Initial Environmental Examination

June 2018

KGZ: Proposed Loan and Grant for Additional Financing on CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road Project, Phase 2 (Section 1)

Prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic for the Asian Development Bank. This is an updated version of the draft originally posted in July 2017 available on


PЫШУОМt NШ.: TA 8887-KGГ MКy 2018


TСТs InТtТal EnvТronment ExamТnatТon Тn DetaТled DesТРn StaРe was prepared bв Japan Overseas Consultants/ DI”KВRGВZDORTRANSPROEKT for tСe MТnТstrв of Transport and Roads of KвrРвг RepublТc and for tСe AsТan Development Bank, bв updatТnР tСe IEE Report Тn tСe FeasТbТlТtв StaРe prepared bв Kocks Consult GmbH / FТnnТsС Overseas Consultants Ltd. / CAC ConsultТnР. TСТs ТnТtТal envТronmental examТnatТon Тs a document of tСe borrower. TСe vТews expressed СereТn do not necessarТlв represent tСose of ADB's Board of DТrectors, ManaРement, or staff, and maв be prelТmТnarв Тn nature.

In preparТnР anв countrв proРram or strateРв, fТnancТnР anв project, or bв makТnР anв desТРnatТon of or reference to a partТcular terrТtorв or РeoРrapСТc area Тn tСТs document, tСe AsТan Development Bank does not Тntend to make anв judРments as to tСe leРal or otСer status of anв terrТtorв or area.

1 ABBREVIATIONS A‐ ‐ Ahaeologial Assesset Repot fo Setio i ADB - AsТan Development Bank ADT - AveraРe DaТlв TraffТc AIDS - AcquТred Immune DefТcТencв Sвndrome AP - Affected People BoQ - BТll of QuantТtТes CAREC - Central AsТa ReРТonal EconomТc CooperatТon CEАP ConstructТon EnvТronmental Аork Plan CITES - ConventТon on InternatТonal Trade Тn EndanРered SpecТes CO - Carbon MonoxТde CSC - ConstructТon SupervТsТon Consultant CА - CТvТl Аorks dBA - A-weТРСted decТbels DO - DТssolved oxвРen EA - ExecutТnР AРencв EIA - EnvТronmental Impact Assessment EIP - EnvТronmental Impact PermТt EMoP - EnvТronmental MonТtorТnР Plan EMP - EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan FCM - FamТlв MedТcТne Centres GRM - GrТevance Redress MecСanТsm С, Сr - Hour Ha - Hectare HIV - Human ImmunodefТcТencв VТrus IA - ImplementТnР AРencв IEE - InТtТal EnvТronmental ExamТnatТon IES - InternatТonal EnvТronmental SpecТalТst IPIG - Investment Projects ImplementatТon Group KDTP - KвrРвгdortransproekt KР - KТloРram Km - KТlometer Kpa - KТlopascal LAR - Land AcquТsТtТon and Resettlement LARP - Land AcquТsТtТon Resettlement Plan LHS - LeftСand SТde Ls - Lump Sum m2 - Square Meter m3 - CubТc Meter Max. - MaxТmum ME - MТnТstrв of EconomТcs KR MТn. - MТnТmum MOF - MТnТstrв of FТnance KR MoTR - MТnТstrв of Transport and Road of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc MoCIT MТnТstrв of Culture, InformatТon and TourТsm of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc MPC - MaxТmum PermТssТble ConcentratТons N‐ ‐ Noise Assesset Repot fo Setio i NES - NatТonal EnvТronmental SpecТalТst NGO - Non-Governmental OrРanТгatТon No. - Number

2 NO2 - NТtroРen DТoxТde PAM - Project AdmТnТstratТon Manual PAP - Project-Affected Person PBM - Performance-based maТntenance PER - PublТc EnvТronmental RevТew PPMS - Project Performance ManaРement Sвstem PPTA - Project Preparatorв TecСnТcal AssТstance RAP - Resettlement ActТon Plan RHS - RТРСtСand SТde ROА - RТРСt-of-Аaв RP - Resettlement Plan SA - SocТal Assessment SAEPF - State AРencв on EnvТronment ProtectТon and Forestrв SER - State EnvТronmental RevТew SETI - State EcoloРТcal and TecСnТcal InspectТon

SO2 - Sulfur DТoxТde SPS - SafeРuard PolТcв Statement SSEMP - SТte SpecТfТc EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan TA - TecСnТcal AssТstance TMP - TraffТc ManaРement Plan TOR - Terms of Reference TPH - Total Petroleum Hвdrocarbon TSP - Total Suspended PartТculates UNFCC - UnТted NatТons Framework ConventТon on ClТmate CСanРe V‐ ‐ Viatio Assesset Repot fo Setio i АHSP - Аorker’s HealtС and Safetв Plan

3 CШЧtОЧt A. ExОМЮtТЯО SЮmmКЫy ...... 8 B. PШХТМy, LОРКХ КЧН AНmТЧТЬЫКtТЯО FЫКmОаШЫФ ...... 14 1. IЧtЫШНЮМtТШЧ ...... 14 2. ExtОЧt ШП IEE StЮНy ...... 15 3. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ pЫШtОМtТШЧ ХОРТЬХКtТШЧ ШП KyЫРyг RОpЮЛХТМ ...... 15 4. RОqЮТЫОН ADB EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ AppЫШЯКХ ...... 17 5. PОЫmТttТЧР PЫШМОЬЬОЬ ТЧ KyЫРyг RОpЮЛХТМ ...... 19 6. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ StКЧНКЫНЬ ...... 19 C. DОЬМЫТptТШЧ ШП tСО PЫШУОМt ...... 22 1. NООН ПШЫ tСО PЫШУОМt ...... 22 2. OЯОЫЯТОа ...... 24 3. TypО КЧН TОМСЧТМКХ RШКН CКtОРШЫy ШП tСО PЫШУОМt ...... 24 3.1. BЫТНРОЬ КЧН CЮХЯОЫtЬ ...... 27 4. TОmpШЫКЫy AЧМТХХКЫy FКМТХТtТОЬ ...... 27 4.1. MКtОЫТКХ SШЮЫМОЬ КЧН CЮt & FТХХ ...... 27 4.2. AЬpСКХt КЧН CОmОЧt BКtМСТЧР PХКЧtЬ ...... 28 4.3. CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ CКmp ...... 29 5. AХtОЫЧКtТЯОЬ ...... 29 6. TЫКППТМ VШХЮmО ...... 29 7. PЫШpШЬОН SМСОНЮХО ПШЫ ImpХОmОЧtКtТШЧ ...... 29 D. DОЬМЫТptТШЧ ШП tСО EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧt ...... 30 1. GОШmШЫpСШХШРy ...... 30 2. SШТХ КЧН GОШХШРy ...... 31 3. CХТmКtО ...... 31 4. HyНЫШХШРy ...... 31 5. FКЮЧК ...... 32 6. FХШЫК ...... 36 7. BТШЬpСОЫО RОЬОЫЯО, ГШЧТЧР, КЧН PЫШtОМtОН AЫОКЬ ...... 37 8. EЧНШРОЧШЮЬ КЧН ExШРОЧШЮЬ PЫШМОЬЬОЬ ...... 38 9. SШМТШ-ОМШЧШmТМ IЧПШЫmКtТШЧ ...... 39 10. CЮХtЮЫКХ КЧН AЫМСКОШХШРТМКХ RОЬШЮЫМОЬ ...... 40 11. SОЧЬТtТЯО RОМОptШЫЬ ...... 41 12. BКЬОХТЧО MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ ...... 42 12.1. АКtОЫ QЮКХТty MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ ...... 42 12.2. AТЫ QЮКХТty MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ ...... 43 12.3. NШТЬО MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ ...... 43 E. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ ImpКМtЬ КЧН MТtТРКtТШЧ MОКЬЮЫОЬ ...... 45 1. ImpКМtЬ ТЧ tСО PЫШУОМt PСКЬОЬ ...... 45





LТЬt ШП FТРЮЫОЬ FТРЮЫО 1. StКЫtТЧР PШТЧt ШП PЫШУОМt AЫОК ...... 24 FТРЮЫО 2. PЫШУОМt AЫОКЬ ЧОКЫ CСЮ RТЯОЫ ...... 25 FТРЮЫО 3. PЫШУОМt SТtО (КПtОЫ Km 14) ...... 26 FТРЮЫО 4. PЫШУОМt SТtО – OЫtШ-TШФШy RОЬОЫЯШТЫ ...... 23 FТРЮЫО 5: LШМКtТШЧ MКp ШП tСО RШКН SОМtТШЧ ...... 24 FТРЮЫО 6: TОМСЧТМКХ CКtОРШЫy II RШКН (TypО 1-6) ...... 25 FТРЮЫО 7: TОМСЧТМКХ CКtОРШЫy II RШКН (TypО 7-11) ...... 26 FТРЮЫО 8: PЫШУОМt AЫОК ЧОКЫ CСЮ RТЯОЫTШФШy АКtОЫ RОЬОЫЯШТЫ…………………… ...... ………32 FТРЮЫО 9: CХКЬЬТПТМКtТШЧ CСКЫt… ...... ……………………………………35 FТРЮЫО 10: LШМКtТШЧ ШП PЫШУОМt RШКН… ...... …………………………………35 FТРЮЫО 11: SpОМТОЬ ОЧtОЫОН ТЧ tСО RОН BШШФ ШЧ tСО tОЫЫТtШЫy ШП tСО IЬЬyФ-KЮХ .. …………………36 FТРЮЫО 12: PШШЬТЛХО ГШЧО ШП NКtЮЫКХ DТЬКЬtОЫЬ ……… ...... ………………………………………….39 FТРЮЫО 13: SКЫy-BЮХЮЧ NШЫtСОЫЧ 1 ……… ...... ………………………………………….40 FТРЮЫО 14. TКЬС –SКЫКy RОЬТНОЧtТКХ AЫОК ………… ...... ……………………………………..42 FТРЮЫО 15: IЧНЮЬtЫТКХ гШЧО, BКХyФМСy …………… ...... …………………………………………..42



IЧtЫШНЮМtТШЧ 1. TСТs report Тs tСe InТtТal EnvТronmental ExamТnatТon (IEE) report for SectТon 1. As part of tСe project, tСe followТnР studТes and addТtТonal reports Сave been prepared:  NoТse ModellТnР and Assessment Report for SectТon 1 (Annex M);  VТbratТon ModellТnР and Assessment Report for SectТon 1 (Annex N); and  ArcСaeoloРТcal Surveв and Assessment Report and Proposed Plan for SectТon 1 (Annex O). TСe fТndТnРs of tСese reports are summarТгed Тn tСТs maТn text of tСe IEE report and tСe detaТled studТes are attacСed. 2. TСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc Сas requested tСe AsТan Development Bank (ADB) to ТdentТfв, formulate, and prepare an ensuТnР loan and/or Рrant for tСe CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 Connector Road. TСe maТn outcome of tСe PPTA Тs to prepare a feasТbТlТtв studв suТtable for donors fТnancТnР. TСe project scope also Тncludes soft components to tackle sector-wТde Тssues. AРreement needs to be reacСed wТtС tСe Рovernment on tСe exact detaТls, ТncludТnР: (Т) Тmprove effТcТencв of road asset manaРement Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, (ТТ) support tСe Рovernment wТtС ТnstТtutТonal reforms Тn transport sector, (ТТТ) Тntroduce performance based maТntenance contracts, and (Тv) Тmprove road safetв Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. TСe proposed Project wТll Тmprove tСe followТnР socТo-economТc ТndТcators of tСe reРТons of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc:  Reduce tСe cost of passenРer and carРo transportatТon between soutСern and Issвk-Kul and Narвn reРТons bв provТdТnР dТrect access.  Reduce transport costs due to route cuttТnР and better road condТtТons.  Increase Тn local and ТnternatТonal transportatТon and movement.  OrТРТnatТon of addТtТonal Тncome-РeneratТnР opportunТtТes for local resТdents  CreatТon of new jobs  Good state of veСТcles/ReductТon of operatТnР costs TСe SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43)” wТll be fТnanced bв ADB. 3. TСТs Тs tСe envТronmental assessment studв undertaken for tСe DetaТled DesТРn StaРe of tСe project Тn accordance wТtС tСe ADB requТrements and Сas been prepared based on tСe prevТous IEE Report prepared durТnР tСe FeasТbТlТtв StaРe, wСerever possТble, as was ТnТtТallв prepared bв KOCKS and approved bв ADB. 4. AccordТnР to tСe cateРorТгatТon of ADB SafeРuard PolТcв Statement, tСe project belonРs to cateРorв “B” and doesn’t requТre preparatТon of an EnvТronmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. As a part of tСe ADB PolТcв, tСe project requТres preparatТon of an InТtТal EnvТronmental ExamТnatТon (IEE) report. In tСe leРТslatТon of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, Тn accordance wТtС tСe cСanРes, accordТnР to tСe ReРulatТon on tСe procedure for conductТnР envТronmental Тmpact assessment Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc No. 60 dated Februarв 13, 2015, tСТs staРe Тs consТdered as InТtТal EnvТronment ExamТnatТon at tСe DetaТled DesТРn StaРe and Тs documented tСrouРС an IEE report. TСe cateРorТгatТon of projects, accordТnР to tСe leРТslatТon of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, Тs not carrТed out, tСerefore tСe EIA report and tСe IEE report can be consТdered as equТvalent. TСe IEE studв for SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43)” Тs beТnР conducted based on secondarв ТnformatТon from a number of avaТlable sources, and prТmarв data obtaТned from fТeld parametrТc measurements alonР wТtС tСe observatТons РatСered from several fТeld vТsТts. EnvТronmental publТc consultatТon was done and was attended bв resТdents of tСe communТtТes mentТoned as well as tСose from surroundТnР vТllaРes.

PШХТМy, LОРКХ, КЧН AНmТЧТЬtЫКtТЯО FЫКmОаШЫФ 5. TСe IEE studв was Тn conformance wТtС tСe natТonal leРal framework of KвrРвгstan consТstТnР of tСe Тmportant laws Тn envТronmental protectТon, water protectТon, cultural СerТtaРe, publТc

8 СealtС, and otСer natТonal envТronmental leРТslatТons. In addТtТon, InternatТonal TreatТes tСat KвrРвгstan was a sТРnatorв were also consТdered as part of tСe overall framework. 6. TСe EnvТronmental assessment Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc Тs founded on two subsвstems: (Т) OVOS (tСe RussТan acronвm for “Assessment of EnvТronmental Impacts”), and (ТТ) EcoloРТcal ExpertТse (State EnvТronmental RevТew, SER). TСe resultТnР IEE Тs presented for publТc consultatТons, after wСТcС revТsТons are done accordТnР to tСe publТc’s feedback. Subsequentlв, tСe OVOS report, Statement of EnvТronmental Consequences, and otСer supportТnР documentatТons are submТtted for tСe State EnvТronmental RevТew (SER). After wСТcС tСe project maв be approved, rejected or send for re-examТnatТon. 7. Under ADB approval requТrements, a set of specТfТc safeРuard requТrements are requТred to be met bв tСe BorrowТnР Countrв Тn addressТnР envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts and rТsks. TСe project would underРo ScreenТnР and CateРorТгatТon, formulatТon of EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan and PublТc DТsclosure. PublТc ConsultatТons for CateРorв B would be requТred so tСat vТews of affected Рroups are taken Тnto account Тn tСe desТРn of tСe Project and wТtСТn tСe mТtТРatТon measures proposed. In order to determТne tСe possТble Тmpact of project actТvТtТes on rare and endanРered specТes of anТmals, as well as data valТdatТon as bТoloРТcal resources wТtСТn tСe corrТdor project sТte BalвkcСв (0-43 km), located Тn tСe гone of tСe bТospСere reserve "Issвk-Kul", on MarcС 27, 2017 a meetТnР was orРanТгed wТtС tСe General DТrectorate of BТospСere TerrТtorв (GDBT) "Issвk-Kul" under tСe State AРencв on EnvТronment ProtectТon and Forestrв under tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, GDBT representatТves, representatТve of ADB, EnvТronmental specТalТsts of IPIG MOTR and EPTISA / JOC. 8. DurТnР tСe dТscussТon reРardТnР tСe condТtТons of bТoloРТcal resources Тn tСe area of BalвkcСв road sectТon (km0-43), tСe reСabТlТtatТon of wСТcС Тs beТnР consТdered Тn tСe framework of CAREC CorrТdor 1 and 3 Connector Road Project BalвkcСв SectТon (0 km) to tСe kТlometer post (43 km), tСe followТnР was confТrmed bв tСe representatТves of tСe General DТrectorate of "Issвk-Kul" BТospСere Reserve: TСe sectТon of BalвkcСв corrТdor Тs located, accordТnР to tСe гonТnР of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв of "Issвk-Kul", Тn tСe sanТtatТon гone, Т.. Тn tСe гone tСat Тncludes antСropoРenТcallв dТsturbed terrТtorТes tСat requТre reРeneratТon and remedТatТon measures (tСe ReРulatТon on tСe BТospСere TerrТtorв "Issвk-Kul" approved bв tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc on Januarв 24, 2000 No. 40). TСe terrТtorв of tСe project sectТon of tСe road, sТnce tСe tТme of constructТon Тn tСe 70s of tСe 20tС centurв, Сas been under antСropoРenТc Тnfluence for a lonР tТme. Separate cordons or observatТon statТons on tСТs sТte are not Тnstalled due to tСe lack of sucС a need. Rare and endanРered specТes of anТmals Тncluded Тn tСe IBAT sвstem and found on tСe bТospСere terrТtorв (tСe lТst Тs attacСed Тn SectТon J, IEE), Тt Тs Тn tСe area of BalвkcСв SectТon tСat tСeв practТcallв do not occur, sТnce tСeв lТve Тn СТРС-altТtude areas. In connectТon wТtС tСТs, carrвТnР out of tСe reСabТlТtatТon works Тn tСe specТfТed project sectТon of tСe road wТll not Сave a potentТal neРatТve Тmpact on tСe avaТlable bТoloРТcal resources of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв, ТncludТnР on tСe Red Book specТes of anТmals, on tСe specТes of anТmals Тncluded Тn tСe IBAT sвstem. Also, representatТves of tСe GDBT were recommended to act as precautТonarв mТtТРatТnР measures wТtСТn tСe project and to promote antТ-poacСТnР actТvТtТes tСat are Тncluded Тn tСe EMP. MТnutes of Protocol MeetТnР Тs presented Тn AppendТx H2.

DОЬМЫТptТШЧ ШП tСО PЫШУОМt 9. TСe project road SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43)” Тs a 43-km east to west СТРСwaв. TСТs SectТon beРТns at a roundabout located at tСe entrance to BalвkcСв town. TСere are 5 roads tСat converРe at tСТs poТnt, and one of wСТcС Тs tСe SectТon of tСe project road, wСТcС radТates Тn tСe soutСeast dТrectТon. Generallв, tСТs SectТon follows tСe exТstТnР alТРnment up to

9 post 43 (Km 43). A Рood stretcС of tСТs sectТon (around 29 km) Тs wТtСТn Issвk-Kul oblast wСТle around 14 km Тs wТtСТn KocСkor DТstrТct of Narвn Oblast. 10. TСe detaТls of tСe proposed road SectТon project are:  ReСabТlТtate and pave tСe project road to TecСnТcal CateРorв II from BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43) accordТnР to KвrРвгstan NatТonal Standard wТtС GeometrТcal and Structural RequТrements wТtС 95 km/С desТРn speed outsТde tСe settlement areas and 60 km/С wТtСТn tСe vТllaРes.  ReСabТlТtatТon, repaТr and/or replacement of brТdРes and culverts.  ConstructТon of sТde draТns and otСer draТnaРe structures.  ProvТsТon of retaТnТnР walls and rТver protectТon measures, wСere necessarв.  ProvТsТon of adequate road sТРnТnР and markТnР.  ProvТsТon of safetв barrТers. 11. TСe road Тs to be desТРned accordТnР to KвrРвг РeometrТc desТРn standard, and accordТnРlв, Тt sСall be suffТcТent to carrв tСe traffТc loadТnР effТcТentlв wТtСТn Тts projected servТce lТfe. EffectТvelв, tСese wТll be a two-lane road consТstТnР of a carrТaРewaв wТdtС (sum of tСe wТdtС of lanes) and tСe wТdtС of tСe sСoulders. TСe desТРn elements for tСe cross sectТon of tСe project road are as follows:  Number of lanes: 2  Lane wТdtС: 3.5-3.75 m  CarrТaРewaв wТdtС: 7.00-7.50 m  АТdtС of sСoulder: 3.25-3.75 m (of wСТcС 0.50-0.75 m Тs paved)  Total road wТdtС: 15.00 m

DОЬМЫТptТШЧ ШП tСО EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧt 12. TСe road corrТdor Тs entТrelв contaТned wТtСТn tСe mountaТn ranРes of tСe NortСern and Inner TТen SСan. TСe route passes tСrouРС tСe mountaТn and plaТn part of tСe Issвk-Kul, Narвn ReРТons at an altТtude of 700 to 3500 m above sea level, crossТnР tСe valleвs of tСe rТvers CСu. TСe clТmate Тn Issвk-Kul Тs referred to as a local steppe clТmate, descrТbed as contТnental wТtС cold wТnters and Сot summers. TСere Тs lТttle raТnfall tСrouРСout tСe вear wТtС tСe averaРe annual raТnfall of 390 mm. DurТnР tСe summer montСs (June-AuРust), tСe averaРe montСlв СТРС temperatures on tСe sСores of tСe lake are around 20-25°C. Due to tСe confТnement of tСe Terskeв Ala-Too ranРes, most of tСe clТmatТc condТtТons of tСe project road are tСat of Issвk-Kul reРТon. As part of tСe baselТne ТnformatТon, parametrТc measurements for water qualТtв Тn selected rТvers, alonР wТtС aТr qualТtв and noТse/vТbratТon Тn sensТtТve receptors. FТeld measurements were done Тn tСe end of 2015 and tСe results are presented Тn tСТs report. TСe Рeneral cСaracterТstТcs of tСe areas on accordТnР to Рeo-botanТcal гones Тn TonР dТstrТct - deserted steppe wТtС fraРments of forests and spruce forests. TСe flora of tСe Issвk-Kul BТospСere Reserve comprТses around 1,500 specТes of plants wТtСТn wСТcС tСere are some 30 specТes of verв Тmportant wТld medТcТnal plants. It Сas dТverse and ТnterestТnР fauna, wТtС numerous endanРered specТes fТndТnР refuРe Тn Тts manв unpopulated areas. As observed, tСe lake’s western and eastern sСores serve as a wТnterТnР place for waterfowl. It was estТmated tСat tСe number of waterfowl and near water-lТvТnР bТrds Тs around 67,000 from 29 dТfferent specТes. TСe mammals Тn tСe lake were known to be consТstТnР of sТx orders and 34 specТes (ТncludТnР ТnsectТvores, cСТropters, rodents, carnТvore, laРomorpСs and artТodactвls). Most of tСe rural populatТon alonР tСe project road depends on subsТstence aРrТculture and lТvestock. As a rural and countrвsТde settТnР, aРrТculture Тs expected to be tСe maТn Тndustrв wТtС tСe maТn crops as cereal crops and potatoes. TСe consТdered sensТtТve receptors Тn close vТcТnТtв to tСe project road are BalвkcСв (km 00+000), start of tСe road sectТon and wТtС consТderable number of people around; and TasС-Saraв (km 11 + 000) ResТdentТal areas near tСe road. TСe project road, and lТkewТse tСТs road sectТon partlв passes tСe Issвk-Kul BТospСere Reserve wТtС four (4) Zones – (Т) Core Zone; (ТТ) Buffer Zone; (ТТТ) TransТtТonal Zone; and ReСabТlТtatТon Zone. As per ReРulatТon BТospСere TerrТtorв "Issвk-Kul", start of tСe road reconstructТon of tСe BalвkcСв (00+000km) and СТРСwaвs are part of tСe ReСabТlТtatТon Zone.

10 EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ ImpКМtЬ КЧН MТtТРКtТШЧ MОКЬЮЫОЬ 13. TСe antТcТpated envТronmental Тmpacts of tСe proposed road project are lТkelв to be resultТnР dТrectlв from constructТon actТvТtТes. EnvТronmental and socТal Тmpacts assocТated wТtС tСe road constructТon consТst of (Т) ТmpaТrment of access; (ТТ) dust РeneratТon; (ТТТ) noТse and vТbratТon level aРРravatТon; (Тv) СeТРСtened emТssТons levels; (v) water contamТnatТon & sedТmentatТon; (v) Тmpacts on local flora and fauna; (vТ) dТsruptТon to local economв; (vТТ) defacement of local topoРrapСв; (vТТТ) solТd and lТquТd waste РeneratТon; (Тx) road safetв Тssues; and (x) Тmpacts on arcСaeoloРТcal sТtes. 14. TСe constructТon entaТls a number of actТvТtТes wСТcС are expected to Тntroduce Тmpacts and dТsturbances to tСe Рeneral envТronment, especТallв durТnР tСe constructТon perТod. Most of tСese Тmpacts are confТned wТtСТn tСe rТРСt-of-waв, constructТon sТtes, and facТlТtв sТtes; wСТle some actТvТtТes can affect tСe outlвТnР areas or even a wТder area, especТallв Тf not properlв mТtТРated. 15. AvoТdance of Тmpacts can be executed bв proper plannТnР/preparatТon durТnР tСe Pre- enРТneerТnР and desТРn pСase. A number of mТtТРatТon measures Сave been proposed as part of tСТs studв.

AЧКХyЬТЬ ШП КХtОЫЧКtТЯОЬ 16. In tСТs IEE, two alternatТves were consТdered: (Т) Zero optТon - ТnactТon/ do notСТnР (ТТ) TСe road reconstructТon project 17. TСe “Zero optТon” alternatТve scenarТo means tСat tСe road staвs “as Тs”, Тn wСТcС no reСabТlТtatТon works are consТdered. ConsТderТnР tСe mentТoned reasons and alonР wТtС tСose presented Тn tСe “Countrв and ReРТonal StrateРв” and “LocalТtв SpecТfТc RatТonale”, tСe benefТts of reСabТlТtatТnР and reconstructТnР tСe road Рenerallв outweТРС tСe expectatТons of tСe “Zero optТon” alternatТve. 18. TСe second alternatТve Тs consТderТnР road reconstructТon Тn tСe sectТon BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43) tСrouРС exТstТnР road.

CШЧЬЮХtКtТШЧ, PКЫtТМТpКtТШЧ КЧН IЧПШЫmКtТШЧ DТЬМХШЬЮЫО 19. In accordance wТtС ADB’s PublТc CommunТcatТons PolТcв (2011) and SPS (2009), PublТc ConsultatТon meetТnР for tСТs sectТon on tСe envТronmental aspects was undertaken on 17 MarcС 2016 Тn BalвkcСв. DurТnР tСe publТc consultatТon orРanТгed bв IPIG, wТtС tСe assТstance of PPTA consultants (Kocks Consult, GmbH), prepared PowerPoТnt presentatТon reРardТnР tСe tecСnТcal features of tСe project and explaТned tСe potentТal envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts wТtС correspondТnР mТtТРatТon measures. At tСese Тnstances, tСe partТcТpants were able to express wСat tСeв tСouРСt about tСe project and were РТven a cСance to ask clarТfТcatorв questТons durТnР tСe open forum. Forms were provТded to tСe people for tСem to wrТte Тn tСeТr own comments wСТcС Тncorporated Тn tСe IEE and serve as recommendatТons Тn tСe desТРn pСase. 20. DetaТls of tСe PublТc ConsultatТon are provТded Тn SectТon G. ConsultatТon, PartТcТpatТon and InformatТon DТsclosure of tСТs document. TСe IEE sСall also be dТsclosed to a wТder audТence vТa tСe ADB websТte. DurТnР tСe project ТmplementatТon, perТodТc envТronmental monТtorТnР reports sСall be submТtted bв IPIG on beСalf of MoTR and correspondТnРlв also be uploaded Тn tСe ADB websТte and Тn KGZ on MoTR websТte.

GЫТОЯКЧМО RОНЫОЬЬ MОМСКЧТЬm 21. TСe GrТevance Redress MecСanТsm (GRM) Тs a process tСrouРС wСТcС tСe affected people need a trusted waв to voТce and resolve concerns about tСe project and tСe project also fТnds an effectТve waв to address affected people’s concerns. TСe GRM wТll cover Тssues related to socТal, envТronmental and otСer safeРuard Тssues under ADB safeРuard covenants and KвrРвг Law. 22. АТtС two staРe appeals – tСe Local (vТllaРe) Level and Central Level, alonР wТtС Рreater partТcТpatТon of tСe local people, resolutТon of complaТnts wТll be better ensured. ADB Тtself Сas

11 addТtТonal mecСanТsm Тn wСТcС a complaТnant can be appealed tСrouРС tСe ADB AccountabТlТtв MecСanТsm wСТcС Тs alwaвs accessТble to tСe APs.

EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ MКЧКРОmОЧt PХКЧ 23. TСe EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan (EMP) for tСe project road, consТstТnР of Тmpact mТtТРatТon and monТtorТnР plan, Сas been prepared as part of tСТs IEE. A proРram of monТtorТnР, tСe EnvТronmental MonТtorТnР Plan (EMP), Тs also developed СereТn to ensure tСat all concerned aРencТes take tСe specТfТed actТon to provТde tСe requТred mТtТРatТon, to assess tСe level of project Тmpacts on envТronmental qualТtв and to determТne wСetСer anв addТtТonal measures maв be necessarв. TСТs EMP wТll be part of tСe contract documents consТstТnР of specТfТed measures coverТnР most of tСe possТble Тssues tСat can occur wТll enable tСe avoТdance, reductТon, and mТtТРatТon of adverse Тmpacts Тn tСe project cвcle. TСe Contractor sСall adopt tСe mТtТРatТon measures, partТcularlв tСose for tСe constructТon Тnto СТs SТte SpecТfТc EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan (SSEMP) consТstent wТtС tСeТr own work proРram. Supplementarв Plans wТll also be drawn up bв tСe Contractor for specТfТc sТtuatТons to ensure a focused actТon on anв problem tСat mТРСt arТse. 24. OperatТonal framework of tСe EMP Тnvolves tСe natТonal aРencТes (IPIG-MoTR, SETI &SAEPF), ADB SafeРuard SpecТalТsts, ConstructТon SupervТsТon Consultant (CSC), Contractor, wТtС tСe local Рovernments and recoРnТгТnР roles of NGO’s and people’s orРanТгatТon at tСe project sТte. TСe cost for ТmplementТnР EMP wТll be fТnanced, specТfТcallв tСe costs of mТtТРatТon measures wТll be Тncluded Тn tСe constructТon contracts, and tСe cost for envТronmental monТtorТnР wТll be Тncluded Тn tСe consultТnР servТce of tСe CSC. 25. TСe cost for ТmplementТnР EMP wТll be fТnanced bв tСe loan, specТfТcallв tСe costs of mТtТРatТon measures wТll be Тncluded Тn tСe constructТon contracts, and tСe cost for envТronmental monТtorТnР wТll be Тncluded Тn tСe consultТnР servТce of tСe CSC. MТtТРatТon measures and a monТtorТnР plan Сave been developed and Тncorporated Тnto tСe EMP. Under tСe РuТdance of CSC, tСe contractor wТll Сave to submТt Рeneral sТte-specТfТc EnvТronmental ManaРement Plans on tСe basТs EMP ТncludТnР followТnР 13 annexes prТor to commencТnР operatТons: (Т) Dust SuppressТon Plan (ТТ) BlastТnР Аorks ManaРement Plan (ТТТ) ConstructТon NoТse ManaРement Plan (Тv) VТbratТon ManaРement and MonТtorТnР Plan (v) Surface Аater ContamТnatТon PreventТon Plan (vТ) Borrow PТts ManaРement Plan (vТТ) BatcСТnР Plant/ Cement Plant ManaРement Plan (vТТТ) SoТl ManaРement Plant (Тx) SolТd and LТquТd Аaste ManaРement Plan (x) Cultural & HТstorТcal SТtes ManaРement Plan (xТ) Safetв ManaРement Plan (xТТ) Camp and АorksСop ManaРement Plan (xТТТ) MaterТal ProcessТnР Plants/EquТpment and StoraРe FacТlТtТes Plan TСe SSEMP sСall be endorsed bв tСe constructТon supervТsТon consultant before submТssТon to IPIG for approval. 26. IPIG wТll promptlв Тnform ADB of tСe occurrence of anв rТsks or Тmpacts, wТtС detaТled descrТptТon of tСe event and proposed correctТve actТon plan Тf anв unantТcТpated envТronmental and/or socТal rТsks and Тmpacts arТse durТnР constructТon, ТmplementatТon or operatТon of tСe Project tСat were not consТdered Тn tСe IEE. IPIG wТll report anв actual or potentТal breacС of complТance wТtС tСe measures and requТrements set fortС Тn tСe EMP promptlв after becomТnР aware of tСe breacС. 27. MonТtorТnР and reportТnР. DurТnР constructТon, monТtorТnР sСall be done bв CSC. Based on tСese monТtorТnР results, CSC wТll submТt quarterlв project proРress report reflectТnР envТronmental

12 safeРuard complТance. CSC wТll assТst IPIG Тn compТlТnР and submТttТnР semТannual monТtorТnР reports (EMR) durТnР project constructТon wТtСТn one montС after eacС reportТnР perТod. EMRs wТll be dТsclosed at ADB websТte and submТtted to local autСorТtТes.

CШЧМХЮЬТШЧЬ КЧН RОМШmmОЧНКtТШЧЬ 28. TСe IEE/EMP-EMP, as part of tСe contract documents, sСall be adСered to bв tСe Contractor. AccordТnРlв, tСe Contractor sСall requТre all СТs Sub-Contractors to follow also tСe EMP and sucС stТpulatТons sСould also be sСown Тn Sub-contractТnР aРreements, wСТcС wТll be verТfТed bв tСe EnРТneer (or tСe CS Consultants). 29. Upon assessment of tСe Тmpacts, tСe project Тs maТntaТned at EnvТronmental CateРorв B; sТnce tСe predТcted Тmpacts are “sТte-specТfТc, wТtС few ТrreversТble, and Тn most cases mТtТРatТon measures can be readТlв desТРned and to be Тncorporated Тn tСe detaТled desТРns. 30. MТtТРatТon measures Сave been developed to be utТlТгed for fТnalТгatТon Тn tСe detaТled desТРn pСase, for ТmplementatТon Тn tСe constructТon pСase, and subsequentlв for tСe operatТons pСase, to reduce all neРatТve Тmpacts to acceptable levels. As per assessment Тn tСТs IEE, tСe proposed Road Project Тs unlТkelв to sТРnТfТcant envТronmental Тmpacts. To ensure envТronmental and socТal safeРuards, tСe IEE recommends tСat:  strТct monТtorТnР Тs done;  measures be Тmplemented;  avoТd socТoeconomТc Тmpact – СТre local people;  contractor sСould Сave SSEMP approved before commencТnР constructТon works;  baselТne measurements and perТodТc monТtorТnР be done;  contractor to desТРnate envТronmental staff;  CSC to provТde suffТcТent traТnТnР on EMP ТmplementatТon and complТance monТtorТnР for tСe CSC enРТneers and to tСe Contractor’s staff;  CSC to assТst IPIG Тn monТtorТnР and reportТnР on EMP ТmplementatТon  IPIG-MoTR sСall oversee envТronmental complТance and ensure tСat reportТnР requТrements are followed.


1. IЧtЫШНЮМtТШЧ 31. TСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc (tСe Рovernment) Сas requested for a project preparatorв tecСnТcal assТstance (PPTA) from tСe AsТan Development Bank (ADB) to ТdentТfв, formulate, and prepare an ensuТnР loan and/or Рrant for tСe CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 Connector Road. TСe maТn output of tСe PPTA Тs a feasТbТlТtв studв suТtable for donors fТnancТnР. TСe studв wТll cover fТve (5) sectТons:  BКХyФМСy (Km 0) tШ ФТХШmОtОЫ - pШЬt 43 (Km 43), КppЫШxТmКtОХy 43 ФТХШmОtОЫЬ (Фm),1  KocСkor (Km 64) to EpkТn (Km 89), approxТmatelв 24 km,2A  EpkТn (Km 89) to BasСkuРandв [Formerlв DвТkan] (km 159), approxТmatelв 70 km;2B  BasСkuРandв [former DвТkan] DвТkan (km 159) to Kвгвl-ZСвldвг (km 183), approxТmatelв 24km, wСere a Bвpass Road Тs beТnР envТsТoned to avoТd tСe vТllaРe of CСaek and part of Kвгвl-ZСвldвг; 3A and  Aral (Km 195) to Too-AsСuu pass (Km 286), approxТmatelв 91 km. 3B TСe SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43)” wТll be fТnanced bв ADB. 32. TСe project scope also Тncludes soft components to tackle sector-wТde Тssues. AРreement needs to be reacСed wТtС tСe Рovernment on tСe exact detaТls, ТncludТnР:  Тmprove effТcТencв of road asset manaРement Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc,  support tСe Рovernment wТtС ТnstТtutТonal reforms Тn transport sector,  Тntroduce performance based maТntenance contracts, and  Тmprove road safetв Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. TСe Investment Project ImplementatТon Group (IPIG) wТtСТn tСe MТnТstrв Transport and Road (MoTR) tСat sСall be tСe ExecutТnР AРencв (EA) for tСТs project durТnР tСe constructТon staРe. As ТnТtТal part of tСe possТble fundТnР assТstance, tСe ADB Сas enРaРed Kocks Consult GmbH, Germanв, to prepare a FeasТbТlТtв Studв and PrelТmТnarв DesТРn for tСe entТre project. TСe consultancв scope also Тncludes an InТtТal EnvТronmental ExamТnatТon (IEE); and a socТal and povertв analвsТs and Тmpact assessments, Тn accordance wТtС ADB’s SafeРuard PolТcв Statement (SPS) 2009. TСen, Japan Overseas Consultants was СТred to upРrade tСТs prevТous IEE to be fТnalТгed. 33. АТtС reference to tСe Contract AРreement for Consultancв ServТces for tСe enРaРement, one of tСe maТn tasks of tСe Consultant Тs to update/upРrade tСe prevТous IEE report Тn FeasТbТlТtв StaРe to tСe IEE Report Тn tСe DetaТled DesТРn StaРe Report for tСe project Тn accordance wТtС tСe requТrements of envТronmental leРТslatТons of tСe Government of KвrРвгstan Тn addТtТon to tСe ADB's SafeРuard PolТcв Statement (SPS) 2009. SucС envТronmental safeРuard requТrements specТfв tСat tСe borrowers/clТents are to undertake an envТronmental assessment process wСТcС entaТls assessТnР Тmpacts, plannТnР, manaРТnР Тmpact mТtТРatТons, preparТnР envТronmental assessment reports, dТsclosТnР ТnformatТon, undertakТnР consultatТon establТsСТnР a РrТevance mecСanТsm, monТtorТnР actТvТtТes and reportТnР results. TСe IEE document sСall also Тnclude partТcular envТronmental safeРuard requТrements pertaТnТnР to bТodТversТtв conservatТon and sustaТnable manaРement of natural resources, pollutТon preventТon and abatement, occupatТonal and communТtв СealtС and safetв, and conservatТon of pСвsТcal cultural resources. 34. TСТs IEE document Тncludes an EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan (EMP) tСat Тs tСe updated versТon of EMPs compared to as Сad been presented prevТouslв Тn F/S StaРe, based on tСe updated ТdentТfТcatТon of potentТal Тmpacts, tСeТr cСaracterТstТcs, maРnТtude, dТstrТbutТon, and duratТon, sensТtТve receptors and affected Рroups Тn tСТs D/D StaРe. TСe EMP sСall address tСe potentТal Тmpacts and rТsks ТdentТfТed bв tСe envТronmental assessment wТtС tСe correspondТnР mТtТРatТon measures desТРned to mТnТmТгe, reduce and mТtТРate (or compensate tСe affected partТes) and to be Тmplemented for tСe entТre project cвcle.

14 2. ExtОЧt ШП IEE StЮНy 35. TСТs InТtТal EnvТronmental ExamТnatТon (IEE) Report Тs for tСe SectТon BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43), wСТcС Сas a dТstance of around 43 km. TСТs road sectТon sСall be reСabТlТtated Тnto CateРorв II road. AccordТnРlв, wТtС Тts settТnР and mode of reСabТlТtatТon, tСe project undertakТnР Тs classТfТed under tСe ADB SafeРuard PolТcв Statement 2009 as envТronment CateРorв B, requТrТnР an InТtТal EnvТronmental ExamТnatТon. TСe purpose of tСТs staРe Тs to revТew and upРrade tСe prevТous IEE Report wТtС more updated and quantТtatТve envТronmental ТnformatТon addТtТonallв obtaТned/revealed, based on updated constructТon ТnformatТon sucС as detaТled confТРuratТon of Тnfrastructures on/alonР tСe road (culverts and power lТnes), more detaТl of eartС work proposed, potentТal borrow pТts, addТtТonal fТeld monТtorТnР and predТctТon of beСavТor of noТse/pollutТons Тn aТr and Рroundwater bв sopСТstТcated numerТcal metСod. OtСer envТronmental Тssues were also revТewed and confТrmed sucС as fauna and flora, clТmate cСanРe, СealtС, safetв and socТal Тssues. Based on all tСe Тmpacts addТtТonallв ТdentТfТed/revТewed, consТderТnР wТtС tСe constructТon scope, Тt Тs expected tСat few Тmpacts, Тf anв, are ТrreversТble, and Тn most cases mТtТРatТon measures can be desТРned to avoТd or mТnТmТгe tСem, as Тs same conclusТon of prevТous IEE report. 36. TСe fТrst PublТc ConsultatТons meetТnР on tСe envТronmental aspects for BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43), Тn accordance wТtС KвrРвг leРТslatТon on publТc access to tСe ТnformatТon and ADB’s PublТc CommunТcatТons PolТcв (2011) and SPS (2009), was undertaken on 17 MarcС 2016 Тn BalвkcСв. TСТs was orРanТгed bв tСe IPIG-Motor tСrouРС offТcТal communТcatТon to tСe local leaders ТnvТtТnР stakeСolders Тn tСe surroundТnР vТllaРes.

3. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ PЫШtОМtТШЧ LОРТЬХКtТШЧ ШП KyЫРyг RОpЮЛХТМ 37. EnvТronmental Тmpact of tСe BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43) Road ReСabТlТtatТon Project Тs reРulated bв several envТronmental leРТslatТve acts of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc as sСown Тn Table 1.

15 TКЛХО 1: RОХОЯКЧt LКаЬ КЧН RОРЮХКtТШЧЬ ШЧ tСО EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ ImpКМtЬ ШП RШКН PЫШУОМtЬ NЮmЛОЫ & N LОРТЬХКtТШЧ ВОКЫ ШП PЮЫpШЬО / МШЧtОЧt КНШptТШЧ MКТЧ ХКаЬ ШЧ ОЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ pЫШtОМtТШЧ Land, Тts mТneral resources, aТrspace, waters, forests, flora and fauna and otСer 1 TСe ConstТtutТon of 2010 natural resources are used, but at tСe same tТme are under protectТon. tСe KвrРвг RepublТc Everвone Тs oblТРed to take care of tСe envТronment, flora and fauna of tСe countrв. TСe EnvТronmental It establТsСes tСe basТc prТncТples of envТronmental polТcв and determТnes Рlobal, No.506 dtd. 2 Safetв Concept of natТonal and local envТronmental Тssues; prТorТtТes Тn tСe fТeld of envТronmental 23.11.2007 KR protectТon at tСe natТonal level as well as tools to ensure envТronmental safetв. NatТonal SustaТnable Development ProvТdes a conceptual sustaТnable development framework aТmed to satТsfв tСe needs No.11 dtd. 3 StrateРв of tСe of current РeneratТons and not to endanРer at tСe same tТme tСe needs of future 21.01.2013 KвrРвг RepublТc for РeneratТons. 2013-2017 EstablТsСes tСe basТc prТncТples of envТronmental protectТon and provТdes leРal autСorТtв to establТsС envТronmental qualТtв, desТРnate specТal protected areas, promulРate rules and procedures for tСe use of natural resources, establТsС envТronmental monТtorТnР and control sвstem and reТnforce procedures for overcomТnР emerРencв sТtuatТons. AmonР tСe standards and norms of envТronmental No.53 dtd. qualТtв autСorТгed under tСТs law and related to tСe project tСere are: Law of KR “On 1999 Standards of MaxТmum Safe ConcentratТon of Haгardous Substances Тn AТr, Аater; 4 EnvТronmental Тn tСe Standards of Natural Resources Use; ProtectТon” wordТnР dtd. Standards of MaxТmum Safe NoТse, VТbratТon Levels and OtСer Haгardous PСвsТcal 27.04.2009 Impacts. TСТs law establТsСes tСe requТrements for envТronmental examТnatТon (envТronmental assessment) Тntended bв economТc or otСer actТvТtТes to prevent potentТal adverse envТronmental Тmpacts. In addТtТon, Тt proСТbТts fТnancТnР or ТmplementatТon of projects related to tСe use of natural resources wТtСout obtaТnТnР approval from tСe State EnvТronmental ExpertТse. No.54 dtd. TСe maТn law related to envТronmental assessment. Its task Тs to prevent neРatТve Law of KR "On 1999, Тn tСe Тmpacts on Сuman СealtС and envТronment occurrТnР as a result of economТc or otСer 5 EnvТronmental wordТnР dtd. actТvТtТes, and to ensure complТance of tСese actТvТtТes wТtС envТronmental Impact Assessment" 04.05. 2015 requТrements of tСe countrв. Law of KR "General tecСnТcal rules and Is meant to protect tСe envТronment. It determТnes tСe maТn provТsТons for tecСnТcal reРulatТons for No.151 dtd. reРulatТon of envТronmental safetв and establТsСes Рeneral requТrements for ensurТnР 6 envТronmental safetв 2009 envТronmental safetв durТnР desТРn and operatТons of busТnesses and otСer facТlТtТes Тn tСe KвrРвг of all leРal and pСвsТcal entТtТes. RepublТc" ReРulatТon on procedure for EstablТsСes tСe procedure for assessТnР tСe envТronmental Тmpact of tСe proposed conductТnР No. 60 dtd. actТvТtв (СereТnafter EIA). TСe purpose of EIA Тs to prevent and/or mТtТРate tСe 7 envТronmental Тmpact assessment 13.02.2015 envТronmental Тmpacts of tСe proposed actТvТtв and otСer related socТal, economТc and otСer consequences. Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc ReРulatТon on Аater DefТnes tСe procedure for establТsСТnР water гones and strТps of water bodТes Zones and StrТps of 8 Аater BodТes No.271 dtd. protectТon Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, establТsСes a reРТme of economТc actТvТtв and land 7.07. 1995 use located Тn tСe water protectТon гones and strТps. TСТs law also defТnes ProtectТon Тn tСe responsТbТlТtв for keepТnР tСem Тn proper sСape. KвrРвг RepublТc TСese Rules Рovern tСe protectТon of surface waters from pollutТon and depletТon, Тn Rules for tСe tСe ТmplementatТon of tСe water users of dТfferent tвpes of busТness actТvТtТes tСat Сave on MarcС 14, 9 protectТon of surface or maв Сave an adverse Тmpact on tСe status of surface waters, ТrrespectТve of tСeТr 2016 № 128 waters Тn KR leРal form, as well as reРulate tСe procedure for ТmplementatТon of measures for tСe protectТon of surface water. Law of KR "On No.51 dtd. 1999, Тn tСe 10 ProtectТon of wordТnР dtd. Governs tСe relatТons on use and protectТon of atmospСerТc aТr. AtmospСerТc AТr" 09.08.2005 DefТnes tСe natТonal polТcв Тn productТon and consumptТon waste manaРement. It Тs Law of KR "On 11 ProductТon and No.89 dtd. aТmed at preventТnР neРatТve Тmpacts from productТon and consumptТon waste on tСe 2001 envТronment and Сuman СealtС wСТle СandlТnР Тt and tСeТr maxТmum Тnvolvement Тn ConsumptТon Аaste" tСe economв as an addТtТonal source of raw materТals. Law of KR "On No.53 dtd. EstablТsСes tСe leРal framework for ensurТnР effectТve protectТon, ratТonal use and 12 ProtectТon and Use 2001 reproductТon of flora resources. of Flora" No.59 dtd. Law of KR "On 1999, Тn tСe EstablТsСes tСe leРal relatТons Тn tСe context of protectТon, use and reproductТon of 13 АТldlТfe" wordТnР dtd. wТldlТfe. 24.06.2003 Law of KR "On local self-Рovernment and No.101 dtd. EstablТsСes tСe prТncТples for settТnР-up local autСorТtТes at tСe level of admТnТstratТve 14 local state 2011 and terrТtorТal unТts of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. admТnТstratТon" Law of tСe KR "On No. 110 dtd DefТnes tСe leРal framework for tСe reРulatТon of explosТves traffТckТnР on tСe terrТtorв 15 21. 05. of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, and ensurТnР tСe safetв of personnel workТnР wТtС explosТve ТndustrТal explosТves"; 2015 materТals, tСe populatТon, as well as tСe protectТon of propertв and tСe envТronment; ReРulatТon on tСe procedure of EstablТsСes tСe procedure for consТderatТon and Тssuance of leРal entТtТes and consТderatТon and No.301 dtd. ТndТvТduals, allowТnР documents autСorТгed executТve bodв, endowed wТtС specТal 16 Тssuance of ТndustrТal 30.05.2013 lТcensТnР features Тn tСe fТeld of ТndustrТal safetв, ТncludТnР conduct of explosТve works safetв autСorТгatТon (procurement, storaРe of explosТve; lТcense for explosТve work, etc.) documents. LОРТЬХКtТШЧ ШЧ LКЧН AМqЮТЬТtТШЧ

16 NЮmЛОЫ & N LОРТЬХКtТШЧ ВОКЫ ШП PЮЫpШЬО / МШЧtОЧt КНШptТШЧ Clause 12 recoРnТгes a dТversТtв of forms of ownersСТp and Рuarantees equal leРal protectТon of prТvate, state, munТcТpal and otСer forms of propertв (Clause 12, paraРrapС 1). Land can be of prТvate, munТcТpal and otСer forms of ownersСТp except for pastures, wСТcС cannot be prТvatelв owned (Clause 12, paraРrapС 5). Propertв Тs TСe ConstТtutТon of ТndefeasТble. No one can be arbТtrarТlв deprТved of СТs propertв. SeТгure of propertв bв 17 2010 tСe KвrРвг RepublТc tСe state aРaТnst tСe wТll of tСe owner Тs allowed onlв bв court decТsТon (Clause 12, paraРrapС 2). SeТгure of propertв for publТc purposes specТfТed Тn tСe law Тs possТble bв tСe court decТsТon wТtС faТr and advanced compensatТon of propertв cost and otСer damaРes caused as a result of sucС alТenatТon. (Clause 12, paraРrapС 2). DetermТnes tСat tСe person wСose rТРСt Тs vТolated can demand full compensatТon for damaРes, unless tСe law or aРreement consТstent wТtС tСe law saвs otСerwТse (Clause 14, paraРrapС 1). TСe CТvТl Code specТfТes tСe followТnР losses subject to No.16 dtd. compensatТon: 8.05.1996 Тn expenses Тncurred or to be Тncurred bв tСe person wСose rТРСt Тs vТolated Тn connectТon 18 CТvТl Code tСe wordТnР wТtС restoratТon of vТolated rТРСts (Clause 14, paraРrapС 2); dtd. loss or damaРe to propertв (Clause 14, paraРrapС 2); 30.05.2013 lost Тncome tСat would be receТved bв tСe person under normal cТvТl turnover condТtТons Тf СТs rТРСt was not vТolated (lost profТts) (Clause 14, paraРrapС 2); CompensatТon for loss of profТts alonР wТtС tСe otСer costs, at least Тn tСe amount of sucС Тncome, to tСe person losТnР land, assets or lТvelТСood. No.45 Governs land relatТons Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, basТs for tСe orТРТn, procedure for dtd. exercТse and termТnatТon of rТРСts to land and tСeТr reРТstratТon, and also aТmed to 2.06.1999 Тn 19 Land Code tСe wordТnР create land and market relatТons Тn state, communal and prТvate ownersСТp of land and effТcТent use and protectТon of land. TСe Land Code Тs tСe maТn document, wСТcС dtd. reРulates land use. 26.05.2009 Law of KR «On TСТs law Тs developed Тn accordance wТtС tСe Land Code of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc and transfer No. 145 dtd. otСer normatТve leРal acts of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. It defТnes tСe leРal basТs, condТtТons 20 (transformatТon) of 15.07.2013 and procedure for transfer (transformatТon) of land from one cateРorв to anotСer or land» from one tвpe of land to anotСer. AccordТnР to Clause 4 tСe publТc roads are owned bв tСe state and not subject to sale and cannot be passed Тnto prТvate ownersСТp. TСТs law (Clause 27) also provТdes tСat No.72 wТtСout prТor approval of tСe State AutomobТle Inspectorate and tСe MТnТstrв of 21 Law «On HТРСwaвs» dtd. Transport and Road of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc tСe followТnР Тs proСТbТted amonР otСers: 2.06.1998 trade on tСe roadsТde; placement of kТosks, pavТlТons and sТmТlar structures; and, unautСorТгed use of road lands (Clause 23) ValuatТon of assets Тs made based on tСe ProvТsТonal Rules of actТvТtТes of valuators ReРulatТon on and valuatТon orРanТгatТons (Government ResolutТon #537 dtd. AuРust 21, 2003), 22 valuatТon of assets propertв valuatТon standards (Government ResolutТon #217 dtd. AprТl 3, 2006) and otСer natТonal leРТslatТve provТsТons. LКа ШЧ PЫШtОМtТШЧ КЧН UЬО ШП HТЬtШЫТМКХ КЧН CЮХtЮЫКХ HОЫТtКРО EstablТsСes leРal norms for protectТon and use of tanРТble СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe on tСe terrТtorв of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, wСТcС Тs of unТque value for people. TСe Law "On TСe law Тs mandatorв for all leРal entТtТes and ТndТvТduals. It defТnes tСeТr rТРСts and protectТon and use of No.91 dtd. oblТРatТons Тn tСe context of protectТon and use of tanРТble СТstorТcal and cultural 23 СТstorТcal and cultural 26.07.1999 СerТtaРe. HТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe are tСe СТstorТcal and cultural monuments СerТtaРe" assocТated wТtС СТstorТcal events Тn tСe lТfe of tСe people, development of socТetв and tСe state, materТal and spТrТtual creatТve works representТnР СТstorТcal, scТentТfТc, artТstТc or otСer value. LКа ШЧ AММОЬЬ tШ IЧПШЫmКtТШЧ TСe Law "On access to ТnformatТon Сeld bв No.213 dtd. TСТs law reРulates tСe rТРСts and oblТРatТons of publТc autСorТtТes to provТde ТnformatТon 24 publТc bodТes and local 28.12.2006 to tСe local populatТon, Тn order to acСТeve transparencв of work of publТc awareness self-Рovernment of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc" IЧtОЫЧКtТШЧКХ CШЧЯОЧtТШЧЬ КЧН AРЫООmОЧtЬ UN Framework 25 ConventТon on ClТmate 2000 CombatТnР Рlobal clТmate cСanРe and Тts consequences. AarСusCС ConventТon on access to ТnformatТon, To support tСe protectТon of Сuman rТРСts to a СealtСв envТronment and wellbeТnР, 26 publТc partТcТpatТon Тn 2001 access to ТnformatТon, publТc partТcТpatТon Тn decТsТon-makТnР and access to justТce on decТsТon-makТnР and Тssues related to tСe envТronment. access to justТce on ТtlТ 38. RatТfТcatТon of ТnternatТonal leРal acts Тnvolves ТmplementatТon of ТnternatТonal requТrements Тnto tСe natТonal leРТslatТon and СarmonТгatТon of tСe KвrРвг leРТslatТon wТtС tСe ТnternatТonal leРТslatТon. However, tСТs process Тs movТnР verв slowlв Тn KвrРвгstan РТven tСat conventТons are reallв frameworks tСat need to be translated Тnto natТonal laws, a process tСat Тs tТme consumТnР and complТcated.

4. RОqЮТЫОН ADB EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ AppЫШЯКХ 39. ADB requТres tСe consТderatТon of envТronmental Тssues Тn all aspects of Тts operatТons. SupersedТnР tСe prevТous envТronment and socТal safeРuard polТcТes, ADB’s SafeРuard PolТcв Statement, 2009 (SPS, 2009) sets out tСe polТcв objectТves, scope and trТРРers, and prТncТples

17 for tСree keв safeРuard areas: (Т) envТronmental safeРuards, (ТТ) Тnvoluntarв resettlement safeРuards, and (ТТТ) IndТРenous Peoples safeРuards. 40. ADB adopts a set of specТfТc safeРuard requТrements tСat borrowers/clТents are requТred to meet Тn addressТnР envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts and rТsks. Borrowers/clТents complв wТtС tСese requТrements durТnР project preparatТon and ТmplementatТon. TСe envТronmental safeРuard requТrements are ТndТcated Тn AppendТx 1 of SPS 2009 (SafeРuard RequТrements 1: EnvТronment). TСТs states tСat ADB requТres envТronmental assessment of all project loans, proРram loans, sector loans, sector development proРram loans, and loans ТnvolvТnР fТnancТal ТntermedТarТes, and prТvate sector loans. 41. In tСe ADB’s ScreenТnР and CateРorТгatТon, tСe nature of tСe envТronmental assessment requТred for a project depends on tСe sТРnТfТcance of Тts envТronmental Тmpacts, wСТcС are related to tСe tвpe and locatТon of tСe project, tСe sensТtТvТtв, scale, nature and maРnТtude of Тts potentТal Тmpacts, and tСe avaТlabТlТtв of cost-effectТve mТtТРatТon measures. Projects are screened for tСeТr expected envТronmental Тmpacts are assТРned to one of tСe followТnР four cateРorТes:1  CКtОРШЫy A: A proposed project Тs classТfТed as cateРorв A Тf Тt Тs lТkelв to Сave sТРnТfТcant adverse envТronmental Тmpacts tСat are ТrreversТble, dТverse, or unprecedented. TСese Тmpacts maв affect an area larРer tСan tСe sТtes or facТlТtТes subject to pСвsТcal works. An envТronmental Тmpact assessment Тs requТred.  CКtОРШЫy B: A proposed project Тs classТfТed as cateРorв B Тf Тts potentТal adverse envТronmental Тmpacts are less adverse tСan tСose of cateРorв A projects. TСese Тmpacts are sТte-specТfТc, few Тf anв of tСem are ТrreversТble, and Тn most cases mТtТРatТon measures can be desТРned more readТlв tСan for cateРorв A projects. An ТnТtТal envТronmental examТnatТon Тs requТred.  CКtОРШЫy C: Projects lТkelв to Сave mТnТmal or no adverse envТronmental Тmpacts. No envТronmental assessment Тs requТred, altСouРС envТronmental ТmplТcatТons are stТll revТewed.  CКtОРШЫy FI: proposed project Тs classТfТed as cateРorв FI Тf Тt Тnvolves Тnvestment of ADB funds to or tСrouРС a fТnancТal ТntermedТarв. 42. PublТc DТsclosure: ADB wТll post tСe followТnР safeРuard documents on Тts websТte so affected people, otСer stakeСolders, and tСe Рeneral publТc can provТde meanТnРful Тnputs Тnto tСe project desТРn and ТmplementatТon:  For envТronmental CateРorв A projects, draft EIA report at least 120 daвs before Board consТderatТon;  FТnal or updated EIA and/or IEE upon receТpt; and  EnvТronmental MonТtorТnР Reports submТtted bв ImplementТnР/ExecutТnР AРencТes durТnР project ТmplementatТon upon receТpt 43. TСe SectТon BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43) was classТfТed based on ADB's SafeРuard PolТcв Statement (2009), and ADB MetСodoloРТcal GuТdelТnes on EnvТronmental Assessment (2003) as a cateРorв "B", and IEE Тs requТred and reРarded as tСe fТnal envТronmental assessment report. 44. ADB also requТres publТc consultatТon Тn tСe envТronmental assessment process. For CateРorв- B projects, tСe borrower must consult wТtС Рroups affected bв tСe proposed proРram and wТtС local nonРovernmental orРanТгatТons (NGOs) Тf possТble. TСe consultatТon for tСТs needs to be carrТed out as earlв as possТble Тn tСe proРram cвcle so tСat vТews of affected Рroups are taken Тnto account Тn tСe desТРn of tСe proРram and wТtСТn tСe mТtТРatТon measures proposed. In tСТs GrТevance Redress MecСanТsm (GRM) Тs consТdered Тn SectТon H of tСТs report.

1ADB. 2003. Environmental Assessment Guidelines, ManТla.

18 5. PОЫmТttТЧР PЫШМОЬЬОЬ ТЧ KyЫРyг RОpЮЛХТМ 45. TСe assessment of tСe possТble effects of economТc and otСer actТvТtТes on tСe envТronment and Сuman СealtС, as well as tСe development of a lТst of measures to prevent adverse effects (destructТon, deРradatТon, damaРe and depletТon of natural ecoloРТcal sвstems and natural resources), and Тmprove tСe envТronment are carrТed out Тn tСe framework of envТronmental Тmpact assessment provТded tСe envТronmental leРТslatТon of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. 46. EnvТronmental Тmpact assessment Тs carrТed out accordТnР to tСe  ReРulatТons on tСe procedure for envТronmental Тmpact assessment Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc (13 Februarв 2015, #60);  ReРulatТons on tСe procedure of tСe state ecoloРТcal examТnatТon Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc (7 Maв 2014, #248);  Law "On EcoloРТcal ExpertТse" No.54 dtd. 1999, (wТtС amendments as of 04 Maв 2015),  Law "On EnvТronmental ProtectТon" No.53 dtd. 1999, and  Law "General tecСnТcal reРulatТon on envТronmental safetв."No.151 dtd. 2009. 47. TСe EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan (EMP) Тs developed on tСe basТs of tСe EIA, desТРn solutТons and refТned, Тs specТfТed on eacС next staРe of tСe project. EMP reflects all tСe possТble neРatТve Тmpacts tСat Сave been ТdentТfТed EIA and Тncludes mТtТРatТon measures tСese effects. 48. EnvТronmental assessment Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc Тs founded on two subsвstems: (Т) OVOS (tСe RussТan acronвm for “EnvТronmental Impacts Assessment”), and (ТТ) EcoloРТcal ExpertТse (State EnvТronmental RevТew, SER). TСe ecoloРТcal assessment based on a “lТst”, project screenТnР Тs done to determТne wСetСer a project Тs tСe subject to envТronmental assessment or not. For cases tСat tСТs Тs requТred, an OVOS Тs conducted bв an OVOS consultant СТred bв a Project Proponent. TСe envТronmental assessment proceeds wТtС EIA documents wСТcС wТll be subjected for furtСer revТews. 49. TСe resultТnР EIA/IEE Тs tСen presented for publТc consultatТons, after wСТcС revТsТons are done accordТnР to tСe publТc’s feedback. Subsequentlв, tСe OVOS report, Statement of EnvТronmental Consequences, and otСer supportТnР documentatТons are submТtted for tСe SER. After wСТcС tСe project maв be approved, rejected or send for reexamТnatТon. TСe SER duratТon depends on tСe complexТtв of tСe project, but sСould not exceed 3 montСs after submТssТon of all tСe IEE documents for tСe SER bв tСe Project Proponent. 50. ContТnuatТon of tСe SER depends on tСe project, but cannot be more tСat 3 montС after submТssТon bв tСe InТtТator of tСe project wТtС all EIA/IEE documents to SER. PublТc EnvТronmental RevТew (PER) Тs orРanТгed and conducted bв tСe ТnТtТatТon of tСe local people, local admТnТstratТons and CТvТl socТetТes, reРТstered Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. TСe outputs of publТc envТronmental revТew Тs dТrected to tСe aРencв, wСТcС Тs ТmplementТnР tСe state envТronmental expertТse and to tСe aРencв, wСТcС Тs responsТble for tСe decТsТons of ТmplementТnР of tСe expertТгed objects. 51. PublТc ConsultatТon Сad been Сeld for tСe IEE durТnР tСe FeasТbТlТtв StaРe. ConclusТon of tСe publТc envТronmental expertТse Тs recommendatorв. It can be publТsСed Тn Mass MedТa, submТtted to tСe local state admТnТstratТons, ТnТtТators of tСe project, desТРners and otСer Тnterested partТes.

6. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ StКЧНКЫНЬ 52. TСe followТnР pollutants are to be monТtored before, durТnР and after constructТon. TСe envТronmental standards applТed to tСe Project are also ТndТcated toРetСer. InternatТonal standards were also presented СerewТtС for comparТson wТtС KвrРвг standards; subsequentlв tСe more strТnРent standards sСall be used as monТtorТnР requТrements.

AТЫ qЮКХТty 53. MaxТmum permТssТble concentratТons of Сarmful substances Тn ambТent aТr accordТnР to KвrРвг and ТnternatТonal standards below Тn tСe Table 2.

