Trcm Cm Wrxncftsr 1: Manchuria,- - Oct. 2. for eanVrtnettee - 2 ! : -- . I i i ! I Mongolia, Oct A , i i ? From Vncwvir: r mi, . ' 1 I I i 1 1 I I .-- i Indeialte, r ; V i iii ,1 I .' J I I I For Vancouver: V 'I' Indefinite, I,' --4 . f

Evening Bulletin, Est. 1882. No.; 5972 Hawaiian Star. VoL XXII, No. 7012 14 PAG HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, WEDNIDAYSEPTEMBER 30, 1914, 14 PAGES PRICE FIVE CZinZ


00 . poo v. 0q 1 KOI9 xx ooo ooo ooo ooo ami nFnrnrm M MSI TO R1 ! li CANDIDATES .IUST V . m W a V w . BELGIAN STRONGHOLD UNDER ATTACK mm mm - -- j r 1 ; 1 r f f F 7 PROVE ELECTION


Y o::e rr.-.rjTR- onslaught made but repelled with Unless County Clerk Manda Judas .Whitnsy SuctIns ':' ..i LGoS, SAY BELGIANS BERLIN CONFIRMS BOM mused All Names Will Be ,'ticn to f.'urphy' Tc:1:.7.:.t, r:,nD:.:EfiT cEGUfj British and German official ; : Entered for November - ' au:.c: .ents agree German right not BROKEf lc;:::: claims it has been forced back aus-- AnORrJEY-GEriRA- L GIVES federal coutt cl::.:; THIA'. wULDIERS TO JOIN GERMANS AS COMPOSITE SECRETARY LEGAL ADVICE wiTfiEss cni::ai;;3 r;:1 - " - mm. UNIT ON: EAST ' Dr'.cE RUSSIA NOW GOVERNS Action by Supreme Court May Women Tcilcf Affair in F: ; .GALICIA BAVARIAN PRINCE REPORTED CAPTURED. Not Finally Dispose 01 very Court Building lz:.:.:,3 Associated Press Service by Federal Wlreleasl . - . Vexatious 'Question LO::dON, England, Sept. 3D.' A despatch from Rome to r - iaxup four Republican can !; :t Attrr EVE-riPST- O ilt to the The counsel for rci r.c.vs cays that the Russian ambassador didates for the legislature who claim Jeff McCarn lest vitzl niy.rrcv r.:.3 anncjr.ccd.lhat the fugitive Austrian army : i election' at the primary to mandamus point relied epea by t:,3 t has county clerk, compelling morning when, durirT " : the city and at"" and defeated near Douklo.. ,- - v : him to count the number of ballots the trial of the dist--i :t tt! to the decpatch, all the army's provisions SGETJES AT LIE cast In the .fourth representative dls torritcrlai coirt, Ju l UL trict for candidates to the house of Whitney sustained c . LID rr.i.'itcry autcmcbifes have been captured.-- representatives. Otherwise Terrltor by the prcsecutlcn t !! ; ial Secretary W. W. Chayer will en questlcnlns witn'M A.T-:'-- ; : II ter their names on the ballots for the phy, clerk cf e.a f : :rr:l c iV.Uk. November election, nsder a ruling of prrtlins tho Izs-l- 'i J.-.- '.I !: . .i.iiiilvoiJL Ul Attorney-Genera- l Stalnback which the MaDriio heard !!:C the trial cf Cyl - - .Arc Still Indecicive latter made this morning. ; John A. Mreovitz Says German Attorney-Genera- l L U. Stalnback When Mr. Mur:'. .: 1 Ccpt.-S3- . yc:t;rJ-- y - " "IT, Germany, Official announcement to-- Shells Look Likev frankly, doubts, whether at least two stand r..City of the four candidates would be found upoa direct f ' to show t.-- i r : Stricken San Francisco to have received' --.majority of. the r a-- :. Ir' I :'. . . .r n ; T He cays '. s 2crcUry 's t3t"3 totes casti the . ' I 1 duty Is to act on the Information at Bride.', ObJ::"--- CAMEHOME IN STEERAGE K ' Scenes il 'dncKnt city of Antwerp, Belgium; above right," abbi).? p resect; tlca. 1.. at. hand, and his only Information ' that Czlcr. WITH THE MILLIONAIRES tolr, whose hi3ry Is entwined with the middle a:es;.blpw, th Steen; ; now fjur-wer- e merely nom tie n ii thatthe r. , : : i nterj prf.!?l jauwijivuwerjtsrafr-wnic- tt Ji feared, may inated. He does not knew the total Dride said to have mado a s v : I :ch ascault. alssi the line frem ' be razed; by.firrtof sitge gun; .at left, city . halt square, ; one of all the CI: I (u n an-- B N Uht number of "ballots cast for the office ' o an oriv'ts ow U. S. 1 . ' ;:w-5- ycu . niany beauty pelt'eff.thie city. "? -f c..v v and therefore .cannot say that any of in cc ;t Citizen and Took no Oppor-- virtually repeat: 1 them received a majority of those cast s : r.:nt cf Antvrcrp has fcejun'v ins-alt- th3 - . : ' ' "The official returns as tabulated by Icsed to ; tunities to Join. Fighters : Argument was cczl'.: a I j the clerk of city and county of Austrian Moves Show Josef. the ins,' being opened ty ::;C.:.i . it attorney-genera- l, eye-witne- Honolulu," says the 1 ' An of war scenes In - .. defense. "There 3 to C :' 1 t in hlsi to Thayer, "show that " Germany and Belgium and perhaps the letter defendant coni-itt- eJ : ; r Mr. Cooke received 1986 votes. Mr -- t-- only man Jn Honolulu who was In Forces Jommn Germanv ,4UU said. There la clil i i: I . . . - - ... Wit lighting r Isenberg 1985 votes Mr. Watkins 1859 seir-Cefenz- T'-'- Liege after the terrible around ed.In t I; a Belgian city A. : 1 votes and Mr. Rawlins 186. The num ; . that is John Marcoritz. : : where we are seel!.-- r , Ecljiura, Ccpt. CD. Tii3 E:!rian general v Associated Press Service rby Federal Wireless. voters b :P, Hungarian by birth, American by adop ber of rer'stered In the Fourth provocation, which u? to t.. - LOIfD.OlI, Sept. 30. - Id a:::;:ua:;3 that .c vijercus bchhardmcnt cf three. outer tion and now a chauffeur in this city. .England, The London Daily 'Tele district, In which these men were can- In the hallway cf tha fci:."l c ' Marcotltx arrived on ,thewllhelmina CTanh'a.iMrTeraondent PetrooTad savs the latest events 'dldates, is 4705. The ballots, reocrds building.' , fcrt3 cf tho Antwerp cy:t:ai cf fcrtil:aticn3 vras made by. the at that ' yesterday and gives a graphic account follow!-- t V : C;rn:-.n- : Galicia Immediately of happenings dangerous in and the Carpathian mountains seem to demonstrate 1 and ccntinncd all niht, ahatinj this ncrnin. the 'in the JoLt!! ing of the objection r.iJ.2 ; ' war-ton- e, , . ets witu 93 of -- ' I'o zz vrcre cilcnccd, it is a:::rtcd, and the" an-- that the Austrian armies have abandoned' Hungary and are in accordance section ecutlon, the.defen? tu' Close Questioning of Marcovitx die fer of proof to c : trir' ' ' ts nothing but praise for the Germans Insults which McCrl .2 !; : I . : how many voters t' : Ccr-- rr was xnurdcrcuzly reputed,. the Germans losing and Austrians and an absolute denial cow. . By this plan the Austrians would oecome a composite tain voted in the. made to Mr. McCarr.. tr. i f. :. of charges that German soldiers In on no occasion d'.J !.':C ra German defense.' -- of the 1 -- unit - . : : " . n ccrties cf the xelran trccps are haraceiing Belgium committed atrocities against "As It does not affirmatively appear epithet 'liar' to IIcL. C the rules of modern warfare. On the that Messrs. Cooke, Isenberg, Watkins show proof was cbjrct: 1 t 1 7 other hand, he alleges that the Belgian Liu Now Rules Galicia and Rawlins, or any" of them, received prosecution. A pert!: a cf t'-- 3 civilians have been guilty of many ssia the vote of a majority of the voters to show proof was ov.rr:' I ; horrible cruelties against German - - t 2 ; t IETItOGEAD, Ehssiar Sept. 30. Russia has r assumed votin?jn that district ;ut it does ap- Whitney, the clause r: z: wounded and prisoners, v when pres- - s thet "liar", being su:t::.-- :. M ?d for proof of this he admitted this civil and military administration in the Austrian province of (Continued on page three) "I did not hear Mr. TlcCira c-- morning that he had seen nothing with Galicia. The Lemberg authorities are docile and friendly. McBride a lstr," siiJ :iur; :.7 ' his own eyes, but he declares that it ccatl.-.::- ! "11 " ... examination was t n "p ' i i3 a matter of common knowledge that Just the reverss such cruelties have been committed. Prosecution Is Cu;t-- !r : 5. . 3 X.c z r.r..l -- ro- - frem u eim ca c " for some proeecutioa - ' V - Marcovitz lived la California today's The etcrcl r - r '. ; mm : years and was the chauffeurof former LOirpON, England, Sept. 30. The' Star's Petrbgrad cor- tion to Mr. Murphy sijlr; r.:: Lieutenant-governo- r Alden Anderson. question called for. Wil-helm- the 4.. says seized 's -- MeC-rr- ..k... Last June he received word that he respondent hat the Russians have Kaiser LEAGUE EULTS What was Mr. 3 C fallen heir to an estate in Hun-- i toward McCrtde thrc--:.c- ;t t!: t. tad blooded stock farm Ebminten, East Prussia, and pre- - at put ty Attcrr.- rary, hia birth place being near Buda x " was the question pest. He went to the Hungarian capi sented it to the Russian Agricultural Institute, the animah to AMERICAN LEAGUE. seph Lightfoot ' centrarieon cf the the fact up some legal matters . ; At Cleveland Cleveland 9, Chicago TSa prosecution ctj":ci:i aad tal to settle be distributed under the direction of the institute. , ' V. in connection with the estate .and 5 (t2 Inning) - sustained," : was when the European war At Louis Detroit 9, 8L Louis --What was McSrli'a ct'Ji :? T there 8t I- f.anicd out and involved almost every Bavarian-Princ- e Ca 8 (called at end of eignth inning, dark ward MrJMcCarn?" Ilr. :iur; 7 - ' ptured ' ' ' Rciort conn try on the Continent,'; ; : m - ness). asked, v Four days after the assassination of LOirD Oil, England, Sept. 30. The Times ' correspondent At Washington. - Philadelphia 3, This also was cX'rc' ! to ' 7 irevhero is there ccnrmr.ticn cf the repcrt that the Ger-- A.-l.i- A. 4 n I i prosecution. The ttj:."::a t (Continued on page three) , at Nancy says that the' French have retaken St. Hihiel, 20 New BosLmNew V. . . w w At York York 4 i.Utf i.. iwkU WV-l- j iww.A A.AVwX k u If kiJ U Mr. Murphy ea!l th:t : statement direct-- 1 t :' ' '.3 t recht of Bavaria,' at Nomency, which is 14 miles north of Nancy, NATIONAL LEAGUE. "he might be C: I t:: At Philadelphia Brooklyn 2, Phila- this point la th? t; : .!, c regard cfiicinl c 3 to - 11 z ::. a : German tht rt this : to Lycy ..C.cjrj delphia i. ' r was, asked to Armies if: t'.. - t: "I Belgian And German in At Plttsburp--St Louis it Pittsburg depositions taken Cirizz ;Axd:Edblzd r. the Sylvester ca3a Cly c i llzn W. Cit-ci- c: : At New York First same, Boston 7, Attorney J. rt tl.:a Desp Battle Near Termonde - New York 1: second aame. Boston 7. exanlaed. to pay apart Mr. There are no funds available 4 ' 7 "How far wcrtj II: ' ?. LOIfD OH, England, Sept: 30. The London' Chronicle's Kew York (called end r eighth, ' , . i men the .Ha IL3 - ' r -- .LJ officers and enlisted of and Mr. McSriC??' eskci' n - -- 41,A gjrRWHj. . ' I Um iva"-Ia- Department 'Som ebody blun- J..4 T1 A.U .air. that ney. ' Lj ' I' l k:rcd". la Washington. and the ,de-- "Ten feet apart, aa;7,:;:l : 150,000 J desperately ' I AI.Io. Prance. Cent. j. C.ic:al announcement frcm ther nanis cr captain jreeman the local men are; Murphy. re- , cITice eays. raycfTicer, were not put through on Termonde and Aerschott. The Belgians are courageously How'TlisycStariLl "Did you measure ltr ro.vx Tcr Is Captain Free-n-: "I did," replied the w!tar:3. 41 tine, The result that : tumin-moveme- the' attacks of superior force of German artillery. The vrcetcra nt CToinct the Germans is has about' $1000 In the bank to sisting Mrs. Cooper Heard N:I.:j. ' 1 A, Cocper wa.3 t : . payroll, of more $200,000 AMERICAN : Mrs. Edwin - meet a LEAGUE. - than - develcpinj northward rapidly. The German attael: cn Tracy- L : for the month. ' W. L. PcL witness called on tha tlz-- C : Howevef this condition is merely SPEEDY PACER VORLD SERIES Philadelphia ...... '. $ 50 658 that she was seated rear th3 v. In- .' In Assistant District Aticraty J. . temporary, and will probably not Boston . '...... 87 53 00 "On the center, frcm Rheims to the Ilcure, the situation Thompson's office the f : I terfere with the regular pay schedule, Washington ...... 73 70 11 ia I:ril is relatively calm: Between the fcrest of Argcnne and the river although, a possibility of its Chicago 63 81 MQ Ing when the affair betwera there is I ' : : being set back a day or so. Captain II? New York . . , 63 79 and McBride occurred la th3 I leuee vre have made slijht prcrecs. SETS KBV EIARK WILL BEOIK ...... M2 Upon : Freeman has cabled, to Washington, Louis .;. 66 77 A&2 direct examinatlca rh St z : . "Ceveral are place the Woevre, that she saw nothlag, but heard tattles taking in district, and It is believed that the deposit will Detroit 65 . 84 M0 ...... noise. ; 1 vre - be cabled here tomorrow. The men Cleveland . 52 98 J47 where have advanced several points, notably east of EL heard scnf2Ing In th hall c ' ' ' were 1 V " headquarters detachment ; ' of the , . ' PHIL. OCT. 1 was surprised, she said. paid off this morning; the balance'on PfilElllLE 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Vosges imchangeciV r hand being sufficient for that roll, and .l,:r.i'''---'i:.,v- W. L. "The situation in Lorraine and is ' Pet - 'Continued ca x.zz t.r- - although no official memorandum had Boston ...... 83 55 614 -sj 1 ire? Qccar been circulated among the officers ABsodated Press by Federal Wlr-Tei- New York 80 67 .544 fccn'tRq stating that no pay funds are at pre- Associated lfess by Fed; Wlrelesa. PHILADELPHIA, Pa, 3ept'30-An- - 8t Louis 77 69 .523 M0NUI.1I : sent available, no one is . worrying COLUMBUS, .Mo- SepL SOOirec-tur- n nouncement was' made by the' National Chicago 75 73 . 07 Z r.LIXT, G C eptvr SO. - .,...... 4 " Z ermony, An official announcement much over the situation. It Is ar Basebail Commission .today' that the Brooklyn . .' .".. . .' , .72 75 90 Granite. Uarhie. ; Llaa Z. today, paced a mile In 1 minute To-r- a. Prince Oecar, fifth son of oversight at the ether end of the line J world's series "between Boston and Philadelphia . . 72 76 .487 ; , Coplnr and Irc that the Kaiser, has a weak heart 58 new world rec- - and one that will - toe immediately seconds, setting Philadelphia will begin here October . Pittsburg 64 83 A35 n. E. mirrDnicn, .ltd. " cannct return to the front. - - i 'v straightened oyt" ord for the distance and event 10. , , Cincinnati- 53 83 97r6L Usittzzt tzl J invcr HONOLULU pTA&BtTLICTINt WEpNESIAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1914. JUDGE V SIR WRD GREY MiStERS THE VEAlllMDAY WlLLil VELSH 7 In which Is combined Temperature- - $ a. m 76; 8 a. ra the HAWAIIAN STAR. tslabUahtd 123. asJ til EVENING BULLETIN, stabllahsd 1332. Issued Daily and Serai-W- ee lly URGES REVERS AL Ut MAN InAlVltllUI l oli 78; 10 a, 79; 11 noon. 77, Mini- TO HAVE SECOND J mum night, 74; 8 Ji l last barometer at H" HONOLULU STAR-BULLETi- ri, a. m 30.03; relative numidity, S a. m, LTD, : By Latest Mail J eousness of Great Britain's cause and 70. ; I . "Kng. press NE-9- ; E-1- n OF HIS DECISION LONDON, The official explaining the firm resolve of . the Wind a. m.. 8 a; m., Publishers, E-15- litliORRor Commercial announce tha: tne following Sonth African , union to aid her in 10 a, nu. ;j 12 noon, E-- l 2. Move- 4 Printers, Bookbinders, 1 (bureau authority every way. dew-poi- nt ? Photo-Encravcr- is issued with the possible ment, past 21 hours, 309; 1 s. - : at r : '; Edward Grey, secretary of state ""Great Britain has given them a 8 a. 68; absolute humidity, 8 a. nr. ; It is extremely seldom that a judge The second trial of William L. for foreign, affairs, with regard to the constitution under which they could 7J94.' . Totar rainfall , during past 24 decision 1 Welsh, chauffeur held on charge WALLACE R. PAIJRINQTON, . (General welcome a reversal of his communication made by Dr. von create a great nationality and had hours, .03 ' " '' the a . Business llaiss by another ccurt of a higher Jurisdic- the imperial German ever since regarded them as a free of furious and heedless driving, will tion, and reason the statement begin at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning for that chancellor, to the prens: people and. as a si3ter state. Although PASSENGERS EXPECTED of Circuit Judge Ash ford this after anyone. the might many before a new jury, the venire for ? T: -- '."' Manuel "Does 'believe' asks there have been who had nocn in the divorce case of chancellor, England been hostile to British flag In the! M. N. S. ? ce5tp?l FLAT aivTE. DISPLAT ADVERTISTNQ OYEIl 2000 INCHX3...... versus Macedo is German 'that the Per 6. Manoa from San' J? ?L 20X) Maeedo Christina would have interfered to protect Bel- 91 (Pnferred Position ...... 20o PER INCH Probably unique in the an suited yesterday In a disagreement of LEGAL AND $1 , a feature gian freedom against France J would ten times be under tho.Cth Dr. W. w. Lovejoy, Miss E. A. TRANSIENT RATE. First Insertion . "pals jurisprudence. racier Jury, body had deliber ? of Hawaiian answer is would un British thad the German flag Jellings, Mrs. L E. Jellings, R. H. the after that CLASSIFIED, One Cent pe; word 23 cents per lint per vtak. " He gave a lengthy written decision The that she ated about three hoars and 20 min questionably have done so. Sir Ed- -' Chancellor Again Wrong. , JTrent, Mr.' Hamamoto, Miss Edna 01-- 1IAIN OFFICES J05 'ALAKEA STCIHr? finding husband, who had utes, .".;-:;- ' ,. for Love-unfortun- A the ward drey, as reported in the paper. he German chancellor is equally b00. Mrs. M. Rosis, Mrs. J. D. ate Telephtnes Editorial Cosns Si Bstlaest Office Drought a cross-libe- l. At the same The new Jury will be selected'':."from till government wheth- In Mr- - M. L. Penfield, Mr. P. Mc- - BRANCH OFF1CK ...... MERCHANT STREZ? time he announced .to Attorney K. asked the French his leference to the ir. ..V...... ;. er It was prepared to engage to re colonlal empire. So from British Telepksas ca Bitting, counsel for the wife, that he Jar "h ' ' WTn did net serve yesterday, and a special ' spect Belgium long; policy having been 'recklessly egotis-a- s n.r.. u xr. hoped- - the latter would take the case the neutrality cf so mJTminth venire of 16 men. The following :.- :'8IJBSCRIPT10J BATTSl ' no other power violated it. tic it has resulted in a great rally of f;;;, wT; 'u": J'v,' to supreme court and obtain a re :V the DAILT ;. y ' ' ' "The, French government replied' aircctlon and commcv interests by all STARULLETW versal. - riu Mm MMarino" xtr Tv f. I "Regular renlreHoward W, Adams, that tbey.wefc resolved to respect It. the British dominions and dependen- ir H.: Webb, Jacob Qrdenstein. Per Month, anywhere In United States "If it comes back ic roe. or I hav cies among SrnithV A VrieS Mr GeorwT Brown 'Marshall .'...... $ occasion again" to handle the case The assurance, it was added, had been which there is not one Per Quarter, anywhere in United States 2X1 &nd which is not aiding by - anywhere In very given several times had fcrmeti ureat Britain and AVUliah M. Mtoton. . Per Tar, United States tC3 fear I shall be much inclined to K. Smith, Mrs. Bode K. Smith. J. j 12.C) the subject of a conversation between , soldiers or other contributions or both Per Tear, postpaid, foreign ...... give a different ruling, and divide the Enquisi. Mrs. J. A." Enquist, Mrs. H.fDjJewrnlr"S5rro0? President Polncare , nod the German in this war. property equally between the liti- R Judd, H. P." Judd. Miss Genevra -- "'':. esin-WEERL- T gtar-bulleti- n ; , gants1 chancellor, who enttrely ignores the Vith regard to the matter of treaty C. bel, Frank B. Shaner, - said the court. For reasons obligations, generally, - Strong, Mrs. w. E. Eellna. ""Ti Per Six Months ...... V.... Ui which be thought good and sufficient fact that England tix:i the same line the German Kajpn i. erown, wuiiam . Arm- - about Belgian neutrality in 1870 that chancellor excuses the breach of Bel- strong, George B. Per Year, anywhere la United EUtes .... 21) at the time Judge Ashrord decided for Ward fiTalls Midway. ; Schrader. James F. 2.C) flaurence for Fc-nwtc- " Per Year, anywhere In Canada she taken now. i gium's neutrality by military neces- Phnrips. IX ...... the lipellant, or i husband though he has After leaving a quantity of supplies Charlci John7 1870 Princg whW ap- sity, at the samo time makmg a vir- Per Year, postpaid, foreign ...... i...., 4X) "In Bismark.' Holt, Jr., George P. Thlelen. Arthur G. Rtar-RalTftt- plainly felt that the Verdict was at Midway island, the cable station Aidres t ITenelal la. ITe'"','V, viJ by 'England subject, tue cf having respected neutrality " Aubrey J? fmntkntliii XU, T. T. an injustice to iiie I:bellee. He In- proached, on the the situated 1C0O miles" to the westward itobert Clarke, Joseph A. respected treaty ns of Holland and Switzerland,, aud.sayt McQuire V. Gear; oth- IJUt:ng admitted and tho and Albert Air o, formed Attorney that he would 000; Ewa, 10c, or . $23,000; .Walna-nal- in relation to Belgium. . l ,0 er Jurors of the, regular panel will pot give all aid his power Wwd operated by : Commercial 0; the latter the in , the pe - including $4 special. $5, or $12,-0- to have, the case adjudicated; by the "The British government stands in SSrShASt Scandina. kt .k required 10 appear in. court tomor- 1914 as It stood in IcTO. It Is Herri Ylaas a, yirtue whichtiis admittedly voyage yesterday. The " vessel row morning. Honolulu Brewing ft Malting. higher tribunal. turn Moi:ii'':;0?b von Betbmann-Hollwc- g who only practiced !n the absence, of. temp I ".. Inter-Islan- d, on refused to wijj bring; a shipment of white sand , ...... 20C or $5000; 75c, us 19H, ifpm. seiMntercst, and military meet In as Prince Bismarck wion much desired,, pj buUdert t ana conA:?nerrnart, en poute wjui pecfuits. .. $16,875; Kahuku.' 10c,' or $5000; , Ha- met ns In 1870. imperial chan- - aayanwgeioeo pot seem greatly worth The tractors. J With, many recruits for the colonial waiian Pineapple, 5c, or $3750; Ho- fflOSS-SHIR- vaunting.. ...j , ; ' , t .. ; E cellor rinds it strange that Mr. Acquithj ; . r ; service the, flnited States army trans- nolulu Gas preferred. 50c. or $7;D; : . - "To s t o, in hb Guild hall spctca did not men- fhe chancellor concluding port Sherman steamed from San Tran-cisc- da, common. C0c, or $1250; Mutual tion the neutrality or Scandina- - tatewcnt that to the .German sword ' $12,-889.2- 5; the ' fcr Honolulu,' Guam and Manila Telephone,' Quarterly, 25c, or vian countries apd s gests the reason is entrusted he care of freedom for !per sieamer. W, G; HaU from Kauai ov uvMa, Honolulu KapJd Transit, quar- X . ' i uccyiuivjs tu cafl OF for the omission was sume sinster de European peopiev and states. th,a II J Fernandez, .A,,, Hanaberg, received at ' the" local ' armv ouarte Stocks were dull on the exchange terly. $2, or 324450; Waiiarn. $2, or -- ' ' ' : I - today, with a fair amount of business " vfATEfMER sign. on' England's part. . i ; treatroetvof Belgium, is a sufficient 0., V Wilcox,1 irs. Fiddes. J. H. Fid- master deDarfmeht. ' The! Sherman $60.000. " 1 reported des, Mr. haros, Mrs. Pharos, E. Croffs, wUl arrfye'hsre about October 7 Is from between boards. Olaa the 1-- 8' f P,-- Bold up In recess to 6.37 for "It .is impossible for any. 'public Mrs.. H: C. Sheldon, A, Chact,, prediction now.made. The vessel will LV 280 shares in five unequal lots, but speaker to cover the whole ground inj VESSELS TO AND Gqrman, A.' Reynolds, W.T Kennnn; leave a small amount of aupplies for - lost advance on board for 40 each speech. The German chancellors - uns : army posts- the the FROM ISLANDS vr;'-1- eral shares. McBryde . was steady In re- reference to Denmar and other Scan THE alio, nui au. iiuvuAf.v ucv. i j ...... ported totaling 150 . ;.t'-- - 1-. ; , sales shares at dinavian countries can hardly be con itv:r ','- v- ... audit cc::?ot Mongolia Days Late. . 1-- 8 very (Special lyireless te iTerchants Stevedore Injured at. the Wharf. Three 6.25, but receded on the board for What has befallen the British ship sidered tactful with regard to The MaU Mongolia, - i ': '. i , : : Pacific Ihier 50 shares. Oahu Sugar was steady -- iN Exchange. vwnne engaged in ute aiscaarge pi KinrcssTshire, more than 160 days Denmark! The Daae'are riot likely with more 1000 20.25 60 re- cargo from, Inter-Islan- d steamer than tons of Oriental at for and '10 shares in o? cargo forgotten part by ; the mm Europe, with its valuable to have th5 played ' cargo, fron Wednesdzy, Sept. 30. ; Is reported to have steamed cess and Waialua at 102.50 for 40 cf rcncral merchandise and shipment Prussia and England . respectively ,in ' . ' SAN FRANCISCO Sailed, Sept. 30: .iirj, a-.- hi a Mnok atar.hid from Yokohama three days behind the shares In four unequal lots. Pine- ' 24 BETHEL 8TR22T f rr.Etcrlal for the Hawaiian Fertilizer 1S63, and .1864 when the kingdom of I S.f 3 ; .Sheridan, , Honolulu, .- at to one of the slings and waa render-- : reguiar schedule, the vessel departing apple was steady at 23.50 for 50 C - . ''". ,', . - for mrany of this port? : Denmark was and 4 dismembered tbe aoon., ; . 'r'.';-v v"-'- i ac-- from the Japanese port yesterday, shares reported, but" lost on the query becoming e4 unconscious as a result of the j and a that is ntegrlty of Norway and Sweden was YOKQUAMA- -r Sept. was to the la due to arrive here about October 9. board for 30 shares. Hawaiian Com- P. O. Cox 443. Telephone, ZZZZ r.cre cf nomont as the time of the guaranteed by England Sailed 29; S.. Si cldent Mahuku. taken and France in Mongolia, for Honolulu (3 days lafei hospital for treatment for a , lacerated , The. vessel will take a number of mercial, was unchanged at 33.50 for - ' I rare cf the staunch .windjammer the treaty of Stockholm In 4855,- ;due 8.) cabin passengers ' 80 Bhares in three unequal lots In re- -- Oct body. destined for San 1 days', head and bruises about the weeks and imperial, , ' frcn into "The chancellor refers' to ; . . , v.. FranpIscQ. :v'As--:J- cess, also 5 on board, closed Susgestlens t?ven for tin? pl'.fy. ; MIDWAY ISLANDSailed, Sept. 30, m m m 1. 4 ::.:: the but t'-s- , vj.' ; 1-- 2 ? into mcstbs. J the dealings of Great Britain with the -- 50 Ing --10 a. m. i Scar. Flaurence'YVVard; . ; . Hyades, with at an advance of for shares. er tystsmatlzlng cfflcs Mrr-is- The Matson steamer " ' Iocal r circles received with Boer republic and suggests she - V 'Junior was steady 24 two All C3nf)': that for Honolulu." fc , several thousand , tons of general car- The Order of United 'Ameri- Ewa at for lots work. turlneta : .h and apprehension .a' re--; has been to causa 10 reported, ' ' 'l ' t'arn false therein the of SAN FRANClSCOrailed, - Sept 29, go is predicted jviirteam from Seat- can Mechanics will . dedicate a Maine of sharea each and Hllo tial. t frcm Captain Pierre Rothouos, freedom. gomg , common 2 200 Without Into contro 9 m4 1 3. iS. Manoa for, tle for Honolulu about October ipJ memorial monument at Poptou Lake, Railroad at for shares. Fon-- v ? ' cf the bark 'La t ... ' ...... iter French versy. now happily past, we may recall .... J. ;! i - L, Skoog. prof of neu- N. J., on Labor Day, Hawaiian Sugar fold down 2 points -.c Dr. A: esor ( "" Conducts all classes ef Aui'ts who upon arrival at San Fran-- what Gen. Botha said the South Af rology University Kansas, to 35.50 for 30 and 20 shares on the o in the of i e and investljiflans, and furr.!;h-e-t rrlcr to' the departure of tbe days; r';"-,-'v'--.'--'-- rican, parliament.? fj agor yhen C, 8TAR.IJ ULLETIX GIYES tYOU haa? been made head f ih LaPetre M.rFoster,'a banker of Fort board..' kl.-.--i fi- . . Reports on" til, cf Jua fcr Hcnolulu, announced . .: Wayne, -- ; ; expressing his cpnvicLion of the rigt-- 3VEWS AT Hospital, i: .:.;' ; , r JaU, is mentioned as the Dividends amounting to 3202.264.25 - t TOI4rs TOP Paris. work, t c r: ",:l!e Eca tragedy had taken First American Jjnb&ssador to the were listed as payable today, being as nancial a the port cf " cl Mcntevedio abost FAVOR Argentine Itepnblic follows: C-- Brewer & Co,rl, or S30;- - . S In wfckh two large sailing yto-!-- i f t GARDENIAS IN cnrslzed and wrecked. pfebcD a Houeexorh ad a Cure . I re r.cU Eklppcr. added .that him- - Suftablc for GARDENIAS are apparently to con '. effrers and rcen were unable to llaUwci:n Spread f T tinue in favor. They are used on 1 EEii-tanc- o many of the new velvet hats, - They f ry . because of the are simply arranged, as a gardenia ': vczV. cr prevailing at the time. T ).- i:?.r l :s cow been expressed must be to bring out all Its stiff beauty, tVt city V.:t cneof the shipB may POH the Halloween isupper tomato and .they are a. fitting trimming .for a rpHERB Is nothinr especially new In ; 1 fabrio so dlgnifled as velvet. . They are j r. the British ship. Kinross-- - cocktail is much inore appropriate , . recommending housework as a cure ' ' of n. v.i'Ji cargo than the oyster cocktail. Get tiny red. frequently combined In the form a for nerves." j Women often fake up the : a full from wreath, with stiff black moire r Lcur.d fcr .Honolulu. round . tomatoes and peel them with narrow,' idea in a faddish fashion and speedily rc- - ribbonanother . trimming, much .used easy ways, lazy r s two ves- - out scalding, cut In halves, quarters or ' fall back into habits cfthe sailing , :. on , .., .'. K - ! yelyet. and too frequently Indulge rich . - :rl In getting Into their cubes, anJ "put them on Ice to become in de- - . the Frenchman could pot.-de- thoroughly chlllecL. Place long stem- foods and sweets' that have been ' 1 pocktall glass on , plate, nled them. , . : . - :ro, tut Judging from the heavy med a email ' The; Policy of; the . New Sachs . t:. t accompanied the gale it Is arrange crisp, tender lettuce, leaves, Now In one of the fanitarlums where ycJLhit til lives on board were about the base and. in .these place the Smart JVIodcl "In fashionable wpmen go to get back'their tomatoes, enough far one .person. Rub poise, .' appetite 'andT normal sleep a youi mayonnaise. mUdnx bowl with CpntrotCng jMatcrfalo housework cure has' been' made a part . L)ry Goods Store j Cos i Crtrrs Trrnsport Service.; bruised clove or garlic; tben put In two of the recuperative eure. ; tablwpoonfuls tomato ketchup, one A splendidly equipped sanitary kitchen a In the Canadian-Aus-- : of of mushroom ketchup. a teaspoonful Inexpensive is the scene of the cure. 'Here are the fTvico and a frequent vis- - JOTHINGis nicer than of sauce, to taste. tT . newest conveniences In the way of an- t t!,e rort cf Honolulu, Brit- - Worcestershire 'salt house dresses, and the season's the ; teaspoonful r paprika, tiseptic, glass tables, floors and : : fr I..oana of late operated half a' of 'two styles are particularly well adapted to tiled rops of tabasco and a tablcspoonXuI the making of these little creations at walls.:' Electric Z heating and cooking -- i Can and Sydney, " ' of lemon juice. Beat these Ingredients, small cost.' devices, together with a brave array of V.., ly the way-o- f Tahiti has well together and put Into the glass. Take, Instance; the pretty frock kitchen china in blue And white ware, A fevy words of information c r.:r.r.:ccrcd py tne govern-- for. a Dipt the pieces of tomato into this pictured, which lends itself beautifully Inviting picture t for the is troc ; It Is now an-- - sauce as you would the oysters. .. to a combination of materials. The aesthetic eye. It is certainly a' more :.t he vessel will, not be encouraging setting sun parlor , concerning ourselves 1 r ' than a frcm Australia until the 8afad.r t"-- - 'Witch ef Ender full of nervous patients. . . i r cctlng with ' German ingredients . of capable instructors do c - The salad are white A staff In, f Trancisco has been : grapes, with seeds and skin removed, mestlo science : takes turns In giving i ' ' pineapple cubes, apples pared and cored lectures and practical demonstrationa 4 1, - n l- and cut Into .dice,', and tender, crisp In "a short while the patients forget i n.:s Over Cuffafo. white celery cut fine. Add a few Bra- their woe" and ailments In the novelty ' -,' the former This is a store based on the idea of BROAD SERVICE TO OUR rritiih zilian nuts cut in thin shavings. : Mix of their work, and they take up their t r Ilurfalo of the Stand-- 1 with mayonnaise, sharpened well with dustpans and brooms with interest and Fran-3- . - :s cleared San - - - '. lemon. Juice and seasoned with paprika. a lot of amusement. . ' The vessel regls-r-;-v- 1 PATRONS.; The new store is twice as large as oar old one, and stocks let- plenty be- . Arrange on a shallow dish on crisp Of course there is of rest - I i ui i while she was . In tuce leaves, mask with the mayonnaise tween the classes, :::':'.:; rt", ' : .Lcn by the "Standard or stiff whipped cream, spreading It to Washing, la one of the. arts that form . 1 cf their tankers represent a playing .card, and decorate part of he cure system, and when the, I are proportionately broader. V.y Cow the Kaiser's col-- i with red and blaok spots cut from pi- chemistry of the process s made clear A. J. Hardinpc. former , truQes-heacrt-a, mento peppers -- It is remarkable how fascinating this -- .and I r Afhtalnla. is'ln'com-- I diamonds, spades' and clubs.. Slice rich j usually despised task, becomes.'' XAcea 7. :Tr.!o, t uccecding .Cap- - yellow and Neufchatel cheese thin and and dainty, handkerchiefs are the artl- -j cut In small rounds to' represent gold cles chosen, and the' pupils are taught; r. i gvery conyenience is provided for joy, among them bsin many and silver coin 'and arrange in little : ; the art "of . bluing,-- ' atarching,' dryingj Wi'.h r.tuch Freight.''- piles, one on each Individual salad sprinkling and Ironing of these articles . N'.aUatlcn Btmtner Ma-- z plate. Shake 'a little paprika over the &y degrees the mind of the" irritable! features new to Honolulu. '. ; frorn San Francisco whole,'.-.-- "t-- woman is taken off her own ills and! v i h a lare cargo for :?. ailments and the cure begins' to work. ' .'. . Applee on a Stick. (..Lie received at the There are' lectures by authorities, Ulus- -t ; a These homely' old fashioned' sweets & Cooke otday " 1 c: ; r.rturo of the Ma-- - furnish more amusement for a house many different processes of culinary . lib-er- al t s. cn-- 0 for Horiolulu party on Halloween than the apple on ') S' work and the right ways of dolng.cer-- j. . We handle only dependable qualities of merchandise, and a a string or diving for apples Into tab t.'t a i . rr. TIahulul. uud ws oppunea ,w , am , wrong) blindfolded. Choose uu(i- of water firm fart waya :,-.- :- '; . apples, not too large, pierce them oif ; and Tt good, .said the director-o- f sv ' guarantee satisfaction accompanies every purchase. Yon are : . with stender little skewers or, sticks . to, : prepare sanitarium recently, tof women ? convenient Jo .handle. 'the Interest In tasks. . f ' take domestic It allf ' ' ,; coating by boiling two pounds of browsj becomes a and Is ' absolutely safe with every purchase you make here.r'" '' - sort.of playf that the suar la a smooth saucepan with fa secret curing nerve trouble v v ' of Ior'mea little hot water until the sirup Is .women. Teach ; play. , -- and them to crs ,for stringy; then dip the apples in and Take them out of ; themselves, and r f ave in turn them ever and over until they, are - - btn Iccl.r. the avasavAV - &vu wivu iv aw uo4 la . av to thoroughly coated with the sirup. : femselTeaTand to .thelr.familleal, 1 - : We shall do all within our power to make your dealings with us ca t Deyf.-- J ti -- CbeTI larrs ! ' cv - uts, of ,the The Littlp GuTs SchobllBajj ''-" pleasant and congenial. - -: c: c- men .vxrlct la i v V , '...- f vh 'tni i1. V i f AKE ;me little girrs nrst quarter at) . Tit 5 pleasant c. - - c:. f school' as as 'possible by. fr: t'fry l a rich ? v.r r 1 t: -- . pro-ridin- her . with a" book bag.' tTouj ' Lut :t 'i .V':H'.-,.:..VV- - -- forget r t - . 5 t: y should not. ,that she Is not nsed ? 1 ; to carrying; things 4 and i that eren a ' ' --- sv single book wUlr make her. arm ache, I after'xew:sninutea,,;5 I' ';f. - 111 : Lr , ,n Shell nerer; forget that flrst; text--i A book bagjfor .lt pretty" c fhe is a affair 116-11- It 8 Hotel St.; between Young Hotel and Fort of r fancyj cretonnes or - raw isilk t with! SW -- : 3 tre cf ;thefashionable? brocade stout ribbon; strings or hangers.'. : -- r :s E.'.3a the insets Jln?theiweHr.cut The bag should-b- e lined; with-oi- l sffld t t' ? V t. tassel; side and i the i child shown how: to : turn .' this) ? 1.3 Cri::.t . ry,'tiay5be:onaltted If side , outward ln case she is caught ; inj ? r 2 .witn ton e,'s vtaste. aistorm. belng'.taught thus rearlyt - 'Br ') y( cf ?the attractive in.her careen fodook after the 'appear- -' i:er ance ,of iher:booka' the fchlldiwill: cbn- - J ichkQlcsrrxIpnt tinoa :thaLsHpfithlnr, throughout' hert ! HONOLULU ST4B-BUJXETI- S, ITEDXESPAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 914.

