Notre Dame Alumnus, Vol. 28, No. 06

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Notre Dame Alumnus, Vol. 28, No. 06 The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Zke Notre Dame Alumnus Vol. 28. No. 6 Norember-Decamber. 1950 lanws E. Annstrrag. '25. Editor JiAn P.' Bnnia. '34. Managing Editor lohn N. CacUer. fr_ 'Vl. Aawdoto Editor This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Entered as second class matter Oct 1, 1939, at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Ind, under the act of Aug. 24, !912. Table of Contents UTILITIES -. 3 UNSEEN ARMY 4 ALUMNI BOARD 5 NATURAL LAW INSTITUTE 6 JACK MILES' PROGRESS ...„ 7 MOTORIZED CHAPEL 8 "B" TEAM TRIP 9 UNIVERSITY TODAY 10 CAMPUS CALENDAR .^ 11 ALUMNI CLUBS 14 ALUMNI CLASSES 20 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS FRANCIS WALLACE, '23 „ Monorary President Leo B. WARD, '20 _ J'resiaent REV. VINCENT P. BRENNAN, '32 First Vice-President JOSEPH M. BOLAND, '27. Second Vice-President ARTHUR D. CRONIN, JR., '37 Third Vice-President DIRECTORS TO 1951 ARTHUR D. CRONIN, JR.. '37 J632 Buhl Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. LEO B. WARD, '20 214 Rowan Bldg., Los Angeles 13, Calif. JOSEPH M. BOLAND, '27 Jiadio Station WSBT, South Bend, Ind. REV. VINCENT P. BRENNAN, '32....408 Baldwin Rd., Pittsburgh, 7, Pa. DIRECTORS TO 1952 WILLIAM J. SHERRY, '21 .804 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. WILLIAM B. JONES, '28 7102 Meadow Lane, Chevy Chase 15, Md. R. CONROY SCOGOINS, '24 480 Humble Bldg., Houston, Tex. EDW.ARD J. BECKMAN, '16 .40 South Dr., Plandome, N. Y. DIRECTORS TO 1953 JoH.v Q. ADAMS, '26 158 Lorraine, Upper Montclair, N. J. HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 327 Federal Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. RICHARD J. NASH, '23...„ 6235 Kenmore, Chicago 23, III. DR. MATTHEW WEIS, '22. 7.379 Northmoor, St. Louis 5, Mo. JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '2.=5 Director m„I Secretary PICTURE LEGEND: (!) Brother Borromeo, C.S.C, Chief Engineer, pauses to talk uith one of his assistants. (2) Brother Beatus, C.S.C., "puts the heat on" the hoys in Alumni. This control system has saved approximately $61,000 in two years. (3) One of the plant engineers checks a control valve in the Uni­ versity's three-mile tunnel si'Stein under the campus. (4) Tliis crane helped Xotrc Dame beat last winters coal shortage. In the backgruuud. the Univer­ sity's Diesel "Mothball Fleet." (5) There is at least one attentive member as Brother Borromeo gives instmctiims in pumper f>peratitms to the local fire fighteni. The Notre Dante Alumnus .Jkt #^. '^X^i ame Alumnus UTILITIES AND THE UNIVERSITY... A brief presentation of the heat-power-water problem of the University of tomorrow The University of Notre Dame was would know at all times whether stsam installation of machinery to remove iron almost sixty years of age before its were passing through the giant reducer from the drinking water, and erection residents came to know the blessings of valves into the various classroom and of a 500,000 gallon water tower, a ne­ central heating. The first plant, erected dormitory buildings. Installation of a cessary—but by no means attractive— in 1899, would be judged crude and central control system which permits the addition to Notre Dame's skyline. primitive according to present stan­ heat to be turned on or oif and tempera­ A firm of consulting engineers was dards; but its designers were so pleased tures regulated in any building on the brought in to sketch out the new water with their creation that a scale model campus from a central panel in the system. And because fifteen to twoity was dispatched to the Paris Exposition plant, cut fuel costs approximately $61,- years is considered the normal life span of 1900. 000 in the little more than two years of boilers and other heating equipment it has been operating. In the summer of 1932 the stack of without extensive alterations, they were this plant was brought crashing down The University's water department is asked to examine our heating needs as to prepare the way for the Students' also operated by steam plant personnel. well. Infirmary building; the University's pri­ Three deep wells for drinking water and Still a third feature was incorporated vate railroad station was razed at the one for utility purposes are kept in in their study. Our plant employees, as same time, and for the same purpose. constant operation, supplying the one though they had not already enough A few months earlier Notre Dame had million gallons that Notre Dame re­ work to do, had long argued that genera­ acquired a new heating plant. quires daily; in summer daily consump­ tion of our own electric power would Again the last word