Theuniversity Oftexasbulletin 3101 Plate XII 230 the University of Texas Bulletin PLATE XIII Figures— Page 1

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Theuniversity Oftexasbulletin 3101 Plate XII 230 the University of Texas Bulletin PLATE XIII Figures— Page 1 TheUniversity of TexasBulletin No. 3101: January 1, 1931 Contributions to Geology, 1931 Bureau of Economic Geology J. A.Udden, Director E. H.Sellards, AssociateDirector PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN Publications of The University of Texas Publications Committees GENERAL: Frederic Duncalp Mrs. C. M. Perry J. F.Dobie C. H. Slover J. L.Henderson G. W. Stumberg H. J. Muller A. P.Winston official: E. J. Mathews Killis Campbell C. F. Arrowood C. D.Simmons E. C.H.Bantel Bryant Smith The University publishes bulletins four times a month, so numbered that the first two digits of the number show the year of issue and thelast two the position in the yearly series. (For example, No. 3101 is the first bulletin of the year 1931.) These bulletins comprise the official publica- tions of the University, publications on humanistic and scientific subjects, and bulletins issued from time to time by various divisions of the University. The following bureaus and divisions distribute bulletins issuedby them; communications concerning bulletins in these fields should beaddressed toThe University of Texas,Austin,Texas,care of the bureau or division issuing the bulletin: Bureau of Business Research, Bureau of Economic Geology, Bureau of Engineering Research, Interscholastic League Bureau., andDivision of Extension. Communications concerning all other publications of the University should be addressed toUniversity Publications,TheUniversity of Texas,Austin. Additional copies of this publication may be procured from the Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, at $1.00 per copy The University of Texas Bulletin No. 3101: January 1, 1931 Contributions to Geology, 1931 Bureau of Economic Geology J. A Udden,Director E. H. Sellards, Associate Director PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY FOUR TIMES A MONTH, AND ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912 The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservationof a free govern- ment. Sam Houston Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of Democracy,and while guided and controlled by virtue, the noblest attribute of man. Itis the only dictator that freemen acknowledge, and the only security which freemendesire. Mirabeau B. Lamar Contents A. Erratics in the Pennsylvanian of Texas, by E. H.Sellards 9 Introduction 9 The Marathon uplift 11 The erratics 12 The Housetop Mountain locality 13 The Clark Ranch locality 17 Relation to regional geology 17 B. Some Major Structural Features of West Texas, by H. P. Bybee 19 Introduction 19 Major structural features 19 Extreme west Texas 19 The Franklin Mountains 20 The Hueco Bolson 21 The Diablo Plateau 22 The Salt Flat 22 The Guadalupe-Delaware-Apache Mountains 23 Southern end of the PermianBasin 24 The Delaware Basin 24 The Central Basin Platform 24 The Main Permian Basin 25 The Eastern Platform 25 Similarity of major structural features of west Texas 26 C. New Early Fusulinids from Texas, by Norman L. Thomas 27 Introduction and acknowledgements 27 Occurrence of the fossils 27 Age of formation containing the fossils 30 Descriptionof species 31 Fusulina llanoensis n.sp 1 31 Fusulina primaeva Skinner 32 D. Some Upper Cretaceous Ammonites in Western Texas, by W. S. Adkins 35 Description of localities 35 Chispa Summit 35 Southwest flank of Van Horn Mountains 39 West of Glenn Creek 40 Description of species 41 Mantelliceras budaense n. sp 41 Mantelliceras sp. aff. couloni (D'Orbigny) 42 Romanicerascumminsi n. sp 43 Romaniceras loboense n. sp 44 Metacalycoceras (?) sp 45 Coilopoceras eaglefordense n. sp 46 Coilopoceras chispaense n. sp 48 Coilopoceras austinense n. sp 49 Coilopoceras sp. aff. C. springeri Hyatt 51 Pseudaspidoceras (?) chispaense n. sp 51 Pseudaspidoceras(?) sp 53 Pseudaspidoceras (?) n. sp. A 53 Pseudaspidoceraseaglense (Adkins) 53 Pseudaspidoceras sp. aff. footeanum (Stoliczka) 54 Fagesia texana n. sp 55 Fagesia sp. cf. F. haarmani Bose 56 Thomasites sp. '— 56 Neoptychites sp. aff. N. gourguchoni Pervinquiere 57 4 Contents Pseudotissotia (?) n. sp 58 Hoplitoides (?) mirabilisBose (not Pervinquiere) 59 Kanabiceras septem-seriatum (Cragin) 60 Allocriocerasn. sp. 63 Scaphites sp. aff. africanus Pervinquiere 63 Scaphites sp. aff. aequalis Sowerby 64 Baculites sp. aff. gracilis Shumard 64 Metaptychoceras n. sp. aff. M. smithi (H. Woods) 64 Camptonectes sp. i 65 Status of correlationof formations 65 Supplementary statement relating to Neocardioceras 72 E. The Lower Claiborne on the Brazos River, by B. Coleman Renick and H. B. Stenzel 1 73 Introduction 73 Previous investigations 73 Present investigations 74 Geology 76 Mount Selman-CookMountain contact 76 Wilcox formation or group 81 Lower Claiborne group 81 Mount Selman formation 81 Carrizo sand . 