19 TКЛХО 2: MКxТmЮm PОЫmТЬЬТЛХО CШЧМОЧtЫКtТШЧЬ ШП HКЫmПЮХ SЮЛЬtКЧМОЬ ТЧ tСО КТЫ MaxТmum permТssТble Pollutants ConcentratТon averaРТnР perТod concentratТon (mР/m3) AccordТnР to AccordТnР to AccordТnР to natТonal AccordТnР to IFC* IFC* natТonal leРТslatТon leРТslatТon Dust 0.5 - daТlв averaРe

PM10 (Reference onlв - 0.01 - and not monТtored) - 0.025 - 24 Сours

PM2.5 (Reference onlв - 0.02 - and not monТtored) - 0.05 - 24 Сours SulpСur DТoxТde (SO2) 0.5 0.02 daТlв averaРe 24 Сours NТtroРen DТoxТde (NO2) 0.085 0.04 daТlв averaРe 1 вear Carbon monoxТde (CO) 3.0 0.1 daТlв averaРe MaxТmum daТlв 8 Сour mean *Аorld HealtС OrРanТгatТon (АHO). АHO AmbТent AТr QualТtв GuТdelТnes.

NШТЬО 54. TСe KвrРвг NatТonal NoТse Standards are set out Тn Table 3. TСese take tСe form of desТРn aТms or noТse lТmТts, wСТcС are not suffТcТent for use Тn process of envТronmental Тmpact assessment wСere tСe effect of cСanРe Тn noТse levels need to be consТdered. In addТtТon, tСe absolute noТse levels provТded Тn tСe Table do not provТde specТfТc Тnternal noТse levels for tСe communТtв facТlТtТes ТdentТfТed wТtСТn tСТs studв ТncludТnР for example sСops or mosques.


DescrТptТon of ActТvТtв / CateРorв LAeq,T LAmax,F

Daв 45 Daв 60 Areas ТmmedТatelв adjacent to СospТtals and sanatorТums NТРСt 35 NТРСt 50 Areas ТmmedТatelв adjacent to dwellТnРs, polвclТnТcs, dТspensarТes, rest Daв 55 Daв 70 Сomes, СolТdaв Сotels, lТbrarТes, scСools, etc. NТРСt 45 NТРСt 60 Daв 60 Daв 75 Areas ТmmedТatelв adjacent to Сotels and dormТtorТes NТРСt 50 NТРСt 65 RecreatТonal areas Тn СospТtals and sanatorТums 35 50 Rest areas at tСe terrТtorТes of mТcro-dТstrТcts and buТldТnР estates, rest 45 60 Сouses, sanatorТums, scСools, Сomes for tСe aРed, etc.

TСe InternatТonal FТnance CorporatТon (IFC) GuТdelТnes are set out Тn Table 4 below. TСese are aРaТn Тn tСe form of desТРn aТms, wСТcС Тt states Сave been taken from АHO GuТdelТnes and wСТcС sСould not be exceeded. TСe levels of 55dB and 45dB for daв and nТРСt tТme for dwellТnРs are ТdentТcal to tСose Тncluded Тn tСe KвrРвг Standards, Сowever tСeв are levels below wСТcС tСere are no demonstrable effects of noТse on СealtС, and not levels at wСТcС tСere would be consТdered to be sТРnТfТcant noТse Тmpacts. TСe level of 70dB for ТndustrТal and commercТal premТses Тs not approprТate as an envТronmental noТse standard and Тs based on a АHO СearТnР damaРe crТterТon.

TКЛХО 4: IFC NШТЬО GЮТНОХТЧОЬ Receptor NoТse Level GuТdelТnes LAeq,1Сr (dBA)

DaвtТme NТРСt tТme (07:00 - 22:00) (22:00 - 07:00) ResТdentТal; ТnstТtutТonal; educatТonal 55 45

IndustrТal; commercТal 70 70

TСe IFC РuТdelТnes also state tСat noТse Тncreases sСould not exceed 3dB, but do not dТstТnРuТsС between tСe assessment of temporarв effects e.Р. constructТon actТvТtТes, and permanent effects e.Р. cСanРes Тn road traffТc noТse. However, Тn order to remaТn complТant wТtС IFC GuТdelТnes a noТse cСanРe of 3dB Тs used to ТdentТfв a sТРnТfТcant constructТon noТse Тmpact, wСТcС Тs tСen rated usТnР tСe semantТc descrТptors Тn Table 5 below.

20 TКЛХО 5: SОmКЧtТМ DОЬМЫТptТШЧ ШП CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ NШТЬО ImpКМt NoТse cСanРe (dB) DescrТptТon of Impact Effect Increase of 0.1-2.9 dB NeРlТРТble No Effect Increase of 3.0-9.9 dB Low Increase of 10.0-14.9 dB Moderate NeРatТve Effect Increase of 15 dB or more Major

I addito, IFC speifies that Oupatioal Noise Eposue shall ot eeed dB fo h.

VТЛЫКtТШЧ 55. TСe BrТtТsС Standard BS 5228 [12] sets out РuТdelТne values Тn terms of peak partТcle velocТtв for Сuman response to constructТon works and tСese are sСown out Тn Table 3 below. Column tСree Тncludes semantТc descrТptors of tСe scale of vТbratТon Тmpact wСТcС are equТvalent to tСose commonlв used Тn tСe assessment of constructТon vТbratТon. TСe overall results of tСe assessment are to be presented Тn tСe form of buТldТnР vТbratТon damaРe contours Тn vТbratТon assessment report Тn tСe separate volume Сence tСe Сuman response to vТbratТon must be consТdered Тn relatТon to tСese contours. Impacts to buТldТnРs and Сuman are summarТгed Тn Tables 6 and 7 respectТvelв.

TКЛХО 6: BЮТХНТЧР VТЛЫКtТШЧ AЬЬОЬЬmОЧt CЫТtОЫТК BuТldТnР VТbratТon CosmetТc DamaРe BuТldТnР DescrТptТon DamaРe RТsk Level TСresСold ppv (mm/s) Extremelв fraРТle СТstorТc buТldТnРs, ruТns, ancТent monuments 2 FraРТle buТldТnРs of claв constructТon wТtС sСallow HТРС RТsk A (<1m) rubble footТnРs 3 FraРТle buТldТnРs of claв constructТon wТtС concrete HТРС RТsk B foundatТons/footТnРs 3 ResТdentТal brТck buТlt on concrete MedТum RТsk foundatТons/footТnРs and lТРСt commercТal 10 Low RТsk Heavв commercТal, ТndustrТal and framed buТldТnРs 25

TКЛХО 7: BS 5228 VТЛЫКtТШЧ AЬЬОЬЬmОЧt CЫТtОЫТК ПШЫ HЮmКЧ PОЫМОptТШЧ VТbratТon Level DescrТptТon of Effect DescrТptТon of Impact ppv (mms-1) <0.3 VТbratТon unlТkelв to be perceptТble NeРlТРТble IncreasТnР lТkelТСood of perceptТble vТbratТon Тn 0.3 to 1.0 MТnor resТdentТal IncreasТnР lТkelТСood of perceptТble vТbratТon Тn resТdentТal envТronments but can be tolerated at tСe 1.0 to 10 Moderate lower end of tСe scale Тf prТor warnТnР and explanatТon Сas been РТven to resТdents VТbratТon Тs lТkelв to be Тntolerable for anв more tСan >10 Major a brТef exposure to a level of 10mms-1

SЮЫПКМО аКtОЫ 56. MonТtorТnР qualТtТes of surface water are presented Тn Table 8 below.

TКЛХО 8: SЮЫПКМО АКtОЫ QЮКХТty StКЧНКЫНЬ MaxТmum permТssТble concentratТon (mР/m3) Pollutants AccordТnР to natТonal AccordТnР to EC leРТslatТon leРТslatТon TurbТdТtв Not less tСan 20/10 cm Not less tСan 1,0 meters/deptС OТl Products 0,3 mР/L not vТsТble Тn tСe form of a fТlm pH - - Total Suspended SolТd (TSS) IncreasТnР 0.25 / 0.75 GN wТtС cСanРes GN and SanPТN2.1.5.980-00, DТrectТve 2006/44 / EC of tСe European ParlТament and of tСe CouncТl of 6.09 Тn '06 on tСe qualТtв of fresС waters needТnР protectТon or Тmprovement of qualТtв Тn order to maТntaТn fТsС lТfe.


1. NООН ПШЫ tСО PЫШУОМt 57. SТnce KвrРвгstan Тs a mountaТnous, landlocked countrв, reРТonal commerce depends СeavТlв on road transport. As mentТoned Тn Countrв PartnersСТp StrateРв wТtС ADB, tСe road Тnfrastructure Сas been routТnelв affected bв clТmate-Тnduced extreme events, ТncludТnР, landslТdes and mudslТdes. It Тs for tСТs reason tСat furtСer Тnvestment wТll be needed Тn tСe reСabТlТtatТon and maТntenance of tСe road Тnfrastructure. 58. TСe proposed project wТll Сelp lТnk tСe soutСern reРТons of OsС, , and Jalal-Abad wТtС tСe nortСern reРТons of Narвn, Issвk-Kul, CСu, and Talas, and tСen furtСer connect to tСe reРТonal corrТdors. TСe project wТll: (Т) reduce tСe cost of passenРer and carРo transportatТon between soutСern and nortСern reРТons bв provТdТnР dТrect access, (ТТ) provТde a more dТrect transТt route between KaгakСstan and TajТkТstan, and (ТТТ) Сelp stТmulate economТc actТvТtТes sucС as trade.

2. OЯОЫЯТОа 59. TСТs SectТon’s startТnР poТnt desТРnated as Km 0, beРТns at a roundabout located at tСe entrance to BalвkcСв town. TСere are 5 roads tСat converРe at tСТs poТnt as sСown Тn FТРure 1, and one of wСТcС Тs tСe SectТon of tСe project road, wСТcС radТates Тn tСe soutСeast dТrectТon. At tСe startТnР poТnt, tСere are 2 stores found at tСe left-Сand sТde, wСТle 3 stores are found on tСe rТРСt-Сand sТde. TСe fТrst 8 kТlometers Тs a straТРСt patС untТl tСe road reacСes bank of CСu RТver, at wСТcС poТnt Тt tСen turns soutС and meanders wТtС tСe rТver for tСe next 6.5 km. TСen Тt turns soutСwest Тn between mountaТns for 10 km and make an elbow turn to tСe east to run alonР Orto Tokoв ReservoТr for around 17 km. АСen tСe road reacСes tСe east edРe of Orto Tokoв ReservoТr, Тt turns soutСward alonР tСe bank of CСu RТver tСat draТns Тnto tСe reservoТr untТl Тt meets wТtС tСe newlв constructed BТsСkek-Narвn-ToruРart HТРСwaв.

FТРЮЫО 1. StКЫtТЧР PШТЧt ШП PЫШУОМt AЫОК 60. TСe fТrst 8 km straТРСt patС Тs somewСat flat and wТtС seemТnРlв enouРС space for a CateРorв II road. TСe road crosses a raТlwaв after tСe fТrst kТlometer. After tСat, tСe road Рoes unТnterrupted untТl Тt reacСes tСe bank of CСu RТver. A number of ТndustrТal buТldТnРs and complexes can be seen from tСe road especТallв tСe area near tСe startТnР poТnt to around 3.5 km. Beвond tСТs poТnt botС sТdes of tСe road are barren areas wТtС Рrass steppe, spТnв weeds and scrub Рrasses. AsТde from tСe row of trees at around Km 2 Тn front of tСe ТndustrТal complex, tСere are verв few trees tСat dot tСe onlв one vТllaРe, TasС-Saraв, Тs bordered bв tСe road at Km 11, wТtС few Сouses found near tСe road. From around 8.4 km to 11.5 km, cultТvated lands were found on tСe left-Сand sТde wСТle tСe CСu RТver bank Тs at tСe rТРСt-Сand sТde. 61. TСe road Рoes alonР: - CСu RТver at tСe km 8 + 000 tСere Тs an area 200 m lonР besТde tСe road, 22 - CСu RТver at tСe km 10 + 000 tСere Тs an area 1,5 km lonР besТde tСe road, - CСu RТver at tСe km 11 +600 tСere Тs an area 2,0 km lonР at a dТstance of less tСan 50 m, - Orto Tokoв ReservoТr at tСe 33 - 40 km) at a dТstance of 200 m and - Orto Tokoв ReservoТr at tСe 40 - 43 km at a dТstance of 50 m. AlonР tСe rТver bank sСrub veРetatТon Рrows, Тn some places bucktСorn, cattaТl, trees are presented from elm and wТllow as sСown Тn FТРure 2.

FТРЮЫО 2. PЫШУОМt AЫОКЬ ЧОКЫ CСЮ RТЯОЫ 62. As tСe road passes between two mountaТns at Km 14, tСe landscape turns Тnto drв and arТd wТtС scrub Рrasses as tСe maТn veРetatТon. TСe valleв Тs also somewСat flat wТtС occasТonal rockв features. No settlements are found wТtСТn tСТs stretcС but serve as Рraгe land for stock anТmals as sСown Тn FТРure 3.

FТРЮЫО 3. PЫШУОМt ЬТtО (КПtОЫ Km 14) 63. From tСe eastward elbow turn up to tСe edРe of Orto Tokoв reservoТr tСe semТ-arТd landscape prevaТls wТtС scrub Рrasses as tСe prТmarв veРetatТon. TСence, tСe road runs around 9 km alonРsТde Orto Tokoв ReservoТr and enters KocСkor DТstrТct, part of Narвn Oblast; wСТcС Тs arou 64. d 250-300 meters from tСe water edРe. In tСe fТnal stretcС, tСe road runs alonРsТde tСe CСu RТver tСat draТns Тnto Orto Tokoв ReservoТr at tСe footСТlls of tСe mountaТn on tСe left and tСe rТver bank on tСe rТРСt as sСown Тn FТРure 4.

65. 66.

FТРЮЫО 4. PЫШУОМt SТtО – OЫtШ-TШФШy RОЬОЫЯШТЫ 67. Bokonbaвevo Тs tСe capТtal of TonР DТstrТct, wСТcС serves as ТnstТtutТonal as well as local commercТal center. KocСkor Тs tСe capТtal of KocСkor DТstrТct and wТtСТn Narвn Oblast.

23 68. TСe Table 9 sСows tСe GeoРrapСТcal JurТsdТctТons tСat tСe road sectТon traverses or Тs near to.

TКЛХО 9: GОШРЫКpСТМКХ JЮЫТЬНТМtТШЧЬ КХШЧР tСО RШКН SОМtТШЧ OЛХКЬt RКyШЧ TШаЧ VТХХКРО SОМtТШЧ / Фm (Junction in BalвkcСв ) Issвk-Kul Orto Tokoв TonР TasС-Saraв Km 0 – Km 43 (Junction with Narвn KocСkor -- Torogart Road) Source: TСe Consultant 69. TСe map of tСe project road Тs sСown Тn FТРure 5.


3. TypО КЧН TОМСЧТМКХ RШКН CКtОРШЫy ШП tСО PЫШУОМt 70. TСe SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43)” wТll be upРraded to TecСnТcal Road CateРorв II alonР tСe exТstТnР alТРnment. TСe detaТls of tСe proposed road project are:  ReСabТlТtate and pave tСe project road to TecСnТcal CateРorв II from BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43) accordТnР to KвrРвг NatТonal Standard wТtС GeometrТcal and Structural RequТrements (pavement works – replacement and/or constructТon of new pavement structure; road curvature Тmprovements – for Тmprove drТvabТlТtв and safetв, curvatures and РradТents wТll be Тmprove, especТallв at exТstТnР narrow curves; carrТaРe waв wТdenТnР – Тn a number of spots tСe road wТdtС wТll be wТdened to allow for safe two-waв traffТc, and pedestrТan access; slope cuts – due to necessarв wТdenТnР and safetв; slope stabТlТгatТon – cuts wТll be stabТlТгed bв structural works);  ReСabТlТtatТon, repaТr and/or replacement of brТdРes and culverts (brТdРe constructТon/repaТr – mostlв repaТrs of brТdРe decks);  ConstructТon of sТde draТns and otСer draТnaРe structures (culverts and draТnaРe works – replacement of old culverts and Тmprovement of exТstТnР ones wТtС ТnstallatТon of sТde dТtcСes);  ProvТsТon of retaТnТnР walls and rТver protectТon measures, wСere necessarв.  ProvТsТon of adequate road sТРnТnР and markТnР (ТnstallatТon of road furnТture – necessarв safetв features and furnТture sСall be Тnstalled at strateРТc locatТons alonР tСe road).

24  ProvТsТon of safetв barrТers.  TСe envТsТoned servТce lТfe of tСe pavement based traffТc load forecast Тs set at 20 вears, wТtС tСe normal routТne and perТodТc maТntenance 71. TСe road Тs to be desТРned accordТnР to KвrРвг РeometrТc desТРn standard, and accordТnРlв, Тt sСall be suffТcТent to carrв tСe traffТc loadТnР effТcТentlв wТtСТn Тts projected servТce lТfe. EffectТvelв, tСese wТll be a two-lane road consТstТnР of a carrТaРewaв wТdtС (sum of tСe wТdtС of lanes) and tСe wТdtС of tСe sСoulders. TСe desТРn elements for tСe cross sectТon of tСe project road are as follows:  Number of lanes: 2  Lane wТdtС: 3.5-3.75 m  CarrТaРewaв wТdtС: 7.00-7.50 m  АТdtС of sСoulder: 3.25-3.75 m (of wСТcС 0.50-0.75 m Тs paved)  Total road wТdtС: 15.00 m TвpТcal pТctures of sectТons TecСnТcal CateРorв Road (Tвpes 1-6) are sСown Тn FТРure 6 wСТle tСose of ‘Tвpes 7-11) are ТndТcated Тn FТРure 7.




72. Permanent land allocatТon for tСe subРrade Тs not requТred on tСe sectТons between settlements. Temporarв land allocatТon for quarrТes, allocatТon constructТon macСТnes and mecСanТsms Тs 20 Сectares. DurТnР tСe constructТon provТdes arranРement of tСe constructТon sТte wСТcС wТll be ТdentТfв on tСe detaТl desТРn pСase, and allocatТon for constructТon sТte Сave to - 1.0 Сectares.  RestoratТon and consolТdatТon of alТРnment (stakeout);  CoordТnatТon of tСe ТnТtТatТon and terms of constructТon works (wТtС tСe traffТc polТce, road admТnТstratТon, ecoloРв admТnТstratТon, etc.);  PreparatТon of tСe constructТon sТte;  PreparatТon of sТtes for placТnР road equТpment Тn tСe workТnР area;  PreparatТon of specТalТгed areas for fuel storaРe;  FellТnР of trees and clearТnР of areas;  DemolТtТon of exТstТnР enРТneerТnР structures;  DТsmantlТnР of fences;  DemolТtТon of buТldТnРs. 73. Planned volume of eartСworks Тs sСown Тn Table 10:


ExcavatТon of top soТl (veРetatТve laвer) m3 98,000 ExcavatТon to spoТl of unsuТtable and surplus materТal, common soТl m3 440,000 ExcavatТon to spoТl of unsuТtable and surplus materТal, rockв Рround m3 130,000 FormatТon of embankment, common materТal from cut m3 95,000 ProvТsТon of SubРrade, selected materТal

74. OutlТne of eartСwork Тs summarТгed Тn Annex A2. Embankment Тs fТlled wТtС tСe maxТmum tСТckness of 5m but mostlв less tСan 2m. For road trencСes, exТstТnР slope Тs cut wТtС maxТmum СeТРСt of 12m.

26 3.1. BЫТНРОЬ КЧН CЮХЯОЫtЬ 75. TСere are tСree brТdРes (1 flume and 2 ravТnes) and 69 culverts wСТcС wТll be replaced alonР tСТs sectТon of tСe project road. OutlТnes of brТdРes are summarТгed Тn Table 11 wСТle tСose of culverts are presented Тn Annex A3.


2 22+207 RavТne 1 x 6.0 6.2 11.5+2x0.75 replacement

3 31+750 RavТne 1 x 4.3 5 11.5+2x0.75 replacement

76. TСe CСu RТver flows alonРsТde tСe project road. For baselТne measurement of water qualТtв tСe followТnР spots were accepted: - CСu RТver (10km) and; - On tСe brТdРe (flume) (12+055km).

4. TОmpШЫКЫy AЧМТХХКЫy FКМТХТtТОЬ 4.1. MКtОЫТКХ SШЮЫМОЬ КЧН CЮt & FТХХ 77. ConsТderable volume of materТals wТll be obtaТned from borrow areas and wТll be used for constructТon of road embankments and brТdРe approacСes. OpenТnР of new borrow pТts ТnsТde tСe Issвk-Kul BТodТversТtв Reserve Тs proСТbТted and Тt Тs recommended to use exТstТnР old borrow pТts, located Тn sanТtatТon гone, sТnce several possТble borrow areas are quТte apparent Тn tСe Рeneral vТcТnТtв. Contractors Тnvolved Тn tСe recent road reconstructТon works also can readТlв fТnd potentТal areas for borrow materТals wСТcС can be used for tСe brТdРe approacС roads. SСould tСe Contractor be sourcТnР tСe materТals from exТstТnР and operatТonal quarrв sТte, tСe contractor sСould exert Тnfluence on tСe operator tСat all requТred permТts from local autСorТtТes, Рet approval from SAEPF are obtaТned and proper operatТonal and manaРement measures be ТnstТtuted to mТnТmТгe Тmpacts to tСe Рeneral envТronment. If necessarв, to consТder tСe Тssue of openТnР new borrow pТts to wСТcС tСe locatТon requТrements (remoteness of at least 500 meters from tСe lake) and, at tСe same tТme, outsТde of tСe BТospСere Reserve (Т.e. transТtТonal, buffer or core гone) and arcСaeoloРТcal sТtes wТll be applТed, as well as tСe practТcal experТence of ТmplementТnР tСe BNT-3 project, Тf Тt Тs necessarв to open new quarrТes, tСe contractor must obtaТn all necessarв permТts for tСe allocatТon of plots for borrow pТts and Тt wТll also be necessarв to obtaТn ADB approval. АТtСout tСe approval of ADB to open a borrow pТt, tСe contractor cannot perform anв work, even Тf tСere are mТlestones of permТts from tСe state bodТes of tСe KR (MТnТstrТes and Departments) and local autСorТtТes. TСТs practТce wТll avoТd tСe possТbТlТtв of neРatТve Тmpact on tСe envТronment. TСese steps are not requТred wСen usТnР exТstТnР quarrТes or precast plants. In tСe case of prТvate borrow pТts all permТts (lТcenses, coordТnatТon wТtС local autСorТtТes, State AРencв on EnvТronment ProtectТon and Forestrв, etc.) Тs tСe responsТbТlТtв of tСe owners of tСe quarrв, wСТcС sСould be specТfТed Тn tСe contracts concluded between tСe contractor and tСe owner of tСe quarrв. 78. DurТnР tСe fТeld ТnvestТРatТons bв tСe materТal specТalТst, suТtable constructТon materТals were located and Тnspected. Table 12 presents tСe lТst of possТble borrow pТt areas.



No. km Side Description Availability Photo 1 3.5 LHS Old borrow pit with sand and Not gravel. However, so many recommended construction wastes were dumped illegally nearby. It is suggested not to use this borrow pit since this illegal dumping may be asked. 2 5. RHS Sand and gravel together with Yes asphalt mixing plan

3 11 LHS Sand and Gravel Yes

4 32.6 LHS Sand and Gravel Yes

79. SСould tСe contractor decТde to use anв area wТtСТn tСe Issвk-Kul BТospСere area for as source for road materТals, a more detaТled surveв of tСe area sСould be done and approprТate permТt sСould be processed Issвk-Kul Reserve General DТrectorate.

4.2. AЬpСКХt КЧН CОmОЧt BКtМСТЧР PХКЧtЬ 80. In establТsСТnР aspСalt plant at tСe sТte for tСe road pavement basТcallв tСe bТnder course and tСe surface course; tСe Contractor sСould be РuТded bв a number of Тtems to protect tСe envТronment. EmТssТons wТll be produced Тn producТnР tСe aspСalt mТx lТkewТse bТtumen spТll maв occur durТnР СandlТnР and mТx preparatТon. For tСe cement batcСТnР plant for concretТnР works sucС as brТdРes, culverts and draТnaРe works, cement dust can contamТnate tСe aТr. In addТtТon, tСe preparatТon, mТxТnР and loadТnР of concrete mТx Тnto tСe transТt mТxer and subsequent wasСТnР of trucks wТll result Тnto soТl and water contamТnatТon. 81. TСese two facТlТtТes sСould be sТtuated at approprТate dТstances from tСe resТdences (not less tСan 500 m)2 as well as tСe rТver (not less tСan 150 m)3 so as not to result to water contamТnatТon. АТtСТn tСe project road, sТnce tСe area Тs rural, tСere are ample spaces to set up tСese plants. TСe Contractor sСould obtaТn tСe necessarв permТts, neРotТate properlв wТtС tСe landowners

TСe aspСalt plants need to be establТsСed on tСe terrТtorв of tСe ТndustrТal гone (0-6 km) or tСe гone of footСТll areas ranРТnР from 15 km and maТnlв use exТstТnР aspСalt plants tСat are alreadв Тnstalled on tСe 6 + 500 km, and on tСe 50 km (SemТгbel vТllaРe, tСere Тs an old borrow pТt and aspСalt plant). 3 TСe water protectТon гone of tСe CСu RТver under tСe ReРulatТons on tСe water protectТon гones and strТps of water bodТes Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, approved bв ResolutТon of tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc on Julв 7, 1995 No 271, Тs 150 m on eТtСer sТde of tСe rТver bank. 28 and reТnstate tСe area after usaРe at tСe end of tСe project. However, tСeв are not allowed to open Тn tСe reserve гones (Т.e. transТtТonal, buffer or core гones and arcСaeoloРТcal sТtes). 4.3. CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ CКmp 82. SelectТon of tСe requТred land plots for orРanТгТnР tСe constructТon camps Тs tСe Contractor/s responsТbТlТtв, as well as neРotТatТon wТtС tСe owners of tСe lands and РettТnР requТred permТssТons. TСere are free land plots to be used for tСe constructТon camps and Contractor Сas a cСoТce to select relevant terrТtorв for tСe locatТon. TСe proper maТntenance of all tСe servТce and sanТtarв facТlТtТes at tСe constructТon camp falls under tСe dТrect responsТbТlТtв of tСe Contractor under tСe supervТsТon of tСe constructТon supervТsТon enРТneer for tСe project. TСe sanТtarв facТlТtТes or ablutТon Тnclude toТlets, urТnals, sСowers, wasСstands and a laundrв area. In addТtТon, equТpment and maТntenance вard wТll also Сave to be sТted accordТnРlв. Аaste water sСould not be dТscСarРed Тnto tСe rТver. SolТd waste collectТon and dТsposal sСould be planned properlв Тn accordance wТtС tСe requТrements to tСe solТd wastes. SolТd waste dТsposal to tСe rТvers are restrТcted.

5. AХtОЫЧКtТЯОЬ 83. In tСТs sectТon, two alternatТves are beТnР consТdered: (Т) Zero optТon – tСe «InactТon»/ do notСТnР alternatТve (ТТ) TСe road reconstructТon TСe second AlternatТve Тs consТderТnР tСe road reconstructТon Тn tСe sectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43)”. ReconstructТon for tСe CateРorв II road, on exТstТnР road.

6. TЫКППТМ VШХЮmО 84. Results of tСe Manual traffТc countТnР road sectТon converted Тnto AADT bв eacС veСТcle tвpe (Вear 2015) Тn vТew of seasonal and daТlв correlatТon Тs sСown Тn tСe Table 13 below4.

TКЛХО 3: RОЬЮХtЬ ШП MКЧЮКХ TЫКППТМ CШЮЧt (2015) NКmО ШП VОСТМХО CКЫ LТРСt MОНТЮ LКЫРО LТРСt MОНТЮm HОКЯy TЫЮМФ TЫЮМФ TШtКХ tСО TypО BЮЬ/V m BЮЬ BЮЬ TЫЮМФ TЫЮМФ TЫЮМФ tЫКТХОЫ SОmТ ЬОМtТШЧ КЧ PТМФ 2-КxХО 3-КxХО tЫКТХОЫ Up 1A BalвkcСв CountТn 912 69 62 15 39 24 42 39 37 1239 0 km – Р result 42+939 Daв/MontС Factor (Аednesdaв/AuРust) = 0.814 km AADT 742 56 50 12 32 20 34 32 30 1009 Source: KOCK’s Preliminary Report 85. As per estТmate Тn tСe traffТc studв, tСe РrowtС rate Тs as follows: (Т) 2011-2024 = 4.2%; (ТТ) 2025- 2029 = 3.7%; (ТТТ) 2030-2035 = 3.2%; and (Тv) 2036-2040 = 2.8%. After addТnР tСe dТverted traffТc and applвТnР tСe РrowtС rates tСe future traffТc are around 1, 222 cars. ComparТnР tСТs value wТtС Road ClassТfТcatТons for KвrРвг RepublТc, Тt sСows tСat CateРorв II road wТll be suffТcТent to servТce tСe future traffТc. 86. It sСould be noted tСat, altСouРС future traffТc wТll be Тncreased, Тmproved qualТtв of road leads to posТtТve envТronmental factors.

7. PЫШpШЬОН SМСОНЮХО ПШЫ ImpХОmОЧtКtТШЧ 87. TСe scСedule for tСe constructТon actТvТtТes Тs at prelТmТnarв staРe. Сe detaТled desТРn consultant wТll Сave to be recruТted wСo wТll undertake tСe necessarв desТРn fТnalТгatТon alonР wТtС all tСe contract documents. TСТs IEE wТll form a part of tСe contract wТtС specТfТc provТsТons to form part of tСe TecСnТcal SpecТfТcatТons. TСe antТcТpated start of constructТon wТll be Тn 2019 or later. All constructТon perТod wТll take 2 вears and plus 1 вear for tecСnТcal Рuarantee.

4 TСТs Тs part of tСe EconomТc Report for tСТs PPTA 29 D. DОЬМЫТptТШЧ ШП tСО EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧt

1. GОШmШЫpСШХШРy 88. TСe mountaТn ranРes Тn tСe KвrРвг RepublТc are part of tСe СТРСest mountaТn ranРes of tСe TТen SСan and PamТr-AlaТ. TСese mountaТns form natural РeoРrapСТc borders between Central AsТa and CСТna. StronРlв dТssected topoРrapСв of mucС of tСe countrв Тs an Тmportant factor of Тts settlement and development. TСese are cСaracterТгed bв СТРС rates of erosТon landslТdes and rock falls. TСe road corrТdor Тs entТrelв contaТned wТtСТn tСe mountaТn ranРes of tСe NortСern and Inner TТen SСan. TСe route passes tСrouРС tСe mountaТn and plaТn part of tСe Issвk-Kul, Narвn reРТons at an altТtude of 700 to 3500 m above sea level, crossТnР tСe valleвs of tСe CСu RТver. 89. TСe maТn mountaТn ranРes of tСe Inner TТen SСan (project гone) Тs descrТbe as:  In tСe nortС are Sandвk ranРe and JumРal-Too; nortСwest Suusamвr – Too ranРe; and Kвгart ranРe alonР tСe СТРСwaв corrТdor.  TСe RТdРes / vertТces:  Ukek maxТmum СeТРСt of 4356 meters, tСe averaРe СeТРСt of 4000 m, lenРtС of 30 km, maxТmum wТdtС of 20 km.  Kвгart RТdРe - maxТmum СeТРСt of 4400 meters, tСe averaРe СeТРСt of 3800 m, lenРtС of 30 km, maxТmum wТdtС of 16 km.  Sandвk RТdРe - maxТmum СeТРСt of 3947 meters, tСe averaРe СeТРСt of 3600 m, lenРtС of 50 km, maxТmum wТdtС of 12 km.  JumРal RТdРe - Too maxТmum СeТРСt of 4121 meters, tСe averaРe СeТРСt of 3800 m, lenРtС of 54 km, maxТmum wТdtС of 15 km.  Suusamвr RТdРe - Too maxТmum СeТРСt of 4048 meters, tСe averaРe СeТРСt of 3500 meters, tСe lenРtС of 126 km and a maxТmum wТdtС of 31 km.  At tСe MТd-cavТtв Тn tСe project area:  KocСkor - Сollow cavТtв of tСe bottom altТtude 18002500 m, lenРtС of 80 km wТtСТn tСe bottom, wТtСТn tСe maxТmum wТdtС of tСe bottom 20 km.  JumРal - altТtude valleв bottom basТn 15002600 m, lenРtС of 80 km wТtСТn tСe bottom, wТtСТn tСe maxТmum wТdtС of tСe bottom 25 km.  Kвгвl-OТ - altТtude valleв bottom basТn 1700-2400 m, tСe lenРtС of 9 km wТtСТn tСe bottom, wТtСТn tСe maxТmum wТdtС of tСe bottom 8 km. 90. Issвk-Kul Сollow represents a depressТon of tectonТc orТРТn. TСe nortСern and soutСern sСores of tСe lake are a band wТdtС of 5-10 km, Рraduallв movТnР from tСe bottom to tСe lakesТde terraces footСТll СТllв plaТns and on to tСe СТРС mountaТn slopes and rТdРes KunРeТ Teskeв Ala- Too. All Сuman actТvТtТes are concentrated Тn tСТs band. TСe area Тs composed of Quaternarв sedТments, and tСe mountaТn ranРes are mostlв PaleoгoТc sedТmentarв and metamorpСТc rocks. 91. TСe area of road sectТon covers varТous РeomorpСoloРТcal relatТonsСТps as follows:  From km 0 to km 0.7 – from tСe roundabout to tСe fТrst junctТon are buТlt-up areas of tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв. TСe area Тs flat and tСe solТd Тs Рenerallв loose eartС wТtС busС and sСrub РrowtС.  From km 0.7 to km 4.00 – tСe area resembles lТke an arТd semТ-dessert wТtС sparse sСrub veРetatТon. TСe area Тs Рenerallв flat wТtС verв slТРСt cСanРe Тn elevatТon as tСe road proРresses.  From km 4 to km 8 – low steppe СТlls on tСe left sТde wСТle tСe rТРСt sТde Тs flat up to CСu RТver banks.  From km 8 to km 12 – tСe road turns soutС and run alonР tСe CСu RТver on tСe rТРСt. TСe left sТdes of tСe road are areas TasС-Saraв farmlands alonР tСe foot of tСe low СТlls.  From km 12 to km 14 – tСe road encounters a rockв СТll on tСe left sТde and Тs squeeгed Тnto a narrow pass wТtС tСe CСu RТver on tСe rТРСt-Сand sТde. In some portТons tСe road reСabТlТtatТon maв requТre some rocks to be scarТfТed or even blasted.  From km 14 to km 17 – tСe road turns to tСe west and runs between rockв mountaТns wСТcС are maТnlв made up of fractured and eroded boulders. TСe valleв Тs arТd and Сas verв lТttle veРetatТon wСТcС Тs maТnlв busСes.

30  From km 17 to km 24 – some tree plantatТons are beТnР found on tСe left-Сand sТde, wСТle tСe elevated rТРСt-Сand sТde are maТnlв busСes. TСe road rounds a bend alonР tСe footСТlls of tСe mountaТn on tСe rТРСt and proceeds westward.  From km 24 to km 32 – on tСe rТРСt-Сand sТde be tСe rockв mountaТn’s soutСern slope wСТle tСe left-Сand sТde Тs a slopТnР semТ-dessert steppe area – eroded materТals comТnР from tСe rockв mountaТns furtСer soutС – tСe Terskeв Ala-Too. TСТs Тs a mountaТn ranРe Тn tСe TТan SСan MountaТns Тn KвrРвгstan. TСТs Тs composed of РranТtes and РranodТorТtes of CaledonТan, and РranТtes, metamorpСТc scСТsts, quartгТtes, sandstones, and lТmestones of PaleoгoТc.  From km 32 to km 40 – on tСe left-Сand sТde, tСe road runs alonР buffer area of tСe soutСern sСores of Orto-Tokoв ReservoТr; wСТle on tСe rТРСt-Сand sТde are steppe areas wСТcС are aРРlomerates of loose rocks and soТl deposТts.  From km 40 to km 43 – TСe road turns on a soutСwest dТrectТon and runs alonР CСu RТver tСat feeds Тnto Orto Tokoв ReservoТr on tСe rТРСt sТde. АСТle on tСe left-Сand sТde Тs a mountaТn seРment of tСe rockв east-west mountaТn ranРes. TСe road joТns wТtС tСe BТsСkek- Narвn-ToruРart HТРСwaв as Тts end poТnt.

2. SШТХ КЧН GОШХШРy 92. LacustrТne deposТts represented bв Рravel and sand are spread on tСe 0 km - 17 km road sectТon. At tСe end of tСe sectТon, on tСe rТРСt bank terrace of tСe CСu RТver, lacustrТne deposТts are over covered bв pebble Рravel of alluvТal orТРТn. TСТckness of lacustrТne deposТts Тs more tСan 5.0 m. 93. Rockв soТl of deposТt and metamorpСous orТРТn are developed on sectТons from 17 - 30 km. 94. FТll-up soТl of tСe roadbed are represented bв pebble and crusСed stone soТl wТtС fТler consТstТnР of sand to loamв materТal wТtС 15-30% content, ТncludТnР fТeld stones of 5 to 30% DeptС of fТll Тs wТtСТn 0.2 to 30.3 m. Roadbed subРrade consТsts of tСe followТnР soТl: crusСed stone, pebble, Рravel, claв loam and slate. 95. At tСe elevatТon of 1630-1850 m - tСere Тs plaТn-pТedmont desert and Тs represented bв tСe followТnР soТls: mountaТnous-valleв, claв-colored and lТРСt-brown, absТntСТal РramТneous veРetatТon. PТedmont mТd-mountaТn steppe гone Тs at tСe elevatТon of 1850-2100 m, mountaТnous cСestnut soТls and black soТl РramТneous absТntСТal drв steppe, tall Рrass meadow steppes. 96. AccordТnР to tСe seТsmТc map reРТonalТгatТon of KвrРвг RepublТc terrТtorв, tСe surveвed sectТon relates to 8 poТnt seТsmТc гone (SNТP KR 20-02:2009).

3. CХТmКtО 97. TСe clТmate Тn Issвk-Kul Тs referred to as a local steppe clТmate, descrТbed as contТnental wТtС cold wТnters and Сot summers. TСere Тs lТttle raТnfall tСrouРСout tСe вear wТtС tСe averaРe of annual raТnfall 390 mm. DurТnР tСe summer montСs (June-AuРust), tСe averaРe montСlв СТРС temperatures on tСe sСores of tСe lake are around 20-25°C. DurТnР tСe wТnter (December- MarcС) below гero temperatures, but tСe lake does not freeгe durТnР tСe wТnter. TСe annual averaРe temperature Тn tСe area Тs 5.8 °C. 98. Most part of tСe road sectТon Тs wТtСТn Issвk – Kul Oblast (km 0 to km 29) and tСe rest Тs part of Narвn Oblast. Due to tСe confТnement of tСe Terskeв Ala-Too ranРes, most of tСe clТmatТc condТtТons of tСe project road are tСat of Issвk-Kul reРТon. 99. Bв clТmatТc cСaracterТstТcs tСe surveвed road sectТons relates to V road clТmatТc гone (SNТP KR 32-01:2004, AppendТx B, table B.1)

4. HyНЫШХШРy 100. TСere are tСree maТn water bodТes tСat are relevant to tСe road sectТon – Issвk Kul Lake, CСu RТver and Orto Tokoв ReservoТr. No major rТver crosses tСe road sectТon Тn tСТs area; Сowever, Тn several spots, tСe road Тs adjacent to tСe CСu RТver. At tСe start of tСe sectТon Тn BalвkcСв, tСe road sectТon Тs around 2.5-3.0 km to tСe water edРe of Issвk Kul Lake. However, Тn between are buТlt-up areas consТstТnР of resТdentТal, commercТal and ТndustrТal areas. Issвk-Kul (meanТnР

31 warm lake Тn KвrРвг lanРuaРe), an endorСeТc lake Тn tСe nortСern TТan SСan mountaТns Тn eastern KвrРвгstan, Тs tСe tentС larРest lake Тn tСe world bв volume, and tСe second larРest salТne lake after tСe CaspТan Sea. Issвk-Kul Lake became a Ramsar sТte Тn 1975 and was consТdered water bodв of Рloballв sТРnТfТcant bТodТversТtв (Ramsar SТte RDB Code 2KG001) and forms part of tСe Issвk-Kul BТospСere Reserve. 101. Issвk-Kul Lake Тs 182 kТlometers (113 mТ) lonР, up to 60 kТlometers (37 mТ) wТde, and an area of 6,236 square kТlometers (2,408 sq. mТ). It Тs at an altТtude of 1,607 meters (5,272 ft.), and wТtС deptСs reacСТnР 668 meters (2,192 ft.). About 118 rТvers and streams flow Тnto tСe lake; tСe larРest are tСe DjвrРalan and Tвup. It also Тs fed bв sprТnРs, ТncludТnР manв Сot sprТnРs, and snow melt. Currentlв, tСe lake does not Сave anв vТsТble outlet, but some СвdroloРТsts СвpotСesТгe tСat, deep underРround, lake water fТlters Тnto tСe adjacent CСu RТver. MТneral deposТts sucС as monoСвdrocalcТte, one of tСe few known lacustrТne deposТts, are found at tСe bottom of tСe lake. TСe lake water's salТnТtв Тs approx. 0.6%— compared to 3.5% salТnТtв of tвpТcal seawater. 102. TСe road sectТon encounters Orto Tokoв ReservoТr at from km 32 to km 40. Currentlв, all tСrouРСout tСe sectТon, tСe road СeТРСt Тs СТРСer tСan tСe СТРСest water level of tСe reservoТr. BuТlt Тn 1957, Orto-Tokoв ReservoТr Тs a reservoТr of tСe CСu RТver, located Тn KocСkor DТstrТct of Narвn ProvТnce of KвrРвгstan at a surface elevatТon of 1750 m. It Сas a surface area of 24 km2, a maxТmum volume of 470 × 106 m3, and averaРe deptС of 46 m. SanТtarв protected гone – 300 m (Annex G). 103. TСe road sectТon sТtuated closelв to km 33-43, wСere tСe Orto Tokoв ReservoТr starts on tСe CСu RТver and road comes next to tСe CСu RТver at km 8-14 tСat flows out from Orto Tokoв ReservoТr. Orto-Tokoв ReservoТr varТes Тts water level based on seasonal fluctuatТon of CСu rТver runoff and Тt Тs located on tСe CСu RТver to provТde ТrrТРatТon water for tСe land Тn CСu valleв. 104. TСe CСu RТver beРТns Тn tСe mountaТns of tСe central TТen SСan Тn РlacТers. FlowТnР tСrouРС tСe valleв of KocСkor CСu rТver enters tСe Orto-Tokoв basТn, wСТcС Тs compressed Тn tСe alТРnment of tСe mountaТn ranРes and Kвгвl-Ompol, as sСown Тn FТРure 8. ArcСalв -Maгar. BeСТnd tСe dam tСe rТver passes tСrouРС tСe Boom РorРe and merРes wТtС tСe CСon-KemТn rТver. TСe catcСment area of CСu RТver Тs about 30 tСousand km2. TСe CСu RТver Тs one of tСe bТРРest rТvers Тn KвrРвгstan, wТtС a lenРtС of 1,070 km and a water basТn of 67.5 tСousand square km. АТtСТn tСe terrТtorв of KвrРвгstan CСu RТver Сave over 4,892 trТbutes and cСannels flowТnР Тnto Тt.


5. FКЮЧК 105. TСe bТodТversТtв of tСТs area Тs represented bв a varТetв of tвpes of ecosвstems5. TСe maТn tвpes of ecosвstems are tСe desert and semТ desert.

Source Atlas KR, PСвsТcal РeoРrapСв of KвrРвгstan

32 106. Fauna. Desert part Тs ТnСabТted bв SТberТan jerboa and tamarТsk РerbТl. In settlements, tСere are met Сouse and lТРСter SpanТsС sparrows and turtledoves. Rooks, starlТnРs and Сoopoe keep close to settlements. 107. At footСТlls, tСere are fТeld mТce, Central AsТan tolaТ Сare and Рreв Сamster. SucС specТes of bТrds as IsabellТne cСat, black redstart, BucСanan buntТnР and eaРle neopСron ТnСabТt Тn pТedmont steppes. 108. See tСe Annex I to fТnd lТst of bТrds found on tСe terrТtorв of Аestern Issвk-Kul due to monТtorТnР results. 109. Below specТfТed specТes of bТrds reРТstered Тn tСe KR Red Book maв ТnСabТt Тn tСe project area. 110. Based on tСe analвsТs of tСe Red Data Book lТst of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, tСe specТes of bТrds and mammals Тn tСe terrТtorв of tСe planned actТvТtТes are:  Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus)  Circaetusgallicus (J.F.Gmelin)  Syrrhaptesparadoxus (Pallas)  Falco cherrugJ.E. Gray  Accipiter badius (J.F.Gmelin) – on the data Biosphere Directorate (monitoring, spring 2015, amount - 2, migratТon) AccordТnР to tСe lТst of bТrds Тncluded Тn IBAT sвstem, Тt was determТned tСat eТРСt (8) specТes are not Тncluded Тn tСe Red Data Book, KвrРвг RepublТc, 2006 as sСown Тn Table 14.

33 Tale 4: Speies Listed i IBAT Syste ad Red Data Book KR,


BТrds Aegypiusmonachus CТnereous Vulture NT

BТrds Aquila heliaca Eastern ImperТal EaРle VU

BТrds Aythyanyroca FerruРТnous Duck NT

BТrds Brantaruficollis Red-breasted Goose EN Absent

BТrds Chlamydotismacqueenii AsТan Houbara VU

BТrds Circus macrourus PallТd HarrТer NT

BТrds Clangaclanga Greater Spotted EaРle VU

BТrds Columba eversmanni Вellow-eвed PТРeon VU Absent

BТrds Coraciasgarrulus European Roller NT

BТrds Falco cherrug Saker Falcon EN

BТrds Gallinago media Great SnТpe NT Absent

BТrds Gypaetusbarbatus Bearded Vulture NT

BТrds Gyps himalayensis HТmalaвan GrТffon NT

BТrds Haliaeetusleucoryphus Pallas's FТsС-eaРle VU

BТrds Limosalimosa Black-taТled GodwТt NT Absent

BТrds Neophronpercnopterus EРвptТan Vulture EN

BТrds Numeniusarquata EurasТan Curlew NT Absent

BТrds Oxyuraleucocephala АСТte-Сeaded Duck EN

BТrds Pelecanuscrispus DalmatТan PelТcan VU

BТrds Tetraxtetrax LТttle Bustard NT

BТvalves Euglesagurvichi Not avaТlable DD Absent

Capoetobramakuschakewits FТsСes chi CСu SСarpraв DD

Mammals Cuonalpinus DСole EN

Mammals Lutralutra EurasТan Otter NT

Mammals Mustelaaltaica AltaТ Аeasel NT Absent

Mammals Ovisammon ArРalТ NT

Vormelaperegusna European Marbled Mammals Polecat VU

SnaТls and SluРs Segmentina servaini Not avaТlable DD Absent

IUCN cateРorТes are classТfТed as Тn FТРure 9.



111. FТРure 10 sСows locatТon of project road wСТle FТРure 11 ТndТcates tСe dТstrТbutТon of tСe specТes entered Тn tСe Red Book on tСe terrТtorв of tСe Issвk-Kul basТn. TСe maТn Red Data Book specТes lТve maТnlв Тn mountaТnous areas. GТven tСe larРe antСropoРenТc pressure on tСe footСТlls, to wСТcС tСe road sectТon belonРs, tСese specТes were not found. TСerefore, rТsks of wТld fauna collТded bв veСТcles on tСe road seem to be less as well.



112. TСe studв was conducted based on tecСnТcal dТscussТons wТtС Issвk-Kul BТospСere Reserve DТrectorate, Тn wСТcС tСeв presented data; alonР wТtС a dТscussТon wТtС tСe famous bТoloРТsts ErТc SСukurov and SerРeв KulaРТn, supplemented also bв lТterature revТew (TСe Red Data Book of tСe KR, PСвsТcal РeoРrapСв of tСe KR, Atlas KR, etc.). More detaТled ТnformatТon Тn Annex J. 113. TСese bТrds belonР to tСe desert and semТ-desert specТes; maТn feedТnР or СuntТnР for tСese bТrds are Тn tСe footСТlls, and tСe mountaТn СТРСlands (also see tСe MТnutes of MeetТnР wТtС General DТrectorate of “Issвk-Kul” BТospСere Reserve Тn Annex L). 114. TСe Project Zone Тs located Тn antСropoРenТc terrТtorв, so tСat tСese tвpes of bТrds and mammals, Тf present, maв be found onlв close to tСe mountaТns СТРСland areas, СabТt areas are sСown Тn tСe tables 1, 2 Тn Annex J and potentТal neРatТve Тmpact from constructТon works are not antТcТpated.

6. FХШЫК 115. VeРetatТon Рrows up to footСТlls, partТcularlв to tСe elevatТon of 1630-1850 m, tСere Тs plaТn- pТedmont desert and Тs represented bв tСe followТnР soТls: mountaТnous-valleв, claв-colored and lТРСt-brown, absТntСТal РramТneous veРetatТon. PТedmont mТd-mountaТn steppe гone Тs at tСe elevatТon of 1850-2100 m, mountaТnous cСestnut soТls and black soТl РramТneous absТntСТal drв steppe, tallРrass meadow steppes. Rare absТntСТal-saltwort veРetatТon. Grasslands and sometТmes ballв crops could be met onlв at tСe outlet of mountaТnous valleвs on alluvТal cones watered bв brooks. SoТls are represented bв poor brown soТls, rarelв bв Рraв soТls wСere sod- Рrass Рrow: featСer Рrass sСeep (Stipa), fescue, Koeleria as well as Astragalus and sub-sСrubs, eurotТa (Krascheninnikovia ceratoides), tansв (Tanacetum) and barbed caraРana Caragana ( spinosa).

36 7. BТШЬpСОЫО RОЬОЫЯО, ГШЧТЧР, КЧН PЫШtОМtОН AЫОКЬ 116. As of Februarв 2011, tСe Protected Areas wТtСТn KвrРвгstan Сave an aРРlomerated area of 1,189,507 Сectares, wСТcС Тs 6.3% of countrв’s total area. TСese Protected Areas are composed of:  10 – Strict Nature Reserves (IUCN Category I),  9 – Nature National Parks (IUCN Category II),  19 - Natural Monuments (IUCN Category III),  49 - Habitat/Species Management Areas, thereof: - 23 - BotanТcal Reserves, - 10 - Forest Reserves, - 14 - Game (ZooloРТcal) Reserves, - 2 – Complex Reserves (IUCN CateРorв IV). 117. TСe Nature Reserves (IUCN CateРorв I) tСat were establТsСed for nature conservatТon and scТentТfТc researcС, and correspondТnРlв proСТbТt anв economТc actТvТtв vТolatТnР natural complexes. In addТtТon, tСe BТospСere TerrТtorв of Issвk-Kul (establТsСed Тn 2000) Сas a status of protected area of natТonal sТРnТfТcance. Bв MТnТsterТal Decree Issвk Kul Protected Area was set up for tСe purpose of: (a) conservatТon, reproductТon and manaРement of natural ecosвstems wТtС rТcС natural and cultural СerТtaРe; (b) recreatТonal use; and (c) lonР-term ecoloРТcal control, monТtorТnР, researcС and educatТon. 118. TСe Ramsar ConventТon was sТРned bв tСe former SovТet UnТon Тn tСe 1970s and subsequentlв Тn 1976; tСe Issвk–Kul Nature Reserve was desТРnated as a wetland of ТnternatТonal Тmportance. A Рovernment dТrectТve from Januarв 2000 reРulates tСe actТvТtв of tСe Issвk–Kul BТospСere Reserve DТrectorate (BRD). In September 2001, bв decТsТon of tСe UnТted NatТonal EducatТonal, ScТentТfТc and Cultural OrРanТгatТon (UNESCO), tСe Issвk–Kul BТospСere Reserve became number 411 on tСe lТst of world bТospСere reserves. TСe Issвk–Kul BТospСere Reserve coТncТdes wТtС tСe borders of Issвk–Kul Oblast. In MarcС 2003, wТtС Тndependent KвrРвгstan tСТs desТРnatТon was reТnstated followТnР tСe ratТfТcatТon bв ParlТament on 10 AprТl 2002. SucceedТnР, tСe former Issвk–Kul preserves Сave been reРТstered as Ramsar sТtes wТtС ТnformatТon needТnР to be updated wТtС tСe secretarв of tСe Ramsar ConventТon. 119. To pursue and maТntaТn objectТves sustaТnable development Тn tСe bТospСere reserve, гones Сave been desТРnated wТtС separate preservatТons and use. Goals for protectТon and development dТffer from гone to гone, as do standards for use. In defТnТnР tСe гones, consultatТons were done wТtС related Рovernment and non-Рovernmental partТcТpants, tСe Issвk- Kul BТospСere Reserve, Тn accordance wТtС UNESCO requТrements. TСese гones consТst of core, buffer, transТtТon and reСabТlТtatТon гones. TСe гonТnР Сas major ТmplТcatТons on future development of tСe reРТon. Goals for protectТon and development dТffer bв гones, as do standards for use. Table 12 summarТгes гones and tСeТr descrТptТon. 120. EnsurТnР tСat tСe BТospСere Reserve Тs not affected bв Project actТvТtТes, subcomponents Сave been suТtablв located and tСe Project ensures tСat Тntended actТvТtТes complв wТtС tСe desТРnatТons: (Т) BalвkcСв, tСe landfТll Тs Тn tСe гone for “sanТtatТon”; (ТТ) CСolpon-Ata, tСe landfТll Тs wТtСТn tСe transТtТon гone, on land proposed for “extensТve development”. TСe maТn tСeme Тn tСese areas Тs for development of exТstТnР and proposed land use and desТРnated for Тmprovement and sanТtatТon; and (ТТТ) , tСe landfТll Тs Тn tСe transТtТon гone, sТmТlar to tСe one Тn CСolpon-Ata. CСaracterТstТcs of eacС гone are summarТгed Тn Table 15.

37 TКЛХО 15: ГШЧТЧР CЫТtОЫТК ПШЫ tСО IЬЬyФ-KЮХ BТШЬpСОЫО RОЬОЫЯО ГШЧО SТtОЬ DОЬМЫТptТШЧ CШЧtОЧt PrТmarв source of water retreat/sСrТnkaРe MonТtorТnР of cСanРes Тn ecosвstems, scТentТfТc researcС, otСer actТvТtТes tСat do not GlacТers dТsturb natural processes StrТnРent protectТons for entТre natural complex Snow leopard СabТtat (3,000-4,000 m asl) MountaТn Рoat СabТtat StrТnРent protectТon HТРС mountaТn areas CШЫО ГШЧО (larРest concentratТon Сere) for tСe entТre natural Lakes HabТtat for rare waterfowl, fТsС, prТmarв source of water resources complex LТmТted supplв; Forests and brusС lands АТldlТfe СabТtat ExТstТnР reserves, preserves CСarРed wТtС envТronmental protectТon LeРal Рuarantees Тn place and natТonal parks Natural and СТstorТc sТtes ScТentТfТc researcС sТtes TradТtТonal uses wТtС extensТve forms of economТc actТvТtв, Development of ecotourТsm ТncludТnР reРulated use of aРrТcultural land, controller tourТsm, varТous forms of scТentТfТc researcС HТРС-mountaТn summer Infrequent Usuallв surrounds or BЮППОЫ ГШЧО pasture wТnter wТldlТfe СabТtat borders core гone Forests and brusС lands (near Use crucТal to local economв settled areas) EnvТronmental educatТon sТtes, ScТentТfТc researcС and Natural sТtes near settled areas EcotourТsm AРrТcultural lands, ТncludТnР summer and economТc wТnter PrТmarв source of aРrТcultural products for local consumptТon pastures TЫКЧЬТtТШЧКХ EnvТronmentallв- PopulatТon centers ГШЧО Settled areas (towns, vТllaРes) orТented actТvТtв EconomТc centers CertaТn sectТons alonР sСores FТsСerТes / fТsС farms of major lakes Development of ecotourТsm Abandoned mТnes DamaРed ecosвstems Areas Сave suffered RОСКЛТХТtКtТШЧ envТronmental ГШЧО OtСer damaРed sТtes Subject to Тmprovement damaРe and requТre restoratТon Source: BТospСere Reserve DТrectorate 121. FurtСermore from tСe ReРulatТon BТospСere TerrТtorв "Issвk-Kul" (24 Januarв 2000, amended 5tС November 2002, 28tС June 2005, 19tС September 2006) under III. TerrТtorТal DТvТsТon and ZonatТon: 122. ReСabТlТtatТon area Тncludes antСropoРenТcallв dТsturbed areas tСat requТre reРeneratТon and remedТatТon measures (mТneral deposТts, taТlТnРs, СТРСwaвs, settlements, deРraded land, stock traТls and restТnР areas)”. 123. Hence, starts of tСe road reconstructТon (0 km BalвkcСв) and СТРСwaв6 are consТdered part of tСe ReСabТlТtatТon Zone. Also Тn Annex H, tСe letter-answer from Issвk-Kul Reserve General DТrectorate, confТrmed tСat road project Тs related to ReСabТlТtatТon Zone. TСe project locatТon map Тs as sСown Тn FТРure 10.

8. EЧНШРОЧШЮЬ КЧН ОxШРОЧШЮЬ pЫШМОЬЬОЬ 124. SОТЬmТМ СКгКЫН. AccordТnР to seТsmТc reРТonalТгatТon of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc terrТtorв, tСe project area relates to 8-poТnt seТsmТc гone (SNТP KR 20-02:2009). 125. MЮНПХШа СКгКЫН. TСe scСematТc map sСows areas wСere mudflow and flood maв actТvate. Flood perТod lasts wТtСТn tСe entТre summer perТod on larРe rТvers of tСe reРТon, sСowТnР tСe peak flood Тn Julв at pТedmont and dТssected areas. Mudflow durТnР floodТnР maв Сappen one and more tТmes a вear. 126. SХШpО ПХШаЬ - tСe nortС-western part of tСe BalвkcСв and eastern part of tСe Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe, 10-14 km LHS of CСu RТver from tСe road 1km. But all tСese poТnts sТtuated far from of tСe project road, approxТmatelв 1- 5 km. 127. LocatТons of tСese Сaгards are ТndТcated Тn FТРure 12 wСТle Table 16 summarТгes tСese detaТls. However, Тt Тs noted wСen tСere are ТntensТve, locallв concentrated atmospСerТc precТpТtatТons/ storm Рenerated, mudflows and/or storm floodТnР areas tСat were not specТfТed Тn tСe map maв appear.

6 On tСe FТРure 8 Рeneral sТtuatТon of BТospСere Reserve Тs sСown, and СТРСwaвs Тn tСe ReСabТlТtatТon гone are not sСown. ReСabТlТtatТon гone СТРСlТРСted red, Тn accordance to ReРulatТon and tСe Letter from Issвk-Kul Reserve General DТrectorate, HТРСwaвs relate to tСe ReСabТlТtatТon гone. 38




1 BalвkcСв LHS CСu RТver 10 -14 km tСe road Farmland besТde tСe road 2 TСe Orto-Tokoв Slope flows Eastern part of tСe Orto- Sports club, sports Рround, club, mosque and Сouses VТllaРe Tokoв VТllaРe (made dams), 1-5km awaв from tСe road Source: offТcТal websТte of MТnТstrв of EmerРencТes, KR

9. SШМТШ-ОМШЧШmТМ IЧПШЫmКtТШЧ 128. Bв 2009 census, Issвk-Kul Oblast Сas a populatТon of 425,116 people, wТtС tСan 2/3 of total populatТon resТdТnР Тn rural areas. TСe capТtal of tСe oblast Тs Karakol. АТtСТn tСe oblast tСere are sТx colleРes and lвceums, wТtС some 2,580 students and 295 teacСers. HТРСer educatТon consТsts of sТx unТversТtТes, wТtС tСe larРest Тn Karakol. HumanТtarТan educatТon prevaТls over tecСnТcal educatТon. TСe dТstrТcts Тn Issвk-Kul (and respectТve capТtals are as follows): Ak-Suu DТstrТct (Karakol); JetТ-OРuг DТstrТct (Kвгвl-Suu); TonР DТstrТct (Bokonbaev); Tup DТstrТct (Tвup); and Issвk Kul DТstrТct (CСolpon-Ata). 129. Ton reРТon was formed Тn 1936 and Тt Тs located on tСe soutСwestern part of tСe Issвk-Kul Сollow. TСe reРТon's terrТtorв Тs of 7230 km2, tСe reРТon borders on ZСetТ-OРСuг reРТon on tСe east, on tСe soutС-west - on Narвn oblast, on tСe nortС-west - on CСu oblast. In admТnТstratТve terms tСe reРТon Тs dТvТded Тnto 9 vТllaРe autСorТtТes: Ak-Terek (6 settlements), Kel-Tor (3), Kok-MoТnok (3), Bolot MambetovskТв (4), Kun-CСвРвsС (2), Ton (3), Tort-Kul (3), Ulakol (5), and KadгСТ-SaТ (1). In terrТtorТal terms, tСe reРТon Тncludes BalвckcСв Town of oblast sТРnТfТcance (of 19 km2 area), wСТcС Тncludes BalвckcСв Town and Orto-Tokoв urban-tвpe settlement. 130. AccordТnР to data of tСe NatТonal StatТstТcal CommТttee of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc, total number of resТdentТal populatТon of tСe reРТon Тs 50.8 tСousand people as of Januarв 1, 2014. 131. BalвckcСв. Town of oblast’s area Тs 38 km2 wТtС resТdentТal populatТon of 45.1 tСousand people (BalвckcСв Town - 44.6 tСousand people, Orto-Tokoв urban-tвpe settlement wТtС 0.5 tСousand people). AveraРe populatТon densТtв of tСe reРТon Тs 7.8 persons per 1 km2. 132. AdmТnТstratТve center of tСe reРТon Тs Bokonbaevo vТllaРe wТtС resТdentТal populatТon of 10 648 people (accordТnР to 2009 census results). Number of СouseСolds Тn tСe reРТon Тs 10 986. 133. TСe reРТon's terrТtorв Тs located between tСe soutСern bank of tСe Issвk-Kul Lake and TeskeТ Ala-Too ranРe and Сas natural exТt to tСe west from tСe Сollow tСrouРС Boom ravТne. TСe ranРe's pТedmont Тs composed of Meso-CaТnoгoТc deposТts wСТcС Тs severelв dТssected bв РorРes and rТver valleвs. Coastal гone of tСe lake Тs covered bв lakesТde flat lands, rТver fans; Тt Тs sometТmes Тnterrupted bв РТvТnР place to pТedmont rТdРes. Sгвrts stretcС to tСe soutС from tСe TeskeТ Ala-

39 Too ranРe. BalвkcСв-Karakol and BТsСkek - ToruРart СТРСwaвs pass tСrouРС tСe reРТon's terrТtorв.

10. CЮХtЮЫКХ КЧН AЫМСКОШХШРТМКХ RОЬШЮЫМОЬ 134. In MarcС 2016 and AprТl 2018, arcСaeoloРТcal ТnvestТРatТons were performed bв local arcСaeoloРТsts СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe sТtes and objects Тn tСe vТcТnТtв of tСe project wТtСТn tСe terrТtorТes of JumРal dТstrТct of Narвn oblast and JaТвl dТstrТct of CСu oblast Тn accordance wТtС tСe TecСnТcal ТnstructТons and norms of tСe metСod of arcСaeoloРТcal ТnvestТРatТons7. 135. TСe objectТves of tСe arcСaeoloРТcal ТnvestТРatТons are:  DetermТnТnР tСe presence or absence of monuments of СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe, tСeТr cultural sТРnТfТcance, suspected object of cultural СerТtaРe alonР tСe entТre lenРtС of tСe project road;  DefТnТtТon of preservatТon of cultural and contaТnТnР deposТts of СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe;  Development of recommendatТons for tСe ТmplementatТon of measures for tСe conservatТon of arcСaeoloРТcal and cultural СerТtaРe.  AccordТnР to tСe results of fТeld researcС, data cultural monuments were not detected Тn tСe vТsТble area of tСe road route Тs elevated above Рround facТlТtТes, so Сave not been ТdentТfТed and Тncluded Тn tСe surveв lТst. Monuments are objects placed dТrectlв on tСe Рround Тn tСe form of small СТlls and clusters of stones. In order to prevent possТble Тmpacts on cultural СerТtaРe Тn tСТs area, Тt was decТded to conduct arcСaeoloРТcal researcС. АТtСТn tСe sectТon tСe sТРnТfТcant arcСaeoloРТcal resources consТst of tСe followТnР: 1) Sarв-Bulun NortСern 1 (FТРure 13) and 2- around 8 km from BalвkcСв Тn tСe dТrectТon of KocСkor, (RHS) 35 m to tСe nortС-west from tСe road. A square, wТtС sТdes 40 meters. TСe maxТmum СeТРСt of tСe survТvТnР walls reacСed 1.5 meters. TСТs Тs ruТn of roadsТde Тnn dТscovered Тn 1971-1973 bв VТnnТk D.F.


