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Index locorum

Achaeus Anaxandrides TGrF ii F26, 222 fr. 18 KA (Treasure), 273 Aelian fr. 42 KA (Protesilaus), 250 Varia Historia 10.18, 229 Anonymous Aeschylus Erythraean Paean (ed. Powell 1925), Agamemnon 1056, 298 286–94, 326 Choephoroe PMG 848, 53 49–53, 216 PMG 863, 96 827–30, 325 PMG 865, 96 1035, 298 PMG 867, 271 Eumenides PMG 871.6–7, 306 180, 298 PMG 890, 273–4, 279 201, 96 PMG 900, 48, 260 Persae (ed. Hall 1996) PMG 925, 39 69–72, 183, 206 PMG 926, 40, 61 71, 183 PMG 927, 40 266–7, 196 PMG 928, 40 392, 196 PMG 929, 39 397, 208 PMG 929a, 227 429–30, 196–7 PMG 929b, 61 466–7, 203 PMG 929g, 228 574, 96 PMG 929h, 228 744, 206 PMG 939.16–17, 179 747–8, 206 PMG 962, 156 1054, 210 PMG 963, 156 Supplices 1018–73, 325 PMG 1006, 156 TGrF iii fr. 143 (Mysians), 210 PMG 1019, 272 TGrF iii fr. 150 (Nereides), 181 PMG 1027, 43 Alcaeus TGrF ii F1e (Argo), 223 fr. 69.7 Voigt, 102 TGrF ii F1f (Atlas), 223 fr. 345.2 Voigt, 102 TGrF ii F5a (Cresus?), 225 Alcman TGrF ii F8f (Persai), 225 PMG 1.66, 102 TGrF ii F8h (Persephone), 223 PMG 98, 278 TGrF ii F178, 307 Alexis TGrF ii F327c (Mysoi?), 225 fr. 37–40 KA (Cyclops), 233 TGrF ii F664 (Gyges), 225 fr. 115 KA (Crateias or The Apothecary), 250 TGrF ii F685 fr. 3 (Cresus?), 225 Amphis fr. 14 KA (Dithyrambos), 261–3 fr. 55 KA (Aphrodisios), 176, Anacreon 185 PMG 358.3, 102 fr. 129–31 KA (Cyclops), 233 PMG 376, 118 fr. 180 KA (The Parasite), 49 PMG 378, 154 fr. 207 KA (Tritagonistes), 49, 51 361

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362 Index locorum

Apollodorus 929, 157 Bibliotheca 939–44, 120 1.64–75, 225 1030–6, 97 3.5, 308 1304–64, 120 Apollonius 1317, 241 Mirabilia 40, 15 1364–1413, 155 Apollonius Rhodius 1434, 158 Argonautica 4.616–17, 293 Thesmophoriazousae (ed. Colin and Olson Archilochus 2004) fr. 8.1 W2, 175 9, 158 fr. 120 W2, 61, 62 17, 158 Ariphron 18, 158 PMG 813, 244–5, 277–82 21, 158 Aristias 24, 159 TGrF i F4 (Cyclops), 233 100, 124 Aristonous (ed. Powell 1925) 149–52, 120 Hymn to Apollo, 299–304 Vespae (ed. Macdowell 1971) 493–502, 130 Hymn to Hestia, 296–9 fr. 156.10–11 KA (Gerytades), 120 fr. 205 KA (Banqueters), 163 Acharnenses (ed. Sommerstein 1980) fr. 719 KA, 266 99–104, 214–15 671, 173 Ethica Eudemia Aves (ed. Dunbar 1995) 1231a, 122 254, 154 1234a, 147 386, 156 Ethica Nicomachae 1118a, 122 904–57, 153 Metaphysica 993b15, 51 1373–1409, 120 Physiognomy 808a, 173 1375, 157 Poetica 1383, 157 1448a11–16, 234–5 1389, 157, 158 1449b25, 136 1389–90, 157, 158 1451b20–1, 222 1392–4, 155 1456a29–32, 73, 136 1395–6, 155 1458a18, 159 1398–1400, 155 1458a21–2, 159 1400, 179 1459a8–10, 161 Nubes (ed. Dover 1968) 1461b30–1, 189–90 316–18, 163 Politica 331, 156 8.1341b, 79 333, 75, 156 8.1341b15–18, 189 334, 156 8.1342a17–21, 71 335–8, 156 Rhetorica 337, 154, 157 1389b11–12, 147 943, 163 1404b4–5, 159 961–1023, 264 1405b6–8, 164 969, 75 1406a5, 162 970, 75 1406a14–15, 172 1353–76, 77 1406a35–6, 162 1354–72, 264–5 1406b1–5, 161 Pax (ed. Sommerstein 2005) 1406b2, 161 829, 155 1408b11–12, 161 Ranae (ed. Dover 1993) 1409b26–30, 73, 119 92–5, 96 1413b12–14, 164 924–6, 157 1414b15–18, 164

