An Open Letter to Good Catholics Everywhere The Case for Sedevacantism

Sedevacantism is the position, held by a minority of traditionalist Catholics, that the alleged present occupant of the Holy See is not truly pope, due to the mainstream church's espousal of the heresy of modernism, and that, for lack of a valid pope, the Holy See has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. I am merely a lifelong Catholic who fell away from the church in my late teens, and remained out of the church for 40 years. Eleven years ago, I found my faith again, and I have been trying to save as many other lapsed Catholics, as well as anyone else, who can see the light. I suppose anyone who stumbles upon this letter, might assume that I am a 'church hater'. No, no, I love the church. I am trying to save it. teaching thru the centuries has taught that there would be tremendous Apostasy, in the last days. Even the Church Catechism teaches that Apostasy would be the Church's enemy, in the last days. Apostasy is the abandonment or rejection of one's faith. It's happening now, and for the last 50 years, and at an alarming rate. Good Catholics, who go to Mass every Sunday, have no idea that this is happening. The highest leadership of the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Freemasonry, a secret society that has been an enemy of the Church for centuries, because of their long-stated goal of destroying the Roman Catholic Church.

1 To quote Fr. Malachi Martin, Vatican Insider, and best selling author, on the Art Bell Radio Show, 1998, one year before Fr. Martin passed, talking about the previous 30 years of erosion of the true Catholic faith by the Popes, since 1958: FR. MM: "So, you go on down the line, and you find that a good deal of these One Billion plus members have been led quietly, unprotestingly, unknowingly, into another form of belief, which is not Catholic." AB: "Well then, one must ask, has the Vatican made an irreversible mistake? That's what you seem to be saying." FR. MM: "Yes. The Vatican has made an irreversible mistake, as regards the structure of the Church, and as regards the way doctrine is taught. ..."

The Catholic Faith is ultimately what Jesus has taught us, over the last 2,000 years. The unknowing, hi-jacked faithful now believe all the wrong things, instructed from on high by a succession of bad Popes, since 1958. In 1962, abortion was illegal, movies were wholesome, porn was rare, and homosexuality was nearly unheard of! The following is a summary of Changes in the Beliefs of the Catholic Faithful, since about 1962: ------In 2005, Catholics of various ages were asked if you can still be a 'good Catholic', without going to church on Sunday, by age group: Age 65 and older: 69% agreed. Age 45 to 64: 76% agreed. Age 26 to 44: 87% agreed.

2 Age 18 to 25: 95% agreed. ------In 2005, Catholics were asked if they had a 'high commitment' to the Catholic Church, by age group: Age 65 and older: 43% agreed. Age 45 to 64: 17% agreed. Age 25 to 44: 8% agreed. Age 18 to 24: 0% agreed. SO WE HAVE LOST THE CURRENT YOUNGER GENERATION OF 'CATHOLICS'. ------In 1987, 39% of Catholics say you can be a 'good Catholic', and still have an Abortion. By 2005, the number rose to 58%. ------Since 1962, Co-habitation is Up over 1,000% ------In 1963, Out-of-Wedlock deliveries was 8%. In 2002, it was up to 34%. ------Can you still be a Good Catholic, get a Divorce, Remarry, and Receive Holy Communion? 65% say Yes. ------Catholic Women who have used Contraception at some point in their lives? 98% ------

3 College age Catholics who hold more Truth in Catholicism, rather than any other religioin? 19% ------Is Holy Communion merely a symbolic representation of the Last Supper, Age 18-25 Catholics? 70% say Yes. ------A Survey of Elementary School Catholic Religious Teachers, (Lay & religious), was conducted in 2000, and they were asked if they agreed with Catholic Catechism, and Church Dogma. Abortion- 74% disagree. Infallibility of the Pope- 73% disagree. Euthanasia- 69% disagree. Only Male Priests- 67% disagree. Contraception- 90% disagree. Dissolvability of Marriage- 46% disagree. Real presence in Holy Communion- 32% disagree. Divinity of Jesus as the Son of God- 9% disagree. ------To paraphrase the Bible, the Gate to Hell is wide, and the Path to Heaven is Narrow. We may have lost a large measure of a generation or two, of well-meaning Catholic Souls, by the following measures: ------Seminarians are Down 90% ------

4 Ordinations are Down 71% ------In 1965, there were 1,575 new Priests Ordained. In 2002, there were 450. ------Between 1965 and 2000, there were nearly 13 Priests per 10,000 Catholic Parishioners. By 2002, there were only 7 Priests per 10,000 Catholic Parishioners, a drop of 46%. ------Between 1965 and 2001, the number of Parishes with No Resident Priest, dropped by 500%. ------Since 1965, Nuns have fallen from 180,000 to 75,000 Of those Nuns, Teaching Nuns have fallen from 104,000 to 8,200, which is a drop of 94%. ------A 1996 St. Louis University Survey showed that 9% of all Nuns were sexually exploited by a Priest, Nun, or other Religious person. ------Since 1965, One-Half of all Catholic High Schools have closed. ------In 1968, there were 338 Marriage Annulments. In 2002, there were nearly 50,000. ------Since 1962, the Prison Incarceration rate for U.S. Male Prisoners has risen Four-Fold, 5 going from about 225 to 900, for every 100,000 population. The U.S. has 2.2 million prisoners, and China has only 1.5 Million. Even Russia's rate, second among large countries, is 2/3 of the U.S. rate. #################################################### The Great Apostasy and a counterfeit Church were predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy. See the section at the end of this Open Letter on that subject. ####################################################

A LINE WAS DRAWN IN THE SAND, IN 1958 The controversial Papal Conclave to elect a new Pope, following the death of Pope Pius 12th, in October, 1958, probably marks the beginning of the Masonic/Protestant takeover of the Catholic Church. On October 26, 1958, white smoke emerged from the Vatican's chimney for 5 minutes, but no new Pope came out onto the balcony that night, as the Roman Catholic Church's new pope. The following three italic paragraphs are from ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It’s where all the official trouble began, it’s the one event that started it all: the conclave of October 1958, which met to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII [12th], and, after a great many ballots and some curious shenanigans, presented Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as “Pope” John XXIII [23rd] on Oct. 28. What many people don’t know is that

6 two days prior to Roncalli’s appearance as “Pope”, namely, on Oct. 26, white smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel already. The Swiss guards were notified to prepare to welcome the soon-to- appear Pope, and Vatican Radio announced excitedly, “There can be absolutely no doubt. A Pope has been elected!” But no Pope ever stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s. The white smoke turned to gray, [after being white for five minutes], and confusion ensued. ...[There is] some circumstantial evidence, or clues, to the effect that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Archbishop of Genoa, was elected Pope and took the name Gregory XVII [17th]. We...[do] not [want] to make anyone believe that Cardinal Giusseppe Siri was actually Pope Pius 12th’s successor, but to make people aware of the mysterious goings-on at this conclave, to get people to investigate it, and to pinpoint the moment in Church history that appears to contain the cause of the Eclipse of the Catholic Church and the introduction of the Novus Ordo Religion and its false “Popes”. [Sunday night, at about 5:55 pm, local time,] October 26, 1958, is when all the trouble began; it is ground zero of the New Church. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Many believe that Carninal Giusseppe Siri was elected Pope on the evening of October 26, 1958, but that his extensive family was immediately threatened, and Cardinal Siri quickly stepped down. Renouned Papal Advisor and Jesuit Priest, Fr. Malachi Martin, has

7 stated that: "The truth is that Siri got sufficient votes twice to become Pope in two Conclaves, but he refused it. At least two, if not three-- but he refused it. And he made quite clear talking to us after those two Conclaves that yes, the votes were there, but he refused to take them. He refused to take them." When Fr. Martin was asked why, he said: "I think out of fear. I think his family was at stake. He was a Genoese family. They were fishermen originally, a very extensive family, and he felt there was too much physical and social danger for his family, if he bucked the system. And remember that, the two Conclaves I'm talking about are the Conclave of 1958, which elected John 23rd, and the Conclave of 1963, which elected Paul 6th. They were very political Conclaves." Fr. Martin was then asked if Cardinal Siri refused because he thought that he couldn't be an effective pope? Fr. Martin responded: "No, no," "He felt that they wouldn't let him live. They were bent --- remember the whole thing was planned --- they were bent on changing the Church. And they weren't going to allow Siri in, because everybody knew what Siri would do. He'd simply put on his coat of [chain]mail, he'd take his battle-ax, and go out and take off heads. Siri would never make a compromise, so I think he said, 'No I can't do that because my family would suffer,' and he had a large family, so he wouldn't do it." The essential details of Fr. Martin's account are echoed in FBI consultant, Dr. Paul L. Williams, in his book, The Vatican Exposed , although he reports the reason why Cardinal Siri refused was because: "...the French Cardinals annulled the results, claiming that the elections would result in widespread riots, and the assassination of Bishops behind the Iron Curtain."

8 ------What have these bad Popes, been teaching the faithful, since 1958? The following information concerning the Popes, is from Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond (from the book The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II ). The Dimond Brothers have specifically authorized the redistribution of their material, provided it includes their website link: [In some cases, I have eliminated repetitive quotes, because in many cases, there are just too many examples of Heresy and Apostasy.] #################################################### Pope John 23rd (1958-1963) [Angelo Roncalli] In the end, Pope John XXIII was elected Pope, two days later, on October 28, 1962, and he called the Second Vatican Council, in 1962, in the third year of his reign, and initiated wide sweeping reforms in the Church, that opened the door to the Protestant Reformation of the Church! We'll start with Angelo Roncalli's early history: A. RONCALLI IS ASSOCIATED WITH AN EXCOMMUNICATED HERETIC: After the defrocked priest Ernesto Buonaiuti was excommunicated for Heresy in 1926, Angelo Roncalli continued a close and continuing association with him. In 1926, A. Roncalli wrote to an Orthodox Schismatic, saying: "Later on, though traveling along different paths, we shall achieve union among the churches to form together the true and unique Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This implies that the Roman Catholic Church is not the true Church of Jesus Christ. While in Turkey, in 1935, Roncalli also stated: “You Irish are impossible. The

9 moment you come into the world, even before you are baptized, you begin damning everybody who doesn’t belong to the Church, especially Protestants!” A. RONCALLI IS ASSOCIATED WITH FREEMASONS: When Angelo Roncalli was the nuncio to France, he appointed a thirty-third degree Freemason and close friend, the Baron Yves Marsaudon, as head of the French branch of the Knights of Malta, a Catholic lay order. A. RONCALLI IS A 33rd DEGREE FREEMASON: Yves Marsaudon, the French Freemason and author, also claims that Roncalli [John 23rd] became a thirty-third degree Mason while a nuncio at France. Mary Ball Martinez wrote that the French Republican Guards from their posts observed: “…the Nuncio [Roncalli] in civilian clothes leaving his residence to attend the Thursday evening meetings of the Grand Orient [Masonic Lodge] of France. Whereas exposure to such a dramatic conflict of loyalties would unnerve the average man, be he Catholic or Freemason, Angelo Roncalli seems to have taken it in his stride.” The Magazine 30 Days also held an interview several years ago with the head of the Italian Freemasons. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of stated: “As for that, it seems that Roncalli [John 23rd] was initiated (into a Masonic Lodge) in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul Workshops.” A. RONCALLI BECOMES CARDINAL: John 23rd, as a cardinal, chose to receive his cardinal’s hat from notorious Anti- Catholic Vincent Auriol, who wiped away tears, with his handkerchief. A. RONCALLI SOCIALIZED WITH A CATHOLIC EXTERMINATOR: At social functions in Paris, Roncalli (John 23rd) was also frequently seen socializing with the Soviet ambassador, M. Bogomolov, even though Bogomolov’s government had resumed its pre-war policy of brutal extermination of Catholics in Russia. JOHN 23rd HONORS PREVIOUS ANTI-POPE:

10 Shortly after being “elected” Pope, in 1958, and moving into the Vatican, “John 23rd found an ancient statue of Hippolytus, an antipope of the Third Century. He had the statue restored and placed at the entrance of the Vatican Library.” When John 23rd published an encyclical on penance, it proclaimed no fast nor even any obligatory day of abstinence from food or secular pleasures. John 23rd said of himself: “I’m the Pope who keeps stepping on the accelerator.” [meaning perhaps, that he was fully aware of his responsibility as the first FREEMASON POPE!] JOHN 23rd WELCOMS NON-CATHOLIC OBSERVERS AT VC2: John 23rd described what he thought the Second Vatican Council’s attitude toward the non-Catholic sects. One time a “congressman suddenly blurted out: ‘I’m a Baptist.’ Smiling John 23rd said, ‘Well, I’m John.’ ” John 23rd said to the non- Catholic Roger Schutz, founder of the ecumenical community at Taize (a non- Catholic, ecumenical monastery): “You are in the Church, be at peace.” Schutz exclaimed: “But then, we are Catholics!” John 23rd said: “Yes; we are no longer separated.” This is blatantly heretical. JOHN 23rd WELCOMS MUSLIM SHAH OF IRAN: One of John 23rd’s first acts was to receive the Muslim Shah of Iran in audience. When the Shah of Iran was about to leave, “John 23rd gave him his benediction which he had rephrased delicately to avoid offending the Mohammedan’s religious principles: ‘May the most abundant favor of Almighty God be with you.’ ” By re-phrasing the blessing, John 23rd: 1) removed the Most Holy Trinity who is invoked in the blessing, so that he wouldn’t offend the unbeliever; and 2) he gave a blessing to a member of a false religion. This is contrary to the scriptural teaching which forbids giving blessing to non-believers, as repeated by Pope Pius 11th. JOHN 23rd VOWS NOT TO CONDEMN COMMUNISM AT VC2: John 23rd wanted the clergy of “Orthodox” Churches of Russia (many of whom were KGB agents) to participate at Vatican II. The “Orthodox” said that some of their clergy would attend, provided that there was no condemnation of Communism at Vatican 2. Hence, John 23rd – the initiator of the Vatican II

11 apostasy – brokered the “great deal” that was the Vatican-Moscow Agreement. The Vatican agreed not to condemn Communism at Vatican 2, in exchange for, get this, Eastern Schismatics to be able to observe the proceedings! That’s some deal, isn’t it! John 23rd was clearly a Freemason and probably a Communist; he was the man who began the massive conspiracy and apostasy that is the Vatican 2 sect. JOHN 23rd GIVES NON-CATHOLIC OBSERVERS FRONT ROW SEATS: John 23rd saw where the non-Catholic observers at Vatican II were going to be seated and stated: “That won’t do! Put our separated brothers close to me.” As one pleased Anglican put it: “So, there we were – bang in the front row.” JOHN 23rd REMOVES PRESCRIBED MASS PRAYERS, STARTING 1964: John 23rd changed the rubrics for the Breviary and Missal. He ordered the suppression of the Leonine Prayers, the prayers prescribed by Pope Leo 13th to be recited after Mass. These prayers were also prescribed by Pope St. Pius 10th and Pope Pius 11th. This included the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, a prayer that specifically makes mention of the battle that the Church wages against the Devil. John 23rd removed the Psalm Judica me from the Mass. John 23rd then suppressed the Last Gospel, the Gospel of St. John. This Gospel is also used in exorcisms. Next, John 23rd eliminated the second Confiteor in the Mass. Only after all these changes did he introduce a change into the Canon of the Mass by inserting the name of St. Joseph. The request to have St. Joseph’s name placed in the canon was officially rejected by Pope Pius 7th on September 16, 1815, and by Pope Leo 13th on August 15, 1892. The other major changes regarding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (which preceded Paul 6th’s entirely new Mass in 1969) came into effect the first Sunday in Advent, 1964. JOHN 23rd-- HERESY IN PACEM IN TERRIS ENCYCLICAL: John 23rd, PACEM IN TERRIS #14, April 11, 1963: “Also among man’s rights is that of being able to worship God in accordance with the right dictates of his own conscience, and to profess his religion both in private and in public.”

12 This is heresy. It’s not man’s right to worship false gods in public. This has been condemned by many popes, as we covered in the section on Vatican 2. When the theologian of the Holy Office, Fr. Ciappi, told John 23rd that his encyclical Pacem in Terris contradicted the teaching of Popes Gregory 16th and Pius 9th on religious liberty, John 23rd responded: “I won’t be offended by a few spots if most of it shines.” JOHN 23rd-- PACEM IN TERRIS-- HIGHEST PRAISE BY FREEMASONS: John 23rd’s encyclical Pacem in Terris was praised by Masonic leaders themselves as a Masonic document. Here are just a few examples:

This is a quote from the Masonic Bulletin, the official organ of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masons, for the Masonic District of the United States of Mexico, located at 56 Lucerna St., Mexico, D.F. (Year 18, No. 220, May 1963): “THE LIGHT OF THE GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE ENLIGHTENS THE VATICAN" “Generally speaking, the encyclical Pacem in Terris, addressed to all men of goodwill, has inspired comfort and hope. Both in democratic and Communist countries it has been universally praised. Only the Catholic dictatorships have frowned upon it and distorted its spirit." “To us many concepts and doctrines it contains are familiar. We have heard them from illustrious rationalist, liberal, and socialist brothers. After having carefully weighed the meaning of each word, we might say that, the proverbial and typical Vatican literary rubbish notwithstanding, the encyclical Pacem in Terris is a vigorous statement of Masonic doctrine… we do not hesitate to recommend its thoughtful reading.” JOHN 23rd LOVED THE JEWS: John 23rd would frequently have the driver stop his car, so that he could bless Jews leaving their “Sabbath” worship, and once greeted some Jewish visitors with the words, “I am Joseph, your brother.” (quoting Genesis 45:4.)

