Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Craft Book by Bonnie Burton The Star Wars Craft Book. The Star Wars Craft Book is a fully-illustrated, step-by-step guide to creating Star Wars -themed arts and crafts. It was written by Bonnie Burton and published by Del Rey on March 29, 2011. Contents. Product description [ edit | edit source ] GIVE IN TO THE POWER OF THE CRAFTY SIDE. Sock Puppets. Flower Vases. AT-AT Herb Gardens. With The Star Wars Craft Book, fans of all ages and skill levels can bring the best of the galaxy far, far away right into their own homes. Fully illustrated, this guide features a variety of fun and original projects. • Playtime: Make and play with finger puppets of your favorite cantina characters, Cuddly Banthas, and Rotta the Huttlet Squeaky Toys for your pets • Home Decor: Spruce up your space with Chewbacca Tissue Box Covers, a Mounted Acklay Head, and a Body Pillow • Holiday Crafts: Celebrate festive occasions with Wookiee Pumpkins, Hanukkah Droidels, and a Star Wars Action Figure Wreath • Nature and Science Crafts: Get down to earth with Emperor Appletine Dolls and a Wookiee Bird House • Star Wars Style: Give your wardrobe a dose of intergalactic chic with Ewok Fleece Hats and an R2-D2 Crocheted Beanie. With easy step-by-step instructions, The Star Wars Craft Book is a joyful and entertaining way for you and your friends to bring many beloved elements of Star Wars to life! (No midi-chlorians required!) Interview with Bonnie Burton. We were lucky enough to catch up with the lovely Bonnie Burton this week. Bonnie is a -based author, journalist, Content Developer for Lucas Online, and a staff writer for both Star and Star Wars Insider magazine, and maintainer of the Official Star Wars . She's recently authored The Star Wars Craft Book which is packed full of clever projects based on everyone's favorite iconic film franchise. Easy Crafts : What was the most fun thing about creating The Star Wars Craft Book? Bonnie Burton : I love making all kinds of crafts -- dolls, puppets, dog toys, art and so on -- but this book helped me to explore other craft projects that I've never tried before like giant plushies such as the Jabba the Hutt Body Pillow and home decor items like the Ewok flower vase and the AT-AT planter. Plus I got to revisit crafts I did as a kid like the Emperor Appletine Doll and the Star Wars rocks. EC : What was the most difficult project to pull off? BB : The paper-mache Acklay creature was the most extensive craft I've ever pulled off. I originally wanted to do its body too, but I realized I would run out of room in my apartment if I tried to make the whole thing life size. So I just settled for making its head so you can mount it like a taxidermy deer head. EC : What's your advice for someone who wants to start crafting but has never walked into a craft store before or picked up a stick of glue? BB : Craft stores can be mazes of creativity. You're never sure which way to go first. I would suggest that first time crafters start with something easy, like my Chewbacca Tissue Box Cover or the Wookiee Bird House. There's a LOT of easy crafts in The Star Wars Craft Book because I wanted to make sure both kids and 1st time crafters had a lot of projects to choose from. I also have recycle crafts like the Star Wars snow globes so you can make something fun from the stuff you already have around the house and you don't have to go to the craft store. EC : Which Star Wars character do you think would be the craftiest? BB : I'd like to think that Yoda knits when he's alone. A lot of knitters have told me that knitting feels like meditation at times. He has a lot of patience too, so I bet he's got impressive origami skills. I'd love to see the kind of craft projects Yoda would come up with. He probably has a model of the Jedi Academy made completely out of toothpicks. EC : Which character would have the hardest time getting crafty? BB : Jar Jar is all thumbs, so I could imagine him spilling glitter everywhere, or talking nonsense to a bag of googley eyes. Also you have to allow yourself some mistakes, so Darth Vader wouldn't be that great at crafting. He'd probably smash the Wookiee Birdhouse to bits before he ever finished it. EC : What sort of mods would you make to your lightsaber if you could create one? And what color would it be? BB : I think my lightsaber would probably look like a cross between a steampunk sword and a glitter wand! EC: Were there any Star Wars projects you