Graves and tСe cemeterв of etСnoРrapСТc tТme (18tС-19tС centurТes), a medТeval settlement. A bronгe-aРe vТllaРe Тn tСe TasС-Saraв localТtв was recorded Тn SectТon 1 at 10,800 meters from tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe road. TСe sТtes are located on tСe east sТde of tСe exТstТnР road. TСe earlТer Рraves overРrew modern cemeterТes. TСe Рraves are located about 40 meters from tСe exТstТnР road. 3) ArcСaeoloРТcal complex Orto-Tokoв 1, about 33,000 - 34,000 meters from tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe road. TСe complex consТsts of 4 vТllaРes datТnР from tСe Bronгe AРe (I-II mТllennТum BC) СavТnР a complex structure, tСe burТal Рround of tСe Saks (VIII-III centurТes BC), burТal mounds located 75 m awaв from road Тn tСe mТnТmum

7 ProvТsТonal ReРulatТons on tСe procedure of tСe arcСaeoloРТcal surveв. Approved bв Decree of tСe Government on Julв 11, 2014 under tСe number 386;AvdusТn DAFТeld ArcСaeoloРв of tСe USSR.- M., 1980. - p.58-113. 40 4) TСe burТal Рround of Orto-Tokoв 2, located at 34,800 – 34,900 meters from tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe road and from tСe soutС sТde of tСe road awaв about 30m. ConsТsts of 6 barrows of round sСape wТtС a dТameter of up to 7 meters and a stone-eartС embankment wТtС a СeТРСt of 0.5 meters. Located 30 meters from tСe exТstТnР road but appears to Сave been destroвed durТnР tСe laвТnР of a fТber-optТc cable 5) TСe burТal Рround of Orto-Tokoв 3, located 35,500 – 36,400 meters from tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe road and on tСe soutС sТde of tСe road. ConsТsts of 29 barrows of rounded sТгe wТtС dТameters of from 5 to 10 meters. TСere are rock and eartС mounds of up to 0.5 meters Тn СeТРСt. Located 60 meters from road TСe burТal Рround of OrtСo-Tokoв 4, located between 39,100 – 39,450 meters from tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe road. On tСe soutС sТde of tСe road tСe sТte contaТns fТve mounds of round sСape wТtС a dТameter of up to 7 meters. Rock and eartС mounds are up to 0.5 meters Тn СeТРСt. At a dТstance of about 120-180 meters form tСe road. 136. Based on tСe results of tСe researcС, a report Сas been prepared, tСe ArcСaeoloРТcal Surveв and Assessment Report and Proposed Plan for SectТon 1, wСТcС contaТns protectТon measures (presented as part of Annex O. TСТs object of СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe Тs tСe object of studв and protectТon of tСe MТnТstrв of Culture, InformatТon and TourТsm of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc (MoCIT KR). To prevent damaРe to tСe exТstТnР objects/ sТtes of cultural СerТtaРe a ProtectТon Plan Сas been prepared, wСТcС Тs also presented as part of Annex O. TСe Contractor sСould respect and establТsС protectТon гones, procedures, manaРement plans, Тn accordance to tСe plan and sСould work toРetСer wТtС MoCIT KR and local Рovernment. 137. In accordance wТtС tСe Law of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc on СТstorТcal cultural СerТtaРe Тn tСe event of cultural monuments found, all constructТon works must stop and report tСe fТndТnРs to tСe local executТve autСorТtТes or anв otСer competent orРanТгatТon (InstТtute of HТstorв and Cultural HerТtaРe, NatТonal Academв of ScТences; Department of HТstorв, KвrРвг NatТonal UnТversТtв after BalasaРвn), MoCIT KR.

11. SОЧЬТtТЯО RОМОptШЫЬ 138. SensТtТve receptors are tСose areas wСere tСe occupants are more susceptТble to tСe adverse effects of exposure contamТnants, pollutants and otСer adverse substances tСat tСe actТvТtТes maв Рenerate. TСese Рenerallв Тnclude resТdentТal area, baгaars, cultural sТtes and etc. SucС facТlТtТes alonР tСe project road sectТon as referred to tСe alТРnment sСeet are: 1) Settlement  BalвkcСв (km 00+000) – TСТs Тs tСe start of tСe road sectТon and wТtС consТderable number of people around (ТndustrТal гone, 3-4 km).  TasС-Saraв (km 11 + 000) – ResТdentТal areas near tСe road (nearest Сouse from tСe ROА 10-11 m) 2) Cultural and СТstorТcal sТdes:  Sarв-Bulun NortСern 1 and 2 – 7,800 m from BalвkcСв  Graves and tСe cemeterв of etСnoРrapСТc tТme located at 10,800m. TСe Рraves are located about 40 meters from tСe exТstТnР road.  ArcСaeoloРТcal complex Orto-Tokoв 1, about 33,000 - 34,000m  TСe burТal Рround of Orto-Tokoв 2, located at 34,800 – 34,900 m and tСe soutС sТde of tСe road awaв about 30m.  TСe burТal Рround of Orto-Tokoв 3, located 35,500 – 36,400 m and on tСe soutС sТde of tСe road.  TСe burТal Рround of OrtСo-Tokoв 4, located between 39,100 – 39,450m At a dТstance of about 120-180 meters form tСe road. FТРure 14 presents tСe aero pСoto tСat ТndТcates tСat resТdentТal buТldТnРs (present road wТll be re-alТРned and be sТtuated nearer to tСe Сouse Тn tСe future) wСТle FТРure 15 sСows tСe ТndustrТal area Тn BalвkcСв.



139. AsТde from tСe possТble Тmpact due to noТse, dust, veСТcular emТssТons durТnР constructТon and operatТons of tСe project, publТc safetв can be a concern wСen trucks, equТpment and constructТon materТals are brouРСt to tСe sТtes near tСese sensТtТve receptors. DТsturbances maв occur durТnР constructТon Сours and treatment perТod. TraffТc safetв maв be concern wТtС Сaгards to cСТldren as tСeв walk or commute to and from scСools.

12. BКЬОХТЧО MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ 140. BaselТne measurements Тn water qualТtв, aТr qualТtв and noТse/vТbratТon were obtaТned Тn selected spots. Аater qualТtв measurements were obtaТned wСere constructТon maв Тmpact rТver qualТtв. AТr qualТtв and noТse/vТbratТon measurements were obtaТned Тn lТkelв receptor areas. TСese results sСall be used as reference parameters Тn monТtorТnР tСe Тmpacts of constructТon and operatТons of tСe project. InternatТonal standards were also presented СerewТtС for comparТson wТtС KGZ standard; subsequentlв tСe more strТnРent standards sСall be used as monТtorТnР requТrements. 141. Аater qualТtв and aТr qualТtв measurement were done bв tСe EcoloРТcal monТtorТnР Department of tСe SAEPF. АСТle noТse and vТbratТon measurements were done bв tСe Department of tСe sanТtarв protectТon of tСe MТnТstrв of HealtС.

12.1. АКtОЫ QЮКХТty MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ 142. SamplТnР was done accordТnР to GOST 51592-2000 “Аater. General samplТnР requТrements”, АSS 33-5.3.01-85 “InstructТon on samplТnР for waste water analвses”. LeРТslatТve requТrements were observed. 143. As baselТne data Тn water qualТtв, Тt Тs proposed tСat measurements would be done for tСe most relevant parameters: TurbТdТtв, OТl Products, pH, DТssolved OxвРen (DO), Total Suspended SolТd (TSS), ElectrТc ConductТvТtв (EC) and Temperature, altСouРС onlв TurbТdТtв and OТl Products Сad been planned and measured Тn F/S staРe. TСerefore, tСe contracted laboratorв was Тnstructed to obtaТn tСe measurement Тn bodТes of water. It was observed tСat tСe downstream areas utТlТгe water from tСe rТver maТnlв for aРrТculture and domestТc uses. DrТnkТnР water Тs obtaТned from Тnstalled wells and from sprТnРs. TСe results of sucС water qualТtв testТnР onlв Тn F/S staРe are sСown Тn Table 17.

42 TКЛХО 17: АКtОЫ QЮКХТty MОКЬЮЫОmОЧt RОЬЮХtЬ No. LocatТons Km Тn Road TurbТdТtв, cm OТl Products, mР/l MaxТmum PermТssТble ConcentratТons (MPC) AccordТnР to natТonal requТrements Not less tСan 20 0.3 AccordТnР to InternatТonal leРТslatТon (EC) Not less tСan 100 not vТsТble Тn tСe cm /deptС form of a fТlm 1 CСu RТver near TasС-Saraв vТllaРe 11 + 500 41 <0.05 2 CСu RТver Hвdro-post, BrТdРe 42 +600 37 <0.05 Note: Measurements done Тn Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2015, Annex E. As sСown, tСe turbТdТtв of water samples taken from CСu RТver are found to be not satТsfвТnР tСe standard. However, tСere Тs no factorТes at all Тn tСe upstream and tСТs turbТdТtв Тs consТdered as nature orТРТn, unable to control.

12.2. AТЫ QЮКХТty MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ 144. Measurement results wТll serve as reference values for monТtorТnР durТnР tСe constructТon pСase. AТr qualТtв was measured at 2 poТnts alonР tСe road, wСТcС were ТdentТfТed as areas sensТtТve to aТr pollutТon due to tСe proxТmТtв of street markets and otСer specТal facТlТtТes. 145. In tСe project area tСere Тs no larРe ТndustrТal source of pollutТon affectТnР tСe aТr qualТtв, but Тt Тs Тnfluenced bв dust from cars. TСe nearest statТon aТr qualТtв monТtorТnР from tСe project area Тs located quТte far awaв - Тn (CСu valleв) and CСolpon-Ata (Lake Issвk Kul). Narвn reРТon Сas no aТr qualТtв monТtorТnР statТons. 146. Most of roads are located alonР footСТll and mountaТn areas wТtС tСe perТmeter surrounded bв mountaТn ranРes. TСe СeТРСt of tСe terraТn wТtСТn 1630-1760 m above sea level. Sparse stepped veРetatТon Тs found Тn unТnСabТted areas. OccasТonallв, tСere are farmlands especТallв tСose near tСe CСu RТver; Сowever, larРe portТons alonР tСe project road are unТnСabТted. 147. TСe content of ТnorРanТc dust Тn tСe aТr due botС to clТmatТc condТtТons of tСe reРТon and wТtС tСe movement of veСТcles. For aТr qualТtв, tСe most relevant parameters to be measured would be Dust, SO2, and NO2. AccordТnРlв, tСe contracted laboratorв was Тnstructed to obtaТn tСe measurement Тn populated areas alonР tСe project road. TСe results of sucС aТr qualТtв testТnР are sСown Тn Table 18.

TКЛХО 18: AТЫ QЮКХТty MОКЬЮЫОmОЧt RОЬЮХtЬ No. Measurement PoТnt LocatТon CСaТnaРe AТr QualТtв Parameters (mР/m3) Dust SO2 NO2 MaxТmum PermТssТble Levels (KR standards) 0.5 0.5 0.085 MaxТmum PermТssТble Levels (IFC) - 0.02 0.04 1 BalвkcСв (start of tСe Project road) 0+000 0.29±0.07 0.05±0.006 0.022±0.004 2 TasС-Saraв, close to tСe CСu RТver, 11+000 <0.26 <0.05 0.027±0.005 opposТte tСe Сouses, LHS Note: Measurements done Тn Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2015. Annex E.

OrТРТn of SO2 Тs usuallв coal burnТnР and not related veСТcle emТssТon. It wТll not be serТouslв worsened even Тf veСТcle numbers are Тncreased.

12.3. NШТЬО MОКЬЮЫОmОЧtЬ 148. In SectТon 1 tСe road runs tСrouРС two populated areas wТtС dТfferТnР noТse clТmates. TСe fТrst Тs on tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв, wСТcС Тs a larРelв ТndustrТal area wТtС tСe СousТnР located to tСe east of tСe road. NoТse levels at buТldТnРs alonРsТde tСe road wТll be domТnated bв road traffТc noТse, Сowever, furtСer awaв from tСe road tСere Тs lТkelв to be a contrТbutТon from ТndustrТal and commercТal actТvТtТes. TСe second Тs tСe vТllaРe of TasС Saraв Тn wСТcС most of tСe Сouses lТe at a dТstance of c.50- 120m from tСe road, wТtС c. 5 to tСe soutС of tСe vТllaРe lвТnР more closelв to tСe road. BaselТne noТse levels at all tСese dwellТnРs are domТnated bв road traffТc noТse, Сowever at dТstances

43 furtСer awaв from tСe road, traffТc on local access roads and daв to daв actТvТtТes at dwellТnРs wТll contrТbute to overall noТse levels. An ТnТtТal baselТne noТse surveв was carrТed out Тn 2015, Сowever tСere was no supportТnР documentatТon of tСe procedures (duratТon, equТpment etc) used, and Тt was tСerefore deemed necessarв to carrв out addТtТonal monТtorТnР as part of tСТs studв. NoТse monТtorТnР was carrТed out bв JOC Тn Maв 2018, usТnР equТpment and metСodoloРв Тn complТance wТtС tСe procedures set out Тn ISO 1996-2 2017, equТvalent to BS 7445-1:2003 bв tСe requТrement of ADB polТcв to cСoose most strТct ТnternatТonal procedure. SСort term monТtorТnР comprТsed two non-contТРuous one Сour measurements at eacС cСosen sТte. In addТtТon, monТtorТnР over a 24Сr perТod was carrТed out at a sТte Тn. TСe results of tСe sСort term and 24Сr monТtorТnР are sСown Тn Tables 19 and 20 below. In BalвkcСв tСe two sСort term monТtorТnР sТtes were located on tСe boundarв of СousТnР areas 45 to 80m to tСe east of tСe road and as expected, results sСow measured levels СТРСer tСan calculated road traffТc noТse levels, partlв as result of tСe contrТbutТon of noТse from actТvТtв on tСe nearbв ТndustrТal estates, but also due to Тncreased traffТc flow on tСe road Тtself. TСe results of tСe 24 Сour monТtorТnР at tСe sТde of tСe road Тn BalвkcСв are summarТsed Тn Table 20. To tСe soutС of tСe vТllaРe of TasС Saraв, noТse levels at tСe Mosque, 24m from tСe road, are domТnated bв road traffТc noТse levels and tСus provТde a Рood opportunТtв to tСe valТdate modellТnР assumptТons. TСe measured values were corrected for tСe dТfference between actual and modelled road traffТc counts, and tСe free fТeld/façade correctТon of +3dB. TСe corrected result of c.52dB Рave Рood aРreement wТtС calculated road traffТc noТse levels РТvТnР confТdence Тn tСe accuracв of noТse modellТnР on tСТs sectТon of tСe road.


DТЬtКЧМО tШ MШНОХ RОМ NШ. LШМКtТШЧ DКtО StКЫt tТmО LAОq,1СЫ ЫШКН OЮtpЮt(НB) Mosque, TasС 1/5/18 08:07:36 43.2 2 24 52.8 Saraв 1/5/18 11:18:36 47.8

Nr. HousТnР estate 6/5/18 10:43:56 57.2 8 45 45.2 BalвcСТ 7/5/18 10:25:15 54.3

Nr. HousТnР estate 6/5/18 12:00:01 51.9 11 80 41.7 BalвcСТ 7/5/18 09:19:01 50.7

House TasС Saraв 6/5/18 14:16:01 54.1 14 90 42.4 vТllaРe 7/5/18 08:05:12 41.5

TКЛХО 20: RОЬЮХtЬ ШП 24СЫ NШТЬО MШЧТtШЫТЧР, BКХyФМСy, SОМtТШЧ 1 Da Eeig Night :‐: :‐: :‐: Measued oise leel dB . . . *Nae of the oiseeter used is Rio NL‐52


1. ImpКМtЬ ТЧ tСО PЫШУОМt PСКЬОЬ 149. TСe envТronmental Тmpacts and mТtТРatТon measures presented Тn tСТs IEE Report were based on tСe results of tСe conducted fТeld surveвs. TСe SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43)” wТll entaТl upРradТnР of road alonР Тts exТstТnР alТРnment. In some spots, road runs close to sensТtТve receptors sucС resТdentТal areas, cultural and СТstorТcal sТtes or otСers. 150. It Тs antТcТpated tСat maТn Тmpacts wТll Тnclude tСe followТnР: (Т) noТse, dust and veСТcle emТssТon, tСat are especТallв of СТРС sТРnТfТcance wТtСТn tСe settlements alonРsТde tСe Project road and wСere sensТtТve receptors are located sucС as scСools, СospТtals, mosques, cemeterТes and otСer cultural СТstorТc objects Тn Рeneral; (ТТ) Тmpacts on water courses and rТvers due to brТdРe reСabТlТtatТon, eartС work, blastТnР works alonР tСe rТvers; (ТТТ) Тmpacts from materТal transportatТon from borrow sТtes; (Тv) Тmpacts of tree cuttТnР alonРsТde tСe Project road due to sТte clearance actТvТtТes; (v) Тmpacts from aspСalt plant and aРРreРate crusСers; and (vТ) Тmpacts from contractor's workТnР camps. Impacts Сave been dТvТded Тn to desТРn pСase, constructТon pСase, and operatТon pСase respectТvelв. 151. TСere Тs no Тmpact at preconstructТon staРe sТnce tСere Тs no actТvТtв at tСe sТte. However, well plannТnР/desТРnТnР Тs necessarв Тn tСe preconstructТon staРe to prevent envТronmental Тmpacts caused durТnР constructТon or operatТon. 152. Impact Тs assocТated wТtС plannТnР and desТРnТnР of tСe road alТРnment Тn tСe areas wТtС natural dТsasters (floodТnР, mudflow). TСe maТn tвpes of natural dТsasters are mudflows, floods. Slope flows - tСe nortС-western part of tСe BalвkcСв and eastern part of tСe vТllaРe Orto-Tokoв, 10-14 km LHS of CСu rТver from tСe road 1km. But all tСese poТnts sТtuated far from of tСe project road approxТmatelв 1- 5 km. PЫОНТМtТШЧ ШП AТЫ PШХХЮtТШЧ 153. AТr pollutТon alonР tСe road, 6m awaв from tСe road centerlТne was predТcted durТnР operatТons and constructТon respectТvelв as Тn Table 21. TКЛХО 21: PЫОНТМtТШЧ ШП AТЫ PШХХЮtТШЧ КХШЧР PЫШУОМt RШКН Hourlв traffТc TravelТnР NO Dust SO MonТtored or no. Daв tТme speed 2 2 Вear StaРe predТcted No. km/С μg/m3 μg/m3 μg/m3

IFC Standard 40 - 20

EnvТronmental standard Тn KG 85 500 500

MonТtored - - (20-30) (290) (<50) Before 2016 constructТon PredТcted 70 60 28 <290 <50

DurТnР PredТcted 79 60 124 <290 <50 2018 constructТon OperatТon PredТcted 79 95 30 <290 <50

2034 OperatТon PredТcted 159 95 33 <290 <50 () monitored figures by Kocks at the distance 3m from road edge 15m is the minimum ROW width from road centerline “Dust” was included in “SPM” in the table. PredТctТon was made at tСe locatТon 5m awaв from tСe road based on tСe monТtored fТРures as backРround Тn 2016. NO2 does not satТsfв tСe IFC standard durТnР constructТon wСТle Тt Тs acceptable ranРe durТnР operatТon. Dust wТll be satТsfactorв all tТme. TСe concentratТon of SO2 orТРТnated from veСТcle emТssТon Тs unknown Тf Тt satТsfТes IFC standard or not accordТnР to tСe 3 table. However, SO2 calculated bв experТmental formula Тs as less tСan 5μР/m and, at least, tСere Тs no SO2 pollutТon from veСТcles Тn tСe future. 154. Dust Тs Рenerated bв present unpaved road mostlв and tСe emТtted portТon of dust from veСТcles Тs neРlТРТble to tСТs 280 ppm. TСerefore, no addТtТonal mТtТРatТon measures are requТred sТnce dust concentratТon wТll be reduced even Тf veСТcle number Тncreases after paved Тn tСe future.

45 155. “FallТnР dust” Рenerated bв eartС work and lorrв passТnР over unpaved road at tСe locatТon 20 awaв from car lane edРe Тs 2 ton/km2 and no preventТon measure Тs requТred. However, passenРers just besТde tСe road maв suffer from tСese dusts. Аater spraвТnР Сourlв Тs must durТnР drв season especТallв. 156. OtСer tСan at alonР road, aТr can be polluted at tСe locatТons of aspСalt/concrete batcСТnР plants, rock crusСТnР plant, soТl/rock borrow pТts, materТal stock pТles bв tСeТr actТvТtТes sucС as mТxТnР of aРРreРate, crusСТnР stones, sТevТnР sand, СeatТnР bТtumen, excavatТon of soТl/rock etc., altСouРС tСese sСall be located suffТcТentlв awaв from settlements. Аater spraвТnР Тs must as well


157. ConcentratТon of NO2 durТnР constructТon was estТmated vs dТstance from road, consТderТnР equТpment, trucks and publТc traffТc toРetСer, usТnР safetв sТde assumptТon, and plotted versus dТstance from tСe edРe of car lane as FТРure 16.

Without Baie With aie Eioetal Liit Nitoge Dioide NO μg/ Distae fo Road

Figure : NO oetratio durig Costrutio

158. All tСe Сouses located wТtСТn 30m from tСe road wТll be affected durТnР constructТon. As sСown above, barrТer Тs almost no effectТve to Тnstall for aТr pollutТon. 13 buТldТnРs, sucС as resТdence, offТce, café, Рas statТon, sСop and mosque, are affected bв tСe exСausted Рases from Сeavв equТpment and dump trucks 159. However, sТmТlarlв to tСe case of noТse and vТbratТon, aТr pollutТon durТnР constructТon Тs just verв tentatТve and sСort tТme onlв wСТle tСe envТronmental standard Тs a tСresСold set assumТnР tСat 1% of receptors, beТnР exposed to tСat mucС level’s pollutТon 24 Сours for all СТs lТfe, maв Рet sТck. TСus, tСe envТronmental standard Тs set for lonР term evaluatТon and Тs too safetв sТde to applв for sСort term Тmpact. Consultants belТeves several daвs’ exposure maв be consТdered as pСвsТcallв neРlТРТble to СealtС. However, polТte explanatТon/door to door vТsТt, amonР all, to elders Тs tСe must about wСat works are to be done for tСe purpose to let tСem be reassured and Рet cooperatТon.

AТЫ PШХХЮtТШЧ КПtОЫ OpОЫКtТШЧ 160. AТr pollutТon can be expected because of Тncrease of veСТcle numbers and enlarРed road wТdtС. FТРure 17 predТcts tСe NO2 ContamТnatТon vs dТstance from road Тn 2034, wСТcС Тs end of road lТfe 15 вears Тf not maТntaТned.

46 Diig k/h Diig k/h Eioetal Liit

Nitoge Dioide NO μg/ Distae fo Road


As sСown Тn tСe above, concentratТon of NO2 Тs accepted Тn 2034 for botС of desТРn drТvТnР speeds.95km/С for outsТde of vТllaРe and 60km/С ТnsТde.

PЫОНТМtТШЧ ШП NШТЬО НЮЫТЧР CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ 161. TСТs sectТon presents a summarв of tСe results of tСe modellТnР studв undertaken for noТse durТnР constructТon staРe – detaТled report presented as part of Annex M 162. TСe results of constructТon noТse calculatТons are presented Тn Table 7 overleaf. TСe fТrst column РТves tСe receptor number (abbr. ‘rec.’) followed bв, Тn column 2, tСe tвpe of receptor e.Р. sСop or Сouse (Сse.), and Тn column 3, tСe floor number wТtСТn tСe buТldТnР. TСe locatТon of tСe receptor number wТtСТn tСe vТllaРe Тs sСown on tСe noТse contour mappТnР Тn AppendТx I of NoТse Assessment Report as a supplementarв volume, wСТcС sСould be referred to Тn conjunctТon wТtС tСe Table 22. Column 4 sСows tСe daвtТme baselТne noТse levels LAeq,12Сr (dB) for 2018 taken from tСe road traffТc noТse calculatТons. TСТs level Тs used to calculate tСe noТse Тncreases for tСe fТve constructТon actТvТtТes presented Тn tСe Table. DetaТls of constructТon noТse effects are set out below for noТse sensТtТve receptors alonРsТde tСe road wСere Тt passes tСrouРС tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв and tСe vТllaРe of TasС Saraв. TСe levels of baselТne (exТstТnР ambТent) noТse Тn eacС vТllaРe are compared wТtС IFC GuТdelТnes, and for non-resТdentТal propertТes Тnternal noТse levels are compared wТtС tСe relevant crТterТon for eacС buТldТnР. TСТs Тs followed bв tСe dТscussТon of constructТon noТse Тmpacts.

BКХyФМСy BaselТne NoТse Levels On tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв exТstТnР road traffТc noТse levels at Сouses alonРsТde tСe road are below tСe levels set out Тn tСe IFC GuТdelТnes for tСe daвtТme perТod. ConstructТon NoТse Effects TСe majorТtв of tСe Сouses on tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв (recs. 8 & 11) are set back from tСe road and tСouРС tСere wТll be major noТse Тmpacts, wТtС wТndows closed, Тnternal levels wТll be well below tСe tСresСold at wСТcС speecС Тnterference would occur. TСТs Тncludes potentТal resТdentТal areas wТtСТn tСe Base (rec. 13). NoТse levels at recs. 8 & 11wТll exceed IFC GuТdelТnes bв up to

47 15dB. TСere wТll be a major noТse Тmpact at tСe nearest dwellТnР (rec. 6) and noТse levels wТll exceed tСe IFC GuТdelТne bв up to 18dB. At tСe offТce buТldТnР (rec. 10) wТtС wТndows closed, Тnternal noТse levels wТll exceed Тnternal noТse crТterТa for offТce workТnР wСen road constructТon Тs beТnР carrТed out dТrectlв outsТde tСe buТldТnР. SТmТlarlв, Тnternal noТse levels ТnsТde tСe sСops and café (recs. 3,4 & 5) wТll also exceed Тnternal noТse crТterТa wСen work Тs beТnР carrТed out dТrectlв outsТde.

TКЬС SКЫКy BaselТne NoТse Levels In TasС Saraв exТstТnР road traffТc noТse levels at tСe Сouses closest to tСe road to tСe soutС of tСe vТllaРe (rec. 1) are equal to tСe levels set out Тn tСe IFC GuТdelТnes durТnР tСe daвtТme. Internal noТse levels at tСe Mosque (rec.2) alreadв exceed tСe Тnternal noТse crТterТon for a place of worsСТp bв c.3dB. ConstructТon NoТse Effects ConstructТon of tСe road wТll РТve rТse to major noТse Тmpacts at dwellТnРs Тn TasС Saraв. At tСe nearest Сouse to tСe road (rec.1) Тnternal noТse levels resultТnР from constructТon maв cause speecС Тnterference, partТcularlв durТnР tСe pТlТnР of tСe rТver embankment retaТnТnР wall and wТll exceed tСe IFC GuТdelТne bв up to c.35dB. TСe use of tСe Mosque maв also be ТmpaТred durТnР workТnР on tСe road ТmmedТatelв adjacent and durТnР pТlТnР, Сowever Тt maв be possТble to mТtТРate tСТs effect bв arranРТnР work breaks to coТncТde wТtС praвer tТmes. However, Тn tСe otСer sectТons of tСe vТllaРe, wСТcС lТe between c.50- 120m from tСe road, Тnternal noТse levels arТsТnР from tСe works are unlТkelв to Тnterfere wТtС normal actТvТtТes.



NШ. LШМКtТШЧ LAОq,12СЫ (НB LAОq,12СЫ (НB) ∆ dB LAОq,12СЫ (НB) ∆ dB LAОq,12СЫ (НB) ∆ dB LAОq,12СЫ (НB) ∆ dB LAОq,12СЫ (НB ∆ dB 1 House TasС Saraв 1 54.5 79.1 24.4 82.4 27.7 79.3 24.6 74.2 19.5 89.7 35.0 2 Mosque-TasС Saraв 1 52.8 74.9 21.9 78.2 25.2 75.0 22.0 69.9 16.9 89.0 36.0 3 SСop 1 56.8 80.9 23.8 84.2 27.1 81.1 24.0 76.0 18.9 n/a n/a 4 SСop 1 52.3 76.8 24.3 80.1 27.6 76.9 24.4 71.8 19.3 n/a n/a 5 Cafe 1 54.0 75.2 20.9 78.5 24.2 75.4 21.1 70.3 16.0 n/a n/a 6 ResТdentТal Block 1 47.2 65.7 18.3 69.0 21.6 65.9 18.5 60.8 13.4 n/a n/a 6 ResТdentТal Block 2 51.1 69.5 18.2 72.8 21.5 69.6 18.3 64.5 13.2 n/a n/a 7 SСop 1 55.5 79.6 23.9 82.9 27.2 79.8 24.1 74.7 19.0 n/a n/a 8 Boundarв of СousТnР 1 45.2 66.1 20.7 69.4 24.0 66.3 20.9 61.2 15.8 n/a n/a 9 Petrol StatТon 1 53.5 76.3 22.6 79.6 25.9 76.5 22.8 71.4 17.7 n/a n/a 10 OffТces 1 49.4 71.4 21.8 74.7 25.1 71.5 21.9 66.5 16.9 n/a n/a 10 OffТces 2 54.5 76.0 21.3 79.2 24.5 76.1 21.4 71.0 16.3 n/a n/a 10 OffТces 3 55.5 76.0 20.3 79.3 23.6 76.1 20.4 71.0 15.3 n/a n/a 11 boundarв of СousТnР 1 41.7 60.4 18.5 63.7 21.8 60.6 18.7 55.5 13.6 n/a n/a 12 Petrol StatТon 1 56.0 79.6 23.4 82.9 26.7 79.8 23.6 74.7 18.5 n/a n/a 13 Base OffТces/Accom 1 40.2 58.8 18.4 62.1 21.7 59.0 18.6 53.9 13.5 n/a n/a 13 Base OffТces/Accom 2 41.9 59.0 16.9 62.3 20.2 59.2 17.1 54.1 12.0 n/a n/a 14 House-TasС Saraв 1 42.4 57.1 14.5 60.3 17.7 57.2 14.6 52.1 9.5 77.3 34.7 15 House-TasС Saraв 1 48.0 68.5 20.3 71.8 23.6 68.7 20.5 63.6 15.4 73.8 25.6

49 PЫОНТМtТШЧ ШП NШТЬО КПtОЫ OpОЫКtТШЧ 163. TСe results of operatТonal noТse calculatТons are presented Тn Table 23 and detaТled Тn NoТse ModellТnР and Assessment Report presented as Annex M. TСe left-Сand sТde of tСe Table Тs Тn a sТmТlar format to tСe constructТon noТse results Table, wТtС tСe fТrst column РТvТnР tСe receptor number followed bв, Тn column 2, tСe tвpe of receptor e.Р. sСop or Сouse (Сse.) and Тn column 3, tСe floor number wТtСТn tСe buТldТnР. TСe locatТon of tСe receptor number wТtСТn tСe vТllaРe Тs sСown on tСe noТse contour mappТnР Тn AppendТx I wСТcС sСould be referred to Тn conjunctТon wТtС tСe Tables. Daв and nТРСt tТme noТse levels and cСanРes Тn road traffТc noТse level are presented for tСe sСort term (Post ScСeme 2019) and lonР term (Post ScСeme 2034) assessments, and are presented to an accuracв of 0.1 dB TСe noТse contour maps РТve an estТmate of tСe spatТal extent of tСe daвtТme lonР-term noТse cСanРe from tСe вear 2019 wТtСout tСe scСeme to 2034. TСe estТmate Тs based on tСe assumptТon tСat tСere Тs no addТtТonal screenТnР beвond tСat provТded bв tСe fТrst row of Сouses, as marked on mappТnР, and tСat tСe exТstТnР ambТent noТse levels wТtСout traffТc on tСe road Т.e. noТse Рenerated durТnР tСe daвtТme bв traffТc on local roads and daТlв actТvТtТes at dwellТnРs Тs 45dB LAeq,12Сr Тn BalвkcСв and 35dB LAeq,12Сr Тn TasС Saraв. Note: tСe РrТd sСown on tСe maps Тs at 500m spacТnР. DetaТls of operatТonal noТse effects are set out below for noТse sensТtТve receptors alonРsТde tСe road wСere Тs passes tСrouРС tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв and tСe vТllaРe of TasС Saraв. TСe levels of baselТne (exТstТnР ambТent) noТse are compared wТtС IFC GuТdelТnes, and for non- resТdentТal propertТes Тnternal noТse levels are compared wТtС tСe relevant crТterТon for eacС buТldТnР. TСТs Тs followed bв tСe dТscussТon of operatТonal noТse Тmpacts.


LAОq,12СЫ LAОq,8СЫ LAОq,12СЫ LAОq,8СЫ LAОq,12СЫ LAОq,8СЫ ∆ НB ∆ НB LAОq,12СЫ LAОq,8СЫ ∆ НB ∆ НB LAОq,12СЫ LAОq,8СЫ ∆ НB ∆ НB 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt DКy NТРСt 1 House TasС 1 54.5 50.2 54.7 50.5 55.3 51.0 0.6 0.5 57.4 53.1 2.7 2.6 56.4 52.1 1.7 1.6 Saraв 2 Mosque-TasС 1 52.8 48.5 53.0 48.8 53.3 49.1 0.3 0.3 55.7 51.4 2.7 2.6 54.7 50.4 1.7 1.6 Saraв 3 SСop-BalвkcСв 1 56.8 52.6 57.1 52.8 56.9 52.6 -0.2 -0.2 59.4 55.1 2.3 2.3 58.4 54.1 1.3 1.3 4 SСop-BalвkcСв 1 52.3 48.0 52.5 48.2 52.3 48.1 -0.2 -0.1 54.9 50.6 2.4 2.4 53.9 49.6 1.4 1.4 5 Cafe 1 54.0 49.8 54.3 50.0 54.1 49.8 -0.2 -0.2 56.6 52.3 2.3 2.3 55.6 51.3 1.3 1.3 6 ResТdentТal Block 1 47.2 42.9 47.4 43.2 47.3 43.0 -0.1 -0.2 49.9 45.6 2.5 2.4 48.9 44.6 1.5 1.4 6 ResТdentТal Block 2 51.1 46.8 51.3 47.1 50.9 46.7 -0.4 -0.4 53.6 49.4 2.3 2.3 52.7 48.4 1.4 1.3 7 SСop 1 55.5 51.2 55.7 51.4 55.5 51.2 -0.2 -0.2 58.1 53.8 2.4 2.4 57.1 52.8 1.4 1.4 8 Boundarв of 1 45.2 41.0 45.4 41.2 45.4 41.1 0.0 -0.1 48.0 43.8 2.6 2.6 47.1 42.8 1.7 1.6 estate 9 Petrol StatТon 1 53.5 49.2 53.7 49.4 53.4 49.1 -0.3 -0.3 56.0 51.7 2.3 2.3 55.0 50.7 1.3 1.3 10 OffТces 1 49.4 45.1 49.6 45.3 49.4 45.2 -0.2 -0.1 52.1 47.8 2.5 2.5 51.1 46.8 1.5 1.5 10 OffТces 2 54.5 50.2 54.7 50.5 54.5 50.2 -0.2 -0.3 57.1 52.9 2.4 2.4 56.1 51.9 1.4 1.4 10 OffТces 3 55.5 51.2 55.7 51.5 55.5 51.2 -0.2 -0.3 58.0 53.8 2.3 2.3 57.0 52.8 1.3 1.3 11 boundarв of 1 41.7 37.5 41.9 37.7 41.9 37.6 0.0 -0.1 44.5 40.2 2.6 2.5 43.5 39.3 1.6 1.6 state 12 Petrol StatТon 1 56.0 51.7 56.2 51.9 56.0 51.7 -0.2 -0.2 58.5 54.3 2.3 2.4 57.5 53.3 1.3 1.4 13 Base 1 40.2 35.9 40.4 36.1 40.3 36.1 -0.1 0.0 43.0 38.7 2.6 2.6 42.0 37.7 1.6 1.6 OffТces/Accom 13 Base 2 41.9 37.6 42.1 37.8 42.0 37.8 -0.1 0.0 44.7 40.4 2.6 2.6 43.7 39.4 1.6 1.6 OffТces/Accom 14 House-TasС 1 42.4 38.1 42.6 38.4 42.7 38.4 0.1 0.0 45.3 41.0 2.7 2.6 44.3 40.0 1.7 1.6 Saraв 15 House-TasС 1 48.0 43.8 48.2 44.0 47.8 43.5 -0.4 -0.5 50.9 46.6 2.7 2.6 49.9 45.6 1.7 1.6 Saraв

51 BКХyФМСy BaselТne NoТse Levels On tСe outskТrts of BalвkcСв exТstТnР road traffТc noТse levels at Сouses alonРsТde tСe road are below tСe levels set out Тn tСe IFC GuТdelТnes for daв and nТРСt tТme perТods, wТtС tСe exceptТon of rec. 6, wСere tСeв are c. 3dB above tСe prescrТbed nТРСt tТme levels on tСe upper floor. Internal noТse levels at non-resТdentТal propertТes ТncludТnР tСe sСops, café and offТces are also below Тnternal noТse crТterТa approprТate for tСeТr usaРe. OperatТonal NoТse Effects SСort term operatТonal effects (2019) TСe cСanРe Тn road traffТc noТse arТsТnР from tСe wТdenТnР of tСe road from 2 to 4 lanes tСrouРС tСe outskТrts of tСe town wТll be less tСan 1dB and a neРlТРТble noТse Тmpact. LonР term operatТonal effects (2034) TСe ТntensТfТcatТon of road traffТc, wСТcС Тs larРelв Тndependent of tСe scСeme, forecast to occur Тn tСe 15 вear perТod followТnР openТnР of tСe scСeme, combТned wТtС tСe effect of tСe road wТdenТnР wТll РТve rТse to Тncreases Тn road traffТc noТse of c. 2.3-2.6 dB at receptors alonРsТde tСe road durТnР botС daв and nТРСt tТme perТods, wСТcС would be a neРlТРТble noТse Тmpact. TСe estТmated extent of tСe daвtТme noТse Тncrease Тs Тllustrated Тn AppendТx I, FТРures A1-A3. NoТse levels Тn tСe two sСops, café and offТces alonРsТde tСe road would contТnue to meet tСeТr respectТve Тnternal noТse crТterТon.

PЫОНТМtТШЧ ШП CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ VТЛЫКtТШЧ 164. Table 24 Тs estТmated for tСe damaРes to buТldonРs

TКЛХО 24: MТЧТmЮm DТЬtКЧМО ШП RШХХОЫЬ tШ SОЧЬТtТЯО HШЮЬОЬ ЧШt tШ МКЮЬО DКmКРОЬ Tвpe of DamaРe Tвpe of VТbratТon Roller CosmetТc DamaРe MТnor Structural DamaРe No VТbratТon No damaРe No damaРe Low VТbratТon 16 9 HТРС VТbratТon 22 13 Based on tСe above table, followТnР damaРes are predТcted as Тn Table 25.


No. Structure DТstance from road, m SТde KТlo-post DamaРe predТcted House TasС 1 25.00 L 11.670 No damaРe Saraв Mosque-TasС 2 28.00 L 11.680 No damaРe Saraв 3 SСop-BalвkcСв 0.00 L 0.130 MТnor structural damaРe

4 SСop-BalвkcСв 10.00 R 0.050 MТnor structural damaРe

5 Cafe 9.00 R 0.070 MТnor structural damaРe ResТdentТal 6 20.00 L 0.120 CosmetТc damaРe Block ResТdentТal 6 20.00 L 0.120 CosmetТc damaРe Block 7 SСop 10.00 R 0.135 MТnor structural damaРe Boundarв of 8 45.00 L 0.130 No damaРe СousТnР estate 9 Petrol StatТon 22.00 R 0.700 CosmetТc damaРe

10 OffТces 10.00 L 0.265 MТnor structural damaРe

10 OffТces 10.00 L 0.265 MТnor structural damaРe

52 No. Structure DТstance from road, m SТde KТlo-post DamaРe predТcted

10 OffТces 10.00 L 0.265 MТnor structural damaРe boundarв of 11 110.00 L 0.275 CosmetТc damaРe СousТnР estate 12 Petrol StatТon 22.00 L 1.450 CosmetТc damaРe Base 13 200.00 R 1.940 No damaРe OffТces/Accom Base 13 200.00 R 1.940 No damaРe OffТces/Accom House-TasС 14 90.00 L 11.665 No damaРe Saraв House-TasС 15 40.00 L 11.680 No damaРe Saraв *Quated from table About 4 structures Сave cosmetТc damaРe wСТle 7 Сouses Рet mТnor structural damaРe bв tСe use of СТРС vТbratТon rollers. Contours maps are attacСed Тn VТbratТon Assessment Report.

PЫОНТМtТШЧ ШП OpОЫКtТШЧ VТЛЫКtТШЧ 165. No vТbratТon damaРe Тs predТcted after operatТon bв passТnР veСТcles

2. MТtТРКtТШЧ mОКЬЮЫОЬ 2.1. CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ pСКЬО 166. A specТfТc envТronmental sectТon sСall be Тncluded wТtСТn tСe maТn BТd Documents ТndТcatТnР tСat tСe Contractor sСall be responsТble for conformТnР to tСe requТrements of tСe EMP. As sucС tСТs EMP sСall be Тncluded as an annex to tСe Contract BТd Documents. 167. ConsТstent wТtС ADB’s SPS 2009, tСe ТmplementatТon of measures prТorТtТгes on avoТdance; followed bв reductТon; tСen mТtТРatТon; and fТnallв, Тf all else faТls, replacement of wСat was Тmpacted or compensatТon to tСe Тmpacted partТes. Under tСe РuТdance of CSC, tСe contractor wТll Сave to submТt sТte-specТfТc EnvТronmental ManaРement Plans (SSEMP) on tСe basТs EMP prТor to commencТnР operatТons. 168. TСe Рeneral SSEMP, wСТcС wТll contaТn tСe metСod statement for constructТon, sСould also contaТn tСe followТnР 13 annexes:

(Т) Dust Suppessio Plan (ТТ) BlastТnР Аorks ManaРement Plan (ТТТ) ConstructТon NoТse ManaРement Plan (Тv) VТbratТon ManaРement and MonТtorТnР Plan (v) Surface Аater ContamТnatТon PreventТon Plan (vТ) Borrow PТts ManaРement Plan (vТТ) BatcСТnР Plant/ Cement Plant ManaРement Plan (vТТТ) SoТl ManaРement Plant (Тx) SolТd and LТquТd Аaste ManaРement Plan (x) Cultural & СТstorТcal sТtes ManaРement Plan (xТ) Safetв ManaРement Plan (xТТ) Camp and АorksСop ManaРement Plan (xТТТ) MaterТal ProcessТnР Plants/EquТpment and StoraРe FacТlТtТes Plan 169. MОtСШН StКtОmОЧt ШП CШЧЬtЫЮМtТon – Contractor sСall submТt tСe constructТon metСod of statement, detaТlТnР tСe work process, area requТred and duratТon of tСe process. TСe tвpТcal constructТon process wТll entaТl: FТЫЬtХy, tСe closure or restrТctТon of exТstТnР traffТc at tСe work sТtes and establТsСment of detour road. TСe provТsТon of tСe new detour road wТll entaТl, strТppТnР and clearТnР of veРetatТon,

53 excavatТon, fТllТnР and levelТnР of tСe area, provТsТon of embankment fТll and necessarв surfacТnР for tСe exТstТnР traffТc. SОМШЧНХy, road wТdenТnР wТll entaТl eartСwork and breakТnР of rocks, wСТcС need to be Сauled to some desТРnated stockpТles. TСese works bв tСemselves dТsturb tСe natural surroundТnРs, and affect veРetatТon. It Тs Тmportant tСat measures for proper maТntenance of tСe detour road be establТsСed to respond to traffТc and communТtв safetв, control of dust, noТse and emТssТons. ReplantТnР of affected trees sСould be done as soon as possТble and scСemes for detour roads and soТl stockpТles sСould favor tree preservatТons. Аaterwaвs sСould be respected and contamТnatТon sСould be prevented. TСТЫНХy, tСe brТdРe constructТon wТll start wТtС tСe substructure sucС as tСe foundatТon sвstems and pТers. TСТs wТll be followed bв tСe superstructure elements of РТrders, deck slab and raТlТnР. TСe constructТon of tСe superstructure components sucС as tСe РТrder and deck slab wТll Тnvolve ТnstallatТon of form works, castТnР of concrete and Тn some Тnstances, post tensТonТnР of tendons wСen necessarв. TСe Тmportant РuТdelТne to be brouРСt forward Тs tСe use of precast elements to mТnТmТгe pourТnР and castТnР of superstructure elements over water to mТnТmТгe contamТnatТon. Concrete batcС plants wТll provТde tСe necessarв concrete for tСese structural elements from approved sТtes wТtС operatТonal РuТdelТnes Тn accordance wТtС envТronmental protocols and Тndustrв standards. FШЮЫtСХy, demolТtТon of exТstТnР pavement and brТdРes. TСТs wТll Тnvolve scarТfвТnР old pavement structure, and eartСworks to conform to desТРn requТrements. For tСe brТdРes, Тt wТll be breakТnР tСe structures at tСe exТstТnР connectТons and removal of deck and РТrder elements bв use of Сeavв equТpment. TСese old brТdРe components wТll be placed Тn desТРnated areas, wСТcС wТll not Тmpact tСe natural envТronment, Тmpede traffТc and cause safetв concerns to tСe Рeneral publТc. TСe brТdРe abutments and underlвТnР foundatТons wТll be excavated and removed to РТve waв for replacement structures. TСТs breakТnР, demolТtТon and removal of old elements wТll Рenerate consТderable noТse and dust and cСunks of debrТs wТll drop Тnto tСe exТstТnР waterwaв. To mТnТmТгe tСe rТsk of water contamТnatТon, tСe demolТtТon and constructТon actТvТtТes wТll be СТРСlв advТsable Тn tСe summer montСs. FТПtСХy, МonstructТon of tСe new pavement and brТdРes. TСe pavement constructТon wТll entaТl embankment fТllТnР, subbase, base course and aspСalt pavement laвer constructТon. In tСe end tСe fТnal wearТnР course wТll be laТd alonР all tСrouРСout from tСe exТstТnР road, on to tСe approacС roads, and onto tСe deck slab Тn sucС a manner to Сave smootС laвer of road and brТdРe pavement. Embankment works wТll entaТl transport of approved fТll materТals from borrow pТts or from cuts. TСe suТtable materТals for subbase and base course wТll come from quarrТes or borrow pТts of approved propertТes. TСese pavement substructures wТll be enРТneered and compacted to desТred deРrees wТtС tСe use of Рraders, and compactors Тn accordance wТtС desТРns and specТfТcatТons. TСe aspСalt pavement laвers wТll be provТded bв aspСalt plants wТtС crusСed stones and rocks for tСe aРРreРate requТrements. It wТll be tСe responsТbТlТtв of tСe Contractor tСat aspСalt plant would produce tСe necessarв requТred bТtumТnous mТx Тn conformance to envТronmental requТrements for aspСalt plant sТtТnР and operatТons. 170. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ ЬpОМТКХТЬt ШП CSC Тnspects of EnvТronmental ManaРement ActТvТtв bв tСe Contractor and submТt monТtorТnР reports quarterlв and twТce a вear to IPIG. 171. CШmmТttОО ШП GЫТОЯКЧМО RОНЫОЬЬТЧР sСall be functТonТnР to resolve dТsputes, Тf anв, between Locals and Contractor. 172. For tСe SectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43)”, tСe prТmarв relevant Тssues consТst of aТr and noТse emТssТons, proper manaРement of eartСworks, waste materТals and contractor’s camp manaРement practТces assocТated wТtС fuel and lubrТcant manaРement, work camp waste dТsposal, and occupatТon СealtС and safetв practТces for tСe contractors’ workforce. TСe followТnР Тs a dТscussТon of СТРСlТРСts of tСe detaТls provТded Тn tСe EMP. 173. AТЫ qЮКХТty Тmpacts maв be expected to be Рenerated bв constructТon actТvТtТes, sucС as, constructТon macСТnerв exСausts, emТssТons from aspСalt plants, drв exposed soТls and materТal stock pТles, dust from Сaul roads and constructТon actТvТtТes, as well as aРРreРate crusСers, but wТll be temporarв. SensТtТve receptor sТtes of BalвkcСв (km 00+000) and TasС-Saraв (km 11 +

54 000) sСould be consТdered as areas of mТtТРatТon Тn terms of aТr qualТtв, noТse/vТbratТon. Results of tСe perТodТc measurements can be referred to monТtor tСe level of Тmpacts and correctТve/mТtТРatТon measures be performed wСen tСese parameters exceed tСeТr allowable lТmТts. To reduce emТssТon levels of exСausted Рases, toРetСer wТtС noТse and vТbratТon as well, Тn Рeneral, tСe contractor must Тmplement tСe followТnР mТtТРatТnР measures; (Т) keep constructТon equТpment Тn Рood condТtТon (ТТ) prevent ТdlТnР of enРТnes bв sСuttТnР off macСТnerТes not Тn use for more tСan 3 mТnutes (ТТТ) proСТbТt use of macСТnerв or equТpment tСat cause excessТve smoke emТssТons (Тv) utТlТгe low- emТssТon tвpe macСТnerТes and (v) Тnstall tentatТve noТse (aТr pollutТon) barrТer, Тf necessarв. To mТnТmТгe dust, tСe contractor sСall develop a Dust SuppressТon Plan and Сave Тt approved bв tСe CSC. TСe ProРram wТll ensure:  Unpaved Сaul routes leadТnР to settlements are water-spraвed reРularlв to suppress dust.  Trucks СaulТnР eartС/materТals be covered wСen transportТnР materТals, especТallв tСrouРС settlements.  SpraвТnР water over СaulТnР route, stock pТle, borrow pТt  IntroductТon of low pollutant emТssТon equТpment, attacСed wТtС proper muffler attacСed and reРular maТntenance  InstallatТon of barrТer after monТtorТnР Тf necessarв  AТr qualТtв measurements at receptor sТtes (prТmarТlв tСose specТfТed Тn tСe baselТne measurements) are done as prescrТbed Тn tСe EnvТronmental MonТtorТnР Plan. 174. MКtОЫТКХ TЫКЧЬpШЫt RШЮtО sСall be planned properlв ТncorporatТnР Dust SuppressТon Plan. EstТmates from tСe prelТmТnarв desТРn for tСe sectТon sСow tСose 668,000 cubТc meters wТll be tСe cut volume and 135,600 cubТc meters for fТll volume for tСe road sectТon. Truck traffТc wТll consТderablв Тmpact local roads as well as tСe communТtТes tСeв traverse. Haul routes sСould be planned wТtС CSC Тn coordТnatТon wТtС IPIG and local autСorТtТes, provТdТnР suffТcТent maТntenance to mТnТmТгe dust, noТse РeneratТon and dТsturbance to resТdents bв restrТctТnР tСe СaulТnР tТme between 07:00 and 18:00. 175. BХКЬtТЧР- TСТs paraРrapС deals wТtС securТtв measures for blastТnР operatТons. DurТnР tСe constructТon perТod, addТtТonal РeoloРТcal surveвs wТll be conducted at tСe sТtes to avoТd tСe use of blastТnР. BlastТnР Аork ManaРement Plan sСall be prepared consТderТnР followТnР: BlastТnР work can Сave a neРatТve Тmpact on water bodв. PossТble blastТnР works wТll be on tСe km 40 - 41 km. At tСe km 40 alonР tСe road Тs CСu RТver flows Тnto tСe Orto-Tokoв reservoТr. Аater bodв Тs polluted wТtС soТls, dust, remnants of tСe rockв rocks, tСe surface laвer of soТl, veРetatТon; tСese contamТnants can cause sТltatТon of tСe water bodв, and tСe deterТoratТon of water qualТtв. To prevent neРatТve Тmpacts from blastТnР works Тs necessarв to protect water bodТes wТtС wooden boards (5m x 5m) mounted on poles. Use metСods of drТllТnР and blastТnР works (drТllТnР small blast Сole), sucС as tСe trace Тs small cСarРes to prevent tСe explosТon of a larРe expansТon of tСe rock materТal, as well as Тts laвered explosТon Тn small amounts and remove. BlastТnР operatТons Тn tСe fТsСerв waters and rТver bank гones are permТtted onlв Тn extreme cases wСere tСe performance of work bв otСer means Тs ТmpossТble. TСТs decТsТon sСould be taken on tСe basТs of tСe calculatТon of tСe danРerous explosТon wave radТus for fТsС or seТsmТc гone actТons Тn tСe explosТons on tСe rТver banks. It sСould also Тnclude measures for screenТnР Тn order to reduce tСe Тmpact of tСe blast wave and tСe protectТon of fТsС fauna. BlastТnР work Тs carrТed out Тn strТct accordance wТtС tСe ReРulatТon on tСe procedure of consТderatТon and Тssuance of ТndustrТal securТtв autСorТгatТon documents, No.301 dtd. 30.05.2013, for conduct of blastТnР. Before start tСe work, Тnstall and sСТeld sТРns of tСe danРer гone boundarТes, wСТcС at tСe tТme of tСe explosТons wТll be encТrcled wТtС posts. TСe approxТmate radТus Тs 450-500 m гone, adapted bв calculatТon or ReРulatТon. АСen tСe deptС of wells Тs more tСan 10 m duplТcatТon of electrТc explosТve network Тs requТred. LocatТon of pТts, wells, and cameras are applТed to tСe executТve plan of tСe explosТve fТeld. MТlТtants (detonatТnР

55 cartrТdРes) set Тn tСe cСarРes Тn fТnal form. BlastТnР operatТons are carrТed out Тn a fТxed tТme, as well as well-audТble sТРnals (readв, fТre, rebound), wСТcС all sСould be well known. ExplosТves (explosТves) are stored Тn specТal wareСouses protected separatelв from explosТves (NE). InstallatТon of sСТelds near power lТnes Тs oblТРatorв mТtТРatТon measure durТnР blastТnР works. DurТnР blastТnР works, tСe followТnР substances wТll be emТtted Тnto tСe atmospСere: InorРanТc dust: 70-20% SТO2, Carbon monoxТde, NТtroРen (II) oxТde, NТtroРen (IV) oxТde. АСen blastТnР operatТons, emТssТons are consТdered as tСe burst release and are subject for calculatТon and countТnР to compare wТtС maxТmum permТssТble emТssТons. Table 26 present tСe locatТons possТble blastТnР area toРetСer wТtС monТtorТnР proposed. ConsТderТnР tСat tСe proposed blastТnР areas are located alonР tСe CСu RТver, Тt Тs necessarв to provТde tСe preventТon of fraРmentatТons durТnР tСe blastТnР operatТons. One waв Тs a sСelter made Тn tСe form of loose rocks laТd between tСe sСТeld and tСe surface of tСe exploded area. TСТs sСelter Тs effectТve onlв wСen tСe vertТcal objects are destroвed. TСe purpose of tСe ТnventТon Тs to Тncrease tСe relТabТlТtв of tСe metСod for preventТnР tСe scatterТnР of pТeces. TСТs Тs acСТeved bв tСe fact tСat a cover of loose rocks Тs placed on tСe exploded surface on wСТcС tСe РrТd Тs prevТouslв laТd. DurТnР tСe blastТnР, a metal woven mesС detaТns tСe bulk of rock fraРments, and small fraРments are delaвed bв a laвer of loadТnР tСat practТcallв does not scatter, but onlв swells. TСe proposed sСelter wТll reduce tСe fraРmentatТon of rock fraРments durТnР tСe explosТon bв 2- 3 tТmes, and wТll sСorten tСe tТme for conductТnР blastТnР operatТons 5-6 tТmes.

TКЛХО 26: PШЬЬТЛХО BХКЬtТЧР AЫОКЬ No BlastТnР sТdes MonТtorТnР TСere Тs a narrowТnР of tСe road up to 12 m wТde, at tСТs poТnt tСe RockТes, are lТkelв to be carrТed out blastТnР, Тt Тs requТred 19 km +500 to consТder preventТon of fraРmentatТon of specТes durТnР tСe blastТnР operatТons, as well as tСe development of СвdraulТc TurbТdТtв, OТl Products, pH, DO, Сammer. TSS, Ec 41 km TСe road narrows between mountaТns, Тt Тs necessarв to excavate tСem wТtС Свdro Сammer, as well as consТder preventТon of fraРmentatТon of specТes durТnР tСe blastТnР operatТons. In tСe area of road wТdenТnР, СorТгontal wells wТll be drТlled and explode bв usТnР explosТve substance - ammonТte 6 ZСV-90mm. In order to reduce tСe envТronmental Тmpact of blastТnР works, Тt Тs necessarв to provТde mТtТРatТon measures. TСe maТn measures are Свdro-dust suppressТon and conduct of blastТnР works for breakТnР of rocks Тn small volumes stratТfТed (top to bottom) СorТгontal blastТnР Сole cСarРes Тn small dТameter wТtС a prelТmТnarв pre-splТttТnР alonР tСe contour of tСe explosТve volume. InstallatТon of sСТelds near power lТnes Тs oblТРatorв mТtТРatТon measure durТnР blastТnР works. DurТnР conduct of blastТnР works, ТnformatТon boards on blastТnР works at km 41-42 Сave to be Тnstalled on km 0 and 43. TraffТc wТll be dТverted tСrouРС tСe Kuvakв pass bв usТnР exТstТnР route BТsСkek - Issвk-Kul and BТsСkek-Narвn. Tвpes and tТme of blastТnР works sСould be aРreed wТtС tСe General DТrectorate of BТospСere Reserve. 176. NШТЬО effects arТsТnР from constructТon of road scСemes are transТent and Тt Тs not normal practТce to provТde mТtТРatТon Тn tСe form of barrТers. RecommendatТon Тn NoТse ModellТnР and Assessment Report for SectТon 1 Тn 2018 (Annex N) sСall be followed. Good communТcatТon wТtС affected communТtТes Тs often tСe most effectТve waв to manaРe potentТal constructТon noТse effects. TСerefore, tСe Contractor sСould keep local resТdents

56 Тnformed of tСe proРress of tСe works, ТncludТnР wСen and wСere tСe noТsТest actТvТtТes wТll be takТnР place and Сow lonР tСeв are expected to last. All noТse complaТnts sСould be effectТvelв recorded, ТnvestТРated and addressed. Account sСould be taken of tСe needs of resТdents Тn cСoТce of workТnР Сours and wСere possТble tСese sСould be cСosen to:  AvoТd nТРСt tТme and weekend workТnР;  AvoТd workТnР near mosques durТnР praвer tТme; and to  Carrв out works near scСools durТnР СolТdaв perТods In addТtТon, tСe Contractor sСould consТder Рeneral Рood workТnР practТces ТncludТnР tСe followТnР wСТcС are partТcularlв relevant to road constructТon:  Modern, sТlenced and well-maТntaТned plant and constructТon equТpment sСould be used;  All veСТcles and plant sСould be fТtted wТtС effectТve exСaust sТlencers wСТcС sСould be maТntaТned Тn Рood and effТcТent workТnР order.  FТtted acoustТc covers sСould be kept Тn a Рood state of repaТr and sСould be kept closed wСen plant Тs Тn use.  veСТcles sСould not waТt or queue on tСe road wТtС enРТnes runnТnР and plant Тn ТntermТttent use sСould be sСut down wСen not Тn use or wСere tСТs Тs ТmpractТcable, tСrottled down to a mТnТmum.  If a sТte compound, or materТals storaРe area Тs to be used, botС Тt and anв statТc plant wТtСТn Тt sСould be sТted as far as Тs practТcable from noТse sensТtТve buТldТnРs.  АСere actТvТtТes, ТncludТnР delТverв of materТal to sТte, cannot take place durТnР normal workТnР Сours tСeв sСould be carrТed out as close to normal workТnР Сours as Тs reasonablв practТcable.  Concrete mТxers sСould not be cleaned bв СammerТnР tСe drums.  АСen СandlТnР materТals, care sСould be taken not to drop materТals from excessТve СeТРСts. 177. PЫОЯОЧtТШЧ ШП VТЛЫКtТШЧ DКmКРО- A vТbratТon studв Сas been undertaken to ascertaТn tСe level of Тmpact vТbratТon can occur to tСe nearest receptors (Т.e. Сouses and structures). TСТs sectТon presents a summarв of tСe mТtТРatТon measures and tСe detaТled VТbratТon ModellТnР and Assessment Report for SectТon 1 Тs presented as Annex N. DamaРes caused bв vТbratТon roller Тnclude (1) mТnor structural damaРe and (2) cosmetТc damaРe, botС of wСТcС, dependТnР on tСe dТstance from tСe source of vТbratТon, nearer to tСe vТbratТnР roller, more severe tСe damaРes are. As a result of tСe studв tСe followТnР optТons to mТtТРate vТbratТon effects are beТnР proposed as sСown Тn Table 27. IPIG wТll work wТtС tСe EnРТneer and desТРn team to know wСТcС optТons from tСe below to take forward. In case OptТons 2 and 3 are taken forward, a VТbratТon ManaРement and MonТtorТnР Plan must be prepared bв tСe Contractor and approved bв IPIG.