13 JOHN 23rd WROTE A PRAYER FOR THE JEWS: Just prior to his death, John 23rd composed the following prayer for the Jews. This prayer was confirmed by the Vatican as being the work of John 23rd. “We realize today how blind we have been throughout the centuries and how we did not appreciate the beauty of the Chosen People or the features of our favored brothers. We are aware of the divine mark of Cain placed upon our forehead. In the course of centuries our brother, Abel, has been lying bleeding and in tears on the ground through our fault, only because we had forgotten Thy love. Forgive us our unjustified condemnation of the Jews. Forgive us that by crucifying them we have crucified You for the second time. Forgive us. We did not know what we were doing.” John 23rd says that the Jews are still the chosen people, which is heretical. STATEMENTS FROM FREEMASONS, COMMUNISTS AND NON- CATHOLICS PRAISING JOHN XXIII AFTER HIS DEATH After the death of John 23rd, numerous documents from Communists, Masons, and Jews were sent to the Vatican expressing their sorrow for the death of John 23rd. People like “Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev sent messages of praise and sorrow.” A HERETIC CANNOT BE A VALID POPE The Catholic Church teaches that a heretic cannot be a validly elected pope, since a heretic is not a member of the Catholic Church. John 23rd was not a valid pope. Angelo Roncalli (John 23rd) was a non-Catholic, conspiratorial antipope who started the Vatican 2 apostasy. POST SCRIPT THE AMAZING PARALLELS BETWEEN ANTIPOPE JOHN XXIII OF THE GREAT WESTERN SCHISM AND ANTIPOPE JOHN 23rd OF VATICAN 2 The name “John” had been avoided by popes for five hundred years because the last man to have it was the notorious Antipope John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa) of

14 the Great Western Schism. The parallels between the first Antipope John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa) and the second (Angelo Roncalli) are striking: 1) The reign of the first Antipope John XXIII spanned five years, from 1410 to 1415, just like the reign of the recent Antipope John 23rd, which spanned five years, from 1958 to 1963. 2) The first Antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) called a phony council, the Council of Constance. (The Council of Constance later became a true ecumenical council, with certain sessions approved by the true pope; but at the time that Antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) opened it, it was a false council.) Likewise, the recent Antipope John 23rd (Angelo Roncalli) also called a false council, Vatican Council 2! 3) The first Antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) opened his false council at Constance in the 4th year of his reign, 1414. The recent Antipope John 23rd opened Vatican 2 in the 4th year of his reign, 1962. 4) The first Antipope John XXIII’s (1410-1415) reign ended shortly before the 3rd Session of his false Council, in 1415. The recent Antipope John 23rd died shortly before the 3rd Session of Vatican 2, in 1963, thus ending his reign. Perhaps these similarities between the first Antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) and the second are not merely coincidences. The first Antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) was also the last antipope to reign from . Was Angelo Roncalli, the recent Antipope John 23rd, by taking that name, indicating symbolically (in the cryptic way that Freemasons do things) that he is continuing in the line of antipopes to reign from Rome? Cardinal Heenan, who was present at the 1958 conclave which gave us John 23rd, once mentioned: “There was no great mystery about Pope John’s election. He was chosen because he was a very old man. His chief duty was to make Msgr. Montini (later Paul 6th), the Archbishop of Milan, a cardinal so that he could be elected in the next conclave. That was the policy and it was carried out precisely.” ####################################################

15 Pope Paul 6th (1963-1978) [GIOVANNI MONTINI] Paul 6th’s ancestors were of Jewish origin. His actual name was Giovanni Montini. The Montini family is listed in the Golden Book of Noble Italian Heritage (1962-1964, p. 994): “A branch of the… noble family from Brescia… wherefrom their noble blazon comes and which avows as its sure trunk and founder, a Bartholomew (Bartolino) de Benedictis, said Montini was of Hebrew origin. Paul 6th solemnly ratified all 16 documents of Vatican 2. It is not possible for a true pope of the Catholic Church to solemnly ratify teachings that are heretical, and it proves that Paul 6th was not a true pope, but an antipope. It’s important to keep in mind that Paul 6th was the one who gave the world the New Mass, the other new “sacraments,” and the heretical teachings of Vatican 2. PAUL 6th ON NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS: The Catholic Church teaches that all non-Catholic religions are false. There is only one true Church, outside of which no one can be saved. This is Catholic dogma. Pope St. Gregory the Great, 590-604: “The holy universal Church teaches that it is not possible to worship God truly except in her and asserts that all who are outside of her will not be saved.” All of the other religions belong to the Devil. This is the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. See 1 Cor. 10:20 and Psalm 95:5 . Anyone who shows esteem for non-Christian religions, or regards them as good or deserving of respect, denies Jesus Christ and is an apostate. Paul 6th, General Audience, Nov. 8, 1972: “Ecumenism began in this way; as respect for non-Christian religions…” Pope Pius 11th, Mortalium Animos (# 2), Jan. 6, 1928: “…that false opinion which

16 considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy… Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it…” Here is more of what Paul 6th thought about non-Christian religions of the Devil: Paul 6th, Address, Sept. 22, 1973: “…noble non-Christian religions…” This is apostasy – a total rejection of Jesus Christ. Paul 6th, General Audience, Jan. 12, 1972: “…a disconcerting picture opens up before our eyes: that of religions, the religions invented by man; attempts that are sometimes extremely daring and noble…” Here Paul 6th says that religions invented by man are sometimes extremely noble! This is apostasy – a rejection of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith. Paul 6th, Message, Dec. 6, 1977: “…non-Christian religions, which the Church respects and esteems…” He is saying that he esteems false religions. Paul 6th, Message, Nov. 24, 1969: “…overcome divisions, by developing a mutual respect between the different religious confessions.” Paul 6th, Address, Dec. 3, 1970: “We greet with respect the representatives of all the other religions who have honored us by their presence.” Paul 6th, General Audience, July 6, 1977: “We welcome with sincere respect the Japanese delegation of the Konko-kyo religion.” In his Address, Aug. 22, 1969, Paul 6th praised the Hindu Gandhi, and stated that he was: “Ever conscious of God’s presence…” PAUL 6th ON HINDUS: Hindus are pagans and idolaters who worship many different false gods. For Paul 6th to praise the notorious Hindu Gandhi as “ever-conscious of God’s presence” shows again that Paul 6th was a complete religious indifferentist. Paul 6th also officially praised the false religion of Hinduism in the official Vatican II document

17 Nostra Aetate #2 (on non-Christian religions), as we quoted in the section on Vatican 2. Paul 6th, Apostolic Exhortation, Dec. 8, 1975: “The Church respects and esteems these non-Christian religions…” Notice again that Paul 6th esteems false religions; this is satanic. Paul 6th, Address, Aug. 24, 1974: “Religious and cultural differences in India, as you have said, are honored and respected… We are pleased to see that this mutual honor and esteem is practiced…” Paul 6th says that religious differences are honored in India and that he is pleased to see this. This means that he honors the worship of false gods. Paul 6th, Address to Synod of Bishops, Sept. 2, 1974: “Likewise we cannot omit a reference to the non-Christian religions. These, in fact, must no longer be regarded as rivals, or obstacles to Evangelization…” Here Paul 6th boldly reveals that he is preaching a new Gospel. Non-Christian religions, he tells us, are no longer our obstacle to evangelization. This is an antichrist religion of apostasy. Pope Gregory 16th, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: “They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate’ (Athanasian Creed).” Paul 6th, Address to Dalai Lama, Sept. 30, 1973: “We are happy to welcome Your Holiness today… You come to us from Asia, the cradle of ancient religions and human traditions which are rightly held in deep veneration.” Paul 6th tells us that it is right to hold false religions which worship false gods in “deep veneration”! This may be the worst heresy that Paul VI uttered. Paul 6th, Address, August, 1969: “…Uganda includes differing faiths which respect and esteem one another.”

18 The true religion esteems false religions? No, this again is blatantly heretical. Paul 6th, Message to Pagan Shinto Priests, March 3, 1976: “We know the fame of your temple, and the wisdom that is represented so vividly by the images contained therein.” This is one of the most evil, revealing and heretical statements that Paul 6th ever uttered. He is praising the wisdom contained in the images in the pagan Shinto Temple; in other words, he is praising the idols of the Shintoists! PAUL 6th ON BUDDHISM: Buddhism is a false, pagan religion of the East which teaches belief in re- incarnation and karma. Buddhists hold that life is not worth living, and that every form of conscious existence is an evil. Buddhists worship various false gods. Buddhism is an idolatrous and false religion of the Devil. Here’s what Paul 6th thought about Buddhism: Paul 6th, General Audience to Japanese Buddhists, Sept. 5, 1973: “It is a great pleasure for us to welcome the members of the Japanese Buddhists Europe Tour, honored followers of the Soto-shu sect of Buddhism… At the Second Vatican Council the Catholic Church exhorted her sons and daughters to study and evaluate the religious traditions of mankind and to ‘learn by sincere and patient dialogue what treasures a bountiful God has distributed among the nations of the earth’… Buddhism is one of the riches of Asia…” According to Paul 6th, the false, pagan and idolatrous religion of Buddhism is one of the “riches” of Asia! PAUL 6th ON ISLAM: Islam is a false religion which denies the Divinity of Christ and rejects the Most Holy Trinity. In short, their God is Not Our God! Besides rejecting the true God, Islam allows polygamy up to four wives, and its followers (Muslims) spread this false religion with a zeal unequalled by the others. Islam is the most viciously anti- Christian major false religion in the world. To convert to Christianity in many Islamic countries means death. The propagation of the true Faith is strictly prohibited by the Muslims. Islamic society is one of the most evil things in human

19 history. Here is what Paul 6th thought about this false religion which rejects Christ and the Trinity: Paul 6th, Speech, Sept. 9, 1972: “We would also like you to know that the Church recognizes the riches of the Islamic faith – a faith that binds us to the one God.” Paul 6th speaks about the “riches” of the Islamic Faith, a “Faith” that rejects Jesus Christ and the Trinity. He says this “Faith” binds us to the One God. This is apostasy. Paul 6th, Address, Sept. 18, 1969: “…Moslems… along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.” Moslems don’t worship the one true God, the Holy Trinity, together with Catholics, as we covered in the section on the heresies of Vatican 2. To assert that Muslims do worship the same God as Catholics is heresy. And Moslems certainly don’t worship God who will judge mankind on the last day, Jesus Christ. PAUL 6th ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: Paul 6th, Address, July 9, 1969: “She [the Church] has also affirmed, during Her long history, at the cost of oppression and persecution, freedom for everyone to profess his own religion. No one, She says, is to be restrained from acting, no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs… As we said, the Council demanded a true and public religious freedom…” This is completely false and heretical. The Catholic Church has affirmed during her long history, at the cost of oppression and persecution, that the religion of Jesus Christ is the only one that is true; and that Christ is truly God and truly man. Paul 6th would have us believe, however, that the martyrs were tortured horribly, not for their profession of faith in Christ, but in order for all to have freedom to profess their various false religions! This is an astoundingly heretical distortion of the truth! PAUL 6th ON EASTERN SCHISMATICS: Paul 6th was photographed giving a clear Masonic handshake to the Eastern Schismatic Patriarch of Constantinople, Athenagoras, on Jan. 5, 1964. The two also mutually lifted the reciprocal excommunications of 1054. Translation: this

20 means that Paul 6th considered that the Eastern “Orthodox” are no longer excommunicated even though they deny the Papacy. Therefore, according to him, the Papacy is not a dogma binding under pain of excommunication. The Eastern Orthodox are schismatics who reject Papal Infallibility and the last 13 General Councils of the Catholic Church. They reject that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Second Person of the Trinity; they permit divorce and remarriage; and many of them reject the Immaculate Conception. Paul 6th says that Eastern Orthodox schismatic churchs are venerable: Paul 6th, Address, Jan. 24, 1972: “…greet among us an eminent representative of the venerable Orthodox Church… a man of great piety…” Paul 6th, Speech, Jan. 23, 1972: “…the great, venerable and excellent Orthodox Patriarch…” Paul 6th, General Audience, Jan. 20, 1971: “… the venerable Eastern Orthodox Churches…” PAUL 6th ON OTHER PROTESTANT SECTS: Protestantism began with the German priest Martin Luther, who left the Catholic Church and started the Protestant revolution in 1517. Luther denied free will, the Papacy, praying to the saints, Purgatory, Tradition, Transubstantiation and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Luther replaced the Mass with a memorial service commemorating the Last Supper. All the sacraments except Baptism and the Holy Eucharist were rejected. Luther held that after the fall of Adam man cannot produce any good works. Most Protestants hold the same beliefs as Luther, but all of them reject numerous Catholic dogmas. Here’s what Paul 6th thought of these heretics and schismatics: Paul 6th, Angelus Address , Jan. 17, 1971: “From polemical opposition among the various Christian denominations we have passed to mutual respect…” Here Paul 6th reveals that the Vatican 2 agenda with regard to Protestant sects has gone from polemical opposition – in other words, an opposition to their false doctrines – to an attitude of acceptance of, and mutual respect for, their false

21 religion. Paul 6th, Speech to Representatives of non-Catholic churches in Geneva, June, 1969: “The spirit that animates us… This spirit lays down, as the first basis of every fruitful contact between different confessions, that each profess his faith loyally.” Paul 6th is saying that the Protestants should not become Catholic, but remain loyal to their own sects. Paul 6th, Letter, Aug. 6, 1973, to the World Council of Churches: “The World Council of Churches has been created in order, by the grace of God, to serve the Churches and Ecclesial Communities in their endeavors to restore and to manifest to all that perfect communion in faith and love which is the gift of Christ to His Church.” Paul 6th says that the World Council of Churches has been created to restore and to manifest to all that perfect communion in faith and love which is the gift of Christ to His Church. Notice the astounding implication of this statement. The perfect communion in faith and charity which is the gift of Christ to His Church is the organization of the Catholic Church, the universal Church founded by Christ. But Paul 6th says that this is manifested by the World Council of Churches! He has replaced the Catholic Church with the World Council of Churches. The World Council of Churches is an organization made up of many different sects and denominations. A traditional commentator would correctly label it a Communist front group – meant to water-down and liberalize the “Christian” churches of the world. But it is undoubtedly a very heretical ecumenical organization made of various man-made religions. Paul 6th, Address, April 28, 1977: “…relations between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion… these words of hope, ‘The Anglican Communion united not absorbed,’ are no longer a mere dream.” This means that Paul 6th wants to unite with the Anglican sect without absorbing them; that is, without converting them. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ PAUL VI's LASTING DAMAGE TO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH:


This is the Catholic Mass that we all know, that was initiated in 1969, by Paul 6th. WHO ACCOMPLISHED THIS? The Novus Ordo Mass eliminated 10 of the 12 Offertory Prayers, which were the very same 10 deleted by Martin Luther in 1517. In 1960, during the Papal reign of John 23rd, Father Bugnini was placed in a position which enabled him to exert a decisive influence on the future of the Catholic Liturgy: he was appointed Secretary to the Preparatory Commission for the Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. He was the moving spirit behind the drafting of the preparatory schema, the draft document which was to be placed before the Council Fathers for discussion. It was referred to as the "Bugnini schema" by his admirers, and was accepted by a plenary session of the Liturgical Preparatory Commission in a vote taken on 13 January 1962. Pope Paul 6th even admitted to his good friend Jean Guitton that his intention in changing the Mass was to make it Protestant. Pope Paul 6th removed what was too Catholic in the Mass, in order to make the Mass a Protestant service: Jean Guitton (an intimate friend of Paul 6th) wrote: “The intention of Pope Paul 6th with regard to what is commonly called the [New] Mass, was to reform the Catholic liturgy in such a way that it should almost coincide with the Protestant liturgy. There was with Pope Paul 6th an ecumenical intention to remove, or, at least to correct, or, at least to relax, what was too Catholic in the traditional sense in the Mass and, I repeat, to get the Catholic Mass closer to the Calvinist Mass.” The Liturgy Constitution for which the Council Fathers eventually voted was substantially identical to the draft schema which Father Bugnini had steered successfully through the Preparatory Commission in the face of considerable misgivings on the part of Cardinal Gaetano Cicognani, President of the Commission. In addition to Father Bugnini, six Protestants were Key in the

