Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 69, No. 25
A MAY 15. 1936 u/ye NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Volume Sixty-nine Number Twenty-five HALF & HALF MAKES OHE SWELL SMOKE! You'll like the way Half & Half burns. Cool as a mother-in-law's wire: "Arrive Friday." Sweet as the news that she's changed her plans. Fragrant, full-bodied tobacco that won't bite the tongue—in a tin that won't bite the fingers. Made by our exclu sive modern process including patent No. 1,770,920. Smells good. Makes your pipe welcome any where. Tastes good. Your password to pleasure! Not a bit of bHo In tho tobacco or Tin, orhich gtts smallor and smaller as you HMHip tho as you roach for a load, o«on tho last ono. Conrifht 1936, The Amtrican Tobieco Company A L F V'Oi.H A L F FOR PIPE PR CIGARETTE Two The Scholastic CALENDAR HTTING Friday, May 15 . The 34th annual competition for AND the Breen Medal for oratory, Wash ington hall, 8:00 p.m.; Golf, varsity vs. Ohio State on the Burke Memorial PROPER course; Tennis, varsity vs. Chicago at Notre Dame. Saturday, May 16 K. of C. picnic, Indian Lake, Mich.; Movie, Washington hall, 6:45 and 8:40 p.m.; Track, varsity vs. Navy at Annapolis; Baseball, varsity vs. Ohio State (2), Cartier Field; Tennis, var sity vs. Ohio State at Notre Dame. Sunday, May 17 Student Masses, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. in Sacred Heart Church; K. of C. initiations, Jeiferson Plaza, South Bend, 2:00 p.m.
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