Of Other Faiths Not Principle of Church in World Relations, Pope Says
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/y, i-sÉi * Ai ^, <9 m Official Organ of thc Diocese of Pittsburgh-Founded in 1844 TWO DOLLARS PEE TEA* 110th Year-No. 41 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 SINGLE COf^ ITVE CENTS Palish Bishops9 Day of Prayer m .. Oath of Loyally V ' ffisfllsfe w. — For Persecuted Believed Forced Set for Sunday % Vatican City» Dec. a I—A report that the Bishops of Poland have taken a special oath of loyalty to In the Pittsburgh and the Communist regime ruling Po* Greensburg diccteses, and land has not been verified, and, if throughout the United States, true, can only mean that compul- 8 sion was used io exact such an the la|t Sunday of this year, oath, "L'Osservatore Romano," Dec. «7, will be observed a» Vatican City daily, said Saturday. a day ¿of prayer for the Bish- The Communist Warsaw radio had iops, priests and laity: who ar® broadcast the story of the taking victims of persecution.; of the oath on Friday. I' On that day, th^Sso / millioa "ii'Osservatore" said that "con- Catholics in this country are be- ¡1 ditions in Poland are themselves ing asked to Join in prayer that is enough to make us understand that f God will strengthen their perse- the gesture ascribed to the Bishops was not free, but the result of lone cuted brethren, and that light and moral, administrative and physical repentance may be given their per* S violence. The reports that the secutors. Polish Bishops have taken the oath Bishop John F. Dearth of Pitts- must be judged against the back- burgh and Bishop Hughl/L. Lamb ground of the general climate that of Greensburg have directed their has been created in these last priests to. lead the members of • mm months, perhaps by forces alien to their congregations li|j special Poland, and of which we ha^e Only prayers at the Masses on Sunday, a faint ideai". or at Sunday devotions. The Vatican paper recalled, as 30 Becojne Priests The special! day of prayer is ia an example of the conditions it re- 'Repression' of Other Faiths accordance with a decision ireach- ferred to. that Cardinal Stefan At College in Rome ed by the American Bishop* at Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, had their recent annual mieeting hi been spirited away, so that even Not Principle of Church in Washington. A joint statement today no one in the outside world Rome, Dec. 19—Thirty seminar- ians of the North American Col- adopted by the Bishops at ^ the knows with certainty where he is. meeting expressed the j deepest •L An oath taken under duress'is, lege here were ordained to the World Relations, Pope Says priesthood today in the chapel of grief at ^bitterest, bloodiest per- L'Osservatore" stated, "objective- secution in history" against those / invalid, and the Government the College whose new premises on - jj ¡¡jjj — ^ggB|M||[HMHH the Janiculum Hill were persoi whoH believe in God land His knows this very well. But for the Vatican City, Dec. 10—While the Church insists that all Church. The Bishops promised the oppressors of Warsaw all this does ly blessed by His Holiness P Pius Xli last I October. men should follow what is objectively true and good, she sufferers to "bind in prayer the not count; they will consider it wounds you suffer for justice's valid and will useJt as a pseudo- The ordaining prelate was Bish- does not say that it is of obligation to Use state laws and co- sake." legal weapon for further viole rice. op Martin J. O'Connor, rector of ercive measures to repress error, Pope Pius XII told mem- the College. The ordinMion was Dec. 27 will mark the third the first since, the dedication of its; bers of the Union of Italian Catholic Jurists whom he re- annual observance of a day of HOLYDAY new buildingr ceived in audience during the group's fifth national conven- prayer for the Church in chains. tion. Both last year and the year before Friday, Jan. 1, the Feast of American Catholics gathered in The Pontiff o u 11 ine d the the Circumcision of Oar Lord, churches and in their hon»es on Church's principles and practices k a Holy Day, when all Cath- Work on snrine in the last Sunday of the year to sup- regarding the problems of relig- am olics are under obligation te as- plicate God for their brethren in sist at Maas aad abstain aa far ious liberty in the community of\ bonds. ^ r j Scheduled to Start in 1954 nations. j / - - •-."