Development Consultancy for Namtai Project, Shenzhen

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Development Consultancy for Namtai Project, Shenzhen Development Consultancy for Namtai Projj,ect, Shenzhen Presented to : Zastron Electronic (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 8th November 2013 1 Contents 1. Macroeconomic Analysis 2. Market Analysis 2.1 Office Market 2.2 Retail Market 232.3 Residential Market 3. Baseline Review 4. SWOT 5. Overall Positioning 6. Positioning, by component 6.1 Office Market 626.2 Retail Market 6.3 Residential Market 7. Financial Analysis 8. Risk Analysis District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an City Economic Profile : . Shenzhen maintains stable economic growth, with five straight years of over 10% GDP growth annually from 2007 (RMB 676.5 billion) to 2012 (RMB 1,295 billion). In 2011, Shenzhen’s GDP rose beyond RMB 1 trillion, making it the fourth largest city in China in terms of GDP following Shanghai , Beijing and Guangzhou. Shenzhen’s GDP Growth rate (RMB 100 million) Source:StatisticBureauofShenzhen 3 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an “Overall Urban Planning of Shenzhen, 2010-2020” . Three vertical axes: west development axis, middle development axis and east development axis . Two horizontal axes: north development axis, south development axis . Multiple centers: Main centers of the city: Futian—Luohu center, Qianhai center . Sub-centers: Longgang center, Longhua center, Guangming new city center, Pingshan new city center, YtiYantian center . Cluster centers: Aviation City, Shajing, Songgang, Guanlan, Pinghu, Buji, Henggang, Kuiyong The Project Source: Shenzhen’s official planning website 4 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an “Overall Urban Planning of Shenzhen, 2010-2020” . Bao’an Central District is located in the core center of Qianhai CBD on the west development axis in Shenzhen. It will form a newDistrict municipal planning –levelDistrict center profile withof high-endIndustrial servic analysise for functionalities Demographic for characteristics the city and the area. IItt iiss aalsolso a cocoreof there subjectffunctionalunct projectional aarearea to deepedeepenBao’an n SShenzhenhenzhen-HKHKBao’an coopecooperationration aandnd acceaccelerateof Bao’anlerate ininternationalternational coopecooperationration.. The project is 7 km from Bao’an Central District and 12 km from Qianhai CBD. The Project Source: Shenzhen’s official planning website 5 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an District Functional Plan: Industrial Extension Functional Zone emphasizes on the development of modern logistics and high- tech industries. Cluster Planning: Aviation City Logistic Park Center mainly provides supporting service facilities for the logistic industrial cluster. Commercial Development Plan : The project is located between West Coastal Commercial Center and Aviation City business circle, outside of any of the core business circles of Bao’an. Transportation Planning: According to the “12th Five-year Plan” for transportation, the construction of sea-air- land multidimensional hubs will boost industrial development in Bao’an . 6 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an GDP ppper capita and total retail sales of consumer g oods ppper capita of Bao’an District in 2012 were lower than those of other districts in Shenzhen. GDP by district in Shenzhen, 2012 Total retail sales of consumer goods by district in (RMB 100 million) Shenzhen, 2012 (RMB 100 million) Bao'an Nanshan Longgang Futian Luohu Yantian Futian Luohu Bao'an Nanshan Longgang Yantian Total retail sales of consumer goods GDP per capita by district in Shenzhen, per capita by district in Shenzhen, 2012 (RMB 10,000) 2012 (RMB 10,000) Nanshan Futian Yantian Luohu Longgang Bao'an Futian Luohu Nanshan Yantian Longgang Bao'an Source:StatisticBureauofShenzhen District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an GDP growth rate by district in Shenzhen (%) Bao'an District’s tertiary industry growth rate ranked highest amongst other major districts in Shenzhen in 2012. Bao'an Longgang Nanshan Futian Bao'an’s GDP growth rate Yantian dropped dramatically in 2012 Luohu due to industry upgrading and relocation of some lower-end industries. Tertiary industry growth rate by district in Shenzhen (%) Growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods by district in Shenzhen (%) B'Bao'an Bao'an Longgang Longgang Nanshan Nanshan Futian Futian Yantian Yantian Luohu Luohu Source:StatisticBureauofShenzhen 8 