wish you had included in the book, or ideas that were just too big and involved to include? BB : I wish I could have snuck a robotics craft in the book so kids could build their own droids just like Anakin did. I'm working now on a Sarlacc Pit bed for dogs. Luckily, I don't think I'll ever run out of Star Wars craft ideas. EC : What are some of the most impressive Star Wars projects you've seen fans create? BB : In addition to seeing the crafts fans make from my book, I've seen some amazing crafts from fans. Whether it's the R2 Builders making amazing astromechs that work, or the 501st and Rebel Legion making their own beautiful costumes, Star Wars fans are some of the most talented fans I've ever met. I included some of my favorite fan-made crafts in the book as well such as the Millenium Falcon bed! EC : Do you ever visit and use Wookieepedia ? If so what's your favorite thing about that Wiki? BB : I love Wookieepedia for all the weird facts and extensive files on every single Star Wars thing you can imagine. EC : Any fun new projects you're working on that you want to share? BB : I'm working on making an AT-AT room divider, a tauntaun puppet and lightsaber pillows! The fun never ends! ;-) Star Wars - Legends Ser.: Craft Book by Bonnie Burton (2011, Trade Paperback) С самой низкой ценой, совершенно новый, неиспользованный, неоткрытый, неповрежденный товар в оригинальной упаковке (если товар поставляется в упаковке). Упаковка должна быть такой же, как упаковка этого товара в розничных магазинах, за исключением тех случаев, когда товар является изделием ручной работы или был упакован производителем в упаковку не для розничной продажи, например в коробку без маркировки или в пластиковый пакет. См. подробные сведения с дополнительным описанием товара. The Force Is Strong With The Star Wars Craft Book. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. My Tooka Doll. Photo: Jenny Williams. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. When I first knew Bonnie Burton years ago, she was that interesting person who worked across the hall who had a distinctive personal style. I wasn't surprised that she went far. Now at , doing all kinds of Star Wars crafts and other things, she has put together another book to add to her growing library, The Star Wars Craft Book . I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview Bonnie over at GeekDad, and to review The Star Wars Craft Book here at GeekMom. The Star Wars Craft Book begins by talking about supplies for the craft projects, including what you will need and variations to choose from. The rest of the book consists of detailed instructions, photos, and reproducible patterns for over 40 projects in a range of areas including toys, science, crafts, wearables, decorations, and more. Some of the projects I'd seen before, such as her finger puppet Yoda, but some were brand new, both to me and to the rest of the world. But you can't review a craft book without trying some of the crafts, so I picked the two that appealed to me the most. I chose the Tooka Doll and the Cuddly Bantha. After shopping for the necessary supplies that I didn't already have, I started with the Tooka Doll, since I knew it would be the faster and easier craft. Bonnie included a handy reproducible pattern for the Tooka body, which started me off. The other required felt pieces had no pattern, and, after making it, I understood why. The other pieces have to fit around parts of the main body, which will always turn out slightly differently each time. It's easier to measure what you need after the main part of the body is complete. So, after plenty of hand sewing done in front of some movies based on British novels, I was done. My Tooka Doll was perfect in my eyes. My kids agree, and regularly take her from me. This one is a great craft for kids or parents, or anyone relatively comfortable with a needle and thread. And, as John Booth and his daughter did over at GeekDad, you can choose your own colors for the doll. I happened to really like the original colors, so I went with those. My Cuddly Bantha. Photo: Jenny Williams. If I'd done the Tooka Doll all in one sitting, I probably could have finished it in a couple of hours. So, for some reason, I thought the Cuddly Bantha would only take slightly longer. In practice, it took a lot longer. First of all, the Cuddly Bantha directions didn't include a reproducible pattern, or even measurements. This meant more thought was required to get started, but