23 decisions surrounding the New Mass. They were Protestant Theoligical Doctors: George, Jasper, Shepherd, Kunneth, Smith, and Thurian. In addition, new evidence has come to light throwing suspicions on Father Annibale Bugnini as a Freemason. The Novus Ordo reforms violated the Papal Bull of Pope Pius 5th in the 'De Defectibus' (July 14, 1570), in which no words in the Tridentine Latin Mass could be changed, without their meaning exactly the same thing: “Now, therefore, in order that all everywhere may adopt and observe what has been delivered to them by the Holy Roman Church, Mother and Mistress of the other churches, it shall be unlawful henceforth and forever throughout the Christian world to sing or to read Masses according to any formula other than this Missal published by Us… Accordingly, no one whosoever is permitted to infringe or rashly contravene this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, direction, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Should any venture to do so, let him understand that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.” WHAT WAS CHANGED? All they had to do was institute all of the changes that the Protestant Reformers, Thomas Cranmer and Martin Luther instituted. The Novus Ordo Reformers had a plan: The altars were replaced by tables. Latin was replaced by English. Statues and icons were removed from the churches. The Last Gospel and the Confiteor were abolished. “Communion” was distributed in the hand. Mass was said out loud and facing the Congregation. Traditional music was discarded and replaced with new music. Their plan was exactly the same as Cranmer and Luther in 1549: The altars were replaced by tables. Latin was replaced by English. Statues and icons were removed from the churches. The Last Gospel and the Confiteor were abolished. “Communion” was distributed in the hand. Mass was said out loud and

24 facing the Congregation. Traditional music was discarded and replaced with new music. The Roman Canon was abolished by the 1549 Anglican Prayer Book. It has been retained only as an option in the New Mass. In order to emphasize their heretical belief that the Mass is not a sacrifice, but just a meal, the Protestants removed the altar and put a table in its place. In Protestant England, for example, “On November 23, 1550 the Privy Council ordered all altars in England destroyed and replaced by communion tables.” The chief Protestant heretics declared: "The form of a table shall more move the simple from the superstitious opinions of the popish Mass unto the right use of the Lord’s Supper. For the use of an altar is to make sacrifice upon it: the use of a table is to serve men to eat upon.” The Welsh Catholic martyr, Richard Gwyn, declared in protest against this change: "In place of an altar, there is a miserable table, in place of Christ there is bread.” The 1549 Anglican Prayer Book was also called “The Supper of the Lord, and the holy Communion, commonly called the Mass.” This title emphasized the Protestant belief that the Mass is just a meal, a supper – and not a sacrifice. When Paul VI promulgated the General Instruction for the New Mass, it was entitled exactly the same way. Its title was: “The Lord’s Supper or Mass." The 1549 Anglican Prayer Book removed from the Mass the psalm Give Judgment for me, O God, because of its reference to the altar of God. This psalm was also suppressed in the New Mass. The 1549 Anglican Prayer Book removed from the Mass the prayer which begins Take away from us our sins, because it evokes sacrifice. This was also suppressed in the New Mass. The prayer which begins We beseech Thee, O Lord, refers to relics in the altar stone. This prayer has been suppressed in the New Mass. In the 1549 Anglican Prayer Book the Introit, Kyrie, Gloria, Collect, Epistle, Gospel and Creed were all retained. They have all been retained in the New Mass.

25 The equivalent to the Offertory Prayers: Accept, O holy Father…O God, Who has established the nature of man…We offer unto Thee, O Lord…In a humble spirit…Come, Thou Sanctifier, almighty… and Accept, most holy Trinity, were all suppressed in the 1549 Anglican Prayer Book. They have all been suppressed in the New Mass, except for two excerpts. In the 1549 Anglican Prayer Book, the Lift up your hearts dialogue, Preface and Sanctus were all retained. They have been retained in the New Mass. What has passed our lips as food and May Thy Body, O Lord, which I have eaten both make explicit reference to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Both have been suppressed in the New Mass. The prayer which begins May the tribute of my worship be pleasing to thee, most holy Trinity, was the least acceptable prayer after Communion to all the Protestants, because of its reference to propitiatory sacrifice. Martin Luther, and Cranmer in his Anglican Prayer Book, suppressed it. Following their lead, it was suppressed in the New Mass. Now to the Last Gospel. If the Last Gospel, which closes the Traditional Mass, had been included in the New Mass, then the New Mass would have clashed with the pattern of Protestant services, which conclude with a blessing. So it was not included in the New Mass. The prayers after the Traditional Mass, the Leonine Prayers, including the Hail Mary; the Hail Holy Queen; the O God our refuge; the prayer to St. Michael; and the appeal to the Sacred Heart, formed, in practice, an important part of the liturgy. Five prayers less compatible with Protestantism could hardly be imagined. They have all been suppressed in the New Mass. Besides the fact that the New Mass is a Protestant service, there is also the fact that the Novus Ordo churches bear a striking and undeniable resemblance to Freemasonic lodges. “Cardinal” Annibale Bugnini, was Chairman of the Consilium which drafted Paul 6th’s New Mass. Bugnini was initiated into the Masonic Lodge on April 23, 1963, according to the Masonic Register in 1976. If you accept Vatican 2 or the New Mass or the new sacramental rites – in short, if

26 you accept the Vatican 2 religion – this is the man whose religion you are following, a manifestly heretical infiltrator, whose whole mission was to attempt to overturn and destroy as much of the Catholic Faith as possible. Catholics must have no part with Antipope Paul 6th’s New Mass (the Novus Ordo) and must completely reject Vatican 2 and the new sacramental rites. Catholics must completely reject Antipope Paul 6th for the non-Catholic antipope he was. Catholics must reject and not support any group which accepts this apostate as a valid pope, or which accepts the New Mass or Vatican 2 or the new sacramental rites of Paul 6th. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ PAUL VI's LASTING DAMAGE TO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: NEW ORDINATION RITES

Ordination Rites for New Priests and Bishops eliminated all of the essentials. How old is the Priest at your Parish? Younger than 70, or so? Our Catholic Priests were hi-jacked by Pope Paul 6th and made invalid, and Null and Void, on the advice and counsel of Protestants, on June 18, 1968, in Pope Paul 6th's Pontificalis Romani, so that every person who was 'ordained' since then, has been called into question! Pope Paul 6th's Pontificalis Romani is reproduced here, in its entirity:

Pontificalis Romani recognitio - Approval of New Rites of Ordination ------Promulgated June 18, 1968 Apostolic Constitution Paul, Bishop Servant of the Servants of God for an Everlasting Memorial ------

27 The revision of the Roman Pontifical is prescribed in a general way by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and is also governed by the specific conciliar directive ordering the revision of "both the ceremonies and texts" of the ordination rites.

Among the rites of ordination the first to be considered are those that constitute the hierarchy through the sacrament of orders, conferred in its several degrees. "The divinely established eclesiastical ministry is exercised at different levels by those who from antiquity have been called bishops, presbyters, and deacons."

The revision of the rites for ordinations is to follow the general principles that must direct the entire reform of the Liturgy according to the decrees of Vatican Council II. But in addition a supreme criterion for that revision must be the dear teaching of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church concerning the nature and effects of the sacrament of orders. This teaching must of course receive expression through the Liturgy itself in its own way, because "the texts and rites should be so drawn up that they express more clearly the holy things they signify and that the Christian people, as hr as possible, are able to understand them with ease and to take part in the rites fully, actively, and as befits a community."

The Council teaches that episcopal consecration bestows the fullness of the sacrament of orders, that fullness of power, namely, which in both the Church's liturgical practice and the language of the Fathers is called the high priesthood, the summit of the sacred ministry. But episcopal consecration, together with the of office of sanctifying also confers the offices of teaching and governing offices that of their very nature can be exercised only in

28 hierarchic communion with the head of the college and its members. For from tradition, expressed especially in Liturgical rites and in the usage of the Church of both East and West, it is dear that the laying on of hands and the words of consecration bestow the grace of the Holy Spirit and impress a sacred character in such a way that bishops in an eminent and visible way carry on the role of Christ himself as teacher, shepherd, and high priest and act in his person.

To these words must be added a number of important doctrinal points concerning the apostolic succession of bishops and their functions and duties. Even if these themes are already present in the rite of episcopal consecration, it still seems that they must be better and more precisely expressed. To ensure this, it was judged appropriate to take from ancient sources the consecratory prayer that is found in the document called the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome, written at the beginning of the third century. This consecratory prayer is still used, in large part, in the ordination rites of the Coptic and West Syrian liturgies. Thus in the very act of ordination there is a witness to the harmony of tradition in East and West concerning the apostolic office of bishops.

With regard to presbyters, the following should be especially recalled from the acts of the Council: "Even though they do not possess the fullness of the priesthood and in the exercise of their power are subordinate to the bishops, priests are nevertheless linked to the bishops in priestly dignity. By virtue of the sacrament of orders, in the image of Christ the eternal High Priest (see Heb 5:1-10 and 7-24, 9:11-28), they are consecrated to preach the Gospel, to shepherd the faithful, and to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament." Elsewhere the Council says: "By ordination and the mission

29 they receive from the bishops, presbyters are promoted to the service of Christ the Teacher, Priest, and King. They share in his ministry of unceasingly building up the Church on earth into the people of God, the Body of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit." In the ordination of presbyters, as formerly given in the Roman Pontifical, the mission and grace of the presbyter as a helper of the episcopal order were very clearly described. Yet it seemed necessary to reduce the entire rite, which had been divided into several parts, to a greater unity and to express more strikingly the central part of the ordination, that is, the laying on of hands and the consecratory prayer.

Finally, with regard to deacons, in addition to the content of our Motu Proprio Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem, issued 18 June 1967, the following should be especially recalled: "At a lower level of the hierarchy are deacons, who receive the laying on of hands 'not unto priesthood, but only for a ministry service' (Constitutions of the Church of Egypt 3, 2). Strengthened by sacramental grace, they have as their service for the people of God, in communion with the bishop and his college of presbyters, the diakonia of liturgy, word, and charity." In the ordination of deacons a few changes had to be made to satisfy the recent prescriptions about the diaconate as a distinct and permanent grade of the hierarchy in the Latin Church or to achieve a greater simplicity and clarity in the rites.

Among the other documents of the magisterium pertaining to sacred orders, we consider one worthy of particular mention, namely, the Apostolic Constitution Sacramentum Ordinis published by our predecessor, Pius Xll, 30 November 1947. In this Constitution he declared that "the sole matter of the sacred orders of diaconate and presbyterate is the laying on of hands; likewise the sole form is the words determine, the application of this matter, which unequivocally

30 signify the sacramental effects--namely, the power of orders and the grace of the Holy Spirit and are accepted and used as such by the Church." After this, the document determines which laying on of hands and which words constitute the matter and form in the conferring of each order. It was necessary in the revision of the rite to add, delete, or change certain things, in order to restore the texts of the rite to the form they had in antiquity, to clarify expressions, or to bring out more clearly the effects of the sacraments. We therefore think it necessary, so as to remove all controversy and avoid perplexity of conscience, to declare what are to be held as the essentials in each revised rite. By our supreme apostolic authority we decree and establish the following with regard to the matter and form in the conferring of each order:

In the ordination of deacons, the matter is the laying of the bishop's hands on the individual candidates that is done in silence before the consecratory prayer; the form consists in the words of the consecratory prayer, of which the following belong to the essence and are consequently required for validity:

Lord, send forth upon them the Holy Spirit, that they be strengthened by the gift of your sevenfold grace to carry out faithfully the work of the ministry.

In the ordination of presbyters, the matter is likewise the laying of the bishop's hands on the individual candidates that is done in silence before the consecratory prayer; the form consists in the words of the consecratory prayer, of which the following belongs to the essence and are consequently required for

31 validity:

Almighty Father, grant to these servants of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew within them the Spirit of holiness. As co-workers with the order of bishops may they be faithful to the ministry that they receive from you, Lord God, and be to others a model of right conduct.

Finally, in the ordination of a bishop, the matter is the laying of hands on the head of the bishop-elect by the consecrating bishops, or at least by the principal , that is done in silence before the consecratory prayer; the form consists in the words of the consecratory prayer, of which the following belong to the essence and are consequently required for validity:

So now pour out upon this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing Spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Spirit given by him to the holy apostles, who founded the Church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name.

This rite for the conferring of the orders of diaconate, presbyterate, and episcopate has been revised by the Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy "with the employment of experts and with the

32 consultation of bishops, from various parts of the world." By our apostolic authority we approve this rite so that it may be used in the future for the conferral of these orders in place of the rite now found in the Roman Pontifical.

It is our will that these our decrees and prescriptions be firm and effective now and in the future, notwithstanding, to the extent necessary, the apostolic constitutions and ordinances issued by our predecessors and other prescriptions, even those deserving particular mention and amendment.

Given at Rome, at Saint Peter's, 18 June 1968, the fifth year of our pontificate.

Paul VI Pope Leo 13th issued a Bull on September 13, 1896, (Apostolicae Curae), rendering the Ordination of priests in the Angilican Rite as Null and Void. In his Bull, Pope Leo 13th made it clear why, and his ruling applied to the Angilicans and to any such Ordinations in the future, because of defects in the Rite of Ordination. Those same defects, are present in the New Ordination Rite established by Pope Paul 6th. Essentially, there is no clear mention of sacrifice, or of consecration, or of confession. Pope Paul 6th even consulted with Protestants for advice, in formulating the New Ordination! Since Protestants have no sacrifice, no consecration, and no confession, they lobied for their elimination, so Pope Paul 6th eliminated them: "For it is a priest's duty to offer sacrifice, to bless, to lead, to preach, and to baptize." This prayer was eliminated. "Theirs be the task to change with blessing undefiled, for the service of thy people,

33 bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Thy Son" -This prayer was eliminated. "Be pleased, Lord, to consecrate and sanctify these hands, by this anointing, and our blessing. That whatsoever thy bless, may be blessed, and whatever thy consecrate, may be consecrated, and sanctified, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ." -This prayer was eliminated. "Receive the power to sacrifice to God, and to celebrate Mass, both for the living, and for the dead, in the name of the Lord" -This prayer was eliminated. "Receive the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." -This prayer was eliminated. "The Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, come down upon you, and make you blessed in the priestly order, enabling you to offer propitiatory [having power to atone for] sacrifices for the sins of the people to Almighty God." - This prayer was eliminated. ------The only essential prayer specified by Pope Paul 6th, is for 'presbyters', the pope's new name for Priests: presbyters are defined as "an elder or minister of the Christian Church"- specifically: "in Presbyterian Churches- and elder, or in Epispocal Churches- a minister of the second order under a bishop; a priest." The only essential prayer specified by Pope Paul 6th, is as follows: "Almighty Father, grant to these servants of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew within them the Spirit of holiness. As co-workers with the order of bishops may they be faithful to the ministry that they receive from you, Lord God, and be to others a model of right conduct." Lest there be any doubt as to whether the Protestants were in charge that day, Pope Paul 6th also reordered the heirarchy of the Church to conform to the Protestants 'Deacon', 'priest', and 'Bishop' structure, by establishing a New Ordination Rite for Deacons, 'presbyters', and Bishops. The proper Traditional Roman Catholic Form, established by Pope Pius 12th for

34 Bishops follows: “Perfect in Thy priest the fullness of thy ministry and, clothing him in all the ornaments of spiritual glorification, sanctify him with the Heavenly anointing.” The Modernist Novus Ordo form, established by Pope Paul 6th for Bishops follows: “So now pour out upon this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing Spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Spirit given by him to the holy apostles, who founded the Church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name.” The bottom line? If your Parish Priest is younger than about 70, or so, he was most likely Ordained after June 18, 1968. If that's so, he is not a properly ordained priest, which calls into question, all of the Masses that he has said, and all of the sacraments he has officiatated at. Think back to Baptisms, Confirmations, Holy Comunion, Confession (Reconciliation), Marriage, and Extreme Unction. In short, our Catholic Faith, and our ticket to Heaven, has been hi-jacked by Antipope Paul 6th, and his Protestant advisors. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ PAUL 6th ON BIRTH CONTROL: Paul 6th, Speech, Nov. 16, 1970: “…this, among other effects, will undoubtedly favor a rational control of birth by couples…” Paul 6th, Address, Aug. 24, 1969: “…the liberty of husband and wife and does not forbid them a moral and reasonable limitation of birth…” Paul 6th, Humanae Vitae (No. 16), July 25, 1968: “It cannot be denied that in each case the married couple, for acceptable reasons, are both perfectly clear in their intention to avoid children and wish to make sure that none will result.” Paul 6th says in Humanae Vitae that couples are perfectly free to have zero

35 children if they want to. PAUL 6th GAVE AWAY HIS SYMBOL OF AUTHORITY: On November 13, 1964, Paul 6th gave away the triple-crowned papal tiara. Paul 6thy had the tiara auctioned at the New York World’s Fair. The Papal Tiara is a sign of a true Pope’s authority – the three crowns representing the dogmatic, liturgical and disciplinary authority of a pope. By giving it away, Paul 6th was symbolically giving away the authority of the Papacy (although he had none to give away since he was actually an antipope). But it was a symbolic act of how he was a satanic infiltrator whose whole mission was to attempt to destroy the Catholic Church. PAUL 6th WORE THE BREASTPLATE OF THE EPHOD: Paul 6th wore the breastplate of the ephod, a vestment used by Freemasons and Jewish High-Priests. This breastplate is small, and resembles a small drink trivet made of 12 small stones. The twelve stones represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Not only is this the breast-plate of a Jewish High-Priest, but according to the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Mackey, the ephod is also “worn in the (Masonic) American Chapters of the Royal Arch, by the High-Priest as an official part of his official ornaments.” The ephod was the vestment that was worn by Caiphas, the High- Priest of the Jewish religion, who ordered Our Lord Jesus Christ to be put to death by crucifixion. PAUL 6th-- REVIEW: In addition to all of the heresies we have covered in the speeches of Paul 6th, he was the man who authoritatively implemented the false Second Vatican Council, changed the Catholic Mass into a Protestant service, and changed the rite of every single Sacrament. He changed the matter or form of the Eucharist, Extreme Unction, , and Confirmation. Paul 6th wanted to put Christ to death in the Mass (by removing it and replacing it with a counterfeit), and wanted to kill His Catholic Church by attempting to change the Church completely.

