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DRIVE TO EXIST THE WESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY 1'ublNlicd WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 vtry Thursday 32 Page*—10 Cent* estfield's Hospitals Plea 2 New Patrolmen Added To Force Staff Additions The appointments of two proba- tionary patrolmen to the police force )fU 1 Tally At $200,000 were approved by Town Council Tuesday night. Gain Approval lilioiial Gilt* The men. who will serve a proba- rial Groups tionary period of one year, are Craig J. Allen, 29, of 124 Grove St. Musical Kc'vue Tryouls Town Clerk Gets 1*55,000 and William D. Mackay, 26, of 709 First St. For Students Today Hospital* Campaign d's New 3 Yr. Term , dav announced that The starting salary for the two Tryouts for a musical revue being tors fl nl been raised will i>c $G,050 per year. The appoint- j given us a benefit for the- Westfield ments were made possible through Kesciie Squad by a group of WHS Town Council Tucsdny night in a a retirement vacancy and 1he trans- students will be held today in thesession lasting only 30 minutes ap- .. lo Ik Weslfield Ilospi- fer of Ptl. Wesley Moore to the Juve- lounge of the Baptist Church at 3:30proved n number of personnel ap- J Walter J. Lee, campaign p.m. Any Westfield student between pointments, adopted two ordinances nile Bureau. and introduced two others. indwnced lhal more than Patrolman Craig, a veteran with the ages of II and 18 is invited to fad been received from tryoul for this J2-acl musical. Stu- Mrs. Joy Vrepland, who has three years service in the Marine served as Town Clerk since Jan. 1, [allies. "This moans that Corps, is a graduate of Passaic WILLIAM D. MACKAY J. ALLEN dents are to bring their own music. „( Westfield's families High School and attended Drake A group of 30 students, under the liXil, was given a new three year Business College. A resident here co-chairmanship of Art Michaels. term effective April 2.1. She was S"said Mr. Lee, "and for the past ten months he is mar- Stan MtHirourty and Kulhie Killing- landed for her "pleasiint, enthusias- ,i Irani special uroups such ried and the father of two children. ham are being advised and directed tic and dedicated service to the ,1 caff members, trustees YMCA Completes Plans town," by Councilman Samuel M. Patrolman MaeKuy is a Navy vet- by Wuldron Hoick, sixth grade m,rs of Overlook and Munl- eran with three years service. A teacher at Wilson School. Kinney Jr., who moved the appoint- t added, (lie total amount former resident of Scotch Plains he ment. WtsUielders exceeds $255,- graduated from Scotch Plains High For April 21 Meeting, Hugh J. McCluskey Jr. of Plain- School. He is married and the fa- Throng Expected field was named an engineering uido „ compiled a record to be ther of two children. lo Charles Van Household!, town en- •• Mr. Lee reported, "al- The two appointees were selected gineer, ut an annual salary of $5,1)00 . have not yet reached the AID TO IfOSPITALS-Tlic Westficld Lton's Club has donated $1,500 from a group of seven applicants Talk By Yankee Star At Public Honor effeclive April 11, and Koberl W. is w«lfield's 'Fair Share' to the Westfield's Hospitals Campaign. Making llie presentation above after written tests and personal in- liremian of Westfield was appointed Mnt expansion programs is William Townscnd, club president, right, to Frank J. Dugan, vice Final plans for the 43rd annual an assessing clerk also at $5,000 ef- terviews by the members of coun- youth croups in Westfield to attend ospitals. Wcstliclders are chairman of the campaign and chairman of Westficlil Hospital Council cil's police committee headed by meeting of the Westficld YMCA, to To Dr. Ewan fective April 18. are of the needs and the be held Monday, April 25, were an- the meeting in the large (gymnasium Councilman Albert Molowa. where Mr. Richardson will speak. The Westfield Hoard of Education An administrative clerk to tlio ol their two hospitals, nounced today in a joint statement Town's Administrative Assistant to rj and Overlook, than they by President Robert J. Lincoln, and He will be in attendance at the din-is sponsoring an informal public re- ner meetinK as well, and dinner ception next Thursday from II to 10Muyur and Council, lCdward V. , been before. We believe Lions Club Donates Chairman Arthur C. Fried. Honored Klilcrs, was appointed, with the post awareness will result in Reid Named Head guest and featured speaker for theKuesls will later adjourn to the gym- p.m. in honor of