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Index locorum 363

PMG 842 (Hymn to Virtue), 228, 244–5, 9.49–50, 173 268–77, 281, 282 9.53, 179 fr. 83 Rose, 267 10.43, 102 [Aristotle] (ed. Hett 1936 and Hett and 11.83, 179 Rackham 1937) (ed. Reed 1997) Problemata fr. 16, 234 19.15 (918b), 73, 191 28.7 (950a 4–5), 122 Callias Aristoxenus frr. 5–13 KA (), 233 fr. 70 Wehrli, 71 fr. 76 Wehrli, 53 Hellenistic Epigrams 1047–52, fr. 89 Wehrli, 229 234 fr. 102 Wehrli, 100 Chamaeleon fr. 117 Wehrli, 15 fr. 33 Wehrli, 124–7 fr. 124 Wehrli, 79 Chionides fr. 129 Wehrli, 229 fr. 4 KA (Beggars), 267, 268 Artemon T1 KA (Persians or Assyrians), ap. Ath. 14.637c–e, 82 194 (ed. Olson 2006–10) Choerilus of Samos Deipnosophistae SH 316–23 (Persika), 194 1.5b–f, 116 SH 317, 92–3 1.6b–d, 122 Cicero 4.182d–183a, 170 Tusculanae disputationes 5.63, 6.250b–c, 16 128 7.316a–318f, 141 CIG 7.316c, 141 3053, 52 7.317e–f, 142 Cinesias 8.341e, 139 PMG 774 (Asclepius), 221 8.352d, 144 Clearchus 8.360b–d, 53 fr. 22 Wehrli, 135 11.476e, 115 fr. 24 Wehrli, 135 11.487a–b, 115 fr. 32 Wehrli, 135, 229 12.551d–552b, 120 fr. 34 Wehrli, 224 13.596e, 115 frr. 37–62 Wehrli, 134 14.631e, 119 fr. 57 Wehrli, 134–7 14.634c–637a, 170 fr. 75 Wehrli, 142 14.635c, 105 frr. 83–95b Wehrli, 135 14.635e, 99 fr. 86 Wehrli, 258 14.635e–f, 105 fr. 88 Wehrli, 135 14.642f–643d, 115 Clement of 15.685d, 115 Stromateis, 99 15.694e–f, 273 Cleomenes PMG 838 (Meleager), 221 Cratinus Dithyrambs and Fragments (ed. Maehler frr. 143–57 KA (Odysseuses), 233 1997) frr. 247–8 KA (Cheirons), 77 15, 223 frr. 253–4 KA (Cheirons), 77 16.1–4, 297 fr. 276 KA (Horai), 263–4 16.8–12, 306 Critias fr. 20B, 261, 297 fr. 6.18–21 W2, 279 Epinicians (ed. Maehler 1968) 5.16–33, 155 Damoxenus 5.33, 179 fr. 2 KA (Foster Brothers), 117

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364 Index locorum

[Demetrius] Euenus De elocutione fr. 2.3 W2, 177 91, 162 Eupolis 92, 160, 163 fr. 148 KA (Helots), 267–8 287–95, 146 Euripides Demosthenes Bacchae 19.338, 96 18, 191 Dicaearchus 100, 306 fr. 88 Wehrli, 278 618–641, 306 Didymus (ed. Harding 2006) Cyclops 250–2, 88–9 10.32, 269 Electra 435, 241 11.22, col. 12.43ss, 233 Hecuba 1177, 96 Diocles (ed. van der Eijk 2000–1) Helena fr. 222, 141 174, 107 1108, 107 14.46.6, 18 Hercules furens 689, 307 15.6.1, 144–5 Ion 15.6.2–5, 145–8 94–7, 108 Diogenes Laertius 125–7, 308 4.6.11, 113 145–50, 302 5.7–8, 269 461–4, 297, 299 6.76, 139 881, 297 7.28, 139 Iphigenia Taurica Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1234–82, 302 De antiquis oratoribus 1, 78 1467–84, 287 De compositione verborum Medea 17 = PMG 1027, 43 1–4, 211 19, 103, 123 201, 96 22.10–12, 82 386–8, 210 De Demosthene 26, 164 Troades 511, 74 De Lysia 3, 164 De Thucydide 26, 164 Galen [Dionysius of Halicarnassus] On the aphorisms of Hippocrates 18.1, 120 Ars rhetorica Chaps. 8–9, 146 Gorgon FGrH 515 F 18, 285 FGrH 76 F 58 = PMG 817, 234 FGrH 76 F 71 = PMG 867, 271 Hegesander FHG iv. 342 fr. 11, 121 Ephorus FHG iv. 416 fr. 14, 112, 190 FGrH 70 F 2, 129 Hellanicus of Lesbos Epicharmus FGrH 4 F 85a, 99 frr. 110–11 KA (Persians), 194 Hephaestion fr. 250 KA, 273 De poematis 3.3, 73 Epicrates (ed. Powell 1925) fr. 4 KA (Antila¨ıs), 268 fr. 7.69–74, 51, 234 Erinna Hermolochus SH 401.46, 173 PMG 846, 21, 50 Etymologicum Magnum Herodotus 153, 227 1.23–4, 241 Eubulus 3.131, 82 fr. 6 KA (Amaltheia), 250 6.21.2, 194 fr. 63 KA (Laconians or Leda), 7.34–37, 206 250 8.77.1, 179 fr. 93 KA (Semele), 278 8.90.4, 203

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Index locorum 365

[Herodotus] (ed. West 2003) 20.144, 179 Vita Homeri 32, 120 20.224, 179 Hesiod 23.39, 96 Opera et dies 23.358, 93 289–92, 272 552, 175 1.136–8, 247 613, 185 1.351–2, 87 660, 183 2.6, 96 742, 171 2.289, 185 Theogonia 3.6, 179 5, 175 3.71, 179 205–6, 281 3.91, 180 Hesychius 3.174–5, 179 Δ 2261, 124 3.177, 180 Homer 4.52, 247 Iliad 4.842, 179 1.49, 171 5.33, 183 1.74–83, 146 5.52, 180 1.312, 179 5.122, 180 1.469, 257 5.432–5, 142 1.473, 61 6.20, 168 2.50, 96 6.21, 168 2.225–42, 146 6.32–3, 168–9 2.432, 257 6.121, 132 2.442, 96 7.172, 247 2.471, 185 8.72, 257 2.489, 258 8.73–4, 155 2.729–31, 293 8.576, 132 2.813–4, 258 9.173–6, 132 3.67, 257 9.208–11, 176–8 4.73, 257 9.222, 185 4.237, 175 9.228–9, 133 5.63, 211 9.248, 185 5.193–4, 91 9.252, 133, 179 9.4, 180 9.265–70, 133 9.10, 96 9.346–7, 176–8 9.529–86, 222 9.494, 235 13.553, 175 9.528, 179 13.563, 179 9.536, 179 13.839, 175 10.368, 247 14.33, 125 12.60, 180 14.273, 180 12.97, 180 14.291, 258 12.449, 175 14.390, 179 13.88, 179 14.406, 175 13.202, 132 15.174, 179 14.508–9, 134 15.201, 179 15.135, 247 16.643, 185 15.474, 179 18.140, 180 16.13–14, 185 18.382, 173 17.91, 247 18.403, 185 21.393–5, 170–1 18.407, 175 21.404–9, 171 19.126, 173 Hyginus 20.74, 258 171–4, 225

