Members of Parish Council meeting held at 7.00pm on 15 th September 2015 in Village Hall, Small Hall, High Street, Bembridge

PRESENT: Cllr M Tarrant (Chairman), Cllr D Grannum, Cllr S Pigot, Cllr G Kendall, Cllr S Pigot, Cllr S Weedall, Cllr B Bristow, Cllr A Woodford, Cllr M Humphray, Cllr P Pugh, Mrs E Goldring (Clerk) and Mrs J McDade (Assistant Clerk) PUBLIC: 5 and County Press

GUEST SPEAKER: Domestic Abuse of the Elderly – Rosie Rae Age UK Deferred to another month

PUBLIC FORUM: Island Roads have been chased about the potholes in the village. Ms Chieseman raised concerns over the outside lighting at the McCarthy and Stone development being too bright and affecting the neighbouring properties. Residents have written to McCarthy and Stone asking for the lights to be dimmed. The Lanterns Residents Association will also be writing as their properties are also being affected. Cllr Kendall will speak with Island Roads about lighting regulations.

1. 141/15 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to our new Councillor Shelia Weedall, hope you enjoy the council and find the role fulfilling. Would like to remind councillors to respond to the Hampshire and Village of the Year Awards invitation on 7 th October. The Macmillan Coffee morning will take place on Friday 25 th September in the parish office starting at 10.00am. Cake donations are welcomed. Congratulations for all those who took part in the Cricket Match. Looking forward to the rematch next year.

2. 142/15 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence Apologies from Cllr B Dyer holiday and Cllr J Marr work.

3. 143/15 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 143/15/01 To receive declarations of pecuniary or other interests relating to items on the agenda None received 143/15/02 To consider requests and grant dispensations if appropriate No requests

4. 144/15 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To receive for approval minutes of the Council meeting held on 21 st July and Extraordinary Meeting 17 th August 2015 RESOLVED: Approved minutes of the Council meeting held on 21st July and Extraordinary Meeting 17 th August 2015 and duly signed by the Chairman

5. 145/15 PLANNING COMMITTEE To note minutes of the Planning Committees held on 21 st July and 4 th August 2015 RESOLVED: Noted minutes of the Planning Committees held on 21st July and 4 th August 2015

6. 146/15 FINANCE 146/15/01 To approve bank reconciliation and cash balances to 13 th August & 10 th September 2015 RESOLVED : Approved bank reconciliation and cash balances to 13 th August & 10 th September 2015 146/15/02 To approve schedule of payments to 13th August and 10th September 2015 RESOLVED: Approved schedule of payments to 13th August and 10th September 2015 146/15/03 To approve Audit BDO amending box 9 of the annual return for the year to 31 March 2014 to £1,144,212.68 (being the figure for 2015 £1,192,422.47 minus the additions of £48,209.79 in that year) RESOLVED: Approved Audit BDO amending box 9 of the annual return for the year to 31 March 2014 to £1,144,212.68 146/15/04 To note the mid-year budget position RESOLVED: Noted the mid-year budget position

7. 147/15 REPORTS To receive the following reports: 147/15/01 Hampshire Association of Local Councils Mrs Goldring will attend the AGM on 10 th October 2015 147/15/02 Village Hall Management Committee Routine meeting 147/15/03 Bembridge Youth & Community Centre Management Committee Future plans will be discussed with the Parish Council. Christmas event is on 19 th December will be the same format as last year. Festival of Sports event had to be cancelled due to the bad weather. The bar is doing well with increased private party bookings. 147/15/04 Village Partnership (plus Green Town Steering Group) Next meetings 23 rd September. Following the departure of Alice Lee the Green Towns group require a new chairman. The final summer beach clean takes place on Saturday 19 th September all welcome. The Green Towns will have a guest speaker from the East Wight Partnership at next week’s meeting. 147/15/05 Finance & Staffing Advisory Group All on track. No concerns items that were discussed feature on this agenda. 147/15/06 Harbour In-between meetings. Mr Thorpe has sent out a questionnaire for views on the Harbour and works that have taken place so far to see what people think. 147/15/07 St Helens Medical Centre Patient Forum Next meeting on 29 th October 2015. 147/15/08 Bembridge Bathing Water Defra have confirmed that Bembridge will not be de-designated despite very low use of the beach. Suggestion made to appoint voluntary wardens to look out for pollution incidents and other issues that might affect water quality. 147/15/09 Reduction in Crime & Disorder and Protection of Bio-diversity Not discussed as not going for the Local Council Awards Scheme Gold Award which would require an update on these items.