36 Within two years of the close of Vatican 2, Paul 6th removed the index of forbidden books, a decision one commentator rightly called “incomprehensible.” Paul 6th then abolished the oath against Modernism, at a time when Modernism was flourishing as never before. On Nov. 21, 1970, Paul 6th also excluded all cardinals over 80 years of age from participating in papal elections. Paul 6th disestablished the papal court, disbanded the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guards. Paul 6th abolished the rite of Tonsure, all four Minor Orders, and the rank of Subdiaconate. PAUL 6th RETURNED THE HARD WON FLAG- STANDARD OF LEPANTO: “Paul 6th gave back to the Muslims the Standard of Lepanto. The history of the flag was venerable. It was taken from a Turkish admiral during a great naval battle in 1571. While Pope St. Pius 5th fasted and prayed the Rosary, an out- numbered Christian fleet defeated a much larger Moslem navy, thus saving Christendom from the infidel. In honor of the miraculous victory, Pius 5th instituted the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary to commemorate her intercession. In one dramatic act, Paul 6th renounced not only a remarkable Christian victory, but the prayers and sacrifices of a great pope and saint.” Under Paul 6th, the Holy Office was reformed: its primary function now was research, not defending the Catholic Faith. According to those who watched film of Paul 6th’s visit to Fatima, he did not pray one Hail Mary. In 1969, Paul 6th removed forty saints from the official liturgical calendar. Paul 6th removed solemn exorcisms from the baptismal rite. In the place of the solemn exorcisms, he substituted an optional prayer that makes only a passing reference to fighting the Devil. PAUL 6th-- WHAT'S HIS LEGACY?: Paul 6th granted more than 32,000 requests from priests who had asked to be released from their vows and returned to lay status – the greatest exodus from the priesthood since the Protestant revolution. Paul 6th’s disastrous influence was visible immediately. For example, in Holland

37 not a single candidate applied for admission to the priesthood in 1970, and within 12 months every seminary there was closed. Spiritual destruction was everywhere; countless millions left the Church; countless others ceased practicing their Faith and confessing their sins. And while Paul 6th was the cause of this unrelenting disaster and spiritual destruction, like the sly serpent he was, he calculatingly misdirected the attention away from himself. In perhaps his most famous quotation, he noted that Satan’s smoke had made its way into the Temple of God. Paul 6th, Homily, June 29, 1972: “Satan’s smoke has made its way into the Temple of God through some crack…” When Paul 6th made this statement, everyone looked at the cardinals, the bishops and the priests to discover where this smoke of Satan might be. They looked at everyone except the man who made the statement. But Paul 6th was actually the smoke of Satan, and he made the statement to misdirect people away from himself; and in this he was successful. But what is perhaps most frightening is that Paul 6th’s famous statement is basically a direct reference to Apocalypse 9:1-3. Apoc. 9:1-3: “And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace…” In Apocalypse 9, we see a direct reference to the smoke of Satan, and to someone who is given the key to unleash it. Antipope Paul 6th did not have the keys of Peter, but he was given the key to the bottomless pit. He was the one who brought in the smoke of Satan from the great furnace; as he says, from some crack. Jean Guitton, an intimate friend of Paul 6th, related what Paul 6th said at the final session of Vatican 2: “It was the final session of the Council,” Guitton wrote, “the most essential, in which Paul 6th was to bestow on all humanity the teachings of the Council. He announced this to me on that day with these words, ‘I am about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse.’ ” Paul 6th, Speech to Lombard Seminary, Dec. 7, 1968: “The Church finds herself in an hour of disquiet, of self-criticism, one might say even of self-destruction… The Church

38 is wounding herself.” Here Paul 6th again mocks the people. He says the Church is in “self-destruction” and is “wounding herself.” He is referring to himself again, for he was the one trying to destroy her and wound her at every turn! #################################################### Pope John Paul 1st (1978-1978) [Albino Luciani] Pope John Paul 1st was Pope for only 33 days. Father Mario Senigaglia, secretary to John Paul I when he was “Patriarch” of Venice, said of Albino Luciani: “He could and did accept divorcees. He also easily accepted others who were living in what the Church calls ‘sin.’ ” Luciani (John Paul I) had several times quoted Hans Kung favorably in his sermons. (For those who don’t know, Hans Kung denies the Divinity of Christ.) Luciani “was aware that a number of the lay Catholics he knew were members of various lodges (Masonic) – in much the same way that he had friends who were Communists.” The Vatican claimed that John Paul I died of a massive heart attack around 11p.m. on September 28, 1978. John Paul I was a manifest heretic who, among other things, fully approved of the religious indifferentism and false ecumenism of the Second Vatican Council. Since he was a heretic, he could not have been a validly elected pope. He was a non-Catholic antipope. #################################################### Pope John Paul 2nd (1978-2005) [Karol Jozef Wojtyla]

39 Two men instigated the Vatican II apostasy and revolution – John 23rd and Paul 6th – and they were not legitimate Popes, but actually non-Catholic Antipopes. We will shine the spotlight on the man who has perpetuated the Vatican 2 apostasy to levels that far exceed that of John 23rd and Paul 6th. We will shine the spotlight on John Paul 2, arguably the greatest heretic in the history of the world, and we will prove that he is not and cannot be the real Pope of the Catholic Church. To understand why John Paul 2 cannot be the Pope, one must understand heresy and apostasy. Heresy is the obstinate denial or doubt by a baptized person of an article of divine and Catholic Faith. In other words, a baptized person who deliberately denies an authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church is a heretic. Pope Leo 13th proclaims this teaching in his encyclical Satis Cognitum. Pope Leo 13th, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.” Apostasy, on the other hand, is not merely the denial or doubt of one or more teachings of the Catholic Church, but a complete rejection of the Christian Faith altogether. Moreover, in judging that John Paul 2 is a heretic and is not the Pope (and is therefore an Antipope), one is not judging the Holy See; rather, as the teaching already quoted shows, one is correctly identifying that a manifest heretic is outside the Church and therefore cannot occupy

40 the Holy See. St. Robert Bellarmine: “A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.” (De Romano Pontifice, II, 30) And the truth expressed by these saints, such as St. Robert Bellarmine, that a heretic cannot be the Pope, is not merely their fallible opinion, as some defenders of John Paul 2 have argued; rather, the teaching expressed by these saints is a dogmatic fact. It is rooted in the infallible dogma that heretics cannot be members of the Catholic Church. THE HERESIES OF ANTIPOPE JOHN PAUL 2 UNIVERSAL SALVATION – THAT ALL MEN WILL BE SAVED: The only difficulty in treating of the heresies of John Paul II is deciding where to begin. His heresies are so numerous that one is almost overwhelmed with the decision of where to start. We decided that a good place to begin is his consistent teaching of universal salvation. It goes without saying that the idea that all men are saved is contrary to the clear words of the Gospel and numerous Catholic dogmas, especially the dogmas that Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and that all who die in original sin or mortal sin cannot be saved. Pope Gregory 10th, 2nd Council of Lyons, 1274, ex cathedra: “The souls of those who die in mortal sin or with original sin only… immediately descend into hell, yet to be punished with different punishments.” However, it is a fact that Antipope John Paul 2 holds and teaches that in the Incarnation, the Son of God united himself with every man in an unbreakable union, which makes it impossible, according to him, for anyone to go to Hell. Antipope John Paul 2 explicitly

41 teaches that this union between Christ and each man lasts forever. Antipope John Paul 2, Homily, June 6, 1985: “The Eucharist is the sacrament of the covenant of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the covenant which is eternal. This is the covenant which embraces all. This Blood reaches all and saves all.” In contrast with this, the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church affirms that the blood of Christ does not reach all or save all. Pope Paul 3rd, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, ex cathedra: “But although Christ died for all, yet not all receive the benefit of His death, but those only to whom the merit of His Passion is communicated.” Only those who are freed from original sin by baptism, and united to Him through the sacraments and the true faith, receive the benefit of Christ’s death. JOHN PAUL 2-- The Holy Ghost is responsible for Non-Christian Religions: Besides his incredible doctrine of universal salvation and universal justification, there are many other heresies of Antipope John Paul II for us to examine. Of particular note is his teaching on the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Ghost. What Antipope John Paul II teaches about the Holy Ghost is so blasphemous and heretical that it is arguably his worst heresy. Antipope John Paul 2, Redemptor Hominis (# 6): “Does it not sometimes happen that the firm belief of the followers of the non-Christian religions – a belief that is also an effect of the Spirit of truth operating outside the visible confines of the Mystical Body…” Here Antipope John Paul 2 says that the firm belief of the followers of non-Christian religions proceeds from the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Since we know from Sacred Scripture and Catholic teaching that Satan is the author of all non-Christian religions, what is being stated here by Antipope John Paul 2 is that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is actually the spirit of lies – Satan. This is an unbelievable blasphemy against God. JOHN PAUL 2-- RELIGIOUS INDIFFERENTISM:

42 Antipope John Paul 2’s religious indifferentism is perhaps the most common characteristic of his volumes of heretical writings and speeches. He constantly praises and esteems non-Christian religions, thereby denying the Most Holy Trinity and the necessity of believing in the one true Catholic religion, while making a mockery of the deaths’ of the martyrs. Concerning Buddhism and Confucianism, he said: Antipope John Paul 2, Address at Airport in Korea, May 3, 1984: “Yours is a proud and sturdy people… bearing splendid fruits in art, religion, and human living. Your ancestors embraced such overwhelming spiritual worlds as Confucianism and Buddhism, yet made them truly their own, enhanced them, lived them and even transmitted them to others. Wonhyo and Sosan… eloquently express this feat .” The word “feat” means an extraordinary act. So Antipope John Paul 2 says that Buddhism and Confucianism are splendid fruits in religion, and that it was an extraordinary act that the Koreans transmitted these religions of Satan to others! JOHN PAUL 2's ASSISI world day of prayer for peace on Oct. 27, 1986: John Paul 2 prayed with over 130 different religious leaders of all kinds of religions, thereby repudiating the teaching of Scripture and the 2000-year teaching of the Catholic Church outlawing prayer with false religions. The 1986 Assisi event is exactly – I repeat – exactly what Pope Pius 11th authoritatively condemned in his encyclical Mortalium Animos . Pope Pius 11th, Mortalium Animos (# 2), Jan. 6, 1928: “For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians… Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy…” John Paul II sponsored pagan prayer meetings at Kyoto (1987), Rome (1988), Warsaw (1989), Bari (1990), and Malta (1991), as well as numerous meetings since that time. Most recently there was the spectacle of Assisi 2002. On Jan. 24, 2002, Antipope John Paul 2 held another pagan prayer meeting in the city of Assisi Italy, a repeat of the

43 abominable event that took place in 1986. But this Assisi meeting may have been even worse. During the prayer meeting the representative of every false religion involved was allowed to come to the pulpit and give a sermon on world peace. In the presence of Antipope John Paul 2, a voodoo high priest came to the pulpit outside the Basilica of St. Francis and gave the voodoo prescription for world peace. (Voodoo, remember, is Satanism). So, by Antipope John Paul 2’s arrangement, from a pulpit outside the historic Basilica of St. Francis, a Satanist was allowed to give a sermon and provide his prescription for world peace. This would involve slitting the throats of goats, chickens, doves and pigeons, and draining their blood from their arteries. After the Jew, the Buddhist, the Muslim, the Hindu and the rest were finished preaching, the various false religious leaders broke up into different rooms to pray to their false gods. Antipope John Paul II had it arranged in advance that each religious group was given a separate room in which to worship the devil. All of the crucifixes were removed, and the crucifixes which could not be removed were covered. Antipope John Paul 2 made sure that the infidels and pagans saw no sign of Jesus Christ. The Muslims needed a room which faced East toward Mecca – and it was given to them. The Zoroastrians needed a room with a window, so that the smoke from the wood chips that they burned to the devil could exit through it – and it was given to them. The Jews wanted a room that had never before been blessed; in other words, a room that had never been blessed in the name of Jesus Christ – and Antipope John Paul 2 provided them with one. Greater abomination, blasphemy and rejection of the true God almost cannot be imagined. The Old Covenant Has Never Been Revoked, the Jewish Religion is Valid and True The Catholic Church teaches that with the coming of Jesus Christ and the promulgation of the Gospel, the Old Covenant (that is, the agreement made between God and the Jews through the mediation of Moses) ceased and was replaced with the New Covenant of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is true that some aspects of the Old Covenant are still valid because they are included in the New and Eternal Covenant of Jesus Christ, such as the ten commandments, but the Old Covenant itself (the agreement between God and the Jewish people) ceased with the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, to say that the Old Covenant is still valid is to assert that Judaism is a true religion and that Jesus Christ is

44 not really the Messiah. It is also to deny defined Catholic dogma, such as the teaching of The Council of Florence, which defined ex cathedra that the Old Law is now dead and that those who practice it (namely, the Jews) cannot be saved. In an address to Jews in West Germany, Nov. 17, 1980, Antipope John Paul 2 spoke of quote, “the Old Covenant, never revoked by God…” Antipope John Paul 2, New Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 121: “… for the Old Covenant has never been revoked.” JOHN PAUL 2's JEWISH SERVICE AT THE VATICAN, Crucifixes Covered: Antipope John Paul 2 asked the Jewish Maestro Gilbert Levine to conduct a concert in the Vatican to commemorate the Holocaust. Levine agreed, and with Antipope John Paul 2 in attendance, the concert took place in the Vatican. All of the crucifixes were covered. The concert began with “Col Nidra,” the prayer sung on the Holiest day of the Jewish calendar. A few of the many Jews in attendance also lit candles during the ceremony, which quickly became a Jewish religious service in the Vatican. After the concert Levine remarked that quote: “It was like I was in a Jewish liturgical service in the Vatican. It was a night of prayer… of Jewish prayer.” JOHN PAUL 2 AT THE WESTERN WALL IN JERUSALEM: On March 26, 2000, Antipope John Paul 2 prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The Western Wall is the stone remnant of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem that was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. The Jews pray at the Western Wall as the holiest site in Judaism. The destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., leaving only the Western Wall, has always been understood by Catholics to signify God’s judgment on the Jews. The destruction of the Temple prohibited Jews from being able to offer sacrifice, which meant that their religion had come to an end. The destruction of the Temple was God’s powerful sign to the Jews that the Messiah had come, that the Old Covenant had ceased, and that the Temple had been replaced by the Catholic Church. So when a Jew prays at the Western Wall, or leaves a prayer there, it is a denial that Jesus is the Messiah; it is an affirmation that he holds that the Old Covenant is still in force; and it is a pitiful and sad attempt to ignore God’s very obvious sign that the Jews must abandon the destroyed

45 Temple and enter the Catholic Church. So when Antipope John Paul 2 himself prayed at the Western Wall in March of 2000, it was an attempt to validate Judaism. It was a denial that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, a direct affirmation that he holds that the Old Covenant is still in force, and a mockery of God’s clear sign that the Jews must abandon the destroyed Temple and enter the Catholic Church. One informed commentator pointed out that when Antipope John Paul II prayed at the Western Wall, most of the nation of Israel was watching on television. This means that every Jew watching on television was given the impression by Antipope John Paul II that he does not need to convert to Jesus Christ because he is not the Messiah. The prayer that Antipope John Paul 2 left at the Western Wall asked forgiveness for sins against the Jewish people. In late 2001, a Vatican Commission under Antipope John Paul 2 released a book entitled The Jewish People and the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible . The book argues that the Jews’ wait for the coming of the Messiah is still valid. JOHN PAUL 2-- MUSLIMS AND CATHOLICS WORSHIP THE SAME GOD: Antipope John Paul 2 has also asserted countless times the heresy that Muslims worship the One True God together with Catholics. Antipope John Paul 2, Encyclical On Social Concerns # 47: “… Muslims who, like us, believe in the just and merciful God.” Antipope John Paul 2, Homily, Oct. 13, 1989: “… the followers of Islam who believe in the same good and just God.” Antipope John Paul 2, Homily, Jan. 28, 1990: “… our Muslim brothers and sisters… who worship as we do the one and merciful God.” Antipope John Paul 2, General Audience, May 16, 2001: “… the believers of Islam, to whom we are united by the adoration of the one God.” Antipope John Paul 2, General Audience, May 5, 1999: “Today I would like to repeat what I said to young Muslims some years ago in Casablanca: ‘We believe in the same

46 God…’” This is blasphemy and apostasy. Muslims reject the Most Holy Trinity. They do not worship the One True God. By asserting that Muslims and Catholics believe in the same God over and over again, Antipope John Paul II is denying the Most Holy Trinity over and over again. Furthermore, one is struck by the specificity with which Antipope John Paul II denies Jesus Christ in many of these quotations. For example: Antipope John Paul 2, New Catechism (paragraph 841): “… Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.” Here we find Antipope John Paul 2’s Catechism teaching that the Muslims’ god (who is not Jesus Christ) will judge mankind on the last day! This means Jesus Christ will not judge mankind on the last day, but rather the god whom the Muslims worship will. It is a denial of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead. Pope St. Damasus I, Council of Rome, 382, Can. 15: “If anyone does not say that He, Jesus Christ… will come to judge the living and the dead, he is a heretic.” JOHN PAUL 2-- SCHISMATICS SHOULD NOT BE CONVERTED: Antipope John Paul 2 teaches that Eastern Schismatics (the so-called Orthodox) should not be converted to the Catholic Church. To provide a little background: The Eastern Schismatics (the so-called “Orthodox”) reject the dogma of the Papacy, which means that they reject the supreme authority of all the true Popes in history. They reject the dogma of Papal Infallibility: that a Pope teaches infallibly when speaking from the Chair of Peter. They reject the dogma of the Immaculate Conception; they refuse to accept the last 13 Councils of the Roman Catholic Church; and they allow divorce and re-marriage. Antipope John Paul 2, Homily, May 23, 2002: “I wish to repeat once again, honour also to you, the holy Orthodox Church…” In his outrageous Directory for the Application of the Principles and Norms of Ecumenism (#125), Antipope John Paul encourages interfaith worship with these Eastern Schismatics and states that: “… any suggestion of proselytism should be avoided.”

