TTaalllllliiinnnn Name*: Katri-Liis Lepik, Email*
[email protected] Affiliation*: Tallinn University, Insitute of Political Science and Governance *This information will remain strictly confidential, only needed for auditing purposes. Nominated City*: ____ Tallinn _____ (Country:______Estonia____________) City Category*: Knowledge City-Region ü Knowledge Metropolis c *Please use one MAKCi Nomination form for each nominated city. You can nominate as many cities as you like. Please make sure you nominate each city for one category only. 17 MAKCi Questions (They are grouped together according Supporting reasons and relevant information, documents and links (to to MAKCi Framework capital be provided/posted by expert) on the MAKCi Forum categories) AA... IIDIDEEENNTTTIITITTYYY aanndd IININTTTEEELLLLLLIIGIGEEENNCCEEE • 1. How distinctive and well positioned is the city’s identity (how CAPPIITTALLSS CAPITALS valuable is the city’s brand and reputation)? (1. Identity) Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is located in Northern Europe in the north-eastern part of the Baltic Sea region. Population is 429 899 (01.01.2014). Population within 400 km radius ca 11 million Population within 860 km radius ca 80 million Religions*: The largest denomination is Lutheran (30%), Orthodox (28%), Catholics (3%). Nevertheless, only about 20% of Estonians practice any religion. Literacy*: 99% of total population (Human Development Report) Nationality: Estonians 53%, Russians 38.2%, Ukrainians 3.5%, Belarussians 1.9%, Finns 0.6% and other nationalities 2.8% (Lativans Lithuanians, Jews, Germans, Tatars, Poles). Languages: Estonia's official language is Estonian. Russian, Finnish, English and German are also understood and spoken. * in Estonia Etymology The origin of the name "Tallinn(a)" is certain to be Estonian, although the original meaning of the name is debated.