THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21sT FEBRUARY 1974 2329 Cliff Road and Turf Walk to the junction with Madeira (fe) requiring access in connection with the maintenance Road, Totland Bay. of the road, building operations and the supply of 23. Eden Road, Totland Bay, from the junction with gas, water and electricity ; Turf Walk to the junction with Alum Bay New Road (c) use for fire, ambulance, police or local authority pur- (B.3322). poses in pursuance of statutory powers or duties. 24. The road leading from the junction with Alum Bay A copy of the Order, together with a map showing the New Road (B.3322) via York Road, Hurst Hill, Summers length of road affected, may be examined at the Council Lane and Sheepwash to the junction with the Alum Bay Offices, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol during normal Old Road at Middleton Corner. office hours. Any person who desires to question the 25. The Causeway, Freshwater, from All Saints Church, validity of the Order or any provision contained therein Freshwater to the junction with the Freshwater to Newport on the grounds that they are not within the power of the v Road (B.3399) at Afton Farm. relevant sections of the Acts or any regulations made there- 26. Hill Place Lane, Thorley, from the junction with under have not been complied with may, within 6 weeks Thorley Street at Newclose Farm to the junction with from the 13th February 1974, make application for such the Newport to Yarmouth Road (A.3054) at Bouldnor. purpose to the High Court. 27. Broad Lane from the junction with the Newport to Freshwater Road (B.3399) at Shalcombe to the juntetion F.
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