarded and was instru- •*MY WAY OV ville, Jersey City, since USI. County Division of the Mt. Car- mental in establishment of UPTSimplification of tba Summa of St Thomas Aquinasby Ur. Water Faneß. a Dr. Flanagan. South Orange, Holy R] mel Guild. She is also a mem- School. awd Ker. Martin Father Martin is pastor of Our has been director of Rosary Nursery Healy, Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Seminaryof the Imsnaculale Con-' orthopedics ber of the Catholic Women’s Lady of Victories, Jersey City, in three Catholic hospitala in the Mrs. Sebold, Whippany, is a cepten.Huntington,N.Y 44$ b of Elizabeth and the Npc SI4S and a well-known orator and lec- Archdiocese and has been League long time active teacher in the gen- Guild of St. Elizabeth's turer. Ordained he erous Hospital, Confraternity of Christian Doc- May 30, 1131, with hia time in promoting Elizabeth. past of the "MY MAY NA¥IR"-A ~ divided into was for nearly IT years Catholic trine; president Different Kind off Prayer Book three pafto: Daily Prayer - chaplain hospitals. Bay- Seeeonal at Holy Name Hospital. ley-Seton League; and an active Though*—Lives of the Saints. This book itpresented to the many laymen who desire to MR. MISS McCarthy. Hillside, ‘ GRIFFIN. Newark, is supporter and participant in ma- pray wish the Church the the FATHER has worked for the Mt. Carmel in spirit of Breviary, SUNpss B2# to*X29 CARNEY was ordain- president of the Arebdiocesan jor forms of Catholic Action. Guild, Society for the eh ed on May 10, and has been Council of Propaga- 1031, Catholic Men and past Mrs. Strasser, Paramus, has of St. Rose of tion of the Faith, Catholic "MY DAILY pastor Lima, New- president of the Estes County been very active in the Catholie MlAD"—Father Pnooe-Summary of the'Spiritual Life-Simplified and arranged for Daughters of America and St. ark. since 1037. He is archdioce- Federation of Holy Name Socie- Action of various Reflection and Treats Elizabeth’s She has programs Daily Beading. Prayer. of the three weye of Llfe- san director of the National Or- ties. Hospital. respectively Spiritual He was alao an organizer women's organisations, and at (1) twice served as chairman of fund Purification (2) Imitation (3) Union. 44$ Dps 7NsdsUs ganisation for Decent Literature of the Archdiocesan Guild of present is treasurer of the Coun- and raising campaigns for St. Eliza- Moving Pictures, and alao a Catholic Accountants. cil of Catholic Women la the member of the archdiocesan beth's Hospital. "OMMY mIM Mr. Henderson. South Orange, Miss Archdiocese of Newark. DOOTL"- A Harmony of the tee* - of the Life of dHtt and McDonough, Newark, is Ooapcb Story hiword Commission for Convent Visita- is member Miss Winter, East has • of the board of archdiocesan consultant for Girl Orange, piehme-170original illustrations peepared sapsdalfy for thishook. Abo hsdudad • tion. been associated with shady plflp by trusUss of tha Serra Club of the Scouts the ML Ear. John A. of Notre under Catholic auspices. O'Brien, PhJX, Duns University. 441 Pepsi MSks4Js Father Kemezis has been pas Orennae. A member of the firm Carmel Guild Apostolate for the She has given over 20 years of tor of SS. Peter and Paid. Eliza- if Charles Henderson Deaf for 23 years. F. and service to the Church in her work beth, since 1033. He was Wall ordained •ant. Now York City, with the Girl Scouts under Cath- on June 10, 1033, and has taught Iw has been gonornua with finan- olic Book THE auspices. Week Listed CONFRATERNITY OF THE PRECIOUS IILOOD Lithuanian at the arrhdiocesaa cial advice ie both Seton Hall Miss McGann, Orange, has VILLANOVA, Pa. The seminary since 1033. UMeentty and *L Elizabeth's (NC) - been a social worker with Asso- week of Feb. tl-ST. 1000. has besn Father College. r t *• FT Mftrphy was ordained Catholic since 5300 HAMILTON PARKWAY • BROOKLYN \ t N V ciated Charities designated as Catholic Book on 00, 1034. In addition I* is May Dr. Hubach, Bloomfield, Oct. 1, IMI. Since IS3B she has Week, theme of which will bo his duties Our parochial at Lady medical director of St. Vincent's been supervisor of the Children's “Read to Know Know •f ... to Victorias, Jersey City, Im has Hospital, and haa been Montclair, Department. Love." .