RESUME - RODNEY M. FELDMANN Address 1231 Fairview Drive, Kent, Ohio 44240 (home) Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 (office) Phone (330) 672-2506 (office) (330) 672-7949 (FAX)
[email protected] (e-mail) Education 1957-58 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1961 - University of the Pacific, Marine Biological Station 1961 - B.S., University of North Dakota 1963 - M.S., University of North Dakota 1967 - Ph.D., University of North Dakota Teaching and Administrative Experience (KSU) 1965-1967 - Instructor 1966-1968 - Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences 1967-1971 - Assistant Professor 1971-1975 - Associate Professor 1975-2001 - Professor 1976-1999 - Assistant Chairman, Department of Geology 2001-Pres – Professor Emeritus 2002-2006 – Graduate Coordinator, Department of Geology 2006-Pres. – Curator of Paleontology, Department of Geology Courses: Oceanography, Invertebrate paleontology, Paleoceanography, Micropaleontology, Systematic invertebrate paleontology, Paleoecology, Summer Field camp, Physical geology, Historical geology Industrial and Governmental Experience 1953-1957 sum - North Dakota State Highway Department - surveying, materials analysis, and supervision of field laboratories. 1 1962-1965 sum - North Dakota State Geological Survey - geologic mapping and paleontologic investigation of Cretaceous rocks. 1975 - American Petroleum Institute - evaluation of coal, uranium, and oil shale in eleven states and inhibitions to their development imposed by the Clean Air Act. 1987-1991 - National Science Foundation, Division for Polar Programs - member of proposal review panels 1992-2000 - American Geophysical Union, Antarctic Research Series Editorial Board - member; Chairman, 1995-2000. Published Papers Feldmann, R.M., 1962, Oligocene fish on Sentinel Butte, North Dakota: North Dakota Quarterly, v. 30, p. 88-89. Feldmann, R.M., 1963, Distribution of fish in the Forest River of North Dakota: North Dakota Academy of Sciences Proceedings, v.