Sovenir -2008

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Sovenir -2008 CONTENTS 1. Message from Governor of Gujarat 3 2. Message from Chief Minister of Gujarat 5 3. Message from Minister, Revenue & Disaster Management, Orissa 7 4. Message from Minister of Tourism, Orissa 9 5. Message from Commissioner of Income Tax-1, Baroda 11 6. Message from Chief Commissioner Excise & Customs 12 7. From President’s Desk 13 8. News of Divya Bhaskar 14 9. Secretary Forward 15 10. Media Coverage By Sandesh 16 11. Ganesha Symbolism 20 12. A Guide to Orissa State Museum 21 13. Useful Info, on Cancer 24 14. Give Thanks 25 15. “As is” Questions “Shoud be” Your Key to Success 26 16. The Egoless Mind 28 17. The Festive Spirit 29 18 Konark 30 19. Prayer Timetable 31 20. Tour Orissa 32 21. Solar Cooker 34 22. Sattellite 35 23. A to Z Life 41 24. My Brother 41 25. Temples 42 26. Maa Sarala 45 27. Saint Poet Bhima Bhoi 47 28. Impact of Indian Culture on Modern Life 50 29. Sense of Morality 51 30. Specialities of Ayurveda for Rejuvenation and Cure 53 31. Jokes 54 32. Open your Eyes 56 33 Winner of Talent Search Competition 56 34. jbÞþHÜ AÒc HL 61 35. LaÞ[Ð HL dÊNê kóþ]¯Æeþ 61 36. ]ÞÒ_ LíÞ_ÞLç Òeþ 63 37. JXÏÞA LaÞ[ÐÒeþ `mîþÑ jÕ²ôÆ[Þ 65 38. @có[ jõ½¤Ð 69 39. aÞQÐeþ Leþ jÊSÒ_ 71 40. SÑa `eþc jcjÔÐ 71 41. NÊeÊþ ckÞþcÐjèÐcÑ ckÞþcÐ ^cà J j_ÔÐj `xÐeþ `õ[Þº¤Ð[Ð 72 40. Life Members 77 41. Members List 78 UTKALIKA ORISSA SEVA TRUST- BARODA 102, Gajanand Chamber, Nr. Pranav Society, Manjalpur, Vadodara. Ph. 2972191, 2634460 TRUSTEES & OFFICE BEARERS FOR THE YEAR - 2008 President Dr. D.P. Mohanty Vice President General Secretary S. K. Chhotaray Bijay Nayak Joint Secretaries Treasurer D.S. Nayak Dipti Ranjan Mohanty Bhakta Jena P. K. Pradhan Editorial Advisor P. K. Mishra Cultural Committee Dr. Mamata Mishra Saroj Mohanty Trustees Advisory Committee Working Committee Himanshu Das J. K. Tripathy Malay Mishra Dr. N. R. Dash S. P. Bharati B. Panigrahi N. K. Mohanty Dr. K. Mishra P. K. Sahoo Rajanikant Swain S. K. Nayak Rakesh Roy P. K. Pattanayak Bikram Parida Ashok Nayak Gautam Nayak P. R. Mishra Ranjit Parija Bishwajeet Das Auditors R. K. Dhupia and Associates 1 SECRETARY FORWARD Jai Jagannath Boundless is the Anguish and Misery of living Who can see it and tolerate? Let my soul be sent to hell but let the Universe be redeemed - Santh Kabi Bhima Bhoi Respected loving Members, We are indeed indebted to Utkal Gaurav Madhusudan Dash, Utkalmani Pandit Gopabandhu Das, Maharaja Krushna Chandra Gajpati Narayan Dev, Maharaja Shree Ramachndra BhanjaDeo, Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Senapati, Swabhabkabi Gangadhar Meher, Kabibar Radhanath Ray, Karmabeer Gaurisankar, Pandit Nilakantha Dash, Pandit Godabarisha Mishra, Acharya Harihar Das and many other leaders for their relentless effort for formation of a separate Orissa State. On this occasion, we offer our sincere tributes to all of them, who have contributed enormously towards the formation of Orissa in 1936. Orissa has been endowed with glorious tradition of art, literature, culture, architecture, sculpture, dance, music, handlooms and handicrafts. We have a rich heritage of assimilating the essence of Jainism, Budhism, Saivaism, Vaishnavism in the culture of Lord Jagannath. “Utkalika Orissa Seva Trust”, Baroda is a non-commercial socio-cultural tie between Orissa and Gujarat through various cultural programmes and social activities. The Trust undertakes several social welfare activities like Medical check-up camps in the rural areas of Baroda, Blood donation camps etc. The trust has contributed relief for Gujarat Earth Quake, relief for Surat Flood affected people, Natural calamities like Orissa Cyclone and contribution to Sunami in the recent past. As a part of our regular activities this year we organised “Talent Search Competition” for the children to explore new talent. We shall try to continue in our endeavour with greater vigour and enthusism in future. We celebrate “Ganesh Puja” at our office, every year. The AGM of our trust was held on 10th Feb. 2008. My sincere thanks to the outgoing working committee members, who have put their best effort for the functioning of the Trust. I take this opportunity to thank all the members who have contributed whole heartedly for the growth of the Trust. I must thank the present working committee officials for their efforts for the growth of the Trust. Let us unite to kindle thoughts of sympathy, co-operation and brotherhood. Let us act unitedly to revive the great and rich Oriya heritage and create mini Orissa in the true tradition of Oriya Culture, here in the beautiful city of Baroda for our brothers, sisters, children and elders, who stay here far away from the original home. Let us see that our new generation does not forget what is the cultural essence of Orissa and remember the Great Almighty Lord Jagannath. Each one of us should contribute to create mini Orissa here. In view of the aspiration of devotees of “Lord Jagannath”, the trust