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366 Index locorum

Hymn. Hom. Ap. Pro lapsu 6, 277 341–2, 302 Lycophronides Hymn. Hom. Ascl. PMG 844, 230–1 1, 325 2–4, 289 Macedonius (ed. Powell 1925) 3, 293 Paean to Apollo and Asclepius, CA 138–140, 4, 325, 326 291 Hymn. Hom. Cer. Machon (ed. Gow 1965) 459, 173 frr. 8–11, 112 Hymn. Hom. Dion. fr. 9, 137–44 1.21, 308 fr. 10, 121–4 26.12, 289 fr. 12, 139 Hymn. Hom. Heph. fr. 13, 139 20.1, 289 Macrobius Hymn. Hom. Hera Saturnalia 5.22.4–5, 20 1–3, 172–4 Marmor Parium Hymn. Hom. Herm. 65–76, 17 482–4, 111 Matro of Pitane (ed. Olson and Sens 1999) 511–12, 111 Dinner Party, 263 Hymn. Hom. Pan Maximus of Tyre 19.46, 306 7.1, 277 Ibycus PMG 757 (Danaids), 221, 226–7 PMG 288, 238 PMG 758 (Marsyas), 83, 221 PMG 316.1, 102 PMG 759 (Persephone), 165–6, 221, IG 223 ii2 3055, 55 ii2 3092, 277 Nicochares ii2 4533, 277 frr. 3–6 KA (), 233 ii3 1280, 277 Nymphis iv2, i 132, 277 FGrH 432 F 5b, 229 Ion of Chios Nymphodorus of Syracuse fr. 2.5 W2, 259 FGrH 572 F 6, 115 fr. 26.13–16 W2, 131 fr. 27.1–4 W2, 246, 247 Oeniades fr. 32.1 W2,76 PMG 840 (Cyclops), 221, 222, 233 fr. 32.4 W2, 107 Onesicritus PMG 742, 272 FGrH 134 F 38, 55 Isyllus (ed. Powell 1925) Ovid CA 132–6, 317–28 Metamorphoses 8.260–444, 224

Lasus of Hermione P. Ashm. PMG 702, 105 Inv. 89B/29–32, 57 Licymnius P. Berol. PMG 768, 222, 223 6870, 57 PMG 768A, 223 9875, 39 PMG 769, 172–4, 279 P. Hamb. PMG 770, 165–6 128, 40 PMG 771, 227 Pausanias PMG 773, 164 1.24.1, 106 [Longinus] 2.26.3–6, 327 De Sublimitate 15.1, 253 2.26.7, 293 Lucian 3.12.8, 322 Harmonides 1, 55 5.1.4, 227

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Index locorum 367

8.25.11, 293 PMG 822 (Cyclops or Galatea), 241 8.50.3, 90 PMG 823 (Cyclops or Galatea), 237 9.12.5, 119 PMG 824 (Cyclops or Galatea), 235 9.12.5–6, 19, 76 PMG 825 (Komastes [?]), 222 9.12.6, 190 PMG 826 (Mysians), 222 9.30.2, 82 PMG 827 (Syrus/Syrian), 222 Phaenias PMG 828 (Hymenaeus), 19 fr. 13 Wehrli, 127–34 PMG 830, 156 frr. 14–16 Wehrli, 127 PMG 835, 156 Pherecrates Pindar (ed. Maehler 1987–9) frr. 132–41 KA (Persians), 194 Olympian Odes fr. 155 KA (Cheiron), 72, 74–7, 120, 130 1, 107 23, 124 1.29, 102 fr. 156 KA (Cheiron), 77 1.47, 107 frr. 157–8 KA (Cheiron), 77 1.110, 155 Philodamus of Scarphea (ed. Powell 1925) 3.1, 175 Paean to Dionysus, 304–17 3.8, 102 Philodemus 4.2, 102 De musica (ed. Kemke 1884) 1.23, 188 6.22–8, 92 De pietate (with A. Henrichs 1984) 6.42, 173–18 = PMG 768A, 223 6.74, 107 Philostratus 6.87, 102 Imagines 415.7, 290 8.15, 102 Vita Apollonii 3.17.4, 290 8.55, 107 Philoxenus (of Leucas?) 9.47–9, 88 PMG 836 (Dinner Party), 113, 115, 222, 9.81, 92 244–5 12, 272 fr. a, 245, 247–8 13.110, 173 fr. b, 115, 174–6 14.8–9, 281 fr. b 1–4, 248–9 Pythian Odes fr. b 4–5, 250–1 1.1–2, 297 fr. b 6–13, 249–50 1.85, 107 fr. b 7, 253 2.3, 173 fr. b 16, 253 2.8, 102 fr. b 18–23, 256–7 2.90, 107 fr. b 19, 253 3, 57, 293 fr. b 23, 253 3.25–6, 327 fr. b 35, 253, 256–7 4.214, 102 fr. b 37–8, 252–3 4.247–8, 155 fr. c 1–3, 258–9 4.349, 102 fr. d 1–2, 248 6.7–8, 100 fr. e, 250 7.19, 107 fr. e 4–10, 254–5 8, 272 fr.f,51 8.34, 155 Philoxenus of Cythera 9.45, 155 HE 1.165, 19 10.64–6, 92 PMG 814 (Genealogy of the Aeacides), 221 11.29, 107 PMG 815(Cyclops or Galatea), 234 11.39, 155 PMG 815–23 (Cyclops or Galatea), 221 11.54, 107 PMG 815–24 (Cyclops or Galatea), 222 12.6–8, 109–10 PMG 817 (Cyclops or Galatea), 234 12.16, 110 PMG 818 (Cyclops or Galatea), 235–7 12.18–27, 109–10 PMG 820 (Cyclops or Galatea), 234–5, 239 Nemean Odes (PMG 821 Cyclops or Galatea), 238 3.80, 155