" EYtVIMSSTO CIVIC CONVENTION WILL wravH Afl CLUB BOOSTS OBSERVE PEACE DAY SUNDAY SCENES AT LIEGE ORGANIZED WITH FOR fflUi TRIP i5 r Peace sentiments will be the order day. October 4, 1814. as a day of of the day at the luau next Sunday in prayer : when our fellow countrymen II ccnnectlon with the third civic con- shall seriously and solemnly contem- A GIFT ALREADY IHOILUL vention of Hawaii The Ad Club will plate the appalling events thrust upon NEXT FRIDAY have charge cf the program on this the; world, by great nations engaged occasion and its president W. R. Far-rlngto- n. m a massacre of modern civilization. I per- nation's prayers following president (Continued from page one) has issued the Our asks a De-veli- tinent proclamation: for peace, prayers that lead to work First Committee Meeting Stunts Committee Delegated oppor- Do-hat- Archduke Franz Ferdinand Marcovitz ' The call has gene forth that mem- for peace by each" citizen as Fact of $1000 ed to' Arranae for "Feature" Shall tunity offers. arrived in Budapest to find the city in bers v of the Honolulu Ad Club at in Big Lauder an uproar Not long after thla he have charge of the program at the "We as a nation hate war, but we Start Concert started for America again and was in luau, to be given at noon Sunday; Oc- are never afraid to fight Under the title of the "War Relief Have you got your for Maul! . war-tide surged orer tober 4,' in connection with the third "It therefore seems appropriate ticket Berlin when the. Committee" the men ' appointed by If not. get Germany. . civic convention of Hawaii. that the program of the Ad Club luau it ; "When order was sent It on Sunday,. October 4. should be Judge S. B. Dole t? devise ways and . The Ad Club session thla noon was! Held in Berlfo.. that out style. was held for ' three weeks in seemed appropriate; that the Ad Club shaped with due regard to the nation's means for collecting relief funds for a rally in It was second onlyj "I. natrons European organ- to which will in Germany, unable to get away, largely should lighten the spirit of the occa-- call. . , : all in the war the dinner be held V. Ad Club room j o ized today in the office of R. Cas- the tomorrow night at because there were-n- trains I could slon with a fair measure of whole--' 7n keeping with this, , each Ad Club requested tle.. 6:30 when the Ad Club program for take. AH Jie trains tv ere used in rubb seme frivollxyy which Shile refreshing member is hereby to a t Civic Convention will sung in in ing troops toward France," said Mar should nave due-- regard for the day, come to that festive board armed with Mr. Castle la the (residenr of the the be secretary-treasure- r. through and put In final shape. Every- covitz today, "' had American pass and the hour. , la practical sentiment for peace. Let committee and J. A. Rath ; one who to be on ports but couldn't get them In use t "In recent days we have lived to it be grave or gay. new or old, but It was ecided that the is the special Cham that time,' Finally the American am see the beginning of the world's most, always to the point and therefore well membership of subcommittees should ber of Commerce boat is expected to bassador got up a special train to take awful sacrifice of bold and loyal men. worth while. Thus shaU we of Hawaii Vint nonacartlv o Annnnrf Uivan a I VfS l W5 aiUuer. AU - 1 I Europe is grip of war. a prayer for peace the like of of countries. he services of r,.6- . refugees to Rotterdam and succeeded in the ThejUtter neutrai Sluu m 1 a" which may ac-'"u- 'u" Lehnhardt's In crowding into that train. horror, and the needlessness of It is not be heard elsewhere on all those willing to assist will be ",nf: " "At Rotterdam at least 12,000 people brought home especially to the people j this earth. . cepte4.; : All th newspaper of the!?" ? to get of the United States, who have friend "By this means we shall gain the wilT !! were waiting for a steamer territory be asked to start lists otherg at the convention. awiy. :We Anally took a train and uv every battle rank, and no foe be--J satisfaction that comes from the per-- ; for funds and will be To start with the Inter-Islan- d has went south to Flushing. On the way neam a smgje oaiue nag. formance of a pleasant duty, and we appointed throughout the various isl-- Tr-r- o Tr A given KUauea Chocolates 1 1 excursionists I 111." nrfia a,A inanfn tiw fhn tnM,.TTrtOtf hftflA fnat tvi lM nn-- t h At ' 1 I . . s . -- - the the to Fl ush In z we passed through Liege " frxr . u v ' - uMv a smvv I age patriotism and you could see the destruction left and of the millions 1 uimese. conm uee waicn wui meei; - fl.tTn , Ad Clubbers and all others soldiers got- through hastening to any duty to which their It - after the .had tST ? IJJ tWtSL Mrr- futur- e- wul travel in the most comfortable Note the pleased expression your friends display when , IL big German siegeguns nation calls; Our hearts are sad cause of peace 3.same ; S"e a with Those that Ladje8 will be askwj to cooperate hoat pieces. No men of our day generation Dd afloat you r simply ripped everything to and should lhleD?i? tbe committee. A letter which The start will be made from the offer them a box of LEHNHARDT'S CANDIES. walls could stand against them and be needed for such a human sacrifice. 'Mn Castle writ:en to each mem-- . Young Hotel, assembling escort 1 Ifr? tl JwI nd for - S . Clearly. i, Interpreting there were battered houses and, burn tbe spirit of the main committee previous to by the band at 8:30 Friday evening. ed, buildings everywhere, iThe country the American people the President.of power eaiwins tne meeting was adopted as setting; assembly early United apart Sun- - fJtJSEiZZ The is made in order Sold by all Leading Grocery certainly suffered in the war. the States has set mere battles than heathen war. forth, the general sccpe cf the scheme none shall be behind time. After the Cays No German Atrocities. that and wIU be. sent out , Mr, Castle an- -' the steamer leaves the program will . "Regarding German there atrocities pounced already carried out printed varia-- a is nothing to The Germans are that he had received be as with and Drug Stores thit. V- fronV per-jtion- s. ' - , DEFENSE contribution of $10ih) one . i f - very --careful with the Betel? n people, HARM son, but this does not mean that smal--j The Civic Convention is sure to be :...:. , Belgian However, civilians in the. a grand success in towns committed many acta of cruel ler contributions, een five cents, will, but the committee Lehnhardt's chocolates are the purest obtainable and re4 " not be welcome. . charge of the round up reports that , ty upon the Germans." '. , PROVE ELECTION Honolulu should send about twenty-fiv- e fleet credit on your judgment in buying.them. ; , , "How do you, know, this?', Marcovitz more in order to properly hold , MINUTE was asked. FIVE CURE up its end. Hilo is sending a record -. ; Oh. everybody knew - It,", he said IF STOMACH IS BAD . breaking crowd " Taste Tells! They "There is conclusive proof of It -- - The Always 'ra Fresh! . ;: ; I It was moved and unanimously en- you any single of 1 'Did see instance When Pane,s dcrsed that the "stunt committee" of i,;aa outrageous act, either by a German Dianensln rearhes g stomach Indigestion, Gas the Ad Club arrange some sort of a a Belgian?" he-wa- again asked. all and or 1 '. . i ' V '. f i Sourness disappear feature of entertainment to be execut "No, I can't Bay that I did," he said. - ! " fl Yon don't want a siow Remedy when ed at the Harry Lauder performance, ."However; .everybody knew fthaU the (Continued front page one) (Coritlnuedfjom page one") f . : your to at Biiou, 9. It was also Belgians shooting the 'Ger- ii'm. stomach is tad or an uncertain be the Oct had been urged - Ad Clubbers attend treacherously. la pear is nominated, I would "Was all questioned Attor- oneor a harmful oneyour stomach that all man soldiers That that each that r Is too Valuable; you musn't injure t this performance, In appreciation of why the Germans' destroyed parts of advise you t? print their names ; as ney Llghtfoot ; r" PRACTICAL . .1 Ad with drastic drugs. ; the entertainment extended the the towns. . nominees. In the aosence of an af- : "It w as " replied the witness. Pape's Dlapepsin 1 Club by Harry Lauder, upon his visit "As matter-o- fact, we' people on firmative these candi- Cross examine," said Attorney is noted for it's a f showlns that tpeed in giving relief; harmless-ness- ; to Honolulu last spring. It is said f Ktclien Cabin:: the trains couldn't See much of any dates received the votes of a majority IJghtfbot to Mr. Cathcart its Coop- Ifs certain unfailing action in that in rendering this entertainment ; thing. We were rushed, along between of voters voting district, Attorney Cathcart asked Mrs. - II 31 r.1 the 1? that it ' regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Harrv Lauder broke his record of sins. lines of Germtn soldiers.;; They were Is unnecessary otner er if she heard any loud voices. The ' : to discuss the : never: performing gratis. ,i&ri 7tW ' -.' Its millions of cures in indigestion, jf " everywhere , along the railroads. questions, that might arise." . . witness replied that she had heard Around Liege. we pa&sed through the a noise like talking, but could dlstln dsnensia. rastrttls and other stom It Saves Stc:: Thus the burden of proof is placed " ach trouble has made , It famous the ! GAME PLAYED soldiers gnlsh no ; ' POLO German lines thousands of words or voices. ; ,. .. on Candidates, and Stalnback . . " the four V s-- ; world over. - j Mr. McCarn cool there.'V: is inclined to think even when "Was and calm?" Keep perfect In AT SCH0FIELD TODAY ? that ' ! v this stomach doctor In tteerace With Millionaires. supreme court acts on asked the attorney." your keep handy get Polo Is holding the iort at Schofield WOMEN ARE OH THZI" the the manda : home it a -- From Flushing Marcovitx and his is my impression that he was, - "it nt Cav- mus proceedings the question may not large fifty-ce- case from - any drug ', Barracks th's afternoon, the 4th FEET TOO MUCH, fellow-refugee- s went on a small steam both when he came into Mr. Thomp be finally settled. The supreme court store and tnen if anyone snouid eat I airy ana 1st rieia Amuery T H E I . er to Harwich and from there to Lbn son's office and 'when he left It," an ' ' ' may authorize .the recounting of the semeithlng which doesn't agree with , horns for the honor of meeting the don. He hurried on to Liverpool ftnd swered Mrs. Cooper. f v HEALTH AND LOOK: ' they lays Oahu for the Tfall & Dougherty , ballots. If some or alt the candidates. them; if what eat like lead, Four . in Philadelphia for appear T" I E failed the liner "Did he excited ; . :Tj"A THIS CABINET ANN' they a majority " and sours forms gas; cup next Saturday ; afternoon.' The .ttv,i New York, paying $253 for S'ery find have . .of tthe "Not all." . fetments and JSor at nau- final match sea S KITCHEN D H U accomodations in the steerage. votes cast they may have to take still "Do you know Mr. McCarn.?1. causes headache, dizziness and scene of the of the - sea; undigeit-e- d ield - didn't kick,' at that." he says. further, action, as for' instance to as "I have met him at church, replied eructations of acid and son also will be at Schof Barracks. CERY. - i -- food remember as soon as Pape's , "There were several . millionaire 'in certain whether the law refers to all the witness. ' - D'apepsln comes in contact with the M." Cabolis, a "Filipino alleged to PRICE $33.53 voting In , i- - the steerage witn me who would have thevoters that district or Mrs. 'Maria Freitas,4" the' mother of voting stomach all such distress vanishes. Jts have impersonated an officer with the . paid, a lot more to be up in the cabins lust those for representatives; Florinda Feltas,, who was' the "cen possibly also to determine whether promptness,; certainty ; and ease ; In territorial health dep-rtme- nt, was sen- tut simDlv couldnt eet the state tral figure in the Sylvester conspiracy --W; cq.; ' - overcoming tbfej worst stomach pay 2.V DHI0ND Ltd. rooms." ".' : the ballots cast out by the judges shall case, was the defense's next witness. disor tenced to a fine. of and costs V. d would-b- count of ders is a revelation to those who try at district court this morning. Enter- Tht Houas. of .Housewares ,.. 5J-- 3 Klnj t, Her.::. Marcovitz was afraid he be included in the as part She answered questions through ; her v ' ;. - . r it. advertisement ing a plea of guilty larceny of 1 taken for a German or Austrian and the votes cast : ( t an interpreter. She told the jury that. to the firing-lin- e, he says, so he Immediately upon two bicycles, the defendant was given sent to the The papers In the mandamus pro adjournment of the ' tnl ken nothins but English while In ceeding had not been filed in supreme court on the afternoon Of the "affair, HARBOR BOARD MEETS eight months on the reef. - " ; ' ' ' ' r Berlin. ". court up to noon today,, but probably she went, down to the second floor WITH RAILROAD MAN ' 'The 'IT. ti. deputy consul at'Buda will be filed this afternoon or. tomor and joined some friends. She said she , v " - pest asked roe where I was born and row.- . saw Mr. McCarn come from his office ' At its ; meeting this morning .? the foi- Cr:3:"j: . J told him in California," he explained and accost' McBrlde.. She said, Mr. See iac jcltlzen - board of 'harbor commissioners held a ' today. "I am an American McCarn- told McBrlde, "I don't want : - FAIL . : now and have no desire, to go out and POLICE TOtTAKE ; you to insult me any more' in court." lengthy conference with George P. Goods'5 - Denison, superintendent, of the Oahu Grabbed McBride'a ' .. ACTION AGAINST MAN Hair Railway Company, on pro- He says that in Berlin even noLh i "McBrlde said 'I don't care if you Land a lr.g was known as to the progress of WHO WRECKED CHAIR are king of this court, and then hit position ( to extend a spur from that Furt Street Oppcsits Catholic C!r. ' Austria's campaigns against Russia , ." r' - 7 ... t McCarn said the witness. She stat- company's railway , line to Pier 15a, of with handling of T 7 fT T and Servia. He thinks the account A - crippled newsboy, Johnny. Mar ed that, daring the struggle on the a view to much the r Russian victories vastly exaggerated floor .between McCarn and McBrlde, freight: directly from the wharf, over tini, mourning the Jestructlon of a 1A .. "Germany and Austria' will win,' he the was the, company's line.' No definite prom- 1 because the swollen elands wheeled chair in which he was able to former kicked and hit-- several , , : : ; " ' " : ':; - said confidently. . dispense his wares, awaited in vain times. , '::- ise was made ;? Denison and no and inflamed membranes , - Referring to Liege after the war, he his morning the preparation and serv "I went to the assistance of Mc action taken by the commission, the often affect other tissues and for nun? strikingly "to m eaid the citv. looked like ing papers would cause Carn, said" the witness. I got hold former desiring hold another con Three-bedroo- furnished house, Kalnuklr enial $45X0 per month. after, big earth of that the impair their healthy action San Francisco did the crrest of James Hughes, a local chau.f-- of McBrlde by the shoulder, but as I sultation with the other officials of .", v. M- EmaUion cuake and fire.'-"- - lr. couldn't pull him away in that man- - the road before submitting a practical Scott' stands alone eur, whom Martini alleges. avas re - C a J a . . " Bishop Co., LtJL ; as . "Ruins everywhere. he described uer, 1 graoDeo nun oy Mc- preposition, ' nature's corrector of throat Trust pcnsible ; tne nair. i f for the smashing of lis troubles; cod liver KVBMMSffaBJBjBJBJHHBJSlBjBBJBJMSSJBlSB its oil ' Brlde waa McCarn practicability is ' ' - per-- punching all the The of a switching ' , chair and the Inllictloa 'of minor . I - ' speedily ng " -. :':?";v-- . '. 1 ,,V " converted into gem-resisti- ...... time.- line . to all territorial and federal .... by tissue the glycerine is ACID STOMACHS Martini was on hand early to add his Asked Attorney Cathcart if she wharves along the vrsierfront was dis was frightened; Mrs. Freitas said that cussed at some length. The. board E testimony should be to ' the combined ( PHOI-J- DANGEROUS Hushes called : emnlsion up. LJ BDAC: ARE she was freight-handlin- g ace a law upon charge not long has favored a f builds the forces ' 2305 :J court of a of . ' . J t a. J a. It f to avert When Mrs. Minnie Peters was called . re- fast and heedless driving. news--. t7ieia ui una mnu. uui aeuuis the weakening influence V - Peels-Co- 3 Ccmmon Sense Advice Jsy The on the stand she said she had to ., " oy is said to have been run down by that main be worked oat. Penison was which always follow J Hmciac'-ALL KIN j -- . - D3 OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WC...w guished Specialist , a seen McBrlde strike McCarn and O. tronKlp. ? 'fr-scMtZS-Jjk lughes yesterday that Inclined to think the R. .& L. Co. throat -- ' afternoon, Hotel, when the blow, was delivered Mc FIREWOOD AND COAL. near Alakea street being the scene of would favor the method and would be . SCOTT '3 EMULSION t 18 QUEEN STREET. p. o. eo r: ,"Acld" stomach are' dangerous Brlde had something black" in his1 willing lend cooperation, provid for tkrm importmnt the accident Eyewitnesses : to the to its ' because acid Irritates and Inflames hand. He took what he had from hia ing it would be. held responsible only rifORt-- it thm lining 'of ' the stomach, ollision insist that'Hughes never stop back pocket she added. : She tromblm it prvvniari m the delicate ped to look around further to the harbor commission and not to it is not charged with nl9tcoAW Homer Dean," cashier cf the First Bridge Commissioner Krack3 . the after colliding with said mtupmfyin , thus hindering and preventing that when McBrlde and McCarn the general public, assum r dngu. National Bank :: at Sutton,' Va.,"dls- - noonced he would not accept the ' he boy. but hastencc up one of the latter r proper action of the stomach, leading the were struggling on the floor; she saw! ing Xhun substitute and appeared a shortage of $30,000 ination Congress In intersecting - the responsibility for the success after for the Sixth r nine-tenth- s of cases oi streets. The newsboy's a revolver. , : 23407 insist on Scott's. im- - to probably the or or .system. - ; was discovered..' The bank closed trict of Brooklyn to V.T.: chair, a gift . failure the - succeei people from pir:iic spirited and .'Have you - ; r--- stomach :. iroucle from which , talked about this case mediately: . , 11. Colder. suffer. Ordinary medicines and me- fcjmpameuc pjopie, was hopelessly with anyone?" asked Attorney Cath- wieck,ed. The sentiment of the cart during cross-examinatio- - ? INDICTMENTS EXPECTED dicinal treatments are useless in such crowd -- that gathered was strong thor--. Yes, Light-foot,- cases, for they leave the source of the for a air, yesterday witlr Mr. " ;FROMTHrGRAND;jURY r ough prosecution 'of Hughes. was replied witness. , trouble, the acid in the stomach, as It the She added announced at the police station today that she had talked dangerous as ever. The acid, must be about the case 3 ses-sic- nj the might with .other persons. ' The territorial grand ury Is in neutralized, and Its formation pre- that chaurfeur be brought . this afternoon and is expected ti vented, and the best thing for this pur- before the district jsagistrate tomor The trial will be continued tomor- row morning, row morning at 9 return several indictments in cases of pose is a teaspoonful of blsurated o'clock. Florinda minor importance to the general pub- anilacld, taken in Harry c. Bruns. treasurer of fh Freitas of Hilo probably will be the Get the Most Value For Your magnesia, a simple Coyne first lic It is understood that' the report warm or cold water alter eat Furniture Compiny has volun- - witness to be called. , on Its investigation a little teerea a to replace of theWalklki the cnair the one lost i Irg, which not only , neutralizes ' Inn affair, a portion, of which was by' young Martini, provided ' . ac- acid, but also prevents the fermenta- the J. Harris Mckenzie submitted to Circalt Judge Ashford cused chauffeur does not . see fit. to 1 , which acidity is . developed. last week, will today, ."Electricity Money" tion from make reparation for the boy's : ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY not be'flnished Foods which ordinarily cause greatest loss. : and that the last part of it will be may with immunity ;.;vA'ArJD'VIS FINED made to a distress be eaten " $150 the court week hence. The If the meal is followed with a little CHAUFFEUR HUGHES reason for this ts that City and Coun- which can he ob- Entering a plea ty Attorney Cathcart, blsurated magnesia, IS GIVEN DAYS of guilty: J. Harris who has been tained from any druggist and should . 30 MacKenxie this morning received a assisting the grand-ur- y in preparing The least possible percentage of by v fine of 150 from Judge Ash- the report, is always be kept handy. For sale contempt Circuit unable to l.end his aid & Drug For of his falllns: ford on the charge of and temporarily pending Benson. Smith Co.; Chambers to alimony furious the conclusion of waste comes when you use Co. and Hollister Co. advertisement py tor four weeks and to heedless driving, the autgrowth . of the McCarn trial in Judge Whitney's pay attorney's fees and costs of the the motor car accident at Kalakaua court.- - brought - : to- divorce suit by hi3 . wife, Jas. avenue 'and King street Because they failed appear, in Hughes, public the evening f cases were called. chauffeur, was given of June 7, 'when MacKenzie's machine court . when their a sentence of thirty days in jail by SEAT SALE FOR BIG . yesterday collided with another driven by Lieu- ; Circuit Judge Ashford Circuit Judge tanips f appeals of pavid Paa-kaul- a, Whliney this afternoon, tenant Sears. The case had been LAUDER SHOW IS GOOD Westinghouse Mazda dismissed the ne sentence Is to be withdrawn he John Kallll and Moo, -- accused if appealed from the district court on a i i i pays the entire alimony and costs due 'mt malicious injury, who had carried ' demand for a jury triaL Attorney Impressario Dunbar announces that to pays -- ; their cases up from the district court date and it forthwith. The E. A .Douthitt defendant's counsel, the advance sale of tickets for the - total amount about 87. a r Their bonds were de- is At late explained that he regarded it as more performance of Harry Lauder and of Kooiiuloa. hour per-- You get twice as much light clared forfeited and if: apprehended this afternoon Hughes was than a mere police court case at the company of talented artists is pro- pirmg nervously -- f they will be compelled to pay the pen in the courtroom. time he made the appeal and gave gressing even more rapidly than had where he - was detained in custody. ve a with less consumption . of 'juice." sltv imposed by th e lower conrt ; ; his reasons 'for his desire to ha been expected. The better seats, says '. ' while a policeman was out endeavor trial before a jury, stating he found Mr. Dunbar, are selling rapidly and ing to - locate certain friends who were later this as not desirable. it will be necessary for de- expected to provide the money Hughes all who ' ' sire to see "Scotland's premier come- anxiously desired to obtain. ? The case of Henrv Zablan, who is dian to get on the job in a hurry.' CLARION alleged approDrlated WW Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. to have articles Several boats are due in Honolulu ; ; " S Circuit Judge Whitney today ap belonging . own ' Agency , for i to a local firm to his prior to the Lauder concert at the . Phone 3431 proved the final accounts of. W. W. use, was again called at. police court Bijou theater and, everybody being Thayer, ; PHOENIX HOSI administrator of the estate of j this morning only . to be postponed anxious to see and - hear Lauder, it Hanakaulanl Holt and discharged him j pending on anticipated ' a decision a similar case is that the demand for: Xrom . further. responsibility. 'now before the circuit court: - ; seats will be in excess of the supply. our