it also ensured that each Bantha would be a unique creation. And when I was done, I was very pleased with how it turned out. (If you end up sewing one yourself, be sure to let @CuddlyBantha on know. He/She enjoys seeing others of his/her kind.) May the geek craft force be with you. Editor's note: Bonnie Burton, geeky crafter and "Star Wars" fan extraordinaire, is the author of "The Star Wars Craft Book." She is a proud member of the geek craft community and presents her crafts online as well as at fan conventions such as GeekGirlCon. Jedi Masters have to build their own lightsabers. The Doctor created his sonic screwdriver from scratch. Even Cylons, Replicants and Robocops were all projects by crafty humans who wanted to make something extra special. So it's not too far fetched to imagine an extensive community of geeky fans who love to use their crafting skills to make a life-size TARDIS, or a giant AT-AT treehouse or their own Godzilla costumes. When I wrote the book "The Star Wars Craft Book," I already had amassed a large collection of crafts I'd made for fun, including a Jabba the Hutt Body Pillow, an AT-AT planter, a bean art portrait of bounty hunter Bossk and Mos Eisley Cantina patron finger puppets. But I also wanted to feature crafts such as the Millennium Falcon bed, R2-D2 crocheted beanie hat and a Star Wars T-shirt quilt made by talented fans. The geek craft community grows faster each day. What was once an underground group of geeks who love to crochet Spider-Man masks or make steampunk ray guns has now turned into a bona fide craft movement full of thousands of geek "craftsters" who converge at comic book conventions, craft meet-ups, science fairs and of course, online. All geek craftsters have their own passion that drives them to make a sci-fi homage from scratch. Crafty "Star Wars" fan Jennifer Landa vlogs about her super-easy tutorials on everything from how to make a Star Wars Shadowbox to how to speak Huttese just like Jabba. Another talented craftster, Rachel Barry Hobson, a contributing writer for, makes geeky crafts like a felted solar system mobile that was featured in another great book called "World of Geekcraft." The common bond of geek craftsters is that feeling of being a kid again. No matter how old you are, or what your craft skill level may be, crafting reminds us how much fun it is to make something come alive like a robot from scraps of metal or a Chewbacca puppet from a discarded sock. "Being a geek is such a huge part of my identity that I love expressing it through the crafts and clothing that I make," Landa said. "Before, I could never find the geeky crafts I was looking for. So I started making them myself! As a teenager I made purses out of my old Care Bear bed sheets. I’ve used old comics to decoupage end tables and picture frames. Lately I’ve been using Star Wars LEGOS to make earrings and necklaces." Landa said before she knew it, she had crafted her, "own geeky fashion line and houseware collection." "Geeky stuff is really fun to me," Hobson said. "I think that in some way, I'm trying to compensate for the fact that I didn't do so well in math and science as a kid. Making geeky things, especially related to science and space, is sort of my way of exploring subjects I love but wasn't strong enough in to go off and have a career in (hello, failed dreams of being an astronaut!)." "I also hope that by making geeky, science-y things, it will open those subjects up to a whole range of folks who would otherwise not have really paid much attention to them. I'm also smitten with the Doctor and Han Solo," she said. Crafting isn't just for the ladies; fanboys love to show off their crafting skills as well especially extreme craft groups like R2 Builders who make their own working astromechs, and the who construct their own stormtrooper armor worthy of an inspection from Darth Vader himself. Crafty sci-fi fan Neil Baker has made everything from full "Star Wars" dioramas to an adorkable Salacious Crumb doll. "I definitely feel like I'm part of a larger, crafty entity," Baker says. "It never ceases to amaze me how many talented geeks there are out there who turn their hands to all manner of crafts, often making me wish I'd thought of them myself. I love catching up on what's out there via personal or larger established sites." Thanks to social media and blogging sites such as,, and, the crafty geek community continues to grow as fans show off their latest projects and give tips on how