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2015 SUMMER INSTITUTE for TEACHERS * Available 2015 SCHOLARSHIPS PUBLIC PROGRAMS PUBLIC SUMMER AVAILABLE INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS ARTCENTER.EDU/TEACHERS DESIGN-BASED LEARNING Preparation for Teaching K–12 Common Core Standards and Performance-Based Assessment HOW DESIGN-BASED Or a third grade teacher wanting to teach the mathematical practice of LEARNING (DBL) WORKS perseverance and problem solving despite initial mistakes might also Chinese contemporary artist and have students build a miniature The Summer Institute for political activist Ai Weiwei said, city. Solving problems related to “Creativity is a part of human what they build leads to reflection Teachers is an intensive five- nature. It can only be untaught.” on the changes made. As they cal- This rings true especially in culate how many people can fit in day interactive experience education today where traditional their structure, find various routes and unimaginative methods are not to extend or decrease travel time, based in the proven and only ineffective but counterpro- and adjust the square footage of ductive. Educator Doreen Nelson’s their building, they discover multi- award-winning Doreen Nelson Method of Design-Based Learning ple paths to solve a problem and “sneaks up on learning” by giving learn the validity of revision. Method of Design-Based teachers a specific series of steps that are built around essential Building a rough physical model Learning. questions and lead to activating of a solution to a problem makes students’ innate creativity. It learning personal and provides provides an authentic experience conceptual knowledge that leads with practice in solving problems students to understand academic and teaches ways for students to material. Using what they make, This method taps students’ natural creativity to hold themselves and their peers students learn how to analyze develop higher-level thinking and enhance compre- accountable for learning. Creating and refine their ideas and how to a fun, interactive environment hension of the K–12 curriculum. It is never restricted test their thinking through both fosters the use of higher-level think- informal conversations and formal by the changing world of content standards. ing skills and the application of the presentations. Civics, government, standard K–12 curriculum content. leadership abilities, communication Regardless of your grade level, subject or need for skills and writing facility are central AWARD-WINNING A teacher using Design-Based to the methodology. integrating the curriculum, supplementing your Learning challenges students to PROGRAM create “never-before-seen” solu- current methods with Design-Based Learning can tions to content-related problems. Founded in 2002, Art Center’s Sum- make a dramatic difference in your classroom. mer Institute for Teachers received For example, a high school biology the 2006 Award of Merit in K–12 Motivating students to engage in learning through this teacher wanting to teach genetics Architectural Education from the ARTCENTER.EDU/TEACHERS hands-on methodology leads to improved atten- might have students build a American Architectural Foundation. 2015 SUMMER INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERSdance, fewer discipline problems and higher scores miniature city inhabited by 3D creatures that are assigned various “I AM LEARNING WITH A MINDSET BLOWN Design-Based Learning was on Performance Tasks and Common Assessments. hereditary traits. The students OPEN TO ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. I HAVE developed by Doreen Nelson, then study inheritance patterns and a professor at both Art Center THE SAME EXCITEMENT I DID GOING INTO This five-day institute provides three semester units develop explanations and unique College of Design and California justifications for their predictions, MY FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING—THAT FEELING State Polytechnic University, * of credit and is open to K–12 educators, principals, utilizing evidence to substantiate THAT I MIGHT ACTUALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE Pomona. Nelson founded the DBL administrators, college instructors and after-school their arguments. This practice of IN STUDENTS’ LIVES.” M.A. Program at Cal Poly in 1995 inquiry mirrors the work of geneti- and the DBL Certificate Program in program directors and staff. Scholarships are cists who explore gene behavior. VICTORIA LANNOM 2010. She has been awarded life- Teacher, Multiple Subjects, Grade 8, Sierra Vista MS available. Hacienda La Puente USD time honorary membership by The American Institute of Architects, the highest honor bestowed upon * Units are transferable to the M.A. Degree Program (45 units) or the Certificate Program (20 units) in Design-Based Learning at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Please check with a non-architect, and she is the your school district regarding transferability of units/salary points. recipient of the California State University Wang Family Excellence Award for her innovation in edu- cation. She leads the Summer Institute for Teachers.