LETTERS) STOCKHOLDERS II I 1 V It . 1 I MA . I. . f ft I frank discussion in this column on all lrit limit niihlActm df -- nrrnt tnumi j I Communications ar constantly, re OF LAKE VIEW ceived to which no 'signature ; la at- . ' tached,, TLIa naoer will treat aa wn. - signatures .. . ,- - FHTTOR , Hdential to letters if tee RILEY H. ALLEN '. .writer-s- o desire. , but cannot ' give ACT!Qt space ; for," anonymous communica- - TAKE - tiona.) ; VKDXES DAY . . . v . ..SKPTKMBKH 30, 1914. nfe!j- stowwl aboard the ship when it sails. I '' . " i Ve lione war will Me over Christmas the br . New Conceits in in1 is.-- HIB1TI0N.. Assess Tliemselves Five Cents The great cvd of all human. influHtnj! the time, but it may last farjjeyonrl. If peace ' " - ; - a Share for. Purpose.of altainincn t of happinC4lutn? cieciarea djt men, so lnnen me merrier, dui lei j Honolulu. T, H SeptJ 23, - Bangles and Bracelets star-Bulleti- n. Investigation:: us show the "children of the soldiers in Europe Jt Honolulu : 1 Sir: We feel that Honolulu, and GET AWAV: FROM TOUCH" SYSTEM - that the children of Los Angeles sympathize ; th territory or Hawaii. 1s readrfer Action was taken lasthight br. local wonld; toui problWtion stockholders of Lake View Nx 2 QU They, came a little earlier than we with them and be sorry to see their conserve and protect their Could the settlement: of this graft Company to ex- Two years ago an army of ' runners" fat - well-attende- d meeting existed these new designs in Christmas spoiled." question be- put ? before the - voters of interests.. At a KepnbliMin' the territory on the ballot In the Young hotel roof garden. 22,457 quisite bracelets and bangles but j tened at' the expense of the county ; From the Atlantic to the Pacific the children "rrtrnlar at . two resolu- m. . . : - -- r the reneral election held in Novem shares being represented, we know many : making the 44 touch" at of the mainland and many of their elders are, ber tions were unanimously adopted pro- there are fair arms committeeand after ' - ' WOQW for: investigation of the af , , . i- We itte to see an, answer viding an which are waiting to be encircled with .t:. .m. j 'nrenarini?---- c to sendi- - Christmas- tovs and irames , . company, a. iieaannariers usuany went oth uuu wureu iwr itnis Yitar question in w your eveninr fairs of the some such, jeweled ornament, and so to the poor little folk in Europe, paper of Sept. 0, J914. : ; Under the first resolution the stock- " ; ' the Democrats. the nepnbl.caneandto. ; :" Ycurs-truly.- levying of an Tin If . i,aaii do at Christmas- - . holders consented to the we have placed thern our showcases, t,,;; WATERFKOXT. assessment of Ave cents a share upon and campaifin managers Trill stand firm against ; ,ime forthe kid.s over jn the war zone: their stock, to be paid within 30 days 0, there are so many dainty little (There now exists -- from date to the treasurer of the fund. the rapacities of the political hyenas they will no official and - legal way in ; the-- The second was as follows: conceits in this line that you should : j . which question t of do much real good in politics. The Democrats SUFFE AGISTS TO FIGHT DEJIO CHATS : prohibition for Ha.wail cab be put be- "Resolved; that a committee of three see!' And' there are others; perhaps of W.j are also pestered by these gentn'. Tlie system of fore the voters at the central elet!ito of our meeting, to consist ;C; : in chairman; Daniel Logan, sec more elaborate and: heavy. ' liiring campaign workers has been slowly de- National Democracy is in for it this falK The November: Ta Wit this, ln wsr Aahford. the voters win- rMirh.wi.iii. retanr. and H. G. Davis, treasurer, .be veloping in Honolulu and the fault is largely Twman suffragistB have de n tavestfga1 But you will admire them all and tGws? 1 with the party leaders themselves. It: failed Bourbon because the national sufTrage amend j K tajJotiibie toem1'tir n?1 ' uSaumted., by1 She w il I ike the one vou choose. to produce results two years ago and as its only mpnt bins TlPpn.hlnplfAfl'in'fViiDrps.- - PrpsidpTiti vote of. the Decree t thmniw i4. : engaging of cne. or more competent -- : .. 4 tt-ri "1 v - ..-,- end exam-- i i L' e e ' t ' A ci .tiott. v r to audit the books. existence is to produce it " - ' y reason for results, ".llwu uj'i"-"- w uc um ui iaui, ui cuc- j There are beaver-man- concrete fcfe the affairs, of, said company, uxa lias man ifest ly outl i ved usefulness and become tarv who declared for votes for women: and .effective ways la which: men and ,sald committee shall have full.d Bnani ; ,1 1 WICHMAN & CO. j' r ' women who have the tlcn; in. the disbursement ; of funds political esteem; ' nothing thorn in the side of the held cordial, ;In states where Wait - but a is in nine at heartland are nS' or which shall be raised, for r;-- toi!J.f; power Jeweler arties. .Now is the time to break it up and women have the vote; there will be congress--aivei- y into the fight fcproWbition 8aid purPse 113 eii as full v express ana aiscreiicn io instruct, auu, turwci. tlie Republican Dem- of Star-BullX- it is quite possible for and lonal elections this, fall and. the plan the tlon. The ni inSrX operations of such experts, re, ocratic managers to agree to stand' firmly ieminme organizaiions is io aeieai lemocraiic ways m & v uuuw wurnn - ings of these stockholders from time - .Z tne next ngainst the "touch"! system of mniiirig the candidates. two cr. three daysi -- Editor. , to time as conditions may render de " 0 ; .. - y '': ' ireciiict campaigns. : : ' A despatch to th e New York World from sirable. "ri ,'.' ' There waa considerable discussion ;; - Washington outlines the planf , . of the resolutions before they were ' ci;ov;s ms imm ,,Wev are going to tell th' people just what we think put to the meeting. A W. Eames and-other- s. Governor Plnkham signed, a pro, ance of a special day, as Arbor Day he otit f tie .DemocraUc party," said Miss Alice Paul this who had been for some, time clamation today setting aside Friday, has become a regular occurrence dur- 20 Day, ob- - evening; to The World . correspondent. ; following a -C- v. November as Arbor ing the last nine years. AHLOS AT LONG iPThe Honor m.lVOT . by ap- woman W 01 1116 served the public schools with ifrsi Anna Pea body Dodge, widow, President Wilson's friends maintain' that' in meeting of, the" Congressional Union ror license commissl6a.-wIira- no de.1vlef au u"?.' Suffrage the home of Col. and Mrs. Henry P. cislon davV .were experiencing VrJfioontroll; propriate exercises similar to those of the late Frank Stanwood Dodge :.o at within the next few on in vogue In the states, by gen- In respect lie has considerably modified his Blount when a campaign was launched against the the Pleasanton application .ng output, oi tne and a has filed. circuit court a notice, Hbtel'a for now. expressed their. eral movement among citizens in that she elects to share in the estate ; parent as the: of national Democratic party.; . w,o xt ."wonder well" attitude executive head the -- ,- tree and shrub planting. observ :,i We are not going" to fight individuals- c Miss mission will be held conclusion that there coultf he no val The under the, will of her husband. .lion lie is more tlian willing to call into this week.: direc- Paul continued, i "but the Democratic party. We will J id excuse for the failure of the reference big businessmen and discuss with show Majority Leader Underwood and Mr. Henry H. Pa WOOD: If the Promotion tors to furnish the financial statement we can do some effect- - ; Committee can. arrange promised to a circular dated two business of the rules committee that for two or give .cm issues. Gn the other hand, the Ive work against the organization of the House." : three excursions "from San Pedro tp months hack, or at least to an -; - explanation of delay. 'lowing despatch from Washington indicates Before the meeting adjourned plans for, the fall-- ' Hawaii next February, it is going- to the campaign were adopted and speakers chosen who mean on-- Increased number of. visit- The adoption of the resoiutioas waa v " re- -- ST to ; Mid-Paclfl- SAFETY at tlio president is no more inclined c ' will start out tomorrow to try, to .defeat Democratic . ors to the Carnival. moved by A. B:, Ingall and seconded r M. TMInton.- - was ive a delegation of people representing busi-- s :andldates-fo- Congress in the nine states where . br W Before action - women have a-- say In elections. f " 7 " ; av ; h HARRY HOLT : Tmr back In HaP taken rthe secretary- read an extract interests affected by pending legislation a- - page or one The plan Is for the "women speakers to appeal t nolulu biff hobater for Washlnston." from the commercial of Buy a Home Mcli Mr. D; C - It is. certainly someone-- city-- the latest Hsues ot the San. Francisco. legislation is floored by Wilson to women voters in western suffrage states - the uie - referring.- met to withdraw their support from national Demo The only disappointing- thing I found Chronicle, . a he was wlien a group of men from Hawaii the, about' it, however; was by. producers in marketing their oi party party, blocking , " the fact that cratic until that ceases the - ; . there- were good owing; the caused by the V i.d to put before him the disaster certain to national suffrage amendment. , , - no shows running to situation ; One cf your first Investments shou'i during the four days I was there. t European war, - together witli ther fol- - ; -- be purchasing home. Ycu may I'.vSw - - The Congressional Union has labored with the. t free sugar.- The despatch is of Septem- V; company v . v" ;j lowing mention of tne a sue ; :'y our, own your own t?-- ' ' present Democratic Congress incessantly and has landlord and . 21 DR. GEORGE" W. McCOY: Ha- cess in storing the gusher, output "",' and says: '.'''.; seven deputations . ant at the same time. If you taken to see President Wilson to waii is my first love, and r pre- "The management cf the Lake View Present AVi'.on toiav' refused to see bespeak his aid as the acknowledged leader of. the would improvements you may hzvj fer to' spend the my No. 2 Oil Company: has successfully : z- -i - in--du- de remainder of .';'..'; or do lthout, as. you 'a. . oJore Tell ar.J a delegation of California wine Democratic party. . Tlie suffrage campaigners- , them d;r'rs, In Islands. : solved; the problem, ot caring for the :-- : pro--'- 4, day' these But. If the i4. .vers, who J tLe V'hlte House to Lucy Brooklyn; . Vwith. oo frictfon. Ar.i, tco, culhi at Misses Burns, Doris Stevens, company's great - t treasury department details me as surplus output of the tl.-r.t-5 - t ..l.-.s- w, own, When, hard t r tl.? 12 rents on ta on dry wines, Omaha; Hardy Chicago; Wins-fb- 11-2- -- Midway leal. t (t 'rail Jessie' Stubha Itose commissioner iiekltlj Massachu- well on section 4 3 In the t : .! - of for A hr-- ; J cents r;r r ...on ca sweet vines, In the Demo- . Ifryr Torkr Ahnan McCue, Phfladelphla; Mabel , there la no ren to p3y. r " setts I wUl go to the new post, though field. The well, which was th -- c;. ".s war tax I ill. '' ' De- V-f-- chased on. : ! ', Vernon, Wilmington; Margaret Whittemmore, with reluctance. ' , : wonder of the field until the Stan- the;ins:"r j' Ti.!s ectici cf tie rr-'!'cn- t dasV.ed to the ground troit; Ruth Astor Noyes a ad Emily Perry. Washing- - dard's order limiting deliveries to the l: . ;- V. ? Of getting the cqrr.-..-- .; J. t little Califcrr.ians had ton ;' Edna S, Latimer and Lola. Trax. Baltimore. JUDGE C W. AsnFORD: Some maximum - under contracts almost iy ; vestment device, .y3 r .J 5 Cc:nn:ittce tomorrow to reduce the - of the veniremen in my court ought made it a white elephant on the hands, HILLO'tni f ; l r.zre th? I ill 13 re; ortcd to Xke House.- The Evidently the Democrats are going to have a ; in COLLEGE !A':i::i to be ideal jurors, for apparently they of. company, continues to flow at f; ; i.-t- the " . tax, tl.ei- will reraain at 12 dents and 20 ' . are lots on which' you may havs " lively time of . never newspapers. in- rate of 15,000 barrels, a day; de- - ' ' read the For the l.i till.- .. - . it built' you a; f : :s the i: " ? mm stance eight of thecf failed to see spite all efforts to pinch the produc- it wIK h;rte t invest lio Caii.'cr; understood they had a positive' ' hundred dollars. Call and let wi t::i to1 published notices the other day that tion down. The crater around th .. cat to rrcsent their tide cf the tax the Now comes Pancho Villa with the declara , pumps, - you about the proposition. failed to receive their services Would not be required well is surrounded with which ca.1 when the rredent Only followtng morning. They receive are operated by gas and electric pow- highly tion that the basis upon Which he will , i t: vr: t a way froai tl.e Vhlte House 1 ed per , they er and the oil : being pumped, tot y got 63 far as the utlqultous their diem when appear' :i. lie treat for peace with the Constitutional govern- ed in court, but they alsa received several lines which carries It to stor-ag- e. the president could - .tr, vlo l:.:orraed them that " : ment a warning. .i ; i . As an instance of the difficulty ' C. it Itcras la the Impending tariff bill with is the elimination of Carranza, Something been In encountered1 in obtaining; suitable t ctwlthctaring the fact that he has rather familiar about this, ."Wasn't it Mr. Wil: EASlL "DOUBLE storage facilities, it Is ot interest to v c ..afcreace vith the members of the House and MIGHT 7 company purchased - son 'who note that the has : I III. . announced that the.'onlv basis upon $1$-8-0 cn t:.a ' six-inc- h v Fprt Street Congressmen accompanied OUR SUGAR PRODUCTION 10,000 feet of pipe to connect cf the California which he would consider' the recognition of the big crater with sump nearly two Cttween King 'and Mtrchant U V'hlte Hoasc. They were "wise" the a citation tie ex government el Fortunately miles away from the welL - X r i reluff and hence stayed away, if ican was the imination of for the United States, In ;il!e president refused spite of the curtailment of production ; "The oil carries a large percentage i: Is the trccnJ time the has Huerta f Seems as if Villa ; has taken; a tip ri cf emulsion, but It clears Itself when Jr-rr.- In t.--- .at California delegations, the last the cane and beet growing district from the White. House. - ' ; due to the recent legislation we have allowed to stand for a week or so in t v a r.e preierrea io piaj vn i sumps. large motors were Eevcra.1 months ago when they a domestic production cf sugar, includ- the Several ing - - of Prtrtn T?Irr tnil recently installed around the crater 5 : ; ton. on their way to theif Atlanta tht Himll FricndcMp-Circ- b A New York paragrapher suggests that the which should amount to over 1,500,000 to facilitate the work of holding the Initial Scarf Pira -- puhll-- flow down, this move being necessary .itlon' would comment for i - : : V.? I: Yeim de Wo yxB beenidden in tl.e vaults of, in order to prevent the production v v , llavo You C::i Then? . the rebuff fit the White House, but ' :lt !5SSX'?,S: from backing up on operators. . V1EIRA 4EYELriY CO, LTDH : 113 HOTEL 8T, of the rc. . 3 were cf the timering variety. ; the Louvre because she is unarmed,' This ex-- a protracted war, tnd win prevent l A- 'w'-.r-V-:.- w P"ce 0ln6 high they otherwise Mr- T ituncia, uwau i, ottuum, iui nic : WOuid although the necessity for Kaiser Takes Up Hla n; rmu war zone act that Mona Lisa's smile has been nacked inlcuring dver 2,oooj)oo tons from out-- Quarters In Luxemburg. v j. '. A ' -- .At. - .Al6idenBe: UniW BtaesJ In addition to LONDON. Sept. 21. The German i.ri--t i m n j ....a111 r o ttt u n 1 ' rrifii iu ttii i ' iti 'JiAi';oninTi' nonnctr the domestic supply, will leave the t Emperor has taken r his Quarters in .'hi.; Only?V says the " .' - IMilv. :h:l for Kids box, : .: S v ,. ;'; ;".U: American market under the Influence Luxemburg, according to a Paris dis- of : the v general K advance in ,world patch to the Exchange Trlegraptf Com ;:::uncr, find goes on as follows: " " prictV . v: pany. ..Thousands of troops' are sta : , ' grown-up- s 5 i rl ;' :a v :i while the have Thev are makinc a mistake referrinc to I On ot the arguments that has been tioned around th legation where he ; in - of Prayer for i put forward against the destruction resides.' To guard against possible v.v yjjyj 4.. to (ilcrve n day - Indus-separat- hed the Leipzig as a cruiser. .From the widely- 0f the American sugar growing ed raids, by Trench aviators, a squadron in lOuioj . , to relieve the distress of other ! points on the Pacific ocean where 'try through the removal, of import of aeroplanes is in constant readiness V f . duty on sugar is that it would expose ' we ask yon to help make : - to beat off attacks. ; over there, this craft IS Officially- reported'! it IS quite American, consumers to all the violent ; over mere. place Eu- - ' ; houses redit tuationa ' ; riirii.uis for the Clnldren apparent that it is a flying-niachin- e of some, that take inJhe Sir Edward Carson. - "''" for - ' ' . - ropean sugar maraet as a. or ; U I and thousands of ' Ulter Leader, Weds.'. H'-rhtP- :,'."-'.--'-'.- It ';s if thousands sort. : war speculation crop'' .shortages.; - . FUPJIIDHED ' or'- LONDON, Sept 17. Edward . : V strik-.-.. Sir ' are at war i i'" i,,v.V,;lC The present 'condition affords a ; " countries which inn ;. :;, . the Ave. ; ": . h; in - 1 : Carson, leader of me Unionists In Cor, Likellke and - j : - of I- Christmas gifts ; ;r ing Illustration of the truth this Ulster; was married Wincanton, - wilhelmina Rise. 2 bedrooms. I 35.0(1 - hi have to f;o without any : General . Rennenkampf expects to , spend claim, the United states were to ,at t. .,.;'.". if Somerset, today, to Miss Ruby Frewen. 1 2338 Oaliu Aye- - Manoa 4 bed rooms.,...t.."vidO.uO ; Fliin t!:r:n from the United btates. to 3 50.00 Christmas in Berlin he wilt have add, niece of Moreton Frewen, member of s Cottage Adams Lan..,.., bedrooms.,,.., 4 ( .'; :Covr it h:,; d been nrfanged that a Santa olTicial staff of Russian announcers. I velopment of its cane and beet grow Parliament'for Northeast Cork. The Ciaudlne Ave., Wllhe'mfna Rls..l bedroom. 10.09 - -- Marquis of Londonderry acted as best z ? h .11 pail out of Los Angeles harbor, ing- industries, the American people iUw i.fflSlS man. The guests included the Count-es- s - would be entirely independent of the UIIFUHIIIGHED th? r. i una Canal and across tne At- If 0. Henry were alive he would ; certainly rest of the world for their sugar sup- of ; Ilchester and ; Andrew Bonar Lajv, leader of the opposition in the 770 Kinau SL .. i , . .... bedrooms. . $32.50 ; carrying a cargo of - ply. Bay City .(Mich.) National Far ;3 ;it!ii:i few week?, be parodying his VKitchen- . own creation with mer. House of Commons 1 1818 Beretania St,.;.,,,4,.4i.., bedrooms...,. 25.00 ; to and games auu.uiuui - 2015 Lunlhull Drive . .,,,, ,'. , . bedrooms...... 40.00 40.00 t 1(1 1339 Wilder Ave..,...... t bedrooms,.,... tha- - to I v Tilt! I'llllUiUU U ll U '1IV ' , ;, 35.00 a 1128 Wilder Ave,, .,.,.. , . , , bedrooms.. (?)'!' 1 s -- FO.V tr.-.a- ; TliPrA Rppfna trt bo htinrnotnblo diffpronc DWELLINGS RENT IClng 4 , , . 50.00 hv Ch: uav. ,,;',, nrt 1128 St. f bedrooms...., o ! 6th Ave., KaimukL,. bedrooms. 20.O1 vill tah. a. lon time, many weeks, per-i- between a scrap of paper and a scrap on paper. FURNISHED HOUSES: ; .ry'-r- fr... "It . ',172 Young St., . , , , . . . . .'. y. , bedrooms., i,.. . -- 1554 Palolo Valley Road.. . . ; . . 3 bedrooms . . . . . , 23S.00 ; toclhtii! theso gifts through the coun 1328 Kinau St., bedrooma 35.00 2463 Manoa Road ...... 3 bedrooms C5.00 r,,.....,,rr,,.f- ; way ...... ; Cottage In rear of 2051- . : ti dusportation 'must give German ; wat captive to ba sent to Pilkol and Young Streets. . : . . . , . 3 bedrooms,; . ... 65.00 Lunlhull Drive . f . bedrooms. , 270 - V. .. 3 50)0 Adams Lane bedrooms.. ..'..., ; - Young 30.00 Africa, accorditiT to c: "i" ; 1045 SL .,, bedrooms...... 2 . . . ; 45.00 ' ; c 1052 14th Ave. .. bedrooms . . . 1 25.00 ii o let L.atributions.for the war zoilo .71 Kalakaua Ave. bedrooms...... a. ' UNFURNISHED HOUSES: , Cor, Koko Head and Pahoa 'pack-hhn- d c o picking and (Wcf the ', . ; ; ' 4 41.00 -- 0 aiiy. Lc. no time in Auld Lane ...... 3 bedrooms. Ave- - Kairaukl. . f f f : bedrooms. , , . , ., or bring them to the Chamber of More 'nirhl.. crp. iram. IV Road 3 bedrooms.,,.... 25.00 3rd Aveu, Kalmukl.... 2 bedrooms.... 15J30 ; t', 2 bedrooms .".V.. 't.i. 30.00 ; 1139 9tb Ave, Kalmuki 4 bedrooms ...... 4 5M the . incrce building, tark them 'for 2 bedrooms., j ;.... 35 A 3 : Lewis Lane, off Kalakaua-,,.,.- 2 bedrooms...,,. 12.00 ? , .30.00- - . , . . . 1 traas Ship to Europe? And the Chara-t,- f (rr. 3 bedrooms . 1231 Uatlock Ave.. . . 2 bedrooms...... 22X0 2 bedrooms, , ...... 13.50 , Commerce oITicials will see that they a. 3. bedrooms ... ,40.00 ' ,...... 4 bedrooms...... 43.00 e r'. cse, Ah Kau Bang ing the pre I.;...... Li-lh- I 45.00 uH Drive ..... 3 bedrooms.... h Woo, pierced fullty before prossrd cn , e : Ji-vijr- Ashford thU morning and Ccun'j . .: 5 cT having 'opium In their who rt?.tc3 t 1 Cor, Fort and llerchant Sti. suspended L; 1 an rust Co Ltd . Ftntfnce was ces?c3 cTA::cz:.TrALD dcildinq . - tr.cruhs. The case against D. afUr E 5 skc. tle recused of unlawfully visit tov. J nOKOLULU STJ&BUUETO, 30,1514. ;W 1 nvc

' " ' ' . ; - " rived In Sao Trancisco, where they , Three 'of the society women who and "Is' at present lirone of "the Kew'i helmlna' and wlH lake u; Ut work wiu remain a rortnignt Deiore sailing have been at Del Monte for the fast York hospitals. Mis Eva 'Hind is'in "Mile. Modiste." the opera hy Vic-- ' for the Philippines. The Baileys will rortnight and who are well known In with --her sister. , MUa Hind is a daugh- pass tor Herbert, whkh Is o be stared by through Honohva on the trans- Honolulu are Mrs. Texnpleton Crocker. ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hind of the Myrtle Beat Club cr.e latter part of port arriving here about October 12. MUs Metha McMihon and Mias Marie Kohala, who are present In San Fran-Cisc- o, " ! jt jc Tyson. Miss Tyson spent last sum- and was a studen; at Dana Hall Society women of mer in islands where she made a Saa Trancisco the Boston. It Is poisiole . that she will who planned to spend the summer and host of friends who were eagerly return to San Franclrco instead of re- winter in -- Europe have had to con- looking forward to her return this suming -- T year. her studies at college." . tent themselves with the beauty spots She. decided to stay In Califor- The Hind girls were among so- year, delight- the' around California this but they nia, however,, which decision ciety girls who returned to America seem to be enjoying themselves Im- ed her friends there and disappointed on an oil tanker. - . mensely at Del Monte Burlingame, the young.folka In Honolola.: : and ' ; ': '.(. :. .: : ' - j J where they are staunch devotees of . - - ; Warmingtcn and Emcst Alvin Coon3. mer, in San Francisco, when Miss Ma j ' The following clipping Is the ; SOIL They seem enjoy delight- - from who are spending honeymoon In ptftfi Tnir. fttemA S aI T Ian. to the following clipping from the San thtr . TZZ'? Thf San Francieco Examiner of Septem- announcement; Charles-K- A.,-T- -- Sc-- Honolulu. The of Mr. tenant Nulscn. U. S. a paper. Francisco Chronicle will be of Inter- ber 20: Misa Mabel Edwards of Ho- tod Mrs. 'Perks, marriage wgf a sur Neither the bride nor groom were at-- est to Honolulu's younger, set: The nolulu was married to Mr. Robert prise to weir many fneaas in uerse-ley- . tended, and only the intimate friends friends of Miss Margaret Hind will William Boston Sacra- Miss Constance Simpson Com pi I , ri Peters of at where they are well known in of the yocng couple witnessed the cere-- regret to of the serious illnes3 In Pro-Cathedra- U merited. 5 whltm Rhft. wih hrirftiAr.i to.v. hear mento Trinity Mla society. ingsVr3r."'golfing sweaters. of thja charming girl, who arrived in Mabel Edwards Is well known In Ho- and the As for One of the prettiest affaire of last . a '' .. NewYork-- week ago from Europe, nolulu." - ; f ', week was the linen ' the sweater it is never discarded, for Ut tMitiit. with prtct k iW tnu shower at which v ' tJm i, Mrs. R.' F. Rietow entertained for NulsenLong. rJ. To Pass Through Honolulu. while the woolen ones are worn In the where she had been traveling with a j j ji lUrvpaak. tt br rii f kt , MUs Constance Simpson, who is to A very quiet wadding took place on Brigadier-Genera- l and Mrs. C. J. Bai--: links- - dainty ailk ones are worn . at party of Wellesly sirla. On the day of Mrs. Bessie Abbot 1 lowland, the tal- , IVIssIow's Socllilng be married to John Ashley on the the 14th of September at the hdme of ley and their - two daughters. Miss luncheon and during; the dansants at her arrival from Europe Miss Hind ented singer, who has made so many lln. Syxr? 11th of November. Just before the Mr. and Airs. Frederick Spencer Pal-- Oral and Mlsa JPcRy Bailey, have ar-- Uhe hotel Jn the afternoon. 4t - ' was operated' upon for ; appendicitis, I friends in Honolulu, arrived in .the Wil- - Cm4 for Btii tka ihtm Qrtum. refreshments were served a huge wedding cake was brought to the ta- .' ble and Miss Simpson was invited to r.' - ' - cut When- - the frosting, was re- it i ii --- moved, -- a I, H a number of beautiful pieces : r.::.:Wt M f mi-"- of linen . were revealed, and later a r 11 -j tray heavily laden with embroidered dainties was presented to the delight- ed guest of honor. - '. y The afternoon was devoted to .-,.

bridge and those who wished, enjoyed r. :::::::: " ' J them? elves stabbing peanuts . and I"' stringing pop corn. Miss Florence 7 -- 1 TeiruKon who made the highest score ' 1 at bridge received a pretty hand-painte- d ..n ben ben djsh as a prize and Miss Inez Gibson who stabbed the u ' f:::ti:u: n r:ni:r;n::i-- I 4 nost peanuts and strung - the most 1 r. a :t ;cp corn given , dainty., pin was a P', I r t '. , tray. , ; . t - TJ - Mrs. Itietcw's guests included. Miss " ft., li j r Constance Simpson, Miss Florence Ferguson. Miss rMay Ferguson, Mrs. t -- t. 1 j Under-wocd- , J. S. R Pratt; Mrs. Jewia t MIes Tola Loan," Miss-Miria- ; ftacker. T Irs. Arthur Linuemana, Mrs. :r,;:;;n.. I;h Johnstone,' Mrs. Charles S. r f Cruze; Mrs. Emil Befndt. Mrs. Ar. thur Thayer, Miss Inez Gibson. Miss 4.,. Chapin, Mrs. Henry Glnaca, ' Mitred !.:rs. licnrr-Derger,- " Miss Ruth Mc- - Cheney, Mri.1 S. S.'Prxron. Miss Ka-therin- o Radway? Miss Ruth LlndleyV Mrs. Hair and Mies Mabel Hair. ' 4 Dcrir.R the 'afternoon Mrs. ' C. . Crane lcl!;,hted the'-guest- s by sing- - lr.g several solos. 1 :i

, v. (1

- .1 a t niiiini" .1 . J Or:: -- - W :: ' -- - ' . '- -- . ,, . - . . V- -i. . bffAl'l 'll' ... .' JA ;.'iry .;..: ,w r.-- '. '..r J V; ii, r v : i v

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T. V

who will appear as . In production .1 t Heuss next Friday after ' Crturday evtnlny. ; - r . . . , "'5 ."AP n V, I mJ v.;. : ; , , v 7. ... TV. (fy1 i f 'I ill "U If linn .v' ' W: '.''--" wlth'; a;Ved- -

, :r.:c!y declaration cf ar i a r.urr.lcr cf hearts not . 1 : : vtic'a is that cf the teau-- ::ty. the ycurrcst h-C '.'::;y cf vra: Listen. The .t Wei. v '.'cy...cr1 - ; ci-- a to the crcrcr. cly a few weeks be--. - v:r trche out, and though - .t v l- New Ycrkj. Ms .fisnce CrrM-- d, where she had gone e Ktiser had given hia con- - the n:.rriac. , She was -- to 0 - j :.T.rd 'to Anerics.- t. hcre : the was' planned to te one -- ot - ; :zrt!Ialr&.at..Nya- .:::a I'zy has teen one .of; the r cvrht-afte- r society girls ' .la koto IK ::a. L'ix times she has anaounc-- r t r.raeinent and six times has ; her r.lnd.- - : --t thought of war the gallant i de'.ihted for he' planned tefcre entering-up- -' cf tattle. Hi plans were $ '. l;wcver. for thonh Miss 1 ' to hisi tcross the wa ' i:Li?cr's call was one that I ? clcyed, and it is thought tUt , -- t the pay young count is LACES - there at the front Miss May - - 1 ' re-- TRIM. -- r.unced her intention Cf ' " f MINGS' - In Carlsbad. "a N O - Officer cfManchurIa Yei. - NOVEL r.r.:.cuiLceme.nt cf the weddins T ' "William ES ? Kpnney and 5 - n::?'.t will be of. interest to ... . who save traveled to "I'. Hruclalans r n the mainland on the S. S. - " here for a number1 of chief en- - ::r. Rldeout has been - i ' . ; 'r' : V. f - ivein which took nlace on :rr 22. was a quiet affair, enly : :tlve3 of the TJrlde end grooui . I resect. Mr. Rldeout has erett - l "utlfr.l tome ha Piedmont Man-- f " r his bride.'. ' ) . ...r'' '" 'r '''.;'..-- ; i : 1 f:i of the former Mrs. Mary ' ctcn will be interested to know r rfcut rarriae to B. X7. Patis :.r:ry, Th( redding of, Mrs. trn and M. Perks was very J 1 t ck place a few days after : ct Miss- - EdithMaud - i ; HONOLULU GTAB-BULLETII-f, WEDNESDAY, SFJPTEMBEB 30, 1014.

