Studies in Communication Sciences 17.1 (2017), pp.137–140 Migration and Swiss identity: How much space for the foreign in the familiar? Diana Ingenhoff, University of Fribourg, DCM – Departement für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung
[email protected] Twentyfive years ago, in 1992, the Seville and their relations to media reception. Expo world exhibition took place on the Dr. Camelia Beciu, professor at University subject of “national identity”. The Swiss of Bucharest in communication sciences pavilion presented its country in a rather and senior researcher at the Institute of controversial and provocative way with Sociology, Romanian Academy, presented the slogan “La Suisse n’existe pas” (Swit- an analysis of the contexts and discours- zerland does not exist), created by the art- es of migration in Europe with respect to ist Ben Vautier. Romania and Great Britain. Alina Dolea, Today, the topic is even more relevant former Fulbright Fellow at University of and up-to-date, probably more so than Southern California, associate lecturer at ever before, as voting results show society University of Bucharest, Romania, con- to be deeply divided on many aspects of nected the construction of the image of the issue. the other with the self-image, resulting in Therefore, the Swiss Academy of Hu- discourses of “sameness” and “difference”. manities and Social Sciences (SAHSS) Subsequently, Alexander Buhmann, assis- launched a series of events under the slo- tant professor at BI Norwegian Business gan “La Suisse existe – la Suisse n’existe School, gave examples of the handling of pas” – one of them dedicated to “Con- refugees in Norway and Sweden.