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Norway’s Oscar Fred kan ikke bevares med Hot soup for a makt; den kan bare oppnåes pick for 2014 ved forståelse. chilly autumn – Albert Einstein Read more on page 12 Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 37 October 18, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Mining Peace prize announced The Nussir mining company have discovered what may be The Organization the largest copper ore find ever in Norway, in Kvalsund, in for the Prohibition the county of Finnmark. The announcement was mde after of Chemical the company had made 13 test Weapons (OPCW) drillings in a new area. The deepest, made in Repparfjord, wins this year’s reached 600 meters. The test drillings showed two zones of Nobel Peace Prize ore, one thin and one thicker with good mineralization. Drill core analyses and new resource Staff Compilation estimates are calculated to be Norwegian American Weekly available within two months, the company says. (Norway Post) Many were surprised that this year’s Nobel Peace Prize was not given to young Pakistani educa- Immigration tion activist Malala Yousafzai. The In order to handle an extraordinary prize went instead to the Organiza- influx of refugees, Norwegian tion for the Prohibition of Chemi- authorities must be able to cal Weapons (OPCW). instruct municipalities to receive The Nobel Committee an- more refugees, the Norwegian nounced the decision on Oct. 11, Directorate of Immigration (UDI) Photo: OPCW / Screenshot proposes. So far this year, 9,450 See > peace, page 6 OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü addressed the media on October 11 to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. Pictured here at an earlier asylum seekers have arrived in press conference. Norway, an increase by more than 30 percent, compared to the same perod last year. UDI has now Sámi at Vesterheim prepared a preparedness plan for Holmås in D.C. what to do if a mass arrival of Roland and Edi Thorstensson to give Norway’s Minister asylum seekers should arrive in presentation at museum in Decorah, Iowa Norway, especially considering of International the war in Syria. (Norway Post) Development visits

Special Release Royal Norwegian Embassy

It might have been his last trip What’s inside? as Minister of International Devel- News 2 – 3 opment, but Heikki E. Holmås’s Business 4 schedule in the capital was high Photo: Norwegian Embassy Research & Education 5 See > D.C., page 6 Minister Holmås with the former Opinion 6 – 7 President of South Africa. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Hushovd leaves race Roots and Connections 10 Cycling: Hushovd Obituaries & Religion 11 pulls out of Tour of Arts & Style 12 Photo courtesy of Vesterheim In Your Neighborhood 13 The Sámi exhibit at Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum. Beijing Norwegian Heritage 14 Sports 15 Special Release Staff Compilation Vesterheim Norwegian American Weekly $1 = NOK 5.9801 updated 10/14/2013 Roland and Edi Thorstensson Amdal-Odland Heritage Center at Norwegian biker Thor Hush- will present a multimedia program Vesterheim, the national Norwe- ovd has pulled out of the Tour of In comparison titled “In the Shadow of the Mid- gian-American museum and heri- Beijing race and returned home, 9/14/2013 5.9263 night Sun—Introducing the Sámi tage center. NRK reports. 4/14/2013 5.7172 of the Nordic North” on Sunday, Photo: Graham Watson 10/14/2012 5.7087 October 27, at 2:00 p.m. in the See > sami, page 13 See > hushovd, page 15 Hushovd in Beijing. 2 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Vil kutte to dager Frp får landbruksministeren Henter Brende hjem Posten skal fram, men ikke Ifølge avisens opplysninger kommer Høyre til å få fiskeriministeren. Kilder i de to kom- Påtroppende statsminister seks dager i uka. Ledelsen mende regjeringspartiene bekrefter overfor (H) henter i Posten ønsker nemlig avisen at det er et ønske om at hver av de å droppe ombæring på to primærnæringene fortsatt skal ha hvert hjem Børge Brende (H) sitt departement. Ettersom Høyre-ledelsen som utenriksminister, i håp lørdager innser at de ikke kan få kontroll over begge departementene, har Frp fått ansvaret for om at han skal løse opp i regjeringens landbrukspolitikk. – Det er spe- Norges anspente forhold NRK sielt at partiet som har brydd seg så lite om norsk landbruk, skal få ansvaret for dette. til Kina På lørdager er mengden post bare en Det betyr at det vil bli vanskeligere å finne femtedel av det man mottar andre dager og løsninger. Vi hadde håpet på en Høyre-poli- VG tiker, sier leder Nils T. Bjørke i Norges Bon- Posten har lenge ønsket å kutte ut lørdag- sombæringen. delag til VG. Han peker blant annet på at Frp Sent i kvelden til 13. oktober opplyste Foto: Wikimedia Commons – Jeg ser for meg at det kan skje allerede i flere budsjett har foreslått å redusere bev- flere kilder til VG at tidligere Høyre-statsråd, Børge Brende. til neste år. Og hvis mengden post fortsetter ilgningene til landbruket med 5,5 milliarder Børge Brende, i går skal ha takket ja til å bli å falle slik den gjør nå, må vi helt klart vur- kroner. – Det ville vært slutten for norsk utenriksminister i Erna Solbergs regjering. matproduksjon. Nå må de fortsatt ha flertall i dere nye tiltak for å tilpasse tjenestetilbudet. Etter at han fikk permisjon fra Høyres Nettverket Brende har fått gjennom Stortinget, så vi skal nok klare å samarbeide Da kan det være aktuelt å kutte en dag til, stortingsgruppe i 2007, har Brende i to om- flere møter med blant annet Kinas forrige uansett. Men det hadde vært enklere med sier Dag Mejdell, konsernsjef i Posten. ganger vært direktør og administrerende di- statsminister, Wen Jiabao, kan nå løse opp i Høyre, sier Bjørke. Erna Solberg har lenge Det er ikke populært hos Rigmor Al- rektør i World Economic Forum, og var fra Norges betente forhold til Kina, mener flere vært klar som statsminister mens Frp-leder mioni som er postbud på Senja. Hun frykter 2009 til 2011 generalsekretær i Norges Røde utenrikspolitiske eksperter VG har snakket blir landets neste finansminister. at både en og to dager med ombæring skal Kors. med. I helgen meldte både VG og NRK at tidlige- forsvinne. Sistnevnte er en jobb også tidligere uten- Etter at Den norske nobelkomité i 2010 re statsråd i Bondevik II-regjeringen, Børge – Særlig i en bygd der det er mye eldre riksminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) har hatt. ga fredsprisen til den kinesiske dissidenten Brende, blir ny utenriksminister. folk som ikke bruker internett så mye vil jeg Med Brende henter påtroppende Liu Xiaobo, har det diplomatiske forholdet (NTB) si at ombæringen er veldig viktig, sier Elly statsminister Erna Solberg hjem en av mellom Kina og Norge vært på frysepunktet. Jørgensen som møter postbudet sitt ute på – Bergen tingrett har brutt loven Høyres mest erfarne politikere. Solheim sier Brende over flere år har gårdsplassen foran huset. I Kjell Magne Bondeviks (KrF) andre hatt en unik tilgang til apparatet rundt Jiabao. Advokat John Christian Elden sier at hem- Allerede i 2010 hadde Posten regnet ut meligholdet i korrupsjonssaken i Bergen er regjering, var Brende både miljøvernminis- – Børge har over lang tid hatt veldig at Staten ville spare rundt 300 millioner kro- lovstridig. Bergen tingrett har holdt hem- ter og nærings- og handelsminister. gode kontakter i Kina, også gjennom jobben ner ved å kutte postlevering på lørdager. E- melig fengslingsmøtene av politikeren og de Og i slutten av sin periode som i World Economic forum. Gode kontakter post og handel på internett har ført til at folk to forretningsmennene, som er korrupsjons- miljøvernminister, tok Brende for alvor er alltid en fordel som utenriksminister, sier sender færre brev, men mottar flere pakker siktet. Advokat John Christian Elden mener steget ut i internasjonal politikk. Solheim, med forbehold om at Brende blir enn før. spesialbehandlingen er ulovlig. På beram- Da ble han hentet inn som rådgiver for utnevnt som utenriksminister onsdag. mingslistene, som publikum og har presse den kinesiske regjeringen i China Council English Synopsis: The Conservative Party has of- English Synopsis: The Norwegian post office, like its har tilgang til, var korrupsjonsfengslingene – et verv han har beholdt lenge etter at han fered the position of Foreign Minister to a semi-re- American counterpart, is considering dropping deliv- fullstendig utelatt. – Dette er ikke lovlig. gikk ut av norsk politikk. tired party politician. He has said yes. ery on Saturdays to save money. Etter norsk lov og menneskerettigheter skal rettsmøter være offentlige, selv om nærmere innhold kan hemmeligholdes, sier Elden til BA. Ifølge advokaten undersøkte Politiets Mot høye skatter sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) dette for noen år KrF vil kreve at den nye Hva er en «ståhjuling?» siden da de ønsket å holde en fengsling hem- regjeringen trekker melig. Dette fikk de ikke. Politiadvokat Ole «Segway» klinger dårlig på Bjørn Mevatne har tidligere opplyst at poli- tilbake forslaget om å tiet ba om at fengslingene ble unntatt offent- fjerne skatteklasse 2, som norsk, mener Språkrådet. lighet, noe tingretten sa seg enig i. Likevel Nå lanserer de et nytt skulle opplysningene om tidspunkter og vil gi 141.000 familier en rettssaler ha stått på berammingslistene. skatteskjerpelse på opptil ord for det hittil ulovlige Bergen tingrett har foreløpig ikke gitt noen transportmiddelet forklaring på hvorfor de siktede i denne 13.200 kroner fra neste år saken har fått spesialbehandling. (DAgbladet) VG VG

