


Minutes 1. (a) Draft minutes of 20 November 2012 (attached)

(b) Matters arising

2. Future business programme (PB/S4/12/255)

3. Removal of motions (PB/S4/12/256)

4. Legislation (a) Legislative Consent Memorandum - Marine Navigation (PB/S4/12/257) (No. 2) Bill

(b) Public Bodies Act Consent Memorandum – Public (PB/S4/12/258) Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013]

5. Bills from reports of the Scottish Law Commission (PB/S4/12/259)

6. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers

7. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 4 December 2012




1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business following Decision Time.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below.

S4M-02899# Christine Grahame: A Scottish Media Panel—That the Parliament would welcome a panel of experts to provide advice to ministers on ’s media industry to help identify a strategy and direction, to help enable stability and growth and ensure that there is no democratic deficit in reporting on the Parliament and politics at what it considers this most important time of social and political change in the Scottish Borders, Midlothian and elsewhere in Scotland; while acknowledging that this is a time of financial restraint, believes that funding such a panel would have longer-term benefits for both the industry and democracy, and understands that such a proposal is currently under consideration by the Welsh Assembly Government.

S4M-03469# Elaine Murray: Congratulations to Nith Inshore Rescue—That the Parliament congratulates Nith Inshore Rescue (NIR) on receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, presented by the Lord-Lieutenant for Dumfries, Jean Tulloch, on 22 June 2012; notes that NIR is an independent lifeboat based at Glencaple and that the crew of unpaid volunteers is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year and has saved or rescued over 100 people since NIR was formed 32 years ago; applauds the support that it receives from the community, and wishes NIR many more years of saving lives and preventing water-based accidents.

S4M-03561# Jamie McGrigor: The Pathway to the Isles—That the Parliament welcomes the results of a study by Scottish Natural Heritage into a new ―pathway to the isles‖ from Tyndrum to Oban; congratulates the instigators for what it considers their inspirational idea, which the report suggests could bring in tourism income of around £1 million per annum to the villages along the way, with a possible extra 32,000 visitors; notes, in light of what is seen as an upsurge in interest in pilgrim routes across Europe, that the route was previously a pilgrim’s path to Iona and might now pass through the villages of Dalmally, Lochawe, Taynuilt and Connel before reaching Oban, known as the gateway to the isles, and would link in with the West Highland Way and the Oban to Fort William cycle route; believes that this route would pass through some of Scotland’s most stunning mountain and loch scenery, including Ben Cruachan and Loch Awe; further believes that local residents and businesses would give a very warm welcome to extra visitors to the area attracted by the path, and hopes that the proposals will be taken forward and will boost tourism and raise the profile of one of the most scenic parts of Scotland.

S4M-03620# Bob Doris: Saving Lives in Glasgow and Beyond—That the Parliament acknowledges calls from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service to save more lives in Scotland by increasing the availability of defibrillators and the provision of emergency life support training in schools; notes that in some parts of Scotland the survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests can be as low as 1 in 100; is aware that for every minute that passes after a cardiac arrest without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by about 10% and that publicly sited defibrillators with simple instructions have already meant the difference between life and death for many people, including at least one person in Glasgow in the last year; believes that defibrillators should be easily accessible in as many public places as possible; applauds the efforts of those public bodies and commercial organisations that have taken a lead on this and, in particular, Glasgow Life and Strathclyde Passenger Transport; would welcome widespread

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uptake of the BHF-subsidised defibrillator and free training initiative; congratulates all those who participated in the BHF Scotland Saving Lives in Glasgow appeal, which raised over £100,000 to fund these life-saving machines, and looks forward to many more lives being saved.

S4M-03713# Christine Grahame: Centrica Profits an Obscenity—That the Parliament notes that British Gas Residential, which is owned by Centrica and includes Scottish Gas customers, has made £1.9 million profit per day in the most recent reporting period, fuelled in part by what the Parliament considers are inflammatory price hikes to consumers whose bills now average £1,260 per annum, £200 higher than two years ago and considers this to be obscene profiteering at a time when all household budgets are under stress, particularly those of vulnerable people, older people and young families in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale and the rest of the country.

S4M-03715# Christine Grahame: Bill and Ted @ Black Diamond—That the Parliament congratulates 89-year-old Bill Prentice and 87-year-old Ted Comerford, believed to be the oldest broadcasters in Scotland with their weekly show on Sunday from 5-6pm on Black Diamond, Midlothian’s community radio, broadcasting from Newtongrange on 107.8FM; notes that their show, devised by them, has been running as long as Black Diamond, five years, and can be heard from Arbroath to Edinburgh and across the Borders, and commends them for demonstrating that just because you are octogenarians does not mean that you spend your days in carpet slippers, sipping tea.

S4M-03740# Rhoda Grant: Recognising John McEwen, an Advocate of Land Reform— That the Parliament recognises the 20th anniversary of the death of John McEwen who, it understands, was a lifelong forester, socialist and advocate of radical land reform; considers that the people of the Highlands and Islands and across Scotland owe him a debt of gratitude for what it considers was his painstaking work in cataloguing land ownership in his book, Who Owns Scotland?; believes that this work exposed inequity in land ownership patterns and helped foster debate about land reform; acknowledges the early work of the Parliament in passing what it considers to have been important legislation that encouraged changes in land ownership patterns and removed feudal rights; notes with pleasure the use of this legislation by many communities and what it considers are the many benefits that community ownership brings; considers these to be welcome and important developments but believes that the fundamental inequity of land ownership has changed little since John McEwen’s work was published, and believes that, in order to permit a wider and greater stake for the people in the ownership of land and in pursuit of the changes and economic and social advances that were advocated by John McEwen and, it believes, are still needed, it would be a fitting tribute to his memory if the debate about the future of the country embraced more widely what it considers to be the need for further land reform measures.

S4M-03859*#* Claudia Beamish: Bee Aware of National Honey Bee Day— That the Parliament notes that 18 August 2012 was National Honey Bee Day; notes that this day aims to promote and advance beekeeping, educate the public about honey bees and beekeeping and make the public aware of the environmental concerns affecting honey bees; further notes that there were events across the UK, including at the Falls of Clyde, where visitors were given the opportunity to learn about the honey bee, find out about beekeeping, taste honey and see bees gathering nectar for their hive; recognises that honey bees are an essential agent of pollination for a range of plants that are in turn important parts of the eco-system; notes the recent research by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, which estimated that honey bees are worth £43 million a year to the Scottish economy by pollinating crops such as strawberries and raspberries, and *would welcome* the planting of bee-friendly fauna such as lavender, bugle, coneflower and hebe, which, it understands, are more attractive to bees.

S4M-03904# Elaine Murray: A Warm Welcome to Wildlife at Crichton Royal Dairy Research Farm—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) on signing a memorandum of agreement (MoA) at the Crichton Royal Dairy Research Farm in Dumfriesshire on 2 August 2012 that sets out how the organisations will aim to work together to increase wildlife on the

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research farm; understands that the signing of the MoA formalises and strengthens a partnership between the two organisations that has been ongoing for 10 years; notes that the purpose of the partnership is to develop and demonstrate simple and cost-effective methods of increasing biodiversity without impacting on the profitability of the farm and that their work, which has involved participation by schools, has resulted in increasing numbers of birds on the farm; congratulates SAC and RSPB on what it considers has been their successful partnership to date, and believes that the results of this work can make a valuable contribution to shaping the successor to the Scottish Rural Development Programme when the common agricultural policy is expected to be reformed in 2013.

S4M-03943# John Finnie: BBC Highlands and Islands Job Cuts—That the Parliament notes BBC Scotland's announcement that 50% of its senior journalist posts at BBC Highlands and Islands are to be lost; believes the level of job losses faced by the Inverness newsroom is disproportionate, and considers that such a move has the potential to adversely affect the ability of BBC Highlands and Islands to continue to deliver what it sees a high-quality of local news and public scrutiny of issues and events across a vast and diverse region.

S4M-04048# Neil Findlay: CAB Report on the Rising Demand for Food Parcels—That the Parliament acknowledges the recent report that was published by the Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) Scotland, Welfare changes: Voices from the frontline, The rising demand for food parcels; notes that, in 2011-12, CAB helped clients make over 2,200 applications for charitable support; understands that this was more than double the number of claims in 2009- 10 and that the majority of these concerned essential goods and services, such as food and heating; praises what it sees as the excellent work of charities such as the Trussell Trust in providing lifeline services to people in Lothian, and welcomes steps being taken to support people who lack the basic necessities required for life.

S4M-04051# Iain Gray: Value of Instrumental Music Tuition—That the Parliament recognises the key role that music can play in children’s academic and social development; notes that a five year study by researchers from Harvard Medical School and Boston College, published in 2008, concluded that children who play a musical instrument display better motor, auditory, vocabulary and non-verbal reasoning skills; notes that children in 24 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities are charged up to £340 per year for instrumental music tuition; believes that every child in Scotland should have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument; welcomes Scotland on Sunday’s Let the Children Play campaign; shares the concern of the Educational Institute for Scotland that music tuition charges may deny children from poorer backgrounds the chance to develop their musical talents, and commends the eight local authorities in Scotland, including East Lothian, that make no charge for instrumental music tuition in schools.

S4M-04110# Bill Kidd: Drumchapel L.I.F.E—That the Parliament congratulates Drumchapel L.I.F.E. (Living is For Everyone), an award-winning healthy living centre based in Drumchapel, on securing a grant of £361,813 through the Big Lottery’s investing in Communities Life Transitions fund for its Moves project; notes that the Moves project aims to improve the financial capability, financial management skills, financial resilience and wellbeing of people from a range of disadvantaged groups who live in the Glasgow West Community Planning Partnership area, which includes some of the most economically disadvantaged areas in Scotland; commends all of the staff at Drumchapel L.I.F.E. for their dedication and commitment to the work that they do with individuals, communities and organisations throughout Drumchapel, Yoker, Scotstoun, Whiteinch and Knightswood, and wishes them continued success in the future.

S4M-04134# Jamie McGrigor: HMS Duncan—That the Parliament notes that the last of the Royal Navy’s Type 45 air defence destroyers, HMS Duncan, left BAE’s Scotstoun shipyard on 31 August 2012 to begin an extensive period of sea trials off the coast of the Outer Hebrides; understands that she is named after the famous Scottish admiral, Viscount Duncan of Camperdown, who took his title from the scene of his famous naval victory; congratulates the team at BAE Systems Surface Ships Scotstoun on the River Clyde on building what are considered to be the six most advanced destroyers in the fleet; recognises that four of the

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ships have already been commissioned and that HMS Duncan and HMS Defender are expected to follow in 2013; considers that UK defence contracts are of enormous importance to employment on the Clyde and notes what it sees as pride in Clyde-built products; offers its support to HMS Duncan and her crew on attempting to successfully complete the extensive Royal Navy tests and trials, and wishes the ship and her company every success in any future global maritime operations.

S4M-04212# Colin Keir: Scotland’s Aviation Sector—That the Parliament acknowledges the importance of the aviation sector in Scotland to the country's economy, business development, tourism and jobs; welcomes figures published by BAA at the start of 2012 showing an increase in passengers at Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen airports; understands that, despite a difficult economic climate, all of the country’s airports have seen a growth in passenger numbers; notes that, in 2009, Edinburgh Airport is estimated to have contributed around £118.4 million of gross value added (GVA) to the city region and £146.2 million across Scotland; understands that the airport supports 3,530 full-time equivalent jobs directly on-site and 290 off-site as well as a further 1,520 in the city region and 2,370 indirectly across the country; believes that all of Scotland’s major airports, including Inverness and Prestwick, have a significant impact on local and regional economies; considers that international connectivity is key to boosting economic growth, and supports measures that will attract investment to airports across Scotland with a view to increasing direct routes to international destinations.

S4M-04216# Rob Gibson: Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters' Marine Energy Constraints—That the Parliament notes with alarm the recent report from Scottish Renewables suggesting that the costs of grid connection and transmission for the delivery of electricity produced from marine renewables in the Marine Energy Park area, which comprises of sites in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters, are set to soar; understands that this follows new charges from Ofgem that will result in a transmission regime that will increase costs by 91%; notes that the estimates of the projected annual connection charges for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters area have increased from £56 million in 2011 to £107 million by 2020; understands that this contrasts with an annual subsidy of some £2 million that would have been available had these been commissioned in the waters off the south-west of England; believes that clean green energy brings massive potential for renewables and that the sector is already delivering jobs and investment in the Pentland Firth area, and expresses strong concern that, because of a UK regulatory system that it considers unfit for purpose, there is continued discrimination against the marine renewables sector in Scotland that could hinder the sector's development.

S4M-04229# Sandra White: Yorkhill Children’s Foundation—That the Parliament welcomes Yorkhill Week, an action week that ends on 23 September 2012 and aims to encourage people from all over Scotland to make a donation, purchase a gift or raise funds in support of Yorkhill Children’s Foundation, a charity that has supported and enhanced the care of sick babies and children at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children (Yorkhill) since 2001; understands that the hospital, as a centre of excellence, treats over 150,000 children every year, who all benefit from the additional services and equipment funded by the Yorkhill Children’s Foundation; commends the countless fundraising efforts by groups and individuals all over Scotland to raise money for a worthy cause during Yorkhill Week, and wishes the foundation and everyone involved the best of success in their continuing endeavours to improve the care of sick children in Glasgow and Scotland.

S4M-04253# Murdo Fraser: True and Fair Campaign—That the Parliament welcomes the True and Fair campaign, which is being organised by SCM Private and aims to end what it considers is the lack of transparency in the investment management industry; believes that consumers in Mid Scotland and Fife and across the country face a minefield of charges with regard to their investments and savings and that this can result in savers, including older people, being left potentially out of pocket because of poor investment products and services; understands with concern that the Financial Services Authority has failed to adequately address the issue, and supports the aims of the True and Fair campaign.

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S4M-04274# Drew Smith: Job Losses at Clydesdale Bank—That the Parliament notes with disappointment the announcement by National Australia Group that around 100 people in Scotland will lose their jobs at Clydesdale Bank sites in the Glasgow region and across Scotland; regrets that, as part of the strategic review outcome for the Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks, four financial solution centres will close in Scotland, in Paisley, Bearsden, Dunfermline and Inverurie; believes that this will have a negative impact on staff and their families who are affected by the closures, and further regrets the loss of developed skills at sites across Scotland.

S4M-04287*#* Dave Thompson: Prohibit Cold Calling for Property Maintenance and Repairs—That the Parliament welcomes the campaign by the Scottish branch of the Trading Standards Institute (TSI), which is seeking to introduce legislation that would prohibit cold calling for the purposes of property maintenance and repairs on the grounds of community safety; notes that TSI Scotland has stated that cold calling is ―one of the most disturbing and socially significant issues‖ faced by trading standards officers *in the Highlands and Islands and the rest of the country*; condemns rogue cold calling, which often targets vulnerable citizens and notes that such activity can be part of serious and organised crime networks, and welcomes backing for this campaign from Citizens Advice Scotland, Neighbourhood Watch, the Scottish Business Crime Centre and others.

S4M-04288# Stuart McMillan: GP Signposting—That the Parliament recognises the role that GPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde and across the country play in signposting patients who are diagnosed with a condition such as cancer or visual impairment to the appropriate and relevant local services that may assist the patient’s care; notes the importance, for the patient, if GPs have contact details for other health organisations and support groups in one place as this would aid the signposting of patients to obtain additional support; acknowledges that the NHS provides an online and telephone service, NHS Inform, which provides a variety of health information to patients in Scotland, and welcomes the work of NHS boards, GP practices and the Scottish Government in relation to signposting as well as seeking improvements to the process so that patients can obtain the best quality care.

S4M-04354# Richard Baker: Edwards Syndrome and Support for Babies with Palliative Care Needs—That the Parliament considers that there is a need to support families in Scotland affected by Edwards syndrome; notes the establishment in Aberdeen of the Caoimhe’s Trust for Edwards Syndrome; understands that the majority of babies with the condition die before birth and those who are born are expected to survive for only a matter of weeks; believes that in those families where a child is born with Edwards syndrome there is a need for specific support and care; recognises the importance of early diagnosis of Edwards syndrome to inform parents as soon as possible; believes that there is a need for bereavement services for families who lose children because of it, and recognises the benefits of a framework for care in Scotland that meets the needs of babies requiring palliative care and supports their families and a care pathway approach to delivering care and support to these children and their families from diagnosis to end of life and bereavement.

S4M-04360# Helen Eadie: World Arthritis Day and World Osteoporosis Day—That the Parliament welcomes World Arthritis Day and World Osteoporosis Day during the month of October; understands that musculoskeletal conditions are by far the most prevalent cause of work-related illness in the UK, resulting in 9.5 million lost working days and costing society £7.4 billion a year; congratulates the Scottish Network for Arthritis in Children and the National Osteoporosis Society for their work in Fife and across the country in raising awareness of these conditions in children and for the support that they provide to children, families and carers; congratulates the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance and its members for undertaking equivalent work to support the adult Scottish population; notes the importance of physiotherapy as a way to support people with a rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease to improve their mobility and stay physically active, and welcomes the launch of the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society’s Responsibility Deal, which seeks to highlight the specific contributions that patients, clinicians, commissioners and policy-makers can all make toward the better treatment and management of rheumatoid arthritis in Scotland.

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S4M-04411# Jean Urquhart: The Role of Crofting in the Highlands and Islands—That the Parliament understands that there are 18,027 crofts in the Highlands and Islands and across Scotland, housing over 33,000 people; considers that crofters play a key role through the production of store animals for the agricultural supply chain and in maintaining land in remote areas; believes that crofts are a valuable source of high-health status animals for larger agricultural food producers; considers the work of crofters to be vital to Scotland’s national food and drink policy and to the continuing success of the sector; understands that most crofters rely on common agricultural policy subsidies to earn a marginal income and that they have to take on second jobs; believes that, by bringing in new inhabitants and because of the economic links that crofters have with the rest of the agricultural sector, crofting has helped maintain population levels in remote communities, considers crofting to be of paramount importance to the environment, food and drink sector and economy, and would welcome the interests of crofters and their communities being championed.

S4M-04421# John Mason: Mergers and Acquisitions—That the Parliament notes the ongoing debate concerning a possible merger between BAE Systems in Glasgow and EADS; notes with interest the recent comments of the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling MP, and some backbench Conservative MPs, who recognise that, in some cases, a merger or acquisition is not in the long-term interest of the consumer or country as a whole; recalls examples, such as the mergers between the Royal Bank of Scotland and ABN Amro, AOL and Time Warner, Lloyds TSB and the Bank of Scotland, and Scottish Power and Iberdrola, which it considers have been of doubtful benefit to customers, staff or the wider national interest, and believes that a review of merger and acquisition policies might be of widespread advantage.

S4M-04456# John Mason: Families Need Fathers— That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Scottish Government’s national parenting strategy, National Parenting Strategy: Making a positive difference to children and young people through parenting; considers that parenting is one of the most important jobs that anyone could have in their life; welcomes the Scottish Government’s commitment to developing a national parenting strategy that includes an investment of £18 million to improve access to information, advice and support for parents; notes the comments from Families Need Fathers, which, following the publication of the strategy, said that it ―welcomes the emphasis on fathers in this new strategy, including fathers who live apart from their children‖, and considers that Glasgow and Scotland as a whole would benefit from a debate on the role of fathers and their rights and responsibilities.

S4M-04569# Alison McInnes: Camphill Scotland— That the Parliament applauds the Camphill movement, which has supported children, young people and adults of all ages with learning disabilities, mental health issues and other support needs for more than seven decades; notes that the Camphill movement, founded in 1940 near Aberdeen, has now expanded to become a worldwide movement that boasts over 100 communities in more than 20 countries, including 12 in Scotland; understands that the movement’s approach seeks to provide mutual support and nurture independence through living, learning and working together; congratulates Camphill School in Aberdeen and its eco-committee on receiving a Gold Green Flag award, which it understands was achieved through pupil-led initiatives, including developing an eco-code, litter-picking and encouraging recycling; considers that this is an example of the innovative and ambitious nature of the movement; further believes that the movement's success has been made possible by the dedication of staff, co-workers and volunteers, and wishes all of those involved continued success in the future.

S4M-04576# John Wilson: UK Supreme Court’s Decision on Equal Pay—That the Parliament welcomes the ruling by the UK Supreme Court in favour of 174 former Birmingham City Council employees; notes that the former employees are mostly women who are employed as cooks, cleaners and care staff and who demanded compensation from the council for failing to provide them with payments and benefits that were given to staff in male- dominated jobs; understands that the ruling extends the time limit that workers have to bring forward equal pay compensation claims from six months to six years; considers that the decision is the biggest change to equal pay legislation since the introduction of the Equal Pay

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Act in 1970, and considers that this represents a landmark case for thousands of workers and potential new claimants throughout the country, including in Central Scotland.

S4M-04579# James Dornan: Celebrating St Andrew’s First Aid Week— That the Parliament congratulates St Andrews First Aid on its Scottish First Aid Week, which runs from 24 to 30 November 2012 and aims to raise public awareness of the importance of first aid and promote the message that people working together can save lives; understands that some 20,000 people a year take part in first aid courses in Scotland but that there is still much to be done; is concerned that 77% of people feel that they lack the knowledge and confidence to administer basic first aid at the point of need and that this plays a part in the 34,000 cases of common household accidents such as falls, choking and burns that attend hospital rather than being dealt with by a first aider, and considers that this places an unnecessary strain on emergency services.

S4M-04590# David Torrance: Congratulating Fife Gingerbread on 25th Anniversary— That the Parliament congratulates Fife Gingerbread on its 25th anniversary; understands that the group supports lone parents in Fife and acknowledges what it sees as the invaluable work that it carries out in the community by offering advice, representation and emotional and practical support; understands that Fife Gingerbread has developed many successful partnerships with other community organisations; considers that the charity does valuable work and that this could not be carried out without the help of the wonderful volunteers and buddies who give up their time to make a contribution to people who are in need; commends what it believes is the high-quality service provided by the organisation over the past 25 years, and wishes it all the best for the future.

S4M-04623# Helen Eadie Clinical Standards for Cardiac Rehabilitation— That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) Standards and Core Components for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation 2012; acknowledges that the aim of the standards is to ensure that cardiac rehabilitation programmes are clinically and cost effective and achieve sustainable health outcomes for patients; understands that cardiac rehabilitation is one of the most effective interventions in the management of heart disease through the prevention of re- admissions to hospital and unnecessary appointments in primary care, the education of patients and their families on where to seek advice and information and its focus on the self- management of cardiac conditions; considers that the BACPR standards and their seven core components are at the forefront of acknowledging the achievements of cardiac rehabilitation programmes in Scotland and can be used to encourage continuous improvement to patient outcomes and experience through this vital intervention in Fife and across the country, but is concerned that, despite improvements in the provision of cardiac rehabilitation for patients with acute conditions across Scotland, its provision for patients with heart failure and for angina remains very low.

S4M-04624# Patricia Ferguson: Bobath Scotland—That the Parliament recognises the importance of Bobath therapy for people with cerebral palsy, which it understands affects one in every 500 births and impacts on people’s ability to walk, move, talk, eat and play; considers that, while there is no cure for cerebral palsy, it is possible to improve independence and quality of life with therapy; understands that the Bobath centre in Port Dundas, Glasgow, is the only one of its kind in Scotland and provides multidisciplinary specialist therapy, thereby giving children the opportunity to grow and develop and make a huge difference to their lives and the lives of their families, and wishes Bobath well in its important work.

S4M-04653# Elaine Smith: Breastfeeding: Preventing Disease and Saving Resources— That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the UNICEF-commissioned report, Preventing disease and saving resources: the potential contribution of increasing breastfeeding rates in the UK; understands that the report shows that increased breastfeeding rates would allow considerable savings to be made by the NHS, produce long-term health benefits and provide a mechanism for changing the differences in health outcomes across social groups; understands that the scientific methods used to reach these conclusions were both rigorous and novel; believes that this report is important to policymakers, as it not only

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shows clearly the nature of the problem of low breastfeeding rates but also provides potential solutions; believes that the findings are of particular relevance in areas of high deprivation, such as Coatbridge and Chryston, that have low breastfeeding rates; understands that the Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 provided one response to the many barriers to breastfeeding but, in order to break the cycle of linked factors that can make breastfeeding difficult in Scotland and across the UK, would welcome further changes to address what it sees as the continuing societal, family and health service barriers to breastfeeding; commends the report’s authors on providing what it believes to be evidence that the normalisation of artificial feeding has resulted in a major public health issue, and believes that spending on improving the rates of breastfeeding is an excellent example of a preventative measure that ultimately saves public money while improving outcomes.

S4M-04667# Fiona McLeod: Book Week Scotland 2012—That the Parliament welcomes the first Book Week Scotland, which it understands is an initiative to encourage people to celebrate books and reading and is scheduled to take place from 26 November to 2 December 2012; commends the Scottish Book Trust for its aim of encouraging people of all ages, interests and reading abilities to embrace what it considers reading’s unique capacity for empowerment, enrichment, education, solace, pleasure and growth; welcomes the national Reading Hour on St Andrew’s Day when, at 11.00 am on 30 November 2012, thousands of people across Scotland are expected to take the time to immerse themselves in reading; congratulates the League of Extraordinary Booklovers, a band of book-loving superheroes based around Scotland, whose mission is to share their passion for books and make reading recommendations during Book Week Scotland; congratulates East Dunbartonshire libraries for their programme of Scottish-themed Bookbug sessions in Bishopbriggs, Lennoxtown, Lenzie, William Patrick and Westerton libraries, and particularly notes the Remembering Edwin Morgan evening being held in the William Patrick library in Kirkintilloch.

S4M-04750# Christine Grahame: Pink Ladies 1st—That the Parliament recognises what it believes is the sterling contribution of the third sector and, in particular, small charities such as the Midlothian-based Pink Ladies 1st; understands that, since September 2011, Pink Ladies 1st has supported over 100 women, helping them deal with the impact of anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions by improving their self-confidence through self- management and acquiring new skills; notes that, in 2011, Pink Ladies 1st was presented with the Outstanding Achievement of the Year by Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland; understands however, that, like many other modest but successful third sector charities, Pink Ladies 1st finds funding a constant problem, and believes that Pink Ladies 1st has an important role in the integration of health and social care.

S4M-04759# Jean Urquhart: The Use of Video-conferencing—That the Parliament acknowledges the logistical difficulties for individuals and organisations from the Highlands and Islands, as well as other parts of Scotland, of travelling to the Parliament; considers that these difficulties, which can involve substantial sums of money and amounts of time, impact adversely on the ability of constituents from these areas to engage with the work of the Parliament and vice versa; considers that the use of technology, such as online consultations and streaming of committee meetings and chamber business, has provided alternative long- distance methods of engagement; further considers that video-conferencing technology has brought advantages to the Highlands and Islands, where it has been used by NHS Highland, the University of the Highlands and Islands and other public agencies; considers this use to be a model for other public bodies and organisations seeking to ameliorate logistical difficulties, and believes that, although it is not a panacea, use of technology such as video- conferencing will help to connect constituents and the Parliament and provide an alternative for individuals and organisations looking to take part in cross-party groups and give evidence to committees.