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an While the tertiaryyy industry of Bao’an has been gggpyprowing rapidly in the past few y,years, there is an on gggoing shift in the manufacturing sector towards high tech industries. The secondary industry in Bao’an accounted for 60% of the (RMB 100 million) Industrial Output of Bao’an district’s total GDP in 2012 . The growth rate of Bao’an tertiary industry surpassed that of the secondary industry in 2012 . According the 12th Five-year Plan of Bao’an, future focus will be laid on accelerating the growth of the tertiary industry, which in turn will boost service-oriented activities . The increasing move towards higher value-added activity is pressuring lower-end industries to rapidly move out of Bao’an Bao'an’s industries Traditional Emerging Modern Pillar industries advanced Agriculture industries services industries • Internet • Information • Finance • Branded • Gardening industry Technology • Conference clothes industry • Bio-industry • Equipment & Exhibition • Branded • Bio-breeding • New energy manufacturing • Tourism furniture industry 2.7 2.55 2.02 1.69 1.98 industry • Modern • Commodity • Branded • Ocean and • New material logistics Circulation printing and fishery idindus try • CltCultura l • RlReal es tttate packikaging • Eco-titourism • Energy industry • Forestry Primary Secondary Tertiary industry conservation & industry industry environment protection industry Source:StatisticBureauofShenzhen 9 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an “Optimizing the traditional secondary industry, and encouraging the emerging advanced industry and tertiary industry..” The plan has mapped out overall urban development strategies for Bao’an. Emerging Advanced Industry – this indicates those manufacturing companies that are engaged in the production of higher value-added products with less polluting side-effects, such as electronics, medical devices, environmental-friendly materials, etc. Achievements of industrial development in Bao'an in 2012 . Modern service-oriented sector ggpyrew rapidly . Independent innovation capacity has been greatly enhanced . Newer, more efficient industrial parks emerged - the construction of five strategic industrial clusters put forward a higher building standard, the total area of high-tech incubators in the district reached 620,000 sq m, with a year-on-year growth of 350% . “Industrial re -zoning” made further progress – 950 enterprises engaged in lower-end manufacturing activity were removed and 889 enterprises engaged in traditional manufacturing have successfully shifted to higher-end activity Optimize and upgrade traditional industrial activity Development Develop and encourage emerging industry and tertiary industry in a positive way diversification Create a diversity of industries Opportunities: the continued growth of Bao'an’s service sector will likely result in a growing number of high-income earners which will boost local consumption level Source:StatisticBureauofShenzhen 10 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an of the Project Bao’an Analysis - Bao’an Tourism: Bao'an is traditionallyyg regarded as an industrial area, its attraction for tourists is sig nificantly lower than that of other districts in Shenzhen. Tourism development strategy of Bao'an -“Priority Passenger throughput of is given to industrializatioindustrializationn and tourism comes second” 深圳机场旅客吞吐量Unit单位(万人) (10,000 ppp)eople) Shenz hen Airpor t . Current status: - Bao’an’s traditional development as a 3500 2956.97 manufacturing center has created a negative 2824.58 impact on its ecological environment and overall 3000 2671.36 visual image 2448.64 2500 - Bao’an has no major tourist attractions – its urban 2140.04 planning and construction has been catered for the 2000 manufacturing sector and therefore, it is hard for Bao'an to become a modern city tourist 1500 destination. 1000 Tourist Arrivals, by District, 2012 500 Nanshan District Other districts 0 in Shenzhen 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 . Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport, mainly caters for domestic travelers, receives an increasing number of passengers every year from 2008 to 2012. In 2012, 41.47 million tourists came to Shenzhen, Bao'an District among them 5.32 million visited Bao'an, accounts for 13% of total in the city, only about half amount of Nanshan. Source:StatisticBureauofShenzhen 11 District Planning District Profile of Industrial City profile Urban Planning Demographic of Bao’an
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