Brad Garrett 143 From: Rothenberger, Bart <
[email protected]> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 10:12 AM To: Bennett, Bob; Brad Garrett Subject: West Valley Proposal Bob and Brad- I apologize I have been in an Admin meeting. The reason for us providing testimony is that you haven't heard much from the lower level classifications. We feel that this issue of 5A or 6A is really between those schools currently in those levels. We are primarily asking that you leave all schools alone from the 4A level down. If those 83 schools want to go to 5A or 6A then let them. The other issue is where do we cut off the numbers? We prior testimony and prior history from the the past 8 years we feel their is definitely an easy separation between 4A, 3A, 2A and 1A. Mr. Mulkey presented some findings that we felt were very pertinent on what leve you should be affiliated with. Those findings looked at lower level programs offered at a particular school. With that being said we feel the following ADM would be a good representation for the next four year block. 4A: 725 -371 (40 schools) 3A: 370 - 200 (38 Schools) 2A: 199-89 (44 Schools) 1A: 89- (85 schools) If we could do a survey of those 207 schools with these numbers I think you would be surprised. Take the remaining 81 schools with ADM over 726 and decide if you should go 5A or 6A. I do not see how a school with 800 can compete with school of 2500.