Norwegian-piloter varsler storstreik om to I dag kan ektepar skattlegges under ett i Nyheten om at den elektriske tohjul- uker skatteklasse 2 – dersom dette samlet gir dem ingen blir lovlig i Norge har vært blant de Flere hundre piloter i flyselskapet Norwe- lavere skatt enn i klasse 1. Skatteklasse 2 store samtaleemnene etter at det ble kjent at gian kan være ute i streik om to uker, etter ble fjernet for enslige forsørgere i statsbud- Høyre og Frp danner regjering sammen. at det mandag ble brudd i tariffoppgjøret. sjettet for inneværende år. Ifølge forslaget Nå har Språkrådet sett seg lei på bruken En omfattende streik blant pilotene vil i stor for 2014-budsjett, som 14. oktober ble lagt av det de betegner som et «unorsk» ord. frem av avtroppende finansminister Sigbjørn grad kunne lamme selskapets trafikk om to – Det er et engelsk ord som betegner Foto: Wikimedia Commons uker og kan få voldsomme konsekvenser. Johnsen (Ap), forsvinner den neste år også et varemerke. Sånn sett er det ikke veldig Segway-turer er populære i store byer i Europa. Fagforeningen varslet mandag kveld plas- for ektepar. Det kommer ikke til å skje uten naturlig at vi skulle bruke det som en gener- soppsigelse for alle sine 620 medlemmer. kamp fra KrF. – Forslaget vil senke leves- ell betegnelse på den typen fremkomstmid- Hvis det ikke oppnås noen enighet mellom tandarden for dem det gjelder, ikke minst kunngjort da Erna Solberg og Siv Jensen del, sier direktør Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen til gjestet TV2s «Senkveld» for halvannen uke partene de neste 14 dagene, er streiken et flerbarnsfamilier hvor en av foreldrene er VG. faktum. Kommunikasjonsdirektør Anne- siden. hjemme med barna, sier parlamentarisk led- Han foreslår at nordmenn i stedet bruker Sissel Skånvik i Norwegian bekrefter over- Da partilederne ble spurt om de kunne er i partiet, , til VG. – ordet «ståhjuling» når de snakker om frem- for NTB at det er brudd i årets hovedopp- Det er i tråd med rødgrønn ideologi å skulle avsløre noe de hadde kommet frem til på gjør. Hun poengterer at oppgjøret nå går til komstmiddelet – et begrep han har lånt fra Sundvollen, svarte den kommende statsmin- tvinge dem ut i jobb, men jeg klarer ikke å Sverige. mekling, slik tilfellet var også i fjor. – Vi har se noen god begrunnelse for å gi disse fami- isteren: alltid håp om enighet og krisemaksimerer – Svensk og norsk er likt hverandre på liene en slik straffereaksjon i form av en slik – Det var denne Segwayen, da. Vi skal ikke dette nå, sier Skånvik Pilotene mener mange måter, og «ståhjuling» klinger like skatteskjerpelse. For inntektsåret 2011 ble godkjenne Segway! de kommer til å bli fratatt rettigheter de har bra på norsk som på svensk, sier Vonen, som 141.000 ektepar av totalt 910.000 ektepar Opphevingen av forbudet har stått på fått gjennom en rekke tidligere oppgjør hvis understreker at ordvalget med dette ikke er lignet i skatteklasse 2. Frps prioriterte liste over hva de ville gjøre Norwegian-ledelsen gjennomfører det fag- hugget i stein: lovlig dersom de kom til makten – sam- foreningen mener er en nærstående massiv Syversen er klar på at KrF vil forsøke – Når man ser ut til å trenge et norsk å hindre at forslaget om å fjerne dette blir men med godkjenningen av blant annet omorganisering. ord, hender det at vi foreslår et. Det er vårt hjørnekjøleskap og lakrispipe. (VG) vedtatt. Men verken Høyre eller Venstre er forslag i en diskusjon vi håper kommer, sier like kritisk. direktøren. English Synopsis: The Norwegian Langauge Coun- English Synopsis: KrF does not like a new rule that Fremkomstmiddelet har inntil nå vært cil has come up with a unique Norwegian word for could raise taxes for middle class families or families forbudt brukt på offentlig vei i Norge. Ny- the “segway:” ståhjuling, which literally means with children. heten om at forbudet skal oppheves ble “standing wheel.” Norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 3 News This week in brief New budget King’s formal request Kvaerner opens Moscow office Norwegian engineering firm Kværner The outgoing government King Harald asks Solberg to has announced its new is strengthening its presence in Russia develop new government by opening an office in Moscow. “We budget scheme are excited by the opportunities in the Russian Sub-arctic and Arctic regions. Denise Leland Establishing a permanent presence in Special Release Norwegian American Weekly Ministry of Finance Moscow is important in order to build competence and execute new projects in Following the resignation of Prime Russian markets,” says Jan Arve Haugan, The Norwegian Government proposes Minister ’s government President & CEO of Kvaerner. tax changes from 2014 to strengthen com- on October 14, King Harald has asked (Norway Post) petitiveness and profitability, and stimulate Conservative Party (Høyre) leader Erna investments in the mainland economy. The Solberg to form a new Government for Norway freezes budget support to Malawi corporate tax rate will be lowered, the tax Norway. Solberg eagerly accepted the task. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign credit scheme for R&D will be increased Stoltenberg, leader of the Norwegian Affairs has decided to freeze all further and a special first year depreciation for ma- Labor Party (Ap) has been Norway’s prime Photo: Kongehuset budget support to Malawi, saying there chinery will be introduced. At the same time minister for the past eight years. He will now King Harald as asked Erna Solberg to create a are clear signs that substantial funds the Government proposes an interest deduc- head a care-taker government until the new new government. This is a traditional, formal re- have been embezzled from the Malawian tion limitation for interest expenses paid to government takes over. Stoltenberg declared quest; she has already been elected Prime Min- Ministry of Finance. The President has related parties. his resignation following his defeat in the ister. asked the World Bank and the UK for The corporate tax rate will be lowered parliamentary elections back in September assistance in investigating what seems to from 28 percent to 27 percent. The Govern- of this year, stating that he would officially office October 16, however there has been be a serious case of corruption. So far this ment thus takes a first step in a broader re- step down as Prime Minister after presenting some indication of the new composition. The year, aid amounting to NOK 250 million form of the corporate tax regime, aimed at the budget on October 14. new government will likely be comprised has been provided to Malawi, of which At date of press, Solberg has yet to See > budget, page 15 See > request, page 13 NOK 50 million was in the form of budget present her new government, which will take support. The Norwegian Ministry says further budget support to Malawi is frozen until there is independent confirmation that weaknesses in Malawi’s financial Research at Svalbard Mobile rise management system have been rectified. (Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Svalbard, Norway’s Scandinavia in second place for overal ICT development arctic outpost, is a hub Rare botanical discovery on Svalbard Biologists have come across a new type of of resesarch activity for arit osse M F flower never ever seen before on Svalbard. Geneva, Switzerland many nations Experts call it a sensation, as well as an indication of how little we know about The International Telecommunications life above the Arctic Circle. “I had never Norway Post Union yesterday launched its flagship report thought that we would find new species Measuring the Information Society 2013. among the flowers we already have here, The report makes clear that mobile but I do think we have,” says molecular More than 30 different nations have this broadband over smartphones and tablets has biologist Anna Vader. Vader was originally year started research projects on the Arctic become the fastest growing segment of the on the lookout for polar bears when archipelago of Svalbard, currently one of global information and communication tech- she made the unusual floral discovery. the world’s most sought-after destinations to nology (ICT) market. Even thought she has no training as a study climate change. New figures released show buoyant botanist, her knowledge of what grows In a detailed report, Norwegian newspa- global demand for ICT products and servic- above ground on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is well above average. Most per Aftenposten points out that no other plac- Photo: Wikimedia Commons es, steadily declining prices for both cellular es in the Arctic are more accessible, which This American NASA research facility is near and broadband services, and unprecedented likely, the plant that has been discovered makes Svalbard a popular destination for Ny-Ålesund on the Arctic island of Svalbard, growth in 3G uptake. is similar to a type of mountain grass that scientists from across the globe. Some coun- Norway. By the end of 2013, there will be a total can be found on the mainland, and genetic tries have set up their own research stations of 6.8 billion mobile-cellular subscriptions – testing will have to be done before it can and have full-time staff all-year around; oth- at Svalbard were by Norwegian scientists, almost as many as there are people on the be confirmed whether it is a new species ers come by, complete their tests and studies both Germany and Poland were at 11 percent planet. unique to Svalbard. each, France and the UK had 3 percent each, and go home. An estimated 2.7 billion people will also (Norway Post) Last year, numbers showed that 60 per- and the China, Russia and Italy had about cent of the total days of research completed See > svalbard, page 12 See > rise, page 15 Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Børs: Week at a Glance (Oct. 14, 2013) Winners Losers

Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Venture for health Norsk Kr. 5.9801 Veripos 29.1 26.5% SAS AB 17.5 -7.89% Dansk Kr. 5.4963 Polaris Media 28.0 15.2% Apptix 2.41 -7.31% NeoMed is a Norwegian venture fund started in 1997 Svensk Kr. 6.4645 Aqualis 2.25 9.22% Dolphin Group 4.56 -6.94% that focuses exclusively on the healthcare industry Ekornes 100 8.99% Scana Industrier 1.82 -6.67% Canadian $ 1.0352 Birdstep Technology 2.59 7.02% Navamedic 10.7 -6.55% Euro 0.7367 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Be our friend on Facebook! Our Facebook page has over 1700 likes! Are you one of them? facebook.com/naweekly Headed south for the winter?

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Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or [email protected] to set up Photo: St. Jude Medical Inc. your snowbird account. St. Jude Medical Inc., recently acquired Endosense, a startup company, with the help of Norwegian venture fund NeoMed.

Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Rasmus Falck Independent Insurance Broker Oslo, Norway Long-Term Health Care Insurance Should you consider it? The Minnesota based St. Jude Medical Norwegian venture industry. He started and Call me for honest straightforward advice. Inc., a maker of pacemakers, recently an- was the president of Origo Ventures in the nounced that they are buying the closely held 80’s. In the early days they invested in a few (206)362-5913 startup company Endosense for at least 171 emerging growth companies that achieved www.obergltc.com million dollars to gain technology that helps successful initial public offerings on the Oslo Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 doctors fight irregular heart rhythms. The Stock Exchange. He is also a co-founder and • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world all-cash deal for the Swiss company may in- former chairman of the Norwegian Venture • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: clude additional payments of as much as 161 Capital Association. He has been and cur- Certified Public Accountant Come and visit us. Check vesterheim.org for info. Small businesses million if Endosense’s TactiCath ablation rently serves on the board of several startup (206)789-5433 Individuals chateter meets regulatory targets. companies. He received his Masters’ degree 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance The startup company’s device, which in Science in Management from the Gradu- Seattle, WA 98119 still needs regulatory approval in the U.S., ate School of Business, Stanford University lets doctors more easily treat atrial fibrilla- and is a Dr. scient in Organic Chemistry from tion, a condition in which the heart’s cham- the . MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE ber contract too fast or erratically. Endosense Endosense has developed the TactiCath just completed a U.S. trial of the device and irrigated ablation catheter to give physicians plans to submit an application to the Food a real-time, objective measure of the force attorneys and counselors at law and Drug Administration to treat atrial fibril- they apply to the heart wall during a cath- lation before the end of the year. eter ablation procedure. If too little force is One of the venture funds that have made applied, there is a risk of incomplete lesion Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, this possible is the Norwegian NeoMed. This formation. If too much force is applied, there commercial transactions and estate planning. is a venture fund exclusively focused on the is a risk of tissue injury. healthcare industry, and was founded in NeoMed invested NOK 50 million for 1997 by Erik Amble. They invest in emerg- 30 percent of the shares in Endosense in 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 ing companies with outstanding growth 2005. Since then, they have participated in Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 prospects. The companies must develop two rounds of financing with an additional innovative medical products that address NOK 55 million. They hold 17 percent of the substantial market opportunities in the phar- equity. The fund will receive NOK 334 mil- maceutical, medical device and diagnostic lion, which means an annual return of 30 per- industries. cent. NeoMed is one of the ten health funds LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Amble is one of the pioneers in the with the best performance in the world! Sales and Service Business News & Notes

Norway Gender Gap Lives as $1.4 Million by 44-year-old Siv Jensen. Women also head Male CEOs Outperform Norway’s largest labor union and its biggest Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK While Norway’s election handed power to a employers group. Yet the corporate sphere re- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 coalition led by women, Scandinavia’s rich- mains a man’s world. Norway’s historic quota fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 est economy is reserving its top corporate system for supervisory boards – a model that is jobs and biggest pay checks for men. Norway now being copied elsewhere in Europe – is do- is set to get its first female prime minister in ing little to push women into executive roles. 17 years as Conservative Party leader Erna None of the 25 biggest companies on the Oslo [email protected] Solberg, 52, takes over on October 18. Her bourse has a female chief executive, and only 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 coalition partner, the , is led one has a woman as chief financial officer. (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Stories from the Heart of America

Tales from the Oil Patch by Larrie Wanberg

The “Boom” from the oil patch is rat- free land across the prairies. Norwegian fam- tling the fears of uncertainty from rapid ily names dominate the names of well sites social change in many small rural towns in – hence, Bakken, Iverson and others. North Dakota (N.D.); yet, some small towns, Currently, a wave of workers in search even at a significant distance from the drill- of good paying jobs, wanting to break out ing sites, are thriving by finding ways to of economic doldrums elsewhere, to take adapt to rapid growth. care of their families and to develop a stake On the up-side, take the city of Stanton in their futures is changing rural America, for example – a town with a 2010 census of which is not that different in many ways 366 residents and steadily increasing in pop- from the ambitions of immigrant homestead- ulation and commerce. ers that once settled the prairies and some Stanton is the County Seat of Mercer moved on, some stayed. County, at the center of N.D.’s energy indus- In Stanton, I visited with Mayor Ron tries. Boyko, an entrepreneur who operates a fam- In the lignite industry, the County hosts ily business named “Dakota Transload” with two mines, four power plants and the Na- his brother and son. Their business is a major tion’s only commercial-scale plant that pro- supplier of natural sand from hopper-bottom Photo: Knife River Indian Heritage Foundation / Facebook duces natural gas to synthetic fuels. Nearby, cars on their own railroad spur and trans- 7-Trails Trading Post, a hand hewn log building which was previously a two-stall garage. within sight on the horizon, two huge mines porting ceramic granules used in fracturing add to production – the Falkirk Mine and the in drilling directly to the oilfield sites in the Great River Energy’s Coal Creek Station. Bakken Field, even though the drilling is To the North a few miles is the Garri- taking place in western N.D. son Dam, once the largest earth-rolled dam The success of Boyko Inc’s service in the world, capable of hydroelectric power businesses, including Dakota Transload, is and protecting down river levels from water visioning opportunities, delivering needed stored in Lake Sakakawea. products and exceeding expectations for de- To the East, wind farms line the hori- pendable, quality customer service – an ef- zon and to the West, the Bakken Oil Fields fective formulae for growth. that produce the second largest volume of oil Personally, I know Stanton well, as I in the Nation. Deep in the earth below the once lived here for a time, have friends liv- town, the potentials of future oil production ing there now, and continue to serve on the are known in the Three Forks formations. Board of the Knife River Indian Heritage The town is being transformed by op- Foundation at the edge of town. The Foun- portunities stemming from the oil patch and dation is a “Friends Group” that supports alternative energies. the adjacent U.S. Park Service “Knife Riv- The difference in accepting growth er Indian Villages National Historic Site,” seems to be in how some towns view the new original home of the Mandan, Hidatsa and workers – whether seen as “outsiders” or in Arikara Tribes. The Trading Post, which also some cases “intruders” that are capitalizing houses the Stanton Library, serves a volume on the boom but not intending to live here. of tourists each year that visit the adjacent Or conversely, if new workers are viewed U.S. Park and provide area residents and and welcomed as human assets, like an itin- youth with training in folk arts and heritage erant workforce that is vital in seasonal times crafts. or tourists on an extended stay that contrib- When I visited Stanton recently, I talked ute to economic development in the area. with some of the energy workers who were Historically, the Knife River at Stanton staying in the new, 60-million conversion once was the Nation’s Trade Center in in- of the Stanton School into a 91-room “Coal digenous times dating back 10,000 years for Country Hotel.” From conversations, I real- hunters and gatherers, who traveled through ized that they were skilled itinerary workers history from as far away as coastal areas to that are concentrated on their work – a di- trade for Knife River flint, an essential tool verse group with specialized skills, usually at that time. in teams. Life may not come with In the 1700s, nations fought over control What struck me, though, was despite the guarantees—but life insurance can of these trade routes, principally the French, new worker’s expressed interest in their sur- British and Spanish, until the Louisiana Pur- roundings, they had little awareness of the Life insurance isn’t just about protection. It’s about looking forward to the future, and knowing there are guarantees.* chase secured the land for the nation’s west- history, heritage or culture of the community. ward expansion. A topic under community discussion is Learn how permanent life insurance can help you reach your financial In history, the Knife River became a to explore ways to provide more educational goals and help supplement your retirement income. destination for famous world explorers to outreach and inviting workshops to these Life may be filled with uncertainties—but your financial future doesn’t have to be. live with the Indians here for a time (Prince new workers that tell the stories of local Contact a financial representative or visit Thrivent.com/life today. Maximilion, Lewis and Clark, Verendrye, heritage and attractions – the way heritage Thompson and others). Stanton is the home- tourism appeals to visitors to experience a land of “Sakakawea,” the teenage Indian community as a destination. * Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Assumes all required mother who traveled on the Lewis and Clark Stanton is rich in legendary stories from premiums are paid. Certain guarantees do not apply to Variable Universal Life insurance. journey in 1804 to the West Coast with a history that “connect” people with time- Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. baby on her back. stamped events that tell the dimensional This is a solicitation for insurance. A Thrivent Financial representative may contact you. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed When the Homestead Act was estab- story of a community and its heritage – its insurance agents/producers. lished in 1865, Scandinavian immigrants, traditions, energy, growth, caring and “new 27832NAWA R10-13 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 727052 and other ethnicities, flowed in to settle the wealth.” 6 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

Statement of An opinion column about current issues in Norway Ownership, Management Join the conversation! and Circulation On the EDGE We are required by the U.S. Postal Service to print this report annually. The liver paste test

