PAPER A Name of meeting SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Date and time TUESDAY, 9 JANUARY 2018 COMMENCING AT 5.00 PM Venue COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT Present Cllrs Paul Fuller (Chairman), Julia Baker-Smith, Geoff Brodie, Andrew Garratt, John Kilpatrick, John Nicholson, Ian Stephens, Brian Tyndall Co-opted (Voting) Cllr June Davison (IWALC Rep) Cabinet Members Cllrs Barry Abraham, John Hobart, Stuart Hutchinson, Present Clare Mosdell, Michael Murwill, Gary Peace, Dave Stewart, Ian Ward, Wayne Whittle Also Present Cllrs Debbie André, Julie Jones-Evans, Karl Love, Tig Outlaw, (non-voting) Chris Quirk Officers Present Sharon Betts, Kerry Hubbleday, Ian Lloyd, Julie Martin, Helen Miles, John Metcalfe, Wendy Perera, Paul Thistlewood, Carol Tozer, Chris Ward 40. Minutes RESOLVED : (a) THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2017 be confirmed subject to minute 34 (e) - Rights of Way Network - reading that Councillor Paul Fuller was the Vice Chair of the Local Access Forum, not the Chair. (b) THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 January 2018 be confirmed. 41. Declarations of Interest Councillor John Kilpatrick declared an interest in Minutes 43, as he had been a member of the review team. Councillor Ian Stephens declared an interest in Minute 43, as he was Leader of the Council when the funding for the floating bridge was secured from Solent LEP. A - 1 42. Public Question Time Neil Blues of Ryde, was not in attendance to ask his previously submitted written question relating to Cowes floating bridge (PQ 01/18) David
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