
This is anopenaccess article undertheCCBY-NC-SAThis Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México. Peer Reviewing under the responsibility of Manuscript accepted: Corrected manuscript received: Manuscript received: BSGM2021v73n3a261220 http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/A261220. la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 73(3), (), North Carolina, USA: Boletín de from the Castle Hayne LimestoneFormation A newspider (Brachyura, ) Garassino, A.,Pasini,G., Clements, D., 2021, How tocitethisarticle: [email protected] * Corresponding author:(A.Garassino) Gentile (Como),Italy. 2 27601, USA. 11 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 1 Alessandro Carolina delNorte,EUA cangrejo Un nuevo araña (Brachyura,Epialtidae) Castle Hayne de (Eoceno), la FormaciónCaliza Formation (Eocene),NorthCarolina,USA A new spider crab (Brachyura, Epialtidae) from the Castle Hayne Limestone license(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) ot aoiaMsu fNatural Sciences, North Carolina of Museum Via Alessandro Volta 16, 22070Appiano Garassino 1,* , Giovanni Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Pasini Hayne Formation, . , , Castle Keywords: Crustacea, , herein provided. the Castle HayneFormation is of cies the spe addition, an updated list of South America. In record of Eoinachoides distributionthe palaeogeographic of reportNorth America, extending in the Eocene to , it is the first which iscurrently restricted from range forstratigraphical the genus new speciesdoesnotenlarge the from thismember. Althoughthe ing the secondspidercrabrecovered herein(USA), is described,represent Onslow County, NorthCarolinaof Castle Hayne Formation (Eocene) the fromthe Comfort Member of n. sp. (Epialtidae MacLeay, 1838) A newspider crab, ABSTRACT 2 , Don , limited currently in the Clements Eoinachoides bretoni 1 - -

/73(3)A261220/2021 Condado de Onslow, Carolina del Norte la Formación Castleel Hayne(Eoceno)en MacLeay, 1838) del Miembro Comfort de Eoinachoides bretoni araña, cangrejo Se describe un nuevo RESUMEN taxonomía. Castle Hayne,Formación Majoidea, Paleogeno,Decapoda, Palabras clave: Crustacea, Hayne. de la Formación Castle especies de crustáceos Se proporciona una lista actualizada de las fósil de Sudamérica. actualmente al registro de paleobiogeográfica la distribuciónNorteamérica, extendiendo al Eoceno-Mioceno, para es el primer reporte del género,tigráfico restringido actualmente elalcance estra especie no extiende la nueva araña encontrado este miembro.en Aunque (EUA), cangrejo representa elsegundo Eoinachoides n.sp. (Epialtidae , limitada 1 -

Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION / GEOLOGICAL SETTING Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA / SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY 2. Geologicalsetting 1. Introduction 2 2 reported two decapods from there thisformation, 19 genera, and 23species. Rathbun Though (1935) fauna including13families(excluding (North Carolina) has produced arich decapod middle Eocene Castle HayneThe Formation 50’ 34.4”Nx 77°32’45.3”W(Figure 1). Harris atmation approximately in the north quarry 34° the Castle HayneFor aged rocksof Ward Comfort Member of Eoinachoides bretoni the Comfort Member. It represents the second spidercrabreported from the same formation. Spring Garden Member of and Weaver,Garassino 2020,recovered from the have been collected, except tion from which all decapod known to date theCastle HayneForma the Comfort Member of a newspidercrab, Formation (seeTable 1). crab from the Castle Hayne the Spring Garden Member of adecapod of report first the senting respectively,and anewspecies thelatter repre and Davis have been provided by OssóandClements (2016) the Castle HayneFormation the decapodfaunaof mostrecent(1996). The Manning contributions to South Carolina byBlow and Santee Limestone of reporting one species previouslyrecorded from the HayneFormation, describingfourand newspecies the Castle the decapod fauna of knowledge of Feldmann genera and eight new speciesfrom thisformation. Blow(1996) reported andManning three new implications and fauna and itspalaeogeographic Salva assignmentswithout descriptions.liminary Later, fromthe Castle HayneFormation, providingpre Bishop and Whitmore (1986) figured several been has little interest infossilcrabs until recently. / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín h ups f hsppri h ecito f thispaper the is description of of purpose The et al. et al. et al. (1995) introduced the rich decapod (2020)who described anewgenus (1998)gave anewimpulsetothe n. sp. n. collected was fromthe Eoinachoides bretoni Matutites collinsi et al. http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a261220 (1978) from n.sp. from incertae sedis Davis, ), /73(3)A261220/2021 - - - - /73(3)A261220/2021 3. Systematicpaleontology in Ciampaglio (1991) andKier’sechinoid biozones canbefound and Zullo Harris the sequence stratigraphy of Ward correlating the lithosomes of (1991) which isBartonian. An excellent graphic andZullo Harris correlates to sequence 2 and3of depressa rugosa such as found associated with Middle Biozone echinoids biozones (Kier, 1980).Indeed, bretoni . Temporal placement of the Castle Hayne ranging in age from to within sequences five reported (1991) Zullo and Carolina (USA)(herein). bretoni – Argentina, Peru, Venezuela (South America); de MuizonCarriol, andSecrétan, 1987, Miocene Other fossil species: bonian) –Venezuela (SouthAmerica)]. 1933, by original designation [late Eocene (Pria Type species: thisage. does notincluderocks of provenancePriabonian. The is of late echinoid biozone above a sequence break that rocksCastle Hayneformation that includeKier’s den in nearby quarries, there have been younger new northquarry.other areas In overbur withless discovered is inthe upper product limestone at the no relief. section where The features,sion almost landscapehas the modern as ero stream filled sediment and dissolution tion’s the Castle Hayne forma ablea factor of thickness (from Quarry. overburden The varies from 2to57ft. Castle Hayne Formation at the Onslow 30 m.)of Simms (2012: 42) reported nearly 100 ft. ( Superfamily MajoideaSamouelle, 1819 n. sp is possibleis n.sp based uponKier’sechinoid n.sp., middle Eocene (Bartonian) – North Genus ca. Subfamily EpialtinaeMacLeay, 1838 Family EpialtidaeMacLeay, 1838 Linthia harmatucki 0.6m. Eoinachoides Kier, 1980.Kier’s Middle Biozone et al.

