Building Renovations, Memorial to Be Completed Roughly on Time
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reviews - page 8-9 I • VOL. XX, NO. 137 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1986 - · an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Mayor calls for increased patrols to monitor conduct of partygoers By FRANK LIPO tygoers), but if we have to we will," South Bend city attorney Executive News Editor he said. Eugenia Schwartz, who was also at Uniformed officers on foot the press conference, said that "int The South Bend Police Depart patrols, uniformed officers in the past we've had complete com ment has increased police patrols in police cars and undercover pliance when noise citations have the Northeast Neighborhood, in a plainclothes officers will be used to been issued." move designed to control a wave enforce city noise regulations and "We haven't had that kind of of recent student parties which to monitor the conduct of par response and respectful attitude have disturbed area residents, ac tygoers, according to Captain from the folks who have been cordiug to South Bend Mayor Patrick Cottrell, head of the South issued the citations this year," she Roger Parent. Bend Police Department's East Sec said. The increased patrols come in the tor, who was also in attendance at Schwartz said there were parties wake of complaints by area the press conference. broken up at six different addresses residents against the noise level Parties will be monitored with last weekend, each with more than generated by the parties this spring noise meters, said Cottrell. If the 100 students. and the behavior of some party volume of a particular party is "At this particular address (601 goers, Parent said yesterday at a louder than 55 decibels, the max E.
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