47 To proselytize is to try to convert someone. [Spreading the Faith is central to the Roman Catholic Church] Pope Benedict 14th, Allatae Sunt (#19): “For the only work entrusted to the missionary is that of recalling the Oriental to the Catholic faith…” Walter Kasper, a high-ranking member of the Vatican II Church, understands this quite well. Kasper was made a “Cardinal” by Antipope John Paul II in 2001, and by Antipope John Paul II’s direction, he now heads the Vatican’s Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He stated: “… today we no longer understand ecumenism in the sense of a return, by which the others would ‘be converted’ and return to being ‘Catholics’. This was expressly abandoned by Vatican II.” ************************************************************ [As a side note, from the website, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website, in 2009 stated:

An official of the US bishops’ Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs wrote:

"Proselytism, or the deliberate targeting of another Christian or group of Christians for the sole purpose of getting them to reject their church to join another, is not allowed. Some people may feel called in conscience to change from one tradition to another, but “sheep stealing” is unacceptable."

Although the USCCB press release summarizes several aspects of the Magisterium’s teaching on ecumenism, it fails to emphasize the obligation of Catholics to proclaim the Catholic faith to non-Catholic Christians.]

************************************************************ JOHN PAUL 2-- NON-CATHOLICS CAN RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION: Antipope John Paul 2 also teaches that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy

48 Communion. Canon 844.3 of his 1983 Code of Canon Law states that:

“Catholic ministers may licitly administer the sacraments of penance, Eucharist, and anointing of the sick to members of the oriental churches which do not have full communion with the Catholic Church…”


[It is also restated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition:

"1401 When, in the Ordinary's judgement, a grave necessity arrises, Catholic ministers may give the Sacraments of Eucharist, Penance, and Annointing of the Sick, to other Christians not in full communion with the Catholic Church, who ask for them of their own free will, provided they give evidence of holding the Catholic Faith, regarding these Sacraments and possess the required dispositions."


The idea that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion or the other Sacraments is contrary to the 2000 year teaching of the Catholic Church.

Pope Pius 9th, Encyclical , April 8, 1862: “… ‘whoever eats of the Lamb and is not a member of the Church, has profaned.”

JOHN PAUL 2-- NON-CATHOLIC SECTS ARE A MEANS TO SALVATION: Antipope John Paul 2, New Catechism, paragraph 819, speaking of non-Catholic Churches: “Christ’s Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation…”

Pope Pius 4th, profession of faith, Council of Trent, ex cathedra: “This true Catholic faith, outside of which no one can be saved… I now profess and truly hold…”


49 them in fact have martyrs for the Christian faith.” Antipope John Paul 2, Ut Unum Sint (# 84): “These saints come from all the Churches and Ecclesial Communities…” Antipope John Paul 2, Tertio Millennio Adveniente (# 37), Nov. 10, 1994: “The witness to Christ borne even to the shedding of blood has become a common inheritance of Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans and Protestants, as Pope Paul VI pointed out in his Homily for the Canonization of the Ugandan Martyrs… the memory of those who have suffered martyrdom should be safeguarded, gathering the necessary documentation. This gesture cannot fail to have an ecumenical character and expression. Perhaps the most convincing form of ecumenism is the ecumenism of the saints and martyrs. The communio sanctorum speaks louder than the things which divide us.” This proves that Antipope John Paul 2 directly rejects the solemnly defined dogma (from the Council of Florence below) that non-Catholics cannot be saved, even if they shed their blood for Christ. Pope Eugene 4th, Council of Florence, ex cathedra: “… no one, even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.” Pope Gregory 16th, May 27, 1832: “Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.” Antipope John Paul 2 has also “canonized” people who fully embraced the heresies of Vatican 2, the New Mass and who were religious indifferentists, which is impossible for a true Pope to do, since canonizations by real Popes are infallible. This further proves that Antipope John Paul 2 is not a true Pope. Antipope John Paul 2 has also approved of the practice of altar girls, a practice rampant in Vatican 2 Churches. The practice of altar girls was condemned as evil by Pope Benedict 14th, Pope St. Gelasius and Pope Innocent 4th. Pope Benedict 14th, Encyclical, July 26, 1755: “Pope Gelasius in his ninth letter to

50 the bishops of Lucania condemned the evil practice which had been introduced of women serving the priest at the celebration of Mass. Since this abuse had spread to the Greeks, Innocent 4th strictly forbade it in his letter to the bishop of Tusculum: ‘Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry.’ We too have forbidden this practice in the same words in Our oft- repeated constitution ...” [This prohibition of Altar Girls, would likely extent to Female eucharistic Ministers, as well, since " women [are now] serving the priest at the celebration of Mass." On 29 March, 1973, the Associated Press reported: ‘Pope Paul 6th ruled today that women, regardless of whether they are nuns, may distribute Communion in Roman Catholic churches.’] JOHN PAUL 2 PRAISES PROTESTANT Relolutionaries CALVIN & LUTHER: Antipope John Paul 2 has praised the greatest enemies that the Catholic Church has ever known, such as the Protestant revolutionaries Calvin and Luther. In Oct. 1983, Antipope John Paul 2, speaking of Martin Luther, stated: “Our world even today experiences his great impact on history.” And on June 14, 1984, Antipope John Paul 2 praised Calvin as one who was trying to “make the Church more faithful to the will of the Lord.” To patronize, support and defend heretics is to be a heretic. Pope Gregory 16th, Encyclical, May 8, 1844: “But later even more care was required when the Lutherans and Calvinists dared to oppose the changeless doctrine of the faith with an almost incredible variety of errors. They left no means untried to deceive the faithful with perverse explanations of the sacred books…” Antipope John Paul 2 has also praised the notorious heretics Zwingli and Hus. He even went so far as to say that John Hus, who was condemned as a heretic by the Council of Constance, was a man of “infallible personal integrity”! JOHN PAUL 2 CONDEMNED THE CRUSADES: The Crusades were solemnly approved by four Councils and more than 10 Popes,

51 including: Pope Urban 2; Pope Callistus 2; Pope Alexander 3rd; Pope Callistus 3rd; Pope Clement 5th; and others. JOHN PAUL 2 EARNED THE HIGHEST HONOR OF FREEMASONERY: In December of 1996, the Grand Orient Lodge of Italian Freemasonry offered Antipope John Paul 2 their greatest honor, the Order of Galilee, as an expression of thanks for the efforts that he has made in support of Freemasonic ideals. The representative of Italian Freemasonry noted that Antipope John Paul 2 merited the honor because he had promoted “the values of universal Freemasonry: fraternity, respect for the dignity of man, and the spirit of tolerance, central points of the life of true masons.” JOHN PAUL 2 APOLOGIZED TO SATANIC COMMUNIST RED CHINA: On Oct. 24, 2001, Antipope John Paul 2 apologized to Red China. That’s correct, Antipope John Paul 2 apologized to the Satanic Communist Regime in China for the supposed wrongs of Catholics! He even praised the social justice of Red China. Antipope John Paul 2, Oct. 24, 2001: “The Catholic Church for her part regards with respect this impressive thrust and far-sighted planning… The Church has very much at heart the values and objectives which are of primary importance also to modern China: solidarity, peace, social justice…” Social justice in China includes a one-child per family policy, which is imposed by forced abortion and contraception. The Chinese Government slaughters millions of children every year, in addition to imprisoning, torturing and murdering Catholics. JOHN PAUL 2 ON HEAVEN, HELL AND PURGATORY: In a series of speeches in the summer of 1999, reported in the official Vatican newspaper, Antipope John Paul 2 said that Heaven, Hell and Purgatory are not actual places. JOHN PAUL 2 TEACHES THAT MAN IS GOD: Antipope John Paul 2, Very First Homily, Forever Marking the Beginning of his Pastoral Ministry, Sunday, Oct. 22, 1978: “ ‘1. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’ (Mt. 16:16). These words were spoken by Simon, son of Jonah, in the district of

52 Caesarea Philippi…These words mark the beginning of Peter’s mission in the history of salvation…" “2. On this day and in this place these same words must again be uttered and listened to: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Yes, Brothers and sons and daughters, these words first of all….please listen once again, today, in this sacred place, to the words uttered by Simon Peter. In those words is the faith of the Church. In those same words is the new truth, indeed, the ultimate and definitive truth about man: the Son of the living God – ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God .” In his first ever homily as Antipope in 1978, in the very speech which will forever mark the beginning of his pastoral ministry, Sunday, Oct. 22, 1978, Antipope John Paul 2 proclaims to the world that MAN is the Christ, the Son of the Living God of Mt. 16:16. He even says that this is a “new truth” – a new truth which he (the great Antipope of history) is here to reveal. “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” spoken by St. Peter about Our Lord Jesus Christ, are the words which describe the truth about man, according to Antipope John Paul 2. Antipope John Paul 2, [two months later, on] Dec. 25, 1978: “Christmas is the feast of man.” JOHN PAUL 2 IN CONCLUSION: If Antipope John Paul 2 is part of a different religion, and who would dare deny this, then he cannot be the head of the Catholic Church. St. Francis De Sales, Doctor of the Church: “It would indeed be one of the strangest monsters that could be seen – if the head of the Church were not of the Church.” This is why Pope Paul 4th solemnly taught in his Feb. 15, 1559 Bull, cum ex Apostolatus officio, that it is impossible for a heretic to be validly elected Pope. Furthermore, there are those who have rightfully acknowledged that the Vatican 2 Church is clearly not the Catholic Church, but they still maintain that Antipope John Paul 2 is the Pope. They hold that Antipope John Paul 2 can be a true Pope despite the fact that he is the head of a non-Catholic Church. To them we must say, in addition to

53 what has been stated so far, that such a position separates Pope from Church, which is impossible. Pope Leo 13th, Jan. 22, 1899 : “Where Peter is, there is the Church.” #################################################### Pope Benedict 16th (2005-2013) [Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger] Benedict 16th is Joseph Ratzinger. Joseph Ratzinger was one of the most radical theologians at Vatican 2, where his ideas were influential in guiding the revolutionary course of the council. At Vatican 2, Ratzinger hung around with notorious heretics such as Karl Rahner. And even though he was a priest, Joseph Ratzinger showed up at Vatican 2 not in clerical garb, but in a suit and tie. Ratzinger was named a “cardinal” by Paul 6th in 1977, and became for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith five years later. During these years, Ratzinger wrote a staggering number of books. The heresies from Ratzinger that will be covered here come from having read many of his speeches and 24 books written by him. Many Catholics are familiar with the fact that in the year 2000 the Vatican allegedly revealed the Third Secret of Fatima. Most traditionalists immediately recognized that the so-called “Third Secret” which the Vatican released was not the real Third Secret of Fatima, but rather that a massive fraud had been perpetrated on the world. The primary author of the document which attempted to convince the world of this fraud against Our Lady’s message at Fatima

54 was Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict 16th. The document on the so-called “Third Secret,” entitled The Message of Fatima, was authored by Ratzinger and “Cardinal” Bertone. It was an attempt to “debunk” the Message of Fatima, as the Los Angeles Times was forced to admit. In the document, Ratzinger referred to only one Fatima scholar, Fr. Edouard Dhanis. Fr. Dhanis held that large portions of the Message of Fatima were fabrications of Lucy. By referring to Dhanis as his Fatima “expert,” Ratzinger showed that he also holds that the Message of Fatima is a fabrication. This reveals one of the primary characteristics of Ratzinger. He is a deceiver. He will give the appearance of devotion to something (e.g. Fatima), while trying to rip apart its meaning. He will give the appearance of conservatism, while inculcating the most abominable heresies. We will now cover the astounding heresies of Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict 16th. BENEDICT 16th’s HERESIES ON THE JEWS: Based on Scripture and Tradition, the Catholic Church teaches infallibly that it is necessary for salvation to believe in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith. In 2001, however, the Pontifical Biblical Commission released a book entitled The Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible . This book rejects the dogma that the Old Covenant has ceased. It teaches that the Old Covenant is still valid, and that the Jews’ wait for the Coming of the Messiah (which was part of the Old Covenant) is also still valid. It teaches that Jesus doesn’t have to be seen as the prophesied Messiah; it is possible to see Him, as the Jews do, as not the Messiah and not the Son of God. In section II, A, 5, The Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible

55 states: “Jewish messianic expectation is not in vain…” So, according to this Vatican book, Christians can and ought to admit that the Jewish position that Jesus is not the Son of God and the prophesied Messiah is a possible one! The preface for this totally heretical book was written by none other than Joseph Ratzinger, the now Benedict 16th. This is antichrist! 1 John 2:22 – “… he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist…” BENEDICT 16th-- JESUS DOESN't HAVE TO BE SEEN AS THE MESSIAH: Benedict 16th teaches the same denial of Jesus Christ in a number of his books: Benedict 16th, God and the World, 2000, p. 209: “It is of course possible to read the Old Testament so that it is not directed toward Christ; it does not point quite unequivocally to Christ. And if Jews cannot see the promises as being fulfilled in him, this is not just ill will on their part, but genuinely because of the obscurity of the texts… There are perfectly good reasons, then, for denying that the Old Testament refers to Christ and for saying, No, that is not what he said. And there are also good reasons for referring it to him – that is what the dispute between Jews and Christians is about.” Benedict 16th says that there are perfectly good reasons for not believing that the Old Testament refers to Christ as the prophesied Messiah. He says that the Old Testament doesn’t point unequivocally to Our Lord as the Messiah. This is another total denial of the Christian Faith. What makes this apostasy all the more outrageous is the fact that the New Testament is filled with passages which declare that Our Lord is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. To quote just one passage of many, in John [Chapter] 5, Our Lord specifically tells the Jews that what is written in the Old Testament concerning Him will convict them. John 5:39, 45-47 – “Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of me… the one who will

56 accuse you is Moses, in whom you have placed your hope. For if you had believed Moses, you would have believed me, because he wrote about me.” BENEDICT 16th-- ACTIVE SERVICE AT GERMAN SYNAGOGUE: All of this is why on August 19, 2005 – a Friday at noon, the same day and hour that Jesus was crucified – Benedict 16th arrived at the Jewish Synagogue in Cologne, Germany and took active part in a Jewish worship service. To take active part in non-Catholic worship is a sin against the divine law and the First Commandment, as was always taught before Vatican 2. St. Ambrose, Sermo 37, The Two Ships: “The faithlessness of the Synagogue is an insult to the Savior. Therefore He chose the bark of Peter, and deserted that of Moses; that is, He rejected the faithless Synagogue, and adopts the believing Church.” [To avoid repetition, I will make the following points without supporting quotes:] * BENEDICT 16th ENCOURAGES THE CHIEF RABBI OF ROME IN HIS “mission.” * BENEDICT 16th TEACHES THAT PROTESTANTS AND SCHISMATICS DON’T NEED TO BE CONVERTED. * BENEDICT 16th NOT ONLY DENIES THE DOGMA THAT NON- CATHOLICS NEED TO BELIEVE IN THE PAPACY, BUT QUESTIONS WHETHER POPES HAVE SUPREME JURISDICTION IN THE CHURCH, AT ALL! The fact that this man now claims to be the pope when he doesn’t even believe in the Papacy is surely one of the greatest frauds in human history. Those who obstinately hold that this non-Catholic is the pope assist in perpetuating that monumental fraud. * BENEDICT 16th ALSO DENIES THAT THE PAPACY WAS EVEN HELD IN THE FIRST MILLENNIUM, [the first 1,000 years], AND TELLS US THAT THIS

57 IS WHY WE CANNOT BIND THE SCHISMATICS TO BELIEVE IN IT! * BENEDICT 16th and CARDINAL KASPER BOTH REJECT THE ECUMENISM OF THE RETURN – CONVERTING PROTESTANTS. The notorious heretic “Cardinal” Kasper, and Benedict 16th both blatantly reject the “ecumenism of the return,” that is, that non-Catholics need to return to the Catholic Church by conversion and reject their heretical sects. [So, ]Benedict 16th joins Paul 6th and John Paul 2 in praising the overturning of the excommunications against the “Orthodox” – and therefore in denying Vatican 1. [1870] * BENEDICT 16th prays ecumenical Vespers with schismatics and Protestants and says he loves the schismatic Orthodox Church. * BENEDICT 16th’s worst heresy? He prays with the leader of the world’s “Orthodox” schismatics and signs a Joint Declaration with him telling him he’s in the Church of Christ. * BENEDICT 16th even encourages the Schismatic Patriarch to Resume His Ministry. * BENEDICT 16th says that Christodoulos, the schismatic, non-Catholic “Orthodox” bishop in Greece, has authority over all of Greece! * BENEDICT 16th explicitly rejects converting Protestants. * BENEDICT 16th goes to the Lutheran temple and takes active part in a “common prayer” service (his words) with Lutherans, other Protestants and “Orthodox” schismatics. This is a manifestation of heresy by deed – attendance at a non-Catholic Lutheran temple. * BENEDICT 16th encourages the invalid head of the Anglican Church in his “ministry” and says the Anglican Sect is grounded in Apostolic Tradition. * CARNINAL RATZINGER, [Later Pope BENEDICT 16th, who was at VATICAN 2, wrote in 1966:] THAT NON-CATHOLICS SHOULD [NOT] BE CONVERTED.