S4M-04776# Mark McDonald: Grampian Launches Autism Alert Card—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of Grampian’s new initiative, the Autism Alert card, which, it understands, is supported by Grampian Police, a range of partner organisations across the region and the National Autistic Society Scotland; believes that the card will help to ensure

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that those with the condition are quickly identified; notes that the card includes details of a personal contact who can take police and support organisations through the best ways to help an individual with autism, particularly in highly pressurised situations, and recognises calls for young people and adults with autism to apply for a card and for the initiative to be considered in other areas.

S4M-04788# Maureen Watt: Quality in Business—That the Parliament congratulates Robert Gordon University and the Chartered Quality Institute on successfully hosting an event at the university’s business school to promote World Quality Day; notes that the event was held as part of World Quality Week, with the aim of inspiring students to pursue quality as a professional career path and to raise the profile of quality management in Aberdeen Business School and the Aberdeen business region; understands that quality is becoming increasingly relevant in what is now an extremely competitive global environment; considers that, in this competitive environment, Scotland has a distinct advantage over other nations in key sectors such as energy, tourism and trade, and believes that the Scottish economy will benefit markedly by quality being maintained at the forefront of these and other sectors.

S4M-04794# Malcolm Chisholm: 20 Years of Zero Tolerance Campaigns—That the Parliament congratulates Zero Tolerance on 20 years of campaigning to change attitudes to violence against women (VAW) by men; believes that the pioneering zero tolerance campaigns, which began in Edinburgh in 1992, were among the first to raise awareness of the prevalence, nature and reality of domestic and sexual abuse; understands that VAW is still a significant social problem in Scotland today; notes the cross-party consensus toward dealing with it; is concerned that much more work needs to be done to tackle VAW in all its forms, including commercial sexual exploitation, which, it understands, is still widely tolerated, despite being defined by the Scottish Government as a form of violence against women, and believes that continued support is needed for VAW prevention campaigns and activity, which aim to bring about a zero tolerance culture in Scotland.

S4M-04855# Jamie Hepburn: White Ribbon Campaign 16 Days of Action to Tackle Violence against Women—That the Parliament recognises the 16 Days of Action to tackle violence against women that takes places from 25 November to 10 December 2012; commends the continued work of those promoting awareness of this issue and campaigning for an end to violence against women in places such as Cumbernauld and Kilsyth and across the rest of Scotland; also recognises White Ribbon Scotland’s work to challenge attitudinal problems around this issue; believes that it is wholly unacceptable that an estimated one in four women will experience violence from a man at some point in their lives; considers that this is not solely a women’s issue and that everyone has a role to play in preventing violence against women, and restates its commitment to tackling domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women.

S4M-04857# Christina McKelvie: Migrants' Rights Day—That the Parliament welcomes the Migrants' Rights Day celebrations that will take place across the country on 18 December 2012; notes that the date marks the 22nd anniversary of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1990; appreciates the continuing contribution that migrants from around the world make to Scotland, both economically and culturally, and continues to support people seeking sanctuary and solace in Scotland; commends the work of the organisation, Migrants' Rights Scotland, in its bid to promote the rights of all migrants, regardless of where they are from and acknowledges their commitment to providing support for migrant community organisations (MCOs), and understands that Migrants' Rights Scotland supports MCOs in representing themselves more effectively in the immigration system by sharing information and building on existing knowledge and campaigns on their behalf for justice across all social policy areas.

S4M-04863# Jim Eadie: 20 mph Pilot in the South Side of Edinburgh—That the Parliament welcomes the pilot of a 20 mph zone in the south side of Edinburgh, which is being carried out by Transport Scotland in conjunction with the City of Edinburgh Council; further welcomes the commitment by the Scottish Government to encourage local authorities

9 PB/S4/12/255

to consider 20 mph zones in all residential areas; notes what it sees as the lead given by Bristol City Council, following pilots in the south and east of that city, to make all residential streets 20 mph zones by 2015; considers that these zones bring many benefits, such as making communities safer by reducing the number of accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists and reducing the severity of accidents, including the risk of serious injury and fatality; believes that such zones can also make communities healthier by increasing levels of physical activity by encouraging people to walk and cycle more; considers that they can also deliver substantial environmental benefits through a reduction in both vehicle emissions, because of decreases in breaking and accelerating, and in the level of traffic noise; looks forward to the evaluation of the pilot being published in 2013, and congratulates the national campaign, 20’s Plenty For Us, in its aim of having 20 mph speed limits for all residential roads in Lothian and across the UK.

S4M-04864# Linda Fabiani: Open Your Eyes to Destitution in Scotland—That the Parliament believes that many volunteers and organisations, including churches, charities and community groups, work hard to try to alleviate some of the problems experienced by asylum seekers living in destitution; commends the campaign, Open your Eyes to Destitution in Scotland, by the Scottish Refugee Council and the Refugee Survival Trust, which argues that current UK laws can force asylum seekers, many of whom have fled war and torture in their own countries, to beg or leave them with no home, money or food; recognises calls for an improved decision-making process in dealing with asylum claims, for proper support for asylum seekers waiting to be granted protection or returned home safely and for those asylum seekers who have been in the UK for more than six months to have the right to work, and welcomes support for the campaign.

S4M-04875# Adam Ingram: Scottish Coal Industry—That the Parliament recognises the importance of the coal industry, which it considers has been and remains a significant contributor to local and rural economies in East Ayrshire, Fife, South Lanarkshire, Dumfries and Galloway, North Lanarkshire, Midlothian and West Lothian; considers the industry a mainstay occupation in the Scottish economy, generating £450 million of economic value to Scotland every year and, with its wider supply chain, employing on average 4,000 people; welcomes the fact that two Scottish projects are being considered to take forward the next phase of the UK Government's £1 billion carbon capture and storage programme to demonstrate the potential to greatly reduce the carbon impact of fossil fuel power generation as Scotland moves to a low-carbon future, but is concerned that future investment in the industry is being threatened by an adverse and unintended effect of the carbon reduction commitment and proposals by the Office of the Rail Regulator to hike freight access charges for Scottish coal producers.

S4M-04877# Jim Eadie: Lothian Sound Talking Newspaper Celebrates 25th Anniversary—That the Parliament congratulates Lothian Sound on its 25th anniversary on 18 February 2013; applauds the dedicated work of all the volunteers at Lothian Sound who bring talking newspapers to people who are blind or partially sighted; understands that it serves over 600 listeners, providing them with news and current affairs taken from the Edinburgh Evening News; commends Lothian Sound on its work to provide high quality recordings from its recording studio in Newington; recognises that recordings are provided in different formats to suit the needs of individual people, and wishes Lothian Sound well as it continues what it considers its valuable work, providing a lifeline service directly to people in the community.

S4M-04881# Kevin Stewart: Marking World AIDS Day and Preventing HIV—That the Parliament welcomes the 24th annual World AIDS Day on 1 December 2012, which aims to increase education and knowledge about the disease; welcomes the campaign led by HIV Scotland, Gay Men’s Health, Waverley Care and Terrence Higgins Trust to "Light up Scotland" to increase awareness of the day; understands that 33.8 million people are affected by HIV/AIDS worldwide, including 3,800 cases in Scotland; is concerned that the number of HIV diagnoses has increased to an average of 400 per year; notes that the last debate on HIV prevention in the chamber was in 2009; believes that funding reductions in international HIV/AIDS programmes is unacceptable due to the increasing prevalence of HIV/AIDS

10 PB/S4/12/255

globally, and applauds the work of charities, including Gay Men’s Health in Aberdeen, for their work to raise awareness of risks associated with HIV/AIDS and how to prevent it.

S4M-04883# John Mason: No to Privatisation of Royal Mail—That the Parliament is concerned at Royal Mail’s plan to close or relocate one third of all sorting offices, including Cubie Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow; believes that there is public demand for a local collection point if mail cannot be delivered to a particular address; does not consider that a charge of an extra £1.50 for a letter being collected at a post office is acceptable for people on limited means; accepts that Royal Mail needs to modernise its facilities; understands that the explanation for these changes given by Royal Mail staff at the public meeting in Bridgeton on 17 November 2012 was that privatisation was approaching and that this was also the reason why there did not need to be a consultation, and recognises calls for Royal Mail to remain a public service in public ownership.

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament from 8 June 2011

Date MSP Party Subject 8/6/2011 Marco Biagi SNP Green Investment in Edinburgh 9/6/2011 Elaine Murray LAB Ban on Use of Wild Animals in Circuses 15/6/2011 Bob Doris SNP Fighting Sectarianism and Anti-Irish Racism 16/6/2011 Mark McDonald SNP North Sea Taxation 22/6/2011 Elaine Smith LAB There is a Better Way 23/6/2011 Stuart McMillan SNP David MacBrayne Group Supports Coastguards 29/6/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland 30/6/11 Willie Coffey SNP The Scheme 7/9/11 David Stewart LAB Young Drivers 8/9/11 Aileen McLeod SNP Flavour Fortnight 2011 14/9/11 Rob Gibson SNP Remembering the Russian Arctic Convoys 15/9/11 Hugh Henry LAB Upper Clyde Shipbuilders 21/9/11 Bill Kidd SNP UN International Day of Peace, 21 September 2011 22/9/11 Jamie Hepburn SNP Save the Children Report, Making Work Pay – The Childcare Trap 28/9/11 James Dornan SNP Battling Scotland’s Drinking Culture 29/9/11 Paul Martin LAB Stop the Closure of Lightburn Hospital 5/10/11 Rob Gibson SNP Germany Exits Nuclear Energy 6/10/11 Christine Grahame SNP Jeremy Hunt Doesn’t Get the Picture so Neither Does the Borders 26/10/11 Jenny Marra LAB Fuel Poverty in Scotland 2/11/11 Sandra White SNP Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Nuclear Whistleblower 3/11/11 James Kelly LAB Nail the Rogues Campaign 9/11/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Prescription Medicine Waste 10/11/11 Liam McArthur LD Damaging Impact of Air Discount Scheme Changes 16/11/11 Dave Thompson SNP The People’s Bible 17/11/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB British Heart Foundation’s Heart Start Event 23/11/11 Jim Eadie SNP Act of Settlement 24/11/11 John Scott CON Provision of Orthopaedic Trauma Services at Ayr Hospital

11 PB/S4/12/255

Date MSP Party Subject 24/11/11 Christina McKelvie SNP Nuclear Test Veterans 30/11/11 Kevin Stewart SNP St Andrew’s Day 1/12/11 Neil Findlay LAB Community Benefit and the Cumulative Impact of Windfarm Developments in Communities 7/12/11 Sandra White SNP Truth About Youth Project 8/12/11 Rhoda Grant LAB MS, Better Care 14/12/11 Stuart McMillan SNP Commending Petrol and Diesel Watch 15/12/11 Sandra White SNP University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK 21/12/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB Disability History Month 22/12/11 Jim Eadie SNP 10 Years on from Harkin-Engel, Child Trafficking in the Chocolate Industry 11/01/12 Annabel Goldie CON Volunteer Centre East Dunbartonshire 12/01/12 Margaret Burgess SNP High-interest Payday Loans 18/01/12 Elaine Murray LAB Independence Referendum, Let Wallace Vote 19/01/12 Joan McAlpine SNP Save Introducing in Scotland 25/01/12 Stewart Maxwell SNP Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 26/01/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Save Glasgow’s Local Train Services 01/02/12 Colin Keir SNP Drum Brae Library and Community Hub Project 02/02/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Assistance Dogs are Working Dogs Too 08/02/12 Jamie McGrigor CON Designation of Special Areas of Conservation 09/02/12 Helen Eadie LAB Celebrating the Value of Co- operatives Internationally 22/02/12 Dennis Robertson SNP Eating Disorders, Raising the Awareness 23/02/12 George Adam SNP Take a Step in 2012 for Fairtrade 29/02/12 Iain Gray LAB Protecting Access to Justice across Scotland 01/03/12 Sandra White SNP BBC Scotland Job Cuts 07/03/12 Humza Yousaf SNP Save Gadburn School 08/03/12 John Park LAB The Living Wage, Tackling In-work Poverty 14/03/12 Sandra White SNP Commonwealth Week 2012 15/03/12 Mark McDonald SNP Changing the January Pay Date 21/03/12 John Lamont CON Local Rail Services to Berwickshire and East Lothian 22/03/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Green Investment Bank 28/03/12 Jim Eadie SNP Violence in Syria 29/03/12 Jim Hume LD The Road Forward for Community Transport 18/04/12 David Stewart LAB Devolution of the Crown Estate 19/04/12 Christine Grahame SNP Community Radio Coming from a Station Near You 25/04/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Allotments Regeneration Initiative in North Ayrshire 26/04/12 Richard Baker LAB UCAN’s Campaign for Robot-assisted Surgery 02/05/12 George Adam SNP National MS Week 09/05/12 Elaine Smith LAB Beyond the Frame 10/05/12 Dave Thompson SNP Centenary of the Dewar Report 16/05/12 Alex Fergusson CON A Road to Health

12 PB/S4/12/255

Date MSP Party Subject 17/05/12 Paul Wheelhouse SNP Addressing Alcohol Abuse among Scotland’s Armed Forces 17/05/12 Christine Grahame SNP Commemorating James Graham, Marquis of Montrose and Member of the First Scots Parliament 23/05/12 Jenny Marra LAB Deaf Awareness Week 24/05/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Glasgow Epilepsy Genetics Service 30/05/12 Aileen McLeod SNP Rio+20 31/05/12 Elaine Murray LAB Improvements to the A75 06/06/12 Colin Keir SNP Royal Highland Education Trust 07/06/12 John Mason SNP The Death Penalty in India 13/06/12 Liz Smith CON Scotland’s Mountain Rescue Teams 14/06/12 John Park LAB Celebrating Fife’s Outdoor Education Centre 20/06/12 Rob Gibson SNP Remember Cunningham Graham 21/06/12 Jamie Hepburn SNP Time for an International Arms Trade Treaty 27/06/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Scottish Government Cuts Threaten Creativity 28/06/12 Christina McKelvie SNP Success of Armed Services Advice Project 04/09/12 George Adam SNP Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697, Shining the Light for Community- based Events 05/09/12 Kenneth Macintosh LAB Humankind Index 06/09/12 Annabel Goldie CON River City 11/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Aberdeen City Centre 12/09/12 Clare Adamson SNP Scottish Steelworkers’ Memorial Fund 13/09/12 Claire Baker LAB Welcoming Fife Diet’s New Food Manifesto 2012 18/09/12 Graeme Dey SNP Keep Scotland Beautiful 19/09/12 Christine Grahame SNP The Great Polish Map of Scotland 20/09/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Fair Access to the Legal Profession 25/09/12 John Mason SNP Gambling Proliferation 26/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Work Capability Assessments 27/09/12 Hugh Henry LAB NSPCC 02/10/12 Liam McArthur LD No to Nuisance Calls 03/10/12 Linda Fabiani SNP October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 04/10/12 David Stewart LAB Isle of Gigha,10 Years of Pioneering Land Reform 23/10/12 David Torrance SNP 5th Fife Scout Group, Kirkcaldy, Scottish Championship Award 24/10/12 Margaret Mitchell CON Dyslexia 25/10/12 Willie Coffey SNP Neil Armstrong 30/10/12 Hugh Henry LAB Protection of Workers 31/10/12 Roderick Campbell SNP The Vivarium Trust and Co-housing for Older People 01/11/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Time to Introduce Presumed Consent 06/11/12 Adam Ingram SNP William Murdoch, The Scot Who Lit the World 07/11/12 Kezia Dugdale LAB Living Wage Week 08/11/12 John Mason SNP Glasgow 2014, Scotland’s Time to Shine 13/11/12 John Scott CON British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly Autumn Plenary

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Date MSP Party Subject 14/11/12 Neil Findlay LAB Christian Aid, Tax Justice Bus 15/11/12 Nigel Don SNP Scottish Literature on the Big Screen 20/11/12 Jim Eadie SNP Caring for and Curing Boys and Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 21/11/12 Claudia Beamish LAB Scotland’s National Museum of Costume 22/11/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Open Your Eyes to Destitution in Scotland

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament in Session 4


Frequency (no.) 62 32 11 2 0 0 107 Frequency % 57.94 29.91 10.28 1.87 0 0 100

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 26 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 27 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1450 Ministerial Statement: Local Government Finance Settlement 2013/2014

1450-1659 Scottish Government Debate: St Andrews day – A Celebration of Scotland

1659-1700 Legislative Consent Motion Statute Law (Repeals) Bill – UK Legislation

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-04579 James Dornan: Celebrating St Andrew’s First Aid Week 1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees 28 1400-1440 Portfolio Questions - Education and Lifelong Learning

1440-1700 Stage 3 proceedings: Social Care (Self Directed Support) (Scotland) Bill

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-04051 Iain Gray: Value of Instrumental Music Tuition

Thursday 29 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Remploy

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if 1140-1200 General Questions required)

1200-1230 First Minister’s 1700 Decision Time Questions

1230-1315 Members Business S4M-02899 Christine Grahame: A Scottish Media Panel Friday 30 Constituency Constituency

15 PB/S4/12/255


DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 03 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 04 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Annual EU Fisheries Negotiations

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-04855 Jamie Hepburn: White Ribbon Campaign 16 Days of Action to Tackle Violence against Women 1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees 05 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth

1440-1700 Labour Party Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members’ Business S4M-04676 Margaret Mitchell: 40th Anniversary of Lanarkshire Samaritans, Hamilton

Thursday 06 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Scottish Government Debate: The Modernisation of Scotland’s Career Services

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if 1140-1200 General Questions required)

1200-1230 First Minister’s 1700 Decision Time Questions

1230-1315 Members’ Business Debate S4M-04624 Patricia Ferguson: Bobath Scotland

Friday 07 Constituency Constituency

16 PB/S4/12/255


DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 10 Constituency – Bank Holiday Constituency – Bank Holiday

Tuesday 11 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1700 Scottish Government Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees required) 12 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time Justice and the Law Officers; Rural Affairs and the Environment

1440-1700 Scottish Government Business

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business

Thursday 13 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Scottish Government Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion 1140-1200 General Questions (if required)

1200-1230 First Minister 1700 Decision Time Questions

1230-1315 Members Business Debate

Friday 14 Constituency Constituency

17 PB/S4/12/255

BUSINESS MOTION Date of Lodging: 27 November 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Tuesday 4 December 2012

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Debate: Annual EU Fisheries Negotiations followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 5 December 2012

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth followed by Party Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 6 December 2012

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: The Modernisation of Scotland’s Career Services followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

18 PB/S4/12/255

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 11 December 2012

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 12 December 2012

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Justice and the Law Officers Rural Affairs and the Environment followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 13 December 2012

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

19 PB/S4/12/255

Agreed by correspondence after the Bureau meeting—


Date of Lodging: 27 November 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following revision to the programme of business for Wednesday 28 November 2012— after

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning insert followed by Ministerial Statement: UK Public Service Pensions Bill - Legislative Consent Motion delete

5.00 pm Decision Time and insert

5.30 pm Decision Time

20 PB/S4/12/256




1. Under Rule 8.2.8 of Standing Orders, the Bureau may remove from the list of admissible motions any motion that has been on the list for more than six weeks without a date for it to be taken by the Parliament being appointed in the business programme.

2. The Bureau has previously agreed that all motions should be removed from the Bulletin after six weeks (excluding recess time) unless:

(a) the motion has the support of at least 30 other Members and these supporters came from more than two political parties (note that in cases where the number of supporters exceeds 30, the topicality of the motion and the extent of the recent support have also been taken into account when making these recommendations); or

(b) the motion remains highly topical; or

(c) the motion has been selected for Members’ Business.

3. The attached spreadsheet lists all motions over six weeks old on 27 November 2012 (i.e. those lodged on or before 2 October 2012) and includes the number of supporters and date of the most recent registration of support.

4. Based on the criteria in paragraph 2, it is recommended that none of the motions from the attached list be retained.


5. Members are asked to agree that none of the attached motions are retained.

Parliamentary Business Team November 2012

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1. The attached Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill was lodged on 21 November 2012. As part of the procedure for considering such memoranda, it is for the Bureau to formally refer it to the appropriate lead committee.

2. It is recommended that the Memorandum is referred to the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee for consideration.

Parliamentary Business Team November 2012



Draft Legislative Consent Motion

1. The draft motion, which will be lodged by the Minister for Transport and Veterans, is:

“That the Parliament agrees that the relevant provisions of the Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill, introduced in the House of Commons on 20 June 2012, relating to the Harbours Act 1964 and the Pilotage Act 1987, so far as these matters fall within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, should be considered by the UK Parliament.”


2. This memorandum has been lodged by Keith Brown, Minister for Transport and Veterans, under Rule 9.B.3.1 (b) of the Parliament’s standing orders. The Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill (the Bill) was introduced in the House of Commons on 20 June 2012. The latest version of the Bill and its accompanying documents can be found at:

Content of the Marine Navigation (No 2) Bill

3. The Bill amends legislation relating to pilotage and harbour authorities. In addition there are provisions covering port constables (there are no port constables in Scotland), modernisation of some of the powers of the Local and General Lighthouse Authorities in regard to commercial activities and other minor amendments to the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. The provisions contained in the Bill include both reserved and devolved matters. The devolved matters relate to amendments to the Harbours Act 1964 and the Pilotage Act 1987 which are proposed under clauses 1 to 6 of the Bill. The power to commence these clauses in Scotland is conferred on the Scottish Ministers by way of clause 13.

Provisions Which Relate to Scotland

4. The Pilotage provisions would allow Ministers to specify by order that a harbour authority is no longer a competent harbour authority and is therefore no longer required to carry out certain duties under the Pilotage Act 1987. In addition, the Bill would ensure that the master of a ship notifies a competent harbour authority of certain facts before the ship is navigated in an area for which a pilotage direction is in force (If this is not done the master commits an offence). It would also remove the restriction whereby only the master or first mate of a ship may hold a pilotage exemption certificate and extend the circumstances in which a competent harbour authority can suspend or revoke a pilotage exemption certificate.

5. The proposed amendments to the Harbours Act 1964 would allow Ministers to designate by order harbour authorities which may give general directions to shipping. Some harbour authorities may already have powers of general direction under the provisions set out in their local legislation. They would also provide a power to make Closure Orders to permit or require harbour authorities to stop maintaining harbours which are no longer commercially viable or necessary. There is no clear power

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) currently within the Harbours Act 1964 to close a harbour completely – either a separate act would be required or another harbour authority identified to take over the harbour.

6. The provisions would provide for a quicker and simpler method for harbour authorities to obtain general direction powers for the better management of their harbours and the power to make closure orders would allow harbour authorities to be relieved of the burden of maintaining a harbour which was no longer operational or necessary. The changes to the pilotage provisions would allow competent harbour authorities to relinquish pilotage obligations where these are no longer required and relieve the authority of that burden.

Reasons for seeking a legislative consent motion

7. For the reasons set out above, the Scottish Government believes that the changes to the Harbours Act 1964 and the Pilotage Act 1987 would have a beneficial effect if applied in Scotland.

8. This is an uncontroversial Bill dealing with technical matters and would not merit a separate Scottish Bill. Further, to include the marine navigation provisions in a Scottish Bill would be contrary to the beneficial approach to consistency in these matters. It would also mean additional delay in the implementation of the marine navigation provisions, which have been the subject of significant delay since first being proposed.


9. These proposals were widely consulted upon (in the context of a previous consultation in 2008 on a larger Marine Bill) and attracted broad support within the industry. Accordingly no further consultation was considered necessary on this occasion.

Financial Implications

10. There are no financial implications


11. The view of the Scottish Government is that the Marine Navigation (No.2) Bill, insofar as its subject matter falls within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, should be considered by the UK Parliament.

Scottish Government November 2012

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) PB/S4/12/258



1. The attached Public Bodies Act Consent Memorandum on the Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013] was lodged on 22 November 2012. As part of the procedure for considering such memoranda, it is for the Bureau to formally refer it to the appropriate lead committee.

2. It is recommended that the Memorandum is referred to—

 the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee; and

 the Subordinate Legislation Committee

for consideration.

Parliamentary Business Team November 2012



The Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013]

Draft Public Body Act Consent Motion

1. The draft motion, which will be lodged by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth is:

―That the Parliament consents to the making of the Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013], a draft of which was laid before the United Kingdom Parliament on 1 November 2012 and which makes provision which would be within the legislative competence of the Parliament if it were contained within an Act of that Parliament.‖

2. This memorandum has been lodged by Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth in accordance with interim arrangements agreed by the Parliamentary Bureau at its meeting on 20 December 2011.


Public Bodies Act 2011

3. The UK Public Bodies Act 2011 (―the 2011 Act‖) gives UK Ministers the authority (via order making powers) to abolish, merge or transfer the functions of public bodies listed in its schedules, and some of those bodies operate in both the reserved and devolved areas. Section 9 of the 2011 Act acknowledges the scope for incursion into devolved interests by requiring orders that include provision falling within devolved competence to be consented to by Holyrood.

4. On 20 December 2011 the Parliamentary Bureau approved interim arrangements for handling requests for consent to orders triggering section 9 of the 2011 Act.

Abolition of British Shipbuilders Corporation

5. British Shipbuilders Corporation (BSC) was a public corporation that owned and managed the UK shipbuilding industry from 1977, being established by the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977. That Act nationalised most of the major British shipbuilding companies.

6. BSC has now privatised all of its active shipbuilding subsidiaries, initially through the privatisation of the war shipbuilding yards in 1985/86 and, subsequently, through the sale of the merchant yards and the one remaining engine building company. BSC is, therefore, no longer a trading enterprise but exists as a ―shell‖ company.

7. BSC‘s main function is to act as the vehicle through which long term industrial disease liabilities of former employees are managed. BSC does not have any funds of its own and is dependent on the financial backing of the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills. It contracts a company to provide residual pension services, which involves investigating and handling for such claims. BSC now exists solely to

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) meet its residual liabilities (litigation, insurance claims and other contractual matters) relating to its former employees.

8. When the British shipbuilding industry was nationalised in 1977, it was assumed that BSC would have more than sufficient assets to meet those liabilities. However, in recent years, the Corporation‘s reserves were placed under increasing pressure. First, BSC‘s insurer, Chester Street Holdings Limited, entered into liquidation, and in April 2004, BSC was obliged to take back its insured liabilities. Secondly, the House of Lords ruling in Fairchild11 led to an increase in the number of mesothelioma personal injury claims against BSC.

9. These unforeseen pressures resulted in the near insolvency of BSC in July 2006. In order to prevent this, interim arrangements to fund BSC using Public Dividend Capital was agreed by the then Department of Trade & Industry‘s Permanent Secretary as a temporary measure, on the basis that future legislation would enable a long-term solution for managing and funding the liabilities to be implemented, involving them being transferred to the direct responsibility of Government. HM Treasury agreed this as a temporary measure in 2006 on the basis that a Bill to transfer liabilities to Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS) would provide a long-term solution for managing BSC‘s liabilities.

10. Day-to-day oversight of BSC‘s activities is currently undertaken by officials in the Coal Liabilities Unit in the Department of Energy and Climate Change under arrangements agreed with the DBIS. This relates to providing day-to-day operational handling advice for BSC and compensation claims against it. Those officials also lead on BSC‘s governance responsibilities, including the role of Chair and Directors. This arrangement draws on the extensive experience of the Coal Liabilities Unit in managing health related compensation claims arising from the liabilities of the former British Coal Corporation.