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368 Index locorum

Pindar (cont.) Sophista 240c, 331 4.14, 102 Plato Comicus 4.18, 173 fr. 188–98 KA (Phaon), 117 4.39, 107 fr. 189 KA (Phaon), 117 5.21, 155 fr. 200 KA, 120 5.28, 102 Pliny 5.42, 102 Naturalis historia 6.54, 155 7.204, 109 7.15, 173 34.57–8, 106 7.22, 155 Plutarch 8.21, 107 Moralia Isthmian Odes 14e (De audiendis poetis 1), 51 1.44, 107 22a (De audiendis poetis 4), 191 2.20, 173 84a (De prof. virt. 13), 121 3/4.36, 102 150e–f (De superst. 10), 111 5.24, 107 170a (De superst. 10), 20, 112 5.62–3, 87–8 220c (Apoph. Lac. 8), 121 7.39, 107 238c–d (Inst. Lac. 17), 120 Paean 6 334b (De Alex. fort. 1), 126–7 fr. 52f. SM, 179 347a (De glor. Ath. 3), 197 fr. 52f.2 SM, 290 389c (De Pythiae oraculis), 306 fr. 52f.62–3 SM, 312 450b (De virt. moral. 10), 277 Paean 8 539c (De laude ipsius 1), 112 fr. 33c.1 SM, 173, 175 615b (Quaest. conv. 1.1), 278 fr. 43 SM, 143 758c (Amatorius 15), 51 fr. 52i.1 SM, 290 831f (De vitando aere alieno 8), 129 fr. 70b SM, 82, 107 Vit. Agis 10.4, 121 fr. 75 SM, 82 Vit. Alc. 2.5–7, 106 fr. 76.1 SM, 173 Vit. Alex. 8.3, 55 fr. 125 SM, 105 Vit. Lys. 18.3 = PMG 867, 271 fr. 128c SM, 7–9, 223 Vit. Phil. 11, 55, 90 fr. 140b.1–3 SM, 105 [Plutarch] (ed. De Lacy and Einarson 1967) fr. 157 SM, 109 De musica fr. 191 SM, 105 1131e, 80 Paean 10(a) 1132d–e, 99 fr. 52l.22 SM, 290 1132e, 90 Plato 1133b–c, 119 Cratylus 409b11–c3, 165 1133e, 109 Crito 50a–51b, 140 1134a, 105 Gorgias 1134a–b, 82 451e, 273, 279 1134b, 99 462e–463e, 136 1135c, 80 Leges 1135c–d, 119 700a–701a, 63, 66 1135d, 80 Menexenus 236e, 164 1136c, 82 Phaedo 1140b, 80 118a, 140 1140d–e, 71 118a8, 139 1140f, 81 Phaedrus 238d, 164 1141a, 119 Respublica 1141b, 80 394c, 191, 193, 235, 261 1141c, 82, 99 397a, 190 1141c–d, 81, 86 424b, 87 1142b, 82

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Index locorum 369

1142c, 71 Sophocles 1142f, 82 Ichneutai 292–3, 111 Pollux Oedipus Tyrannus 463–4, 108 3.153, 80 PMG 737, 290 4.66, 99 TGrF iv F 356.2, 279 4.91, 96 Stesichorus I Polyidus PMG 277, 229 PMG 837, 223, 228 PMG 277–9, 228 Pratinas PMG 278 (Rhadine), 229–30 PMG 708, 85, 306 Stesichorus II 3, 167 PMG 840 (Cyclops), 221, 222, 229 5, 102 Stobaeus 7, 86 2.31, 129 7–8, 102 4.27.9, 277 10, 102 Flor. Mon. (ed. Meineke 1855–7) 16–17, 102 260, 129 PMG 712a–b, 105 261, 129 Pronomus Strabo PMG 767, 19 14.1.39, 293 8.3.20, 229–30 Quintilian Strattis Institutio oratoria 9.2.65–99, 146 17 KA (Cinesias), 120 Sappho Δ 1031 (ii 92 Adler), 150 fr. 1.1 Voigt, 102 E 336 (ii 211–12 Adler), 237 fr. 16 Voigt, 272–4 E 2901(ii 403 Adler), 168 fr. 39.2 Voigt, 102 Θ 475 (ii 727 Adler), 240–1 fr. 98(a)11 Voigt, 102 M 454 (iii 350 Adler), 18, 106 fr. 199 Voigt, 227 M 454–5 (iii 350 Adler), 115, 118 Satyrus T 265 (iv 518 Adler), 239 Vita Euripidis 17–18, 119 T 354 (iv 527 Adler), 99 Sextus Empiricus T 620 (iv 556–7 Adler), 18 Adversus mathematicos 11.49, 277, Σ 107 (iv 322–3 Adler), 119 279 Φ 393 (iv 728–9 Adler), 118, 124 Simonides Φ 395 (iv 728–9 Adler), 136 fr. 11 W2 19–28, 194–5 Telestes 21, 219 PMG 805 (Argo), 84, 166–7, 221, 28, 195 223 34, 195 PMG 805b (Argo), 107, 108 35, 195 PMG 805c (Argo), 103, 110, 167–8 40, 195 PMG 806 (Asclepius), 103, 104, PMG 508.6, 102 166–7 PMG 531.7–9, 91 PMG 806–7 (Asclepius), 221 PMG 532–6, 194 PMG( 808 Hymenaeus), 169–71, 221 PMG 579, 272 PMG 809 (Birth of Zeus), 221 PMG 604, 279 PMG 810, 103, 104 PMG 651, 273 PMG 811, 185 fr. 4 W2, 320 Epigram 2 (ed. Gallavotti 19933), 231 fr. 6.1–2 W2, 319–20 Idyll 1, 13, 91 frr. 19–20 W2 34, 195 Idyll 6, 234 fr. 34.6 W2, 319 Idyll 11, 234