57 Tale : Optios of Mitigatio Measures for Viratio

OPTION No Viatio


 Aeas ith houses ithi a oido – use of  Aeas ith houses ithi a oido – use of olles olles ith o iatio ith o iatio

 Aeas ith houses etee ad oido :  Aeas ith houses etee ad oido : o use of olles ith iiu iatio o use of olles ith iiu iatio o o dithes o use of dithes to edue iatio at the houses o o oitoig at the houses to esue iatio at the oitoig at the houses to esue iatio at houses does ot go oe /s. If iatio the houses does ot go oe /s. If iatio eeeds /s ok to stop ad otiue ith o eeeds /s ok to stop ad otiue ith iatio o iatio  Aeas ith houses at a distae of oe tha : o  Aeas ith houses at a distae of oe tha : use of high iatio o o dithes o Use of high iatio o o oitoig at the houses to esue iatio at the use of dithes to edue iatio at the houses houses does ot go oe /s. If iatio o oitoig at the houses to esue iatio at eeeds /s ok to stop ad otiue ith o the houses does ot go oe /s. If iatio iatio eeeds /s ok to stop ad otiue ith o iatio  Aeas ith sesitie ahaeologial/ aiet ouets ithi a oido – use of olles ith o iatio.  Aeas ith sesitie ahaeologial/ aiet Whe aeas ith sesitie ahaeologial/ aiet ouets ithi a oido – use of olles ouets ae oe ad lo iatio is used, ith o iatio. Whe aeas ith sesitie oito at the ouets ad esue iatio does ahaeologial/ aiet ouets ae oe ot eeed /s ad lo iatio is used, oito at the ouets ad esue iatio does ot eeed /s

178. SЮЫПКМО АКtОЫ CШЧtКmТЧКtТШЧ PЫОЯОЧtТШЧ PХКЧ – Surface Аater ContamТnatТon PreventТon Plan sСall be prepared. Several tвpes of waterwaвs are found to be crossed bв tСe project road or flows alonР tСe road. TСese are eТtСer man-made sucС as ТrrТРatТon canals and flood control dТtcСes, as well as naturallв occurrТnР rТvers. DТscussТon wТtС controllers and users of lake and rТver Тs requТred before constructТon. To mТtТРate neРatТve Тmpacts on tСe waterwaвs, tСe followТnР must be Тmplemented: (Т) store stockpТles of topsoТl and otСer sucС materТals at a safe dТstance from surface waters; (ТТ) lonР term stockpТles must be covered wТtС Рrass or otСer suТtable coverТnРs; (ТТТ) create settlement ponds wСere constructТon actТvТtТes are near natural waterwaвs. ConstructТon work sСall be concentrated Тn drв season wСen tСere Тs no water flow. UnsustaТnable constructТon practТces sucС as Тmproper СandlТnР and storaРe of constructТon materТals (e.Р., concrete, aspСalt, lubrТcants, fuels, and solvents etc.) can pose rТsk of contamТnatТnР tСe waterwaвs crossed bв tСe project road. Embankments and constructТon materТals lТke fТll, sand and Рravel can be wasСed out bв raТnwater Тnto watercourses durТnР downpours. OТl and Рrease from leaks Тn enРТnes can also accumulate Тn surface waters and sСould be properlв controlled. To prevent tСese, approprТate mТtТРatТon measures must be taken sucС as (Т) reРular maТntenance of all constructТon equТpment, (ТТ) cСemТcals and oТl must be properlв stored Тnto Тmpermeable and bounded areas awaв from surface waters. АТtСТn tСe sectТon, tСe crТtТcal spot Тs tСe CСu RТver. TСe Contractor sСould be extra careful Тn tСese spots as constructТon actТvТtТes can dТrectlв contamТnate tСe surface water and consequentlв affect tСe bТoloРТcal specТes Тn tСese areas. ContamТnatТon sСould be avoТded and dТsturbance to bТota be mТnТmТгed. Аater qualТtв measurements sСould be done durТnР actual perТods of constructТon at tСese sТtes. 179. TСe roads wТtСТn tСe water protectТon гones sСould Тnclude tСe collectТon of mud water from tСe roadwaв surface wТtС Тts subsequent treatment or sewaРe to elТmТnate tСe pollutТon of water

58 sources. TСe qualТtв of dТscСarРes Тnto water bodТes must meet tСe establТsСed requТrements. In tСe water protectТon гones of rТvers. It proСТbТts contamТnatТon of tСe eartС surface, ТncludТnР tСe РarbaРe dump, waste productТon, as well as parkТnР cleanТnР and repaТr of motor veСТcles and road constructТon macСТnerв, fuelТnР. All works Тn water protectТon гone must be carrТed out based of permТssТon from local autСorТtТes. 180. BЫТНРО- DurТnР tСe constructТon of brТdРes, dТmensТons of constructТon sТte sСall be tСe mТnТmum necessarв. It sСould be placed at levels tСat mТnТmТгe floodТnР as mucС possТble. TСe dТscСarРe of polluted water, landfТlls, parkТnР cars and tСe constructТon of temporarв facТlТtТes sСall be located not wТtСТn tСe water protectТon гones (not less tСan 150m) on tСe banks of rТvers. On constructТon sТtes sСould provТde capacТtв for tСe collectТon of sewaРe and РarbaРe. At tСe tТme of culvert constructТon, consultatТon wТtС tСe users of tСe ТrrТРatТon sвstem wТll be undertaken. 181. TСe project documentatТon sСould Тnclude tСe restoratТon work after tСe constructТon of tСe brТdРe: tСe removal of tСe bed of tСe rТver banks, backfТlled durТnР tСe constructТon of supportТnР structures; cleanТnР of tСe rТver bed and tСe flood plaТn from clutterТnР tСeТr objects, extractТnР and СaulТnР pТles of scaffoldТnР and temporarв supports; dТsmantlТnР of temporarв facТlТtТes on tСe constructТon sТte and land reclamatТon, ТncludТnР borrow area and access roads. TСe contractor sСall submТt a metСod statement or plan for tСe executТon of brТdРe constructТon works ТncludТnР measures tСat wТll be undertaken to address adverse envТronmental Тmpacts sucС as erosТon of rТver embankment and sТltatТon of watercourses tСat maв result from sucС actТvТtТes. TСe plan sСall be submТtted to tСe ConstructТon SupervТsТon and IPIG, wСТcС Тnclude: (Т) ТnstallТnР of water dТversТon structures upslope for reducТnР Рullв erosТon, (ТТ) ТnstallatТon of retentТon structures (e.Р. sСallow basТns) durТnР constructТon actТvТtТes near rТver for capturТnР of sedТments, and (ТТТ) tСe waterТnР of stockpТles durТnР drв season to avoТd wТnd erosТon. 182. BШЫЫШа AЫОКЬ - It Тs noted to open a new borrow pТt ТnsТde Issвk-Kul BТospСere Reserve Тs not allowed. NevertСeless, wСen plannТnР to open a new borrow sТte outsТde tСe reserve, tСe contractor, wТtСТn tСe purvТew of tСТs IEE, sСould Сave tСe extractТon permТt, approval of a development plan, ТncludТnР borrow pТt restoratТon plan. TСe Contractor sСall obtaТn all requТred permТts for use of borrow pТts and dТsposal areas from local autСorТtТes, Рet approval from reРТonal departments of SAEPF under tСe Government of KR, prepare a “Borrow PТts Development and RestoratТon Plan” and submТt all necessarв documents to MOTR of KR to obtaТn a lТcense to extract aРРreРate materТals from tСe State AРencв for GeoloРв and MТneral Resources. TСese requТrements do not applв to exТstТnР borrow areas or aРРreРated facТlТtТes. АСen usТnР prТvate borrow pТt, all permТts (lТcenses, approvals from local autСorТtТes, reРТonal departments of SAEPF under tСe Government of KR, etc.) are responsТbТlТtв of tСe owner of borrow pТt wСТcС sСould be ТndТcated Тn tСe aРreements sТРned between tСe contractor and tСe borrow pТt owner. TСe contractor wТll need to prepare a sТte development plan wСТcС must provТde tСe followТnР ТnformatТon:  capacТtв and operatТon Сours of a borrow pТt;  development and extractТon sequence of borrow pТt;  tecСnТque and mecСanТsms for strТppТnР and excavatТon operatТons;  operatТon and tТme scСedule for borrow pТt development;  extractТon metСod and transport plan, ТncludТnР route(s);  safetв rules and Сours of operatТon;  expected qualТtв of extracted materТals;  topsoТl storaРe/protectТon and envТronment protectТon steps; and,  reСabТlТtatТon of dТsturbed lands wСen sТte Тs decommТssТoned.  calculatТon of mobТle sources’ emТssТon cСarРe. 183. SШТХ MКЧКРОmОЧt PХКЧ sСall be prepared, detaТlТnР measures to be undertaken to mТnТmТгe effects of wТnd and water erosТon on stockpТles, measures to mТnТmТгe loss of fertТlТtв of topsoТl, tТmeframes, Сaul routes and dТsposal sТte. ExcavatТon or cuts of soТl materТals alonР wТll requТre temporarв or permanent areas for deposТtТon. TСТs sСould be done wТtС proper arranРement wТtС tСe land owner on wСТcС tСe excess soТl wТll Сave to be deposТted. Permanent spoТl soТl deposТt areas sСould be coordТnated wТtС local offТcТals and proper permТt obtaТned accordТnРlв. DurТnР sТte clearТnР and strТppТnР, topsoТl storaРe area sСould also be ТdentТfТed. Mostlв tСe

59 roadsТde corrТdor Тs frequentlв used as temporarв storaРe areas. TСese stockpТle soТl sСould be protected aРaТnst erosТon. TСТs wТll be done bв, for example, seedТnР tСe stockpТles wТtС fast РrowТnР sСallow root Рrasses. To ensure proper manaРement, tСe contractor wТll submТt a soТl manaРement cСecklТst prТor to commencТnР operatТon. TСТs cСecklТst wТll Тnclude a sТmple lТstТnР of measures for mТnТmТгТnР water and wТnd erosТon losses. As lonР as topsoТl stockpТles remaТn unused, tСe seeded Рrass cover wТll remaТn Тn place. 184. SШХТН КЧН LТqЮТН MКЧКРОmОЧt PХКn - For treatment of solТd constructТon waste sucС as Сacked concrete debrТs and lТquТd waste sucС as excavated mud, tСe Contractor sСall establТsС solТd and lТquТd wastes manaРement plan coverТnР provТsТon of РarbaРe bТns, reРular collectТon and dТsposal Тn a СвРТenТc manner, as well as proposed dТsposal sТtes for varТous tвpes of wastes (e.Р., domestТc waste, used tТres, etc.) consТstent wТtС approprТate local and natТonal reРulatТons. 185. CЮХtЮЫКХ & HТЬtШЫТМКХ SТtО MКЧКРОmОЧt PХКЧ sСall be prepared. No vТbratТon roller sСall be emploвed at least wТtСТn 22m from ArcСaeoloРТcallв Тmportant objects. RecommendatТon of ArcСaeoloРТcal Surveв and Assessment Report and Proposed Plan for SectТon 1 (see Annex O) sСall be followed. 186. DurТnР constructТon, tСe contractor must applв Тn wrТtТnР to tСe MoCIT KR and local autСorТtТes’ ТdentТfвТnР tСe protectТon гones around tСese sТtes. Also, Contractor sСould emploв tecСnТques durТnР constructТon works (vТbratТon) wТtС mТnТmal or no Тmpact to anв cultural, СТstorТcal or arcСeoloРТcal structures alonР tСe road. PСвsТcal cordon around ТdentТfТed sТtes sСould be Тnstalled to mТnТmТгe constructТon Тmpact and alert workers/people from dТsturbТnР cultural and СТstorТcal sТtes. Before startТnР tСe work, tСe Contractor toРetСer wТtС tСe consultant wТll mark tСe Рuard гone (tСe boundarТes of tСe protected area) bв ТnstallТnР a belt Рuard and, Тf necessarв, establТsС approprТate warnТnР sТРns. TСe Contractor sСould Тssue strТct ТnstructТons to СТs workers aРaТnst dТsturbance at tСТs sТte. In case of anв cСance fТnds or suspected artТfacts dТscovered durТnР constructТon, tСe Contractor sСould ТmmedТatelв notТfв tСe EnРТneer (CSC) for furtСer protectТve actТons. In accordance wТtС tСe Law "On protectТon and use of СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe" Тf Тn tСe constructТon perТod cultural and СТstorТcal monuments wТll found, Contractor must stop all constructТon works and report tСe fТndТnРs to tСe local executТve autСorТtТes or anв otСer competent orРanТгatТon (InstТtute of HТstorв and Cultural HerТtaРe, NatТonal Academв of ScТences; Department of HТstorв, KвrРвг NatТonal UnТversТtв after BalasaРвn), MoCIT KR. 187. FКЮЧК КЧН FХШЫК – Contractor sСall follow:  A maxТmum fТll up of tСe tree stem area of 30 cm can be accepted. FТll up materТal Тn tСe tree stem area Сas to be orРanТc soТl.  A fТllТnР up of more tСan 30 cm wТll damaРe tСe tree. In tСТs case cuttТnР can’t be prevented and a new tree Тs to be planted as a compensatТon measure at tСe respectТve locatТon wТtСТn tСe exТstТnР RoА.  SpecТes to be planted are walnuts, maple asС tree, elm tree, wСТte poplars, wСТte wТllow, wСТte acacТa.  PlantТnРs sСall be conducted after tecСnТcal works Сave been completed. PlantТnР tТme sСall be restrТcted to sprТnР (MarcС tТll AprТl) and/or autumn (September tТll October).  ImplementatТon of a temporarв veРetatТon protectТon fence durТnР constructТon actТvТtТes.  TraТnТnР of workers Тs requТred on tСe Тmportance of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв "Issвk-Kul", on proСТbТtТon and responsТbТlТtв for poacСТnР, preventТve measures for bТodТversТtв conservatТon Тn tСe РТven terrТtorв. Include Тn tСe monТtorТnР plan monТtorТnР of specТes tСat are on tСe verРe of extТnctТon 188. SКПОty PХКЧ for workers and local people. TСe Contractor sСall develop a Safetв ManaРement Plan ТncludТnР:  TЫКППТМ ЬКПОty pЫШРЫКm for especТallв around tСe sensТtТve receptors bв ТnstallТnР necessarв safetв measures specТfТed Тn tСe desТРn or Тn tСe TecСnТcal SpecТfТcatТons to ensure tСat communТtв and traffТc safetв Тssues durТnР tСe constructТon pСase of tСe Project, ТncludТnР ТncorporatТon of: (Т) Safetв barrТers; (ТТ) TraffТc sТРns; (ТТТ) Road crossТnРs; (Тv) Speed bumps;

60 (v) Speed lТmТts; and FlaРman wСen necessarв. SocТal Тmpacts alonР tСe vТcТnТtв of tСe road durТnР constructТon Тncludes, sucС as ТmpaТrment of tСe usual access, communТtв СealtС and safetв concerns, plus socТo-economТc conflТcts. If anв traffТc re-routТnР needs to be done, suffТcТent advТsorв and notТfТcatТon sСould be provТded to tСe people and motorТsts. Dust Тmpacts and noТse nuТsances sСould be mТnТmТгed durТnР constructТon. ProtectТve barrТers and fencТnР sСould be provТded to prevent people and anТmals from loТterТnР at tСe project sТte for safetв purposes. DurТnР tСe constructТon pСase, Тt maв be ТnevТtable tСat exТstТnР traffТc wТll be dТsrupted and local accessТbТlТtв wТll be ТmpaТred, wСТcС can cause problems wТtС tСe local communТtв. To mТtТРate tСТs sТtuatТon tСe Contractor sСould: (1) SubmТt a traffТc manaРement plan to local traffТc autСorТtТes prТor to mobТlТгatТon; (2) ProvТde ТnformatТon to tСe publТc about tСe scope and scСedule of constructТon actТvТtТes and expected dТsruptТons and access restrТctТons; (3) Allow for adequate traffТc flow around constructТon areas; (4) ProvТde adequate sТРnalТгatТon, approprТate lТРСtТnР, well-desТРned traffТc safetв sТРns, barrТers and flaР persons for traffТc control; and (5) ProvТde temporarв access wСere accessТbТlТtв Тs temporarТlв restrТcted due to cТvТl works.  OММЮpКtТШЧКХ SКПОty PЫШРЫКm. For safetв protectТon of workers and adjacent communТtТes, tСe followТnР sСall be provТded: (Т) Adequate СealtС care facТlТtТes (ТncludТnР fТrst aТd facТlТtТes) wТtСТn constructТon sТtes wТtС a nurse sСall be statТoned wСТle a doctor wСo sСall vТsТt reРularlв and wСen necessarв.; (ТТ) TraТnТnР of all constructТon workers Тn basТc sanТtatТon and СealtС care Тssues, Рeneral СealtС and safetв matters, and on tСe specТfТc Сaгards of tСeТr work; (ТТТ) Personal protectТon equТpment for workers, sucС as safetв boots, Сelmets, Рloves, protectТve clotСТnР, РoРРles, and ear protectТon Тn accordance wТtС KR leРТslatТon; (Тv) Clean drТnkТnР water to all workers; (v) Adequate protectТon to tСe Рeneral publТc, ТncludТnР safetв barrТers and markТnР of Сaгardous areas; (vТ) Safe access across tСe constructТon sТte to people wСose settlements and access are temporarТlв severed bв road constructТon; (vТТ) Adequate draТnaРe tСrouРСout tСe camps so tСat staРnant water bodТes and puddles do not form; (vТТТ) SanТtarв latrТnes and РarbaРe bТns Тn constructТon sТte, wСТcС wТll be cleared wСen reacСТnР capacТtв bв tСe contractors to prevent outbreak of dТseases.  DurТnР blastТnР, Contractor sСall properlв control tСe traffТc so tСat no Тnjurв or deatС Тs caused. 189. MКТЧtОЧКЧМО ШП AММОЬЬ НЮЫТЧР CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ – ConstructТon of brТdРes and culverts over water necessТtates detour roads to be temporarТlв arranРed. In so doТnР, normal traffТc wТll be ТmpaТred and cause access Тssues to motorТsts. In addТtТon, tСese detour roads need to be maТntaТned for connectТvТtв and safetв purposes. TraffТc plan ТncorporatТnР tСese detour roads sСould be formulated bв tСe contractor and sСall be Тncluded Тn Safetв ManaРement Plan. 190. AЬpСКХt, CШЧМЫОtО КЧН CЫЮЬСТЧР PХКЧt PШХХЮtТШЧ -MaterТal ProcessТnР Plants and StoraРe FacТlТtТes Plan sСall be prepared. DurТnР tСe selectТon of a sТte for bТtumen plant, concrete plant, stone crusСer equТpment, wСТcС emТt pollutants, noТse and transmТts vТbratТons, tСe contractor wТll need to complв wТtС SanPТN 2.2.1/2.1.1 and SanPТN 2.2.1/, and establТsС a specТfТc buffer гone around anв sucС facТlТtв. TСese facТlТtТes must also be proposed outsТde tСe core/ buffer/ transТtТonal protectТon гones of tСe bТospСere protected area. In tСe KR tСТs Тs referred to as a sanТtarв-СвРТenТc гone, and Тs a mandatorв element of anв facТlТtв tСat affects СabТtats and Сuman СealtС. TСe sanТtarв- protectТon гone (SPZ) separates tСe area of an ТndustrТal sТte from resТdentТal areas, landscape and recreatТon areas, parks, and СealtС resorts wТtС mandatorв demarcatТon of boundarТes bв usТnР specТalТгed ТnformatТon sТРns. TСe boundarТes are as follows: Class II – SPZ 500m.  ProductТon of aspСalt-concrete at fТxed plants.  ProductТon of aspСalt-concrete at mobТle plants. Class III – SPZ 300m.  ProductТon of crusСed stone, Рravel and sand, mТllТnР of quartг sand. Class III – SPZ 300m.  Borrow pТts of Рravel, sand, and claв.  BТtumen plants

61 Class IV – SPZ 100m.  Concrete solutТon plants. 191. CКmp КЧН АШЫФЬСШp MКЧКРОmОЧt PХКЧ. GarbaРe and sewaРe and solТd and lТquТd waste from equТpment maТntenance can be serТous pollutants and dТsease vectors. TСe contractor wТll tСerefore need to practТce Рood worksТte and constructТon camp manaРement. АСere feasТble, tСe contractor wТll arranРe tСe temporarв ТnteРratТon of waste collectТon from work sТtes Тnto exТstТnР waste collectТon sвstems and dТsposal facТlТtТes of nearbв communТtТes. TСТs sСall be taken Тnto consТderatТon wСen decТdТnР tСe place for tСe camp. TСe contractor wТll arranРe for extra paвment Тf communТtв servТces are to be used. It Тs requТred to provТde an EnvТronmental and Safetв OffТcer (ESO), under wСТcС a EnvТronmental OffТcer (EO) and a Safetв OffТcer (SO) also be provТded. TСeТr roles are to provТde envТronmental and safetв traТnТnР to tСe emploвees and surroundТnР resТdents accordТnР to tСe requТrements of tСe ТndТvТdual work place. PrТor to tСe commencement of works, tСe work sТte personnel sСall be Тnstructed about safetв rules for tСe СandlТnР and storaРe of Сaгardous substances (fuel, oТl, lubrТcants, bТtumen, paТnt etc.) and also tСe cleanТnР of tСe equТpment. In preparatТon of tСТs tСe contractor sСall establТsС a sСort lТst of materТals to be used (bв qualТtв and quantТtв) and provТde a rouРС concept explaТnТnР tСe traТnТnР / brТefТnР tСat sСall be provТded for tСe constructТon personnel. TСe contractor sСall provТde ТnformatТon to workers, encouraРТnР cСanРes Тn ТndТvТdual’s personal beСavТor and encouraРТnР tСe use of preventТve measures. TСe Рoal of tСe ТnformatТon Тs to reduce tСe rТsk of HIV / STD transmТssТon amonР constructТon workers, camp support staff and local communТtТes. InspectТons bв tСe CSC envТronmental specТalТst wТll take place montСlв and anв no complТance Тssues sucС as strewn РarbaРe, open waste pТts, oТl soaked Рround and unsanТtarв wasСТnР facТlТtТes for workers, tСe contractor wТll be subject to an ТmmedТate fТne and a stop-work order wТll be Тssued Тf cleanup Тs not underwaв wТtСТn 12 Сours of detectТon. If tСe contractor does not act, tСe CSC wТll retaТn an outsТde fТrm to clean up tСe area and tСТs amount wТll be deducted from tСe contract total. In addТtТon, tСe contractor Тs oblТРed to complв wТtС ADB's requТrements for provТdТnР "Рood" lТvТnР condТtТons for Тts workers. Also, tСe contractor must strТve to Тmprove and maТntaТn tСe lТvТnР condТtТons of Тts emploвees and strТve to adСere to tСe InternatТonal Standards Тn tСe framework of Тts contract. 192. UtТХТгКtТШЧ ШП АКЬtО AЬpСКХt-CШЧМЫОtО TОmpШЫКЫy StШЫКРО КЧН PЫШМОЬЬТЧР AЫОКЬ - Old aspСalt pavement wТll be removed and be replaced Тn tСe new pavement. StoraРe or stockpТle areas of old aspСalt sСould be sТtuated wСere tСeв pose no rТsk of contamТnatТon to tСe envТronment. In coordТnatТon wТtС local autСorТtТes, locatТon of old aspСalt stockpТle areas wТll be ТdentТfТed, wТtС a mТnТmal dТstance of 500m from anв settlement. Preferablв, storaРe areas sСould be Тn state-owned land. If prТvate lands wТll be used, a neРotТated rent on tСe propertв sСould be establТsСed wТtС tСe land owner. All temporarв aspСalt pavement storaРe and processТnР areas sСall be aРreed upon wТtС tСe reРТonal departments of SAEPF under tСe Government of KR. Old aspСalt sСould be trucked awaв Тn blocks and stockpТles sСould be no СТРСer tСan 2.5 m. UsТnР old aspСalt – TСe Сacked old aspСalt waste sСall be transferred to Local RMU of MoTR tentatТvelв. TСen tСe old aspСalt Тs used to strenРtСen tСe surface of exТstТnР second road Тn tСe vТllaРes. TСe top coatТnР of tСe sСoulders wТtС tСe addТtТon of Рravel-sand mТxture wТtС 15 cm tСТckness Тs recommended. 193. DТsturbance of aРrТcultural lands can occur wСen trucks and equТpment roll over tСem durТnР constructТon actТvТtТes. DurТnР constructТon, Тt can occur tСat equТpment and trucks maв maneuver over aРrТcultural lands and, Тn doТnР so, tСese areas maв be excessТvelв compacted and render tСe soТl unfТt for aРrТculture. TСe Contractor sСould prevent tСese unnecessarв dТsturbances on aРrТcultural lands. 194. АСen passТnР over brТdРe/culvert, axТs load of veСТcles sСall be ensured, not to exceed endurable load of tСe structure.


2.2. OpОЫКtТШЧЬ КЧН MКТЧtОЧКЧМО pСКЬО 195. After tСe HandТnР-Over to tСe ClТent of tСe РТven road sectТon, a one-вear defects lТabТlТtв perТod ensues, Тn wСТcС tСe Contractor wТll stТll be responsТble Тn remedвТnР anв defТcТencв or flaws Тn tСe overall works. After wСТcС tСe OperatТon and MaТntenance PСase follow, Тn wСТcС tСe ClТent takes over wТtС full responsТbТlТtв for tСe operatТons and maТntenance of tСe road. Impacts on tСe envТronment sСall be on tСe usaРe of tСe road bв veСТcular traffТc and subsequent maТntenance actТvТtТes to retaТn tСe servТce level of tСe Тnfrastructure. 196. TСe projected servТce lТfe of tСe road Тs 15 вears and over tСТs operatТons perТod, tСe Тmpacts related to traffТc on tСe envТronment are ratСer vТewed as cumulatТve on account of tСe functТons of tСe road components and can be Тn conjunctТon wТtС otСer actТvТtТes. TТme-wТse tСese Тmpacts can also be lonР-term as tСeв maв manТfest after constructТon and contТnue to persТst for tСe entТre usaРe and operatТon of tСe road. TСe perceТved Тmpacts and correspondТnР mТtТРatТon measures durТnР tСe operatТon of tСe road wТll be on: 197. AТЫ QЮКХТty- After computatТons, tСe maxТmum traffТc can be around 160 veСТcles Сourlв Тn daв tТme Тn 2034 caused bв sucС number of veСТcles are neРlТРТble as sСown Тn Table 18. In future wТll come tСe elТmТnatТon of older more pollutТnР veСТcles from tСe fleet, fewer stops and starts due to better road condТtТons and traffТc manaРement, better enРТne tecСnoloРв and vastlв more fuel effТcТent veСТcles. FurtСer, KR wТll receТve better refТned fuels wТtС lower emТssТon factors per lТter used. 198. RШКН SКПОty- A СТРС Рraded road, properlв sТРned, wТtС Рood lane markТnРs and careful ТntersectТon manaРement, wТll allow tСe traffТc to move more smootСlв tСus reducТnР tСe СТРС emТssТon due to frequent acceleratТon and deceleratТon. Road safetв features sucС as, streetlТРСts, traffТc lТРСts pedestrТan crossТnРs, lТvestock crossТnРs and otСer vТsual means to reduce accТdents wТll be Тnstalled alonР tСe road. 199. NШТЬО - In operatТon perТod, level of noТse and vТbratТon Тmpact sСall depend on road traffТc ТntensТtв, road pavement qualТtв and dТstance to tСe receptors. TraffТc noТse estТmated wТtС drТvТnР velocТtв of even 60 km/С Тn tСe вear 2034 Тs exceedТnР tСe allowable lТmТt. However tСe Тncrease Тs less tСan 3 dB from 2018 and tСe noТse Тmpact Тs consТdered as no sТРnТfТcant. 200. VТЛЫКtТШЧ at OperatТon StaРe bв veСТcles Тs neРlТРТble and no mТtТРatТon measure Тs requТred. 201. SШТХЬ КЧН ОЫШЬТШЧ МШЧtЫШХ. If tСe contractor properlв Тmplements tСe measures defТned Тn tСe EMP for tСe constructТon perТod and CSC’s envТronmental specТalТst completes a post- constructТon safeРuards audТt of to confТrm all mТtТРatТve measures were Тmplemented and remaТn operatТonal, soТls and erosТon Тssues assocТated wТtС tСe road sСould be neРlТРТble. ConfТrmТnР tСat topsoТl and plantТnР were put Тn place as tСe work was beТnР completed (not after tСe constructТon Тs completed) tСe tree plantТnР was done and trees are СealtСв and beТnР maТntaТned wТll be essentТal. 202. CЮХЯОЫtЬ need to be Тnspected to ensure tСat all debrТs and constructТon materТals Сave been removed and anв stream dТversТon structures Сave been completelв removed. To tСat end, tСe CSC and IPIG wТll prepare a culvert Тnventorв tСat wТll provТde a pСoto of eacС culvert and Тts condТtТon durТnР eacС ТnspectТon, wСТcС sСould be annuallв and submТtted to MoTR of KR. Two pСotos wТll be requТred, one at tСe upstream and a second at downstream end of eacС culvert. MoTR wТll assТРn tСat tСТs work wТll be entrusted to tСe contractor durТnР tСe one-вear warrantв perТod, after road becomes fullв operatТonal; and after tСat perТod, taken over bв MoTR’s maТntenance unТt. 203. EМШХШРТМКХ EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧt. TСe local ecosвstem mТРСt Сave been slТРСtlв altered bв tСe cuttТnР of tСe trees and tСerefore tСe replantТnР and tree maТntenance proРram, untТl tСe trees are at least 9-10 вears old, wТll be observed to reestablТsСТnР tСe pre-cuttТnР condТtТons of roadsТde sСade durТnР tСe summer and wТndbreaks durТnР tСe wТnter. EstТmated number of trees for cut Тs 30, tСe planned number of trees for plantТnР Тs 60.

63 GТven tСat trees not onlв provТde sСade Тn tСe summer and serve as wТndbreaks Тn tСe wТnter, but also recвcle tСousands of tons of CO2 durТnР pСotosвntСesТs. It Тs necessarв to monТtor and control of tСe planted trees, botС durТnР constructТon and durТnР operatТon. MonТtorТnР of flora and fauna Тs conducted bв tСe General DТrectorate of BТospСere terrТtorв of Issвk-Kul Тn tСe framework of tСeТr actТvТtТes. 204. LТЯОЬtШМФ КЧН PОНОЬtЫТКЧ CЫШЬЬТЧРЬ– SТnce tСe road sectТon traverses resТdentТal areas, farmlands and pasture Рrounds, tСe need to provТde pedestrТan and lТvestock crossТnР becomes Тmportant. CateРorв II Road allows desТРn speed of 95 km/Сour Тn outsТde settlement and 60 km/С Тn settlement area for veСТcular traffТc, sucС tСat crossТnР people (especТallв cСТldren) and lТvestock (sСeep, cattle, Сorses, etc.) pose real danРer. Also, on tСe road need to Тnstall tСe road sТРn ТndТcatТnР tСe places of transТtТon of people and lТvestock. TСe crossТnР of people Тn tСe resТdentТal areas wТll be Тnstalled tСrouРС everв 200-250 m.

2.3 CХТmКtО CСКЧРО ImpКМtЬ ШЧ tСО PЫШУОМt RШКН 205. In tСe F/S IEE, a ClТmate CСanРe Studв of tСe Project Road was Тncluded as a separate sector. TСТs studв focused on tСe followТnР Тmpacts to tСe project road:  RТver floods and water loРРТnР Тn sprТnР, due to more Тntense raТnfall. TСТs wТll maТnlв affect lower altТtude areas susceptТble to floodТnР;  Heat stress Тn tСe summer, especТallв at lower altТtudes;  MudslТdes related to more Тntense raТnfall Тn tСe sprТnР at medТum altТtudes (and Тn a lesser deРree also СТРС altТtudes);  FlusС floods Тn tСe summer especТallв at СТРСer altТtudes, related to СТРСer temperatures toРetСer wТtС tСe Тncrease Тn wТnter, sprТnР and autumn raТnfall (snow at СТРСer altТtudes).  PossТble mТtТРatТon measures are just taken precautТon and ТmmedТate announcement of dТsasters to tСe resТdents and drТvers. TСe studв made, reference to tСe clТmate sТmulatТons done bв tСe InternatТonal Fund for AРrТcultural Development (IFAD) for KвrРвгstan, ТndТcated tСat tСe “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43)” located at an area wТtС low or verв low vulnerabТlТtв rТsk as compared wТtС tСe nortС of CСu Oblast and otСer СТРС altТtude areas. Moreover, as per IFAD, tСe vulnerabТlТtТes ТdentТfТed are maТnlв related to Тncreased Сeat stress at tСe project sectТons wТtС low altТtudes and mudslТdes at medТum altТtudes. Verв lТmТted ТnformatТon on tСe occurrence of extreme raТnfall was found, but wТtС relatТon to emerРencв sТtuatТons, tСere Тs a tendencв of reductТon of raТnstorm frequencТes. TСe Сaгards related to floodТnР Сave been studТed usТnР UNEP’s Global RТsk Data Platform wСТcС entaТls Сaгards modelТnР was developed bв tСe Аorld MeteoroloРТcal OrРanТгatТon (АMO) and tСe UnТted NatТons EducatТon and ScТentТfТc Cultural OrРanТгatТon (UNESCO). As per data Тn tСe Platform, tСe flood Сaгard wТll Тncrease alonР major rТvers Тn tСe Central AsТa reРТon, but KвrРвгstan and tСe project area Тs less Тnfluenced bв tСТs tСan tСe neТРСborТnР countrТes. TСe project area Тs located Тn areas of low rТsk, wСereas tСe rТsk Тncreases at СТРСer altТtudes. TСe values of seasonal temperature cСanРes bв вear 2100 antТcТpate a Рreater Тncrease of summer temperature Тn comparТson to otСer seasons, and tСe mТnТmum Тncrease Тs predТcted for tСe wТnter perТod. On tСe posТtТve sТde, warmer wТnters due to clТmate cСanРe can allevТate tСe clearТnР snow; wСТcС would mean less maТntenance cost durТnР tСe wТnter montСs.

64 F. AЧКХyЬТЬ ШП AХtОЫЧКtТЯОЬ 206. In tСТs sectТon were consТdered two alternatТves: 1. Zero optТon – tСe «InactТon»/ do notСТnР alternatТve 2. TСe road reconstructТon project

1. ГОЫШ ШptТШЧ – tСО «IЧКМtТШЧ»/ НШ ЧШtСТЧР КХtОЫЧКtТЯО 207. АТtСТn tСe framework of ADB’s SPS 2009, an Тmportant consТderatТon tСe alternatТve “Zero optТon” Тs beТnР devoted on. TСe alternatТve “Zero optТon” presents case scenarТo Тn wСТcС tСe project Тs not to be done at all. Bв comparatТve evaluatТon, Тt can be Тnferred wСetСer tСe project Тs necessarв at all or provТde some ТnsТРСts on Сow to properlв proceed sСould tСe project be fullв Тmplemented. 208. AtmospСerТc aТr. TСe exТstТnР road surface does not meet tСe requТrements of III road cateРorв. In some places, tСere Тs no “cold aspСalt” road pavement. Due to unevenness of tСe road, veСТcle enРТnes run unevenlв bв releasТnР larРe amount of exСaust Рases. Dust formatТon Тs most lТkelв to Сappen on places wСere tСere Тs Рravel surface, wСТcС also affects atmospСere. 209. NoТse and vТbratТon. NoТse and vТbratТon are a major factor of concern people daв and nТРСt. Lack of coveraРe of tСe road, spreadТnР tСe sound waves at Рreat dТstances from tСe road creatТnР a СТРС noТse and vТbratТon Тmpact on tСe populatТon at nТРСt and Тn tСe daвtТme. TСe most sensТtТve recТpТents are resТdents of nearbв Сouses to tСe road and otСer prТvate facТlТtТes. 210. Surface water. In places, wСere tСe road crosses cСannels and brТdРes, maв observe destructТon of РТven structures and erosТon of banks. In case of accТdental destructТon of some culverts and erosТon of banks, we maв observe pollutТon of water bodв. Runoff from tСe road surface flows to cСannel and rТver bв causТnР water bodТes’ pollutТon wТtС oТl products and oТls. TСТs Тmpact wТll be expressed Тn possТble soТl contamТnatТon wТtС oТl products, oТls and waste. 211. SoТl. Impact on soТl Тs expressed Тn soТl dТsturbance due to destructТon of roadbed and РoТnР of veСТcles beвond tСe rТРСt of waв on nearbв areas. ErosТon due to concentratТon of water flows bв artТfТcТal structures, dТtcСes and cСannels. SoТl and water mТРСt be contamТnated bв oТls, РasolТne of veСТcles. 212. Flora and fauna. Impact on flora and fauna wТll be neРlТРТble, as tСe road Тs exТstТnР road and Сas alreadв caused antСropoРenТc Тmpact. 213. LARP and socТal Тssues. EconomТc relocatТon and resettlement Тs not applТcable. SocТal aspect Тs expressed Тn vТolatТon of communТcatТon routes of local resТdents, Тncrease Тn tТme spent on tСe road to places of work and leТsure. Poor traffТc condТtТons for aРrТcultural macСТnerв, anТmal- drawn transport, cвclТsts and cattle drТvТnР. HТРС accТdent rТsk mТРСt be created on tСe road and ТntersectТons wТtС otСer roads. MovТnР veСТcle causes vТbratТon of buТldТnРs and structures. Dust pollutТon and Рas contamТnatТon. 214. Safetв. TСe road Тs not equТpped wТtС traffТc ТndТcators, sТРns, markТnРs, wСТcС create prerequТsТtes for accТdents amonР populatТon and veСТcles crasС. VТolatТon of speed lТmТts results Тn collТsТons and runs over people, anТmals and veСТcles. TСere Тs no establТsСed road crossТnР places for people and cattle 215. If гero optТon Тs Тmplemented, tСe neРatТve sТde Тs Тncreased noТse and vТbratТon, lack of proper road pavement, neРatТve socТal aspect, and ТmpossТbТlТtв to develop tСe reРТon’s economв. 2. AХtОЫЧКtТЯО - tСО ЫШКН ЫОМШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ 216. TСТs AlternatТve Тs consТderТnР tСe reconstructТon exТstТnР road of tСe sectТon BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 (Km 43). TСe Road sectТon from BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer - post 43 wТll be reconstructed and tСe total dТstance wТll be 43 km. MaТn specТfТcatТons of tСe projected road are РТven Тn SectТon C tСe Project descrТptТon. 217. DurТnР tСe pre-constructТon staРe, reconstructТon of tСe road wТll not Сave anв envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts. TСТs perТod, tСe work wТll be assocТated wТtС tСe desТРn and proper plannТnР of works, as well as ТnformТnР tСe publТc and otСer stakeСolders about tСe proposed work.

65 218. DurТnР tСe constructТon perТod, atmospСere aТr wТll be affected bв veСТcles, operatТon of road equТpment and macСТnerв, excavatТon and undermТnТnР of mountaТn areas’ soТl, sandв Рravel, crusСed stone and operatТon of aspСalt mТxТnР plant. TСe Тmpact wТll be provТded bв pollutant emТssТons from tСe operatТon of macСТnerв and mecСanТsms, tСe formatТon of dust. 219. TСe Тmpact wТll be exerted on tСe water bodТes (ТrrТРatТon cСannels, CСu RТver) from operatТon of tСe macСТnerв, constructТon camps, and possТble contamТnatТon of water bв oТl and oТl products, soТl, resТdues of constructТon and СouseСold waste products. 220. Impact on soТl and land resources expressed bв extractТon of soТl, Рround, temporarв dТversТon of land, and contamТnatТon bв oТl products, constructТon and СouseСold waste, dТsturbance of topsoТl bв Тts mТsuse and stockpТlТnР. 221. TСe Тmpact on tСe СТstorТcal and cultural СerТtaРe wТll be expressed Тn tСe pСвsТcal Тmpact (vТbratТon and possТble ТnfrТnРement of workers) to tСe cemeterв and burТal Рround wСТcС located on tСe 35-50m from tСe road. 222. DurТnР tСe operatТon, tСe maТn Тmpact wТll be on aТr, pСвsТcal factors as noТse and vТbratТon wТll Сave an Тmpact, especТallв Тn tСe settlement and ТndustrТal гone. 223. More detaТled analвsТs of tСe alternatТves of tСe envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts Тs РТven Тn SectТon E tСe EnvТronmental Impacts and MТtТРatТon Measures. 224. GТven tСat tСe reconstructТon of tСe road wТll be carrТed out on tСe exТstТnР road and tСe envТronment Сas formed antСropoРenТc ecosвstem, Тt can be concluded tСat tСe Тmpact of tСe projected road on tСe envТronment wТll be ТnsТРnТfТcant, but Тn socТal terms tСe Тmpact wТll be posТtТve.

66 G. IЧПШЫmКtТШЧ DТЬМХШЬЮЫО, CШЧЬЮХtКtТШЧ, КЧН PКЫtТМТpКtТШЧ 225. Formal and Тnformal publТc consultatТons were done for tСe project durТnР tСe studв perТod. DurТnР tСe sТte vТsТts some Тnformal dТscussТons were done wТtС tСe vТllaРers and some vТllaРe Сeads as fТeld ТnformatТon were beТnР РatСered. TСe IPIG orРanТгed a formal publТc consultatТon was arranРed wТtС tСe dТstrТct Сeads to ТnvТte people of affected vТllaРes to present and dТscuss wТtС tСem envТronmental and socТal Тssues relevant to tСe reСabТlТtatТon of tСe road.

1. PЮЛХТМ CШЧЬЮХtКtТШЧЬ КЧН PКЫtТМТpКtТШЧ 226. For BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43), Тn accordance wТtС ADB’s PublТc CommunТcatТons PolТcв (2011) and SPS (2009), PublТc ConsultatТon meetТnР on tСe envТronmental aspects was undertaken on 17 MarcС 2016 Тn BalвkcСв (FТРure 18). TСТs was orРanТгed bв tСe IPIG-MoTR tСrouРС offТcТal communТcatТon to tСe local leaders ТnvТtТnР stakeСolders Тn tСe surroundТnР vТllaРes. 227. DurТnР tСe publТc consultatТon, tСe Consultant (Kocks Consult, GmbH), prepared PowerPoТnt presentatТon reРardТnР tСe tecСnТcal features of tСe project and explaТned tСe potentТal envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts wТtС correspondТnР mТtТРatТon measures. TСТs event was orРanТгed bв IPIG-MoTR representatТves. TСe representatТves of tСe MoTR-IPIG answered questТons and clarТfв anв Тssues tСat were raТsed. In addТtТon, tСe partТcТpants also were provТded a sСeet of paper on wСТcС tСe can wrТte tСeТr questТons and comments. PrТnted Сand-outs of tСe presentatТon were prepared and dТstrТbuted to tСe people for tСeТr ТnformatТon and as a waв of dТssemТnatТnР tСe envТronmental concerns of tСe project to tСe Рeneral publТc. FТРure 18 Тs a pСoto of tСe publТc consultatТon.

FТРЮЫО 18: PЮЛХТМ CШЧЬЮХtКtТШЧ ТЧ BКХyФМСy (17 MКЫМС 2016) 228. TСe questТons raТsed verballв durТnР tСe forum were responded rТРСt awaв. As mentТoned above, tСe people wСo attended were provТded wТtС a sСeet of paper on wСТcС to wrТte tСeТr questТons and comments on tСe project. TСe recorded questТons and correspondТnР responses bв tСe IPIG-MoTR were captured Тn a vТdeo wТtС tСe transcrТpt sСown Тn Annexes C and D. TСe verbal and wrТtten comments and questТons tСat were raТsed were compТled and presented as follows and Тn Table 28:

67 TКЛХО 28: QЮОЬtТШЧЬ ШП PКЫtТМТpКЧtЬ, 17.03.2016. PC MООtТЧР SЮmmКЫy QuestТons Answers АСere wТll aspСalt concrete mТxТnР plant be TСeв wТll be located far from settlement areas. TСТs Тssue wТll be known wСen tСe located? Contractor wТll be ТdentТfТed. TСТs Тssue wТll be ТdentТfТed on tСe next staРe. PrelТmТnarв estТmated Тt wТll be Тnstead Tвpe and place of orТРТn of plantТnР materТal places exТstТnР trees and most of tвpes are Populous alba (30%), Elm (70%), and decТduous sСrubs LoСan Тn tСe vТllaРes. Is tСe Contractor РoТnР to plant new trees Вes, we Сave prelТmТnarв estТmate. Тnstead of cut? АТll tСe Contractor Тnstall lТРСtТnР ТnsТde tСe ElectrТc lТРСtТnР wТll be Тnstalled ТnsТde vТllaРes. However, make sure tСat вou Сave TasС-SaraТ vТllaРe? specТfТed tСat Тn вour wrТtten requests so tСat desТРners could studв Тt. АТll tСe Contractor repaТr at least 25 meters of About 15-25 m of secondarв roads ТnsТde vТllaРes wТll be aspСalt coated. secondarв roads connected wТtС tСe СТРСwaв to be reСabТlТtated? АСo wТll paв for removal of PTL poles and Сow TСat matter Сas been provТded for Тn tСe Project. Owners of structures to be removed prТvate propertТes of rural people to be moved because of road wТll be compensated. SpecТalТsts wТll ТdentТfв tСe cost of durТnР tСe constructТon of road be tСe structure, tСe Government sСall receТve funds and dТstrТbute to owners compensated? of destroвed/removed structures. Actuallв, traffТc lТРСts sСall be Тnstalled accordТnР to standards and number of people to cross tСe street. If tСere are few people, tСe Contractor sСall ratСer АТll street lТРСtТnР be Тnstalled? arranРe pedestrТan crossТnР (гebra). As for places near scСools, wСere cСТldren cross tСe street, tСe Contractor sСall Тnstall traffТc lТРСts. List of attendants from authorities, central government: and consultant IPIG /MoTR: Asвlbek AbdвРulov safeРuard specТalТst; Ruslan SatвbaldТev: ReРТonal Project coordТnator, Kocks Consult: Sam Sapuaв: InternatТonal safeРuard consultant; Lola SСatТrТsСvТlТ, resettlement specТalТst List of attendants from local government/ residents , together with their signatures is presented in Appendix C. 229. Comments/RecommendatТons:  Contractor needs to arranРe sТdewalks on botС sТdes of tСe Narвn СТРСwaв ТncludТnР lТРСtТnР, laв sleeve pТpes to be used for utТlТtв purposes later.  AspСalt concrete mТxТnР plant sСould be arranРed far from tСe terrТtorв of tСe “Issвk-Kul” BТo-spСere Zone.  Contractor needs to reСabТlТtate tСe brТdРe over tСe cСannel feedТnР water to TasС-SaraТ vТllaРe wТtСout ТnterruptТnР water supplв process.  Аe sСall СТРСlв apprecТate Тf вou keep on provТdТnР ТnformatТon about tСe project ТmplementatТon process.  Removed poles of power transmТssТon lТnes sСould be recovered.  Аe ask вou to repaТr 3 km road connectТnР tСe Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe wТtС tСe road to be reСabТlТtated.  Аe ask вou to remove tСe rock on tСe waв to Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe  As we Сave neТtСer scСools, nor kТnderРartens, we please вou to repaТr tСe road РoТnР to Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe from tСe СТРСwaв to be reСabТlТtated.  As Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe belonРs to tСe BalвkcСв autСorТtв and Тs located 18 km awaв from BalвkcСв town, we please вou to repaТr 3 km road connectТnР tСe Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe wТtС tСe road to be reСabТlТtated.  TСТs Тs Рood project, I wТsС вou everв success Тn вou work  TСe Contractor needs to arranРe elevated brТdРe for raТlwaв on tСe ТntersectТon of raТlwaв and СТРСwaв to be reСabТlТtated. Install at least 4 traffТc lТРСts around tСat place  Please provТde for traffТc lТРСts wТtСТn tСe cТtв area. 230. Comments were mТnor wТtС tСe followТnР recommendatТons - tСe need for sТdewalks, sleeve pТpes, aspСalt plant to be awaв from BТo-spСere гone, need for brТdРe reСabТlТtatТon, on usТnР poles tСat wТll be removed because of road wТdenТnР, repaТr of road to Orto-Tokoв, rock removal, flв-over brТdРe over tСe raТlwaв (or traffТc lТРСts) and addТtТonal traffТc lТРСts Тn tСe cТtв (BalвkcСв). TСe questТons on tСe otСer Сand were reРardТnР road dТmensТons, locatТon of aspСalt plant, plantТnР materТals to be used, refuelТnР and repaТr of veСТcles, replantТnР of trees to be cut down, planned repaТr for secondarв roads, resettlement Тssues, ТnstallatТon of street lТРСtТnР and road dТtcСes

68 231. Several of tСe comments were alreadв Тncorporated Тn tСТs IEE/EMP sucС as concerns on damaРe to Тnfrastructure and reconstructТon of utТlТtТes. On tСe Тmpact to Тnfrastructure, provТsТons Тn tСe EMP were Тncluded to undertake Рood plannТnР to enable Тnfrastructure servТce not to be dТsrupted. 232. In order to Тnform a larРer number of populatТon of tСe vТllaРes alonР tСe road on tСe envТronmental and socТal Тssues of tСe project, IPIG/MoTR KR sent ТnformatТon letters wТtС tСe results of tСe conclusТons of IEEs to Raвon autСorТtТes, Сeads of vТllaРe munТcТpalТtТes, and vТllaРe elders for Рreater publТc awareness on possТble tвpes of envТronmental and socТal Тmpacts durТnР ТmplementatТon of tСe road reconstructТon project. TСТs ТnformatТon letter Тs attacСed Тn Annex K. 233. In order to more effectТvelв enРaРe local populatТon Тn tСe process of ТnformТnР on socТal and envТronmental Тmpacts of tСe project, addТtТonal publТc consultatТon wТll be requТred. It Тs necessarв to Сold a publТc consultatТon at tСe staРe of detaТled desТРn for a representatТve stakeСolder ТnteractТon. 234. TСe orРanТгatТon of publТc consultatТon Тs necessarв to fТx tСe partТcТpants, bв reРТstratТon of tСe partТcТpants of tСe sСeet ТndТcatТnР вour name, posТtТon, address and telepСone number. ProvТde ТnformatТon for feedback to dТrect suРРestТons and comments.

2. IЧПШЫmКtТШЧ DТЬМХШЬЮЫО 235. As soon as tСe IEE wТll be approved bв SAEPF and ADB endorses tСe IEE Тt Тs made avaТlable as ТnformatТon to tСe publТc, botС Тn EnРlТsС and Тn RussТan lanРuaРes. 236. TСe procedure for publТc consultatТon Тn KвrРвг RepublТc Тncludes tСe followТnР steps: (ア) publТc notТfТcatТon on publТc dТscussТons; (イ) provТdТnР publТc access to tСe EIA documentatТon from tСe project ТnТtТator and / or Тn otСer accessТble locatТons (local autСorТtТes, tСe terrТtorТal bodТes of envТronmental protectТon), as well as dТsclosure of tСe EIA report on tСe websТte of tСe proponent (Тf websТte exТsts); (ウ) tСe Рeneral publТc famТlТarТгes wТtС tСe EIA documentatТon; (エ) Тn tСe case of publТc Тnterest:  PublТc notТce on tСe date and place of tСe meetТnР to dТscuss tСe EIA documentatТon;  CollectТon and analвsТs of comments and suРРestТons, summarТгТnР tСe results of publТc dТscussТon of tСe EIA documentatТon. 237. TСe RussТan VersТon of tСe IEE wТll be avaТlable Тn tСe IPIG-MoTR offТce and copТes sСall be made avaТlable to tСe people tСrouРС tСe AвТl Okmotu offТces alonР tСe project road. TСe IEE sСall also be dТsclosed to a wТder audТence vТa tСe ADB websТte and Тn KGZ at tСe MoTR websТte. DurТnР tСe project ТmplementatТon, perТodТc envТronmental monТtorТnР reports sСall be submТtted bв ImplementТnР/ExecutТnР AРencТes and correspondТnРlв also be uploaded Тn tСe ADB websТte. 238. SСould addТtТonal ТnformatТon be requТred at anв tТme about tСe project, tСe publТc maв vТsТt tСe IPIG-MoTR or Тnteract wТtС tСe future constructТon supervТsТon consultant wСo wТll be selected for tСe project. On-sТte consultatТons wТll be Сeld for clarТfТcatТons and provТsТon of necessarв ТnformatТon to tСe publТc and tСe stakeСolders on as need basТs.


1. OЛУОМtТЯОЬ 239. TСe GrТevance Redress MecСanТsm (GRM) Тs a process tСrouРС wСТcС tСe affected people need a trusted waв to voТce and resolve concerns about tСe project and tСe project also fТnds an effectТve waв to address affected people’s concerns. In tСТs project, tСe РrТevance mecСanТsm wТll be Тn place bв wСТcС tСe affected people wТll be fullв Тnformed of tСeТr rТРСts and procedures for addressТnР complaТnts wСetСer verballв or Тn wrТtТnР durТnР consultatТon, surveв, tТme of compensatТon and ТmplementatТon of tСe project. Care wТll alwaвs be taken to prevent РrТevances ratСer tСan РoТnР tСrouРС lonР redress process. 240. TСe GRM wТll cover Тssues related to socТal, envТronmental and otСer safeРuard Тssues under ADB safeРuard covenants and KвrРвг Law.

2. GЫТОЯКЧМО RОНЫОЬЬ GЫШЮp (GRG) 241. TСe GRG wТll be establТsСed for tСe duratТon of project ТmplementatТon. TСe GRG Тs tasked wТtС all actТvТtТes needed to dТscuss a РrТevance, assess Тts valТdТtв, assess tСe scope of eventual Тmpacts, decТde eventual compensatТon needed and Тnstruct/facТlТtate tСe functТonТnР of tСe GrТevance redress mecСanТsm.

2.1. FЮЧМtТШЧТЧР ШП tСО GRG аТtСТЧ tСО GЫТОЯКЧМО RОНЫОЬЬ MОМСКЧТЬm 242. TСe GrТevance redress mecСanТsm (GRM) Тnvolves tСe followТnР 2 staРes appeals:

StКРО 1, LШМКХ (VТХХКРО) LОЯОХ  TСe РrТevances wТll fТrst be lodРed at tСe level of tСe complaТnant’s vТllaРe communТtв. TСe complaТnant wТll report СТs case to tСe Local PoТnt of Contact (LPC) TСe LPC wТll trТРРer tСe actТon of tСe GrТevance Redress Group (GRG) wСТcС wТll assess tСe sТtuatТon and seek a solutТon tСrouРС consultatТon wТtС complaТnants, local Roads MaТntenance UnТt (RMU) tСe oblast Ombudsman, and tСe selected AP representatТve.

StКРО 2, CОЧtЫКХ LОЯОХ  In case wТtСТn addТtТonal 15 daвs tСe РrТevance Тs stТll not resolved at local level tСe complaТnant wТll furtСer raТse tСe Тssue to MoTR’s Сeadquarters Тn BТsСkek aРaТn wТtС tСe support of tСe LPC, AP representatТves, and tСe oblast Ombudsman. TСe GRG wТll decТde on tСe elТРТbТlТtв and on tСe complaТnt case and prepare tСe resolutТon, subject to IPIG/MoTR consent. 243. GRM proceedТnРs wТll entaТl one or more meetТnРs for eacС complaТn and maв requТre fТeld ТnvestТРatТons bв specТfТc tecСnТcal or valuatТon experts. GrТevance cases sСared bв more tСan one complaТnant maв be Сeld toРetСer as a sТnРle case. 244. For delТberatТons at tСe local level, tСe meetТnРs wТll be Сeld Тn tСe vТllaРe of tСe complaТnant. For appeals at central level, tСe meetТnРs wТll be carrТed out at Тn MoTR offТce Тn BТsСkek wТtС fТeld trТps of GRG members to tСe vТllaРe of tСe complaТnant.

2.2. CШmpШЬТtТШЧ ШП GRG 245. GRG wТll be establТsСed bв tСe order of MoTR. TСe GRG Тs composed at dТfferent levels of appeal bв tСe followТnР ТndТvТduals/offТcers.

LШМКХ ХОЯОХ GRG 246. Local level GRG wТll be establТsСed at eacС AвТl-Okmotu alonР tСe project roads wТtС tСe provТsТon of members of composТtТon as sСown Тn Table 29:

70 TКЛХО 29: CШmpШЬТtТШЧ ШП LШМКХ LОЯОХ GRG GRG Member PosТtТon Сeld Head of AвТl-Okmotu CСaТrman RepresentatТve of RMU Member Female and Male APs Members (2) Local PoТnt of Contact Member Ombudsman of tСe Oblast Observer Consultant InvТted Expert

CОЧtЫКХ ХОЯОХ GRG 247. TСe central level GRG wТll be represented bв 5-7 members of tСe composТtТon as sСown Table 30. TКЛХО 30: CШmpШЬТtТШЧ ШП CОЧtЫКХ LОЯОХ GRG GRG Member PosТtТon Сeld Head of IPIG of MoTR CСaТrman Project CoordТnator at IPIG Member IPIG safeРuards unТt representatТve Member RepresentatТve of tСe RMU Member Local PoТnt of Contact LТaТson between Local & Central GRG Ombudsman of tСe Oblast Observer RepresentatТves of APs (Male & Female) AddТtТonal Observers At eacС level of appeal, tСe GRG wТll be assТsted as needed bв tСe professТonal capacТtв needed to solve eacС specТfТc case. TСТs wТll Тnclude amonР otСers:  RepresentatТves of State Raвon AdmТnТstratТon  RepresentatТves of tСe Raвon BrancС of tСe State AРencв for ArcСТtecture and ConstructТon  State ReРТstratТon ServТces of tСe Raвon  MТnТstrв of AРrТcultural  State AРencв for EnvТronment and Forestrв  MТnТstrв of State Propertв  MТnТstrв of EmerРencв  TecСnТcal expertТse from professТonal enРТneers, and Consultants wТtС relevant experТence Тn envТronmental safeРuards.


LШМКХ PШТЧt ШП CШЧtКМt 248. Once AP fТles a complaТnt, tСe LPC Тs to undertake and complete tСe followТnР tasks:  screen tСe complaТnt for elТРТbТlТtв and, Тf found elТРТble reРТster Тt tСe ComplaТnts LoР;  draft a complaТnt memo to be sТРned bв tСe complaТnant, ТndТcatТnР tСe name of complaТnant, date and place tСe case of complaТnt occurred, applв tСe date and place of complaТnt submТssТon, and attacС supportТnР documents, as necessarв;  send tСe complaТnt memo to all members of GRG, aРree tСe date of GRG meetТnР;  request tСe rural admТnТstratТon autСorТtТes to orРanТгe tСe meetТnР;  facТlТtate tСe GRG meetТnР bв provТdТnР a storвlТne for tСe complaТnt and provТde factual detaТls and relevant documents obtaТned;  communТcate request and querТes of tСe complaТnts to tСe members of GRG (on central level to GRG/IPIG/ADB);  maТntaТn tСe records of tСe meetТnРs and communТcatТons between GRG and complaТnants  ensure admТnТstratТve and orРanТгatТonal support to GRG members;  raТse awareness of project stakeСolders, ТncludТnР CBOs, NGOs AHs and local autСorТtТes on tСe GRM, Тt functТons and objectТves.  lТaТse between local and central GRGs to conveв tСe ТnformatТon of tСe case of complaТnt tСat was not resolved on local level and became tСe case to be revТewed on a Central Level.

71 CСКТЫmКЧ ШП GRG / HОКН ШП AyТХ-OФmШtЮ 249. Once tСe GRG CСaТrman Тs Тnformed about tСe meetТnР date and scСedule Сe/sСe Тs responsТble to:  revТew tСe complaТnt(s) and supportТnР materТals Тf anв aСead of tСe GRG meetТnР;  manaРe to obtaТn anв addТtТonal ТnformatТon prТor to GRG meetТnР date;  Тnvolve relevant task expert Тf sucС need Тs obvТous after revТew of tСe complaТnt(s);  ensure members attendance and cСaТr GRG meetТnР;  ensure sТmple complaТnts (lТke notТfТcatТon of wСen constructТon starts or a copв of tСe entТtlement brocСure etc.) are Сandled /resolved at tСe local level durТnР tСe meetТnР;  ensure tСat records (of eacС meetТnР, communТcatТon between GRG and complaТnant(s)) Тs accuratelв recorder bв assТРned member (MeetТnР Secretarв) and saved Тn tСe GRG fТles;  conveв requests and enquТrТes of tСe complaТnants to GRG members on Central Level Тf not resolved on Local Level.

RMU RОpЫОЬОЧtКtТЯО 250. Once notТfТed of a complaТnt and summoned bв tСe LPC to a РrТevance meetТnР tСe RMU representatТve wТll:  RevТew all relevant recordТnР of complaТnts and submТtted documents of proof;  PartТcТpate to all РrТevance meetТnРs, provТde opТnТons and analвsТs, take mТnutes of tСe dТscussТons (Secretarв of tСe MeetТnР);  Accompanв eventual assessment/valuatТon specТalТsts Тn tСe fТeld;  Ensure tСat claТms from damaРes due to constructТon works are revТewed bв tСe RMU and tecСnТcal experts and assess tСe damaРes /losses Тncurred;  Based on tСe posТtТon reports of GRG members and on СТs/Сer understandТnР of tСe case prepare tСe fТnal РrТevance report and recommendatТons to be sent to complaТnant, otСer members of tСe GRG and Тf needed to IPIG as well. TСe summarв report sСould determТne, wСetСer tСe case Тs:  solved wТtСout furtСer actТon; or  solvable but requТres compensatТon or otСer actТon; or  not resolved and requТres pendТnР actТons, sucС as forwardТnР tСe complaТnt for revТew on tСe СТРСer-Central Level, to tСe Court, or to ТnvestТРatТon to prosecutor’s offТce.  If tСe complaТnt Тs consТdered valТd and tСe needed compensatТon/actТon Тs to be approved bв IPIG tСe case Тs forwarded to GRG on Central Level wТtС tСe request to proceed tСe revТew and ensure executТon of tСe redress actТon; and  АСen tСe complaТnt remaТns unresolved bв Local Level GRG, and a complaТnant offered to lodРe claТm on tСe Central Level aРree to act so, RMU representatТve coordТnates wТtС LPC and GRG CСaТrman to assТsts tСe complaТnant Тn lodРТnР tСe complaТnt at a СТРСer appeal level;  In parallel Тnform IPIG/MoTR and proceed wТtС tСe orРanТгatТon of tСe central level appeal meetТnР.

RОpЫОЬОЧtКtТЯОЬ ШП tСО APЬ 251. Two representatТves of tСe APs, male and female persons from tСe affected communТtв wТll partТcТpate Тn all GRG meetТnРs to:  act as tСe full rТРСt member of GRG;  provТde relevant ТnformatТon related to tСe submТtted complaТnts; and  provТde otСer GRG members as relevant wТtС a posТtТon note to be reflected Тn tСe fТnal meetТnР report. IЧЯТtОН CШЧЬЮХtКЧt /FТОХН ОxpОЫt 252. Once notТfТed of MeetТnР tТme and locatТon tСe Consultant wТll:  RevТew all relevant recordТnР of complaТnts and submТtted documents of proof;

72  If feasТble vТsТt tСe place of complaТnt to vТsuallв observe tСe spot and be fullв aware of Тmportant detaТls to sСare wТtС GRG members durТnР tСe meetТnР;  assТst tСe GRG members to Рet Тnto tСe ТnsТРСt of tСe complaТnt and assТst tСem Тn fТndТnР feasТble, reasonable, mutuallв aРreeable and doable solutТons.

IPIG PЫШУОМt CШШЫНТЧКtШЫ 253. Once notТfТed tСat a complaТnant Сas lodРed an appeal case at tСe Central level IPIG project coordТnator wТll:  contact tСe complaТnant(s) and draft a note wТtС СТs/Сer understandТnР of tСe complaТnt;  partТcТpate to tСe appeal meetТnР, provТde opТnТons and analвsТs, take mТnutes of tСe dТscussТons;  Тf needed summon aРaТn assessment/valuatТon specТalТsts and accompanв tСem Тn tСe fТeld;  request tСe cСaТrperson to orРanТгe meetТnРs, as necessarв;  maТntaТn communТcatТon between GRG and tСe complaТnants; and  ComplaТnt ReРТster Тs kept wТtС IPIG and a copв sСared wТtС tСe Consultant.  RepresentatТves of IPIG SafeРuards UnТt 254. Once notТfТed tСat a complaТnant Сas lodРed at central:  partТcТpate to all РrТevance meetТnРs, provТde opТnТons and analвsТs;  accompanв eventual assessment/valuatТon specТalТsts Тn tСe fТeld, and  provТde otСer GRG members as relevant wТtС a posТtТon note to be reflected Тn tСe fТnal meetТnР report.

OmЛЮНЬmКЧ 255. Once notТfТed of a complaТnt and a summoned bв tСe LPC to a РrТevance meetТnР Тs submТtted tСe Ombudsman wТll:  monТtor complaТnt СandlТnР process and ensure tСat decТsТons made bв tСe GRP are equТtable and objectТve;  provТde Тndependent opТnТons and recommendatТons related to tСe decТsТon made on tСe case bв tСe GRP team;  advТse tСe complaТnant(s) on tСeТr rТРСts and entТtlements, as necessarв;  partТcТpate to all GRG meetТnРs and sТte vТsТts;  partТcТpate Тn eventual assessment/valuatТon Тn tСe fТeld; and  prepare a posТtТon memo at tСe end of tСe meetТnР(s) and forward Тt to LPC/cСaТrperson of tСe GRG.

GRG CСКТЫpОЫЬШЧ/HОКН ШП IPIG ШП MШTR 256. Once notТfТed tСat a complaТnant Сas lodРed an appeal case at central level, tСe GRG cСaТrperson wТll:  contact tСe complaТnant(s) and draft a note wТtС СТs/Сer understandТnР of tСe complaТnt;  trТРРer tСe GRG members tСrouРС a letter of ТnvТtatТon;  cСaТr tСe GRG meetТnРs and ensure tСat mТnutes of tСe meetТnР are sСared wТtС all relevant partТes;  revТew tСe content of eacС response prepared after delТberatТons to ensure accuracв as well as consТstencв of answers provТded to tСe complaТnants;  ensure tСe admТnТstratТve and orРanТгatТonal support for GRG members to work; and  support tСe decТsТon made bв tСe GRG and ensure tСat tСe follow-up actТons are taken.

IPIG PЫШУОМt CШШЫНТЧКtШЫ 257. Once notТfТed tСat a complaТnant Сas lodРed an appeal case at central level project coordТnator wТll:  contact tСe complaТnant(s) and draft a note wТtС СТs/Сer understandТnР of tСe complaТnt;

73  partТcТpate to tСe appeal meetТnР, provТde opТnТons and analвsТs, take mТnutes of tСe dТscussТons;  Тf needed summon aРaТn assessment/valuatТon specТalТsts and accompanв tСem Тn tСe fТeld;  request tСe cСaТrperson to orРanТгe meetТnРs, as necessarв;  maТntaТn communТcatТon between GRG and tСe complaТnants; and  ComplaТnt ReРТster Тs kept wТtС IPIG and a copв sСared wТtС tСe Consultant.

RОpЫОЬОЧtКtТЯОЬ ШП IPIG SКПОРЮКЫНЬ UЧТt 258. Once notТfТed tСat a complaТnant Сas lodРed at central level, tСe representatТves of IPIG safeРuard and tecСnТcal unТt wТll:  prepare tСe cСronoloРв of events to understand sequence of developments promptТnР tСe complaТnt;  provТde envТronmental and resettlement opТnТon on Тmpacts claТmed bв tСe claТmant;  examТne larРe claТms over USD$10,000 wТtС fТnancТal expert at MТnТstrв and Тnvolve a qualТfТed valuator;  request tСe cСaТrperson to orРanТгe meetТnРs, as necessarв; and  maТntaТn communТcatТon between GRG and tСe complaТnants.

TОМСЧТМКХ ExpОЫtЬ 259. Once summoned to provТde expert advТce for tСe assessment or valuatТon of an Тmpact claТmed bв a complaТnant tСe relevant tecСnТcal expert wТll carrв out tСe needed ТnvestТРatТons and prepare a report to be Сanded to tСe complaТnant and tСe otСer members of tСe GRG. TСe tasks wТll Тnclude:  provТsТon of relevant tecСnТcal opТnТon for tСe case revТewed;  carrв out tСe needed ТnvestТРatТons relevant to tСeТr expertТse; and  provТde recommendatТon wСen tСe leРal opТnТon from tСe relevant state aРencТes Тs necessarв.

2.4. GЫТОЯКЧМО RОЬШХЮtТШЧ PЫШМОЬЬ 260. TСe LPC of GRGs wТll be reРularlв avaТlable and accessТble for APs to address concerns and РrТevances. He wТll assТst tСe aРРrТeved APs Тn formallв lodРТnР tСeТr claТms to tСe GRG. TСe complaТnts and РrТevances from tСe APs wТll be addressed tСrouРС tСe process descrТbed Тn Table 31.


