VLADIMIR HANGA (Cluj, Romania) the Legal Arguments of The

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VLADIMIR HANGA (Cluj, Romania) the Legal Arguments of The VLADIMIR HANGA (Cluj, Romania) The Legal Arguments of the Romanian Claims in the Supplex Libellus Valachorum The crisis of the feudal order intensified in Transylvania during the second half of the eighteenth century. The seeds of capitalism began to develop rapidly, the exploitation of serfs intensified, and the aggravation of social contradictions brought about powerful social movements culminating in the great peasant uprising led by Horia, Clo?ca, and Cri§an.1 Obviously, reforms could not solve the socio- political problems of decaying feudalism.2 Parallel with the struggle conducted by the Romanian serfs, together with the serfs of other nations, against the feudal regime, the Romanian ruling class, now in a formative stage, worked energetically for the Romanians' national emancipation. Romanians were merely "tolerated," despite being the large majority of the Transylvania population. The leading Romanian class conceived a political program in accordance with the state of affairs in Transylvania and the aspirations of the epoch. The credo of this class was first formulated by Inochentie Micu Clain- Klein,3 in memorials he addressed to the imperial court in Vienna over a period of sixteen years.4 Based upon powerful historical5 and legal6 arguments, Clain demanded that Romanians be recognized as the fourth nation of the state, with rights equal to those of the other inhabitants of Transylvania. These demands were voiced in the comprehensive and judicious memorial; which the bishops Gherasim Adamovici and loan Bob presented in 1791 to the emperor, Leopold II, on behalf of the Romanian population of Transylvania. Known as the Supplex Libellus Valachorum this document is the most important political act of the Transylvanian Romanians in the eighteenth century. Synthesizing the general 1. Concerning peasant movements, see N. Densuseanu, Revolu?ia lui Horia in Ardeal.§i Ungaria (Bucurejti: C. G6bl, 1884); and more recently, I. Toth Zoltan, Mi3carile, t?rane?tidin MunSiiApuseni pina la 1848 (Bucure3ti: Editura Academiei R.P.R., 1955), p. 130 ff. 2. A. O;ctea, ed., Istoria Romaniei, 4 vols. (Bucurejti: Editura Academiei R.P.R., 196(1-641I11. 792: and Din Ictoria Transilvaniei.3rd ed. (Bucure$ti: Editura Academiei R.S.R., 3. See Augustin Bunea, Din istoria rominilor: Episcopul Ioan Inocenlie Klein (1728-1751) (Blaj, 1900); and particularly D. Prodan, Supplex Libellus Valachorum (Bucuresti: Editura stiinti6ca?,1967),p.l37ff. ? 4. The most important memorial is dated 8 March 1835 (see the text in T. V. Pacafian, Cartea de Aur sau luptele politice-nalionale ale Românilor de sub Coroana ungara, 2nd ed., 8 vols. (Sibiu: I. Marschall, 1904-15), I, 60; other petitions and memorialswere addressed to the government or to the Transylvanian diet. 5. The historical argument was founded upon the antiquity of indigenous Romanians in Transylvania. 6. The legal argument stemmed from natural law; corresponding to their numbers, Ro- manians had twice the tasks of other nationalities combined; see Bunea, p. 75 ff. 7. The title of the 1791 edition published by loan Piuariu in last isRepraesentatioet humillimae preces universae in Transylvania valachicae nationis; I. C. Eder entitled it Supplex Libellus Valachorum Transsilvaniae, in his edition published at Cluj, 1791; the Romanian 146 demands of Transylvanian Romanians, the tightly reasoned memorial became the actual program of action for more than half a century. Joseph II's rational policy of reform by decree, i.e. enlightened absolutism- josephism,8 aimed to adapt society in a time of flux to new socioeconomic condi- tions. Despite expanding functions, the state remained nonetheless feudal9 in character, because the rising bourgeoisie was not yet strong enough to overturn the old social structure by revolutionary means, as had occurred in France. The great nobility and higher clergy opposed the new reforms and their applica- tion. On the other hand, the rising bourgeoisie-particularly of the politically inferior peoples-embraced warmly the new reforms, seeing in their implementation the possibility of their political and national emancipation. But the bourgeoisie was not strong enough to counteract the intrigues of the great nobles and open the road to revolution. Hoping