Abigail Withington [
[email protected]] 5 August 2011 Dear Abigail Withington, Freedom of Information Request - RFI20110632 I refer to my letter to you of 29 July 2011, regarding your FOI request to the BBC of 2 June 2011, seeking: ‘… copies of all internal documents that discuss or list risks (including but not limited to operational and reputational risks) associated with the relocation of several BBC departments to the MediaCity development in Salford. This could include, but is not limited to, a project risk register.’ In that letter the BBC released much of the information you had requested and undertook to provide a final response by today, 5 August. As you are aware, complying with your request has taken a significant amount of time and resource, in particular, reviewing a large volume of documentation for information of relevance to your request. The BBC does still hold further information within the scope your request, however we believe that the ‘appropriate limit’ in the fees regulations1 has already been exceeded in this case and, as allowed by section 12 of the Act, the BBC is not obliged to comply. Turning to the information we are releasing to you today, the contextual information provided in our last response is equally relevant and redactions have been made to these documents on a consistent basis, for the same reasons – for completeness, we include this information a second time. Context and documents BBC North's objective is to serve and represent audiences across the whole of the UK. It will deliver locally produced, high quality content for every platform using the latest innovations in technology.