---Take off the Christmas fat- Notre Dame has a REAL trY out for your basketball basketball team this .year. -team. You've all to gain, Urge it on-let it know you nothing to lose •. know it's a real team. . ,__

··vaL. 2. -NO. ·51 , NOTRE -DAME; INDIANA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 6,1924- PRICE 4 CENTS 8 NOTRE DOME WINS OVER-M.-U., ~9-25 lsst~I¥~ SLO~~::~ ~~~fvs :~~::::~:f~JJ;;~;.~Irf~ouo;ttb;:a~l:l~~-that is the champion of its own im- t~ea-am:s:~adrne~:J.:udSgfe:dc~_ utp:o~nt ' modiate neighborhood, it is much games won or lost, we will assume . Pity, I beseech you, pity poor me. NOr fh WeS tern Han de d Dru bb lflg, -more impossible to get any line of all risks attending the 'guess that Irish Gagers Sst -Fast Pace· for . Alone and friendless, in spite of my But lllinojs Wins from Our comparison that would permit a Notre Dame would defeat any team Wolverines; Visitors Fail to Over­ trorts to ke~p · you dear boys at -k team to be selected as the national in the country :with the possible ex- :lie University happy.. Still, I .am Bas et Team. champion. ception of Yale and a Notre Dame- come Lead in Overtime _Periods.- egotistical enough t~ thmk t~at 1f I Displaying the best form that has Nothing but harsh words would Yale game_ would be a feast for the Notre -.Dame's' Fighting Team , nnotinced an appearance (m per- be the reward of any critic who took football gods. :on) at .Hullie's _so!l:e night-well, been shown by- a Notre Dame. bas- upon himself the thankless task of Notre Dame was not beaten by playing the most brilliant brand of ~ouldn't there be qmte a crowd? ketball team in past years, the Irish even expressing an opinion on what Nebraska. Notre Dame was upset basketball that has· ever been wit- ' _0 _ _0 _ · · . five defeated the University of team was the best in the country. by her_ own schedule. . Considering nessed .on the home court, defeated -- , · . Northwestern quintet 25 to 16, on The matter of expressing _the the_ greatness of Yale, California, the University of Michigan quintet, I fear that I can no longer ad- the "Y'' floor, Wednesday night, opinion -is nothing compared to the Michigan, Cornell, Illinois, and SY!- 29 to ~5, on the "Y" floor last night dress you truthfully as ''~entle December 19 .. - - obligation_ of the burden of_ proof _acuse, we do. not believe that any before a packed house of 1200.. l·e·aders,'' unless I am speakmg to s·pee d , · accura t e s h oo t'mg, and a that .would rest upon the critic who of these teams could duplicate· the W'th1 th e score .t-. 1e d 19 -19 a t · th e the five men wh.ose n.ame.s have not masterful·-defense were the high would venture his.. own opinion. feat of- Notre Dame in beating the end of the regular playing time, the yet been tak~n m vam. · lights of the game. that impressed Under the· conditions it would be Army, Princeton and Georgia Tech Ir1sh· cagemen battled for two over:-· -o~ -o:- the ·huge throng that packed the better to place the burden of proof on successive Saturdays. · time periods after Kipke _of the .Now to the society gossip of our gym. The ·flashy Clem. Crowe lived upon the other side ap_d ·approach Games like that take the sap out Wolverines and· Ward of the Irish note-book .. Oh; yes, yessir in fact, up to expectations and dazzled the the subject like this: · · of any t~?am, no_t considering the fa- tied the count again at the ~end- of 1· do keep a little red J?o~k. And visiting team by the -ease . with Notre Dame Great. Te'am tigue that cannot help but attend so the first overtime period with bril- what do you suppose I found· tuck- which he dribbled the 'ball through · "What team in the country -was much travel on. the road; Prince- liant shot~ from the :tioor. · ed a'vay in it? Literature! Writ- its defense. Tom Riordan starred better. than Yale?-California?