A MAY 15. 1936 u/ye NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Volume Sixty-nine Number Twenty-five HALF & HALF MAKES OHE SWELL SMOKE! You'll like the way Half & Half burns. Cool as a mother-in-law's wire: "Arrive Friday." Sweet as the news that she's changed her plans. Fragrant, full-bodied tobacco that won't bite the tongue—in a tin that won't bite the fingers. Made by our exclu­ sive modern process including patent No. 1,770,920. Smells good. Makes your pipe welcome any­ where. Tastes good. Your password to pleasure! Not a bit of bHo In tho tobacco or Tin, orhich gtts smallor and smaller as you HMHip tho as you roach for a load, o«on tho last ono. Conrifht 1936, The Amtrican Tobieco Company A L F V'Oi.H A L F FOR PIPE PR CIGARETTE Two The Scholastic CALENDAR HTTING Friday, May 15 . The 34th annual competition for AND the Breen Medal for oratory, Wash­ ington hall, 8:00 p.m.; Golf, varsity vs. Ohio State on the Burke Memorial PROPER course; Tennis, varsity vs. Chicago at Notre Dame. Saturday, May 16 K. of C. picnic, Indian Lake, Mich.; Movie, Washington hall, 6:45 and 8:40 p.m.; Track, varsity vs. Navy at Annapolis; Baseball, varsity vs. Ohio State (2), Cartier Field; Tennis, var­ sity vs. Ohio State at Notre Dame. Sunday, May 17 Student Masses, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. in Sacred Heart Church; K. of C. initiations, Jeiferson Plaza, South Bend, 2:00 p.m. , Monday, May 18 K. of C. elections, K. of C. cham­ bers, Walsh hall, 1:30 to 7:00 p.m.; K. of C. meeting, Walsh hall, 7:45 p.m.; Golf, varsity vs. Michigan State on the Notre Dame course; Lecture by Dr. Heinrich Schumacher, D.D., Ph.D., Washington Hall 8:00 p.m. We've been studying anatomy again and "Romance of the Origin of Scripture." ARCHER is the result — a revolutionary Tuesday, May 19 design in shirts exclusive with Arrow. Lecture by Dr. Schumacher, "The Tailored to flatter broad shoulders, ta­ Divine Romance of their Transmis­ sion," Washington Hall, 8:00 p.m.; pered to the waist; and most important— Campus radio programs from local bilateral seams deftly curved in to con­ studio over WSBT. form to the declivity in the arch of the Wednesday, May 20 back, then distended over the seat and Baseball, varsity vs. Purdue at La­ fayette; "The Divine Romance of curved in again. No blousing in front — Their Messages," lecture in Washing­ no creeping up in back. In white and ton Hall by Dr. Schumacher at 8:00 fancy patterns. Sanforized-Shrunk. ^2.50 p.m. Thursday, May 21 Golf, varsity vs. Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh. SHIRTS and TIES QUIZZICAL QUIZZES ARROW From the Indiana Daily Student: A journalism instructor at the Uni­ versity of Texas recently asked the following questions in an exam: 1. What kind of an umbrella does Mr. Morgan Callaway carry on a rainy day? 2. What is a goat that is eight years old? 3. If a young boy kills his mother and father and eats them, what is he? wimm Correct answers: 1. A wet umbrel­ la; 2. Going into nine years; 3. An a The Big Store on the Corner'^'' orphan. With the finals but a few weeks away the following verse is appropriate: Has all the latest Arrow "Final's, fins^ls everywhere things in a wide variety With drops and drops of ink, But never a prof, who'll leave the room of styles and colors. And allow a guy to think." Chicago Phoenix. May 15. 193 6 Th r e c t^ % '9WM ^»»<> •«ifefe-V THE LOG CHAPEL—Cradle of Notre Dame The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame. Indiana. Acceptance for mailins'1 C at special rate of postage. Section 1103. Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 191&J Volume LXIX May 15, 1936 No. 25 STAUNTON, LOCHER, GAIREY ARE HONORED Dr. Schumacher To Speak CLASS VALEDICTORIAN. ORATOR. AND POET On Romance of Scripture ARE SELECTED FROM GRADUATING HONOR MEN Dr. Heinrich Schumacher, D.D., Ph.D., former professor of Sacred Class Orator Seminarian Is The Class Poet History at Catholic University, will deliver a series of three lectures in By Lindsay Phoebus the auditorium of the Law building, beginning on May 18. Henry A. Staunton, a senior in the "The Divine Romance of Sacred College of Science, from South Bend, Scriptures" will be the general sub­ has been chosen to deliver the Vale­ ject of Father Schumacher's talks, dictory at the ninety-second annual although, in addition, he .will cite Commencement Exercises on Sunday, proofs of the authenticity of the June 7. John J. Locher, of Monti- biblical record. cello, Iowa, has been chosen Class Orator, and John