Honolulu. Stock Exchange DAILY REMINDERS Notes , Shafter i ;; Wednesday, Sept. JOi Fort - WE SELL UazzmcJc:.: Aaked . A. R. Rowat D. V. S. TeU MERCANTILE Bid Air. I?peLU; Stw-BuJlt-i-in 0mpk-w- l Milton '. Parsons, importers. 1112 jft Finn ; Alexander & BalJmin,Ltd ITi ft FORT SHAFTER. Sept. The ex C. Brewer A Co...... 250 Fort St, iurite inspection of the latest 3. ' amlhing board In tue case of Lieut. SUGAR. creations in millinery. Adv. Lewis taxis, fUng Frederick A Baker now expects to Ewa Plantation Ca ... 23 st, near Fort. conclude ltd work of examination of Sterilized Haiku Sugar Co...... 130 The only white company with sober well-inform- that officer by. Saturday of this week and ed " ' Haw. AgrL Co. 175 250 drivers. Tel. 5200. and Inasmuch as the board has been MONDAY . , Sug. 34 a Adv. Haw. C. A Co...... advised that the vacancy in the grade Octantc Lodge No. 371; St;t- - ; Gorham's umbrellas with frames v UAniHE AUTOUOBILE Haw. Sugar Co...... 25 of 1st lieutenant is already In exis ed; .7:30 r. nu Sugar 5 of manganese steel covered with silk Honokaa Co. 556 tence for which Lieut. Barker will be lill TUESDAY: - made especially for this climate at Honomu Sujrar Co. . , ...... eligible, board wdl make re No, Sug. Wall ft Dougherty. the its Hawaii Lodge 21; Social. Hutchinson PJan. Co. . . . . port as to the resaU or examination 1st Degree. Kahuku Plan. .Co. 17 Doa't let many days go by without ...... sending: by cable. WEONCSDAY ; Kek&ha Sugar Co...... 125 her a fine bouquet of cut flowers. Perhaps you have neglected . Honolulu Commandcry No. 1: Koloa Sugar Co...... &0 130 The number men garrison Only McBryde to do so for a long time; let this be a of of the Special. K. T. IHbw; 7:2) Sugar Co, Ltd.. 6 oy - reminder to see Mra. EL M. Taylor, iinai wl,I emDrK tor iue mamiana p. ro. ."- a Oabu Sugar Co. 21 : lip ...... 204 florist (Hotel onp. Young, tne net outgoing transport will be un- - THURSDAY ' . ' V Olaa Sugar . . 6 st. Cafe). Co, Ltd . .. and arrange usually urge, particularly from the zu Onomea Sugar . 32 matters. Co...... 33 -- every Don't wait for slow mail steamers I '""""T me uu emoraces . Honolulu Dairymen's Paaubau Sugar P. Co .... you srade except that o! 1st sergeant in Sugar when are in a hurry to talk with... FRIDA-Y- Pacific 'Mill ...... 100 some one on islands, the various companies, and auo In Association Paia Plan. Co. the other or on ...... a ship at sea use Wire- cludes men cT all lengths of service Phone 1542 Pepeekeo Sugar Co. the Mutual .... less. Your message will get there er. Some 6T these men can be replaced by SATURDAY Pioneer Mill Co...... 24 25 Mutual TeJephcne Co, Ltd, cumbers, but the unusual draft of non Walalua Agri. Co...... 102 105 Phone 1574. commissioned officers will be severely Wailuka Sugar Co ...... 125 160 Vs; felt by company commanders, p&rticb SCHOFIELD LODQS Cao&le Waim&nalo Sugar . Co.. f Can't get 7 rid of that headache? larly when the" approaching maneuvers Waimea Stfj. Mfll Co. ... shall have arrived. The list Is as THURSDAY. MISCELLANEOUS. Don't waste time by lying down, using shown below and includes men who :: Agents Haiku F. & P. Co., Pfd . . FRIDAY '7 '. ; cold packs or are returning from the engineer, sig Balku FtAPk. Co, .Com. other treatments Shac nal and quartermaster organizations Haw. Electric SATURDAY. 7 Co...... will , do 2d Infantry Otto Lantinen, : Pvt Haw, Irr. x Co, Ltd . . . . . 1 Sgt Ralph .parkMll. Cpis. Flneapple Ernest L. Haw. Co...... 33 M 33 Tornedda, Earl V. barker, Cecil B All vtiitlsg members cf tha HJlo R. R. Co. Pfd...... Lantz, Musicians Alexander L. Jack order are cordially Invited to at-te- nd Hilo Rjr. Co, Cora...... 2 2 son and Clint Lyon, Pvts. James P. meetings of local lods. Honp. B: & M. Co, LtdJ; 16 1T Miller, Albert I). Noolon, Charles Coi : BANtW Hon. Gaa Pto...... 105 Woods, Dimcitt Kennard. Srt. Will C. Hon. Gas Co. Com ...... 105 Caton, Cpl. Otto C. Buage. JIus, Ben Hono. R. T. & L. Co. 1, .... .Continued front page five McAllister. Pvta. Lloyd Dodge. Harvey THE von HAMM-YOUN- CO, HONOLULU LODGE NO. MC. HMAII Inter-Islan- d S. Nav. Co... ?... u.. S. Driscoll, Louis Nlssenholts, John W. LTD Honolulu. ERN ORDER OF PHOENIX. Mutual Co. ; Tel...... 20 this Mrs. will play Sgt, Wm. Cpl, Frank 4 Agenta - & month.. Howland. (Watson, Timm. '. D1SH0P&C0. Oahu Rr. Land Co. ... 127 130 the title role and as she has starred in Brownlee, Pvts. Roy Cryson, Maurice Will meet at their tone, corner : Pahang THIS WHOLE WORLD'S A- - 4'! - Rubber Co...... the same production on the mainland Neagie, Stephen Molnar, Sgt Earl C. Berttania. and Fort streets, every Tanjong Olok Rubber Co FIGHTING EXCEPT; FAIR ...... it is ; expected that her portrayal. of , Simmons. Art Jesse H. Jones, Pvts. Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. BONDS. : v HA WATT.' THERE'S SHOOT- the character here will be particularly Robert H. Babbitt, August Blusberg. O. C. LEITHEAD, Lad or. Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s. "...... good. -- ', , '. t Homer W. Haws, John J. Mussmon, FALL SUIT3 FOR MEN J. W. LLOYD, Secretary. ING AND FAMINE, AND H. ft 8. Co. Ss. C ...... Cpls. Vernah E. Lofton, Cur-nu- tt Will open Hawaiian Monte H. made by Ad!rr.3thesttr in best . their Irr. Co. THOU8ANDS WILL DIE. Ss.... f ... With the arrival of Miss Margaret Pvt3. Edward H. Brown, James style, in- - Haw. 4s, of best .oth, and a HONOLULU LODGE, C1S, D. P. 0. Ter. Ref. 1905.. Martin this week preparations will D. Dafiey, Paul A. Karbula, Oda Hiil, model factory. Staple prices of f. , . Haw. 6S, - ' ' , Honolulu Lod;e No. ' Tet Pub. Imp...... be made for the performance of "Mis - Louis K. Muszyc3kl. Joseph A. Schade-- T22.50 up. "BUT HERE,. WHERE ITS Haw, Ter. Pub. Imp. and 61$. B. P. O. Eli 2, 4s...... tress Mary, for the benefit of wald, Sgt Abraham L. Cpl. IDEAL CLOTHING LTD-- PEACEFUL, 8 A Bank at Hew. the .ittman, CO, 84 meets la tall, ca THERE Ter...... Free Kindergarten Association. About, Matthew Reynolds, Pvts. Free- - Hotel Bldg. ttlt Haw, Ter. 4s. : Patrick Street Pantheon King .BU- near FLrt FIGHT JUST THE SAME! . 10O of Honolulu's young folks will man, Hugh Riley, Cnl. P. T. Middle- - si Hilo R.R.C0.3s.63 '01 J. every FfMay evening. Issue . ... 81 part In affair, xrill ton, AT. WTii Cpls. THERE'S, CONTINUOUS ScHofield Hilo R.R.C0. take the which in Sgt Arthur taker, Visiting' Brothers are on R.&E.Con.6s .... 71 probability-b- e all a huge success. The Geo. 'P. Scully, D. Wepler, Cook :'- STRUGGLE TO 'STAY IN THE Joha - , Honokaa SO . PACIFIC COAST cordially Invited to : ' Sue. Co. 6s...... ' date for the performance has been William J. Syring, Mus. John A'itzi, -- : , hot GAME!' 7: Hon. Gas Co, Ltd. 5s.. 98 ... ; ; FISH DELICAC&S attend. decided upon as yet. j Pvts. Walter Croschcwski, Wm. F. " ANDREWS, r.rM Hon. R. T, L. Co. 103 : U 1914 s.. ; : J . . Reilly, Joseph Schaefer, WiHiam J. October l Kauai ,Ry, Co. .... 100 til H. DUNSHEE. e2. "TO Tor OUR FIGHT 6a...... Sterquel, PREPARE Mr. and Mrs. C R. Hemenway, who Chas. F. Urbanack, Ernest S. i Kohala I Co. Metropolitan Me- -t Market WE NEED 'SINEWS OF WAR' ich 6s...... have been visiting In Southern Call- - Wilkinson, Harry ll. Williams, Henry McBrjde bugar Co. 5s...... --95 - Phone 3445 Wm. McKlfiI.EY LODC:, No.2. BY 8AVINGI fornia for the past few months, re- Wilson, Sgts. Richard C, Garrett Thos. WE GET. IT Mutual Tel. 101 , Of P.V '; 6s...... ; turned to their Island : home in the R. Graven CdIs. Arthur W: ChaDln K. .V YOU Natomaa Con.' : AND WELL THERE ...... Wilhelmlna. J : " Walter E. Dizeen, Michael Costello, MeeU every 1st Zl Tr " l:'-V- ' Oahu Ry. ft Co. 101 : :; - Land 5s. tI ARE!" l Thos. J. Whalen, Cook Ignacs . Clod, day evening at 7:Z) o'clocx la Oahu Sugar Co. . 97 6s. ... . 100 Pvts., Robert T. ConnelT, Julius De VISIT THE NEW. STORE OP K. of P. Hall, ccr. Fcrt ar.1 Olaa Sugar Co. 85 6..8....V 77, i Clair, Wm. T. Dougherty, Jesse S. Dy Beretanla. YlsiUr- - trctl:r3 Pacific Q. ft Fer. Co. 101 TT f TV . v 6s. ORDERS OF THE uus,...o vm. orown, josepn uiaais,ta yonn REGAL ecrililly Invited to attend. Pacific Sugar ' SHOES;; Mill Co. 6s...... Esbuls, Jr. - ,. " W. V. KOLB.-C- C. ZD Sai Carlos Milling Co. 6s 100 i v ,r - ?rv-;- ru n. Walalua HAYA11AN f Company I, 3d battallion of En 'CORI l. b. reevej, k. Agri. Co. 5s,... 100 DEPT. : FORT AND HOTEL STS. ginecrs Cpl.. Ruaseli , C. KImes, 1st

... CI. Pvts., Mike Bendik, Emery sales: Between Boards 100, 50, .. ., DePew, f ; . . . September 29, 1914. John R. Jordan, W. Mallory, 0, 60. 20 Olaa 15. 25. 110 Mc Howard Special Orders. No. 184. - Oscar Voeler. Waskp. uryde 50. 106:Oahu Sug. Co. 20U: PaurK 4 6; 2. Private Jercme V D. Fletcher, Field Company iD, Signal Cofps f Suggestions designs : 5, 10, 20, 5 Walalua 102; 50 Pines and for HONOLULU Company F, 1st Infantry, Schofield RE SETTING G 33; 5. 10, 70 H. C ft S. Co. 200 and 33; Barracks, , T- will discharged Lw r : ' v - IL - be Quartermaster Corps Sgt Edwin OLD JEWELRY. - LIUITCD Hilo Com. 2;- 10. 10 Ewa 24. - Is still ca at 12 Ilct from the army hy the commanding Lohry, Cnl. James ; Session Sales 5, IL C. Russell. Pvts. 1st , u. R. n c n u ft S. Co officer of post hy purchase, un- - CI. - Gold and Platinum Settings ; r : that" Cnarlie Parker and Vcrns C. Wal- . , 7'7,;: ;M7 33; .50 H. C ft 50 ", S. Ca 34; McBryde ; ' ' 7. der Uie provisions of General Orders ton. ? ( 40 OJaa 30. 20 N. ft UUert Haw. Sue. ' - 1 . . WALL & OOUGHERTY Lnti L L 6;5 io. 31, current series, . war depart mr jg Co.;-3- ;' 20j ; : Credit tad TrTltri Checls PJneelS?; ;fi ; ment . The commandine officer of thyrrf. HEYWCCD :Z' available throtxbovt werM, unuer tne'condiuoas mentioned m ment ha s!imid hi iU!no And wear lorscr tiin r i tit : DIVIDEKpS. sectico said order $140 of the 'cerrait rv,m. , . 20.-H- the enlisted men of th pectfer $1X3 Sept . C. Brewer ft Co.' 1.00; purchaseSdprice ofdischarge Is remit. - 1 mand form football teams for the ap-- v j,i..ui Ewa .10: Walmahalo C4 SDeciaD 5.00: U ANU FACTU 7. Z " Z ZZ C n Hon. . A M. Co. I.--I. S. N, Co, C:r-?:r-- .2; 4. . r. mon h a, Merchants, tirsi' Mas3.mvaie idwara allow th tn ..tch trnm v- - .75; Kalxuku. .10; Ha- -. Pine Co. .25; t rt - r , . i. . . Ccf:b Trzztfcrs ct t.wsoa, vompany i. -- ra iiauajion oi tics for the DurnmA ..r'nrnrti t tha Hon. Gaa, Pfd. .50; Hon; Gas, Com. Engineers, Is relieved from further camn n wa th mtUy, hQ f0; Mut. Tel. Co. Vquar.) R, J it, ' " - " k,.. 5; H. I. ALE C7.Y. Lctzzi Rctc3 T. ft L. Co. (auar.) 2.00: rS?: ' ru.r W;. ?' r regiment f Sergt. FOR CINCSn Wailuku w liosworth-o- r DI0TILL-E- ' vx-vi:-:- : D, has O.T STRONG 2.00. . - about MILD . on arrival to his commanding officer . ,nmni4(4T(va , - . -- tr.ti fsr , ": tn1 WATER try own company and has .1 Latest sygar quotation: 96 - : CCDA 3 Ccnncrclil ft degree tuv Muaiitiiuitaier corps wju iur- k In steps CONSOLIDATED Ctrr Influential the taken i-- test, 4.918 cents, or $98.36 per ton. , Hi) WATEa ; -t B CLOTHI NG HOUSE, r ,: CDrewar&Co. v 01 Fort St :x Phcis 2171 Crrsrinj. . j with the arrival L?eut Jones, " ' lie service. of who ,; The best of . :::a." 7 Vl (MnJtti) is due by the next transport the res- - Clothes and Haber un - dashery , Kimlin. Company I, 3rd Battalion of . 1 "l V" "1 "e aaiUona ?WT tUGAR FACTORS, COUM1S. 4.918cts ana one d POWER'S NEW . Coapsry. .V Engineers,. Fort Shafter, H. T- wUl wiui a ? 'MISS ::;r Sar - tfTtJi i n excellent tackle, he Hotel, near Fort M C RC ar--' ,as 1 .titrra Ccpany. IION HANTS, $H IF. to this city, reporting on u?lon HATS ARE ON EXHIBITION. rival to the department adjutant for paving played in that position on the r Co, LtV; PINO , AND INSURANCE Poin ":r duty in the office of the department es5 'team . ?ears-- -i . Ccrrriny.'; - jones wm oe avauaoie as a ACCNT8, FORT IT, HONO. engineer. iiieuu Agenta for HARLEY DAVIDSON MO . : Second F!:: quarters' coach for the line men of the Boston Block - ' rf There being no public football TORCYCLES and '4 LULU, '.; Henry Vaterhouse Trust Co, 411(1 SUPPLIES. T. H. available and it beinz ImDracticabla team hiS general knowledge of the t & Land Co, Ltd. game will be : s to assign this soldier to any organi of value to the teams CITY MOTOR CO; : 38T v 53" embe"e Honoluiv Stock and Bend zatlcn for rations, the quartermaster Skilled Mechanics for Ail Repair The proposed ; corps Willi provide additions to the water " -- LItt cf Ofrtcr tnd pirctorp: suitable quarters Work. . commhte-bi- s works system at For; Shafter, where :SiIva's F. CIshep';. . ;Prtstdtnt and rations at the rate Pavzhl nr. Fort St , TeC C3 act C PORT 'AND MERCHANT STREETS of 11.00 pdr day while on this duty: luy pori amenamena win oe supplied Q. Robtrtton-.....- . . . Teleohone 1208 Wltn ater from ;'. H...... The quartermaster corns will fur--1 tne plant at this ,;THE STORE FCl Vlo.PttidpnJ ini Ultnastr nish :the necessary transportation. PIace. involve the construction of The journey Is necessary for the pub. 8 concrete reservoir. oi a capacity of CLOTHEC R. Ivtrs ...'-.....- . Sccrttiry F. MORGAN LTD. Elks' Building ;J. CO., iic senice. 4)vj)iv ganons. Moreover additional Kir: " A. R. V pumping capacity mus: be provided C Ro. .TrMMirer ; STOCK BROKERS L as "- ' tne present pumps now no nuA --j k"' Informatioit F.vrnished jLoaoef jrun the great rti. stuict fan Co. C R. Carter. .) " and CHILDREN HATE OIL, HONOLULU, T. H. 7 ' ' " er part of the 24 hours to supply Fort : Made. , , Shafter's garrison iC. H. Cook.. MERCHANT STREET STAR SLOa :H lCAL0MEL AND PILLS ; at its present :. strength. Tne derrltn for the' well 1 ani77 J. R. CaJt .'...) M! Dlrtctert v P. H. BURNETTE y:C, ' 6C0 Speilmer.l "California Syrap. drilling apparatus has been set up in " of Figs" best for HAWAII & SOUTH A. Cook ) ;,V ; the valley a few score ,R 4 yards below of Deeds for California :r:; Undtr. Canadian Editor's tender stomach, liter, bewels of Commissioner SEAS CURIO CC. - Remarks Lead ' : the present well an: pumping station nd New York; NOTARY PUBLIC; rrcvldence A. Cartlty .. ,i:;v:.7 to Jail. tastes delirious. Young :'- :?1 12-inc- BuililrT sCo. Mr... WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Sert 18. and the new well will be a h D'awf Mortgages. Deeds, Bills of '' a Q. Mty C:...... Auditor For publishing an article criticising Look back at your childhood days. capacity piping. It vas for the ne tale, Leases, Wills, etc-- Attorney for '1 12-lnc- Samuel Hughes, Minister of' Militia, Remember the "dose mother Insisted cessity for a h well that the old the District Courts, 79 MERCHANT Val-cartl- er jplL flowing well near the ierminus STREET. HONOLULU. Phone 1848. and the arrangements made at the oncastor calomeL cathartics. cf the LUSCIOUS QUENCH1..'2 Military Encampment; for the How you hatea them, how yon fought canine was not used as a . source of dispatch of Canadian volunteers to Eu- against taking them. - a supply since that well was but of. FOR. SALE IF YOU WISH . TO ADVERTISE IN rope, ivn Mage.?, ' bore.' 'A-r-':.i- . ox editor of the Win- With our children It's different '' v : NEWSPAPERS nipeg Saturday to- .who cling to fprm 38T ; 35 S550 50x100. PosV was arrested Mothers the old of Small house and lot fcy physic ; The troops of the command were re- Anywhere, at Any Time, Call en or - day orders of the militia depart- simply don't realize what they " HAWAII Nuuanu $50 fbwn 215 ; . , v- - tract ment and locked up in Osborne do. The children's - revolt is well-iounde- d. viewed by the commanding officer write HONOLULU SODA WATEA Cd. Z CU cor. per month. :;. Fort barracks." Military guards were plac- Their tender little "insldes" this morning and inspection by .bat- E. C. HAKE'S ADVERTII'.NQ 1350 Lots 40x100 In LanakJla tract, A .. ed at the office of the publication to are injured by them. talions followed the inspection ith . GENCY v above School street 325 down, 124 Sansomo Street San Francisco prevent your the muster for pay at the conclusion ; distribution If cnild's stomach, liver and - 310 per - : , -- further of the ob The Honolulu Iron Works month. jectionable bowels cleansing, give only deli- of the Inspection. The regiment turn 1400 issue, and. it is understood, need Company solicit correspondence Lot 60x110 pff Asylum road. $50 ed out : full equipment wiil bg by military cious "California Syrup of Figs.' Its in field with et.;-mat- es action taken the ; and will gladly furnish down, $10 per month. Lleut-Co- L fJODOLULU DRY GOODS: CO. action is pos.vive, but gentle. Millions , B.. W. Atkinson as regi Tex authorities to stop all sales of the ' relative to the modem .. eep mental commander and Col. F. H r--. .... ,lJUWl) issue.:. of mothers this harmless "fruit BRAND TWO WEEKS' SALE4 NOW equipment of Mills and Facts laxative handy; they know children French as the reviewing officer. ; In CTBillTOH lew ... . 1?.SOO,000 P. Walter M. Sherman, a bell boy, who love to take it; that it never fails to spection and muster of the auxiliary ...... Walty B!dg. ; 74 -- mat et companies up I 'anaj.T a shot James F. Toole, i hotel man at clean the liver and bowels and sweet- at the post was aken New Haven, had his bail reduced to en the stomach, ana that a teaspoon ful by the commanding officer after the a Hotel St Opp. Ellou Theater $10,000 as his victim will sotfn be. able given today saves a sick child tomor- 2d Infantry ceremony was conclude! M0NUMENT8 r'' kinds marble ; EOB BENT ; 3 to appear in court row. v The engineer company and that of the and all of wcri "': : expert New cotage.. $27.50 Bubonic plague Is reported ravaging Ask your druggist for a 50-ce- bot- Signal Corps were paraded and in cleaned and repaired by I...... -- Five-bedroo- among workmen at reasonable pr'cex m house ...... 30.00 the. Tuntlsh troops of Smyrna tle of California Syrup of Figs," spected on their" respective company cottage 2 22.00 and other stations. which has full directions for babies, grounds Call for Zimmerman at '. Neat In town bedr'ms JV C. AXTELL'S , fr-.'-- tnt tU children of all ages and for grown-up- s ST. ST. ' V Alakea J. n. QcizzcZi, plainly on each bottle. Beware of ; Lieut Lloyd R. Frrdendall has . suc Street' counterfeits sold here. See is ceeded to the command of Company . .Real Estate. -- that it ":ck and CsnJ by -- Fig Syrup Com- M, 2d Infantry, as successor to 5 Building, Telephone 3633. made California the Brewer pany." Refuse any other kind with late Captain Benjamin II. Watkins HONOLULU v. contempt advertisement and pending the promotion and assign if HELP WANTED. ment of a captain to that organization. CITY TAXI STAfID PURE AMD FRESH P. P. Rainer. head of the Intern?- - H. HACKFELO & CO. A gin,, to oe companion voune 1 . a ; ttim, Cream and , Cutter.' for tional Freieht Traffic sRsuviatlnn of D W. Dilwortn has been elected Limited. ., PHONE 3432 married lady, and to care for-baby- Chicago, died at Brockville. Ontario. I member of the New York Stock Ess-- ' ": Sugar Factors, Importers, fend 3C22.1 ; Wages $15 per roo. Reply, in-- ! change. - PHONE . stating James E. F. Morse, son of the :" Commission Merchants. age. and nationally, to .Geo. T. Tay-- . ventor of the electric-magnet- o tele-- , Applications for more than $5,000,- - OALHY HONOLULU. STAR-BFI-LETI- CITY - risk-insuranc- lor, care Boys' Industrial School, graph, died tn 'New York, aged 90 00 war have reached N gites tcu Wa'ialee, Oahu.' 5971-6- t years.5 the Federal bureau today. TODira I0DAI ... V. t 'HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, SEPTET! B EK 30,1914.

Hi: '4 " ' TONIGHTS PROGRAM' LOCAL SCENES AND PEOPLE 7:30-78cen- lc Poptui --Wonders of CaltfornU. air :, , ; -- r :' 7:40 Charle Dickens' 'i .;' '"'?-- .:. Chrttmtf "WHERE YOU ALWAYS SEE A GOO D SHOW ; Carols" (In two acts). Beginning with TODAY'S MATINEE, The County Pair at Schof ield Barracks. 8:15 Another McRae Honolulu film, The Famous Players' Production -- ' Troops on Parade at Fort Shatter. The Mexican 8py (in two another Great Photoplay Taken in Honolulu by the 11 ; : A DAUGHTER OF THE HILLS" ; --r .,. ,. .. X. acts). ' McRAE COMPANY ...r-- . t t Beautiful Moanalua Drive and Scenery Daughter of the Hills." a nr. . A stirring tale of love from the long ago, when strong men fought and died story of a Strong Man's Lore in fiLcL for women. Added Attraction "Christmas Carols," a leaf from Charles John Wise as the Mexican General. the days of Nero (In three acts). 'THE MEXICAN SPYM DRnfTRAM Dickens. .'. ALSO HARRY LAUDER IN ACTION. I V Price . .V, ; . '. . 10c, phone 3836 .7. 20c, 30c Reserved Seata ;...... 50c Prices ...... 10c. 20c, 30c Reserved Seata ...... 50c BIJOU THEATER MATINEE 2:30 P. M. i October 9, 1914. (Subject to arrival and departure of niTaTatt nnnnwrimxr i nnin'jrnr'iniv S. S. Sonoma) ,

t:- - I : ::l '".-'.- : , : y-- : Harrj Lauder - , - ' - tr i .... i i ... -- - World-Renowne- d. AT EhlPIRE - ;. ; Scotch Comedian '" ' '' vaude-vU- Ie IE 5 Together with the following Star Artists.' will appear in the i; greatest performance ever presented The rlooras are put to rout "when to the public rof Honolulu. Lottie Briscoe and Johnson i Arthur 8ELWYN ORIVER . flit" across stage In presents the the Humor at the Piano . . Hon a merry v of mad and Tollicking . (Appeared by Roval Command before i . '' er . , . , comedy, - ; The Man,- r: v , King George- - V,) .'. .'-- 1 r adapted from the public conveyance, i. vfr-- (From the London Coliseum) under that name, rvhich has been , . ERNEST 8EWELL . found v---- ' a factor In city life. The playlet , v;., Living Marionettlst' In : ' , i two parts, which Is an offering at ;. '. (Appeared by Roval Command before , : " - - ' tne Empire theater this afternoon ' ' vw.. ' V ; King Edward VII.) ? - and evening performances wUl i ' be i; - (From SLiGeorge's Hall, London) . t SILVER- found one of products n ' , the latest from f ;" IRENE BERSCENY j a company of stars. picture con r The . Hungarian Cipty: Cymbalist . II I 1 XII I tains all the features that go to make ya ; : ; 1 Assisted by ;Yoska Personal Jewelry For : up a finished production. There Is a ' (From the Orpbeum Circuit. U. S, A.) ' v: distinctive plot excep- ; i! ,.; Men. . and the farce Is KITTY RYAN tionally well carried out to the end. Dealing Ballad Singer with a time in the history (From Queen's Royal of the United States when North the and Albert An unusual showing: of de- and . Halls, London) - .. ) esjeially South were In turmoil and thousands .. signed Should It be found necessary al jewelry including . J of Uvea were sacrificed during the re- to bellion, ter the (lime., of the performance due f j there Is much pathos brought 4 . m one-re- el notice thereof will be nublixhAd. " out the picture "Banty i ' c -- ' Platinum und Pearf Buttons and Studs Tim," a southern war crama; in: which Tickets on sale at Promotion Com- Orchestra (reserved) S3.9 ' ' ' a, p. - famous players In the world of mov mittee Rooms from 9 m. to 3:30 Other reserved seats...... 2.13 in. for evening 7 : .... wear, .. . - ' ies are seen to excellent advantage. : ''.'.''-'- i' " .'. - Unreserved teats 1.50 ,; i" ',;:'-- : :'. - f ,' ' " .'';.''.''-'.'- . "Mother Love Versus Gold," is the PHONE 2223 ;Dl Scarf Pins, Lapel Chains, nne or a flraipa of absorbing interest ' It carries a aUpportmr cast of - high -;- 'I-; V ' . Cuff Links. order. ' The program will close wifh Burkes Vacation. and a second nr. ienng WAY. entitled "How the Day Was W r n- - r?;

BlOfflID VARIED . 5. - AND DID YOIJ NOTICE HOW KAPIDIAVTIME IS FLYING!- - Christmas will soon roll round; our new store will n ? I soon be ready to move into, and thenBUTWlLAT pyery: ; e:;p pgure is ii'slfliii ; ABOUT TODAY ! that is' the query ;inow the TODAY.

" csurcd;wln "A Daughter of. the Hills- .- the fea 1 Yesterday is as thousand years gone fqrever; Tomorrow ture at the Popular theater for the week, commencing "with the matinee -- comes; it 'is alwajij TODAY this hour now this afternoon is a story of the days 'never ; of Nero; when that' cruel Roman em ' that wc all must deal with, ; peror was content to j'flddle and V '. . , watch Rome In flimes, ' It is a story dlc . ' . . . V. wi it..ww ujfJ. i wnen strongJ men lovea.' - H i 1 and fought for their heart's desire. m The leading character is a shepherd WHAT ABOUT YOUR ess wno loves a gladiator and who is i opposed to the life that her beloved follows, as the film unwinds it shows r k good an the influence for In womankind NEXT SUIT? to have been as strong in the long as'thp experience is in the tank. ago as ft is .today. It is a film that ' Introduces v some beautiful scenery - Principles are right; chemicals are and costuming, the details being as Get it here we can please Vou. and at 1 to" flays correct'; 'results are certain. ; close the that, are represent- 'For ed as' it Is possible to make them. ; ' ,; Manager Films and Plates. . . ; , Samuel Blair announces a an added attraction for the present ' week a leaf from Charles Dickens. Everybody who reads has, read and HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY C0 probably reread 'The Christmas Ca-to- Is " one of the masteroleces of that " Tcrt St : treat master of the . JMaxle Mitchell, popular member of the Magee Musical Comedy Company ' ' i This offering, is in two reels and ; I lV s. ?now e'hfrtainlng at the; qjjou . TheAterv j 1 i v , 6hould prove a great treat to theater- goers. ; 4. '' Another of the McRae films, taken ' pa Qhu is again included, in the OUR- - PItlCE SArES YOU IJEAL MONEY THAT i present week's . bill at the Popular. : In "The Mexican Spy," there Is in-- STUFF YOU WORK SO HARD FOR. SAVE t $10,00

not the" ;whlchafe county TSSes - ! i least of the AND BUY TODAY. fair at Schofield 'Barracks, parade at " " Fcrt Ebafter 'and a scene through Mo- Insurance Cervics analua." : John ' Wise once; more de- avNififi fHfii iftrfi''iiMv? monstrates his versatility, appearing fsi Are you perfectly satisfied with1 in this offering in the role of a Mex- IJUltlJilS lUUKlIU I III! 1 flUlllLiLillU I THE. MODEL CLOTHIERS j ican general and filling the part to the iusarancc yoa arc carrying and perfection. - - - BLAISDELX HOTEL BUILDING, . In the belief Honolulans will The advance sale of seats the . . that . do you kmrc whctlicr it is correctly There are eight mammoth' reels in for ; ; - the week's offering, the entire pro appreciate clean and vh61esome recre two" performances 'of "Little Lord - ' adapted to yoarTcqairccatstho 'anioiint gram being published - elsewheTft in TORT STEEET. ' ! - v" ; Saturday tra-wee- k, of it, the manner in which it is placed, the r this issue. of this week, has been an m m ' day toiglits, the management cf ."heavy " ' ' Usually one. 'The play Ms; as premiums you pay. ; , Secretary of Agriculture ; Houston the Consolidated Amusement Company Caddie saj s of the Earl; a universal 6rdcred a quarantine; effective October announces that in the future and be fav'rite; the cast is an excellent' One, We specialize on personal serv ice exactly ? 1, ajrainst cattle in several Illinois ginning next Sunday night, the Bijou and special scenery is .being painted - AUFRUF adapted to the individual requirements of . counties to prevent the spread of tub-- theater will be opened for the produc- by Mr. Marcelle.' In' addition to this - v'- - - ?'' ; ' :: ercosls.' tion of moving pictures cf the highest 'a sirall orchestra of which Mr. Carl :i Der-Landstur- 1st durch. KaisertJche Verordnung aufgeboten. cacli' customer, , . crderT-entir- ely relig- - : will : educational or Miltaer; be the; leader, has been Ausgenommen sind Landsturmprkhtfge unter zwanzig '. Jahren, die i Consultations invited. ' icus. r There will be no charge. Ad- - arranged by Miss Hoppersnd delight-missio- n - " ! noch nicht militaerpfllchtig siad, ferner NICHT ausgebildete Land- will be - obtainable only ful entre acis selections win-- be player sturmpflichtige ueber neun und dreissig Jahre. Atle niernach Auf;?r . f w through V i a a the presentation of invitation The music has been carefully selected ufenen haben sich beim naechsten. Konsulat zu mclden und sind wenn "I i! vv cards issued by Consolidatsd com ouu saj : the tia giic jiiraouic aiicwc j vuu irgend moeglicn auf Tauglichkeiti zu untersuchen. - Ihre Rueckkchr ' Litue Loru pany. These invitations may be pro- and old. Mister Leonard ' Pettit, a , - nach Oeutschtand crfolgt erst auf welter Weisung. . , enly Bijcu on promising young pupil- 'Mrs; A.' B. i cured at the theater of yorstehencer Aufruf 1st heute auf dem Kafserllch Deutschen .1 Monday, and Thursday, nights; at the Ingalls, will .render a violin solo. , '": Konsulat eingetroffen, und wlrd letzteres ''j Auskunft'; bereltwilligst Liberty , Tuesday " Ye cn and ." theater The ushers will be members of the ", - ; I ; . irrnrnv s - . .' . . . I TA1D) - erteilen.. V '. CAPITAL (FULLY C I Friday' nights and at the Empire- the- - - - 2CO.OCOC1 Young Women's Christian Association. ! ; ',- - ; '"GEO RODIEK, ; on Wednesday Thursday J : . ater" and Seats are on saleMi fly at the Promo- rr,.... ; v. Kaiseriicher Konsul." ' nights.' presented - ; The. pictures totbe tion Committee rooms. . , - E only of the highest plane pro- OPERA-HOUS- 5 curable.' The .management in making The 150,000 boat house and amuse- recre-atie- n the . announcement of this free ment haU at S'ranac, N. Y, owned by to the' people: of. 'Honolulu,-- de- Was Henry Goldman,, of New York - r i ' ' , clare that they have taken the action destroyed by fire. : ANWOUNCELlitNT 1 7-- of giving Sunday" night pictures be- (i cause of the repeated complaints "that f there is no place to go." . Ho TgormefV' with Wall Matinee 3 o'clock, October 2 c-- a Herman Levy and his son Philln B. Dougherty, announces the Evening Performance 8:15, Levy, diamond dealers of Xew York "opening' - ' on; of his own 'establish- - , . October 3 were . arrested ' charged with' conspir- Weather orders for the removal of baggage or freight have prompt V acy to conceal assets in the failure of may be gained and skin t ment, under the name of their firm. - , ; - troubles overcome V and : attention .from us. Our facilities afford protection to goods. f: - ';:v'l Austin H. Watson, former president preventcdVby the use of CRESCENT. JEWELRY CO, of the New York Credit Men's Asso- . 1130 Fort nr. Pauahl 6L : ; . Seats on 'Sale at ; . ciation, ccromi'ted tnicide at Beaeon, St, Glehn' V- - Zcnoluiti Construction N. Y. . He hau been ill health for 'Drayinff - in. promotion Committee Rooms " 1 ' " ; ". six weeks. . Net proceeds to be donated to William A; Stra'wson, cashier of ne Suiphur ' ' , !, First National Bank at North port, L. ' t . 1 - .1 . . V . - . . 1 . . I . . A. .... ' : - Y. W. C. A :;': v.r r uuahLiiuijj zuiu u 01 ram jMst, -- nis uauKuier tor uuiuuf r j rfiurueuj ' has been mlssin? for ihree weeks. Sold by "Kffi Rtiitmi WikIt"Di, R. M. U'hite, leading room early today lioi-- j -, J to his and took His affairs at the bank are in gcod druggist,, .. Uck W brw. tc sHiimiffliscEisPEi!;,;:;:.,! . ...Icr of Llrermore Falls, Me, son. Later Us body was found in bed.! shape. 4 j EIGHT HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER CO, 1914.