Name: Norwegian American Weekly By Dr. Steinar Opstad Publication Number: 679 – 840 Filing Date: Oct. 18, 2013 Issue Frequency: Weekly, except for last two The front page of the largest Oslo- they are told back home that we survive since he was a member of the party for weeks in July, first two weeks of August, newspaper recently had a story about a on lutefisk, meatballs and potato lefse. some time when he was young. This is and last week of December. group of young Norwegian-Americans Like most Norwegians, I eat lutefisk once hard to understand for us Norwegians, Issues Published Annually: 47 invited to Norway to learn more about a year just to keep up the tradition and even the most radical of us would never the country and get assistance see a link between the party and Annual Subscription Price: For print: $59 to trace their roots. The headline the mass murderer. One might for U.S. subscription, $79 for Canada, and $179 for Norway and all other was about a young woman, Liv disagree with the political solu- countries. Digital: $47. from Minnesota, who had noth- tions they have, but they are not ing nice to say about Norwegian racists, not in favor of violence Mailing address: 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, King County, WA 98115-8601 food. The worst experience for and have absolutely never sup- her was the “Stabburet” liver ported the ideas Mr. Breivik Publisher: Norwegian American Foundation, paste, which has been sold to stood for. It is a total miss for 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115-8601 Norwegian households for more anyone to make this connection. than 50 years, and is very popular The fall season has come Editor: Kelsey Larson, 7301 5th Ave NE, for kids and adults on the break- to Norway. The harvesters are Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fast table. rolling over the farmland, and Owner: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 She mentioned nothing my wife is making her delicious 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 about unhealthy U.S. food, may- apple sauce. Perhaps Liv from Publication Title: Norwegian American be since the Stabburet liver paste Minnesota would do well to try Weekly is regarded as very healthy by some of this delicious Norwe- Extent, Nature of Circulation: Subscription nutrition experts and very tasty gian treat! Issue Date for Circulation Data: by a large number of Norwegians October 11, 2013 in several generations. The Nor- Total Number of Copies: 2776 wegian food and health authori- ties recommend the paste as a Photo: Stabburet • Mailed Outside-County Paid sandwich spread instead of the Leverpostei, or liver pate, is very popular in Norway, especially for Subscriptions: 2564 sweet alternatives. We all know kids. • Paid Distribution Outside the Mails that our consumption of sugar is including Sales through Dealers and threatening to our health. never together with meatballs. Good po- Carriers: 0 Steinar Opstad, born Strange to me is the experience I have tato lefse I can hardly get since my mother 1941 in Sarpsborg, Nor- • Paid Distribution by Other Classes of had during the last thirty years. When is no longer alive and the new generation Mail through the USPS: 44 way, is the retired Vice Norwegians travel to the U.S., they never would rather buy industrially produced President of the Confed- Total Paid Distribution: 2608 worry about the food, while some young lefse in the store. eration of Norwegian Americans when they come to Norway But that’s enough about food. We • Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Business and Industry. wonder if they can eat the food here. As have recently had our general election in Copies: 153 During his career, he was far as I remember, Norway was recently Norway and one of the four political par- • Free or Nominal In-County Copies: 0 an educator and commu- proclaimed to be the second best coun- ties involved in negotiations for the new nicator with positions as a journalist, editor, • Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed try to live in just after Denmark and with government is “Fremskrittspartiet” (The teacher, and professor. He has a Ph.D. and at Other Classes through the USPS: 11 one of the world’s most healthy food con- Progress Party) which is the most con- Hon. Litt. D. from the University of North • Free or Nominal Rate Distribution sumptions. The trend of avoiding sugar in servative of the four parties that did well Dakota. He is the author of several profes- Outside the Mail: 0 the Norwegian households is very clear. in this year’s election. Newspapers in sional books. He is also the founder of the I can understand the young Ameri- 12 countries, also in the U.S., have now American College of Norway in Moss, Nor- Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution: cans’ skepticism to food in Norway if linked this party to the mass killer Breivik way. 164 Total Distribution: 2776 Copies Not Distributed: 0 The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Total Sum: 2776 Percent Paid: 94%

< peace From page 1 tion. 189 states have acceded to the conven- country observed the deadline of April 12, < D.C. tion to date,” the statement continued. 2012 to destroy their chemical weapons. From page 1 The Committee explained that the OP- OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzüm- saying the OPCW deserved the prize “for CW’s important work in Syria has been of cü addressed the media on October 11. its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical powered. particular value to the world community. “The decision by the Nobel Commit- weapons.” Minister of International Develop- “Recent events in Syria, where chemical tee to bestow this year’s Peace Prize on the The Committee’s statement shared the ment, Heikki E. Holmås arrived Thursday, weapons have again been put to use, have OPCW is a great honor for our organiza- history of the organization and the impor- Oct. 10 in Washington D.C. to participate in underlined the need to enhance the efforts to tion,” he said. tance of their work. the World Bank Annual Meeting. While in do away with such weapons,” the Committee “During World War One, chemical “We are a small organization which for Washington, he also met with Embassy staff, stated in their press release. weapons were used to a considerable degree. over 16 years, and away from the glare of in- senior World Bank officials, NGO leaders Alfred Nobel, the benefactor of the No- The Geneva Convention of 1925 prohibited ternational publicity, has shouldered an oner- and other politicians. They discussed issues bel prizes, was a particular advocate for dis- ous but noble task – to act as the guardian the use, but not the production or storage, of armament. This figures prominantly in his ranging from specific country situations to chemical weapons. During World War Two, of the global ban on chemical weapons that climate economy, transparency and eradica- will, making the OPCW a deserving recipi- took effect in 1997.” chemical means were employed in Hitler’s ent. tion of poverty. Üzümcü spoke of the events in Syria mass exterminations. Chemical weapons “The Norwegian Nobel Committee has Minister Holmås also met with former and the dangerous yet important work the have subsequently been put to use on numer- through numerous prizes underlined the President of South Africa Thabo Mvuy- OPCW is undertaking there. “Never in the ous occasions by both states and terrorists,” need to do away with nuclear weapons. By elwa Mbeki, Head of the African Union history of our organization have we been reads the statement. means of the present award to the OPCW, High-Level Implementation Panel on Sudan “In 1992-93 a convention was drawn the Committee is seeking to contribute to the called on to verify a destruction program (AUHIP) for Sudan and South Sudan during up prohibiting also the production and stor- elimination of chemical weapons,” wrote the within such short timeframes – and in an on- his visit to Washington DC. age of such weapons. It came into force in Committee. going conflict. Norway supports the goal of building 1997. Since then the OPCW has, through Two world powers that have notably “We are conscious of the enormous trust two viable states that will give hope for the inspections, destruction and by other means, not yet aceeded to the chemical weapons that the international community has be- future of all their people, and will continue to sought the implementation of the conven- convention are the U.S. and Russia. Neither stowed on us,” he said. work with both countries. norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Publisher NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or length. Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Advertising John Erik Stacy [email protected] Dear Editor, Engvig at his website, http://www.engvig. Subscriptions What an amazing and happy coinci- com/olaf. Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] dence! Contributing Editors Today, at the Scandinavian Center at Sincerely, Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. California Lutheran University in Thousand Editor Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Oaks, California, our Wednesday “Brown Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Bag Lunch Program” speaker was OLAF Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. ENGVIG – author of “Legends in Sail” – Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway and the focus of one of your news articles Dear Editor, Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. in the October 4 edition. The paper arrived I would like to invite all of your read- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. today, shortly before our program began, and ers in the Seattle area to come to the Sons of Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. when Olaf’s wife Mona, found it on our pe- Norway Leif Erikson Lodge on Sunday eve- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. riodical table, she opened it, and exclaimed, ning, Nov. 10 for a Lutefisk and Lapskaus Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. “It’s here!!!” dinner put on by the Norwegian Male Cho- Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Since none of us had had time to look at rus of Seattle. The social hour will start at 5 Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. the paper yet, we did not know that Olaf and p.m. with dinner served at 6 p.m. The lodge Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Hello Stein, Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. his latest book were featured. is located at 2245 NW 57th St. Seattle, WA Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. So, as I introduced him to our audience, 98107. Tickets are $20 and children under What you are looking at is the riks- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. I held up the paper and pointed out the ar- 12 get in free. You can purchase tickets from våpen, or the Coat of Arms of Norway. The Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. ticle. Since we get several copies each week, chorus members or call the lodge at (206) following from Wikipedia: “The coat of arms David Moe Sun City, Calif. many of our folks were able to read and/or 783-1274 to reserve a seat. Besides a won- of Norway—a golden lion on a red shield— Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. borrow the paper to read about both Leif Er- derful meal you will enjoy the Ballard High was adopted in or before the early part of the Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. ikson and his admirer, Olaf Engvig. School Jazz Band and of course the Norwe- 13th century. In the late part of the same cen- John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. tury, a silver axe was added. In continuous Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. What perfect timing! gian Male Chorus will sing a few songs as Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. well. This is our fall fundraiser as we prepare use since then, the coat of arms is one of the Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Sincerely, to host the PCNSA Sangerfest next June cel- oldest state coats of arms in the world. Fol- CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Anita Hillesland Londgren ebrating the 125th anniversary of our chorus. lowing changing historical epochs, fashions Weekly strives to make its news report fair and Co-Director I hope we have a full house! and styles, the coat of arms has appeared in accurate. If you have a question or comment Scandinavian Center several rather different designs. about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to at California Lutheran University Sincerely, “The coat of arms of Norway is used by edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, Thousand Oaks, CA Bob Johnston His Majesty the King, by the King’s Council, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print Director, Norwegian Male Chorus by the County Governors, by the Parliament, submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. by the Law Courts, and by some other na- • The opinions expressed by opinion writers tional authorities. Since 1937, two variants and letter writers are not necessarily those of Hi Anita! of the coat of arms exist: that used by the Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Thank you for sharing that lovely news Dear Editor, King and a simplified variant used by the Comments, suggestions and complaints about with us. It’s so great when we can prop- I have had very little luck in finding out King’s Council etcetera. the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials erly honor such important members of our if this is a family crest or just a crest of Nor- “The Lion, which in Norway is com- should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except Norwegian-American community as Olaf way. Any help would be appreciated. Mom’s monly known as The Norwegian Lion (Den the first week of the calendar year, the last two Engvig, especially in light of Leif Erikson family is from Horton (Solberd). norske løve etc.), has been a popular and weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August Day! Olaf is very knowledgable about Nor- embraced symbol for centuries. This popu- by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE wegian maritime history, which made him Thank you, larity is, not least, visible in older folk art.” Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription the perfect author to profile in the Leif Erik- Stein Pedersen The flag and the leaves in the pattern Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US son issue – seeing as the Norwegian sailing Centerville, Ohio appear to just be a decorative addition. $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. prowess that began with the Vikings contin- Readers, if any of you have any further SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times ues today! (See photo above in next column) information, write me at [email protected]. Western Viking & Washington Posten I’m glad you could honor him as a guest Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten of the Scandinavian Center at CLU, too. Sincerely, og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Readers, you can learn more about Olaf Editor Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Another fall fave Norwegians love their vegetable soups – tomato, asparagus, cauliflower, and this delicious beet soup Fine Food & Gifts Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! www.scanspecialties.com

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Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska Shipshape & Seaworthy www.pacificfishermen.com Photo: Tine.no Pasta with mushroom sauce is the perfect dish to honor Norway’s favorite fall fungi.

