␡ൣࡋӗъ IMPLEMENTATION FROM ABOVE? !"#$%&'()*)&'+$,&-$%./*)01*)'2$*"#$ %-#1*)0#$3'(.+*-4$)'$5"#'6"#'7$%")'1$ $ !"#$%&'()%#*#'+&,"-'"-.'/%0*1-"2'32"--*-0'+-*4%&#*$5'16'78#$%&."8'81-)#$9-&:$;.2.+*$<=>? Colophon Master Thesis Graduate Degree Urban and Regional Planning Title Implementation From Above? The Conditions for Cultivating the Creative Industry in Shenzhen, China Student Marie F. Krop Student ID 6157769 Zuiderzeeweg 36e 1095 KJ Amsterdam
[email protected] UvA University of Amsterdam Department of Human Geography, Planning & International Development Studies Plantage Muidergracht 14-16 1018 TV Amsterdam Project in Collaboration With INTI International New Towns Institute Grote Markt 43 1315 JB Almere Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ig. A. (Arnold) Reijndorp Co Tutor C. (Chingwen)Yang MSc 16 August, 2013 The Conditions for Cultivating the Creative Industry in Shenzhen, China | 2 Implementation From Above? The Conditions for Cultivating the Creative Industry in Shenzhen, China The Conditions for Cultivating the Creative Industry in Shenzhen, China | 4 The Conditions for Cultivating the Creative Industry in Shenzhen, China | 5 Abstract Since Shenzhen became a Special Economic Zone in the 1980s, the city has experienced enormous economic growth and is currently in the shifting process from a manufacturing economy into a service based economy and developed already from a rural town to a ten million mega city in only thirty years. In doing so, the government, like many other cities, tries to promote itself as a creative city resulting in a proliferation of creative industry parks. This thesis explores the conditions under which creative industry is being developed in Shenzhen by doing qualitative research. Because current theory available on creative industry is mainly derived from a western context, this thesis puts to question to what extent current theory on the conditions for creative industry to emerge is also applicable to the distinctive case of Shenzhen.