IIEW POLICY ONE SHOW OTGHTLY THE HOUSE OP SUPERIOR MUSICAL COUEDY MOTION PICTURES T2i3nouz3ori:x; C PEATURE PICTURES VAUD2YILLH Jack Iilagee MATINEE M&fe TODAYOIHGHT ; j PICTURES CHANGED DAILY 99 Evening New Big Special Double Bill v j (two shows) ... . , . . .G:43 and 8:30 p. m. if Matinee ...... , .v. , V 1:30 p. m. irom THE FULFILT.TENT TODAY ; Three-Ke- el COUIITBY STOBE TONIGHT Essanay Photoplay Masterpiece ; THE PiWASOU-ENTEE- V r.L'V. : ; THE RIDERS OP PETERSHAII ; : Two-Re- - COUNTRY SHOW hebe-Raft-er Screaming el Essanay Fares Comedy Prices- tonight and , Three-Ree-l Vitagraph Photoplay Masterpiece TONIGHT fBanty Tim" (Southern War Drama);..V..i.,,..,.Li: i (Two Shows) . . . . . , .7:15 9:00 Presents bj Hoiister Drug Co.. . IJoors will open at 7:30; Pic- - Eycning ,v..;. v. and P. II. 'Mother Love vs. Gold' (Drama)...... Seli ; tlio 10c, , will remain same Culman Jewelry & Curio Store. The ') fnrp, 7.4 trt ITii'miI Matinee (Wednesday and Saturday)...... 2:15 P. IX "Bink's Vacation" (Comedy) . i V Hub. Waiklki Inn. Alexander Youns ' "5U' ...... Biomph seats v 20c, 30c; reserved 50c. Hotel. M. Mclnerny. and others. Vomedy 8:30 to 10:00. : "How the Day Was Saved" (Comedy). .V. .7f.M.Biomi !i


Carl -- M. Brewster has 'returned to only people whd had already bought his home at Chagrin FjMs; Ohio, from tickets could be admitted to the sta- ARLEIGII'S l;SLA1TC JS Isoveo 3a!rerv Europe safely. He was In Berne. tion. As we were without tickets for 4 Switzerland, on August 1. and was travel beyond Paris, we were much disheartened, .but Jn view of the 24 I rrom Ifll (opening of hostilities he escaped with hours ' There need be no vdeartb of good "At Lihue on Saturday night, notice we decided to . try :to 7 10 waa ; his party into France and brought his force way reading matter in your home or room to o'clock, ther ten Inches our through the pickets. ; . Arlelgh's Crossroads of rain. was the largest rainfaU people safely to England, where he At 6 o'clock one of the Iron gates Come down to It secured pat sago on August 6 . from waa Bookshop and stock up your-readln- ff on record for the Island of Kauai. opened slightly, and 7 those with of good stor--, And It was the greatest freshet the Liverpool on the steamer, Celtic, the tickets passed along the line sol- tkble from the thousincs i of cewest as Island ever experienced. Such Is Co first steamer to leave ,that port for diers, and If provided with proper pa- ics we have. All the worki. I America. boat arrived in New pers well as reprint-edition- s of famous; the report brought from the Garden The and transportation, they were ad- : Island by J. H. Flddea of the B. F. by 'getting rid of them. Forget the pain and discomfort, the ca--:- tYork Saturday, v August 15, bringfng mitted. At first we were refused en- 6tories. Adv. 1500 stranded Americans. Mr. to Dillingham Company's office, who re--i by using ; lioie trance the l!ne. hnt IstPr hv nro. morning Brewster was conducting a party of enting the books turned In the W. G. Hall this of tickets which ASSOCIATED CHARITIES rough passage across chann- tourists to Europe. Mr. Brewster baa were gooa mov-- after a the .inrougn uermany, nd j ARE-OUTLI- Ha-,wa- NED - ;.- .- ;.; ;': ;; ; ; escorted a number'of residents of ii ing rapidly, we gained admittance to WORKING PLANS el..'-- v1 - on European tours, i The follow the building.. we MEETING ."A great deal of damage waa done . " Here. found three AT -- GREEN'S , Ing i Whole is from his pen: more lines of pickets, as well as the I to the cane! Mr. Fiddea said. We were ia the Bernese Alps dor- - railroad men at the Dlatform eates. ! fields of Llhue plantation were "washed .EuHctin BUI , ing the last week in July. o were who were examining away. The main track of the planta- ' riteteS or not aware f the satherLig waw'ouds carefully, t' As m nnm,rh r.U IZ- tion was moved 150 feet. - trh r a .iiai axa m- w J until we rarhed Berne, iS vj'cTland the crowd grew and by watching our riLHii?'lBtrTl1JZZiLirs. awai "At Anahola both the big and the In Again' . meeting 4 yesterday r.ulto 'Here we cii look wnt at o'clock bridge away. Mv'ciowds of 'ns chance we held up our worthless tick-- of charlties-an- d small were carried The ing were posted lf the directors the fall- Just when I get started on a at the bulletins which ets and pssed along with the rest, . r v. rr fnm. roads in places are blocked with It it easy apply and sure n Its effect A quarttrs worth of the street corners, and learned of .i. rninw Impossible get t Crtsn's 3 at finally the platform and tne so-tra- m en trees. It is to from line cf lingo the Boss amps on": - gating merce committee on charities and tne probability or war uer- v ... , . . on account wash- Remedy give you - my between for Boulogne, ,fnr, otltMnwf wava and means Llhue to Hanalei of Corn will many dollars' worth of Comfort neck and rckes me one In . Im&nr and Ruftsia. - j v v The ride was similar to that from may to adopt outs on the road. There waa a rain- eye says I On Saturday morning, August 1, we whereby steps be taken in- the ne want tne to Swltterland; crowded : fall of 24 Inches In five days, trains, soldiers thorough - legislative policy & left' our hotel with the intention of with fixed a more cluding 19 Inches in 48 hours. The Ict up cn any ether gubjsct , bayonets, guards along the . with reeard to the carrying out of traveling ncrth to Heidelberg, and tracks, troops , marching along river its banks, cert the klni 01 clothes he-- Bells the aftd social ; work were informed that all traffic into' Ger country - j floodingk'.woobww, . town.- Hofgaard's l roads, and refugees at ercry. f SSk- - T" - the store Vell,' te Tay ine the CUSH many naa oeen suspenaea. we saw . station,, making a rush for our train., ontHnod in floor was underwater. . : Sold only by companies of soldiers the station. Boulogne m!Tr TVflia. the v to keep a soft seat under him it At we left our; train and - a. a aU.A . aam trtAflA on the street corners, and everywhere rt completed . CUEIH10N---60, found the channel steamer crowded - ' ing lately at Iihue, there r.3 a I . should to ft the signs of rapid mobillxatlon of Us ; utmose- - capacity so we social workersinterested .mjegisia- are many building Improvements. The wcrry asl pet my nice )lits Swiss not - tixps. but did reallxe. forfobliged to steaS H?A re-- Kauai Emporium is finer, in my cpin- r.cce Every I look or sucn a time there would be a discussion - re3. time at', several hours tne effect , away for England.walem I VLW ,";;rr;::M Ion, than any store In Honolulu. Ka- e movement on all business activities of An hour W-?- , only attrac- - t row ttoro roora coming ' later, another steamer i mm i uai not holds Its own for ' ' : cf some definitel1"?'""plan of action. ' the city. , , t..'::.a fast up like rived, and the crowd rushed for it and tiveness, but also for i prosperity and ?'u V The Rexall Store. fo l'swell a. also the plan to Introduce before the - We decided to cross to Paris and :- doubtless many would have been progress." . ' jc! pup. Ceo, but It;. is 1915 legislature a legislative program, ' v V Open Until 11:15 P. there tyait developments, bat to our pushed off into " " ' the sea but for the vig containing several Items which ;wlll m to place- - to sell surprise our travelers' checks were - : Raymond Rudolph 9 . r: become orous action of the double line of sol- meas and Webster, Cor. Fort and Hotel $ts. .. Phono 1.. ' take the form of administrative tc:s In, all floor plans are laid refused and we were, without funds uiers. we were nnaiiy safely aboard, and U years old, of Fort Lee, j., or credit Crowds were waiting in In cut I you were drowned the Hudson. and wish I.couM show front of the banks, which were pay- three hours "to take on any passengers - . ' . - - the Ijycut as I: locks oa paper; ing out small sums to regular depos who T might lows: l j-- . come on . the afternoon legislative committee was I v, ill tcll yoa about itors. Our hotel advised us that we train ; but that train failed, to come "The lut Itbut, any formed after 'Mrs. F. E. Steere . pre- ycu could not be accommodated there through, and -- soon we left for Eng- cor;" around and see fcr longer, help were re- sented to the execntlve committee the r 'for 'all of their land. Arriving at Folkstone after a ycurself it will lock tetter dal quired army need of 'correlation of social legisla- to leave for the that aft rough passage, we had no landing tick - iy. Ccrue for the J11.C3 suits ernoon, and the hotel would be closed. ets were tion and formation of a definite unl- and detained until the other :v -- -: TVA . fled' of action. , After considerable difficulty . we ex Cfi Alt OTAla wava lanAt plan changed small amounts at various "To this end the commutee sug-- gests .! places and finally succeeded in rais- that a conference of workers. A? OiwiXiicirs .' W3 . . , by . . .j i - w v ing the sum necessary for our tickets W. fi i interested In legislation be held f ' t. on, say Tuesday, the I :: fcldg NOW to Paris. t v a vlnced that had '. the committee Hotel spent in3-114- 1 A number of 'hours were at when hrfinariraepS WeTues l:Ur tt Fort St. ; 1 rTr the consul's to secure identification and gave us; W change in English and necessary emergency passports, money.' This was fortunate, for with-- luu we a ' conference. This XI and at . 2 o'clock boarded train out this money we would have been Mej... for the west The cars were crowded stranded At en & chance out. of her the close of h -- "Jadvise-wit- suggest Iric and corridors filled so that we sU on long day we had our first meal ; tis and Lirrhts and en- course I our suitcases In the aisles, for the since leaving Switzerland, S6 hours oactJon. - To our new home in the McGorriston every station ,thstWea Is tire distance, while at before, and our chance . tQ "Tw, notfcfK I: . Installed first rest yeglslat ve plans an individual aircG others clambered In. and children from the strain of rapid flight ' were handed in through the windows, The next morning wTfound ; Bldg. WA.TCH FOR FORMAL . L L ZZK ACCOLUTELY that the ?Jnf ; . .- . lnstit?&JBh? mutual ' any many others were left behind. jut v.j -i C" ' ' TZZD. ALL MAN- - demanding of each other's scheme . Our train dashed on at a reckless again; the banks were closed and r. . : . ho , work speed through : and over - w r -. clcctric tunnels tela and stores refused all funds ex- ma:be OPENING DAY "CTcr.iLY and bridges, and frequently we swerved cept gold. Cheques were worthless, T,,C?' 016 LJZ !n,ShXi' ;. : ' .,AZLY HANDLED. f,er t5e C?e"' out on a siding and remained for an and the America dollar bill ; wai fSS-KiftiSSi hour while train loads of troops and worth only 63 cents of English money, oackhig the efforts supplies passed us. . At one station and as prices had doubled, pur-- 80Si?tyi' its ' has hfa REMET.lDSfl THE NEW soldiers withdrawn bayonets guarded chasing power was only half of this,' . "Govenior Pinkham signed ADES5S the cars ; while, officers crowded We gave up our plan remaining In willingness to consider a of work-wlt- h through and made a search for spies. London : awaiting developments, and Program prepared by the serial We reached Pari at 1 o'clock Sunday what money remained I sent tho f lto with reference to tak-oth- er morning, expecting .to go to a ' hote. members of the' part yon a ng .from it thwe propositions which Ti: VJCTf.CLA 13 ALWAV8 'for a rest, but on emerging from the through train to Edinburgh, to remain wfu!dt desire to Introduce as ad-wlt- h YCUH FRIZND station we found a transformed city, relatives, and myself came to ministraUve measures. - C ycu In your sadder and for the 20th time found It neces- Liverpool Another report, prepared - by the r sary to immediately alter our plans, On Tuesday! visited the steamship Chamber- - c Commerce committeeon ;t ycu'ra in ce'ebtatien and make every effort to cross to Lon- companies and finally exchanged my charities and social welfare, was read ' ' plana i com-Celtl- c. :' f:r prices; and don. '.' ticket for passage, third-clas- s, on the touching on the which that The station was locked and patroll- due to sail Thursday, August mItte JM- - in mind' for endorsing all MOOT i r:uc:c CO, LTD. ed by ao'dlers. In front were hun- 6. On board, some of us were later organiiatlcns JnHonolulujFhlch are groups, many asleep.' engaged - chariUble work. Letters dreds of people in transferred to second , cabin. The la At one side was a hugeplle of trunks, steamer waa crowded. We took a sent cut by the committee left by travelers in their histy flight northerly course and for several days calling fcr reports of the work of the 2TLT7A from the city.- - No porters, taxis, car- - headed ' for Halifax, later turning various organisations. When these -- rlages, auto buses,, and the station in soalh and followine alone the coast to reports are au in, me commniee m : :l lit'.: cr han;inc charge military authorities. Out- tends to present cards of endorsement J of New. York. There was no little appre- -- s cr.Iy jailed of we were confronted to those societies which It deems wor- I side of the station hension felt by passengers and crew. . j no odor, no i by a proclamation giving1 strangers 21 and at night we traveled with all lights thy societies. Letters to the number t trin; 2:3 candle country. 87 ' hours in which to leave the portholes painted gray. of already have been sent out and ; l.t .1 2nd l.'uuinu. out and after which train service could not be , On Saturday morning our boat thus . far but few replies have been : (Cv ,; promised. j- - steamed tip, the harbor,; and as we received. . i- ': t P we tried to get The King's Daughters .were voted At the other station passed the statute of Liberty, the men I Z 13 IT a little sleep, while we were waltinj raised their; hats, but there was no Into membership In the Associated LC.G ' for a possible morning train. Above cheering; all were too deeply moved Charities. It waa reported by , J. R. tizrx us in the 6ky we saw the searchlights with thankfulness for a safe return, Gait that Jliss Margaret Bergen, affil- j to crr.D I s!owly examining heavens, on iated with American Association 'J c zauti- - S the ths and the beckoning hand .had a new the n :icr guard for possible bomb-droppin- g aero- of Societies for Organized Charities, O a. t L. . w t . w meaning for us. ;. ' f.. Try'.zr, Fl;rUL planes. :.:. ' We had seen, not war but merely wUl leave Chicago today for. Hono- About 5 o'clock In the morning tho preparations for" war, mobili- lulu. Miss Bergen will, take up the c ; d. Yc-.- -j Cafs the the soldiers posted a notice to the effect troops ef- matter of organizing the work of the 10 zation of and its Immediate ' that all sale of tickets had ceased, and fect on credit and Industry and the Associated Charities. . welfare of the people. V. . The . sight of red-eye- d women and SUPERIOR to any cleaner on the market children bidding good-by- e to the sol- diers, the seizure of the crops of the - peasants, and the chmor of the people Costs more than the imitation In the cities in front of provision stores peace-lovin- g was . brought upon the civilian class even before the loss of ";V;-- a single life. .:;.' E-'-c . . Por noro than a . Escapes' Holland Buys,?...'.American Grain. quarter cen- Woriih More NEW : ORLEANS. Sept HJ.The of a J Netherlands Government has entered tury SHAC haa loon the United States markets as a large purchaser of supplies, according to a the fiavorlto rcsody Do not accept a substitute; insist upon havin local broker, who says he has been ., for hoanaehe and commissioned as purchasing agent at neuralgia. Holland-America- n thTs pert. The lines CaotolosB-Cbrta- iit I.:2arten-!j- k sailed from here last : n:ht with- - Che first shipment consist; 12 aosos-2- 5 centoj ... "OLD DUTCH" iz cf 223,c:3 bushels, of grain. 300 your druggiot Talcs cf cctton and other products. Ant' C':r ELipments, it is said soon will . or SEa - GROCERS SELL IT EVERYWHER rt cn the NeM' York Stock Exx- - OTTuJEUro trAU-liULKTr- m, WEDNESDAY, SEPTOIBEB CO, 1914: mi;: ME1 COLLEGES DEKS 1 ir 0PETER1 FOOTBALL MEiliM.

(AssocUted ends, . Way, substituting tackle, and NEW YORK.;SepL Prl2 J. The heavy Wiser. Guernesy and MacLelsh for the artillery of the eastern college foot- back field. The freshmen 11 should nannnaosnannnaan ball brigade unlimbered last Saturday also yield some powerful linemen and . tt and the boom of punt and drop kick hackneld material and since Coach. big " ''A Cobb Once More to The mm of GOLFING HINTS. 8 ADVICEDflPE was heard on many a 'varsity gridiron. HInkey will undoubtedly Inaugurate tt v. n Harvard, Yale. Princeton, Pennsylva- new coaching policies It may prove a By STRAIGHT DRIVE. : 8 I Leading Slugger nia. Cornell, Dartmouth and many oth- that he can develop a stronger ma- 8 REGARDING GOLF BALLS.- - 8 As of American er elevens entered the field, a majority chine from this more roouldable ma-- 'LEAGUERS GREAT 8 Aside from the qualities of the 8 DOESN'T HURT playing the Initial game of their t teriaL , 8 various halls, experience seems 8 schedules. While all report excellent j New coaching methods at Princeton 8 to Indicate that the livelier ball, 8 material from which to build up I mark the Tigers 1914 season and un- ' 8 the more tricky It Is for use in 8 learns, which late in November will der the circumstances the veterans FOR OAIIU FAKS 8 the short game and on the put 8 BALL PLAYERS be battling for eastern football su-- 1 available may not prove as valuable 8 ting green. ' The. best players 8 premacy, the coaches make no secret (as would be the case were the old 8 rather Incline toward a . heavy 8 of the fact that in almost every tase policies to be continued. It is geoer-the- y ball with rather thick gutty skin. are counting heavily upon veter-- ally understood that Princeton will 8 ' 8 Certainty of Seeing stars in 8 When the lively rubber cored 8 Christy Mathewson says In one of an players about whom they will bolld jplay an open game, using many forms 8 ball first made its appearance 8 his dally baseball stories which he the 1914 football machines. of the forward pass modeled along Action Will Keep Baseball 8 about 12 years ago the experts 8 In this respect Harvard, which holds the lines of the Notre Dame attack Interest at Fever Heat 8 of that time were reluctant to 8 thi Manager Herzog of CmcTnnuMl 8 use It because they bad to re-- 8 8 model their games. They felt 8 active and rangy players rather than The announcement Just made that 8 that they were playing with a Princeton, Brown. Washington and heavyweights will be In, demand. two team of star major leaguers, one 8 i ' r?l"r--K 8 ball that required the touch of a 8 with the New York Is accused TJS Some of the 191 J letter players will frm the National aad one from the magician. undoubtedly prove acceptable while American, were to visit Honolulu ear- 8 8 of Upping off the weak points of the 5SbiSile?lvheiLSiL a After a season's play the old-- 8 I?"1' 'Jm5." new regulars may have to be. devel- ly September, come as mighty good team Matty's stuff JM df la 8 timers found themselves materl- - 8 witSefore, Boston Jut the oped from former freshmen and .sec- tews to local fans. With the Venice ally handicapped by ?t?t ond string material. - Princeton U well base-tal- 8 the added 8 Uara here In November the local l distance obtainable ty the use supplied with veterans, having Baker, population .will, been keyed 8 8 tare of the new ball, ana they grad-- 8 musfbTearinr Brown. Shea and Lamberton for ends; high-clas- s will fully Qd - Long-stretc- up to ball, and uajjy swung into line, but they 8 Hower think m!0 mior contests. It is for- Captain Baldwin for tackle; h, the performance of the big inform . . arrreclate ' cnntiniied to lament the absence thaHt7dce W. Stuart and Sbenk for ' - s 8 leaguers. .. Of the old gutty ball which could count In baseball, and he gives ruards. E. Trenkmann, J. Stewart, New facea and new names will draw be Ditched right up to the pin. wme'Jil? Htftfland and Nourse are the best of dollars . through the win- Many players use a heavy, the center candidates. A new back the ticket part mm lOliUWS. . r fa-mili- .';'.,-'';''- Hmn fnnth.11 Thin dow, .especially when the faces are ar thick skinned ball for short holes VMw tt mum field will have to be formed with F. l, aon i . lor s mumcui. Is a great but team as a through the 'newspapers, and 8 and1 thin skinned livery ones of may tolduvtcmem asset the Trenkmann, Poland, Dick aman, Drigss varyfne: weight thing Ilerzog have the whol mut brtnr Rricfclv tr. wtlhln as the names a byword among followers 8 on Ion holes. oere. and managers of other clubs or and Law the leaders. of the national pastime.. It doesn't 8 Hard hitters dd cot seem to get 8 8trlklng distance of the goal and hold Pennsylvania and Cornell, which; the e w as good results with soft lively defense while he geU his kicks close the eastern college season with-th- take much of a predictor to Tenture 8 ute w m. ... balls as with thicker ; skinned uu uu Bin sway safely Thanksgiving day game at Phil- the opinion that the big fellows will 8 8 He does not know ; any a neavy ones. .They seem to lose moabo For this purpose Harvard has a ma-th- e adelphia, report large squads with a draw like a molasses road in flytlme 8 'VfJimflaws of the club than doesthe Jority which line and backfleld Honolulu, alter a rather apathetic a distance by knocking the softer 8 average manager h fair ifamber of veterans and many ready 8 balls cut cf shape. " last autumn brought a championship promising novices and- - substitutes. league season of Its own, is quite 8 the league for b.? to Cambridge, On the line Cowan and to turn out en masse for something Is yeor'to get knowledge of Coach Brooke must build up a pair sldes. lt hard . Pewock again available as of ends, steady ally while. will come 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 any great-ral- ue second hsad-- . fast and a center. In it worth First 888888888 in this g. Trumbull and Soucy for eith-e- d respects the Venice aggregation, one of the way. We other the Quakers are well center or tackle and Hardwlck and supDlied : strongest In Pacific Coast League, world's series nV!.betli;- - with veterans. Butler and the at ends. The backfleld Is Boris are the best candidates for cen- end the fact that local teams will go weaknesses of our inUct with Logan at quarter. Mahaa - KILLS 10 HAVE .PPne5 ter; Murdock. Koons and Kelly fur- v. : con- men. supposed .to r ainst the Coasiers In all ball Jow and Bradlee at halfback and Brickley nish a nucleus for ends; Harris and will give home tans some-Cir-- S have never found that x.t3 the " at WJ bact Coach Haugnton.g Carter are Cap- -- veteran tackles while 'J ; - x - - ' nrofited to any extenL It. . v definite to root for, Thi3 series i jI 0 y r : tlon ns n a .4 tain Journeay. Russell. u Wolfe and when Is and-191- f'ouiJ get everybody worked up for the same with a gtcher, he .trfng 3 freshmen squad two Pepoer woramg on -- are the leading guards. Ia the last ll card of the yearthe Na a aner "J."- tackles and one end. To select thrse back field1 Mofflth, -- G!X0f! : the Avery, Bolder, All-Star- s. Til COBB faced before. He canobtata,cn f0Qr gttltable tl A and American lyj or piayerg from a gqua1 4 -- Merrill, Irwin and Jones have all had knowledge of the hitters rn AiA. 4 ...v. Herbert G. Lcwry, who Is. promoting h e experience In biz ramea and with the dencie from another twirier. but hey(m& Haughton's reach and with a new ll.e Venice Invasion, has also been in nue material form a squad from crrcr; endence for some time past ICI THE LEAGUE must.aiscoyer we wimw satisfactory second string Harvard's which a fast offensive and defensive Injr on him tor. .lineup problem v. i !i Eancror? of Cincinnati, ACTIOtl himself. fl"Inf should be solved early quartet should be selected. Frank to his wn style. I P,tcn season. - : n managing and 1 this Dr. A. L. Sharper has an excellent h the 'XyJri-'XXX- : e ed ; At-Yal- sat-wi- th Mack, manager of the world's ;.riMM;5?rsSJ1 to pe'ehv. atthtlme i the outlook is not so squad of experienced players 'with, Mills Institute has made .decided the fMM lafactory. ! : GraduaUon cut heavUy into which to start the season :n Athletics, who Is. looking progress of late. The school Is grow at Cornell. r t:. Lowry received Dwy.Maiuuu.iu.u. v nAA uxe1813 e'even and coach HInkey will For linesmen there are available Cap- - ing rapidly in every way and is des- a curve , i new - jtiterday that ithe doal was hkndPd Wwi.'w-.- num- tain O'Hara, Shelton. 'Mehaffey, 2e-- tined to be a real factor in the schol- two5tirv i "gulars but man. Lautz, Hart, D. McCutcneon. , cr.d after .,'aying a eerie:? 'J J. that sport Islands, .V " v -w astic cfrcles of the y.;'-- ; ward I'trl ru iwv Tnrftft or IMT. TPar a veteran 9 ora laft r r IBy Latest - ' Erwlri,i.who wo TrilHa. T3t. t on Malll ; Jng hitter. This Is Tex ; -- r ilii'.cns the Coast the teams got :r - In keeping with the big changes Dr. 300 and better results. : to captain TalbotL left tackle, ouar- euu. - - r :il December 2. CHICAGO. Ty. Cobb, the slugging heads a list, of 13 hitters in the iu uaaicx, aiaiiory, uaiicsiy,- Lzy- rcrIIwaii Ferguson, president of Mills Is bring- It is natural for man ot Herzora terbaek. Wiion. prtA half . V ' Hit. ' Georgian of the Detroit club, has bat class with an average , of. 3,48.1 The der, MacDonaldf, Sherwood, Ci.'rn, the diamond stars ing about,' the school is to have a nprvruis temneramen to want to see Knowiaa , 'ami ; Vnnniaa I will-Be- e ted himself to the front, according to ethers In this select group are Dalton, fans in action: ... football team this season. At a meet- arter. ne . nas u J his old club beaten, tween them scored 'close to m .m up M. . L(-- - figures published here Sept 19. . He Brooklyn, 328; Daubert. Brooklyn 324 I I." w VUV.. 47i4 ' .l Mr.- Brewer," r, Tesrcau, New York; ing called recently by IL In facL most players iouowing cent of Yale's touchdowns au-iye- t-- i- now , leading1, rival In 1 32L; ; last Lahr, Shuler, Taber. i; new to Mills from Is the nearest Becker, PhUaCeipaia, Wheat. are glad tO Hulbari i Drives; Alexander the addition faculty by 27 Maggee,- -Philadelphia transfer t(l' another team lnmn ThArA r lAVanT tannnA atfnir $3ri1f.Ta tl,...... j..i . American league points, and Brooklyn, and - v - College, the a , - Chicago, Massachusetts Agricultural see old crowd trimmed. None oi , letter m,en . who. should In accept-- . ' going Conolley, -- 311; the fit formidable aggrczatloa tzzl aclive ; " at the rate he is there is little Bostoa,tledwth C , cf 1 1 , tMrty boys My, feeling fon ' r, hla; out turned out. - Herzog hard ably In i :.::adeli likelihood- of bis being headed. . Miller, Lou:b, S08; StengeU Brook- us bears an? Carter, Hubbard and .Brannr candidates. Brewer reviewed the possibilities of St. : u r.'i, catchers; Jack averages'" - published - lyn 3Q5jLlPhelant Chicago,! this ansae. "Herzie even went. a s- The as here and Wlngq, - fl-- a team at Mills then asked for Hugglna 5 base; Ile'nle show !tbe 300 class TheyjSL : fait as to tell that IfiBtLoulslj 'ia better because of men. llkeV ine Argentine transreru . Jl hitters. In ;itMiltlfcfl;tChraiDiJ-'New- cold.-Johnso- - n, r. of opinion. , u we would . ) r3 ..t ?cccrl bn?e; Arthur -- i.i.. hife Cobb.viroit-- . 373: E.'r Collins. York, 302 and .G. Burns-- New vYork; once caught unit Planks eta But the two Chaco arrived at Boston, with t: m "young -- -- i ' . V. , Byrne, 1 ..a Millers" admitted that "Dick", Hoblit racts nang together. ; ; wno compose .ciutop; Philadelphia,' 34S; Jackson.' Cleveland; 300. ; Club hitting to Brook- MlVe Mitchell and aon't I think will the tta tit ; they were light and inexperienced, x National-Leagu- : t C:.rry, p11 by e i that on the average both are about tleshlp Rivadavia built at Qulscy, lut-wft- 347; HobliUell, Boston, 347? Speaker, lyn.' with. 270, with. New York next discarded the y. - one accord declared, that ' - ; - Yc:l;,- Araeri- j equal in the two leagues. y : Mass Argentina. Boston,- - . 327,' ChV?ago," season,- over Into the .for t:i " 228; Cree, New York, with 264.. r Vic , Saler, leads this went : t'aey wanted to play football - and i :k, outfielders. Crawford,. Detroit, 321;, Baker, Phila- as the. home run king wlta , 17, while can and have been among the leading '.; Mftck would do their best to win the cham- ' cii; "s, Cccnie delphia, 319;. Mclnnis, Philadelphia, the honors for base stealing go to G. , 'since, their CebuL' And yet pionship, , hitters :vc: lender ind Bush, Ath-r.r.- d 316; C. Walker, SL Louis, 307; "C., Burns of New Tork.. who Was 51"' ' the." opinion '. prevails among "experts o out pitch-,';:::- . Accordlnjly'the team been. .'- Idi'.chcn, Claveland, has 306. - - - American making Mitchell, Washington, .' American league pitchers) who rlead that the oltchlnx in the AChletic3, and a week, working hard and Philadel-phla,wit- h i nr. super- Philadelphia and Detroit continue their league. are: , Benderi League Is more air tight than .that in rapid under the able 3-- OTx'iel. Clevc'.r.nd, catchers; strides to lead the league in ' dub batting, l&and ; Leonard, Boston, the National and the, hitting ;: I, vision of Coach Brewer." - " Bcitcn Rcj Ccx, first base; with figures of 270 and 255. The home ll and; 5; Plank, Phlladelphjla, . 15 and the Nationar than tn the American. Brewer was captain of Massachu- 6." '' : I . :., CIrvt'and, second 'base; run honors remain with Baker, Phila 'j . ..' How, then, did Mitchell and Hoblitzell , - setts- year, and has had v D ,'j-cit- Moriarity, Ass&a last delphia, who has nine. Malsel of New club! National ;v ' thcrtstc?;- years experience on the team. The' Boston of the compile such records? J; :t, third tase;-.a- .Walsh, Ath-Dann- y fmr York leads in base stealing, with 62, league has the leading pltchver. He Is He knows game thoroughly and ' The answer Is that the pitchers In Murrhy, Athletics, and the while E. Collins of Philadelphia is James, with 24 and 6. ."" Rddolph, his his splendid enthusiasm - and ability thA American League did not know Lewis, Bcstca Red Sox, outfield- - big help pressing han with 55. v , team mate is next, with 22 and 8, and therr weaknesses as a leader Is going to be a The Brooklyn, club of the National while Doak of SL Louis is tird, with these batten ' over, both for the new team. . - when they first went and league Is still honored with the lead- 16 and 7. ? . I V . The Interscholastlc League Is de- men were inspired by a new ambition,' again by p vay we3 cpencd the lighted to receive Mills football team, such as a change in team will often-d- rvira ccn.-'.Ei- ica for the and to note the progress in the upper for a player. -- When a twlrler faces stenographers tj'pe-.'.Ir.t-a " vc:nca and Manoa school. G a' new hitter he begins studying him the fovernment service field rapidly T I'fflSTS plate. Mills football is carefully, , position the ) Tho his at competitive examinations to was being completed. , A large gift what he does not . re Cc; trmher 4. , etc to discover equipment and : -- FORGET YOUR CORNS appropriated, for 'its like. If the . new batter smashes a Edr'--r King, of the United the planning of It Is now in charge FINISHING high, fast one. to the fence the pitcher Army I : : Zicsil corps, reported PUT of Wn, Alexander, who is confident - once makes a mental note pf the , Forget dis-- 1 at by getting rid of them. the pain and discomfort . f.fthi all toldicrs cf Mills is to have a fine athletic ' rcrn'r that fact that h 'wants tt aeep tthe' nau "' : ' d!:it:::ty are af'icted with - U"'-- '. ' by:uslna f frr field. . away from that zone. J i '15 ; The College of Hawaii Is organiz- ' Many ,'have sensation-- . ing team. Gus Ballentyne .is the batters made a ffii al records! when they first broke Into leading spirit, and the players are liiiipiliiiiBs 1 League the biz leagues, only to take bad flons Corn :c'c rreraratioa petitioning the Interscholastlc a! Green's Remedy --. ' after. traveling at the fast clip for ' - for admission to this fall's schedule. V ; r The gymnastic.. exhibition S team The Y. M. C, iA. basketball league short time. , Others come in and bat; is-- I; is easy to apply and sure In Its effect. A quarter's - rounding . shape . and the which will be the. main feature at the fast Into - t CUILDING COSTLY YACHT. the ball hard for a few weeks and ' v' arjcl tsfensaperta. teams are now - beginning their prac- worth of Green's Corn Remedy will give you many ddl- - e Y. M. C. A. open house Friday evenings then drop bac to their, normal posi TLc irrredlents-th- quality " gym games floors. ' tice on the and hair -- Comfort. crij-i- Latest Mali O; , last-night- 4 to"put the tion. Still others arrive, hit hard and Jar's worth cf . e ij properties of this IB? held a practice This year every team Indicates a club, -- CaL never do fall back. Few. are in this .derfully eurcessful nerve OAKTJtND. Work has been on pyramid work ;' asso- finishing touches the as only members Lone ot the - they ' mown on and are ' la an Oakland shipyard class, in the ' -- : - '.zt remiia absolutely the started . dip clubs, can f. compete! on the ";' only by racing yacht and tumb ling, "stunts. Under. the ciation league as the "men without grooves. y Sold .s : the larrest and costliest v !W. was teams. xTnere are now nndef way nve Taclfic It rectUm of Samuel RoblcT, who a long . time Eddie Collins It is a drpfndatle remedy ever txilt on . the coast clubs.'whlch will' play basket For after inpetency, compete the world's cup in formerly a professional acrobat on a senior began, to play regularly with the Ath- re rvousdetty, will for ball and four .clubs : from the. Interme- r!, despondency. the International yacht races on San big vaudeville circuit, a crack, bunch . letics all the Ditchers in the American Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. diate departments u xy': i:', 1 m. m.L:rry, Masticj of parU, Francisco bay In 1915. , of performers has been developed at ; league were busy trying to figure hla ' J league the' clubs will ; ' t neu- - ; ; ; ' In the senior i.f y'y Rexaf;' - rr any form of The keel of the big yacht weighs the local Y v. ; grove. At last they concluded that i ' The Store by W. HeInrichs,V W. H. "' 24-fC- be led H. :i. Onr preparation f. nomads, aid the cost of the - A number of clever pyramids will he did not , have any weakness and ''';'Open Until 11:15 P. M. ; Drier, Jay Urice, G-- E."Jackson and ;,J . considerably more . up Friday evening racer will run to be run with the they have been going ahead on this Cor, : : 1237 A. E. Larimer. Each of these clubs Fort and Hotel Sts. Phone . 4 than xiO.OOO. uxpert yaicnismen wno following athletes participating: Glenn,' basis ever since. . ; 0" seen say will have Heinrichs, Da- has at least two or three of the old have the clans it E. Jackson. Waldo IL up. In- Meyers Disliked Low Curve.. Ca-mach- players to win great race Melim, August o, time lined The list a fine chance the vid BenL Clifford Cannon, Robert Bert Look at Meyers when he first be and bring honors to Oakland as a Henry Haneberg, Henry BenL cludes Ed ScotL gan batting the National League. He ; Geo. DwigJiL IL" Ra- yacht building center. - Kenneth Decker, Louis Camacho, The--' and Jim. NotL was the terror of all nltchera nnfJl tb. : stroc-Ul:jrr'neistreng- - phael, A. R. Tinker, John Gomes, P. odore .Decker, Oswald Auerbach and somebody discovered that he did not! , o C- - . - vital power to thou-- G. Nottage and H. Brewer. s a. m rr and closing of the pennant race Sam KahalewaL A new pinnacle per- inine tow curve on we ana men-30un- ?, night ouuiae, . of old and THE National league has caused has been discovered who At its business meeting' last news spread league. will bring to the former also B. C. club, which enter the around the .idle aed; it rtAivtnsr into the ancient rec will 'tfo most of the high work. Pyra- theP. will the Snodgrass of the Giants made a great energy so abund-- re-Fu-lt bowling league, 3 a potential t of organization with the mid building is spectacular and Is decided to also enter spurt aftfcr he; first began to play whole physical ords the it : club, that jour several Interesting slde-- expected that the audience will be the basketball race and: the at regularly, did Davey Robertson.' - 1 that gym .as' be ed - adjournment t will bllea well-entertain- ' went to the: for Its centai tfirj developed. Boston oy Friday.-;- ; : - ; deciding game 1913 -- triumph--- t chts have pres- In the of the i I thrilled with the frTi!i 1914 Car can draw with begin in first . practise and workout,. At Hen-- of power. th At 7:30 the exhlbiUon will world's series . with the Red Sox consciousness tho. of 10 - ent this Is probably the strongest club ir.t at learue record the games hall and some fast- tumb- drickson, a youngster, was 'put In as e ; ir. Itcowt a bm uu. they are ppert-lumitur- ttz rennants held by Chicago while New ling with S. W. Rbbley and. August and able to form two teams a pinch hitter in about the seventh foveas tut; kxport co. from their membership with .which to ; U.Sv Km York can secure a tie with Boston Camacho in the leading roles will be inning. He got himself In a hole Ccr.UnitSt.,NewVork.N.V. play against each other, f , since but one pennant separates the the first event . Nothing better In this ; right away with two strikes, one be ; AUU CH FMI'TS two cities. These three The intermediate league has: grown OXaughlln- - Chambers Drug Co Ltd. record of the line can be seen in the territory either ing, called by Silk that P Prices Reasonable ; ; . cities lead by a tdbrnfortable margin cn or off the stage. Most of the pyra- very rapidly; It now has four clubs. looked little bad, one of the few . . ' all the other cities which from time mid' athletes9 will also take Tart In One of these is made up of the grad- which did In that series. Then I tried to time have been represented la the the tumbling and mat work.- - An exhi- uates of the boys' department 'Wash- to get Hendrickson to bite at a bad sf-- m National league, ' The order. In point bition of parallel bar. work will - be ington club and Includes Kai Luke ball, but he let two pass,' showing Oaagehandled with promptness r of pennants won is as follows: y given just'.before the pyramids. " - and Kam Moon, the atarrbaseball bat-- ! good nerve. Next I gave him a curve , ' ' KJU Chicago 1876. 1880-1--2, 1885-6- ;1906--7 A quintet club will furnlshv music tery of the indoor leagues. The club on outside of the plate Hendrick- ill ' the " . i- - led by. C. . KZW ATHLETIC PARK 1910 throughout ' the exhibition.' OErnest is H. Brewer. Another club son .being a left handed hitter. He 1877-- 8, 1883, 1891-2-- 3. 1897-8- . under leadership of Larl-- 1 " Boston Kaal will present his Ukulele Fan- the Arthur. hooked it over third for. two bases. - Caturday, October 3 5, S. P-rn- New York 18S8-- 9. 1904-- 19i;-121- during phrt of pro- mer includes Henry Hanbar&. cost us game and, final-rj-v tasies' this the -- fFhat hit the 1 n tm . ( Unfon HAWAII COAST 3, vs DEFENSE Pittsburg 1901-2-- 1909. gram and" W. H. Hutton.will give one VV.t. ik... the series. - hopes" . av Brooklyn 1890, 1899, 1900. f - . of his Inimitable monologues. After- club to secure aft maabet t The question of whether the pitch 4 1894-5-6- ' -j Sunday, October Baltimore . , ' s wards the bowling alleys will be Lionel Brash, the. cartal of that Mc- ing ; and hitting are better in the AS AH I vs. ST. LOUIS " Providence 1879, 1884. I thrown open, a volley ball game will Klnley high school fpotiau teamThet American League than the National CHINCSE vs. P. A. C. " T Detroit 1887. I be played, a handball ; exhibition clubs all have a prospective, member- is hard to decide. The fans say the 3 O. Son. staged open ship of 15 men. - . -- players I::t ca tzle E. Hair ft and there will be house ' ' hitting is better because like ' . , Kiag 8L. next to Toung Bldg, 1ST4 Telephones IS 71 t c.'fire; Tark phone 5122. The Spanish, cruiser Carlos VL; sail- generally. AH men of , the city are Cobb and Jackson collect higher an-- a entrance on Kukul SL Auto ed from Vera Cruz for " Hampton Invited by the. Y. M. C A: officials " Red Cross fund now totals 142,615 in nual averages than the best sluggers ' 2 cztruca ca. D&retanla CL Roads. to attend. Everything will be free. New York and 126,262 in Newport.; in the NationaL They say the pitch- - HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1914.