W. Gairey, C.S.C., Titles of the individual addresses, of Jersey City, N. J., a student in together with the dates on which they Moreau Seminary and the College of will be given, follow: Monday, May Arts and Letters, will be Class Poet. 18, "The Romance of Their Origin." Staunton, second highest ranking This talk will deal with the Divine student in the class to be gi-aduated, Inspiration of the Bible. Tuesday, has an average of 94 pei--cent. He May 19, "The Divine Romance of is completing his pre-medical studies their Transmission," dealing with the in the Department of Biology. authenticity of the textual history. JOHN J. LOCHER Locher is a member of the Wran­ Wednesday, May 20, "The Divine To speak for the Seniors. glers, University forensic society, and Romance of Their Message," dealing has been an active member of the with the great historical, religious, varsity debating team for the past ethical truths of the Scriptures. CHICAGO CLUB two years. He will be gi'aduated Dr. Schumacher's background is Piling up a huge majority after from the College of Lav*-. Locher is proof of his ability to speak with au­ vigorous campaigning, John E. in the competition this year for the thority on scriptural matters. Begin­ "Cliick" Maloney, and his ticket de­ Breen Oratoiical Medal. ning in 1903 he spent several years feated William Quirk and his slate Mr. Gairey has contributed verse in Freiburg, Germany, studying rec­ for the governing posts of the Chi­ to Scnp, campus literary quarterly, ords of the New Testament. In 1907 cago club for next year. being particularly remembered for he was professor in the Episcopal Maloney was elected president, "Emily Dickinson" Avhich appeared in Institute at Spire. In 1912 he became Andy Puplis vice-president, Joseph the Januaiy issue of this year. vice-rector of the Institute Santa "Babe" Kelly secretary, and Richard Commencement exercises ^vill open Maria Del 'Anima, Rome. In 1913 Carroll treasurer. for Senioz'S on .June 5, at 12:45 he accepted the position of professor The only office lost by the Maloney o'clock, when the Rev. John F. of New Testament Scriptures at contingent was that of treasurer O'Hara, C.S-C, president of the Uni­ Catholic University. One of his more where their candidate was nosed out versity, will address the Class of '36 noted works is The Handbook of by the victorious Carroll. privately in Washington Hall. Dr. Scripture Study, which is regarded as Maloney succeeds Luke Tiernan at William J. Mayo will close the gradu­ a standard in this field. the head of the Chicago group, which ation functions on Sunday, June 7, during this year has been one of the with the last words of his Commence­ most active and successful of the citj' PATRICIANS ment address. His talk will follow organizations. the conferring of degrees on the 466 The Patricians observed their last Seniors at 4 o'clock, in the University weekly meeting of the year Wednes­ gymnasium. day night at a dinner in the Rose MUSIC CLUB Marie Tea Room in South Bend. The In keeping with its policy of stim­ principal paper was delivered by John ulating interest in good music on the Gallow^ay is a music teacher in South A. Torribio, a senior in the College campus, the Music Arts Club has Bend. ' of Arts and Letters. sponsored two musical programs in Hugo Melchione and Arthur David­ At a meeting held a week ago last the past two months. son, both members of the club, pre­ Wednesday, Joseph A. Nigro, Arts On the evening of March 27, Mrs. sented a piano recital in Washington and Letters junior, and John C. Marjorie Galloway, who studied in Hall on April 30. The concert, which Marbach, a junior in the same col­ Paris and Chicago, gave a piano re­ was w^ell done, was attended by a lege, read papers. cital in the campus radio studio. Mrs. group of about 500. May 15, I 9 3.6 Fi ve DOME ON PRESS, DAVIS ANNOUNCES; Players Will Give Comedy on Commencement Program TO BE DISTRIBUTED MAY 25 AND 26 By John Hurley "Friday The Thirteenth" has been Book is Thirtieth of Scries Publications Dinner selected as tliis year's Commencement play to be given by the University Theatre, Professor Albert Doyle, di­ With 350 pages of pictures, de­ rector of the theatre, announced Nearly 100 campus journalists will Wednesday. The tentative date for scription, and satire, the 1936 Dome gather in the Lay Faculty Dining \%'ill make its appearance on the cam­ the play, wMch has been approved by hall, Monday evening. May 25 for the the Rev.
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