“Chances and Opportunities in the Agricultural Sector of Kyrgyzsta

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“Chances and Opportunities in the Agricultural Sector of Kyrgyzsta Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Melioration of the Kyrgyz Republic “Chances and opportunities in the agricultural sector of Kyrgyzsta 2020 1 Strategic location Ac t i ve member of the Integrational Unions ( WTO, EAEU, CIS etc.). On the way of “Silk Road”: access toEAEU, Eu r op e , China , Middle Ea s t and South-Ea s t As i a . 2 Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan 12, 6 % ( 20 19 ) ~ 2,6% (2017-20 19 ) Sh a r e o f GDP Development ~400 thous. 445 Fa r ms Cooperatives 10 , 4 m l n h a 9,0 mlnha Agricultural lands Pasture 14 % 65% Active population Rural population 3 Priorities Organic production Intensive gardening Digitalization Consolidation (inc. breeding, seed farms) Processing 4 Export Capacitythous ( . tons) 70,0-85,0 BEANS 125– 135 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 30-50 MILK AND DAIRY 20 PRODUCTS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS 25 – 30 150 COTTON POTATO 1,5 6 HONEY NUTS 5 Food Industry(entities) 337 CANNED FRUITS 342 AND VEGETABLE MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS 541 MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 798 REFINED VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL OILS, FATS FISH PRODUCTS 18 7 Food Industry(entities) 268 SOFT DRINKS AND BOTTLED MINERAL WATER 4643 FLOUR AND FLOUR PRODUCTS 19 NATIONAL DRINKS SUGAR AND 94 CONFECTIONERY 8 Specialization of regions of the Kyrgyz Republic in crop and livestock produc LEGEND GRAIN CROP RICE SUNFLOWER COTTON TOBACCO SUGAR BEET Chui region POTATO Talas region VEGETABLES Jalal-Abad region MELONS Naryn region Osh region FRUITS AND BERRIES Batken region GRAPE Issyk-Kul region LIVESTOCK FARMING 9 Operating trade and logistics centers in the Kyrgyz Republic Sokuluksky district LLС «Agroproduct Asia» Bishkek Dordoi- Balykchy town Moskovsky district LLC Dyikan LLC Oberon LLC "Kyrgyz Center Product" Kochkor district LLC "Seed potatoes" Nooken District PE LEGEND "Rustambek" TRADE AND LOGISTICS CENTE Aravan region PE Aravan region PE "Aravan Chui region agroservice" "Abdullaev Shavkatbek" Talasregion Kara-Suu district LLC Jalal-Abad region "Turan-Group" Narynregion Nookat District PE "Alimzhanov Osh region Yakubzhan" Batkenregion Issyk-Kul region 10 Export of Agricultural products 17 449,3 20 145,4 22 000,0 million soms million soms million soms • In 2019export $288 697.0thous , that’s or 21,5% ($) higher than in 2018. 11 Trade of Kyrgyzstan-Japan YEAR IMPORT (thous.) EXPORT (thous.) 2018 $15,3 $149,3 2019 $ 33,1 $ 197,9 Products Import Export ALCOHOLIC, TOBACCO, NATURAL HONEY, FISH PRODUCTS VEGETABLES AND ROOT VEGETABLES, MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS 12 Investment attractiveness Investment Law of the Kyrgyz Republic (March 27, 2003) Advantages 3% VAT on processing Labor force Tax free agricultural production Liberal investment Investment regime protection 13 Investment attractiveness La w of the Kyrgyz Republic «On free economic zones in the Kyrgyz Republic» J a n u a r y 11, 20 14 No . 6 Freeeconomic zones (FEZ): • Special exchange rate regime; • Ta x and social security benefits; • No cust oms duties; • Invest or protection. La w of the Kyrgyz Republic on public-private partnershipJuly 22, 2019 No. 95 Public-privat e part nerships (PPPs): • Government guarantees • State support • State partner • Lo n g -term (up to 50 years) 14 Proposals for the cooperation 1. Joint venture on milk and dairy 2. Joint events on increasing mutual products, beans, meat and meat trade (B2B) products 4. Direct cooperation with state authorized 3. Exchange of experience and bodies knowledge (grain crops, livestock, including organic agriculture, etc.) 15 Thanks for attention!.
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