The Royal Engineers Journal
THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL. Vol. XXIII. No. 2. FEBRUARY, 1916. CONTENTS. I'AlhK. 1. Replacement of Destroyed Masonry Arch wA.h Three-Hinged Timber-Braced Arch. By Capt. G. C. GOWLLAND, R.'1. (W'ith Photos and Plates) 49 2. Timber Girders. By Major R. H. CTN:UINNGTON, R.E. ... .. ... 6I 3. Sieges and the Defence of Fortiteed Places by the British and Indian Armies in the XIXth Century (contclt/dd). By Col. Sir EDWARD T. TIIACK.RAY, V.C., K.C.B., late R.E.: The Siege of Ladysmith ...... 63 4. Notice of Magazine:-R-tz,ue Ailitaire Suiss¢: Supplement, "The European War": The Contest for Hill 60- The Second Battle of Ypres-The British Retreat-Tlle Franco-Belgian Counter-Attack-The Bombardment of Dunkirk. By Major W. A. J. O'MEARA, C.M.G., P.s.r., late R.E. (Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple) ... --- -- * - ^ ^ INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE _ __ _____,___.___.___v- BULLIVANT & CO., Ltd., MAKERS OF STEEL WIRE ROPES FOR CRANES, LIFTS, HOISTS, WINDING and HAULING, Etc. DURABLE AND RELIABLE. BULLIVANTS' Wire Rope Suspension Bridges. Specially adaptable for long spans over Rivers, combining great strength with minimum weight and cost. BLOCKS, PULLEYS, AND ALL WIRE ROTE APPLIANCzS. O,ice.: 72, Mark Lane, E.C. works: Millwall, London, E. Telephone No.-East 37.e4a LineA). Telecraplhic Addre s:--" ,ctiveIr,onorks,l MIILLEAST. LONDON" (3 words only chargeable). MATTW. T. SHAW & CO., Ltd., MILLWALL, LONDON, E. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK, FRAMED BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, ROOFS, Etc. I.arge Stocks of Joists, Clhannels, Angles, Tees, Ilats, Plates, Chequers, Rounds, Squares, Rivets, Bolls, (alvanized Sheets, etc., etc.
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