UK Government reform proposal

11. The UK Government deem it unsatisfactory that a corporation established by Parliament should be kept indefinitely in a state of suspended animation. In addition, winding up BSC is consistent with the coalition Government‘s policy to reduce the number of arm‘s length bodies. The Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 does not give the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills the power to cease all operations of BSC or to wind up the corporation, and as a result BSC must be abolished by legislation.

Scottish Government position

12. There are no adverse implications for Scotland that arise in consequence of the UK Government‘s proposal to abolish BSC. British Shipbuilders Corporation is no longer a trading enterprise but exists as a ―shell‖ company. It is unsatisfactory that a redundant statutory corporation is kept indefinitely for a purpose it was not intended. Transferring the liabilities to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

1 Fairchild –v- Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd [2002] UK HL 22 – the House of Lords held that a worker who contracted mesothelioma after wrongful exposure to asbestos at different times by more than one employer or occupier of premises could sue any of them, notwithstanding that he could not prove which exposure actually caused the disease. A defendant would be 100% liable for the whole injury. LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) will provide a long term solution for managing the liabilities and provide continuity of funding responsibility for the period that claims can continue to be presented. The Scottish Government is therefore supportive of this proposal.

The Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order

13. DBIS is promoting the Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013] (―the draft Order‖) under the 2011 Act as the vehicle for BSC‘s abolition. A copy of the draft Order, together with its accompanying documents as laid at Westminster, are provided as Annexes to this memorandum.

14. The draft Order will simplify the funding and handling of BSC‘s residual liabilities but will not impact on meeting those liabilities. The UK Government has made clear its commitment to continue making relevant compensation payments to former employees of BSC who have suffered personal injury (such as mesothelioma) as a result of their employment, fully in line with its legal obligations. Under the proposed arrangements such liabilities will become the direct responsibility of DBIS. In practical terms, BSC‘s solicitors, Simpson & Marwick, manage the ongoing claims.

15. Transferring the liabilities from BSC directly to DBIS will provide a long-term solution for managing them and provide continuity of funding responsibility for the period that claims continue to be presented. It is envisaged that the officials of the Coal Liabilities Unit will continue to play a role in oversight of claims post the winding up of BSC. In addition to the role of Simpson & Marwick, Capita Hartshead is contracted to BSC to provide residual pension services. This involves investigating and handling of unrecorded pension claims from former BSC employees.

16. The draft Order would abolish British Shipbuilders (and thereby its functions), and transfer residual property, rights and liabilities to UK Ministers.

17. British Shipbuilders is a body constituted by section 1(b) of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 ("the Act"). Among other things, it is empowered by section 3(1) of the Act to carry out the following functions:

 the design, development, production, sale, repair and maintenance of ships and slow speed diesel marine engines, and  research into matters relating thereto.

18. Since these functions do not relate to reserved matters, it is within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament to abolish them in or as regards Scotland. The draft Order therefore requires the consent of the Scottish Parliament (under section 9(1)(a) of the 2011 Act) to make provision which has the effect of abolishing these (and any other such functions) in or as regards Scotland. 19. As the Order is a deregulatory measure and will not impact on business, an impact assessment has not been produced.

20. The draft Order was laid in the UK Parliament on 1 November 2012. DBIS estimate 29 March 2013 as the proposed date for BSC‘s abolition, subject to the completion of the Parliamentary process.

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011)


21. Section 10 of the 2011 Act requires the UK Minister proposing an order to consult about the proposed changes. In accordance with this provision DBIS ran a consultation earlier this year. The key stakeholders were unions representing former BSC shipyard workers and their families, Asbestos support groups in the former British Shipbuilders operational areas, claimant solicitors and the BSC itself.

22. The consultation asked one question; Do you agree the Government proposal to wind up British Shipbuilders Corporation and transfer legal responsibility of British Shipbuilders Corporation to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to be the most suitable option to ensure claimants continue to receive compensation awarded by the courts against British Shipbuilders Corporation where liability is agreed or established?

23. The consultation was posted on the DBIS website and was sent to 23 organisations and to the devolved administrations. Four responses were received, two of which expressed no concern about the proposed abolition, the other two seeking reassurance that all current responsibilities and liabilities would pass to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, which DBIS was able to confirm. Given this response, DBIS were content to proceed with abolition.

Financial / Resource Implications

24. The draft Order will generate annual savings of £15,000 in respect of the employment of a company secretary. BSC‘s liabilities are currently running at about £7 million a year in terms of compensation payments. This is mainly spent on dealing with health compensation claims from former shipyard workers, suffering primarily from asbestos related diseases. It is estimated that there will be liabilities to be met until at least the late 2040s.


25. The Scottish Government invites the Parliament to consent to the making of the Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order [2013], a draft of which was laid before the UK Parliament on 1 November 2012.

Scottish Government November 2012

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011)


Draft Order laid before Parliament under section 11 of the Public Bodies Act 2011, for approval by a resolution of each House of Parliament after the expiry of the 40-day period referred to in section 11(4) of that Act.


2013 No. XXXX


The Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order 2013

Made - - - - [2013]

Coming into force in accordance with article 1(2) and (3)

The Secretary of State makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections

1(1), 6(1) and (5), 23(1), (2), (5) and (6), 24(1) and 35(2) of the Public Bodies Act 2011(a) (―the Act‖).

In accordance with section 8 of the Act, the Secretary of State considers that this Order— (a) serves the purpose of improving the exercise of public functions, having had regard to the factors set out in section 8(1); and

(b) does not remove any necessary protection or prevent any person from continuing to exercise any right or freedom which that person might reasonably expect to continue to exercise.

The consent of the Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly and Welsh Ministers has, so far as required, been obtained in accordance with section 9(1), 9(3) and 9(7) of the Act. The Secretary of State has consulted in accordance with section 10 of the Act.

A draft of this Order, and an explanatory document containing the information required by section 11(2) of the Act, have been laid before Parliament in accordance with section 11(1) after the end of the period of twelve weeks mentioned in section 11(3). In accordance with section 11(4) of the Act, the draft of this Order has been approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament after the expiry of the 40-day period referred to in that provision.

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order 2013.

(a) 2011 c.24.


(2) Subject to paragraph (3), this Order comes into force on the day after the day on which it is made.

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011)

(3) Paragraph 15 of Schedule 1 comes into force on the day after that on which the other provisions of this Order come into force.

(4) In this Order—

―Secretary of State‖ means the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills; ―subsidiary‖ has the meaning given by section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006(a).

Transfer of certain property, rights and liabilities to the Secretary of State

2.—(1) The property, rights and liabilities of British Shipbuilders are transferred to the Secretary of State.

(2) The property and rights of the subsidiaries of British Shipbuilders are transferred to the Secretary of State.

(3) The liabilities of the subsidiaries of British Shipbuilders are transferred to the Secretary of State.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3) any subsidiary of British Shipbuilders that was dissolved before this article comes into force is to be treated as if it had not been so dissolved.

Transfer of property, rights and liabilities: supplemental

3.—(1) Paragraph (2) applies to anything (including legal proceedings) that—

(a) relates to property, rights or liabilities vested in the Secretary of State by virtue of article 2, and

(b) on the coming into force of this article, is in the process of being done by or in relation to British Shipbuilders or a subsidiary of British Shipbuilders.

(2) The thing may continue to be done by, or in relation to, the Secretary of State.

(3) Paragraph (4) applies to anything done by, or in relation to, British Shipbuilders or a subsidiary of British Shipbuilders that relates to property, rights or liabilities vested in the Secretary of State by virtue of article 2.

(4) The thing is to be treated as having been done by, or in relation to, the Secretary of State (so far as is necessary for continuing its effect after this article comes into force).

(5) Paragraph (6) applies to any document that—

(a) relates to property, rights or liabilities vested in the Secretary of State by virtue of article 2, and

(b) has effect immediately before this article comes into force.

(6) Any reference in the document to British Shipbuilders or to a subsidiary of British Shipbuilders is to be read as a reference to the Secretary of State.

(7) In this article any reference to a subsidiary of British Shipbuilders includes a reference to a subsidiary that was dissolved before this article comes into force.

Abolition of British Shipbuilders

4.—(1) British Shipbuilders is abolished immediately after the transfer of its property, rights and liabilities to the Secretary of State under article 2(1).

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011)

(2) The subsidiaries of British Shipbuilders are abolished immediately after the transfer of their property, rights and liabilities to the Secretary of State under article 2(2) and (3).

(a) 2006 c.46.

3 (3) The reporting duties of British Shipbuilders in respect of its final accounting year must, after its abolition, be discharged by the Secretary of State.

(4) The reporting duties of British Shipbuilders are—

(a) its duties under section 17(1)(b) and (c) of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977(a) (statements of accounts), and

(b) its duties under section 18 of that Act (annual report).

(5) The final accounting year of British Shipbuilders is the period which begins on 1st April 2012 and ends on the abolition of British Shipbuilders.

Amendments consequential etc

5. Schedules 1 and 2 (which make consequential etc provision on the abolition of British Shipbuilders and the associated transfer scheme) shall have effect.

Name Minister of State for Business and Enterprise Date Department for Business, Innovation and Skills


House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 (c.24)

1. In Schedule 1 to the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975, in Part II (bodies of which all members are disqualified), omit the entry for British Shipbuilders.

Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975 (c.25)

2. In Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975, in Part II (bodies of which all members are disqualified), omit the entry for British Shipbuilders.

Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 (c.3)

3.—(1) The Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 is amended as follows. (2) Part I is repealed.

(3) In Part II—

(a) sections 19(2), 20(4) and 40(4) and Schedule 2 are omitted; and (b) sections 19(3) to (5), 20(1) to (3) and (5) to (7) and 40(1) to (3), (5) and (6) and Schedule 3 cease to have effect in relation to British Shipbuilders.

(4) In Part III—

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011)

(a) sections 47, 48, 49 and 53 are omitted; and

(b) in section 56(1) (interpretation)—

(a) 1977 c.3.


(i) the definitions of ―accounting year‖, ―associated person‖, ―equity share capital‖, ―group of companies‖, ―pension‖, ―pension rights‖, ―pension scheme‖, ―public dividend capital‖ and ―public dividends‖, ―the relevant days‖, ―relevant trade union‖, ―shipbuilding industry vesting date‖ and ―voting power‖ are omitted; and

(ii) in the definition of ―the relevant vesting date‖, paragraph (b) and the word ―and‖ immediately preceding it are omitted.

(5) The repeal of sections 17 and 18 is subject to the transitional provision made by article 4(3) to (5).

British Aerospace Act 1980 (c.26)

4. In the British Aerospace Act 1980, omit section 10 (which makes provision for certain provisions of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 to cease to have effect in relation to British Aerospace etc.).

Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 (c.65)

5.—(1) The Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 is amended as follows.

(2) In section 170 (interpretation: meaning of statutory undertakers), omit subsection (2).

(3) In Schedule 16 (bodies to whom Part 10 applies), omit paragraph 12.

British Shipbuilders Act 1983 (c.15)

6. The British Shipbuilders Act 1983 is repealed.

Miscellaneous Financial Provisions Act 1983 (c.29)

7. In Schedule 2 to the Miscellaneous Financial Provisions Act 1983 (treasury guarantees), omit the entry for the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977.

National Audit Act 1983 (c.44)

8. In Schedule 4 to the National Audit Act 1983 (nationalised industries and other public authorities), in Part 1, omit the entry for British Shipbuilders.

British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Act 1983 (c.58)

9. The British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Act 1983 is repealed.

British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Act 1987 (c.52)

10. The British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Act 1987 is repealed.

Housing Act 1988 (c.50)

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) 11. In Schedule 9 to the Housing Act 1988, in paragraph 4(b) of Part 1 (meaning of statutory undertakers for certain purposes), omit the words ―British Shipbuilders,‖.

Companies Act 1989 (c.40)

12. In Schedule 10 to the Companies Act 1989, in Part II, omit paragraph 28 (which amends section 17 of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 in relation to British Shipbuilders: accounts and audit).


Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (c.52)

13. In Schedule 2 to the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, omit paragraph 8 (which amends sections 6 and 56(1) of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977).

Freedom of Information Act 2000 (c.36)

14. In Schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, in the list in Part 6 (other bodies which are public authorities for the purposes of that Act) omit the entry for British Shipbuilders.

Public Bodies Act 2011 (c.24)

15.—(1) The Public Bodies Act 2011 is amended as follows.

(2) In Schedule 1 (power to abolish: bodies and offices)—

(a) omit the entry for British Shipbuilders and any subsidiary of British Shipbuilders; and

(b) omit the note relating to the abolition of British Shipbuilders.


(This note is not part of the Order)

Article 2 of this Order transfers the property, rights and liabilities of British Shipbuilders and its subsidiaries to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Article 3 makes provision supplemental to those transfers.

Article 4 abolishes British Shipbuilders, established under section 1(1)(b) of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 (c.3), and abolishes its subsidiaries.

Article 5 makes consequential repeals, revocations and amendments of Acts and other instruments specified in Schedules 1 and 2. Article 5 also removes the reference to British Shipbuilders in Schedule 1 to the Public Bodies Act 2011 (c.24).

A full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no impact on the private or voluntary sectors is foreseen. The explanatory document is published with this Order on


� Crown copyright 2012 Printed and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Carol Tullo, Controller of Her Majesty‘s Stationery Office and Queen‘s Printer of Acts of Parliament. £5.75 E4879 11/2012 124879T 19585 9 780111 530412 ISBN 978-0-11-153041-2

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) Draft Order laid before Parliament under section 11 of the Public Bodies Act 2011, for approval by a resolution of each House of Parliament after the expiry of the 40-day period referred to in section 11(4) of that Act.


2013 No. XXXX PUBLIC BODIES The Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order 2013



2013 No. ****

1. This explanatory document has been prepared by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (‗the Department‘) and is laid before Parliament under section 11(1) of the Public Bodies Act 2011 (‗the PBA 2011‘).

2. Purpose of the Instrument

2.1 This instrument abolishes British Shipbuilders (‗BS‘) and its subsidiaries. This instrument also transfers the property, rights and liabilities of BS and its subsidiaries to the Secretary of State.

3. Matters of special interest to the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments

3.1 None.

4. Legislative Context

4.1 The Government is proposing to use the powers in the PBA 2011 to abolish BS and its subsidiaries and to transfer the property, rights and liabilities of BS and its subsidiaries to the Secretary of State.

4.2 Section 1 of the PBA 2011 permits a Minister to abolish by order a body or office specified in Schedule 1. BS is specified in Schedule 1. Section 23 of the PBA 2011 permits a Minister, in connection with an order under section 1, to make a scheme for the transfer of property, rights and liabilities.

4.3 BS was established by section 1 of the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Act 1977 (‗the ASIA 1977‘). Legislation is required to abolish BS.

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) 4.4 As required by sections 9 and 10 of the PBA 2011, the UK Government is seeking consent to this order from each devolved administration.

4.5 This order will not be made until consent is obtained from the Northern Ireland Assembly (in accordance with section 9(3) of the PBA 2011), the Scottish Parliament (in accordance with section 9(1) of the PBA 2011) and the Welsh Ministers (in accordance with section 9(7) of the PBA 2011).

4.6 The Northern Ireland consent requirement in section 9(3)(a) applies because this order makes provision which would be within the legislative competence of the Northern Ireland Assembly if it were contained in an Act of the Assembly.

4.7 BS is not an excepted or reserved matter within the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The abolition of BS by this order, insofar as BS is able to exercise powers in Northern Ireland (including under section 3 of the ASIA 1977), falls within the legislative competence of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

4.8 The Scotland consent requirement in section 9(1)(a) applies because this order makes provision which would be within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament if it were contained in an Act of the Parliament.

4.9 BS is not a reserved matter within the Scotland Act 1998. The abolition of BS by this order, insofar as BS is able to exercise powers in Scotland (including under section 3 of the ASIA 1977), falls within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament.

4.10 The Welsh Ministers consent requirement in section 9(7)(b) applies because this Order makes provision which could be made by the Welsh Ministers.

4.11 This order makes a consequential amendment to the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 to remove BS from Schedule 16 to that Act. The Welsh Ministers, in relation to Wales, have power to remove entries from Schedule 16 to that Act. On this basis, in relation to Wales, the Welsh Ministers could make the consequential amendment to the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 contained in this order.

4.12 This order abolishes BS from the day after the day on which this order is made. This order makes consequential amendments and an amendment to Schedule 1 to the PBA 2011.

4.13 Section 42 of the ASIA 1977 established the Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Arbitration Tribunal (‗the Tribunal‘). The Tribunal is also being abolished by an order to be made under the PBA 2011. Both the Tribunal order and this order are being laid in Parliament at the same time. However the orders are not dependent on each other so have not been combined in an omnibus order.

5. Territorial Extent and Application

5.1 This instrument applies to all of the United Kingdom.

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) 6. European Convention on Human Rights

6.1 Michael Fallon MP, Minister of State for Business and Enterprise has made the following statement regarding Human Rights:

―In my view the provisions of the Public Bodies (Abolition of British Shipbuilders) Order 2013 are compatible with the Convention rights.‖

7. Policy background

7.1 The proposal to abolish BS was announced as part of the Cabinet Office‘s Public Bodies Review on 14 October 2010. Legislation is required to abolish BS. The PBA 2011 is seen as an appropriate and effective vehicle for abolishing BS and for transferring its property, rights and liabilities to the Secretary of State.

7.2 BS is a public corporation that owned and managed large parts of the British (but not Northern Irish) shipbuilding industry. BS was established by section 1 of the ASIA 1977.

7.3 BS subsequently privatised all of its active shipbuilding subsidiaries and the one remaining engine manufacturer. BS is no longer a trading enterprise and effectively operates as a ‗shell‘ company. Its main remaining function is to act as the vehicle through which long term industrial disease liabilities of former employees are managed. BS does not have funds of its own for this purpose, and is dependent on the financial backing of the Secretary of State.

7.4 BS contracts a company to provide residual pension services, which involves investigating and handling unrecorded pension claims from former employees. It is envisaged the arrangements for handling such claims will continue after abolition of BS.

7.5 It is unsatisfactory that a statutory corporation established for a specific purpose, namely the nationalisation, rationalisation, and subsequent reprivatisation of the shipbuilding industry, should be kept indefinitely to carry out a function for which it was not designed. BS is not itself directly liable to claimants who have, or are relatives of those who have had, industrial diseases. BS is liable rather as statutory surety for the judgment debts of subsidiaries it sold to third parties while retaining liabilities attributable to their pre-sale acts or omissions.

7.6 When the British shipbuilding industry was nationalised in 1977, it was assumed that BS would have more than sufficient assets to meet its liabilities. However, in recent years, the reserves of BS were placed under increasing pressure. First, BS insurer, Chester Street Holdings Limited, entered into liquidation, and in April 2004 BS was obliged to take back its insured liabilities. Secondly, the House of Lords ruling in Fairchild1[1] led to an increase in the number of mesothelioma personal injury claims against BS. These unforeseen pressures resulted in the near insolvency of BS in July 2006. In order to prevent this, interim arrangements to fund BS using Public Dividend Capital were agreed by the then Department of Trade and Industry‘s Permanent Secretary as a temporary measure, on the basis that a proposed Bill

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) would enable a long-term solution for managing and funding the liabilities to be implemented involving them being transferred to the direct responsibility of Government. HM Treasury agreed this as a temporary measure in 2006 on the basis that a Bill to transfer liabilities to the Secretary of State would provide a long term solution for managing the liabilities of BS.

7.7 The Secretary of State continues to fund this arrangement using Public Dividend Capital. BS‘ liabilities currently cost about £7 million a year in compensation payments. This is mainly spent on dealing with health compensation claims from former shipyard workers suffering primarily from asbestos related diseases. It is estimated that there will be liabilities to be met at least into the late 2040s.

7.8 A firm of solicitors manage the ongoing claims, and day-to-day oversight of BS is undertaken by the Coal Liabilities Unit in the Department of Energy and Climate Change (‗DECC‘). DECC leads on the governance responsibilities of BS.

7.9 Transferring the liabilities of BS to the Secretary of State will provide a long term solution for managing such liabilities and will provide continuity of funding responsibility for the period that claims continue to be presented. It is envisaged that the Coal Liabilities Unit in DECC will continue to play a role in oversight of claims post abolishing BS.

Section 8 of the PBA 2011

7.10 Section 8 of the PBA 2011 states that a Minister may make an order under the PBA 2011 only where they consider the order serves the purpose of improving the exercise of public functions, having regard to efficiency, effectiveness, economy and securing appropriate accountability to Ministers. As a result of this order, the Government expects to see improvements in the following areas: a) Efficiency: The decision to abolish BS and the transfer of liabilities to the Secretary of State is consistent with reducing unnecessary bureaucracy and overheads. BS only exists as a corporation to manage industrial disease and pension claims in respect of former employees. The transfer of liabilities will not have any effect or change claimants‘ legal rights to seek compensation. Moreover, claimants will not see any change in process; it will just be a case that compensation will be paid by the Secretary of State rather than BS. There will therefore be greater flexibility to create more efficiencies. Finally, the back office functions will be more streamlined as they will be absorbed within the existing structure of the Department. b) Effectiveness: The Department has met the costs and liabilities of BS for a number of years. The abolition of BS will provide a long term solution by transferring the responsibilities of BS to the Secretary of State. Claimants will then make claims direct to the Secretary of State rather than via a third party. c) Economy: This reform will deliver a better deal for taxpayers as the current costs of running BS will be largely absorbed within the existing budget of the Department. Abolition of BS will provide annual savings of £15,000 in respect

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) of the employment of a company secretary, and it will no longer be necessary to complete separate accounts for BS and lay them before Parliament. The cost of the liabilities, post abolition, will be included in the Department‘s annual accounts. d) Securing appropriate accountability to Ministers: The abolition of BS will not result in any lack of accountability to Ministers as accountability will be transferred to the Secretary of State.

7.11 Section 8(2) of the PBA 2011 provides that a Minister may make an order under sections 1 to 5 only if the Minister considers that—

(a) the order does not remove any necessary protection, and

(b) the order does not prevent any person from continuing to exercise any right or freedom which that person might reasonably expect to continue to exercise.

7.12 The Minister considers that the conditions in section 8(2) of the Act are satisfied in respect this order. All property, rights and liabilities of BS are being transferred to the Secretary of State. Any rights a person may have had to bring a claim against BS will transfer such that any claim will be exercisable against the Secretary of State.

Interest in the Houses of Parliament

7.13 On 19 July 2010, the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills stated in the House of Commons: ―The British Shipbuilders Corporation will be abolished next summer.‖

7.14 Lord Taylor of Holbeach also referred, on 1 December 2010 during the Lord‘s Committee Session on the Public Bodies Bill, to the purpose behind abolishing BS as a corporation and the transfer of the handling of BS‘ residual liabilities.

8. Consultation outcome

8.1 A 12 week consultation on the proposal to abolish BS was launched on 2 February 2012 and closed on 26 April 2012. The consultation was a single consultation covering the proposed abolition of BS and transfer of residual liabilities to the Secretary of State. The consultation was carried out in accordance with sections 10 and 11 of the PBA 2011.

8.2 The consultation document was made widely available to all interested stakeholders and the wider public on the Department website. The Department also sent the consultation document directly to 23 organisations and to the devolved administrations.

8.3 The Department received four responses. Two expressed no concerns arising from the proposed abolition. The other two responses were from the London and Glasgow offices of the same firm of solicitors. Both sought reassurance on clarity of the responsibilities which would pass to the Secretary of State. The

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) Government‘s formal response to the consultation has been published on the Department website at:

8.4 The responders expressed concern that information and statistics about the impact of asbestos exposure in the industry would no longer be published. The Department confirmed that details of the Department‘s annual spend on the liabilities would appear within its Annual Report and Accounts.

8.5 The responders highlighted that BS has dealt with claims against some other shipbuilding companies who were the parent companies of nationalised shipbuilding companies, including Cartsburn Investments Limited (formerly Scott‘s Shipbuilding & Engineering Company Limited) and Lithgows Limited. BS has also dealt with claims against certain companies that were sold out of nationalisation, such as Barclay Curle Limited.

8.6 The responders wanted assurance that the arrangements for transferring responsibility for future claims would continue. It was confirmed that the transfer of liabilities will encompass all current and future claims relating to those liabilities. The Department confirmed that where a company, in accordance with the contract under which it was sold, is entitled to an indemnity, the liability to indemnify will pass to the Secretary of State. Neither of Cartsburn and Lithgows were ever nationalised but BS agreed to extend a contractual right to indemnify their liabilities as employers or as occupiers of shipyards. However, it should be noted that Cartsburn and Lithgows are indemnified for their own acts and omissions, but not as parent companies.

8.7 Responders also sought clarification on the arrangements for on-going Court action after the transfer date. The Department confirmed that this order will transfer all responsibility for any claims which are on-going at the time this order is made.

8.8 Responders requested that the order should list all of BS‘ subsidiary companies. The Department confirmed that this was not necessary as the transfer of liabilities will include all subsidiaries within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006. It will also cover any subsidiary which was dissolved before this order is made. But for clarification the Government response to the consultation included a list of companies whose liabilities will transfer to the Secretary of State or that the Government has agreed a contractual indemnity with.

8.9 Responders said that protection must be maintained for claimants who develop industrial disease where exposure occurred during their employment with a ‗sold subsidiary‘ company during the period of nationalised ownership, which has given rise to a ‗gap in coverage‘ problem in the past. The Department confirmed that the abolition of BS will not have any impact on the status of the claims cohort identified as having a gap in coverage. The claims involved are those made against former BS companies that were sold with their liabilities during the privatisation, and which then subsequently became insolvent (as did their insurer Chester Street Insurance Holdings Ltd). The Financial Services Compensation Scheme does not compensate former employees in respect of periods of employment with nationalised industries

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) (such as BS) and the Department assumed liability for this compensation by way of the Minute to Parliament in 2003. PwC administer the Chester Street Estate and they in turn contract Capita to undertake the claims handling for the claims involved.

9. Guidance

9.1 Not applicable

10. Impact

10.1 The impact on business, charities or voluntary bodies is nil.

10.2 Abolition of BS will provide annual savings of approximately £15,000 for the public sector as BS will not require company secretarial services after it is abolished. There will also be administrative savings as separate accounts for BS will no longer be required to be prepared and laid before Parliament.

10.3 An Impact Assessment has not been prepared for this instrument.

11. Regulating small business

11.1 The legislation does not apply to small business.

12. Monitoring & Review

12.1 Monitoring and review of this order is not necessary as no further action is required once this order comes into force and transfers the property, rights and liabilities of BS to the Secretary of State.

13. Contact

Peter Joyce at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Tel: 020 7215 1165 or email: [email protected] can answer any queries regarding the instrument.

LCM(S4) 15.1 Session 4 (2011) PB/S4/12/259


1. Attached at Annexe A is a report of a joint Scottish Parliament-Scottish Government- Scottish Law Commission Working Group into the handling of Bills that result from certain reports of the Commission.

2. The Commission has been concerned for some time at the relatively low level of consideration of such Bills, given the significant levels of public money spent by the Commission on reviewing the law and proposing draft Bills. This level compares unfavourably with the position in Scotland pre-devolution.

3. The Working Group has considered this issue in detail and has suggested a mechanism to increase parliamentary capacity to consider such Bills. This entails a change to Standing Orders and the Bureau is asked to agree to refer this proposal to the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee for consideration.

