Aug. 30, 1966 M
Aug. 30, 1966 M. B. VORDAHL METHOD OF PRODUCING HOMOGENEOUS ALLOYS 3,269,825 CONTAINING. REFRACTORY METALS Filed June 8, 1963 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 /WWAAV7OA. M/1. TOM A. VOAAAAL Aly 4. AttorneyI Aug. 30, 1966 M. B. voRDAHL 3,269,825 METHOD OF PRODUCING HOMOGENEOUS ALLOYS CONTAINING REFRACTORY METALS Filed June 18, 1963 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 /W/AWTO A. // TOW A. VOAAAAA. ay % AtAfforney 3,269,825 United States Patent Office Patented August 30, 1966 2 into the form of a consumable electrode for vacuum arc 3,269,825 melting. However, it has been found that the molyb METHOD OF PRODUCENG. HOMOGENEOUS AL. denum powder has a pronounced tendency to stratify in LOYS CONTANNG REFRACTORY METALS Milton B. Vordah, Beaver, Pa., assignor to Crucible Steel such an electrode with the resultant production of a melt Company of America, Pittsburgh, Pa., a corporation of containing dense layers of unmelted molybdenum. Still New Jersey further attempts have been made by utilizing a mixture Filed June 18, 1963, Ser. No. 288,686 of titanium powder plus molybdenum powder and, al 20 Claims. (CI. 75-10) though molybdenum distribution in the resulting melts have been found to be generally improved, titanium pow This invention relates to methods of producing alloys der with the required low oxygen content is commercially containing Substantial amounts of refractory metals, such 0 unavailable. Recognizing the necessity for introducing as the element molybdenum and, particularly, to titanium molybdenum in a physical form having relatively small base alloys containing, in addition to molybdenum, sub cross sectional areas, prior art attempts have also included stantial amounts of tin.
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