61 CHURCH. * BENEDICT 16th SAYS JUDAS MIGHT NOT BE IN HELL. * BENEDICT 16th RESPECTS HANS KUNG’S PATH OF DENIAL OF JESUS CHRIST! For those who don’t know, Hans Kung denies Papal Infallibility and the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, among other things. Hans Kung can correctly be described as an Arian, since he denies that Our Lord is of the same substance as the Father. * BENEDICT 16th SAYS IT’S IMPORTANT THAT EVERY PERSON CAN BELONG TO THE RELIGION OF HIS CHOICE. In other words, life is more than material being; there is a spiritual reality, so it’s important to embrace a religion – any religion of your choice! What an apostate! * BENEDICT 16th UTTERS MORE HERESY ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, DIRECTLY CONTRADICTING THE DOGMATIC TEACHING OF POPE PIUS 9th. * BENEDICT 16th DENIES THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY. * BENEDICT 16th has been photographed giving the El Diablo satanic sign. This satanic gesture is popular among Satanists and satanic rock groups. [Essentially, it is one hand extended out like a wave, but held still, with the ring and middle fingers folded down, for the other person[s] to see.] BENEDICT 16th-- CONCLUSIONS: Since he is a heretic, he could not have been a validly elected pope. As quoted already, Pope Paul 4th solemnly taught in his Feb. 15, 1559 Bull, Cum ex Apostolatus officio , that it is impossible for a heretic to be validly elected pope. Therefore, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, Benedict 16th is not a pope, but a non-Catholic antipope whom Catholics must completely reject. He presides over the new religion of Vatican 2, a counterfeit Catholicism that has abandoned the Catholic Church’s traditions and dogmas. One of Benedict 16th’s main characteristics is that he is a deceiver. While he teaches

62 undeniable, astounding and manifest heresies, one of the ways by which he has convinced so many that he is conservative is that, among these astounding heresies in his writings, there are many conservative passages. But this is nothing new. Pope Pius 6th pointed out that heretics, inspired by the Devil, have always used such tactics to inculcate heresies and deceive people. Pope Pius 6th, Bull “Auctorem fidei,” August 28, 1794: “[The Ancient Doctors] knew the capacity of innovators in the art of deception. In order not to shock the ears of Catholics, they sought to hide the subtleties… by the use of seemingly innocuous words such as would allow them to insinuate error into souls in the most gentle manner. Once the truth had been compromised, they could, by means of slight changes or additions in phraseology, distort the confession of the faith which is necessary for our salvation, and lead the faithful by subtle errors to their eternal damnation.” Pope Pius 6th points out that camouflaging the heresies in statements that are ambiguous or seemingly conservative or contradictory was the tactic of the heretic Nestorius, and that Catholics cannot allow heretics to get away with this or deceive them by it. They must hold such heretics to their heresies regardless. #################################################### Pope Francis (2013- ) [Jorge Mario Bergoglio] On March 13, 2013 Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina was elected antipope Francis of the Vatican II sect. [Both of Pope Francis' parents are Italian.] Francis is the first 'pope' elected whose priestly ordination is called into serious question, since he was 'ordained' following the sweeping Ordination Reforms by 'Pope' Paul 6th, in his Pontificalis Romani , on June 18, 1968. Francis was ordained on December 13, 1969.

63 This brief overview will prove, from Francis’ words and actions, that he is a heretic. We will be quoting from the Vatican’s official newspaper L’Osservatore Romano and two of Francis’ books that document his beliefs on various topics – Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio and On Heaven and Earth. FRANCIS- HERESIES MARCH 2013 TO JUNE 2013 FRANCIS-- CARDINAL KASPER: Francis’ March 17, 2013 Angelus address: “In the past few days I have been reading a book by a Cardinal – Cardinal Kasper, a clever theologian, a good theologian – on mercy.” Francis praises the apostate “Cardinal” Walter Kasper as a “good theologian”. Kasper believes that “remarried” persons should be allowed to receive Holy Communion. He also does not condemn the use of artificial contraception. Like Francis, Kasper also rejects the necessity for non-Catholics to convert. He even admits that Vatican II abandoned traditional Catholic dogma on that point. Many in the Vatican II “Church” call Kasper, “The Pope’s Theologian”. FRANCIS-- JOY FOR SCHISMATICS, AND ESTEEM FOR MUSLIMS: Francis’ March 20, 2013 address to representatives of other “churches” and “religions”: “It is a source of particular joy for me to meet today with you, the delegates of the Orthodox Churches, of the Oriental Orthodox Churches and of the Ecclesial Communities of the West… Yesterday morning, during Holy Mass, through you I felt the spiritual presence of the communities which you represent… I also greet and cordially thank all of you, dear friends who are followers of other religious traditions; first Muslims, who worship God as one, living and merciful, and invoke him in prayer, and all of you, I greatly appreciate your presence: in it, I see a tangible sign of a will to grow in mutual esteem… Dear friends, once again I thank you for your presence…”

64 Francis praises the schismatic “Orthodox” communities by saying he felt their “spiritual presence”. He then says that he esteems Muslims and that they invoke God in prayer. However, since Muslims reject the Holy Trinity, they do not invoke God. FRANCIS-- PROPOGATION OF FALSE RELIGIONS: Francis’ June 8, 2013 Discourse to the president of Italy: “In the world today freedom of religion is often talked about rather than put into practice… One and all are duty bound to defend religious freedom and to promote it for everyone. The shared protection of this moral good is also a guarantee of the entire community’s growth and development.” Francis says “all are duty bound” to promote religious freedom for everyone. He says that protecting everyone’s “right” to promote false beliefs about God will be “a guarantee of the entire community’s growth and development.” Francis declares that the propagation of various false religions is a “moral good”. This heretical notion has been condemned by numerous popes as completely contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church. FRANCIS-- PRAYS WITH NON-CATHOLIC CHURCH LEADER: Francis’ June 19, 2013 Catechesis at General Audience: “We must try to bring about unity. I will tell you something: today, before leaving home, I spent 40 minutes, more or less, half an hour, with an evangelical pastor and we prayed together and sought unity. Because we have to pray together as Catholics and also with other Christians…” Non-Catholics are not part of the Church, and therefore they are not Christians. So, there is no division among real Christians (Catholics). Antipope Francis then mentions that he spent around a half an hour praying with an “evangelical pastor”. It is absolutely forbidden, under pain of mortal sin, to pray with a leader of a non-Catholic church. FRANCIS- HERESIES JULY 2013 TO SEPTEMBER 2013 FRANCIS-- ESTEEM AND WELLWISHES FOR MUSLIM FEAST:

65 Francis’ July 10, 2013 Message to Muslims for the end of Ramadan: “To Muslims throughout the World It gives me great pleasure to greet you as you celebrate ‘Id al-Fitr’, so concluding this month of Ramadan, dedicated mainly to fasting, prayer and almsgiving. It is a tradition by now that, on this occasion, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sends you a message of good wishes, together with a proposed theme for common reflection. This year, the first of my Pontificate, I have decided to sign this traditional message myself and to send it to you, dear friends, as an expression of esteem and friendship for all Muslims, especially those who are religious leaders… Turning to mutual respect in interreligious relations, especially between Christians and Muslims, we are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols, its values. Particular respect is due to religious leaders and to places of worship… It is clear that, when we show respect for the religion of our neighbors or when we offer them our good wishes on the occasion of a religious celebration, we simply seek to share their joy… Regarding the education of Muslim and Christian youth, we have to bring up our young people to think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to avoid ridiculing or denigrating their convictions and practices… With these sentiments, I reiterate my hope that all Christians and Muslims may be true promoters of mutual respect and friendship, in particular through education. Finally, I send you my prayerful good wishes, that your lives may glorify the Almighty and give joy to those around you. Happy Feast to you all! From the Vatican, 10 July 2013 Franciscus” Eid al-Fitr is an Islamic “feast day” instituted by the false prophet Muhammad. Eid al- Fitr is “an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan”. It gives Francis “great pleasure” to see souls embracing and practicing the false religion of Islam! He mentions that every year the Vatican sends out “a message of good wishes” to Muslims. Typically, the message is not signed personally by the Antipope, but by one of his representatives. This year, however, Francis signed it himself as “an expression of esteem” for “all Muslims, especially those

66 who are religious leaders”. Antipope Francis declares that he esteems all Muslims – “especially those who are religious leaders”! This is apostasy from the Catholic faith. Francis then says: “we are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols, its values”. Francis thus teaches that we are to respect the evil and false doctrines of non-Catholic religions. Francis’ words necessarily mean that we must respect the Islamic teaching that Jesus Christ is not God and that there is no Holy Trinity. Francis then says that “particular respect” is due to “leaders” of false religions and their “places of worship”! So, according to him, we should respect temples of idolatry and every other place where false worship is conducted. He also says we should “offer them our good wishes on the occasion of a religious celebration” to “share their joy”. Antipope Francis says that we need to educate “Christian youth” to “think and speak respectfully of other religions”. Francis caps off his message of complete apostasy by telling Muslims, “Happy Feast to you all!” FRANCIS-- ON HOMOSEXUALITY Francis’ August 19, 2013 Interview with Antonio Spadaro: Francis: “In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexual persons who are ‘socially wounded’ because they tell me that they feel like the church has always condemned them. But the church does not want to do this. During the return flight from Rio de Janeiro I said that if a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge… A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being.” Antipope Francis says that the Church does not want to condemn homosexuals. However, that is what the Catholic Church does (see 1 Cor. 6:9-10). Francis does not believe that homosexuals are in mortal sin and on the road to eternal damnation. That’s what his statement means. Francis then talks about homosexuals “of good will”. There is no such thing. He ends his statement on homosexuality by saying that God doesn’t necessarily reject the homosexual.

67 FRANCIS-- DO NOT PROSELYTIZE [spread the Catholic Faith]: Francis’ September 27, 2013 address to participants in the international conference on catechesis: “Remember what Benedict XVI said: ‘The Church does not grow by proselytizing…’” Proselytizing is attempting to convert people to the Catholic faith. Francis repeats what the heretic Benedict 16th taught: that “the Church” should not attempt to convert others to the Catholic faith. FRANCIS- HERESIES OCTOBER 2013 TO DECEMBER 2013 FRANCIS-- THE FAITHFUL ARE REMINDED NOT TO PROSELYTIZE: Francis’ Interview with the founder of ‘La Repubblica’, non-believer Eugenio Scalfari. The interview was published in ‘La Repubblica’ on October 1, 2013: Francis: “Proselytism is downright nonsense; it doesn’t make any sense.” Francis’ October 4, 2013 Meeting with “priests and religious of the Diocese” in the Cathedral of San Rufino: “The pastoral visit that has just ended and the diocesan synod which you are about to celebrate are intense moments of growth for this Church which God has blessed in a special way. The Church grows, but not through proselytizing: no, no! The Church grows, but not through proselytizing.” This statement from Francis is totally heretical. He is teaching the opposite of what Jesus proclaimed and the Catholic Church has taught for two thousand years. FRANCIS-- ESTEEMED FALSE RELIGION OF JUDAISM: Francis’ October 11, 2013 Message on the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Rome: “Distinguished Chief Rabbi Esteemed Members of the Jewish Community of Rome,

68 I wish to join, through spiritual closeness and prayer, in the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Rome. As we remember those tragic hours of October 1943, it is our duty to keep before our eyes the fate of those who were deported, to understand their fear, their pain and their desperation in order not to forget them, and to keep them alive in our prayers, along with their families, relatives and friends who mourned their loss…” Francis considers the followers of the false religion of “Judaism” to be “esteemed”. He then declares his “spiritual closeness” to those who deny Jesus Christ. He ends by saying that we must not forget souls that died in rejection of Jesus, and therefore were damned. He says we must “keep them alive in our prayers,” even though Jesus has revealed that such people do not have life. FRANCIS-- CHOOSE GOOD AND EVIL AS YOU UNDERSTAND IT: Continuing Francis’ Interview with the founder of ‘La Repubblica’, non-believer Eugenio Scalfari. The interview was published in ‘La Repubblica’ on October 1, 2013: Scalfari: “Your Holiness, is there only one vision of the Good? And who determines what it is?” Francis: “Each one of us has his own vision of the Good and also of Evil. We have to urge it [the vision] to move towards what one perceives as the Good”. Scalfari: “Your Holiness, you wrote this in the letter you sent me. Conscience is autonomous, you said, and each person must obey his own conscience. I think that this is one of the most courageous statements a Pope has ever made. Francis: “And now I repeat it. Everyone has his own idea of Good and Evil and he has to choose to follow the Good and to fight Evil as he understands it. This would be enough to improve the world… It is not proselytism.” Antipope Francis [then] says that every person has his own idea of good and evil. Whatever a person thinks is good or evil is what that person should follow, according to him. Notice, he doesn’t say that you should follow what the Catholic Church says is good, but whatever your conscience determines that to be! This is complete modernist wickedness, heresy and apostasy.

69 FRANCIS-- THANKFUL FOR JEWS, AND OBEYING HIS/HER CONSCIENCE: [10 days later], Francis’ October 11, 2013 Answers to questions from non-believer and ‘La Repubblica’ founder Eugenio Scalfari: “Dear Dr. Scalfari… You asked me, at the end of your first article, what should be said to the Jewish brethren… in the light of the Second Vatican Council, we have rediscovered that the Jewish people remain for us the holy root from which Jesus was born. I too have cultivated many friendships through the years with my Jewish brothers in Argentina… God has never neglected his faithfulness to the covenant with Israel, and that, through the awful trials of these last centuries, the Jews have preserved their faith in God. And for this, we, the Church and the whole human family, can never be sufficiently grateful to them. Moreover, persevering with faith in the God of the Covenant… what interests you is to understand the attitude of the Church towards those who do not share faith in Jesus. Above all, you ask if the God of Christians forgives those who do not believe and who do not seek faith. Given the premise, and this is fundamental, that the mercy of God is limitless for those who turn to him with a sincere and contrite heart, the issue for the unbeliever lies in obeying his or her conscience. There is sin, even for those who have no faith, when conscience is not followed. Listening to and obeying conscience means deciding in the face of what is understood to be good or evil. It is on the basis of this choice that the goodness or evil of our actions is determined.” Francis declares that all of us should be grateful to Jews for preserving “their faith in God”, even though they reject God and the Catholic faith. Francis then repeats his heretical teaching that people must simply follow their conscience (not the Catholic faith). He teaches that “the unbeliever” will be saved simply by “obeying his or her conscience”, and that sin only happens if someone doesn’t follow his or her conscience. This is apostasy from the Catholic faith. FRANCIS- HERESIES JANUARY 2014 TO MARCH 2014 FRANCIS-- "canonical election" of Schismatic is inside the One True Church:

70 Francis’ February 13, 2014 Address to “Bishops” of Bulgaria. “Your communities, dear Brothers, live and work next to those of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Therefore, I ask you to convey my cordial greeting to Patriarch Neofit, who in a few days will celebrate the first anniversary of his canonical election , and I warmly invite you to continue the efforts to promote an ever more intense and fraternal dialog with the Orthodox Church…” Patriarch Neophyte is the current head of the Bulgarian “Orthodox” Church. His “reign” (as leader of the schismatic “Orthodox” church of Bulgaria) began on February 24, 2013. Antipope Francis sends a greeting in order to “celebrate” the election of the schismatic to a position of leadership in the schismatic sect. Francis declares the “election” to be a “canonical election”. This proves that Francis considers the elections of schismatic leaders, to positions of leadership in schismatic non-Catholic sects, to be elections occurring inside the one true Church. That, of course, is completely heretical. FRANCIS-- DON'T WAVE YOUR FAITH & PROSELYTIZE- it doesn't work: Francis’ March 31, 2014 Interview with a group of youth (between the ages of 18 to 27) from Flanders, : A girl: “I don’t believe in God, but your actions and your ideals inspire me. Perhaps you have a message for all of us, for young Christians, for people who don’t believe or have other beliefs or believe in a different way?” Francis: “We are all brothers. Believers, non-believers, or those of one religious confession or another, Jews, Muslims… we are all brothers. Man is at the center of history, and in my opinion this is very important: man is at the center.” (Translator) She (the girl) has posed this question because sometimes it is not easy in Belgium, for example, to speak of one’s own faith… because so many don’t believe, and she said, “I want to pose this question because I also want to have the strength to bear witness”. Francis: “There it is, now I understand the root of the question. Bearing witness with simplicity. Because if you wave your faith as a flag, like during the crusades, and you go out and proselytize, that doesn’t work… I give it with humility, without