Proposed Standing Order Changes

4. The Working Group identifies three types of Bills that can result from Commission reports—

 those that involve no substantive changes to the law such as Statute Law Repeal Bills, Consolidation Bills etc.;

 those that involve changes to the law aimed at “bringing the law up to date to reflect societal changes, evolution of the common law or developing jurisprudence”; and

 those that involve changes to the law with significant policy elements.

5. The Group noted that the first category is already covered by Standing Orders and the third category covered Bills that should always be part of a Government’s legislative programme. The focus is therefore on the second category.

6. The Group further noted that the Bills in this category generally (although not always) fall within the remit of the Justice Committee. That committee is traditionally heavily loaded with Government Bills so a question arises as to the capacity of that Committee and by extension the Parliament to consider Bills which are necessary to update the statute book but are not driven by a Government’s policy agenda.

7. The report sets out options considered by the Working Group to increase the Parliament’s capacity to consider this category of Bills. Ultimately, the Group recommends a change to the remit of the Subordinate Legislation Committee to allow the Bureau to refer such Bills to that Committee for consideration. The reasoning is that this Committee has more capacity than other parliamentary 1


committees and that its existing remit gives it a unique role in relation to the full breadth of devolved law.

8. In reaching this decision, the Group felt it important to ensure that only Bills of a technical, non-political nature were referred the Subordinate Legislation Committee. This was in recognition of the fact that the Committee does not normally consider and report on policy matters, having a more technical, legal input into legislative scrutiny. The Group therefore recommends a specific definition of the Bills that can be referred to the Committee to ensure that more policy-driven Bills are considered by subject committees with the necessary policy expertise. The recommended definition is:

9. “A Bill implementing the recommendations of a Scottish Law Commission report within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament—

(a) where there is a wide degree of consensus amongst key stakeholders about the need for reform and the approach recommended;

(b) which does not relate directly to criminal law reform;

(c) which does not have significant financial implications;

(d) which does not have significant ECHR implications; and

(e) where the Scottish Government is not planning wider work in that particular subject area.”

10. The Group further recommends that a mechanism be devised which would allow the Subordinate Legislation Committee to refer Bills back to the Bureau during Stage 1, should it become apparent at that point that the Bill was more controversial than first thought.

11. The above approach does not involve any change to the Bureau’s current role in relation to the referral of Bills to parliamentary committees.


12. The Bureau is asked to agree to refer the report of the Law Reform Working Group to the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee for consideration.

Parliamentary Business Team November 2012






1. A Law Reform Working Group consisting of officials from the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government and the Scottish Law Commission was set up in November 2011 to consider the rate of implementation of reports of the Scottish Law Commission.

2. At its first meeting the Group agreed the following remit—

“To consider and recommend an approach to Parliamentary scrutiny of certain Bills originating from Scottish Law Commission Reports”.

3. A list of members of the Group is set out in Annex A.

4. This report forms the conclusion of the Group’s deliberations and is submitted to David McGill (Head of Chamber and Reporting Group, Scottish Parliament) and Tim Ellis (Head of Cabinet Secretariat, Scottish Government) for their consideration.


5. The Group was established to take forward the work of the Law Reform Working Group established in the previous session to consider the implementation of reports of the Scottish Law Commission (Commission reports).

6. At the outset of its deliberations, the original working group identified issues which were potentially impeding the implementation rate of Commission reports. These included the perception that the Parliament did not have the committee resources to scrutinise Bills arising from Commission reports and concerns around the potential impact that such Bills could have on the burdens placed on parliamentary committees. In addition, the original working group recognised that the greatest impact of these Bills being brought forward would be on the Justice Committee, which already had a substantial legislative workload. The challenge for the original working group was, therefore, to establish a means by which these Bills could be scrutinised without having a detrimental impact on the Parliament’s wider scrutiny and legislative functions.

7. A number of options were considered by the original working group, including establishing a fast-track scrutiny process or setting up an ad hoc committee to consider Bills of this type. Although these options had their advantages, the 3


Group considered that there would still be resource implications associated with them and so it focused mainly on options which could be drawn from existing resources and which would not require substantial changes to Standing Orders.

8. With this in mind, the Group concluded that the Subordinate Legislation Committee was best placed to consider these Bills. In doing so, the Group recognised that the Subordinate Legislation Committee has responsibility for considering the whole breadth of Scots law and it had the capacity within its workload to undertake this role. Referring the Bills to the Subordinate Legislation Committee was therefore considered to be the best means by which these Bills could be brought forward without there being a detrimental impact on the Parliament’s consideration of other matters. Although this approach would require some Standing Order changes, these should be relatively minor.

9. It was agreed to conduct a pilot process before the end of session 3 of the Parliament in which temporary changes would be made to the Subordinate Legislation Committee’s remit to allow it to consider a Bill arising from a Commission report. However, although this conclusion was endorsed by the Parliamentary Bureau, circumstances did not allow the pilot to take place.

Session 4 developments

10. This new working group was set up to continue the work of the original working group.

11. The new group also noted that, during consideration of its work programme at the start of this session, the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee agreed to consider the implementation of Commission reports as part of its work programme. It is therefore intended that this report can be used to inform any inquiry undertaken by the SPPA Committee into the issue.

Procedural and practical issues

12. The Group endorsed the original working group’s conclusion that referring Bills arising from Scottish Law Commission reports to the Subordinate Legislation Committee would be the most appropriate means for them to be scrutinised. Aside from the workload capacity of the Committee, the Group also acknowledged that the Committee had a wide range of experience across the whole breadth of Scots law and was familiar with dealing with complex legislation, both primary and secondary, through its existing scrutiny role.

13. The following paragraphs therefore set out in detail the procedural steps that the Group considers are necessary to increase the Parliament’s capacity to scrutinise



Commission Bills, in particular, in order for the Subordinate Legislation Committee to be designated as lead committee in consideration of these Bills.

14. These steps would need to be augmented by minor adjustments to the Subordinate Legislation Committee’s remit.

Identification of Commission Bills 15. As a first step, the Group considered how Commission Bills would be identified as suitable for referral to the Subordinate Legislation Committee. The original working group concluded that Bills which did not include substantive changes to the law should be excluded, namely the following types of Bill: Consolidation, Codification, Statute Law Revision and Statute Law Repeal Bills. The Scotland Act and Standing Orders already made provision for these. In addition, with regard to those Bills which did include substantive changes to the law, the original working group accepted that, in terms of “political profile, urgency and contentiousness or some other compelling factor”, some Bills arising from Commission reports would more appropriately form part of the Scottish Government’s legislative programme.

16. This left Bills making substantive changes to the law which could be described as having their main purpose as “bringing the law up to date to reflect societal changes, evolution of the common law or developing jurisprudence”. The original working group concluded that it was Bills of this type which should be considered for scrutiny by the Subordinate Legislation Committee.

17. The new working group concurred with this general view but concluded that this third category of Bills could be further refined and agreed that such a Bill could be described as follows—

“A Bill implementing the recommendations of a Scottish Law Commission report within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament—

(a) where there is a wide degree of consensus amongst key stakeholders about the need for reform and the approach recommended;

(b) which does not relate directly to criminal law reform;

(c) which does not have significant financial implications;

(d) which does not have significant ECHR implications; and

(e) where the Scottish Government is not planning wider work in that particular subject area.”



18. The Group recognised that the purpose of this exercise was to increase the implementation of Commission reports and therefore consideration of the Parliament’s capacity to scrutinise Bills arising from these reports was required. On that basis, referring a Bill to the Subordinate Legislation Committee for scrutiny which fell into this category did not necessarily mean that a “fast-track process” was being established. As with any other Bill, the Bill would be subject to the level of scrutiny required at Stage 1 in order for the Committee to form a view on the Bill’s general principles. In addition, where there were potential significant policy matters to be considered, the Group acknowledged that the Bill would more properly be considered by the subject committee with policy experience in that area. It was therefore important that careful consideration be given to all of the individual conditions set out above in deciding whether a particular Bill would be more appropriately referred to the Subordinate Legislation Committee or to the relevant subject committee for scrutiny. Each of these conditions is therefore considered in detail in the following paragraphs.

19. With regard to the generality of the conditions, the Group recognised that the Commission had a remit covering all of Scots law irrespective of whether the subject matter of the Bill fell within the legislative competence of the Parliament. The Group therefore noted that, as with every other Bill, careful consideration would need to be given to the legislative competence of any Bill introduced in the Parliament which implemented the recommendations of a Commission report.

20. In relation to condition (a) (where there is a wide degree of consensus amongst key stakeholders about the need for reform and the approach proposed), the Group was of the view that rather than try to determine how contentious the subject matter of the Bill was, the degree of consensus amongst stakeholders would be an indicator of how welcome generally the Bill would be amongst those individuals or groups on whom it would have the greatest impact. Where there was significant disagreement, the Group considered that the Bill would not be suitable for scrutiny by the Subordinate Legislation Committee.

21. Under condition (b) (does not relate directly to criminal law reform), the Group recognised that any extensive revision to criminal law, such as a Bill which made changes to substantive criminal law or criminal procedures, could in itself be considered controversial. However it acknowledged that there may be circumstances where some reform of criminal law within the context of a Bill arising from a Commission report would be required. In particular the Group had in mind circumstances where, for example, the creation of criminal offences may only be incidental to the overall purpose of the Bill but were nevertheless necessary to the Bill’s operation. The Group considered that in these circumstances the condition may be met but it emphasised that these circumstances would have to be considered carefully. 6


22. In terms of condition (c) (does not have significant financial implications), the Group accepted at the outset of its deliberations that any Bill which it was anticipated the Presiding Officer would be likely to determine would require a financial resolution would not be suitable for scrutiny by the Subordinate Legislation Committee. In blunt terms, it recognised that any cost to the public purse could potentially create a degree of controversy. It also recognised that the financial impact the Bill had on external bodies was a factor that would have to be borne in mind in considering whether this condition was met.

23. The intention of condition (d) (does not have significant ECHR implications) was to ensure that consideration was given as to whether any particularly complex ECHR issues could potentially arise during the passage of the Bill.

24. The Group considered that condition (e) (where the Scottish Government is not planning wider work in that particular subject area) was necessary in order to ensure that the Scottish Government was not intending to bring forward legislation that could be used as a vehicle to make the legislative changes that the Commission recommended in its report. This condition was also included in recognition of the fact that the Scottish Government could also bring forward legislation arising from Commission reports as part of its own legislative programme.

25. The Group noted that there was an expectation that the Commission report would be accompanied by a draft Bill. It did recognise, however, that there may be a need for drafting revisions to be made to the Bill before introduction, though it concluded that such changes should only be necessary in ensuring that the Commission’s recommendations would be implemented. There should not, therefore, be any substantial changes to policy between the draft Bill and the Bill as introduced in the Parliament.

Scottish Government response to Commission Reports 26. In considering whether a Commission Bill would be suitable for scrutiny by the Subordinate Legislation Committee, the Group concluded that all of these conditions would have to be met. Consideration was therefore given to how these conditions could be applied. As a starting point it noted that all Commission reports are laid before the Parliament and that, as a matter of practice, the relevant Minister responded formally to the Commission within three months of the report being submitted to the Scottish Ministers. The Group therefore concluded that the response should contain a statement by the Minister addressing each of the above conditions in detail, providing clear reasons as to why the conclusion had been reached in each case and providing an overall conclusion as to whether or not, in the Minister’s view, any Bill arising from the 7


Commission report would be suitable for scrutiny by the Subordinate Legislation Committee. The Minister would also be expected to outline in the response whether in his or her view the Bill would fall within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. The Group agreed that the Minister’s response should also be laid before the Parliament.

Referral of Bills

27. Where the relevant Minister had indicated in the response to a Commission report that a Bill implementing the recommendations in the report would, in his or her view, be appropriate for scrutiny by the Subordinate Legislation Committee, the Group agreed that a decision would have to be taken by the Parliament on whether it concurred with this position. The Group therefore gave consideration to the means by which the Parliament would form such a view.

28. Set out below are three options which suggest ways in which this could be done. To support any of these options would require a slight adjustment to the Subordinate Legislation Committee’s remit.

Option 1: consideration by Parliamentary Bureau as to whether the Bill should be scrutinised by the Subordinate Legislation Committee

29. The Group noted that, under Standing Orders, once any Public Bill is introduced in the Parliament it is referred by the Parliamentary Bureau to the subject committee within whose remit the subject matter of the Bill falls. Where the subject matter of the Bill falls within the remit of more than one committee, the Parliament may on a motion of the Parliamentary Bureau designate one of those committees as the lead committee.

30. Where the Minister’s response to a Commission report indicated that the Minister considered that the Bill would be more appropriately scrutinised by the Subordinate Legislation Committee, the Group noted that one option would be for the Bureau to consider whether it concurred with this conclusion. If it did, the Parliament would be invited on a motion of the Parliamentary Bureau to agree to designate the Subordinate Legislation Committee as lead committee in consideration of the Bill. Otherwise, the Bill would be referred to the relevant subject committee for consideration. This option was regarded as the most straightforward as it followed existing practice in terms of Bill referral.

31. The Group did note that the Minister’s response would be made within three months of the Commission report being formally submitted to the Scottish Ministers. There may therefore be circumstances where a Bill could be introduced before the Minister’s response had been made. In such circumstances the views of the Minister could be elicited at an official level. However, where a 8


Bill was brought forward by an individual Member there were certain pre- conditions which would have to be met before the Bill could be introduced, such as garnering enough cross-party support for a Bill at the draft proposal stage. In addition, a proposal for a Committee Bill would require parliamentary time in order for it to proceed. Finally, the views of the Minister would be available if a Bill was brought forward as a Government Bill. It was therefore anticipated that, more often than not, the Minister’s views would be available to the Parliamentary Bureau at the time it was considering which committee should be designated as the lead committee.

Option 2: consideration by subject committee as to whether the Bill should be scrutinised by the Subordinate Legislation Committee following the Bill’s introduction

32. The Group noted that there may be merit in involving the subject committee with policy experience in the relevant subject area in considering the Minister’s opinion as to whether the Bill should be scrutinised by the Subordinate Legislation Committee. It therefore agreed that, as an alternative, the putative subject committee could be invited by the Parliamentary Bureau to form a view on the Minister’s statement set out in the response to the Commission. That committee would be required to form a clear view as to whether all of the conditions set out in paragraph 17 above were satisfied. The Group acknowledged that it would be for the subject committee to determine what steps it would need to take to determine how it would form such a view, however, it anticipated that this exercise should not take an extensive period of time.

33. The subject committee would then report its conclusions to the Parliamentary Bureau and it would be for the Parliamentary Bureau to decide, in light of the committee’s comments, whether to designate it or the Subordinate Legislation Committee as lead committee in consideration of the Bill.

Option 3: consideration by subject committee of whether the Bill should be scrutinised by the Subordinate Legislation Committee prior to it being introduced in the Parliament

34. As a slight alternative to the process set out in option 2, the Group concluded that the subject committee could form a view on the statement provided by the relevant Minister in response to the Commission report prior to any Bill being introduced. In these circumstances, again the Group agreed that the subject committee would report its conclusions to the Parliamentary Bureau to inform its decision on which committee should be designated as lead committee where a Bill was introduced.

35. Although the Group’s preferred option was for the Bill to be introduced before any consideration was given to the Minister’s response, the Group did note that there 9


were certain advantages to considering the question as to which committee would be the most appropriate one to be the lead committee prior to the Bill’s introduction—

 Firstly, the member in charge would be clear as to the process of scrutiny the Bill would go through before introducing the Bill.

 Secondly, there may be circumstances where the subject committee decided during the course of its inquiry into the Minister’s statement in the response to the Commission report that it wished to bring the Bill forward as a Committee Bill. Applying the process in this way would allow that to happen.

36. However, in these circumstances careful consideration would have to be given to determining whether a Bill introduced was actually in the same terms as the draft Bill which accompanied the Commission report and the extent to which any divergence from the recommendations in the Commission report would be acceptable. In reality, it was anticipated that the Commission report would be accompanied by a draft Bill and so, while accepting that, as noted earlier, some drafting revisions may be made to the Bill before introduction, the Group’s conclusion remained that there could not be any substantial changes to policy during the period between the submission of the report to Scottish Ministers and the Bill being introduced in the Parliament. The Group also recognised that this would be something that the Subordinate Legislation Committee could give consideration to during its scrutiny of the Bill.

37. In addition, as a general point the Group agreed that the decision that the Bill should be treated as a Commission Bill for referral to the Subordinate Legislation Committee should stand for the remainder of the parliamentary session but did note that following an election the new Administration would have to make another statement if it considered that the Bill could be treated as a Commission Bill. The Parliament would also need to take a further decision on whether it agreed with the Minister’s conclusion.

Introduction of Bills

38. As a general observation, the Group noted that standing orders allow for three main types of Public Bill—

 Government Bills which are introduced by a member of the Scottish Government;  Members’ Bills which are introduced by a member of the Parliament; and  Committee Bills which are introduced by a committee of the Parliament (the subject matter of the Bill must fall within the remit of the committee). 10


39. As Public Bills, Commission Bills could be introduced by the Scottish Government, by an individual MSP or by a committee of the Parliament. The Scottish Minister introducing the Government Bill, the Member proposing the Members’ Bill or the convener of the committee proposing the Committee Bill would be the member in charge of the Bill.

40. The same Standing Order requirements for Public Bills would apply to a Bill introduced which implemented a Commission report. It would therefore have to be accompanied by Explanatory Notes, a Financial Memorandum, a Policy Memorandum and a Delegated Powers Memorandum (where the Bill contained any delegated powers).

41. As with every Bill introduced in the Parliament, the Presiding Officer would also be required to form a view as to whether the subject matter of the Bill was within the legislative competence of the Parliament.

Parliamentary scrutiny of a Commission Bill

42. Whichever of the options set out above was adopted, where there was agreement that a Commission Bill should be referred to the Subordinate Legislation Committee, the Group recognised that the usual procedures would apply in reporting to the Parliament on the general principles of the Bill at Stage 1. It would therefore be for the Subordinate Legislation Committee to determine how best to conduct its scrutiny role. The Group also noted that all other requirements at Stage 1 would apply and so, despite the condition that the Bill should not have significant financial implications, the Finance Committee would still have to consider any financial aspects of the Bill. Furthermore, in addition to reporting on the general principles, the Subordinate Legislation Committee would also consider any delegated powers contained within the Bill. The standard procedures would also apply at Stages 2 and 3.

43. The Group recognised the potential for unexpected issues to arise during scrutiny of a Bill which may have a bearing on the level of controversy entailed. Standing Orders do not make general provision for a lead committee to propose to the Parliamentary Bureau that a Bill be re-referred to another lead committee. However, the Group considered that a mechanism would be needed to allow the Subordinate Legislation Committee to refer a Commission Bill back to the Parliamentary Bureau if during the course of its scrutiny it felt that the subject committee would be in a better position to consider the Bill.

44. The Group did note, however, that the expectation was that where Stage 1 consideration had been completed the Subordinate Legislation Committee would



continue to be lead committee in consideration of the Bill for the remainder of its passage through the Parliament. The main reasoning behind this was that the Subordinate Legislation Committee would have gained the necessary experience and knowledge of the Bill during Stage 1 scrutiny which would outweigh any general experience of the subject area that the subject committee may have.

Support for Member in charge of a Commission Bill

45. The Scottish Government recognised that there will be some Bills deriving from Scottish Law Commission reports where it would always be appropriate for it to take the lead in putting through the Parliament, such as those Bills which have a political profile, urgency or contentiousness or some other compelling factor which leads to their inclusion in the Scottish Government’s legislative programme. The Government noted that in some cases it may also sponsor Bills which are less contentious and are Law Reform measures. However, the Scottish Government considered that it could also be appropriate for an individual MSP or parliamentary committee to sponsor Bills of the type discussed by the working group which are by their nature not expected to be politically or otherwise contentious.

46. Consideration was given by the Group to the support that would be required for a member or a committee introducing a Bill arising from a Commission report. The Scottish Law Commission indicated that it would be able to provide support to the member or committee introducing the Bill in preparation for introduction (with support from the Scottish Government). In particular, in terms of the provision of accompanying documents, the documentation prepared by the Commission during the production of the report could be easily adapted to create these documents.

47. However, the Group recognised that further consideration needed to be given to the support which would be available in establishing whether the Bill would be within the legislative competence of the Parliament. In particular, the Group noted that the provisions in the Scotland Act 2012 would require any member introducing a Bill to provide a statement of legislative competence on introduction (previously this was only a requirement of a member of the Scottish Government). The Group did not reach a conclusion in relation to the category of Bills considered in this report and noted that consideration of the provision of support for this issue in relation to all non-Government Bills was being taken forward separately within the Parliament.

48. In addition, no matter who introduced the Bill, the Group did note that certain actions could only be taken by the Scottish Government in terms of legislation generally. This included considering whether a Bill would require the consent of 12


the Crown and dealing with the Palace in these circumstances, or alerting the UK Government to any implications of the Bill such as any requirements for section 104 orders1. These actions would continue to be carried out by the Scottish Government in terms of these types of Bills irrespective of which member introduced them.

49. The Group also noted that consideration would have to be given to the level of support available to the member or committee during the Bill’s passage through the Parliament. Notwithstanding the expectation that Commission Bills adopting the new procedure will be relatively uncontroversial in terms of their subject matter, the Group acknowledged that there was the strong possibility that a Commission Bill could give rise to some complex legal issues. The Scottish Law Commission is a statutory body established by the Law Commissions Act 1965. The Commission’s duties relate to the systematic development and reform of the law. The Commission’s main functions are to make recommendations to Ministers for reform of the law, and to provide advice and information to government departments. The Commission therefore cannot provide legal advice to individual MSPs or Parliamentary committees and must, as an apolitical body, retain its independence. As a result, it could not, for example, provide briefing and speaking notes or notes on amendments for an MSP when a Bill is going through Parliament. The Commission would be, though, in a position to provide information and support to a member on a wide variety of issues, such as:

a. The responses made to the Commission’s Discussion Paper (Before producing a final report, the Commission issues a Discussion Paper to seek views on the proposals. This is the equivalent of the Government’s consultation paper). b. Any options considered by the Commission and rejected. c. The Commission’s recommendations and the reasons for them. d. Help with finalising the accompanying documents and the Delegated Powers Memorandum before the Bill is introduced into the Parliament.

50. The Group discussed the support provided for non-Government Bills by the Parliament’s Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU). NGBU’s role is primarily to provide support for individual members in developing proposals for Bills. In the first instance this involves providing support to the member from the stage of policy development up to the introduction of the Bill. Although the unit also has a role in supporting the member throughout the various stages of the Bill, this is only in relation to Bills to which it has had direct involvement in policy

1 Section 104 orders are made under the Scotland Act 1998 and are used to make provision either in reserved areas of Scots law or in the law of another jurisdiction in the UK that the Scottish Parliament was unable to make but which is necessary to complete the wider Bill project



development at the pre-introduction stage. Having a full understanding of the underlying policy enables it to be in a position to provide effective support and, as this would not be the case with Bills arising from a Commission report, it would not be in a position to support a member in bringing forward such a Bill.

51. The Scottish Government indicated that it would not always be in a position to provide support to a Member who brings forward a Bill deriving from a Commission Report. However, it would expect to continue to play a full role in the parliamentary consideration of the Bill, including giving evidence and participating in amendment stages.

52. Ultimately the Group recognised that this matter may have a bearing on the format of the Stage 1 scrutiny applied by the Subordinate Legislation Committee. For example, a round-table evidence session including the Commission and Scottish Government officials as witnesses was an option that could be considered as an effective approach.

53. The Group also recognised that certain pre-conditions exist for Members’ Bills and Committee Bills before they can be introduced. It agreed that these pre- conditions should still apply in relation to Commission Bills. However, in doing so, it noted that there were certain aspects of the process that the Commission would have gone through in producing its report. For example, the consultation exercise undertaken by the Commission in the production of its report could satisfy the requirement for an individual member to have consulted on the Bill before introduction. This, of course, would be a matter on which the relevant subject committee would take a view under the Standing Orders rules on statements of reasons why the case for the Bill has already been established (Rules 9.14.3 to 9.14.7 of Standing Orders).

54. In terms of a Commission Bill being brought forward as a Committee Bill, the Group noted that the only circumstances where this could happen would be where the relevant subject committee had agreed to do so. Although it would be possible for the Subordinate Legislation Committee to introduce a Commission Bill, if it did so it could not be designated as lead committee to scrutinise its own Bill. Although there is no specific provision in Standing Orders which restricts a Committee scrutinising its own Bill, there are obvious issues of propriety and transparency to bear in mind in determining which committee should be designated as lead committee. It would therefore be very difficult for a committee to scrutinise a Bill effectively which it had sponsored in its own right.

55. While accepting that it is not possible to envisage every possible circumstance in which a Bill arising from a Commission report would be introduced, the Group



was of the view that the options set out above offered sufficient flexibility to cover all circumstances.


56. In summary, the Group recommends that, in order to increase the implementation rate of Scottish Law Commission reports, a mechanism should be introduced whereby the Subordinate Legislation Committee could be designated as lead committee in consideration of Bills implementing Commission reports where the conditions set out in this report were met.

57. The Working Group recommends that the key elements of this be:

a. The use of a set of key criteria (set out in paragraph 17) to determine eligibility for referral of Bills arising from Scottish Law Commission reports to the Subordinate Legislation Committee for consideration,

b. The Scottish Government to set out in its formal response to a Scottish Law Commission report, addressing the criteria set out in paragraph 17, whether it considered the Bill met this criteria and to lay that response before the Parliament,

c. For the Scottish Parliament to have the opportunity to consider whether it agreed with the Scottish Government’s analysis of whether a Bill met the criteria set out in paragraph 17 and was therefore suitable for referral to the Subordinate Legislation Committee,

d. Of the three suggested options for determining designation of lead committee for consideration of Bills arising from Scottish Law Commission reports, the Group considers that option 1, whereby the Parliamentary Bureau would determine whether the Bill should be referred to the Subordinate Legislation Committee for consideration, would be the most appropriate,

e. That it recognises that the Scottish Government, an individual MSP or a Committee of the Parliament may seek to introduce a Bill which implements the recommendations of a Scottish Law Commission report,

f. That the same Standing Orders requirements which apply to Public Bills should apply to these Bills (meaning they would require to be accompanied by Explanatory Notes, a Financial Memorandum, a Policy Memorandum and a Delegated Powers Memorandum (where appropriate)),



g. That the Finance Committee and Subordinate Legislation Committee should consider the financial and delegated powers features of these Bills as they would with any Public Bill,

h. That a mechanism would be needed to allow the Subordinate Legislation Committee to refer the Bill back to the Parliamentary Bureau if during the course of its scrutiny it felt that the subject committee would be in a better position to consider the Bill (but with the expectation that where Stage 1 consideration had been completed that the Subordinate Legislation Committee would continue to be lead committee in consideration of the Bill for the remainder of its passage through the Parliament)

58. In addition, the Group recommends that the provision of support for Members bringing forward these Bills should be kept under review.