- ton did not have a great team~ but ·With only ·a few minutes of the ten during summer-school, a scout at center, piling :UP a large point Michigan?-Illinois?-or Cornell?" Princeton_ took so 'much out of the regular -playing time left_; Kipke - tells me. And by someone whose total and displaying -some pretty And even with ample preparation Harvard team that Harvard was scored on a pretty shot from the initials are J. O'D., unfortunately, I basket shooting~ for the comeback: ."They· were de- hardly in. shape to play -t\vo weeks :middle ·of. the floor that_ gave. the . · missed ~he middle one. · Due to their great speed and feated !"---,-it might be in point to later with an· off-Saturday inter- Wolverines a one-point lead. The -o- -o- .their ability- to· weave through the ask: · vening and Princeton played just-as referee declared a technical foul ._I .: T~-My Lady's Toothbru~h ~· Irish defense. for short shots, the ''What teams ove1: the season were hard against Notre Dame. . . · on the Michigan captam ior l1aving ' As a ,\rind may wander- over Illini defeated the' Notre Dame better than Notre Dame or ·syra- - (Contil).Ued on Page 4.) siX men on the floor, while the gaine Dazzling fi,elds. of-snow, quintet 29 to 21, last We"dnesday was in progress. Kizer, who proved So, :toothbrush, you're . a rover night before 'a large crowd at the his worth at the crucial moment ··-And into heaven can go. Urbana school. during the 1923 season, lived ·up ·to ·. If Circe lived, my dearest; · The Illini took a big lead at the FR o· WALSH_ . SPEAKS. . DRAM-A CLUB· · _ ·'HAS . his reputation and scored~ on· the. rd surely ask to' be . _ _ start of the game; running up 12 · ·. · free thr_ow, making the count 19-19. , :The brush that' may be nearest. points to four counters for the. Vis- TO FT WAYNE MEN. NEw· DI R' Ec r·o R Shortly after the overtime 'period- \_ Your whisper~s m~stery. -· iting Hoosiers. _Captain May! and o • · ·. . · started; the flashy Kipke, Michiga:n's his men rallied before tlie half was ______All-American half-back, raced doWn -o- --o- . out and the count stood 14 to 11 in the side of the floor and dropped a- -And I da'n•t think that I am vy- favor of Illinois· at the ·start. of the Speaks _o. f Ghange __S at- University "One Act Plays, to .l~ad to .Big basket, giving Michigan -a. two-point ing.,Vith "The Ink W:ell'~ because I second frame. . lead. The time was almost ~ut and -·use _a. typewrit_er' (no adv.). The. Mayh~en continued their During Past Years'; Breen Medal . Presentation in June," Says with Notre Dame fighting desperate-- . -o- .,o~ · pace ·in the next. period and- came • - ly for a shot at the basket, Mayl . But now to those individuals' that within one point ·of: tying the score, Donor Present -Director. - passed to Charlie Ward, who tlrib.: -of·late .. have ·had 1TIY all-seeing-eye which stood 21 to 20 about the mid- - . bled around the Wolverine defense upon·· ,them. One _knave, better dle or the last half._ ·The Illinois Seventy~five Notre_ Dame alumni The Notre Dame .Dramatic club and tied the score ~-~kn_o;v_n_· _as_ Na~i~'- .hap}~,u~~e~ :~ou_d: _£~g_E;rl'i.;~reH~ci. Q.ff --.~UslJ.L. poii}ts_)n and. s~l_lde1_1t~- 'Yere · e_n~ertai~ed_ a~-~- h~_s ___ ~e_er.: ___ ~_f5.m~~te.d__ ~~ ,s.~~u!i~1~ _,The--~-second- _ ·overtime--·--period,. __ -'-- _. -'-' .~nd)ong ·t~at-:he~was. not 1~clu~ed quick-'succession .and. succeeded _m banquet given by·tli~ Fo_rt Wayne- the s_erVIces of- a direc.or and re- found ·Notre Dame fighting -harder· · m. th~::s.oci~t~ B 1 ~ 'F1v:e ·(h1s con- h~idin'g 'Notre. Dame till_ the final Notre Dame ·Alumni associa~ion _at h~arsal man, Josep~ Re:'r-nold.s, ·of than before, and in quick-succe!>~ion science IS _gmlty)·. That was the whistle. · · the Ke_enan hotel on. the mght of Lawrence, Mass., a graduate o~ t~e chalked up four goals due to the fault Of a: careless scout who has . · - - · December 27. _ . Lela;td Powers . School, and It Is Isuperb playing of Kizer and Ward. '.been .• severely reprimanded.. How- ·=··-u-.--:·-·-()-)_