U-E- 3

AND ATTEND BAGGAGE TO AND FROM ALL STEAMERS. JMenty of jmpular Stories at H. Love Phone 12

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. ' LIMITED.5 Fro ; la the'Young Bid. Creations TV Japan

: New Goods J V '

"Equal J to the arrive on every Oriental steamer. Kim-ona-s, Sterling biaric ' Mandarin CoatsShawls, Embroid- ered Waist Patterns, Bags, Fans; Souve-nie- rs, n. Silver. Wern conoo ..J ; P- - - - ' Li lanterns, Shaded Et& i- Bear ns in mind rthrotighoat the month S v . HAWAIIAN PICTURE8. STATION- - v fcRY, PICTURE' FRAMING, tf OFFICE SUPPLIES. British '. French l Fort Street 1 'above Beretaria St. ARTS AND CRAFTS CH Germany h 1121 FVrt fit; I PACIFIC ENGINEERING P0RTUCUC5E . . , H .COMPANY. LTD.. CZJ ITAUIAH 1 CcMuttinj, Detlsnlna and Ctnk- j ttructtftg Enslneert. ' Crimea, Buildings; Concrete Strtxe-tcre-a, Sanitary By Eteel Structures, Spanish- - ma, He porta end EsUmatea on Pro-J-ct-a. 104V Furniture, Antiques Vtonn 1 1 f ' i IV: , ' (By Latest MaU Europian France cousists of 207.054 ."tThe? natural oi WASlIINGTON-rrTh- e; African .', pos-ECBsl- these African possessions are among and protectorates of the Eu- miles; Belgium square' 1172 miles the j in Qie, world: Union Sale tetter than The Reciill ropean powers w richest Hiihirfenii now at ar are more and Germany 208,780 square miles. . Grind Anything. 'Africa, than threetimes aa - large as con- .England leads La the population of of South under British con HONOLULU GRINDING XO. tinental United States.,. They are her dependencies, with a total of 49,-- trol exported In 1910 $154,503,000 in i- - Alikea. era. Y. M. C. A. more than three times 'as large as all 45S.WK) inhatUants, more than 2,000,-- - gold' and I40.199.OOO in diamonds. The cf Europe' now r plunged In war, And 000 of whom firp Riimwan TVia bnltr Imnnrta anf Tnnrti nf llroHi are eleren times' larger - than Eng- of her white population . is ... in the) Frenth'posesson, exceeded $222,000.-Unio- a land, France, Germany and Belgium, of South Africa, which consists 000 in-191- Belgian Congo's exports which control them, says the Na- of Good Hope, NataL the . Transvaal now pass the i $15,000)00 mark aa-an- d tional Geographic Society at Wash Orange Free State and in 'which j nually, while Germany's colonies are ington, D. in statement Issued dwell V nearly 1,500.000 'foreigners.' 1 sending $25.-- C, a to other wuntrlea about Fumi-"ffiire- f,67Jl.oT--Atrl-lTher- Mandarin Coats,1 Old T today. They, occupy e are,. approximate worth of produce annually. and New Chinaware, Koa jca s 11,612,000 cquare miles. people livmg in French" AfiicanV"pcs-f,w,,T- ri :prtncIIJal"Brr "The largest indiTMual holder' of seeslona, more than 1,000,800 of whom j in, Africa are the East. Africa Pro-ar-e - Chines Ea-- . African territory la France, with 3,-- white.- itectorate.. Bechaanaland. Rhodesia, J ( 12 00' nnr mtlea.; MoTA than 1- -; "Thm ttjtm nt Vrnt'a vhita wk.!tWA TTaUm nf firmlh ltri Vnrthrn broideries, Old arid 500,600 of which is the "Sahara Des--; pulation is Algeria, where nearly 800,-- ! and Southern .Nigeria, Gold Coast, Bronze Briss Wared. :Chine:e ert, says Bocletya - statemenL' 000 Europeans aYut' 5,000,000 nativies Uganda rroteKoratei Somaliland Hi ! ad "England controls 3,618,245 ' square lire.,- - There 1 are lS.MO.OOO people m Nyaaalan ance? numbers among terns; Ebony 7ood Furniture, Lacquer 7arc, Chinees rc ,c- 3 Cui;...J - and ' i: 1CZ C."..:U!, TilY THE I as ita sol .possession,' 02,000 square white, and 12,265.000. German anhjects Ccast. IhceyL Congo. Madagascar. - Curios J itniles, and Germany 1,035,086 square in her dependencies, of whom nearly J Senegal and ' the Somali Coast Ger-- ' f ' ' v ' miles. These .'make surprii- - 28,000 are Europeans., thou-In- g many control Togo, Ger; I t I t )! i c:,u3co. Crures Thirteen Kanierun. contrasts, with those of the Ea-- sand of these live LV German South-ropea- n man soutaweat Arrtca ana uermaa : Itlcl Ire eta !, " I "t:l tnl r helpings pf. these .conntrlek. west Africa. . , v 't ... J International zone In "which the diplo-- l I ma tic representatives of the signatory r I powers of the Algericas conlereace FC.T TtnE REPA1R3, ; still exercise controL. "This arbitrary theiYolff hnTean despatch, possible Wly 1 with the consent J. V. KERSHNCR, SOGAIUS England, In view of the .location FOSG INN. GO, opp. . , Fhcns 1233. King tn Gibraltar, v-- . . . .v ' DEflll , Library. fflf 1152 Iluuanu St tlGVJ York World Article SaVS S0Qri riTer PoSAt eei only a part j The body "of Sir James M. Grierson n- - DaIihkm , of the money, whereas If they haul the British military nrmander, was ,i rl eastward to that Btream they get all buried at Glasgow. More than 1 .v"- v of IL f ' , f persons Jined way from tne drill Goto War : the It promises to be fight ts hall to cathedral. :. . i Loy Co. a that the ' IBy latest JU&ll) worth while, eVen if there is nothing 1 ' " GOODS WASHINGTON; D. C, Ang. 29. spectacular about IL : ;:. i With it3 ferrent blessing,' the Inter- - e mon of e commission who 12-1- 5 Kirj CL , cfat. finmrnprro Commififiion has In-- oealt with the subject came to the coa- - ivited the Eastern aad Western sugar elusion".that with the adjustment or refiners to en?. ia ax in the id wau-- ra w uasisoi expanse ;cf territory between the Mia- - to CKcago tr(?m California, . there g souri river on the west and tha Buffa- - ould cctne into existence-- a "compfe-lo-Pittsbur- line on the easL Th tarWcondit-tendm- g to giye he consumer qf a fight Co. . hope is that the conflict will result la thoroef it Curcy re-t- o some reduction in the cost of living between the eastern and western KCCAK the people in that part of the coun "ners, with the last mentioned fight-- . . :. Ing for the Hawaiian raw sugar In " IC:i Tcrt Gtrtrt-'- ' try ...... j "they can theijr competition" the "eastern reHnerV onioiis, xind As soon aa print jlth , "Tou can ffj isli, potatoes in tie Kaiiie Cnsco morely bj straiurn out tariffs, railroads hav P to Chis time have had an aC-- transcontineata: food each Crying - -- particles after - been granted permission to make a :"u ...... t York"V"14"""1"World, r PCKZZZ SUIT3 rate of 48 cents per 100 pounds on,New . . rr cane U. " L Criscb cates nave butter richness without iratter expense. Add salt to Crisco when CT.Y-- C LEANED sugar from California refineries . - T .V. and' beet sugar producing points to SEAT SALt; GOOD FOR - using in place of butter.,, V . . . . , .jj; . Chicago. The .western railroads askea ' . . l LAUNCRV HARRY LAUDER COfJCERT FRZKZ 4$ cents, - permission to make a rate of ";'Criscb is a jich faf that digests readily. - . but the commission trould not agree "because coupl- - AV. Dmfbar, promoting' the Harry a to that; imould refuse Crisco brcadand cake keep fresh, moist and sweet long!r. ,

i request fpr low rate to Chi- - if the the .,f??2?" ?' Crisco does not smoke at frying temierature; your pnr lor not know what liap-in- s cago on cdndition " nid ' FX I Ycur Pcuf.ry Prcblema was allowed It te BWlBJ7"ua - ' Popular - -- re-- comedian will In your kitchen. , , v" road be not . up to tl i the transcontinental v f , ..r:. r . J quired Missou-'&!!&h- :n 4 to lower their rates at J PSLSS 5 CALIFORNIA FEED CO. ri river, points below 55 cents per 109 Needs no refrigeration.. Stays fresh and pure at ordirary room temperature. AUkea, corner .Queen. pounas. - A1 yesterdays steady v. : stream of ticket seekers Tisited the They will ull yousthe troubla They wanted to g Californ an and Crisco is cheaper than pail lard and costs one-hal- f to one-thir- d as much as butter. . - rooB.B of - Promotion Committee; Hawaiian sugar Into the highly com- ., n vr. Ko Voetitive territory around Chicago, --j j Crisco is sold at net wcighty in three sizes, and under the Pure Food taws. which extends as far east as Toledo, recogniie Mgh xlawi being cotftpened to make -- , ,,,. .- i - wn snnnorta r 4 r a x l a- -. .v. l v. it mviiv as ww raxea ai uieouswun,ai lu wttiu ; rxi to the fact that aside from the the eastern refiners cannot send their famous Harry, there will be a dis-produ- cts LATECTCAS. TribNE 47C0 .for less than G5 Scents per tinguished of Yaudevillians - C-- 100 .'. v .-n r, ,:;;:2i, Cam Petera pounds. v y who xlll alao, perform," this' engage-- : repners ed AMcna Hodriruea Eastern and; eastern roads meat , should te oneTto be long 1 the grant of such a rate. They menibered with pleasure by theater-contende- d that this market belongel goers of this city. . i . - I ' to them and to tho refiners at New 1 ar: Ha-- Orleans. The . Calirdrn!ans i c ; - "This pew "book by Clarion Harris Neil, Cookery' Edito'r LadFes' JJome Journal, gives RUCCEROID ROOFING waiians argued that Inasmuch they VE.::':EfJT M ft I produce sugar enoush to sv S 230 original recines, is attractivelyillustrated, and tells many interesting and valuable Cest for this Climate. " (KM),000 persons,- - ar.', :ro ; " ; vfacts about cooking and food products. teJIs the interesting story of Crisco's than 7,000,000 In IL .K It also Levers & v ijook'con-taini- ng Cocke, Ltd. which the eastern rc . i. r Lureau discovery and manufacture."' 'It is free. There is also u quality edition of this asserted was their c:.: 1 mo ty they should be allowcl t U total of 615 Neil Recipes and a Calendar of Dinners SG5 menus of original - ' - ward with their J' 2-ce- nt sur'. rf and tasty meals: , Tiis4)ook is bound in blue and gold cloth and .is sent for five The western ror.C If ;.7Ciies:jey coffee co: mission that they I i stamps. .In writing for either address f. box cars that cc- - CCFFEC ROASTER! ladinr. which, if V Cii!:rj In Old Kona Coffat with sugar, v r.: I over and C stiszlG, Co., Ltd., ULr.ClIAlCr ST. HONOLTJLTJ H.'HacIdreld & Honolulu them; Ti 7 they tc-- l i II ;.A

Yimic iiFJ nIImimdl Mif(Biio(Bin

:Y.:-.Yk- Y&Y:: Y: H i Are the ones who read what the progressive merchants are offering and then cooperate

Air .J INTELLIGENT with their efforts to assist their patrons by doirig as much of their shopping as possible n y "with the merchant who"advertises' because he is showing a disposition to please and SHOPPERS: help his customers by advertising. Furthermore it is in the stores of such merchants that Y one is most liKeiy to nna things desired. - the lH V.,:- ' I

I Star-Bullet-in I ',a .

3 Type . . - ' This Honolulu . i This Type

STAR-BULLETI- N Want Ads get quick STAR-DULLfT- results L'i ; LQ Send.your Printing to tiro exQ 9 1914.


c Manchuria 1 - TlDUBLICITY is a searchlight that shows" up bad merchandising. It 1 A builds up business reputations that must be maintained by; satis- factory dealing. It standardizes prices and by moving goods fast keeps prices at a level. Buy advertised goods .andpatronize advertising 0 merchants. This done by glancing over the advertising columns Y STAR-BULLETI- N. :; r: ofHie .

' ;v; Ventura Manoa ft0 r7 "rl

Mongolia , Wjlhelmina Sonoma x' Virginian Tenyo Maru v Matsonia : ;

( - J v - s m Manoa Enterprise Sierra Hyades r y; en

V Matsonia 2S Shinyo jyiaru Sierra Wilhelmina Mongolia SO CT)' Enterprise Korea '

Canadian-Australasia- Stcmcrs of the n line are indefinite and uncertain, as are also steamers of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Ask the local agents for information regarding definite Eailin c!



U -

m m ft j - ..-:- CS0 CCSO 0 Pope Benedict XV Imposes The ; SPOTS Imperfections en your mirror a il i removed by TT7TC --TrTfTt --T can be rttUvsrln;. 1