Find us online: www.marinamarket.com Home of the Beet soup Licorice Shrine Rødbetsuppe with over 300 licorices! Marina Market 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 3 Tbsp. olive oil 2 cups chicken broth Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 6 beets Salt and pepper email: [email protected] We stock all your favorite treats and hard- 1 medium yellow onion Heavy cream or cottage cheese to-find items from Scandinavia! 1 clove garlic (optional)

Advertise in the Weekly! Warm olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in chopped onions and garlic; cook until soft and transparent; about five minutes. Stir in peeled and chopped beets, and Reasons to advertise: cook for one minute. Reach over 20,000 • Affordable! $10/col inch for Stir in beef stock, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; cover, and Norwegian-American readers B&W, $15/col inch for color simmer until the beets are tender, about 30 – 45 minutes. Remove from heat, and allow to cool slightly. EVERY week! • Free ad design In batches, add soup to a food processor, and pulse until liquefied. Return soup to sauce- • Best of all, support the pan, and gently heat through. Ladle into bowls, and garnish with a swirl of cream, or a few only Norwegian-American scoops of cottage cheese, as shown here. Makes about four servings. newspaper! Serve warm with toasted wheat bread. Melt a slice of Norvegia white cheese on top of your toast for a very Norwegian touch! Norvegia is available at your nearest Scandinavian For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] import store, or substitute your favorite white cheese. norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 9 Travel First-class seafood in Norway Cod, salmon, trout, crab and shrimp are just some of the varieties of seafood available in Norwegian waters, restaurants and markets

Visit Norway

Once you have experienced fresh sea- food from Norway, you appreciate the close connection between first-rate taste, and the pure natural arctic and subarctic ecosystem. Don’t miss out on the huge variety of food from the sea, fjords, rivers and lakes of Nor- way.

Slow food, live cultures Norwegian coastal waters teem with a dazzling array of seafood. In the north, the lower water temperatures allow fish, mus- sels and shellfish to grow more slowly. For example the flesh of the Norwegian wild salmon has a particularly solid structure and a delicate flavour prized by seafood experts.

Taste the coast Photo: Johan Wildhagen – VisitNorway.com Sun combined with clear cold salt wa- A delicious crab picnic in Finnmark, Norway. ter. The magic combination that nurtures the combined with a modern twist, try the salted best ingredients from the mountain lakes, and smoked seal meat or smoked arctic char estuaries and seas of Northern Norway. To or halibut at Arctandria Seafood Restaurant. promote the high quality of their local in- The restaurant is located in the historical gredients, 43 restaurants situated around Skarven Inn in Tromsø. the northern coastline have united under the quality stamp “Taste the Coast.” Self catering or on the move Should you prefer to do your own cater- Good seafood markets ing along the way, you can catch your own Buy fresh marinated or smoked fresh fish almost anywhere in Norway and you can fish and eat a hearty lunch at Kroa, which is find plenty of recipes and inspiration using connected to the fish hall at Ravnkloa Fish- fresh local products at Salmon From Nor- market in Trondheim. way. In Bergen, fish has been traded since 1276. Today, fresh shellfish and local farm A variety of seafood specialties produce is available in abundance at The The giant sized king crab can be found Bergen Fishmarket. in the frigid waters of Finnmark in the north. At the fish market in Stavanger, you can As a visitor you can combine the experi- get breakfast and dinner made with fresh lo- ence of raw nature with catching your own cal ingredients based on the catch of the day. crab. Take a boat out into Barentshavet (the The market is divided between Torjå – the Barents Sea) and smell the salt air and hear fish counter, and Vågen – the restaurant. the circling cry of the many varieties of sea birds. The crab pots are pulled up from the Good seafood restaurants water complete with captive king crab. Back Seafood of the highest quality is served on land you learn to cook the crab by boiling at the specialist, well loved restaurant Lofo- it in melted ice water. Serve with delicious ten Fish Restaurant in Oslo. garlic mayonnaise and freshly baked bread, The attractively located restaurant and you have a feast for up to eight hungry Straen in Stavanger is situated in a tradition- people every bit as royal as its main ingredi- al wooden harbour building with views to- ent. wards Vågen. Traditional cooking and excit- Further along the coast to the north you ing seasonal variations are the main themes will find some of the finest halibut, known of the comprehensive seafood repertoire at as “kveite” in Norwegian. The name actually Straen Fish Restaurant. means the fish of the Gods. This distinctive Enhjørningen Fish Restaurant is situ- large flat white-fleshed fish is slightly sweet ated in Sjøstue in the traditional harbour area and tastes fabulous. dating back to Bergen’s Hanseatic period. There you can sample local specialties such Bulging sweet clams as Enhjørningen’s own Bacalao recipe and Trøndelag is particularly famous for Photo: Nancy Bundt – VisitNorway.com their special fish soup. mussels and scallops, crayfish and crabs. A seafood feast at a restaurant in Oslo. One of the most celebrated local fish Those with the best reputation are found in restaurants in Trondheim is Havfruen, cen- Frøya and Hitra in the westernmost archipel- At the start of autumn come the best lob- to be found in Lofoten, or further north out trally located in an old warehouse near The ago. The islands in Trøndelag are also known sters. In winter the local mussels are swollen into the cold Barentshavet (the Barents Sea). Nidarosdomen Cathedral. It also has a bar in for their excellent sea fishing. You can easily with sweet brine. Reputedly, the very best shrimp come from the cellar. combine this with an eagle or seal watching Winter is the ideal time for new cod Helgeland. For specialties from Northern Norway, safari. (known as “skrei”), and the best of these tend 10 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Mountain Plateau Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photo submitted by Tom and Mary Ann Eggerud The “Sørlandet” was on the Great Lakes this summer. In 1933 it was at the Chicago World Fair. My folks were there and I can still remember my mother talking to a seaman from Sogndal, Norway. After so many years, I thought it would be interesting to see her again. This time at Green Bay, Wis. It was the oldest of several ships there, but in beautiful condition. A fine tribute to Norway. Sincerely, Tom and Mary Ann Eggerud.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption.

Solution on page 15

Lena called the airlines information desk and inquired, “How long does Community Connections it take to fly from Minneapolis to Gratulerer med Dagen! Fargo? “Just a minute,” said the busy clerk. “Vell, said Lena, “if it has to go dat fast, I tink Ill just take da bus.” Happy birthday / Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians! engagement / etc!

Eunice Helgeson Minneapolis MN Your name and Alf Gomes Oceanside CA Sara Skjelstad Seattle, WA special message 22. oktober Marius Hagen Hamilton MT Sissel Berget Seattle WA here! Tina Olguin Dehli Oslo Norway Elda Aasen Rhoadesville VA Judith Forsberg Willison Federal Way For more information, 18. oktober WA Lena Carlson Waseca MN Genevieve Arntsen Biddeford, ME call us at (800) 305-0217 or Melinda Bargreen Everett WA Kristin Eriksen Hill Arvada CO email [email protected]. 19. oktober 23. oktober Ole Nelson Pipestone MN James R. Lyng Jr. San Diego CA Marius Holje Salt Lake City UT Sverre Halvorsen Isfjorden Norway Josiah Joel Rolf Radcliffe IA Judy Hartley Zebulon NC 24. oktober Audrey Vaarvik Chewelah WA Johannes Kjøndal Landås Norway Ruth Feste Minneapolis MN 20. oktober Aaron Swenson Flom MN Headed south for the winter? Reidun S Osteraa Fairfield CA Arvid Swenson Flom MN Marie Osterli Sacramento CA Harriet Ståve Quist Skokie IL Call us to have your address Leif Solberg Hurdal Norway Michael Larson Cambridge MN change automatically to your Lillian Tollefsrud Willms Moorhead MN Kristen Injerd Washington MI Guandolopee Brodeen Seattle WA winter address so you don’t Kittil Erickstein Chicago IL Agnes Walheim Deerfield WI Want to see your birthday in the miss a single issue of the Jon K. Kummen Fall City WA Norwegian American Weekly? Weekly! Sylvia Mellerud-Segal Long Beach, CA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 21. oktober com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or Carl Lindstad Niles IL Harold Nelson Santa Rosa CA month in advance. [email protected] to set up Geo Nelsen Cuyahoga Falls OH NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! your snowbird account. norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Astrid Nora Ogard (Roald) April 25, 1914 – September 6, 2013 Connected?

Astrid Nora Seattle. Astrid met and married George Ogard The singer, Jimmy Buffet, has a song dreds of ways to connect with people elec- Ogard (Roald) and they lived for many years in the Crown Hill about cell phones in which he says, “Ev- tronically. Social media web sites, texting, passed away peace- neighborhood of north Seattle. erybody’s on the phone, so connected and blogging, twitter, and skype are just a few fully on September She moved to Norse Home in 2005 where so alone.” On a recent trip to the city I ways for people to stay in touch with one 6th at age 99. She she spent the last years of her life surrounded noticed a lineup of 50 or so people wait- another. I wonder, however, if any of these was born April 25, by friends and staff who loved her. She was a ing to get into a favorite lunchtime restau- can be a real substitute for direct human 1914 on Vigra, a life-long pianist and her friends at Norse Home rant. Nearly every person in the line was contact. small island off enjoyed listening to her play. staring down at their iPhone. It almost A popular car commercial shows a the west coast of Astrid was preceded in death by her hus- looked like they were praying or medi- young man coming into a car dealer look- Norway. During band George. She is survived by a daughter, tating as they were not talking they were ing down at his iPad and telling the recep- wartime occupation Norine Ogard, and many relatives in Norway. just looking down. When I looked into the tionist how impressive one of their cars of her homeland, Astrid worked as a pediatric Astrid will be greatly missed and remembered restaurant itself I noticed that even at their appears on the internet. The receptionist nurse. by all her friends as a kind, considerate and tables several people were eating with one asks the man if he would like to just look From a very young age she imagined her- loving person. In remembrance of Astrid, con- self travelling the world and, in 1948, Astrid tributions may be sent to the Group Health hand and looking at their phones with the at the car on his iPad or would he like to set out to follow her dream. After arriving in Hospice Program, 1600 East John St, Seattle, other. Twenty years ago those same people actually take it for a test drive. Sometimes the U.S. she worked as a milliner in downtown WA 98112. would have been conversing with one an- I think that our devices can get in the way other and discussing the weather, sports or of our real lives. When this happens we even politics with their neighbor. are getting a lot less out of life than God Perhaps Jimmy Buffet has it right. intended us to. Perhaps we should look Perhaps people today are connected but away from the screens that so easily draw still very much alone. In many ways we us in and out at the world around us that A tribute to Odd live in the most connected generation in can so powerfully give us life. The impact of Odd Bloch on my professional career human history. There are literally hun-

Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. The Scandinavian Hour When I read the obituary of Odd Bloch turned out to be a favorite at the World’s Fair. in the October 4th issue of the Norwegian A few months later, Odd approached Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Amerinca Weekly, it stirred some strong me to ask to give a talk on the system and emotions of sadness for a person who had the electronics to a company-wide meeting KKNW – 1150 AM a very significant role in shaping my early at IBM’s Watson Research Center. As a 26 Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST professional career as an electrical engineer year old kid just out of college, how could I with IBM. Exactly 50 years ago, I met Odd handle that? Odd was again very confident. Streaming live on the internet at: as he was asking me to join his new organiza- In fact, on the day, Odd came with me and www.1150kknw.com tion in Kingston, N.Y. to work on electronics gave me moral support. All went well and for new type of system as an IBM product. I opened a long-term opportunity for me with had been in a “pressure cooker” developing IBM’s Research Division. digital circuits for IBM’s 360 systems and I Shortly after, Odd asked me to lead an- welcomed the opportunity to a change. Aside other complex electronics project and again, Join our community! from introducing himself in Norwegian with with his continued support and encourage- a broad smile, Odd was considerably older, ment, our team succeeded. These successes more relaxed and likeable than my current led to rapid promotions and new areas for management team who drove their employ- me, including a stint in Research in Silicon ees six days a week (IBM was like a start-up Valley. The last time I saw Odd was when Remember... company at that time.) Well, it took me one I had returned from California in 1968 and minute to say yes! he was going to be responsible for much of Soon after arriving in Kingston and join- IBM’s Boca Raton facility. I knew he would ing Odd’s organization, I became a member do well and would be liked and greatly ad- of his circuit development team. One day mired by his employees and colleagues. A subscription to the Odd comes by my office and asked me to During the time I was in Odd’s organi- lead a design group to re-design the proto- zation, his group grew quickly, and his re- type electronics for a Russian Translator sys- sponsibilities grew, but I never heard anyone Weekly makes a great tem which is used with an optical memory. say anything disparaging about him or his Odd was very relaxed, smiled and said you management style. He was unique and a rare gift, too! can do it Thor! Well, I was 1.5 years out of leader, who encouraged and supported his graduate school and had no experience in employees. With his pipe frequently in his this type of electronics. I had to guide several mouth and his engaging smile, no one could engineers and work with the system people. be too stressed or angry if everything didn’t Oh yes, we had extremely tight schedule, the go as planned. system had to be working for the World’s My main regret is that I did not try to Fair at its opening in the Spring of 1964. connect with Odd these years and remind Odd always remained calm, supportive and him of the significant role he had in guiding communicative with everyone involved, and my early career. the project was successful, and the system ****** Be our friend on Facebook! Just $59 for 47 issues Our Facebook page has over 1700 likes! Are you Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details one of them? facebook.com/naweekly 12 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events This year’s Oscar film Norway has selected “I Am Yours” as the official candidate What’s going on in your neighborhood? for the Academy Award’s Best Foreign Language Feature

California washington Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner 14th Annual Nordic Fest Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Laguna Hills, Calif. Langley, Wash. Turid Jespersen Lodge #44, Daughters Join the Daughters of Norway, Ester of Norway, South Orange County, Calif. Moe Lodge #39 on beautiful Whidbey is holding its annual Lutefisk and Meat- Island for our 14th Annual Nordic Fest! ball Dinner in Laguna Hills. Doors open Taking place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 3:30 p.m. and dinner is at 4:30 p.m. at South Whidbey High School, 5675 The Chef is Stein Amland, “The Lutefisk Maxwelton Rd. We invite everyone to a Chef.” Information: Berit Austin Funne- festival of Nordic culture with lots of fun mark, (949) 496-2554 or tireb57@hot- for the whole family! Discover all your mail.com. favorites at the Norsk Kafé, tantaliz- ing baked goods in our Bakeri, exciting Minnesota shopping and a fun Butikk, along with Scandinavian Heritage Dinner demonstrations, lively music and more! Nov. 6 Lots of free parking! $1 donation, age 12 Morris, Minn. and under free. Don’t miss it! Join us for a Scandinavian Heritage Dinner with lutefisk, Swedish christ- Gingerbread House Workshop mas ham, potatos, squash, rømmegrøt, Nov. 16 Photo: Norwegian Film Institute A still from “I Am Yours” (“Jeg er din.”) riskrem, rosettes, krumkake, spritz, and Bothell, Wash. more at the First Lutheran Church, 200 Saturday, November 16, 2013 from E 5th St. from 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. For more 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Our instruc- information call (320) 589-3242. tor, Alice Blandin, will demonstrate the Special Release technique of building your own unique Norwegian Film Institute New York small or large Gingerbread House. Ba- Norwegian Christian Home and Health sic materials are provided. Bring your Center 110th Anniversary Gala own ideas and decorating condiments. The Norwegian Oscar committee chose but with the short “Little Miss Eyeflap” in Nov. 7 Small House $10 to Bothell Members Iram Haq’s first feature “I am Yours” (Jeg 2009, which won The Ellen Award at Aspen Brooklyn, N.Y. $15 to non-members. Large House $15 er din) as Norway’s official submission for Shortsfest in 2010. At the Brooklyn Marriot at the Brooklyn to Bothell member $20 to non-members. the Academy Award 2014 as Best Foreign- Also scripted by Haq, starring Amrita Bridge, 333 Adams St. 6:30 p.m. Our fa- Pre-registration and payment required by Language Feature. Runners-up for the can- Acharia ( of “Game of Thrones” fame), Ola cility is celerating the 110th anniverssary November 4, 2013. Please contact Sel- didacy were Arild Østin Ommundsen’s “It’s Rapace (“Skyfall”), Prince Singh, Rabia of our inception. We are honoring several ma Snaring at (425) 385-2144. Only Make Believe” (Eventyrland) and Erik Noreen and Tobias Santelmann (of “Kon-Ti- individuals. The Lifetime Achievement Skjoldbjærg’s “Pioneer” (Pionér). ki,” Norway’s 2013 entry, which made it to Award will go to O. Magnus Thompson. 33rd Annual Lutefisk Dinner & Bake Sale “‘I am Yours’ is an impressive debut the final round), “I Am Yours” is the story of He is a past chairman of the board of di- Nov. 2 that touches and raises important questions a young, single mother looking for her one rectors for NCHHC. Community Service Yakima, Wash. about being a woman and man in a complex and only. She has different boyfriends, but Award: Martin J. Golden, N.Y. State Sen- 5 – 7 p.m.: Odin Lodge 2-041 in Yakima, society; the committee sees it as very mature the relationships never work; then she falls ator. Performing Arts Award: Sonja E. Wash. hosts its 33rd annual Lutefisk Din- and universal film, a personal and authentic in love with a Swede, Jesper, but he does not Dalen. Business and Commerce award: ner & Bake Sale. Holy Family Church, work created by a woman director, with a fe- seem ready for family life. Keith Lumberg, FDR Services Corp. Our 5315 Tieton Drive. Prices are $17 for male lead that carries the film’s expression Produced by Maria Ekerhovd for Mer guest speaker will be Geir O. Pedersen, adults & $8 for kids under the age of to the full,” the committee announced in a Film – and the first feature to be supported Norway’s ambassador to the United Na- 12. The menu includes lutefisk, meat- press release. by the Norwegian Film Institute’s New Ways tions. Our event chairman is Torry Bern- balls, boiled potatoes, coleslaw, lefse & The director of the film is Iram Haq, scheme, it was released domestically on Au- tsen, president and CEO of Independent traditional desserts such as fruit soup, a Pakistani-Norwegian actress, writer and gust 16, by SF Norge, and was selected for Bank Group. For more information send rømmegrøt & cookies. Tickets avail- director. She was educated at Westerdals the Discovery section of at the 38th Toronto an email to Penelope Mandel at pman- able at Deep Sea Deli or ahead of time School of Communication. She has worked Film Festival in September. [email protected] or call (718) 306-5660. from members. Questions? For more in- for many years as an actor, on stage and The Academy of Motion Picture Arts formation call (509) 965-3947 or (509) in feature and TV films. She also wrote and Sciences will announce the nominations Scandinavian Holiday Fair 966-1583. and starred in the short film “Old Faithful” on January 16, 2014, and the 86th Academy Nov. 2 (2004) which was selected for the short Awards ceremony will take place on March Staten Island, N.Y. 14th Annual Scandinavian Fair film competition at the Venice Film Fes- 2, 2014. Eger Health Care and Rehabilitation Nov. 2 tival in 2004. She made her directorial de- Center is holding its annual Scandina- Bellingham, Wash. vian Holiday Fair at 140 Meisner Ave., Daughters of Norway Nellie Gerdrum Staten Island from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Scan- Lodge #41 presents its 14th Annual < svalbar d dinavian Deli, open-face sandwiches, Scandinavian Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. From page 3 station, where they study several topics, in- Norwegian waffles, Norvega and Nøk- in Bellingham, Wash. at the Hampton cluding climate change, permafrost, atmo- kelost cheese, pea soup, Santa, a Viking Inn – Fox Hall, 3985 Bennett Dr. Admis- two percent of the total number of days. spheric chemistry, and geophysics. China and Norwegian jewelery. 20 vendors will sion is $1, children 12 and under are free. Svalbard is situated right in the center works with marine biology, the northern be there for your holiday shopping with Scandinavian bakery, cafe and nordic of the world’s air - and ocean streams. When lights, and the upper atmosphere, whereas raffles, music and more! For more infor- gifts, crafts and entertainment through- climate changes occur, this is where they Poland focuses on magnetism, ocean streams mation, call Astrid at (347) 993-2221. out the day! first happen, and where it is possible to study and meteorology. the consequences of a warmer globe. Although several projects take place at “When the UN’s Climate Panel present- Svalbard, scientists and organizers still try to ed their most recent report on the state of the make sure that the research doesn’t leave too globe, much of their data had been collected many traces. here in the north,” says International Direc- “We want the research to leave as few tor Kim Holmén at the Norwegian Polar footprints as possible here up north,” says Institute in Longyearbyen to Aftenposten’s Kirsten Broch Mathisen from the Norwegian reporter. Research Council. For example, if it is pos- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 He points out that the research at Sval- sible for more people to go out in the same bard holds a very high standard, and that boat that is the best option. Both for the en- to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! many of the research projects get published. vironment and for the research project,” she Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. France and the UK have a joint research explains. norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood < sami From page 1 Don’t hug me is back! regular courses on Sámi culture for over a The presentation is offered in conjunc- decade. He has lived in northern Norway and Bestefars hjørne “A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol,” is coming back Sweden and traveled extensively in Sápmi tion with the exhibition “The Sámi Reindeer (Sámiland). Edi Thorstensson is retired as to the New Century Theater in Minneapolis, Minn. People of Alaska,” on view at Vesterheim through November 10. Refreshments will librarian and archivist at Gustavus Adolphus be served and those who wish the view the College. She has led tours to Scandinavia exhibition after the presentation will receive and Europe for Road Scholar. free admission. During a yearlong stay in Tromsø, Nor- The Sámi are an indigenous people who, way, Roland and Edi translated Sámi prose today, live mainly in the northern parts of and poetry into English for a book entitled Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and on the “In the Shadow of the Midnight Sun.” Ro- Kola Peninsula in Russia. The Thorstens- land has also translated a Norwegian novel, sons will speak about the Sámi and Sámi “The Salt Bin,” which deals with the “Sámi culture in a broad sense, but will focus on awakening” of the 1960s and he has given conditions, circumstances, and “realities” in many presentations on Sámi topics, includ- Sámiland during the last 30 to 40 years. The ing music. Vesterheim’s exhibition, “The Sámi presentation will also highlight manifesta- Reindeer People of Alaska,” tells the story tions of Sámi culture in literature, art, and of Sámi men and women who left Norway to music since “the awakening” in the 1960s teach reindeer husbandry to the Native Alas- and 1970s. “The presentation will be an op- kans at the request of the U.S. Government. portunity to learn more about Sámi culture The exhibition and programming is spon- and history, as well as the lives of Sámi in sored by Owen and Naomi Bekkum. more recent years,” explained Laurann Gilb- ertson, Vesterheim Chief Curator. For more information, visit www.vester- Roland Thorstensson, professor emeri- heim.org or call (563) 382-9681. tus at Gustavus Adolphus College, taught Photo: www.Don’tHugMe.com Phil Olson, Therese Lentz, Chris Winfield, Mark Atha & Emily Moore at the Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol World Premiere. the 14th annual