·, . I I' i SundaJI, Januar_11 8, 1·924~ NOTRE DAME DAILY 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the Editor, V J d L • b. to work with, he could riot help NOTRE DAME DAILY: n..enne Y att le evolving a fascinating picture of Don't Wail About It CJ;.OTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN According to the figures recently /n Irish Olympics the man to whom "The Prince" was Write About It ,~ published in the DAILY, as· given dedicated.-J. B. out by the business manager, Fresh- . Notre Dame will be represented Tbis is your column man hall stands far in the lead over at the Irish Olympics in Dublin by Dr. J. A. Stoeckley, Dentistry and all· the other halls in the percentage two of the greatest· track stars ever Extracting, 511 J. M. S. Bldg. · e DAILY is not respo~siblt; for any of DAILY subscribers.. The lead of produced at the University, when Th or opinions expressed m th1s depart­ fact~ Contributors -writing anonymously Freshman hall ·is particularly no- Paul Kennedy and Tom· Lieb join Read the DAILY ads-our adver­ p1e\ Jet the editor-in-chief know their ticeable when its percentage is com- the Irish-American team in August tisers point for Notre Dame busi­ p1Uf names ; otherwise their letters can­ pared with . that· of the high and to compete in the latest track chis­ rent be published. ness, and their . bargains are_ an­ no, .. ---· . mighty seniors of Sorin hall. It is sic to be established for universal nounced in, our columns. The Editor, NOTRE DAME DAILY: these same ·seniors who are con tin- competition. . 1 feel that· the readers of the ually exhorting the lowly freshman Paul Kennedy, captain of the DAILY will be interested in ·learn- to exhibit the 'ol' st»rit' by backing 1924 track team and one of the . g of the success of a forme'!.' Notre N. otre Dame enterprises, but here best milers. in college ranks, will be ~ame man in turning out a vi~t:w- we have one more proof that when entered in the distance runs to com­ . us team, and am therefore glVmg it comes to spirit the freshmen have pete with Irish runners from other The 10 u a brief acc0unt of the work more of it than any other class has, parts ·of the world. Kennedy, who ~one thrs season by the footunll and much more than the seniors was also the mainstay of the Notre 'The FLY-FRONT Coat t;an of .St. Edward's College, a have., Come on, Sorin! Organize ·a Dame harrier team for two years, 1 Book Shop '.THE style :tpp~ved by college . team coached by ., a pep-meeting for yourselves for h!ls been running the mile in 4:25, men of ultra-conservative taste. former .Not~e Da!flc end. . once. You need it more than ~ny- but considering the condition of the · Lightweighttopco:usand winter; North Michigan St. weights arc cqlUllly in demand uptaying tts thu·d yem: oi college one ·else. Irish leader this year, his mark is at the prices setso conservatively fo'otball; -St. Eq~va'i·d'.s College, the TWENTY-SEVEN. due to be slashed several seconds low by LUXENBERG. 'Notre Dame of the Sou l;hwest,' met to a 4 :21 pace. ·Book-s and· $32.50 to $47·50 and defeated some of the best temns , who will enter in the ·n Texas and Oklahoma, and passed INK WELL discus, has been one of the most Supplies ~hrough an undefeated season, --- consistent . performers in the field Manufoctu=i anJ sold =:luri'l'ely by scoring .147 points to their oppo~ (Continued from Page 2.) events and a versatile trackman of NATLUXENBERG&BRos. nents' 18. . . business transactions, and lavish the highest type. Lieb won the N=aaarm uThe .season was opened by de- 'vith his hospitality. Through the' st~te title in 1922 with a heave of •. 