July 2012



Annex A

Felicity Cullen, Scottish Government Legal Directorate, Scottish Government Catherine Fergusson, Scottish Parliament Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Team Irene Fleming, Scottish Parliament Legislation Team Steven MacGregor, Legislation and Parliamentary Liaison Team, Scottish Government Judith Morrison, Scottish Parliament Solicitor’s Office Simon Stockwell, Law Reform Division, Scottish Government Susan Sutherland, Scottish Law Commission Tracey White, Scottish Parliament Legislation Team (chair) Ian Young, Office of the Scottish Parliamentary Counsel, Scottish Government


Item MSP Date Lodged Title Total SupportersDate Last Support Event Type: Members' Business Motion (Count: 26) S4M-02899 Christine Grahame 15/05/2012 14:03 A Scottish Media Panel 31 02/07/2012 S4M-03428 David Stewart 21/06/2012 09:49 Scottish Ferries 17 28/06/2012 S4M-03469 Elaine Murray 25/06/2012 10:48 Congratulations to Nith Inshore Rescue 28 04/07/2012 S4M-03489 Sandra White 26/06/2012 12:06 Indefinite Detention and Destitute Asylum Seekers 34 29/08/2012 S4M-03561 Jamie McGrigor 29/06/2012 11:19 The Pathway to the Isles 30 02/08/2012 S4M-03620 Bob Doris 09/07/2012 14:56 Saving Lives in Glasgow and Beyond 5 18/07/2012 S4M-03713 Christine Grahame 27/07/2012 10:49 Centrica Profits an Obscenity 17 14/08/2012 S4M-03715 Christine Grahame 27/07/2012 11:13 Bill and Ted @ Black Diamond 23 05/09/2012 S4M-03740 Rhoda Grant 02/08/2012 09:23 Recognising John McEwen, an Advocate of Land Reform 14 24/08/2012 S4M-03859 Claudia Beamish 17/08/2012 11:42 Bee Aware of National Honey Bee Day 34 06/09/2012 S4M-03904 Elaine Murray 24/08/2012 14:28 A Warm Welcome to Wildlife at Crichton Royal Dairy Research Farm 21 06/09/2012 S4M-03943 John Finnie 29/08/2012 16:04 BBC Highlands and Islands Job Cuts 32 18/09/2012 S4M-04027 Jim Eadie 06/09/2012 18:19 Caring for and Curing Boys and Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 45 06/11/2012 S4M-04048 Neil Findlay 10/09/2012 11:10 CAB Report on the Rising Demand for Food Parcels 3 12/09/2012 S4M-04051 Iain Gray 10/09/2012 11:43 Value of Instrumental Music Tuition 22 19/09/2012 S4M-04110 Bill Kidd 12/09/2012 17:08 Drumchapel L.I.F.E 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04134 Jamie McGrigor 13/09/2012 16:30 HMS Duncan 15 21/09/2012 S4M-04212 Colin Keir 19/09/2012 16:38 Scotland’s Aviation Sector 23 28/09/2012 S4M-04216 Rob Gibson 20/09/2012 11:46 Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters' Marine Energy Constraints 29 02/10/2012 S4M-04229 Sandra White 21/09/2012 10:51 Yorkhill Children’s Foundation 32 01/10/2012 S4M-04253 Murdo Fraser 25/09/2012 11:08 True and Fair Campaign 15 26/10/2012 S4M-04274 Drew Smith 26/09/2012 18:08 Job Losses at Clydesdale Bank 24 25/10/2012 S4M-04287 Dave Thompson 23/09/2012 14:30 Prohibit Cold Calling for Property Maintenance and Repairs 33 26/10/2012 S4M-04288 Stuart McMillan 27/09/2012 15:11 GP Signposting 22 29/10/2012 S4M-04354 Richard Baker 02/10/2012 11:43 Edwards Syndrome and Support for Babies with Palliative Care Needs 22 25/10/2012 S4M-04360 Helen Eadie 02/10/2012 14:27 World Arthritis Day and World Osteoporosis Day 32 24/10/2012 Event Type: Standard Motion (Count: 830) S4M-02939 Graeme Dey 17/05/2012 10:35 Celebrating the Scottish Thistle Award Finalists 28 06/07/2012 S4M-03374 Kevin Stewart 19/06/2012 01:32 Scotland to Play Tonga at Pittodrie 28 05/07/2012 S4M-03399 Jean Urquhart 19/06/2012 16:21 Book Week Scotland 34 04/07/2012 S4M-03401 Richard Simpson 20/06/2012 09:18 Congratulations to David Liddell on his OBE 17 22/06/2012 S4M-03403 Kenneth Gibson 20/06/2012 09:22 Alistair Darling’s Contribution to Labour’s Recession 22 04/07/2012 S4M-03404 Kenneth Gibson 20/06/2012 09:29 Go Purple 26 03/07/2012 S4M-03405 Alison McInnes 20/06/2012 09:55 Aberdeenshire Council, Scottish Transport Local Authority of the Year 9 04/07/2012 S4M-03409 James Kelly 20/06/2012 10:34 Congratulations to Jimmy Whelan 5 03/07/2012 S4M-03410 Clare Adamson 20/06/2012 11:13 Congratulations to St Aidan's High School, Wishaw 25 04/07/2012 S4M-03411 Christina McKelvie 20/06/2012 11:37 EU Strategy toward the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 45 04/07/2012 S4M-03412 Claudia Beamish 20/06/2012 11:42 Anniversary of the Climate Change Act 17 28/06/2012 S4M-03414 Liam McArthur 20/06/2012 12:48 The Stuart Cup is Coming Home 19 03/07/2012 S4M-03416 James Kelly 20/06/2012 14:03 Rutherglen Sisters to Help Rebuild School in Uganda 8 03/07/2012 S4M-03417 Bill Walker 20/06/2012 14:17 Scotland’s Ancient Capital is now the Literary Capital 5 26/06/2012 S4M-03418 Mary Fee 20/06/2012 14:19 Love Equally Campaign Awarded Best at Scottish Charity Awards 29 03/07/2012 S4M-03419 Kenneth Gibson 20/06/2012 15:58 Moving Stories 25 04/07/2012 S4M-03420 Stewart Stevenson 20/06/2012 16:00 Code of Practice on Non-Native Species 1 21/06/2012 S4M-03422 Liam McArthur 20/06/2012 16:19 Send My Friend to School 30 09/07/2012 S4M-03423 John Pentland 20/06/2012 16:16 Netherton Primary School Centenary 23 03/07/2012 S4M-03424 John Park 20/06/2012 16:26 Scotch Whisky and Tourism 38 03/07/2012 S4M-03425 Elaine Smith 20/06/2012 16:36 SoundSational Community Music Group 34 03/09/2012 S4M-03426 Bob Doris 20/06/2012 17:00 Return Surplus Olympic Funds to Scottish Good Causes 26 04/07/2012 S4M-03427 Jean Urquhart 21/06/2012 09:42 Moving Stories Travelling Exhibition 29 03/07/2012 S4M-03429 David Stewart 21/06/2012 10:46 International Research Hub LifeScan 36 03/07/2012 S4M-03430 Margaret Mitchell 21/06/2012 11:14 Humble Pie Bakery 20 03/07/2012 S4M-03431 Jackie Baillie 21/06/2012 11:15 Marking Learning Disability Week 27 03/07/2012 S4M-03432 John Pentland 21/06/2012 11:16 St Aidan’s High School, Health and Wellbeing Award 2012 24 03/07/2012 S4M-03433 Jackie Baillie 21/06/2012 11:16 Protecting Children from Second-hand Smoke 34 04/07/2012 S4M-03434 Jackie Baillie 21/06/2012 11:19 Financial Support for Thalidomide Survivors in Scotland 17 06/07/2012 S4M-03435 Annabelle Ewing 21/06/2012 11:21 Climate Challenge Fund Awards 3 03/07/2012 S4M-03436 John Wilson 21/06/2012 11:24 Wasteland Short Film Drama 27 04/07/2012 S4M-03437 John Finnie 21/06/2012 11:42 Congratulations to Geoff Gibson 29 28/06/2012 S4M-03438 Roderick Campbell 21/06/2012 11:43 University of St Andrews Stem Cell Research with SU2P Programme 28 04/07/2012 S4M-03439 Stewart Maxwell 21/06/2012 12:26 Scottish School Cook of the Year 26 28/06/2012 S4M-03440 Neil Findlay 21/06/2012 12:57 The 10th Annual RMT Cuba Garden Party 13 28/06/2012 S4M-03441 Bob Doris 21/06/2012 13:36 North Kelvin United 19 03/07/2012 S4M-03442 Marco Biagi 21/06/2012 13:48 Scottish National Portrait Gallery a Work of Art 33 04/07/2012 S4M-03443 Sarah Boyack 21/06/2012 13:57 Congratulations to Streetwork 32 03/09/2012 S4M-03444 David Torrance 21/06/2012 14:05 YMCA Scotland's Top Prize at Charity Awards 27 03/07/2012 S4M-03445 John Pentland 21/06/2012 14:17 Congratulations to Alastair Small and Caitlin Thompson 20 05/07/2012 S4M-03446 Patricia Ferguson 21/06/2012 15:23 Copperworks Housing Co-op’s 21st Anniversary 10 28/06/2012 S4M-03447 Kenneth Gibson 21/06/2012 15:59 Cardiac Screening in Garnock Academy 25 04/07/2012 S4M-03448 Willie Rennie 21/06/2012 17:56 Love Equally 0 S4M-03449 Stuart McMillan 21/06/2012 16:40 Scottish Album of the Year Award Winners 2012 25 03/07/2012 S4M-03450 Elaine Smith 21/06/2012 16:45 National Breastfeeding Awareness Week 2012 39 03/07/2012 S4M-03451 David Torrance 21/06/2012 16:46 Richard Michael Receives British Empire Medal 13 03/07/2012 S4M-03452 Mark McDonald 21/06/2012 18:33 Teddy Scott 27 03/07/2012 S4M-03453 Patricia Ferguson 22/06/2012 09:57 North Glasgow Waste and Energy Strategy 9 03/07/2012 S4M-03454 Patricia Ferguson 22/06/2012 09:58 New Training Programme for Pupils in North Glasgow 11 29/06/2012 S4M-03455 Patricia Ferguson 22/06/2012 11:54 Work Starts on Games Area for Cowlairs 10 29/06/2012 S4M-03456 Willie Coffey 22/06/2012 12:31 Congratulations to Colin Barbour 2 03/07/2012 S4M-03457 Anne McTaggart 22/06/2012 13:22 Glasgow Mela 2012 32 03/07/2012 S4M-03458 Marco Biagi 22/06/2012 14:32 Edinburgh’s Well Read 34 03/07/2012 S4M-03459 Kevin Stewart 22/06/2012 15:45 Congratulations to Aberdeen City Council’s Finance Staff 22 28/06/2012 S4M-03460 Nigel Don 22/06/2012 15:48 Angus Care and Repair 22 03/07/2012 S4M-03461 James Kelly 22/06/2012 15:59 Long-service Award for Hospice Volunteer Ann Creeley 8 28/06/2012 S4M-03462 Patricia Ferguson 22/06/2012 16:42 National Youth Arts Companies Showcase Talent in London 2012 12 29/06/2012 S4M-03463 Joe FitzPatrick 25/06/2012 09:59 Dundee's Kith 'n' Kin Project Wins Care Accolade 32 05/07/2012 S4M-03464 Bill Walker 25/06/2012 10:01 Congratulations to the Dalai Lama 5 04/07/2012 S4M-03465 Bill Walker 25/06/2012 10:03 Congratulations to the Scotland Rugby Team 7 04/07/2012 S4M-03466 Richard Simpson 25/06/2012 10:07 Scottish Rugby Clean Sweep 33 04/07/2012 S4M-03467 Neil Findlay 25/06/2012 10:24 Democracy in Paraguay 14 04/07/2012 S4M-03468 Gil Paterson 25/06/2012 10:25 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for Clydebank Asbestos Group 31 04/07/2012 S4M-03470 Tavish Scott 25/06/2012 11:27 Norway to Shetland Race 23 28/06/2012 S4M-03471 Colin Keir 25/06/2012 13:06 Edinburgh Wins Best European Airport Award 23 29/06/2012 S4M-03472 Kevin Stewart 25/06/2012 13:13 Congratulations to Befriend a Child 29 29/06/2012 S4M-03473 Linda Fabiani 25/06/2012 13:13 The Dalai Lama's Lecture, Beyond Religion, Ethics for a Whole World 44 16/07/2012 S4M-03474 Liam McArthur 25/06/2012 13:50 The Boyds, Better Together 22 31/07/2012 S4M-03475 Kevin Stewart 25/06/2012 14:31 Grampian Housing Association's Climate Change Fund Success 23 28/06/2012 S4M-03476 Colin Beattie 25/06/2012 14:47 Happy 50th Anniversary for the Hollies 19 28/06/2012 S4M-03477 Colin Beattie 25/06/2012 14:48 QMU Leading the Way 24 04/07/2012 S4M-03478 Colin Beattie 25/06/2012 14:49 100th Queen for Loanhead 20 04/07/2012 S4M-03479 Paul Wheelhouse 25/06/2012 15:38 Muirpark Tenants and Residents Association 2012 Awards Recognition 28 28/06/2012 S4M-03482 Jean Urquhart 26/06/2012 09:15 British Council Scotland's World Scots Campaign 40 06/08/2012 S4M-03483 Maureen Watt 25/06/2012 17:58 Ethyco, Coffee with a Conscience 33 03/07/2012 S4M-03484 Mike MacKenzie 26/06/2012 10:48 Reunion Concert Success for Moray Concert Brass and Director Glenn Munro28 29/06/2012 S4M-03485 Mike MacKenzie 26/06/2012 10:48 Stromness-based EMEC’s Success at the Renewable Energy Awards 34 03/07/2012 S4M-03486 Mark McDonald 26/06/2012 12:00 Congratulations to Garioch Community Kitchen 25 03/07/2012 S4M-03487 Mark McDonald 26/06/2012 12:01 Congratulations to Ellon Resource Centre 26 04/07/2012 S4M-03488 David Stewart 26/06/2012 12:06 Congratulations to Kirkwall Grammar 24 26/07/2012 S4M-03490 David Torrance 26/06/2012 12:37 YMCA Kirkcaldy Receives Big Lottery Fund Grant 22 04/07/2012 S4M-03492 Kevin Stewart 26/06/2012 13:55 Congratulations to Neil Fachie 29 04/07/2012 S4M-03493 John Wilson 26/06/2012 13:56 ASLEF Motherwell Celebrates 100-year Anniversary 33 02/07/2012 S4M-03494 Aileen McLeod 26/06/2012 13:58 Dumfries and Galloway's Successful RHS Showcase 32 04/07/2012 S4M-03498 Tavish Scott 26/06/2012 15:44 Shetland Mussel Industry MSC Certification 23 04/07/2012 S4M-03504 Colin Beattie 26/06/2012 16:06 Money for Mayfield and Easthouses Development Trust 17 04/07/2012 S4M-03505 Colin Beattie 26/06/2012 16:08 Funds for Loanhead Community Learning Association 17 04/07/2012 S4M-03506 Colin Beattie 26/06/2012 16:10 Congratulations to St David's Pupils 19 02/07/2012 S4M-03507 Richard Simpson 27/06/2012 08:49 Welcome Reduction in Salt Intake 13 03/07/2012 S4M-03508 Graeme Dey 26/06/2012 16:29 Good Luck to Eilish McColgan and Fellow Scottish Athletes 31 09/07/2012 S4M-03509 Jim Eadie 26/06/2012 17:23 Liberton High School Production of Hairspray 20 04/07/2012 S4M-03510 Jim Hume 27/06/2012 09:21 Save Local Bus Services 0 S4M-03511 Jean Urquhart 27/06/2012 10:50 BBC's Crime Drama, Shetland 29 10/07/2012 S4M-03512 Elaine Murray 27/06/2012 11:24 Welcome for A75 Hardgrove to Kinmount Upgrade 13 09/07/2012 S4M-03513 Richard Simpson 27/06/2012 11:51 Valuing Gardening for People with Dementia 33 10/07/2012 S4M-03515 Humza Yousaf 27/06/2012 12:04 People's Postcode Lottery Players Raise £2 Million for Children 1st 26 03/07/2012 S4M-03516 John Pentland 27/06/2012 13:08 Congratulations to Dalziel High School, Choral Shield 2012 21 04/07/2012 S4M-03517 John Pentland 27/06/2012 13:09 Congratulations to Mrs Reid and Mr Browning, Coltness High School, Wishaw14 10/08/2012 S4M-03518 Alex Johnstone 27/06/2012 13:43 Houses for Heroes Boosted by Corryvreckan Swimmers 27 03/07/2012 S4M-03519 Rhoda Grant 27/06/2012 13:44 Congratulations to the Big Minch Swimmers 29 03/07/2012 S4M-03520 Bill Walker 27/06/2012 13:47 Commitment to Carbon Capture and Storage 2 04/07/2012 S4M-03521 Bill Walker 27/06/2012 13:49 Fife Youth Jazz Orchestra Success and Workshop 4 28/06/2012 S4M-03526 Gordon MacDonald 27/06/2012 14:16 Broomhouse Health Strategy Group 24 13/07/2012 S4M-03527 Mike MacKenzie 27/06/2012 14:40 Success for the Big Green Challenge Debate 26 03/07/2012 S4M-03528 David Torrance 27/06/2012 14:50 Strathallan School Achieves Excellent Inspection Results 21 03/07/2012 S4M-03529 Kevin Stewart 27/06/2012 14:52 Congratulations to CFINE and Broomhill PTA 21 25/07/2012 S4M-03530 Elaine Smith 27/06/2012 15:00 Live Local, Shop Local 18 04/07/2012 S4M-03531 Bill Kidd 27/06/2012 15:22 Remembering Dr James D Young 31 04/07/2012 S4M-03532 Alex Fergusson 27/06/2012 15:41 Superfast Broadband in Stranraer 13 29/06/2012 S4M-03533 Christina McKelvie 27/06/2012 15:45 Cruse Bereavement Care 24 29/08/2012 S4M-03535 Willie Coffey 28/06/2012 09:27 Happy 25th Anniversary to the Galleon Leisure Centre, Kilmarnock 23 06/08/2012 S4M-03536 Linda Fabiani 28/06/2012 09:42 East Kilbride’s Winners in the Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire Volunteer of3 the Year03/07/2012 Awards S4M-03537 Paul Wheelhouse 28/06/2012 09:44 Eyemouth Herring Queen Festival 2012 27 04/07/2012 S4M-03538 Humza Yousaf 28/06/2012 09:55 Stop the Execution of Behram Khan 31 04/07/2012 S4M-03539 James Dornan 28/06/2012 11:33 Congratulations to Glasgow South East Community Champions 20 03/07/2012 S4M-03540 Elaine Smith 28/06/2012 11:34 El Sistema 35 02/08/2012 S4M-03541 Roderick Campbell 28/06/2012 11:39 Cupar Highland Games 2012 20 18/07/2012 S4M-03542 Angus MacDonald 28/06/2012 11:49 Grangemouth High School 18 03/07/2012 S4M-03543 Angus MacDonald 28/06/2012 11:49 Shieldhill Community Education Association 15 03/07/2012 S4M-03544 Gil Paterson 28/06/2012 12:58 10 Years of Excellence 25 04/07/2012 S4M-03545 Siobhan McMahon 28/06/2012 13:00 Congratulations to the North Lanarkshire Healthy Living Project 23 11/07/2012 S4M-03546 Clare Adamson 28/06/2012 13:02 Ian Bell Wins Oliver Brown Award 33 06/08/2012 S4M-03547 Elaine Smith 28/06/2012 13:57 Coatbridge High Will Rock You 18 10/08/2012 S4M-03548 Richard Simpson 28/06/2012 14:36 Scottish Dementia Working Group Celebrates its 10th Anniversary 27 20/08/2012 S4M-03549 Margaret McDougall 28/06/2012 15:37 Ayrshire Sands Charity Duckling Race 22 09/07/2012 S4M-03550 David Torrance 28/06/2012 15:39 Fife Free Press Receives Local Print Award 18 11/07/2012 S4M-03552 Alison Johnstone 28/06/2012 16:22 Congratulations to Vegware 33 05/09/2012 S4M-03553 James Kelly 29/06/2012 10:39 Eva Burrows Centre Commended for Community Work 7 04/07/2012 S4M-03554 Kenneth Gibson 29/06/2012 10:46 REFRESH Project Helps Parents Protect their Children from Cigarettes 26 16/07/2012 S4M-03555 Patricia Ferguson 29/06/2012 10:47 North Glasgow Housing Association, Large Housing Association of the Year 20121 04/07/2012 S4M-03557 Claudia Beamish 29/06/2012 11:16 Pans for Africa 26 06/08/2012 S4M-03558 Claudia Beamish 29/06/2012 11:16 Top Prize at Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards for Annelshope Forest 22 06/08/2012 S4M-03559 Claudia Beamish 29/06/2012 11:16 Endurancelife Real Relay 21 01/08/2012 S4M-03560 Jean Urquhart 29/06/2012 11:31 Scottish Council on Archives' National Plan 32 02/08/2012 S4M-03562 Mike MacKenzie 29/06/2012 11:37 Superfast Broadband Announced for Oban 23 25/07/2012 S4M-03563 Drew Smith 29/06/2012 13:05 Glasgow UNESCO City of Music 2011-12 27 02/08/2012 S4M-03564 Roderick Campbell 29/06/2012 13:11 East Neuk Festival, 27 June to 1 July 25 13/07/2012 S4M-03565 Bob Doris 29/06/2012 13:59 Scottish Ambulance Service Patient Booking Line 20 01/08/2012 S4M-03566 Graeme Dey 29/06/2012 14:32 Congratulations to Arbroath Heavyweight Chris Sherrington 18 09/07/2012 S4M-03567 Kenneth Gibson 29/06/2012 14:56 A Fair Deal for Dairy Farmers 33 10/08/2012 S4M-03568 Jim Eadie 29/06/2012 15:05 Pride Scotia 2012 and the Equality Network 25 18/07/2012 S4M-03570 Kenneth Gibson 29/06/2012 15:33 Ayrshire Power Withdraws Application for Coal Plant at Hunterston 22 29/08/2012 S4M-03571 Mike MacKenzie 02/07/2012 13:05 175th Anniversary of the Forres Gazette 25 18/07/2012 S4M-03572 Kevin Stewart 03/07/2012 10:45 30 08/08/2012 S4M-03573 James Kelly 03/07/2012 12:27 Calderside Academy Takes Top Prize at National Scottish Song Competition 7 12/07/2012 S4M-03574 James Kelly 03/07/2012 12:29 Good Luck to Burnside Chess Champion Stuart Wynne 7 12/07/2012 S4M-03575 Bill Kidd 03/07/2012 14:17 Linkes Receives Young Start Grant 23 06/08/2012 S4M-03576 Bill Walker 03/07/2012 14:35 Congratulations to Lauriston Nursery on Impressive Inspection 4 05/07/2012 S4M-03577 John Park 03/07/2012 15:10 Congratulations to Fifeworks 25 06/08/2012 S4M-03578 Angus MacDonald 03/07/2012 15:17 Maddiston Primary School 18 12/07/2012 S4M-03579 Angus MacDonald 03/07/2012 15:17 2nd Polmont Boys Brigade 21 25/07/2012 S4M-03580 Hanzala Malik 03/07/2012 15:36 Olympic Selections 32 06/08/2012 S4M-03581 Bill Walker 04/07/2012 09:53 Big Lottery Funding for McLean Primary School 4 05/07/2012 S4M-03582 Neil Findlay 04/07/2012 10:36 Temporary Closure of Children’s Ward at St John's Hospital 16 18/07/2012 S4M-03583 Christina McKelvie 04/07/2012 10:59 Tribute to Donald Storrie 29 12/07/2012 S4M-03584 Bill Walker 04/07/2012 11:19 Congratulations to Eilidh Child on Olympic Selection 7 24/07/2012 S4M-03585 George Adam 04/07/2012 14:00 National Transplant Week 2012 45 10/08/2012 S4M-03586 Sandra White 04/07/2012 14:04 £10,000 for Yorkhill Children's Foundation 24 12/07/2012 S4M-03587 Graeme Dey 04/07/2012 14:12 Tribute to Ken Cargill 35 24/07/2012 S4M-03588 Fiona McLeod 05/07/2012 10:02 National Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month 37 29/08/2012 S4M-03589 Mike MacKenzie 05/07/2012 10:04 Martha Payne's Blog Goes on Tour and Continues to Raise Money 3 02/08/2012 S4M-03590 David Torrance 05/07/2012 11:23 Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust Big Lottery Fund Grant 22 12/07/2012 S4M-03591 Mark McDonald 05/07/2012 12:25 North East Groups Secure Big Lottery Funding 20 25/07/2012 S4M-03592 Joan McAlpine 05/07/2012 14:30 Dumfries Saints Rugby Club Triathlon for Cystic Fibrosis 29 06/08/2012 S4M-03593 Joan McAlpine 05/07/2012 14:58 Dormont Passivhaus Wins Rural Development of the Year 28 06/08/2012 S4M-03594 Jean Urquhart 05/07/2012 16:08 Discovery of the Higgs Boson 37 08/08/2012 S4M-03596 Gil Paterson 06/07/2012 11:29 Award for Titan Crane 28 02/08/2012 S4M-03597 Fiona McLeod 06/07/2012 11:43 Congratulations to Jack and the Flum Flum Tree 24 18/07/2012 S4M-03598 Joe FitzPatrick 06/07/2012 11:58 MBE for Former Lord Provost of Dundee, John Letford 21 26/07/2012 S4M-03599 Graeme Dey 06/07/2012 12:02 Retirement of John Philp 26 25/07/2012 S4M-03600 Margaret Burgess 06/07/2012 12:48 Breaking Ground Project 26 18/07/2012 S4M-03601 Mark McDonald 06/07/2012 12:57 Congratulations to Raw Stereo 26 07/08/2012 S4M-03602 Neil Findlay 06/07/2012 14:26 Keir Hardie Anniversary 17 18/07/2012 S4M-03603 Kevin Stewart 06/07/2012 14:27 120 Years of Central Library 25 24/07/2012 S4M-03604 Roderick Campbell 06/07/2012 14:29 Big Lottery Funding in North East Fife 21 25/10/2012 S4M-03605 Rob Gibson 06/07/2012 14:33 Laid and Lochan Woods Highly Commended 27 01/08/2012 S4M-03606 Jim Eadie 06/07/2012 15:28 Professor Peter Higgs, the Higgs Boson 26 02/08/2012 S4M-03607 Jean Urquhart 06/07/2012 15:52 Big Lottery Fund June Awards to Highlands and Islands 23 18/07/2012 S4M-03608 Patricia Ferguson 09/07/2012 10:35 Recognising Murray's Achievement 40 02/08/2012 S4M-03609 Bill Walker 09/07/2012 10:37 Warm Congratulations to Andy Murray 5 13/07/2012 S4M-03610 Angus MacDonald 09/07/2012 10:39 Johnston Press PLC 19 24/07/2012 