Special Release Don’t Hug Me Scandinavian Fair by the Daughters of Norway Nellie Gerdrum Lodge #41

Back for its 7th year after selling out Fair,” “Don’t Hug Me I’m Pregnant,” “A Saturday, november 2, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. every show the last 6 Decembers, the award- Nice Family Gathering,” and “Polyester the hampton Inn’s Fox hall (I-5 exit #258) in Bellingham, Wa winning musical comedy, Musical.” “Mom’s Gift,” will have its world “A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol” premiere in Los Angeles, Calif. this Decem- We will have our Bakery and Cafe with lunch available, Nordic gifts and is returning to the New Century Theatre, ber. Phil has also sold two screenplays and crafts, hourly drawing and entertainment. Admission $1, age 12 & under free! downtown Minneapolis, from November script doctored three screenplays that were 22nd thru January 5th. produced. Phil lives in Los Angeles where he Questions? Contact ellen at (360) 592-4065 “A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol” is a develops his musicals. www.PhilOlson.com hilarious Minnesota spoof of Charles Dick- Paul Olson, M.D., music composer, ens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol.” graduated from the University of Minnesota It’s Christmas Eve in Bunyan Bay, Min- Medical School, and is now a Nephrologist nesota and cantankerous bar owner Gunner living in Chaska. Paul is Phil’s brother. Johnson gets in an argument with his wife, Book and Lyrics by Phil Olson. Clara, tells her he’s skipping Christmas, Music by Paul Olson. he storms out of the bar, goes snowmobil- Featuring: Bonni Allen, Doug Ander- ing across the lake, falls through the ice, son, Michael Lee, Jen Maren and Ross and goes into a coma. He comes back in Young. his dream where he’s visited by folk leg- “A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol” end, Sven Yorgensen, who plays the ghost is playing Nov 22 through January 5 at the of Christmas past, present, and future. Sven New Century Theatre, 615 Hennepin Av- takes Gunner (Scrooge) on a journey simi- enue, City Center – Street Level. Tickets: lar to that in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Adults: $24 on Thu & Sun, $27 on Fri & Sat. Carol” only very different. Seniors: $18 on Thu & Sun, $21 on Fri & Featuring 17 original songs including: Sat. Students: $15. Groups 10+: $20. Gunner Fell Into an Ice Hole, The Wheel Avoid ticket fees, buy tickets in person is Turnin’ but the Hamster is Dead, I Love at the New Century Theatre box office! You More Than Football, Gramma Cut the Reservations: Box Office: (800) 982- Christmas Cheese, and more. 2787. Groups of over ten, call (612) 455- Phil Olson, playwright and Minnesota 9525. native, has written 13 published plays that Show times: Thu & Fri @ 7:30 p.m., have had over 300 productions around the Sat @ 5 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. Sun @ 3 p.m. (2 world. His newest play, MOM’S GIFT, will shows on New Years Eve) be Phil’s seventh play published by Samuel French Publishers in the last eight years. For more information, please visit www. The other six include: “A Don’t Hug Me DontHugMe.com. Christmas Carol,” “A Don’t Hug Me County

< request From page 3 Ministry of Government Administration and Reform (FAD), led by Conservative Party chairman . Other ministers of fewer ministers than the current 20, with include as Justice fewer secretaries and political advisers. Minister, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen as Minister Solberg has also suggested that there will of Education and Thorhild Widvey as Culture be fewer ministries than at present but with Minister. It has also been confirmed that Siv several ministers in the same department. Jensen will become Finance Minister, Bent The new Solberg government also hopes to Høie as Heath Minister, and Børge Brende put a halt of the growth of communism. the Secretary of State. Solberg has already appointed the 14 • october 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

The Falstad Center, Norway’s second largest prison camp during WWII

Dei tre kongsdøtrene i The three princesses in the berget det blå mountain so blue

