Layden Brought 'Big-Time' Football to the Bluff
*torch5,l«0 Poo» Brawn A Brai*n Were Scarce In 1929 IB 19M It wa» an eirsptton, mtfcer then a rate, far college .a*?*v Ml stars tr> etrel in both the aos- Male end athteUc punutta. The ktWV boy wbo could tackle an oppontnt aad & book with the sane res alt* *aa incited a rare fellow to Fled on the campus.. Joe Dobcbeas, Pitt Paatber ' end. end Howard Herpe^r, the Tartans' AU-amancan aiavtertoaci, werw two district grid* iters wbo became etTlcjeat etadeMs or their respective clssi*** sad schools. I**e AeeJetr hrtli 0uqae*4 Ch.venttr alto lied t young men who wee, an ota* tending footbaU player and wbp also lad dose Wmeeir proud In scholastic circles. H> wee Stanley P. Profcopowicz, of volant, Pa., who waa one ol* the beat guards in the Tri State Conference during bis active playing career, which ended after the season of 1927. Bach year the Oinfere nee.' aw aid ed a. enze tu the man who bed, how n the <best accomplish me nte in both studies and athletics, hi jugs. 1926.'thai pries went to the young Mr. Prosopowlcz. it meant that be i selected from the undergradu ates of such institutions as Thief,* The** pictures were tears at IstT. that w af tarara'a Westminster, Oneea, Bethany, sad r Lsyden, one-tie* iiiesmlaaliiau of the now-defunct reign M athletic director aad head football coach. They Wajneaburg, tn addition to Day National league, was the impressario of athletics, depict action in names played on a field here oh the Huff' j mesne.
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