*• i as jMrible from servile work. The statement issued by the' Si The first principle laid down by Bishops asked that "there be sup- the Pope concerned objective truth Washington, Dec. 21—Work on the superstructure of the i plication to Goci and penance that and the obligation of individual His grace be poured out in super-K National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, herd, will consciences toward what is objec- To The Point definitely begin in 1954, it has been announced by Archbishop abundant measure to strengthen BY THE EDITO* ' tively tru^ and good. In this, he those who hold the place of honor John F. Noll, Bishop of Fort Wayne and chairman of the said there jcanj be no compromise. and of danger in the new warfare American Bishops' Committee for the National Shrine. The second principle concerned Russia Replies 1 launched against the Church. ¡|g| ——•——-—' —• ' i""- ""-'" • Commenting on what he called The headline Monday, "Russia the practical tolerance Lof a variety "Let us all cherish in our hearts: the "heart-warming" success of Agrees" (to discuss the plan pro- of religious beliefs and. practices. the epic story of our Martyrs and the nation-wide appeal for funds posed on Dec. 8 by President Eis- Name Directors "The duty to repress religious Confessors. Let us tell this story for the Shrine, Archbishop Noll enhower for an j||international and moral deviations," the Pope to our children that they may learn declared; "Thank God for the 1 "pool" of atomic materials for For Greensburg J declared, "cannot be ... an ulti- the names o otepinac and Minds- a wonderful love and devotion our » o n - military purposes) looked mate norm for action. It must be zenty and Wyszynski, of Beran, of people in the United j States havè enough like a peace message to fit Marriage Class subordinated to higher and more Cule, of Ford and of Byrne, along fpr the Mother of God." the Christmas season. But one general normsi, which in some cir- with the heroes of the Faith in "From every part I of the na- would have to be extremely hope- cumstances permit and even make ages past; that they may under^ Priest-directors have been tion," he continued, "we have re- ful and optimistic to overlook the named by Bishop Hugh L. Lamb it perhaps apnear as the better stand how gre&t it is to be a Cathf ceived word indicating that our fact that in seeming to "agree" to of Greensburg for the six-week part not to impede erprtor, in order olic." - • •• [J . people really >• want th|s shrine to talk, the Krenklin has, as usual, marriage preparation course to be to promote a greater gbod." the Blessed Virgin built, and as tried to set up decisions before conducted in seven cities of the No Compromise' with Conscience soon as possible. While, necèsar- there is any talk. Greensburg Diocese, beginning The Pope emphasized that the Arrest 'Sisters' . iiy, it will be some time before we Jan. 10. The course, which, is individual can never compromise While > the Russian t statement know the amount raised in Sun- under the general direction j of his conscience when there is a In Charity Fake was, in some' respects, almost day's collections across the coun- friendly—it even referred to Mr. Very Rev. Cyril J. Vogel, chan- question of following what is ob- try, all early indications point to , ' -a J- Eisenhower as one of the "out- cellor of the Greensburg-Diocese, jectively true and good. But he the fact that'it was a magnificent Three women, wearing, over standing military leaders in the will consist of lecturles and discus- added that ii_would^be most diffi- success." their street clothes, "habits" simi» l*$t world war"—it sounds rather sions, with priests, attorneys and cult to discuss any regulation on Archbishop* Noll said that the lar to those worn by members of1 like a propaganda piece, to con- physicians taking part. objective truth and good between architects of the shrine aie work- Catholic religious orders, were ar- vince the Communist world that One of the centers for the states, ¿specially in the case of ia ing at top speed to put plans into rested Monday afternoon in Wil- the Kremlin wants peace and that course will be ajt Blessed Sacra- plurality lof religious groups within final form, and that the blueprints kinsburg on charges of false pre* the western nations threaten ag- ment Cathedral, Greensburg, with the community are to be read4 by July. He stress- tense and of violation of i a bor- gression. It agrees to-talk about 'Rev. Austin J. Staley, O.S.B., of ed thé fact that the Shrine is a Nevért îeless the Pope insisted ough ¡1 ordinance which forbids the Eisenhower proposal, but it St. Vincent's College, Latrobej as tremendous building project; it that in growing community of charity solicitation without a li- complaints that all atomic mate- director.