Orissa Review

Gopabandhu : The National Education Planner of Orissa

Narmada Rath

Pandit Gopabandhu Das was undoubtedly a Gopabandhu made all possible efforts to bring dominating personality in Orissa in the early part about social, political, economic regeneration of of the 20th century. He was the Bhagirathi of Orissa. Therefore he is remembered as a humanist national movement in the in Orissa history. As a great Orissa soil and crownless social worker, he earned king of Orissa.1 Not only he much love and respect of all was a great leader, patriot, sections of the people of nationalist, journalist, Orissa. He spared no efforts reformer and a humanist hut to render his service to the he was also a great national flood affected people of educational planner in our Orissa at their critical time. As country. During the time of the an ideal educationalist, he emergence of Gopabandhu tried for the spread of national Das, Orissa was a very education, eradication of backward state, in the fields untouchability and of social, economic, cultural popularization of widow and political. There was no remarriage etc. separate political existence in Gopabandhu was a Orissa. Oriya Speaking tracts versatile genius and possessed were lying scattered in various qualities. He was the different political jurisdiction. founder of the famous The growing mentality of political and national Newspaper ³The Samaj´.2 The whole life of consciousness among the people of Orissa was Pandit Gopabandhu was dedicated to the cause very slow. This was because of the fact that most of suffering people by the British India and flood of the people were uneducated, and illiterate affected people of Orissa.3 Apart from this his because of their extreme poverty. As a result of selfless social service and the literary contributions this, there prevailed numerous irrational and directly or indirectly contributed much for the superstitious practices in the society like caste origin and creation of a separate Orissa province distinctions, untouchability, child marriage etc. which resulted its creation after the 8 years of

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Gopabandhu¶s death. For his great sacrifices and of other provinces.7 But he was conscious of the contributions to the country, he was entitled fact that, costly system of education was quite ³Utkalmani´ (The jewel of Orissa). impracticable, in a poor province like Orissa. He was therefore keen on establishing a school on Goapbandhu was sincerely interested in altogether a novel pattern. He had an ardent faith the educational advancement of Orissa. He felt in the ancient Gurukul system. He was very much that spread of education is essential for the all impressed with the profile of the Deccan round development of Orissa. He was in favour Educational Society from his student career. After of revival of indigenous system of education for long consultation with his friends and associates, its easy access to all classes of people-rich and he devoted his energy for educational experiment poor. To impart education based on an indigenous at Satyabadi on the model of Deccan Educational line, Gopabandhu established Satyabadi Vihar in Society. He named this experiment as ³Universal 1909. There is hardly any doubt that the Satyabadi Education League´ and it was built on the Vihar made remarkable contribution in the social, ³Gurukula´ Tradition. Simplicity and austerity cultural and national life of the then Orissa. were the two major inputs on the students. Great Gopabandhu¶s first love was for education and top-ranking intellectuals of the soil who were the his outlook on this subject was quite different from close friends of Gopabandhu named Harihara others. It seems as if he was influenced by the Das, , Godavarish Mishra, faith and enthusiasm of English utilitarian in the Krupasindhu Mishra, Basudev Mohapatra, power of education : ³if education does not Ananta Mishra etc. associated in this novel venture perform everything, there is hardly anything which and formed a universal education league. it does not perform´.4 He hoped to bring about Gopabandhu believed that when these young men social transformation through the spread of finished their education, and came to join him, it education but he found fault in the present would not be impossible for them to run an education system. According to the views of institution of his dreams.8 The institution was Gopabandhu, ³the present education system neither local nor sectarian. His basic idea was to destroys the Indian values and national impart liberal education to the society. Through individuality´.5 Gopabandhu wanted a system of this institution he wanted to spread the message education, rooted in the national heritage, that of nationalism and moral idealism to train up a places equal emphasis on the culture of the body, generation of practice and selfless young-men who heart and mind, integrates them harmoniously, would brave every hardship to free the nation from aims at developing the totality of the individual the oppressive and tyrannical foreign rule. The personality, the education that emancipates the students received good training in self-discipline, people from the fostering influence of decay and democratic management and life based co- corruption and opens the new vista for a rich and operation. enlightened life, the education that satisfies the Gopahandhu founded the ³Open air innate human impulse to go from darkness to light minor school´ which later became a High School, from ignorance to truth.6 near Sakhigopala Temple on the 12th August Gopabandhu realised that the education 1909. There were only 19 students on the roll was the only medium through which the people and he himself was secretary of it. This was the of Orissa can be treated as equals with the people beginning of the great Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya

January - 2011 57 Orissa Review or the ³School in the Grove´ which had education to the community at large. For this tremendous impact on the national life of Orissa. Gopabandhu, the founder, soul and life of The foundation of an ideal open air school known Satyabadi, used to move about in search of as ³Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya´ was the first major brilliant young men from all over Orissa and made constructive work of Pandit Gopabandhu Das. all possible efforts to educate the students, if As a founder of this School, he was assisted by a necessary at the cost of the school. Education in band of highly educated and dedicated workers the class room was not the sole aim of this who entirely devoted to work out his plans. All of institution. To create a sense of patriotism in the them joined in this school as teachers giving up minds of the students and to remind them about the lure of Govt. service. The teachers of this the past glories of Orissa, they were given the school dedicated their lives to building up their opportunity to have some excursions and visits students into an ideal citizens and dispelling social to nearby historical places.10 But these historical superstitions and prejudices from the surrounding excursions were not conducted by rail, car or any villages, which were mostly inhabited by the other means of transport. They were used to walk conservative Brahmins. They introduced such the distance on foot. In these visits, there was patterns of education, which was most suitable always an advance guard whose duty was to to Indian Society. He was not in favour of watch, to pitch the tents and make other necessary establishing of any English medium school, but arrangements in the place where the party was to his main aim was much higher and it was to create spend the night. This type of education was not a centre of multi-purpose education which added only pleasant, but also it gave them instruction in 11 with different curricular subjects and activities, and important phases of Orissan history. the students would be trained in crafts and The teaching method adopted by¶ agriculture with which they would be able to lead Satyabadi School was very interesting. The hostel an independent life in future. Besides his idea was life of the boys was very free and comfortable as to train the mind and body of the students by their home. Apart from this, the relationship which their personality would be developed. The between the teacher and the student was as close products of this School were not only patriotic and deep as that like the members of a single family. and nationalist workers, they had also provided The headmaster was treated as the headman of their excellence in every sphere of life in Orissa in the family of teachers and the young teachers and later years. Orissa owes a good deal to students were treated as like elder brothers and Sakhigopal in all aspects of her national life and they shared the joys and sorrows of the young for this, the period between the rise and fall of the persons in their charge united. It was a homely Satyabadi School is considered as the ³Satyabadi campus where the teachers took active interest 9 Age´ in Orissa history. in the welfare of the students and also were even anxious to render their help and assistance to The main aim and objective of this them. The teachers used to prepare lesson plans Vidyalaya was to spread idealism, patriotism, and it was the responsibility of the headmaster to nationalism and intellectual awakening among its bring about uniformity in the method of instruction students in Gurukul Environment. Pandit to be followed. Gopabandhu had made some untiring efforts for the development of education and society of They maintained a daily routine of duties Orissa. Its basic idea was to impart liberal which was prepared with some of the harmonious

58 January - 2011 Orissa Review developments like physical, intellectual, moral and ³Bani´ was of great importance. Through the spiritual capabilities of its mates. The regular habits publication of the most famous monthly also included early bath, morning and evening newspapers Gopabandhu first shared his ideas prayers, the punctual attendance at the various and feelings among the literate and illiterate people functions of the day.12 The Satyabadi School of Orissa. There were also ³Kabi Sammilanis´ or stood against all forms of social evils such as ³Poet Corners´ organized by the organizers of castesim, child marriage, Sati etc. In the hostels the school in which both the teachers and students of the Satyabadi School the children of all caste took active participation. Hindus and the untouchables dined together. It created consternation among the orthodox To develop the oratorical abilities among Brahmin Community who looked upon the school the students of Satyabadi School, Gopabandhu as a great challenge to their position in the society. had also organized some debating societies in the school. It was called on every Saturday for a As there was not availability of a single discussion of the different problems. It was common room, the Headmaster and others were obligatory and compulsory on the part of every used to sit in one big hall to have a discussion of student to attend the meetings. Occasionally the problems of students and the school. The first famous personalities and visitors used to visit this ten to fifteen minutes were opened for discussion school and attended this meeting to address the of the courses covered in the previous class, in students.14 Sometimes, Gopabandhu also used the beginning of each period. On the other side to take part in these meetings as the President or towards the end of each period, the teachers tried as an ordinary speaker. to extract answers from the students on the portions done in that class. In case they had any Social service activity was also difficulty in understanding their lessons, the encouraged among the students of Satyabadi teachers were helping the weaker students. In School. So wherever and whenever they found a comparison to the other educational institutions man in distress, they immediately went to that place of Orissa and other places of India. the students to help the needy people. During the epidemic of Satyabadi School used to sit on the floor with seasons, they proceeded towards the village of low sloping desks before them. This type of sitting neighbours for the distribution of medicines among was well suited to the habits in the Indian homes. the people and attending them. Besides this during The educational authorities of Orissa had been the festive occasions they served the people like convinced of the utility of this sort of seat volunteers at the pilgrim centres like and arrangements and had promulgated them by Sakhigopal. The students also took part in the circulars in their schools.13 service of dying persons, known and unknown to them. In times of flood and famine, the students Literary activities were also encouraged of Satyabadi School used to collect subscriptions there. Every class in the school used to publish for them. Their vigorous efforts in the relief centers the magazine of their own class in manuscripts. had made them familiar with the realities of life. The school magazine was published by the headmaster where both the students and teachers Besides the academic education much used to contribute their writings through articles. importance was given to technical training in Apart from this, the magazine of class X named Satyabadi School in order to enable the youth to

