Site up-dated: April 16, 2010 "THE WORLD'S CLASSICS" and "OXFORD WORLD'S CLASSICS": A Guide to the Clothbound Editions (and Their Variants) Compiled by J. Godsey, Geoffrey Milburn and Nicholas Murray With additional contributions by R.B. Bernstein, Roxann Bilger, John Birchall, Brian Butler, Stephen Butler, Katherine Butson, Malcolm Campbell, Steve Czyzowski, Edward Davidson, Richard Ford, Rosemary and Graham Kelsey, Joseph Keogh, Peter Miskech, Albert Robbins, Don Rogerson, Bev Tomlinson, Ian Westbury, Betty F. Wilkinson, Richard Williams, and other correspondents. Edited by Geoffrey Milburn [This guide is currently in draft form; it is incomplete and some details may be incorrect. Please e-mail corrections or additions to:
[email protected] All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged.] Information collected in this Guide: C Bibliographic details of clothbound World's Classics volumes (all series). C Details of a variant (including minor variations and textual corrigenda) to a volume. C Volume contents of collections of essays, short stories, plays, etc. C Descriptions of dust-jackets: details of non-standard dj design; details of standard dj design; name of dj artist; description of a unique photo/engraving/typographic feature; colour(s); date; description of special feature (double volume, bio. of author, portrait of author, unique feature on spine, etc.). [See Appendix IV for a list of OWC dustjacket `types'.] Abbreviations in this Guide: Var: = Either a variant in the original series, or an alternative edition in another section