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370 Index locorum

Theognis 32, 181 29–30 W2, 274 33, 181 40 W2, 131 37–8, 180 211–12 W2, 131 38, 181, 182 215 W2, 175 40–2, 202 215–18 W2, 143 45, 202 219–20 W2, 131 60–71, 201–2 237–54 W2, 155 61–5, 184–6 255–6 W2, 273–4, 279 69, 183 289–90 W2,78 72–4, 182–3 315–18 W2, 274 72–81, 202, 205–6 335–6 W2, 274 75–6, 208 465–6 W2, 274 75–7, 181 535–6 W2,78 78, 181, 182 681–2 W2, 129, 147 83–4, 208 821–2 W2, 302 83–5, 202 933–8 W2, 274 86–95, 202 971–2 W2, 274 89–90, 183 Theophrastus 90–1, 181 fr. 365b (ed. Fortenbaugh 1992–), 92, 181 142 92–3, 181, 202 Thucydides 94, 202 2.38, 261 96, 208 7.87, 130 97, 202 Timaeus 97–139, 202 FGrH 566 F 32, 16 98, 182 Timotheus 99, 213 PMG 777 (Madness of Ajax), 221 103, 210 PMG 778 (Artemis), 163 104–5, 210 PMG 778a (Artemis), 20, 221 105, 182 PMG 778b (Artemis), 191, 221 105–9, 210, 217–18 PMG 779 (Elpenor), 55, 221 114–20, 210–11, 217–18 PMG 780 (Cyclops), 176–8, 185, 221 121–38, 212–13, 217–18 PMG 780–3 (Cyclops), 222 140–88, 202 PMG 782 (Cyclops), 234–5 144–5, 213 PMG 784 (Laertes), 221 145–50, 186–7 PMG 785 (Nauplius), 190, 221 162–3, 217 PMG 786 (Niobe), 221 167–77, 202–3 PMG 788 (Persae), 55, 90 171, 161 PMG 791 (Persae), 39, 222 173–4, 217 1, 161 177, 213–15 1–96, 202 178–95, 215–18 5–6, 181 179–81, 219 7–20, 200–1 183–4, 219 8–9, 181 189–95, 202 12, 182 193–5, 203 14, 181 196–201, 204–5 15, 181 202, 297 20, 181 202–5, 89–93 27, 94 202–40, 219–20 31, 180 203, 107 31–3, 179 206–20, 93–7 31–9, 150–1 211–12, 107

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Index locorum 371

216, 107 Xenophanes 221, 103, 107 fr.1.1–10 W2, 246–7 221–40, 97–101 Xenophon 227, 103 Cynegeticus 229–36, 113 2.1–3, 128 233, 107 5–6, 128 PMG 792 (Birth Pangs of Semele), Memorabilia 190, 221 1.4.3, 51 PMG 795 (Sons of Phineus), 221 2.1.21–34, 272 PMG 796 (Scylla), 89, 90, 107, Σ Aristophanes 221 Aves 1379, 115 PMG 800, 18 Nubes PMG 802, 95, 103 317, 163 PMG 803, 156 333d, 71, 79 PMG 803–6, 233 969, 118 Timotheus? Plutus FGE 307, 18, 108 290ss, 132, 239–40 Tyrtaeus 296ss, 234–5, 239 fr. 1–4 W2, 101 Σ Theocritus fr. 12.13–44 W2, 274 11.1–3b, 241

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Subject index

For names of individual musicians and poets, see also Table 1 (pp. 22–32), Table 2 (pp. 34–8), Table 3 (pp. 41–2) and Table 4 (pp. 44–7).