Dr. and Mrs. S. nasium to a special reserve section N. Kwan Jr. going to Robert C. Iieeder 111 of 552 support of the fine hospi- occasion will be Robert C. "Hobby" Westtield Ave. at $0,000 a year ef- » available to our com- Richardson, all-star second baseman for Mr. Richardson's main address. Norman Morash, president, of the Of Advance Gifts IjiKir'J of Kduciitiuii. expressed Ihe fective April II. Mr. Rocder Is a n fact," he added, "many $1,500 To Hospitals for the New York Yankees baseball Fred F. Filers!, youth secretary graduate of Weslfield High School ivt lold us that they would team. of the Y, is in charge, of the dislri- ic|x> thul people from nil over New Jersey wilt come lo the Westfield and attended lite University of Mary- n, and many who have not William J. Townsend, president of Unit Of Fund Mr. Fried said reservations for thebuliou of the special passes. It is land. : jilts plan to do so." Ihe Westfield Lions Club, Saturday dent wishing to make a contribution planned to slart the special gym- High School cafeteria that evening annual meeting dinner may bo made to joiti Weslficlders in "paying re- The ordinances which received ap- ulions may be made to presented a check in the sum of may send it to the Westfield's Hospi- The appointment of John A. Ileid at the YMCA or by mail direct to nasium program at 7:45 p.m. with 's Hospital's Campaign, SI,500 lo Frank Dugan of (XtS Shack- tals Campaign, P.O. Uox 345, West- of 70.1 Lenape Trail as chairman of Ihe showing of several movies, in- spect to a niiin who, as siiporin- proval after public hcnrlng Included the Advance. Gifts Division in the Harold J. Hohlman, membership londent of schools for the past l!> the setting up of tlio monthly park- !I5. Westfk-ld. amaxon Dr., vice chairman of the field. and adult program secretary. As cluding the lilliu World Series in HIGH campaign of the United Fund which Mr. Richardson starred. years, lias more than kept pace wilh ing rate and area for permit parkcra irwih and development of Westfield's Hospitals Campaign. Members of the Lions Club will was the practice last year, the din- Ihe educational challenges of hi.s climax the fund-raisini: project to- of Westfield was announced today using n designated section on tlio itils, and the maintenance The money represents proceeds of b" Robert .1. Lincoln, general cam- ner portion of the meeting will be Dr. Kdward (i. Hourns will again time." east bound side of HID CItfl station morrow at its annual "Ladies Night" serve as master of ceremonies for Wards of service, are con- a fund-raising event which has just paign chairman. held in the banquet hall at the YM- ill I'arklng Lot No. 3. The other itiponsibililies." said Mr. in tlie Mountainside Inn, Mountain' CA at 7 p.m. following a reception the occasion, which will include the A commiilce, under the chairman- been concluded under the chairman- Commenting on lire appointment measure provides for Ihe instullatioii «i it is the recommendation side, when the name of the winner election of a panel of 10 directors ship nf Mrs. A. F. Klaihtr, has com- ship of George J. llainrah. Mr. Lincoln said, "The fund relies at (5:30 p.m. in the main lobby. of traffic signals at the intersection txnpaign officers lliat the of a Volkswagen car will be an- lo serve the- Association fur the terns pleted its plans for the evening. Miss In accepting the contribution, Mr. heavily on the Advance Gifts Divi- Special passes are being made of Centra! Ave., l'urk St. and Cac- Hospital Council continue nounced. lilGU-l'JG!). Those nominated to serve Frances l'oirce and Dr. Holier! L, Duyan said, "The enthusiasm, imag- sion lo set the pace for the overall available to "Y" youth groups, Little are: U. 11. Barrett Jr., George It Foose are, In cliari;e of arrange- ciola 1*1. the support of the people ination and -dedication of the mem- George J. I'nkcnliam is in charge effort. Those Initial contributions to League baseball teams, and other ment!, at the lush school, including The two new ordinances with wrai'.y." of the program which will start with Biownell, William J. Cnnt, Charles bers of the Westfield Lions Club in the fund drive provide a response T. Fnrroiv Jr.. Arthur C. Fried, C. refreshments. Mrs. Robert Million public hearings .scheduled for April tt tapis grateful," Mr. raising this money for Weslfield cocktails at 7 p.m., followed by din-criteria and impetus which carries a-id her cnmmillee, Mines l.'dward l!(i provide for the Installation of itaW. "Is all those West- ner, dancing and entertainment.