Ios 7 Font List
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MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] iOS 7 Font List There are total 235 fonts available in iOS 7. Following is the full list of fonts with font families name. Family name: Marion Font name: MarionItalic Font name: MarionBold Font name: MarionRegular Family name: Copperplate Font name: CopperplateLight Font name: Copperplate Font name: CopperplateBold Family name: Heiti SC Font name: STHeitiSCMedium Font name: STHeitiSCLight Family name: Iowan Old Style Font name: IowanOldStyleItalic Font name: IowanOldStyleRoman Font name: IowanOldStyleBoldItalic Font name: IowanOldStyleBold Family name: Courier New Font name: CourierNewPSBoldMT Font name: CourierNewPSItalicMT Font name: CourierNewPSMT Font name: CourierNewPSBoldItalicMT Family name: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font name: AppleSDGothicNeoBold Font name: AppleSDGothicNeoThin Font name: AppleSDGothicNeoRegular Font name: AppleSDGothicNeoLight Font name: AppleSDGothicNeoMedium Font name: AppleSDGothicNeoSemiBold Family name: Heiti TC Font name: STHeitiTCMedium Font name: STHeitiTCLight Family name: Gill Sans Font name: GillSansItalic Font name: GillSansBold Font name: GillSansBoldItalic Font name: GillSansLightItalic Font name: GillSans Page No : 1 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Font name: GillSansLight Family name: Thonburi Font name: Thonburi Font name: ThonburiBold Font name: ThonburiLight Family name: Marker Felt Font name: MarkerFeltThin Font name: MarkerFeltWide Family name: Avenir Next Condensed Font name: AvenirNextCondensedBoldItalic Font name: AvenirNextCondensedHeavy Font name: AvenirNextCondensedMedium Font name: AvenirNextCondensedRegular Font name: AvenirNextCondensedHeavyItalic Font name: AvenirNextCondensedMediumItalic Font name: AvenirNextCondensedItalic Font name: AvenirNextCondensedUltraLightItalic Font name: AvenirNextCondensedUltraLight Font name: AvenirNextCondensedDemiBold Font name: AvenirNextCondensedBold Font name: AvenirNextCondensedDemiBoldItalic Family name: Tamil Sangam MN Font name: TamilSangamMN Font name: TamilSangamMNBold Family name: Helvetica Neue Font name: HelveticaNeueBold Font name: HelveticaNeueUltraLight Font name: HelveticaNeueCondensedBlack Font name: HelveticaNeueBoldItalic Font name: HelveticaNeueCondensedBold Font name: HelveticaNeueMedium Font name: HelveticaNeueLight Font name: HelveticaNeueThin Font name: HelveticaNeueThinItalic Font name: HelveticaNeueLightItalic Font name: HelveticaNeueUltraLightItalic Font name: HelveticaNeueMediumItalic Font name: HelveticaNeue Family name: Gurmukhi MN Font name: GurmukhiMNBold Font name: GurmukhiMN Family name: Times New Roman Font name: TimesNewRomanPSMT Page No : 2 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Font name: TimesNewRomanPSBoldItalicMT Font name: TimesNewRomanPSItalicMT Font name: TimesNewRomanPSBoldMT Family name: Georgia Font name: GeorgiaBoldItalic Font name: Georgia Font name: GeorgiaItalic Font name: GeorgiaBold Family name: Apple Color Emoji Font name: AppleColorEmoji Family name: Arial Rounded MT Bold Font name: ArialRoundedMTBold Family name: Kailasa Font name: KailasaBold Font name: Kailasa Family name: Sinhala Sangam MN Font name: SinhalaSangamMNBold Font name: SinhalaSangamMN Family name: Chalkboard SE Font name: ChalkboardSEBold Font name: ChalkboardSELight Font name: ChalkboardSERegular Family name: Superclarendon Font name: SuperclarendonItalic Font name: SuperclarendonBlack Font name: SuperclarendonLightItalic Font name: SuperclarendonBlackItalic Font name: SuperclarendonBoldItalic Font name: SuperclarendonLight Font name: SuperclarendonRegular Font name: SuperclarendonBold Family name: Gujarati Sangam MN Font name: GujaratiSangamMNBold Font name: GujaratiSangamMN Family name: Geeza Pro Font name: GeezaProLight Font name: GeezaPro Font name: GeezaProBold Family name: Noteworthy Font name: NoteworthyLight Font name: NoteworthyBold Family name: Damascus Font name: DamascusBold Page No : 3 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Font name: DamascusSemiBold Font name: DamascusMedium Font name: Damascus Family name: Avenir Font name: AvenirMedium Font name: AvenirHeavyOblique Font name: AvenirBook Font name: AvenirLight Font name: AvenirRoman Font name: AvenirBookOblique Font name: AvenirBlack Font name: AvenirMediumOblique Font name: AvenirBlackOblique Font name: AvenirHeavy Font name: AvenirLightOblique Font name: AvenirOblique Family name: Academy Engraved LET Font name: AcademyEngravedLetPlain Family name: Mishafi Font name: DiwanMishafi Family name: Futura Font name: FuturaCondensedMedium Font name: FuturaCondensedExtraBold Font name: FuturaMedium Font name: FuturaMediumItalic Family name: Farah Font name: Farah Family name: Kannada Sangam MN Font name: KannadaSangamMN Font name: KannadaSangamMNBold Family name: Arial Hebrew Font name: ArialHebrewBold Font name: ArialHebrewLight Font name: ArialHebrew Family name: Arial Font name: ArialMT Font name: ArialBoldItalicMT Font name: ArialBoldMT Font name: ArialItalicMT Family name: Party LET Font name: PartyLetPlain Family name: Chalkduster Font name: Chalkduster Page No : 4 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Family name: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN Font name: HiraKakuProNW6 Font name: HiraKakuProNW3 Family name: Hoefler Text Font name: HoeflerTextItalic Font name: HoeflerTextRegular Font name: HoeflerTextBlack Font name: HoeflerTextBlackItalic Family name: Optima Font name: OptimaRegular Font name: OptimaExtraBlack Font name: OptimaBoldItalic Font name: OptimaItalic Font name: OptimaBold Family name: Palatino Font name: PalatinoBold Font name: PalatinoRoman Font name: PalatinoBoldItalic Font name: PalatinoItalic Family name: Malayalam Sangam MN Font name: MalayalamSangamMNBold Font name: MalayalamSangamMN Family name: Al Nile Font name: AlNileBold Font name: AlNile Family name: Bradley Hand Font name: BradleyHandITCTTBold Family name: Hiragino Mincho ProN Font name: HiraMinProNW6 Font name: HiraMinProNW3 Family name: Trebuchet MS Font name: TrebuchetBoldItalic Font name: TrebuchetMS Font name: TrebuchetMSBold Font name: TrebuchetMSItalic Family name: Helvetica Font name: HelveticaBold Font name: Helvetica Font name: HelveticaLightOblique Font name: HelveticaOblique Font name: HelveticaBoldOblique Font name: HelveticaLight Family name: Courier Page No : 5 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Font name: CourierBoldOblique Font name: Courier Font name: CourierBold Font name: CourierOblique Family name: Cochin Font name: CochinBold Font name: Cochin Font name: CochinItalic Font name: CochinBoldItalic Family name: Devanagari Sangam MN Font name: DevanagariSangamMN Font name: DevanagariSangamMNBold Family name: Oriya Sangam MN Font name: OriyaSangamMN Font name: OriyaSangamMNBold Family name: Snell Roundhand Font name: SnellRoundhandBold Font name: SnellRoundhand Font name: SnellRoundhandBlack Family name: Zapf Dingbats Font name: ZapfDingbatsITC Family name: Bodoni 72 Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoITCTTBold Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoITCTTBook Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoITCTTBookIta Family name: Verdana Font name: VerdanaItalic Font name: VerdanaBoldItalic Font name: Verdana Font name: VerdanaBold Family name: American Typewriter Font name: AmericanTypewriterCondensedLight Font name: AmericanTypewriter Font name: AmericanTypewriterCondensedBold Font name: AmericanTypewriterLight Font name: AmericanTypewriterBold Font name: AmericanTypewriterCondensed Family name: Avenir Next Font name: AvenirNextUltraLight Font name: AvenirNextUltraLightItalic Font name: AvenirNextBold Font name: AvenirNextBoldItalic Font name: AvenirNextDemiBold Page No : 6 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Font name: AvenirNextDemiBoldItalic Font name: AvenirNextMedium Font name: AvenirNextHeavyItalic Font name: AvenirNextHeavy Font name: AvenirNextItalic Font name: AvenirNextRegular Font name: AvenirNextMediumItalic Family name: Baskerville Font name: BaskervilleItalic Font name: BaskervilleSemiBold Font name: BaskervilleBoldItalic Font name: BaskervilleSemiBoldItalic Font name: BaskervilleBold Font name: Baskerville Family name: Didot Font name: DidotItalic Font name: DidotBold Font name: Didot Family name: Savoye LET Font name: SavoyeLetPlain Family name: Bodoni Ornaments Font name: BodoniOrnamentsITCTT Family name: Symbol Font name: Symbol Family name: Menlo Font name: MenloItalic Font name: MenloBold Font name: MenloRegular Font name: MenloBoldItalic Family name: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoSCITCTTBook Family name: DIN Alternate Font name: DINAlternateBold Family name: Papyrus Font name: Papyrus Font name: PapyrusCondensed Family name: Euphemia UCAS Font name: EuphemiaUCASItalic Font name: EuphemiaUCAS Font name: EuphemiaUCASBold Family name: Telugu Sangam MN Font name: TeluguSangamMN Font name: TeluguSangamMNBold Page No : 7 MILAN PANCHAL [email protected] Family name: Bangla Sangam MN Font name: BanglaSangamMNBold Font name: BanglaSangamMN Family name: Zapfino Font name: Zapfino Family name: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTTBook Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTTBold Font name: BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTTBookIt Family name: DIN Condensed Font name: DINCondensedBold Page No : 8.