147/15/10 Other reports Cllrs Bacon and Kendall walked the ward with Mr B Murphy (IWC) and Mr P Herbert and Mr M Shaw (Island Roads). Mr Murphy was not happy with the planning application from Savilles for Steyne Road with regards the drainage plans. The drainage works on Steyne Road are due to take place in January 2016 with the resurfacing to commence when the weather allows. Church Road resurfacing to take place spring 2016. They were critical of the build quality of the pedestrian crossing installed by McCarthy and Stone in Church Road. Kings Road by the Pilot Boat speed and safety concerns were discussed and were the problems at Lane End shops.

147/15/11 Clerk’s report PARISH COUNCIL ELECTION UNCONTESTED Sheila Weedall has been elected uncontested to the Bembridge Parish North ward on 17th August 2015. Sheila is an active member of the Green Towns Steering Group which organises beach cleans, litter picks, rights of way projects and much more. We welcome Sheila to the Parish Council.

CRICKET FUNDING SUCCESS Bembridge Parish Council has received funding of £9,681.00 from Awards for All for a new cricket wicket, shock pad and professional installation. Plus a new training wicket, shock pad and professional installation for the new training area on the old Petanque area and training nets. The current wicket has been in position for over 20 years! The full project cost is £13,462.76. Contributions have been received £250.00 from the Cliff Morgan donation, £100.00 from Terence Willy Solicitors and £150.00 from a local resident. Plus £3,000.00 from Bembridge Parish Council – Steyne Park Project budget. Bembridge Parish Council hosted a cricket match on Sunday 6th September vs the Community and lost by a couple of runs. Fun was had by all and £249.00 was raised selling teas, cakes, BBQ and drinks covering the small deficit of the project total. The project delivery will be full steam ahead to ensure all of the new facilities are ready for the new season in April 2016.

WIGHT IN BLOOM SUCCESS Wight in Bloom is open to all Island residents and organisations with the aim to make the Island a brighter, greener place to live and visit. The awards were presented by the celebrity gardener and TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh, who was revealed as Patron of the newly introduced horticultural competition at a “floating garden” launch event held on board ’s Red Eagle car ferry in May. The results come after judges visited Island gardens earlier this summer. Entries were shortlisted for one of the nine awards on offer and judged by a team of volunteers that included Island horticultural businesses, as well as Peggy Jarman, Honorary President of Wight in Bloom.

Category 2 – Best Large Front Garden Sponsored by Thompson Plant & Garden Centre 1st Hilary Wellsted, Bembridge

Category 4 – Best Accommodation Garden Sponsored by Busy Bee Garden Centre 1st The Havelock 2nd Bembridge Coast Hotel

Category 6 – Best Young People Initiative Sponsored by Honnor & Jeffrey Garden Centre 1st Bembridge C of E Primary 2nd The Children’s House Montessori Highly Commended Northwood Primary School

Category 7 – Best Community Floral Project Sponsored by Ager Farm Nursery 1st Aspire, Trinity Building, 2nd East Floating Bridge and Carosal – Care in the Garden, Wootton Highly Commended War Memorial Gardens Bembridge – Bembridge Weeders

Congratulations to all the Bembridge winners.

BEACH CLEAN – SATURDAY 19 th SEPTEMBER The final beach clean of the summer season is on 19th September. I hope lots of people can make it! We will be starting at 10.00am from 5 points down the beach: 1) The end of Beach Road (opposite the Pilot Boat Inn), 2) Ducie steps, 3) Swains Lane steps, 4) The lifeboat pier, 5) The Crab and Lobster You can choose whichever starting point is most convenient for you -which one will you go for?! There will be a volunteer to meet you and give you gloves, bags and litter pickers and wish you well. Look out for posters!

MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING – FRIDAY 25 th SEPTEMBER This year's parish Macmillan Coffee Morning will be held on Friday 25th September, 10am - 12 noon in the Parish Office. Cake donations most welcome. Please come along and support this fantastic cause.

BUS ROUTE 8 PLANS From 6th September are withdrawing the 19.40 and 21.40 from Newport along with the 20.00 and 22.00 from Ryde and the 06.45 on Saturdays meaning the evening service will become 2 hourly and not every hour. Bembridge Parish Council is working with other parish councils along the route and Southern Vectis to try to re-instate some of the evening buses from March next year, as it is too late to start from September. We will keep residents updated on the situation.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Beach Clean Saturday 19th September 2015 10.00am MacMillan Coffee Morning - Friday 25th September 10.00-12noon in the Parish Office Bembridge Harbour Food Festival – 2nd – 4th October 2015 Hampshire & Isle of Wight Village of the Year Awards BHYC– Wednesday 7 th October 2015 6.00pm Bonfire and Fireworks Event Steyne Park - Saturday 7th November 2015 5.00pm

