Seminar Comparative Constitutional Law Switzerland – China – Hong Kong Freedom of Speech and Assembly in China, Hong Kong and Switzerland Prof. Dr. Christine Kaufmann and Prof. Dr. Johannes Chan Nicole Fröhlich Im Staubenweidli 15 8820 Wädenswil 079 271 66 31
[email protected] University of Zürich Law Faculty 4th Semester Zürich, September 15, 2008 Bibliography _______________________________________________________________ I Abbreviations _____________________________________________________________IV Introduction _____________________________________________________________- 1 - 1. Freedom of Speech and Assembly in China ________________________________- 1 - 1.1 Development __________________________________________________________ - 1 - 1.1.1 Individual Rights in Traditional China ___________________________________________ - 1 - 1.1.2 Individual Rights in the PRC___________________________________________________ - 2 - 1.2 Sources of Law ________________________________________________________ - 3 - 1.2.1 Domestic Law ______________________________________________________________ - 3 - 1.2.2 International Law ___________________________________________________________ - 3 - 1.3 Content ______________________________________________________________ - 4 - 1.3.1 Subjects ___________________________________________________________________ - 4 - 1.3.2 Scope_____________________________________________________________________ - 4 - 1.3.3 Restrictions ________________________________________________________________ - 5 - 1.4