Sea bass Cod Pan fried sea bass, purple mash, Beer battered fish and chips, sauce vierge pea puree, tartare sauce

Fishcake Crab slider Thai spiced fishcake, pickled Mini crab slider, lemon cucumber, chilli mayonnaise

Chicken Steak Southern fried chicken fillets, Steak and chips, béarnaise chipotle mayo, skinny fries sauce

Beef Beef bourguignon, puff pastry Beef , turmeric rice

Pork Duck Local pork sausage, spring Confit duck leg and sweet onion mash, crispy kale, potato croquette, oriental caramelised onion gravy noodle salad, five spice jus

Tiger prawn Macaroni (V) Tiger prawn, chicken paella Mac n cheese, garlic crumb

Chicken Bean (Vegan) Tandoori chicken, sweet Tuscan bean stew, cot butter potato, roast green peppers, red and red kidney bean cassoulet onions, mint yoghurt with Suet dumplings dressing, coriander

Menu designed by Executive Head Chef Allen Townsend BOWL FOOD MENU MORE HOT OPTIONS

Burger Mushroom (V) Loaded beef slider, smoked Wild mushroom risotto, shaved bacon crisp, Swiss cheese in a vegetarian parmesan, ficelle brioche bun croutes

Cauliflower (V) Potato (V) Fried cauliflower, sweetcorn, “Patatas bravas” garlic aioli, tomato and avocado, chipotle crispy onions salsa


Chicken Salmon Mini chicken Caesar salad, sour Smoked salmon Caesar salad, dough croutons anchovies

Duck Pasta (V) Confit duck leg, noodle salad, Orzo pasta, sun blushed cherry prawn cracker tomatoes, torn basil

Kale (V) Local beef Broccoli, kale, bok choi. Black , garden peas, sesame seeds, sesame oil, watercress, rocket, coloured Sriracha dressing radish, smooth mustard dressing Rice (V) Long grain rice, green chillies, coriander, toasted cashews

Menu designed by Executive Head Chef Allen Townsend BOWL FOOD MENU SOMETHING SWEET

Chocolate Posset Chocolate cream, pistachio Lemon and elderflower posset, crumb home-made shortbread

Brownie Apple Warm chocolate brownie, Apple and sultana crumble, chocolate sauce whipped cream

Lemon Eton mess Lemon and raspberry crème Made with seasonal berries brulee, home-made vanilla shortbread

Menu designed by Executive Head Chef Allen Townsend