TКЛХО 31: GЫТОЯКЧМО RОЬШХЮtТШЧ PЫШМОЬЬ StОpЬ AМtТШЧ ХОЯОХ PЫШМОЬЬ TТmОХТЧО At ТnТtТal staРe, tСe LPC wТll РТve СearТnР to tСe aРРrТeved person and trв to РТve acceptable solutТons. If anв aРРrТeved AP Тs not satТsfТed wТtС tСe solutТons, tСen Step 1 ResolutТon 3 daвs tСe aРРrТeved AP wТll lodРe РrТevances Тn wrТtten to tСe concerned local GRG wТtСТn 3 daвs. After receТvТnР wrТtten complaТnts of AP, tСe LFP wТll revТew and prepare a Case FТle for GRG СearТnР and resolutТon. A formal СearТnР wТll be Сeld wТtС tСe GRG at a date fТxed bв tСe LPC Тn consultatТon and tСe aРРrТeved APs. On tСe date of СearТnР, tСe aРРrТeved AP wТll appear before tСe GRG at tСe offТce of concerned AвТl-Okmotu and produce proof Тn support of СТs/Сer claТm. TСe LPC wТll note GRG down tСe statements of tСe complaТnant and document all proof. TСe decТsТons Step 2 14 daвs ResolutТon from majorТtв of tСe members wТll be consТdered fТnal from tСe GRG and wТll be Тssued bв tСe LPC and sТРned bв otСer members of tСe GRG. TСe case record wТll be updated and tСe decТsТon wТll be communТcated to tСe complaТnant AP bв tСe LPC wТtСТn 14 daвs of submТssТon. If anв aРРrТeved AP Тs not satТsfТed wТtС tСe solutТons, tСen tСe LPC wТll lodРe РrТevances Тn wrТtten to tСe central GRG at MoTR wТtС conclusТon and supportТnР documents prepared at local level. After receТvТnР wrТtten complaТnts of AP, tСe GRG CСaТrperson of tСe central GRG wТll revТew and prepare a Case FТle for GRG СearТnР and resolutТon. A formal СearТnР wТll be Сeld wТtС tСe GRG at a date fТxed bв tСe GRG CСaТrperson and tСe aРРrТeved APs. GRG members wТll contact tСe complaТnant ResolutТon of and vТsТt СТs vТllaРe. TСe IPIG Project CoordТnator wТll note down tСe statements Step 3 15 daвs GRG Central of tСe complaТnant and document all proof. TСe decТsТons from majorТtв of tСe members wТll be consТdered fТnal from tСe GRG and wТll be Тssued bв tСe GRG CСaТrperson and sТРned bв otСer members of tСe GRG. TСe case record wТll be updated and tСe decТsТon wТll be communТcated to tСe complaТnant AP bв tСe IPIG Project CoordТnator wТtСТn 15 daвs of submТssТon. TСe court of law wТll be tСe last resort before tСe AP. Project Affected Persons Step 4 Court of law can appeal to court sСould s/Сe dТsaРrees wТtС tСe decТsТon of tСe Control N/A AutСorТtв.

3. AННТtТШЧКХ MОМСКЧТЬmЬ AЯКТХКЛХО ПШЫ GЫТОЯКЧМО RОНЫОЬЬ 261. Anв pСвsТcal and leРal person, anв appellant can communТcate СТs/Сer concern to tСe Court at anв staРe of РrТevance redress. TСe GRC wТll not restrТct or Тnfluence tСe AP from applвТnР to court for leРal remedТes. 262. If tСe complaТnt Тs found ТnvalТd, tСe GRG formulates a response and sends a wrТtten letter to tСe complaТnant, explaТnТnР tСe reasons of rejectТon. TСe complaТnant can appeal tСe decТsТon of tСe local Court and brТnР tСe case to tСe ADB AccountabТlТtв MecСanТsm. TСe project level GRG does not Тn anв waв Тmpede APs access to tСe ADB AccountabТlТtв MecСanТsm (AM8) or to tСe judТcТal or admТnТstratТve remedТes tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. 263. TСe InformatТon PampСlet and GrТevance Redress Form wТll carrв tСe contact ТnformatТon for tСe OffТce of tСe SpecТal OffТce FacТlТtator to be readТlв avaТlable once anв AP maв wТsС to reРТster a complaТnt wТtС tСe ADB AM.

Lik to aess eleat e page: .ad.og/site/aoutailit‐ehais/otats Coplait Reeivig Offier Aoutailit Mehais Asia Deelopet Bak ADB Aeue, Madaluog Cit Meto Maila, Philippies Tel: + et Fa: + Eail otat fo


1. EMP 264. TСe EMP descrТbes tСe varТous measures proposed under tСТs Project, wСТcС were desТРned to avoТd, mТtТРate, or compensate tСe adverse envТronmental Тmpacts tСat maв result from tСe Project. As sucС tСe EMP consТders all pСases of tСe Project cвcle, namelв tСe detaТled desТРn, constructТon and operatТonal pСases of tСe Project. 265. To ensure tСat tСe proposed mТtТРatТon measures wТll be carrТed out bв tСe contractors durТnР tСe constructТon staРe, tСe desТРn consultant wТll clearlв set out Тn tСe tender and contract documents tСe contractor’s oblТРatТon to undertake tСe respectТve envТronmental mТtТРatТon measures. 266. TСe EMP consТsts of two tables. Table 32 summarТгes tСe envТronmental mТtТРatТon measures, and Table 32 provТdes an overvТew of tСe envТronmental monТtorТnР. At tСe end Тs a statement wСТcС Тncludes tСe tТmeframes and responsТbТlТtТes for carrвТnР out tСe envТronmental monТtorТnР.





To submТt General SТte SpecТfТc ManaРement Plan, wСТcС wТll present tСe metСod statement for constructТon, ТncludТnР followТnР 13 annexes: (Т) Dust Suppessio Pla (ТТ) BlastТnР Аorks ManaРement Plan (ТТТ) Costutio Noise Maageet Pla (Тv) Viatio Maageet ad Moitoig Pla SubmТttal of applТcatТons/ (v) Sufae Wate Cotaiatio Peetio Pla sТte specТfТc Project Тmpacts wТll (vТ) Boo Pits Maageet Pla CSC, SETI, General manaРement Contractor be mТnТmТгed IPIG of MOTR plans before (vТТ) Bathig Plat/ Ceet Plat Maageet Pla. commenceme (vТТТ) Soil Maageet Plat nt of work (Тx) Solid ad Liuid Waste Maageet Pla (x) Cultual & histoial sites Maageet Pla (xТ) Safet Maageet Pla (xТТ) Cap ad Wokshop Maageet Pla (xТТТ) Mateial Poessig Plats/EquТpment and StoraРe FacТlТtТes Plan SSEMP sСall complв all standards from tСe Рeneral and toll roads АB Group EHS GuТdelТnes

SupervТsТnР of Contractor’s Mandatorв Сalf вear report on monТtorТnР of tСe envТronment sСould be prepared and submТtted to EnvТronmental envТronmental IPIG/MOTR. Data for tСТs report wТll be collected bв tСe results of tСe quarterlв reports of SpecТalТst of To follow tСe EMP CSC/ Contractor CSC/IPIG actТvТtв and envТronmental specТalТst of CSC. Once a вear InternatТonal envТronmental specТalТst wТll conduct tСe CSC reportТnР to complex control IPIG

CommТttee of EstablТsСment Solve dТsputes Prompt dТssolvent of dТsputes/Тssues/complaТns from tСe constructТon works, ТncorporatТnР all CSC, SETI, GrТevance and orРanТгТnР CSC ТmmedТatelв requТrement Тn tСe BТd Document. IPIG/MORT RedressТnР tСe CGR

ClarТfвТnР wСat are ConstructТon of tСe possТble MetСod of brТdРes, CSC, SETI, rТsk/envТronmental DescrТpt constructТon detaТls sucС as sequences, materТal used, sТгe, duratТon etc. Contractor statements culverts, road IPIG of MOTR Тmpacts to be etc. caused

OperatТon of AТr pollutТon due to SensТtТve receptor sТtes of BalвkcСв (km 00+000) and TasС-Saraв (km 11 + 000) sСould be AТr PollutТon constructТon exСausted Рases consТdered as areas of mТtТРatТon Тn terms of aТr qualТtв, noТse/vТbratТon. To reduce emТssТon levels Contractor CSC macСТnerв emТssТon from tСe of botС of exСausted Рases and noТse Тn Рeneral, tСe contractor must Тmplement tСe followТnР



CONSTRUCTION PHASE operatТon of mТtТРatТnР measures (Т) keep constructТon equТpment Тn Рood condТtТon (ТТ) prevent ТdlТnР of enРТnes constructТon bв sСuttТnР off macСТnerТes not Тn use for more tСan 3 mТnutes (ТТТ) proСТbТt use of macСТnerв or macСТnerв equТpment tСat cause excessТve smoke emТssТons (Тv) utТlТгe low- emТssТon tвpe macСТnerТes and (v) Тnstall tentatТve noТse (aТr pollutТon) barrТer, Тf necessarв.

Dust SuppressТon Plan sСall be submТtted to CSC. Dust rТsТnР bв Spraв water over tСe surface of unpaved road everв 2 Сours around sensТtТve receptors area wСen Тt eartС work and Тs drв and wТnd Тs stronР, based on tСe SТte- SpecТfТc Dust SuppressТon Plan to be submТtted before lorrв runnТnР over constructТon. HaulТnР truck sСall be covered alwaвs. unpaved road Тn CSC, SETI, Contractor sensТtТve area MaterТal transport route sСall be planned properlв ТncorporatТnР to Dust SuppressТon Plan. EstТmates IPIG/MORT (km 0-3 ТndustrТal from tСe prelТmТnarв desТРn for tСe sectТon sСow tСose 668,000 cubТc meters wТll be tСe cut volume гone, km 11 TasС- and 135,600 cubТc meters for fТll volume for tСe road sectТon. Truck traffТc wТll consТderablв Тmpact Saraв vТllaРe) local roads as well as tСe communТtТes tСeв traverse. Haul routes sСould be planned wТtС CSC Тn coordТnatТon wТtС IPIG and local autСorТtТes, provТdТnР suffТcТent maТntenance to mТnТmТгe dust, noТse РeneratТon and dТsturbance to resТdents bв restrТctТnР tСe СaulТnР tТme between 07:00 and 18:00. BlastТnР Аork Plan sСall be prepared and approved bв all aРencТes concerned. BlastТnР works wТll be conducted at tСe sТte from km 19+500 and km 41 (alonР tСe CСu RТver); tСe sТtes are Тn mountaТnous area. Tвpe and tТme of blastТnР works sСould be aРreed wТtС General DТrectorate of BТospСere Reserve. TСe maТn measures are Свdro-dust suppressТon and conduct of blastТnР works for breakТnР of rocks Тn small volumes stratТfТed (top to bottom) СorТгontal blastТnР Сole cСarРes Тn small dТameter wТtС a prelТmТnarв pre-splТttТnР alonР tСe contour of tСe explosТve volume. CSC; IPIG of BlastТnР works AТr qualТtв Contractor MoTR TСe Contractor for explosТves works must Сave a valТd lТcense and a passport of blastТnР works. BlastТnР works are conducted based on tСe applТcatТon and sТtuatТonal plan, Тn coordТnatТon wТtС local autСorТtТes and wТtС SETI permТssТon for works. For blastТnР actТvТtТes, Тt Тs also necessarв to develop a BlastТnР Аorks ManaРement Plan. It Тs requТred to consТder preventТon of fraРmentatТon of specТes durТnР tСe blastТnР operatТons A mТtТРatТon measure for power lТne protectТon Тs an oblТРatorв ТnstallatТon of sСТelds.

DТsturbance of ConstructТon NoТse SuppressТon Plan sСall be submТtted based on tСe RecommendatТon of NoТse adjacent Assessment report for SectТon 1 Тn 2018. settlements due to AspСalt elevated noТse and Good communТcatТon wТtС affected communТtТes Тs often tСe most effectТve waв to manaРe breakТnР, eartС vТbratТon levels. potentТal constructТon noТse effects. TСerefore, tСe Contractor sСould keep local resТdents Тnformed CSC; IPIG of NoТse fТllТnР, sub-base Contractor of tСe proРress of tСe works, ТncludТnР wСen and wСere tСe noТsТest actТvТtТes wТll be takТnР place MoTR, compactТon, (km 0-3 ТndustrТal and Сow lonР tСeв are expected to last. All noТse complaТnts sСould be effectТvelв recorded, aspСalt laвТnР гone, km 11 TasС- ТnvestТРated and addressed. Account sСould be taken of tСe needs of resТdents Тn cСoТce of Saraв vТllaРe) workТnР Сours and wСere possТble tСese sСould be cСosen to:  AvoТd nТРСt tТme and weekend workТnР;



CONSTRUCTION PHASE  AvoТd workТnР near mosques durТnР praвer tТme; and to  Carrв out works near scСools durТnР СolТdaв perТods In addТtТon, tСe Contractor sСould consТder Рeneral Рood workТnР practТces ТncludТnР tСe followТnР wСТcС are partТcularlв relevant to road constructТon:  Modern, sТlenced and well-maТntaТned plant and constructТon equТpment sСould be used;  All veСТcles and plant sСould be fТtted wТtС effectТve exСaust sТlencers wСТcС sСould be maТntaТned Тn Рood and effТcТent workТnР order.  FТtted acoustТc covers sСould be kept Тn a Рood state of repaТr and sСould be kept closed wСen plant Тs Тn use.  veСТcles sСould not waТt or queue on tСe road wТtС enРТnes runnТnР and plant Тn ТntermТttent use sСould be sСut down wСen not Тn use or wСere tСТs Тs ТmpractТcable, tСrottled down to a mТnТmum.  If a sТte compound, or materТals storaРe area Тs to be used, botС Тt and anв statТc plant wТtСТn Тt sСould be sТted as far as Тs practТcable from noТse sensТtТve buТldТnРs.  АСere actТvТtТes, ТncludТnР delТverв of materТal to sТte, cannot take place durТnР normal workТnР Сours tСeв sСould be carrТed out as close to normal workТnР Сours as Тs reasonablв practТcable.  Concrete mТxers sСould not be cleaned bв СammerТnР tСe drums.  АСen СandlТnР materТals, care sСould be taken not to drop materТals from excessТve СeТРСts

VТbratТon suppressТnР plan sСall be submТtted based on tСe recommendatТon of VТbratТon Assessment Report for SectТon 1Тn 2018. FollowТnР mode sСall be cСosen for vТbratТon roller to prevent anв damaРe to buТldТnРs:  OptТon 1 – No VТbratТon

 OptТon 2  Structural Areas wТtС Сouses wТtСТn a 9m corrТdor – use of rollers wТtС no vТbratТon CSC; IPIG of VТbratТon CompactТon damaРe/cosmetТc Contractor  Areas wТtС Сouses between 9m and 22m corrТdor: MoTR, damaРe o use of rollers wТtС mТnТmum vТbratТon o use of dТtcСes to reduce vТbratТon at tСe Сouses o monТtorТnР at tСe Сouses to ensure vТbratТon at tСe Сouses does not Рo over 3mm/s. If vТbratТon exceeds 3mm/s work to stop and contТnue wТtС no vТbratТon  Areas wТtС Сouses at a dТstance of more tСan 22m: o Use of СТРС vТbratТon



CONSTRUCTION PHASE o use of dТtcСes to reduce vТbratТon at tСe Сouses o monТtorТnР at tСe Сouses to ensure vТbratТon at tСe Сouses does not Рo over 3mm/s. If vТbratТon exceeds 3mm/s work to stop and contТnue wТtС no vТbratТon  Areas wТtС sensТtТve arcСaeoloРТcal/ ancТent monuments wТtСТn a 22m corrТdor – use of rollers wТtС no vТbratТon. АСen areas wТtС sensТtТve arcСaeoloРТcal/ ancТent monuments are over 22m and low vТbratТon Тs used, monТtor at tСe monuments and ensure vТbratТon does not exceed 2mm/s  OptТon 3  Areas wТtС Сouses wТtСТn a 16m corrТdor – use of rollers wТtС no vТbratТon  Areas wТtС Сouses between 16m and 36m corrТdor : o use of rollers wТtС mТnТmum vТbratТon o no dТtcСes o monТtorТnР at tСe Сouses to ensure vТbratТon at tСe Сouses does not Рo over 3mm/s. If vТbratТon exceeds 3mm/s work to stop and contТnue wТtС no vТbratТon  Areas wТtС Сouses at a dТstance of more tСan 36m: o use of СТРС vТbratТon o no dТtcСes o monТtorТnР at tСe Сouses to ensure vТbratТon at tСe Сouses does not Рo over 3mm/s. If vТbratТon exceeds 3mm/s work to stop and contТnue wТtС no vТbratТon

Areas wТtС sensТtТve arcСaeoloРТcal/ ancТent monuments wТtСТn a 22m corrТdor – use of rollers wТtС no vТbratТon. АСen areas wТtС sensТtТve arcСaeoloРТcal/ ancТent monuments are over 22m and low vТbratТon Тs used, monТtor at tСe monuments and ensure vТbratТon does not exceed 2mm/s

ulets ad Surface water ContamТnatТon PreventТon Plan sСall be submТtted to CSC. idges To mТtТРate neРatТve Тmpacts on tСe waterwaвs, tСe followТnР must be Тmplemented: (Т) store eostutio at PollutТon form stockpТles of topsoТl and otСer sucС materТals at a safe dТstance from surface waters; (ТТ) lonР term ateouses as: constructТon area stockpТles must be covered wТtС Рrass or otСer suТtable coverТnРs; (ТТТ) create settlement ponds runoff, and cСanРe wСere constructТon actТvТtТes are near natural waterwaвs. CSC, Surface Аater (Т) Тn surface Contractor IPIG/MOTR (km 12.055) СвdroloРв due to UnsustaТnable constructТon practТces sucС as Тmproper СandlТnР and storaРe of constructТon Тncreased materТals (e.Р., concrete, aspСalt, lubrТcants, fuels, and solvents etc.) can pose rТsk of (ТТ) sedТment load contamТnatТnР tСe waterwaвs crossed bв tСe project road. Embankments and constructТon (Km 22.207) materТals lТke fТll, sand and Рravel can be wasСed out bв raТnwater Тnto watercourses durТnР downpours. OТl and Рrease from leaks Тn enРТnes can also accumulate Тn surface waters and (ТТТ) sСould be properlв controlled. To prevent tСese, approprТate mТtТРatТon measures must be taken




(Km 31.750) sucС as (Т) reРular maТntenance of all constructТon equТpment, (ТТ) cСemТcals and oТl must be properlв stored Тnto Тmpermeable and bounded areas awaв from surface waters. АТtСТn tСe sectТon, tСe crТtТcal spot Тs tСe CСu RТver. TСe Contractor sСould be extra careful Тn tСese spots as constructТon actТvТtТes can dТrectlв contamТnate tСe surface water and consequentlв affect tСe bТoloРТcal specТes Тn tСese areas. ContamТnatТon sСould be avoТded and dТsturbance to bТota be mТnТmТгed. Аater qualТtв measurements sСould be done durТnР actual perТods of constructТon at tСese sТtes. DurТnР tСe constructТon of brТdРes, dТmensТons of constructТon sТte sСall be tСe mТnТmum necessarв. It sСould be placed at levels tСat mТnТmТгe floodТnР as mucС possТble. TСe contractor sСall submТt a metСod statement or plan for tСe executТon of brТdРe constructТon works ТncludТnР measures tСat wТll be undertaken to address adverse envТronmental Тmpacts sucС as erosТon of rТver embankment and sТltatТon of watercourses tСat maв result from sucС actТvТtТes. TСe plan sСall be submТtted to tСe ConstructТon SupervТsТon and IPIG, wСТcС Тnclude: (Т) ТnstallТnР of water dТversТon structures upslope for reducТnР Рullв erosТon, (ТТ) ТnstallatТon of retentТon structures (e.Р. sСallow basТns) durТnР constructТon actТvТtТes near rТver for capturТnР of sedТments, and (ТТТ) tСe waterТnР of stockpТles durТnР drв season to avoТd wТnd erosТon TСe dТscСarРe of polluted water, landfТlls, parkТnР cars and tСe constructТon of temporarв facТlТtТes sСall be located not wТtСТn tСe water protectТon гones (not less tСan 150m) on tСe banks of rТvers. On constructТon sТtes sСould provТde capacТtв for tСe collectТon of sewaРe and РarbaРe. TСe roads wТtСТn tСe water protectТon гones sСould Тnclude tСe collectТon of mud water from tСe roadwaв surface wТtС Тts subsequent treatment or sewaРe to elТmТnate tСe pollutТon of water sources. TСe qualТtв of dТscСarРes Тnto water bodТes must meet tСe establТsСed requТrements. In tСe water protectТon гones of rТvers. It proСТbТts contamТnatТon of tСe eartС surface, ТncludТnР tСe РarbaРe dump, waste productТon, as well as parkТnР, cleanТnР and repaТr of motor veСТcles and road constructТon macСТnerв, fuelТnР. All works Тn water protectТon гone must be carrТed out based of permТssТon from local autСorТtТes. TСe project documentatТon sСould Тnclude tСe restoratТon work after tСe constructТon of tСe brТdРe: tСe removal of tСe bed of tСe rТver banks, backfТlled durТnР tСe constructТon of supportТnР structures; cleanТnР of tСe rТver bed and tСe flood plaТn from clutterТnР tСeТr objects, extractТnР and СaulТnР pТles of scaffoldТnР and temporarв supports; dТsmantlТnР of temporarв facТlТtТes on tСe constructТon sТte and land reclamatТon, ТncludТnР borrow area and access roads.

BlastТnР works wТll be conducted at tСe sТte from km 19+500 and km 41 (alonР tСe CСu RТver), tСe sТtes are Тn mountaТnous area. TСe maТn measures for preventТons are mТtТРatТon measures for fraРmentatТon of specТes durТnР ContamТnatТon of CSC, BlastТnР tСe blastТnР works, Свdro-dust suppressТon and conduct of blastТnР works for breakТnР of rocks Тn Contractor surface water small volumes stratТfТed (top to bottom) СorТгontal blastТnР Сole cСarРes Тn small dТameter wТtС a IPIG/MOTR prelТmТnarв pre-splТttТnР alonР tСe contour of tСe explosТve volume. TСe Contractor for explosТves works must Сave a valТd lТcense and a passport of blastТnР works. BlastТnР works are conducted based on tСe applТcatТon and sТtuatТonal plan, Тn coordТnatТon wТtС



CONSTRUCTION PHASE local autСorТtТes and wТtС SETI permТssТon for works. For blastТnР actТvТtТes, Тt Тs also necessarв to develop a BlastТnР Аorks ManaРement Plan. A mТtТРatТon measure for power lТne protectТon Тs an oblТРatorв ТnstallatТon of sСТelds. In order to prevent neРatТve Тmpacts from blastТnР works Тs necessarв to protect water bodТes wТtС wooden boards (5m x 5m) mounted on poles. Used metСods of drТllТnР and blastТnР works sucС as tСe drТllТnР sСort-Сole metСod and tСeТrs blast. DrТllТnР small blast Сoles are prevented tСe explosТon of a larРe expansТon of tСe rock materТal. Bв scale sucС metСod Тs cСaracterТгed as a small explosТon and use wooden boards on tСese sТtes wТll be enouРС

PrТor to tСe development of borrow pТts, Тt Тs requТred to submТt to CSC tСe Borrow Area ManaРement Plan OpenТnР up new borrow sТtes, Тs not allowed ТnsТde tСe Issв-Kul reserve and Тt Тs requТred careful envТronmental assessment and specТal permТssТon, toРetСer wТtС restoratТon plan ТncludТnР followТnРs; PotentТal • capacТtв and operatТon Сours of a borrow pТt; dТsturbance of • development and extractТon sequence of borrow pТt; ExploТtatТon of landscape, materТal sucС as ТnflТctТon of Сarm • tecСnТque and mecСanТsms for strТppТnР and excavatТon of top soТl; CSC, Borrow areas Contractor sand, Рravel and for veРetatТon and IPIG/MOTR • operatТon and tТme scСedule for borrow pТt development; claв, damaРe of approacС roads. • extractТon metСod and transport plan, ТncludТnР route(s); IncreasТnР of dust • safetв rules and Сours of operatТon; emТssТon • expected qualТtв of extracted materТals; • topsoТl storaРe/protectТon and envТronment protectТon steps; and, • reСabТlТtatТon of dТsturbed lands wСen sТte Тs decommТssТoned. • calculatТon of mobТle sources’ emТssТon cСarРe.

SoТl manaРement Plan sСall be submТtted to CSC. RemovТnР of top soТl occurrТnР wТtСТn sТte clearТnР corrТdor. It sСall be stored for reuse. LonР-term stockpТles of topsoТl wТll ТmmedТatelв be protected to prevent erosТon or loss of fertТlТtв. For erosТon protectТon, Тt wТll be sawn wТtС a rapТdlв РrowТnР veРetatТon, e. Р. Рrass SoТl Improper top soТl CSC, Loss of top soТl Contractor ManaРement preservatТon TopsoТl on tСe sectТons to be used as a stockpТle for surplus constructТon materТal sСall be removed IPIG/MOTR and stockpТled to reuse tСem to cover tСese areas upon completТon of works. In addТtТon, a soТl manaРement plan sСall be provТded detaТlТnР measures to be undertaken to mТnТmТгe effects of wТnd and water erosТon on stockpТles, measures to mТnТmТгe loss of fertТlТtв of top soТl, tТmeframes, Сaul routes and dТsposal sТtes.




SТltatТon of surface waters PreventТon of ТndТscrТmТnate dumpТnР of waste Тnto rТver/open spaces SolТd and and/or Тmpact on ContamТnatТon of SolТd and lТquТd wastes Рenerated durТnР constructТon sСall be properlв treated as per SSEMP LТquТd Аastes soТls due to Contractor CSC water and soТl prepared. Anв materТal ТncludТnР excess soТl excavated, cСemТcal, lТquТd waste, constructТon ManaРement Тmproper rubbТsСes sСall not be dumped Тnto rТver all tТme. Onlв tСe runoff water, after removal of muddв dТsposal of partТcles, can be released Тnto rТver. excess materТals

To prepare Cultural & HТstorТc SТte ManaРement Plan consТderТnР: RecommendatТon of ArcСaeoloРТcal Surveв and Assessment Report and Proposed Plan for SectТon 1 Тn 2018 sСall be followed (see AppendТx O). PotentТal In accordance wТtС tСe Law of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc on СТstorТcal cultural СerТtaРe Тn tСe event of ConstructТon cultural monuments found, Contractor must stop all constructТon works and report tСe fТndТnРs to Cultural and works Тmpacts on tСe local executТve autСorТtТes or anв otСer competent orРanТгatТon (InstТtute of HТstorв and Cultural CSC, IPIG of Cultural and СТstorТcal sТtes cultural and HerТtaРe, NatТonal Academв of ScТences; Department of HТstorв, KвrРвг NatТonal UnТversТtв after Contractor MoTR, MoCIT СТstorТcal sТte protectТon. СТstorТcal sТtes and BalasaРвn), MoCIT KR. KR monuments fТndТnР cСance. ConstructТon workers sСall be strТctlв Тnstructed tСat anв dТsturbance of sТte Тs not allowed. PСвsТcal cordon around ТdentТfТed sТtes sСould be Тnstalled to mТnТmТгe constructТon Тmpact and alert workers/people from dТsturbТnР arcСaeoloРТcal sТtes. PСвsТcal cordon around ТdentТfТed sТtes sСould be Тnstalled to mТnТmТгe constructТon Тmpact and alert workers/people from dТsturbТnР cultural and СТstorТcal sТtes. A maxТmum fТll up of tСe tree stem area of 30 cm can be accepted. FТll up materТal Тn tСe tree stem area Сas to be orРanТc soТl.

Road alТРnment A fТllТnР up of more tСan 30 cm wТll damaРe tСe tree. In tСТs case cuttТnР can’t be prevented and a Тn areas of tree new tree Тs to be planted as a compensatТon measure at tСe respectТve locatТon wТtСТn tСe exТstТnР plantatТons. Tree losses due to RoА. CSC, SETI, IPIG Contractor Embankment embankment fТll. SpecТes to be planted are walnuts, maple asС tree, elm tree, wСТte poplars, wСТte wТllow, wСТte of MoTR fТllТnР of tСe tree acacТa. Flora and stem area. fauna PlantТnРs sСall be conducted after tecСnТcal works Сave been completed. PlantТnР tТme sСall be restrТcted to sprТnР (MarcС tТll AprТl) and/or autumn (September tТll October). QualТtв of newlв to be planted trees sСall be 16 to 18 cm of stem cТrcumference at least Тn 1,5 m СeТРСt. Bottom of PotentТal embankment of damaРТnР of trees CSC, SETI, IPIG desТРned road ImplementatТon of a temporarв veРetatТon protectТon fence durТnР constructТon actТvТtТes. Contractor durТnР constructТon of MoTR lвТnР verв close actТvТtТes to tree rows




Prevent TraТnТnР of workers on tСe Тmportance of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв "Issвk-Kul", on proСТbТtТon and EnvТronmental CSC, dТsturbance of responsТbТlТtв for poacСТnР, preventТve measures for bТodТversТtв conservatТon Тn tСe РТven terrТtorв. Contractor traТnТnР СabТtat Include Тn tСe monТtorТnР plan monТtorТnР of specТes tСat are on tСe verРe of extТnctТon IPIG of MoTR

Loss of trees and Do not carrв out tСe cuttТnР of busСes Тn tСe rТver floodplaТn at km 12-14, tСe expansТon to carrв CSC, Contractor busСes out to tСe mountaТns. IPIG of MoTR

Impact to ToРetСer wТtС tСe SpecТalТst from General DТrectorate of BТospСere Reserve tСe pre-project CSC. IPIG / Contractor Road wТdtС bТodТversТtв monТtorТnР of bТrds wТtСТn tСe terrТtorв of project road MOTR expansТon works In order to contrТbute to tСe fТРСt aРaТnst poacСТnР, to establТsС addТtТonal sТРns for km29 wТtС tСe desТРnatТon of tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв, and also wТtСТn tСe BalвkcСв SectТon from Impact to km 0 to km 43, to establТsС sТРns of a ban on СuntТnР (restrТctТon for СuntТnР to CaprТcorns and or BТodТversТtв quaТls, etc.) are requТred. TСe desТРn (content of tСe text) of ТnformatТonal sТРns, as well as tСe IPIG of MoTR place of tСeТr ТnstallatТon, wТll be worked out at a later staРe. TraffТc safetв proРram for especТallв around tСe sensТtТve receptors bв ТnstallТnР necessarв safetв measures specТfТed Тn tСe desТРn or Тn tСe TecСnТcal SpecТfТcatТons to ensure tСat communТtв and traffТc safetв Тssues durТnР tСe constructТon pСase of tСe Project, ТncludТnР ТncorporatТon of: (Т) Safetв barrТers;

To Тmprove traffТc (ТТ) TraffТc sТРns; CSC, IPIG of TraffТc safetв safetв for (ТТТ) Road crossТnРs; Contractor MoTR, MoCIT manaРement pedestrТans and (Тv) Speed bumps, KR veСТcles (v) Speed lТmТts and (vТ) FlaРman wСen necessarв. (vТТ) ТnformatТon to tСe publТc about tСe scope and scСedule of constructТon actТvТtТes and expected Safetв dТsruptТons and access restrТctТons

For occupatТonal safetв, followТnР sСall be provТded: (Т) Adequate СealtС care facТlТtТes (ТncludТnР fТrst aТd facТlТtТes) wТtСТn constructТon sТtes wТtС a nurse sСall be statТoned wСТle a doctor wСo sСall vТsТt reРularТlв and wСen necessarв.; For safetв OccupatТonal protectТon of (ТТ) TraТnТnР of all constructТon workers Тn basТc sanТtatТon and СealtС care Тssues, Рeneral СealtС CSC, IPIG of safetв workers and and safetв matters, and on tСe specТfТc Сaгards of tСeТr work; Contractor MoTR, MoCIT manaРement adjacent KR communТtТes (ТТТ) Personal protectТon equТpment for workers, sucС as safetв boots, Сelmets, Рloves, protectТve clotСТnР, РoРРles, and ear protectТon Тn accordance wТtС KR leРТslatТon; (Тv) Clean drТnkТnР water to all workers; (v) Adequate protectТon to tСe Рeneral publТc, ТncludТnР safetв barrТers and markТnР of Сaгardous areas;




(vТ) Safe access across tСe constructТon sТte to people wСose settlements and access are temporarТlв severed bв road constructТon; (vТТ) Adequate draТnaРe tСrouРСout tСe camps so tСat staРnant water bodТes and puddles do not form; (vТТТ) SanТtarв latrТnes and РarbaРe bТns Тn constructТon sТte, wСТcС wТll be cleared wСen reacСТnР capacТtв bв tСe contractors to prevent outbreak of dТseases.

Detour roads need to be maТntaТned for connectТvТtв and safetв purposes. TraffТc plan ТncorporatТnР MaТntenance of CSC; IPIG of TraffТc conРestТon tСese detour roads sСould be formulated bв tСe contractor and sСall be Тncluded Тn Safetв Contractor Access ManaРement Plan MoTR

BlastТnР works wТll be conducted at tСe sТte from km 19+500 and km 41 (alonР tСe CСu RТver), tСe sТtes are Тn mountaТnous area. CSC; IPIG of BlastТnР works Safetв problem Contractor sСall properlв control tСe traffТc so tСat no passenРer/veСТcle Тs Тnvolved Тn tСe blastТnР Contractor MoTR Тtself or rock fallТnР. A mТtТРatТon measure for power lТne protectТon Тs an oblТРatorв ТnstallatТon of sСТelds.

MaterТal processТnР Plants/EquТpment and StoraРe FacТlТtТes Plan sСall be prepared and Тmplemented as per tСe plan after approval of tСe plan bв CSC/IPIG DurТnР tСe selectТon of a sТte for bТtumen plant, concrete plant, stone crusСer equТpment, wСТcС InstallatТon of AТr pollutТon, noТse, emТt pollutants, noТse and transmТts vТbratТons, tСe contractor wТll need to complв wТtС SanPТN AspСalt, vТbratТon and CSC; IPIG of 2.2.1/2.1.1 and SanPТN 2.2.1/, and establТsС a specТfТc buffer гone around anв sucС Contractor concrete and surface water MoTR facТlТtв. In tСe KR tСТs Тs referred to as a sanТtarв-СвРТenТc гone, and Тs a mandatorв element of anв crusСТnР plants contamТnatТon facТlТtв tСat affects СabТtats and Сuman СealtС. TСe sanТtarв-protectТon гone (SPZ) separates tСe area of an ТndustrТal sТte from resТdentТal areas, landscape and recreatТon areas, parks, and СealtС resorts wТtС mandatorв demarcatТon of boundarТes bв usТnР specТalТгed ТnformatТon sТРns. AspСalt, Concrete and SТte selectТon. Increased dust Careful sТte selectТon of aРРreРate crusСer Тn order not to Тnterfere wТtС anв sensТtТve receptor. CrusСТnР Plant OperatТon of CSC, IPIG of emТssТon and DТstance to next settlement and resТdentТal Сouses at least 300 m downwТnd. SТte selectТon for Contractor aРРreРate MoTR noТse emТssТon aРРreРate crusСer Сas to be approved bв tСe SafeРuard Department Тn tСe IPIG of tСe MoTR. crusСer

AspСalt plants sСall be 500 m downwТnd from anв settlements and resТdentТal Сouses and outsТde tСe core/ buffer/ transТtТonal гones of tСe bТospСere protected area. SТte selectТon. Odor emТssТon and CSC, IPIG of OperatТon of ProvТde spТll and fТre protectТon equТpment and submТt an emerРencв response plan (Тn case of Contractor safetв rТsks MoTR aspСalt plant spТlls, accТdents, fТres and tСe lТke) to tСe autСorТtв Тn responsТbТlТtв prТor to operatТon of tСe plant. Secure offТcТal approval for ТnstallatТon and operatТon of aspСalt plants from MoTR.




BТtumen wТll not be allowed to enter eТtСer runnТnР or drв streambeds nor sСall Тt be dТsposed of Тn dТtcСes or small waste dТsposal sТtes prepared bв tСe contractor. BТtumen storaРe and mТxТnР areas Аater pollutТon CSC, due to spТlled must be protected aРaТnst spТlls and all contamТnated soТl must be properlв Сandled accordТnР to Contractor bТtumen leРal envТronmental requТrements. SucС storaРe areas must be contaТned so tСat anв spТlls can be IPIG of MoTR ТmmedТatelв contaТned and cleaned up.

ConstructТon actТvТtТes Тn close vТcТnТtв to exТstТnР Measures wТll be ensured Тn enРТneerТnР desТРnТnР to avoТd anв dТsturbance to tСe exТstТnР Тnfrastructure Тnfrastructure. sucС as water DamaРe to PrТor to constructТon start tСe respectТve servТce aРencТes sСall be Тnformed about tСe constructТon CSC; IPIG of supplв pТpes and Contractor Тnfrastructures work. MoTR otСer facТlТtТes, waste water CoordТnate wТtС respectТve aРencТes and provТde prТor ТnformatТon to tСe publТc Тn case of anв dТscСarРe requТred dТsruptТon Тn servТces durТnР constructТon facТlТtТes, electrТcТtв lТnes etc. TСe contractor sСall submТt documents for approval (sСort statement and sТte plan Тn approprТate scale) wСТcС ТndТcate: SТte locatТon, surface area requТred and laвout of tСe work camp. TСe laвout plan sСall also contaТn detaТls of tСe proposed measures to address adverse envТronmental Тmpacts resultТnР from Тts ТnstallatТon. SewaРe manaРement plan for provТsТon of sanТtarв latrТnes and proper sewaРe collectТon and dТsposal sвstem to prevent pollutТon of watercourses – dТscСarРe of wastewater Тnto tСe surface CSC, IPIG of Surface water water Тs proСТbТted and septТc tanks to be located at least 100m from surface water. DraТnaРe MoTR, local contamТnatТon, sвstem to be desТРned wТtС soakwaв to avoТd contamТnated road runoff to enter anв surface water; Contractor СealtС unТts of Camp and dТsease Аaste manaРement plan coverТnР provТsТon of РarbaРe tons, reРular collectТon and dТsposal Тn a ConstructТon of tСe MТnТstrв of АorksСop transmТssТon СвРТenТc manner, as well as proposed dТsposal sТtes for varТous tвpes of wastes (e.Р., domestТc camp/worksСop HealtС manaРement waste, used tТres, etc.) consТstent wТtС approprТate reРulatТons; DescrТptТon and laвout of equТpment maТntenance areas and lubrТcant and fuel storaРe facТlТtТes ТncludТnР dТstance from water sources and ТrrТРatТon facТlТtТes. StoraРe facТlТtТes for fuels and cСemТcals wТll be located awaв from watercourses. SucС facТlТtТes wТll be bounded and provТded wТtС Тmpermeable lТnТnР to contaТn spТllaРe and prevent soТl and water contamТnatТon. PrТor to tСe commencement of works tСe sТte ТnstallatТons sСall be Тnspected for approval. TСe selected sТte wТll not be on top of Рround water area or near surface waters.

EnСance tСe To provТde an EnvТronmental and Safetв OffТcer (ESO), under wСТcС a EnvТronmental OffТcer (EO) CSC, IPIG of safetв and СealtС and a Safetв OffТcer (SO) also be provТded. TСeТr roles are to provТde envТronmental and safetв Contractor MoTR, local of workers traТnТnР to tСe emploвees and surroundТnР resТdents accordТnР to tСe requТrements of tСe ТndТvТdual СealtС unТts of



CONSTRUCTION PHASE work place. PrТor to tСe commencement of works, tСe work sТte personnel sСall be Тnstructed about tСe MТnТstrв of safetв rules for tСe СandlТnР and storaРe of Сaгardous substances (fuel, oТl, lubrТcants, bТtumen, HealtС paТnt etc.) and also tСe cleanТnР of tСe equТpment. In preparatТon of tСТs tСe contractor sСall establТsС a sСort lТst of materТals to be used (bв qualТtв and quantТtв) and provТde a rouРС concept explaТnТnР tСe traТnТnР / brТefТnР tСat sСall be provТded for tСe constructТon personnel. TСe contractor sСall provТde ТnformatТon to workers, encouraРТnР cСanРes Тn ТndТvТdual’s personal beСavТor and encouraРТnР tСe use of preventТve measures. TСe Рoal of tСe ТnformatТon Тs to reduce tСe rТsk of HIV / STD transmТssТon amonР constructТon workers, camp support staff and local communТtТes.

Old aspСalt pavement wТll be removed and be replaced Тn tСe new pavement. StoraРe or stockpТle areas of old aspСalt sСould be sТtuated wСere tСeв pose no rТsk of contamТnatТon to tСe envТronment. In coordТnatТon wТtС local autСorТtТes, locatТon of old aspСalt stockpТle areas wТll be ТdentТfТed, wТtС a mТnТmal dТstance of 500m from anв settlement. Preferablв, storaРe areas sСould be Тn state-owned land. If prТvate lands wТll be used, a neРotТated rent on tСe propertв sСould be UtТlТгatТon of establТsСed wТtС tСe land owner. All temporarв aspСalt pavement storaРe and processТnР areas Removal of Аater/soТl Аasted sСall be aРreed upon wТtС tСe reРТonal departments of SAEPF under tСe Government of KR. Old Contractor CSC/IPIG aspСalt contamТnatТon AspСalt aspСalt sСould be trucked awaв Тn blocks and stockpТles sСould be no СТРСer tСan 2.5 m. UsТnР old aspСalt – TСe Сacked aspСalt old aspСalt waste sСall be transferred to Local RMU of MoTR tentatТvelв. TСen tСe old aspСalt Тs used to strenРtСen tСe surface of exТstТnР second road Тn tСe vТllaРes. TСe top coatТnР of tСe sСoulders wТtС tСe addТtТon of Рravel-sand mТxture wТtС 15 cm tСТckness Тs recommended.

CompetТtТon for Conduct consultatТon wТtС local autСorТtТes to ТdentТfв sources of water (for spraвТnР and otСer IrrТРatТon water water resources constructТon requТrements) tСat sСould not compete wТtС tСe local populatТon. Contractor G

DТsturbance of farm land bв EquТpment can move onlв Тn sТde predetermТned area onlв. TapТnР and barrТer fence sСall be Farm land passТnР of Сeavв Тnstalled between workТnР sТte and prТvate land. Contractor CSC/IPIG equТpment bв OtСer socТal mТstaken Тssues

OverloadТnР of DamaРe to road СeavвweТРСt Contractor sСould ensure tСat tСe weТРСt of tСe loaded transport sСould not exceed tСe road pavement, transport maв specТfТcatТons wТtС control at weТРС brТdРes. Contractor sСould control tСe cСeckТnР tСe materТal Consultant brТdРes and damaРe tСe road Contractor transportatТon bв controllТnР tСe traffТc movement. (CSC) culverts pavement, brТdРes and culverts




Increase of traffТc AltСouРС no traffТc aТr pollutТon Тs estТmated untТl 2034, monТtorТnР maв be RMU-10 of AТr qualТtв AТr pollutТon MoTR, SETI volume necessarв Тf resТdents complaТn about aТr pollutТon. MoTR

LТmТt drТvТnР speed to 60 km/С just around tСe settlements. To be enforced bв traffТc polТce. Increase of traffТc NoТse NoТse nuТsance TraffТc PolТce MoTR volume MonТtorТnР maв be necessarв Тf resТdents complaТn about traffТc noТse. Based on tСe monТtorТnР results and consultatТon wТtС resТdents, mТtТРatТon measure sucС as ТnstallatТon of noТse barrТer sСall be studТed.

SpТll-contТnРencв plan, contТnРencв plan or emerРencв response plan Тs a set of procedures to be followed to mТnТmТгe tСe effects of an abnormal Increased rТsk of Increased traffТc event on tСe Project roads, sucС as a spТll of oТl, fuel or otСer substances accТdents wТtС possТble RMU-10 of volumes and СТРСer tСat maв Сarm aРrТcultural land and drТnkТnР/ТrrТРatТon water resources or MoTR, SETI spТlls of Сarmful MoTR veСТcle speeds Сave adverse effects on tСe natural balance of sensТtТve areas. SoТl and surface water substances AddТtТonal measures to mТtТРate rТsk of accТdents and spТll of Сarmful substances are speed control.

DamaРed draТnaРe RMU-10 of or uncontrolled Uncontrolled erosТon. RoutТne monТtorТnР of draТnaРe and erosТon control at least twТce a вear. MoTR, SETI MoTR erosТon.

NeРlТРence of tree RMU-10 of maТntenance alonР Loss of trees MaТntenance of newlв planted trees MoTR, SETI MoTR tСe road Fauna and Flora RMU-10 of PoacСТnР PoacСТnР of fauna/flora InstallatТon of sТРns not to poacСТnР MoTR, SETI MoTR

Тncreased pedestrТan vs. veСТcle accТdents due to InteРrate Тn tСe enРТneerТnР desТРn safetв features sucС as speed control RMU-10 of Increased traffТc Тncrement of traffТc sТРns, proper road markТnРs, streetlТРСts, pedestrТan crossТnР, lТvestock MoTR, TraffТc MoTR flow volume and СТРСer crossТnР and otСer vТsual means. polТce servТce speed as a result of Safetв Тmproved road desТРn

TraffТc accТdent for Need to Тnstall tСe road sТРn ТndТcatТnР tСe places of transТtТon of people and RMU-10 of Road crossТnР LТvestock and lТvestock. TСe crossТnР of people Тn tСe resТdentТal areas wТll be Тnstalled MoTR, SETI MoTR PedestrТans tСrouРС everв 200-250 m.

RMU-10 of ClТmate CСanРe DaТlв actТvТtТes Аater flood PrecautТon and ТmmedТate announcement of dТsasters to resТdents/drТvers MoTR, SETI MoTR

88 284. PrТor to constructТon works, tСe contractor sСall provТde a compreСensТve Рeneral SSEMP coverТnР tСe followТnР aspects (as Annexure):  Dust manaРement wСТcС sСall Тnclude scСedule for spraвТnР on СaulТnР and access roads to constructТon sТte and detaТls of tСe equТpment to be used. TСe contractor sСall paв a specТal attentТon to water spraвТnР Тn settlements and at repaТr and constructТon sТtes.  Laвout of tСe work camp and detaТls of tСe proposed measures to address adverse envТronmental Тmpacts resultТnР from Тts ТnstallatТon  SewaРe manaРement ТncludТnР provТsТon of sanТtarв latrТnes and proper sewaРe collectТon and dТsposal sвstem to prevent pollutТon of watercourses Аaste manaРement coverТnР provТsТon of РarbaРe bТns, reРular collectТon and dТsposal Тn a СвРТenТc manner, as well as proposed dТsposal sТtes for varТous tвpes of wastes (e.Р., domestТc waste, used tТres, etc.) consТstent wТtС approprТate reРulatТons  DescrТptТon and laвout of equТpment maТntenance areas and lubrТcant and fuel storaРe facТlТtТes ТncludТnР dТstance from water sources and ТrrТРatТon facТlТtТes. StoraРe facТlТtТes for fuels and cСemТcals wТll be located awaв from watercourses. SucС facТlТtТes wТll be bounded and provТded wТtС Тmpermeable lТnТnР to contaТn spТllaРe and prevent soТl and water contamТnatТon  SoТl ManaРement Plan detaТlТnР measures to be undertaken to mТnТmТгe effects of wТnd and water erosТon on stockpТles of topsoТl and excess materТals, measures to mТnТmТгe loss of fertТlТtв of top soТl, tТmeframes, Сaul routes and dТsposal sТtes for excess materТals.  Borrow PТts MaterТal and Source ManaРement and ReТnstatement ManaРement Plans  MetСod statement or plan for tСe executТon of brТdРe constructТon works ТncludТnР measures tСat wТll be undertaken to address adverse envТronmental Тmpacts sucС as erosТon of rТver embankment and sТltatТon of watercourses tСat maв result from sucС actТvТtТes  BlastТnР works manaРement plan  Cultural & СТstorТcal sТtes ManaРement Plan  EmerРencв response plan (Тn case of spТlls, accТdents, fТres and tСe lТke) prТor to operatТon of tСe aspСalt plant 285. TСe SSEMP sСall be submТtted bв tСe contractor for approval to tСe ConstructТon SupervТsТon Consultant.

2. MШЧТtШЫТЧР 2.1. EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ MШЧТtШЫТЧР pХКЧ 286. EnvТronmental monТtorТnР Тs an Тmportant aspect of envТronmental manaРement durТnР constructТon and operatТon staРes of tСe project to safeРuard tСe protectТon of envТronment. DurТnР constructТon, envТronmental monТtorТnР wТll ensure tСe protectТon of embankment from potentТal soТl erosТon; borrow pТts restoratТon, quarrв actТvТtТes, locatТon of work sТtes, materТal storaРes, aspСalt plants, communТtв relatТons, and safetв provТsТons. DurТnР operatТon, aТr, noТse, and surface water qualТtв monТtorТnР wТll be Тmportant parameter of tСe monТtorТnР proРram. EnvТronmental monТtorТnР plan Тs presented Тn Table 33.


АСОЧ ТЬ tСО HШа IЬ tСО АСКt pКЫКmОtОЫ ТЬ tШ ЛО АСОЫО ТЬ tСО pКЫКmОtОЫ pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО IЧЬtТtЮtТШЧКХ IЬЬЮО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ mШЧТtШЫОН? tШ ЛО mШЧТtШЫОН mШЧТtШЫОН? ЫОЬpШЧЬТЛТХТty ЛО mШЧТtШЫОН? FЫОqЮОЧМy CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ ЬtКРО At sensТtТve receptors wТtСТn settlement. (イ) BalвkcСв (km Bв means of 00+000) – TСТs Тs tСe start Just before suТtable of tСe road sectТon and constructТon start. Dust, SO , NO portable CSC 2 2 wТtС consТderable number and everв 2 measurement of people around. montСlв basТs devТce. AТr qualТtв (ウ) TasС-Saraв (km deterТoratТon 11 + 000) – ResТdentТal areas near tСe road. Unannounced CСeck certТfТcate of veСТcles At aspСalt and crusСТnР VТsual ТnspectТons durТnР CSC and equТpment plants. ТnspectТon constructТon works Are tСe truck loads covered Unannounced MaterТal transport route Тn VТsual or wetted; ТnspectТons CSC front of sensТtТve receptors ТnspectТon ComplТance wТtС SSEMP durТnР work At sensТtТve receptors wТtСТn settlement. (エ) BalвkcСв (km 00+000) – TСТs Тs tСe start Bв means of Just before of tСe road sectТon and portable noТse constructТon start. NoТse NoТse Level CSC wТtС consТderable number measurement and everв 2 of people around. devТce montСlв (オ) TasС-Saraв (km 11 + 000) – ResТdentТal areas near tСe road.

TСresСold not to exceed 3mm/s at tСe TСrouРСout entТre receptors (Т.e. constructТon At sensТtТve receptors VТbratТon (wСen Сouses and staРe wТtСТn settlement (Т.e. vТbratТon wТll be part VТbratТon levels structures. sТmultaneous wТtС CSC Сouses and anв of constructТon) vТbratТon structures) TСresСold not to exceed occurrТnР on tСe 2mm/s at tСe sТte arcСaeoloРв sТtes/ assets

Measurement eТtСer dТrectlв Upstream and Тn rТver water downstream wСere tСe wТtС a suТtable Just before Project road crosses measurement OТl Products, pH, DO, TSS, constructТon start. Flume (12 km + 500), km devТce or CSC Ec and Temperature and everв 2 10 near tСe CСu rТver and sample takТnР montСlв on tСe 40-41 km Тn tСe and perТod of blastТnР works. measurement Аater qualТtв Тn Тn a certТfТed surface waters laboratorв (rТvers) Unannounced Contractor’s complТance BrТdРes and Culverts, km VТsual ТnspectТons durТnР wТtС СТs approved metСod CSC, SAEPF 10 near CСu RТver ТnspectТon brТdРe and culvert statement works

EquТpment servТcТnР and Unannounced PreventТon of spТllТnР of oТl VТsual CSC control bв fuellТnР at Contractor’s ТnspectТons durТnР and fuel ТnspectТon IPIG of MoTR вard constructТon Top soТl StockpТlТnР and means of InspectТons's CSC control bв Stock pТle вard Once a montС preservatТon protectТon observatТon IPIG of MoTR

90 АСОЧ ТЬ tСО HШа IЬ tСО АСКt pКЫКmОtОЫ ТЬ tШ ЛО АСОЫО ТЬ tСО pКЫКmОtОЫ pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО IЧЬtТtЮtТШЧКХ IЬЬЮО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ mШЧТtШЫОН? tШ ЛО mШЧТtШЫОН mШЧТtШЫОН? ЫОЬpШЧЬТЛТХТty ЛО mШЧТtШЫОН? FЫОqЮОЧМy CШЧЬtЫЮМtТШЧ ЬtКРО Cultural and СТstorТcal Status of Cultural sТtes sТtes: Before (cemeterТes)  8 km, Sarв-Bulun PСвsТcal damaРe of constructТon start caravansarв, RHS - 35 m VТsual tСe Cultural sТtes Document tСe condТtТon of and durТnР CSC from tСe road. observatТon (cemeterТes) tСe cemeterТes and constructТon  11 +500 km, on tСe LHS mausoleums before perТod constructТons works. Тs a cemeterв – 50 m from tСe road. Status of trees near tСe At respectТve tree VТsual CSC control bв MontСlв fТllТnР area locatТons. ТnspectТon IPIG of MoTR

Status of ТdentТfТed danРerous (EN) specТes (3 bТrds and one mammal accordance Table 14) as: After tСe fТrst Fauna and Flora BТrds (EN) monТtorТnР wТll be BТospСere гone Issвk-Kul InvТted bТoloРв prepared CSC control bв BrantarufТcollТs specТalТst monТtorТnР plan IPIG of MoTR Falco cСerruР 00+000 km – 42 km wТtС frequencв NeopСronpercnopterus studв OxвuraleucocepСala Mammals (EN) CuonalpТnus

Record of clТnТc wТtС number of vТsТtors/treatment done Аeeklв sТte vТsТts InspectТon; bв tСe СТred OffТcТal approval for worker’s ТntervТews; HealtС and safetв camp; Аorker’s safetв and Job sТte and worker’s ComparТsons expert. AvaТlabТlТtв of approprТate wТtС tСe CSC СealtС camp Unannounced personal protectТve Contractor’s ТnspectТons durТnР equТpment; metСod constructТon and statement Record of safetв traТnТnР to upon complaТnt. tСe staff

After beРТnnТnР of Record (mТnutes of semТnar, To be works and at CSC, local attendance lТst) and pСotos determТned bв Аorker’s educatТon Job sТte and worker’s approprТate СealtС unТts of of attendances of traТnТnР, assТРned on AIDS and STD camp Тntervals tСe MТnТstrв of awareness campaТРn of ConstructТon tСrouРСout СealtС preventТon of HIV/AID SupervТsТon constructТon

PossessТon of offТcТal VТsual Before work AspСalt plant approval or valТd operatТon AspСalt plant CSC InspectТon beРТns lТcense

PossessТon of offТcТal Before work approval or valТd operatТon Sand and Рravel borrow VТsual CSC control bв Borrow areas beРТns lТcense pТt and / or quarrв InspectТon IPIG of MoTR Аater spraвТnР MontСlв АСОЧ ТЬ tСО АСОЫО ТЬ tСО HШа IЬ tСО АСКt pКЫКmОtОЫ ТЬ tШ ЛО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО IЧЬtТtЮtТШЧКХ IЬЬЮО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО mШЧТtШЫОН? mШЧТtШЫОН? ЫОЬpШЧЬТЛТХТty mШЧТtШЫОН mШЧТtШЫОН? FЫОqЮОЧМy OpОЫКtТШЧКХ ЬtКРО Handв tвpe level Laboratorв/CSC (1st TraffТc noТse EquТvalent NoТse Level SensТtТve receptors TСrouРСout tСe вear meter 1 вear onlв) ReРТonal Departments of State TraffТc Number of Тnjurв and deatС AlonР tСe new road IntervТew to polТce Once a Вear Road AdmТnТstratТon accТdent of anТmals (UAD, LUAD, and GDAD BO)

91 АСОЧ ТЬ tСО АСОЫО ТЬ tСО HШа IЬ tСО АСКt pКЫКmОtОЫ ТЬ tШ ЛО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО IЧЬtТtЮtТШЧКХ IЬЬЮО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО pКЫКmОtОЫ tШ ЛО mШЧТtШЫОН? mШЧТtШЫОН? ЫОЬpШЧЬТЛТХТty mШЧТtШЫОН mШЧТtШЫОН? FЫОqЮОЧМy OpОЫКtТШЧКХ ЬtКРО Once a Вear MoTR joТntlв wТtС Road polТce servТce AccТdents tСat cause spТlls CountТnР of of tСe KR MТnТstrв of AlonР tСe new road of Сarmful substances accТdents Сome affaТrs and KR MТnТstrв of emerРencв sТtuatТons DamaРed Once a Вear LeakaРes Тn draТnaРe LocatТon of culverts draТnaРe or Local MoTR sвstem and damaРes due and draТnaРe VТsual ТnspectТon uncontrolled departments to erosТon facТlТtТes erosТon Once a Вear Local MoTR In locatТons of newlв Status of tree maТntaТned VТsual ТnspectТon departments joТnt planted trees wТtС local autСorТtТes Status of ТdentТfТed danРerous (EN) specТes (3 bТrds and one mammal Fauna and accordance Table 11) Staff of tСe General Flora BТospСere гone MonТtorТnР wТll be General DТrectorate BТrds (EN) DТrectorate Issвk-Kul contТnued after BТospСere гone Falco cСerruР, BТospСere гone 00+000 km – 42 km constructТon staРe Issвk-Kul NeopСronpercnopterus, Issвk-Kul OxвuraleucocepСala, Mammals (EN) CuonalpТnus

2.2. BЮНРОt ШЧ MТtТРКtТШЧ MОКЬЮЫОЬ 287. Most of tСe mТtТРatТon measures requТre tСe contractors to adopt Рood sТte practТce, wСТcС sСould be part of tСeТr normal constructТon contract, so tСere wТll be no addТtТonal costs to be Тncluded Тn tСe EMP. Costs of desТРn-related mТtТРatТon measures are Тncluded Тn tСe budРets for tСe cТvТl works. 288. TСe prТmarв Тmpact tСat needs to be mТtТРated Тn tСe overall ТmplementatТon of tСe project wТll be on tСe affected trees wСТcС were due to wТdenТnР of tСe carrТaРe waв. TСese trees are maТnlв common trees sucС elm, poplar and black locust. TСe RAP Сas ТdentТfТed ТndТvТdual trees to be cut. However, Тn tСe veРetated areas, an estТmate Тs presented based on accepted conventТon. 289. In order to Сave a СТРСer deРree of success for replacement of affected trees Тn tСe sectТon, 2 saplТnРs of tСe same or sТmТlar specТes Тs proposed to be planted. AccordТnРlв, tСe estТmated number of trees and cost for tСe affected trees to be to be substТtuted Тs sСown as Тn Table 34.


# ItОm ЮЧТt QTВ RОmКЫФЬ 1 Affected trees due to wТdenТnР eacС 30 IndТcated Тn fТeld ТnspectТon for CuttТnР 2 For 1:2 RatТo of Replacement eacС 60 EstТmated Trees to be Planted 3 AveraРe cost of Replacement Som 500 Cost of SaplТnР & PlantТnР TШtКХ CШЬt SШm 30,000 BЮНРОtКЫy EЬtТmКtО

69 Som/ 1 USD USD 435 BudРetarв EstТmate

2.3. BЮНРОt ШЧ MШЧТtШЫТЧР AМtТЯТtТОЬ 290. TСe estТmated cost for tСe envТronmental manaРement and monТtorТnР on tСe consultancв for tСe entТre project constructТon perТod of two (2) вears and one montС Тs sСown Тn tСe Table 35 below. TСТs wТll Тnclude fees and otСer assocТated cost for manaРement and monТtorТnР of tСe constructТon sТtes and affected areas Тn tСe project road. TСe ConstructТon SupervТsТon Consultant wТll be responsТble for conductТnР perТodТc parametrТc measurements as a basТs for takТnР measures to Тmprove tСeТr actТvТtТes and takТnР measures to Тmplement tСem. TСe necessarв budРet for monТtorТnР actТvТtТes wТll be Тncluded Тn tСe contract of tСe consultant. Hence, a budРet for perТodТc parametrТc measurements Тs Сerebв Тncluded Тn tСe Table 36 below.

92 TКЛХО 35: BЮНРОtКЫy CШЬt ПШЫ EЧЯТЫШЧmОЧtКХ MШЧТtШЫТЧР SpОМТКХТЬtЬ ItОm QЮКЧtТty UЧТt CШЬt TШtКХ CШЬt ImplementatТon of EMP US $ US $ InternatТonal EnvТronmental SpecТalТst (IES) 4 montСs / 2 вears, 1 15,400 69,300 montС* NatТonal EnvТronmental SpecТalТst (NES) 15 montСs/ 2,750 41,250 2 вears, 1 montС* OtСers (travel, per dТem, surveвs/ТntervТews, reportТnР, 22,000 22,000 LS etc.) TШtКХ 132,550 * PerТod of constructТon work estТmated 2 вear and 1 вear a tecСnТcal surveв (measurements 1 montС a вear) and pСвsТcal enРaРement of EnvТronmental SpecТalТsts can be onlв 7 montС a вear, wТtСout wТnter break perТod.


ImplementatТon of EMP US $ US $

6 montС a вear x 2* poТnt (aТr) x 2 (вears) 1** montС 26 150*** 3,900 6 montС a вear x 6* poТnt (water) x 2 (вears) 1** montС 78 100*** 7,800 6 montС a вear x 2* poТnt (noТse - vТbratТon) x 2 (вears) 1** montС 26 150*** 3,900 TШtКХ $ 15,600 * - tСe number of poТnts and measurements maв varв ** - 2 вears a pСвsТcal work and 1 вear a tecСnТcal surveв (measurements 1 montС a вear) ** *- tСe cost of laboratorв servТces maв varв Note: Budgets were prepared on May 2016


3.1. IЧЬtТtЮtТШЧКХ FЫКmОаШЫФ 291. TСe relevant ТnstТtutТonal entТtТes for tСe project Тnclude tСe KR’s MТnТstrв of FТnance (MOF), MТnТstrв of Transport and Road (tСe EA), Investment Projects ImplementatТon Group (IPIG) under MoTR, tСe State AРencв of EnvТronment ProtectТon and Forestrв (SAEPF), tСe State InspectТon on EcoloРТcal and TecСnТcal Safetв under tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc (SIETS), tСe Department for DТsease PreventТon and State SanТtatТon and EpТdemТc Control of tСe MТnТstrв of HealtС ProtectТon of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc. 292. MoTR Тs responsТble for transport sector development and Тs tСe EA for tСe project. IPIG Тs workТnР under MoTR and wТll carrв out tСe responsТbТlТtТes assТРned to MoTR. 293. MOF Тs tСe responsТble Рovernment bodв for coordТnatТon wТtС ADB and otСer donors for foreТРn assТstance. 294. SAEPF Тs a leadТnР state envТronmental aРencв responsТble for tСe envТronmental polТcв of tСe countrв and coordТnatТon of envТronmental actТvТtТes of otСer state bodТes. Its functТons Тnclude:  Development of envТronmental polТcв and Тts ТmplementatТon;  CarrвТnР out a state envТronmental expertТse;  Issuance of envТronmental lТcenses;  EnvТronmental monТtorТnР;  DelТverв of envТronment ТnformatТon servТces. 295. SIETS carrТes out Тts actТvТtв Тn accordance wТtС tСe Law "On Procedure for ТnspectТon of busТness entТtТes". SIETS exercТses control over complТance Тn establТsСed order of:  envТronmental leРТslatТon, set rules, lТmТts and standards of envТronmental manaРement, standards for emТssТons and dТscСarРes of pollutants and waste dТsposal Тn tСe envТronment;  requТrements of ТndustrТal safetв Тn tСe constructТon, expansТon, reconstructТon, modernТгatТon, operatТon, conservatТon and lТquТdatТon of Сaгardous productТon facТlТtТes;  requТrements of land leРТslatТon;  requТrements for safe operatТon of equТpment and facТlТtТes for storaРe and dТstrТbutТon of petrocСemТcals and Рas, cranes;

93  requТrements of safe use rules Тn tСe constructТon, assemblТnР and commТssТonТnР of electrТcal networks and electrТcal equТpment. 296. TСe Department for DТsease PreventТon and State SanТtatТon and EpТdemТc Center (DDPSSEC) of tСe MТnТstrв of HealtС supervТses sanТtarв and epТdemТoloРТcal welfare of tСe populatТon, safetв of Рoods and products, envТronmental compartments and condТtТons, preventТon of Сarmful Тmpacts of envТronmental factors on Сuman СealtС. DDPSSEC establТsСes MPC of cСemТcals Тn tСe envТronment wТtС reРard to tСe Сuman СealtС safetв. 297. TСe followТnР measures wТll be taken bв tСe Consultant and bв IPIG to perform envТronmental complТance wТtС tСe EMP and MonТtorТnР Plan durТnР Project ТmplementatТon:  TСe tender and contract documents wТll clearlв set out tСe contractor’s oblТРatТons to undertake envТronmental mТtТРatТon measures set out Тn tСe EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan.  TСe recommended envТronmental mТtТРatТon costs are Тncluded as separate Тtems Тn tСe BТlls of QuantТtТes. TСТs wТll ensure tСat tСere Тs specТfТc envТronmental mТtТРatТon budРet wСТcС wТll be Тmplemented as requТred. DurТnР tСe procurement, contractors wТll be encouraРed to Тnclude tСese costs Тn tСeТr rates and present tСe mТtТРatТon cost as a lТne Тtem Тn tСe BТll of QuantТtТes. TСere wТll be an ТdentТfТed extra paвment Тn tСe contract to ensure measures are coasted and carrТed out.  TСe contractor wТll recruТt an envТronmental, СealtС and safetв manaРer, wСo wТll be responsТble for ТmplementТnР tСe contractors’ envТronmental responsТbТlТtТes. TСe manaРer wТll also be responsТble for СealtС and safetв aspects of work sТtes. Before commencТnР pСвsТcal constructТon, Contractor wТll prepare sТte-specТfТc EMPs (SSEMPs), submТt to ConstructТon SupervТsТon Consultant (CSC) and ABD for endorsement and IPIG for approval.  CSC wТll conduct envТronmental monТtorТnР and assТst IPIG Тn ТmplementТnР EMP and supervТsТnР tСe ТmplementatТon of mТtТРatТon measures bв tСe contractors.

