[email protected] INTRODUCTION This catalogue accompanies As the title of my show I hope readers of the My heartfelt thanks go to my first solo exhibition in suggests, I want to catalogue, and those who the many people who have Paris and is entitled Arts des demonstrate not only the visit the exhibition, will worked with me behind the Guerriers d’Orient—Arts of artistic qualities of these find the information I have scenes and who make such the Oriental Warrior. I will implements of war but also provided to be useful and events and publications so be exhibiting alongside some that arms and armour were enjoy the aesthetics of these successful. of the world’s best tribal in some cases presentation visually striking objects (often dealers at the well-known fair items or status symbols for an important reason for their Runjeet Singh Parcours des Mondes which owners who were often inclusion). is accumulating a strong powerful and important. following in the Asian art market. Ce catalogue accompagne Comme le titre de mon J'espère que les lecteurs de Mes sincères remerciements ma première exposition exposition le suggère, je veux ce catalogue, ainsi que ceux aux nombreuses personnes solo à Paris et s'intitule Arts non seulement mettre en qui visiteront l'exposition, en qui ont travaillé avec moi des Guerriers d'Orient – avant les qualités artistiques trouveront les informations en coulisses et qui font le Art of the Oriental Warrior. de ces équipements militaires, utiles et apprécieront succès de tels évènements et Je m'apprête à exposer mais aussi le fait que les l'esthétique de ces objets au publications.