CemAirDECEMBER 2016 / JANUARY 2017 SKYNEWS WHEN I MET YOU IN THE SUMMER EDITION #15 FREE COPY Published for CemAir With Sasfin, every year is a vintage year. If you want a bank that thinks like you do, its time to think beyond a bank. sasfin.com business | wealth | banking Reg no. 1951/002280/06
[email protected] An authorised financial service provider licence no. 23833. A registered credit provider NCRCP22 and a member of the Sasfin Group. PUBLISHER'S CONTENTS NOTE What a year 2016 has been! PLETT COASTAL LIFESAVERS RELOCATIONS CemAir’s considerable growth continued with new routes - Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth Now 365 Commuting - Days a Year - as well as more flights on the the new vogue regular routes to Plett, Margate, Johannesburg and Cape Town. Today, our passengers can PAGE 11 PAGE 14 enjoy more of CemAir, to more destinations, more frequently. Skynews has been there CAPE ROUTE RAMSGATE with you for all journeys 62 CONSERVANCY on those existing and new routes, and will continue to Where nature be accompanying you on Part 2 and people thrive your travels in 2017. Several A very warm welcome aboard! We are delighted to have you with components come together us today and as always, our dedicated team is here to make your together to produce a magazine of this journey enjoyable and comfortable. quality and standard, and that PAGE 22 PAGE 28 is down to a select number of The busy festive season is upon us with many South Africans individuals who always seem travelling to spend time with their favourite people and in their to bring their ‘A’ game to every favourite places.