FULL COUNCIL MEETINGS Tuesday 15 th September 7.00pm Village Hall Tuesday 20 th October 7.00pm Village Hall Tuesday 17 th November 7.00pm Village Hall Tuesday 15 th December 7.00pm Village Hall PLANNING MEETINGS Tuesday 15 th September 6.30pm Village Hall Tuesday 6 th October 6.00pm Village Hall Tuesday 20 th October 6.30pm Village Hall Tuesday 3 rd November 6.00pm Village Hall Tuesday 17 th November 6.30pm Village Hall Tuesday 1 st December 6.00pm Village Hall Tuesday 15 th December 6.30pm Village Hall

8. 148/15 BB22 FOOTPATH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT To consider a proposal for the Footpath Improvement Project for BB22 through Steyne Wood in partnership with Isle of Wight Council Rights of Way Good opportunity not to be missed. The Parish Council has a good working relationship with Rights of Way having worked on previous successful projects together. Rights of Way will level the area and contribute financially to the project. The ramblers have been asked to sponsor a gate at the Road end of the path, both sides replacing the old styles, via the donate a gate project. RESOLVED : Approved proposal for the Footpath Improvement Project for BB22 through Steyne Wood in partnership with Isle of Wight Council Rights of Way commencing early October.

9. 149/15 SCHOOL FIELD 149/15/01 To agree a Public Spaces Protection order for the old School Field Lee Matthews will advise on the legal process for the protection order and any associated costs. RESOLVED: Agreed to Public Spaces Protection order for the old School Field 149/15/02 To agree purchase new signs for prohibition of dogs RESOLVED: Approved to purchase new signs for prohibition of dogs

10. 150/15 BEACH SAFETY 150/15/01 To discuss responsibility of Lifebelts Bembridge Harbour will monitor and replace when necessary the lifebelts at the harbour/Point area. The RNLI will monitor but not replace the lifebelts at Lane End. Could ‘throw-lines’ be purchased instead of lifebelts? These would be easier to use and could be cheaper. RESOLVED: Get prices for throw-lines and bring back to next meeting.

150/15/02 To discuss retention of Speed Marker Buoys If speed is not enforced there is no point in placing the speed marker buoys RESOLVED : Not to go ahead with retention of speed marker buoys.

11. 151/15 BUS SERVICES To agree the position regarding the reduction of the Southern Vectis number 8 bus services from hourly to 2 hourly in the evenings from Ryde and Newport to commence mid-March 2016 The new bus timetable is already out with the reduction in services due to not enough time to consult with other parish/town councils along the bus route plus the traffic commissioner requires 52 days to register a new service. If additional services are introduced Southern Vectis need to be informed by mid-January so it can be registered with the traffic commissioner and scheduled in the summer timetable commencing 20th March.

Zoning information is being sought from Southern Vectis to inform the price. The three Bembridge care homes are concerned about the reduction in services as a lot of their staff work unsociable hours and are reliant on the buses. They are contacting Southern Vectis with their concerns. Six of the nine Parish Council have expressed interest in a cluster arrangement going forward. RESOLVED : Defer until further information is available from Southern Vectis.

12. 152/15 TOILETS 152/15/01 To reconsider High Street toilet refurbishment proposal The future of the entire building has not been decided. The quality of a refurbishment for £10,000 will not be good. The Wallgate units need to be removed and replaced with sinks and the walls painted. Lighting at night is not good in the ladies toilets. RESOLVED: Agreed to remove Wallgate units and replace with sinks and improve the lighting.

152/15/02 To consider the future of the Lane End Public Toilets The Isle of Wight Council is looking to reduce their public toilets from 41 to 5, these being in the major towns. Worried the toilets at Lane End will just be closed without warning. Councillors and Clerk have spoken with RNLI about them taking on the toilets and the parish council paying the running costs, but they have been informed not to take on any responsibility. The café at present does not have toilets but there are customer toilets included in their planning application. At early negotiations with the Isle of Wight Council prior to the Lifeboat Station’s upgrade, the RNLI were due to take on the toilets once construction was complete but the planning application states that the RNLI were to hand the toilets back to the Isle of Wight Council on completion. If the RNLI were to take the toilets over there would be no business rates charge as they are a charity saving the parish approx. £800. Disappointed with the RNLI’s response as the toilets are a benefit to their visitors. Could another local charity to take over the toilets saving the business rates cost? The local RNLI have their AGM mid-October and Mike Samuelson will speak to them about the issue, though it is the regional RNLI that have said no so far to the idea. The Parish Council do not want to see the toilets close and will take on if under threat of closure.

13. 153/15 SMALL GRANT APPLICATION To approve Bembridge Youth & Community Centre Smalls Grant application for £150.00 towards a defibrillator The defibrillator will be positioned in the BYCC and posters with 24 hour telephone number positioned in the area. Twelve people to be trained free of charge by the Heart Foundation. RESOLVED: Approved Bembridge Youth & Community Centre Smalls Grant application for £150.00 towards a defibrillator.