841 Bro:tdway N. W. Cor. 13th St. feating . the 'strong North 'fex•:s story moves Marian Forrester, his 147 feet, 4 inches. At the Na­ ''Clothes .Make Stuyvesant 9898. • New York City Junior A. & M. College, _13-0.. This wife, exquisite, fascinating, some- tional IntercollE;!giate games in Chi_. was followed by a har?-fo~ght; game 'vhat irresolute, but equally cou- cago la_st summer, Lieb defeated the Man''· Our style·memo, b~ok will be ..sent free, o~ request with the 'Baylor Umversity Cubs, rage6us 'in her moments .of weak- Pope, the I. A. C. star, with a heave BUT REMEMBER--­ who :were defeated 7-2.. Then ness and of strength. of 151 feet, 6 inches. Clothes Branches: Tulsa University of Tulsa, Okla., It was Joseph Conrad or William need con­ 2~1 Water Street, submitted to a trouncing, 35-7. McFee who remarked that few ,..,.,~~~~ stant atten- ' Exeter, N. H. ' This was followed py a in San women are supremely lovable; as a ume concerning him that appeared gam~ ~~~~~[1 tion to re- 863. Broad Street, Antonio with Army All-stars com- woman Marian Forrester was a fail­ some years ago. It contains four ""' tain their posed of the pick. of th? army men ure, but she bad the unquestioning episodes in the life of. the Duke of appearance Newark, N. J. sationed there, mcludmg sever~! devotion and loyalty of two men; Valentinois, three of them resound­ and snap. former West Point players~. The of her husband who understood all ing his cunning and diplomacy, and ~-.....:::i..-:v.~ We can do 'Saints' won 14-0.. St. Edward's her foibles and her more ·serious one of th~m telling of the one time' it. . then met and defeated · Simmo~s failings, and of Neil Herbert, a man that he was outwitted, and that by Suits Sponged and Pressed, a .. woman. 50 cents College,,chanipions of the T. I. A. A. many years her junior, who idolized ·. When leaving for the trains This was perhaps the most thrilling her. · ' · In writing of Cesare Borgia, Sa- Th S - • ·game of the year, be_ing wori iri the A modest volume, this, one that batini. has a character that. com- e ei:_VICe . . pall a Yellow and lceep your~ last 20 seconds of play by a drop can· easily be read in an· hour and hines some of 'the Macchiavellian T .I Sh . .·self free from worr.1J and the tendencies of his Andre-Louis, kick from the 40-yard line by Nie- a half,'but it is on~ '\vhich is a val:- to- a• or .. 9P · inconven-ience of street cars. ,mic; the triple-threat star of the uable contribution · to the great gether with the :guile of the Sea 110 East Washington Ave. !Saints.' · The . score was 3-2. number of. novels which take up Hawk and the grace of Captain Below Max Adler'•·. - Baggage Service Daniel ·Baker College was then one phase or. another of the growth Bl6od. And, having these ·things, ~======• smothered, 48-0. On Thanksgiving of the west.-J. B. . ·Day, before the largest crowd of "The Banner of the Bull," by Rafael Sa­ YELLO"W" the year, St. Edward's met Phillips batini; Houghton Mifflin Co,, Boston, New University of Enid, Okla; · Phillips York. $2.00. O'l!'1~ cordial wishes for a very !~appy'Ch~·istmas CAB· had for two years been champions ·Bizarre characters have ever had of the Oklahoma conference, and an attraction for the· more sober. to the· students and fac?.tlty of t~e University was for several years a ~ember of members. of-civilization. The pirate co.. i the Southwest conference~ having has been· for a long time a favorite ~{Notre Dame. . PHONE MAIN 5fJOO 1 .at.one time defeated Texas Univer­ figure with. readers of all types and the· reason is. not far to··seek::How­ i-·sity;~ ~They o-uT\veighed-St.: Edward's . Tl;e -Thinlcing F~zz;;.;; ard-Pyle, who knew·more of ·pirates Call; I 20 pOUDdS-tO the man, and Were ex.: E~· J. CAIN, _Mgr. · A · uyellow, pected to stop the vict.orious sweE;!p than any man of our day, ·says that ·of the 'Notre Dame of the South­ their attraction lay in the fact that \vest.' . However, they. proved to be they knew