3.2. RОpШЫtТЧР RОqЮТЫОmОЧtЬ 298. MoTR wТll monТtor and measure tСe proРress of ТmplementatТon of tСe EMP. In tСТs reРard, semТannual monТtorТnР reports durТnР constructТon staРe wТll be prepared bв IPIG wТtС assТstance of ConstructТon SupervТsТon Consultant and tСen dТsclosed at ADB and IPIG/MoTR websТtes. TСТs report Тs owned bв MoTR. Contractor submТts to CSC montСlв reports and reports on complТance wТtС mТtТРatТon measures and otСer correctТve actТons. CSC submТts to IPIG quarterlв reports contaТnТnР a sectТon on safeРuard performance.


1. CШЧМХЮЬТШЧЬ 299. TСe better road desТРn and condТtТon of tСe pavement wТll decrease operatТnР costs for all veСТcle owners, СelpТnР to make veСТcles last lonРer. Road safetв measures wТll also be Тmproved bв provТdТnР new traffТc sТРns, safetв raТlТnРs, and pedestrТan and lТvestock crossТnРs for tСe road. 300. Overall tСe project Сas sТРnТfТcant advantaРes to tСe local people and companТes operatТnР Тn tСe countrв bв provТdТnР better access to natТonal and reРТonal markets. 301. At tСe same tТme, tСТs project Сas manв work components tСat can potentТallв lead to lonР term, even cСronТc envТronmental Тmpacts. TСese are assocТated wТtС erosТon, tree removal, damaРe to ТntersectТons and roadsТde access, unaddressed cСronТc and rТsТnР aТr pollutТon and noТse condТtТons wСТcС are alreadв excessТve, Тnadequate manaРement of larРe volumes of old aspСalt pavement to be removed and Тnadequate repaТr and replacement 55 culverts and 3 brТdРe alonР tСe route. TСe IEE and Тts EMP Сave provТded tСe steps necessarв to avoТd manв of tСe constructТon perТod Тmpacts, bв developТnР Рood protocols and work proРrams for manaРТnР potentТal Тmpacts, and wТll be Тmplemented. 302. TСe followТnР tasks, all dТscussed Тn detaТl Тn tСe IEE and tСe EMP materТal are consТdered tСe most Тmportant Тmpacts wСТcС, Тf tСe EMP Тs followed, could be adequatelв mТtТРated. 303. During the preconstruction period the eight key tasks to be implemented by MoTR, IPIG and CSC will be: 1. InsertТon of EMP mТtТРatТon and monТtorТnР measures Тnto contract specТfТcatТons. 2. PreparatТon of a lТst of sectТons wСere topsoТl conservatТon works wТll be requТred wСen reСabТlТtatТnР tСe road. 3. EartСworks Haul Route framework, defТnТnР at least was veСТcles cannot Рo. 4. ConstructТon perТod access manaРement and restoratТon steps, as a basТs for use bв tСe contractor, workТnР wТtС tСe traffТc polТce. 5. Tree Inventorв, ТdentТfТcatТon of specТal Рroves, protectТon wСere possТble, and cuttТnР a replantТnР plan. 6. InclusТon Тn road desТРn of publТc safetв and publТc servТces features, namelв:  PedestrТan crossТnРs and traffТc lТРСts  LТРСtТnР sТРnaРe and sТdewalks  Bus stops  LТvestock passes. 7. ProvТsТon of tecСnТcal capacТtв buТldТnР.

304. During the construction period CSC and the contractor(s) will need to: 1. Undertake AТr QualТtв and noТse measurement fТeld-testТnР for tСe full tСree вears and one operatТnР вear. 2. Contractor to manaРe all petroleum products and prevent spТlls, proper dТsposal. 3. Contractor to manaРe sewaРe and РarbaРe at work sТtes at all tТme. 4. ProvТsТon of basТc occupatТonal СealtС and safetв Тtems at work sТtes, ТncludТnР fТrst aТd, water, sСade and proper Рear ТncludТnР Сats, sСoes and face masks. 5. MaxТmТгe tСe reuse or redТstrТbutТon of tСe old aspСalt. 6. Undertake tСe tree plantТnР and maТntenance task as eacС constructТon area Тs vacated; Т.e. do not waТt untТl tСe end of tСe constructТon perТod. 7. Implement dust suppressТon proРram on all Сaul roads and at constructТon sТtes. 8. Understand and Тmplement all reРulatТons standards and obtaТn lТcenses for all borrow sТte operatТons and reСabТlТtatТon. 9. Enforce occupatТonal СealtС and safetв as prescrТbed bв law. 10. Inspect all culverts to be sure tСe re-ТnstallatТon does not lead to cСronТc downstream scour, and tСat anв dТversТon and debrТs Сave been cleared.

95 305. During year 1 of the operating period the CSC and Contractor with input from the RMU will: 1. Make certaТn tСat all в replantedand lв propermaТntaТnedtrees are and СealtС protected for tСe wТnter—tСТs maв requТre СerestrenРtСen wТll uptСe be toRMU 60 as treest to manaРe. 2. Prepare a pСoto record ofacement all andculverts, debrТsconfТrmТnР removal. proper pl 3. ContТnue tСe aТr qualТtв and noТse monТtorТnР for tСe вear. 4. ExamТne noТse data collectedon uresandmeas plansucС noТseas bermsattenuatТ and barrТers at sensТtТve sТtes. 5. Inspect decommТssТoned borroweСabТlТtatТo areasn andto properconfТrm closure.r 6. MonТtor value of pedestrТan and lТvestock wТtС a crossТnР vТew features, to adjustments/Тmprovement as needed. 7. At tСe end of eacС onperТod of tСe proРressEMP reports,specТfТes wСТcСtСe wТllcompletТ be used to monТtor complТance . and sСape tСe next staРe

2. RОМШmmОЧНКtТШЧЬ 306. TСe EMP wТll be d followedreportТnРcompleted carefullв Тn anda requТretТmelв fasСТon. MoTR recommends tСat, based on tСe noТseand tСetestТnР fТrst durТnР operatТnРconstructТon вear, noТse suppressТon measures be Тmplemented. 307. TСe tree manaРement and e maТntenance passed functТon to local sСould communТtТes b or RMD, untТl trees Сave reacСed 8+maТntenance. вears and do not need careful 308. CSC and IPIG wТll projedelТverct partТcТpantstСe traТnТnР and to concentrateall actТveРТvТnР sound advТce to tСe contractor,atТon especТallвand ТmplementatТonon tСe ofprepar tСe CEАP. 309. SСortlв after tСe operatТnР perТodtractor starts, wТll conduct tСe CSC safeРuards and con complТance cСeck to be sure tСatontractor all Сavemeasures been requТredmet. of tСe c 310. TСТs IEE Тs “lТvТnР” documentbe updated and takТnР Тf Тnto requТred, account Тt wТllall envТronmental requТrements, and anв l sТРnТfТcant be dТscussed cСanРes and wТlaРreed to wТtС ADB.


AЧЧОx A1: AХТРЧmОЧt SСООt TСe result of tСe sТte vТsТts bв tСe ТnternatТonal and local envТronmental specТalТsts are summarТгed Тn an AlТРnment SСeet. TСТs sСows relevant envТronmental features wСТcС can be of concern durТnР tСe ТmplementatТon of tСe road. For tСe sectТon “BalвkcСв (Km 0) to kТlometer-post 43 (Km 43)”, tСe AlТРnment SСeet Тs sСown below. AХТРЧmОЧt SСООt № SОМtТШЧ DОЬМЫТptТШЧ PКЫКmОtОЫ CШmmОЧtЬ SОМtТШЧ 1: BКХyФМСy (0 Фm) – 43 Фm PСвsТcal analвsТs and Тnstrumental measurements RТnР road wТtС roads to BalвkcСв, and to Dust, noТse, TСe measurements of 1. 0 km, BalвkcСв KocСkor vТllaРe (project road). vТbratТon, SOx, NOx tСe abovementТoned parameters are made alonР tСe project road vТa portable measurТnР tools RaТlroad crossТnР; and to tСe left - tСe Рas 2. 1 km statТon. Two (2) trees maв be cut down at RHS To be verТfТed wТtС tСe 3. 2 km located 8.7 m from tСe center of tСe road. desТРn AlonР tСe rТРСt-Сand sТde tСere Тs an electro- 4. 3 km dТstrТbutТon statТon (О-О). Old borrow pТt was dТscovered on 3+500 LHS wСТcС can be used for tСe project. PotentТal MaterТal 5. 3 km, 6 km Old borrow pТt and aspСalt plant were located source to be verТfТed on 6+500 RHS, wСТcС also can be used for tСe project. TСe road alТРnment comes close to tСe sСore CСu RТver

AnalвsТs of tСe PСвsТcal and cСemТcal 6. 8 km qualТtв of water Тn analвsТs. tСe oТl, turbТdТtв

CСu RТver

7. 8 km VТsual Sarв-Bulun caravansarв (N42.400664 E76.099044) - around 8 km from BalвkcСв Тn tСe dТrectТon of KocСkor. RHS, 35 m from tСe road. TСТs Тs ruТn of roadsТde Тnn dТscovered Тn 1971- 1973 bв VТnnТk D.F. Detected bв arcСaeoloРТcal ТnvestТРatТon. CСu RТver runs alonР tСe road. TСe area Тs cСaracterТгed as deserted pТedmont close to tСe dТscСarРe poТnt of CСu RТver. TСТs rТver Тs reРulated bв Orto-Tokoв ReservoТr. Its water Тs 10 km, CСu RТver, used for ТrrТРatТonal purposes. MaxТmum water Dust, noТse, SpecТal measures to 8. 3 TasС-Saraв vТllaРe flow Тs 120 m /sec. DurТnР constructТon, Тt maв vТbratТon, SOx, NOx protect water qualТtв become necessarв to erect retaТnТnР walls alonР tСe rТverbank close to tСe road. VeРetatТon sucС as are sandtСorns, cattaТls and wТllows were found alonР tСe rТverbank.


PСвsТcal and cСemТcal CСu rТver runs adjacent to tСe road. analвsТs.

11 km TasС-Saraв vТllaРe One (1) tree maв be cut down at LHS located 8.4 m from tСe center of tСe road. To be verТfТed wТtС tСe On tСe left Тs a cemeterв of approxТmatelв desТРn 50m. 9.

TСe road comes close to CСu RТver reТnforced AnalвsТs of tСe 11 km +500 concrete works, needed reconstructТon qualТtв of water Тn reТnforcТnР walls. tСe oТl, turbТdТtв

To be verТfТed wТtС tСe One (1) tree maв be cut down at RHS located 11 km + 700 desТРn 8.0 m from tСe center of tСe road.

Old Рravel-sand borrow pТt Тs dТscovered (LHS PotentТal MaterТal 12 km), wСТcС can be used Тn road source to be verТfТed 10. 12 km reconstructТon. AlonР tСe road, a power 10 tСousand kА lТne PotentТal Haгard was found. IrrТРatТon canal, 1.1 km lonР

AnalвsТs of tСe PСвsТcal and cСemТcal 11. 12+055 km qualТtв of water Тn analвsТs. tСe oТl, turbТdТtв

TСe road narrows, due to mountaТn footСТlls To be verТfТed wТtС tСe too close to tСe road (LHS); tСese maв Сave to desТРn be cut bв drТllТnР and jackСammer. 12. 12-14 km

To be verТfТed wТtС tСe One (1) tree maв be cut down at LHS located desТРn 8.4 m from tСe center of tСe road.

13. 14-15 km АТde area PossТblв no cСanРe To be verТfТed wТtС tСe One (1) tree maв be cut down at RHS located 14. 16 km desТРn 8.8 m from tСe center of tСe road.

To be verТfТed wТtС tСe One (1) tree maв be cut down at LHS located 15. 17 km desТРn 7.6 m from tСe center of tСe road.

Road narrows to 12m due to rock formatТon. To be verТfТed wТtС tСe 16. 19 km +500 Removal maв be carrТed out bв drТllТnР and desТРn jackСammer To be verТfТed wТtС tСe 17. 20 km 20 trees to be cut down at botС LHS & RHS desТРn

IrrТРatТon canal wТtС no water Тn Тt. Old borrow Need to be 18. 23 km pТt wТtС sandв-Рravel Рround, RHS replacement To be verТfТed wТtС tСe One (1) tree maв be cut down at RHS located 19. 24 km desТРn 7.9 m from tСe center of tСe road.

One (1) tree maв be cut down at RHS located To be verТfТed wТtС tСe 20. 30 km 7.7 m from tСe center of tСe road. desТРn One (1) tree maв be cut down at RHS located To be verТfТed wТtС tСe 21. 31 km 6.5 m from tСe center of tСe road. desТРn Need to be 22. 31+750 RavТne replacement

98 № SОМtТШЧ DОЬМЫТptТШЧ PКЫКmОtОЫ CШmmОЧtЬ In 200 m awaв from tСe road, tСere Тs Orto- Maв requТre specТal 33 km, Tokoв ReservoТr, water protectТon area Тs 200 23. measures for water Orto-Tokoв ReservoТr m. TСe reservoТr Тs a СabТtat of osman and qualТtв protectТon trout. TСe road narrows between mountaТns, Тt maв To be verТfТed wТtС tСe 24. 41 km be necessarв remove obstacles bв drТllТnР, desТРn blastТnР works and jackСammer. TСe upper water source of tСe OrtСo-Tokoв AnalвsТs of tСe PСвsТcal and cСemТcal 25. 42 km +600 ReservoТr, from tСe brТdРe of tСe BТsСkek- qualТtв of water Тn analвsТs. Narвn-ToruРart. tСe oТl, turbТdТtв Ukek tributary meets river, there is an old 50 km, Semizbel Outside of the project borrow pit and asphalt plant which can be village, Ukek tributary area used for next 10 km


MaxТmum Tвpe of MaxТmum No. Km from Km to SТde LenРtС, m СeТРСt/deptС t, eartС work wТdtС, m m

1 12.260 12.800 Cut LHS 540 10 11

2 12,860 13,000 FТll RHS 140 20 5

3 13,120 13,940 Cut LHS 820 10 12

4 14,060 14,280 FТll LHS 220 30 3

5 14.700 15,200 FТll RHS—Full wТdtС 500 40 4

6 15,420 15,780 FТll Full wТdtС 360 30 4

7 17,340 17,920 FТll LHS 580 40 3

8 18,300 18,360 FТll LHS 60 30 3

9 20,200 20,280 Cut LHS 80 10 5

10 20,360 20,460 FТll RHS 100 30 3

11 20,980 21,000 Cut LHS 20 10 4

12 22,760 23,000 FТll LHS 240 30 4

13 23,220 23,320 FТll RHS 100 30 3

14 23,380 23,680 FТll LHS 220 40 4

15 30,040 31,220 FТll RHS 180 30 3

16 31,680 31,900 FТll RHS 220 30 4

17 33,680 33,740 FТll RHS 60 30 3

18 34,040 34,100 FТll LHS 60 30 3

19 36,740 36.820 FТll LHS 80 30 3

20 37,240 37,380 FТll RHS 60 30 3

100 AЧЧОx A3: OЮtХТЧО ШП CЮХЯОЫt ТЧ SОМtТШЧ 1 Culets ossig the ai oad lenРtС, locatТon dТrectТon № openТnР/dТam, kТnd of ТntersectТon wТtС pТtcС of of requТrements k + m waterwaв anРle portal culverts walls, m waterwaв oete o + ulet iigato ° . . fo ight eplaig of to the left eistig ulet ope... + oete o fo left o tuaoud ulet iigato ° . . to the ight e ulet + ope... eifoed fo left eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . d=. to the ight eistig ulet eifoed + oete pipe pass ° . . fo left e ulet to the ight d=. eifoed from left 8+550 oete pipe bвpass 90° 22.04 0.005 new culvert d=. to tСe rТРСt concrete box from left replacТnР of 11+543 culvert ТrrТРator 90° 18.63 0.006 exТstТnР open.1.0x1.0 to tСe rТРСt culvert eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 12+909 bвpass 90° 27.13 0.092 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed new culvert oete pipe from left 13+160 bвpass 90° 18.78 0.005 to tСe rТРСt (Тn tСe Тnlet d=. wet well) eifoed from left eplaig of + oete pipe bвpass ° . . d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed + oete pipe ° . . from left eplaig of bвpass eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from rТРСt eplaig of + oete pipe bвpass ° . . eistig ulet d=. to tСe left eifoed from rТРСt eplaig of + oete pipe ТrrТРator ° . . d=. to tСe left eistig ulet eifoed + oete pipe bвpass ° . . from rТРСt new culvert d=. to tСe left eifoed from rТРСt eplaig of + oete pipe bвpass ° . . eistig ulet d=. to tСe left eifoed from rТРСt + oete pipe ТrrТРator ° . . new culvert d=. to tСe left eifoed + oete pipe ° . . from rТРСt eplaig of bвpass eistig ulet d=. to tСe left eifoed from rТРСt eplaig of + oete pipe bвpass ° . . eistig ulet d=. to tСe left eifoed from rТРСt eplaig of 20+670 oete pipe ТrrТРator ° 22.04 0.040 d=. to tСe left eistig ulet eifoed from rТРСt eplaig of 21+478 oete pipe bвpass 90° 22.04 0.012 eistig ulet d=. to tСe left oete o from rТРСt replacТnР of 22+255 ulet ope. bвpass 87° 18.25 0.010 exТstТnР .х. to tСe left culvert . . o ulet replacТnР of 22+502 ТrrТРatТon ° 21.30 0.005 from rТРСt exТstТnР ope. .х. canal to tСe left culvert . . o ulet replacТnР of from rТРСt 22+575 ope. .. bвpass 90° 23.34 0.013 to tСe left exТstТnР culvert eifoed eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . from left d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed + oete pipe bвpass 90° . . from left new culvert d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left + oete pipe bвpass 90° . . new culvert d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . from left d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet

101 locatТon lenРtС, dТrectТon № openТnР/dТam, kТnd of ТntersectТon wТtС pТtcС of m waterwaв anРle portal culverts of requТrements k + waterwaв walls, m eifoed from left eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . from left d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed + oete pipe bвpass 90° . . from left new culvert d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt + . . o ulet pass ° . . fo left eplaig of ope. .х. to the ight eistig ulet eifoed eplaig of + oete pipe pass ° . . from left d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed + oete pipe pass ° . . from left eplaig of eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 30+953 oete pipe bвpass 88° 17.98 0.027 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 31+340 oete pipe bвpass 88° 17.98 0.018 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet . . o ulet replacТnР of 31+790 bвpass 90° 18.27 0.009 from left exТstТnР ope. .х. to tСe rТРСt culvert eifoed from left eplaig of 32+870 oete pipe bвpass ° . 0.038 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe ° . from left eplaig of 33+805 bвpass 0.035 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 34+082 oete pipe bвpass 90° 23.07 0.054 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 34+309 oete pipe bвpass 88° . 0.044 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 34+703 bвpass 80° 22.04 0.064 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 34+892 oete pipe bвpass 90° 25.09 0.087 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 35+288 oete pipe bвpass ° 21.03 0.050 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 35+469 bвpass 78° 22.04 0.032 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 35+517 oete pipe bвpass 90° 24.08 0.037 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 36+148 oete pipe bвpass 90° 21.03 0.036 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 36+380 bвpass 90° 18.99 0.030 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 36+584 oete pipe bвpass 87° 21.03 0.039 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 36+757 oete pipe bвpass 90° 23.07 0.034 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 37+161 bвpass 83° 22.04 0.032 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 37+329 oete pipe bвpass 80° 27.03 0.026 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 37+761 oete pipe bвpass 81° 21.03 0.030 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 38+461 bвpass 71° 22.04 0.043 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 38+688 oete pipe bвpass 90° 20.02 0.014 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt

102 locatТon lenРtС, dТrectТon № openТnР/dТam, kТnd of ТntersectТon wТtС pТtcС of m waterwaв anРle portal culverts of requТrements k + waterwaв walls, m eifoed from left eplaig of 38+878 oete pipe bвpass 90° 21.03 0.030 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 39+291 bвpass 90° 17.98 0.024 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 39+410 oete pipe bвpass 90° 17.98 0.018 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left 40+004 oete pipe bвpass 90° 18.99 0.005 new culvert d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed 40+555 oete pipe ravТne 90° 17.98 0.010 from left new culvert d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 40+812 oete pipe bвpass 90° 21.03 0.085 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 41+069 oete pipe bвpass 90° 30.18 0.090 d=. to tСe rТРСt eistig ulet eifoed oete pipe from left eplaig of 41+521 ravТne 90° 20.00 0.022 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt eifoed from left eplaig of 42+888 oete pipe ravТne 90° 20.00 0.064 eistig ulet d=. to tСe rТРСt

Culvert crossТnР tСe ramp

locatТon openТnР/dТam, kТnd of IntersectТon lenРtС, (wТtС pТtcС of dТrectТon requТrements № Сeadwalls), of km + m. waterwaв anРle culverts for repaТrТnР km + m waterwaв on ramp

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

concrete box from left to tСe 1 0+234 0+017 culvert bвpass 90° 16.2 0.03 to tСe new culvert left 0.5х0.5 rТРСt concrete box from left to tСe 2 0+293 0+023 culvert bвpass 82° #### 0.01 to tСe new culvert left 0.5х0.5 rТРСt concrete box from left to tСe 3 0+426 0+026 culvert bвpass 88° 9.11 0.01 to tСe new culvert left 0.5х0.5 rТРСt concrete box from left to tСe 4 0+526 0+029 culvert bвpass 90° #### 0.01 to tСe new culvert left 0.5х0.5 rТРСt reТnforced from left to tСe 5 0+590 0+031 concrete pТpe bвpass 76° #### 0.03 to tСe new culvert left d=1.0 rТРСt concrete box from rТРСt to tСe 6 5+330 0+023 culvert bвpass 90° #### 0.01 to tСe new culvert left 0.5х0.5 left

103 AЧЧОx B - LТЬt ШП LШМКХ AttОЧНООЬ ТЧ tСО PЮЛХТМ CШЧЬЮХtКtТШЧ ТЧ BКХyФМСy 17 Mar. 2016 AttОЧНКЧМО ЬСООt: PХКМО ШП ЫОЬТНОЧМО / NШ. FЮХХ ЧКmО PШЬТtТШЧ SТРЧКtЮЫО TОХОpСШЧО 1 Ustabaev J.K. Kвгвl-OТ vТllaРe / 0557 /sТРned/ 909073 2 DuТsСonkan uulu KoгСomkul vТllaРe /0770 /sТРned/ 306589 3 OtuncСТev U.SС. Head of Suusamвr Suusamвr vТllaРe /0551 /sТРned/ vТllaРe autСorТtв 156263 4 AsСвr uulu CСвnРвгbek ElectrТcТan, SUES Tunuk vТllaРe, 0770 186788 /sТРned/ 5 TakвrbasСeva E. Head of FEO, vТllaРe Suusamвr vТllaРe /0773 /sТРned/ autСorТtв 439648 6 Alвmkulova R. CasСТer of vТllaРe Suusamвr vТllaРe /0770 /sТРned/ autСorТtв 269951 7 AsanalТev T. Head of club of Suusamвr vТllaРe /0773 /sТРned/ Suusamвr v/a 201972 8 Akвlbekov T. Farmer Kвгвl-OТ vТllaРe / 0552 /sТРned/ 109920 9 IsmaТlov M. MunТcТpal propertв Suusamвr vТllaРe /0772 /sТРned/ specТalТst 678554 10 TaгСвbekov N. Kвгвl-OТ vТllaРe /0555 /sТРned/ 556637 11 Rвspaev M. Elder Kвгвl-OТ vТllaРe /0559 /sТРned/ 251257 12 KocСorov Satвbaldв Inspector of MOS Suusamвr vТllaРe /0777 /sТРned/ 329499 13 Kulserekov M. Land specТalТst Suusamвr vТllaРe /0777 /sТРned/ 326824 14 MuratalТev B. KoгСomkul vТllaРe /0550 /sТРned/ 797918


105 AЧЧОx C – АЫТttОЧ CШmmОЧtЬ, RОМШmmОЧНКtТШЧЬ КЧН QЮОЬtТШЧЬ 1. NКmО: BОЫmОt MКНКЧШЯК ResТdentТal address: 25 Sultanov Street Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Contractor needs to arrange sidewalks on both sides of the Naryn highway including lighting, lay sleeve pipes to be used for utility purposes later. QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: As the road is going to be the road of Category (B) II, do we need to clear out whether 16 meters area on both sides of the road to keep it free?

2. NКmО: A.T. KОЧОЧЛКОЯК ResТdentТal address: BalвkcСв town Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Asphalt concrete mixing plant should be arranged far from the territory of the “Issyk-Kul” Biosphere Zone. QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Where will asphalt concrete mixing plant be located? Type and place of origin of planting material Where will vehicles be refueled and repaired? Is the Contractor going to plant new trees instead of cut?

3. NКmО: B.S. KЮtmКЧШЯ ResТdentТal address: Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Contractor needs to renew the bridge over the channel feeding water to Tash-Sarai village without interrupting water supply process. We shall highly appreciate if you keep on providing information about the project implementation process. Removed poles of power transmission lines should be recovered. We ask you to repair 3 km road connecting the Orto-Tokoy Village with the road to be rehabilitated. We ask you to remove the rock on the way to Orto-Tokoy Village QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Will the Contractor install lighting inside the Tash-Sarai Village? Will the Contractor repair at least 25 meters of secondary roads connected with the highway to be rehabilitated?

4. NКmО: OгЮЛОФШЯК TТЧКtТЧ ResТdentТal address: Orto-Tokoв VТllaРe Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: As we have neither schools, nor kindergartens, we please you to repair the road going to Orto-Tokoy Village from the highway to be rehabilitated.

106 As Orto-Tokoy Village belongs to the Balykchy authority and is located 18 km away from Balykchy town, we please you to repair 3 km road connecting the Orto-Tokoy Village with the road to be rehabilitated. QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project:

5. NКmО: K. SСОТЬСОЧШЯ ResТdentТal address: 6 VostocСnaвa Street, BalвkcСв Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: This is good project, I wish you every success in you work QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: No questions

6. NКmО: KКЫypЛКТ BШЫЛКЬСОЯ ResТdentТal address: “Taгalвk” MunТcТpal EnterprТse Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: The Contractor needs to arrange elevated bridge for railway on the intersection of railway and highway to be rehabilitated. Install at least 4 traffic lights around that place QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Who will pay for removal of PTL poles and how private properties of rural people to be moved during the construction of road be compensated? Will street lighting be installed?

7. NКmО: S.D. MЮФКmЛОtШЯ ResТdentТal address: 145 Alвmkanov Street, BalвkcСв Proposals concernТnР tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Please provide for traffic lights within the city area. QuestТons related tСe road reСabТlТtatТon project: Does the project provide for ditches network within the city area?


MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: Now the category of the road is the 3rd category. It will be transformed into the 2nd category. Width of the road, its shoulder will be changed. Those places, where stone falls happen, will be protected through construction of high concrete walls protecting the road from stone falls. Here is Mr. Almaz, ecologist of the ADB and Mr. Sam, representative of KOCKS Company, who is preparing environmental report, Mr. Asylbek, environmental specialist of the MoTR and me, Mr. Ruslan Satylbaldiev, representative of the IPIG/MoTR. We have come here to discuss environmental matters. This is Mr. Sam, environmental specialist of ADB, who will tell you about possible environmental impacts and ways to mitigate the same. Now, please paв attentТon to tСe speecС of Mr. Sam. MЫ. SКm’Ь ЬpООМС: 12:35 (ПТЫЬt ЯТНОШ ОЧНЬ)– ЬОМШЧН ЯТНОШ 1:00

RОpЫОЬОЧtКtТЯО ШП OЫtШ-TШФШy Я/К: There is a rock on the way to Orto-Tokoy, will you remove it? MЫ. AЬyХЛОФ, IPIG/MШTR: We recommend that you should apply in written to the MoTR with your request through describing you concerns. MЫ. AЬyХЛОФ, IPIG/MШTR: It is a fact that the Project will start in a year. However, we do not know what time it will start, either in spring or in summer. So, take your time to tell us about your requests/concerns in written in order we would be able to include them into the Project.

RОpЫОЬОЧtКtТЯО ШП OЫtШ-TШФШy Я/К: There is an area close to Tash-Sarai village, where stone fall occurs frequently. MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: Contractor will never perform blasting operations in regard to rocks/mountains, if they are located far from the road to be reconstructed.

PОЫЬШЧ аОКЫТЧР KyЫРyг ЧКtТШЧКХ СОКНаОКЫ (KКЫypЛКТ BШЫЛКЬСОЯ): Where will the asphalt-mixing plant be located? MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: We are currently conducting feasibility study during which we shall determine location of such plant. Nevertheless, they will be located far from settlement areas.

PОЫЬШЧ аОКЫТЧР KyЫРyг ЧКtТШЧКХ СОКНаОКЫ: There is one asphalt-mixing plant near the Kok-Moinok area. You had better use that. MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: That asphalt mixing plant belongs to Chinese Company. We currently do not know who the Contractor is. After tender results, the Contractor will be identified. If it is Chinese company, then of course they will use that asphalt mixing plant.

108 MКyШЫ ШП BКХyФМСy MКyШЫ’Ь OППТМО: How many lanes will be there? MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: As the road will be the 2nd category road, there will be 2 lanes. The road is divided into 4 types. Lane width will be about 3.5 – 3.75 m, carriageway width – 7.00-7.50. As the traffic in the Bishkek- highway increased, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Sharshenovich instructed to divert traffic to other highways. Due to it, ADB is planning to reconstruct a highway from Balyckhy to Suusamyr/Too-Ashuu. ADB is currently conducting feasibility study. Please, make sure that all your requests are done in written before preparation of documentation, otherwise it will too late to include any request into the project (irrigation pipes to cross the reconstructed road, traffic lights etc.).

АШmКЧ, ЫОpЫОЬОЧtКtТЯО ШП OЫtШ-TШФШy VТХХКРО AЮtСШЫТty: Orto-Tokoy Village belongs to the Balykchy authority and is located 18 km away from Balykchy town. As we have neither schools, nor kindergartens, our children come to Balykchy town to study. We please you to repair 3 km road connecting the Orto-Tokoy Village with the road to be rehabilitated. MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: The project shall cover the road and road-related structures. As for the 3 km secondary road you are asking to rehabilitate, it is not included in the project. Nevertheless, if the Contractor saves money during reconstruction of that part of the road, he might help you to solve that issue. All the same, make sure that it is included in your protocols and written requests. Traffic lights are part of the project. Make sure that you specify the place where it should be installed in your written requests. Actually, traffic lights shall be installed according to standards and number of people to cross the street. If there are few people, the Contractor shall rather arrange pedestrian crossing (zebra). As for places near schools, where children cross the street, the Contractor shall install traffic lights. You have ring road over there; you may request the Contractor to install traffic lights there and on the place where people cross the street to reach the oil refinery and warehouses.

MКyШЫ ШП BКХyФМСy MКyШЫ’Ь OППТМО: Will the Contractor arrange for the sewage system? MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: You may instruct the Clean Water Authority to provide schemes of sewage system’s pipes to be laid under the road to the MoTR so the latter could be able to include it into the Project.

MКyШЫ ШП BКХyФМСy MКyШЫ’Ь OППТМО ТЬ tКХФТЧР аТtС pОШpХО МКmО ПЫШm НТППОЫОЧt ЯТХХКРОЬ: In spite of whether sewage system is specified in the General Plan or not and we want it or do not want it, we will surely need it in near future. We shall make sure that sewage, irrigation and clean water system’s pipes are provided for in the project. Therefore, we need to prepare details.

KКЫypЛКТ BШЫЛКЬСОЯ: We have understood environmental matters and measures to mitigate negative impacts very good thanks to presentation. Thank you very much. We have experience with China Road Company, which removed, shifted and re-installed electric poles during construction of the road. My

109 question is who will cover expenses related with such activity during reconstruction of the road under consideration? You were telling during presentation that if any house, shed or similar structure will be removed due to road, its owner would be compensated. I wonder whether the Contractor will compensate the entire cost of such structure. MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: That matter has been provided for in the Project. Owners of structures to be removed because of road will be compensated. Specialists will identify the cost of the structure, the Government shall receive funds and distribute to owners of destroyed/removed structures. We remember the case with Kyz-Kuyoo dwellers. They asked for compensation and when the Government came with compensation, they said that the Government calculated the cost according to prices of 2010. They requested the Government to calculate according to prices of 2011 as inflation took place within a year. When the Government came with compensation according to prices of 2011, dwellers said that they should be paid by 15 000 USD. At the end, the road was left without reconstruction. Currently the feasibility study is being made. The study shall identify what kind of structure will removed, how much it costs, who is the owner of that structure, how many electric poles will be removed – everything will be identified and provided to the Contractor. Here I should underline that houses, fences, sheds – any private structures will be compensated from the budget. In addition, I would like to inform you that the Government adopted a Resolution, under which no land plot will be leased, sold or occupied by any structure within 32 m area away from the center of the road until the road has been completely reconstructed.

KКЫypЛКТ BШЫЛКЬСОЯ: If you go westward from the ring road, you may notice that there is railway crossroad. It would be very good if you arranged elevated bridge for railway on the intersection of railway and highway to be rehabilitated. Contractor must install a traffic light on the place close to the ring road and arrange for sidewalks. What can you say about electric lighting? MЫ. RЮЬХКЧ, IPIG/MШTR: Good notice. Make sure that it is included in the minutes. Electric lighting will be installed inside villages. However, make sure that you have specified that in your written requests so that designers could study it. RepresentatТve of TasС-SaraТ vТllaРe: There is irrigation channel in Tash-Sarai village used by people, to which water comes through the pipe laid under the road. How will you construct the road without interruption of water supply?

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR: The Contractor shall lay a new pipe near the existing one. When it is laid, it shall divert water to the new pipe and remove old one. So, water supply will not be interrupted.

RepresentatТve of TasС-SaraТ vТllaРe: There is a house in Tash-Sarai village, which was built illegally. Will it be resettled?

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR:

110 According to obtained information, no house will be removed in this section. There are specialists identifying houses/structures to be removed.

RepresentatТve of TasС-SaraТ vТllaРe: Will the Contractor hire local people?

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR: Yes, of course. However, there is one fact to be taken into account; we do not know who will become a Contractor. If Chinese Company wins the tender, I am afraid that local people won’t be hired, because you know that Chinese workers start working early in the morning and work till the very evening without rest. Our workers might not be able to withstand such condition.

RepresentatТve of TasС-SaraТ vТllaРe: There are secondary roads inside villages. What section of such roads will be asphalt coated starting from the junction with the highway?

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR: About 15-25 m of secondary roads inside villages will be asphalt coated.

KarвpbaТ BorbasСev: Where will you set pits?

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR: Currently feasibility study is being made, which shall identify all the pits along the road, identify whether they are private or public, whether their materials are useful or not.

KarвpbaТ BorbasСev: After having excavated the pits, will you fill them back? What about debris, how will you remove it?

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR: All construction debris will be filled up and compacted as required.

Mr. Ruslan, IPIG/MoTR: Address all your proposals/requests to the MoTR in written and underline that they are related to the Road Reconstruction Project. I strongly hope that head of village authorities, mayors will render great assistance to us in our work.

Maвor of BalвkcСв Maвor’s OffТce: As for matters related to the town, I’ll do my best to help you. As for village authorities, there are heads thereof, who I believe will help you as well.





115 2. АКtОЫ qЮКХТty



118 3. NШТЬО These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

119 These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

120 These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

121 4. VТЛЫКtТШЧ

These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

122 These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

123 These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.


These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

125 These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.

126 These esults ee ot uoted i this IEE.





131 AЧЧОx I: LТЬt ШП ЛТЫНЬ mШЧТtШЫТЧР, GОЧОЫКХ DТЫОМtШЫКtО ШП BТШЬpСОЫО tОЫЫТtШЫy «IЬЬyФ-KЮХ» АКtОЫ ЛТЫНЬ ШП аОЬtОЫЧ IЬЬyФ-KЮХ КЫОК АОЬtОЫЧ ГШЧО: followТnР monТtorТnР poТnts are covered: Ak-Bulun, Ottuk, Ak-Olen Baв, Orto- Tokoв Аater ReservoТr, BalвkcСв baв, Toru-AвРвr. 2016 2015 2015 wТnter аТЧtОЫ SpЫТЧР Common kestrel 4 2 1 EurasТan sparrowСawk 2 NortСern РosСawk Аestern marsССarrТer HenСarrТer 35 SСТkra 2 Buteo rufТnus 6 4 2 Ч 8 PСeasant 1 2 14 EurasТancollareddove 6 5 Dove 400 100 Rock dove 1400 Common wood pТРeon 2 LТttle owl 1 2 CarrТoncrow 22 101 12 Hoodedcrow Rook 540 15 19 EurasТan maРpТe 36 2 19 Аestern jackdaw 20 70 MвnaС 2 2 CommonreedbuntТnР 1 Sparrow 50 Hornedlarks 150 440 Crestedlark 1 Graв lark 7 Rufous-backedredstart 1 MТstletСrusС 3 1 CommonblackbТrd 4 1 1 BlackkТte 10 CСukarpartrТdРe 1 CollaredpratТncole 2 Hoopoe 2 TawnвpТpТt 1 АaРtaТls 2 DaurТansСrТke 2 CettТ'swarbler 1 SaxТcola rubТcola 2 OenantСe ТsabellТna 5 CСlorТs 8 Panurus bТarmТcus 2 2 CarduelТs cannabТna 2 EmberТгa calandra 3 *InformatТon was provТded bв DТrectorate of BТospСere reserve “Issвk-Kul”


RКЫО ОЧНКЧРОЫОН ЬpОМТОЬ PОЫТШН BТЫНЬNКmО 2016 2015 2015 wТnter аТЧtОЫ SpЫТЧР FlamТnРo --- АСТte-taТled eaРle --- Golden eaРle --- Black kТte --- SСaСТn --- DemoТselle Crane --- Lesser kestrel --- Black stork --- Ospreв --- IbТsbТll --- LammerРeвer --- PallТd СarrТer --- Pallas's sandРrouse --- Black-bellТed sandРrouse --- Vulture --- Saker falcon --- SСort-toed EaРle --- *InformatТon was provТded bв DТrectorate of BТospСere reserve “Issвk-Kul”


LТЬt ШП ЛТЫНЬ КЧН mКmmКХЬ ТЧМХЮНОН tШ IBAT SyЬtОm, ЧШt ТЧМХЮНОН tШ KyЫРyг RОpЮЛХТМ’Ь RОН BШШФ, 2006 ц - ааа а: Охаыа щ ч а:-, О, а -О, хащ О-, а аычы, -.

АТnter SprТnР АТnter SprТnР АТnter SprТnР 2015 Name of bТrds 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017

BТrds Great snТpe ------GodwТt ------Curlew ------Вellow-eвed dove ------Red-breasted Рoose ------Mammals Altaв weasel ------


TКЛХО 1. LТЬt ШП ЬpОМТОЬ аТtС СКЛТtКt КЫОКЬ НОtОЫmТЧОН Лy ЛТШХШРТЬtЬ Note: Red Dotson maps – habitat area of the species.

# SPECIES HABITATS 1 AQUILA CHRВSAETOS (LINNAEUS)– Habitat -Rocks arranРed Тn tСe forest belt of mountaТns, Тn tСe subalpТne and alpТne areas [2].

2 CIRCAETUS GALLICUS (J.F.GMELIN)- Habitats - drв footСТlls, desert mountaТns, Тn tСe walnut-fruТt forests, at an altТtude of 1500-2200 m above sea level. [66].

3 SВRRHAPTES PARADOБUS (PALLAS) - It lТves Тn tСe nortС-eastern part of tСe countrв. [3] NestТnР occurs on tСe west coast of Issвk-Kul lake, valleвs of At-BasСТ and Narвn RТvers, Тt Тs also found Тn KocСkor Valleв. In wТnter and autumn are often found Тn otСer reРТons of tСe countrв [92]. Habitats-nestТnР sТtes are wТde stonв-Рravellв plateau at an altТtude of 1600-1900m. a. s. l., wТtС pea busСes, AnabasТs and tСТstles, and Тn some cases completelв wТtСout sСrubs. [3]

4 FALCO CHERRUG J.E. GRAВ Habitats-MТddle and upper mountaТn belt from 1300 to 3000 m. a. s. l. TСe low desert mountaТns and tСe drв footСТlls of tСe major mountaТn ranРes, rТver canвons, larvae, tuРaТ, floodplaТn forests, mТxed spruce forests, rocks and clТffs.

5 ACCIPITER BADIUS (J.F. GMELIN) - Habitats- tСe flat, low and medТum mountaТntractlandscape, lТРСtlв forested; savanna forest slopes, often Тn tСe cultural area [2, 15].


Source: AtlasKR, 1987







AEGВPIUS MONACHUS (LINNAEUS) - E 1 Habitats- tСe subalpТne and alpТne гones of tСe TТen SСan, Тn tСe СabТtat of wТld cloven-Сoofed anТmals and clusters of pets.

AQUILAHELIACASAVIGNВ 2 Habitats- footСТll areas СТРС Тn tСe mountaТns up to 2000 m. a. s. l. It adСeres to areas wТtС woodв veРetatТon [66].

AВTHВANВROCA (GULDENSTADT) - EOAA 3 Habitats-lakes, reservoТrs and ponds wТtС rТcС water veРetatТon and ТnСabТted bв small aquatТc anТmals.

CHLAMВDOTISUNDULATA (JACQUIN, 1784) - OA- In KвrРвгstan, Тt was seen maТnlв Тn tСe Issвk-Kul lake basТn [2]. 4 Habitats-Takвr desert and semТ-desert, desert footСТlls of rТdРes, occasТonallв occurs Тn autumn and wТnter on tСe stubble fТelds, wТtС РraТn crops.

CIRCUS MACROURUS (S.G. GMELIN) - EO 5 Habitats- lowland and low and medТum mountaТn outdoor statТon Тs not rare Тn tСe cultТvated areas, rarelв rТses to tСe СТРСlands.


AQUILACLANGAPALLAS - OO 6 Habitats -lowland and low and medТum mountaТn landscapes, keepТnР waterfowl СabТtats.

COLUMBAEVERSMANNIBONAPARTE 7 Habitats- rТver bluffs on tСe low-mountaТn valleвs. [2] Can nest Тn tree Сoles.

- FALCO CHERRUG J.E. GRAВ Habitats -mТddle and upper mountaТn belt from 1300 to 3000 m. a. s. l. TСe low desert mountaТns and tСe drв footСТlls of tСe major 8 mountaТn ranРes, rТver canвons, larvae, tuРaТ, floodplaТn forests, mТxed spruce forests, rocks and clТffs.

GВPAETUSBARBATUS (LINNAEUS) - OOA Habitats- СТРС-and mТddle reРТon of tСe TТen SСan mountaТn countrв 9 and PamТr-AlaТ, adСerТnР to tСe dТssected relТef, less plaТns ТnСabТted bв wТld cloven-Сoofed and place of transСumance.

GВPS HIMALAВENSIS HUME AA Habitats - tСe subalpТne and alpТne гones of tСe TТen SСan, Тn tСe 10 СabТtat of wТld cloven-Сoofed anТmals and clusters of pets. It nests Тn areas wТtС rockв outcrops.

HALIAEETUSLEUCORВPHUS (PALLAS) - 11 Habitats-ReservoТrs wТtС tСatcСed floodplaТns, flood plaТns wТtС poplar-wТllow forests.


NEOPHRONPERCNOPTERUS (LINNAEUS) - E 12 Habitats-mostlв desert footСТlls and mТdlands wТtС sСarplв dТssected terraТn. Rarelв Тn tСe subalpТne гone.

OБВURALEUCOCEPHALA (SCOPOLI) - Habitats-DurТnР mТРratТon can be stopped Тn tСe water bodТes 13 sСores,overРrown wТtС reeds, cattaТls.In recent вears, Тt Тs commonlв seen on water reservoТrs.

PELECANUS CRISPUS BRUCH - 14 Habitats-DurТnР tСe span rests on tСe natural and artТfТcТal ponds stocked wТtС reeds, sСrubs.

TETRAБTETRAБLINNAEUS - EE Currentlв, cases of nestТnР Тn tСe countrв Сave not been confТrmed. It Тs extremelв rare Тn tСe baвs of tСe Issвk-Kul Lake and water bodТes 15 of tСe CСu valleв.

Habitats-Areas wТtС vТrРТn steppe wТtС wormwood-epСemeral veРetatТon.


CAPOETOBRAMAKUSCHAKEАITSCHI (KESSEL)- 16 Habitats- RТver rapТds and backwaters wТtС Рravel and sandв soТl. From tСe lower reacСes of CСu RТver to BТsСkek [7, 10].


CUON ALPINUS (PALLAS) - Habitats- Steppe СabТtats alpТne and subalpТne гones, tСe upper part 17 of tСe forest belt. AssocТated wТtС tСe concentratТon of places of unРulates.


VORMELA PEREGUSNA GULDENSTAEDT- Habitats - tСe steppes and semТ-deserts. It Тs found Тn scrub alonР 18 tСe rТver valleвs.

LUTRA LUTRA LINNAEUS- PrevТouslв lТved Тn tСe basТn waters of Issвk-Kul, CСatkal, Narвn and AlaТ Valleв. At tСe present tТme - Тn tСe AlaТ Valleв, tСe soutС-western part of tСe dТstrТct Kвгвl-Suu. PerСaps Тt preserved Тn tСe basТnsof 19 CСatkal, UгenРu-KuusС rТvers [3, 9]. Habitats- tСe sСores of rТvers and lakes, rТcС Тn fТsС, wТtС floodplaТn tСТckets of trees and sСrubs, or fraРments of rock.

OVIS AMMON LINNAEUS- Habitats- steppes on tСe flat areas of tСe mountaТns and 20 ТntermountaТn valleвs atanв altТtudes. But tСese specТes now for tСe most part remaТned Тn tСe СТРСlands, wСere Тt Тs less plaРued [47].









Place: 10 Narвn str, BalвkcСв CТtв, buТldТnР of General DТrectorate of “Issвk-Kul” BТospСere Reserve.

Date: MarcС 27, 2017.


Erlan Suвnbaev – Deputв DТrector of General DТrectorate of “Issвk-Kul” BТospСere Reserve under tСe State AРencв for EnvТronmental ProtectТon and Forestrв under tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc

AnвТpa Kenenbaeva – Head of tСe Department of ScТence, EnvТronmental MonТtorТnР and AccountТnР of BТoloРТcal Resources of tСe General DТrectorate of “Issвk-Kul” BТospСere Reserve under tСe State AРencв for EnvТronmental ProtectТon and Forestrв under tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc

Asвlbek AbdвРulov – EnvТronmental SpecТalТst of tСe Investment Projects ImplementatТon Group under tСe MТnТstrв of Transport and Roads of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc

TatТana Volkova – EnvТronmental SpecТalТst EPTISA/JOC

MalТka Babadjanova – ADB SafeРuard SpecТalТst (RETA8663)

TСe purpose of tСe meetТnР: to cСeck tСe status of bТoloРТcal resources wТtСТn tСe corrТdor of BalвkcСв road sectТon (km 0-43) Тn tСe area of "Issвk-Kul" bТospСere terrТtorв, tСe possТble Тmpact of desТРn work on rare and endanРered specТes of anТmals.

DurТnР tСe dТscussТon reРardТnР tСe condТtТons of bТoloРТcal resources Тn tСe area of BalвkcСв road sectТon (km0-43), tСe reСabТlТtatТon of wСТcС Тs beТnР consТdered Тn tСe framework of CAREC CorrТdor 1 and 3 Connector Road Project BalвkcСв SectТon (0 km) to tСe kТlometer post (43 km), tСe followТnР was confТrmed bв tСe representatТves of tСe General DТrectorate of "Issвk-Kul" BТospСere Reserve:

1. TСe sectТon of BalвkcСв corrТdor Тs located, accordТnР to tСe гonТnР of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв of "Issвk-Kul", Тn tСe sanТtatТon гone, Т.. Тn tСe гone tСat Тncludes antСropoРenТcallв dТsturbed terrТtorТes tСat requТre reРeneratТon and remedТatТon measures (tСe ReРulatТon on tСe BТospСere TerrТtorв "Issвk-Kul" approved bв tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc on Januarв 24, 2000 No. 40, as amended bв tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc on November 5, 2002, No. 738, 28 June 2005 No. 263, September 19, 2006 N 682, MarcС 13, 2013 N 131, Maв 23, 2013 N 279, sectТon 3 "TerrТtorТal arranРement and гonТnР"). 2. TСe terrТtorв of tСe project sectТon of tСe road, sТnce tСe tТme of constructТon Тn tСe 70s of tСe 20tС centurв, Сas been under antСropoРenТc Тnfluence for a lonР tТme. Separate cordons or observatТon statТons on tСТs sТte are not Тnstalled due to tСe lack of sucС a need. 3. Rare and endanРered specТes of anТmals Тncluded Тn tСe IBAT sвstem and found on tСe bТospСere terrТtorв (tСe lТst Тs attacСed Тn SectТon J, IEE), Тt Тs Тn tСe area of BalвkcСв SectТon tСat tСeв practТcallв do not occur, sТnce tСeв lТve Тn СТРС-altТtude areas. 4. In connectТon wТtС tСТs, carrвТnР out of tСe reСabТlТtatТon works Тn tСe specТfТed project sectТon of tСe road wТll not Сave a potentТal neРatТve Тmpact on tСe avaТlable bТoloРТcal resources of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв, ТncludТnР on tСe Red Book specТes of anТmals, on tСe specТes of anТmals Тncluded Тn tСe IBAT sвstem. 5. It Тs recommended tСat, as precautТonarв mТtТРatТnР measures wТtСТn tСe project and to contrТbute to tСe fТРСt aРaТnst poacСТnР, to establТsС addТtТonal sТРns for km29 wТtС tСe desТРnatТon of tСe beРТnnТnР of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв, and also wТtСТn tСe BalвkcСв SectТon from

146 km 0 to km 43, to establТsС sТРns of a ban on СuntТnР (restrТctТon for СuntТnР to caprТcons and quaТls, etc.). TСe desТРn (content of tСe text) of ТnformatТonal sТРns, as well as tСe place of tСeТr ТnstallatТon, wТll be worked out at a later staРe. 6. A proposal Тs supported to Тnform or conduct traТnТnР for tСe Contractor's staff, tСe Тmportance of tСe bТospСere terrТtorв "Issвk-Kul", tСe conservatТon of bТodТversТtв, preventТve measures to conserve tСe flora and fauna of tСТs terrТtorв wТtСТn tСe framework of tСe EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan. 7. In order to obtaТn more complete ТnformatТon on IEE, wСТcС Тs under tСe preparatТon wТtСТn tСe framework of tСТs project, tСe draft IEE wТll be sent to tСe DТrectorate of "Issвk-Kul" BТospСere Reserve for acquaТntance and makТnР suРРestТons. 8. TСe ТmplementatТon of tСe EnvТronmental ManaРement Plan proposed Тn tСe IEE at tСe proper level wТll Сelp to mТtТРate / prevent tСe neРatТve Тmpact of constructТon works on bТodТversТtв Тn BalвkcСв SectТon from km 0 to km 43.


On beСalf of General DТrectorate of “Issвk-Kul” BТospСere Reserve under tСe State AРencв for EnvТronmental ProtectТon and Forestrв under tСe Government of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc:


AnвТpa Kenenbaeva ИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИ Head of tСe Department of ScТence, EnvТronmental MonТtorТnР and AccountТnР

On beСalf of IPIG:

Asвlbek AbdвРulov ИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИИ EnvТronmental SpecТalТst of tСe Investment Projects ImplementatТon Group under tСe MТnТstrв of Transport and Roads of tСe KвrРвг RepublТc

147 ClТОnt: Japan Overseas Consultants Co. Ltd Bishkek PОrПormОr: А. Abdykanova


MТnТstry oП CulturО, InПormatТon and TourТsm oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc

#______«___»______2018 г.

Archaeological Survey and Assessment Report and Proposed Plan, Section 1 ARCHEOLOGICAL EXPERTISE

accordТng to tСО rОsults oП arcСaОologТcal rОconnaТssancО carrТОd out Тn SОctТon 1 oП tСО altОrnatТvО NortС-SoutС Road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 ConnОctor Road) bОtаООn BalykcСy and KocСkor ovОr a lОngtС oП 43 km.

Bishkek – 2018

Signature ______



Signature ______1. ANNOTATION TСТs rОport contaТns tСО rОsults oП arcСaОologТcal rОconnaТssancО аork donО Тn SОctТon 1 oП tСО AltОrnatТvО NortС-SoutС Road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 ConnОctor Road) Тn tСО oП BalykcСy-KocСkor strОtcС ovОr aО lОngtС oП 43 km. TСО study аas donО Тn ordОr to dОtОrmТnО tСО prОsОncО or absОncО oП monumОnts oП СТstorТcal and cultural sТgnТПТcancО Тn tСО ТmmОdТatО vТcТnТty oП tСО ОбТstТng road (аТtСТn at lОast 50 mОtrОs) and tСО draаТng up oП a plan Пor protОctТon zonОs around tСО dТscovОrОd monumОnts.

As a rОsult oП tСО arcСaОologТcal rОconnaТssancО, sucС СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО sТtОs as Sary-Bulun NortСОrn I and SoutСОrn II, BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnts, ОtСnograpСТc tТmО gallОrТОs, burТal grounds Пrom tСО Оarly Iron AgО (Т.О. tСО Saks- Usun) pОrТod, mОdТОval gravОs, as аОll as artТПacts Тn tСО Пorm oП cОramТcs Пound on tСО surПacО. OП tСОsО, tСО sОttlОmОnts Тn Sary-Bulun NortС and SoutС, tСО ТndТvТdual Saks burТal mounds Orto-Tokoy 2, Orto-Tokoy 3 and Orto-Tokoy 4 arО locatОd аТtСТn dТstancОs oП 50 mОtrОs Пrom tСО proposОd road rОconstructТon zonО.

Signature ______2. INTRODUCTION

TСО purposО oП tСТs аork аas to conduct an arcСaОologТcal study oП SОctТon 1 oП BalykcСy-KocСkor road Пor a lОngtС oП 43 km, Тn vТОа oП tСО proposОd rОconstructТon oП tСО AltОrnatТvО NortС-SoutС Road, by mОans oП arcСaОologТcal ОбamТnatТon oП tСО sТtО to ОstablТsС tСО prОsОncО or absОncО oП arcСОologТcal monumОnts/objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО. TСО arcСaОologТcal survОy аas a rОsult oП a rОquОst by Japan OvОrsОas Consultants Co. Ltd. Тn BТsСkОk. For tСО survОy tСО SОctТon 1 oП tСО road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3), bОtаООn BalykcСy and KocСkor аas studТОd ovОr a total lОngtС oП 43 km - tСО arОa Тs sСoаn Тn FТgurО 1 bОloа. To ascОrtaТn tСО prОsОncО or absОncО oП objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО Тn tСО tОrrТtory oП tСО sОctТons oП tСО contours, a vТsual ТnspОctТon oП tСО ground adjacОnt to tСО ОбТstТng road аas carrТОd out usТng СandСОld GPS ТnstrumОnts to ПТб tСО locatТon oП any objОcts аТtС pСoto documОntatТon oП ТtОms dТscovОrОd.

Signature ______3. HISTORY OF ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEYS ArcСaОologТcal survОys Тn tСО Issyk-Kul basТn аОrО startОd Тn tСО mТddlО oП tСО 19tС cОntury. Issyk-Kul LakО as a СТstorТcal and arcСaОologТcal sТtО oП Kyrgyzstan, Тs mОntТonОd Тn tСО publТcatТons oП tСО prО-OctobОr pОrТod: an ТndОб oП prО-rОvolutТonary lТtОraturО by Z.L. AmТtТna-SСapТro contaТn ovОr 200 tТtlОs oП books, artТclОs, nОаspapОr notОs about Issyk-Kul, most oП аСТcС arО rОlatОd to monumОnts oП antТquТty (AmТtТna-SСapТro, 1958). TСО ПТrst survТvТng mОssagО about tСО burТОd monumОnts oП Issyk-Kul bОlongs to tСО Tatar mОrcСant IsaОv, аСo vТsТtОd tСО lakО Тn tСО 1920s. HО latОr ТnПormОd CС. ValТkСanov about tСО cТty ruТns СО saа Тn tСО zonО oП tСО Tyup GulП (ValТkСanov, 1951). In an anonymous artТclО аrТttОn Тn 1851, tСОrО arО rОports oП tаo pТОcОs oП coppОr tСroаn onto tСО sСorО oП Issyk-Kul by tСО аavОs oП tСО lakО. TСО Пamous travОlОr P. P. SОmОnov-Tyan-SСansky durТng СТs stay Тn TТОn- SСan Тn 1856-1857, trТОd to ПТnd Тn Issyk-Kul tСО ArmОnТan CСrТstТan monastОry, dОsТgnatОd on a Catalan map. A systОmatТc scТОntТПТc study oП tСО arcСaОologТcal monumОnts oП tСО rОgТon аas possТblО only Тn tСО SovТОt Оra. PartТcular mОntТon sСould bО madО oП tСО rОsОarcСОs oП P.P. Ivanov (1926-1927), tСО аorks oП SОmТrОcСОnskaya (1940) and tСО TТОn-SСan (1949) arcСaОologТcal ОбpОdТtТons СОadОd by A.N. BОrnsСtam. Also tСО Issyk-Kul dОtacСmОnt oП tСО InstТtutО oП HТstory oП tСО AcadОmy oП ScТОncОs oП tСО KТrgСТz SSR (1959-1962) and tСО Issyk-Kul HТstorТcal and ArcСaОologТcal EбpОdТtТon (1972) undОr tСО lОadОrsСТp oП D. F. VТnnТk. LatОr аork аas donО by tСО PalОolТtСТc DОtacСmОnt oП tСО InstТtutО oП HТstory oП tСО AcadОmy oП ScТОncОs oП tСО KТrgСТz SSR, lОd by V.A. Ranov and M.B. YunusalТОv and rОsОarcСОs oП tСО InstТtutО oП HТstory staПП Тn tСО Ton and Tosor rТvОr basТn (on tСО soutСОrn coast oП tСО Issyk-Kul lakО) Тn connОctТon аТtС tСО constructТon Тn 1971 oП tСО Tort-Kul rОsОrvoТr and tСО rОconnaТssancО trТp oП a spОcТal group oП СТstorТans and arcСaОologТsts Тn tСО Пall oП 1973. In tСО post-SovТОt pОrТod, joТnt arcСaОologТcal ОбpОdТtТons аОrО conductОd Тn tСО rОgТon on tСО monumОnt to tСО Оra oП tСО PalОolТtСТc Tosor on tСО soutСОrn sСorО oП tСО lakО (DОrОvyanko and otСОrs, 2000). TСО аorksСop oП tСО MТddlО PalОolТtСТc AgО oП Ak-Olon аas opОnОd nОar tСО vТllagО oП tСО samО namО Тn tСО Ton dТstrТct (DОrОvyanko and otСОrs, 2002).

In 2002, аorks on tСО consОrvatТon oП pОtroglypСs Тn CСolpon-Ata, аСТcС Тn tСО Оnd turnОd out to bО not ОntТrОly succОssПul, аОrО carrТОd out. TСО rock paТntТngs oП Oronok аОrО rОcordОd and studТОd (Akmatov, 2008). ArcСaОologТst D. LuzСansky Signature ______Тn coopОratТon аТtС sОТsmologТsts Тn somО 2015-2016 Обploratory аork аas carrТОd out on tСО maТn ПortТПТcatТons Тn tСО rОgТon and tСОТr mappТng аas dОtaТlОd (KorzСОnkov Оt al., 2016). TСО closОst knoаn arcСaОologТcal monumОnts to tСО proposОd sТtО oП tСО road rОconstructТon аork arО kОpt Тn tСО аorksСop oП tСО MТddlО PalОolТtСТc Ak-Olon (7 km to tСО аОst) oП tСО Boz-Barmak and Salamat-Bulak StonО AgО (14 km to tСО soutС-аОst), datТng Пrom tСО DomostТОr pОrТod (sОО YunusalТОv 1977 DОrОvyanko Оt al., 2002). TСО Обact locatТon oП tСО last tаo Тs not currОntly dОПТnОd.

4. 2018 SURVEY METHODOLOGY In tСО coursО oП tСО arcСaОologТcal rОconnaТssancО, mОtСods oП vТsual ТnspОctТon oП tСО tОrrТtory аОrО usОd. ZТgzag routОs аОrО laТd out to covОr tСО largОst possТblО arОa аТtС GPS ПТбatТon oП tСО routО, tСО outlТnОs oП tСО sТtОs oП ТdОntТПТОd objОcts, as аОll as otСОr ПОaturОs oП tСО rОlТОП. PСotograpСТc rОcords аОrО takОn and ТnspОctТons madО oП rОlОvant ТnПormatТon matОrТal Тn tСО Пorm oП maps, books and artТclОs dОvotОd to tСО prОvТous arcСaОologТcal studТОs oП tСО arОa. 5. RESULTS OF 2018 ARCHEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE SОctТon 1 oП BalykcСy-KocСkor road bОgТns at tСО roundabout Тn BalykcСy CТty and Оnds at tСО bОnd Тn tСО road Тn tСО dТrОctТon oП KocСkor-BТsСkОk tСrougС tСО Kubaky Pass. To tСО soutС, tСО road dТvТdОs Тnto tаo, onО brancС goОs to tСО Оast along tСО soutСОrn coast oП Issyk-Kul, tСО sОcond (part oП tСО study sТtО) to tСО soutС to tСО Torugart pass. BotС brancСОs oП tСО ОбТstТng road coТncТdО аТtС somО oП tСО ancТОnt caravan routОs oП tСО GrОat SТlk Road. At 7,800 meters from the beginning of SОctТon 1 on tСО аОst sТdО oП tСО road, tСО ruТns oП tСО mОdТОval settlement called Sary Bulun Northern 2 аОrО Пound (FТg. 2). TСО locatТon oП tСТs monumОnt аas also ТndТcatОd Тn tСО prОvТous arcСaОologТcal rОport on tСО corrТdor (CСargynov, 2016). TСО sОttlОmОnt Тs locatОd on tСО rТgСt oП tСО road abovО tСО ПloodplaТn oП tСО CСu RТvОr. A lТttlО ПurtСОr along tСО road on tСО ОastОrn sТdО and about 300 mОtОrs oП tСО road Тs locatОd tСО sОcond sОttlОmОnt oП Sary-Bulun Southern 1. BotС sОttlОmОnts аОrО studТОd by arcСaОologТst D.F. VТnnТk Тn 1977-1978. AccordТng to ПТОld rОports, tСО nortСОrn sОttlОmОnt аas ОбcavatОd complОtОly and tСО soutСОrn onО partТally (VТnnТk, 1977, 1978). TСО layout oП tСО sОttlОmОnts Тs sТmТlar botС to tСО pottОry and tСО coТnagО Пound as tСОy arО tСougСt to bО datОd Пrom tСО KarakСanТd tТmО (X-XII cОnturТОs AD) (AmanbaОva, 2013).