S4M-03611 George Adam 09/07/2012 10:40 Paisley Celebrates Sma' Shot Day 2012 30 08/08/2012 S4M-03612 Patrick Harvie 09/07/2012 11:10 Golf Course on the Menie Estate 2 10/07/2012 S4M-03613 David Torrance 09/07/2012 13:28 Rhiannon More's World Dance Championship Success 30 07/08/2012 S4M-03614 Roderick Campbell 09/07/2012 13:29 University of St Andrews Genetic Sequencing Breakthrough 26 24/07/2012 S4M-03615 Gil Paterson 09/07/2012 14:08 Mesothelioma Day Conference 33 29/08/2012 S4M-03616 Colin Beattie 09/07/2012 14:15 Award for Air Training Corps No 2466 Loanhead Squadron 19 26/07/2012 S4M-03617 Colin Beattie 09/07/2012 14:16 Additional Funding for Lasswade Primary School 17 23/07/2012 S4M-03618 Colin Beattie 09/07/2012 14:17 Award for Voices of Carers Across Lothian 16 25/07/2012 S4M-03619 Colin Beattie 09/07/2012 14:18 Saltersgate's Cycle Friendly School Award 19 26/07/2012 S4M-03621 James Dornan 09/07/2012 17:54 Happy Anniversary to South Sudan 29 08/08/2012 S4M-03622 John Wilson 10/07/2012 12:40 Coatbridge Rovers Amateur Football Club Lottery Success 16 25/07/2012 S4M-03623 Neil Findlay 10/07/2012 14:36 Frances O'Grady 14 24/07/2012 S4M-03624 Patricia Ferguson 11/07/2012 10:03 Chariots of Fire, a Classic Re-run 25 02/08/2012 S4M-03625 Mary Scanlon 11/07/2012 10:31 Congratulations to the Organisers of the 425th Maggie Fair 21 25/07/2012 S4M-03626 Mary Scanlon 11/07/2012 10:32 David Urquhart's Lifetime Achievement Award 23 26/07/2012 S4M-03627 Willie Coffey 11/07/2012 10:35 Congratulations to John Hume 0 S4M-03628 James Kelly 11/07/2012 11:44 Rutherglen and Cambuslang Church Groups Help Make a Difference 6 18/07/2012 S4M-03629 Jamie Hepburn 11/07/2012 12:22 Trade Unions in Turkey 26 02/08/2012 S4M-03630 Kevin Stewart 11/07/2012 14:23 People Living with Hepatitis C and HIV, Their Views on Welfare Reform 30 30/07/2012 S4M-03631 Neil Findlay 11/07/2012 14:25 Hall's of Broxburn 16 24/07/2012 S4M-03632 Kevin Stewart 12/07/2012 10:51 Congratulations to Kittybrewster Primary 17 24/07/2012 S4M-03633 Sarah Boyack 12/07/2012 10:55 Congratulations to Dovecot Studios 18 02/08/2012 S4M-03634 Christina McKelvie 12/07/2012 12:04 Congratulations to Hamilton School for the Deaf 21 25/07/2012 S4M-03635 Dennis Robertson 12/07/2012 12:11 Westdyke Community Club 20 24/07/2012 S4M-03636 James Kelly 12/07/2012 12:14 Cairns Primary School Big Lottery Funding 6 18/07/2012 S4M-03637 Kevin Stewart 12/07/2012 13:51 Visit Aberdeen 24 24/07/2012 S4M-03638 David Torrance 12/07/2012 13:53 Committed to Excellence Award for FRAE Fife 21 24/07/2012 S4M-03639 Anne McTaggart 12/07/2012 14:30 Glasgow MSYP Success at British Youth Council's Youth on Board Awards 16 25/07/2012 S4M-03640 Colin Keir 12/07/2012 15:43 UK Government’s Planned Cuts to Housing Benefit 24 06/08/2012 S4M-03641 John Park 12/07/2012 16:24 The Fife Bench 15 27/08/2012 S4M-03642 David Torrance 13/07/2012 10:38 Congratulating Carr’s Milling Industries on Kirkcaldy Investment 21 25/07/2012 S4M-03643 Christina McKelvie 13/07/2012 10:40 Congratulations to The Machan Trust 21 25/07/2012 S4M-03644 David Torrance 13/07/2012 12:11 Congratulating Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy on its Green Flag Award 17 25/07/2012 S4M-03645 Claudia Beamish 13/07/2012 12:12 Peebles Primary School's UNICEF Award 19 27/08/2012 S4M-03646 Jamie Hepburn 16/07/2012 10:16 Unanswered Questions Surrounding Welfare Reform 33 06/08/2012 S4M-03647 Paul Wheelhouse 16/07/2012 10:20 Graduates in Scotland Have Best Employment Prospects in the UK 31 06/08/2012 S4M-03648 Kenneth Gibson 16/07/2012 10:25 Group B Streptococcus 19 16/08/2012 S4M-03649 David Torrance 16/07/2012 10:28 Congratulating Claire Noonan as UK and Ireland Junior Archery Champion 20 13/08/2012 S4M-03650 Joan McAlpine 16/07/2012 14:16 Burma Assist 22 06/08/2012 S4M-03651 Kevin Stewart 16/07/2012 14:19 Aberdeen's Hydrogen Ambitions 18 25/07/2012 S4M-03652 Chic Brodie 17/07/2012 10:21 Galloway and South Ayrshire, First Scottish Biosphere Reserve 1 25/07/2012 S4M-03653 Bill Walker 17/07/2012 10:28 Crown Estate Marine Assets Must be Devolved 2 24/07/2012 S4M-03654 Bill Walker 17/07/2012 12:13 Low-risk Scots Paying £200 Million Flood Subsidy 2 18/07/2012 S4M-03655 John Pentland 17/07/2012 13:26 Coalfields Regeneration Trust £25,000 Community Challenge 17 01/08/2012 S4M-03656 Richard Lyle 17/07/2012 14:19 Working Better, Working Together 16 06/08/2012 S4M-03657 Joe FitzPatrick 17/07/2012 14:53 Promotion of Dundee Football Club 15 25/07/2012 S4M-03658 Alex Fergusson 17/07/2012 16:10 Promotion of Stranraer Football Club 18 06/08/2012 S4M-03659 Humza Yousaf 18/07/2012 10:18 New Home Ground for Glasgow Girls FC 25 25/07/2012 S4M-03660 George Adam 18/07/2012 11:14 Inaugural Gerry Rafferty Prize Won by Paisley Musician 32 06/08/2012 S4M-03661 Chic Brodie 18/07/2012 11:18 DECC Delays Announcement on Renewables Subsidies 2 25/07/2012 S4M-03662 Stuart McMillan 18/07/2012 11:24 Congratulations to Glencairn Nursery, Greenock 20 25/07/2012 S4M-03663 Rob Gibson 18/07/2012 11:51 Kicking it on the Bealach na Ba 30 13/08/2012 S4M-03665 Chic Brodie 18/07/2012 13:51 Care Accolades 2012 1 19/07/2012 S4M-03666 Sandra White 18/07/2012 14:19 CANmove 35 13/08/2012 S4M-03667 Gil Paterson 18/07/2012 14:20 Praise for Charity Campaigner 26 25/07/2012 S4M-03668 Graeme Dey 19/07/2012 09:49 Ron Churchill, 30 Years with Arbroath RNLI 32 06/08/2012 S4M-03669 James Kelly 19/07/2012 09:55 Cathkin Primary School Big Lottery Funding 5 25/07/2012 S4M-03670 Clare Adamson 19/07/2012 10:24 SCIAF's Promising Practices 32 08/08/2012 S4M-03671 Joe FitzPatrick 19/07/2012 10:57 Future of Ardler and St Mary's GP Services 15 26/07/2012 S4M-03672 John Wilson 19/07/2012 13:18 Youth Venturers Group Lottery Award 20 25/07/2012 S4M-03673 Clare Adamson 19/07/2012 15:52 The 33rd Blair Atholl Jamborette 37 06/08/2012 S4M-03674 Elaine Smith 19/07/2012 15:54 Fire Station Fun 20 01/08/2012 S4M-03675 Mark McDonald 20/07/2012 10:02 Retirement of Sir Ian Wood 31 29/08/2012 S4M-03676 Kezia Dugdale 20/07/2012 10:07 Co-operative Banking 27 16/08/2012 S4M-03677 Kenneth Gibson 20/07/2012 10:20 Alzheimer Scotland's Ardrossan Resource Centre's 21st Anniversary 27 29/08/2012 S4M-03678 Fiona McLeod 20/07/2012 12:16 Stonewall Research into Homophobic Bullying in Schools 33 29/08/2012 S4M-03679 Roderick Campbell 20/07/2012 13:09 Big Tent Festival 25 14/08/2012 S4M-03680 Claudia Beamish 20/07/2012 14:28 St Abbs Market Day 20 06/08/2012 S4M-03681 Sarah Boyack 20/07/2012 14:35 Waverley Care and the Pleasance Theatre Trust, 21 Years of Partnership 19 03/09/2012 S4M-03682 James Kelly 20/07/2012 15:13 Congratulations to Camglen Radio 5 01/08/2012 S4M-03684 George Adam 23/07/2012 11:43 Paisley Pipe Band Championship 2012 30 14/08/2012 S4M-03685 Roderick Campbell 23/07/2012 12:27 Link Between Salt and Stomach Cancer 27 14/08/2012 S4M-03686 Roderick Campbell 23/07/2012 16:01 Cupar Celebrates Summer Postcode Millions Win 17 01/08/2012 S4M-03687 Alison Johnstone 23/07/2012 16:46 Tour de France 21 14/08/2012 S4M-03688 Gordon MacDonald 23/07/2012 16:47 SAMH Redhall Walled Garden 29 14/08/2012 S4M-03689 Angus MacDonald 24/07/2012 10:41 Inner Forth Landscape Initiative 19 06/08/2012 S4M-03690 Richard Lyle 24/07/2012 11:54 John Paul II Pupils Fly the Green Flag Again 2 01/08/2012 S4M-03691 Richard Lyle 24/07/2012 11:55 Expansion for Elimpus Ltd 18 14/08/2012 S4M-03692 Richard Lyle 24/07/2012 11:56 Stepping Out for Charity 25 09/08/2012 S4M-03693 Richard Lyle 24/07/2012 11:57 Clyde Valley Group Raises £7,000 for Mary’s Meals 29 16/08/2012 S4M-03694 Richard Lyle 24/07/2012 11:58 New Recycling Scheme Creates Jobs 22 09/08/2012 S4M-03695 Richard Lyle 24/07/2012 11:59 Retirement of Sharon McPherson 18 09/08/2012 S4M-03696 George Adam 24/07/2012 12:12 Bishop of Paisley Appointed New Archbishop of Glasgow 21 08/08/2012 S4M-03697 Mike MacKenzie 24/07/2012 13:20 Argyll Bands Play in George Square at Piping Live 2012 33 14/08/2012 S4M-03698 Stuart McMillan 24/07/2012 14:02 PS Comet Bicentenary Celebrations 26 29/08/2012 S4M-03699 Jean Urquhart 24/07/2012 15:54 Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group’s Seafood Champion Nomination 27 14/08/2012 S4M-03700 Humza Yousaf 25/07/2012 12:28 Rathbone Glasgow TOPs Project 25 09/08/2012 S4M-03701 Anne McTaggart 25/07/2012 13:52 World Credit Union Conference, Let’s Gdansk 30 02/08/2012 S4M-03702 Sarah Boyack 25/07/2012 13:53 Save our Suntrap 13 31/08/2012 S4M-03703 Mary Fee 25/07/2012 14:57 Sporting Memories of Erskine Veterans 18 16/08/2012 S4M-03704 Mary Fee 25/07/2012 14:57 Erskine, Local Supermarket’s Charity of the Year 23 16/08/2012 S4M-03705 John Mason 25/07/2012 17:15 Well Done to the Real Relay 17 09/08/2012 S4M-03706 Bill Walker 26/07/2012 10:32 Can-Am Pipe Band's Jubilee Tour of Scotland 6 09/08/2012 S4M-03707 Dennis Robertson 26/07/2012 11:04 Disarming Trident 25 22/08/2012 S4M-03708 Jackie Baillie 26/07/2012 11:29 Dumbarton FC Kicks off in the First Division 12 09/08/2012 S4M-03709 Mary Fee 26/07/2012 11:51 World Hepatitis Day 33 14/08/2012 S4M-03710 Kevin Stewart 26/07/2012 12:19 Consultation on Work Capability Assessment 24 14/08/2012 S4M-03711 Kevin Stewart 26/07/2012 13:11 Consultation on Passported Benefits 21 14/08/2012 S4M-03712 Patricia Ferguson 26/07/2012 18:01 Continuing the Legacy of Eric Liddell 18 02/08/2012 S4M-03714 Jackie Baillie 27/07/2012 10:59 Helensburgh’s Heading for Gold at London 2012 19 16/08/2012 S4M-03716 Mary Scanlon 27/07/2012 15:20 Reopening of the Thurso Cinema 24 08/08/2012 S4M-03717 Kevin Stewart 27/07/2012 15:27 Congratulations to Aberdeen’s Lottery Awards Winners 19 10/08/2012 S4M-03718 Paul Wheelhouse 30/07/2012 09:59 Scottish Borders Sailor Opens Olympic Games 27 16/08/2012 S4M-03719 Sarah Boyack 30/07/2012 10:01 Fair Fees for International Students 14 06/11/2012 S4M-03720 Roderick Campbell 30/07/2012 11:53 Corporal David Adam MBE, RAF Leuchars, at 2012 Olympics 23 16/08/2012 S4M-03721 David Torrance 30/07/2012 11:55 Kirkcaldy Polish Club Saved from Closure 20 14/08/2012 S4M-03722 Roderick Campbell 30/07/2012 11:57 Gateside Has the UK’s Friendliest Street 18 14/08/2012 S4M-03723 Bill Kidd 30/07/2012 14:14 Trident Staff Privatisation at HMNB Clyde 27 14/08/2012 S4M-03724 Liam McArthur 30/07/2012 14:15 Congratulations to NUS Scotland on New Widening Access Report 9 05/09/2012 S4M-03725 Kevin Stewart 30/07/2012 14:53 Congratulations to the Aberdeen Wallace 700 Association 22 14/08/2012 S4M-03726 Kevin Stewart 30/07/2012 17:21 40 Years of the Aberdeen International Youth Festival 26 08/10/2012 S4M-03727 Angus MacDonald 31/07/2012 10:12 Emergency Services Mutual Aid Partnership in Forth Valley 17 14/08/2012 S4M-03728 David Torrance 31/07/2012 14:19 New Jobs at Burntisland Fabrications 31 29/08/2012 S4M-03729 David Torrance 01/08/2012 11:00 YMCA Kirkcaldy to Release Film 19 10/08/2012 S4M-03730 John Wilson 01/08/2012 12:18 Bargeddie After School Club Lottery Success 16 08/08/2012 S4M-03731 John Wilson 01/08/2012 12:18 Coatbridge Youth Forum Big Lottery Award 16 13/08/2012 S4M-03732 John Wilson 01/08/2012 12:18 Old Monkland Primary and Nursery School Lottery Grant 13 08/08/2012 S4M-03733 Hugh Henry 01/08/2012 13:46 Celtic Music Radio 26 14/08/2012 S4M-03734 David Torrance 01/08/2012 13:55 Kirkcaldy Ingolstadt Association receives an Awards for All Grant 17 29/08/2012 S4M-03735 Jamie Hepburn 01/08/2012 14:02 Cumbernauld's Entry for Beautiful Scotland 2012 15 14/08/2012 S4M-03736 Sandra White 01/08/2012 14:04 Celtic Music Radio's Radiothon 23 24/08/2012 S4M-03737 Chic Brodie 01/08/2012 14:52 Troon Lawn Tennis Club 3 08/08/2012 S4M-03738 Chic Brodie 01/08/2012 14:52 Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2 08/08/2012 S4M-03739 Bob Doris 01/08/2012 15:27 Glasgow Celebrates Jamaican Independence 20 16/08/2012 S4M-03741 Alison Johnstone 02/08/2012 09:42 SOS Dairy 13 06/09/2012 S4M-03742 Alison Johnstone 02/08/2012 09:42 Syrian Brutality 19 25/10/2012 S4M-03743 Roderick Campbell 02/08/2012 09:43 Summer Football Season 18 14/08/2012 S4M-03744 Rob Gibson 02/08/2012 09:45 Evanton Woodland Under Community Control 26 14/08/2012 S4M-03745 Richard Simpson 02/08/2012 09:47 Michael Jamieson 2 16/08/2012 S4M-03746 Neil Findlay 02/08/2012 09:50 Unlocking Scotland's Potential: Promoting Social Justice Through Fairer Access16 to Higher01/11/2012 Education S4M-03747 Fiona McLeod 02/08/2012 10:37 Congratulations to Swimmer Michael Jamieson 2 16/08/2012 S4M-03748 Neil Findlay 02/08/2012 10:56 Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Market 10 27/08/2012 S4M-03749 Dave Thompson 02/08/2012 11:01 Lossie Loon Congratulates Lossie Quine on Rowing Gold 36 16/08/2012 S4M-03750 Rhoda Grant 02/08/2012 11:46 Congratulations to Rowing Pair 24 16/08/2012 S4M-03751 Humza Yousaf 02/08/2012 12:39 Congratulations to Swimming Champ Michael Jamieson 39 24/08/2012 S4M-03752 Humza Yousaf 02/08/2012 12:50 Congratulations to Greater Pollok Citizens Advice and CABs across Scotland30 24/08/2012 S4M-03753 Nigel Don 02/08/2012 16:15 Angus, the Birthplace of Modern Motoring and Biking 26 29/08/2012 S4M-03754 John Finnie 02/08/2012 16:17 MOD Ban Service Personnel from Speaking to MPs and MSPs 33 29/08/2012 S4M-03755 Roderick Campbell 02/08/2012 16:19 Auchtermuchty Festival 2012 27 15/08/2012 S4M-03756 Colin Keir 02/08/2012 17:50 Improved Punctuality at Edinburgh Airport 19 03/09/2012 S4M-03758 Angus MacDonald 03/08/2012 10:21 Central Carers Association Falkirk and Clackmannanshire 19 15/08/2012 S4M-03759 Patricia Ferguson 03/08/2012 12:11 Chris Hoy, a Golden Knight 33 16/08/2012 S4M-03760 Angus MacDonald 03/08/2012 12:13 New Charity Helps Communities in Kenya 29 15/08/2012 S4M-03761 Kevin Stewart 03/08/2012 12:32 Congratulations to David Florence 35 24/08/2012 S4M-03762 Patricia Ferguson 03/08/2012 13:43 Gold for Grainger 29 16/08/2012 S4M-03763 Maureen Watt 03/08/2012 13:46 Congratulating Olympic Rower Katherine Grainger MBE 40 03/09/2012 S4M-03764 Colin Beattie 03/08/2012 13:49 Funding for Scout Hall 17 15/08/2012 S4M-03765 Colin Beattie 03/08/2012 13:52 Award for Volunteer Centre Midlothian 16 15/08/2012 S4M-03766 Colin Beattie 03/08/2012 13:53 Funding for Friends of Saltersgate School 16 15/08/2012 S4M-03769 Colin Beattie 03/08/2012 13:57 Congratulations to Whitecraig Community Centre 15 29/08/2012 S4M-03770 Colin Beattie 03/08/2012 13:58 Money for Play Therapy Base Co-operative 20 03/09/2012 S4M-03771 Jim Eadie 03/08/2012 16:55 Sir Chris Hoy 39 24/08/2012 S4M-03772 Patricia Ferguson 05/08/2012 17:26 Super Saturday for Team GB 29 16/08/2012 S4M-03773 Patricia Ferguson 05/08/2012 18:54 Triumph for Murray 34 24/08/2012 S4M-03774 Annabelle Ewing 06/08/2012 11:01 Congratulations to Andy Murray on Olympic Success 38 03/09/2012 S4M-03775 Bill Walker 06/08/2012 10:20 Congratulations to Andy Murray on Olympic Victory 12 27/08/2012 S4M-03776 Christine Grahame 06/08/2012 13:05 ASD and Police Training 1 15/08/2012 S4M-03777 Rhoda Grant 06/08/2012 15:43 South African Women’s Day, 9 August 2012 35 15/08/2012 S4M-03778 Jim Eadie 06/08/2012 15:24 Andy Murray and Olympic Achievement 42 29/08/2012 S4M-03779 Jackie Baillie 06/08/2012 15:59 Westcliff Residents Reclaim Their Play Park 11 27/08/2012 S4M-03780 Jackie Baillie 06/08/2012 16:20 West Dunbartonshire Minister to Become a Freeman 14 15/08/2012 S4M-03781 Jackie Baillie 06/08/2012 16:22 Dumbarton Woman is a True Inspiration 22 27/08/2012 S4M-03782 Jackie Baillie 06/08/2012 16:26 Television Treasures Sought By Helensburgh Heroes 22 27/08/2012 S4M-03783 Jackie Baillie 06/08/2012 16:28 Celebrating the Centenary of the Comet 22 24/08/2012 S4M-03784 John Mason 07/08/2012 10:02 Glasgow’s East End, Home to the World Pipe Band Championships 35 16/08/2012 S4M-03785 Margaret Burgess 07/08/2012 10:05 Communities Benefit 37 03/09/2012 S4M-03786 Elaine Murray 07/08/2012 10:33 Congratulations to British Showjumping Team 34 03/09/2012 S4M-03787 Mike MacKenzie 07/08/2012 10:36 Orkney’s State-of-the-Art Pool 27 15/08/2012 S4M-03788 Mike MacKenzie 07/08/2012 10:38 Mid Argyll Multiple Sclerosis Centre Gala Day 1 15/08/2012 S4M-03789 Dennis Robertson 07/08/2012 10:49 Congratulations to Gold Medal Winner Tim Baillie 35 03/09/2012 S4M-03790 John Park 07/08/2012 10:50 Knowing Your Rights, Perth Citizens Advice Bureau 22 27/08/2012 S4M-03792 Richard Simpson 07/08/2012 11:16 Congratulating Fife Police 12 14/08/2012 S4M-03793 Richard Simpson 07/08/2012 11:18 Welcoming the Opening of Croft, a Prison Visitors' Centre 15 28/08/2012 S4M-03794 Christine Grahame 07/08/2012 12:56 Scott Brash, Golden Olympian 38 03/09/2012 S4M-03795 Gil Paterson 07/08/2012 12:40 Talking Newspaper Flying High 22 28/08/2012 S4M-03796 Gil Paterson 07/08/2012 12:40 Swimming Club Waves of Joy for Funding 22 28/08/2012 S4M-03797 Gil Paterson 07/08/2012 12:40 A Future for History of Milngavie 24 03/09/2012 S4M-03798 David Torrance 07/08/2012 13:50 Kirkcaldy and District Motor Club Holds Motorbike Races on the Beach 20 16/08/2012 S4M-03799 Patricia Ferguson 08/08/2012 10:26 Sir Chris Hoy, Team GB's Most Decorated Olympian 32 31/08/2012 S4M-03800 Jackie Baillie 08/08/2012 10:32 Restoration Project For Skylark 14 03/09/2012 S4M-03801 Claudia Beamish 08/08/2012 11:30 First Monitor Farm for Clyde 21 29/08/2012 S4M-03802 Kevin Stewart 08/08/2012 12:59 Hiroshima Anniversary 32 31/08/2012 S4M-03803 Dennis Robertson 08/08/2012 11:49 Congratulations to the Midmar Piano Fund Awards for All Grant 18 31/08/2012 S4M-03804 Neil Findlay 08/08/2012 13:35 Scottish March for Jobs 12 21/08/2012 S4M-03805 Clare Adamson 08/08/2012 14:00 Sir Walter Scott Prize, Professor Tom Devine 31 31/08/2012 S4M-03806 Jackie Baillie 08/08/2012 15:20 A Decade of Service for National Park Authority 24 03/09/2012 S4M-03807 Jackie Baillie 08/08/2012 15:26 Support for Soldiers Saving the Olympic Games 17 03/09/2012 S4M-03808 Jackie Baillie 08/08/2012 15:30 Women’s Support Service Is Recognised 15 03/09/2012 S4M-03809 Elaine Smith 08/08/2012 15:50 Congratulations to Coatbridge College 19 27/08/2012 S4M-03810 Kenneth Gibson 09/08/2012 09:30 Liberal Democrats Prioritise Survival 17 03/09/2012 S4M-03811 Jamie Hepburn 10/08/2012 09:45 Efforts to Secure a Global Arms Trade Treaty Continue 30 02/10/2012 S4M-03813 Christina McKelvie 09/08/2012 10:49 Hamilton Information Project for Youth's Funding Success 19 03/09/2012 S4M-03814 John Finnie 09/08/2012 11:42 Lay Staff Monitoring Anaesthetised Animals 13 03/09/2012 S4M-03815 Jackie Baillie 09/08/2012 12:22 West Dunbartonshire Get Top Marks 9 03/09/2012 S4M-03816 Kevin Stewart 09/08/2012 13:55 Aberdeen Harbour 23 03/09/2012 S4M-03817 Bill Kidd 09/08/2012 14:03 Funding Success for Scotstoun Broadsword Club 16 03/09/2012 S4M-03818 Margaret McDougall 09/08/2012 14:36 Call for Active Surveillance of the Schmallenberg Virus 7 14/08/2012 S4M-03819 Kevin Stewart 09/08/2012 14:53 Congratulations to North East Sensory Services and Choices Aberdeen Pregnancy16 03/09/2012 S4M-03820 David Torrance 09/08/2012 15:10 Launch of the Adam Smith Global Foundation 28 31/08/2012 S4M-03821 Duncan McNeil 10/08/2012 15:06 Glowing Report for River Clyde Homes 12 03/09/2012 S4M-03822 James Kelly 10/08/2012 16:08 Reamonn Gormley Soccer Festival 6 14/08/2012 S4M-03823 Jackie Baillie 10/08/2012 16:32 Have a Little Patience, Luke Lands Silver 18 31/08/2012 S4M-03824 Angus MacDonald 10/08/2012 18:24 Kinneil Museum Gets Four Star Rating 19 03/09/2012 S4M-03825 Sandra White 13/08/2012 12:20 £15 Million for Cutting-edge Medical Laboratory 23 31/08/2012 S4M-03826 Richard Baker 13/08/2012 12:35 New Explorations Mentoring Service 8 03/09/2012 S4M-03827 Joe FitzPatrick 13/08/2012 13:16 Universities Scotland's New Convener 0 S4M-03828 Stewart Maxwell 13/08/2012 13:56 NUS Scotland's Report, Unlocking Scotland's Potential 30 14/09/2012 S4M-03829 Gordon MacDonald 13/08/2012 15:56 Scottish Digital Channel 30 05/09/2012 S4M-03830 Liam McArthur 13/08/2012 16:33 Eunson Close Garden Project 17 31/08/2012 S4M-03831 Patricia Ferguson 14/08/2012 09:42 London 2012 22 05/09/2012 S4M-03832 Humza Yousaf 14/08/2012 10:37 STV Appeal 40 07/09/2012 S4M-03833 Margaret Mitchell 14/08/2012 11:42 People Experiencing Trauma and Loss 0 S4M-03834 Kevin Stewart 14/08/2012 13:24 Concern over Atos Contract 30 03/09/2012 S4M-03835 Michael McMahon 14/08/2012 13:40 Baron Morris of Manchester 28 03/09/2012 S4M-03836 Kevin Stewart 14/08/2012 13:30 Aberdeen Welcomes Gay Men’s Health 16 03/09/2012 S4M-03837 Bill Walker 14/08/2012 15:21 22nd Fiddlers’ Rally 5 16/08/2012 S4M-03838 David Torrance 14/08/2012 15:32 Kirkcaldy Youths in the GB Under-19 Floorball Team 16 03/09/2012 S4M-03839 Claire Baker 14/08/2012 16:30 Congratulations to West Wemyss