WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority
OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority. ] No. 32.] PERTH: FRIDAY, JULY 20. [1894. No. 5690.-C.S.0. No. 5697.-C.S.0. Parliament Summoned to Meet for Business. Gaol proclaimed at Broome. PROCLAMATION ~i!ltr;ttxlt ~llr;tmli1tl} On behalf of His Excellency SIR °0°,,° PROCLAMATION to fuit. WILLIABI CLEAVER FRANCIS ROBIN- i!i!hr;tmt ~llr;tmlill, "( On behalf of His Excellenoy SIR SON, Knight Grand Cross of the to (uit. .) VVILLIA~I CLEAVER E'RANCIS ROIlIN- J\'Iost Distinguished Order of Saint SON, Knight Grand Cross of the ALEX. C. ONSLOW, Most Distinguished Order of Saint Governo)"'s DClllt(y. 1\'Iiehael and Saint George, Governor ALEX, C. ONSLOW, and Commander-in-Chief in and over Governol"S Dcpnty. Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chiefin and over (L. s.) the Colony of vVestorn Australia (L. s.) the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &c., &c.,&c. and its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c. HEREAS under the provisions of "The ALEXANDER CAllIPBELL ONSLOW, Chief Justice of W Constitution Act, 1889," it is nmde lawful for the Governor of vVestern Australia for the time the said Colony, Governor's Deputy, by virtue being to fix the phtce and time for holding the first of the Ordinance 21 Victoria, No. 12, intituled "An and every other Session of the Legislative Council " Ordinance to extend and enlarge the provisions of and Legislative Assembly: Now THEREFORE I, " an Ordinance passed in the twelfth year of the ALEXANDER CAllIPBELL ONSLOW, Chief Justice of "reign of Her present JYlajesty, int.ituled 'An the said
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