ca. Eoinachoides senni 1 . ihmc fthe vari 17m.)withmuchof (2007). Van Straelen, 1933 Kier, 1980and

Eoinachoides latispinosa E. bretoni E. bretoni E. bretoni Van Straelen, et al. Eoinachoides n.spwas n. sp was n.sp (1978), Eurodia n. sp. n. ca. E. - - - - -

Clements, 2014;Ossóand Clements,2016;Davis Table 1.UpdatedlistofdecapodcrustaceansfromtheCastleHayneFormation(after Blowand Manning, 1996;Feldmann M. Menippe Genus Oziidae1851 Dana, Family Titanocarcinus Gen Viacarcinus Genus PilumnidaeFamily Samouelle, 1819 Pilummede Genus incertae Family Samouelle, 1819 Neozanthopsis Genus Martinetta Genus ZanthopsidaeFamily Vía Boada,1959 Lobonotus Genus TumidocarcinidaeFamily Schweitzer, 2005 E. Eocarpi Genus Carpilidae Ortmann,Family 1893 Santeecarcinus Genus Pickford, 1998and Sarahcarcinus campbellorum Genus Cancridae Family Latreille, 1802 Acantholambrus Genus Famil W. Wilsonimaia Genus Majidae1819 Samouelle, Family M. Matutites Genus Matutidae Family De Haan, 1841 Calappilia Genus Family Lophoranina Genus Cyrthorina Genus Raninidae Family De Haan, 1839 Prohomola Genus Homolidae Family De Haan, 1839 Dromidia Genus Dromiidae Family De Haan, 1833 Paguristes Genus Diogenidae Family Ortmann, 1892

carolinensis burnsi scheiderorum miltonorum us y MacLeay, 1838 Menippe Titanocarcinus Viacarcinus Pilummede Neozanthopsis Martinetta Lobonotus Eocarpilius Santeecarcinus Sarahcarcinus Acantholambrus Wilsonimaia Matutites Calappilia Lophoranina Cyrthorina Prohomola Dromidia Paguristes

Calappidae De Haan, 1833 lius


collinsi bedetteae Rathbun, 1935


palmeri sitzi wheeleri

fusseli katunai penderensis

incertae blowi


ethelae raynorae


Blow and Manning,Blow and 1996 Feldmann,Bice, Hopkins, Salva1998 Schweitzer andPickford, euglyphos

harmatuki Blow and Manning,Blow and 1996 De Haan,De 1833


Blow and Manning, 1996 baumi Stimpson, 1858

Blow and Manning, 1996

Davis, Garassino

A. Milne

Blow and Manning, 1997 A. Milne Dana, 1851 Feldmann, Bice, SchweitzerHopkins, Salva and Pickford, 1998