Achaeus, 222 Aristias, 233 Acropolis, 106 Aristocleitus, 118 adjective.See language: adjective Aristonous, 33, 294–9 Aelian, 43, 229 Aristophanes Aeschylus and biography, 118 Aristophanes on, 239–41, 264–5 and musical practice, 58–9 as model for Aristonous, Hymn to Hestia, and symposium, 265–6 297–8 on Aeschylus, 239–41, 264–5 as model for Timotheus, Persians, on New Music, 73–4, 95, 107, 120, 183–4, 199–201, 206–9, 210, 211, 152–60 216–17 Aristotle compared with New Musicians, 155, and biography, 115, 122 157–60 compared with Ariphron, 280–1 on Persian Wars, 194, 195–9 Hymn to Virtue, 13, 244–5, 268–77 Agathocles, 82 on history of music, 6 Agathon, 58–9, 120, 124, 164, 222 on New Music, 51, 78–9, 80, 161–2, 163–4, Alcibiades, 106, 130 189–90, 267 Alcman, 80 Aristoxenus, 14–15, 49, 52–3, 78–9 Alexander of Aetolia, 19 Artemis, 20, 215, 285, 287 anabolai (preludes), 73, 76, 112, 119 Artemon of Cassandreia, 121 anecdote, 113–14, 121.SeealsoEuripides; Asclepius, 16, 286–94, 317–28 Philoxenus of Cythera/Leucas; Athena, 83, 84, 103–12, 161, 168–9 Simonides; Timotheus Athena Ergane, 169 Antimachus, 224 Athena Lindia, 285 Antiphanes, 51, 225 Athenaeus Aphrodite, 139, 281 and accounts of Philoxenus, 122 Apollo and attribution of Philoxenus, Deipnon, and Asclepius, 289–91, 317–26, 115–18 328 as source for late classical lyric, 43, 48–50, and Dionysus, 306–15 260 and dithyramb, 62, 306 on genre of Aristotle, Hymn to Virtue, and music, 110–12, 121, 220 269–70 Apollo Maleatas, 318, 322–3 on history of music, 6 at Delphi, 298–9 on innovation, 83–6, 104–5 in hymn of Aristonous, 299–304 on octopus, 141–2 in Timotheus, Persians, 90, 91 Archelaus, 19, 126–7 and Asclepius, 293 Arete.See Virtue (Arete) and innovation, 5, 81–3, 95, 105–6, 108 Arion, 48, 63 and performance of Aristonous, Hymn to Ariphron, 13, 244–5, 277–82, 283 Hestia, 298 372

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and performance of dithyrambs, 18, 62 of Dionysus and symposium, 260–1 and performance of Timotheus, Persians, 95, professional, 58–9 101 round (kyklios choros), 156, 314, 315 and Persian Wars, 194 Cinesias fish in, 128 attitude to Timotheus, 20 portrayal of values of, 141 body of, 120, 153–60 audience depicted by Pherecrates, 75–8 and late classical lyric, 192–3, 197–9, 201–2, identity of, 115 211–12, 238, 242–3, 255–7, 331–2 on language of Timotheus, 191 and performances about Persians Wars, 195 parodied by Aristophanes, 74, 120, 153–60 as competent in literary criticism, 96–7 reputation, 21 at competition, 79 themes addressed by, 220–3 aulos , 21, 82, 91, 120–1, 240, 297.Seealso and innovation, 52, 75, 76, 82–6, 103–12, 119 City Dionysia.See festival: City Dionysia and lyric, 8–9 Clearchus, 134–7 criticism of, 106 Cleomenes, 20, 220–3, 224–5, 268 defended by Telestes, 166–9 comedy, 8, 73–8, 152–7 gingras, 262 complexity. See poikilia in performance, 241–2 composers, 17–33. See also individual names magadis as form of, 170 compound words.See language: compound origins, 109 coronis (manuscript marker), 56–7 Coronis (mother of Asclepius), 56–7, 326–7 Bacchylides, 102, 173, 191, 232 Cratinus, 233, 263–4 barbarism, 186, 214–15 Crexus, 71, 119 bends. See harmoniae; modulations Cyclops, 89, 132–3, 176–8, 224, 233–42 Bion of Smyrna, 234 birds, 56–7, 102, 122, 153–4, 155, 167–8 Damocles, 15–17 body, 110, 120, 121–4, 140–1, 153–60, 181 Danaids, 226–7 Bromius, 162, 258, 260–1 Daphnis, 229 Delos, 19 Callias, 233 Delphi, 33, 296, 298, 300, 302–3, 304–17 Callimachus, 234, 328 Demetrius of Phalerum, 9 Calyce, 227, 229 Democritus, 270 canonization, 39, 48–53, 57, 283 Democritus of Chios, 73 Castorion of Soli, 21 Demophilus, 269–71 chariot, 91–3 Diodorus of , 53, 144–8 Charites, 281 Dion, 292 Cheiron, precepts of, 77 Dionysius Chalcus, 185 Choerilus of Samos, 92–3, 107, 194, 225 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 43, 78, 164–5 chorus Dionysius of Sicily, 15–17, 127–32, 144–8 and competition, 21 Dionysus, 68–9, 110–12, 139, 162, 178, 306, and Erythrean paean, 291–2 304–17.Seealsodithyramb and innovation, 191 dithyramb and Philodamus, Paean to Dionysus, 314–16 artists involved with, 20–33 and Philoxenus, Cyclops, 191, 238–42 context for performance of, 191–2, and symposium, 263–4 261–4 as voice of community, 216–17 criticism of, 3, 8, 11–12, 150 at Delphi, 315 definition of, 18, 60–1, 62 changing role of, 85–6 development of, 63–4, 65, 68–9 described by Pratinas, 102 language of, 152–88 dithyrambic, 223 Philoxenus, Dinner Party as, 116