81 Reklaw clay 83 Queen City sand 84 Weches clay 84 Cook Mountain formation 90 Sparta sand 90 Crockett clay 91 Upper Claiborne group 96 Yegua formation 96 F. Some Cretaceous foraminifera in Texas, by Helen Jeanne Plummer 109 Introduction 109 "Orbulina rock" 112 Descriptions of outcrops 118 Descriptions of genera and species.. 124 Family Reophacidae 124 Genus Haplostiche— : 124 texana (Conrad) 124 Family Lituolidae 126 Genus Flabellammina 126 alexanderi Cushman 126 Family Textulariidae 127 Genus Textularia 127 washitensis Carsey 127 rioensis Carsey 128 Genus Spiroplectammina 129 semicomplanata (Carsey) 129 Family Valvulinidae 130 Genus Dorothia 130 bulletta (Carsey) 132 Family Verneuilinidae 133 Genus Tritaxia 133 pyramidata Reuss 133 Genus Gaudryina 135 rugosa d'Orbigny 135 gradata Berthelin 136 Contents 5 Genus Gaudryinella 137 delrioensis Plummer 137 Genus Clavulina 138 insignis n. sp 138 Family Trochamminidae 140 Genus Trochammina 140 diagonis (Carsey) 140 Family Lagenidae 140 Genus Lenticulina 141 navarroensis (Plummer) 141 rotulata (Lamarck) 142 washitensis (Carsey) 142 Genus Astacolus 143 taylorensis n. sp 143 dissonus n.sp. 145 Genus Hemicr istellaria 146 ensis (Reuss) 146 silicula n. sp 148 Genus Dentalina 149 communis (d'Orbigny) 149 granti (Plummer) 149 soluta Reuss 150 reussi Neugeboren 151 raristriata (Chapman) 152 obliqua (Linne) 153 alternata (Jones) 153 crinita n. sp 154 Genus Nodosaria 155 radicula (Linne) 155 obscura Reuss 156 zippei Reuss 157 Genus Pseudoglandulina 158 sp. 158 Genus Lagena 159 hispida Reuss 159 sulcata (Walker and Jacob) 159 Genus Vaginulina 160 webbervillensis Carsey 160 simondsi Carsey 161 regina n. sp 162 Genus Flabellina 163 interpunctata yon der Marck 163 projecta ( Carsey) 165 rugosa d'Orbigny 166 Genus Kyphopyxa 168 christneri (Carsey) 168 Genus Frondicularia 171 clarki Bagg 171 Family Polymorphinidae 173 Genus Guttulina 173 problema d'Orbigny 173 Genus Pseudopolymorphina 173 cuyleri n. sp -" 173 Genus Ramulina 174 globulifera H. B. Brady 174 Family Nonionidae 175 Genus Nonionella 175 robustan. sp 175 6 Contents Family Heterohelicidae 176 Genus Giimbelina 176 excolata Cushman 176 globifera (Reuss) 177 Genus Ventilabrella 178 carseyae n. sp 178 Family Buliminidae 179 Genus Buliminella 179 carseyaen. sp 179 Genus Bulimina 180 pupoides d'Orbigny 180 Genus Bolivina 181 decorata Jones 181 Genus Loxostoma 182 plaitum (Carsey) 182 Genus Siphogenerinoides 183 plummeri (Cushman) , 183 Genus Uvigerina 186 seligi Cushman 186 Genus Dentilinopsis : 187 excavata (Reuss) 187 Family Rotaliidae 188 Genus Discorbis 188 correcta Carsey 188 Genus Valvulineria 190 asterigerinoides n. sp 190 Genus Gyroidina 190 depressa (Alth) 190 nitida (Reuss) 191 Genus Eponides : 192 micheliniana (d'Orbigny) 192 Family Globigerinidae 193 Genus Globigerina 193 washitensis Carsey 193 rugosa Plummer 194 Family Globorotaliidae 195 Genus Globotruncana 195 area (Cushman) 195 fornicata n. sp 198 canaliculatavar. ventricosa White 199 Genus Globorotalia 199 delrioensis n. sp 199 Family Anomalinidae 200 Genus Anomalina 200 pseudopapillosa Carsey 200 grosserugosa (Giimbel) 201 taylorensis -Carsey 202 falcata (Reuss) 202 Index 237 Contents 7 Illustrations Figures Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Marathon region 10 Fig. 2. Hill showing profusion of boulders 14 Fig. 3. Large novaculite boulder 14 Fig. 4. The Haymondformation near the Clark Ranch house. 17 Fig. 5. Map showing the major structural features of west Texas 26 Fig. 6 Bluff on Pfluger Ranch, LlanoRiver 28 Fig. 7. Sketchmap of Chispa Summit 36 Fig. 8. Coilopoceras sp. from Eagle Ford formation 51 Fig. 9. Geologic map of the lower Claiborne in the vicinity of the Brazos River 75 Fig. 10. Columnar section of exposed rocks and characteristic fossils along the Brazos River 79 Fig. 11. Geologic sections along Crockett-Sparta contact in the vicinity of the Brazos River 88 Fig. 12. Map of Austin area showing the Travis County outcrops 120 Plates Following page 203 Plate I. New early fusulinids. Plates IIto V. Upper Cretaceous ammonites.' Plates VI to VII. Tertiary fossils. Plates VIII to XV. Cretaceous foraminifera. The "Contributions to Geology" includes shorter papers of which, in additionto other Bureau publications,usually one volume per year will be issued. Each volume of the "Contributions" bears a bulletin number and is thus a part of the series of The University of Texas bulletinsissued from the Bureau of Economic Geology. E. H. Sellards, AssociateDirector. Erratics in the Pennsylvanian of Texas BY E. H. Sellards Introduction At the meeting of the Geological Society of America in Toronto, Canada, December, 1930, announcement was made of the discovery of erratics of large size in the Haymond formation of Carboniferous age
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