Walk Inn 20 03/09/2012 S4M-03840 Willie Coffey 14/08/2012 18:20 All We are Saying is Give Kosovo a Chance 1 20/08/2012 S4M-03841 Jackie Baillie 15/08/2012 13:30 Beechgrove Comes To Helensburgh 15 27/08/2012 S4M-03842 Margaret Burgess 15/08/2012 16:20 Irvine Marymass Festival, an Ancient Tradition 19 23/08/2012 S4M-03843 Kenneth Gibson 15/08/2012 18:09 Time for a 21st Century Revamp of the Parcel Delivery Service 23 04/09/2012 S4M-03844 Duncan McNeil 16/08/2012 10:27 Allan McGraw for the SFA Hall of Fame 19 03/09/2012 S4M-03845 Kevin Stewart 16/08/2012 10:51 Aberdeen and District Battalion of the Boys Brigade 15 05/09/2012 S4M-03846 Mary Fee 16/08/2012 11:46 Renfrewshire Pupils Back on the Road to School 8 28/08/2012 S4M-03847 James Kelly 16/08/2012 13:14 Congratulations to James Aiton Primary School 6 20/08/2012 S4M-03849 Anne McTaggart 16/08/2012 14:13 Glasgow’s Olympic Medal Party 17 03/09/2012 S4M-03850 Christine Grahame 16/08/2012 14:12 Wallace Letters 28 29/08/2012 S4M-03852 John Park 16/08/2012 15:52 Remembering Alex Falconer 43 31/08/2012 S4M-03853 Claudia Beamish 16/08/2012 16:10 Young Carers Festival 2012 47 05/09/2012 S4M-03854 Kevin Stewart 16/08/2012 16:12 Votes at 16 35 02/10/2012 S4M-03856 Joan McAlpine 16/08/2012 17:32 Bruce Trust, Dumfries 26 03/09/2012 S4M-03857 David Torrance 17/08/2012 11:42 Congratulating Jimmy Sinclair on his 100th Birthday 33 05/09/2012 S4M-03858 Joe FitzPatrick 17/08/2012 11:44 New Chief Fire Officer Alisdair Hay 32 04/09/2012 S4M-03860 Kevin Stewart 17/08/2012 15:33 Investment in Aberdeen 18 03/09/2012 S4M-03862 Kenneth Gibson 17/08/2012 17:19 Labour Let MoD Train Armed Forces of Brutal Syrian Regime 13 29/08/2012 S4M-03863 Drew Smith 20/08/2012 10:07 40th Anniversary of the Kilbirnie Street Fire 29 03/09/2012 S4M-03864 George Adam 20/08/2012 10:06 Scottish Cycling Circuit Race 2012, Paisley 27 31/08/2012 S4M-03865 George Adam 20/08/2012 09:53 Emily Maguire, Paisley's Olympic Medal Winner 26 03/09/2012 S4M-03866 George Adam 20/08/2012 10:04 Paisley’s Festival of Fire 25 03/09/2012 S4M-03867 John Finnie 20/08/2012 11:25 Scotland’s Police Pipe Bands 25 05/09/2012 S4M-03868 Tavish Scott 21/08/2012 09:22 Shetland-based Poet Wins International Competition 23 05/09/2012 S4M-03869 Bob Doris 21/08/2012 10:09 Maryhill and Summerston Mini Olympics 21 03/09/2012 S4M-03870 Angus MacDonald 21/08/2012 10:30 Progress with the Helix Project 25 13/09/2012 S4M-03871 Bill Kidd 21/08/2012 11:21 Congratulations to Blairdardie Primary School 16 04/09/2012 S4M-03872 Jim Eadie 20/08/2012 12:22 Congratulating Scotland Under-16 Women's National Basketball Team 37 04/09/2012 S4M-03873 Maureen Watt 21/08/2012 13:04 Aberdeen Businessmen Back City Garden Project 19 10/09/2012 S4M-03874 Margaret McDougall 21/08/2012 13:15 Consumer Rights Consultation 23 03/09/2012 S4M-03875 Jean Urquhart 21/08/2012 13:37 Scottish Youth Theatre Annual Report 30 04/09/2012 S4M-03876 Colin Keir 21/08/2012 13:36 South Queensferry’s Ferry Fair Festival 23 04/09/2012 S4M-03877 Paul Wheelhouse 21/08/2012 14:10 Scottish Borders Festival of Sport 33 03/09/2012 S4M-03878 Bill Kidd 21/08/2012 14:24 Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland 30 04/09/2012 S4M-03879 Roderick Campbell 21/08/2012 14:45 AMSportstours Offering Hope to Trafficking Victims 26 04/09/2012 S4M-03880 Clare Adamson 21/08/2012 15:23 Inaugural Edinburgh International Culture Summit 25 26/09/2012 S4M-03881 Gordon MacDonald 22/08/2012 09:14 Whale Arts 20th Anniversary 25 04/09/2012 S4M-03882 Mike MacKenzie 22/08/2012 09:57 Dreams Come True 31 05/09/2012 S4M-03883 Jim Eadie 22/08/2012 14:15 Congratulating Rev Dr Derek Browning on 25 Years of Service 22 04/09/2012 S4M-03884 Jackie Baillie 22/08/2012 16:32 West Dunbartonshire Bands Battle It Out 16 04/09/2012 S4M-03885 Paul Wheelhouse 22/08/2012 16:38 Roxburgh and Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau 28 05/09/2012 S4M-03887 James Kelly 23/08/2012 10:29 Congratulations to Robert Harvey, Author of Rutherglen’s Greatest Player 7 03/09/2012 S4M-03888 Rob Gibson 23/08/2012 10:11 Eco Award for ERI Thurso 28 06/09/2012 S4M-03889 Kenneth Gibson 23/08/2012 10:37 Iraqi Youth Orchestra Comes to Scotland 23 04/09/2012 S4M-03890 Dennis Robertson 23/08/2012 11:29 Congratulations to the Howard Family 28 05/09/2012 S4M-03891 Sandra White 23/08/2012 13:57 Energy Price Rises 23 06/09/2012 S4M-03892 Alison Johnstone 23/08/2012 14:06 Musselburgh Transition Toun 14 11/09/2012 S4M-03893 Christine Grahame 23/08/2012 14:24 Schofield Dyers and Finishers' 1878 Paper Press, the Oldest Manufacturing Machinery4 03/09/2012 in the World? S4M-03894 James Kelly 23/08/2012 15:01 Congratulations to Lightburn Elderly Association Project on 20 Years of Service8 03/09/2012 S4M-03895 Paul Wheelhouse 23/08/2012 15:25 Parliament Condemns Labour’s Alcohol Plans for Northumberland 26 05/09/2012 S4M-03896 Richard Simpson 23/08/2012 18:23 Traffic Light Food Labelling New Convert 18 11/09/2012 S4M-03897 Bob Doris 24/08/2012 09:37 Congratulations to NG Homes 15 03/09/2012 S4M-03898 Joan McAlpine 24/08/2012 09:29 Congratulations to Weesleekit, Dumfries 22 05/09/2012 S4M-03899 Anne McTaggart 24/08/2012 10:28 Congratulations to Kate Semple, Senior Community Champion 24 13/09/2012 S4M-03900 Roderick Campbell 24/08/2012 11:51 Congratulating Jimmy Leitch, Best Volunteer in Adult Football 21 03/09/2012 S4M-03901 Jackson Carlaw 23/08/2012 16:06 Major's Big Lottery Fund Success 6 31/08/2012 S4M-03902 Murdo Fraser 24/08/2012 13:17 The 2014 Junior Ryder Cup in Blairgowrie 25 31/08/2012 S4M-03903 Dennis Robertson 24/08/2012 13:39 ROVOP Funding Congratulations 22 03/09/2012 S4M-03905 Richard Simpson 24/08/2012 14:34 Repair to Historic Buildings 33 17/09/2012 S4M-03907 Mark McDonald 24/08/2012 15:41 Discover Opportunities Awards 28 13/09/2012 S4M-03908 James Dornan 24/08/2012 15:38 Congratulations to Glasgow Flame Ambassador Jodie Taylor 30 13/09/2012 S4M-03909 Mark McDonald 26/08/2012 15:39 Dyce Community Fun Day 22 13/09/2012 S4M-03910 Bill Walker 27/08/2012 09:33 The Passing of Neil Armstrong 6 03/09/2012 S4M-03912 George Adam 27/08/2012 11:00 Relaunch of Historic Paisley Newspaper 22 13/09/2012 S4M-03913 George Adam 27/08/2012 11:08 Paisley 10k 22 13/09/2012 S4M-03914 Maureen Watt 27/08/2012 11:17 Double Joy for Lawrie 36 05/09/2012 S4M-03915 Bill Walker 27/08/2012 11:20 Church of Latter-day Saints 25th Anniversary 3 11/09/2012 S4M-03916 Kenneth Gibson 27/08/2012 13:15 US Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia 16 05/09/2012 S4M-03917 Claire Baker 27/08/2012 16:07 Congratulations to Fair Isle Primary School in Kirkcaldy 24 13/09/2012 S4M-03918 Elaine Murray 27/08/2012 20:54 Death of Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon 33 13/09/2012 S4M-03919 John Pentland 28/08/2012 10:02 CrossReach Week 2012 21 07/09/2012 S4M-03920 Jackie Baillie 28/08/2012 11:13 Supporting the Iron Journey 20 13/09/2012 S4M-03922 Alison Johnstone 28/08/2012 12:33 Create a Sir Chris Hoy Cycle Network 10 06/09/2012 S4M-03923 Drew Smith 28/08/2012 13:09 Trades Unions and Liberty Call for Action on Blacklisting 25 13/09/2012 S4M-03932 Alison McInnes 28/08/2012 14:18 Action for Sick Children (Scotland) 13 12/09/2012 S4M-03933 John Wilson 28/08/2012 16:33 Chryston and District Annual Horticultural Society Show 19 13/09/2012 S4M-03934 Claire Baker 28/08/2012 16:37 Well Done to Methilhaven Care Home 1 05/09/2012 S4M-03935 Humza Yousaf 28/08/2012 16:39 Scotland's Young Runaways 41 13/09/2012 S4M-03936 George Adam 29/08/2012 10:21 850 Years of Paisley Abbey 29 13/09/2012 S4M-03937 Neil Findlay 29/08/2012 11:22 West Lothian Prince's Trust Youth Business Scotland Awards 2012 17 06/09/2012 S4M-03938 Annabelle Ewing 29/08/2012 11:39 Junior Ryder Cup 2014 34 13/09/2012 S4M-03939 John Lamont 29/08/2012 13:39 Kelso Ram Sales 19 10/09/2012 S4M-03940 Helen Eadie 29/08/2012 14:25 George Galloway 21 11/09/2012 S4M-03941 Mary Fee 29/08/2012 14:59 Recognising and Assisting in the Role of Family Support Workers 13 06/09/2012 S4M-03942 Bill Walker 29/08/2012 15:45 Congratulations to Scottish National Waterski Centre on Enhancements 5 07/09/2012 S4M-03944 Richard Lyle 30/08/2012 10:35 Retirement of Mr Paul Wilson OBE 26 13/09/2012 S4M-03945 Claire Baker 30/08/2012 11:32 Welcoming Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight 32 19/09/2012 S4M-03946 George Adam 30/08/2012 11:40 Fibromyalgia Awareness Week 2012 40 14/09/2012 S4M-03947 Elaine Smith 30/08/2012 12:14 Lanarkshire Breastfeeding Initiative Campaign 25 13/09/2012 S4M-03948 Kevin Stewart 30/08/2012 12:47 British Science Festival in Aberdeen 33 18/09/2012 S4M-03949 James Kelly 30/08/2012 13:39 25th Anniversary of Cambus Singers 5 13/09/2012 S4M-03950 Kevin Stewart 30/08/2012 13:40 Aberdeen Communities Programme Awards 19 13/09/2012 S4M-03951 Claire Baker 30/08/2012 14:47 Congratulations to Dan Watson, Winner of the UK James Dyson Award 7 06/09/2012 S4M-03952 Drew Smith 30/08/2012 15:48 First Minister Favours Break-up of the BBC 14 11/09/2012 S4M-03953 Jean Urquhart 30/08/2012 16:40 Shetland's Message in a Bottle 27 18/09/2012 S4M-03954 Jean Urquhart 30/08/2012 16:40 EHRC Coalition Cuts 22 11/09/2012 S4M-03955 David Stewart 31/08/2012 10:19 BBC Cuts to the Highlands 22 13/09/2012 S4M-03956 Joe FitzPatrick 31/08/2012 10:24 Drought and Famine in Sahel Area of Africa 31 10/09/2012 S4M-03957 Margaret Burgess 31/08/2012 10:26 Ayrshire Minority Ethnic Communities Association 23 10/09/2012 S4M-03958 James Kelly 31/08/2012 10:27 Congratulations to Karate Gold-medalist Lauren MacKenzie 8 13/09/2012 S4M-03959 Colin Keir 31/08/2012 10:30 The 2nd Edinburgh Pipe Band Championship 30 13/09/2012 S4M-03960 Angus MacDonald 31/08/2012 10:33 New Covenant for Falkirk District’s Forces' Veterans and their Families 30 18/09/2012 S4M-03961 Margaret Mitchell 31/08/2012 10:43 Love Your Lungs 39 13/09/2012 S4M-03962 Murdo Fraser 31/08/2012 11:10 Stirling Castle Named as the UK's Top Heritage Attraction 29 10/09/2012 S4M-03963 Patricia Ferguson 31/08/2012 13:26 Aileen McGlynn OBE Wins Silver 2 13/09/2012 S4M-03964 Jim Eadie 05/08/2012 13:28 East Linton Cycling Initiative Takes to the Hills 28 19/09/2012 S4M-03965 Bill Walker 31/08/2012 13:49 First Female Minister Appointed to Historic Abbey 5 06/09/2012 S4M-03966 Gordon MacDonald 31/08/2012 14:55 Wester Hailes Food Bank 29 19/09/2012 S4M-03967 Richard Simpson 03/09/2012 10:45 Dementia Centre Shortlisted for Nursing Times Awards 32 13/09/2012 S4M-03968 Kevin Stewart 03/09/2012 11:04 Congratulations to Paralympic Gold Medallist, Neil Fachie 34 18/09/2012 S4M-03969 John Lamont 03/09/2012 11:13 Congratulations to Libby and James Clegg 34 13/09/2012 S4M-03970 Claudia Beamish 03/09/2012 11:18 Celebrating Kirkpatrick Macmillan 35 19/09/2012 S4M-03971 Murdo Fraser 03/09/2012 13:17 Heartland FM Wins Radio Award 21 13/09/2012 S4M-03972 Helen Eadie 03/09/2012 11:51 Celebrating Planned Investment at Rosyth 20 24/09/2012 S4M-03973 Graeme Dey 03/09/2012 13:07 Arbroath and Angus, an Engineering Hub 23 18/09/2012 S4M-03974 Roderick Campbell 03/09/2012 11:49 Beached Whales in North East Fife 26 13/09/2012 S4M-03975 Dave Thompson 03/09/2012 14:05 Congratulating David Smith 6 13/09/2012 S4M-03976 Neil Findlay 03/09/2012 14:35 Fauldhouse Supports Ovarian Cancer Research 30 17/09/2012 S4M-03977 Patrick Harvie 03/09/2012 14:43 Death Penalty in the Gambia 31 13/09/2012 S4M-03978 Jackie Baillie 03/09/2012 15:03 The Lennox Herald Debuts its New Look 10 13/09/2012 S4M-03979 Colin Beattie 03/09/2012 15:13 Hollies Day Centre Award 21 11/09/2012 S4M-03980 Colin Beattie 03/09/2012 15:13 Funding for Volunteer Centre 21 13/09/2012 S4M-03981 Colin Beattie 03/09/2012 15:15 75th Year for Newbattle Abbey College 29 18/09/2012 S4M-03982 Margaret McDougall 03/09/2012 15:26 NHS Ayrshire and Arran Promotes National Smile Month 23 17/09/2012 S4M-03984 Humza Yousaf 04/09/2012 08:59 Scottish Animal Week 2012 40 19/09/2012 S4M-03985 Tavish Scott 04/09/2012 09:23 Shetland Wins European Community of Sport Award 25 13/09/2012 S4M-03986 John Lamont 04/09/2012 10:55 Coldingham Beach Café 6 05/09/2012 S4M-03987 Graeme Dey 04/09/2012 10:56 Third Force News’s Seventh Century 35 18/09/2012 S4M-03988 Dave Thompson 04/09/2012 11:56 Congratulating Lochaber Environmental Group and Urray and Kilchrist Church1 of Scotland05/09/2012 S4M-03989 Christina McKelvie 04/09/2012 12:06 Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone43 Disease18/09/2012 Research S4M-03990 Margaret Burgess 04/09/2012 12:10 Commending Samaritans 46 19/09/2012 S4M-03994 George Adam 04/09/2012 15:11 Aileen McGlynn, Paisley Paralympic Medallist 34 17/09/2012 S4M-03995 Elaine Smith 04/09/2012 15:58 Auchengeich Colliery Disaster Anniversary 40 17/09/2012 S4M-03996 Mary Scanlon 04/09/2012 16:26 Inverness Leisure's Autistic Spectrum Disorder Swim Scheme 22 07/09/2012 S4M-03997 Linda Fabiani 04/09/2012 21:27 Former East Kilbride Councillor Appointed Chair of New Scottish Fire and Rescue24 Service26/09/2012 S4M-03998 Jean Urquhart 05/09/2012 09:30 Saltire Housing Awards 2012 30 18/09/2012 S4M-03999 Drew Smith 05/09/2012 10:03 Take One Action Film Festival 2012 27 25/09/2012 S4M-04000 Claire Baker 05/09/2012 10:09 Flyers Win the Scottish Autumn Cup 22 13/09/2012 S4M-04001 Stuart McMillan 05/09/2012 10:09 Raising Funds for the Scottish Pipers Association 32 18/09/2012 S4M-04002 Stuart McMillan 05/09/2012 10:06 Congratulations to St Columba’s School, Kilmacolm 25 18/09/2012 S4M-04004 Dennis Robertson 05/09/2012 11:25 Congratulating Big Lottery Fund Grant Winners 24 18/09/2012 S4M-04005 Liz Smith 05/09/2012 11:49 Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Scottish Branches 37 13/09/2012 S4M-04006 David Torrance 05/09/2012 11:54 Awards for All Grant for Levenmouth Cultural Development Group 19 13/09/2012 S4M-04007 Mary Scanlon 05/09/2012 11:57 Congratulations to Maclean’s Highland Bakery 27 13/09/2012 S4M-04009 Jean Urquhart 05/09/2012 13:56 Centenary of Robin Jenkins' Birth 28 26/09/2012 S4M-04010 Richard Simpson 05/09/2012 14:37 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 30 13/09/2012 S4M-04012 Mary Fee 05/09/2012 15:16 Female Representation Falls in the UK Cabinet 7 06/09/2012 S4M-04013 Claire Baker 05/09/2012 15:35 Kingdom FM Awards its Local Heroes 17 13/09/2012 S4M-04014 Mary Scanlon 05/09/2012 16:32 Congratulations to Moray Beekeepers Association 22 13/09/2012 S4M-04015 Liam McArthur 05/09/2012 18:52 Honorary Heriot-Watt Degrees for Orkney Festival Organisers 20 13/09/2012 S4M-04016 Jamie Hepburn 06/09/2012 09:30 New Research from Save the Children 31 26/09/2012 S4M-04017 Kevin Stewart 06/09/2012 09:40 Beechgrove Potting Shed 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04018 Kevin Stewart 06/09/2012 11:00 Citizens Advice Scotland Report, Welfare Changes: Voices from the Frontline33 26/09/2012 S4M-04019 Joan McAlpine 06/09/2012 11:05 Future Museum 23 26/09/2012 S4M-04020 David Torrance 06/09/2012 12:34 Kingdom FM’s Local Hero Awards 28 20/09/2012 S4M-04021 John Wilson 06/09/2012 14:38 Office of Fair Trading’s Investigation into Petrol Prices 30 20/09/2012 S4M-04022 Margo MacDonald 06/09/2012 14:44 Archbishop Tutu’s Appeal for Justice 13 04/10/2012 S4M-04023 Alison Johnstone 06/09/2012 15:09 UN International Day of Peace 32 26/09/2012 S4M-04024 Neil Bibby 06/09/2012 16:02 Renfrewshire Doors Open Day 18 20/09/2012 S4M-04025 James Kelly 06/09/2012 16:19 South Lanarkshire Advocacy Network Conference 6 20/09/2012 S4M-04026 Jim Eadie 06/09/2012 17:41 Scottish Business in the Community and Stonewall Scotland, Promoting Equality3 and20/09/2012 Diversity in the Workplace S4M-04028 Drew Smith 07/09/2012 09:37 Hyndland Secondary School Centenary Celebrations 16 20/09/2012 S4M-04029 Jean Urquhart 07/09/2012 10:35 Steall Gorge Footpath Appeal 28 26/09/2012 S4M-04030 Stuart McMillan 07/09/2012 10:56 National Eye Health Week 33 25/10/2012 S4M-04032 Angus MacDonald 07/09/2012 12:08 Grangemouth Bandstand Marathon 17 20/09/2012 S4M-04033 Jackie Baillie 07/09/2012 12:12 Helensburgh Tennis Star Displays Tremendous Form at Paralympic Games15 21/09/2012 S4M-04034 Bob Doris 07/09/2012 12:20 Proposed Immigrant Memorial 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04035 Angus MacDonald 07/09/2012 12:30 Roman Distance Slab Replica Unveiled in Bo’ness 25 26/09/2012 S4M-04036 Anne McTaggart 07/09/2012 12:54 Congratulations to Stalled Spaces 10 17/09/2012 S4M-04037 Angus MacDonald 07/09/2012 12:08 Congratulations on Another Successful Grangemouth Music Festival 21 26/09/2012 S4M-04038 Roderick Campbell 07/09/2012 14:41 Commemorating Lance Corporal Liam Tasker’s Partner, Theo 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04039 Elaine Smith 07/09/2012 14:47 Aleida Guevara, Remembering Che 26 20/09/2012 S4M-04040 Duncan McNeil 07/09/2012 14:50 Passing the Baton from London to Glasgow 6 13/09/2012 S4M-04041 Bill Walker 07/09/2012 15:09 Riding for the Disabled Association Awarded £10,000 5 21/09/2012 S4M-04042 Hanzala Malik 07/09/2012 15:54 Pakistan Blasphemy Case 31 02/10/2012 S4M-04044 Kezia Dugdale 07/09/2012 16:48 Castle Credit Union 20 19/09/2012 S4M-04046 Roderick Campbell 10/09/2012 10:20 Clear Images Sent through Single Fibre Optic Cables 33 08/10/2012 S4M-04047 Jamie McGrigor 10/09/2012 10:46 Craignish Community Plan Commended in Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning21 21/09/2012 S4M-04049 Rob Gibson 10/09/2012 11:17 Seed Freedom 25 20/09/2012 S4M-04050 Graeme Dey 10/09/2012 11:22 Carnoustie’s Citizens of the Year 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04052 Sandra White 10/09/2012 12:21 The Glasgow Film Theatre 29 20/09/2012 S4M-04053 Graeme Dey 10/09/2012 13:18 Glamis Primary School and Agrico Working in Partnership 28 26/09/2012 S4M-04054 Graeme Dey 10/09/2012 13:30 125 Years of Arbroath United Cricket Club 21 26/09/2012 S4M-04055 Sarah Boyack 10/09/2012 14:16 Protecting the Special Character of Edinburgh’s Colonies 15 13/09/2012 S4M-04056 Drew Smith 10/09/2012 14:46 World Suicide Prevention Day 38 25/10/2012 S4M-04057 Malcolm Chisholm 10/09/2012 15:27 Congratulations to Leith Samba Band 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04058 Colin Beattie 10/09/2012 15:28 Over £1 Million to Restore Dalkeith Corn Exchange 21 21/09/2012 S4M-04059 Colin Beattie 10/09/2012 15:28 Thousands for Archaeology Scotland 25 20/09/2012 S4M-04060 Claudia Beamish 10/09/2012 15:40 National Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Awareness Week 33 19/09/2012 S4M-04062 Sandra White 10/09/2012 16:02 Passionate about Music 23 18/09/2012 S4M-04063 Bill Walker 10/09/2012 16:10 UK Defence Secretary’s Absence from Scotland 4 12/09/2012 S4M-04064 Marco Biagi 10/09/2012 17:11 The Fine Example of Stockfest 28 27/09/2012 S4M-04066 Bill Walker 11/09/2012 09:10 Parliament Hails Andy Murray's Magnificent Sporting Achievements 11 26/09/2012 S4M-04067 Richard Simpson 11/09/2012 09:23 Congratulations to Andy Murray, Grand Slam Winner 34 20/09/2012 S4M-04068 Liz Smith 11/09/2012 09:21 Congratulations to Andy Murray on Winning the 2012 US Open 41 20/09/2012 S4M-04069 Drew Smith 11/09/2012 09:36 Congratulations to Janette Dunbar 18 17/09/2012 S4M-04073 Annabelle Ewing 11/09/2012 10:20 Congratulations to Andy Murray 37 26/09/2012 S4M-04074 Drew Smith 11/09/2012 11:10 University of Glasgow Ranked 54th in the World 25 21/09/2012 S4M-04075 Mike MacKenzie 11/09/2012 11:37 Great Taste Award for Donaldson’s of Orkney 32 28/09/2012 S4M-04076 Graeme Dey 11/09/2012 12:45 A Taste of Angus’s Success 30 26/09/2012 S4M-04077 Roderick Campbell 11/09/2012 13:00 Keeping North East Fife Beautiful 24 28/09/2012 S4M-04078 Christina McKelvie 11/09/2012 14:32 National Day of Catalonia 26 28/09/2012 S4M-04079 Aileen McLeod 11/09/2012 14:32 Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership Gold Award 28 28/09/2012 S4M-04080 John Lamont 11/09/2012 14:59 Congratulations to Shields Performing Arts Academy 20 18/09/2012 S4M-04083 Liam McArthur 11/09/2012 16:50 Early Learning and Childcare 8 02/10/2012 S4M-04084 Kezia Dugdale 11/09/2012 17:43 The Inextricable Link between Female Employment and Child Poverty 18 25/10/2012 S4M-04088 Kenny MacAskill 12/09/2012 10:15 Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 (Incidental Provisions) Order1 201212/09/2012 [draft] S4M-04089 Fiona Hyslop 12/09/2012 10:16 Population (Statistics) Act 1938 Modifications (Scotland) Order 2012 [draft] 1 12/09/2012 S4M-04090 Margaret Burgess 12/09/2012 10:17 Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (Modification) Order 2012 [draft] 1 12/09/2012 S4M-04092 Dennis Robertson 12/09/2012 10:35 Guide Dog Week 2012 49 25/09/2012 S4M-04093 Jackson