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dithyramb (cont.) Galatea, 130–2, 224 sources for, 39–40, 43–8, 57 genre, 13, 17–19, 59–67, 191–2, 269–72, 276–7, subject matter of, 221–3 288–9, 306.Seealsodithyramb, nome, dolphin, 43, 241–2, 310 paean dramatization, 218, 232 geography, of late classical lyric, 15, 19–20, Duris of Samos, 234 100–1, 283, 316–17 gingras. See aulos Egypt, 55–7 Gnesippus, 20, 263, 267–8 elaboration. See poikilia Gorgias, 163–5 elitism, 78–81, 106, 123–4, 190, 265–6 embolima, 59, 73, 135 hare, 125, 128–9 Empedocles, 120 harmoniai, 103–5.Seealsomodulations Endymion, 227 Harpalyce, 229 , 19, 135 Health (Hygieia), 172–4, 277–9, 282, 294 Epidaurus, 317–28 Hermes, 99, 110–12 epigram, 284, 316, 323 Hermesianax, 51, 234 epigraphy.See inscription Hermolochus, 21 epinician, 275–6, 277, 281, 285 Herodotus, 82, 203 epithets, 172–6 Hesiod, 183, 272, 281, 328 Eriphanis, 229 Hestia, 296–9 Erythrae, 286 Hesychius, 124 Eucles, 33 Hipponax, 135 Euripides Homer.SeealsoCyclops, , and Dionysus, 69 Telemachus as model for Aristonous, Hymn to Hestia, as model for Clearchus, 137 297 as model for Cleomenes, 222 as model for Timotheus, Persians, 210, 211, as model for Isyllus, 321–2 215 as model for Philoxenus, 132–4, 234–8, compared with Aeschylus, 155 257–8 in anecdote by Satyrus, 119 as model for Simonides, 125 on innovation, 88–9 as model for Telestes, 168–9, 170–2 on New Music, 74–5 as model for Timotheus, 91–2, 99–101, parodied by Aristophanes, 74, 158–9 176–81, 183–7, 188, 222 themes addressed by, 225, 233 on innovation, 87 excess, 121, 122–4, 130–1, 131, 136, 139, Hygieia.See Health (Hygieia) 189–90 innovation, 5–6, 80–3, 87–112, 118–19, 187–8, festival 283–4, 294 and dithyramb, 116 innuendo, sexual, 130 and first performance of Timotheus, inscription, 13, 17, 33, 40–3, 283–6 Persians,95 instrument, musical.Seeaulos,cithara,lyre, and innovation, 63, 67–8 magadis as context for performance, 39, 261, 277, Isyllus of Epidaurus, 33, 317–28 315 at Athens, 18 kaloskagathos, 78, 123 audience response at, 195 kenning, 163, 184–7 City Dionysia, 62, 194 kitharis, 100 harpalyce, 229 of Asclepius (and Hygieia), 294 Lamprocles, 82 Thargelia, 33, 62 Lamynthius, 20, 224, 268 Theoxenia, 300, 305, 312 language fish, 121–4, 128–30 adjective, 172–6 food, 117, 122–4, 125–6, 135–6, 174–5, compound 249–51.Seealsofish, hare and dithyramb, 153–4

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and New Music, 161–2 depicted by Pherecrates, 75–8 Aristotle on, 161 identity of, 115, 118 as innovative, 91–3 language used by, 165–6 listed in papyri, 40 on aulos, 83, 106 used by Aristonous, 302 themes addressed by, 18, 220–3, 225, used by Aristophanes, 160 226–7 used by Philoxenus, 167–76, 252 Meleager, 224–5 used by Timotheus, 12, 178–83 melism, 73, 74 elevated, 156, 157–60, 175–6, 178, 187, Menecles, 52 208 metaphor.See language: metaphor heightened, 159–60, 178 meter, 73, 74, 91, 117, 229–30, 261, metaphor 317–28 and audience, 12 m¯etis, 102 Aristotle on, 164 Miletus, 95, 100 as descriptive device, 153–7, 167–72, mim¯esis 181–2, 184–7 forms of, 189–93 for musical innovation, 75–7, 89 in Licymnius, 165 for speech, 186–7 in performance, 189–92 of chariot, 91–3 in Philodamus, Paean to Dionysus, of sea, 215 308–9 of the hunt, 274 in Timotheus, Persae, 218 neologism, 100, 163, 167, 173, 175–6 narrative, 189, 232, 242 of ritual, 172 of direct speech, 205–18 periphrasis, 12, 153, 163, 167, 175–6, 177, Mirtis, 229 195 moderation, 131 synecdoche, 181–2 modulations, 57, 72, 75–6, 78, 82–3, tense, 197–9, 200–1, 202–5, 280 103–5 Lasus of Hermione, 63, 81–3 money, 124–7 Leucas, 117–18 mousik¯e, 6, 75–8, 86, 137 Licymnius, 20, 163–6, 172–4, 220–3, 224, 227, Muses, 93–5, 107, 139, 281, 309–11 279 Mycale, 95 lightness, 166, 252 literacy, 53–9, 285–6 narrativization, 118–19, 195–7 Lucian, 55 naturalism, 217, 218, 243 Lycophronides, 20, 230–1 nature, 102, 228–31, 234–5.Seealsobird, lyre.Seealsocithara dolphin, octopus, sea and innovation, 75, 76, 81, 109, 119, 121 neologism.See language: neologism and lyric, 8–9 New Music as traditional, 97–100, 106, 110–12, 264–5 and criticism, 3–4, 8, 71–3, 123, 150–2, context for performance on, 260–1 187 lyric, definition of, 8–9 and Old Comedy, 73–8 and traditional forms, 16–17 Machon, 121–4, 137–44, 190 as characterized by Aristophanes, 73–4 Macrobius, 19 as populist, 123 magadis, 121, 169–71 as term, 71 Magnes, 194 composers, 17–33 Maron, 176–8 definition of, 71 Marsyas (historian), 229, 233 geography of, 15, 19–20, 100–1 Marsyas (satyr), 84, 106, 108, 109 interpretations of, 71–86 material culture, 67–9, 283–329 moral evaluation of, 77–83 Matro of Pitane, 263 personified, 75–7, 124 Melanippides surviving titles, 221–2 and innovation, 119 themes, 220–3 and Philoxenus, 124 Nicander, 227

