Trcm Cm Wrxncftsr 1: Manchuria,- - Oct. 2. for eanVrtnettee - 2 ! : -- e. I i i ! I Mongolia, Oct A , i i ? From Vncwvir: r r mi, . ' 1 I I i 1 1 I I l.-- i Indeialte, r ; v f j V i iii ,1 I .' J I I I For Vancouver: V 'I'M Indefinite, I,' --4 w . f Evening Bulletin, Est. 1882. No.; 5972 Hawaiian Star. VoL XXII, No. 7012 14 PAG ES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, WEDNIDAYSEPTEMBER 30, 1914, 14 PAGES PRICE FIVE CZinZ i 00 . poo v. 0q 1 KOI9 xx ooo ooo ooo ooo ami nFnrnrm M MSI TO R1 ! li CANDIDATES T.IUST V k. m W a V w . BELGIAN STRONGHOLD UNDER ATTACK mm mm - -- j r 1 ; 1 r f f F 7 o PROVE ELECTION n r i J i TO 5S BALLOTS DIGFUTE J '.: . Y o::e rr.-.rjTR- onslaught made but repelled with Unless County Clerk Manda Judas .Whitnsy SuctIns C':' G..i LGoS, SAY BELGIANS BERLIN CONFIRMS BOM mused All Names Will Be ,'ticn to f.'urphy's Tc:1:.7.:.t, r:,nD:.:EfiT cEGUfj British and German official ; : Entered for November - ' au:.c: .ents agree German right not BROKEf lc;:::: claims it has been forced back aus-- AnORrJEY-GEriRA- L GIVES federal coutt cl::.:; THIA'. wULDIERS TO JOIN GERMANS AS COMPOSITE SECRETARY LEGAL ADVICE wiTfiEss cni::ai;;3 r;:1 - " - mm. UNIT ON: EAST ' Dr'.cE RUSSIA NOW GOVERNS Action by Supreme Court May Women Tcilcf Affair in F: ; .GALICIA BAVARIAN PRINCE REPORTED CAPTURED. Not Finally Dispose 01 very Court Building lz:.:.:,3 Associated Press Service by Federal Wlreleasl . - . Vexatious 'Question LO::dON, England, Sept. 3D.' A despatch from Rome to r - iaxup four Republican can D!; :t Attrr EVE-riPST- O ilt to the The counsel for rci r.c.vs Accr.cy cays that the Russian ambassador didates for the legislature who claim Jeff McCarn lest vitzl niy.rrcv r.:.3 anncjr.ccd.lhat the fugitive Austrian army : i election' at the primary to mandamus point relied epea by t:,3 t has county clerk, compelling morning when, durirT " : the city and at"" and defeated near Douklo.. ,- - v : him to count the number of ballots the trial of the dist--i :t tt! to the decpatch, all the army's provisions SGETJES AT LIE cast In the .fourth representative dls torritcrlai coirt, Ju l UL trict for candidates to the house of Whitney sustained c . LID rr.i.'itcry autcmcbifes have been captured.-- representatives. Otherwise Terrltor by the prcsecutlcn b t !! ; ial Secretary W. W. Chayer will en questlcnlns witn'M A.T-:'-- ; : II ter their names on the ballots for the phy, clerk cf e.a f : :rr:l c h iV.Uk. November election, nsder a ruling of prrtlins tho Izs-l- 'i J.-.- '.I !: . .i.iiiilvoiJL Ul Attorney-Genera- l Stalnback which the MaDriio heard !!:C the trial cf Cyl - - .Arc Still Indecicive latter made this morning. ; John A. Mreovitz Says German Attorney-Genera- l L U. Stalnback When Mr. Mur:'. .: 1 Ccpt.-S3- . yc:t;rJ-- y - " "IT, Germany, Official announcement to-- Shells Look Likev frankly, doubts, whether at least two stand r..City of the four candidates would be found upoa direct f ' to show t.-- i r : Stricken San Francisco to have received' --.majority of. the r a-- :. Ir' I :'. .r n ; T He cays '. s 2crcUry 's t3t"3 totes casti the . ' I 1 duty Is to act on the Information at Bride.', ObJ::"--- CAMEHOME IN STEERAGE K ' Scenes il 'dncKnt city of Antwerp, Belgium; above right," abbi).? p resect; tlca. 1.. at. hand, and his only Information ' that Czlcr.zs WITH THE MILLIONAIRES tolr, whose hi3ry Is entwined with the middle a:es;.blpw, th Steen; ; now fjur-wer- e merely nom tie n ii thatthe r. , : : i nterj prf.!?l jauwijivuwerjtsrafr-wnic- tt Ji feared, may inated. He does not knew the total Dride said to have mado a ns s v : I :ch ascault. alssi the line frem ' be razed; by.firrtof sitge gun; .at left, city . halt square, ; one of all the CI: I (u n an-- B N Uht number of "ballots cast for the office ' o an oriv'ts ow U. S. 1 . ' ;:w-5- ycu . niany beauty pelt'eff.thie city. "? -f c..v v and therefore .cannot say that any of in cc ;t Citizen and Took no Oppor-- virtually repeat: 1 them received a majority of those cast s : r.:nt cf Antvrcrp has fcejun'v ins-alt- th3 - . : ' ' "The official returns as tabulated by Icsed to ; tunities to Join. Fighters : Argument was cczl'.z: a I j the clerk of city and county of Austrian Moves Show Josef. the ins,' being opened ty ::;C.:.i . it attorney-genera- l, eye-witne- ss Honolulu," says the 1 ' An of war scenes In - .. defense. "There 3 to C :' 1 t in hlsi to Thayer, "show that " Germany and Belgium and perhaps the letter defendant coni-itt- eJ : ; r Mr. Cooke received 1986 votes. Mr -- t-- only man Jn Honolulu who was In Forces Jommn Germanv ,4UU said. There la clil i i: I . - - ... Wit lighting r Isenberg 1985 votes Mr. Watkins 1859 seir-Cefenz- T'-'- Liege after the terrible around ed.In t I; a Belgian city A. : 1 votes and Mr. Rawlins 186. The num ; . that is John Marcoritz. : : where we are seel!.