Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.12, 2017 A Study on the Potential for Rationalizating Road Public Transport Services with Respect to a Rail Transit Line Extension Maria Celline BELIZARIO a, Gio Carlo DELA PAZ b, Jose Regin REGIDOR c a, b, c Institute of Civil Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines a E-mail:
[email protected] b E-mail:
[email protected] c E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: This study aims to assess the prospects for rationalizing road public transport services along the section of a rail transit line extension, which is currently under construction. Once operational, there will be a more direct competition between it and the current road public transport services along the study area such as jeepneys and UV Express vehicles. Data on the jeepney and UV Express drivers’ perspective about the construction of the Line 2 Extension, the process of route modification, and preferences about route rationalization were collected through interview surveys, and travel times of competing modes are estimated. These are analyzed to determine possible route modifications to optimize transport services with respect to the transit line from the drivers’ perspective. The process of route modification as regulated by the government is also discussed. Recommendations are made for modified routes based on the outcomes of the surveys and analysis. Keywords: Transport, LRT, Rationalizing, Travel Time, Route Modification 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The LRT Line 2, also known as Manila Light Rail Transit System Line 2, LRT-2, or Megatren, is a 13.8 km heavy rail that passes through four cities in Metro Manila.