† † The Doreen Nelson Method of Design-Based Learning (DBL) is protected by copyright and trademark law. Do not publish or make commercial use of any DBL materials without prior written permission. For details, visit csupomona.edu/copyright.html. PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Design-Based Learning Summer Institute for Teachers 2002–2014* “DESIGN-BASED LEARNING HAS A FREEING ALHAMBRA UNIFIED Sacred Heart HS Gledhill Street ES Westport Hills ES Neil Armstrong ES EFFECT AND TAKES THE EDGE OFF WHEN TRYING SCHOOL DISTRICT Sahag Mesrob Armenian Griffith MS Wilshire Park ES Washington ES TO ‘UNPACK THE STANDARDS.’ IT GETS THE (USD) Christian School Hillside ES Wisdom ES Westmont ES Century HS Sequoyah School Hobart Blvd. ES Woodrow Wilson HS RANCHO CUCAMONGA STUDENTS THINKING CREATIVELY.” Granada ES Stephen S. Wise ES Hopper Avenue ES Valley Alternative HS USD ALTA LOMA SD The Chandler School Huntington Drive ES Valley Region ES #8 Alta Loma HS PAULETTE JACKSON RIALTO USD Special Education Teacher, Grades 6–8, Daniel Webster MS, LAUSD Carnelian ES The Sycamores NPS Jack H. Skirball MS Vena ES AZUSA USD The Waverly School Irving MS Virgil MS Eisenhower HS Slauson MS Village Glen School Loyola Village ES LYNWOOD USD Rialto HS BALDWIN PARK USD Westland School Le Conte MS Washington ES RIO ELEMENTARY SD De Anza ES Westridge School for Lincoln HS LONG BEACH USD Rio Real ES Holland MS Girls Los Angeles Academy MS Jefferson Leadership ROWLAND USD Olive Street ES Weizmann Day School Los Angeles County HS Academies Hollingworth ES Tracy ES (Dual LA CAÑADA USD of the Arts MILPITAS USD Jellick ES Immersion) St. Francis HS Magnolia ES Rose ES Nogales HS BEVERLY HILLS USD LA VERNE USD Malabar Street School MONTEBELLO USD SAN DIEGO USD Beverly Hills HS Damien HS Mark Twain MS Cesar E. Chavez ES Curie ES BONITA USD LAWNDALE USD Mayfield Academy HS ONTARIO MONTCLAIR SD SAN JOSE USD Bonita HS Mitchell ES Markham MS Kingsley ES Willow Glen MS CENTINELA VALLEY USD LENNOX USD Melvin Avenue ES ORANGE USD SAN GABRIEL USD ALL GRADE LEVELS, CAREER ADVANCEMENT FUN, INTERACTIVE Lawndale HS Buford ES Miramonte ES Orange HS Jefferson MS ALL SUBJECTS & FOLLOW-UP SEMINARS EXPERIENCE CHAFFEY JOINT UNION Lennox Math Science Monte Vista ES PASADENA USD SAN MARINO USD HIGH SD Technology Academy Mt. Gleason MS Altadena ES Valentine ES Montclair HS LOS ANGELES USD Multnomah ES Aveson Charter School SANTA ANA USD At the Summer Institute for Several full-tuition scholarships The five-day Summer Institute for EL MONTE USD 24th Street ES Nightingale MS Blair HS Orange County HS of Teachers, you’ll learn specific and teacher-pair discounts are Teachers consists of participatory Cherrylee ES 95th Street ES Orthopedic Hospital Cleveland ES the Arts steps you can immediately available. Teachers who complete hands-on activities that stimulate Columbia MS 107th Street MS Medical Magnet HS Don Benito ES SANTA MONICA MALIBU USD use to inspire, engage and the Summer Institute for Teachers’ creativity and improve overall District HS Ambassador School of Wright MS STEAM Education Center Durfee MS Global Leadership Magnet Edison ES CDS energize your students—time- five-day program can earn three student performance. Le Gore ES Arlington Heights ES Palms MS Eliot MS Olympic HS tested techniques that develop semester units of credit. This Rio Hondo MS Arts Education Branch Paseo del Rey Natural Field ES SAUGUS USD enhanced reasoning and course is transferable to the Rosemead HS Belmont HS Science ES Focus Point Academy Plum Canyon ES problem-solving skills as well M.A. Program in Design-Based NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Wilkerson ES Bellingham ES Pio Pico ES Garey HS SEBASTOPOL UNION SD The Reach School as tools for Performance-Based Learning at California State GARVEY USD Belvedere ES Pio Pico Span ES Hamilton ES ARTCENTER.EDU/TEACHERS REQUIRED Temple Intermediate ES Birmingham HS Plasencia ES Jackson ES SIERRA MADRE USD Assessment. A background in Polytechnic University, Pomona. GLENDALE USD Bridge Street ES Polytechnic HS James Madison ES Sierra Madre School 2015 SUMMER INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS art or design is not necessary. Cerritos ES Braddock Drive ES Pueblo HS Jefferson ES SIMI VALLEY USD Design-Based Learning doesn’t Santa Susana HS require expensive materials. Edison ES John Burroughs MS Rockdale ES John Muir HS SUPPLEMENT YOUR Mark Keppel ES Castelar ES Reseda ES Linda Vista ES TEHACHAPI USD TEACHERS TEACH Paper, pencils, glue and recycled GLENDORA USD Colfax Charter ES Rosemont Ave. ES Loma Alta ES Monroe HS CURRENT TEACHING materials are all you need. As Goddard ES Cahuenga ES Rosewood Ave. ES Madison ES TORRANCE USD TEACHERS a result, Design-Based Learning GREEN DOT SCHOOLS City of Angels HS San Jose ES Marshall MS/HS West HS METHODS VALLE LINDO USD programs are unaffected by Animo Westside MS Cleveland HS San Pascual ES McKinley Arts MS The faculty of the Summer HACIENDA/LA PUENTE Columbus MS San Pedro ES Muir HS Dean L. Shively ES Design-Based Learning is not textbook changes and budget WALNUT VALLEY USD Institute for Teachers includes USD Community Charter Santa Monica Blvd. Norma Coombs MS intended to replace lessons you’re reductions.
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