14. 154/15 DEFIBRILLATOR To consider defibrillator outside Village Hall and training for 12 people. Godshill have a defibrillator outside. Contact the Parish Council for information on its use. Who are the twelve people to be trained and will they be available outside shop hours? Where would the defibrillator be positioned, inside or outside and if outside could it be prone to vandalism? Defibrillators now in position at Bembridge Sailing Club, Weavers Yard, BYCC and Bembridge Coast, as well as the defibrillator we contributed to for the First Responders. Cllrs Kendall and Bristow will raise the question the BBA meeting tomorrow evening and ask for their comments. Should consider approaching the Heart Foundation for a defibrillator if agreed, as their costs are a lot less at £400 compared to the £1,165 from the Ambulance Training. RESOLVED : Speak with Godshill Parish Council to see how the defibrillator works being outside. Bring back to a future meeting.

15. 155/15 CRICKET 155/15/01 To agree terms and conditions of the grant offer made by Awards for All of £9,681.00 for the Cricket Project. Congratulations to Emma for all her hard work on the grant application RESOLVED : Agreed terms and conditions of the grant offer made by Awards for All of £9,681.00 for the Cricket Project

155/15/02 To agree recommendation from the Steyne Park Project Working Group for the creation of a Cricket Training Area utilising the old Petanque Area with works to commence 29 th September RESOLVED : Agreed the recommendation from the Steyne Park Project Working Group for the creation of a Cricket Training Area utilising the old Petanque Area with works to commence 29 th September.

16. 156/15 LOCAL COUNCIL AWARDS SCHEME To agree Local Council Awards Scheme need to register with NALC in October to resubmit in January Follow on from the Quality Council. No real benefits at present for working to the Gold Award but believe we should keep our foot in the door of the scheme by applying for the 2 nd level award. RESOLVED: Agreed to apply for the Quality Level Local Council Awards Scheme at a cost of £65

17. 157/15 MINUTE BOOK To agree quote for binding of additional minute book RESOLVED : Agreed quote for binding of additional minute book

18. 158/15 OFFICE CLOSURE FOR CHRISTMAS & TREE 158/15/01 To agree closure of Parish Office from 12.30 on 23rd December returning 4 th January 2016 RESOLVED: Agreed closure of Parish Office from 12.30 on 23 rd December returning 4 th January 2016

158/15/02 To agree a Christmas tree to be positioned inside the circular bench outside 5/7 High St RESOLVED: Agreed to a Christmas tree to be positioned inside the circular bench outside 5/7 High St

19. 159/15 INSURANCE RENEWAL 159/15/01 To agree the Insurance Renewal from 4 th October 2015 at £2743.41 RESOLVED: Agreed the Insurance Renewal from 4 th October 2015 at £2743.41

159/15/02 To agree the Van Insurance Renewal from 4 th October 2015 at £405.89 RESOLVED : Agreed the Van Insurance Renewal from 4 th October 2015 at £405.89

20. 160/15 TRAINING 160/15/01 To adopt Training Policy for Councillors and Employees RESOLVED: Adopted Training Policy for Councillors and Employees

160/15/02 To agree attendance for 3 delegates @ £50.00 each at the HALC Pensions Workshop on 21 st September at Eastleigh Borough Council offices plus associated travel costs RESOLVED: Agreed attendance for 3 delegates @ £50.00 each at the HALC Pensions Workshop on 21 st September at Eastleigh Borough Council offices plus associated travel costs

21. 161/15 IW BUS & RAIL USERS GROUP 161/15/01 To approve IW Bus and Rail Users Group representation £5 membership fee RESOLVED : Approved IW Bus and Rail Users Group representation £5 membership fee

161/15/02 To appoint Cllr A Woodford as Parish representative RESOLVED: Appointed Cllr A Woodford as Parish representative

22. 162/15 DRIVE SAFE CAMPAIGN To consider purchasing 30mph signs for residents to purchase and display on their wheelie bins to promote the Isle Drive Safe Campaign to remember Evey The Parish Council would have to purchase the stickers and sell to the public. Not sure how effective it would be as road speed signs are ignored. The stickers cannot be displayed all the time so would be a reminder to motorist on rubbish collection days and they are also supporting the Isle Drive Safe Remember Evey Campaign. The stickers are £1 each. RESOLVED : Agreed to purchase the minimum order of stickers and sell in the Parish Office.

23. 163/15 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED: That in accordance with s.1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public will be excluded from the following item, having due regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Confirmed Full Council meeting 20th October 2015, 7.00pm Village Hall, Small Hall

Meeting Closed 8.10pm

Signed: ……………………………………….. Dated:……………………………………….