their. own. minds and easy preY, and were defeated 27-7. what they wanted. · Cesare Borgia,· the hero of. ''The ''The St.. Edward's team is ably OFFICE RESIDENCE. coached by Jack Meagher, a· former Banner of the Bull," cannot be call­ Notre' Dame end. The system ed a pirate with any degree of his­ Main 887 Main 3561 used ·at St. Edward's, both in .. the torical· ~ccuracy, but he · has one 212 S~ MICHIGAN ST. ·- · Dr. Leo J. Quinlan :- classroom and on the athletic field, thing in common with them. If - ', - ' · is that ·of Notre ..Dame, . the mother· ever a man knew his own mind,· it Ground. Floor Blacksto~e J"heatre Bldg. . DENTISTRY • - - f • : • - house of: the religious order con­ was Cesare; and he had· no scruples ; 511 J. M. ·s. Bldg. - ' ·. ducting ·the · institution.. As .. the as to the means employed to gain spirit of Notre' Dame prevails in all his· ends. About bini there has al­ things, it is no wonder that its foot­ ways lain an atmosphere of attrac­ ball. team should be.· a winner.".:_ tiveness,- not\vithstanding the fact Daily American Tribune. that he lias . come down through If· you can give ·space to the hist_ory notorious rather ·than fa- above, I feel sure that it. will be mous. interesting' to many or' your · re.ad­ · Sabatini· is an authority' on Bor­ I ers. · . ··Cord~ally · yours~ gia. Having written a life .of the

WILLIAM ·P. GALLIGAN, 1 man, he- turns. his knowiedge to / (N. D, 19~4-1917.) good account and 'republishes a vol-

. .~' .''L ·· :,yon. · .B.· · ra.n· .· d''. /

Munson 'Last .~Ax~yShoes· ·.of.· $olid Leather '$5.00

This sh~e is ~olid Ieatl~er and ~ill wc.ar like:'iron.~· · vVe also carry · t11e sa~e .grade. in an IS:-i~~h lace }.lOot, at $10.00. ' .. Clouse's

" . . ~ . . : Walk~Ov~r BOot· Shop .. VVhat a- difference . - . . ' . '. .. ll5. SOUTH MICHIGAN ST.REET. '·' ·just a few· Cel1tS make r~. FATIMA

' /' SundaJI, January 6, 1921.. 4 NOTRE. DAME DAILY 1.--,.Knute K. Rockne. alty of being dropped from the list 2.-"Pop" Wm·ner is a tie with of the season's best. by losing one Gilmour Dobie. "Pop" has an edge game, so also did Syracuse, which THE RUB DO.WN· because of his greater experience. deserves ,to be rated as one of the By TOM COMAN Frank .. J. Powers ~·~_;. . 3.-Bob Zuppke, .Illinois Univer- season's best teams. I sity artist-coach. . . . . There is also Marquette, which M.D. One· ·of the country's leading the same thing will have to face the · 4.-Andy Smith and Elmer C. hasn't lost a game in two seasons sport critics recently b.rought to same ban. . · Henderson. Little to choose be- and which has defeated teams just light a ?Plendid example of the value The Lawn Tennis tween them, · but Smith has had as strong as Cornell.· There is University /. of athletics from a point other than Association announces the fact that niore experience an( a longer fling Pittsburg to be upheld as one of ·the glory ·achieved on the playing the old ruling on this su.bject w~ll at the· gall'!e than. Henderson. the most illustrious teams in the Physician field. b? renewed. and . that. ';l'Ilden •;.Ill . 5.-Fielding H. Yost of Michigan, country,,_ because Pittsburg is the Telephone Residence_ Main 3346. . Captain Hammer,. leader 'of th~ eithe.r have to qUit '\~ritmg or give who may not be· "up. to the present gamest team playing football. 1923 Pennsylvania football eleven, up his amateur standmg. ~ speed," but yet a man ·whose rec- One look ·at-the Pittsburg sched­ ....:experienced one of ·the ·bitterest . A . southern sport Writer,. com- ord over a . couple of decades en- ule, year after year, is enough to trials that could possibly come to a mentm&'. on the matter, was not u_n- titles him to great reckoning. scare to death some of the weak sis-· OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGiiiiiiD._;;;;;;;iiiiiii~.... football captain who· was completing mindful. of the fact that the writ- 6 - · the ters who get· fat off the little fel- Office Phone ll.fain 3134 his college -football career. ·The ings of these men were _not bought gra~d old man. of football and prob- lows.