-- r x , Ecljiura, Ccpt. CD. Tii3 E:!rian general v Associated Press Service rby Federal Wireless. voters b :P, Hungarian by birth, American by adop ber of rer'stered In the Fourth provocation, which u? to t.. - LOIfD.OlI, Sept. 30. - Id a:::;:ua:;3 that .c vijercus bchhardmcnt cf three. outer tion and now a chauffeur in this city. .England, The London Daily 'Tele district, In which these men were can- In the hallway cf tha fci:."l c ' Marcotltx arrived on ,thewllhelmina CTanh'a.iMrTeraondent PetrooTad savs the latest events 'dldates, is 4705. The ballots, reocrds building.' , fcrt3 cf tho Antwerp cy:t:ai cf fcrtil:aticn3 vras made by. the at that ' yesterday and gives a graphic account follow!-- t V : C;rn:-.n- : Galicia Immediately of happenings dangerous in and the Carpathian mountains seem to demonstrate 1 and ccntinncd all niht, ahatinj this ncrnin. the 'in the JoLt!! ing of the objection r.iJ.2 ; ' war-ton- e, , . ets witu 93 of -- ' I'o zz vrcre cilcnccd, it is a:::rtcd, and the" an-- that the Austrian armies have abandoned' Hungary and are in accordance section ecutlon, the.defen? tu' Close Questioning of Marcovitx die fer of proof to c : trir' ' ' ts nothing but praise for the Germans Insults which McCrl .2 !; : I . : how many voters t' : Ccr-- rr was xnurdcrcuzly reputed,. the Germans losing and Austrians and an absolute denial cow. By this plan the Austrians would oecome a composite tain voted in the. made to Mr. McCarr.. tr. i f. :. of charges that German soldiers In on no occasion d'.J !.':C ra German defense.' -- of the 1 -- unit - . : : " . n ccrties cf the xelran trccps are haraceiing Belgium committed atrocities against "As It does not affirmatively appear epithet 'liar' to IIcL. C the rules of modern warfare. On the that Messrs. Cooke, Isenberg, Watkins show proof was cbjrct: 1 t 1 7 other hand, he alleges that the Belgian Liu Now Rules Galicia and Rawlins, or any" of them, received prosecution. A pert!: a cf t'-- 3 civilians have been guilty of many ssia the vote of a majority of the voters to show proof was ov.rr:' I ; horrible cruelties against German - - t 2 ; t IETItOGEAD, Ehssiar Sept. 30. Russia has r assumed votin?jn that district ;ut it does ap- Whitney, the clause r: z: wounded and prisoners, v when pres- - s thet "liar", being su:t::.-- :. M ?d for proof of this he admitted this civil and military administration in the Austrian province of (Continued on page three) "I did not hear Mr. TlcCira c-- morning that he had seen nothing with Galicia. The Lemberg authorities are docile and friendly. McBride a lstr," siiJ :iur; :.7 ' his own eyes, but he declares that it ccatl.-.::- ! "11 " ... examination was t n "p ' i i3 a matter of common knowledge that Just the reverss such cruelties have been committed. Prosecution Is Cu;t-- !r : 5. 3 X.c z r.r..l -- ro- - frem u eim ca c " for some proeecutioa - ' V - Marcovitz lived la California today's The etcrcl r - r '. ; mm : years and was the chauffeurof former LOirpON, England, Sept. 30. The' Star's Petrbgrad cor- tion to Mr. Murphy sijlr; r.:: Lieutenant-governo- r Alden Anderson. question called for. Wil-helm- the 4.. says seized 's -- MeC-rr- ..k... Last June he received word that he respondent hat the Russians have Kaiser LEAGUE EULTS What was Mr. 3 C fallen heir to an estate in Hun-- i toward McCrtde thrc--:.c- ;t t!: t. tad blooded stock farm Ebminten, East Prussia, and pre- - at put ty Attcrr.- rary, hia birth place being near Buda x " was the question pest. He went to the Hungarian capi sented it to the Russian Agricultural Institute, the animah to AMERICAN LEAGUE. seph Lightfoot ' centrarieon cf the ann:ur.ee: the fact up some legal matters . ; At Cleveland Cleveland 9, Chicago TSa prosecution ctj":ci:i aad tal to settle be distributed under the direction of the institute. , ' V. in connection with the estate .and 5 (t2 Inning) - sustained," : was when the European war At Louis Detroit 9, 8L Louis --What was McSrli'a ct'Ji :? T there 8t I- f.anicd out and involved almost every Bavarian-Princ- e Ca 8 (called at end of eignth inning, dark ward MrJMcCarn?" Ilr.
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