is planning to construct a Jagannath Temple in Baroda. I call upon all the members to come forward and participate in these efforts. Let us resolve ourselves to fulfill the task of building of Lord Jagannath Temple at Baroda. Let us unite to make this long awaited dream - A Success. “Working together works, and with a smile, working together works FASTER, BETTER and SMOTHER” Vande Utkal Janani Bijay Nayak General Secretary Utkalika Orissa Seva Trust 15 A GUIDE TO ORISSA STATE MUSEUM The genesis of the Orissa State Museum goes back to and a noted historian himself,took the initiative for making the year l932, when two notable historians. the institut6ion a full fledged museum.The construction Prof.N.C.Banerjee and Prof.Ghanshyam Dash of of the building alongwith an administrative block,an Ravenshaw College,Cuttack started collection of auditorium(Kalamandap) and a Guest House was archaeological treasures from various places.The small completed in l960 and in the same year the museum museum was then housed within the premises of the was shifted to the ne4w bu8ilding.The institution was College. In l938,by a suitable order, the Government of renamed the Orissa State Museum and in the same Orisaa transformed this nucleus into the Provincial year,the State Archives was formed as a separate Museum of Orissa and appointed Committee of institution. Management consisting of the Principal, the Head of the Department of History and three other Professors Over a period of about two and half decades the of the College. institution has continued to grow in many directions with a rich collection of exhibits including sculptures Maintaining close contact with the general public and bronzes, coins, epigraphs, armoury objects,lithic and the Archaeological Department of the Government of bronze age tools,natural history and anthropological India and other States, the museum continued to grow. specimens,palmleaf manuscripts,traditional art objects, In order to popularize the cultural exhibits of the mining and geological treasures,folk and tribal musical museum,leaflets printed both in Oriya and English were instruments and a variety of handicrafts.During this published in Samaj and New Orissa,and copies of the period,ten branch Museums were established at places same were sent to officials and the public to create a like Khiching, Baripada, Balasore, Salipur, Dhenkanal, sense of a3areness about the significance of the Berhampur, Puri, Jeypore, Belkhandi and Khariar,and museum.As a result of this publicity,students and the these are functioning as extension of the Orissa State general public started visiting the museum in large Museum. numbers.The teachers of the History Department made sustained efforts to explain to them the cultural value of The collections of the State Museum are divided into the museum and its exhibits. nine sections namely,Archaeology,Epigraphy and Numismatics,Armopury,Mining and Geology,Natural Initially,it was only an archaeological museum with a History,Art and Craft,Contemporary Art,Anthropology collection of sculptures,terracotta,numismatics,copper and Palmleaf s kept in the central and sectional stores plates and specimens of fine arts.With the growing are accessible to persons who have special interest of the staff and people,the antiquities were authorization from the museum authorities for purposes reorganized in a systematic manner.Stone sc ulptures of research. were rearranged in three groups related to their styles,such as Gandhara Art,North Indian Art,and Archaeology Orissan Art,and each group was subdivided into Buddhist,Jain and Brahnmanical images. The Archaeology section offers a comprehensive Terracotta objects and coins were also organised panorama of the civilization of ancient and medieval according to the spots they were found in,their age and Kalinga. The archaeological treasures exhibited in three types. big halls of the gallery cover a long span of time between 3rd century BC and 13th century AD incorporating the With the shifting of the State Capital from Cuttack to flourishing plastic art tradition of the State. The Bhubaneswar in l947-48,the Provincial Museum was sculptures cover the Buddhist, Jaina, and Brahmanical also shifted there.Slowly the collection of antiquities and pantheons. The heavy and crude Naga and Yaksha specimens grew manifold and the necessity of having images are the earliest specimens of Orissan a special building for the purpose was felt.The foundation sculptures. The Buddha image of Khadipada, stone of this building was laid on 29th December,l957 by Amoghasidhi of Udayagiri, Lokanatha from Dr.Rajendra Prasad,the President of the Indian Bhubaneswar, Jaina Tirthankaras from Podasingidi and Union.Dr.H.K.Mahtab,the then Chief Minister of Orissa Charampa of Balasore district, Saptamatrukas from 21 Dharmasala, the Dikpala figures from Bhubaneswar Mining and Geology: exhibit exquisite workmanship in needle work fineness.
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