Signature ______AccordТng to tСО rОsults oП prОsОnt arcСaОologТcal ОбcavatТons, tСО sОttlОmОnt Sary-Bulun NortСОrn 2 Тs rОctangular Тn plan, orТОntОd to tСО sТdОs oП tСО аorld аТtС a lОngtС oП ОбtОrnal adobО аalls oП 29 to 33 mОtОrs. TСО ОntrancО to tСО sТtО аas Тn tСО cОntОr oП tСО soutСОrn аall. In tСО cОntral part аas a largО yard mОasurТng 12.5 by 14 mОtОrs. TСО аalls аОrО kОpt to a СОТgСt oП 1.3-1.6 mОtОrs; tСО tСТcknОss at tСО basО oП tСО аalls аas 2.2 mОtОrs and аas gradually slopОd. InsТdО tСО sОttlОmОnt аОrО ОбcavatОd 22 rooms, 3 corrТdors and a courtyard. ArcСaОologТsts СavО dТscovОrОd rОmaТns oП stovОs usОd Пor tСО smОltТng oП Тron orО. Most oП tСО prОmТsОs, ОspОcТally tСО cОntral courtyard, аОrО ПТllОd аТtС botС asС and slag matОrТals. ArcСaОologТst D.F. VТnnТk ТntОrprОtОd tСТs as bОТng «lТkО a mОtallurgТcal cОntОr Пor tСО smОltТng oП Тron" (VТnnТk, 1978). JudgТng by tСО arcСТtОcturО ТnТtТally, tСО structurО аas a caravan saray and latОr Тt аas usОd as a аorksСop oП a mОtallurgТcal cОntОr (KorzСОnkov, 2016). At tСТs tТmО, part oП tСО survТvТng аalls oП tСО sОttlОmОnt aПtОr tСО arcСaОologТcal ОбcavatТons Пrom tСО soutСОrn and аОstОrn sТdОs аas dОstroyОd by a bulldozОr. TСО cОntral courtyard аas Пound to bО lТttОrОd аТtС slag durТng ОбcavatТons. In tСО nortС-аОstОrn cornОr and along tСО pОrТmОtОr, tracОs oП dumps Тn tСО Пorm oП a sСaПt up to 1-1.5 mОtОrs Тn СОТgСt аОrО notОd. TСО аalls oП tСО prОmТsОs аОrО prОsОrvОd at a СОТgСt oП 0.8-1 mОtОrs. ArtТПacts on tСО surПacО аОrО not dОtОctОd. TСО gОnОral coordТnatОs oП tСО sОttlОmОnt аОrО rОcordОd to bО as Пolloаs: 42°24'2.59"N 76° 5'56.13"E (FТg. 3-5). The settlement of Sary-Bulun Southern I аas partТally ОбplorОd by tСО arcСaОologТst D.F. VТnnТk. AccordТng to tСО studТОs, tСО sОttlОmОnt аas Тn tСО Пorm oП a squarО, аТtС sТdОs 40 mОtОrs and orТОntОd to tСО sТdОs oП tСО аorld. TСО maбТmum СОТgСt oП tСО survТvТng аalls rОacСОd 1.5 mОtОrs. TСО ОntrancО аas locatОd Тn tСО cОntОr oП tСО аОstОrn аall. A courtyard occupТОd tСО cОntral part oП tСО sОttlОmОnt. D.F. VТnnТk ТdОntТПТОd 15 prОmТsОs, oП аСТcС 7 arО locatОd along tСО ОastОrn аall, durТng tСО ОбcavatТons (VТnnТk, 1978). LatОr tСО sОttlОmОnt аas partТally dОstroyОd durТng tСО constructТon oП tСО ОбТstТng road. At tСО momОnt only ПragmОnts oП buТldТngs Тn tСО ОastОrn part oП tСО sОttlОmОnt СavО bООn prОsОrvОd. In tСО soutС-аОstОrn cornОr oП tСО nortСОrn room Тs noа a monumОnt to a man аСo dТОd as a rОsult oП a road accТdОnt. LТПtТng matОrТal аas not dОtОctОd (KorzСОnkov, 2016). JudgТng by tСО dОscrТptТon, tСО ОбcavatОd sТtОs oП tСО ОastОrn part oП tСО sОttlОmОnt СavО bООn prОsОrvОd. SОttlОmОnt as tСО prОvТous onО Тs datОd to tСО KarakСanТd tТmО (X-XII cОnturТОs) and Тs dОПТnОd as a sОttlОmОnt oП

Signature ______mОtallurgТsts. TСО gОnОral coordТnatОs oП tСО sОttlОmОnt arО as Пolloаs: 42°23'52.41" 76° 5'58.60"В. TСО rОmaТns oП tСО buТldТngs arО ПТбОd on 8,100 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП SОctТon 1, on tСО Оast sТdО oП tСО road. TСО part oП tСО buТldТng аas damagОd by layТng tСО optТc cablО Пrom 25 to 30 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road. TСО rОmaТnТng sОctТon oП tСО road аas lОvОlОd. PrТor to tСО constructТon аorks at tСО sТtО, bОtаООn tСО rОmaТns and tСО road (30 mОtОrs) Тt Тs rОquТrОd to conduct tСО ПТОld ОбcavatТon аorks by tОst pТttТng Пor rОvОalТng tСО prОsОncО or absОncО oП СТstorТcal layОr/layОrs (FТg. 6-12). Graves and the cemetery of ethnographic time (18th-19th centuries), a medieval settlement. A bronzО-agО vТllagО Тn tСО TasС-Saray localТty аas rОcordОd Тn SОctТon 1 at 10,800 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road. TСО sТtОs arО locatОd on tСО Оast sТdО oП tСО ОбТstТng road. TСО ОarlТОr gravОs ovОrgrОа modОrn cОmОtОrТОs. TСО gravОs arО locatОd about 40 mОtОrs Пrom tСО ОбТstТng road. TСО cОmОtОry ТtsОlП stands on a loosО stack oП dОposТtОd matОrТals, somО oП аСТcС аas usОd to buТld tСО gravОs Пor ОconomТc rОasons. SomО prОsОrvОd gravОs and otСОr ruТns arО locatОd at about 50 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road. OП tСОsО, tСО maТn ТntОrОst Тs tСО gravО buТlt Тn tСО Пorm oП a toаОr and coatОd аТtС аСТtО plastОr. In tСО arОa oП tСО cОmОtОry, ПragmОnts oП cОramТcs аОrО Пound, аСТcС suggОsts tСat oncО a mОdТОval sОttlОmОnt ПunctТonОd tСОrО, but аas latОr dОstroyОd, apparОntly by tСО latОr constructТon oП morО gravОs usТng local matОrТals agaТn Пor ОconomТc rОasons. In tСО stratТgrapСТc sОctТons oП tСО soТls, no tracОs oП tСО cultural layОr аОrО notОd. TСО gОnОral coordТnatОs oП tСО cОmОtОry arО as Пolloаs: 42°22'29.86"N 76° 5'18.53"E (FТg. 13-15). TСО BronzО AgО camp Тs locatОd to tСО soutСОast oП tСО cОmОtОry, 150 mОtОrs Оast oП tСО road, Тs a typТcal tasС-koroo structurО, 18 mОtОrs Тn dТamОtОr. On tСО аОstОrn sТdО, tСО tasС-koroo Тs protОctОd by a СТll tСat СТdОs Тt Пrom tСО road. On tСО tОrrТtory oП tСО monumОnt аas Пound a ПragmОnt oП cОramТcs. GОnОral coordТnatОs: 42°22'27.31"N 76° 5'17.15"E (FТg. 16). Archaeological complex Orto-Tokoy 1 аas dТscovОrОd Тn tСО Orto-Tokoy vallОy on tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО rОsОrvoТr at about 33,000 - 34,000 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road. TСО complОб consТsts oП 4 vТllagОs datТng Пrom tСО BronzО AgО (I-II mТllОnnТum BC) СavТng a complОб structurО, tСО burТal ground oП tСО Saks (VIII-III cОnturТОs BC), burТal mounds oП tСО Оra oП tСО grОat mТgratТon oП pОoplОs (Usun, HunnТsС tТmО, III BC), latОr mОdТОval gravОs and a small bouldОr аТtС pОtroglypСs also Пrom tСО BronzО AgО. OП tСОsО, 5 Saks burТal mounds and 2 mОdТОval gravОs arО locatОd to tСО soutС oП tСО road. TСО otСОr rОmaТnТng

Signature ______monumОnts arО 2 mounds Пrom tСО Оra oП tСО grОat mТgratТon oП pОoplОs, 10 Saks burТal mounds, tСО bouldОr аТtС pОtroglypСs Пorm tСО BronzО AgО аСТcС arО locatОd nortС oП tСО road. 2 mОdТОval gravОs and 1 BronzО AgО vТllagО arО locatОd closОst to tСО road at 75 mОtОrs; tСО rОmaТnТng objОcts arО locatОd at a dТstancО oП 100 to 400 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road (FТgurО 17-23). CoordТnatОs oП dОtОctОd monumОnts arО as Пolloаs: 1) 42°17'44.62"N 75°58'50.73"E. BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt, consТstТng oП ПТvО stonО sОctТons oП roundОd outlТnОs. TСО СОТgСt oП tСО ПoldОd stonОs Тs about 0.40 m. TСО dТmОnsТons oП tСО sТdОs oП tСО largО rОctangular courtyard arО about 17-18 mОtОrs. 2) 42°17'39.93"N 75°58'29.69"E. BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt, as roundОd outlТnО Тn tСО Пorm oП tasС-koroo, СОТgСt oП tСО bouldОrs Тs 0.20 m. dТamОtОr. TСО sТdОs oП tСО courtyard arО also 18 mОtОrs. 3) 42°17'44.21"N 75°58'19.65"E. BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt, consТstТng oП sТб sub-rОctangular rooms. TСО СОТgСt oП tСО bouldОrs Тs 0.40 m. TСО dТmОnsТons arО approбТmatОly 40 by 30 mОtОrs. 4) 42°17'43.49"N 75°58'13.80"E. BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt, consТstТng oП tаo roundОd rooms. TСО СОТgСt oП tСО bouldОrs Тs 0.30-0.40 m. TСО sТdОs oП tСО largОr room arО 17 mОtОrs. 5) 42°17'40.36"N 75°58'42.86"E. A small bouldОr аТtС pОtroglypСs sСoаТng ТmagОs oП tаo mountaТn goats and tаo bulls, datТng Пrom tСО BronzО AgО. 6) 42°17'46.03"N 75°58'38.73"E. TСО mound oП tСО Оra oП tСО grОat mТgratТon oП pОoplОs (Usun, HunnТsС tТmО, III BC) Тs squarО Тn sСapО аТtС sТdОs oП about 4 mОtОrs. 7) 42°17'47.12"N 75°58'38.45"E. TСО mound datТng Пrom tСО Оra oП tСО grОat mТgratТon oП pОoplОs (Usun, HunnТsС tТmО, III BC) Тs squarО Тn sСapО аТtС sТdОs oП 4 mОtОrs. 8) SakТan barroаs oП round sСapО аТtС dТmОnsТons Пrom 3 to 7 mОtОrs Тn lОngtС Тn tСО Пorm oП a rocky-ОartС ОmbankmОnt. TСО mound СОТgСt Тs Пrom 0.40 to 1 mОtОr. Barroаs arО locatОd on tСО nortС sТdО oП tСО road (10 burТal mounds) and on tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road (5 burТal mounds) -a total oП only 15 mounds. PОrСaps tСОrО arО morО. To dОtОrmТnО morО dОtaТls, a morО dОtaТlОd study Тs nООdОd. 1. 42°17'41.44"N 75°58'45.96"E; 2. 42°17'47.16"N 75°58'40.42"E; 3. 42°17'47.25"N 75°58'41.00"E; 4. 42°17'46.88"N 75°58'41.05"E;

Signature ______5. 42°17'48.53"N 75°58'37.60"E; 6. 42°17'49.27"N 75°58'37.39"E; 7. 42°17'40.58"N 75°58'22.71"E; 8. 42°17'41.77"N 75°58'17.08"E; 9. 42°17'42.53"N 75°58'16.83"E; 10. 42°17'42.87"N 75°58'16.66"E. 11. 42°17'31.60"N 75°58'46.95"E; 12. 42°17'30.03"N 75°58'46.30"E; 13. 42°17'32.52"N 75°58'38.58"E; 14. 42°17'33.84"N 75°58'38.11"E; 15. 42°17'32.59"N 75°58'33.06"E.

9) 42°17'34.29"N 75°58'27.92"E2 mОdТОval gravОs oП an oval sСapО, аТtС a stonО ОmbankmОnt up to 0.30 m Тn СОТgСt. DТmОnsТons 2 by 1 mОtОr.

The burial ground of Orto-Tokoy 2 Тs locatОd at 34,800 – 34,900 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road and Пrom tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road. TСО burТal ground consТsts oП 6 barroаs oП round sСapО аТtС a dТamОtОr oП up to 7 mОtОrs and a stonО-ОartС ОmbankmОnt аТtС a СОТgСt oП 0.5 mОtОrs. TСО mounds arО locatОd Тn a cСaТn Пrom nortС-Оast to soutС-аОst. PrОlТmТnary conclusТon Тs tСat tСОy datО Пrom tСО Saks tТmО (VIII-III cОnturТОs BC). The first mound is located 30 meters from the existing road but appears to have been destroyed during the laying of a fiber-optic cable (tСО cablО Тs locatОd dТrОctly ovОr tСО mound) (FТg. 26-29). TСО coordТnatОs oП tСО mounds arО as Пolloаs: 1. 42°17'30.71"N 75°57'27.57"E (30 m Пrom tСО road); 2. 42°17'29.76"N 75°57'27.23"E (60 m Пrom tСО road); 3. 42°17'28.05"N 75°57'25.82"E (120 m Пrom tСО road); 4. 42°17'22.37"N 75°57'20.65"E (130 m Пrom tСО road); 5. 42°17'27.76"N 75°57'25.72"E (330 m Пrom tСО road); 6. 42°17'22.20"N 75°57'20.53"E (335 m Пrom tСО road). The burial ground of Orto-Tokoy 3 Тs locatОd 35,500 – 36,400 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road and on tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road. TСО cОmОtОry consТsts oП 29 barroаs oП roundОd sТzО аТtС dТamОtОrs oП Пrom 5 to 10 mОtОrs. TСОrО arО rock and ОartС mounds oП up to 0.5 mОtОrs Тn СОТgСt. Mounds arО locatОd closО togОtСОr Тn small groups. Tаo burТal mounds appОar to СavО bООn partТally dОstroyОd by tСО ОбcavatТon oП a dТtcС lТnО. PrОlТmТnary ОstТmatОs suggОst Тt Тs datОd to tСО Saks tТmО (VIII-III cОnturТОs BC) (FТg.24-29).

Signature ______TСО coordТnatОs oП tСО mounds arО as Пolloаs: 1. 42°17'41.58"N 75°56'36.64"E (58 m Пrom tСО road); 2. 42°17'42.29"N 75°56'34.40"E (52 m Пrom tСО road); 3. 42°17'41.99"N 75°56'34.40"E (61 m Пrom tСО road); 4. 42°17'42.03"N 75°56'30.77"E (63 m Пrom tСО road); 5. 42°17'40.66"N 75°56'32.83"E (110 m Пrom tСО road); 6. 42°17'40.06"N 75°56'31.80"E (120 m Пrom tСО road); 7. 42°17'39.61"N 75°56'32.08"E (130-140 m Пrom tСО road); 8. 42°17'39.61"N 75°56'32.08"E (130-140 m Пrom tСО road); 9. 42°17'39.61"N 75°56'32.08"E (130-140 m Пrom tСО road); 10. 42°17'38.71"N 75°56'32.15"E (160 m Пrom tСО road); 11. 42°17'38.23"N 75°56'32.03"E (180 m Пrom tСО road); 12. 42°17'37.12"N 75°56'33.22"E (210 m Пrom tСО road); 13. 42°17'36.65"N 75°56'33.50"E (230 m Пrom tСО road); 14. 42°17'35.57"N 75°56'35.86"E (250 m Пrom tСО road); 15. 42°17'35.17"N 75°56'35.79"E (260 m Пrom tСО road); 16. 42°17'40.95"N 75°56'41.47"E (45 m Пrom tСО road); 17. 42°17'40.79"N 75°56'41.57"E (50 m Пrom tСО road); 18. 42°17'40.59"N 75°56'41.63"E (55 m Пrom tСО road, partТally damagОd by a dТtcС); 19. 42°17'40.07"N 75°56'41.70"E (70 m Пrom tСО road); 20. 42°17'39.82"N 75°56'41.80"E (77 m Пrom tСО road); 21. 42°17'39.75"N 75°56'42.16"E (76 m Пrom tСО road); 22. 42°17'39.63"N 75°56'42.36"E (77 m Пrom tСО road); 23. 42°17'36.91"N 75°56'48.82"E (115 m Пrom tСО road); 24. 42°17'37.05"N 75°56'53.54"E (75 m Пrom tСО road, partТally damagОd by a dТtcС); 25. 42°17'35.99"N 75°56'53.45"E (112 m Пrom tСО road); 26. 42°17'36.01"N 75°56'58.07"E (75 m Пrom tСО road); 27. 42°17'29.81"N 75°56'49.48"E (320 m Пrom tСО road); 28. 42°17'29.12"N 75°56'48.04"E (345 m Пrom tСО road); 29. 42°17'26.64"N 75°56'43.10"E (450 m Пrom tСО road).

CoordТnatОs oП tСО pОtroglypС: 42°17'37.55"N 75°56'53.66"E. TСО bouldОr Тs locatОd 60 mОtОrs nortС oП tСО road bОСТnd tСО dam. TСО pОtroglypСs prОsОnt ТmagОs oП 2 mountaТn goats and 2 bulls. Tаo sТdОs oП tСО bouldОr аОrО usОd as panОls - on onО sТdО ТmagОs oП 2 bulls and 1 mountaТn goat arО ПТбОd, on tСО sОcond sТdО tСОrО Тs just 1 mountaТn goat (FТg.24).

Signature ______It sСould also bО notОd tСat on tСО samО sТtО on tСО nortС sТdО oП tСО road and bОСТnd tСО dam at a dТstancО oП 90 to 180 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road accordТng to GooglО EartС objОcts tСat could bО burТal mounds Пrom tСО samО tТmО pОrТod аОrО Пound. TСОy arО partТcularly concОntratОd Тn tСО arОa oП 36,300 – 36,600 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road (FТg.31).

In tСО sОctТon 36,400-37,300 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road on tСО nortС sТdО, tСОrО arО 4 small-sТzОd quarrТОs crОatОd durТng tСО constructТon oП tСО dam, аСТcС starts about 50 mОtОrs nortС oП tСО road at a sОctТon oП 31,000 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road.

FurtСОr on Тn tСО arОa 37,700 – 38,200 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road on botС sТdОs oП tСО road, GooglО EartС sСoаs objОcts tСat could bО mounds. On tСО nortС sТdО tСОy arО locatОd bОyond tСО dam lТnО at a dТstancО oП bОtаООn 80-230 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road. On tСО soutС sТdО bОyond tСО moat lТnО, mounds appОar to bО about 150 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road (FТg.31-35).

FurtСОr Тn tСО arОa 38,700 – 39,100 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road GooglО EartС sСoаs on tСО nortС sТdО about 100-150 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road, tСО sТtО oП a quarry. TСО 5 objОcts tСОrО could also bО mounds (FТg.36).

The burial ground of Ortho-Tokoy 4 Тs locatОd bОtаООn 39,100 – 39,450 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road. On tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road tСО sТtО contaТns ПТvО mounds oП round sСapО аТtС a dТamОtОr oП up to 7 mОtОrs. Rock and ОartС mounds arО up to 0.5 mОtОrs Тn СОТgСt. PrОlТmТnary ОstТmatОs suggОst tСОy datО Пrom tСО Saks tТmО (VIII-III cОnturТОs BC). TСО tОrrТtory Тs pollutОd аТtС modОrn day garbagО, аСТcС Сas bООn scattОrОd all ovОr tСО Сolloа to tСО Пoot oП tСО mountaТns. ApparОntly, a landПТll Тs locatОd nОarby but Тt Тs not propОrly ОquТppОd to covОr or trОat tСО rОПusО (FТgurОs 36-39).

TСО coordТnatОs oП tСО mounds arО as Пolloаs:

1. 42°18'6.36"N 75°54'27.25"E (50 m Пrom tСО road); 2. 42°18'5.48"N 75°54'26.22"E (80 m Пrom tСО road); 3. 42°17'58.46"N 75°54'27.02"E (250 m Пrom tСО road); 4. 42°17'58.09"N 75°54'26.94"E (255 m Пrom tСО road); 5. 42°17'57.77"N 75°54'26.78"E (270 m Пrom tСО road); 6. 42°17'59.85"N 75°54'33.90"E (120 m Пrom tСО road).

FurtСОr, Тn tСО sОctТon oП tСО sТtО Пrom 39,400 – 39,600 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road on tСО nortС sТdО oП tСО road bОСТnd tСО dam and at a

Signature ______dТstancО oП about 120-180 mОtОrs Пorm tСО road, GooglО EartС sСoаs objОcts tСat bО mounds.

SТncО monumОnts locatОd at a dТstancО oП morО tСan 50 mОtОrs Пrom tСО road Пall Тnto zonОs oП rОgulatОd constructТon and a protОctОd landscapО, a sТnglО actТon plan Пor tСОm (procОdurОs, proposals and mОasurОs Пor tСО protОctТon and monТtorТng oП objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО durТng tСО constructТon oП tСО road) аТll bО prОsОntОd Тn a comprОСОnsТvО mannОr Пor SОctТons 1, 2A and 2B as a sОparatО appОndТб.

Signature ______11. CONCLUSIONS

March 26, 2018. TСОs conclusТons oП tСО arcСaОologТcal ОбamТnatТon аОrО compТlОd by A. Abdykanova accordТng to tСО tОrms oП tСО contract Пor arcСaОologТcal ОбpОrtТsО Пrom MarcС 30, 2018, commТssТonОd by Japan OvОrsОas Consultants Co. Ltd, Тn BТsСkОk (СОrОТnaПtОr rОПОrrОd to as tСО ClТОnt). ArcСaОologТcal ОбamТnatТon (СОrОТnaПtОr - EбpОrtТsО) аas carrТОd out on tСО basТs oП tСО: - Laа oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc No. 91 oП 26.07.1999 "On protОctТon and usО oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО"; - Laа oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc No. 65 oП 20.03.2015 "On AmОndmОnts and AddТtТons to tСО Laа" On ProtОctТon and UsО oП HТstorТcal and Cultural HОrТtagО "; - TСО Land CodО oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc oП 02.06.1999, No. 45; - InstructТon on tСО organТzatТon oП protОctТon zonОs Пor ТmmovablО objОcts oП tСО СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc datОd July 27, 2015.

Basis for the Examination: UsО oП tСО land. Purpose of the work: DОtОrmТnatТon oП tСО prОsОncО or absОncО oП objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО Тn tСО arОa oП tСО proposОd road rОconstructТon and tСО dОvОlopmОnt oП modТПТcatТons nООdОd to protОct ТdОntТПТОd objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО. Area of examination: SОctТon 1, AltОrnatТvО SoutС-NortС Road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3), BalykcСy-KocСkor, total lОngtС – 43km. Methodology: EбpОrtТsО аas carrТОd out on tСО basТs oП ТnПormatТon rОcОТvОd Пrom tСО ClТОnt, accordТng to tСО mОtСodology oП arcСaОologТcal ОбpОrtТsО. TСТs consТstОd oП prОlТmТnary аork to rОsОarcС arcСТval and bТblТograpСТc data, analysТs oП GooglО EartС satОllТtО ТmagОry, rОvТОаs oП topograpСТc maps, GPS coordТnatОs to ПТб tСО locatТon oП objОcts Пound, pСoto rОcords and gОnОral vТsual ТnspОctТon oП tСО ТmmОdТatОly surroundТng tОrraТn Пor objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО. Conclusion: As a rОsult oП tСО study oП SОctТon 1 oП tСО constructТon oП an AltОrnatТvО NortС- SoutС Road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 ConnОctor Road), BalykcСy-KocСkor ovОr a lОngtС oП 43 km, tСО ПolloаТng monumОnts and otСОr tracОs аОrО rОvОalОd Тn tСО

Signature ______tОrrТtory oП tСО Ton DТstrТct oП Issyk-Kul Oblast and tСО KocСkor DТstrТct oП Naryn Oblast Тn tОrms oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО: А) Objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage (monumОnts oП arcСaОology) locatОd at a dТstancО oП lОss tСan 50 mОtОrs Пrom tСО sСouldОr oП tСО ОбТstТng road:

1. SОttlОmОnt Sary Bulun NortСОrn II (X-XII cОnturТОs., Caravan-saray, Тron smОltТng аorksСop), 7,800 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road, Тs locatОd 40 mОtОrs аОst oП tСО road; 2. SОttlОmОnt Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn I (X-XII cОnturТОs., SОttlОmОnt oП mОtallurgТsts), 8,000 – 8,100 Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП road, vТsТblО parts oП tСО sОttlОmОnt Тs locatОd Тn 30 mОtОrs to tСО Оast Пrom road; 3. GravОs and a cОmОtОry (18-19tС cОnturТОs, covОrОd by a modОrn cОmОtОry), a mОdТОval sОttlОmОnt (dОstroyОd durТng tСО constructТon oП tСО gravОs) and a vТllagО oП tСО BronzО AgО (I-II mТllОnnТum BC), at 10,800 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road. TСО complОб Тs locatОd 30 mОtОrs Оast oП tСО road (modОrn gravОs). TСО gravОs tСОmsОlvОs arО locatОd 50 mОtОrs Оast oП tСО road. TСО BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt Тs locatОd outsТdО tСО cОmОtОry at an ОlОvatТon 150 mОtОrs Оast oП tСО road. TСО saПОty oП tСО аОlls Тs satТsПactory, tСО saПОty oП tСО cОmОtОry datТng Пrom ОtСnograpСТc tТmО Тs Тn ‘ОmОrgОncy’ condТtТon; 4. OnО oП tСО burТal mounds (No. 1) oП tСО burТal ground oП Orto-Tokoy 2 (tСО Saks pОrТod oП VIII-III cОnturТОs BC) at 37,200 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road Тs locatОd 30 mОtОrs to tСО soutС oП tСО road, dОstroyОd durТng tСО layТng tСО ПТbОr optТc cablО. In gОnОral, tСО burТal ground consТsts oП 7 burТal mounds, locatОd Тn a cСaТn Пrom tСО nortСОast to tСО soutС-аОst. DТamОtОr oП mounds Пrom 5 to 7 mОtОrs аТtС СОТgСts Пrom 0,40-0,60 mОtОrs, constructОd Пrom oП rock-ОartС matОrТals. TСО saПОty oП tСО barroаs Тs satТsПactory. 5. OnО oП tСО burТal mounds (No. 16) oП tСО burТal ground oП Orto-Tokoy 3 (Saks pОrТod VIII-III cОnturТОs BC) at 36,000 – 36,500 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road, Тs locatОd 45 mОtОrs to tСО soutС oП tСО road. TСО burТal ground ТtsОlП consТsts oП 29 mounds. In addТtТon to tСО barroа No. 16, burТal mounds No. 17-18 arО locatОd at a dТstancО oП 50 and 55 mОtОrs to tСО soutС oП tСО road; 6. OnО oП tСО burТal mounds (No. 1) oП tСО OrtСo-Tokoy burТal ground 4 (tСО Saks pОrТod oП VIII-III cОnturТОs BC) at 39,100 – 39,450 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road, on tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road. TСО burТal ground ТtsОlП consТsts oП ПТvО mounds.

Signature ______Also, tСОrО аОrО Пound otСОr objОcts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО:

B) Objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage (monumОnts oП arcСaОology) locatОd at a dТstancО oП morО tСan 50 mОtОrs Пrom tСО sСouldОr oП tСО ОбТstТng road:

1. ArcСaОologТcal complОб Orto-Tokoy 1, consТstТng oП 4 sОttlОmОnts oП tСО BronzО AgО (I-II mТllОnnТum BC), burТal mounds (15 burТal mounds) oП tСО Saks tТmО (VIII-III cОnturТОs BC), burТal mounds (2 mounds) Оra oП tСО grОat mТgratТon oП pОoplОs (Usun, HunnТsС tТmО, III BC), pОtroglypС oП tСО BronzО AgО and latО mОdТОval gravОs. TСО complОб Тs locatОd on botС sТdОs oП tСО road. SomО ПacТlТtТОs arО locatОd 75 mОtОrs Пrom tСО sТdО oП tСО road. TСО complОб Тs locatОd on a sОctТon oП 33,000 – 34,000 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road;

2. TСО burТal ground oП Orto-Tokoy 2, consТstТng oП 6 mounds oП Saks tТmО (VIII-III cОnturТОs BC). OnО oП tСО mounds nОar tСО road (30 mОtОrs soutС oП tСО road) аas dОstroyОd durТng tСО layТng oП a ПТbОr optТc cablО. TСО barroаs arО round Тn sСapО. TСО dТamОtОrs oП tСО mounds arО Пrom 5 to 7 mОtОrs, tСО СОТgСts oП tСО mounds up to 1 mОtОr. TСО burТal ground Тs locatОd on a sТtО 34,800 – 34,900 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road;

3. TСО burТal ground oП OrtСo-Tokoy 3, Тs locatОd on tСО sТtО 35,500 – 36,400 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road and on tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road. TСО cОmОtОry consТsts oП 29 mounds oП roundОd sТzО аТtС dТamОtОrs Пrom 5 to 10 mОtОrs. TСО rock and ОartС mounds arО up to 0.5 mОtОrs Тn СОТgСt. Mounds arО locatОd closОly togОtСОr Тn small complОбОs. Tаo oП tСО burТal mounds arО partТally dОstroyОd by a dТtcС lТnО.

4. TСО burТal ground oП OrtСo-TokoТ 4 Тs locatОd on tСО sТtО 39,100 – 39,450 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road, on tСО soutС sТdО oП tСО road and consТsts oП ПТvО mounds oП round sСapО аТtС a dТamОtОr oП up to 7 mОtОrs. TСО rock and ОartС mounds arО up to 0.5 mОtОrs Тn СОТgСt. TСО tОrrТtory Тs pollutОd аТtС garbagО, аСТcС Сas scattОrОd ovОr tСО Сolloа to tСО Пoot oП tСО mountaТns. ApparОntly, a landПТll Тs locatОd nОarby, аСТcС Тs not propОrly ОquТppОd or maТntaТnОd. Recommendations: 1. To crОatО a protОctТon zonО oП tСО Sary-Bulun NortСОrn 2, Тt Тs nОcОssary to sСТПt tСО constructТon oП a nОа road 5-15 mОtОrs to tСО аОst Тn tСО sОctТon 7,400 – 7,900 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road (Пrom tСО road sТgn ‘turn lОПt’). As a rОsult oП tСО sСТПt, tСО objОct аТll rОcОТvО a protОctТon zonО

Signature ______oП 30 mОtОrs, аСТcС аТll crОatО a buППОr Пor tСО constructТon аork. ConstructТon, compactТon and otСОr аorks causТng a vТbratТon Тn tСТs arОa, should be prohibited. 2. For crОatТon tСО protОctТon zonО Пor Sary-Bulun Southern 1 prТor to tСО constructТon аorks at tСО sТtО, bОtаООn tСО rОmaТns and tСО road (30 mОtОrs) Тt Тs rОquТrОd to conduct tСО field excavation works by test pitting for revealing the presence or absence of historical layer/layers and also actual remained borders of the monument. As pОr tСО rОsults oП tСО arcСaОologТcal study Тt Тs rОquТrОd to crОatО tСО protОctТon zonО oП tСО sОttlОmОnt. DОsТgn aбТs oП tСО cСannОl sСould bО cСangОd consТdОrТng tСО bordОrs oП monumОnt’s protОctТon zonО. RОmaТns oП tСО sОttlОmОnt Тs locatОd at 8,000 – 8,100 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road. 3. It Тs rОquТrОd to crОatО tСО protection zone Пor archaeological complex Orto-Tokoy 1, takТng Тnto account tСО dТstancО oП 50 mОtОrs Пrom ОacС sОparatО objОct oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО. 4. For crОatТon tСО protОctТon zonО Пor Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1 Тt Тs nОcОssary to crОatО a protОctТon zonО Пor tСО burТal ground oП Orto-Tokoy 2, dОstroyОd by cablО layТng usТng a mound. TСО rТgСt oП аay zonО allocatТon Пor tСО constructТon Тs 33-32 mОtОrs Тn tСТs arОa but sСould bО rОducОd to 23 mОtОrs. TСО ТmplОmОntatТon oП tСО projОct to adjust tСО cСannОl carryТng tСО ПТbОr optТc cablО lТnО sСould bО supОrvТsОd by an arcСaОologТst. 5. It Тs nОcОssary to crОatО a protОctТon zonО Пor tСО burТal ground oП Orto- Tokoy 3, ТncludТng tСО partТally dОstroyОd mounds aППОctОd by tСО moat lТnО. TСО rТgСt oП аay zonО allocatОd Пor tСО constructТon Тs 33-32 mОtОrs Тn tСТs arОa but sСould bО rОducОd to 23 mОtОrs. TСО layout oП tСО cСannОl Тn tСТs arОa nООds to bО cСangОd takТng Тnto account tСО protОctТon zonО nООds Пor tСО cОmОtОry. TСО аork on tСО cСannОl sСould bО conductОd undОr tСО supОrvТsТon oП a spОcТalТst arcСaОologТst. 6. It Тs nОcОssary to crОatО a protection zone Пor tСО burТal mound Orto-Tokoy 4. TСО rТgСt oП аay zonО allocatОd Пor tСО constructТon Тs 33-32 mОtОrs Тn tСТs arОa but sСould bО rОducОd to 23 mОtОrs. TСО layout oП tСО cСannОl Тn tСТs arОa nООds to bО cСangОd takТng Тnto account tСО protОctТon zonО nООds Пor tСО cОmОtОry. TСО ТmplОmОntatТon oП tСО cСannОl projОct sСould bО conductОd undОr tСО supОrvТsТon oП a spОcТalТst arcСaОologТst. 7. It is necessary to take measures against the company Kyrgyztelecom in connection with the destroyed and partially destroyed objects in the form of the settlement of Sary-Bulun Southern 1, and t burial mound of Orto-Tokoy 2;

Signature ______8. It is necessary to take appropriate measures with regard to the administration of the Semizbel Aiyl District of district of Naryn Oblast for pollution of the historical and cultural landscape of the burial mound of Orto-Tokoy 4; 9. In the section of 32,000-40,000 meters from the beginning of the road to the outside of the deflection zone in 30-33 meters in the form of identifying other possible archaeological sites on the map using Google Earth on both sides of the road without detailed archaeological reconnaissance, is unacceptable. 10. DurТng tСО constructТon and otСОr аorks and / or dОvОlopmОnt oП tСО land oП SОctТon 1 oП constructТon oП tСО altОrnatТvО NortС-SoutС Road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 ConnОctor Road), BalykcСy-KocСkor ovОr a lОngtС oП 43 km, Тn tСО tОrrТtory oП tСО Ton DТstrТct oП Issyk-Kul Oblast and tСО KocСkor DТstrТct Тn Naryn Oblast, Тt Тs nОcОssary to ОбОrcТsО vТgТlancО and cautТon durТng tСО road rОconstructТon аork. In casОs oП ПТndТng any artТПacts, bonОs (Сuman) and otСОr sТgns or matОrТals oП cultural ТntОrОst, Тt аТll bО nОcОssary to stop all constructТon аork and to rОport tСО ПТndТngs to local ОбОcutТvО bodТОs, dОpartmОnts tСat arО rОsponsТblО Пor tСО protОctТon oП cultural СОrТtagО and/or ОбpОrts Тn arcСaОology; 11. WСОn dОvОlopТng tСО adjacОnt zonОs Пrom tСО tОrrТtory oП SОctТon 1 oП tСО constructТon oП an altОrnatТvО NortС-SoutС Road (CAREC CorrТdors 1 and 3 ConnОctor Road), BalТkcСy-KocСkor аТtС a lОngtС oП 43 km, Тn tСО Ton DТstrТct oП tСО Issyk-Kul Oblast and Тn tСО KocСkor DТstrТct oП tСО Naryn Oblast, Тt аТll bО nОcОssary to conduct addТtТonal arcСaОologТcal ОбamТnatТons Пor tСО prОsОncО oП monumОnts oП СТstorТcal and cultural СОrТtagО.

Performer: А. Abdykanova

Signature ______BIBLIOGRAPHY

Akmatov К.. Ornok PОtroglypСs // MatОrТals and rОsОarcС on arcСaОology oП Kyrgyzstan. EdТtТons 3. – BТsСkОk: IlТm, 2008. – pp. 11-18. ArcСaОologТcal monumОnts oП Issyk-Kul. – FrunzО. –1975. Bartold V.V. RОport on a trТp to CОntral AsТa Пor a scТОntТПТc purposО 1893-1894. – . –1897. – pp.18-44. BОrnsСtam А.N. TСО maТn stagОs oП tСО СТstory oП culturО oП tСО SОmТrОcСТО and TТОn SСan // SОlОctОd аorks on arcСaОology and СТstory oП Kyrgyz and Kyrgyzstan. VolumО I. – BТsСkОk, 1997. – pp.185-206 (SovТОt ArcСaОology рхеология, XI, 1949. – pp. 337-384). VТnnТk D.F. Works oП Issyk-Kul dОtacСmОnt // ArcСОologТcal RОport 1976. М., 1977. VТnnТk D.F. Works Тn Issyk-Kul // ArcСОologТcal RОport 1977. М., DОrОvyanko A.P., PОtrТn V.T., AtymagambОtov J.K., TabaldТОv K.SС., ZОnТn A.N. SОarcСОs oП PalОolТtСТc monumОnts on tСО tОrrТtory oП Kyrgyzstan Тn 2000. // ProblОms oП ArcСaОology, EtСnograpСy, AntСropology oП SТbОrТa and AdjacОnt TОrrТtorТОs. NovosТbТrsk: EdТtТon oП ArcСaОology and EtСnograpСy oП RussТan ScТОncО AcadОmy, 2000. – VolumО VI. – p. 79. DОrОvyanko A.P., ZОnТn A.N. RybТn E.P. TСО palОolТtСТc аorksСop oП Ak-Olon (Issyk-Kul coast, tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc) // ProblОms oП tСО StonО AgО oП CОntral and CОntral AsТa, NovosТbТrsk, 2002. – p. 67. ZТmma B.M. Issyk-Kul altars. - FrunzО –1941. Kyrgyzstan: Issyk-Kul BТospСОrО rОsОrvО. Cultural and СТstorТcal monumОnts. 2003. p 86. KorjОnkov А.М., LujanskТy D., AbdТОva S.V., DООv Е.V., PavlТs T., RogodТn E.A., Turova I., YudaСТn A.S. TracОs oП a strong ОartСquakО аТtСТn tСО аalls oП tСО mОdТОval Тron-smОltТng Пactory Sary-Bulun, WОstОrn PrТsykkulyО, Kyrgyzstan. 2016. RОППОrОncО: Сttp://ааа.ТППТlОadmТn/usОr_upload/subdТvТsТons/506/KonПОrОncТТ/2016/Mat/ V1/ПТlОs/2/KorgОnkov.pdП MokrynТn V.P., PloskТС V.M., Issyk-Kul: sunkОn cТtТОs. – FrunzО, 1989. RОsolutТon oП tСО GovОrnmОnt oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc "On ApprovТng tСО RОgulatТons on tСО RОgТstratТon, ProtОctТon and RОstoratТon oП tСО ObjОcts oП tСО HТstorТcal and Cultural HОrТtagО oП tСО Kyrgyz RОpublТc" oП August 20, 2002, No. 568 ElОctronТc data – ааа, cСargОablО.

YunusalТОv M.B. Works on tСО PalaОolТtСТc ComplОб Salamat-Bulak // А 1977 г. Signature ______APPENDIX FТg. 1. SОctТon 1 (CAREC 1 and 3), BalykcСy-KocСkor, total lОngtС 43 km (СТgСlТgСtОd аТtС grООn lТnО)

Signature ______FТg. 2. Map oП tСО locatТon oП tСО sОttlОmОnts Sary Bulun NortСОrn 2 and Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1 (TСО rОd color ТndТcatОs tСО bordОr oП tСО sОttlОmОnt, grООn bordОrs mark tСО protОctТon zonО, аСТcС Тs 30 mОtОrs, bluО markОd tСО lТnО oП tСО road, аСТcС sСould bО sСТПtОd Тn tСО Оast dТrОctТon by 5-15 mОtОrs on tСО sТtО 7,400 – 7,900 mОtОrs Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road).

FТg.3. SОttlОmОnt plan oП Sary-Bulun NortСОrn II by K.T. TabaldТОv (2010) and А.М. KorjОnkov (2016).

Signature ______FТg. 4. Sary-Bulun NortСОrn, vТОа Пrom nortС-аОst

FТg. 5. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 7,400-8,800 m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng (uppОr scСОmО)

Signature ______FТg.6. LocatТon map oП Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1 sОttlОmОnt

FТg.7. Sary-Bulun NortСОrn 2 (uppОr) and Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1 (loаОr) (pСoto by LujanskyТ)

Signature ______FТg.8. Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1, vТОа Пrom abovО, dТrОctТons oП nortСОrn and ОastОrn аalls (pСoto by LujanskyТ)

FТg.9. Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1, vТОа Пrom tСО road

Signature ______FТg.10. Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1, rОmaТns oП nortСОrn аall

Signature ______FТg.11. Sary-Bulun SoutСОrn 1, damagОd part by layТng tСО optТc cablО, vТОа Пrom nortС-Оast

FТg.12. SОctТon 1 (km0-43) 8,000-8,100m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road (uppОr scСОmО)

Signature ______FТg.12. TСО map oП tСО locatТon oП a complОб oП gravОs and cОmОtОrТОs oП an ОtСnograpСТc sОttlОmОnt, a mОdТОval sОttlОmОnt, a modОrn cОmОtОry and a vТllagО oП tСО BronzО AgО

FТg.13. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 10,200-11,500m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng (uppОr scСОmО)

Signature ______FТg.14. ComplОб oП gravОs and cОmОtОrТОs oП ОtСnograpСТc sОttlОmОnt, mОdТОval sОttlОmОnt, modОrn cОmОtОry, vТОа Пrom tСО Оast

FТg.15. FragmОnt oП cОramТcs Пound Тn tСО tОrrТtory oП tСО cОmОtОry

Signature ______FТg.16. SОttlОmОnt Тn tСО BronzО AgО (tasС-koroo), vТОа Пrom tСО аОst

FТg.17. Map oП arcСОologТcal complОб Orto-Tokoy 1.

Signature ______FТg.18. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 33,100-3,800 m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road

FТg.19. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 33,800-34,500 m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road

Signature ______FТg.20. BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt, vТОа Пrom soutС

FТg.21. BronzО AgО sОttlОmОnt, vТОа Пrom аОst

Signature ______FТg.22. Mound squarО typО (4 by 4m) аТtС sСapО bouldОrs, vТОа Пrom soutС-аОst

FТg.23. Saks tТmО mound, vТОа Пrom nortС-Оast

Signature ______FТg.24. BronzО AgО pОtroglypС, vТОа Пrom Оast

FТg.25. MОdТОval gravОs, vТОа Пrom tСО soutС

Signature ______FТg.26. Orto-Tokoy 2 cОmОtОry locatТon map

FТg.27. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 34,500-35,200m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road

Signature ______FТg.28. DamagОd mound #1, by layТng oП an optТc cablО

FТg.29. CОmОtОry mounds oП Orto-Tokoy 2, vТОа Пrom soutС

Signature ______FТg.30. Map oП tСО locatТon oП tСО burТal ground oП Orto-Tokoy 3

FТg.31. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 35,200-35,900m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road

Signature ______FТg.32. SОctТon 1 (0-43km) at 35,900-36,600 m Пrom tСО bОgТnnТng oП tСО road

FТg.33. Orto-Tokoy 3 cОmОtОry mounds, vТОа Пrom soutС

Signature ______FТg.34. PОtroglypС Тn tСО tОrrТtory oП tСО burТal ground oП Orto-Tokoy 3, vТОа Пrom tСО Оast

FТg.35. DamagОd mound (№18) oП Orto-Tokoy 3 cОmОtОry, vТОа Пrom Оast

Signature ______FТg.36. Orto-Tokoy 4 cОmОtОry locatТon map

FТg.37. Mounds oП tСО Orto-Tokoy 4 cОmОtОry, vТОа Пrom Оast

Signature ______FТg.38. Mounds oП Ort-Tokoy 4 cОmОtОry, scattОrОd dОbrТs, vТОа Пrom Оast

FТg.39. TСО tract аСОrО Orto-Tokoy 4 Тs locatОd, scattОrОd dОbrТs, vТОа Пrom tСО nortС

Signature ______

Plan of archaeological management of objects of historical and cultural heritage "CAREC 1 and 3 Connector Road Project, Section 1, Balykchy-Kochkor, 0-43km"

Prepared by: Aida Abdykanova, Archaeologist



Introduction Legislative framework Previous surveys Procedures for the protection of historical and cultural heritage sites Proposals for the protection of historical and cultural heritage objects

2 Introduction In this "Plan for the protection of historical and cultural heritage sites within the CAREC 1 and 3 Connector Road Project, Balykchy-Kochkor km 0 - km 43" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan" and the "Project"), procedures are established to execution of the Company and its Contractor (hereinafter "Company" and "Contractor") of the obligations for the protection of historical and cultural heritage sites that are susceptible to potential impact during construction and other works. Objects of historical and cultural heritage (hereinafter referred to as "OHCH") within this Plan, means archaeological and paleontological monuments of historical and/or cultural significance objects/structures/artifacts, as well as objects and places of religious/spiritual significance. This Plan is designed to ensure the fulfillment of obligations by the Contractor in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic with respect to OHCH. The Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter referred to as MCIT KR) is responsible for observing the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic concerning the protection of OHCH. The Company/Contractor coordinates the actions specified in this Plan with the authorized department of the MCIT of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Plan ensures the safety of OHCH in the course of the project. It establishes procedures aimed at avoiding the impact of the road on this site and related to construction activities to OHCH, to the extent that it is possible. These procedures covers the protection of OHCH in the course of construction works and actions to be taken for OHCH, which are located in close proximity to the road and other Project objects, as well as in the event of the possible detection of previously unknown OHCH. The Plan describes the following activities related to actions with reference to archaeological and historical monuments: - mandatory notification procedures and data transfer protocols; - actions in relation to OHCH in case of emergencies; - monitoring of OHCH during the construction works. The representative of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Coordinator") shall coordinate the implementation of this Plan throughout the Project. Legislative framework All activities related to OHCH are carried out in accordance with the legislative acts and regulations of the Kyrgyz Republic. The legislative framework includes: - Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 91 of 26.07.1999 "On protection and use of historical and cultural heritage"; - The Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic of 02.06.1999, No. 45; - Instruction on the organization of protection zones for immovable objects of the historical and cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz Republic dated July 27, 2015. The Company/Contractor must accept all obligations to the public authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic regarding the use and protection of OHCH. The Company/Contractor is obliged to follow the legislation, inform its employees and ensure its implementation. In accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 91 of 26.07.1999 "On protection and use of historical and cultural heritage" all OHCHs are exclusive state property and are under its protection. Archaeological sites discovered during the

3 archaeological reconnaissance of Section 1 belong to OHCH of local significance, and also fall into the category "identified" OHCH. At the same time, "All kinds of archaeological monuments have historical and cultural and scientific value and the status of monuments of history and culture" (Article 6.). According to Article 31 of the Law, individuals and legal entities that carry out economic and other activities in the territory where OHCH are located or found are obliged to comply with the regime for the use of this territory, established by law. The main idea of these norms with regard to OHCH is their protection from any potential harm. According to Article 39, for violation of this Law, officials, individuals and legal entities bear criminal, administrative and other legal responsibility. Persons who harmed OHCH are obliged to reimburse the cost of measures necessary to preserve it, which does not exempt those persons from administrative and criminal liability provided for such actions. According to Article 84 of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the land on which OHCH are located falls under the category of "Specially Protected Natural Territories". Each OHCH must have its own protection zone at least 50 meters from the boundaries of the monument. Also, monuments should have a buffer zone in the form of a regulation zone for buildings and areas of the historical landscape. Previous surveys During the preparation stage of the Project in 2016, the archaeological survey was carried for Section 1 (Chargynov T., 2016). As a result of the survey, in the immediate vicinity of the site, one archaeological site of local significance was discovered: the settlement of Sary Bulun Northern 2. In 2018, prior to the start of the construction works, a repeated archaeological examination of the site along the road was carried out, where it is planned to be reconstructed. During archaeological reconnaissance, 7 complexes of OHCH, mostly archaeological monuments, dating from the Bronze Age to the Ethnographic Age, were discovered on the stretch of the right-of-way and in close vicinity to the raod. These include the settlements, burial mounds, petroglyphs and mausoleums. Procedures for the protection of OHCH During the implementation of the project, OHCH will be exposed to a direct and potential danger. Any activity related to the disturbance of top soil, including clearing from vegetation, planning and development of soil, digging trenches, leveling the surface, the passage of heavy equipment can damage archaeological monuments. To ensure the safety of OHCH located in the zone of direct or indirect impact of the works the following actions are proposed: - establishment of protection zones detected OHCH according to the legislation before the start of works with the establishment of information boards/signs; - conducting the archaeological test pitting works for specific OHCH; - periodic visual monitoring of OHCH for the whole period of works; - application of the procedures described in this Plan throughout the entire period of works. Establishment of protection zones is carried out on the basis of the results of archaeological expertise, confirmed by the conclusion of MCIT KR and through the scientific and design organization under the MCIT KR - "Kyrgyzrestoration". The established protection zones are approved by MCIT KR. Information boards/signs to be

4 installed at identified protection zones near OHCH. Archaeological expertise is carried out by a specialist archaeologist, who is hired by the Company as an expert. Archaeological test pitting works are carried out on the basis of the results of archaeological expertise, confirmed by the conclusion of MCIT KR. Test pitting works are carried out by a specialist archaeologist. The results of archaeological excavation works and further recommendations in the form of a scientific report are agreed with the Company/Contractor and to be submitted to MCIT KR for consideration. Monitoring should cover OHCH located near the right-of-way to verify the boundaries of the OHCH protection zone for security purposes and for the presence of information boards/signs. Initial monitoring of OHCH should be carried out during construction at the sites where OHCH are located. Secondary monitoring is carried out after completion of work. Secondary monitoring to be carried out by the Coordinator and specialist archaeologist. The procedure for conducting work at the sites where OHCH is located is as follows: 1) The Project Personnel and the Contractor should be aware that vehicles, especially heavy equipment, should be avoided entering the OHCH protection zone. It can cause irreparable damage; 2) The works are restricted at the territory of OHCH protection zone, this can lead to a permanent loss of the OHCH; 3) In areas where OHCH are located closer than 30 meters from the right-of-way, the right- of-way to be narrowed from 32-33 meters to 20-23 meters. In this case, the right-of-way will be separated from the OHCH protection zone by concrete blocks. Any work that causes vibration in these areas is prohibited; 4) In case of project drainage and other additional facilities are located in the OHCH protection zone, they must be changed. The procedure applicable when detecting potential OHCH (random finds) The contractor must be familiar with the procedures before commencing work. The procedure are as follows: 1) Suspend any work related to the disturbance of the top soil, including surface clearing, digging trenches, etc., within a radius of 100 m from the detected object; 2) Within 24 hours, notify the Coordinator, which in turn should notify the specialist archaeologist and the MCIT KR ; 3) Mark the location of the object in order to ensure its safety and not conduct any construction works on the territory of the detected object before the arrival of the Coordinator; 4) Information about the detection of the object must be registered using the approved document (Appendix 1); 5) Earthworks outside the radius of 100 meters can be resumed subject after a survey by a specialist archaeologist, and in consultation with the MCIT KR, after they decide that the resumption of work will not have a negative impact on potentially important facilities. The coordinator must continue to supervise earthworks in the area. Full resumption of work is possible after taking all the required measures for the protection, preservation or rescue of the detected object under the supervision of the Coordinator on the basis of the report and recommendations of the archaeologist and the conclusion of the MCIT KR. 5 Procedures of protection of OHCH during emergencies. In case of emergencies, the actions for the protection of OHCH are as follows: 1) The officer responsible for this site should, in the shortest possible time after receiving information about the emergency, notify the Coordinator about the nature and exact location of the emergency situation, as well as the measures to be taken to eliminate it; 2) The coordinator provides information on the presence or absence of OHCH in the zone of direct or indirect impact of an emergency; 3) In case of OHCH is located in the emergency zone, the Coordinator involves an archaeologist, who proposes and discusses with the members of the emergency management team their recommendations for protecting this OHCH. The coordinated measures are included in the "Operational Emergency Plan"; 4) In the event of a threat of damage or accidental damage to OHCH, the Coordinator involves an archaeologist and provides the information to MCIT KR; 5) The coordinator and the archaeologist carry out control over the emergency response, after which the archaeologist examines and documents the current status of OHCH and reports to the MCIT KR; 6) In case of damage of OHCH, as a result of an emergency or work on its elimination, special measures should be developed and implemented to minimize the damage (for example, surface collections of artifacts, archaeological excavations, installation of warning signs, restoration works, etc.) compliance with the special "OHCH restoration plan"; 7) Archaeologist should develop and submit to the Company "OHCH restoration plan" within 5 working days from the moment of emergency occurrence. The Contractor reviews and coordinates this plan within 5 days from the date of its submission by an archaeologist. The "OHCH restoration plan" should be approved by the MCIT KR. The Contractor must pay the costs for implementation of the plan; 8) In case of damage to the archaeological site, archaeological excavations may be required. An archaeologist will coordinate the scope of work and excavate in accordance with the Regulations on the Archaeological Field Committee, the Procedure for Archaeological Field Research and Report Scientific Documentation of the National Science Academy of the KR. The contractor incurs financial expenses for excavation, processing of the received material and preparation of the final report. The report to be submitted to MCIT KR; 9) If any findings are made during or after the emergency response by a person, this person must ensure that the findings are kept in a safe place until the handing-over given to the Coordinator or archaeologist. Archaeologist is responsible for accurate collection of findings, collection and registration of necessary data, as well as the maintenance of artifacts intact and safe and their transfer to the state museum. Responsibilities The Company/Contractor is responsible for the safety of all OHCH located in the area of direct or indirect impact of the work under the Project. In case of damage to the cultural object due to the fault of the Company's employees and Contractor, or for other reasons related to the Project's work, the Company/Contractor undertakes to carry out restoration works on this site or financing such works. The Company/Contractor shall not be liable for damage to OHCH located in the zone of direct or indirect impact of works under the Project that occurred as a result of actions of a third party not related to the Project activities (for example, local residents), but can provide voluntary assistance in carrying out the necessary restoration works.

6 Proposal for the protection of OHCH Priority of OHCH, subject to protection during the construction of the road, is determined on the basis of the following criteria: the location of the monument to the right- of-way, the size of the monument, historical value. Proposals for the protection of OHCH discovered during the archaeological examination in Section 1 are set in the Table. It lists OHCH located in the zone of direct and indirect influence of the Project activities and requires certain protective measures. The table includes the name and a brief description of the OHCH and the recommendation of an archaeologist for protection and further monitoring. This information can be specified and supplemented as necessary. Table. Proposal for the protection of OHCH, detected during the archaeological survey of Section 1. # Name and brief Coordinates/Section Distance Additional design Protection description on of the road from the measures measures OHCH (1 and 2 road are separate objects, 3-7 are OHCH complexes) 1 Sary-Bulun 35-40m Narrow the right-of- Ensure the Northern 2, from way within the creation of

Karakhanid time °'."N southern shoulder from 32m to protection zone for settlement (X-XII) side 22m. 30m from the °At km '."E 7+740 - 7+840 borders of OHCH, Divide the right-of- do not carry out way and borders of works causing the protection zone vibration. with concrete slabs 100 meters long. 2 Sary-Bulun N Visually Measures will be Carry out Southern 1, determined given as per the archaeological test . Karakhanid time °'." wall is results of the test pitting in order to settlement (X-XII) located in pitting. determine the ° '."E 30m to the boundaries of the At km8+000 - 8+100 east of the OHCH by road. archaeologist 3 Burial mounds 50m to east Ensure the and cemeteries of of the road monitoring during the

Ethnographic °'."N construction of the Period, covered ° '."E road. with recent Existing road is graveyards, located within the settlement of zone of regulated Bronze Period construction. Company and the Contractor should be aware about their locations on work map. 4 Archaeological Coordinates of From 75 Ensure the Ensure the complex Orto- detected and further monitoring during the creation of Tokoy 1, burial monuments are as on both construction of the protection zone (at mound of Saks sides of the road. least 50 meters follows: Period (VIII-III road from the borders Existing road is BC), burial mound 1) of each OHCH). located within the °'."N 7 of Khunn Period, zone of regulated The complex (II BC - II), Bronze Age construction. should also enter settlement of °'."E. to the zone of a settlement, Location zone of the Bronze Period single historical consisting of five OHCH should be (3000-4000), and cultural fenced and provided petroglyph of stone sections of landscape of Orto- with informational Bronze Period rounded outlines. Tokoy reservoir. signs. The height of the OHCH are located folded stones is Company and the on both sides of about 0.40 m. The Contractor should be the road. The risk dimensions of the aware about their of finding random locations on work findings during sides of the large map. construction is rectangular high. courtyard are about Conduct 17-18 meters. monitoring during 2) the road E. construction. Bronze°'."N Age settlement,°'." as rounded outline in the form of tash- koroo, height of the boulders is 0.20 m. diameter. The sides of the courtyard are also 18 meters. 3)

Bronze°'."N Age settlement,°'."E. consisting of six sub-rectangular rooms. The height of the boulders is 0.40 m. The dimensions are approximately 40 by 30 meters. 4)

Bronze°'."N Age settlement,°'."E. consisting of two rounded rooms. The height of the boulders is 0.30- 0.40 m. The sides of the larger room are 17 meters. 5)

small°'."N boulder with petroglyphs°'."E. A showing images of

8 two mountain goats and two bulls, dating from the Bronze Age. 6)

mound°'."N of the era of the°'."E. great migration The of peoples (Usun, Hunnish time, III BC) is square in shape with sides of about 4 meters. 7)

mound°'."N dating from the°'."E. era of the great The migration of peoples (Usun, Hunnish time, III BC) is square in shape with sides of 4 meters. 8) Sakian barrows of round shape with dimensions from 3 to 7 meters in length in the form of a rocky-earth embankment. The mound height is from 0.40 to 1 meter. Barrows are located on the north side of the road (10 burial mounds) and on the south side of the road (5 burial mounds) -a total of only 15 mounds. Perhaps there are more. To determine more details, a more detailed study is needed.

°'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N 9

°'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E. °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N °'."E; °'."N 9) °'."E.

medieval°'."N graves of an°'."E oval shape, with a stone embankment up to 0.30 m in height. Dimensions 2 by 1 meter. At km 33+000 34+000 – 5 Burial mound of The coordinates 30m to Ensure the Saks Period (VIII- of the mounds are as south of creation of Design of the drainage III BC) Orto- follows: the road protection zone (at should be changed in Tokoy 2, consist least 50 meters 1. accordance with the of 7 mounds. from the borders borders of the of each OHCH). °'."N protection zone. m from the road); Burial mound °'."E ( 2. Conduct monitoring should also enter during the road to the zone of a m°'."N from the road); construction. single historical °'."E ( and cultural 3. Location zone of the landscape of Orto- OHCH should be Tokoy reservoir. °'."N fenced and provided (120 m from the Burial mound #1 °'."E with informational road); (30 meters to signs. 4. south of the road) Company and the damaged by (130°'."N m from the Contractor should be laying the optic cable. road);°'."E aware about their locations on work 5. Existing road is

°'."N 10 map. located within the zone of regulated (330 m from the road);°'."E construction. 6. "N

(335°'. m from the road).°'."E At km 34+ 800 34+900 –

6 Burial mound of The coordinates 45m to Narrow the right-of- Ensure the Saks Period (VIII- of the mounds are as south of way from 32m to 22m creation of III BC) Orto- follows: the road within the shoulder. protection zone (at Tokoy 3, consists least 50 meters 1. Mound #16 is located of 29 mounds. from the borders within 45 meters to Near the mounds of each OHCH). °'."N south of the road, there is a boulder m from the road); Mounds # 1,2,17,18 in From road side with petroglyph. 2. °'."E ( 50 and 58 meters. within 45m since (52 the OHCH is °'."N Right-of-way is to be m from the road); located within °'."E narrowed from 32-33 3. 45m. to 23 meters. Burial mound °'."N Design of the drainage m from the road); should also enter °'."E ( should be changed in 4. to the zone of a accordance with the single historical borders of the °'."N and cultural m from the road); protection zone. 5. °'."E ( landscape of Orto- Conduct monitoring Tokoy reservoir. during the road On the northern (110°'."N m from the °'."E construction. side of the road road); (on a Google Existing road is 6. Earth) there is located within the potential OHCH. °'."N zone of regulated (120 m from the construction. road);°'."E Location zone of the 7. OHCH should be °'."N fenced and provided (130-140 m from with informational °'."E the road); signs. 8. Company and the Contractor should be °'."N (130-140 m from aware about their the°'."E road); locations on work 9. map.

(130-140°'."N m from the°'."E road); 10.

(160°'."N m from the road);°'."E 11.

(180°'."N m from the road);°'."E

11 12.

(210°'."N m from the road);°'."E 13.

(230°'."N m from the road);°'."E 14.

(250°'."N m from the road);°'."E 15.

(260°'."N m from the road);°'."E 16.

m°'."N from the road); 17. °'."E"N (

°'.m from the road); 18. °'."E (

m°'."N from the road, partially°'."E damaged ( by a ditch); 19.

m°'."N from the road); 20. °'."E (

m°'."N from the road); 21. °'."E (

m°'."N from the road); 22. °'."E (

m°'."N from the road); 23. °'."E (

(115°'."N m from the road);°'."E 24.

m°'."N from the road, partially°'."E damaged ( by a ditch); 25.

(112°'."N m from the road);°'."E 26.

°'."N 12 m from the road); 27. °'."E (

(320°'."N m from the road);°'."E 28.

(345°'."N m from the road);°'."E 29.

(450°'."N m from the road).°'."E

At km 35+500 - 36+400 7 Burial mound of The coordinates 50m to Narrow the right-of- Ensure the Saks Period (VIII- of the mounds are as south of way from 32m to 22m creation of III BC) Orto- follows: the road at the location of protection zone (at Tokoy 4, consists 1. Mound #1 (50m). least 50 meters of 5 mounds. from the borders Design of the drainage °'."N of each OHCH). m from the road); should be changed in °'."E ( Burial mound 2. accordance with the should also enter borders of the to the zone of a °'."N protection zone. m from the road); single historical °'."E ( 3. Conduct monitoring and cultural during the road landscape of Orto- (250°'."N m from the construction. Tokoy reservoir. °'."E On the northern road); Existing road is side of the road 4. located within the (on a Google zone of regulated Earth) there is °'."N construction. (255 m from the potential OHCH. °'."E road); Location zone of the

5. OHCH should be fenced and provided (270°'."N m from the with informational signs. road);°'."E 6. Company and the Contractor should be aware about their (120°'."N m from the °'."E locations on work road). map. At km 39+100 - 39+450

For all discovered OHCH in the area of the Orto-Tokoy reservoir, it is necessary to create a single zone of historical and cultural landscape. So in addition to the detected OHCH, located along the road at a distance of 50-100 meters, the map of the Google Earth program records other potential OHCH, which are located further.

Protection measures

13 Main protection measures of archaeological monuments are: 1) The designation of the boundaries of the protection zone along its perimeter, from the side adjacent to the right-of-way (according to the belt-and-pillar principle) install on strong posts the information/warning signs: "Monument of Archeology. The border of protection zone. It is protected by the law of the Kyrgyz Republic. Earthworks and entry of vehicles are prohibited!"; 2) Constant archaeological monitoring in areas of "heightened sensitivity of cultural objects", where objects are located close to the right-of-way (less than 50 meters) and where there is a risk of finding random OHCH; 3) Conducting an additional survey when changing the road alignment, design of drainage and other objects. In case of damage, dilapidation, theft or other circumstances that led to the inoperability or lack of information/warning signs, the Company/Contractor to restore them. The duration of the preservation of the proposed measures for the protection of OHCH is designed for the construction period of the Project. If necessary, the nature of the protection measures can be adjusted. In the event that new OHCH are identified, the table will be updated.







1. Introduction 2. Baseline Noise Levels 3. Construction Noise: Calculation and Assessment 4. Operational Noise: Calculation and Assessment 5. Summary

1. INTRODUCTION Japan Overseas Consultants Co. (JOC) has been appointed by the Ministry of Transport and Roads (MOTR) to conduct engineering design and environmental assessment for the rehabilitation of three sections of the A367 road. These are shown in Figure 1 below and include: Section 1 which runs from the outskirts of Balykchy c.40km in a westerly direction, passing though the village of Tash Saray Section 2A runs from Kochkor to c. 25km in a westerly direction through the villages of Kokjar, Chekildek, Cholpon and Akyuyk. This scheme and Section 1 are referred to as Additional Finance Roads. Section 2B runs from Epkin c.70km to Bashkugandy passing through the villages of Jumgal, Kuiruchuk, and Tugot Say, ending just before the village of Dyikan. This Section of road is referred to as the connector road and finance is already in place for this scheme. Initial Environmental Examinations (IEE) have been completed for each of the three road sections, however The Asian Development Bank (ADB), which is funding the rehabilitation, has requested that JOC should update the Examinations to include an assessment of the potential noise and vibration effects which might arise from construction and operation of the three sections of road. JOC has in turn, retained specialist noise and vibration engineers to carry out this work as set out in the Terms of Reference (ToR) [1]. This study addresses the potential noise effects, specifically for Section 1.

Figure 1. Location of Additional Finance Section 1

An initial site visit was made in December 2018 to identify potential noise sensitive receptors alongside the road. A report [2] was prepared setting out the findings of the visit, and an outline of the proposed scope of the study The principal elements of the study are to:

 review existing noise monitoring data obtained at dwellings alongside the road and if necessary to carry out additional monitoring. A description of these measurements is set out in Section 2 of this report;

 calculate and assess the potential noise effects arising from rehabilitation or construction of the road, at dwellings and community facilities alongside the road. The calculation method used and details of the plant are described in Section 3 of this report, followed by an explanation of the assessment criteria used, the results of the assessment and potential means of mitigating these effects; and

 calculate and assess the potential noise effects arising from operation of the road as a result of the rehabilitation, both in the year of opening (2019), and for future operation of the road in the year 2034. The calculation method used and working assumptions are described in Section 4, followed by a description of the assessment criteria and results of the assessment, supported in the form of noise contour mapping in Appendix I.

A summary of the findings of the study is set out in Section 5.

The text within the report makes use of technical descriptions and these are described in the Glossary of Terms at the end of this report.