January - 2011 59 Orissa Review lead an independent life in future. The technical imbued with nationalism, patriotism and social trainings like spinning, weaving. carpentry, service that they were rightly considered as the agriculture, and cane work were the main subjects makers of modern Orissa.16 of industrial training. Among the above mentioned technical training, spinning was compulsory for References: all students, and hand weaving for selected big 1. Pattanaik, Pathani., Sahitya o samalochana (Oriya), boys. The students were free to choose anyone published by Srimati Annapurna Mishra, from the rest of the technical subjects. Seth Students Store, 1st ed., Cuttack, 1993, page no. Jamnalal Bajaj kindly contributed 100 Charkhas 209. for using in the Vihar. 25 acres of land had been 2. Samal, B.C., Oriya sahityare Radhanatha O acquired for training in agriculture. With these satyabadi Yuga, published by Sahadev Pradhan,. Friend¶s Publishers, 2nd Ed, Cuttack,1995, page distinct features, this institution had originally been No. 183 started quite free from the direct and indirect 3 Jena, Jagannath., Adarsha o Akankhya, Satyabadi, control of the Government. It not only was free 1st part, 1st ed., Orissa Book store, Cuttack, I 994, from administrative control of the Govt. but it also Page-5. never accepted any grant from any official 4. William, L.Davidson., Political Thought in authority. After a long time it obtained the England: The utilitarians from Bentham to Mill: necessary recognition from the Calcutta University Oxford University Press, 1957, P-88. which would have enabled its students to appear 5. Samaj, 3 January1925. 6. Panda, D.G., Political Philosophy of Gopabandhu at the final examination. During the time of Non- Das, Cuttack, 1980. P- 149 Co- operation Movement in response to the 7. Gopabandhu Rachanabali, Part-8, Page-46. appeal of¶ Gandhiji to spread free National 8. Das. Sreeram Chandra, Pandit Gopabandhu-A Education, Satyabadi School was converted into Biography, Cuttack, 1964,P-41 a µµNational School´ by Pandit Gopabandhu in 9. Das, Sreeram Chandra., Op.Cit.. P.48. 1921. After that the school could function in the 10. Pattanaik, Pathani., Sahitya O Samalochana earlier manner and the students being inspired by (Oriya), Pub. by Annapurna Mishra, Cuttack Gopabandhu rushed themselves into the national Student Store, 1st ed., Cuttack,1993, P-214. struggle. The visit of Gandhiji in 1921 to this place 11. Jena, B.B., Orissa, People, Culture and Polity, New gave further impetus to the spirit of the students Delhi, 1981. PP.85-86. at Satyabadi School. As a model educational 12. Satapatahy, Nityananda (ed.) Gopabandhu Parikrama, P.132. institution, the Satyabadi School became an active 13. Samal, J. K., History of Education in Orissa (1905- centre of Non-Cooperation Movement. 1936), Calcutta, 1984, P-171 14. Das, Sreeram Chandra., Pandit Gopabandhu-A Thus the contributions of Satyabadi Biography, Cuttack, I964,. P-51. School for the growth of all over development in 15. Jena, Jagannatha., Satyabadi Kabyadhara, Orissa are very uncommon. The contribution of Published by Gobinda Chandra Patra, Orissa his man-made machine named ³The Satyabadi Book Store, Cuttack,1st ed, 1994, P-3. Bana Vidyalaya´ was a great weapon for the 16. Das, Sreeram Chandra., Op.cit, PP.58. national movement.15 This institution was not only a productive machine of the young men, who were famous everywhere for their deep knowledge, Narmada Rath, c/o- Prakash Chandra Rath lives at servicing and idealist mentalities but the teachers Municipality Colony, Near Mahadev Temple, who worked in this institution were so much - 760008.

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