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nome Philodemus, 51, 188 and criticism, 12, 52, 150 Philoxenus of Cythera and narrative, 191, 193, 199, 209, 218, 232, and modulation, 82 242 and Philoxenus of Leucas, 115–18 and word play, 101, 140 criticism of, 71, 72 as innovative, 3, 90 Cyclops or Galatea, 132, 224, 233–42 language of, 152–88, 331 depicted by Pherecrates, 75–8 sources for, 57 descriptive language used by, 174–6 titles, 221–2 Dinner Party, 49, 244–61, 263, 267 notation, musical, 53–8 forms of composition, 18–19 novelty.See innovation in anecdote, 113–14, 122–4, 127–48 name, 124 obscurity, 158 themes addressed by, 220–3, 225 octopus, 137–8, 140, 141–4, 149 Philoxenus of Leucas, 115–18 Odysseus, 132–4, 136–7, 142–3, 171, 176–8, Phrynichus, 16, 193, 194 235–9 Phrynis of Mytilene, 51, 75–8, 95, 112, 118, Oeniades, 220–3, 233 119, 120–1 Onesicritus, 55, 56 Pindar orality and literacy, 53–9, 285–6 and compounds, 173 Orpheus, 98–9 and innovation, 16, 60, 82–3, 87–8, 143 Ovid, 118, 224–5 as model, 94, 99–100, 103, 142–3 audience response to, 184 paean.SeealsoApollo inscription of Olympian 7, 285 Ariphron, Hymn to Health as, 278–9 on aulos, 109–10 Aristotle, Hymn to Virtue as, 269–72 on poikilia, 102 definition of, 60–1, 306 on relation with patron, 143 development of, 64–5 Plato, 6, 62–3, 66–7, 78–9, 120, 164, 165, 190 Erythraean, 286–94 Plato (comic poet), 116–18 Isyllus, Paean to Asclepius as, 318, 325 Plutarch, 43, 50–1, 55, 126–7, 197 Philodamus, Paean to Dionysus as, 304–5 poikilia, 81, 101–5, 166 papyrus, 39–40, 54–7, 285 Polus, 164 parrh¯esia, 145–8 , 51–2 Parthenius, 224 Polyidus, 18, 228 patronage, 124–49 Polymnestus, 80, 81 performance .See Cyclops and genre, 61–7 Poseidon, 48, 179 and meter, 321–5 Pratinas, 85, 86, 89, 105, 162 and mim¯esis, 189–93 Pronomus, 19, 119 at Delphi, 298–9 pseudo-Plutarch, 6, 77–82, 86 modes of, 199 Ptolemais, 292–4 of Philodamus, Paean to Dionysus, 311–17 Pythagoras of Zakynthos, 82 of Philoxenus, Cyclops, 238–42 Pythocles, 82 participants, 21–33 setting, 258–68, 275–7, 279–82 Rabelais, 332 periodization, 9–10 rhapsode, 195, 199, 232 periphrasis.See language: periphrasis rhetoric Persian Wars, 91, 92, 193–220.SeealsoSalamis, figured speech, 146 battle of of godliness, 286–94, 304–17 personification, 107, 173, 181–2, 272, 274–5 of presence, 196, 247 Phaenias, 127–34 of self-presentation by New Musicians, Phaon, 117–18 87–112 Pherecrates, 72, 74–8, 86, 95, 225 Old and New, 78 Philodamus of Scarphea, 33, 293–6, 304–17 used by Odysseus, 236

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Rhodes, 285 tense.See language: tense riddle, 111, 129, 169, 171, 260–1 Terpander, 80, 99, 105, 118, 120, 121 romance, 227–32, 233–4 Thaletas, 80 Thargelia.See festival: Thargelia Sacadas of Argos, 80, 81–3 theatre, 8–10, 20, 67–9, 79, 260–4, 277, 298 Salamis, battle of, 179, 181–2, 193–218, 220. Theocritus, 91, 231, 234 See also Persian Wars Theognis, 78, 129, 130–1, 143 Sappho, 115, 117–19, 275 Theoxenia.See festival: Theoxenia satyr-drama, 222–3, 231–2 Thetis, 179 Satyrus, 119 Thucydides, 164–5, 197, 198 sea, 150–1, 178–83, 206 Timotheus Seleucus, 293 and forms of composition, 18 Simonides, 82–3, 91, 125–7, 143, 193, 194–5, and Homer, 176–81 219–20 and innovation, 89–101, 119 Sleep, 227–8 and rivalry, 112 Socrates, 118, 139–40, 156, 165 as model for Philoxenus, 140 softness, 227–8, 252 cited by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 43 Solon, 319–20 continued performance of works by, 55 sophia, 111–12, 265 criticism of, 4, 71, 72 Sophists, 163–7 depicted by Pherecrates, 75–8 sources, for late classical lyric, 1–3, 6, 14, in anecdote, 119, 120–1, 126–7 17–59, 74–5, 113–14, 283 language used by, 95, 176–87 Sparta, 91, 93–5, 99, 101, 121, 135, 322 performance of Timotheus, Artemis, 19–20 Stesichorus, 16, 80, 115, 228–30 performance of Timotheus, Birth Pangs of Stesichorus II, 21, 115, 220–3, 228–30, 233 Semele, 190 Stobaeus, 43, 50 performance of Timotheus, Persians,95 strobilos,76 themes addressed by, 222, 225–6, 233 symposium, 65–6, 123–4, 130–1, 174, 185, Trimalchio, 253 258–82 tyranny, 129, 141, 144–8 synecdoche.See language: synecdoche Synesius, 235–7 Virtue (Arete), 272, 274–5 Syracuse, 141 wit, 112, 126, 129, 147–8 Telemachus, 87, 89 Telesias of Thebes, 53 xenia, 124–49 Telestes, 14–15, 84–5, 103, 104–12, 167–72, Xenophon, 51, 267 220–3 Xerxes, 206, 217, 219

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