Tredje dagen skulle soldaten vera The third day the soldier was to stay at heime, medan dei andre to gjekk på home, whilst the other two went out hunt- veiding. — Du får akta deg vel, for deg ing. “You must take good care, for the old slær vel gamlingen kvik i hel, guten man will probably kill you very quickly, my min, sa kapteinen. — Å, livet måtte sit- boy,” said the captain. “Oh, life must not be ja laust når ein skulle lata slik ein gamal worth much if one would allow such a poor krok taka det, meinte soldaten. old person to take it,” meant the boy. Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch Dei var ikkje meir enn vel ute or They were not more than just out of the The Falstad Forest Memorial. porten, før kallen var der og bad om ein gate when the old man was there and begged skilling att. — Pengar har eg aldri hatt, for a penny again. “I have never had mon- men mat skal du få, fyrst han vert fer- Over 500 prison camps were in opera- even harder and up until the end of the war ey, but food you shall have as soon as it is tion in Norway between 1940 – 1945, and al- ordinary people did their part to foil, hinder, dig, sa soldaten. — Men skal vi få på ready,” said the soldier. “But are we to light though most camps were destroyed after the or outright stop the Nazi forces in whatever varmen, så må du hogga ved. — Det the fire, you must first chop some wood.” war Falstad, the second largest camp, was way they could. Many of those ordinary peo- kan eg ikkje, sa kallen. “That I cannot do,” said the old man. not. Located about 80 km. north of Trond- ple were women, until now a voice of history — Kan du ikkje, så kan du vel læra, “If you cannot, then you can certainly heim in Levanger kommune (municipality), that has remained largely silent. sa soldaten. — Det skal snart vera gjort, learn,” said the soldier. “It won’t take long; it today stands as a national education and On September 14th of this year, the Fal- fylg berre med ned i skålen, sa han. Der just follow me down to the shed.” There documentation center honoring the history stad Center brought the story of its women drog han fram ein svær stokk, hogg ei he dragged out a big log, cut a crack in it of those imprisoned there during World War prisoners to the forefront in their new exhibit, sprunge i han og dreiv inn ein bløyg, så and hammered in a wedge, so that the crack II as well as using education, resources and Woman Prisoners of War. This exhibit high- det vart ein stor, djup sprekk. — Ser du became big and deep. “Did you see that?” conferences to highlight issues of human lights the stories and experiences of some rights today. of the 215 women imprisoned at Falstad, det? sa soldaten. asked the soldier. many of whom were arrested for espionage, — No må du leggja deg ned og “Now you must lie down and look sikta vel langsetter sprekken, så skal du About Falstad sabotage, smuggling or other illegal activi- along the crack, and you will soon learn In 1941 German forces established the ties. Three of those women, Elsa Pedersen snart læra korleis det er å hogga ved, sa how to chop wood,” said the soldier. “In the prison camp, SS Strafgefangenenlager Fals- (86), Lillemor Scholander (90) and Gunvor soldaten. — Imedan skal eg hogga og meantime, I shall chop and hammer away.” tad, in this former reform school, and from Bekvik (88), had a reunion of sorts when slå. Ja, gamlingen var ikkje lurare enn Aye, the old man was not wiser and he did 1941 – 1945 approximately 4,500 people they returned for the exhibit opening a few at han gjorde som han var beden, han la what he was asked to do. He lay down and from 13 different nations were imprisoned weeks ago. Although details of their person- seg ned og sikta bortetter stokken. looked along the log. there, the majority of whom were Norwe- al arrests remain private, they shared some Då soldaten såg at skjegget var When the soldier saw that his beard gian political prisoners. For many, this was of their memories with the TrønderAvisa. komi vel ned i sprekken, slo han ut was well down into the crack, he hammered a stopping point en route to another concen- Their interview is available as a PDF file at: bløygen så det sat fast. Dermed gav han out the wedge so that the beard was caught. tration camp; for others it became their final http://falstadsenteret.no/kvinneavdelingen/ seg til å rundjula kallen og lova på at Thereby he began to beat the old man and resting place. ta_160913.pdf. Specific groups were often targeted for han skulle gjera ende på han, om han promised it would be the end of him if did execution: for example, out of 80 Yugosla- “It is important that we know what hap- ikkje straks på timen sa kvar kongs- not that very minute tell him where the prin- døtrene var. — Spar livet! ropa kallen. vian prisoners, 75 were shot, but every pris- pened during the war. cesses were. “Oh spare my life!” cried the oner was at risk. Resistance was not toler- “The number of the dead and those tak- — Spar livet, så skal eg seia det! old man. ated, escape not an option, and Nazis pun- en prisoner is enormous. Austafor garden her er det ein stor “Spare my life and I will tell you! East ished those who acted against them harshly. “But even more so we must not forget haug. Øvst på haugen skal du grava of the farm here there is a big knoll. On top All in all, approximately 300 prisoners were that war deals with individual destinies and laus ei torve, så ser du ei svær stein- of the knoll you need to cut off the turf, and executed between 1942 – 43 in the Falstad human rights.” helle, og under den er det eit djupt hol. under it you will see a huge stone slab, and Forest, located only a single kilometer from Pupil from 9th grade, Charlottenlund I det holet må du fira deg ned, så kjem under this, a deep hole. In this hole you must the Falstad Center. Secondary School, Trondheim, 2007 du dit kongsdøtrene er hjå bergtrollet. let yourself down, and you will come to One particular execution stands out in where the princesses are — with the moun- the minds of many. It was October 7th, 1942, English Education Resources Available tain troll.” when 10 leaders in the Trondheim commu- Through the Falstad Center nity, including the artistic director/founder As an educational center, Falstad has de- of the Trøndelag Theatre, were shot in the veloped a number of resources dealing both Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Falstad forest as a warning to the Norwegian Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com resistance. Instead, it pushed the resistance See > falstad, page 15 norwegian american weekly october 18, 2013 • 15 Sports < hushovd Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League From page 1 it is good to get home in such situations,” Hushovd’s personal trainer Atle Kvålsvoll results Standings Team BMC announced in a press release said to VG. Tippeligaen plD PTS He says that this was an easy choice 10/4 Brann 0 – 1 Haugesund on Sunday, Oct. 13 that Hushovd’s daughter 1. Strømgodset IF 26 53 had been hospitalized with a serious viral in- for Hushovd, and he quickly agreed with 10/5 Viking 1 – 1 Sandnes Ulf 2. Rosenborg BK 26 53 fection. BMC management that it would be best to 10/5 Strømsgodset 2 – 1 Vålerenga Hushovd was in second place overall in go home. He got on a plane leaving China on 3. Viking FK 26 43 the night of Oct. 12. the race, after he won the Oct. 11 stage. 10/6 Start 1 – 1 Sarpsborg 4. FK Haugesund 26 42 “Thor does not want to go any more Hushov told VG that he was disappoint- 5. Ålesund FK 26 40 ed to drop out of the race, but that dealing 10/6 Odd Grenland 0 – 0 Sogndal into what this is about. But this is probably a 6. Molde FK 26 38 with such family matters is just a part of life. good thing...when you have young children 10/6 Molde 1 – 0 Tromsø 7. SK Brann 26 35

10/6 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Ålesund 8. Odd Grenland 26 33 9. Lillestrøm SK 26 33 < rise Measuring the Information Society reveal 10/6 Rosenborg 0 – 0 Hønefoss From page 3 10. IK Start 26 32 that the Republic of Korea leads the world 11. Vålerenga Fotball 26 30 in terms of overall ICT development for the 12. Sogndal IL Fotball 26 30 be connected to the Internet – though speeds third consecutive year, followed closely by Next matches Oct. 20 and prices vary widely, both across and with- Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Finland and 13. Sandnes Ulf 26 30 in regions. Norway. 14. Tromsø IL 26 25 Mobile broadband connections over 3G The International Telecommunications 15. Hønefoss BK 26 26 25 and 3G+ networks are growing at an average Union’s ICT Development Index (IDI) ranks To read more about football in 16. Sarpsborg 08 FF 26 24 annual rate of 40 per cent, equating to 2.1 157 countries according to their level of ICT billion mobile-broadband subscriptions and access, use and skills, and compares 2011 Norway, visit www.uefa.com a global penetration rate of almost 30 per- and 2012 scores. It is widely recognized by cent. Almost 50 percent of all people world- government, UN agencies and industry as wide are now covered by a 3G network. the most accurate and impartial measure of New data from the 2013 edition of overall national ICT development. < falstad < budget From page 14 Government will introduce a first year ad- From page 3 The permanent exhibit folder ditional depreciation allowance of 10 per- “The Falstad Center’s permanent muse- cent of investment costs for machinery, cars, with WWII stories and the issue of human um exhibition, “Face to Face” is based in the reducing the rates and broadening the tax equipment etc. This implies that these assets rights. All are available online or by contact- cellar area of the Falstad building. Through base. In March, the Government appointed for tax purposes can be written off by 30 per ing the center. texts, photographs, films, interviews and ar- a commission (the Scheel-Commission) to cent instead of 20 percent in the year of pur- tifacts the exhibition binds the Centre’s two consider the corporate tax system in light chase. The economic value for businesses A lesson plan for high school students: themed fields of focus: the history ofim- of international developments, taking into over the long run is estimated at approxi- Prisoner no. 424 – Josef Grabowski prisonment during World War II and human account the coherence of the overall tax re- mately 400 million NOK. “This site contains historical docu- rights.” Information at www.falstadsenteret. gime. The Government proposes to strengthen ments, photos and audio clips collected from no/Folder-engelsk.pdf. The Government proposes correspond- Skattefunn (a tax credit scheme) by 90 mil- several archives in Norway, Germany, and ing tax cuts on business income for self-em- lion NOK to further stimulate business R&D Poland. Each source is a piece of the puzzle ployed and persons participating in partner- spending. This will allow for more R&D in the story of prisoner no. 424, the Jewish An opportunity for you to share your ships. projects to be carried through. cantor Josef Grabowski, in the German SS story: The Falstad Center – interview Reduced tax rates on corporations and The Government introduces limitations camp Falstad north of Trondheim, Norway.” project self-employed a.o. will reduce the tax rev- on deductions for interest paid to related par- More information at www.grabowski.no (in enue from mainland businesses by approxi- ties. The proposal aims to avoid multination- English and Norwegian). “The Falstad Center wishes to get in mately NOK 3.3 billion. al corporations shifting taxable profit from touch with people who were imprisoned in The special tax rate on petroleum ex- Norway to low tax countries. Interest deduc- A book: Prisoners of War German camps in Norway during WWII. traction and the special tax on economic rent tion limitations will create a more level play- “This book con- As a national memo- stemming from hydropower plants will be ing field for businesses competing with cor- tains presentations “Falstad is a place to be re- rial site and center of increased by 1 percentage point to 51 per- porations engaged in extensive tax planning. from the symposium minded, a place to learn, a Human Rights, the cent and 31 percent respectively. Thus, the The resulting increase in tax revenue is es- Prisoners of War and place from which to go for- Falstad Center docu- combined marginal tax rate will remain un- timated at approximately 2.55 billion NOK Forced Labor, Histo- ments and communi- changed for these companies. and will partly finance the above mentioned ries of War and Oc- ward. Wiser, more engaged, cates WWII prisoner To further stimulate investments, the tax reductions for mainland businesses. cupation held at the better prepared. For the only history. So far about Falstad Center in No- thing we can say with con- 200 interviews have vember 2008. Con- been made with for- Puzzle Solution tributors are from fidence after having experi- mer Falstad prison- Norwegian American Weekly the U.S., Poland, enced exhibitions like ‘Face ers. This spring the Austria, Israel, Rus- to Face’ at Falstad is this: We center has initiated Organization of the Week sia, Finland, Britain, a national and inter- and Norway. Contact shall not forget. Others must national interview Sons of Norway Marianne Neerland hear.” project, in order to Soleim at: mns@ collect memories of #3-545 falstadsenteret.no for – Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre both Norwegian and Morgensolen more information. foreign prisoners. It’s Beverly, Mass. May 2007 important to preserve An online edu- these memories for Paul R French cational resource in future generations, Lodge Vice President English: Histories of Soviet Prisoners of and thus to increase the knowledge of life [email protected] War in Norway behind barbed wire and of the camp system (978) 887-2830 “The aim of this Internet resource Soviet established by the German Nazis in Norway. Prisoners of War in Norway is to disseminate Former prisoners who wish to share their For the full list of organizations, knowledge about and give an understanding memories are asked to contact the Falstad visit noram.norway.com/organizations of an important part of the Second World Center. Contact person: Ingeborg Hjorth, War history which, to some extent, has been Norwegian telephone (+47) 74-02-80-50; hushed up. By using this Internet resource in e-mail; [email protected]; education, pupils and students gain experi- address: Falstadsenteret, N-7624 Ekne, Nor- Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! ence with using sources and of source criti- way.” cism.” This educational tool includes text, Unless otherwise stated, all quotes taken video, and images. Visit www.powstories. from the Falstad Center website: www.fal- Call (800) 305-0217 no. stadsenteret.no. the NIGHTLY Hearthstone NEWS. Our Late Flight Newark – Copenhagen Norwegian American Weekly is back. Welcome to the Neighborhood!

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