. 4 OLD and worn out mlrrora nuia to ' .Z,.."- look ; : AUTOMOBILES. JEWELER Why ride !n hard riding1 taxis when San Wo, Gold and" Silversmith; ma g YOU you can have easy-rldm- Overlandi terial and work guaranteed. If not IF HAVE NEW. and Bulcks at same price? Phone satisfactory, money will be refund 1IJ7 Silveiinf Detrt p 3355,-BIabo- Pk Auto Stand! 5968-t- f ed. 1121 Maunakea, nr. Hotel street Good board and rooms for ; ' At , 6531-t- f : , ,iMi& ANNOUNCEMENT.' rent, or just desirable rooms', I a few cents invested in these V 'J Sharp Prides mod , . Sinc Leadlsg 'hat cleaners' i - 'liiilglliili . r.;-"- v-- vr.- US Msrchanf Strstt , erate. We sell the latest styles In columns will briug you dollars Panama &nd . Felts: Work, called for LIVERY STABLE. 1 in return. . and delivered., Blalsdell Building; . u - .V 6895-m.- v ' ? First-clas- s livery turnouts at reason- able rates. Territory Uvery Stable, - Try, be convinced I 348 King, nr, Punchbowl- TeL 2535: and White Leghorn: 5518-tf- . ' MZ- - CICYCLC 8UPP LtEi. ; The "Ad Man" ,1 1 . acclimatedl ' lfe.:,J!i B. Komeya, wholesale and retail PAINTER. dealer In bicycles and accessories. . For , Sale - Klsg street sear Punchbowl street advance of 2-- cents a' barrel over' the mmmmwm. S. 1202 E6l2-t- f --: ShlrakC Nuuanu; Tel. 4137, returns for June and. the highest price Painting and - paperhanging. AU received in more 'than two years. Sales BUY AND SELL. work guaranteed .Bids submitted in Julyanjountel to. So per cent of the CLUB STABLES i -- - free kSSS&tf oil delivered during the month. mMimmmmm:mWiXK- . A limited. .Diamonds, watches and Jewelry bought It is not expected that the August sold and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort PRINTING. price' will reach the July level, for it t - . : 13 certain that the sales were smaller tf We da not boast of low prices whlchj last . mouth, . or the order to reduce usually coincide with; poor quality? daily run's would not have ' been sent but we "know how" put llfe ; 'to REDK OUTPUT oui. ine ooviouB aecrese in j saifs hustle and go into printed matter, 11 demonstrates that marketing condi-- and that 1 what talks loudest ana linno wnrji n'&tafi oA Ytv rthr tli5rt YtX- - Star-Bulleti- n ' longest Honolulu Job . -- sides the 'presence of hostile warships , r.cytl 'Cafe, ryttlr.7 tie best at Printing Department Alakea Street? While the partial resumption of the in' the ; Pacific. r ; , ; cocking; irr-l- ar i:'.: tee tcue Branch . Office, Merchant street oil export trade has relieved the strin- - has been stated taat surplus ipnas rrcr-fscrt- l: ; nr. 5339-t- Ecret'sia, Fort i'r f .ouatiag- - to the: LU crp. U. NiUao, Pr. the erade petroleum market ire t to sJme extent, the' tuation in the distributed on 'jJT1" " - fields ' is lar from being satisfactory, agency shortly. This money repre- for the bircfining1 and. marketing w n.accumuuuu .. uv ; listVibu- Czlz, coclcst rlace town. AND PAJAMAS. '. durinjiyil513. 'The Rociiers C::t:a a SHIRTS concerns , are; still struggling , with an doenses f.-- T C3 t!:3w drcp la. 0;en day tion may have been decided upon at -. unwieldly production, which threatens mM:h i.:. -'- Li::u Ueitcr. Hotel ct yaitatoya; ; i the" this time to. offset the loss entailed by AiSf to tax1,8torage' capacity, to , limit, MM ' n - ; Coyns Furniture C:. ' v decreased demand for Uel 'voir, NvO 1250 Fort bolrts. pajamas, kimonos: says the San Francisco Chronicje. The the t t " - k ' , f - ? Alexander Younj V 6752-t- f ! eff to bring "about a, general cur which is nil that .the- agency handles. VrViT X r Cli;. orts : C:I-t'- v Lrtci r.coux; ferrlce The distribution,' it is made,' Will be 1053 to 1C5J ; C!:h:? 3 citS tailment of production" and develop it : c;ca day s. tz c.:.:iz:.-- cur nctto; SHIRTMAKER. based on past production. ',. . Wi -- ment work in the California fields nave :: !. ., ' : tzi t': - cr?. cctiti ttrsst not been uniformly successful," accbrdv: Mascot Stops Production.. j.:?J your to order. The" Mascot Oil Companv. which was Kara shlrti made reports', "and operators ; in ; ing fo allt Awana, S4S King street ! 3. districts arV Rtm bein? advised to -- 1 heedl es r... let. Ii;ut aal the appeal of the Standard and other Jast monrtrfcasut dowa ;f pir iT?:":' t'.ra ' :c to eat; fae to reduce their production in the -- Mdway, field. The c - aaa Ctj. :a tlrit a as oossible'; so .the. ceueral cut .. pruuucMwu. - M far 7 that j good of the industry will be served. stoomnir oroduclion, the;'. . manasement acted 'on the belief that it was . better TAILORS. In - accordance with its recently de zz C:' . meats allow oil remain the ground clared Inde- to the to in v- tstrrtiil CL policy of curtailment the "' " "" - i ccr Ucrclxat Array & Navy, Merchant TalWrs; up-- , pendent- Producers' Agency has taken than" to' take it out" when the market i-- tr to-da-te establishment cleaning and conditions were , unfavorable.1 The r a rother and more effective; atep toward ? repairing. 163 King, cor. Bishop company-- - has not been operating its Pope Benedict XV,' successor! to-Piu- s X, from photograph taken aXew: st checking the production of fuel oil ; v CC.'iTr.ACTOrt AND BUILDER.. '; - - Midway to of weeks before; his election to the papacy. , , . ' , j among its members. The - executive property full capacity CO IT CLCST.IICALLY late, owing to the fall fag: off in . the committee has announced that during ! ' j Ytria, general contractor. All of the" company's By Latast Mail Cardinal Anthbny Menedes Bello, pa Mc-- U the month Of September runs of ; oil demand for fuel. Intel fura!sted. No. .208 production has been going to the Union ROME, Italy.The first consistory triarch of Lisbon; Cardinal Guisasola Telephone 2157. from member companies of the agency of Pope, Benedict, was ; marked by a y' 'Menendez.' archbishop of Toledo; HAIIIAMMN Cl1- - Eu'.:::3. Oil Company. ; ',;: s " C sjiall' not exceed 50 per cent of the :t gorgeous i UMBRELLA MAKER. Doheny on Conditions. display in the apparel of Cardinal Piffl, archbishop of Vienna,', amount received in August. , This or- an- ' - those present and decorations of the and Johann Csernoch, prtmate of H President . . L. Doheny of the Mexi- ; ; re-- course force many ap- Ccr. -- a Co Nuuanu and Vineyard.. Tel. R. MIzuta. Umbrellas made and' der will of opera" papal court.5 The nativity of the Vir- gary. The latter. Is the only new ' ca n Petroleum Company, who recently - '.- 1284 Kukul; phone tors to reduce their output, and somo gin was chosen for this" occasion ;by pointment v : . till. Ccntracta buildings, ; par)e paired. Fort, nr returned to the Coast from the East, : B5RS-t- f may even be obliged to shut down en- pontiff ; 31 .v Following ceremony the pontiff work, cleans lots. 3745. V4 - ' the himself. this - -- " East- .' states that the oil situation in the- tirely. '; ''r The participation was limited al- delivered his '.allocution. In this sad-drcs- 3 VULCANIZING.- - This move is not surprising, for the ern states'' continues unfavorable, with most entirely to ecclesiastics and of- he urged the necessity- - of v ; appeal no immediate prospect of improvement. " . He ' ; zzl, funeral contractor, 2034 agency has been enforcing its ficials of the Vatican. Many relatives strengthening and elevating religious Chiffc. . .':rj Auto, Motorcycle and Elcycle Tires curtailment, as' far as its members While Doheny is optimistic as to the of the Pope occupied seats in a spe- feeling throughout the w'orld a3 'the C. rLone SCCS. Reasonable. for ' 1 future of oil business; he belieyes IAILEY3 FURNITLT.r CTC TulcanizecL Tahho Vulcanltlng Co.,' were concerned by refusing to take the. cial tribuna. : S only remedy to society for' the evils . SL, ' must . done Alakea IlirT. 180 Merchant, : near A.lakea Street their surplus production. The cut of that something be toward Surrounded by. almost all the car- of today so strikingly shown in the r::r r surplus" country c.r.D CAcnc. TeIc;lione 3197. "S. Salkl, manager.' 50 per cent in the deliveries was prob- reducing stocks in this dinals In Rome, the Pope w?s . car- deplorable, conflict' now rending Eu- , - . r.si8-tf- . 1 .. i upon instigation pf and in Mexico before a return of nor- consistory on Ges-tator- ia rope. The faithful must pray fervent- r i ably decided at the ried into the' the can expected. Do- ; MIsaTJ.rj tzi Tl Itlrg cards, engraved i the Union Oil Company, which warned mal' conditions be chair and greeted with loud ly for the cessation of this warfare, 'Don't O.zr.zu agrees the present , depres- ' '. ' cr rrlitcJ:, ia attractive Russia. " r its stockholders in a report' issued' a heny, tiat applause. .r v- the pontiff declared, asking especially : h is ' ,to! .' Europe-- a cnowN cicycIz: c:;ly c-:- i nror; rimi sion due . principally.. the r His. holiness Imposed the red on intercession of Virgin. ;:r .:. cciicnaDiei r feW weeks agd that operations for the hat the the --. ritni r;sr-r-.)llpti- n over- n office. R."4fWtf balance of the present . year would war, but v hei maintains that as" ally planned.-T- he line will have a ca- for. government purposes may be kept HONOLULU CYCLCr.Y CC, probably, be ' more or - less seriously , in- production ,is almost great a factor a,. p-- ; - .; pacity of '15,000. barrels day' and; it . . , 129 AND DYEINQ. c particularly as regards in the' situation as the sudden stoppage ; Soutb Elrjf Zl terfered with,, ' '' y.rS:;;-vf--.- will be used exclusively for the output exportations of fuel oil. Both the of exports. An important point about the Gali-cia- n Pe- of the ! California Oilfields Company, c:::i:i c::ir!ng tad 'Dyeing PRIZE Union and r Standard companies re , It is believed that the; Mexican fields i that they lie, within a y. C-- 3149. ; Company has : abandoned, Tur nerr IC, and other properties ?. H tal deliver. TeL planning to resume fuel oil exporta troleum for comparatively 'short - distance of the VS. -- over by the syndicate. i::to, Ecrctaala, nr. Alapai St tions on the former large scale as fast the present the project, of erecting ':a taken v Russian frontier. This district is par- For tha Latert Ctyls II:'.. as the, purchasing, markets v develop. large refinery .with adequate storage fa- European Oil Supply. ticularly well fortified. It is, there- for" Ladles and Csr,t::m:.i COURT This will probably . take : some time. cilities,; at a point near New Orleans, Mail advices from' London say that fore, a matter for the military expert Corns and Ces Ua, e com- as aTready stated in these columns, which would, accessible to the many been '. at work get-tin- g experienced, ' D for? : experts have rather than for one in the . - K. UYCOA the' fuel requirements of South AmerV pany's, tank . steamers. ; - v - out figures and facts with regard petroleum industry to say hw far " countries formerly sup- PJpe Line. : , ; 1C2S Nauaia CL : c n u fv f n s can and other to' European oil supplies and the war ttcse fields are subject to the risk of - has - - t '.At- least one Jarge prize court plied from here lave been reduced to AH rumors, to the effect that the situation. .One of .the most interesting Russian invasion. So far as Germany bordering de- Dutch-Shel-l been , established at 'a point far below the normal, owing to the construction . of the pipe of "these surveys by comparing is concerned we only to deal with :nt i ci quarters to display ae-- starts have cn the Pacific following the late, pression in commodity markets causel line from. Coalinga to San Francisco ; 3- In Ililo, Osorlo's the production of crude oil in the four an oil industry on a .comparatively -: .nrlei ujs of European war. ' ; was held up on account of .the Europe- fgVfTfvelopcients the by the European war. ; r European countries," eith- small producing from 130,000 to scale, You get . trustworthy meat ( have been advised that Agency In Limelight an war were set. at rest last Friday er direetly or indirectly concerned. The 140,000 tons of crude oil per annum, livered by automobile) , from a at Toklo a prize court has been main- ; .that only 50 per when the Valley Pipe Line Company, a 1 production in these countries year the quantity having been pretty reg- spick-and-spa- n pres- : last market tained with Baron' Hosokawa as cent of the amount of oil taken from subsidiary; of the foreign combine, was as follows:. :; " years. ' vh:i ' -' y' ular over a series of you trade with ident: '.: . 'i"'' " members in August would be received trade application: to the Railroad Com- j,-885,3-84 - Russia, 923,894 tons; . Roumania, Roumania is or was until the war L... . LOYf.'CNT OFFICE. Alonjsf the coast of China and JaJan during- tho present month was not the mission for .authority to finance the C. Y. HOP WO MEAT fclARXIT : tons a source are said to be a. number of German i i v vont which attracted attention to construction of the line. V - Austria tGalieia), l,087v broke out great and. growing Opposite FJjhxaarxat. I - 2S8 tons; Germany 130,000 oil Germany. alt- Ur. L C:;ice. Tel.; 1420. freighters and passengers, mostly of tne affairs of the Independent proda- Although, all rights of way have not (estimate), of ;supply of to But - prey I . V s tens. Up to June this year Russia, hough--in times of peace the Danube G. Pro- tonnage fallen a cvmp-nie- . l.lns cf hf.:p. Iliraoka, small that have ccrs agency, recennjr. tricuiuci yet been secured," there is. no reason to .'a-'.- m v m, which has largest is xrom Rou- 1110 r-- &r. Beretaala. to larger Japanese and. British ves reeeiyetl 41 cents a barrel for their Wlieve that the route of- - the line will the production far an atimiraDie route tne exceeding coun field-int- o Ger- C w Jvia sels and converted cruisers. These. oil sold during tne montfi" of July," an differ to any extent from" that origin- - that of the other three" manian oil the heart of ; SPECIAL SALE steamers are now held awaiting tne tries put togetherwas producing at many, in time of war it has the fatal -- , Olasa Y. ICalianlshl. 34 Beretanla, nr. "Nuua-- ; termination of 'httetflfties. about the same. rate as last, year. weakness; that he who commands the Linen and Pontes Vi!;l ".- - nu, for cood cocks.- yard !boys. British prlzfi courts have been estab-ricn- a 110002 501iS 100 There hail been somewhat of a decline Danube can block the .whole traffic Patterns . : in ; & r, : :a rhcae 4511.5 Itshed in the United Kingdom and the output of . the 'oilfields of the The question of oil as contraband of ; TEE CHAN CO. :il; Al1001N8tlXCL er j genera r.y majesty's do-- district- counterbal-- 1 y-- is here discussed, this Cor. King C!x, throughout ha h taku - but,thi'was not but and Cthl -' - J r. , fnl- 3 oveuias.- Interested parties zsoorsn-- a.nced. by, an., increase in the Grosny would be a further complicating factor . - r ' t- - have natereats" production and also in that of the Ural ' their ! iu .the situation. ' arrar? - j,; . r.t- -i tcf then. In the Unit- 110001001100 lumba district at the north end of the As" the result of a general consensus ?te J r :.rtles or their Caspian sea. The Maikot protluction of views, following facts may be SHINOLA ; ' 1 I ' the : - y to 3 majesty's J remaineL practically 'stationary. '; IN v' - j... - It broadly" stated: , - ; v ' - tr - zry. cham- - fehouM be, with regard to Rus- BLACK ANOaTAN ' .stated 'i 1 Russia "'has sufficient supplies': of . IIr.."I c::3( ; ? case of the r ',' tep sian oilfields gencraally that the labor Mcl N E Nft Y S H O E ' STO R E ents mobi- oil fuel antl other petroleum products the market does not suffer. from the ' --. . Fort, above King Street lization so much as might be expected, for war purposes. ; , -- ' ' rrsons a majority of the workmen, beiuf eith- , 2 Roumania, . should she take an . c .r.tes or er Persians and not liable to active part, would have: an abundance Tartaror s ! : the military .service. Throughout hostili- ot these resources. , . - In i ties,, there fore,V we may expect toe ; 3 Austria, has quite sufficient for - he.1 l BARGAIN COUNTER PRZ- Russian fields to produce large quanti- her own needs, and probably sufficient MIUM SALE NOW ON AT rf ties of oil and that these; quantities for those, of Germany for an indefinite will be amply sufficient, .if, rwjiiisi-tione- d period she work the producing CITY MERCANTILE CO. ' by the govpfnment, to provide fields to thefullest possible extent and it Hotef ,81,: or. Kuuana . for the war needs of the Russian em- utilize the present large stocks of crude ,V : : .. ' " pire in the way of fuel oil and the like. oil--, '; :. '.' '' ' ( . - ... ; The current proliiction . of ; Galtcia 4 Germany has. only a small supply

and the large stocks of crude oil have within her own borders. . Of the.'three already; been requisitioned by fhe Aus-tii- an sourfcs by whajh her supplies may be . , BE23 OTJH government. , The production in augmented, one, the United States, is these fields is bound to suffer br the closed to her; the second, Roumania, is CHANGES OF RATI 3 mobilization ; but, on the other: hand, subject to t"he vicissitudes of the Dan- HONOLTJLtT XTJTOT C Sinrv, the Austrian government desires nie route; aiid the third, Austria, de- TAXI CO. : a continual' .supply of erude oil, the pends npoV the' eonf rot of' the railway I.' . v,- : y Benn tiitLzi, . fields' will "not e unduly deprived of routes connecting, the ftil fields Ga s . of 2393 pvcz;i : rrr.ii to testemjat-- rcujus their staff, and In thb way production licia .with Germany's erritorj'. 191-- L HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,

TT till

I 1111 : ii ii Do;: me. Star u uinvn jx l v Ads Thev ana - 6f , Make immediateenand profitable returns from investment in the STAR-BULLETI- N WarCblumns. ' If you hare anything to sell yon can find no better or quicker way of finding the bujfr than through the 8TAH BULLETIN Want Ads. THOUSANDS read thein.;. For one cent a word you can reach the STAR-BULLETIN'- S 5,000 and more subscribers and that means MOKE than 15,000 READERS. . Surely in that rast number yon will fina the one who WANTS what you haTe or if you want something a little Want Ad.will get It; - 4 4 Help Wanted, Situation Wanted, Furnished Cottages,; Furnished' Houses, Furnished Rooms, Real Estate, or anything For Sale or To Rent - i I - I V .

T?V CI CLASSIFIED DUSTGSS i PROFESSIONAL CARDS ! FOR RENT MADEIRA EMBROIDERY. r . . . ( 3. i I Desirable nouses la various parts of Mrs. Carolina Fernandez, Union st the city, furnished and unfurnished. REFE1XEKCE FOn BUSY F20PLE Madeira embroidery, luncheon sets, 212. HO. 123. 333, 49 and Qtry street. Catea taaera at $l. is - aae , baby caps and dresses. Special. y of up to f125 a month, st tn our 110 1 D o FOR SALE " 8r tr:;ta WANTED HOTEL TAXI 8TAN D.' ' ' v MILLINERY, ,' V Initial and hemstitching. Reasonable. efflea. Trent Trust Co, Ltd, Fort 0 ' PHONE 4400. BDICK CARS, f millinery. King '. . ' k5322-t-f Et, between King and Uarcaat TAXI K. Isoshima, ityllhs - New steel and concrete strcJ Don't drink impure water. It'a danger Ereryone with anything for to . 14322 -- sale .i RATES r - SERVICE DAT AND ner BetheL Phone 2131 tore. Third addition ot hundred . ous to heal Lb. To be sure thm water Play Considering ; MODISTE. bl-- ii Safe. the fac NIGHT. JOHN iVIERRA, MANUEL rooms just completed. A Four-bedroo- m Ma-- Is O. K., let it conic through a. Hex tors of sales, . success in planning! COSTA AND M. R. GONSALVES. furnished bouse tn class hottl at Tery noderats . GU-- ' Filter, which costs only $1.75. an " s m Miss Nellie Jobuboo. Union St on Apply D. H. Fits ad Is more satisfactory than 609-S- ' . The National Association of Retail lllf noa. car line. rates. la center tt theatra and any lancet.1 By one at Lewers & knowing "how It happened- - after! Kfenlng gowns, lingerie cresset. more, G. Brewer ft Co Ltd. Oa car Hats F. W.MUSTACE Druggists, holding its 16th annual k5341-t- retail district Cooke, 177 King ' Star-Bulleti- n . f . 5933-t-f Ltd, So. street ward. Want Ads Motorcycle and Auto Repairing. 427 coavention at Philadelphia, sent a transferring to all parts ot city. "Brin Home Bacon" ever . - omnibus meet all! the Queen at.-- Telephone 1498. communication to Washington urging HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Electric ' time. ; S299-t- f an investigation into prices. Furnished cottagre for rent; I rooms. trains and steamers. ' The Transo envelope, time-savin- g In- C36 Hotel st, near AlapaL - ftswtrt rMegalx4 as Cxw!a Taylor. Stangenwald - vention. No addressing necessary Young American genUeman of good Jaa. T. Ell bldf 5132-t- f ' Xslaad Bftdrtara. Call A!rw - consulting k. hydraulic engtu'r. C4a, J. E. . ABO fa sending out bills or receipts. Ho- .. wants wife. drll "ItinU" Lt address and standing a - k5375-t- XXaaot&la rtrtMataUTs, . nolulu .Star -- Liulletln Co,. Ltd, sole Would like to meet young lady 18 f That nice bungalow cottage ; at 1343 agents for patentee. ;Star-BuUe- - BULLETIN C. Abies. i B9Wf tf to 24,, Address box ,91, NATIOMAt GUARD MUSIC LESSONS. Wilder ave. U tta. C9- -t : H If. F.- - 20, newly painted; going to OFFICE FOR RENT. - Prof. Lauiia A. DeGraea, 1506 Toung States, mast sell at once. Chas, A. All lovers of to develop talent Roster of officers, list of regular drill nlgnts, stations, and enrrent Infor- music st. Telephone 4179. Rapid Instruc- large centrally located, in Clark, Fort Rneer. Tel 3401. . Armory, corner and Miller Office, and by taking leasons; from Ernest K. matlon for the National Guard of Hawttt. Hotel tion on violin, cello, mandolin,' gut-ta-r, PLEASAUTOIi " " ; Elite bids. Enquire Jas. Stelner, , KAal, 61 Young Building. : Tel. 2CS9. v -- :':r; '' streets. ' banjo and ukulele. Room 7, Elite bids.. Hotel at -,xr .l 6939-t- -:- :- GENERAL STAFF; :.. rr--- f - Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship ping Looks at Star-Bulleti- n office, tf DESK. W: Jones. The Adjutant GeneraL lnsp.-en- . 1 Toung Bldg. TeL ' " " Ziegler, Elmer T. WJnant, Ord. OepL Ernest K. Kaal, '. - .' MaJ. Charles W. MaJ. FURNISHED ROOMS eL) V: 3687, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, ban-J- o, White' Plymouth rock and black mln-- - Small roll-to- p "desk wanted; must be (Breretted i r B; Surg.-ge-i. zither, Tiolln, cello and toc&L orrai chickens. L C. Abies f9G5-t-f cheap for cash. Address "M. M," MaJ. ChaTles Cooper, 4 this office. ; - - K9C7-t- f (Brevetted LieutColonel.) THE NEW ERA- - HOTEL ! COCOANUT FOR SALE. MsJ. John W. Short Chief Q. M. : Capt Henry Van Gleson, Q. M. C 1450 FORT STREET U u) V. J PLANTS. mu--' O c 7 (Brevetted LieutColonel.)' Bergstrom Musi Co. Music and : '" ST, FOUND 1020-182- ASdVE VINETaRD AdT.-ge- n. 1 ' jra-rlet- y. C. CapL Leo Lv Med. OepL slcal Instruments. ' Fort - Cocoanut plants for. sale; Samoan MaJ. Emll Peters, J. 8xton, . ' I7494f - - i-- Apply A D. Hills, Llbue, - Aide to the Governor, Capt J. D. Dougherty. Infantry. atreeL . ' :.? Bicycle. Owner prove" property and - 5377-t- f - - 6277-t- a: i Kauai. . f 5970-3- IrtWECTOR-INSTRUCTOfr- s ' ' FOR TOE ' TOLTJCT pay for ad. . Phone S185. t OFFICE. ; " FOR THE' EEIIVICIJ Lieut W. C. Whltener, 8, A, InspectoMnstructor. COLLECTOR. ROOM AND BOARD tl. FOR . THE KA1IAA1T1A RIVER MEN OF GERMANY - REGIMENTAL FIELD AND 8TAFF. OFFICERS, 1ST INF. t LOST Excellent table board by the meal ' Lt-Co- L W. L. Eaton, collector on commlslon. - William Riley. MaJ. William B. Bal, 3rd Bat : LUXURIOUS CU1TC3 , NEED NOT JOIN COLORS - Telepnona 1842. - - ". day or week. Special rates by the Shrpherd and collie dog, black, with CapL James A.: Thompson, AdJL - c 1st LL Jonn W."Kanaeholo, Adjt EXCELLENT CU12IM2 .:- - . Roselawn, ' B, Q. George 1L Cummlngs, Q. M. K39Uf month. Apply at tht feet, ' Capt George Schrader, M. 2nd -- brown short nair: answer to By 1 ; '; . Lt . 4'.; Latest Mall ..."-- 13S8 -- a KJnxst Neely, ' , pane, Capt Arthur W. InapS. A. P. MaJ. Merle M. Johnson 1st Bat :: - ui .ii(,f,t;i iiviu ucu BERLIN, 1. In order to meet SURGEON CHIROPODIST. i ' 5912-t- f - - UlT King street Sept 2. ' Finder com-- - Seit Capt Reginald W. Warham, Coin's'. 1st Charles R. Frazler, Adjt c GET 0 HATZ 3 Lt -- n for V C'- : J experienced men municate with F. Stevenson, Schu-ma- the scarcity of MaJ. Gustave Rose, 2nd Bat, , - 2nd Lt. Roscoe W. Perkins. Q. M. Or. R. E.. Merrill, Mclnernya Shoe Csfsre Cettllri i - ai UNFURNISHED HOUSES Carriage Co. Reward. river and-can- traiucvue muiiary 2nd Lt Fred W. Hwnphrey, Q. M. Chaplain, Valentin Franckx (Capt) Store, Fort abore King. Private ' G964-t- -- , f ; V .: river-me- n e. : authorities ordered that all . COMPANIES STATIONED AT HONOLULU. , room for ladles. Charges reason-abl- ' unfurnished cottage. Phone - . -- 6918-t-f r IT " ' n belonging to the landsturm need Company A Capt H.VP. rSuUfvah, 1st Lieut P. M. fimoot; 2d Lieut J. L. -- 1087. ; - . -6- 957-U Umbrella, on King street car coming -- 4 not enlist and a call tiaa been made K. Cnshmgham. Thtrrsdsy. 7:30 p. m. : from . Waiklkl Sunday afternoon. Company B Capt. Paul Super, 2nd Lieut A. J. Lowrey. Wednesday 7:30 p. BY AUTHORITY. Finder return to this office and-- re- for old rivermen, who have entered FAMILY HOTEL 4 immediately to ceive reward. C970-3- t ether trades, to return -- G. : office of board of s Compasx. C Capt M. Camara, 1st R. Medelros, 2nd the . . ; i J. Lieut U Llent : "Wal-kl-kl river work. V : ; ; Cassldy, only boma hotel, ' : - ; The : , K. Stein. Friday, 7:30 pt m. -- - : health. AVAIMZA KAUAI bar-plnw;t- h It Is pointed out that it Is of vital 1914. Beach, consists of lndivldcil Gold pearl, between Compaaj D Capt W, V. Kola, 1st Lieut F. W. Wlchman, 2nd Lieut G. Honolulu, Hawaii, Sept 28, Y A.; importance to keep commerce on the GAS-- - ; 'cottages and single rooms. Culslns W. C. Homestead and 'V-- . FOR OF Fort water, routes .going, for the i' 1 ' - Schaefer. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. r TENDERS PURCHASE Star-Bulleti- n. - Inland 10Q0 streets, eturn to re- ' OL1NE ENGINE. excellent promenade pier and 'vL'. will camp near Koke Head Saturday night. Men ft : transportation cf foodstuffs, fuel ' . , ward.'; - M70-S-t ; end of whlcn. Is splendid Armory 6:30 p. Saturday, 3. Sealed tenders,1 endorsed Tenders at the TT0UTU2T other necessities, and the authorises will assemble at the at Oct Lep- bathing pool and beautiful view. 7ILLTI1 CCLIJITU. E--C-apt for Purchase of Gasoline Engine, are doing their, utmost to maintain Company C. Coster, 1st Lieut John Hilot Monday, 7: 3ip. in. ' ' JL er Settlement" will be received at the 290S Kalla road. TeL 2379. Terms ; 9 t this service. The only . thing lacking, Companj F-l-st Lieut . M. R. UoughtaHlng, 2nd Lieut J. Lemon. Tuesday, - ''- - 8337-t- . x reasonable. .- ' f i euse return tins wince. -- office of .. the Territorial Board of ij Ms Is experienced river r v- 7tS N .v 'n970-3- t it said. the P. la.; .v. Monday, G-C-apt Ka-n- e, Ka-d- e, - ' Health until 12 o'clock noon, man, so many of whom have gone to Company B. P. 1st Lieut L. K; 2nd . Llent W. N. , CPITZ ? ' 12, 1914. , r-'- j &YY7 11 :rr::r!:' - October v war. So far; as shipa and other' ship- '':';.;;-'tV::--Katoi.!.- Monday, 7:88 p, m. " Specifications may. be. upon ap- -- ALL NEW, U ST COM PLETED ETA R.UEXLETiy CITES YOU ping facilities go, it la . declared, tbere Companj BCapt Vr. ztdlngton, 1st Lraut J. C La. Tuesday, 7:30 p.BL bad. J : ' " v vto-2n- plication the Board of .. unfurnished is .no handicap."'------Company --4(AtUcned d Battalion) Capt J. W. Cook; 1st Llent W. at the office of One Vv--K;:-"-- Chung;-Thursda- y, ; Health. house on Kapiolanl street; one - i :f Ahla, 2nd' Lieut E. K. 7:30 p. m. ' i r Tenders must be accompanied by a bungalow on Lunalilo v: 'f' ..f : - i' STATIONED ON MAUI certified check equal in amount to 5 street; two bunga Try a Ecrtl at tt3 Company I Wailuku Capt W. F. Kaae, 1st W. S. CbJIllngsvorta, " t:i:i Lieut per. cent of the tender,. and must be Iowa on Lunalilo street court you H- - 1 - 2nd RjfC vr:- will do !: Lieut Wlleox .; ' ; fcl. : submitted on forms, furnished by the Catl 03 Lunalilo street, opp. Cotapam'y LLahaIna--Cs-pt W, F. Toung. 1st Lieut WK. KaluailnLi 1 ' goc mea!i tzi cc 1:IJLI) t 1 Board Health and Bubmltted ac- ' ' of in Normal school. 'v."';;.--'r"'::-r,i- 'V' "V comaodxtlci at i STATIONED ON HAWAII. .riK- cordance with, and be' subject to, the 4. MHilo--Cap- L ' MoreTwiad, Company J. D. Eastern, 1st Lieut a, M. 2nd 62, 1909.; ' ' provisions of Act S. L. -- ' ' ... - v: Caceres.; ; ' y. "Vi1" ;'v":' v- Lieut J. S. ; - The Board of Health does not bind CORPORATION NOTICES. - : tll MEDICAL OFFICERS W ITH 8ANITART TROOPS. V itself to aecept the lowest or any bid n f 4 mm - . MsJ. E. D. KUbourne. Capt F. U Morong. r CapL R. W. Bemfc or- lender. - - NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. - BOARD beyond Tsingtau, pre- THE TERRITORJAL OF, hills, and' are v :;u '.' - HEALTH, , MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO., LTD. ' ' paring for a general attack from that By President, ill' 0 5 place. The Japanese are confident of Its r Notice ia hereby given that the : ; J. S.' B. PRATT, M. D. company victory. , stock books of this will be , ' - 5970-lO- :r.zru ; . t closed to transfers from Thursday, For La diss and Ctr.V.. WING I September 24, 1914, to : Wednesday, GERMAN RIGHT KAISER'S NEPHEW NOTICE. CRUMBLING 1 ESCAPE September 30, 1914, both days Inclus- REPORTED ATTEMPTS ' ' ive.;:" . " ' t I LONDON, EegV Sept 30. After LORIENT, France, Sept 30. Count i PAYMENT OF WATER RATES. - ri twenty-fou- r hours of alinot ceaseless voa Schwerin, nephew of Kaiser Wi : MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO LTD. , ULM- f v - close range, between the who had been brought By its treasurer, J. A. Balch. Soao: -- J itt hdn) here 5 .', i In accordance with Ordinance Nd. ' -' j . , . s - German right, forces with German prisoners Honolulu, Sept 22, 1914. Tlrest Clz'.'Z rccn in j v r and the of the other after the Uy "'rr 1 5965-Sep- the-repuls- all persons holding water .privileges t. rltory.-Jc- ; Allies advancing from Peronne on e of the German Invasion along 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. :;;c. invader.? entrenchments before St the Mame, yesterday attempted to under meter rates are hereby notified dxscesv : - ; been-de- - that the water rates for the period NOTICZTO SHIPPERS, 4. Quentin, the Germans have make his escape, from Belle , Isle, il .it;::: seml-de-ple- ending September 30, 1914. are due feated and the right wing has crum--j where he , was being held in d. ' . - X,- and payable on the day of Octo- : KOMOKILA, i. v . Jtalnment His dash for freedom ;carae first sThe gsiollne schooner : y ' This la the Jiews which came late to. a speedy end and he was trana- - ber, 1914.: ' ': ; . v in command of Captain George E. Upon pay -- HOTEL AUmZY last night frem Paris to the Exchange . ferred to the citadel at Port Luis, the failure to such water Plllx, will leave Pier 6 (Richards Telegraph, confirming the earlier re- ' fortified harbor at the entrance of the ratea within fifteen (15) days there- street Wharf) for Maui and Moloxsl "A Herat Awsy frt.n Hc-- .s" ports issued by the government press bay. Here - he wift be held in close after an additional charge of 10 per ports every TUESDAY at 5 p. m. and An Idixl Vscii::n C;;t " bureau of heavy fighting , before St confinement r-, I ; cent penalty and per cent interest for wlndwar4 ports , on . Oahu every Phone 772. " ' ' Ilauu:;, ; ' -- Czi Quentin; -- r.. - c -- -- r per annum will be made. ;; i FRIDAY at.S.p. nt or information 1 A. 2UMSTZIM, Prep. -- It la stated here tonight" says the CRUISER LEIPZIG , All privileges npdb which rates re- regarding rates, etc., telephone 4193. "' -- 'v Exchange Teiegrrph correspondent in AGAIN LOCATED ,v- - main unpaid on November 2, 1914, will , KOMOKILAJ SHIPPING CO LTD. Paris, that the German right has LIMA,- - Peru, Sept 30. It was offi- be shut off forthwith. V ?, been entirely broken up and is fall-- cially reported here yesterday that Rates are payable at. the office of ing back towards Guise in disorgan- - the German cruiser telpzlg, which the Treasurer of Cltr.snd County of DESPATCH REPORTS CARE GET AWAY FROM ELECTION ized retreat with the Allies pursuing sailed from San Francisco some time Honolulu, Kapiolaul building. and giving no opportunity, for. the ago and whose whereabouts has been : a j. McCarthy, ; TO PRESERVE CONTENTS to . City - broken regiments reform or take a mystery, was off Lonos . de Treasurer, and County of Hono- IN LOUVRE Tierra THE MUSEUM t ' q-c- up new for, .. HALE1WA a position defense.: i yesterday, coaling and taking on pro-"A- ll lulu. Is the cp:t automobiles In Northern France . ' -- September 21, 1914. ' virions from the German steamer Honolulu, T. H, MailJ : t am-- Br Latet have been requisitioned to carry l Amasis, a new freighter; which only 594-10- t , .,- ; following a!-- BERLIN, bept L The munition tQ the pursuing Allies, to recently arrived In Pacific waters, despatch from Geneva appears in a low the troops to travel as lightly as , - A REAL CHAN C Z CP CLIMA7-ca- SEALED TENDERS. number of the German papers: ; "For n poeewe ana to wnatn on tne neeis: KAISER'S MEN three weeks extensive preparations be bad at tie tcr tcilij of Germans." ' the MARCH ON ANTWERP Sealed tenders will" be received by have .beep made in the Louvre Mu- AMSTERDAM, 30 ' Holland, Sept the Board of Harbor Commissioners seum in Paris for safeguarding -- the CELG1ANS SHORT The Belgians at Molt 30 miles east of up until 10:30 avm; Tuesday; October art treasures there against bombs . i- OF PROVISIONS ;- :- tri.;j:z Antwerp, 1914, . were driven out ;of the town 13, for repairs and reconstruction thrown from Zeppelin balloons.. Most nearlylCCO . j feet e:.i'.'-- Z"z i LONDON, Eng Sept 30 According on "Sunday, falling back upon Antwerp. of Pier 15-- Honolulu; T. II. '"7 of the paintings are being packed grand scenery, fine : to reports have reached here the At Lierre, 10 mites from Antwerp, a The Board Commlasloners away li. that of Harbor in iron boxes. The. "Venus of particulars address L, : j, "V7 food question In Brussels has become a bombardment .began yesterday mora? reserves the rtght to reject any or all MUo" and the ."Mona Lisa" were biawa.' Phone 4Z'J. --- ' serious one and the Germans are fac- Ing, being replied to by the BeigJin tenders. ' '. 7. ". ;; locked up In steel vaults. The Greek ing a grave problem,. artillery. The citizens of Lierra have Plana, specifications ' and blank saloon with the master-piece- s of Phi- '(II . ilo M One hundred and Ighty thousand fled to Antwerp for safety. '. ' forms' of proposals are on file at the dias is laid out 'entirely with bags of I! 1,1. citizens have apptiec to the , Germans oXTice of the Harbor Commission, Cap sand. The upper stories of . the Lou- for rations, the outside aourcea of sup- RUSSIAN GENERAL JSAYS A . ; Iter buUding, Honolulu. T. H ' vre were cleared of their contents and An kinds of WrarplT T.rr3 tzl ' ply to the residents or the city having IN BERLIN CHRISTMAS -- BOARD OF HARBOR COMMIS- - changed into a military, hospital from Twines, Printing and Wrilj Tz'zzZ. ' AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- C-- . N been closed with the German occupa ROME, Italy, Sept 20. "Cheer up, , : . which now flutters the Red Cross flag. PAPZ.l sioners:.. ' tion. we'll spend our Christmas in 'Berlin." By Its .chairman, : : Numerous paintings were . removed SUPPLY CO, LTD. The German commissary Is already J the message cY encourageaient - - ; , ( S ) Charles R. Forbes. from the Luxembourg Museum to the Fort and Cueen Ctreets tier.:' 3 ' 4 - 969-Sep- hnn 141 a fWii (l. OnflJ. Cen. . i Uxed by which General Rennenkampf, heading t, 26, 28, 29. 5, old Seminaire. l.'rr 11V the demands ef the treops, 30. Oct U 3, ' " PrussTaLL ' : and It is with greatest difficulty that the Russian Invasion of East - 7. 9. 12. a .: the demands of the nungry populace r.aa sent out to his army. Carl Keuneof Hartford, 27, Is pa- are new being met.. "' BUSINESS SJpTICE tient at a New London hospital suf- j ASSOCIATED CHAR1TIZ3 SERVIANS OCCUPY, SEMUN ; fering- from a fractured - collarbone Say-broo- A boy JAPANESE AT. - PARIS, France, SepL 3JL A des- NOTICE. and other injuries received near k Chinese wants a j:b. patch Belgrade t T I GATES TSINGTAU from from, the Ha vas Sunday afternoon. Keune was si r. r OF Allow r-.- News Agency states On giving man on his motorcycle our cobbler .to c ;v (Special cable to; Nippu Jijl.) tht the Servians and after Octobec 1st the offices a a lift your old shoes. :n reoccupied SemJin. ; when going Phons rz;3. ii mm TO KJ O, A have of the British Consulate will be at No. in over a bumper the man Japan, Sept 30 fierce became frightened 1123 Alakea street . engagement was fought yesterday near! 932. Beretania street opposite Thomas and threw his arms 1 ; around Keune's causing to the gates of Tamgtau. The German GERMANS ANXIOUS TO Squale. Telephone Number 385. neck him E. L. S. GORDON,' lose control of the machine. The pas- troops made a stubborn resistance FOREIGN : ' : GET PAPERS ' - . H. B. 1L ConsuL senger escaped u&hurt. - . - iMiliaiRpi?;";, against the onalaugh; of the . apaneae and suffered a heavy in STEIWV.".- loss life. One BERLIN, Sept L The admiralty The Rev. Guy . Roberts, "Main 3. hnndrrd and fifty Japoese were kill Joseph Nadler of Louis and May-nar- d Sneeze." President of the United StUes Bargains in Ctier ri:-c- ed or St - -:. wounded. ' would "welcome. thm Upton, were suf- Hay . PLAYEH PIA:- 7 r the seadinz tn f of iSolirer, itoi, . Fever Association, announced Alsiost 200 Germans were captured . latest foreign papers. - Tery little is focated and 14 persons Injured in a fire that the annual convention of the THAYZfl PIAT.O " oy tne Japanese. (seen in Germany now -- of any of the t whl partly destroyed a restanrant sneezers will take place at Bethle- i:5 Uottl ttrzzl. hem, N.H., September 2. , i .

