“Der Versuch Als Vermittler” Versus Newton's Experimentum Crucis
The Nature of Light and Color: Goethe’s “Der Versuch als Vermittler” versus Newton’s Experimentum Crucis James A. Marcum Baylor University In the seventeenth century, Newton published his famous experimentum crucis, in which he claimed that light is heterogeneous and is composed of rays with different refrangibilities. Experiments, especially the crucial experi- ment, were important for justifying Newton’s theory of light, and eventually his theory of color. A century later, Goethe conducted a series of experiments on the nature of color, especially in contradistinction to Newton, and he de- fended his research with a methodological principle formulated in “Der Versuch als Vermittler.” Goethe’s principle included two elements: a series of experiments and resultant higher empirical evidence, which functioned as me- diator between the objective (a natural phenomenon) and the subjective (a theory or hypothesis). Although the notion of experimentum crucis became popular among scientists for reconstructing experimental research and for jus- tifying theories, especially for rhetorical purposes, Newton’s justiªcation of his theory of light and color is best reconstructed in terms of Goethe’s method- ological principle. Finally, Goethe’s principle has important consequences for the contemporary philosophical underdetermination thesis. 1. Introduction In the seventeenth century Isaac Newton conducted experiments to determine the nature of sunlight, especially as it relates to colored I thank Ernst Hamm for drawing my attention to Goethe’s “Der Versuch als Vermittler” essay and Jed Buchwald, William Cowling, Francesco Guala, Robert Iliffe, Clark Muenzer, Den- nis Sepper, Alan Shapiro, Friedrich Steinle, Friedel Weinert, and Gábor Zemplén, for their stimulating discussion and insightful comments on earlier manuscript drafts.
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