Rathbun, 1935 Monod, 1956 Blow and Manning, 1996

Ossó Clements, and 2016 Karasawa, 1992

Blow and Manning, 1996 ? Blow? and 1996Manning, Blow and Manning, 1996 Manning, Blow and

Blow and Manning, 1996 Blow and Manning, 1997 Manning, Blow and

Blow and Manning,1996 Blow and

Blow and Manning, 1996 Blow and Manning, 1996

Fabiani, 1910 sedis Blow and Manning, 1996 Manning, Blow and (Feldmann, SchweitzerBice, Salva Hopkins, Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín

Schweitzer, 2003 Blow and Manning, 1996 Manning, Blow and

A. Milne

Blow and Manning, 1996 Manning, Blow and Blow and 1996 Manning,

Blow and Manning, 1996Manning, Blow and Blow and Manning, 1996 and Blow Ossó Clements, and 2016

Bittner, 1875 Blow and Manning, 1996Manning, Blow and -Edwards, 1863 -Edwards

(Rathbun, 1935) http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a261220

Blow and Manning, 1996 (=


Edwards, 1863 Edwards,

and Weaver, 2020 and


et al

DeBouillé, 1873

., 2020).

Pororaria and Pickford, 1998)and ? granulosa

Feldmann, Bice,Feldmann, Schweitzer Hopkins,Salva

/73(3)A261220/2021 / 73(3)A261220/2021 et al ., 1998; 3 3

Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Figure 1 4 4 pace length: 26 mm; maximumpace length: 26mm; carapace width at Type material: the Cenozoic fossil crabs. important his contribution to the knowledge of Etymology: arranged. uniformly and branchial regions covered withsmalltubercles tric regions slightlytuberculate; hepatic, cardiac, mesobranchial region with a median tubercle; gas epibranchial region withonelateral tubercle; three aligned small tubercles; transverse ridge of a with region subhepatic inflated regions; hepatic depressed intestinal region; smooth orbital and median tubercles; smooth region with a pair of one distaltubercle; subpentagonal-shaped cardiac cle; triangular-shaped region mesogastric with ridges; protogastric region with one median tuber lateral tuberculate ally depressed, withapairof than wide; front slightlyprotruded forward, axi Diagnosis: / / Mapof reporting theOnslowCounty(North Carolina,USA), ofthefossiliferous thecoordinates locality. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Pyriform carapace, Pyriform slightlylonger Eoinachoides bretoni after Gérard Breton (1944-2019) for Figures 2Ato2D Holotype, NCSM 12629 (cara n.sp. http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a261220 /73(3)A261220/2021 - - - - /73(3)A261220/2021 deep gastric pits;smooth depressed urogastric gastric deep tubercle; region metagastric smooth with two gular-shaped region mesogastric withone distal a square-shaped structure; aligned trian to form smallmediantubercles, tubercle andapairof region; protogastric region withonemedianlarge gin weakly convex medially; smoothepigastric strongly convex; posterior short mar smooth, straight; slightly spiny posterolateral margin spine; slightlyspiny anterolateral margin almost poorlypreserved, apparently withoutintercalated depressed; very narrow orbits;supraorbital eave axially forward, protruded slightly rostrum bifid carapace regions withswellings; apparently short mesobranchial regions; than wide, widestat level of Description: theCastleHayne Formation. Member of Stratigraphy: Onslow County,quarry), NC. Type locality: Carolina, USA). Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North of NC Museum mesobranchial region: 23 mm).(NCSM = level of Pyriform carapace, Pyriform slightlylonger Onslow quarry (= Richlands Onslow quarry Eocene (Bartonian), Comfort - - regions. Scalebar equals 1cm.Photographs: R.Chandler. Figure 2 culate; hepatic, cardiac, andbranchial regions cervical groove;uous regions gastric slightlytuber tubercle; metabranchialsmooth region; deep, sin eral tubercle; mesobranchial region withamedian strongly inflated;epibranchial region with one lat three aligned smalltubercles; branchial regions of ridge transverse a with region subhepatic inflated tinal region; orbital smooth and hepatic regions; mediantubercles; smoothdepressed intes pair of region; pentagonal-shaped cardiac region with a

Eoinachoides bretoni

n. sp., NCSM 12629. A) Dorsal view. B) Lateral views. C) Frontal view. D) Close-up of the frontal and gastric and frontal the ofClose-up D) view. Frontal C) views. Lateral B) view. Dorsal A) 12629. NCSM sp., n. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a261220 - - - - n ada einwt aro tubercles. Based and cardiac region with a pair of defined, well regions axial posteriorly, widened havingcarapace ovate, narrowed anteriorly and assigned to (2020), the studied specimen hasbeen tentatively poorly preserved, based uponSchweitzer Discussion: parts notpreserved. andthoracicappendages andventralCephalic covered arranged. with smalltubercles uniformly /73(3)A261220/2021 Eoinachoides / 73(3)A261220/2021 Althoughthe supraorbital eave is Van Straelen, 1933 in et al. 5 5

Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY / Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / REFERENCES Acknowledgements 6 6 al. Schweitzer, 2004;Collins Argentina, Peru, and Venezuelaof (Feldmann and de Muzonand Secrétan, 1987, fromthe Miocene Venezuela and the Eocene of just two species, Schweitzerupon Humphries generously allowed access to the criticism. Plant Manager Doug Fetsco and Danny riores Iztacala, Mexico, for careful review and O. González León, Facultad de Estudios Supe Nyborg, LomaLindaUniversity, and California, the studied specimen;T.systematic assignmentof Museum, Japan, for about the usefulsuggestions the Fossilspecimen; H.Karasawa, Mizunami of Chandler, NorthCarolina, for thephotographs Natural Sciences (Raleigh); R. of Museum ing the studied specimento the North Carolina WeL. McCall,NorthCarolina, thank for donat SouthAmerica. fossil record of tribution of dis America, extending thepalaeogeographic the Miocene, it represents the first report in North whichcurrentlyis restricted from theEoceneto not enlarge range for the stratigraphical the genus region withonemediantubercle. region with onedistal tubercle, andmesobranchial regions withonemediantubercle, mesobranchial species from four tuberclesthis distinguish semi-circle row of tubercles, andthe mesobranchial regions witha regions, region the mesogastric with three aligned incomplete carapace. smoothprotogastric The de Muizon andSecrétan (1987: 8,9)from one with onemediantubercle. from smooth protogastric regions distinguishthisspecies (1933: 6,7)fromone complete carapace. The / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín , 2010;Luque Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín In conclusion, although the new species does although thenewspecies conclusion, In Eoinachoides senni Eoinachoides latispinosa E. bretoni Eoinachoides E. bretoni n.sp. having protogastric regions et al. E. senni et al. was described by was Van Straelen , 2017). (2010) this genus (2010) this includes n.sp. havingprotogastric was described by Carriol, Van Straelen, 1933 from , limited currently in the et al. E. latispinosa , 2009;Aguilera http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a261220 Carriol, Carriol, et /73(3)A261220/2021 - - - /73(3)A261220/2021 References Aguilera, O., Rodrigues deAguilera, D., Vega, . on Castle Hayne and Santee Formation decapod Carolinas, very little would have been published Withoutacrossaccess the MartinMarietta quarry forMartin Marietta Onslow our research. quarry Carriol, R.P.,Carriol, de Muizon, C., Secrétan, S., 1987, Ciampaglio, C.,Donovan, S.K., Weaver, P.G., Blow, W.C., Manning, R.B.,new genus, 1997,A Blow, W.C., Manning, R.B., 1996,Preliminary Bittner, A.,1875,DieBrachyuren desvicentinischen Bishop, G.A., Whitmore, J.L., Paleogene 1986,The Aguilera, O., Carlini,(eds.), A.A. Urumaco assemblages,Sánchez-Villagra, in M., from Venezuela and related trace-fossil and Cenozoic decapod crustaceans F.J., Sánchez-Villagra, M., 2010, Mesozoic Néogène de laCôte Péruvienne: de Annales et Decapoda) du Les crustacés(Cirripedia https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-007-1221-5 Geosciences, 100(2),243-249. Journal of North Carolina, USA:Swiss southeastern of fromthe Castle HayneFormation (Eocene) 2007, Anewbourgueticrinid (Crinoidea) and Paleontology, in Geology 30(3),171-190. SouthCarolina: Tulane Studies Limestone of crabs from the Middle Eocene Santee Martinetta Paleontology, 29(1),1-26. U.S.A.: Tulaneand Studies in Geology theCarolinas, fromthe MiddleEoceneof 25newdecapod crustaceans descriptions of in Wien, 34,63-106. Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Tertiärgebirges: Denkschriften der Third Annual Midyear Meeting, 297-306. United States,Guidebook, Southeastern preservation, anddistribution: SEPM NorthAmerica:Occurrence, crabs of Indiana University Press. 103-128pp. and Venezuelan paleontology. Bloomington, n w e pce fxanthoid , andtwo newspeciesof

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Spider crab of the Eoceno in North Carolina, USA REFERENCES