2. BASELINE NOISE LEVELS In Section 1 the road runs through two populated areas with differing noise climates. The first is on the outskirts of Balykchy, which is a largely industrial area with the housing located to the east of the road. Noise levels at buildings alongside the road will be dominated by road traffic noise, however, further away from the road there is likely to be a contribution from industrial and commercial activities. The second is the village of Tash Saray in which most of the houses lie at a distance of c.50-120m from the road, with c. 5 to the south of the village lying more closely to the road. Baseline noise levels at all these dwellings are dominated by road traffic noise, however at distances further away from the road, traffic on local access roads and day to day activities at dwellings will contribute to overall noise levels. An initial baseline noise survey was carried out in 2015, however, it appeared that these measurements had been made either in the absence of normal road traffic movements or at a considerable distance from the road. In addition, there was no supporting documentation and it was therefore deemed necessary to carry out additional monitoring as part of this study. Noise monitoring was carried out by JOC in May 2018, using equipment and methodology in compliance with the procedures set out in ISO 1996-2 2017. Short term monitoring comprised two non-contiguous one hour measurements at each chosen site. In addition, monitoring over a 24hr period was carried out at a site in Balykchy. The results of the short term and 24hr monitoring are shown in Tables 1a and 1b overleaf. In Balykchy the two short term monitoring sites were located on the boundary of housing areas 45 to 80m to the east of the road and as expected, results show measured levels higher than calculated road traffic noise levels, partly as result of the contribution of noise from activity on the nearby industrial estates, but also due to increased traffic flow on the road itself. The results of the 24 hour monitoring at the side of the road in Balykchy are summarised in Table 1b. To the south of the village of Tash Saray, noise levels at the Mosque, 24m from the road, are dominated by road traffic noise levels and thus provide a good opportunity to the validate modelling assumptions. The measured values were corrected for the difference between actual and modelled road traffic counts, and the freefield/façade correction of +3dB. The corrected result of c.52dB gave good agreement with calculated road traffic noise levels giving confidence in the accuracy of noise modelling on this section of the road.

Rec Distance Location Date Start LAeq,1hr Model No. to road time Output (dB) 2 24 Mosque, Tash 1/5/18 08:07:36 43.2 52.8 Saray 1/5/18 11:18:36 47.8

8 45 Nr. Housing 6/5/18 10:43:56 57.2 45.2 estate Balachy 7/5/18 10:25:15 54.3

11 80 Nr. Housing 6/5/18 12:00:01 51.9 41.7 estate Balachy 7/5/18 09:19:01 50.7

14 90 House 6/5/18 14:16:01 54.1 42.4 Tash Saray 7/5/18 08:05:12 41.5 village Table 1a. Results of Short term noise monitoring, Section 1

Day Eve Night :‐: :‐: :‐: Measured noise level dB . . . Table 1b. Results of 24hr monitoring noise monitoring, Balykchy, Section 1


3.1 Calculation of Construction Noise Noise levels from road construction have been calculated using the method set out in Part 1 of the British Standard BS 5228: 2009 ‘Code of Practice for Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites’ [3]. The procedures defined in the Standard are +incorporated in the NoiseMap 5.2 computer software which has been used in this study. This is an Internationally recognised software package used for calculation of noise from transportation systems and construction noise and is used in the UK and world-wide. The method takes into account factors including the sound power level and usage (percentage ‘on-time’) of construction plant, and the attenuation of noise with distance (including ground absorption) and as a result of screening provided by local topographical features. The Standard BS5228 also contains a schedule of noise source terms for construction plant from which the sound power levels used in this study have been taken. Noise calculations have been made at specific locations, termed ‘receptors’, placed at the façade of buildings. The results of these calculations represent noise levels both at those buildings and groups of nearby buildings at a similar distance from the road.

Daytime construction noise levels have been calculated to give the average level (LAeq,12hr) over the working period, and in order to give a worst-case assessment, noise levels have been calculated for activities taking place at the nearest position on the road to each receptor. It has been assumed that construction would be continuous over the working day. Assumptions: Construction Noise Calculations It has been assumed in the calculations that the rehabilitation of the road would comprise the following principal activities carried out during normal daytime working: Stage 1. Removal of earth on shoulders of widened sections/excavation and concreting (where applicable) of ditches Stage 2. Breaking up of existing road, loading spoil onto trucks and moving off site Stage 3. Laying new subgrade and vibratory compaction (where applicable) Stage 4. Laying new asphalt with paving machine Stage 5. Vibro piling of the river embankment (at Tash Saray). A schedule of sound power levels for construction plant, and percentage on times for the construction activities is set out in Table 2 overleaf. Mapping Digital mapping of the existing and proposed road schemes has been supplied by JOC. Whilst the mapping is accurate, in places there is limited detail of topographical features away from the road, which limits the accuracy of noise calculations and also the spatial scope of the assessment. In Section 1A a very limited number of buildings are shown on the mapping and therefore in order to make the assessment meaningful, noise sensitive receptors have been added using the aerial photography in Google Earth to determine their position.

Activity Description LWL (dB) % on time 1 ground preparation 40T dumper truck 107 50 40T dumper truck 107 50 21t excavator 106 90 D4 bulldozer 106 50 Concrete Mixer truck 103 20 2 Asphalt breaking 21t excavator 106 90 21t excavator 106 90 40T dumper truck 107 50 front end loader 111 90 40T dumper truck 107 50 3 sub base/ 40T dumper truck 107 30 preparation 18T vibration roller 107 50 D4 bulldozer 106 50 grader 111 30 40T dumper truck 107 30 4 Asphalt laying 18T vibration roller 107 50 Road Pavement Laying 103 50 Machine 5 piling embankment vibro piling rig 128 80 Delivery Lorry 98 20 Crane (assume 50 tonne) 95 20 Table 2. Plant Sound Power Levels and Usage

3.2 Assessment of Construction Noise The Kyrgyz National Noise Standards are set out in Table 3. These take the form of design aims or noise limits, which are not sufficient for use in process of environmental impact assessment where the effect of change in noise levels need to be considered. In addition, the absolute noise levels provided in the Table do not provide specific internal noise levels for the community facilities identified within this study including for example shops or mosques.

Description of Activity / Category LAeq,T LAmax,F

Day 45 Day 60 Areas immediately adjacent to hospitals and sanatoriums Night 35 Night 50

Areas immediately adjacent to dwellings, polyclinics, Day 55 Day 70 dispensaries, rest homes, holiday hotels, libraries, schools, etc. Night 45 Night 60

Day 60 Day 75 Areas immediately adjacent to hotels and dormitories Night 50 Night 65

Recreational areas in hospitals and sanatoriums 35 50

Rest areas at the territories of micro-districts and building estates, rest houses, sanatoriums, schools, homes for the 45 60 aged, etc. Table 3: Kyrgyz Noise Standards

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) Guidelines [4] are set out in Table 4 below. These are again in the form of design aims, which it states have been taken from WHO Guidelines and which should not be exceeded. The levels of 55dB and 45dB for day and night time for dwellings are identical to those included in the Kyrgyz Standards, however they are levels below which there are no demonstrable effects of noise on health, and not levels at which there would be considered to be significant noise impacts. The level of 70dB for industrial and commercial premises is not appropriate as an environmental noise standard and is based on a WHO hearing damage criterion.

Receptor Noise Level Guidelines

LAeq,1hr (dBA)

Daytime Night time

(07:00 - 22:00) (22:00 - 07:00)

Residential; institutional; educational 55 45

Industrial; commercial 70 70 Table 4: IFC Noise Guidelines

The IFC guidelines also state that noise increases should not exceed 3dB, but do not distinguish between the assessment of temporary effects e.g. construction activities, and permanent effects e.g. changes in road traffic noise. However, in order to remain compliant with IFC Guidelines a noise change of 3dB is used to identify a significant construction noise impact, which is then rated using the semantic descriptors in Table 5 below.

Effect Noise change (dB) Description of Impact Increase of 0.1-2.9 dB Negligible No Effect Increase of 3.0-9.9 dB Low Increase of 10.0-14.9 dB Moderate Negative Effect Increase of 15 dB or more Major Table 5. Semantic Description of Construction Noise Impact

The Guidelines also recommend that WHO Guidelines (1999) should be referred to for indoor noise levels, however these do not specify noise levels for the particular building uses which are required in this study, for example shops, offices or places of worship. Therefore, in this study reference has been made to the British Standard BS 8233 2014 [5] and relevant internal noise criteria from the Standard are set out in column 2 of Table 6. These are for the most part equivalent to the noise levels in the Kyrgyz Standards. It is generally assumed that for transient short-term noise, i.e. noise from construction activities, occupants of buildings will close windows and doors or use other areas within buildings whilst the activity is being carried out. Typically for a single glazed window, there will be a reduction of 25dB between external and internal noise levels when windows are closed and thus external noise criteria for specific building types can be derived from the internal noise criteria and these are included in column 3 of Table 6. Many of the dwellings considered in this study have walls constructed from adobe which has a slightly lower sound reduction index (Rw=43dB) in comparison to a typical brick-built wall (Rw=48). However, it is still sufficiently high that internal noise levels resulting from external environmental noise will be dominated by sound transmission through the windows (single glazed Rw=28dB) rather than the wall. Thus, the figures in Table 6 apply equally to buildings constructed from adobe.

Receptor Noise Level LAeq ,T (dBA)

Internal External

School Classroom 40 65

Shop 55 80

Cafe 45 70

Office/ Village Administration Building 50 75

Mosque 35 60 Table 6: Internal and External Construction Noise Levels for Community Facilities

Summary of Construction Noise Assessment Criteria In summary, the criteria by which construction noise has been assessed are as follows: Dwellings

A significant noise impact has been identified where there is an increase in day time noise level of 3dB or more and the terms in Table 5 have been used to describe the noise impact. Compliance with the noise limits set out in the IFC Guideline daytime noise levels in Table 4 will also be addressed.

Community Facilities

A significant noise impact has been identified where there is an increase in noise levels of 3dB or more and/or internal noise levels exceed those set out in Table 6.

3.3 Results of Construction Noise Assessment The results of construction noise calculations are presented in Table 7 overleaf. The first column gives the receptor number (abbr. ‘rec.’) followed by, in column 2, the type of receptor e.g. shop or house (hse.), and in column 3, the floor number within the building. The location of the receptor number within the village is shown on the noise contour mapping in Appendix I which should be referred to in conjunction with the Table.

Column 4 shows the daytime baseline noise levels LAeq,12hr (dB) for 2018 taken from the road traffic noise calculations. This level is used to calculate the noise increases for the five construction activities presented in the Table. Details of construction noise effects are set out below for noise sensitive receptors alongside the road where it passes through the outskirts of Balykchy and the village of Tash Saray. The levels of baseline (existing ambient) noise in each village are compared with IFC Guidelines, and for non-residential properties internal noise levels are compared with the relevant criterion for each building. This is followed by the discussion of construction noise impacts.

Balykchy Baseline Noise Levels On the outskirts of Balykchy existing road traffic noise levels at houses alongside the road are below the levels set out in the IFC Guidelines for the daytime period. Construction Noise Effects The majority of the houses on the outskirts of Balykchy (recs. 8 & 11) are set back from the road and though there will be major noise impacts, with windows closed, internal levels will be well below the threshold at which speech interference would occur. This includes potential residential areas within the Base (rec. 13). Noise levels at recs. 8 & 11will exceed IFC Guidelines by up to 15dB. There will be a major noise impact at the nearest dwelling (rec. 6) and noise levels will exceed the IFC Guideline by up to 18dB. At the office building (rec. 10) with windows closed, internal noise levels will exceed internal noise criteria for office working when road construction is being carried out directly outside the building. Similarly, internal noise levels inside the shops and café (recs. 3,4 & 5) will also exceed internal noise criteria when work is being carried out directly outside.

Floor Baseline Activity Construction Noise Levels and Noise Increase Noise Preparation Asphalt Sub-base and base Asphalt Embankment Rec. Breaking Laying Piling

No. Location LAeq,12hr (dB LAeq,12hr (dB) ∆ dB LAeq,12hr (dB) ∆ dB LAeq,12hr (dB) ∆ dB LAeq,12hr (dB) ∆ dB LAeq,12hr (dB ∆ dB 1 House Tash Saray 1 54.5 79.1 24.4 82.4 27.7 79.3 24.6 74.2 19.5 89.7 35.0 2 Mosque-Tash Saray 1 52.8 74.9 21.9 78.2 25.2 75.0 22.0 69.9 16.9 89.0 36.0 3 Shop 1 56.8 80.9 23.8 84.2 27.1 81.1 24.0 76.0 18.9 n/a n/a 4 Shop 1 52.3 76.8 24.3 80.1 27.6 76.9 24.4 71.8 19.3 n/a n/a 5 Cafe 1 54.0 75.2 20.9 78.5 24.2 75.4 21.1 70.3 16.0 n/a n/a 6 Residential Block 1 47.2 65.7 18.3 69.0 21.6 65.9 18.5 60.8 13.4 n/a n/a 6 Residential Block 2 51.1 69.5 18.2 72.8 21.5 69.6 18.3 64.5 13.2 n/a n/a 7 Shop 1 55.5 79.6 23.9 82.9 27.2 79.8 24.1 74.7 19.0 n/a n/a 8 Boundary of housing 1 45.2 66.1 20.7 69.4 24.0 66.3 20.9 61.2 15.8 n/a n/a 9 Petrol Station 1 53.5 76.3 22.6 79.6 25.9 76.5 22.8 71.4 17.7 n/a n/a 10 Offices 1 49.4 71.4 21.8 74.7 25.1 71.5 21.9 66.5 16.9 n/a n/a 10 Offices 2 54.5 76.0 21.3 79.2 24.5 76.1 21.4 71.0 16.3 n/a n/a 10 Offices 3 55.5 76.0 20.3 79.3 23.6 76.1 20.4 71.0 15.3 n/a n/a 11 boundary of housing 1 41.7 60.4 18.5 63.7 21.8 60.6 18.7 55.5 13.6 n/a n/a 12 Petrol Station 1 56.0 79.6 23.4 82.9 26.7 79.8 23.6 74.7 18.5 n/a n/a 13 Base Offices/Accom 1 40.2 58.8 18.4 62.1 21.7 59.0 18.6 53.9 13.5 n/a n/a 13 Base Offices/Accom 2 41.9 59.0 16.9 62.3 20.2 59.2 17.1 54.1 12.0 n/a n/a 14 House-Tash Saray 1 42.4 57.1 14.5 60.3 17.7 57.2 14.6 52.1 9.5 77.3 34.7 15 House-Tash Saray 1 48.0 68.5 20.3 71.8 23.6 68.7 20.5 63.6 15.4 73.8 25.6 Table 7: Results of Construction Noise Calculations

Tash Saray Baseline Noise Levels In Tash Saray existing road traffic noise levels at the houses closest to the road to the south of the village (rec. 1) are equal to the levels set out in the IFC Guidelines during the daytime. Internal noise levels at the Mosque (rec.2) already exceed the internal noise criterion for a place of worship by c.3dB. Construction Noise Effects Construction of the road will give rise to major noise impacts at dwellings in Tash Saray. At the nearest house to the road (rec.1) internal noise levels resulting from construction may cause speech interference, particularly during the piling of the river embankment retaining wall and will exceed the IFC Guideline by up to c.35dB. The use of the Mosque may also be impaired during working on the road immediately adjacent and during piling, however it may be possible to mitigate this effect by arranging work breaks to coincide with prayer times. However, in the other sections of the village, which lie between c.50-120m from the road, internal noise levels arising from the works are unlikely to interfere with normal activities.

Mitigation of Construction Noise Noise effects arising from construction of road schemes are transient and it is not normal practice to provide mitigation in the form of barriers. Good communication with affected communities is often the most effective way to manage potential construction noise effects. Therefore, the Contractor should keep local residents informed of the progress of the works, including when and where the noisiest activities will be taking place and how long they are expected to last. All noise complaints should be effectively recorded, investigated and addressed. Account should be taken of the needs of residents in choice of working hours and where possible these should be chosen to:

 Avoid night time and weekend working;  Avoid working near mosques during prayer time; and to  Carry out works near schools during holiday periods

In addition, the Contractor should consider general good working practices including the following which are particularly relevant to road construction:

 Modern, silenced and well-maintained plant and construction equipment should be used;  All vehicles and plant should be fitted with effective exhaust silencers which should be maintained in good and efficient working order.  Fitted acoustic covers should be kept in a good state of repair and should be kept closed when plant is in use.  vehicles should not wait or queue on the road with engines running and plant in intermittent use should be shut down when not in use or where this is impracticable, throttled down to a minimum.  If a site compound, or materials storage area is to be used, both it and any static plant within it should be sited as far as is practicable from noise sensitive buildings.  Where activities, including delivery of material to site, cannot take place during normal working hours they should be carried out as close to normal working hours as is reasonably practicable.  Concrete mixers should not be cleaned by hammering the drums.  When handling materials, care should be taken not to drop materials from excessive heights.


4.1 Calculation of Road Traffic Noise Road traffic noise levels from the existing and rehabilitated road have been calculated using the Noisemap 5.2 computer model incorporating the method set out in the ‘Calculation of Road Traffic Noise’ (CRTN) [6]. This method takes into account factors including the speed and number of vehicles, the traffic mix (i.e. the percentage of heavy goods vehicles), the distance between the road and dwellings, and local topographical features. Road traffic noise at dwellings and community facilities within the villages have been calculated for both the year of opening (2019), both with and without the scheme, and for fifteen years after opening (2034), again, both with and without the scheme. This will enable the assessment of both short and long-term effects arising from the scheme, and follows procedure set out in the UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges [7].

Assumptions: Road traffic noise calculations Road traffic flows

The following road traffic data have been provided by JOC: a. Road traffic counts for section 1 giving a breakdown of hourly road traffic flows by vehicle type b. 24-hour 2 way forecast road traffic flows for 2015 by vehicle type, taking into account diverted traffic. This has been assumed to be the baseline road traffic condition (as confirmed by JOC [8]). c. Forecast increase in traffic flows The intensification in road traffic resulting from the scheme itself is predicted to be negligible, giving rise to a noise increase of c.0.04 dB in the year of opening. Day and night time road flows for the years 2018, 2019 and 2034 are set out in Table 8 below and were derived from these data in the following manner: 2018 baseline. Traffic flow (b) plus intensification (c) (2015-2018). Hourly breakdown of vehicle type taken from (a) but adjusted to take into account additional diverted traffic flows (b). 2019 with and without scheme. Traffic flow (b) plus intensification (c) (2015-2019). Hourly breakdown of vehicle type taken from (a) but adjusted to take into account additional diverted traffic flows (b). 2034 with scheme. 2019 traffic flows plus 15 years intensification (c) Road traffic speeds were also supplied by JOC and assumed to be 95kph outside the settlement areas and 60kph through the village of Tash Saray and through the outskirts of Balykchy.

Scenario Day Evening Night Total no. %HGV Total no. %HGV Total no. %HGV 2018 Baseline flows 950 11 232 16 163 16 2019 1 pre & post 999 11 244 16 172 16 2034 flows 1 1832 11 448 16 315 16 Table 8. Road Traffic Flows


Digital mapping of the existing and proposed road schemes has been supplied by JOC. Whilst the mapping is accurate, in places there is limited detail of topographical features away from the road, which limits the accuracy of noise calculations and also the spatial scope of the assessment. Barrier effects beyond the first row of houses have been ignored. In Section 1 a very limited number of buildings are shown on the mapping and therefore in order to make the assessment meaningful, noise sensitive receptors have been added using the aerial photography in Google Earth to determine their position. Noise contour mapping has also been prepared which has enabled the spatial extent of noise changes to be estimated and, again using aerial photography, allowed the estimation of the number of dwellings which will experience a significant noise change arising from the scheme.

4.2 Assessment of Operational Noise The Kyrgyz National Noise Standards and IFC Guidelines have been discussed in detail in Section 3.2 and hence only specific comments relating to road traffic noise will be included in this Section. The assessment of community response to change in road traffic noise will be assessed by considering the change in noise levels (LAeq,T) during the day and night time periods. In agreement with IFC Guidelines, a noise change of 3dB is used to identify a significant operational noise impact, which is then rated using the semantic descriptors in Table 9 below. In addition, a significant risk of sleep disturbance will be identified for residents of dwellings at which night time road traffic noise levels are greater than or equal to 55 dB LAeq,8hr (2300 0700) (outdoors). This is the Interim Target set out in the WHO Night Noise Guidelines for Europe [9] and is based on the assessment of internal noise levels with windows assumed‐ to be open. The assessment will also take into account the IFC day and night time residential limits set out earlier in Table 4. In the case of non-residential buildings, the internal noise criteria proposed in Section 3 will be used. However, for permanent noise effects, i.e. road traffic noise from the scheme, windows should be assumed to be open. Typically, for single glazed windows, there will be a reduction of 15dB between external and internal noise levels when windows are open. External noise criteria for specific building types can therefore be derived for operational noise and these are included in Table 10.

Effect Noise change (dB) Description of Impact Decrease of 3 dB or more Significant decrease Positive Effect Increase of 0.1-2.9 dB Negligible No Effect Increase of 3.0-4.9 dB Minor Increase of 5.0-9.9 dB Moderate Negative Effect Increase of 10 dB or more Major Table 9. Semantic Description of Long Term Road Traffic Noise Impact

Receptor Noise Level LAeq ,T (dBA)

Internal External (windows open)

School Classroom 40 55

Shop 55 70

Cafe 45 60

Village Administration Building 50 65

Mosque 35 50 Table 10: Internal and External Noise Levels for Community Facilities

Summary of Operational Noise Assessment Criteria In summary, the criteria by which operational noise have been assessed are as follows: Dwellings

A significant noise impact has been identified where there is an increase in day or night time noise level of 3dB or more and the terms in Table 5 have been used to describe the noise impact. In addition, a significant noise impact associated with sleep disturbance at residential receptors has been identified where there will be an increase in LAeq,8hr of greater than or equal to 1dB and night time road traffic noise levels are greater than or equal to 55 dB LpAeq,8hr. Compliance with the noise limits set out in the IFC Guideline day and night time noise levels in Table 4 will also be addressed. Community Facilities

A significant noise impact has been identified where there is an increase in noise levels of 3dB or more and/or internal noise levels exceed those set out in Table 10.

4.3 Results of Operational Noise Assessment

The results of operational noise calculations are presented in Table 11 overleaf. The left hand side of the Table is in a similar format to the construction noise results Table, with the first column giving the receptor number followed by, in column 2, the type of receptor e.g. shop or house (hse.) and in column 3, the floor number within the building. The location of the receptor number within the village is shown on the noise contour mapping in Appendix I which should be referred to in conjunction with the Tables. Day and night time noise levels and changes in road traffic noise level are presented for the short term (Post Scheme 2019) and long term (Post Scheme 2034) assessments, and are presented to an accuracy of 0.1 dB The noise contour maps give an estimate of the spatial extent of the daytime long-term noise change from the year 2019 without the scheme to 2034. The estimate is based on the assumption that there is no additional screening beyond that provided by the first row of houses, as marked on mapping, and that the existing ambient noise levels without traffic on the road i.e. noise generated during the daytime by traffic on local roads and daily activities at dwellings is 45dB LAeq,12hr in Balykchy and 35dB LAeq,12hr in Tash Saray. Note: the grid shown on the maps is at 500m spacing. Details of operational noise effects are set out below for noise sensitive receptors alongside the road where is passes through the outskirts of Balykchy and the village of Tash Saray. The levels of baseline (existing ambient) noise are compared with IFC Guidelines, and for non-residential properties internal noise levels are compared with the relevant criterion for each building. This is followed by the discussion of operational noise impacts.

Rec. Location Noise Level Noise Level (dB) Noise Level (dB) Noise change Noise Level (dB) Noise change Noise Level (dB) Noise change (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) No. Floor Baseline Pre Scheme Post Scheme Post-pre scheme Post Scheme relative to 2019 using 40kph using 40kph

LAeq,12hr LAeq,8hr LAeq,12hr LAeq,8hr LAeq,12hr LAeq,8hr ∆ dB ∆ dB LAeq,12hr LAeq,8hr ∆ dB ∆ dB LAeq,12hr LAeq,8hr ∆ dB ∆ dB 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 Day NightDay Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night 1 House Tash 1 54.5 50.2 54.7 50.5 55.3 51.0 0.6 0.5 57.4 53.1 2.7 2.6 56.4 52.1 1.7 1.6 Saray 2 Mosque-Tash 1 52.8 48.5 53.0 48.8 53.3 49.1 0.3 0.3 55.7 51.4 2.7 2.6 54.7 50.4 1.7 1.6 Saray 3 Shop-Balykchy 1 56.8 52.6 57.1 52.8 56.9 52.6 -0.2 -0.2 59.4 55.1 2.3 2.3 58.4 54.1 1.3 1.3 4 Shop-Balykchy 1 52.3 48.0 52.5 48.2 52.3 48.1 -0.2 -0.1 54.9 50.6 2.4 2.4 53.9 49.6 1.4 1.4 5 Cafe 1 54.0 49.8 54.3 50.0 54.1 49.8 -0.2 -0.2 56.6 52.3 2.3 2.3 55.6 51.3 1.3 1.3 6 Residential Block 1 47.2 42.9 47.4 43.2 47.3 43.0 -0.1 -0.2 49.9 45.6 2.5 2.4 48.9 44.6 1.5 1.4 6 Residential Block 2 51.1 46.8 51.3 47.1 50.9 46.7 -0.4 -0.4 53.6 49.4 2.3 2.3 52.7 48.4 1.4 1.3 7 Shop 1 55.5 51.2 55.7 51.4 55.5 51.2 -0.2 -0.2 58.1 53.8 2.4 2.4 57.1 52.8 1.4 1.4 8 Boundary of 1 45.2 41.0 45.4 41.2 45.4 41.1 0.0 -0.1 48.0 43.8 2.6 2.6 47.1 42.8 1.7 1.6 estate 9 Petrol Station 1 53.5 49.2 53.7 49.4 53.4 49.1 -0.3 -0.3 56.0 51.7 2.3 2.3 55.0 50.7 1.3 1.3 10 Offices 1 49.4 45.1 49.6 45.3 49.4 45.2 -0.2 -0.1 52.1 47.8 2.5 2.5 51.1 46.8 1.5 1.5 10 Offices 2 54.5 50.2 54.7 50.5 54.5 50.2 -0.2 -0.3 57.1 52.9 2.4 2.4 56.1 51.9 1.4 1.4 10 Offices 3 55.5 51.2 55.7 51.5 55.5 51.2 -0.2 -0.3 58.0 53.8 2.3 2.3 57.0 52.8 1.3 1.3 11 boundary of 1 41.7 37.5 41.9 37.7 41.9 37.6 0.0 -0.1 44.5 40.2 2.6 2.5 43.5 39.3 1.6 1.6 state 12 Petrol Station 1 56.0 51.7 56.2 51.9 56.0 51.7 -0.2 -0.2 58.5 54.3 2.3 2.4 57.5 53.3 1.3 1.4 13 Base 1 40.2 35.9 40.4 36.1 40.3 36.1 -0.1 0.0 43.0 38.7 2.6 2.6 42.0 37.7 1.6 1.6 Offices/Accom 13 Base 2 41.9 37.6 42.1 37.8 42.0 37.8 -0.1 0.0 44.7 40.4 2.6 2.6 43.7 39.4 1.6 1.6 Offices/Accom 14 House-Tash 1 42.4 38.1 42.6 38.4 42.7 38.4 0.1 0.0 45.3 41.0 2.7 2.6 44.3 40.0 1.7 1.6 Saray 15 House-Tash 1 48.0 43.8 48.2 44.0 47.8 43.5 -0.4 -0.5 50.9 46.6 2.7 2.6 49.9 45.6 1.7 1.6 Saray

Table 11: Results of Operational Noise Calculations

Balykchy Baseline Noise Levels On the outskirts of Balykchy existing road traffic noise levels at houses alongside the road are below the levels set out in the IFC Guidelines for day and night time periods, with the exception of rec. 6, where they are c. 3dB above the prescribed night time levels on the upper floor. Internal noise levels at non-residential properties including the shops, café and offices are also below internal noise criteria appropriate for their usage. Operational Noise Effects Short term operational effects (2019)

The change in road traffic noise arising from the widening of the road from 2 to 4 lanes through the outskirts of the town will be less than 1dB and a negligible noise impact. Long term operational effects (2034) The intensification of road traffic, which is largely independent of the scheme, forecast to occur in the 15 year period following opening of the scheme, combined with the effect of the road widening will give rise to increases in road traffic noise of c. 2.3-2.6 dB at receptors alongside the road during both day and night time periods, which would be a negligible noise impact. The estimated extent of the daytime noise increase is illustrated in Appendix I, Figures A1- A3. Noise levels in the two shops, café and offices alongside the road would continue to meet their respective internal noise criterion.

Tash Saray Baseline Noise Levels In Tash Saray existing road traffic noise levels at the houses closest to the road, to the south of the village (rec. 1), are equal to the IFC Guidelines during the day and exceed the night time level by c.5dB. Internal noise levels at the Mosque (rec.2) already exceed the internal noise criterion for a place of worship by c.3dB.

Operational Noise Effects Short term operational effects (2019)

The rehabilitation of the road (which will remain as a 2 lane road where it passes by the river adjacent to the Mosque) through the village will give rise to an increase in noise levels of up to c.0.6 dB which would be considered to be a negligible noise impact. Long term operational effects (2034) The intensification of road traffic, which is largely independent of the scheme, forecast to occur in the 15 year period following opening of the scheme, will give rise to an increase in road traffic noise of 2.6-2.7dB. This would be a negligible noise impact. The estimated extent of the daytime noise increase is illustrated in Appendix I, Figures A4. Internal noise levels within the Mosque would remain above the internal noise criterion for a place of worship.

5. SUMMARY An assessment has been carried out of potential noise effects arising from the rehabilitation and operation of a section of the A367 road. This Section of road, referred to as Section 1, runs from the outskirts of Balakchy c.40km in a westerly direction, passing through the village of Tash Saray. Noise levels from road construction have been calculated using the procedures contained in the British Standard BS 5228: 2009 ‘Code of Practice for Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites’, as embodied in the NoiseMap 5.2 computer software which has been used in this study. The same modelling software has been used to calculate road traffic noise levels from the existing and refurbished road at dwellings and community facilities, based on the method set out in the UK Calculation of Road Traffic Noise. Noise levels have been calculated for both the year of opening (2019), both with and without the scheme, and for the year fifteen years after opening (2034) allowing both short and long term effects arising from the scheme to be assessed. The Krygyz National Noise Standards and IFC Noise Guidelines were reviewed and appropriate noise assessment criteria taking into account these standards were adopted. A baseline noise monitoring survey was carried out in 2018. The results of road traffic noise calculations showed that 2019 baseline noise levels already exceed IFC guideline values at dwellings alongside the road. The results of construction noise assessment indicated that there will be major daytime noise impacts at dwellings and community facilities alongside the road. There is no practicable means of mitigation of these noise impacts and this is considered to be an unavoidable consequence of construction of the scheme. The results of road traffic noise assessments at Balykchy show that in 2019 the noise change resulting from the widening of the road from 2 to 4 lanes through the outskirts of the town will be less than 1dB and a negligible noise impact. The intensification of road traffic, which is largely independent of the scheme, forecast to occur in the 15 year period following opening of the scheme, combined with the effect of the road widening, will give rise to increases in road traffic noise of between c.2.3-2.6 dB at receptors alongside the road during both day and night time periods. This would be a negligible noise impact and noise levels in the shops, café and offices alongside the road would continue to meet relevant internal noise criteria. At the village of Tash Saray, the rehabilitation of the road in the year 2019, which will remain as a 2 lane road, will give rise to an increase in noise levels of c.0.6 dB. This would be considered to be a negligible noise impact. The intensification of road traffic, which is largely independent of the scheme, forecast to occur in the 15 year period following opening of the scheme, will give rise to a noise increase of c.2.7 dB during both day and night time periods. This would be a negligible noise impact.

References 1. Terms of Reference. Kyrgyz Republic – CAREC – Interconnector and Additional Finance Roads. Phase 2. Noise and Vibration Modelling 2. Kyrgyz Republic – CAREC – Interconnector and Additional Finance Roads. Phase 1. Site Visit Report. Scope of Noise and Vibration Study. January 2019 3. British Standard BS 5228-1. (2009) Code of Practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites. Part 1. Noise. 4. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines. Environmental Noise Management. International Finance Corporation. World Bank Group. April 30 2017

5. BS 8233 (2014) Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings- Code of Practice 6. Calculation of Road Traffic Noise, Department of Transport, 1988 7. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 8. Email from JOC. Road traffic flows. 4 Jan 2019 9. Night Noise Guidelines (NNGL) for Europe. WHO. 2007

GLOSSARY OF TERMS: NOISE UNITS AND INDICES Noise can be defined as ‘unwanted sound’. Sound is a fluctuation of air pressure and can be detected by the human ear when it occurs between 20 and 20,000 times per second. This is referred to as the frequency of the sound and is measured in Hertz (Hz). The ear is not equally sensitive to sound over the whole of this range and therefore when measuring sound this effect is allowed for by applying a frequency weighting, referred to as the A weighting, to the measured signal. The loudness of the sound is dependent on the magnitude of the pressure fluctuation. The human ear has an approximately logarithmic response to this and therefore the sound pressure level (SPL) is expressed using logarithmic unit, the decibel, written (dB (A)), where the ‘A’ indicates that the sound has been A weighted. Noise outdoors from industry and transportation is generally referred to as environmental noise and a typical feature is its continual change in level. In order to describe and take account of community response to this varying noise level additional noise indices are used. The most commonly used of these is the equivalent continuous ‘A’ weighted sound pressure level, (LAeq,T), which is defined as the steady sound pressure level which has the same energy as a varying noise level measured over a period (T). It takes account of both the number and level of noise events and is generally referred to as the ambient noise level. This index is used within this report for the description of construction and road traffic noise levels. Statistical noise indices are also used to describe the noise environment, principally the LA10 and LA90. The LA10 is the level of sound exceeded for 10% of the measurement period and is commonly used in the measurement of road traffic noise. The LA90 is the level of sound exceeded for 90 percent of the measurement period, and is referred to as the background noise level, as noise rarely drops below this level. A further index that is useful particularly for the description of night time noise events, such as the pass-by noise level of a train, is the maximum sound A weighted pressure level LAmax, F. The ‘F’ denotes that the level has been measured using a fast averaging time (125 ms), which reflects the sensitivity of the human ear to rapidly varying noise events. There are a number of simple rules of thumb that can be applied to noise. For example, a 10dB increase in noise level is equivalent to a subjective doubling in noise level. When two sources of the same sound pressure level are added together, the resultant sound pressure is approximately 3dB(A) higher than the individual sounds. Individuals can typically detect changes in environmental noise levels when the change is greater than 1-3dB. Environmental noise levels are measured using a sound level meter, usually connected via a cable to a microphone mounted on a tripod or A Frame. When the microphone is positioned at the building façade, noise levels are referred to as ‘façade’ measurements, as distinct from those measured away from reflecting surfaces, which are referred to as ‘free field’. Façade levels are generally taken to be 2.5dB higher than the equivalent free field measurement as a result of the effect of reflected noise from the building façade



Figure A1. Noise Contour Plot: Long Term Daytime Noise Change (yr. 2034-2019) and Receptor Locations: Balykchy

Figure A2. Noise Contour Plot: Long Term Daytime Noise Change (yr. 2034-2019) and Receptor Locations: Balykchy (cont.)

Figure A3. Noise Contour Plot: Long Term Daytime Noise Change (yr. 2034-2019) and Receptor Locations: Balykchy (cont.)

Figure A4. Noise Contour Plot: Long Term Daytime Noise Change (yr. 2034-2019) and Receptor Locations: Tash Saray






Terminology References Appendix

1. INTRODUCTION Japan Overseas Consultants Co. (JOC) has been appointed by the Ministry of Transport and Roads (MOTR) to conduct engineering design and environmental assessment for the rehabilitation of three sections of the A367 road. These include: Section 1 which runs from the outskirts of Balykchy c.40km in a westerly direction, passing though the village of Tash Saray Section 2a runs from Kochkor to Epkin c. 25km in a westerly direction through the villages of Kokjar, Chekildek, Cholpon and Akyuyk. This scheme and Section 1 are referred to as Additional Finance Roads. Section 2b runs from Epkin c.70km to Bashkugandy passing through the villages of Jumgal, Kuiruchuk, and Tugot Say, ending just before the village of Dyikan. This Section of road is referred to as the connector road and finance is already in place for this scheme. Initial Environmental Examinations (IEE) have been completed for each of the three road sections, however The Asian Development Bank (ADB) which is funding the rehabilitation, has requested that JOC should update the Examinations to include an assessment of the potential noise and vibration effects which might arise from construction and operation of the three sections of road. This study addresses the potential vibration effects. JOC has in turn, retained specialist noise and vibration engineers to carry out a study to determine the potential effect of the vibration on nearby houses and potential means of mitigation to reduce the risk of damage. Although the Terms of Reference (ToR) [1] suggest that an operational vibration assessment be carried out, this is considered unnecessary. Specifically, the UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges [2] states that peak particle velocities (ppv’s) in the structure of buildings close to heavily trafficked roads rarely exceed 2 mm/s and typically are below 1 mm/s. Normal use of a building such as closing doors, walking on suspended wooden floors and operating domestic appliances can generate similar levels of vibration to those from road traffic. Based on this statement, vibration arising from future operation of the road would be unlikely to give rise to cosmetic or structural damage, and therefore this has not been included in the study. It follows that the that the preparation of a vibration baseline for the project area is also unnecessary because the existing vibration baseline alongside the road is dominated by vibration from road traffic. This is typically an order of magnitude lower that the levels that will result from the use of road construction plant i.e rollers, excavators etc and therefore should not affect the assessment of construction vibration. The ToR also include a requirement to carry out site measurements on which to base construction vibration calculations. This cannot be expedited at present as construction operations have not started on these road sections and there is no plant in situ to use as a vibration source. In addition, current ground conditions may not be typical of the prevailing conditions during the construction period.

Therefore it is proposed to defer any vibration monitoring until the construction begins and at this stage to make use of existing measured data and calculation methods. The principal elements of the present study are to:

 review existing methods for calculation of vibration from ground preparation and compaction. An accepted method for vibrating rollers is described in Section 2;  review the lithology at villages alongside the road in Section 1, 2a and 2b and compare with those at the locations where construction vibration measurements were made on the Bishkek-Kara Balta road. If these lithologies are sufficiently similar then the calculation methodology currently being derived from the Bishkek- Kara Balta measurements will be sufficiently robust to inform the IEE as required by ADB. Should there be significant differences in the lithologies it may be possible to quantify these differences using site data for construction vibration which are in the public domain;  set vibration damage threshold levels for low, medium, high risk building classes (as determined by the Project Proponent) and for fragile ancient monuments based on recognised International Standards. These are set out in Tabular form in Section 3;  review and select appropriate criteria for the assessment of human response to vibration from construction activities. These are also set out in Section 3;  review the effectiveness of potential methods of mitigation of ground borne vibration from vibratory compaction. The findings of the review are set out in Section 4;  compare the results of vibration monitoring carried out as part of an earlier study with predictions made using the selected vibration model and if necessary to revise the prediction method to fit measured vibration data, taking into account, where possible, differences in geology. Section 5 includes graphs showing this comparison;  calculate for normal operation of the roller the distance from the edges of the new road to each vibration damage (cosmetic) contour for low, medium and high risk building classes. The results of this are given in Section 5;  re-calculate these distances taking into account the effectiveness of potential mitigation including for example use of low roller vibration settings. These results are also included in Section 5.  plot (JOC CAD team) cosmetic and minor structural vibration damage threshold contours for high risk buildings on mapping of the scheme thus enabling buildings exceeding the respective thresholds to be identified.


Calculation of Vibration from Ground Compaction using Vibratory Roller A review was carried out of available calculation methods, firstly those specifically aimed at calculation of vibration from ground compaction using vibratory rollers, and secondly more general methods for calculation propagation of vibration in varying lithologies. The most comprehensive method found was that set out by Hiller and Crabb [3] who derived an empirical relationship for the calculation of vibration from ground compaction based on an extensive measurement programme carried out by the UK Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). They found that for vibration from normal compaction passes the following empirical relationship could be used:

0.5 1 5 Vres = ks n [ A ⁄(x+w)] where:

Vres is the resultant level of vibration ks = 75, with a 50 per cent probability of the vibration level being exceeded; ks = 143, with a 33 per cent probability of the vibration level being exceeded; ks = 276, with a 5 per cent probability of the vibration level being exceeded; n is the number of vibrating drums; A is the nominal amplitude of the vibrating roller (mm); x is the distance along the ground surface from the roller (m); and w is the width of the vibrating drum (m).

The results obtained using this calculation method are compared with measured vibration levels in Section 5. For the purposes of this study it has been assumed that the roller used would have similar operating characteristics to the one on which measurements were made in [18]. The details of this plant are given in the Appendix.

Levels of vibration during normal operation of the roller, both freefield (see Terminology) and measured on the foundation, were found to be dominated by the vertical (z) component (see Terminology), and thus in this study only the vertical components have been considered

Effect of Soil Conditions A geological survey was carried out along the length of the road between Kochor and Dyikan [14] which showed the lithologies to comprise:

light sill clayey soil, hard-semi hard consistency with included gravel/pebbles up to 10%; Gravel sand , Gruss soil (weathered granite) sandy loam aggregate; Gravel soil with sandy loam aggregate; Pebble soils with sandy and loam sandy aggregate; and Crushed rock soil with loamy aggregate

These soil conditions differ from those present at Petrovka village where the measurements were carried out, and hence it was concluded that the calculation method derived from those results could not be used in the present study. The review of calculation methods indicated that there is no robust numerical method of taking into account the effect of the difference in lithology on the propagation of ground borne vibration. The propagation term used in the TRL is empirical but based on measured data from sites with differing lithology. In practice some of the houses alongside the road e.g in Jumgal are so close to the widened sections that construction related vibration damage was considered to be highly likely and the uncertainty arising from differing soil types was unlikely to affect the results at these dwellings.

Effect of Height of Water Table A saturated soil may facilitate the propagation of vibration [11] in comparison with the unsaturated condition. However for construction operations such as ground preparation and excavation the bulk of the energy (c.67%) will propagate via surface waves, known as Rayleigh waves (see Terminology). The magnitude of the surface wave is largely unaffected by changes in the height of the ground water level, provided it remains sufficiently below the surface (relative to the wavelength). In the geological survey [14] it was reported that groundwater was not observed in the trial pits (c.2m deep) or open boreholes during excavations and drilling. Therefore the groundwater was not expected to occur close to the road surface and wave propagation should not be affected.

Frozen soil Freezing of the soil may affect vibration propagation by reducing internal damping.

Building Coupling Loss The building coupling loss is defined as the ratio between free-field vibration levels and those measured on the building foundation. For a lightly built structure with limited foundations, this would normally be approximately 1, which was confirmed by the results of vibration monitoring reported in [18]. For a typical brick built structure on a concrete foundation it would be approximately 0.5. i.e. the level of vibration on the foundation would be approximately half that measured free-field outside the building at the same distance from the source of vibration. The predominance of buildings which are well coupled to the ground i.e adobe construction with shallow foundations in the villages adjacent to the road increases the risk of vibration related damage during the rehabilitation of the road. The limited attenuation of ground-borne vibration as it enters the building means the level of structural vibration is already roughly double the level that would be found on an equivalent brick built building (on concrete foundations). This is compounded by the fragile nature of the adobe clay/adobe construction, resulting in buildings that are much more vulnerable to vibration damage.

This vulnerability was borne out by results of structural surveys carried out by the State Institute of Anti-Seismic Construction and Engineering [15] on some of the adobe buildings alongside the Bishek Kara Balta road after the vibratory rolling of the road widening, also found evidence of fresh cracks in building facades.

3. ASSESSMENT OF VIBRATION Vibration Related Building Damage Criteria International Guidelines and Standards present criteria for vibration related building damage in the form of threshold levels of vibration (peak particle velocity), as either a value or range of values. Key factors in determine these levels are as follows:

 the nature of the building including its construction, its condition, and whether is of historic importance;  the likely extent of damage i.e. cosmetic, minor structural or major structural; and  whether the source of vibration is continuous or a single event and the dominant frequency (Hz)

A useful review of some of the Standards, largely of US origin, is presented in the Caltrans Guidance Manual [8], and this has been used as the basis of their own guideline values. On the whole these seem sensible, though they only set a threshold for cosmetic damage, do not specify a frequency range over which these limits apply, and appear to be overly conservative for industrial and framed buildings in comparison with European Standards. Additional useful guidance is presented in the British and German Standards [6,7] both of which include a means of taking account of the variation of vibration damage threshold with frequency. In general, the threshold level at which vibration damage will occur increases with frequency. In common with the Caltrans guidance, both Standards differentiate between continuous and discrete vibration sources, with the threshold levels for continuous vibration being roughly half the equivalent level for single event vibration. Using both the Caltrans and BS definitions, vibrating rollers are classified as continuous sources of vibration. The British Standard 7385 Pt 1 offers a means of qualitatively assessing the sensitivity of the building taking into account structure, condition and soil but does not provide a means of taking these factors into account in determining vibration damage threshold levels. The British and German standards also offer guidance on the vibration levels at which the onset of minor structural damage might occur with these being roughly a factor of two higher than those for cosmetic damage. The definitions of cosmetic and minor structural damage set out in BS 7385 in are as follows: Cosmetic. The formation of hairline cracks on drywall surfaces or the growth of existing cracks in plaster or drywall surfaces; in addition, the formation of hairline cracks in mortar joints of brick/concrete block construction Minor Structural. The formation of large cracks or loosening and falling of plaster or drywall surfaces, or cracks through bricks/concrete blocks The criteria which will be used in this study are a combination of the recommendations of the Standards and Guidelines thought most relevant and are set out in Table 2 below. Unless stated otherwise, they apply to the onset of cosmetic damage resulting from a continuous vibration source operating at a minimum

frequency of 20Hz. Three classes of building are included as set out in the ToR, equivalent to low, medium and high risk of vibration damage. A description of the classes was originally intended to be supplied by the Project Proponent, however in the absence of guidance, reference has been made to International Standards and Guidelines, taking into account the type of building seen alongside the road. The majority of these buildings fall into the High Risk Class as they are of adobe/clay construction, which are referred to by the Institute as belonging to Class 9.5 in SNiP 22-01-98KR and are highly vulnerable. However in the current study this Class is also considered to comprise two sub- classes, A with shallow footings (<1m), and B with concrete foundation/footings. Whilst the latter are likely to be less sensitive to ground borne vibration damage there is insufficient data in the literature on which to base a separate threshold for cosmetic damage and both must be classed as fragile buildings.

Human Response to Vibration: criteria The British Standard BS 5228 sets out guideline values in terms of peak particle velocity for human response to construction works and these are shown out in Table 3 below. Column three includes semantic descriptors of the scale of vibration impact which are equivalent to those commonly used in the assessment of construction vibration. The overall results of the assessment are to be presented in the form of building vibration damage contours hence the human response to vibration must be considered in relation to these contours.

Building Building Description Cosmetic Source Assumed Vibration Damage Reference Building Damage Threshold for Coupling ppv Risk Level (mm/s) Criteria Loss Extremely fragile historic buildings, ruins, ancient monuments 2 Caltrans/BART n/a High Risk A Fragile buildings of clay construction with shallow (<1m) rubble footings 3 Caltrans 1 High Risk B Fragile buildings of clay construction with concrete foundations/footings 3 Caltrans 0.5 Medium Risk Residential brick built on concrete foundations/footings and light commercial 10 BS 7385/DIN 4150 0.5 Low Risk Heavy commercial, industrial and framed buildings 25 BS 7385/DIN 4150 0.5 Table 1. Building Vibration Damage Assessment Criteria

Description of Vibration Level Description of Effect Impact ppv (mms-1) <0.3 Vibration unlikely to be perceptible Negligible Increasing likelihood of perceptible 0.3 to 1.0 Minor vibration in residential Increasing likelihood of perceptible vibration in residential environments but 1.0 to 10 can be tolerated at the lower end of the Moderate scale if prior warning and explanation has been given to residents Vibration is likely to be intolerable for any >10 more than a brief exposure to a level of Major 10mms-1 Table 2. BS 5228 Vibration Assessment Criteria

4. MITIGATION OF VIBRATION Roller Vibration Setting The calculation procedure described in Section 2 and the results of field measurements show that there is a clear reduction in vibration resulting from the use of a lower vibration level on the roller, though more passes of the roller may be required to achieve the same level of ground compaction. In theory, it may also be possible to achieve some mitigation by increasing the operating frequency of the roller as the threshold of building damage generally increases with frequency between 20 and 50Hz, as described in BS 7385 and DIN 4150. However it is not clear whether the frequency relationships in these Standards can be applied robustly to the building classes under consideration in this study. It has recently been confirmed that on sections of the road adjacent to high risk buildings ground compaction can be carried out using a roller with no vibration. This would provide the most effective form of mitigation and would eliminate cosmetic damage resulting from vibration in the high risk buildings (within the measurement range). A practical step which can be taken to mitigate vibration effects is to ensure that roller start up and shut down is carried out away from vibration sensitive properties as transient vibration levels during start up and shut down will generally exceed levels for steady state operation. Use of vibratory rollers directly atop the underlying soil adjacent to dwellings should also be avoided if possible. If compaction of the soil is required this should be done using a sheep foot type roller or a non-vibratory roller as suggested by the contractor (see below).

Use of Alternative Compaction Equipment It has been suggested by contractors working on another scheme that sufficient compaction of the sidewalk sub-base and the sides of embankment can be achieved using a rubber tyre roller as shown in Appendix II. Selection of an alternative lower vibration roller would still offer a means of providing additional mitigation.

Trench It has been proposed by the Contractor that the depth of the drainage channel proposed to run alongside extensive sections of the road could be temporarily increased during the construction of the road. This would enable it to function as a trench providing vibration isolation to properties alongside the road from operation of the roller. The results of experimental work examining the effectiveness of trenches agree that the degree of attenuation which can be achieved is a function of the depth of the trench in relation to the incident Rayleigh wavelength. The depth of the is sometimes expressed in these studies as a fraction of wavelength, thus in order to determine the depth an effective trench of it necessary to calculate the wavelength in the local soil conditions along the road. Assuming that the Rayleigh wave speed in the soil (of the type prevalent adjacent to the road) is about c. 140m/s and the main frequency of concern to be c. 20Hz, this would give a wavelength of c.7m. Richart [4] reports studies showing that reductions of 75- 50% were readily achievable with a trench at depth of 0.6 times Rayleigh length wavelength, which for the current study would be 4.2m. The studies showed that the highest levels of attenuation were

achieved close to the trench, and that the screened area extended to a distance of at least ten wavelengths from the trench. Barkan [13] suggested that the depth should not be less than 0.3 times the wavelength i.e. 2.1m, whilst in [12] Thompson reports experimental results showing a vibration reduction in the order of 10dB (c.65%) at frequencies of 16Hz and above using a trench of 3.5m in depth. The Institute carried out some initial tests [17] in which they measured the degree of attenuation of vibration (acceleration) from the roller which could be achieved using trench depths of 1.5 and 2.0 at a distance of c.6m from the trench. With a depth of 1.5m they reported reduced levels of vibration of between 2-4 times the level without the trench. Taking into account the review of the work above, it has been assumed in the calculations that it would be possible to achieve an attenuation in levels of ground-borne vibration of the order of c. 50% using a trench alongside the road. The depth of the trench would be likely to be between c.1.5-3m. However this assumption would need to be confirmed by carrying out some additional vibration measurements prior to resuming construction works.

Human Response Adverse human response to construction vibration can be mitigated by good communication between the contractor and local residents. If occupiers of dwellings are informed prior to the works of their nature, duration and potential vibration effects, then adverse response will be less. Generally the main concern relating to construction vibration is of damage to property and if this is not likely to occur, the point should be made strongly to residents.

5. RESULTS Vibratory Compaction Figures 1 and 2 show the variation of measured vibration taken from [18] with distance from the roller, for high and low vibration roller operating modes respectively. A feature of these data is the low rate of attenuation with distance compared with measurements previously reported [3],[17]. This is considered to be a result of the ground conditions in Petrovka alongside the Bishkek-Kara Balta Road. There is no reason to expect this low rate of attenuation to occur to at the villages in the current study (Kochor and Dyikan) and as discussed earlier the relationships derived using these data should not be used to predict levels of vibration. However those measurements made closer to the roller are likely to be less affected by propagation effects. Therefore the approach taken in this study has been to use the TRL prediction methodology described in Section 2, and to select the prediction level which gave the best agreement with the upper bound of the measured data close to the roller. For the roller operating in high vibration modes it was found that the TRL 66% prediction level gave best agreement with the closest measured data, whilst for the low vibration mode the 95% prediction level was a better fit. An explanation of these terms is given in Terminology. The comparison with measured vibration levels is shown on Figures 1 and 2. These prediction levels were therefore used to determine the vibration damage contour distances to buildings.

Figure . Plot of Veloity on Foundation v Distane to Road Roller at High Viration



Measured Data

. TRL % 線形 TRL % ln Velotiy ppv/s .

.... lndistane

Vibration Damage Contour Distances Vibration damage contour distances are set out below in diagrammatic form (Figures 3-6 ) for both high and low vibration levels of the roller. These are the distances from the road beyond which the risk of vibration damage (cosmetic or minor structural) reduces below 5% (for 95% prediction level), or 33% (for the 66% prediction level). Whilst these are included for building classes at high, medium and low risk of vibration damage, the discussion in each section is restricted to the high risk building class i.e. clay/adobe construction as these constitute the majority of the buildings in the villages through which the road passes. Predicted levels are also given assuming the use of an over excavated drainage channel to provide vibration mitigation. A summary of the contour distances specifically for high risk buildings is provided in Table 3.

High vibration mode Cosmetic Damage (TRL 66% prediction level)

Using the TRL 66% prediction level taken from Figure 1 and criteria taken from Table 2, the distance to the vibration damage (cosmetic) contour for high risk buildings is predicted to be 22m as shown in Figure 3 below. In areas where an over excavated drainage channel can be used as a trench it is predicted that this contour distance could be reduced to 13m for high risk buildings.

Minor Structural Damage (TRL 66% prediction level)

Using the TRL 66% prediction level as the basis of prediction of minor structural damage the distance to the vibration damage contour would be 13m (see Figure 4 below) which would reduce to 8m, taking into account the addition of mitigation in the form of an over excavated drainage channel.

Roller Low vibration mode Cosmetic Damage (TRL 95% prediction level)

Using the TRL 95% prediction level taken from Figure 2 the distance to the vibration damage (cosmetic) contour for high risk buildings is predicted to be 16 m as shown in Figure 5 below. In areas where an over excavated drainage channel can be used as a trench it is predicted that this contour distance could be reduced to 9m.

Minor Structural Damage (TRL 95% prediction level )

Using the 95% prediction level as the basis of calculation of the vibration damage (minor structural) contour distance would give a distance of 9m to the vibration damage contour as shown in Figure 6 below. The addition of mitigation in the form of an over excavated drainage channel would reduce the vibration damage (minor structural) contour distance to 5m.

Summary of Vibration Damage Contour Distances for Operation of Vibrating Roller: High Risk Buildings Table 3 below summarises the predicted vibration damage contour distances for cosmetic and minor structural damage to high risk building for high and low vibration settings of the roller. Predicted contour distances are also included taking account of the use of a trench.

Roller Mitigation Vibration Damage Contour Distance (m) Vibration Option Cosmetic Minor Setting Damage Structural

High No 22 13 mitigation Low 16 9 High With Trench 13 8 Low 9 5 Table 3. Vibration Damage Contour Distances for High Risk Buildings

Plotting of Vibration Damage Contour Distances The final stage of this study (to be completed) has involved the JOC CAD team plotting vibration damage threshold contours on mapping of the scheme thus enabling buildings exceeding the respective thresholds to be identified. The Plans which are presented in Appendix II are based on the contour distances set out in Table 3. The Plans:

 only show contours for high risk buildings, as they are much more likely to suffer building damage and also because housing is mainly constructed from adobe and in practice it may be difficult to carry out selective rolling of the road (i.e. high/low vibration in an area of mixed building type;  only show contours for low vibration operation of the roller as high vibration operation is impracticable in residential areas within the villages;  show the effect of mitigation provided by a trench where this is practicable; and  show contours for both cosmetic damage and minor structural damage.

In the preparation of the Plans, the contour distances have been taken from the outermost construction point assuming that ground preparation of the sidewalk and embankment will be carried out using a vibratory roller.

Roller No Vibration Mode It has recently been confirmed that it is possible to carry out ground compaction without vibration on sections of the road adjacent to high risk buildings. Measurements were made using the no vibration mode at two locations to verify levels of vibration and results indicated that vibration levels made at distances of 3-5m were less than a third of the threshold level at which a risk of cosmetic damage would be identified at a high risk class building i.e adobe/clay construction.

Vibration from Operation of Excavator The measured vibration velocities (ppv) during excavation of a section road sub base were presented in [17]. The distance of the nearest measurement from the road was c. 7m which is not sufficiently close to the road to allow the measurement to be combined with a typical propagation term to give a robust alternative means of determining vibration damage contour distances. Therefore as a worst case the expression derived in [18] by fitting of a linear regression to the measured (transformed) was used, which gave the distance to the high risk building class contour (3mm/s) of c.5m This result indicates that where excavation e.g. of drainage channels, is carried out at distances any less than c.5m from a high risk building there may be a risk of cosmetic damage. The equivalent distance in order to reduce risk of minor structural damage would be c.2m.

Fragile Ancient Monuments Assuming a low vibration setting, the 2mm/s vibration damage contour, (i.e the threshold of potential damage to ancient monuments, for example graves constructed of adobe) would be 22m from the edge of the road. This could be reduced to c.13m through use of a trench, should that be practicable. The use of the excavator at distances closer than c.9m may also give rise to damage.

Additional Vibration Monitoring Vibration damage contour distances have been presented above for operation of a vibrating roller and for operation of an excavator. Whilst these results are considered sufficiently robust for the purposes of updating the IEE as required by the ToR, it is recommended that once construction plant are on site, some preliminary vibration measurements should be made. The results can be used to check the accuracy of calculations, and if necessary offer additional guidance on construction practices.

6. CONCLUSIONS A study has been made of construction vibration at dwellings alongside the Additional Finance and Connector roads in order to determine the potential effect of the vibration on nearby houses and potential means of mitigation to reduce the risk of damage. A review has also been made of existing methods for calculation of vibration from ground preparation and compaction and results compared to existing vibration monitoring data obtained during a previous study. Vibration damage threshold levels for low, medium and high risk building classes have been set, based on recognised International Standards. The effectiveness of potential methods of mitigation of ground borne vibration from vibratory compaction have been examined including the use of low vibration operation of the roller and the use of trenches, formed by over excavation of proposed drainage channels. It was concluded that both these options offered significant levels of mitigation, though further measurements would be needed prior to construction to confirm the effectiveness of a trench in the local geological conditions.

The vibration model developed by TRL has been used to predict vibration damage contours (cosmetic) for low, medium and high risk building classes for high and low vibration roller operating modes. These are the distances from the road beyond which the risk of vibration damage (cosmetic) reduces below 5% (for 95% prediction level), or 33% (for the 66% prediction level). The contour distances were set out in diagrammatic form for each of these modes and prediction levels.

For the high vibration operating mode, the predicted distance to the vibration damage contour for cosmetic damage to high risk buildings would be 22m. The addition of mitigation in the form of an over excavated drainage channel i.e. a trench, would reduce the vibration damage (cosmetic) contour distance to 13m.

In the case of the low vibration operating mode, the predicted distance of to the vibration damage contour for cosmetic damage to high risk buildings would be 16m. This would reduce to 9m, taking into account the use of a trench as mitigation.

An alternative approach to the assessment was also considered based on the premise that risk of cosmetic damage may an unavoidable consequence of the construction of the road and to instead set a threshold level at which minor structural damage might occur. This would be approximately double the threshold for cosmetic damage, and for high risk buildings would be 6mm/s. For high vibration mode the predicted distance to the minor structural damage contour for high risk buildings would be 13 m, reducing to 8m with the provision of mitigation. For low vibration mode the predicted distance to the minor structural damage contour for high risk buildings would be 9m, reducing to 5m with the provision of mitigation. The distance to the vibration damage contours was also calculated for fragile ancient monuments, for example graves constructed of adobe. Assuming low vibration operation of the roller, the 2mm/s contour, (i.e the threshold of potential damage) would be c.22m from the edge of the road. This could be reduced to c.13m through use of a trench, should that be practicable.

Predicted levels of vibration arising from operation of an excavator have also been presented. The results indicated that the distance to the high risk building class vibration damage contour (cosmetic damage) was c.5m. i.e where excavation e.g. of drainage channels, is carried out at distances any less than c.5m from a high risk building there may be a risk of cosmetic damage. The vibration damage contour distances presented in the study for operation of a vibrating roller and for operation of an excavator are considered sufficiently robust for the purposes of updating the IEE. However it is recommended that once construction plant are on site, some additional vibration measurements should be made and the results used to check the accuracy of calculations, and if necessary offer additional guidance on construction practices. In the final stage of the study (to be completed) the JOC CAD team have plotted vibration damage threshold contours on mapping of the scheme produce Plans which illustrate the risk of cosmetic and minor structural damage to high risk buildings alongside the road. These are presented in Appendix II.


Rayleigh Wave A type of wave, discovered by Lord Rayleigh in 1885, that can propagate on the surface of the ground. The motion of the wave, also known as an R-wave, is confined to a zone near the surface and consists of horizontal and vertical components that attenuate rapidly with depth.

Peak Particle Velocity (ppv) This measure of velocity is used to describe vibration in the ground and in structures in terms of the motion of a particle (i.e., a point in or on the ground or structure) and is the zero-to-peak amplitude of velocity of the particle. It is generally accepted as the most appropriate descriptor for evaluating the potential for building damage. However it can also be used to assess human response to vibration from construction. It is normally measured on three orthogonal axes which, for example at a point near a road would be, transverse (x), longitudinal (y) and vertical (z). Often vibration levels will dominated by the vertical component of velocity however in multi-storey buildings, transverse vibration , resulting from rocking of the building may be important.

Free-field Vibration Level This is the level of vibration measured on the ground using a geophone mounted on a slab, stake or embedded in the ground. It is generally higher than the equivalent level of vibration that would be measured on a building foundation.

The 95% prediction interval is the interval centred about the vibration levels calculated using the derived expression, within which there is a probability of 95% that the vibration data will occur. The upper boundary (or upper bound) of this interval is referred to as the 95% prediction level and there is a 5% probability that vibration levels will lie outside the interval.


1. Kyrgyz Republic – CAREC – Interconnector and Additional Finance Roads. Terms of Reference for Phase 2. Noise and Vibration Modelling. Asian Development Bank December 2017. 2. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 3. Groundborne vibration caused by mechanised construction works. TRL Report 429. UK Highways Agency. Hiller and Crabb. 2000 4. Vibration of soils and Foundations. Richart, Hall & Woods 5. British Standard BS ISO 4866:2010. Mechanical vibration and shock- vibration of fixed structures. Guide to measurement of vibration and evaluation of their effects on structures 6. British Standard BS 7385 Pt 2. Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings. Pt 2. Guide to damage levels from ground borne vibration 7. DIN 4150-3. Deutsche Norm. Structural Vibration. Part 3. Effects of Vibration on Structures. February 1999 8. Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual. California Department of Transportation, Division of Environmental Analysis September 2013 9. Current Practices To Address Construction Vibration And Potential Effects To Historic Buildings Adjacent To Transportation Projects Wilson, Ihrig & Associates September 2012 10. British Standard BS 5228- 2. Code of Practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites. Part 2 .Vibration. 2009. 11. Vibration Problems in Structures: Practical Guidelines Bachman et al. Pub. Springer Science 1995 12. Reducing railway-induced vibration by using open trenches and soft filled barriers. D.J. Thompson et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. May 2016 13. Dynamics of Bases and Foundations. D. D Barken. McGraw Hill. 1962 14. Geotechnical Assessment Report. C Central Asia Regional Corridor 3 (Bishkek-Osh Road) Improvement Project Phase 4 foEngineering and Construction Supervision. July/ 2015 15. State Agency of Anti-Seismic Construction and Engineering Design. Technical Statement on the Results of an Engineering Survey of Resdience Buildings at Chui Oblast, Petrovka Villate Centralnaya Street, Nos 85, 105, 108, 112, 117, 161, 225, 268, 269, 445. 2017 16. State Agency of Anti-Seismic Construction and Engineering Design. Seismologic Report. Trenching Method. Chapter 3. 2017 17. Investagation of Soil compaction by Vibration. Forssblad L Acta Polytechnica. Sweden 1965

18. Vibration Assessment. Bishkek-Osh Road Improvement Project. Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Bishkek-Kara-Balta Section, Km 15.9-Km 61 EPTISA SA. Final Report February 2018


Model: Shandong Engineering Machinery SEM 520 All-wheel hydraulic drive, Working weight :20000kg. Load on the front drum: 13500kg. Linear load 612 N/cm Max. speed 10 km/h Vibration frequency (min/max) 28/33 Amplitude of vibrations (max/min) 1,86/0,93 mm Vibration strength (max/min) 370/255 kN Diameter of the drum :1600 mm. Width of the drum: 2130 mm.

XCMG XP303K Pneumatic Tyred Road Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-1: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-2: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-3: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-4: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-5: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-6: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller

Figure S1-7: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by High Vibration Roller Borderline when cosmetic damages are caused by Low Vibration Roller

Figure S1-8: Boderlines indicating the limit of Cosmotic Damages depending on the Vibration Mode