in efiiciency of tion rises to 1,500,000 gallons. represent a further economy for the desigrn and operation, its four huge boil­ A pipe line from St. Joseph's Lake University. Waste steam could be util­ ers sent steam surging through an feeds water into a separate system of ized for this purpose, through installa­ elaborate network of tunnels to the far mains for fire protection. Pressure on tion of several stsam turbines; and two reaches of the campus. There was con­ this system is maintained at seventy-five diesel generators obtained from the War siderable satisfaction in the thought pounds, but Brother Borromeo, C.S.C, Assets Administration would serve as that, Vhile repairs and alterations would who doubles in brass as chief of the stand-by units. have from time to time to be made, the The University is presently using dee- new plant was geared to handle Notre I BLltak M£i>A M:!^ HUI^ MlliB MSt^ M£t^ M:!^ M£I^ Ma^ M±t^ tASt^ Mfl^l Dame's future expansion program. tricity at the rate of 6,010,000 kilowatt r The UniTeiaity and th* JUmniii hours annually, and - our demand .will That was ei^teen years ago. In the rise tremendously with completion of the interval Notre Dame's student body Association extend to every alum­ new Science Building alone. Compare grew from 3,000 to more than 5,000 } nus, to his {amily. and to oU friends young men; there was a corresponding oi the University a sincere wish that with your annual household needs! increase in the number of priests and lay f that Christmas will bring to them The three-way study was completed. faculty members. Some twenty-five new the grace and blessings oi a Plans for the new water system were buildings were constructed, and steam i genuine Christmas. drawn up and approved. The contention tunnels were leng^thened. Still, Brother tiB>«BWia>Bi«B»ea«B»i»«ewa>«B> of our plant engineers that it would be . Irenaeus, C.S.C, and after him Brother more economical to generate our own Borromeo, C.S.C., managed to keep the University's up-to-the-minute fire de­ power than to continue purchasing it, student body and faculty reasonably partment—can order pump pressures in­ was borne out. The initial cost of con­ comfortable and happy. creased to one hundred and twenty-five struction and installation (approximate­ ly $600,000) could be written off over a In the course of the years improve­ pounds. twenty-year period, increased operating ments and economies were effected. A State officials, who long have looked expenses absorbed, and the University mobile crane was purchased at second­ with disfavor on this three-way system still would save from ten to fifteen thou­ hand, several thousands of tons of coal of water supply, recently decreed that sand dollars a year. Minimal necessary were stockpiled, and the student body the University must convert to a single improvements and repairs to the eight­ learned to their dismay that school system whereby potable water shall be een-year-old heating system were com­ would keep ouen in spite of frequent used even in the utility and firs pro­ puted, and found to be considerable. and prolonged strikes at the mines. tection mains. This will necessitate ex­ One of the Brothers devised a unique tensive changes in the existing network And then the blow fell! A heating syston of lights whereby plant engineers of mains, the dropping of another well. (Continued on Page 19) November-December, 1950 The Unseen Army Holy Cross Foreign Mission Director Asks Spiritual Adoption of a Priest (Father McCauley, Siiperior of the Holy —^to propagate the Divine Life of Christ. Cross Foreign Missioji Seminary in You know, then, the wealth you pos­ By Rev. Vincent McCauley, C.S.C. Washington, D. C, is directing this ap­ sess. You know you can help. You can peal to Alumni for spiritual adoption of give that special help which we ask in his missionary priests. It certainly needs the name of the Church and of our mis­ no explanatory notes. The .Aluttini Board is the personal element. St. Theresa's sionaries. We ask something of yourself, of Directors at its October, 1950, meet­ adopted missionaries were to be, as it some of the good deeds, some of your ing urged tlie adoption of Father Mc- were, her very own brothers. prayers and sacrifices. Like Larry in Omaha or Jimmie in Arlington your gift Cajiley's plan and the editors of the Perhaps you begin to see how you, may consist mostly in offering the long ALUMNUS heartily concur.—Editor) too, can imitate the Little Flower's painful hours in a sick bed. Like Charlie method. It matters little that you live in Chicago you may sell insurance and in the world, in yoiir homes, rather than make each call a prayer that goes to in a convent or monastery.
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