for imperial concessions, the bourgeoisie largely disregarded alliance with the masses. It was inevitable that reaction should triumph; shortly before his death, Joseph II revoked his projected reforms.1° Under the reign of Joseph's successor, Leopold II, the cancellation of the reforms became the nobility's common slogan in its struggle against the Josephinist system. But such a constitutional reorganization also involved revisions. The tottering imperial institu- tions simply could not be restored, but only revised to a limited degree. The rising course of history knows no "total" return. The road to reforms could not be blocked at a time in which the Enlightenment opened the way overseas, and especially when the revolutionary bourgeoisie over- threw the old feudal establishment in France and erected the foundations of a new order.11 France's example constituted a goal for the progressive forces in Europe and a warning to the reactionary nobility, which misunderstood the sense of the age. For the Romanian people this historical moment was highly favorable. Reform- ism meant for them paving the way for political and national emancipation. The Romanian people formulated their demands when all political groups in the country were doing so. This was also a time when constitutional "restorations" became the watchword. Romanians profited from the domestic situation, were inspired by foreign examples, and began to emulate them.l2 In seeking a constitu- translation of the text by Elie Daianu is in Pldt;ïanu, I, 114; the latest, and most accurate Latin edition and Romanian translation of the memorial is by Prodan, p. 475 ff; the latter is the chief work on this problem. 8. Of recent works concerning the enlightened despotism of Joseph II, see Fr. Valjavec, Der Josephinismus (Brünn: Rohrer, 1944); Ká1mán Benda, "A jozefinizmus 6s jakobinussig k6rd6sei a Habsburg-Monarchiiban," Tartinelmi Szemle ( 1965), p. 386 ff; and Prodan, p. 239 f. 9. Regarding the consequences of Josephinism upon the Transylvanian Romanians see N. Iorga, Istoria rominitor, 9 vols. in 10 (Bucure?ti: n. publ., 1936-38), VIII, 23 ff. 10. On 28 January 1790 the emperor revoked all the reform dispositions, except decrees concerning serfs, clergy, and toleration; the emperor's death occurred on 20 February of the same year. 11. See A. Soboul, La R4101,i tion fianqaise,1789-1799 (Paris: Editions sociales, (1948)), passim. 12. See Prodan, passim, which offers a lively and complete image of the epoch. .
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    ÎNTRE VIENA ŞI MOSCOVA. PROTOPOPUL ŞI VICARUL GENERAL NICOLAE POP BALOMIRI (CCA. 1710-CCA. 1764)∗ Cristian Ioan POPA∗∗ Between Vienna and Moscow: The Protopope and the General Vicar Nicolae Pop Balomiri (c. 1710 to c. 1764) Abstract. This article explores the life of Nicolae Pop Balomiri, a Greek-Catholic Protopope and Orthodox Archimandrite. Appointed General Vicar by the exiled Bishop Inochentie Micu- Klein in 1747, Balomiri fled Transylvania shortly afterwards when the Court in Vienna refused to acknowledge his appointment, instead supporting his predecessor, Petru Pavel Aaron. Early on in his exile, Balomiri converted to Orthodoxy, and was later made Archimandrite of the Monastery of Curtea de Argeş. From exile in Wallachia, he continued to campaign for the rights of Romanian Orthodox Christians in Transylvania, lobbying Russian Empress Elisabeta Petrovna to intervene with the Viennese to request a non-United bishop for Transylvania. Many historians have glossed over Balomiri’s importance, possibly because of his controversial role as an apostate priest. Keywords: Nicolae Pop Balomiri, Nicolae Balomireanul, protopope, Greek-Catholic Church, Moscow, Empress Elisabeta Petrovna. Cuvinte-cheie: Nicolae Pop Balomiri, Nicolae Balomireanul, protopop, biserica greco-catolică, Moscova, împărăteasa Elisabeta Petrovna. Preambul O figură de seamă a românilor din Transilvania în secolul al XVIII-lea a fost protopopul Nicolae Pop, care, originar fiind din localitatea Balomir (azi judeţul Alba), era cunoscut şi ca „Balomiri”, „Balomireanul” sau „din Balomir”. Preocupările privind persoana acestuia nu sunt deosebite. S-au publicat doar două studii care i-au fost dedicate în mod special, unul în urmă cu peste şapte decenii1, celălalt de dată recentă2, ambele scrise însă din perspectivă confesională şi nu istorică.
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