The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Jamtari/, 1931 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS 161 -a COMMENT IN Tills IXJUE The Fire of 1879 Frontispiece Dues in the Alumni Association are A Happy Notre Dame New Yeai'_ 163 five dollars annually, payable on June This Notre Dame 165 1 .of each year. Erskine Trophy Award- 169 Editorial 171 Payment of dues includes a charge New Academic Requirements- 173 for the ALUMNUS. Art at Notre Dame 176 Athletics 182 This obligation has not been taken The Alumni Clubs 184 seriously enough by alumni in the The Alumni 188 past. The future of the Association rests on a change in attitude. The magazine is published monthly during the scholastic year by the Alumni Association of the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Indiana. The If you received nothing more than subscription price is S2.00 a year: the price of single copies is 25 cents. The annual alumni dues of $5.00 include a year's subscription to THE ALUMNUS. the magazine, with its news of Notre Entered as second-class matter January 1. 1923. at the post office at Notre Dame and your classmates, your Dame. Indiana, under the Act of March :!. 1897. All correspondence should be addressed to The Notre Dame Alumnus. Box 81, Notre Dame, Indiana. money would be well spent. And in MEMBER OF THE AJIERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL all frankness that is about all you've ME.MBER OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC ALUJINI FEDERATION been receiving.