-Henry L. Farrell. DR R D n· u . . Penn coach decided that Hammer for their literary value but that _ably the oldest coach in point of . • •· • . GGAN should warm the bench_ during the their monthly check .from the syn- service. Stagg is one of the game's NOTRE DAME WINS DENTIST dicate was the answer to the· ques- greatest moral infiuencers and fear- --- · last game of the. season. The same 561 tion, "What's in a less of criticism in his fight for (Continued from Page 1.) Farmers Trust fate was meted out to Captain Dan­ nam~?" 1 Buil~i~g iels of· the Southern Methodist Col­ clean football at any cost. Wolverine attack, and teamed with lege, but he accepted it in a differ- . ROCKNE D.EAN OF COACHES ·7.-Bezdek of Penn State. the _·forwards in · Coach Koegan's short pass attack. · ent way than did Hammer-which, --- VI~IT. says the sport critic, manifested . (Continued from Page 1:) NOTRE DAME BEST TEAM Line-up ,· ~ ' . . . . the wonderful lesson learned by one "Passes from every conceivable --·- Notre Dame (29) FG FT PF TP man· and disregarded by the other; formation, passes hurled with dead- (Continued from Page 1.) Crowe : .... ~ ...... ,...... ;.... 3 4 3 7 I ndi~ria' s Largest·· Hammer, brokenhearted and •dis- ly accuracy from any angle;. passes Yale, . we feel, would. beat Cali- Mahoney ...... "...... 0 · 3 2 1 couraged, .turn-ed in his· equipment that . were. short and ~asses tha~ fornia, . Michigan, Illinois mid any Riordan ~ ...... ~ .. 1. 0 0 2 Dental Office -~ . and left college. Daniels sat on the w~re long' always pullm~ the un- other sectional champion, . because Kizer ...... ;...... 5 1 1 11 Mayl ...... '.. 1 .0 3 2 Not only in Size and Equipment bench for the last two games of the .exl!ected. Notre 'D_ame on t~at -~ay Yale was smart, could kick, pass ~~ but Quality of· Work· as weU. . . season, rooted ·for his . teammates, was the fin~st scormg mach~ne 1 ve and run, and Yale had eight half­ Enright ...... ~ ... ~.~-~.... o o o o and -declared that the ."sub" ;vho ev~,r -seen... smce ~he p~ss came back. backs that could n1ake any 'varsity Ward, ...... : ... ~ ...... ,.... 3 0 0 6 13 8 9 29 had taken his' place was easily a . Southern Cahfo_rma coaches w~o team in the United States. J o 1'o 1-10 LI\IlES better· man and asked the team to fail to take advanta~e of R?ckn~ s . - No team without two sets of re­ Michigan (25) ' . _FG FT PF TP give the "sub" theic support in the course here are makmg a big mis- serve backs of_g· reates.t ability could Haggerty ...... ,: ...... ~ .. 4 2 0 10 ·DENTIST -·· · - · · take." · last game. · hope to keep up with the speed· of Henderson · .~...... 0 ·_ 2 0 1 Cor~er Michi~an & Washington-Sts, · They Take. Notice Birqs (c) ...... ~~:.:. 2 0 . 1 4 .Both men faced the same situ a- Rockne,: until . this year, ;vasn't the. Yale attack, . and Notre Dame Over Frumaa Drug Company·. Kipke ...: ...... ~...... 2 6 . 2 .6 tion, .. but the Texas leader had "generally credited_ with being the was the only 'other team that had Deng ...... :.:...... 0 0 0 Loo~t for ,Sig~s Lincoln 6819 learned the lesson of self-sacrifice~ · · h · sufficient reserves of all-around 0 capable Citizen. e IS. Haughton, class to do it. Morgarige .. :...... ~ ...... : 1 1 . 1 . 2 --- Reisman,· Ha!-"low, Warner, Tad Cherry .... , ...... ,.,...... 0 · 2,-- . 0 2 Wo~en -are the silent powers in Jones, Wilce, Stagg,_ Zuppke, Dobie, California has a great team. · There is no question about it. EYES: f,XAMINED · the baseball world. -witness the Andy Smith, Yost, Bezdek,- Fisher, In four seasons California won 33 ·. 8 -12 3 · 25 case of Urban Shocker, .St. Louis Folwell,· Roper, Spears and a few Berger, Wisconsin, referee,· Wi_n- star, who balks at the rule of 'the ',others were generally believe to be games, ·tied two and mad,e 1, 737 . . points against 88 points for its op- ters, Illinois, umpire. . Missourian's club that prohibits. his j the eat's pajamas. of football coach- position. . Tha:t. is some record _and. -======\vife from accompanying him on ing. In 1923 Rockne made the wide · - b·aseball trips. Some ball :clubs .\yide world sit up and wonder what could have be.en made~only by four· Office Ph'on~