Carlaw 12/09/2012 10:39 Save Waterfoot Park 6 13/09/2012 S4M-04094 David Torrance 12/09/2012 10:59 Beautiful Scotland 2012 Awards 21 26/09/2012 S4M-04095 David Torrance 12/09/2012 11:00 Awards for All Grant for Buckhaven Bowling Club 18 18/09/2012 S4M-04096 David Torrance 12/09/2012 12:02 Beautiful Fife Awards 2012 21 18/09/2012 S4M-04097 Sandra White 12/09/2012 12:01 More than just Opera 33 25/09/2012 S4M-04098 Margaret Mitchell 12/09/2012 12:33 Lanarkshire Family History Society 26 21/09/2012 S4M-04099 Alex Johnstone 12/09/2012 13:26 Scotland and Japan, Closer through Cricket 12 19/09/2012 S4M-04100 Kenneth Gibson 12/09/2012 13:37 People’s Postcode Lottery Players Ensure Sailing Comes to Largs 28 28/09/2012 S4M-04101 John Lamont 12/09/2012 14:14 Congratulations to Floral Gateway Award Winners 20 18/09/2012 S4M-04102 Kenneth Gibson 12/09/2012 14:32 Largs Viking Festival 30 28/09/2012 S4M-04103 Marco Biagi 12/09/2012 15:10 UN House Scotland 36 27/09/2012 S4M-04104 Kenneth Gibson 12/09/2012 15:15 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Survey 33 28/09/2012 S4M-04105 Richard Simpson 12/09/2012 15:31 National Eye Health Week 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04106 Mary Scanlon 12/09/2012 15:53 Congratulations to Dufftown in Bloom 23 18/09/2012 S4M-04107 Fiona McLeod 12/09/2012 15:54 Literacy Action Plan Interim Progress Report 36 24/09/2012 S4M-04108 Christina McKelvie 12/09/2012 16:32 Child Poverty and Mothers Employment Patterns, Exploring Trends 25 28/09/2012 S4M-04109 Jean Urquhart 12/09/2012 17:35 Shetland Knitwear 33 26/09/2012 S4M-04111 Kenneth Gibson 12/09/2012 17:38 The Cost of Alcohol Abuse in Scotland 31 26/09/2012 S4M-04112 Neil Findlay 13/09/2012 09:51 Auld Enemies Golf Cup 28 25/09/2012 S4M-04113 Graeme Pearson 13/09/2012 10:00 Lessons from Hillsborough Independent Panel 16 19/09/2012 S4M-04114 Aileen McLeod 13/09/2012 10:20 Beautiful Scotland Awards 26 26/09/2012 S4M-04115 Richard Lyle 13/09/2012 10:29 Congratulating Haemophilia Scotland 39 26/09/2012 S4M-04116 Jackie Baillie 13/09/2012 10:56 Lung Cancer Interactive Map 27 03/10/2012 S4M-04117 Jackie Baillie 13/09/2012 10:57 Women Against Lung Cancer 28 25/09/2012 S4M-04119 Graeme Dey 13/09/2012 11:09 Kirriemuir Festival of Music and Song 33 25/09/2012 S4M-04120 Mike MacKenzie 13/09/2012 11:20 Stone Mountain Highland Games 29 27/09/2012 S4M-04121 Patrick Harvie 13/09/2012 11:43 Welcome Rise in Small Breweries 17 09/10/2012 S4M-04122 Neil Findlay 13/09/2012 11:27 Hillsborough Justice Campaign 26 25/10/2012 S4M-04123 Christina McKelvie 13/09/2012 13:47 The Deloitte Ride Across Britain 35 27/09/2012 S4M-04124 Christina McKelvie 13/09/2012 13:54 Retirement of Professor Seamus McDaid 30 28/09/2012 S4M-04125 Richard Lyle 13/09/2012 14:00 Congratulating St Andrew’s UF Church on its 250th Anniversary 25 27/09/2012 S4M-04126 Stewart Stevenson 13/09/2012 14:35 Congratulations to Jim McInally and Peterhead FC 25 27/09/2012 S4M-04127 Brian Adam 13/09/2012 14:37 Community Life Initiative at Asda Store, Dyce 3 10/10/2012 S4M-04128 Joan McAlpine 13/09/2012 14:38 Fall in Antisocial Behaviour Reported in East Lothian 20 27/09/2012 S4M-04129 Colin Keir 13/09/2012 14:50 Observer Status for Taiwan 15 19/09/2012 S4M-04130 Elaine Murray 13/09/2012 15:10 Investing in Homes for Scotland’s Future 26 28/09/2012 S4M-04131 Mike MacKenzie 13/09/2012 15:46 Aberlour in Speyside Reaches its Bicentenary 2 18/09/2012 S4M-04132 Kenneth Gibson 13/09/2012 15:49 World Sepsis Day 31 27/09/2012 S4M-04133 Gil Paterson 13/09/2012 16:13 Festival is a Hit for a Fifth Time 27 28/09/2012 S4M-04135 Jim Eadie 13/09/2012 17:21 Pedal for Scotland 51 27/09/2012 S4M-04136 Claire Baker 13/09/2012 17:23 Seafood in Schools Programme 31 26/09/2012 S4M-04137 Margaret McDougall 14/09/2012 10:39 Congratulations to the Irvine and District Pipe Band 23 25/09/2012 S4M-04138 Joan McAlpine 14/09/2012 11:10 Billy Kay's The Cause on BBC Radio Scotland 29 27/09/2012 S4M-04139 Joan McAlpine 14/09/2012 10:36 Congratulating the Wonderland Experience 23 27/09/2012 S4M-04140 Mary Scanlon 14/09/2012 11:50 Shetland Wool Week 31 24/09/2012 S4M-04141 Siobhan McMahon 14/09/2012 13:30 Airdrie Wins Best Small City at the Beautiful Scotland Awards 2012 28 26/09/2012 S4M-04142 Mark McDonald 14/09/2012 14:07 Inverurie World of Words 25 27/09/2012 S4M-04143 Aileen McLeod 14/09/2012 15:22 Solway Centre for Environment and Culture 25 25/09/2012 S4M-04144 Mary Scanlon 14/09/2012 15:46 Moray Chamber of Commerce Winners 14 21/09/2012 S4M-04145 Kevin Stewart 15/09/2012 16:01 UN International Day of Peace and Aberdeen CND’s Contribution 23 28/09/2012 S4M-04146 Sandra White 16/09/2012 15:23 Remembering Sabra and Shatila 31 27/09/2012 S4M-04147 Jim Eadie 16/09/2012 20:56 The Freedom of the City of Edinburgh for Sir Chris Hoy MBE 39 27/09/2012 S4M-04148 Drew Smith 17/09/2012 10:38 Transforming a Rape Culture Conference 35 28/09/2012 S4M-04151 Annabel Goldie 17/09/2012 11:28 Big Lottery Fund Supports West Scotland Organisations 18 21/09/2012 S4M-04152 Jean Urquhart 17/09/2012 11:33 Highlands and Islands August Big Lottery Funding 23 26/09/2012 S4M-04153 Graeme Dey 17/09/2012 11:33 Congratulating Carnoustie’s Junior Golf Champions 24 27/09/2012 S4M-04154 Annabelle Ewing 17/09/2012 11:52 Celebrating Perth and Kinross Success at 2012 Beautiful Scotland Awards 27 26/09/2012 S4M-04155 Annabelle Ewing 17/09/2012 11:53 Celebrating Fife Success at 2012 Beautiful Scotland Awards 28 28/09/2012 S4M-04156 Annabelle Ewing 17/09/2012 11:54 Icing on Cake for Campbell’s Bakery in Crieff 26 28/09/2012 S4M-04157 Graeme Dey 17/09/2012 12:23 Arbroath Commemorates its Spitfire and Bell Rock Legacy 27 26/09/2012 S4M-04158 Graeme Dey 17/09/2012 12:39 Freedom of Angus for Andrew Welsh 44 30/10/2012 S4M-04162 Rhoda Grant 17/09/2012 13:36 Recognition for Ross-shire Minister for Christian Work in Korea 3 25/09/2012 S4M-04163 Sandra White 17/09/2012 13:30 Glasgow 2 Goa 28 28/09/2012 S4M-04164 Lewis Macdonald 17/09/2012 13:44 Aberdeen Celebrates Team GB Success 15 25/09/2012 S4M-04166 Graeme Dey 17/09/2012 15:02 Angus Heritage Week 23 25/09/2012 S4M-04167 Angus MacDonald 17/09/2012 15:10 Tremanna Care Home 19 26/09/2012 S4M-04168 Angus MacDonald 17/09/2012 15:10 Bo'ness Networking Group 18 28/09/2012 S4M-04169 Angus MacDonald 17/09/2012 15:10 Bo'ness Playscheme 21 26/09/2012 S4M-04170 Angus MacDonald 17/09/2012 15:10 Grangemouth Amateur Swimming Club 18 26/09/2012 S4M-04171 Angus MacDonald 17/09/2012 15:10 Scottish National Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society 15 20/09/2012 S4M-04172 Angus MacDonald 17/09/2012 15:39 Big Roman Week in Bo'ness 29 28/09/2012 S4M-04173 Stewart Stevenson 17/09/2012 16:04 Congratulating Fraserburgh FC 23 28/09/2012 S4M-04175 Kenneth Gibson 17/09/2012 16:30 Fatwa on Salman Rushdie 22 05/10/2012 S4M-04176 Anne McTaggart 17/09/2012 16:07 2018 Youth Olympic Games for Glasgow 21 02/10/2012 S4M-04177 Christina McKelvie 17/09/2012 16:36 Wear it Pink 54 27/09/2012 S4M-04178 Bill Walker 18/09/2012 09:14 Remembering the Suffragettes 12 27/09/2012 S4M-04180 Murdo Fraser 18/09/2012 09:43 Aberdour Wins Double Gold 23 24/09/2012 S4M-04181 Kevin Stewart 18/09/2012 09:43 Bipolar Awareness Week 45 01/10/2012 S4M-04182 Rob Gibson 18/09/2012 10:24 Celebrating Rob Donn Mackay 34 27/09/2012 S4M-04183 Drew Smith 18/09/2012 11:09 Macmillan Cancer Support and Glasgow Libraries 37 03/10/2012 S4M-04184 Graeme Dey 18/09/2012 12:12 Angus Council Streamlining Management to Benefit Public Purse 19 27/09/2012 S4M-04185 Kevin Stewart 18/09/2012 13:45 Aberdeen Remploy Factory 33 08/10/2012 S4M-04186 Richard Simpson 18/09/2012 13:47 William Letford, Scotland's New Published Poet 18 24/09/2012 S4M-04187 Christina McKelvie 18/09/2012 13:48 Strictly Come Prancing 38 28/09/2012 S4M-04192 Margaret Mitchell 18/09/2012 15:38 Young Drivers Safety Project 30 26/09/2012 S4M-04193 Kenneth Gibson 18/09/2012 16:06 Recognising Contalmaison as a UNESCO World Heritage Site 24 27/09/2012 S4M-04194 Elaine Smith 18/09/2012 16:20 Girls' Gaelic Football Champions 34 28/09/2012 S4M-04195 Kevin Stewart 18/09/2012 16:56 PSALV in Aberdeen 30 27/09/2012 S4M-04196 Dave Thompson 18/09/2012 17:07 Ben Nevis Race 34 10/10/2012 S4M-04197 John Pentland 18/09/2012 17:33 Congratulations to Charlene McEwan 26 27/09/2012 S4M-04198 Fiona McLeod 19/09/2012 09:21 World Alzheimer’s Day 2012 45 27/09/2012 S4M-04199 Christina McKelvie 19/09/2012 11:46 Dovesdale Action Group 23 01/10/2012 S4M-04200 Anne McTaggart 19/09/2012 11:50 Scottish Youth Parliament's One Fair Wage Campaign 21 01/10/2012 S4M-04201 Tavish Scott 19/09/2012 12:32 Shetland Swimmer Selected for FINA World Cup 23 26/09/2012 S4M-04202 David Torrance 19/09/2012 14:35 Fife Ethylene Plant Raises £15,000 for Charity 22 27/09/2012 S4M-04205 Kevin Stewart 19/09/2012 14:59 World Whisky Day 36 27/09/2012 S4M-04206 David Torrance 19/09/2012 15:07 Liz Anderson of East Fife Ladies FC Wins the Best Volunteer Award 24 02/10/2012 S4M-04207 Kevin Stewart 19/09/2012 15:11 JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes 24 27/09/2012 S4M-04208 Kenneth Gibson 19/09/2012 15:42 University of Dundee Chemotherapy Efficacy Gene Discovery 28 27/09/2012 S4M-04209 Kenneth Gibson 19/09/2012 15:50 The McLellan Arts Festival, Isle of Arran 26 28/09/2012 S4M-04210 Kenneth Gibson 19/09/2012 16:19 Meningitis Awareness Week 42 27/09/2012 S4M-04211 Maureen Watt 19/09/2012 16:37 Portlethen and District Pipe Band 30 28/09/2012 S4M-04213 Drew Smith 20/09/2012 10:46 Glasgow Social Media Week 2012 16 27/09/2012 S4M-04214 David Stewart 20/09/2012 11:33 Cape Wrath Community Buy-out 12 24/09/2012 S4M-04218 Colin Beattie 20/09/2012 13:51 Congratulations to Irene Hogg, Scottish Businesswomen Award Winner 24 28/09/2012 S4M-04219 Colin Beattie 20/09/2012 13:51 Funding for Garvald Glenesk 20 28/09/2012 S4M-04221 Jamie Hepburn 20/09/2012 14:19 Cumbernauld Girl Designs Commonwealth Games' Mascot 38 01/10/2012 S4M-04222 Kenneth Gibson 20/09/2012 13:55 West Kilbride Craft Town Scotland 21 27/09/2012 S4M-04223 Mark Griffin 20/09/2012 15:09 Clyde, the Face of Glasgow 2014 34 01/10/2012 S4M-04224 Stewart Stevenson 20/09/2012 15:53 Congratulating Buckie Thistle FC on SFA National Club Licence 22 01/10/2012 S4M-04225 Sarah Boyack 20/09/2012 16:23 Closure of Remploy Edinburgh 18 28/09/2012 S4M-04227 Jackie Baillie 20/09/2012 17:50 Raising Dementia Awareness 35 28/09/2012 S4M-04228 John Pentland 20/09/2012 16:41 Congratulations to Ladywell Primary School 17 26/10/2012 S4M-04230 Maureen Watt 21/09/2012 11:45 Portlethen Moss Conservation Group 26 01/10/2012 S4M-04231 Bruce Crawford 21/09/2012 12:10 The First Bloody Scotland Crime-writing Festival 1 25/09/2012 S4M-04232 Jackie Baillie 21/09/2012 13:35 Asthma UK Scotland, Two in Every Classroom 28 26/10/2012 S4M-04233 Maureen Watt 21/09/2012 16:23 Congratulating Best Value Robert Gordon University 26 01/10/2012 S4M-04235 Willie Coffey 24/09/2012 09:57 Well Done Donegal 3 25/09/2012 S4M-04236 Joan McAlpine 24/09/2012 10:29 Welcoming Luminate, Scotland’s Creative Ageing Festival 26 26/10/2012 S4M-04237 Bruce Crawford 24/09/2012 10:33 Aid4All 38 28/09/2012 S4M-04238 Tavish Scott 24/09/2012 11:27 Best Cruise Season Ever for Lerwick Harbour 21 26/10/2012 S4M-04239 Graeme Dey 24/09/2012 11:52 Splash 24 15/10/2012 S4M-04240 Elaine Smith 24/09/2012 11:52 Burns' Night Comes Early 29 28/09/2012 S4M-04241 Graeme Dey 24/09/2012 12:03 Angus’s Award Winning Engineers 24 28/09/2012 S4M-04242 Graeme Dey 24/09/2012 12:23 Tayside Junior Road Safety Officers 21 15/10/2012 S4M-04243 Graeme Dey 24/09/2012 12:44 Arbroath, a Fairtrade Town 33 08/10/2012 S4M-04244 Kevin Stewart 24/09/2012 13:07 Give Kids A Chance 32 15/10/2012 S4M-04245 Linda Fabiani 24/09/2012 13:47 Will Relief Scotland 29 15/10/2012 S4M-04246 Kevin Stewart 24/09/2012 15:22 Save Aberdeen’s Libraries 19 27/09/2012 S4M-04248 John Park 24/09/2012 16:16 Limekilns Primary School’s Centenary 26 01/10/2012 S4M-04249 Kevin Stewart 24/09/2012 18:22 Aberdeen’s New Iconic Buildings 25 30/10/2012 S4M-04250 Sandra White 21/09/2012 17:05 3D Foot 31 03/10/2012 S4M-04251 Alison McInnes 25/09/2012 10:39 Liftshare Week 2012 27 03/10/2012 S4M-04252 Jim Eadie 25/09/2012 11:04 Leonard Cheshire Disability Wins Investors in People Award 33 05/10/2012 S4M-04254 Kezia Dugdale 25/09/2012 11:25 The Prince’s Trust Scotland 39 03/10/2012 S4M-04255 Rob Gibson 25/09/2012 11:31 The New Wild North Festival 34 26/10/2012 S4M-04256 Jean Urquhart 25/09/2012 13:13 National Geographic Recognition of Fair Isle 37 30/10/2012 S4M-04257 Patrick Harvie 25/09/2012 15:00 George Mewes, Best New Cheese Shop of the Year 27 03/10/2012 S4M-04261 Elaine Murray 25/09/2012 15:41 Successful Active Games 2012 in Dumfries and Galloway 22 03/10/2012 S4M-04262 George Adam 25/09/2012 15:45 University of the West of Scotland Student Accommodation 24 03/10/2012 S4M-04264 Stewart Maxwell 25/09/2012 15:53 World Osteoporosis Day 2012 40 11/10/2012 S4M-04265 Liam McArthur 25/09/2012 16:01 Congratulations to Orkney’s First Sports Coaching Award Winners 18 28/09/2012 S4M-04267 Rhoda Grant 26/09/2012 11:14 No Place for Racism in Scottish Football 49 05/10/2012 S4M-04268 Stuart McMillan 26/09/2012 11:08 Scottish Leather Company to Supply Malaysia Airlines 25 03/10/2012 S4M-04269 Graeme Dey 26/09/2012 12:15 Angus Festival of Highland Dancing 27 05/10/2012 S4M-04270 Roderick Campbell 26/09/2012 13:58 Sea Mammal Research Unit Launches PAMBuoy Device 24 09/11/2012 S4M-04271 Tavish Scott 30/09/2012 15:56 Shetland Film Group Raises Poverty Awareness 23 09/10/2012 S4M-04272 David Torrance 26/09/2012 16:58 The European Day of Languages 26 23/10/2012 S4M-04273 Margaret Mitchell 26/09/2012 16:36 Scotland’s Festival of History 25 26/10/2012 S4M-04275 Malcolm Chisholm 27/09/2012 09:03 Welcome to Hollaback! Edinburgh 25 26/10/2012 S4M-04276 Paul Wheelhouse 27/09/2012 09:28 Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 (Commencement No. 3, Transitory, Transitional1 27/09/2012 and Savings Provisions) Order 2012 [draft] S4M-04277 Colin Keir 27/09/2012 09:34 Marine Conservation Society’s Beachwatch Big Weekend 23 15/10/2012 S4M-04278 Drew Smith 27/09/2012 10:31 Govanhill's Big Noise 17 10/10/2012 S4M-04279 John Pentland 24/09/2012 11:10 Congratulations to the Motherwell Information Dementia Café 23 26/10/2012 S4M-04280 Mark McDonald 27/09/2012 11:15 39th Ryder Cup 33 23/10/2012 S4M-04281 Anne McTaggart 27/09/2012 12:02 Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau 25 26/10/2012 S4M-04282 Drew Smith 27/09/2012 12:50 Community Central Hall Celebrates its 35th Anniversary 12 02/10/2012 S4M-04283 Iain Gray 27/09/2012 12:56 100 Years of Dirleton Primary School 25 02/10/2012 S4M-04284 Iain Gray 27/09/2012 13:39 RSE Royal Medals and Maxwell Award 27 10/10/2012 S4M-04285 Dennis Robertson 27/09/2012 14:33 Congratulating John Sutherland 24 29/10/2012 S4M-04286 Roderick Campbell 27/09/2012 14:24 Congratulating Big Lottery Fund Winners 20 05/10/2012 S4M-04289 Jackie Baillie 27/09/2012 15:47 International Day of Older Persons 31 10/10/2012 S4M-04290 Jackie Baillie 27/09/2012 15:47 Breast Cancer Awareness Month 45 15/10/2012 S4M-04291 Bob Doris 27/09/2012 17:02 Commitment to 10,000 Youth Jobs 24 29/10/2012 S4M-04292 Sandra White 27/09/2012 16:44 Venezuelan Presidential Election 15 11/10/2012 S4M-04294 Stuart McMillan 27/09/2012 17:55 Inverclyde Council on Disability Celebrating its 25th Anniversary 24 29/10/2012 S4M-04295 Liam McArthur 28/09/2012 08:00 Noting the Retirement of Scott Grier, Loganair 21 10/10/2012 S4M-04296 Annabelle Ewing 28/09/2012 10:45 Self Management Awards 2012 28 26/10/2012 S4M-04299 Hanzala Malik 28/09/2012 10:56 Scottish University of the Year 19 02/10/2012 S4M-04300 Bob Doris 28/09/2012 11:33 Epilepsy Training in the Licensed Trade 28 29/10/2012 S4M-04301 George Adam 28/09/2012 12:45 Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival Launched in Paisley 28 29/10/2012 S4M-04302 Neil Bibby 28/09/2012 13:31 Paisley’s Tony Lawler Granted Freedom of Renfrewshire 11 05/10/2012 S4M-04303 Tavish Scott 28/09/2012 13:48 Shetlander Wins Four British Transplant Games Medals 29 29/10/2012 S4M-04304 John Finnie 28/09/2012 14:37 HSE Cuts 27 15/10/2012 S4M-04305 Mark McDonald 28/09/2012 15:00 Jobs Boost for Aberdeen 22 29/10/2012 S4M-04306 Mark McDonald 28/09/2012 15:01 Investment Boost for Dyce 21 29/10/2012 S4M-04307 Bill Walker 28/09/2012 15:26 Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Funding 6 29/10/2012 S4M-04308 Margaret Mitchell 28/09/2012 15:57 Operation Drayton 17 26/10/2012 S4M-04309 Patricia Ferguson 30/09/2012 23:53 European Ryder Cup Triumph 39 17/10/2012 S4M-04310 Mark McDonald 01/10/2012 01:14 European Glory in Ryder Cup 47 29/10/2012 S4M-04311 Nigel Don 01/10/2012 09:44 Archaeological Dig at Stracathro 23 05/11/2012 S4M-04315 Tavish Scott 01/10/2012 09:59 European Ryder Cup Triumph 43 17/10/2012 S4M-04316 James Kelly 01/10/2012 10:28 St Anthony’s Primary School, Flying the Flag for the Environment 4 02/10/2012 S4M-04317 James Kelly 01/10/2012 10:32 Funding Boost for Whitefield Bowling Club 6 03/10/2012 S4M-04318 James Kelly 01/10/2012 10:31 Congratulations to Rachel Collie 8 03/10/2012 S4M-04319 Tavish Scott 01/10/2012 10:39 Anderson High School Celebrates 150 Years of Achievement 19 11/10/2012 S4M-04320 Tavish Scott 01/10/2012 10:43 Shetland Sports Week 2012 Begins 20 11/10/2012 S4M-04321 Murdo Fraser 01/10/2012 10:46 Highland Spring Success 28 26/10/2012 S4M-04322 John Wilson 01/10/2012 10:54 International Credit Union Day 52 18/10/2012 S4M-04323 Roderick Campbell 01/10/2012 11:01 Closure of Forth Coastguard 30 29/10/2012 S4M-04324 Alex Fergusson 01/10/2012 11:10 Wigtown Book Festival 2012 35 18/10/2012 S4M-04326 Roderick Campbell 01/10/2012 11:42 Alfred Dunhill Links Championship 2012 24 29/10/2012 S4M-04328 Kevin Stewart 01/10/2012 12:01 DWP Work Capability Assessment Contracts 29 29/10/2012 S4M-04329 Drew Smith 01/10/2012 12:02 Lupus Awareness Month 2012 26 25/10/2012 S4M-04330 Kevin Stewart 01/10/2012 12:35 Dana Petroleum 22 11/10/2012 S4M-04331 Graeme Dey 01/10/2012 12:41 George Scott Railton 25 29/10/2012 S4M-04332 Mary Scanlon 01/10/2012 13:20 Congratulations to Forres Mechanics FC 14 05/10/2012 S4M-04333 Elaine Smith 01/10/2012 13:54 Good Times for New Mothers 16 11/10/2012 S4M-04334 Christina McKelvie 01/10/2012 14:27 Stop Refugee Destitution 25 26/10/2012 S4M-04335 John Lamont 01/10/2012 15:01 Congratulations to Eyemouth High School on Achieving Green Flag Status 19 11/10/2012 S4M-04336 Richard Simpson 01/10/2012 15:37 Welcome Breathe Easy to the Parliament 25 17/10/2012 S4M-04338 Tavish Scott 01/10/2012 15:58 Shetland Raises Relay for Life UK Record Sum 22 26/10/2012 S4M-04339 Margaret Mitchell 01/10/2012 16:17 New Opportunities Project 16 03/10/2012 S4M-04341 Mark McDonald 01/10/2012 17:14 North East Winners of the Scottish FA Grassroots Awards 2012 22 29/10/2012 S4M-04342 Linda Fabiani 01/10/2012 17:59 Olé to the Caddies 37 29/10/2012 S4M-04343 Sandra White 02/10/2012 09:12 Where Children Come First 29 29/10/2012 S4M-04344 Marco Biagi 02/10/2012 10:05 Caledonian Hotel Restoration 21 10/10/2012 S4M-04345 Alison Johnstone 02/10/2012 10:21 Land Action Scotland and Community Control 17 19/10/2012 S4M-04346 James Kelly 02/10/2012 10:47 Auchinraith Primary School, Rights Respecting School 4 03/10/2012 S4M-04347 Margaret McCulloch 02/10/2012 11:01 30th Anniversary of East Kilbride Credit Union 22 11/10/2012 S4M-04352 Bruce Crawford 02/10/2012 11:29 Welcome Investment in Stirling Recyke-a-Bike 2 16/10/2012 S4M-04353 Nigel Don 02/10/2012 11:42 Plaque to Rabbie Burns 28 05/11/2012 S4M-04355 Bill Kidd 02/10/2012 12:12 Albion Automotive in Scotstoun 26 29/10/2012 S4M-04357 Jackie Baillie 02/10/2012 13:50 This is Nursing 18 25/10/2012 S4M-04358 Mike MacKenzie 02/10/2012 13:51 Fuel Poverty Register for Orkney Launched 34 29/10/2012 S4M-04359 Jamie McGrigor 02/10/2012 14:18 The Sarco Abad Garment Factory in Kabul, Afghanistan 6 03/10/2012 S4M-04361 Kevin Stewart 02/10/2012 14:57 The University of Aberdeen’s Brazilian Partnerships 21 29/10/2012 S4M-04364 Marco Biagi 02/10/2012 16:06 Going the Extra Yard 23 16/10/2012 S4M-04366 Patrick Harvie 02/10/2012 16:51 Bus Services in Glasgow 9 15/10/2012 S4M-04367 Kenneth Gibson 02/10/2012 17:39 Labour's Politically Expedient Pledge on University Fees 25 29/10/2012 S4M-04368 John Pentland 02/10/2012 17:30 Teenage Cancer Awareness Week 50 24/10/2012 Date Last Support Event Type: Members' Business Motion (Count: 26)

Event Type: Standard Motion (Count: 830)

Event Type: Members' Business Motion (Count: 26)

Event Type: Standard Motion (Count: 830)