to make everything from crocheted Viking beards to zombie Christmas tree ornaments. Even popular sci-fi franchises like BBC's "Doctor Who" tapped into the geek craft community for their Show Us Your TARDIS contest which featured TARDIS crafts of everything from tissue box cozies to cat carriers! Disney's site has a section that shows fans how to make Tron crafts. features crafts from "The Star Wars Craft Book" as well as fan-made creations. "Before social media, I had no idea there was a whole geeky crafting community," Landa said. "A whole world of awesomeness opened up to me the moment I started searching for 'geek crafts' on the Web. Amigurumi Star Wars toys, TARDIS dresses, Pac-Man bar soap - there are some seriously talented people out there!" she said. Thanks to sites such as Tumblr, Etsy, Twitter, YouTube and the Blog, Landa said she has connected with fellow geeky craftsters. "Every day I’m bookmarking another fun, geeky craft that I want to attempt to make. Needless to say, I have a bookmark folder that’s filled with craft projects," she said. "But it’s not just about making my own stuff. It’s also about sharing all the crafts I find on the Web or in real life. Because when I see something amazing like an NES controller coffee table, I have to tweet about it." "I love connecting with folks who are geeky and crafty and can get my Doctor Who jokes or nods to astronomy," Hobson said. "I connect with folks through my blog and through reading a bazillion craft blogs. I'm also a Twitter hound and a Pinterest junkie. I meet a lot of geeky crafters through my job with Craft and Make magazines, especially at Maker Faire. I like to call Maker Faire my 'Happy Place.' When I went to my first Maker Faire, I had an overwhelming feeling of having finally found my tribe." Being part of the geek craft community means that you have plenty of places to go for ideas and advice no matter how obscure your project might be. If you want to build your own diorama of the first lunar landing or make a coat rack that looks like a giant Kraken, there's someone out there who can help. I’ve often gone to Twitter to ask my followers for their opinions on which felt color matches the design of Mothra best, or where I can find the cheapest googly eyes! Even first-time craftsters shouldn't feel intimidated on getting started. "Just because you’ve never taken a sewing class or wielded a glue gun doesn’t mean you can’t get crafty," Landa said. "Remember how you used to paper-mache as a kid? Or used felt and a Popsicle stick to create a puppet? You can take those childhood skills and use them for your projects now. There are a lot of crafts that are easy to make and really only require cutting and gluing." Free tutorials and how-to guides are available on YouTube and, she said. Crafters don't necessarily have to spend a lot of money to make a geeky project. "Look around your house and see what items you can repurpose for your project. A glass jar can be transformed into a Tatooine scene just by adding some sand and a Luke Skywalker action figure. If you’re a 'Doctor Who' fan, why not make a Dalek pin using some felt and craft glue? Figure out what you’re inspired by, plan on how to create it, and just know that you might have to improvise a little along the way," Landa said. "For folks who are in to the sci-fi side of geekiness, crafting is a great way to celebrate the geeky things you love," Hobson said. "Who doesn't want to make their own 'Adventure Time' tote bag or 'Star Wars' stitching sampler? Start easy and don't worry about how things look. Two words: HAVE FUN," Hobson said. Geeky crafsters will want to tackle more projects because of how much fun they have during the process, she said. "Pay no attention to perfection - it will be your worst enemy," Hobson said. "Crafting is also a great way to get your mind to work in different ways, especially if you are a scientist or engineer by trade. It's work that forces you to think differently, and it can be a great way to soothe your mind and get you to a place where you can solve science and math problems more effectively." "Don't fret about geek cred, just make whatever geeky things you love," Hobson added. "I used to get caught up in worry over, 'But I don't play 'Super Mario'!' and "I misspelled 's name in a post. I'm a total fraud.' The beautiful thing about geekery is that there is something blissfully quirky and imperfect about it. It's why being a geek is just about the best thing ever."