You must see bjr the light of youf own lamp, ' v-- r , " , , 7 r U GPORTS, CLASSIF .Nobody can help you mnelL; . ? akd Bnirn::a 1 II I! - c 1 A 1 v a.1 .0 ' ; Mfs. Craigie. o SEWS SECTION.

DpyOLULU STAR BOLLETIN, WEXKSP SEPTEMBER CO, 1914' price tive cn:;i3 . TSClliHSAYS FflAEICE ISSUES Cannon That Mc w3raized vfepea . vmurn ' : ...... Ji : ;. By HERBERT . KAUFI.IAN : .. A .1 V SOGiill ILL BE III . Author of "Do Sonih!A L SontrtJ OPFOSFD TO ALL n QHTtD mm USINESS is no longer a rnan to mxfi contact, ia which' the mi B seller and the buyer establish a personal bond, any more thani i - battle is a hznd-to-han- d grapplt .wherein bone and muscle an4 5 LIT YEAR TO JOIN COLORS y sinew decide the outcome. Trade as well as war has changed aspect ' : : "v ; bothi are now fought at long range. . -

'. consul-genera- Th following Is from the commer Dr.. A. Marques, l . for Just as a present-da- y army of heroes would hare no opportunity; Associated Press b,y Fed. 'Wireless. CAssoctated Press by Fed. Wireless. Associated Press by Fe Ex- page , San Ftanclico France, has issued a notice calling -- REDDING, 30. Mount rro-vision- clal of the to display th individual valor of its. members, just so OAKLAND CaU Sept, .20, Califof Cat, Sept MEXICO CITY, Mex Sept 30. al. a' merchant x . aminer of September 15: upon all French residents of the terri ir.Ai 11. a. . a t. ... 1 Lassen is again in eruption, accordiug President Carranxa jre:!eJ . Emil Tschuml. the secretary of the tory who are cot more than 47 years who counts upon his direct acquaintanceship for success, is a relic Btate conference yesterday .went un-- to reports from the rorest supervisor. ' Sugar Com- military ; ' v ' 4 yesterday afternoon to the petitition Hawaiian Commercial It old and , who are subject to of the past a business dodo. v . , ' C-- . animously on record as opposed to the " pany, la aadition to being a statisti- duty, to immediately Join the colors U. S, MARSHAL SMIDDY presented by Villa's jnerala, asking cal expert of :Qie first rank. Is gen- of their country. The summons con . him to resign In favor of Calderon to erally recognized throughout the Unit- tains a clause to the effect that those 01 warsmps oatterea oown tne atsuma regard Orientals. TO ASSUME OFFICE avoid war. he would "do ao g!ad leading tortincations. ibe bamurai, in to that ed States and 'Europe a a who do not respond to the order will .who had hitherto considered their blades and bows efficient, dist 7..' SATURDAY MORNING ly If his resignation and the appoint- authorify on sugar produc- ; American be classed as desetters. 'A7;. .' ment of CalQeron should be ratified is- CHARLES GREEN'S : a .. 7; . tion. Mr. Jschumi has recently The notice reads as follows; covered that one cannon was mightier than all the swords in creation, J. 1 at the general conference. sued in. pamphlet form an analysis of J. J. Smiddy, ww United States Within eight days from this date if they could not get near enough to user them. Japan profited by DEATH CAME SUDDENLY Hawaii, will take hia oath Otherwise" he "will 'continue to fight the statistical position of the world's subjects belonging marshal for energy all French to the the lesson. She did not wait until further ramparts were pounded to V IN SAN FRANCISCO of office' at 10 o'cloca Saturday, morn- the Villa faction with the same sugar markets, as affected by the war. classes cf 1887 to 1914, who at any - employed in combating the usurpation Kasing bis calculations on 1913 sta- pieces but was satisfied with her one experience and proceeded to ing before Judge Sanford BL Dole. As time previously have been reformed ' Star-Bulleti- n of Huerta." ' a-- pub In the . yesterday, - tistics, Tschuml find.' that England or exempted from military service, modernize her methods. ;. .a. The San Francisco Chronicle stated imports and consumes each year 1, Mr. SmMdy is In receipt of x com- must present themselves at the French Ho-sam- iZO.CQQ tens of euzar. aimortJoned as The merchant Who doesn t advertise is pretty much m the ' Green, well:known in, e munication from. Washington, D. TWENTY MILU0N D0LUHS consulate (1928 Wilder avenue) to un- v C fellows "among the several sources of position as that in which Japan stood when her eyes were I nolulu: ' aa instructing him to assume his duties " dergo another medidb: visit, in order FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS - ' ... 7 immediately, although l)ls commission supply:- -- " opined to the that had clanged; 800,-- to establish that they are still unfit ttet tie, as has not yet arrived. Lect Sugar From Germany, faW.ttW ' 'marshal Austria-Hungary,- for military service. Those, who are of a will as his twenty-tw- o - -- Associated by Fed. Wireless. 000 tens; front " 260 competitor surely destroy business as the cannon of the past years, died at Mr. Smiddy'a bond has been fixed Press 0 now in good health or have no per- yea-eo- n 3 dOO tons; from Holland,-180,00- tons: the foreigners crumbled, the walls of Satsuma. Unless you take the a home,l Eigtiteentn. avenue, at "120,000.' This will befiled imme- WASHINGTON, a C Sept manent infirmity must consider them-sel- f frc:.i other sources of supply, HO.OQO' to heart, unle,, , ou realue ,he importance of not diately upon hia taking the oath Sat- The House has agreed to the substi- -, expected t.:;s. Total teet eugar imported, 1- as mobilized and are to adding; urday, Owing io the fact that the tution of the Senate rivers and har- o immediately Francisco, only as means of tattending your defending ' gen- :.a.c-e- tens, a, - start for. San a business but for it as about 8:30 and after cainna; bis son, marshal's office novr ia a disbursing bors appropriation bill, carrying a disposal of the French consul S20,0OQ.9Q In lump sum - Cane Sugar From Cuba, .224.000 at the wellyou must be prepared to face the consequences of a fofly'as' Herbert, to get ujy told his wife that office of the treasury department the eral fund of a t. from sources, 17C.C00 general in that city. Those whose pe he feeling 11L- While Mrs. Green Mr. Smiddy to be expended at the discretion of 2; ether great as that of a duelist vho'cxpects , to survive in a contest in which waf bond which has been re - cunlary ; phy-- en- t . Total cane sugar imported, situation renders them enable - was at, a telephone summoning a quired to furnish Is $10,000 more than the Secretary of War sad army his bears a sword length of own. A.V-;-:A- ; 1 :." , pay passage, must apply to adverspy twice the his .Uituxx, cry .out. A- . . . tons. Totr.1 importation of to their :,' ahe heard her husband that required of former marshala. gineers. '4..; k!r,J4 cf sugar, 1.S50.000 tons. ., the French consul In fl6nolulu. Those : Don't think that it's too late to begin "because-ther- e are i so many I and,vpon rushing baclf to hla bedside Harry Holt acting marshal, will re ex-j.ruti- . He figures that the European" who do not respond will be considered main in office until October 15, he DIVORCE : g" u, uyc- - - the SUIT FILED to England be entirely as deserters." - - A ." . V w,r JfC1' vumuiurc "Green was born in Kerapen, Ger- will v "rr" u,a4."' r ? says, until accounts and other, 'mat c Ame- 1 town is growing. It will grow even more next year. many, in 1869. He was brought to cut T Ly the war and thatthe using.. at ters are straightened out' A -- t ' AGAINST H0N0LULAN rican iui?ar bctt crop- will be short THIN It needs increased trading facilities' just as it's a. hungry 'for, rieV 4 Ban Franclscol at the age of 7. and PEOPLE h!s-paren- r.oxt year, r.s u the seed from which pv''a'-- r,.s :,?;.wa.- -- v'?'flve years later "both t died.' Associated Press by Wifeless, 4)SuW1.1wu. A .AAT A A A VMorrflv hlA nnrfprfitanil C0L0NEL WEST RETIRED; Fe. cur lects are grown comes from Ger- CAN INCREASE WEIGHT tn .nV SAN FRANCISCO. CaU 8ept 30. many. Hp draws the conclusion that ' ' ' - "Newspaper advertising has reduced the value, of being locally . English, the boy' went out on the REACHES AGE LIMIT v newspapers. Irene Wolf, has filed a suit for divorce If the ur con', zci until January Thin men and women who would prominent, and five cent street car fares Have cut out the advantaged streets , and sold ; His WASHINGTON. D. Sept 33. In 'thU'. city against Frederick Wolf, -- C 5 xt, E::r.d need an additional like to increase their-weig- ht with .10 : 0f being Ground the corner; A store fiv miles away, can reach . Colonel Frank West cavalry, has been chief engineer of a Honolulu cannery, f ;1.v cf 14.:?.:: 3 t:r.s cf eupar, and or 15 pounds. otv healthy "stay there for age by operation of law. alleging 'cruelty. , 1 e News-neighb- or retired c'eL.-nd'- through the columns of newspaper and draw your next, door 15 was president of-th- A .t ? .Ar::c:n ln 1314 fat should try 'eatiiig a little Sargol .the of he r:.-t- CC0.CC0-.tons- , boys' Union. years be-- r e U least with their meals-fo- r a while and note to its aisles, while you sit by and 'see the people on your Foot later he u total extra demand vcf 1,-- results.' Here is. a good: test worth : pwt block enticedway, without your beihg:a ; cn the growing su-,- :. trying. .First; weigh yourself and s. He f ft::rxtcs.the cane secure' new customers to take their place. CO- - measure yourself. Then t take Sar- OCEANIC STEAMSHIP 1 ;t 7,r.::.::a tens r.nd.fg- - - gol one tablet with every .meal : I EXPOSITION LINE" tr.!.r.r- '; r.:and crn it at - THE for two weeks. Then weigh ing DUi.oi oeing apie 10 survive witnoux. n. 1 ne ming you nave to 1892 outdoor t. I.i IT 11 raw sugar was - In. In he entered the FOR SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SYDNEY, N. .8, yourseir again. a question . ybtir-busines- W.. 'of a n isni on consider-is- not -- only-an extension of, but of holding advertising business andA soon be-- :.s 5.:: ccr.ts, because how you look or feel or your A Sonoma ...... Oct 9 Ventura Oct S - Euro-c:-. what . ' ngure f'.?rtcre in the What you alreadyhave. - ;v:;A.HyA t: r?me-BUC- aominam. xnaima A . . . 24 ;vN9V. 2 t'i friends say and think. ' - : ' Sierra . .A. .Oct Sonoma The scale and . ...., . - . . , ' vh'-- ' . as then constltut-- a A' A 1 firm was incorporated under the tape measure will tell their , own a Ventura ...;.V..;.;..Nov. 6 Ventura ...... i.Njv. 13 . enly 11 per - Advertising is an investment, the cost of wmchTS in the same iname Charles Green Company. The a t:.::;:se cf .ny wom- ; Sierra 21 Sonoma C3 ' - story, and mcst thin man or fday following 1906 Green ...... Nov. ..V..A...;..;..C85. rf v v "s crcp.- The aver-i- i 'fironortion tn it returns as seeds Are totheriarveat And it 5Mu4t'of - - . - . ."vs.... 4 Ventura Jan, 23 en can easily add from five to eight 1- l.--..- r- ' originated slogan,-''On- e Million Vtntura .....v...... Dec i;il was iAZZ cents a - -- .u ..ui:.:-.- -. -a t the : pounds 4n the first fourteen' days by juu. w.vuu i 1915." ad-- !.'--- TV. -- r.i fgures that the ;TOsiwuy- yuuviy, f fof San Francisco in and MAKE YOUR 1915 RESERVATIONS EARLY. following this simple direction. And over purcnasmg a nc country.-- : V ; rics T:r- - the coming year wouia dc lor a larmcr. to nesnaic icnuizer, ii vertised it all over the $110.(50 s , ROUND TRIP. ' -- best of all, the new flesh stays put emplcy-'in- n - many : ' 'y r? ere cent'above thl3 a discovered, that he could profitably" incfease liis crops by Green was a .member of Eargol not of fat, a'--- - ' : , includ- - A COMPANY. LTD., does itself make ' : .r'.'- ' 'A;T'--"''ajA- clubs and social organizations; C BREWER Central A;snts it. A . v V? fA ' ; a V';'.-a- " - mixing your1 ' T c "'; : -- graph is as fol- but with food,, it turns ing the Rotary Club; the Army and " ; ' . . sugars . ' the fats, and starches of what fNavy Club and the Union League, - Is learning you have eaten, into rich, ' ripe fat He ' was known for his ? democratic ristcs r?w went -- ".at It th ..'. . not de--. producing nourishment for. the tissues M0TT-SMIT- treatment of employes and often ' ,n .ccuutes fof an and blood prepares it - inv an easily H BURGLAR Wm 1 ? with them ,on their picnics andut-- ' ingS. 'AA':A' A , , ;;'-':- r.ccesslty and assimilated form which the blood can ' if , .. I rH is survived . by ; his r' There is r.o douht readily accept All this nourishment The deceased & ' , KIDS PLAY - ; A' I: '.La at' vrashlng-that- now passes from your body as waste. J BUNCH OF AT widow. Mrs. Mae Green a son, lleri the United Eut Sargol stops the waste and does bert, 21 years of age: two sisters and - FRC?4 SAN FRANCISCO: FOn; SAM FZX'..Z. - : - . . ; : A.--- - ;.:Justry r.iou!d be it quickly and makes the. fat produc- . . . a brotoer in los Angeies a sisier, - ,' 7:7. . a -- 9 : -- When a dozen boya ranging from room.' The' lada continuing .to ; trail Caro, of 714 , Clayton 3 S. . . . , . . 7 . t we EhcuM tave ing contents of the very same toeals .Mra.Edward S. Wllhelmina ...... Sept v S. WUhelmlna . .C;t r.' old, tbeir leader, electric ; San Francisco, and a brother cf fu.-a- If sugar you are eating now develop pounds to ,13yearg rfaying follow my after removed street. S. S. Manoa 6 S. S. Manoa ...... C:!. 1J , . . c ; the free list two cr and pounds of healthy flesh 'between leader, completed visit to the iiut; Bioues irom . ioeir vBocaeis ana in vaicagu. .jr j their .. a vl . V. n n. nn Am 4 a,t m m 1. t .... ' ' S. S. Matsoni 13. SAS. Matsonla .. Oct." 21 lit-A- : your I. ...Oct there wcuhi be skin and benes. Sargoi is safe, A! Mott-Smlt- h A. Mi 9 A handsome home of E. in ' n - r'-:.- engagement the- S. S.: Enterprise ...... 20 S. S. Enterprise Z7 s lature between: AHIes .Oct :..,....C:t. and ana; meipensive. some'-week- teet. neasani, eiiicieni Kuuanu valler ago, they Punchbowl These two i or Biue oj tenson, uo., premisea conBlderabJy upset. of and the Triple entente amiia k the " . ueft - - c e from . Kakaako. ,, ; The- floor was cov- - ..... t i r i Chambers Drug Co.. and Hollister causing police to believe IIOVEIIEIITS OFl: S. S. Manoa aiillna fromkHonouiu Oct. 13 for San Francissa v'l the that the - en- ; - ' ; ered with broken glass when- the "' ' - r cr. thu r :.rl:ct, and If Drug advertisement. . San Pedro. - A"7' Ca place had been rilled by a professional l- - - - ' - -- ' gagement had ended.' A A - ' t ex', there v IIAIL STEALIEIiS S. S. Hyades sails Seattle Honolulu 13. burglar. also, bent ,on revenge,' ; ; from for about October Mott-Smi- th was r t hew high sugar The library denuded S. S. Hilonian salia from Honolulu for San Francisco and C ;:'.'.: HANOVER PLANS CARE OF Weeping and wailing sounded In po- of all picture books, and in' seeking ' its r 23, 4 p. m. ; , lice station corridors . yesterday v Tuesday, Sept at FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS "Red Devil Dick" literature the young-- when' the youngsters, all attendants - TESSELS TO AERITE " sters were disappointed and took their A CASTLE a'COOKE LTD.. Gencrcl Aq:nts. A 'VTO CZT 1 a ' at one of the local private schools, Her:' 1, revenge .in destroying a number i or BERLIN, Sept The city council stood before Captain .of Detectives - ' Thursday, Oct. 1. . works of art A. A A.A . co:;;.;iiTEE cf Hanover has decided to set aside Maui ports Claudinev-str. ; .Arthur. McDuffie and between sobs told Captain McDuffie secured confes es a first appropriation the sum of story of invasion of the A Friday, 2. A ' - the their sions ap-- Oct CO., from - PACIFIC CTEiYLIGIUP . 1. A es all the lads called J PA- IIAIL cc.mitteo 3.CC0.C00 marks for the support of the home and. of. deeds of vandalism" per-famlll- to Ran TTMnplaw XfnTrhTrf' M. " .'. r' i-t- e-- ? -' - pear ponce yesterday . - ... Aa rt '1 eh- cf now a- . at stauon o s soldiers in the field. petrated there. . . . i talilnjs from Honolulu en or at cut tie following dates: 1 oz plunder-take- c I T the Every married woman will receive a A.," We were playlng4follow my leader' with much the n from ' Kona and Kan ports Mama Loa, - the home,,.; ; -': - ' C 1 ' di- Z A' : FOR THE OR1SNT: ; FOnA SAM FJIANC1 C tl'owcnceof S3 marks, which and when Johnnie' Dointine to a - ' str. a '. A:A 3 ' 1 '. 1 : 3 c 1 '.'.'-".- Ja v ' , f .lAv. ' S.-.,-.- - sur.v is to be proportionately whoser .waa " :a' , Increased minutive youngster face Ice-boxe- a Saturday Oct , 8. S. Manchuria via Manila .A-- 3 sev- hi C r.y." - . .: A; have been intalled in 8. 8. 6 fcr etch childA abundantly adorned with freckles, ililo via way porta Manna Kea, str. A I; ; out and "In ; ...... Oct 2 Monsolla ...... C:4-- eral large postofScea " Care of !'-.''-- - "dared tia to tear off a; picket of the to' take '.' 4.- A.: large parcel post tn poul- Sunday, Oct S. Manila, out a ' 8. 8. Z0 Mott-Smit- h we t all;', got the business ; , 8. Nile via Persia ,C:t front fence . Maui, Molokal and Lanat ports ' C.'liU RAILWAY 7IL!E TA0LE meat went house," try, eggs and othef foodstuffs,,- - a v and In .. ...;..A.Oct 17 1 1 pickets and into the Mikahala, Str. a ; 8. 8. Korea Oct 27 admitte J one who acted as spokesman. A Maui. ports Claudlne, str, ; S. S. Mongolia via Manila V - boys the pantry and - -- .The entered Kauai ports Klnan, str. , . . ... Oct 30 8. 8. Siberia ...A...... Nov. 3 r ; A CUTWAHD. . 3ar jelly. The TESSELS TO DEPAEsT r there found a large of v. str." I k . , mJ Kauai; pftrta W. O. HalL , ; Vcr TTaiasae, ITaniiks, took, and smeared A: :" ,'l'.zz, and leader a handful it f 'Monday 5.' . - A 1 Dm tA a Wednesday, Sept 30.V Oct i. ' ' ray ttatlcna a. rx. 3:23 p. over the side of the wall. Soon eleven Z 13. . A . . . For Information apply ts, fW VMM a. . , Manila via Japan Thomas, U. A; central r Hilo via. 'way-- porta Ma una I Kea; " ' ill. Vcr Tearl City. Ewa Hill and way additional portions were added to the : A D ' r'-A- . ... v T. ;A- TKZ etc apartment. str.; 10 a. m. : a-- ( tiers t7:2D a. 9:15 a. to., decorative scheme of that '- " Francfsco-Ventu- ra, n.:Ecc!ifcid C: A in, - Co., A A Thursday, ' AVa A San O. S. S. Ltd. ; - Acziiz 11:C3 p. EL, p. Tiring of this diversion, the. bath- Octli ' ' a. m, - A, .. :' n.2:15 3:3 ' many ; Kauai ports O. Hall, 5, p. tn. Tuesday, Oct. 6. ; .. C:15 p. 19:30 p. p. nx. room was uext visited. Here str Hongkong tll:15 followed.; 'A" via Japan parts Mon Ecr YTahiawa and Leilehua '10:20 acts of vandalism tin of ' l- ' ; Manila via Japan P; - S. a. p. 5:iO p. '511:00 condensed milk was unearthed and and "China ports;0 nn t2:43 n; la, - 'S.-.- . ,;: San Francisco Manoa, M. N.- - S. S, " ; bed- M. j v - , . A ' generously sprinkled over . a aianchnria, P.: S. P. tO. A..V; ' ' A Maul porta Clandine, str, S p. W Wednesday, Oct 7. f ;;;a-- v. .". " : INVAna -l HAELS r; Saturday. Oct.' 3. A X San Francisco Sheridan,, U. S, A. T0J0 vEISEN KAISH2:. ITcncIulu TTti- - Hilo way - flsVBsarsirsarHrsVreTHB . Arrive frcra Kahia, j . r and norts Mauna Kea. iT '.."..' -- :-- . .. - . .. .. , , 4, ; . t ...... ' ' , , ...... V.aianae-8:- 3$ a. tx, 5:31 llaila are due rroa the following str, 3 p. el'-- A ?. . J Friday, Oct; 9. v :!a tzi ' 1 A-- .: 1 . - :. ..A ; a V I Sydney via Pago Pago Sonoma,' O, -. a c c n ru points as follows: - Monday, Oct 5. W Cilaamera ef the above Company. twill call at and laavt ili-z'.- j t . A Ewa MH1 and FrancIsco-rManchur- ia, 2. Svdner via Paro Patrrv Vontnr. O. S. S. tzi Anita Ilcnclcla troa San Oct ' .cr about the dates mentioned below: m- '"' -- 10. TIC 1; ETC rcarl City 17:45 a. vu S:SS a. -, Yokohama Mongolia, Oct 6. j- :,A S. 2 p. nt ' - o' Saturday, Oct il:C2 a. p. p. 9. San ThomasI U. S. A. T..! San Francisco via Seattle --Vlrgm- el, l:40 tx, 4:n n, Australia Sonoma, Oct. Francisco ". r.:rvatlcr.s -- H ports-rClaudin- e, SAN FRANCISCO. - 3:C1 p. n., 7:20 p. n. A will depart fcr the foUowtea Maul str, 5 p. m. an.'A.-- S. S. ;a' for the orient. FOR Hails - ' - .: a-4 - Arriva Hcnoluln Wahiawa v. Kauai ports Hall, 5 p. San Francisco Tenyo Mara, Japan from and points as follows:, aa WG. str, el ' 'nd Lc::;t:a-8- :lS p. Mongolia, Kauai porta Ndeau, str 6 p. m. ese str, a a; 'A.;. ;'a:,.a',"' 8. S..Tenya Maru ...... Oct 12 8. S. Shinyo Maru .....Oct 21 a eu tl:E5 San Francisco Oct 6.. aa" : 'A ' ! 1 9 , Chiyo Maru 13 CI p. 7:10 p, : : . Tuesday, 6. A' .': Tuesday, Oct 13. '. , ' 8. S. Shinyo Mam .....Nov. S. S...... Nov. " V W w J W i: el, tx ;a Yokohama Manchuria, Oct 2. 1. Oct - f and Kau ports too, Kona and Kan ports Manna Loa, S.4 S. Chlyo Maru Dec 4 8. 8 Tenyo Maru Dee. 1 two-hon-'f Ventura, Oct 5. Kona Manna ...... c. Tta Ilaklwa Limited, a: Australia " ': Twin:: sr-.'X.-., noon.- - A . C-- a 25 Shinyo 23 train (enly flrttclass tickets honored a," ;r,7 :'v H str. t S. S Tenyo Maru Dec 8. 8. Maru .....Des. -- I Maui, Molokal and Lanai ports .: San Francisco Sherman, U. S. A. T. leaves Ilonclwla every Sunday at 8:3$ PASCrXGIX3 XrrAETED - ' a. Mikahala, str,1 & p.. m,A,- a. ; San Francisco Matsonla, M.N. S. S. for Ilaklwa hotel; returning ar ;;A' riTcs la Honolulu 10:10 p. The Per stmr. .Kinau. for . Kauai ports. I Kauai Ports Kinau,: str.6 p. ml j ' "A: Tuesday; Oct. 20. v at n. : - 29-r- Mra. R- Man Wednesday, 7.- .San Francisco Lurllne, 1L S.' S". Sept M. - Amorin. Mrs. Oct N X- - CASTLE & COO KE, LIMITEDAgsnts, Hcnclj L!n:t:d ten enly at Pearl ' City and e, r i P.-Fay- za. Chang Moon, H. San It.' ,N. A Wednesday, 21. T.'ti-- A .. , Lau. Mrs. ;FrancisrrVvllhetolns,'- Oct - 10 L- ' --v, i. - rn:y. t Except Crrliy. tCmJaycrtly. John Breaulf Mrs, MahlurnVMrs-- Wat- a S, a. E- r ;Hongkong via , Japan- potts Shinyo ' ; Friday, fi. Marn, Japanese str. . C. P. CINICCN, F. C J.:iTH, erhouse; E. H. W. Broadbent Dora! Oct' a ',' :Z2 3161 - AVA.;'-'- ';. , ,.'.' CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- Broadbent A Alice Broadbent v- I tan TancisccrSscaipma, vo.. li. Tuesday, Sept, 22. ; N ROYAL MAIL CP. A. 5 ports LI"Z Per atmr. Mauna Kea for Hilo and oEL Kona and Kau Manna Loa. -- - . , 'Subject to Change. . . . Septi-3- F.-- I AManfla m- way ports, Strange, H. jia; Gua- ; .r.f - For-Cuv- Auckland and Sydney . Victoria and Vancouver. i:unAi:A:;i SHOTEU E. Newton, Thomaa lLAEvans, E. A. ;A. T,A-- Saturday. ; Oct 24. - For ' A Manila via Japan-DI- x, .A..T. - . 1$ ' US. 8. 8. Makura ...... Oct 7 8. 8. Niagara ...... Oct rj : & l j AHongkong'.jria 'ports Tenyb j Miss B. Holland, Mr;; and Mra. Ted Japan p a Tuesday, ,Oct .27V, , , tapeker j 1 and Dealer la Guard. H. Fa Fishery Prof., Jaggar, H, Maru, Japanese str. H ' t j ;'Hongkong yiav' Japan ports Korea; 8. 8.. Niagara , ...... Nov. 4 8. 8. Makura ...... Dec. 11 - JAPAN'CCS DRY : V end FANCY C00D3 A. Baldwin. Geo. F. Wright Stanley Tueacuy, 13. : v t 3 At. S. S3. ; uct. 1. 1. THEO. H. DAVIES & C0 LTD GENERAL AGENTS pnovisicNS, cnoccniES, etc 1, I L&Ul, UUU19 AW5, M Aw u. A. San Francisco Manoa, M. N. S. S. Z2-- ' : -- -. Ilctcl Ctreet, near Nuunau. Keystone, N. Kamuri, Ralph King, p, m.-.- ; a ..... v v ; TBAJTSP02T SESYIC2 a Parker,-J- r GoanH-Sberid- an, AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- Sam Mrs. Frank Woods, Manila via U. S 4 N 8. 8. CO , PANAMA CANAL UUZ C A. Burns, Mr,Okina;- - a', a A. T. A A v T amnim TT tits' fv1 tnm anrvv A STEAMER will be. despatched from NEW TOItK for HONOLULU, ' ' ' 4 a Manila, Sept 15. . - KAHULUL PORT ALLEN and HILO, via SAN FRANCISCO. Tcry y.taka::u:vauC0, ; riCCZXGEES EC0KED San Francisco Shinyo Maru Jap-- - Thomas, from Manila via Nagasaki, "TEN DAYS. Approximate in. 33 DAYS. -. time transit i. ' ' L:.-.-.:;:- : y; - -, : - ' ;-'- ; anese str. - c.-- i y-- ' a a I Sept, 15. - A a .:' Seattle and Tacoma to Honolulu S. S. Virginian, to sail about Oct c:; Per atmr. - W..' G. Hall, for Kauai Sam M, K. Fran-S.A-S c:v: r:zr,CHANT3 Francisco Matsonla, ; Sheridan, from Honolulu for San , S. Kentickyian Nov. 2. - - 2. 3. to sail about Jy a. ; - ports, 1 Rev. Saylor. a, 10 . o-- - . - ' Oct a. in. r A" Cisco, arrived Sept. 18., 7 For particulars aa to rates,- etc,' apply to . : ports, -- '.'' Per stmr. Claudlne for Maul Saturday;t)ct 24. . a J Dix, from Nagasaki for Manila. C. P. MORSE, a : A H. HACKFELD & CO, LTD. j 2 A. Francisco-Slerr- a, a-- - Oct J. W. Waldron, R. Cooke, v.saa O. Sherman, San Francisco. '7777-- A - . " a at General Freight Agent aa.; Agesta R. T.'.rJetow, K. F, Brown. , r a xuioaV ,;: K v ':Va- V; .tTTtrrta, atsScsti- - at .f.rXSsiaa

A - ' . a; :. 1 iW-&. !.;-,'- : - - -- i:.H?,t.Av:AAt:---:4!..:- .'

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