Chicago. SATISFACTiON.-·- . -police ,force.. McAllister left the tion's football mentors thusly and on paper. . l:eave· a pair with us and invite a broadside from · a·ny one A N be convinced. · · · realm of the brass buttons and de- with a better selection: . . s 9tre D~me suffered ·.the pen- We use only the best rrui- ·· ·voted · niuch of his :time. to-· running. "':!::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d . terials money can: buy.. . - . ., But "unkn'own· even. to· his closest ======!II .. frien_ds, . the . speed · merchant had e · · · Goodyear Welt. System B ·· complete~.· -· : . . . . . ' many va~ried talents of' ._which they . . 'l~s'fil ~e~ Q We· spec_ialize_ for . - were una;vare. JI'he · lure . of the Let Us Serv~:You M J!Uil! t::Ji::J Notre Dame Bo.1JS .'- . -concert..: stage :prevailed over the . . . - '- . 206 East. Jefferson Blvd.-. ·o'l!-. fcinc.1f ·imported ,:·glory_ of the- cinder path .and now If_. ··_~m_ .-_~ __ -d:_·a··, __ liv;.~ L_.·_ ;p·. ·, ,_:.pR· •. J-0 BURKE-- · Bob, who was· carded· to compete IJ~~ ~Ja ~lila ·candy Baslcets against some of th~ greatest speed '"';!~~~~~,.~-~~~~~~~~ ·Over 20. yea~s· in the same lo~ation; . star_·s.in_._th_ e c_o_untry,· .h. a_s__ an_no_qn_ c'ed .. T E.<\RN the fundamental pi:iricipleS of . .. ,L business and their application to daily ~ · ~nd_-l~ig_h gr~de 230 So~th' Michigan Street . his intention of withdrawing entire- · .. business problems. To help you-min,. · ·r .SOUTH'BEND, IND.­ · mize the time,- usually spent in gaining Cdndy .. ..· ly. from .athletics . to. make a living expericnc!.', the intensive, one-year training Burke'a' Glasses Fit thc'Eye. by singing. . . _ . _. · · ·. course ofthe Babson Institute Is offered. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES· · ··From actual ·experience the fundamental -It is a notable fact that many of principles of business are made clear. By 1'r.;iJ Our: Home ·coolcing the country's star athletes . who positive examples! the student is shown how · 120. SC. .. ~h Michigan S~t · . •:•~, ...... ~c~~~o~•!• . ga_ ined . fame their_college days to apply these prmci1Jles in the conduct of in -every day cotllmercial affairs. . · · I ' JOHN H. ELLIS .. and ·continued . their work after Write for Booklet j. · . : · OPTOMETRIST" ... ': graduation have· been forced to de­ . . . . . ~ . . . . . ·~ Send for bookl~t "Training fo~ Busin~~ vote so muc]l of their. time to poor- Leadership." Describes the courses in detail Nohiles · paying sportsthatthey were obliged and gives complete infonnation about the -. Two Go~d Places . I 512-~::h;::t~~·~~-g- ... to carry·a little side-line occupation facilities of Babson Institute and shows hov,.. 1 . . Phone Main ~19 · • men are trained for executive roles. Write The House of Sweets /, ' .in order to buy their. daily bread. . . today.· No obligation. - · to-~AT ·:· ... ,~,~---.~~····. The latest _dope from the -higher re'alms. of sport reveals the fact that Babson Institute [1i:~~: Offiee: Co~. Colf&X 'ATe. and ~ 301 WasWngtonAvc. · .. _- . . .at- . . · · -~ layette DITd. athletic bodies do not approve of . •!!..._o.-.o~.-,.._.o--..c.....,,.--.., ...!•: -Babson Par~{, ( 8~~~~J !\lass.·· ~. . Re11irlence: 2115··s. Ta:rlor SL · their star . athletes ·using their skill -·· . . ,-, I. . - .

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