A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation Between Latin America and China Julie Michelle Klinger Journal of Latin American Geography, Volume 17, Number 2, July 2018, pp. 46-83 (Article) Published by University of Texas Press For additional information about this article https://muse.jhu.edu/article/701023 Access provided by Boston University Libraries (15 Aug 2018 19:16 GMT) A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation Between Latin America and China Julie Michelle Klinger Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies Boston University
[email protected] Abstract Key words: Latin America, China, outer Scholarship on Latin America-China rela- space, satellites tions has focused predominantly on trade agreements, commodity exports, invest- ment, migration, and, to a lesser extent, Resumo geopolitical implications for the post-Cold Estudos sobre as relações entre a China e a War world order. Entirely absent from re- América Latina se concentraram principal- search on Latin America-China relations mente em temas como acordos comerciais, is the question of outer space cooperation, exportação de commodities, investimentos, despite the centrality of outer space-based migração e implicações geopolíticas para a technologies to the very sectors and rela- ordem mundial pós-Guerra Fria. A questão tions that have proven so generative for da cooperação espacial ficou completamente Latin America-China scholarship and pol- ausente nas pesquisas sobre as relações sino- icy engagement since the turn of the mil- -latino-americanas, apesar da centralidade lennium. Bilateral outer space cooperation das tecnologias do espaço para esses setores between China and Latin American coun- e suas configurações que estimularam pes- tries dates back to 1984, while multilateral quisas acadêmicas e envolvimento político engagements by all parties shaped the dawn desde a virada do milênio.