71 proselytizing.” Francis declares that he is a “brother” with those who are Jews, Muslims and atheists. This is heretical. Antipope Francis once again condemns attempts to convert non- Catholics to the Catholic faith (proselytizing). Francis is a heretic, schismatic and an apostate. FRANCIS- HERESIES APRIL 2014 TO MAY 2014

FRANCIS-- PRAYS WITH NON-CATHOLIC LEADER "of God's Flock": Francis’ May 19, 2014 General Audience looking back at his “pilgrimage to the Holy Land”: “As you know, in the past days I made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land… that blessed Land which saw the historical presence of Jesus and where fundamental events for Judaism, Christianity and Islam took place… my meeting with His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, our beloved brother in Christ, represented the culminating moment of the visit. Together we prayed at the Sepulchre of Jesus, and with us were the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III and the Apostolic Armenian Patriarch… We are all brothers in Christ and with Patriarch Bartholomew we are friends, brothers, and we have shared the desire to walk together, to do all that we can do from this day forward: pray together, work together for God’s flock… The Spirit allows one to adopt these attitudes in daily life, with people of various cultures and religions, and thus to become ‘craftsmen’ of peace…” Antipope Francis praises the fact that the Middle East has seen important events for the false religion of Islam. He calls a schismatic leader “our beloved brother in Christ”, and he mentions how he prayed with schismatic leaders. Praying with the leaders of non- Catholic religions has always been forbidden by the Catholic Church. Francis also says that schismatic leaders are leaders of “God’s flock”. FRANCIS-- CALLS THE ISLAMIC DOME OF THE ROCK, "this holy place": Francis addressed the “Grand Mufti” of Jerusalem:

72 “Your Excellency, Dear Muslim Faithful, Dear Friends, I am grateful for the opportunity to meet with you in this sacred place. I thank you for the courteous invitation you have extended to me and, in particular, I wish to thank the Grand Mufti and the President of the Supreme Muslim Council… I am particularly happy, therefore, to be with you, dear Muslim faithful, brothers… Dear brothers, dear friends, from this holy place I make a heartfelt plea to all people and to all communities who look to Abraham: may we respect and love one another as brothers and sisters!… May we work together for justice and peace! Salaam!” Francis gave this heretical address to the Islamic leader at the Dome of the Rock. He calls the Islamic Dome of the Rock site “this holy place” and “sacred”! That is incredible apostasy. It is actually to worship a false god. The Dome of the Rock is considered the third holiest site in the false religion of Islam. Antipope Francis states that Muslims should be called the “faithful”. The Catholic Church only considers baptized Catholics “faithful”. Francis’ statement is heresy. Francis calls Muslims our “brothers and sisters”, but Catholics are not part of the same family with members of false religions. FRANCIS-- PRAYS WITH SCHISMATICS, & they use our Catholic Churches: Francis’ May 26, 2014 answers to questions from representatives from the international media: Question for Francis: “Thank you, Your Holiness. During your pilgrimage, you spoke at length, and on a number of occasions met with Patriarch Bartholomaios. We were wondering if you also spoke about concrete means of rapprochement, if you also had occasion to speak about this. I wonder also if perhaps the Catholic Church could be able to learn something from the Orthodox Churches – I am speaking of married priests, a question which many Catholics in Germany consider urgent.” Francis: “But the Catholic Church has married priests, no? Greek Catholics,

73 Coptic Catholics, no? They exist, in the Eastern rites, there are married priests. Because celibacy is not a dogma of faith… Since it is not a dogma of faith, the door is always open: at this time we have not spoken about this, as a program, at least not now… With Bartholomaios, this subject was not broached because it is secondary, really, in our relations with the Orthodox… Bartholomaios himself told me so in these days. To walk together, to pray together, to cooperate on the many things we can do together, to join in helping one another. For example, with our churches. In Rome, and in numerous other cities, many Orthodox communities use Catholic churches at certain times as a help in this moving forward… And with Bartholomaios we spoke as brothers. We like each other, we tell each other about our difficulties in governance.” Francis talks about his mortally sinful activity of praying with a schismatic leader of a non-Catholic church. Antipope Francis boasts that schismatics use “Catholic Churches” for their sinful and schismatic masses, etc. He thinks it’s great. FRANCIS- HERESIES JUNE 2014 TO JULY 2014

FRANCIS-- PROMOTES THE DEMONIC "Charismatic movement": Francis’ June 1, 2014 address to the “Charismatic Renewal”: “I thank Renewal in the Spirit, the ICCRS [International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service] and the Catholic Fraternity for this opportunity to be with you, which is a source of great joy for me. I am grateful for the presence here of the first members of the renewal, who had an intense experience of the Holy Spirit’s power… You, the charismatic renewal, have received a great gift from the Lord. Your movement’s birth was willed by the Holy Spirit to be ‘a current of grace in the Church and for the Church’. ...The charismatic renewal is a great force meant to serve the preaching of the Gospel in the joy of the Holy Spirit. You received the Holy Spirit… You, the people of God, the people of the charismatic renewal, must be careful not to lose the freedom which the Holy Spirit has given you!… Remember that ‘the charismatic renewal is de facto ecumenical in nature… The Catholic renewal rejoices in what the Holy Spirit is accomplishing in the other Churches’ .”

74 Antipope Francis promotes the “Charismatic” movement by saying that its “birth was willed by the Holy Spirit”. The antipopes of the Vatican II sect have repeatedly promoted the demonic “Charismatic” movement. However, the movement was not willed by the Holy Spirit, but rather the Devil. The “Charismatic” movement is not Catholic and is the product of an evil spirit. True Catholics know and believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit is given in Confirmation. Many “Charismatics”, on the other hand, believe that people receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in the “rites” of “the Charismatic movement”. They believe the “spirit” is transmitted when one is “slain in the spirit”, etc. It’s the devil’s substitute for Confirmation. That’s why people receive the Devil, instead of the Holy Spirit, when they participate in such rites. At some of these meetings people have oinked like pigs, barked like dogs, rolled on the ground, laughed hysterically, etc. Those things are clear signs of demonic possession and demonic activity. About 25 years ago I had a friend who told me he was once heavily involved in the “Charismatic” movement and their “prayer meetings”. He eventually left “the Charismatic” movement. But he told me that while present at one of their meetings a man put his hand on him, and then he felt a demon enter him. Antipope Francis closes his heretical address by saying that “Catholic charismatics” rejoice “in what the Holy Spirit is accomplishing in the other [non-Catholic] Churches”. His statement means that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is responsible for heretical and schismatic “churches”. That is heresy. FRANCIS-- "THANK GOD, I HAVE NO CHURCH..." Francis’ interview with “Il Messaggero”. The interview was published on June 29, 2014: Question for Francis: “Why have you, from the very beginning, chosen to stress your role as the Bishop of Rome?” Francis: “Francis’ first service is this: to be the Bishop of Rome.” Question for Francis: “Where is Bergoglio’s Church headed?” Francis: “Thank God, I have no Church; I follow Christ.” The interviewer asks Francis about where his “Church” is headed. Antipope Francis, a person many consider to be the head of the Catholic Church, responds by saying:

75 “Thank God, I have no Church.” This is an incredible heresy. It’s a public statement that he is not a member of the Catholic Church, and that he is not the pope. Catholics profess belief in the Catholic Church in the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, and many dogmatic councils. FRANCIS- HERESIES AUGUST 2014 TO SEPTEMBER 2014 FRANCIS-- REMINDS- POPE BENEDICT 16th SAID- DON'T PROSELYTIZE: Francis’ August 17, 2014 address in South Korea to the “Bishops” of Asia: “And so, with my identity and my empathy, my openness, I walk with the other. I don’t try to make him come over to me, I don’t proselytize. Pope Benedict told us clearly: ‘The Church does not grow by proselytizing, but by attracting’.” Francis condemns proselytizing. He once again quotes his apostate buddy Benedict 16th who taught the same horrible heresy. FRANCIS-- 'Spirit of Assisi' AT ANTWERP, BELGIUM: Francis’ August 26, 2014 “message to the representatives of world religions” at international “peace” meeting in Antwerp, Belgium: “I ask you kindly to convey my warm greetings and cordial good wishes to the representatives of Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities and to the many leaders of the world religions assembled in Antwerp from 7-9 September 2014 for the International Peace Meeting. I thank the Diocese of Antwerp and the Community of Sant’ Egidio for organizing this gathering in which men and women of different religious traditions come together on a pilgrimage of prayer and dialog inspired by the ‘spirit of Assisi’… It is here that our various religious traditions can, in ‘the spirit of Assisi’, make a specific contribution to peace. We can do this through the power of prayer. All of us have come to realize that prayer and dialog are profoundly interrelated and mutually enriching. It is my hope that these days of prayer and dialog will serve as a powerful reminder that the pursuit of peace and understanding through prayer can forge lasting bonds of unity… I invoke upon all taking part in the Meeting and all who sustain them by the support of their prayers, the abundant blessings of the God of peace.”

76 Here Francis clearly endorses the false worship of non-Catholic religions. In fact, by promoting the demonic “spirit of Assisi”, Francis actually endorses idolatry and worships false gods himself; for he promotes that the worship of false gods in non- Christian religions (which occurred at Assisi) has “power”, is “enriching”, and is to be promoted. Francis also endorses prayer with the unbelievers and members of false religions. He says that prayer with them “can forge lasting bonds of unity”. Francis is an idolater and an apostate. He is following Antipope John Paul 2’s example in that regard. FRANCIS-- heretics, Muslims, and members of “other religions” are "martyrs": Francis’ September 21, 2014 “Homily” in “Mother Teresa Square” in Tirana, Albania: “Recalling the decades of atrocious suffering and harsh persecutions against Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims, we can say that Albania was a land of martyrs: many bishops, priests, men and women religious, laity, and clerics and ministers of other religions paid for their fidelity with their lives.” Francis says that heretics, Muslims, and members of “other religions” who died embracing their false religions were “martyrs”. That is to teach that Muslims are martyrs! FRANCIS-- DECEASED “martyred” MUSLIMS “bore witness to God”. Francis’ September 21, 2014 In-Flight interview with journalists on trip from Albania back to Rome: Question: “Your Holiness, what were your emotions as you drove down the central boulevard of Tirana, under the pictures of the clergy who were martyred during the communist regime, in a country in which until 25 years ago atheism had been officially imposed?” Francis: “When I saw those photographs (and there were not only Catholics, but Orthodox also Muslims as well… So I would say that all three religious groups bore witness to God and now they are bearing witness to brotherhood.” Francis says that Muslims are “brothers and sisters” and that deceased “martyred”

77 Muslims “bore witness to God”. FRANCIS- HERESIES OCTOBER 2014 TO NOVEMBER 2014 FRANCIS-- PROMOTES THE DEMONIC, Non-Catholic “Charismatic Renewal” Francis’ October 31, 2014 address to members of “the Catholic Fraternity of the Charismatic Renewal”: “I would like now to reflect upon some themes which I consider important. The first is unity in diversity. Uniformity is not Catholic, it is not Christian. Rather, unity in diversity. Catholic unity is different but it is one: this is curious! The cause of diversity is also the cause of unity: the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does two things: he creates unity in diversity. Unity does not imply uniformity; it does not necessarily mean doing everything together or thinking in the same way. Nor does it signify a loss of identity. Unity in diversity is actually the opposite: it involves the joyful recognition and acceptance of the various gifts which the Holy Spirit gives to each one and the placing of these gifts at the service of all members of the Church. It means knowing how to listen, to accept differences, and having the freedom to think differently and express oneself with complete respect towards the other who is my brother or sister. Do not be afraid of differences!… The Charismatic Renewal has reminded the Church of the necessity and importance of the prayer of praise. When we speak of the prayer of praise in the Church, Charismatics come to mind… Spiritual ecumenism is praying and proclaiming together that Jesus is Lord, and coming together to help the poor in all their poverty. This must be done while never forgetting in our day that the blood of Jesus, poured out by many Christian martyrs in various parts of the world, calls us and compels us towards the goal of unity. For persecutors, we are not divided, we are not Lutherans, Orthodox, Evangelicals, Catholics…No! We are one in their eyes! For persecutors we are Christians! They are not interested in anything else. This is the ecumenism of blood that we experience today. Remember: seek the unity which is the work of the Holy Spirit and do not be afraid of diversity. The breathing of Christians draws in the new air of the Holy Spirit and then exhales it upon the world: it is the prayer of praise and missionary outreach. Share baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in the Church. Spiritual ecumenism and the ecumenism of blood. The unity of the

78 Body of Christ.” In this heretical rant, Francis teaches that “Catholics” must fully embrace those who hold heretical positions. He shouts, “accept differences!”. He promotes the demonic, non-Catholic “Charismatic Renewal” and their so-called “baptism in the Holy Spirit”. Francis blasphemes the Holy Spirit by saying that He is the author of various heretical and schismatic sects and “Churches”. Francis says there are many non-Catholic martyrs. That is a rejection of the Catholic dogma that there are only Catholic martyrs. At the Council of Florence, [1441], Pope Eugene IV infallibly proclaimed that non-Catholics who even shed their blood “for Christ” go to Hell. Catholic dogma is exactly the opposite of what the heretic Antipope Francis teaches. Francis says more than once that we shouldn’t be concerned with those who reject various Catholic teachings. Francis teaches “do not be afraid of diversity”, for it is “the new air of the Holy Spirit”. Antipope Francis teaches that the unity of the Body of Christ is a unity between “Catholics” and those “Christians” who reject Catholic teachings. That is a clear profession that Protestants, etc. are in the Body of Christ – a total rejection of Catholic dogma. FRANCIS-- EVERYONE IN CEMETARIES IS IN HEAVEN: Francis’ November 1, 2014 “Angelus address”: “Today we praise God for the countless host of saints from all ages: simple and ordinary men and women, who were at times ‘last’ for the world, but ‘first’ for God. At the same time we remember our departed loved ones by visiting the cemeteries: it is a source of great consolation to think that they are in the company of the Virgin Mary, the apostles, the martyrs and all the saints of Heaven!” Francis here implies that all departed souls (including everyone’s loved ones) are in Heaven. No one is lost or even in Purgatory, according to him. FRANCIS-- DON'T WORRY ABOUT PROSELYTIZING: Francis’ November 7, 2014 address to “the Italian conference of major religious superiors”: “I would say this is the first thing: to help the Church to grow by way of attraction.

79 Without worrying about proselytizing…” Francis tells “major religious superiors” that they should not worry about trying to convert others to the Catholic faith (proselytizing). That is apostasy. FRANCIS-- worry about “offending” the Earth, than offending Almighty God: Francis’ November 20, 2014 address at the offices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN: “We have two conferences ahead of us, in Peru and France, which pose the challenge to us of caring for our planet. I remember a phrase that I heard from an elderly man many years ago: God always forgives … our misdemeanours, our abuse, God always forgives; men forgive at times; but the Earth never forgives. We must care for our sister the Earth, our Mother Earth, so that she does not respond with destruction.” First of all, God doesn’t always forgive. For example, God doesn’t forgive mortal sin unless a true Catholic, with the intention of not committing the sin again, properly confesses the mortal sin to a validly ordained priest. If that doesn’t happen, the person’s mortal sin is not forgiven. Francis says “our Mother” Earth “never forgives”. Antipope Francis says that “Mother Earth” may “respond with destruction” if we are not careful in our dealings with “her”. Francis is teaching that we need to be more worried about “offending” the Earth (as if that is possible) than offending Almighty God. Francis has promoted this kind of pantheistic nonsense in the past. It is completely heretical. FRANCIS-- EVERYONE GOES TO HEAVEN, "We will all be there together": Francis’ November 26, 2014 “catechesis” at his general audience: “This is the Church’s destination: it is, as the Bible says, the ‘new Jerusalem’, ‘Paradise’. More than a place, it is a ‘state’ of soul in which our deepest hopes are fulfilled in superabundance and our being, as creatures and as children of God, reach their full maturity. We will finally be clothed in the joy, peace and love of God, completely, without any limit, and we will come face to face with Him! (cf. 1 Cor 13:12). It is beautiful to think of this, to think of Heaven. We will all be there together. It is beautiful, it gives strength to the soul.”

80 Francis says Heaven is a “state” of soul in which “all” will be there together. This seems to be very similar to what the apostate Antipope John Paul II taught on this subject. FRANCIS- CHURCH MUST GROW BY ATTRACTION, NOT PROSELYTISM: Francis’ November 27, 2014 address to “pastors at the International Pastoral Congress”: “In urban pastoral care, quality will come from the capacity of the Church and of every Christian to bear witness. When Pope Benedict said that the Church does not grow through proselytism but through attraction, he was speaking about this.” Here Francis tells us that the Vatican 2 sect’s idea of bearing witness to the faith means not trying to convert non-Catholics. Francis once again quotes his apostate pal, Antipope Benedict 16th. FRANCIS- TAUGHT BY A MUFTI, THEN PRAYED AT A MOSQUE: Esma Cakir, Information Agency of Turkey: “What was the significance of that moment of such intense prayer that you had in the Mosque? Was it, for you, a way of turning to God? Is there something in particular that you would like to share with us?” Francis: “I went to Turkey as a pilgrim, not a tourist. And I went especially for today’s feast. I went precisely in order to celebrate it with Patriarch Bartholomew. It was for a religious reason. But then, when I entered the Mosque, I couldn’t say: now, I’m a tourist! No, it was completely religious. And I saw that wonder! The Mufti explained things very well to me, with such meekness, and using the Quran… He explained it all to me… At that moment I felt the need to pray. So I asked him: ‘Shall we pray a little?’. To which he responded: ‘Yes, yes’. I prayed for Turkey, for peace, for the Mufti, for everyone and for myself, as I need it … I prayed, sincerely…” Antipope Francis answers a question about his visit to the mosque by saying that it was a religious experience. He explains that he was taught by the Islamic mufti from the Quran. Francis clearly admits that his reason for going into the mosque “was completely religious”. Francis describes being taught by the Muslim leader saying, “he explained it all to me”. At this point, Francis said he was so moved while in the mosque that he

81 asked to pray with the Islamic leader. Francis says, “I felt the need to pray”. St Thomas Aquinas taught that if anyone were to worship at the tomb of Mohammed he would be deemed an apostate. Antipope Francis’ recent action without any doubt proves that he’s an apostate.

FRANCIS- CONCLUSIONS: To say that he [Francis] is not a heretic, as the false traditionalists do, is an incredible blasphemy. Yet, it has become obvious that most “Catholics” who have seen Francis’ heresies in word and deed, and still regard him as a Catholic, will never change their position, even if he taught heresy 50,000 times. That’s because they are faithless. Externals are more important to them than the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church. They simply reject the Church’s teaching that only those who profess the true faith can be considered in the Church. In fact, the dogmas Francis denies have been defined more frequently than the Church’s opposition to abortion. But that fact doesn’t make any difference to those false traditionalists. Almost every month or week, they will come out and complain or laugh about Francis’ latest blasphemy. They will endlessly whine about how Francis’ outrageous teaching is contrary to what true popes have taught throughout history. They will mock his false teaching and his false faith, failing to realize that they are only mocking themselves; for by recognizing him as a Catholic and the leader of the faithful, they simultaneously profess 82 that his “faith” (and thus what they mock) is true. Nevertheless, since they are evil, they will continue to profess that the wolf (Francis) has authority over the sheep, and that he is not a heretic. Their position is wicked, heretical, theologically ridiculous, and spiritually bankrupt. They are on the road to Hell, and they lead others to Hell. Those who hold this position (promoting heretics as Catholics) and those who follow such blind guides, who don’t serve Jesus Christ or believe in His faith, will pay the ultimate price in the eternal lake of fire. #################################################### WHAT NEXT? A STRING OF ANTI-POPES-- NOW?

The Great Apostasy and a counterfeit Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy:

Luke 18:8- “But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?”

83 In the Gospel, Our Lord Jesus Christ informs us that in the last days the true Faith would hardly be found on the earth. He tells us that “in the holy place” itself there will be “the abomination of desolation” (Mt. 24:15), and a deception so profound that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived (Mt. 24:24). Matthew 24:15- “When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand.” Matthew 24:24-25- “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.” 2 Thess. 2:3-5- “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt [apostasy] first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things?” In 1903, Pope St. Pius X thought that he might be seeing the beginning of the evils which will fully come to pass in the last days. Pope St. Pius X, E Supremi (# 5), Oct. 4, 1903: “… there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are

84 reserved for the last days; and that there may already be in the world the ‘Son of Perdition’ of whom the Apostle speaks (2 Thess. 2:3).” The New Testament tells us that this deception will happen in the very heart of the Church’s physical structures, in “the Temple of God” (2 Thess. 2:4) and “in the holy place” (Mt. 24:15). It will arise because people receive not the love of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10). In 2 Thessalonians 2, St. Paul speaks of the last days being characterized by a great apostasy that will be the worst ever – even worse than was experienced in the Arian crisis in the 4th century, in which an authentically Catholic priest was hardly to be found. Fr. William Jurgens: “At one point in the Church’s history, only a few years before Gregory’s [Nazianz] present preaching (A.D. 380), perhaps the number of Catholic bishops in possession of sees, as opposed to Arian bishops in possession of sees, was no greater than something between 1% and 3% of the total. Had doctrine been determined by popularity, today we should all be deniers of Christ and opponents of the Spirit.” Fr. William Jurgens: “In the time of the Emperor Valens (4th century), Basil was virtually the only orthodox Bishop in all the East who succeeded in retaining charge of his see… If it has no other importance for modern man, a knowledge of the history of Arianism should demonstrate at least that the Catholic Church takes no account of popularity and numbers in shaping and 85 maintaining doctrine: else, we should long since have had to abandon Basil and Hilary and Athanasius and Liberius and Ossius and call ourselves after Arius.” St. Gregory Nazianz (+380), Against the Arians: “Where are they who revile us for our poverty and pride themselves in their riches? They who define the Church by numbers and scorn the little flock?” If the Arian crisis – just a prelude to the Great Apostasy – was this extensive, how extensive will the Great Apostasy foretold by Our Lord and Saint Paul be? Prophecy of St. Nicholas of Fluh (1417-1487): “The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters.” St. Paul further says that this apostasy will result in a man sitting in the temple of God and “shewing himself as if he were God.” ...this is exactly what has happened by a man sitting in St. Peter’s Basilica declaring that he and everyone else is God. Fr. Herman Kramer was a Catholic priest who spent 30 years studying and writing a book on the Apocalypse. In his book, he wrote the following about St. Paul’s prophecy concerning the Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God.

86 “St. Paul says that Antichrist ‘sitteth in the temple of God’… This is not the ancient Temple of Jerusalem, nor a temple like it built by Antichrist, as some have thought, for then it would be his own temple… this temple is shown to be a Catholic Church, possibly one of the churches in Jerusalem or St. Peter’s in Rome, which is the largest church in the world and is in the full sense ‘The Temple of God.’” Notice that Kramer says that “the Temple of God ” probably refers to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Pope Pius XI, Quinguagesimo ante (#30), Dec. 23, 1929: “… such a great number of them came to the Basilica of St. Peter’s for the jubilee of indulgence that We have probably never seen that great temple so crowded.” The Catholic Encyclopedia article on “Antichrist” indicates that St. Bernard believed that the Antichrist would be an antipope: “...St. Bernard speaks in the passage of the Antipope [as the Beast of the Apocalypse].” Bl. Joachim (d. 1202): “Towards the end of the world, Antichrist will overthrow the pope and usurp his see.” But whether or not one believes that the Antichrist will be an antipope, it has definitely been prophesied that the forces of Antichrist will overtake Rome in the final days. On Sept. 19, 1846, Our Lady of La Salette prophesied that Rome would lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist in a final days Apostasy from the one true

87 Catholic Faith. Our Lady of La Salette, Sept. 19, 1846: “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ… the Church will be in eclipse.” This startling prophecy coincides with the prophecies in Sacred Scripture (Apocalypse 17 and 18), which inform us that the city of seven hills (Rome) will become a harlot (a counterfeit Bride of Christ), which will commit spiritual fornication (idolatry) and tread upon the blood of the saints (false ecumenism). The great harlot prophesied in the Bible is not the Catholic Church; it is a counterfeit Catholic Church, an apostate, phony Bride which arises in the last days to deceive Catholics and eclipse the true Church which has been reduced to a remnant. ...we [ ] will bring forward the overwhelming, undeniable, irrefutable evidence from doctrinal grounds and unassailable facts that the “Church” which has arisen with the Second Vatican Council (1962- 1965) is not the Catholic Church at all, but rather a massively fraudulent Counter- Church which denies the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church. We will show that the men who imposed this new Vatican II religion and the New Mass were not Catholics at all, but manifest heretics preaching a new religion. This may startle some, but this is a fact. Rome (not the Catholic Church) has lost the Faith (given way to a non-Catholic, counterfeit sect) and become the seat of the Antichrist.

88 In late 2001, the Pontifical Biblical Commission released a book entitled The Jewish People and the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible . The book argues that the Jews’ continued wait for the Messiah is validated and justified by the Old Testament. “The expectancy of the Messiah was justified in the Old Testament,” papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls explained, “and if the Old Testament keeps its value, then it keeps that as a value, too. It says you cannot just say all the Jews are wrong and we are right.” Asked by reporters whether his statements might be taken to suggest that the Messiah may not in fact have come, Navarro-Valls replied, “It means it would be wrong for a Catholic to wait for the Messiah, but not for a Jew.” This means that the Vatican now holds that the Jews are perfectly free to reject Christ; this is the teaching of the Vatican II “popes.” Rome has lost the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. 1 John 2:22 – “Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son.” But how did this come about, and what are Catholics to do about it? #################################################### WHAT NEXT? IS FRANCIS STILL REALLY YOUR POPE?

The Catholic Church teaches that a heretic

89 would cease to be pope, and that a heretic couldn’t be validly elected pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Heresy,” 1914, Vol. 7, p. 261: “The pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church.” Heresy is the obstinate denial or doubt by a baptized person of an article of divine and Catholic Faith. In other words, a baptized person who deliberately denies an authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church is a heretic. Martin Luther, perhaps the most notorious heretic in Church history, taught the heresy of Justification by faith alone, among many others. Besides antipopes reigning from Rome due to uncanonical elections, the Catholic Church teaches that if a pope were to become a heretic he would automatically lose his office and cease to be the pope. This is the teaching of all the doctors and fathers of the Church who addressed the issue: St. Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all

90 jurisdiction." St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: "This principle is most certain. The non-Christian cannot in any way be Pope, as Cajetan himself admits (ib. c. 26). The reason for this is that he cannot be head of what he is not a member; now he who is not a Christian is not a member of the Church, and a manifest heretic is not a Christian, as is clearly taught by St. Cyprian (lib. 4, epist. 2), St. Athanasius (Scr. 2 cont. Arian.), St. Augustine (lib. De great. Christ. Cap. 20), St. Jerome (contra Lucifer.) and others; therefore the manifest heretic cannot be Pope." St. Francis De Sales (17th century), Doctor of the Church, The Catholic Controversy, pp. 305-306: "Now when he [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..." St. Antoninus (1459): "In the case in which the pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off. A pope who would be separated from the Church by heresy, therefore, would by that very fact itself cease to be head of the Church. He could not be a heretic and remain pope, because, since he is outside of the Church, he cannot possess the keys of the Church." (Summa Theologica, cited in Actes de Vatican I. V. Frond pub.)

91 That a heretic cannot be a pope is rooted in the dogma that heretics are not members of the Catholic Church It should be noted that the teaching from the saints and doctors of the Church, which is quoted above – that a pope who became a heretic would automatically cease to be pope – is rooted in the infallible dogma that a heretic is not a member of the Catholic Church. Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives…” Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 23), June 29, 1943: “For not every sin, however grave it may be, is such as of its own nature to sever a man from the Body of the Church, as does schism or heresy or apostasy.” We can see that it’s the teaching of the Catholic Church that a man is severed from the Church by heresy, schism or apostasy. Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church,

92 whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.” Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9): “No one who merely disbelieves in all (these heresies) can for that reason regard himself as a Catholic or call himself one. For there may be or arise some other heresies, which are not set out in this work of ours, and, if any one holds to a single one of these he is not a Catholic.” Pope Innocent III, Eius exemplo, Dec. 18, 1208: “By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess the one Church, not of heretics, but the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church outside of which we believe that no one is saved.” Thus, it’s not merely the opinion of certain saints and doctors of the Church that a heretic would cease to be pope; it’s a fact inextricably bound up with a dogmatic teaching. A truth inextricably bound up with a dogma is called a dogmatic fact. It is, therefore, a dogmatic fact that a heretic cannot be the pope. A heretic cannot be the pope, since one who is outside cannot head that of which he is not even a member. Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (#15), June 29, 1896: “No one, therefore, unless in communion with Peter can share in his authority, since it is absurd to imagine that he who is outside can command in the Church.”

93 Pope Paul IV issued a Papal Bull solemnly declaring that the election of a heretic as pope is null and void. In 1559 Pope Paul IV issued an entire Papal Bull dealing with the subject and the possibility of a heretic being elected pope. At the time that Paul IV issued the Bull there were rumors that one of the cardinals was a secret Protestant. In order to prevent the election of such a heretic to the Papacy, Pope Paul IV solemnly declared that a heretic cannot be validly elected pope. Below are the pertinent portions of the Bull: Pope Paul IV, Bull Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, Feb. 15, 1559: “1… Remembering also that, where danger is greater, it must more fully and more diligently be counteracted, We have been concerned lest false prophets or others, even if they have only secular jurisdiction, should wretchedly ensnare the souls of the simple, and drag with them into perdition, destruction and damnation countless peoples committed to their care and rule, either in spiritual or in temporal matters; and We have been concerned also lest it may befall us to see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by the prophet Daniel, in the holy place. In view of this, Our desire has been to fulfill our Pastoral duty, insofar as, with the help of God, we are able, so as to arrest the foxes who are occupying themselves in the destruction of the vineyard of the Lord and to keep the wolves from the sheepfolds, lest We seem to be dumb watchdogs that cannot bark and lest We perish with the wicked husbandman and be compared with the

94 hireling… 6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:-] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy: (i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless; (ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all, nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation; (iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way… (vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power… 10. No one at all, therefore, may infringe this document of our

95 approbation, reintroduction, sanction, statute and derogation of wills and decrees, or by rash presumption contradict it. If anyone, however, should presume to attempt this, let him know that he is destined to incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul. Given in Rome at Saint Peter's in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1559, 15th February, in the fourth year of our Pontificate. + I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church…” With the fullness of his papal authority, Pope Paul IV declared that the election of a heretic is invalid, even if it takes place with the unanimous consent of the cardinals and is accepted by all. Pope Paul IV also declared that he was making this declaration in order to combat the arrival of the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, in the holy place. This is astounding, and it seems to indicate that the Magisterium itself is connecting the eventual arrival of the abomination of desolation in the holy place (Matthew 24:15) with a heretic posing as the pope – perhaps because the heretic posing as the pope will give us the abomination of desolation in the holy place (the New Mass), as we believe is the case, or because the heretical antipope will himself constitute the abomination of desolation in the holy place. The Catholic Encyclopedia repeats this truth declared by Pope Paul IV

96 by asserting that the election of a heretic as pope would, of course, be completely null and void. The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Papal Elections,” 1914, Vol. 11, p. 456: "Of course, the election of a heretic, schismatic, or female [as Pope] would be null and void." In line with the truth that a heretic cannot be the pope, the Church teaches that heretics cannot be prayed for in the canon of the Mass. A pope is prayed for in the Te Igitur prayer of the canon of the Mass. But the Church also teaches that heretics cannot be prayed for in the canon of the Mass. If a heretic could be a true pope, there would be an insoluble dilemma. But it’s actually not a dilemma because a heretic cannot be a valid pope: Libellus professionis fidei, April 2, 517, profession of faith prescribed under Pope St. Hormisdas: “And, therefore, I hope that I may merit to be in the one communion with you, which the Apostolic See proclaims, in which there is the whole and the true solidity of the Christian religion, promising that in the future the names of those separated from the communion of the Catholic Church, that is, those not agreeing with the Apostolic See, shall not be read during the sacred mysteries. But if I shall attempt in any way to deviate from my profession, I confess that I am a confederate in my opinion with those whom I have condemned. However, I have with my own hand signed this profession of mine, and to you, HORMISDAS, the holy and venerable Pope of the City of Rome, I

97 have directed it.” Pope Benedict XIV, Ex Quo Primum (# 23), March 1, 1756: “Moreover heretics and schismatics are subject to the censure of major excommunication by the law of Can. de Ligu. 23, quest. 5, and Can. Nulli, 5, dist. 19. But the sacred canons of the Church forbid public prayer for the excommunicated as can be seen in chap. A nobis, 2, and chap. Sacris on the sentence of excommunication. Though this does not forbid prayer for their conversion, still such prayer must not take the form of proclaiming their names in the solemn prayer during the sacrifice of the Mass.” Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra (# 9), January 6, 1873: “For this reason John, Bishop of Constantinople, solemnly declared – and the entire Eighth Ecumenical Council did so later – ‘that the names of those who were separated from communion with the Catholic Church, that is of those who did not agree in all matters with the Apostolic See, are not to be read out during the sacred mysteries.’” #################################################### WHAT NEXT? IF YOU HAVE NO POPE, WHAT DO YOU DO?